Control dictations UMC "perspective". Dictations in the Russian language on the theme of autumn (grade 2) Dictations in the Russian language 2 4

Yura Shchukin and Alyosha Morozov are great friends. They live in the village of Ilyinki. There are wide fields all around. The Klyazma river runs under the mountain. In the summer the guys worked in the fields. They went to weed beets. Then they ran into a nearby forest. There are a lot of mushrooms and berries there. The boys know mushroom places.


There were heavy rains. Streams gurgle through the fields. The kids run into the ravine. There are streams of water at its bottom. This is where the freedom is! The boys are making a dam. Yura Vasiliev launches a paper boat. Andryusha Vorobyov has a boat with a sail ready. A whole flotilla is already sailing on the lake.


There was an apple tree growing near the pillar. Some of its branches have dried up. In the evening, a flock of spotted woodpeckers flew to the tree. The chicks sat on the branches. Papa woodpecker began to chisel the post. Only chips were flying around. People were walking by. The flock quickly rose into the air. After a few seconds the work will continue. (41 words)

After the rain

The sky is gloomy in the morning. It's raining. But soon the cloud went away. The sun warms the earth. The puddles are drying up. There is a lot of work in the garden. Gardener Kuzma Ilyich examined the trees. Tonya and Valya are burning dry leaves. A flock of starlings flies past.

  1. In the last sentence, add an accent mark above the words.
  2. Write down the words with the same root.
  3. Underline the letters of soft consonants in proper names.
  4. Underline the spelling in the word “flies”. Select and write down the test words.

Hello Spring!

Warm spring has arrived. The last snow is melting in the fields. And in the forest the trees are covered in snow. Flexible birch branches are waiting for warmth.

In the city during the day you can hear ringing drops. The bright sun shines hotter. Soon the first streams will gurgle. Hello Spring!

  1. In the highlighted sentence, indicate the main members of the sentence.
  2. For adjectives in the text, indicate the gender and highlight the endings.
  3. Find words with the same root for the word “shines”.


Young rooks have chosen one tree. A rook arrived with worms. When she sat down, the branch sank from the weight. The rook flew away. The branch was rising. The little rook rocked as if in a cradle. The whole spruce tree was moving its branches from the birds, as if alive.

(According to M. Prishvin)

Sounds of the forest

I sit and listen to the forest. The breeze plays with the treetops. A hedgehog rustles in the grass. He hurries into the bowl. Woodpeckers are knocking in the wilderness. They search for prey in the bark of a tree. The magpie began to chatter. She conveyed the news, spread her wings and flew away. The slightly creaky voice of a pika was heard nearby. Forest music is a generous gift to the most sensitive and observant. (52 words)

Night miracle

There are pink curtains on my window With ki. They are G cues, fabric b me G kaya! Night b yu vet e ro To suddenly G ka chn st. them. And behind them lies And t forgotten h ah Naya lo and ka and even soon b ka with sve chk ami. Vet e rock rang lo and hey, the moon is one by one th lit the candles and they lit And whether. By the light of the stars d it was very good e n b kra With And in!

(47 words, official words – 9)

Complex task

  • Figure out how to show any 6 traps in this text and show them.
  • Find the third word in the last sentence. Put each sound in it in magic brackets. Color the brackets that contain voiceless consonants.
  • In the first three sentences, underline the words that have no unvoiced consonant sounds at all.
  • Circle 7 words that have the sound [th] and the letters "th" No.
  • Change the third sentence and then write it down. Let there be only 4 words and a different word order. Can you?


Test dictations

On the sea

It was July. We arrived at the sea. The sea wind was blowing. Seagulls circled over the water. Ships were sailing on the sea. (19 words)

Grandmother and grandchildren

Dima and Yasha had a grandmother. Grandmother bought her grandchildren the alphabet. The children are happy. The boys began to learn letters. (19 words)

Words for reference: Yasha, grandmother, grandchildren.

Phonetic-graphic tasks to repeat the topic

Wonderful winter morning. Frost covered the branches of the fir trees.

2. Select and write words in which:

a) three syllables and the stress falls on the second syllable;

b) two syllables and the stress falls on the first syllable.

3. Write three words with two syllables, but you cannot move parts of these words from one line to another (for example: lesson).

4. Add a syllable to make a word from the dictionary.

For ___, ___ shy, ___ cash, ___ roses, ___ water, ___ pata, ve ___, ___ empty, ___ pore, ___ court, me ___.

5. Compose words from syllables, and a sentence-proverb from words.

u - me - ly - e - ru - ki - don’t - know - tedious - ki

Orthoepic tasks

1. Indicate stress in words. Mark the row in which in all words the stress falls on the first syllable.

1) Ring, glue, sorrel.

2) Cakes, taps, scarves.

2. Indicate stress in words. Emphasize the stressed syllable.

Watermelons, bows, ring, cakes, shoe, sorrel.


Selective dictations

1. Write down words in which the spelling of the vowel letter must be remembered.

1) Don't mince words wind! 2) Funny chirped sparrow. 3) Car loves cleanliness. 4) Notebook And pencil case- school supplies. 5) Cow in the warmth - milk on the table. 6) Moscowcapital Russia. 7) In winter hare white. 8) Smiled sleepy birch trees. 9) Colored pencils I put in pencil case. 10) Any Job praises the master.

2. Write down words in which the spelling of the vowel in the root must be checked.

Winter - winter, rug - carpet, candle - candle, length - long, bee - bee, grass - grass, give - gift, donkey - donkey, line - ruler, hurt - pain.

Test dictations

Good in the forest! A warm breeze is blowing. The blackbirds are singing. There are flowers in the meadow. There are berries in the grass. A mushroom grew under a birch tree. There is a mole hole in the pine tree. A yellow leaf fell from an aspen tree. Autumn will come soon. (30 words)

Autumn. Forest Road. Cold wind is blowing. A yellow leaf rustles underfoot. Blackbirds whistle merrily. They peck at rowan berries. A flock of birds is flying. These are crossbills looking for pine cones. (26 words)

Severe frosts shackled lakes and rivers. Snow covered the ground. Quiet in the forests and fields. Nature fell asleep until spring. A cold wind is blowing around. In winter it is difficult for birds to get food. They fly towards people. Feed the birds! (33 words)

It's good in the forest in summer! We walk through thick, lush grass. There are flowers all around. Bumblebees are buzzing. A bee sat on a flower. Siskins and blackbirds are singing. There is a pile of loose earth near the path. This is a mole hole. (31 words)

Spelling minutes

1. Underline the letter indicating the unstressed vowel sound. Explain its spelling.

Logs, eyes, yards, grain, moles, bridges, rows;

bucket, nest, winter, forests, knives, village, cheek;

water, mountain, houses, snake, fox, hole, footprints, tear;

war, thunderstorm, board, goat, sheets, window, grass;

enemies, thunderstorm, star, mop, face, feather, owl;

doctors, ridge, dew, seas, stove, haystacks, earth;

wall, arrow, bread, hills, number, steps, rooks;

core, saddle, gardens, wasp, glass, back, spring;

animal, leaf, honey, fungus, day, stump;

chick, mushroom, lazy, forester, sailor, blade of grass;

kittens, baby elephant, tigress, elk calves, she-wolf.

2. Underline the letters in the words whose spelling you need to remember.

Birch, wind, crow, city, hare, September;

apple, berry, guys, coat, notebook, village;

drawing, student, fun, pencil, work, road.

3. Write down, changing each word so that the stressed vowel sound in it becomes unstressed.

Pillar, ball, coat of arms, grains, goats, edge, place;

sea, knife, rivers, candles, sisters, arrows, swift;

step, tail, lakes, spots, sail, rings, hedgehog.

Commented letter

1) Roses are blooming in the garden.

2) The water in the seas is salty.

3) Kitten Vaska was sitting on the floor.

4) There was a mountain goat standing on the rock.

5) The ring has no end.

6) Kittens were playing in the yard.

7) There was a fox hole under the pine tree.

8) The fields and hills are covered with snow.

9) Trees floated along the river.

10) The chicks were squeaking in the nest.


Test dictation

Our class

Our class is friendly. We study well. Our kids love to read. The boys read poems about brave people. Girls love to read Russian fairy tales. On Saturday the children clean up their classroom. (29 words)

Words for reference: love, remove.

Spelling minutes

1. Underline the letters denoting consonants.

Floor, number, class, hills, mushroom, grass;

thunderstorm, carpet, sparrow, Russian, bee, doctors;

village, Saturday, birch, skates, wind, coat.

2. Write down, dividing words into syllables with a vertical line.

Motherland, Saturday, Russian, language, duty officer.

3. Emphasize double consonants in words.

Cash, amount, mass, bath, ton, group, quarrel;

gram, kilogram, class, cross, metal;

alley, appetite, dollar, program, neat, highway;

grammar, tennis, hockey, team, collection.

4. Choose names that have double consonants. Write down these words (Anna, Rimma, Savva).

Letter from memory

1) Appetite comes with eating.

2) Peace is better than quarrel.


Selective dictations

Write down words that contain the letter Y.

I. 1) There is a battle going on. 2) There is a kite in the sky. 3) It's cold in winter. 4) In spring the snow melts. 5) The stream runs into the river. 6) The ant drags a needle. 7) The swarm of bees flew away. 8) Don't drink raw water. 9) The grass is cut with a scythe. 10) The board is sawed with a saw.

II. 1) I'm singing a song. 2) Sing fun songs! 3) Wash your hands before eating. 4) I wash the dishes. 5) Where are my notebooks? 6) Shine a light! 7) Is this your glue? 8) Is this your book? 9) Read poetry. 10) I read poetry.

Spelling minutes

Underline the letter in the words that denotes the sound [th’].

Fighters, winter, spring, damp, big;

handmade, color, Russian, kind, night;

ant, husky, stream, harvest, edge;

ruler, lawn, snake, construction site, teapot;

seagull, watering can, bench, hero, nightingale, streams;

wash (hands), drink (milk), sing (songs), read (fairy tales).

Letter from memory

1) There is a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut. (Snow.)

2) White in winter and gray in summer. (Hare.)


Warning (explanatory) dictations

1) Skates jingle on the ice of the river. 2) The boys went fishing. They caught three perch. 3) The days are warm. The cat Vaska is sleeping on the porch. 4) The ring has no end. 5) Zorka the cow lives in the yard. The cow has big horns. 6) Uncle Kuzma goes to the factory. He is a turner. 7) Mela blizzard. A strong wind shook the spruce. 8) Elk is a forest dweller. 9) Olga loves to sew. She sewed a hat and a coat for the doll. 10) The ship ran aground. 11) The boy sat down to write a letter to his friend Kuzma.

Test dictations

It was a warm day. It's snowing wet. Leva and Petya go for a walk. Here's the yard. The kids were playing there. The boys built a snow fort for the children. (22 words)

Vitya and Igor are students. They came to class. The boys sat down at their desks. The door opened. The teacher came in. She teaches the children to write, read, and love the Russian language. (27 words)

Winter in the forest

Winter. It's quiet in the forest. The oak tree has an old stump. He's covered in snow. There is salt on the stump. Moose loves salt. To the hotel. The furry animal jumped onto the spruce. This is a lynx. (30 words)

Phonetic-graphic tasks

1. Underline those letters that can denote paired consonant sounds in terms of hardness and softness.

Shch, v, g, m, h, t, h, c, j, b, w, j, p, l, n.

2. Write letters from memory that can denote consonant sounds that are unpaired in terms of hardness and softness.

3. Write letters that, being after the consonant letter, indicate the softness of the preceding consonant sound (e, e, yu, i, i, b).

4. Indicate in brackets what sounds distinguish each pair of words.

Corner - coal - , chalk - stranded, corners - coals, bathhouse - jar, bone - brush, circle - hook, bear - mouse.

5. What is the same consonant sound in all words? Indicate it in brackets: .

Watering can, pit, November.

6. Select and write down words in which all consonant sounds are soft (hard).

Spelling minutes

1. Underline the letters that represent soft (hard) consonant sounds.

Leva, keys, notebook, September, guys, village;

skates, student, bear, comrade, bullfinch, sparrow.

2. Underline the letters that indicate the softness of the preceding consonant sound.

Sorrel, October, excuse me, chandelier, earrings, birch.

3. Underline the letters that indicate unpaired hard (unpaired soft) consonant sounds.

Spring, car, snowflake, birds;

raincoat, print, T-shirt, cloud, sorrel, pike.

4. Emphasize syllables in words that contain hard consonants.

Sparrow, fun, fox, coat, teacher, tongue;

teacher, pencil case, aspen, duty officer, wind, drawing.

5. Emphasize syllables in words that contain soft consonants.

Autumn, July, June, dawn, crane, deer, crucian carp, letter, cracker;

ring, rails, tulip, strong, drops, ship, root, porch.

6. Underline a letter in words that does not denote a sound, but indicates the softness of the preceding consonant sound.

Album, boy, boulevard, primer, bumblebee, spruce;

schoolboy, furniture, icicle, hospital, ice floe;

bathhouse, ruble, steel, steel, pain, hospital;

live, scream, throw, sew, tear, squeak, serve;

notebook, skates, coat, teacher, female teacher, bear.

7. Add a syllable to each word to make a related word with a diminutive meaning.

Perch (perches), fire, stump, day.

8. Write the numbers in words: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.


Selective dictations

1. Write down only words with letter combinations ZHI, SHI.

1) Reeds grow by the river. 2) After the rain there are puddles in the yard. 3) Lilies of the valley are blooming. 4) Siskins are singing. 5) The swifts flew away. 6) Ruffs live in the river, walruses - in the sea, hedgehogs - in the forest. 7) The skis were rubbed with grease. 8) Lena has pencils. 9) My ears are cleaner. 10) Fragrant roses are good. 11) The rose has thorns. 12) Write without mistakes. 13) Write, but don’t rush. 14) Snowflakes were spinning.

2. Write down only words with letter combinations CHA, SCHA, CHU, SCHU.

1) Frequent rain in the yard. 2) Yura Chaikin solved the problem. 3) The crows screamed loudly. 4) Seagulls were circling over the water. 5) The fishermen caught bream and pike. 6) Birds are looking for food. 7) The jackdaw has jackdaws. 8) The wolf has cubs. 9) Cup and teapot - dishes. 10) The children came to the grove. 11) Magpies are chattering. 12) Cows moo. 13) Mice squeak. 14) Woodpeckers are knocking. 15) Sorrel grew in the meadow. 16) Seagulls and bee-eaters are birds.

Test dictations

in winter

Winter. There is fluffy snow in the forest. There are dots and lines on the snow. The tracks lead into the thicket. At night, predatory animals look for food. Here is a forest river. Fishermen are sitting on the ice. My friend caught a big pike. (34 words)

In summer

Our dacha is near the forest. There is a river called Shchur. It was July. Morning. We were fishing on the river. Vaska the cat was sleeping in the grass. We caught a perch and two bream. We gave the cat some perch. (31 words)

Hare and cat

Dima lived with a fluffy bunny. Our cat Vaska and the bunny were friends. The cat loved milk. The hare was eating cabbage. In the spring the bunny began to get bored. The boy released the animal into the forest. (29 words)

Words for reference: let go.

In the grove

How nice it is in spring! We are going to the oak grove. Siskins and blackbirds sing merrily here. The rooks scream loudly. Pileated woodpeckers are knocking. The nimble magpies are chattering. A bee is buzzing over a flower. (29 words)

Spelling minutes

1. Underline letter combinations in words with a hard hissing consonant sound.

Hedgehogs, siskins, floors, reeds, mice, ears, fat;

spring, bug, fragrant, resident, cones;

fat, sew, fluffy, awl, snowflake, ruffs;

make friends, puddles, lilies of the valley, mice, skis, life.

2. Write down, changing the number of items.

Baby - babies, swift, floor, ruff, walrus, lily of the valley;

pear, pencil, hedgehog, snake, reed, ear, puddle, knife.

3. Underline letter combinations in words with a soft hissing consonant sound.

Hour, tea, teapot, seagull, thicket, part, candle, cup;

forgive, playground, washcloth, locust, glove;

greet, shout, grumble, remain silent, squeak, crackle;

child, charm, tea, frequent, bowl, swing, gurgle;

cloud, task, luck, thousand, heap, meeting, sorrel;

pike, little dog, cast iron, stuffed animal, grumbler, miracle, stockings;

closet, wonderful, alien, tentacles, squinting, cleaning;

I scream, I eat, I cry, I am silent, I fly, I knock, I drag.

4. Underline the letter combinations CHK, CHN, NSCH, CHT, SHCHN in the words.

Barrel, dot, girl, pen, wheelbarrow, line, daughter;

thorn, sister, chicken, duck, pipe;

what, to, mail, mast, dream, read, reading;

precise, eternal, urgent, gloomy, river;

helper, predator, predatory, vegetable (soup);

powerful (blow), woman, mason, drummer.


Selective dictations

Write down words in which the spelling of the letter denoting a consonant paired in deafness and voicedness must be checked.

1) Ice covered the pond. 2) Gleb holds a rod in his hand. 3) The reeds rustled quietly. 4) There is a good beach on the shore of the lake. 5) The wolf lowered his tail into the hole. 6) Lily of the valley is a fragrant flower. 7) The ruff lives in the river, and the walrus lives in the sea. 8) Boris put his scarf in the closet. 9) The eagle has a strong beak. 10) The path in the forest is narrow. 11) The birch tree hung its earrings. 12) Take care of your nose in severe frost. 13) The snow is deep - the year is good. 14) Fish cannot be caught without difficulty. 15) Hot soup got on a sore tooth.

Test dictations

Winter in the forest

Winter. Freezing. Snow covered the stumps and bushes. Thick ice bound the stream. The pine trees have put on snow coats. Fluffy scarf on cedar branches. Here's a snowdrift. A bear sleeps there. (28 words)

Words for reference: chained, put on.


It's freezing. We are going into the forest. The snow crunches underfoot. Every step sounds. A bird squeaked. This is a crossbill. The crossbill's nose is like ticks. A bird needs such a beak. The bird uses it to get food. (32 words)

Words for reference: needed, gets.


The guys came to grandfather Andrey. Grandfather lived alone. Tanya began to wash the floor. Kolya brought bread and milk. A kettle was boiling on the stove. There is honey on the table. Everyone drank fragrant tea. Grandfather was glad to have guests. (33 words)

Winter day

Nice winter day. There is soft snow on the ground. Light snowflakes are flying. The ice on the skating rink is smooth. The boys are having fun. Skates glide quickly across the ice. The girls walk along the path to the birch tree. There are titmouse on the branches. Children put bread and millet in the feeder. The birds are happy. (40 words)

Words for reference: along the path, to the birch tree.

Spelling minutes

1. Write it down. Underline the consonants whose spelling needs to be checked.

Oak, tooth, pillar, mushroom, hawk, forehead, crab, coat of arms, carp, soup, creaking, dill, screw, sickle, syrup, skirt, fur coat, button, hat, fragile, fungi, flexible, smile;

lion, eyebrow, boa constrictor, call, beak, island, pilaf, scarf, peat, count, fine, elf, chef, shop, cream, muff, jacket, grass, dexterous;

snow, flag, pie, syllable, circle, iron, pretext, boot, side, lesson, tongue, hook, juice, knock, handkerchief, elbows, claws, nails, light, soft;

frost, eye, dirt, prize, decree, watermelon, gas, coward, nose, pole, cactus, fruit drink, hour, plus, fairy tale, pointer, paint, mask, low, narrow, blouse, tears;

garden, people, year, ice, row, hail, labor, bear, chest, color, mole, elevator, bridge, mouth, light, cat, boat, pipe, branch, snail, sweet, breast;

snake, hedgehog, beach, walrus, drawing, luggage, landscape, knife, hut, reeds, finish, baby, book, horns, porridge, cat, spoon, buckle.

2. Write down the words so that they denote one object.

Scarves, eyebrows, pillars, screws, floors, pencils, shores, lessons, notebooks, dictations, frosts, rails;

snowdrifts, thorns, lions, cabinets, siskins, lilies of the valley, irons, tanks, bears, hammers, prizes, cacti.

3. Choose a word suitable in meaning for these words with a paired consonant in terms of deafness and voicedness.

Sick (tooth), prickly, cherry, sweet, Russian, sharp, new, flexible.

4. Write from memory words from the dictionary with a consonant paired in deafness and voicedness at the end.

Frost, people, city, carrot, pencil, factory, drawing, tongue, scarf, notebook, boot, hammer, lunch.


Selective dictations

Write words with a soft separator.

1) There was a blizzard at night. 2) The dry branches of the pine trees crackled. 3) Snow flakes were flying. 4) Ilya Vorobyov and Kuzma Muravyov are friends. 5) Streams run from the mountains. 6) There are fox tracks in the snow. 7) Sparrows are chirping. 8) Nightingales sing in the bushes. 9) Rooks make nests. 10) It will rain soon. 11) Tanya is sewing a dress. 12) A squirrel lives on a pine tree. 13) The trees stand in frost. 14) In autumn, birds fly south. 15) Bird voices are heard. 16) The bees hid in the hives. 17) The leaves have turned yellow.

Test dictations

Autumn in the forest

Autumn came. It rains often. The bird songs fell silent. The bees went to the hives. A strong wind tears leaves from the trees. A hedgehog fell asleep in the grass under a spruce tree. (27 words)

Words for reference: birds yi.

Winter in the forest

In winter, friends went to the forest. Snow flakes fell from a pine tree. It was a squirrel that jumped. The animal's home was in the branches of the trees. A flock of crossbills circled above the spruce. (28 words)

Words for reference: wood ev.

Winter forest

Winter. Freezing. There is frost on the trees. Ice bound the river. Snow covered the paths in the forest. Suddenly the wind blew. Snow flakes fell from the birches. A titmouse flew by. The raven cawed. A hare ran along the path. The fox trail leads into the thicket. There is a snowdrift under the spruce tree. A bear sleeps there. (40 words)

Spelling minutes

1. Underline the soft separating sign in the words.

Brothers, friends, cereal, trees, gun, dress, happiness;

jam, cookies, health, spear, autumn, night;

Tatyana Solovyova, Daria Vasilievna, Ilya Muravyov;

pour, pour, pour, sew, sew, sew, drink, drink, drink;

bird, wolf, hare, crow (traces).

2. Write words in the plural.

Sparrow, stake, stream, feather, wing, tree, ant;

leaf, brother, friend, rod, chair, twig, link.

3. Distribute the words into two columns: in the first, words with a separating soft sign, in the second - with a soft sign - an indicator of the softness of the preceding consonant sound.

Perches, autumn, dress, coat, family, blizzard, teacher;

housing, skates, happiness, bird tracks, porch, Ilya;

Kuzma, Daria, strong, dress, fingers, spear, flakes.

4. Write down people's full names.

Ulya (Ulyana), Tanya, Dasha, Natasha.

Working on the sentence and text

1. Make a sentence from the words of each line. Title the resulting text.

Fluffy, covered, trees, snow.

There are a lot of snow, traces can be seen on.

At night, a ferret galloped by.

Traces, bearish, lead to a den.

In the clearing, hare tracks were left on.

2. Indicate the order of sentences in the text. Title the text.

They eat the buds of different trees.

The chipmunk loves berries and rose hips.

In winter, chipmunks sleep soundly in their burrow.

This animal can destroy a nest.

Chipmunks are forest animals.


Test dictations

The river was named Los. Behind the river is the village of Dubki. Igor and Lyuba Orlov live there on Mira Street. Igor has a dog, Zhuchka. Lyuba has a cat, Snowflake. The guys love animals. (28 words)


Alyosha brought home a puppy. The puppy was given the nickname Bim. Bim ate milk, soup and bread. Soon he became a big dog. Friends often played in the park. So Alyosha threw the stick behind the bush. Bim carries a stick to the boy. (35 words)

Words for reference: brought it, puppy, abandoned it.


Here is the Okunki River. Morning. A warm breeze is blowing. Frogs purr by the water. Igor and Alyosha are on the shore. The brothers are fishing. The cat Vaska is sitting in the grass. Soon Igor caught a perch. They gave the fish to the cat. Vaska was happy. Alyosha pulled out a pike. The father praised the boys. (41 words)

Words for reference: caught, pulled out.

Spelling minutes

1. Underline proper nouns.

Teacher Pyotr Ilyich, worker Boris Kuzmich, doctor Ivan Petrovich;

Boy Ilya Yashin, girl Masha Chaikina, student Pyotr Shchukin;

Tomsk city, Neva river, Ruchi village, Pushkin street;

Laika the dog, Nochka the cow, Pushinka the cat, Rozka the goat;

Horse Proud, pig Barrel, magpie Galya, raven Beetle.

2. Form and write incomplete (colloquial) names from full names.

Alexander (Sasha), Elena, Ekaterina, Boris, Vasily, Dmitry, Konstantin, Lev, Sergey, Evgenia, Zinaida.

3. Form and write down full names from incomplete (colloquial) names.

Anya (Anna), Tanya, Natasha, Lyuba, Dasha.

4. Underline common nouns and capital letters in proper nouns.

1) Russia is my homeland. 2) The city of Moscow stands on the Moscow River. 3) Korney Chukovsky wrote fairy tales for children. 4) Petya Rybakov was visiting the fishermen. 5) Gena Rostov went to the city of Rostov. 6) Ivanova Polya came from the field. 7) Vitya Vasilkov collected a bouquet of cornflowers. 8) Zhenya Morozov was not afraid of frost. 9) Oleg Ivanov and Ilya Petrov are on duty. 10) Doctor Aibolit treated animals. 11) The dogs Strelka and Belka visited space. 12) Tanya received a letter from Kursk. 13) The Volga River is wide and deep. 14) Uncle Yegor was hurrying to the factory. 15) In the yard lived the rooster Kostya, the dog Zhuchka, and the goat Milka.

5. Match any noun with a proper name.

River (Yauza), city, country, village, street, village, town, girl, first name, patronymic, last name, dog, cow, horse, calf, cat, goat, parrot.

6. Form a surname from each word.

Fisherman (Rybakov), rooster, sugar, seagull, blacksmith, cornflowers, hare.


Test dictations

Our lesson

There's a lesson in progress. Teacher Nina Pavlovna gave the children glue and paper. Schoolchildren make roses out of paper. The roses turned out good. The duty officer, Vitya Zorin, put the glue on the table. He put the roses in a vase. (32 words)


The sun is shining. The snow is melting. Icicles are crying. The ice on the river has cracked. Fast seagulls circle over the water. The bear woke up. An elk and a calf came out to the river. Woodpeckers knock loudly. The hare sat down on a stump. Animals and birds are happy about the warmth and spring. (38 words)


The duck had fluffy ducklings. One day a fox dragged away a duck. We taught the dog to take ducklings to the river. Here the dog is walking importantly towards the river. The ducklings hurry after her. Ducklings dive in the water. Then they walk in the meadow. The dog guards the ducklings. (39 words)

Words for reference: once, then, after her.

Spelling minutes

1. Underline the studied spellings. Explain which words are verbs.

Frogs purr, cows moo, monkeys scream, magpies chatter;

It’s raining, I’m waiting for a friend, I’m learning Russian, a bee is buzzing;

I am on duty in the classroom, sew clothes, look for berries, clean dishes;

I love my homeland, I walked quickly, it was fun to work.

2. Explain the spelling of vowels in verb roots.

Run, twirl, divide, roll, swing, cut, hang;

tremble, throw, fasten, sculpt, heal, reconcile;

stand, dance, ask, be silent, watch, shine;

cook, salt, give, play, wear;

call, trick, pull, knit, drag.

3. Write verbs with particles Not.

Play (not play), shout, jump, knock, throw.

4. Form cognate verbs from these words.

Work, frost, duty officer, lunch, drawing.

5. Select and write down verbs of opposite meaning (antonyms).

To speak (be silent), to begin, to scold.

6. Write the verbs in a different number (singular or plural).

Screams (screams), squeaks, trembles, rumbles, sews, pours, gurgles.


Selective dictations

Write out from the sentences the adjective and the noun associated with it in meaning.

1) The fragrant strawberry is turning red. 2) Goldfish are swimming in the aquarium. 3) A narrow path led us to the river. 4) January is the winter month of the year. 5) There are tea utensils on the shelf. 6) You can’t crack a hard nut right away. 7) Good clothes are an adornment for the body, a good friend is a joy for the soul. 8) The tractor plant produces tractors and combines. 9) Fox tracks were visible in the snow. 10) In autumn, sweet apples ripened on the apple tree. 11) A dog is a man’s faithful friend. 12) Slender aspen trees are beautiful. 13) Take care of your nose in severe frost. 14) Silvery frost covered the window. 15) A kind word also pleases the cat.

Warning (explanatory) dictation

Flexible rod, big city, mushroom soup, light frost;

animal trail, close friend, seashore;

pine forest, cherry orchard, colored carpet, crooked knife;

garden plot, clever boy, sweet watermelon, soft bread.

Test dictations

in spring

Spring. Warm. The loose snow is melting. Light clouds float across the sky. Rooks are calling in the trees. The cheerful starlings will soon arrive. A wide stream runs along the street.

Sasha and Ilya are launching boats on the water. You can hear the ringing cries of sparrows and the barking of Bugs. (38 words)

Words for reference: along the street, Bugs, boats.

Friendly spring

Friendly spring has arrived. The warm sun is shining. Loose snow remained only in the shade of the forest. The ice on the forest lakes has cracked.

Muddy water flooded the lowlands. Noisy streams gurgle. Small buds swelled on the birch trees. They smell like fragrant resin. Cheerful sparrows scream. (39 words)

Words for reference: flooded, came.

In the meadow

Warm summer day. The bright sun is shining. The meadow is like a colorful carpet. There is lush grass and bright flowers all around. A green grasshopper sat on a tall blade of grass. A bee was circling over the fragrant porridge.

You can hear the cheerful songs of birds. Wild cranes strut about in the meadow. (38 words)

Words for reference: walked around, grasshopper.


Selective dictations

Write out the prepositions from the sentences along with the nouns to which the prepositions refer.

1) Grasshoppers are chirping in the grass. 2) There was a carpet on the floor. 3) The train was approaching Moscow. 4) The sun hid behind a cloud. 5) A mushroom grew under the pine tree. 6) There was fog above the ground. 7) A yellow leaf fell from the aspen tree. 8) It’s two kilometers from the house to the lake. 9) Bricks are made from clay. 10) The fox has cubs in the hole. 11) The waves crashed against the shore. 12) I like to drink tea with milk. 13) The children were skating on the ice of the river. 14) Petya came from school, and mother from the factory. 15) Clouds are floating across the sky.

Test dictations

I'm learning to observe

I walk quietly along the path. I watch life in the forest. A squirrel jumped from tree to tree. Crossbills circled over the spruce. A woodpecker was knocking on the bark of a pine tree. An owl has a nest in a hollow oak tree. There is a mole hole under the ground near a birch tree. (41 words)


May has arrived. The sun sends warm rays to the earth. Olga and Tolya entered the grove. A tall spruce cast a shadow on the bush. A bee buzzes loudly. A fragrant lily of the valley grows in the thicket. Our grove is beautiful in spring. (32 words)

Words for reference: growing.

Spelling minutes

1. Write down prepositions from memory. Emphasize the vowels in prepositions.

From, about, about, under, for, over, without, on, to, by, about, at, in, with, in.

2. Emphasize prepositions and spelling patterns studied in words.

From school, from a friend, in a pencil case, from a factory, without a coat;

over a birch tree, in Moscow, near a bear, about a fox, for dishes;

about my father, at a painting, from a store, with a notebook, for berries, under an aspen tree;

on Saturday, in February, for a cow, for the road, until October, without sugar.


Our dacha is near the forest. There is a river called Shchur. It was July. Morning. We were fishing on the river. Vaska the cat was sleeping in the grass. We caught perch and pike. The first fish was given to the cat. (29 words)

The children were playing school. Tanya was a teacher. There was a Russian language lesson. Petya brought a pen and notebook. He wrote words and divided them into syllables. Igor named the letters of the alphabet. Anna read poetry. Everyone worked well. (34 words)

Autumn. The cranes have long since flown south. Bird songs fell silent in the forest. It rains often. A strong wind tears leaves from the trees. Crossbills circled over the spruce. A branch swayed. It was a squirrel that jumped. In the branches of a pine tree the animal lives. (35 words)

December. New Year's at the gate. Forester's lodge. Uncle Vanya and the guys go into the forest. They bring gifts. For the hare, carrots and cabbage leaves. Salt for moose. For birds, grain and rowan berries. Forest dwellers will welcome guests. (37 words)


May. Warm days have arrived. Green foliage covered the trees. Blackbirds and siskins sing merrily. There is lush grass on the ground. Fragrant lilies of the valley bloom in the forest. Wild berries are ripening. Bumblebees are buzzing. A bee flies from flower to flower. The flowers contain sweet juice. Frogs purr by the stream. It's crawling towards the water. (46 words)

Words for reference: have arrived, green, juicy, ripening, fragrant, forest, sweet (the teacher spells out the unstressed endings of adjectives and verbs).


The dog Mukhtar and the cat Murka were friends. In the spring, Murka gave birth to five kittens. The kittens grew quickly. One day the cat left. The kittens squeaked. Mukhtar began to play with the kids. The big kitten climbed onto Mukhtar's back. The dog was happy. Soon Murka came and began feeding the kittens milk. Mukhtar looked at his friends cheerfully. (47 words)

Words for reference: once, born, grew up, became.

Dictation. Fluff. Vera had a cat, Fluffy. The cat was white and fluffy. The paws and tail are gray. Fluffy loved fish and meat. The girl often played with the cat. Grammar task In the fourth and fifth sentences, underline the main parts of the sentence. Dictation. Autumn forest. How beautiful the forest is in autumn! There are trees all around in golden decoration. Tall birches and aspens are good. A bunny is hiding under a bush. A squirrel sits near a hollow. A bird sat on the top of the spruce tree. Grammar tasks 1. Underline the stem and write down pairs of words: option 1 - fourth sentence; option 2 - fifth sentence. 2. In the last sentence, put an accent in each word, underline the unstressed vowel. Dictation. In the grove. The children came to the grove. It's fun and noisy there. The bee took honey from the flower. The ant was dragging a blade of grass. The dove was building a nest for the pigeons. The hare ran to the stream. The stream provided clean water to both people and animals. Grammar task In the first and second sentences, underline the main parts of the sentence. Dictation. Winter fun. Wet snow was falling from the sky. The guys ran into the yard and began to sculpt figures out of snow. Kolya made a snowman with a broom in his hand. Zhenya built a house with a window made of ice. Tanya made a good Santa Claus. Everyone had fun. Grammar tasks 1. Write down the first sentence. Separate words with a vertical line to hyphenate. Underline the basis of the sentence. 2. Copy the second sentence. Put emphasis on words. Emphasize unstressed vowels. Dictation. In the forest. Katya and Yura go into the forest. The dog Tuzik is running nearby. The birds sing merrily. Squirrels are jumping along the branches. Gray hedgehogs hid under the tree. Grammar tasks 1. In the words branches and squirrels, emphasize the soft consonant sounds. 2. Write down how many letters and sounds are in the word Yura. 3. Indicate the number of syllables in the words hedgehogs, gray, nearby. Dictation. Finch. It's cold at night. There is still snow in the forest. A lot of snow - a whole snowdrift. And there is ice on the river. And a finch sits on a spruce branch. He sings. His trill flies throughout the forest. The forest thicket responded with a trill. What is this? This is an echo. What a miracle! A bird song sounded. This is hello to spring. Grammar tasks 1. Write out three words with paired consonants from the text, underline the spelling. 2. Make a sound-letter analysis of the word (option 1 – snow, option 2 – ice). Dictation. Main city. Moscow is the main city of our Russia. There are many streets, alleys, and avenues in Moscow. Everyone knows Red Square, Pushkin Square, Suvorovsky Boulevard, the Garden Ring. Two friends Slava Voronin and Kolya Shishkin live on Plyushchikha. The boys are walking in the park with the dog Bim and the cat Murka. Words for reference: street, avenue, on Plyushchikha. Grammar tasks 1. Underline the capital letter in people's surnames, animal names, and geographical names. 2. In the last sentence, place an accent mark on all words. 3. Write down the name of the locality in which you live. Dictation. Friends. The kids in Moscow love to go to Sokolniki Park. Andryushka Solovyov has a red-haired friend, Yashka. This is a fluffy squirrel with a long tail. The boy brought food. I knocked on the pine tree. Yashka came down, took the food and disappeared behind the trees. Grammar tasks 1. Underline proper names. 2. In the fourth sentence, underline the main terms. 3. In the first sentence, identify nouns. 4. Write down the nouns reeds, bricks, things in the singular person. Dictation. Children in the forest. The guys took the baskets and ran into the nearby woods. It's good in the shade of birches! Drops of dew on the grass. Birds sing in the dense branches. The children sat on a stump and listened to the wonderful singing of the nightingale. It's time for raspberries. Large ripe berries beckon. Some put it in their mouth, some in the box. Words for reference: it's time, putting it down. Grammar tasks 1. Write down the prepositions. Option 1: from the first three sentences. Option 2: from the last three sentences. 2. For the words stump, children, select and write down test words. 3. In the first sentence, write the parts of speech above the words. Dictation. Storm. There was a big drought. Dust hung over the fields. Streams and rivers have dried up. There is no dew on the grass. Long dry tree branches crackle from the heat. Young birch and oak trees have dropped their leaves. Suddenly a cloud appeared. The birds fell silent. Strong thunder struck. It began to rain. The grass and trees lit up. How joyful everything became! Grammar tasks 1. In the first sentence, underline the main parts of the sentence and indicate the parts of speech. 2. Write down two words with the unstressed vowel being tested, select test words. 3. Separate the words for transfer: Strong, long, dust. Dictation. Morning. The first ray of sunshine broke out. The darkness of the night was hidden in the dense foliage of the trees. The robins have woken up. The feathers on their breasts turned the color of dawn. Drops of dew glistened on the leaves. Golden bees began to circle above the flowers. They drink sweet juice greedily. Swifts flash by. It's good to have fast and light wings.

The proposed texts have been prepared for dictations, which are recommended to be carried out in the second half of the year. The texts cover the following rules learned:

Spelling words with an unstressed vowel;

Spelling rules for proper names;

Letter combinations ZHI - SHI, CHA - SCHA, CHU - SCHU;

Word hyphenation rules;

Spelling paired consonants.

Walk in the woods

Autumn has come. Sasha and Tanya ran into the forest after school. It was raining yesterday. Grandmother said that there would be a lot of mushrooms in the forest. The children began to look for mushrooms. Tanya found a rowan bush. Red berries generously strewn the bush. And Sasha found a large white mushroom.

(43 words)

Autumn in the forest

Beautiful in the forest in autumn. The trees put on their autumn attire. Yellow, red and brown leaves litter the ground. Squirrels look for nuts and hide them in a hollow. The hedgehog found a mushroom and took it to the hole. The birds have already flown south. Quiet in the forest. You can only hear the leaves rustling under your feet.

(49 words)

Autumn in the city

It's autumn weather outside. The gloomy sky is covered with clouds in the morning. The sun hid. The trees have long shed their last leaves. The cold wind plays with fallen leaves. It's raining. Drops knock loudly on the windows. All passers-by are hiding under umbrellas.

(38 words)

Teacher's Day

There are many holidays in the year. In the fall we celebrate Teacher's Day. In the morning, all schoolchildren come with bouquets of flowers. Our school hung a beautiful poster with congratulations. We decorated the classroom beautifully with balloons. Vanya and Petya learned poems about teachers. Katya brought a large bouquet of roses. We all congratulated our teacher Olga Ivanovna on the holiday.

(53 words)

Nature in autumn

The ringing summer has died down. Nature is preparing for a long winter sleep. The trees rustle with drooping leaves. Birds gather in flocks and prepare to fly to warm countries. The days are still warm, but the sound of thunder is heard more and more often. The days are getting shorter. Soon the rare puddles will be covered with an icy crust.

(45 words)


1. Find a word with a soft separator.

2. In the last sentence, indicate the subject and predicate.

3. Indicate the words where the letter combinations ZHI-SHI, CHA-SHCHA occur.

Golden autumn

Autumn is a beautiful time of year. The trees put on beautiful outfits. Birch dressed up in a yellow sundress. Maple put on his red frock coat. And the mighty oak seemed to have thrown on a brown cloak. Multi-colored leaves swirl in the air and quietly fall to the ground. The sun's rays gently embrace nature.

(42 words)


1. In the third sentence, highlight the stem.

2. Parse the word "Birch" according to its composition.

Autumn harvest

Autumn is the richest time of the year. Harvesting begins in September. Wheat, potatoes and zucchini are harvested in the fields. Apples and hawthorn berries are ripe in the garden.

People have long learned to prepare winter supplies from autumn vegetables and fruits. Cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage are salted, and delicious jam is made from apples and quinces.

My son is wonderful! But the Russian language is not his strong point. The New Year's gift was a three in a quarter.

In this regard, we have come to grips with dictations and test cheating.

Purchased an additional allowance from test dictations on topics and write one a day. Next we plan to practice on typical dictations for grade 2 according to the School of Russia program.

At the same time, we repeat the topics covered: the main members of the sentence, parts of speech, and the notorious chu\schu, we often don’t forget))).

I divided the dictations into a specific rule and general dictations for all the material covered.

Test dictations by topic | 2nd grade

Dictation in zhi\shi, cha\cha, chu\schu

May hubbub

May thunder struck. Wonderful sounds filled the forest. Silent owls mutter. The hares are babbling. A mosquito squeaked in the thicket. The bells of the lily of the valley sounded faintly. Frogs splash and purr in the puddles. Even a dry leaf came to life. It rustles and scurries across the ground.

Alyosha Chaikov and Andrey Shishkin are two comrades. Both love animals. Alyosha has a pet crow. He takes care of Kara. Andryusha has a wonderful dog - Akbar. The boy teaches Akbar to serve.

Kindergarten at the zoo

In the spring, new residents appeared at the zoo. The wonderful little bear Topik immediately became friends with the monkey Chika. Tiger cub Akbar and wolf cub Pike eat from the same bowl. Little squirrel Ryzhik happily jumps around the playground. Lion King catches his fluffy tail.


Winter. There is fluffy snow in the forest. There are dots and lines on the snow. The tracks lead into the thicket. At night, predatory animals look for food. Here is a forest river. Fishermen are sitting on the ice. My friend caught a big pike.

In the grove

How nice it is in spring! We are going to the oak grove. Siskins and blackbirds sing merrily here. The rooks scream loudly. Pileated woodpeckers are knocking. The nimble magpies are chattering. A bee is buzzing over a flower.

Vocabulary dictation in chk\chn\cht\schn

tiny, line, elegant, rosette, river, mast, sonorous, successful, assistant, vase, reading, colorful, predator, street, handkerchiefs, powerful, flour, minute, dandelion, vegetable, cannon, mail.

Now check the same rules in a literary text

Dictation on chk\chn


A noisy spring has arrived. The birds are singing loudly. A red squirrel jumps from branch to branch. Brooks are babbling. The swollen buds smell like resin. Clear sap drips from a broken birch branch. The hummocks with lingonberries turn into bright circles of green.

In the forest

A boy and a girl often run into the forest. There they look for cones and tear sorrel. Birds sing merrily in the forest. A tame squirrel lives in a hollow. A bunny is running in a clearing. Children feel good in the forest.

Dictation on double consonants, grade 2

Teacher Anna Ivanovna entered the class. The Russian language lesson has begun. Children write down words with spelling patterns. Today eleven students received A's.

Dictation on voiced and voiceless consonants

Our garden was guarded by the watchman Ostap. A big dog, Marat, lived with him. One winter there was a severe frost. Ostap put on a sheepskin coat, a hat, mittens, and warm shoes. But he was chilly. He was chilled and blew into his hands. There is darkness and silence all around. The dilapidated fence was covered with snow. The low tree was covered by a snowdrift.

One night, a huge, nasty toad jumped through a broken window glass. I saw Thumbelina. She grabbed the shell with the girl and jumped out into the garden. There was a wide river flowing there. There was muddy and viscous mud near the shore. A toad lived here with his son. He was ugly and disgusting.

(according to G.H. Andersen)

Dictation on a soft dividing sign, grade 2

Vorobyov family

The Vorobyov family is large and friendly. Everyone is busy. Dad is writing a scientific article. Grandmother sews a dress for her granddaughter. Mom is ironing the clothes. Children Ilya and Tatyana are learning lessons. At dinner everyone drinks tea with blueberry jam.

Vocabulary dictation on a soft sign

July, bench, ears, take, hives, fun, day, winter hut, sew, greens, soap dish, Tatyana, Malvina, life, flair, leaves, bones, cookies, chairs, buns, wings, pilot, swing, play, linen, atelier, ants, honey, blizzard, fireworks.

The seal lies all day long,

And he is not too lazy to lie down.

It's a pity the seal is diligent

Not an example to follow.


Test dictations for grade 2 | School of Russia

Spring came. A faint breeze passes by. The spring sun drives away the snow. Every bush and blade of grass comes to life. The buds on the trees have swelled. Flowers appeared on the bare branches of the hazel tree. They look like gray thorns on flexible rods.

The hedgehog woke up

There was a hole under the roots of the birch tree. A joyful spring has arrived. An angry hedgehog slept there all winter. The sun warmed the earth. The hedgehog ran out into the forest clearing. Cheerful streams ran through the forest. The cold stream woke up the animal.

(according to G. Skrebitsky)

Hen and chicks

A hen leads her chickens through the yard. The fluffy lumps squeak and jump. There is a large flower garden near the porch. And here is the gate to the garden. Tomatoes are turning red in the beds, cabbage is ripening. The chicken noticed a worm on the ground. Grab the poor guy! The chicken clucked. She praises her son.

(according to N. Pavlova)

The bright sun is shining, the snow is melting, the snowflakes are crying. The ice on the river has cracked. Fast seagulls circle over the water. An elk and a calf came out to the river. The forest doctor knocks loudly. A little bunny jumped out into the clearing. Animals and birds are happy about the warmth and spring.

Our dacha is near the forest. There is a river called Shchur. It was July. Morning. We were fishing on the river. Vaska the cat was sleeping in the grass. We caught perch and pike. The first fish was given to the cat.

The children were playing school. Tanya was a teacher. There was a Russian language lesson. Petya brought a pen and notebook. He wrote words and divided them into syllables. Igor named the letters of the alphabet. Anna read poetry. Everyone worked well.

Autumn. The cranes have long since flown south. Bird songs fell silent in the forest. It rains often. A strong wind tears leaves from the trees. Crossbills circled over the spruce. A branch swayed. It was a squirrel that jumped. In the branches of a pine tree the animal lives.


New Year's at the gate. Forester's lodge. Uncle Vanya and the guys go into the forest. They bring gifts. For the hare, carrots and cabbage leaves. Salt for moose. For birds, grain and rowan berries. Forest dwellers will welcome guests.

May. Warm days have arrived. Green foliage covered the trees. Blackbirds and siskins sing merrily. There is lush grass on the ground. Fragrant lilies of the valley bloom in the forest. Wild berries are ripening. Bumblebees are buzzing. A bee flies from flower to flower. The flowers contain sweet juice. Frogs purr by the stream. It's crawling towards the water.

Words for reference: have arrived, green, juicy, ripen, fragrant, forest, sweet (the teacher spells out the unstressed endings of adjectives and verbs).


The dog Mukhtar and the cat Murka were friends. In the spring, Murka gave birth to five kittens. The kittens grew quickly. One day the cat left. The kittens squeaked. Mukhtar began to play with the kids. The big kitten climbed onto Mukhtar’s back. The dog was happy. Soon Murka came and began feeding the kittens milk. Mukhtar looked at his friends cheerfully.

Words for reference: once, born, grew up, became.

The woodpecker has a wonderful tongue. This bird has a great length. And the tongue is sticky. Ants often stick to it. Live sticky tape!

Smart monkeys

It is difficult to collect plants for a herbarium. Scientists decided to teach monkeys this. They showed them samples of rare plants. Soon the animals brought plants and their fruits to people.


Leggings are a type of suede. Previously, military ceremonial pants were called leggings. They fit tightly around the legs. We pulled on the leggings while wet. In the nineteenth century, leggings were worn in some Russian regiments.

candy tree

Amazing trees grow in the mountains of Azerbaijan. Their fruits are similar in appearance to soy bars. The fruits have a raisin flavor. Children love to eat these candies. The candy tree is called goveniya.


In the north of Australia there are very large butterflies. Their size reaches twenty-six centimeters. Local residents eat their meat. Butterflies are hunted and shot with arrows.


The people living in the tundra are the Sami. They treat their native land very carefully and consider it a living being. Trees and grass are her hair. Green turf, tundra moss - her skin. Therefore, one should not hurt the earth.

New tail

When does a lizard lose its tail? When a lizard's tail gets caught in a trap. This ability is protective. This is how the lizard escapes from its enemies. But the loss of a tail is painful for the animal. After all, with the help of its tail, the lizard maintains balance.

Village of salt

There is a village called Fazi in Algeria. In Fazi, all the houses and even the fortress with the wall are made of ordinary salt. It rains very rarely in these places. This is why the salt village has existed for many years. (37 words)


Dandelions appear in late spring. They bloom almost all summer. In many countries, dandelion is considered a weed. And the people of Japan and India grow it and eat it. A salad is made from young leaves. A delicious drink is prepared from dry leaves.

Deep fish

There is darkness in the depths of the sea. Glowing fish swim there. Each type of fish sparkles with different lights of torn colors. The eyes or spotted flanks emit light more often. Many fish have very strong light. Such fish can even blind a predator.


Indoor plants not only decorate our homes. Long ago, garden geranium was considered in Europe a flower of the urban poor. She healed the damp air in their homes and improved sleep. People believed in the healing power of garden geranium and loved it.

Seagull chicks

The chicks have hatched and are asking to eat. They look at the world with yellow eyes. But they don’t notice anything around. They are looking for a red spot. It is found on the beak of an adult seagull. The chick knocks its nose against its parents' beak. This is an order for parents. We need to feed.


Raisins are small and very sweet dry grapes. They were carefully dried in the sun. Before this, the grapes were brought to the plant. There, special machines remove debris. The grapes are dried and lose a lot of weight. The Kishmish grape variety produces seedless raisins.

Building a nest

Rooks build nests on the tops of tall trees. The rook looks for a twig and flies with it to the nest. The rook remains to guard the building. Then the rook flies, but the rook remains. The rooks will bring dry feathers and place them in a lush heap on the branches. The nest is built.


Sable lives in hollows. In winter he does not sleep. Runs and looks for food. But he doesn’t go far from the nest. In severe frosts and snowstorms, the sable is lethargic. The sable eats forest voles, birds, and pine nuts. Among the berries, he often eats rowan and strawberries.


Amazing sparrow bird! The sparrow is called a thief and a fighter. In spring, a sparrow often climbs into someone else's nest. He likes nests near houses. Often he flies into a birdhouse. But the starlings almost always drive him out. But the sparrow still sparkles with its eyes and screams cheerfully.


Lubok is the lower layers of tree bark. Long ago, pictures were made from popular prints. People often decorated their homes with such pictures. Pictures appeared in Moscow. Street vendors carried them in shoulder boxes. These boxes are similar to our large backpacks. Only they are made from bast.

Long-eared lizard

Here the long-eared lizard notices the enemy. She opens her mouth wide. Red folds with white outgrowths appeared at the corners of the mouth. This is how a huge toothy mouth appeared. Who dares to touch her? What if it didn't help? Then this lizard can shake its body and drown in the sand.


The magpie is called the white-sided magpie. She has white feathers on her sides. But the head, wings and tail are black. This makes her look like a crow. The magpie's tail is very beautiful. It is long and straight. The feathers on it are not just black. They are green. A smart magpie bird!


The mineus spider goes hunting with a net. He weaves a net from his web. He makes a mesh the size of a postage stamp. In the evening, he hides the net in the branches and waits for the flyers. So the sly one saw a mosquito. The spider stretched its net with its legs and threw it over the victim.

Starling Habits

The starling makes its nest deep in the birdhouse. He carries moss and straw there. The starling is best observed in the early morning in the garden or vegetable garden. Try tossing a worm or a piece of bread to the starling. Soon the bird will take food from your hands or even sit on your shoulder.


Trees are the inhabitants of our earth. They live a very long time. They have their own memory. It is enclosed in annual rings. Wide rings indicate abundant years. Narrow rings will tell about the years of drought. The age of the tree can be determined by the number of rings. How many rings - so many years.

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Test dictations in Russian for grade 2

Dictation texts.

1 quarter. Incoming control

Goal of the work: test the ability to apply the rules learned: formatting sentences in writing, spelling proper names, words with combinations zhi-shi, cha-scha, chu-shu; ability to transfer words.

In the forest.

Andrei and Yura go into the forest. The dog Tuzik is running nearby. The birds sing merrily. Squirrels are jumping along the branches. Gray hedgehogs hid under the tree.

1 quarter. Current control

Goal of the work: test the ability to apply the rules learned: formatting sentences in writing, spelling proper names, words with paired consonants, words with combinations zhi-shi, cha-scha, chu-shu; ability to transfer words.

Autumn .

It's a good day. Now autumn is full of warmth. But it rains often. Here Roma and dad are walking into the forest through wide fields. Frost will hit soon. Everything will be covered with snow.

Ski trip.

Seryozha Charushin's father and mother bought him skis. The frost has subsided. Seryozha and dad will walk for two hours along a forest path. Snow flies from under the skis. The present is cracking.

1 quarter. Final

Goal of the work:

Forest in winter.

The forest's winter attire is beautiful. There is snow on the paws of the fir trees. There is snow fluff on the thin branches of birches. The oak tree is covered in snow. The frost worked well.

Our groves.

Our groves are good. The birches there are beautiful. How many birds there are in the groves! Spotted woodpeckers are knocking. The rooks are screaming. And how the tits whistle! People often go to the grove to listen to the birds singing.

2nd quarter. Current

Goal of the work: check the ability to apply the rules learned: spelling proper names, words with paired consonants; ability to transfer words.


Kolya came to the forest. Who is this? It's a hedgehog running. Kolya loves animals. There's a stump here. There is a large mushroom near the stump. They will make soup from the mushroom. Kolya puts the find in his bag and hurries home.


There are a lot of cars near the houses. Here's the garage. There is a large snowdrift near its wall and doors. A car is driving through the yard. The driver turns the steering wheel. The car should go onto Antonov Street.

2nd quarter. Final

Goal of the work: check the ability to apply the rules learned: spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants at the end of words, unstressed vowels, a soft separating sign, the ability to hyphenate words.

In winter.

Winter came. There was severe frost at night. The wind swirled snow flakes. There is a white carpet all around. Rivers and lakes were covered with ice. The guys ran to the skating rink. Sharp skates glide easily on smooth ice. There is noise and fun. Good in winter!

Cat Silva.

The cat Silva sits on the porch and meows. I will pour milk into her saucer and give her a few pieces of meat and sausage. Satisfied Silva drinks and eats. Now the pussy has food all over its face. A well-fed cat washes itself.

3rd quarter. Current

Goal of the work: check the ability to apply the rules learned: spelling proper names, words with combinations zhi-shi, cha-scha, chu-schu; ability to transfer words.

Main city.

Moscow is the main city of our Russia. There are many streets, alleys, and avenues in Moscow. Everyone knows Red Square, Pushkin Square, Kutuzovsky Prospekt, the Garden Ring. Two friends Slava Voronin and Kolya Shishkin live on Plyushchikha. The boys are walking in the park with their dog Bim and cat Murka.

Children in the forest.

The guys took the baskets and ran into the nearby woods. It's good in the shade of birches! Drops of dew on the grass. In the dense branches the birds sing in every possible way. The children sat on a stump and listened to the wonderful singing of the nightingale. It's time for raspberries. Large ripe berries beckon. Some put it in their mouth, some in a basket.

3rd quarter. Final


Here comes spring. The sun destroys the snowy mountains. A fast stream is noisy. Drops fall loudly from the roofs. The fragrant sticky buds burst. Alyosha and Yura are waiting for the birds to arrive. They made birdhouses for the birds. The boys go to the park.

Grammar tasks:

2. Underline words starting with a vowel sound.

Spring on the window.

It's cold outside. It's been snowing all day. And we have a whole garden on our window. Earrings bloomed on the branches of poplar and birch.

Green leaves appeared on the linden branches. There was a whiff of spring from the window. There are already flowers on the cherry branches.

Grammar tasks:

1. In the second sentence, underline the main parts of the sentence.

2. Emphasize spelling patterns in wordsbirch trees, leaves.

4th quarter. Current

Goal of the work: check the ability to apply the rules learned: spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants at the end of words, unstressed vowels, soft signs, words with the combinations zhi-shiya, cha-sha, chu-shu, spelling of proper names, the ability to transfer words.


Spring has come. The sun sends light and warmth to the earth. The drops sound loudly. Cheerful streams gurgle. The grass has already turned green. Cows and goats graze in the meadow.

Fedya and Boris go to the grove. The grove rustles with green leaves. The boys saw lilies of the valley. White lilies of the valley smell so good! (43 words)

Words for reference: saw, lily of the valley.


Warm April has arrived. It was a clear day. Frequent drops fall from the roofs. The buds on the maple tree are inflated. Coltsfoot bloomed on the hillocks. The fluffy drifts of snow disappeared. The ringing stream runs merrily. Nikita has a boat in his hands. He launched it into the water. The boat is rushing quickly. (43 words)

Words for reference: coltsfoot, disappeared, rushing.

Grammar tasks for dictations:

1. Underline the main parts of the sentence.

2. Write parts of speech above the words.

3. Split to hyphenate words.

4th quarter. Final

Goal of the work: check the ability to apply the rules learned: spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants at the end of words, unstressed vowels, soft signs, words with combinations zhi-shiya, cha-scha, chu-schu ability to transfer words.

The pond came to life.

The warm rays of the sun warmed the pond. The reeds swayed quietly. A duck with ducklings swam out. The toad jumped onto the water lily leaf as if onto a raft. He was hiding in the bushes. The pond came to life. Variegated flowers grow in the meadow near the pond. We love to play by the pond.

Grammar tasks:

1. Find and write out three words from the text with the spelling “Checkable paired consonants for voicedness - deafness at the end of the word.”

2. Find and underline in the last sentence a word in which all consonants are soft.

In the grove.

Here is a birch grove. The golden rays of the sun play on the grass. A warm breeze is blowing. A boletus hid under the birches. The leg is thin, the cap is wide. Rare aspen trees rustle by the stream. Under the aspen trees there are boletuses. Cheerful guys in white T-shirts and red berets. Bird voices are heard in the forest clearings. How nice it is in the grove in summer.

Grammar task:

1. Find in the text and write down the forms of the word aspen.

2. Underline the sentence that contains a word that has the same root as the word birch.