Sample cash balance limit for the year. Cash balance limit. The LLC receives revenue in cash. How, in this case, is the cash balance limit calculated?

The cash limit for small businesses in 2017 can be calculated in two ways. We have provided a detailed sample order with a calculation attached, with which you can set a cash balance limit. Download a blank form and a sample order for setting and canceling a limit to save time and fill out documents without errors.

Who has the right not to set a cash limit for small businesses in 2017

The company does not have the right to keep any amount of cash in the cash register, only within the limit. The maximum amount of cash is calculated and established according to the rules prescribed in the Bank of Russia Directive No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014 “On the procedure for conducting cash transactions by legal entities and the simplified procedure for conducting cash transactions by individual entrepreneurs and small businesses.” The company must hand over everything that has accumulated in the cash register in excess of the limit to the bank.

Exceptions are individual entrepreneurs and small businesses. They may not install cash limit for small businesses in 2017. And then any amount of cash without restrictions will be stored in the cash register. To opt out of restrictions, please register an order that you will work without a maximum amount. If you previously approved the limit, then sign an order to cancel the limit according to our sample.

How to set a cash limit for 2017

If you still decide to limit the amount of cash in the cash register, set cash balance limit for 2017 for small businesses. The calculation rules for individual entrepreneurs and small businesses are the same as for large legal entities.

Regulation No. 3210-U offers two options for determining the cash limit. The first option is calculated from the volume of cash receipts, and the second - from the volume of cash disbursement. It is better to reflect the established cash limit in 2017 and the chosen payment option in a local act and approve it by order of the manager.

Now let’s look at what each of the calculation options is.

A sample order for establishing a cash limit in 2017 with a calculation attached, based on the volume of cash receipts.

Order No. 401

1. Set a limit on the balance of funds that can be kept at the enterprise’s cash desk equal to 225,000 rubles

2. Set the time period between the days of depositing cash received for services rendered into the bank equal to 5 working days.

3. Responsibility and control over the execution of this order rests with the chief accountant.

Calculation of the cash limit for 2017, based on the volume of cash receipts

Calculation of the cash limit for 2017 for small enterprises, based on the volume of cash receipts, is carried out using the formula: L = V / P x N, where:

  • L is the cash balance limit;
  • V is the volume of cash receipts;
  • P - billing period
  • N is the period of time between the days of depositing cash into the bank, which should not exceed seven working days, and in the absence of a bank in the locality, fourteen working days.

Please note that the organization has the right to choose the billing period for determining the cash limit in 2017, but not less than one day and no more than 92 days.

Sample calculation of the cash limit for 2017, based on the volume of cash receipts

Let’s assume that the Limma trading company’s average revenue per working day was 45,000 rubles. Cash proceeds are collected once every 5 days, according to the order of the manager.

Thus, cash limit calculation for 2017 as follows:

  • L=V/P x N
  • 225000 =45000/1*5

If necessary, the resulting amount can be rounded up or down.

Let us now examine the second option, when calculating the cash limit small businesses done based on the volume of funds disbursed.

Sample order for establishing a cash limit in 2017 with a calculation attached, based on the volume of cash disbursement

Limited Liability Company "Limma"

Order No. 401

on establishing a limit on the cash balance in the cash register for 2017

I order: for the period from 01/01/2017 to 12/31/2017:

  1. Set a limit on the cash balance that can be kept at the enterprise's cash desk equal to 69,000 rubles
  2. Set the time period between receipts of funds from a bank account by check equal to 6 business days.
  3. Responsibility and control over the execution of this order rests with the chief accountant.

The calculation of the cash limit is given in the appendix to the order.

General Director of Limma LLC ________________________________________ Yu.V. Semenov

Calculation of the cash register limit for 2017, based on the volume of cash disbursement

Calculation of the cash register limit for 2017, based on the volume of funds issued, is carried out using the formula:

L = R / P x N, where:

  • L is the cash limit,
  • R - the volume of all funds issued, with the exception of salaries and social payments for the billing period,
  • P - billing period, which should be no more than 92 days,
  • N is the number of days between receipts of cash at the bank, which should not exceed seven working days, and in the absence of a bank in the locality, fourteen working days.

Attention! Small businesses do not take into account funds for paying salaries and other payments to employees when calculating the cash limit in 2017.

Sample calculation of the cash limit for 2017, based on the volume of cash disbursed

The Limma company works six days a week - Sunday is a day off, so its billing period for the 4th quarter of 2016 will be 78.

The turnover on loan 50 of the “Cassa” account at Limma LLC amounted to:

  • in October - 200,000 rubles.
  • in November - 203,000 rubles.
  • in December - 500,000 rubles.

Total for the 4th quarter: 903,000 rubles.

The number of working days between cash withdrawals by check is 6 (according to the order of the general director).

Thus, the calculation of the cash limit for small businesses is as follows:

  • L=R/P x N
  • 903000/78*6=69461,54

The manager considered it necessary to round the amount received to 69,000 rubles, and reflected it in the order.

If the organization has separate divisions. The limit of cash that can be kept in the cash register, including for separate divisions, is determined by the head of the organization.

Exceeding the limit funds must be handed over to the bank; for violating the cash handling procedures, the company faces a fine.

In 2017 There will be no cash limit for managers of small businesses. However, now it is possible to cancel the limit and continue working without it. To do this, it is necessary to issue an appropriate order, a sample of which is presented in this article.

If a company/organization belongs to a small category business, then it has the right to a cash limit benefit. Article No. 4 of Federal Law No. 209 specifies the criteria according to which a company/organization on the simplified tax system is considered a small business entity (there are only three of them).

So, the first is to enter the permissible limit for the amount of income of a company/organization for the last calendar year; it is set at 800 million rubles.

The second criterion concerns the composition of the founders. The share of participation in the capital of a company/organization of the Russian Federation, as well as municipalities, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, religious organizations, public foundations should not account for more than 25%, and the share of participation of third-party companies/organizations should account for less than 49%.

The third criterion affected the average number of employees of the organization/company for the last calendar year, namely this indicator should not exceed 100 people inclusive.

Let us remind you that all small enterprises (this also includes micro-enterprises) have the right to keep any amount in the cash register without having to deposit it with the bank. This is stipulated in the Directive of the Bank of the Russian Federation No. 320-U, namely in its second paragraph.

To apply this benefit to a particular enterprise/organization, the director should issue an order regarding the waiver of the limit.

How is the cash limit calculated correctly in 2017?

A small business can, at its own discretion, calculate the limit in order to adhere to it in the future (for example, for the purpose of additional security for cash proceeds). Below you can find information on how to do this.

Thus, the cash limit in the cash register is the maximum allowable amount of money in cash that is allowed to be kept in the cash register. In other words, this is the maximum allowed balance, which is reflected in the cash book at the end of each working day. If there is more money left in the cash register than the established limit, then the difference must be handed over to the bank.

It is not necessary to calculate the balance limit. If the cash register limit has not been calculated, it is equal to zero. This is not an error, it’s just that at the end of the working day there should be no cash left in the cash register.

When making many cash transactions, it is recommended to calculate the limit. It is worth noting that the limit is determined by order of the head of the company/organization.

Do I need to agree on the calculated limit?

Answering this question, we can immediately say that the calculated limit does not need agreement with anyone. That is, all calculations, as well as approval of the limit value, are carried out by the company/organization independently. Here, the consent of the tax inspectorate, bank, or any other department is absolutely not required for the calculated balance limit.

This indicator should be determined based on data on the volume of receipts and the volume of funds disbursed in monetary terms (This is stated in Directive No. 3210-U, paragraph 2, paragraph 2). Also, when determining the limit, it is necessary to take into account income for goods, services, and works that were sold.

There are two formulas in total that will help calculate the cash limit. They can be found in the appendix to Directive No. 3210-U. The first formula is established for the event when the cash register receives proceeds for goods, services and work sold. The second is if the revenue does not pass through the cash register (if goods, services and work were paid for by non-cash method), and the cash register is necessary for receipts of other categories (for example, for accepting loans from the founders).

Zodiac LLC has regular cash receipts from retail sales. It is necessary to calculate the cash limit. So, the store through which trade is carried out is open every day, there are no days off.

The accountant calculates the cash limit, using data for the fourth quarter of 2016 as a basis. (92 days of work). The amount of cash revenue for the selected period amounted to 1,150,300 rubles. The cashier of the organization deposits the proceeds to the bank regularly once every two days.

Based on the available data, the accountant was able to accurately calculate the cash limit - this is the amount of 25,006 rubles (1,150,300 rubles / 92 days X 2 days).

Thus, the head of the organization established an order to limit the cash balance for 2017. in the amount of 27189 rubles.

Pelageya LLC does not have cash proceeds, since buyers make payments through banking institutions. Salaries and other payments to employees are not made through the cash register. In this organization, the cash register is used exclusively for issuing money to employees for reporting purposes.

The accountant calculates the cash limit, using data for December 2016 as a basis. (23 days of work). During the allotted period, the company received 150,000 rubles from the bank for the purpose of reporting for business needs. The organization's cashier receives cash from the bank every Monday and Thursday, that is, regularly every three working days.

Based on the information provided, the accountant calculated the cash limit and received an amount of 19,565 rubles (150,000 rubles / 23 days X 3 days).

The head of the organization disposed of the relevant document setting a cash balance limit for 2017. in the amount of 19,565 rubles. The billing period is determined by the company independently. This may well be the period that precedes the calculation. For example, the limit for the first quarter of 2017. can be calculated using data for the fourth quarter of 2016. Or you can take data from the same period for the previous year as a basis (for example, when calculating the limit for the first quarter of 2017, use data from the first quarter of 2016). However, the billing period in this case cannot be more than 92 days. As for the minimum billing period, it is not established by law. Accordingly, you can calculate the limit using data for several working days as a basis. It is recommended to choose the days in which the maximum receipt of revenue was noted. Otherwise, the limit will be low, which is extremely inconvenient, because the lower it is, the less money can be left for storage at the cash desk.

Calculation of the cash limit in 2017

It must be emphasized that each enterprise independently calculates and determines the size of the cash balance limits at the enterprise's cash desk.

However, this determination of limits is not arbitrary. The enterprise does not have the right to set a limit in the amount chosen by the enterprise.

When determining and calculating cash limits, an organization must take into account the nature of its business. The total volume of cash flow in the cash register of the enterprise must also be taken into account. In this case, both the volume of receipts to the organization’s cash desk and the volume of cash issued from the enterprise’s cash desk are taken into account. The above rule is directly provided for in paragraph 2 of the Directives of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

You should also take into account some features of calculating the limit by enterprises that have separate divisions. In order for an enterprise with separate divisions to correctly calculate the cash limit for 2017, it is necessary to proceed from where exactly such structures deposit cash.

If the structure of an enterprise deposits cash at the cash desk of the company, then the limit for the enterprise is calculated taking into account the movement of cash through the cash desk of the structural unit. That is, such a limit is common both for the parent organization and for its separate divisions. If the corresponding division deposits money into a bank account, then the limit for such a structure is calculated independently according to the rules established by the Procedure.

Clause 1 of the Procedure determines that to calculate the size of the limit, an enterprise must use the total volume of cash receipts from the sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services. If the enterprise is recently created and does not have a total volume of income, then the planned volumes of cash receipts from the sale of goods, provision of services or performance of work should be taken into account.

In general, the specified calculation of the cash limit at the cash desk of an enterprise is as follows:

“Balance limit” = “Volume of cash receipts for the billing period” / “Settlement period from 1 to 92 days” x “Number of days between the days of depositing cash at the bank”

As follows from the content of paragraph 1 of the Procedure, the billing period is any number of days for which receipts to the cash desk are taken into account and which is arbitrarily selected by the enterprise. However, this number of days cannot be less than 1 or more than 92. The indicated days are working days.

The number of days between the days of depositing cash at the bank should be determined within 7 working days and indicated in the calculation in working days. If the enterprise or its separate structure is located in an area where there are no banks, then this period can be extended to 14 working days. The specified interval can be determined by the enterprise arbitrarily or based on the actual interval for depositing cash at the bank, as well as from the interval specified in the relevant agreement with the bank. In any case, such interval cannot exceed the maximum limits.

Clause 2 of the Procedure determines that to calculate the size of the limit, an enterprise can use the total volume of cash issued from the organization’s cash desk. If the enterprise is recently created and does not have a total volume of cash issued from the cash register, then the planned volumes of cash issued from the cash register should be taken into account.

“Cash balance limit” = “Volume of cash issued for the billing period” / “Cash period from 1 to 92 days” x “Number of days between days of receiving cash at the bank”

As follows from the content of paragraph 2 of the Procedure, the billing period is any number of days for which the funds issued are accounted for. The specified number of days is arbitrarily selected by the enterprise. However, this number of days cannot be less than 1 or more than 92. The indicated days are working days.

The number of days between the days of receiving cash from a bank check should be determined within 7 working days and indicated in the calculation exactly in working days. If the enterprise or its separate structure is located in an area where there are no banks, then this period can be extended to 14 working days. The specified interval is determined by the enterprise independently. It can be determined arbitrarily within the specified limits or based on the actual interval of receiving cash from the bank, but with mandatory consideration of the specified limits. The specified interval does not include days of receiving cash for payment of wages, scholarships and other payments in favor of employees.

It is important to take into account that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, having approved the Procedure, provided each enterprise with a fairly wide field for maneuver in terms of the possibility of establishing the most acceptable limit based on the most convenient periods for the enterprise to deposit cash in the bank or receive cash from the bank.

In any case and with any method of calculating the limit on the cash balance at the cash desk of an enterprise, such a limit must be calculated in rubles of the Russian Federation. This rule directly follows from the content of the formulas given by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Procedure.

The Bank of Russia in this Procedure did not indicate whether an enterprise should set limits in whole rubles or whether it has the right to introduce limits containing kopecks. As the Federal Tax Service indicated in letter No. ED-4-2/4116@ with reference to Letter of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 36-3/1876, the enterprise should round limits to whole rubles according to the rules of mathematical rounding. Such rounding does not lead to a violation of cash discipline and does not create an administrative offense.

Setting limits

Paragraph 2 of the Directives of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation directly stipulates that an enterprise that uses cash in its activities sets limits on the balance of such funds in the cash register by issuing an administrative document.

In current practice, such an administrative document is an order from the general director of the enterprise to set limits.

It should be noted that neither the regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation nor other provisions of domestic legislation contain special requirements for the order on the cash limit. Considering that the establishment of a cash limit is associated with the ability of an enterprise to accumulate cash within the limit, such an order must necessarily reflect information about the size of the limits, the beginning of the application of the limits and the period of their validity. The order should also include a calculation of the limits.

Taking into account the fact that there are no mandatory requirements for the form and content of such an order, each enterprise has the right to issue such an order in any form, as well as include provisions not specified above.

Instead of a conclusion, it should be noted that each enterprise has the right to recalculate the limits at any time. At the same time, the limits may not be recalculated if the indicators used in the calculation subsequently change. This is directly stated in paragraphs 8, 9 of the Letter of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 36-3/25.

In addition, it should be noted that individual entrepreneurs and small businesses may not set limits.

Sample order for cash limit for 2017

Organizations working with cash this year must have a cash register. Its presence implies the need to draw up an order for the cash limit for 2017. We will consider the features of this document and the required details in the article.

Having a cash register requires filling out a cash book. It is this that allows you to track the movement of money from the cash register. Responsibilities for making entries lie either with the head of the enterprise or with the cashier (accountant). The cash book has a line to indicate the balance at the end of each business day. Their values ​​should not exceed the established limit.

If the organization generates surpluses, they must be sent for collection or to a servicing financial institution. Otherwise, the regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 373-P will be violated. This will result in penalties.

To ensure that the organization does not have surpluses, the cashier must monitor cash receipts, and the head of the enterprise must draw up an order for the cash limit for 2017 in a timely manner. The sample will help you enter all the necessary details correctly.

This applies to:


These categories were allowed not to use limits since June 1, 2014. If an organization does not know whether it belongs to the SMP, then the criteria can be found in Federal Law No. 209-FZ. For example, if the number of employees does not exceed 100 people, then such an organization will be considered a small business entity.

In case of loss of SMP status, the organization is obliged to immediately calculate the cash limit and issue an order.

Features of drawing up an order

Before drawing up an order, the organization must choose a suitable calculation formula for itself. If a company accepts payment for goods and services in cash, then the calculation must be made based on the volume of receipts, otherwise - on the amount of payments made minus wages and benefits.

It must contain the following details:

Full name of the organization;
number and name of the order;
date of compilation;
city ​​of compilation;
period of validity (this can be not only a year, but also a quarter, a month, you don’t have to specify a time frame at all, but then the document will be valid until a new order is adopted or the current one is cancelled);
the size of the established limit (indicated in rubles);
the period between the delivery or receipt (depending on the payment method) of cash is indicated in working days.

Such a document is signed by the head of the organization. It is important to specify who will control the execution of the order. Here you can specify the chief accountant, for example. If the manager monitors the execution himself, then a note must be made that he reserves responsibility and control over the implementation of the order.

Order to cancel the limit

If the enterprise has become small or was such, but at its own discretion uses the cash limit, then at any time it can stop using it. But to do this, it is necessary to issue an order to cancel the use of the previous order on limits (its details are indicated). It is imperative to specify the basis for cancellation - assignment to SMP or individual entrepreneur.

If a permanent order was previously drawn up, issuing a new one will cancel its effect automatically.

Cash limit for small businesses in 2017

Today in Russia, small businesses receive benefits under the cash limit. Thus, representatives of small businesses received an abolition of the restriction on the amount of money stored. They can keep as many financial resources as they want in the cash register. However, entrepreneurs can use this benefit only from the moment when the corresponding instruction is issued to the enterprise in the form of an order.

Cash balance limit for 2017 for small businesses latest news

Benefits apply only to small firms. These include companies with an income of up to 800 million rubles over the past year, which do not have more than half of third-party organizations and more than a quarter of funds among their founders, and whose number of employees over the past year does not exceed one hundred.

It is worth saying that for small organizations there is no need to coordinate with anyone an order on the cash limit in the cash register. There are several options for counting. One of them is as follows: the volume of cash receipts in rubles is divided by the billing period and multiplied by the period between the days the money is deposited at the bank.

Calculation of the cash limit for small businesses in 2017

A sample order and calculation of the balance are carried out depending on whether there is revenue or not. Thus, the restriction in the presence of revenue is calculated as follows: the total volume of receipts for goods sold is divided by the billing period, and then multiplied by the number of working days between delivery operations to a banking organization. If there is no revenue, then the calculation looks different: the amount of cash issued is divided by the established billing period and multiplied by the time between receiving cash from the bank.

Cancellation of the cash limit for small businesses by law

The main criterion for an enterprise to have the right to cancel the cash balance limit is to be included in the list of small businesses. A representative of a small business can be recognized as a company that has an income of 800 million rubles per year, while the average number of employees per year should not exceed 100. In this case, restrictions on cash balances can be lifted. This decision is made by the head of the company, and it is approved in the form of an order.

Order to cancel the cash limit for small businesses

If you, as a manager, draw up an order for the limit to be lifted at your micro-enterprise or small enterprise, then it will serve as the main basis for the absence of these restrictions. Therefore, you can store the amount you want without depositing it in the bank. This benefit is provided for all small business representatives without exception. In this case, the procedure is such that in the document itself you refer to the instructions from the Bank of Russia.

Sample order to cancel the cash limit for small businesses

A sample will be presented for an individual entrepreneur. At the top of the sheet, write down the words “Individual Entrepreneur” and your last name. Below in the center place the word “Order” and its specific number. Next, enter the year and date. Next, write down that “Based on Directive number 3210 from the Bank of Russia...”, where the three dots are, enter the full name of this official document. In the next line there is a place for the word “I order.” From a new line, indicate that in this order you are canceling another order on the limit and now you can store funds for enterprises without restrictions on the balance. All that remains is to sign.

Is a cash limit necessary for small businesses - expert opinion

Experts' opinions on this matter are divided. The first believe that by lifting restrictions on cash balances, entrepreneurs will get rid of unnecessary headaches: by issuing one order for the organization, it will be possible not to track balances at the end of the working day and actively use them for needs. Others, on the contrary, believe that periodically depositing money in the bank is a guarantee of the safety of finances.

Formula for calculating the cash limit for 2017

An appendix is ​​given to Regulation No. 373-P, which gives the formula for calculating the cash limit at the cash register:

L = V / P * N,

Where L is the cash limit,

V is the volume of all receipts for the billing period,

N is the number of days from one cash deposit to the bank to another deposit (must not exceed 7 working days).

If there are no receipts at the cash desk, the calculation is made using the following formula:

L = R / P * N,

Where L is the cash limit,

R - the volume of all funds issued, with the exception of salaries and social benefits. payments for the billing period,

P - billing period, which should be no more than 92 days,

N is the number of days from one receipt of cash by check at the bank to another receipt, except for funds intended for payment of salaries and social benefits. payments (must not exceed 7 working days).

The new year for accountants begins with a mandatory procedure - setting a cash limit. This is dictated by the regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 373-P. It follows from it that all organizations and individual entrepreneurs are required to determine the limit of cash held in the cash register of the enterprise.

Organizations and entrepreneurs must keep funds exceeding the cash limit at the end of the day in bank accounts.

Exceeding the established limit is permissible only on those days when salary payments or other social payments are scheduled.

Working with cash documents is allowed only to those responsible persons of the organization whose right to do so is secured by the relevant documents (order of the manager).

Information about the established limit is fixed in the administrative document. For example, in an order, which must be signed by the manager and certified with a seal. However, in order not to get into trouble, you need to correctly calculate the limit.

In this article:

  • what is a cash limit;

  • who is obliged to comply with the cash limit;

  • how to calculate the cash balance limit in the cash register if the LLC receives cash proceeds;

  • how to calculate the cash balance limit in the cash register if the LLC does not receive cash proceeds;

  • limit for a newly created organization;

  • a fine for accumulating cash in the organization’s cash register in excess of the established limit;

  • sample order establishing a cash balance limit for organizations that receive cash proceeds and those that do not.

The cash register limit is the maximum allowable amount of cash that can be held in the cash register after the cash balance at the end of the business day has been displayed in the cash book. This limit is determined in accordance with the instructions of the Bank of Russia No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014. The size of the cash balance limit in the cash register must be calculated at least once during the entire existence of the company. Since, if a limit has not been set, then the amount of cash available for storage in the cash register at the end of the working day will automatically be zero. That is, an organization or individual entrepreneur will not have the right to leave money after the end of the working day.

The cash limit is established by the corresponding order of the manager. The order can be issued for any time period, since the legislation does not establish its validity period. Therefore, organizations and individual entrepreneurs can change the limit when necessary. The frequency of such changes is also not important; it is determined only by convenience and necessity. Thus, recalculation can be organized either every quarter or every 5 years.

Who is required to comply with the cash limit?

All organizations and individual entrepreneurs operating in the Russian Federation are required to follow the procedure for conducting cash transactions. Consequently, they are also responsible for setting a limit on the cash balance in the cash register. The taxation system in which the taxpayer is located, as well as the organizational and legal form, do not have any influence on this rule of law.

By Directive of the Bank of Russia dated March 11, 2014 No. 3210-U, clause 2, as well as the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in Article 346.26 clause 5 and Article 346.11 clause 4, it was determined that from June 1, 2015, small businesses and individual entrepreneurs can refuse to set a cash balance limit and keep an unlimited amount of cash proceeds in the cash register. In order to take advantage of this provision of the law, it is necessary to cancel the previously established limit by an appropriate order, and issue an order establishing a date from which the cash limit will not be established.

The LLC receives revenue in cash. How, in this case, is the cash balance limit calculated?

The cash balance limit in this case will be calculated using a formula based on the volume of cash proceeds. This formula looks like this:

limit = revenue ÷ RP × Day, Where:

  • revenue - the amount of money received from the sale of goods and services for a certain billing period;
  • RP - a certain billing period;
  • DT - the period of time between days in which cash was deposited into bank accounts.

There are certain restrictions on the duration of these periods. A time period longer than 92 days cannot be accepted as a calculation period. The minimum period, however, is not specified. There cannot be a gap of more than 7 working days between the days of transferring funds to the bank. However, there is an exception: for settlements where there are no working bank branches, the period for depositing cash increases to 14 working days.

Trade LLC decided to set a cash balance limit for 2017. Management used the calculation period for October 2016 as initial data. For this month, the total revenue amounted to 295,000 rubles. The operating hours of this organization’s store did not include weekends, which means that work was carried out every day during the calendar month. Cash was transferred to the bank every two days (one day they are not transferred, the next day they are transferred).

So, the amount of revenue is 295,000. The billing period is 31 days. The period for depositing proceeds to the bank is 2 days. These indicators, substituted into the stated formula, form the following equation and the final result:

RUB 295,000 ÷ 31 days × 2 days = 19,032 rub.

Thus, the cash limit of Trade LLC is 19,032 rubles.

Sample order to establish a cash balance limit for organizations receiving cash proceeds:

The LLC does not receive cash proceeds. How, in this case, is the cash balance limit calculated?

Such a system of conducting business is based on the following: the organization does not sell goods for cash. Clients make payments by bank transfer. Cash is sometimes withdrawn by management from a bank account to pay staff, as well as for other business needs of the enterprise. In this case, the cash balance limit in the cash register is calculated based on the volume of funds issued from the cash register. This formula looks like this:

limit = dispensed volume ÷ RP × Day, Where:

  • volume of issue - the volume of cash issued during the billing period;
  • RP - settlement period within which cash was issued;
  • Day - the period between the days of receiving cash from the bank.

When determining the volume of distribution, it is important to take into account that it does not include amounts received for employee payments (salaries, scholarships, bonuses and other social payments).

The same time restrictions will apply here as for organizations receiving cash proceeds. This means that the billing period can be any, but no more than 92 working days; there is no minimum value. The number of days between receiving cash from the bank cannot be more than 7 working days in cities with open banking points and, accordingly, also no more than 14 working days for cities where there are no banking points.

Example of calculating cash balance:

Agora LLC has no cash proceeds. Clients of this organization transfer funds to a bank account. Periodically, the company withdraws cash from the bank to pay salaries and business expenses. Agora LLC determines the cash balance limit in the cash register for 2017. The accounting department takes October 2016 as the billing period. Revenue for October 2016 amounted to 823,300 rubles in cash. In October 2016, 123,300 rubles were withdrawn from the current account for cash payments to the supplier of materials. Salaries to employees were not paid from the cash register during this period. In October there were 20 working days, money was withdrawn from the bank after three days.

Each reporting period, the accounting department or the head of the enterprise himself must determine how much cash can be kept in the cash register. This obligation is provided for by the regulation of the Central Bank of Russia No. 373-P dated October 12, 2011. The cash balance limit for 2018 should be calculated not only by legal entities, but also by private entrepreneurs.

Many organizations prefer to use non-cash payments. But some of them have to accept or issue cash. For example, employees may receive wages or benefits in person. The list of situations allowing the use of cash is not limited by law. But the availability of money obliges the company to calculate the cash limit for 2018.

All legal entities must have a cash register if they use cash. But the amount of funds in the cash register is limited to the maximum permissible value. Each company will have its own. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not provide general values ​​in its regulations, but it gives several formulas with the help of which the cash limit for 2018 should be established.

The presence of a cash register obliges the organization to fill out a cash book. Data is transferred to it from cash documents signed by the following persons:

  • the head of the enterprise, if he independently conducts operations;
  • cashier and accountant, if they have relevant responsibilities.

The cash book allows you to track the movement of cash in it (receipt, expense). You need to check the data in this document daily, and then indicate the balance amounts. The amount of remaining funds should not exceed the cash limit for 2018 established by the manager’s order.

Otherwise, the perpetrators will bear administrative responsibility. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for the following penalties for this offense:

In order not to break the law, the enterprise must know how to calculate the cash limit for 2018.

Formulas used in calculations

The above-mentioned regulation of the Central Bank provides several formulas for calculation. But each of them should be used only in specific cases.

With the receipt of money

If an organization not only issues, but also receives cash, then when calculating it is obliged to take into account the amount of receipts. How to calculate the cash limit for 2018 in this case? Using the following formula:

Limit = (<сумма всех поступлений за выбранный период> / <количество дней в расчетном периоде>) * <число дней между сдачами наличных в отделение банка>

The period taken cannot be more than 92 days (3 months is the maximum period), and you cannot deposit cash at the bank less than once a week. A sample calculation of the cash limit for 2017 will help you understand the calculation procedure.

Example. The organization received 850,000 rubles in cash in January 2018 (17 working days). At the same time, cash delivery in the company occurs once every 5 days. Hence the limit will be equal to: (850,000/17)*5 = 250,000 rubles.

No cash receipt

If the enterprise does not receive cash, but only uses it, then the cash register limit for 2018 should be calculated using the previously given formula, only instead of the sum of all receipts, you need to substitute the total amount of money issued for this period, excluding wages and social benefits. Let's look at an example for clarity.

Example. In January 2018 (17 days), the company paid 1,450,000 rubles from the cash register, of which 600,000 rubles were spent on wages (remember that on payment days the limit may not be observed). The organization's clients use only cashless payments to pay for goods. Funds are received at the cash desk once every 6 days from the bank by check. How to set a cash limit in 2017 in this case? The calculations will be as follows: ((1,450,000 – 600,000)/17)*6 = 300,000 rubles.

The formulas for calculating the limit are simple and clear; the calculations should not raise questions for the accountant if the cash book is maintained correctly.

The current one is established by Directive of the Central Bank of Russia No. 3210-U.

According to the updated rules, entrepreneurs and organizations engaged in commercial activities are required to have an approved cash limit.

What it is?

The cash limit is the maximum established amount of cash to be kept in the cash register of a business entity. Excess funds must be transferred to the organization's current account opened with a bank. The fixed balance may be exceeded only during the period of payment of scholarships, wages, benefits and other payments, as well as on holidays and non-working days (subject to transactions being carried out on these days).

Setting a limit allows you to reduce the amount of cash in circulation, which greatly simplifies the implementation of monetary transactions.

Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3210-U determines that the maximum permissible amount of cash at the end of the day calculated by organizations independently, but using approved formulas. This measure, on the one hand, regulates the procedure for calculating the carry-over balance, and on the other, allows it to be brought closer to a “convenient” value for a particular entity.

If an organization does not have an approved limit, then it is considered zero. This means that you cannot store money in the cash register. For any violation of the procedure for handling cash and conducting financial transactions, the entity may be held administratively liable and fined.

Which companies may not install it?

Cash balance amount must be established by all legal entities regardless of their legal form and the taxation system used.

According to paragraph 2 of the Directive of the Central Bank of Russia No. 3210-U, an exception is made for small businesses, which include individual entrepreneurs. These business participants are allowed a simplified scheme for conducting cash transactions without approval of a limited balance.

A company is classified as a small business if it meets the following criteria:

  • annual revenue does not exceed 800 million rubles;
  • the average number of employees is no more than 100 people;
  • the share of third parties in the authorized capital is not higher than 49%.

If an organization suddenly has the right to cancel the limit, it can do so at any time. To do this, it is necessary to issue an appropriate order. Only its presence means that the company can keep any amount of money in the cash register and dispose of cash at its discretion.

How often should it be installed?

The rules for conducting cash transactions in the Russian Federation do not provide for specific deadlines for establishing the limit, as well as grounds for its revision. This means that the need to recalculate the cash balance in the cash register is determined by the organization independently.

As a rule, the decision on the validity period of the cash limit remains with the manager and is documented in the relevant order.

It is most advisable to install it for a reasonable period - a quarter, half a year, a year. After the expiration of the order, it is necessary to extend its period or issue a new document. The absence of an indication of the validity period in the order means that the organization can apply the established figures indefinitely.

In the event of a significant change in such performance indicators as the amount of incoming revenue or the amount of cash issued, you can always recalculate the balance and issue a new order.

Calculation formulas with examples

According to Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3210-U, there are two main options for calculating the carry-over balance. Their difference is that in one case the basis is data on cash revenues, in the second – information on cash expenses.

However, there is no direct indication of which formula is preferable for a particular organization. This means that now business entities are free to decide for themselves which calculation method to use, and can choose the most convenient and profitable option for themselves.

When calculating based on cash proceeds the following formula is used:

L=V/P*N, Where

  • V is the received revenue in the form of cash for a certain period of time. For newly formed organizations, estimated earnings are taken into account.
  • P – period of time in working days, not exceeding 92 days, for which the volume of revenue in question was received. It turns out that when calculating, you can use even one working day or take into account the peak period in terms of revenue volumes (for example, the weeks before New Year).
  • N – time period in working days, reflecting the frequency of depositing funds to the bank, but not exceeding 7 working days, and in the absence of a banking institution in the locality - 14 days.

Let's look at an example. The company sets a limit for 2018 and takes as its calculation base the peak period in its work - April-May 2015, which is 61 working days. During this period, cash proceeds in the amount of 1,500,000 rubles were received. Funds are deposited at the bank every three days. This means that the carryover balance for this organization will be:

  • L = 1,500,000 / 61 * 3 = 73,770 (round up to whole rubles).

Second calculation formula based on cash expenses convenient to use when a business entity has insignificant or non-existent cash receipts:

L=R/P*N, Where

  • R is the cash issued for a certain period in rubles, not counting the following payments: wages, vacation pay, benefits, scholarships, etc. Organizations created for the first time use the expected amount of issue to calculate.
  • P – period of time in working days for which funds were issued. It can range from 1 to 92 days.
  • N – time period for receiving cash from a banking institution (excluding wages, benefits, etc.). This period is also no more than 7 working days, if there is no bank nearby - 14 days.

Calculation example. The company sets the limit for 2019. The basis is the volume of cash expenses incurred in September 2018. With a five-day working week, the billing period is 22 working days. Cash payments to counterparties for this month amounted to 450,000 rubles. Money is withdrawn from the bank account every four days.

Let's calculate the limit:

  • L = 450,000 / 22 * ​​4 = 81,818 (we also round to whole rubles).

Registration of orders

The decision taken by an economic entity on the method of calculating the limit, its size and validity period must be described in local acts, formalized as an administrative document and stored in the prescribed manner.

As a rule, an order is issued establishing a cash limit and the procedure for determining it. A calculation of the carry-over balance must be attached to the order to understand how the approved figure was obtained. No approval from the bank is required, the signature of the head of the organization is sufficient.

If during the year there are objective grounds for changing the amount (for example, an increase in revenue or a reduction in production), then it can be revised at any time by issuing a new order. For small businesses, it is mandatory to have an order to cancel the limit, confirming their right not to have a limited balance.