Railway construction companies. Design and construction of railway lines. Railway high-speed lines

3.1.1 The reconstruction of the railway track is carried out in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation regulating the general principles, technical parameters, standards and requirements for the production of the reconstruction of the railway track, including appointment criteria, preparation of projects with survey and survey work, organization and technology of work , acceptance and commissioning of the track after its reconstruction.

Reconstruction (modernization) of the railway track is aimed at increasing the strength, bearing capacity, stability, durability and other indicators of the reliability of both the railway track as a whole and its components and elements, ensuring the extension of the life cycle, reducing the labor intensity and cost of maintenance of the track and obtaining economic effect during its operation.

3.1.2. The reconstruction (modernization) of the railway track includes works that lead to a change in the category of the track, as well as to an increase in the carrying capacity of artificial structures, the ability of the track and artificial structures to bear increased axial and linear loads, a change in spatial characteristics (plan and profile of the track, geometry of the ballast prism, earth canvases, oversized places), changing the design of the track with the installation of new drainage, protective and fortifying structures. After reconstruction, the track can also be upgraded to a higher class, depending on the operating conditions.

In contrast to the overhaul, when work is performed only on the superstructure of the track (replacement of a worn-out rail and sleeper grid on wooden or reinforced concrete sleepers without rearranging the position of the track in plan and profile, cleaning or replacing the ballast), as well as cleaning of drainage systems, during the reconstruction of the railway track, in addition to work on the superstructure of the track, a set of works is being carried out to improve the plan and profile of the track, on the subgrade, small and medium-sized bridges and other engineering structures, as well as related work on signaling and power supply systems.

3.1.3. Works on the reconstruction of the railway track are carried out as part of a comprehensive reconstruction of the infrastructure if it is necessary to increase the throughput and (or) carrying capacity of sections, a comprehensive update of the parameters of the track device, power supply, automation and telemechanics, communications, as well as when freight cars with an axle load above 25 are put into circulation. tons per axle and organization of high-speed (from 141 km/h to 200 km/h) and high-speed (more than 200 km/h) movement of passenger trains.

The performance of individual works and their sets, aimed at improving the technical level of individual railway track facilities and mainly performed according to standard technological processes or their modifications, refers to the modernization of the railway track.

3.1.4. Reconstruction of the railway track, which requires changes in the longitudinal profile and plan (liquidation of profile fractures, reduction of track slopes to standard values, etc.), associated with large volumes of excavation and other works, should be carried out as part of a comprehensive reconstruction of the railway line infrastructure.

The reconstruction of the railway track, on which the circulation of passenger trains with speeds of more than 200 km/h is planned, should be carried out as part of a comprehensive reconstruction of the infrastructure of the railway line in accordance with specially developed standards and requirements.

The reconstruction of the railway track should be carried out primarily on lines of 1-3 classes, which are being prepared for the high-speed movement of passenger trains, increasing the throughput and carrying capacity, and increasing the load on the axle.

The reconstruction of the railway track is carried out according to specially developed projects, taking into account the feasibility study of the design decisions made under the investment program.

Reconstruction of large bridges, tunnels, galleries and road overpasses should be carried out according to separate project documentation.

3.1.6. Scope of work during the reconstruction of the railway track. According to the plan, profile and superstructure of the track:

Replacement of the rail-sleeper grating with a new grating using progressive track designs;

Putting the track in the design position in the plan and bringing the lengths of transition curves and straight inserts between adjacent curves in line with the maximum projected train speeds provided for by the design documentation for the reconstruction of the track;

Elongation of transition curves and straight inserts, elimination of the multi-radius curves formed during operation according to the approved design documentation;

Partial reorganization of profile elements and their combinations to the established standards;

Complex replacement of turnouts, incl. for turnouts of flatter grades;

Laying curvilinear turnouts in the necks of stations located in curves, or removal of turnouts from curves;

Elimination of oversized places (elimination of oversized bridges and tunnels is carried out according to separate project documentation);

Cleaning a crushed stone ballast prism to a depth of at least 40 cm or replacing asbestos ballast (crushed stone) that does not meet the requirements of this Regulation. Formation and compaction of the ballast layer in accordance with the requirements of the design (or working) documentation for the reconstruction of the railway track;

Bringing the ballast prism to standard sizes;

Straightening, tamping and stabilization of the track with its setting on the design marks in the profile;

Welding of lashes up to the length of the haul, including turnouts;

Grinding of the rail tread surface;

Post-settlement straightening of the track (in 10÷30 million gross tons)

Utilization of removed elements of the superstructure of the track, unsuitable for re-laying on the track.

Work on the superstructure of the track should be carried out only after the completion of work on the reconstruction and repair of artificial structures and subgrade. By subgrade:

Carrying out anti-deformation measures with the elimination of defects in the subgrade, including the installation of a bearing sub-ballast layer of sand and gravel in places where the bearing capacity of the soil of the main subgrade area is not ensured and there is an increased intensity of the disorder of the geometry of the rail track in plan and profile, as well as frost heaving ;

Elimination of the narrowed width of the main platform;

Position of slopes of embankments and excavations;

Cutting shoulders at the level of the sole of the new ballast prism;

Cutting and cleaning of deposits of ballast pollutants on the slopes of excavations, embankments and zero places;

Disclosure of earned zero places and small excavations;

Restoration of drainage channels and drainages, installation of new drainage trays and drainages using progressive designs when the hydrological situation changes during operation;

Arrangement of sub-sump drainages and trays at platforms at stations;

Arrangement of protective structures in rocky-landslide and avalanche-prone areas.

During the reconstruction of the exploited subgrade, other works provided for by the project documentation are also carried out. On small and medium bridges (overpasses) and culverts.

The scope of work during the reconstruction of small and medium-sized bridges (overpasses) and culverts is determined by the results of their examinations or tests and may include the following types:

Replacement of filtering embankments with bridges and pipes;

Reconstruction of artificial structures in order to increase the speed of movement and the loads acting on them;

Arrangement of transition sections of the track of variable stiffness at the approaches to bridges (overpasses);

Extension of culverts when widening the main area of ​​the subgrade and positioning of slopes;

Increasing the culvert capacity of small bridges and pipes, if during their operation there were difficulties with the passage of flood and storm water.

During the reconstruction of operated bridges (overpasses) and culverts, other works provided for by the design documentation are also carried out. Related work:

Restoration of kilometer and picket marks, as well as signs of fixing curves, taking into account their new position;

Bringing the right-of-way in line with the standards;

Installation of track lubricators;

Equipment of centralized turnouts on the main tracks, exits of the main tracks and receiving and departure tracks with electric heating or automatic air blowing devices;

Reconstruction of railway crossings;

Arrangement of technological automobile approaches to the railway track;

Arrangement of heating points;

Fencing along the railway track;

Creation of reference networks in the areas of reconstruction of the railway track;

Arrangement of temporary congresses.

Works technologically related to the production of works on the reconstruction of the railway track:

Single-track two-way automatic signaling device;

Rearrangement of contact network supports;

Electrification of temporary ramps;

Arrangement of means for controlling temporary turnouts;

Arrangement of temporary sectional insulators;

Removal of cables from the reconstruction area;

Alarm device at equipped pedestrian crossings;

Installation of protective boxes for throttle jumpers.

3.2. Overhaul of the track on new materials is intended for complete replacement of the worn-out rail-sleeper grid on tracks of classes 1 and 2 (turnouts on tracks of classes 1–3) and restoration of the bearing capacity of the ballast prism, and unlike the reconstruction (modernization) of the railway track, it includes only work on the superstructure of the track , as well as the restoration of the culvert capacity of drainage systems.

After a major overhaul on new materials, the category and class of the track do not change.

3.2.1. The overhaul of the track on new materials is carried out taking into account its actual condition with the standard operating time of the track after the reconstruction or previous overhaul on new materials

3.2.2. The overhaul of the track on new materials is carried out in accordance with the design documentation, taking into account local conditions, the condition of the track before repair, survey results, requirements for the track after repair, etc.

3.2.3. The overhaul on new materials includes the following main types of work:

Replacement of the rail-sleeper grid with a new grid, including those with elements of a higher technical level (reinforced concrete sleepers, elastic fastenings, etc.);

Replacement of railroad switches with new switches of the same type, including those with elements of a higher technical level;

Cleaning the crushed stone ballast prism to a depth in accordance with the project, but not less than 40 cm, with the device (if necessary) of a separating coating between the cleaned crushed stone and the main platform of the subgrade (cut surface when cleaning crushed stone);

Cutting of roadsides;

Straightening, tamping and stabilization of the track with setting to design marks in the profile;

Bringing the ballast prism to the required dimensions;

Putting the track on the axis in plan and bringing the lengths of the transition curves and straight inserts between adjacent curves in line with the train speeds provided for by the design documentation for the overhaul;

Elimination of the multi-radius curves formed during the operation;

Cleaning and layout of drainage systems;

Cutting and cleaning of deposits of ballast pollutants on the slopes of cuts and embankments;

Bringing the right-of-way in line with regulatory requirements;

Welding of lashes to the length of a block section or span, including turnouts;

Grinding of the rolling surface of rails, turnouts and other works provided for by the project;

Post-settlement straightening of the track (in 10÷30 million tons).

3.2.4. The following additional works may be included in the overhaul of the track on new materials:

Complete cutting of a ballast prism made of asbestos, crushed stone of weak rocks, or a combination of them, to a depth of at least 40 cm below the bottom of the sleepers with the laying of a separating coating on the main subgrade area (cutting surface during cutting);

Partial positioning of curves, lengthening of transition curves and straight inserts, if this does not require additional delivery of soil and replacement or rearrangement of contact network supports in the amount of more than 5%;

Other works provided by the project.

3.2.5. Additional types of work included in the overhaul of the track on new materials are provided for by the project in the following cases:

If the repaired section of the track has not previously been subjected to reconstruction, in which these works are carried out;

If the actual state of the track based on the results of the survey and the operating conditions require the performance of the specified work, and the reconstruction of the railway track in this section is not provided.

Overhaul of the track on old-year materials is designed to replace the rail-sleeper grid with a more powerful or less worn one on tracks of classes 3-5 (turnouts on tracks of classes 4 and 5), assembled from old-year rails, new and old-fashioned sleepers and fasteners.

3.3.1. The composition of the main works included in the scope of the overhaul on old materials is similar to the composition of the main works included in the scope of the overhaul of the track on new materials.

3.3.2. Overhaul of the track on old-age materials can be carried out both in a complex with the removal and laying of a rail-sleeper grid by a laying machined complex, and in a separate way with the replacement of rails, fasteners, sleepers.

3.4. Continuous replacement of rails and metal parts of turnouts designed to renew rails and turnouts in order to increase the overhaul period between the reconstruction of the railway track, overhauls on new and old materials.

3.4.1. A continuous replacement of rails with new and old-year ones is assigned with the same maximum allowable number of single rail exits as in the appointment of reconstruction and overhaul of the track on new or old-year materials. The type of related work, the number of fasteners and sleepers requiring replacement are determined based on the results of the track inspection.

A complete replacement of rails is appointed instead of a major overhaul if the additional criteria given in tables 6.1 and 6.2 of defective unusable sleepers, fasteners and splashes turn out to be less than the tabular ones by 1/3 or more or based on a feasibility study.

3.4.2. Continuous replacement of rails can have several varieties in terms of the scope of work. Continuous replacement of rails with new ones, accompanied by work in the scope of medium or enhanced medium repair of the track and in the period between major repairs of seamless track with reinforced concrete sleepers in sections with a traffic density of more than 50 million tkm gross / km per year. Continuous replacement of old-year rails in the areas of enhanced medium repairs on reinforced concrete sleepers in cases where there are sections with rails with a total exit to sharply defective rails in accordance with Table 6.2. At the same time, defective fasteners are replaced at the rail replacement sites. Continuous replacement of old-year rails is prescribed in sections of the link track with rails of type P65 without heat treatment or type P50 and lighter and healthier sleeper facilities and ballast layer. In this case, the replacement of the rails is accompanied by a lifting repair of the track. Additional continuous replacement of rails with new or old-year ones in curved sections due to the limiting value of lateral wear of their head, regulated by the instructions for the current maintenance of the railway track, is accompanied by lifting repairs or scheduled preventive straightening.

3.4.3. The complete replacement of the metal parts of the turnouts should coincide in time with the complete replacement of the rails, provided that at least 2/3 of the standard tonnage passes through the turnouts and the presence of unusable bars in the amount of at least 2/3 of those indicated in Table. 6.3.

3.5. Reinforced medium track repair is designed to increase the bearing capacity of the ballast prism and subgrade, including the main platform, bring the longitudinal profile of the track to the design level, restore the required dimensions of the ballast prism, replace weak ballast rocks with hard rock crushed stone, lay special coatings on the main subgrade area, etc.

3.5.1. Enhanced medium repairs are carried out in accordance with projects that take into account local conditions, the state of the rail grid, ballast layer, subgrade, including the main site, survey results, track requirements after repairs, etc.

3.5.2. Enhanced medium track repair is carried out in areas where the reconstruction of the railway track was not carried out, or previous major repairs were carried out without complying with the requirements of resource-saving technologies (insufficient cleaning depth, weak rock ballast was not replaced with hard rock crushed stone, track elevation exceeds the allowable values, the dimensions of the ballast prism are not meet modern requirements, there are no shoulders or have a size less than the established one, there are no separating coatings on the main subgrade area, etc.).

3.5.3. Depending on the condition of the track, the following main types of work may be included in the enhanced average track repair:

Cleaning of crushed stone to the depth set by the project and allowing to bring the longitudinal profile to the design level and restore the required dimensions of the ballast prism;

Cutting of the ballast of weak rocks to the depth established by the project and allowing to bring the elevation of the longitudinal profile to the design one and restore the required dimensions of the ballast prism;

Laying coatings on the main subgrade area (cut surface) in the process of cleaning crushed stone or cutting ballast of weak rocks;

Formation and compaction of a new ballast prism from crushed stone of hard rocks;

Widening of the main area of ​​the subgrade with the restoration of its transverse slope;

Curb cutting;

Liquidation of abysses;

Position of embankment slopes;

Restoration and repair of drainage systems and drainage devices;

Replacement of fasteners and sleepers in the volumes provided for by the project documentation;

Continuous replacement of rail pads, replacement of two-turn washers in leveling spans and at the ends of lashes with a length of 50-75 m;

Repair of railway crossings;

Single replacement of defective rails;

Adjustment of gaps on the link path;

Removal of deep cards and shims;

Grinding of rails and turnouts;

Post-settlement straightening of the track (in 10÷30 million gross tons);

Restoration of signs: kilometer, picket, benchmarks of the beginning and end of circular curves; beginning, middle and end of transition curves;

Other works stipulated by the project documentation.

3.5.4. Enhanced average track repair is carried out instead of average track repair if:

The repaired section of the railway track has not been previously reconstructed;

The overhaul of the track on new materials was carried out with the thickness of the crushed stone layer under the sleeper less than provided in Table 4.2;

The crushed stone of weak rocks or asbestos ballast was not replaced with crushed stone of hard rocks;

It is required to strengthen the main platform of the subgrade, but it is not advisable to carry out reconstruction or major repairs according to the criteria for their purpose;

The actual state of the track based on the results of the survey and the conditions of its operation require the performance of works included in the scope of enhanced medium repair, and the reconstruction of the railway track in this section is not provided.

3.6. Medium track repair designed to restore the drainage and strength properties of the ballast prism and increase the degree of equal strength of the upper structure.

3.6.1. The average track repair is carried out depending on the repair schemes in the interval between major repairs or in the interval between major repairs and a continuous change of rails.

3.6.2. The average track repair includes the following main types of work:

Continuous cleaning of crushed stone ballast to a depth under the sleeper of at least 25 cm with the addition of new ballast, or renewal of contaminated ballast of other types to a depth of at least 15 cm under the sole of the sleepers;

Replacement of all unusable fastening elements, rubber under-rail pads in equalizing spans, at the ends of lashes of 50-75 m and in the area of ​​welded joints;

Replacement of defective rails or defective sections of the whip;

Replacement of unusable and defective sleepers in the amount that excludes their single release within 3 years;

Adjustment or dispersal of butt gaps on the link track;

Removal of heaving pads and shims;

Correction of the track in plan and profile with the setting of curves in the design (passport) position;

Lubrication and fixing of embedded and terminal bolts;

Editing of welded joints;

Repair of railway crossings;

Grinding of rolling surfaces of rails and turnouts;

Restoration of the integrity of the rail strands, welding of the rail strands to the length of the block section and the span, including turnouts and introduction of the seamless track strands to the optimal fixing temperature;

Cleaning and repair of drainage and drainage devices;

Restoration of kilometer and picket marks, signs of fixing curves;

Other works provided by the project and budget documentation.

3.6.3. At turnouts located on tracks subject to medium repair, continuous cleaning of crushed stone ballast and a single replacement of defective elements in the amount of medium repair and welding of joints with aluminothermic welding on turnouts with reinforced concrete beams should also be assigned.

3.7. Lifting track repair is designed to restore the uniform elasticity of the sleeper base by continuous raising and straightening the track with tamping of sleepers, as well as replacing unusable sleepers and partially restoring the draining properties of the ballast and should be carried out as an intermediate type of repair in areas where the railway track was reconstructed or overhauled.

During the lifting repair of the track, the following work is performed:

Replacement of defective rails, unusable sleepers and fastening elements;

Adjustment or dispersal of butt gaps on a link track with wooden sleepers;

Removal of contaminants from under the sole of the rails;

Removal of deep cards, shims;

Continuous fastening of terminal and embedded bolts when fastening KB, ZhBR, monoregulators when fastening ARS, finishing crutches, adjusting anti-thefts;

Editing of rail and welded joints;

Local cleaning of contaminated crushed stone in places of splashes to a depth of at least 10 cm below the base of the sleeper with partial replacement with clean crushed stone, and, if necessary, cleaning of the arm of the ballast prism to a depth of 25-30 cm below the base of the sleeper with crushed stone cleaning machines;

Mechanized liquidation of local splashes to a depth of at least 20-25 cm below the sole of the sleeper;

Continuous straightening of the track in plan and profile with a rise of 5-6 cm with tamping of sleepers, adding ballast and stabilizing the track;

Drainage cleaning;

rail grinding;

3.8. Reinforced lifting track repair should be carried out as an intermediate type of repair and is intended to restore the functionality of the rail and sleeper grid in areas where the track was overhauled. Repairs must be carried out using machine complexes, including machines for changing sleepers.

3.8.1. Reinforced lifting repair of the track can be performed in two ways:

With the replacement of unusable sleepers;

With the replacement of unusable wooden sleepers with reinforced concrete

3.8.2. The scope of works of reinforced lifting repair of the track includes:

Replacement of unusable sleepers, defective rails, fasteners;

Repair of sleepers remaining on the way;

Adjustment and dispersal of butt gaps on the link track;

Removal of shims, fixing the bolts of intermediate fasteners, finishing off crutches, adjusting and adding anti-theft (if necessary);

Editing of rail and welded joints, their grinding and surfacing;

Local cleaning or replacement of contaminated crushed stone in places where splashes appear to a depth of at least 10 cm under the sleeper base, as well as, if necessary, cleaning the ballast prism to a depth of 25-30 cm below the sleeper base with crushed stone cleaning machines;

Straightening in plan and profile of circular and transition curves with setting in the design (passport) position;

Mechanized elimination of local splashes to a depth of at least 20-25 cm below the sole of the sleeper by a special machine;

Continuous straightening, tamping and stabilization of the track with a rise of up to 10 cm with the addition of ballast;

Cleaning and restoration of drainage systems, restoration of track and signal signs.

3.8.3. If the number of unusable wooden sleepers is more than 50%, a major overhaul is prescribed.

3.9. Planned - preventive bearing is carried out in the intervals between track repairs and is intended for continuous straightening of the track and turnouts located on them with tamping of sleepers in order to restore the uniform elasticity of the sleeper base and reduce the degree of uneven deviations in the position of the rail threads in level and in plan, as well as subsidence of the track.

Planned preventive straightening of the track should not be scheduled without prior cleaning or replacement of ballast in areas with ballast contamination of more than 30%.

3.9.1. During the planned preventive straightening of the track, the following works are performed:

Partial replacement of unusable sleepers and fastening elements;

Adjustment or dispersal of butt gaps;

Continuous fastening of terminal and embedded bolts when fastening KB, ZhBR, monoregulators when fastening ARS;

Finishing of crutches and correction of anti-thefts on a link track with wooden sleepers;

Straightening in plan and profile of circular and transition curves with setting in the design (passport) position;

Continuous straightening of the track with tamping of sleepers;

Welding of places for temporary restoration of lashes;

Other works (if required).

As ancillary work during planned preventive straightening of the track, the following are performed:

Removal of heaving pads accumulated during the current maintenance of the track on the track with wooden sleepers and adjusting shims on reinforced concrete;

Cleaning rails and fasteners from dirt;

Ballast trimming under rail soles and in sleeper boxes;

Cleaning weeds from the surface of the ballast prism;

Layout of the ballast prism (if necessary - with additional ballast) and roadbed shoulders;

Cleaning of drains in places of stagnant water.

3.9.2. Planned preventive straightening of the track must be carried out by machine according to the fixed point method or by special computer programs that ensure the setting of the track in the design position, including the reference marks. In this case, the coincidence of the beginnings of transitional and circular curves in terms of elevation and position of the track in the plan must be ensured, compliance with the norms for the slopes of elevation withdrawal.

If necessary, planned preventive straightening should be preceded by work on surfacing rails in joints with crushing or dents, surfacing crosses, bending rails in the joint area with a mobile press or a special machine, followed by polishing the rails.

3.9.3. The appointment of a scheduled preventive alignment after the reconstruction of the railway track and the overhaul of the track is carried out based on the results of checking the track with track measuring cars TsNII-4, KVL-P and field inspection in areas with a small number of unusable sleepers and fasteners, clean ballast (contamination is not more than 30%).

3.10.Rail grinding is designed to prevent or delay the period of formation of contact fatigue defects in the rail head, the formation and maintenance of a given rail profile corresponding to real operating conditions, the elimination of wave-like wear and other surface defects in order to reduce the vibration effects of the rolling stock on the track and ensure its stable condition .

3.10.1. There are three types of rail grinding:

Preventive, which provides for the regular removal of the most damaged metal layer at the stage of slow growth of irregularities and surface cracks, which makes it possible to prevent their accelerated development;

Profile grinding, in which the rail head is ground around the entire perimeter in order to eliminate significant surface defects and recreate a given profile;

Grinding designed to eliminate wave-like wear and other types of short unevenness on the rail tread surface.

3.10.2. The initial grinding of the rails is carried out after the reconstruction of the railway track, the overhaul of the track, as well as after the continuous change of rails, as soon as possible after the above work has been carried out.

3.10.3. The priority of the purpose of grinding, the technology and further frequency of rail grinding is determined by the technical specifications for rail grinding.

Rail grinding is carried out by rail grinding trains.

3.11. All types of repairs listed in paragraphs 3.2 - 3.9 are carried out in accordance with the repair scheme, taking into account the actual state of the track and turnouts, and are financed from the repair fund.

3.12. Other types of track repair work performed at the expense of funds allocated for track repairs:

Continuous replacement of rails with lateral wear in curves*;

Replacement of metal parts of turnouts;

Continuous replacement of beams on turnouts;

Installation of railroad switches on crushed stone;

Welding or surfacing of rails, crosses, other elements of turnouts;

Repair of rails, fasteners, sleepers, transfer and bridge beams, devices for protecting the track and turnouts from snow (snow fences, equipment for blowing and heating switches, etc.);

Repair of crossing flooring;

Erection of temporary structures associated with the repair of the track (congresses for road construction equipment, etc.);

Other works provided for by the "Technical conditions for work on the repair and scheduled preventive straightening of the track."

The indicated types of repairs should be carried out by subdivisions of the Central Directorate for Track Repair, other enterprises involved by the customer or specialized teams of track distances and should be combined as much as possible with scheduled track repairs or scheduled work on the current track maintenance carried out in these sections.

Conducted types of track repairs should include the volume of replacement of unusable elements, excluding the limitation of speeds of movement due to the state of these elements until the next repair of the track.

3.13. All types of track repairs should be carried out, mainly, using the most productive in-line technology using mechanized complexes.

3.14. Current path content includes systematic supervision of the state of the track, structures, track devices and their maintenance in a condition that guarantees the safe and uninterrupted movement of trains at maximum allowable speeds.

3.14.1. Work on the current maintenance of the track is carried out by track and specialized teams on linear sections (neighbourhoods), enlarged track teams, bridge teams based on the results of periodic inspection and monitoring of the state of the track and structures, as well as according to pre-drawn plans and schedules.

3.14.2. Works during the current maintenance of the track are divided into urgent, associated, respectively, with the immediate elimination of path malfunctions dangerous for traffic in the places of their detection, and planned, performed using machines and mechanisms in order to eliminate and prevent the growth of track malfunctions.

3.14.3. The scope of work on the current maintenance of the track includes the following main works:

Carrying out periodic inspections and checks of the track and facilities;

Work on straightening, tamping and straightening of the track in local places;

Liquidation of single splashes (cutting below the main area of ​​polluted ballast with replacement with clean one);

Fastening terminal, embedded and butt bolts;

Straightening railroad switches;

Adjustment and dispersal of gaps in the joints;

Discharge of thermal stresses in the lashes of a seamless track;

Single replacement of sharply defective rails, elements of metal parts of turnouts, unusable fasteners, sleepers and beams;

Profiling of drainage structures;

Vegetation removal;

Track width adjustment;

Clearing tracks and turnouts from snow during the period of its intensive fall;

Machine-assisted cleaning of sand in areas of recuperation and paths with a complex profile (long slopes and rises exceeding 12% 0, etc.);

Other works provided for by the "Instruction for the current maintenance of the railway track", "Instruction for the maintenance of the subgrade of the railway track", "Instruction for the maintenance of artificial structures".

The construction of new railways in Russia will make it possible to carry out productive modernization and speedy economic development of the country. For this purpose, in 2000, the Strategy for the Development of Russian Railways was developed and approved, calculated until 2030.

Strategic plans of the country for the laying of railways

Half of the deadline has passed. What awaits the railway industry in the remaining years, how the economic situation will affect the implementation of the plan, and what to expect from the implementation plan in the future, they think in the Government and in the industry divisions of the railway.

It must be said that until now the conditions for promoting the Strategy plan have always been difficult. Crises, economic difficulties did not contribute to the rapid growth of the total length of the railway track in Russia. If by 1992 the total length of steel tracks was 87 thousand km, then over the next 15 years, as a result of the construction of new railways, the national network increased by only 9 thousand km.

Railway high-speed lines

But on the other hand, Russia ranks second in the world (after China) in the electrification of railway tracks. Eco-friendly and cheap electric trains allow you to reduce costs and transport a huge amount, if not of goods, then of passengers. Electrified tracks in our country today amount to 43 thousand km.

The target version of the Strategy envisages by 2030:

    • lay 20.7 thousand km of railway;
    • upgrade 23 thousand locomotives;
    • supply 1 million freight wagons;
    • launch more than 23 thousand passenger cars;
    • to increase motor-car rolling stock by 24.5 thousand units.

The plans are huge. Particularly important is the construction of a railway in the south, the Far East and Siberia. Close friendly relations with China and the weakening of partnership with Europe led to the fact that today the Russian-Chinese agreement was signed on 10 billion Chinese investments in the construction of a high-speed railway between Moscow and Beijing.

The parties also signed an agreement under which by 2018 (for the World Cup) they will build a 770-kilometer section connecting Moscow and Kazan. Moreover, the maximum speed of trains will reach 400 km/h.

By 2030, the all-Russian high-speed railway line will be 5 thousand km.

Railway construction bypassing Ukraine

Given that the railway line between the Rostov and Voronezh regions crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border twice, it was decided to start building a railway bypassing Ukraine. For this, the railway troops were involved, which, according to Lieutenant General O. Kosenok, head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Air Force, are ahead of schedule by 20, and in some areas even by 40%.

4 mechanization battalions from 3 military districts (900 military and more than 350 pieces of equipment) are laying a 20 km section. Such efficiency will allow the canvas to be handed over earlier than the deadline planned for 2018. And this is especially important in connection with the worsened relations with Ukraine and hostilities in the east of the neighboring state.

The Millerovo-Zhuravka railway line will allow traveling from Rostov to Voronezh only through safe Russian territory

Railway lines of the north

As you know, our North and East are rich in minerals. To reduce the cost of transporting mined, in November 2011, a highway was laid from Tommot to Yakutsk. And another project - the construction of a railway bridge across the Nadym, is being carried out by Mosstroy-12 with the help of German engineers from DB International. This will allow faster and cheaper implementation of projects to provide Russia with minerals and raw materials.

By the way, the Strategy provides for the construction of railway lines to places where new mineral deposits are still being developed. Moreover, the rolling stock and the construction of railway infrastructure should be carried out only at domestic enterprises. This will help solve the problem of employment of the population.

In the national interests of our country, the Strategic Plan for the Development of the Russian Railway Network provides for the prevention of technological and scientific and technical dependence on foreign sources. For this, comprehensive fundamental and applied research is carried out by Russian specialists.


The history of the Transyuzhstroy Company is inextricably linked with the history of the development of domestic railways in the second half of the 20th century and begins in 1974. This year went down in the history of the country as the year of the start of the construction of a grandiose transport artery in the east of the country - the Baikal-Amur Railway.

By order of the Minister of Transport Construction of the USSR dated November 10, 1974 No. 217, the construction trust Nizhneangarsktransstroy was created, which became the general contractor on one of the most expensive and difficult sections of the BAM - Buryatsky, stretching for 525 kilometers through the harsh, sparsely populated areas of the Northern Baikal region and the Muya basin , with difficult geological conditions and complex mountainous terrain, requiring the construction of a large number of artificial structures.

The trust built 6 tunnels with a total length of more than 27 km on this section, laid more than 600 km of main railway tracks and more than 140 km of station tracks, electrified more than 500 km of railway lines, built 4 traction substations, electric centralization posts, 2 locomotive depots, a point for equipping wagons , communication houses, railway stations and other railway infrastructure facilities. To ensure the construction, a 500-kilometer highway road was built. The city of Severobaikalsk and 6 urban-type settlements were built. More than 600 thousand sq. m. have been put into permanent operation. housing, cultural centers, schools, hospitals, boiler houses, shops, stadiums, post offices, etc. During the main period of the BAM construction, the Nizhneangarsktransstroy trust included 21 divisions with a total number of 12 thousand people. For the successful fulfillment of the tasks set, the trust was awarded the Order of the October Revolution.

In 1991, the Baikal-Amur Mainline was put into operation. Due to a sharp reduction in volumes, a number of divisions of the trust were relocated to Belgorod and on their basis in 1995 the Closed Joint Stock Company Transyuzhstroy was created.

In 1997, the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation decided to build a railway bypass of the Chechen Republic from the Kizlyar station to the Karlan-Yurt station. The construction of the 78-kilometer line was completed by the Transyuzhstroy Company on time. This was the first object of the Company in the field of railway construction after a long break.

In the same period, in the north of the Chita region, the Company completed construction of a 45 km access railway to the Chiney polymetallic ore deposit.

At the beginning of 1999, the Zavidovo station was reconstructed on the high-speed railway line Moscow - St. Petersburg.

At the end of 1999, the Company was appointed as the main contractor for the electrification of the Saratov-Volgograd-Tikhoretskaya railway line of the Volga and North Caucasian railways, with a length of 1,100 km. The Ministry of Railways has set the task of completing the construction of the facility in 3 years, while the standard construction period is 6.5 years. Work began in February 2000 on three directions at once: from Saratov to Volgograd, from Tikhoretskaya to Salsk - Kotelnikovo - Volgograd, and directly at the Volgograd railway junction.

From that moment on, the Company again began to gain momentum in the field of railway construction, and over the next ten years, it actively increased the volume and pace of work. During this period, many large orders were completed for the construction of access roads, the reconstruction of large railway stations and transport hubs, the electrification of the track, the construction of buildings and artificial structures, as well as strategically important railways for Russia:

in 2002, work was completed on the reconstruction of the Kochetovka station in the Tambov region and the Kastornoye station in the Kursk region of the South-Eastern Railway;

By the end of December 2003, the electrification of the Stary Oskol - Valuyki railway of the South-Eastern Railway with a length of 142.7 km was completed.

in 2003-2004, the construction of a new railway track from the Yandyki station of the Privolzhskaya railway was completed. to the seaport of Olya on the Caspian Sea with a length of 51 km. The commissioning of this facility completed the formation of the North-South International Transport Corridor.

At the beginning of 2005, in connection with the increased volume of construction and installation works and in order to more effectively manage the construction of facilities, the Transyuzhstroy Management Company was created as a construction and industrial holding. By that time, railway construction had become a priority for the Company.

One of the significant events in the history of the Company was the construction and electrification in 2005-2008 of the second main tracks of the Syzran - Sennaya railway section of the Kuibyshev and Volga railways: 172.4 km of the second main tracks, 38.8 km of station tracks were laid, 178 were electrified, 9 km of railway track with a deployed length of the contact network of 410.7 km.

At the end of 2008, the Company's subdivisions began work on the construction of large railway facilities for the transport infrastructure of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. The construction divisions of Transyuzhstroy were instructed to:

construction of an intermodal railway line Sochi - Adler - Sochi airport, the complex of which includes the construction of a 2.9 km long railway track, the construction of two flyovers with a length of 1530 m, two tunnels with a total length of 510 m and the installation of retaining walls of a railway track with a length of 980 m;

construction of a cargo yard in the Adler region for the processing of bulk materials in the amount of 10 million tons per year;

construction of second tracks on the Sochi-Adler section, the complex includes the construction of a railway line with a length of 11.8 km out of a total line length of 23.2 km, the construction of 7 small and medium-sized ISSOs, the construction of 3 tunnels, with a total length of 1989 m.

construction of a combined (road and railway) road Adler - mountain climatic resort "Alpika - Service" with the construction of station complexes at the station. Adler, Art. Olympic Park, st. Alpika-Service, st. Esto-Sadok, st. Upper Imeretensky resort. The complex of works includes laying 81.91 km of the track structure, construction of 56 artificial structures, including the large bridge on the Mzymta river, 365 m long, signaling and communication, construction of a contact network, construction of service and technical buildings.

On these hauls, it is necessary to fill out more than 200 thousand m3 of subgrade, lay more than 100 km of track and 50 turnouts, install more than 115 km of a contact network, and construct artificial structures.

Currently, Transyuzhstroy is one of the most powerful diversified companies in the construction industry. It performs the full range of construction and installation works, including design, construction, installation of equipment and commissioning of the facility.

Given the growing demand for elements of the track structure, Transyuzhstroy built the country's first private plant for the production of reinforced concrete sleepers with a capacity of 400,000 pieces per year.

The technical equipment of the Company's divisions and the mechanization of work performed are constantly being improved. There are more than 800 units of automotive and construction equipment in the departments of mechanization and motor transport of the Company. The Company's enterprise for the maintenance and operation of railway equipment includes more than 550 units of various railway equipment, including: diesel locomotives, laying cranes, railway cranes, pit diggers, track ballasting and finishing machines, there are more than 300 cars and platforms.

The main component of the successful activity of the Transyuzhstroy Company is a highly experienced, highly professional and dedicated personnel, the backbone of which is the BAM team, headed by its permanent leader, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company, Honored Builder of Russia Anatoly Dmitrievich Antipov.

1. The main technological solutions for the construction of the railway and individual structural parts

One of the main activities of the Company is the construction, reconstruction and electrification of railways. The vast geography of our country and many years of work of the Company on the territory of the Russian Federation have allowed us to accumulate rich experience in the construction of railways in a wide variety of climatic conditions. That is why the Transyuzhstroy Management Company is ready to carry out work on the construction of railways not only in our country, but also abroad of any complexity, on time and of high quality.

Currently, the Company is building transport infrastructure facilities of Russian Railways in Sochi, which are key to ensuring the holding of the 2014 Olympics.

The existing unloading capacities in the city of Sochi, as of 2008, could not cope with the growing cargo traffic. Thus, the first facility put into operation was built by our Company - this is the cargo yard No. 1 of the Russian Agricultural Academy, located in the Nizhneimeretinsky Valley of the Adlerovsky District

The construction of the second tracks on the Sochi-Adler section is underway. The complex of objects under construction includes the construction of a railway line with a length of 11.8 km, 7 small and medium-sized artificial structures, 3 tunnels with a total length of 1989 linear meters, as well as the construction of railway lines at Sochi station, Matsesta station and Khosta station.

The excavation of the railway tunnel No. 7 bis with a length of 1014 linear meters has been completed. Currently, work is underway on the construction of the tunnel lining.

Along with the construction of railway tracks, pedestrian tunneling is being carried out at the Sochi station for the unhindered passage of passengers to the boarding platforms.

Preparatory work is being carried out for the commissioning of the intermodal railway line Sochi-Adler - Sochi Airport. The complex of constructed facilities includes a railway track 2900 m long, two overpasses and two bridges 800 m long, two tunnels with a total length of 510 m, anti-landslide structures along the entire length of the route, a stop pavilion near the air terminal complex.

A significant amount of work on the construction of a combined (road and rail) road Adler - mountain climatic resort "Alpika - Service" is carried out by our Company.

The complex of objects under construction includes 56 artificial structures, 105 km of the upper structure of the track, the installation of signaling and communications, the construction of a contact network, service and technical buildings and a number of station complexes - st. Adler, Art. Olympic Park, st. Alpika-Service, st. Esto-Sadok, st. Verkhne-Imeretinsky resort.

The construction of the facility "Organization of intermodal transportation from the Kazan railway station to the Kazan international airport" began in 2011. The complex of facilities under construction includes the laying of 26 km of railway track and 67 sets of turnouts, the construction of passenger platforms, crossings, the installation of a contact network, signaling and communications.

At the entrance to the international airport "Kazan", the construction of an overpass with a length of 1137.5 linear meters continues.


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Classification of types of railway construction

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Railroad construction is

Construction of new railways;

Construction of second tracks;

Railway electrification;

Reconstruction (reconstruction) of existing railways;

Reorganization of stations and nodes.

Newly built railways are divided into universal and specialized.

Universal railways are intended both for the transportation of passengers and cargo for various purposes (oil, coal, timber, engineering products, building structures, etc.). Most of the railways already built and newly built are just like that.

According to their power, purpose and mechanical equipment, railways are divided into pioneer,



built immediately to design capacity or with the expectation of its phased increase;

having diesel or electric locomotive traction.

In addition, railways can be divided into those built for normal gauge (1520 mm), European (1435 mm) and narrow (760 mm).

Pioneer railways are built mainly for the development of developing areas. Their carrying capacity is relatively small - up to 1 million tons of cargo per year. However, when designing them, one should take into account the subsequent increase in cargo turnover - the possibility of opening additional separate points, an increase in the useful length of receiving and departure routes; the parameters of the substructure of the track (subgrade, culverts) must comply with the design standards for category I and II railways. On difficult sections, the pioneer railway can be laid along long-term detours.

Connecting railways are designed to reduce the length of the run of goods, reduce the time spent by passengers on the road. The power of such a road, as a rule, should correspond to the power of the lines it connects. How connecting roads were built: Astrakhan-Guriev, Beineu-Kungrad and others.

In a number of cases, instead of increasing the capacity of the existing railway, it is advisable to build another line in the same direction, but along a different route, - an unloading line. When transferring individual highways to high-speed passenger trains, freight flows from them are switched to other lines newly built for this purpose or to existing ones that need to be further reconstructed. So, one of the purposes of the Baikal-Amur Mainline was, in essence, the unloading of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Freight traffic from the St. Petersburg-Moscow railway was transferred to the Sankovskoye direction.

Railways can be built immediately to full capacity, if the productivity of the enterprise for whose cargo transportation they are intended is known in advance. Commercial railways owned by private owners (investors) are immediately put into permanent operation completely finished (“turnkey”) so that in the future there will be no problems with their strengthening.

The capacity of newly built railways can be increased in stages.

At the first stage, the line is rented in the volume of the launch complex, the minimum required for the opening of permanent train traffic (the volume and cost of the work performed is 70-80% of the design). The purpose of such a line (in general, a pioneer one) is the transportation of goods for the construction of enterprises, the development of an uninhabited area, etc. In the future, as the enterprises are ready, the construction of cities and towns is completed, its capacity is brought to the design one.

Depending on the design freight turnover, the line can be built for diesel or electric traction.

As a rule, universal railways are initially built single-track. However, in some cases, if it is necessary to ensure a large freight turnover, the railway can be built immediately for two tracks with simultaneous electrification. At the end of the XIX century. near a number of roads, the lower structure was built immediately for two tracks (for the future), and the upper structure was arranged as a single track.

Narrow-gauge railways have not been built in recent years. Existing roads in some directions are being transferred to a normal gauge everywhere. So, in the 60s. During the development of virgin lands in Kazakhstan, narrow-gauge roads were initially built, but almost immediately they were transferred to a normal gauge of 1520 mm. For a long time, the Chudovo-Novgorod narrow-gauge railway was in operation. Separate logging lines are still in operation. Narrow gauge is used on children's railways. However, there are already significant difficulties here - the rolling stock, the elements of the superstructure of the track (rails, switches) are worn out, and new structures are not produced by industry.

Specialized newly built railways can be designed (and suitably equipped) for the transportation of one (general) type of cargo (coal, oil, timber). On such lines, heavy, specialized rolling stock of great length is used in circulation. Weight loads on the track reach up to 30 tons per axle. The ego determines the increased power of the upper structure. Increased requirements are imposed on subgrade soils, methods of its compaction and structures. Such lines can be built under two tracks at once. There are significant features in the design of stations and nodes (especially those designed to receive goods from suppliers and transfer them to consumers).

High-speed and high-speed Railways also have a number of features. If the first ones allow freight transportation, then the second ones are intended only for the transportation of passengers. High-speed railways include those with passenger train speeds up to 250 km/h, and high-speed railways up to 350 km/h.

Construction of second tracks

One of the main ways to increase the throughput and carrying capacity of existing railways is construction of the second tracks.

It is advisable to organize the construction of a second track in all directions at once. At the same time, the problem of increasing the throughput of the line is being solved in the future. The organization of construction is also facilitated - the units systematically move from one stage (section) to another. Construction can be carried out according to single or multi-beam schemes, with sequential commissioning of limiting spans into permanent operation.

With insufficient material resources, it is possible to initially build double-track inserts on limiting spans, subsequently, after a relatively long time, connecting them into continuous second tracks.

Recently, in order to reduce the duration of construction, construction has been practiced on a wide front. At the same time, contract and design documentation is prepared for each individual haul. Tenders are being held for the performance of work on it, after which work on hauls is carried out simultaneously by several contractors.