How to fall in love with a womanizer: tricky tips. The Naked Truth About Women's Lovers How to stay interesting for Lovelace always

The plot is simple and beaten. He is handsome, tall, witty, elegant, successful. He enters your office with a confident gait, your eyes meet and ... thunder and lightning! And now you preen yourself for a long time in the mornings, every evening you puzzle over what to wear. You catch his eyes and count the hours until the next working day. Everything, the wheel is spinning, and you will not be able to resist it.

Things are forgotten, 80% of your mail is messages from him. ICQ bursts from an excess of feelings on both sides, and you - from the realization that your happiness has found you. Finally you met a man who understands and feels you! The soul is flooded with a nightingale! The sun is shining brighter, the birds are singing louder! The heart starts to dance from one of His glances, and the palms get wet from thinking about him. He is the closest, most tender, dearest person to you.
Several magical days and nights pass, and now you are already whiled away, crying into your pillow and cursing the day when He appeared in your life. You feel used, beaten, hurt. You are tormented by the question - what did you do wrong? Why is he so hot yesterday, today he hardly nods at a meeting?

Let's try to understand this injustice.

You probably decided that I am one of those who have endured all the "charms" of an office romance? And you weren't wrong. Or did you think that I would now complain about the scoundrel who broke my heart? And here you missed - I will not complain, I will thank him for the magnificent lesson that he taught me completely free of charge, and from which, moreover, we both received a lot of pleasure. And I dedicate my notes not to office romances, but to romances with Him! His name is Lovelace!

Such a mediocre, standard, absolutely ordinary, in no way distinguished from the army of other other womanizers. And you can meet Him not only in the service. It can happen anywhere. But a strange pattern has been revealed: as a rule, a meeting with him can only happen in places where you are a regular and where some part of your life flows. This is an office, a fitness center, a swimming pool, a constant party (in this case, Lovelace is one of the friends of one of your friends). This is no coincidence. Because in those places where you often appear, it will not take him much effort to meet you (he is not used to straining much in this regard at all, his charm does everything for him). Everything will happen by itself. What is this phenomenon - Lovelace? Accept Him or fight Him? Would our personal life be colored so brightly if at least once in our lives we had not met the real Lovelace?

What is He?
This is usually a man who looks like a prince from your fantasy, so it's easy to confuse them. He has an attractive appearance, a sharp mind and good manners. He is easy to communicate and endlessly interesting. He has expensive watches and shoes. He pays great attention to his appearance and cars. Usually his car is expensive (after all, this is the carriage of all his Cinderellas, whom he will take to the ball) and this is the only woman he truly loves, with all his heart. After all, you will come and go, and the car will be with him in trouble, and in joy, and with each of his women.

Signs by which you can identify Lovelace on the first two dates:
- Lovelace often says "we", thereby giving her partner hope for a future fairy tale.
- Lovelace always makes joint plans, knowing in advance that they will never come true. Then ask him how he is going to spend the upcoming vacation. You'll see - he will say that he does not know or that he has a lot of work. And do not dream that he wants to spend it with you. After all, a trip to the sea can be used for another victory.
- He will do everything to create the illusion of true feelings. So be careful. If then he raises his eyebrows in surprise when he hears the word "love", do not hesitate - you have a real Lovelace in front of you.
- Listen carefully to what he says. Either by hint, or directly or indirectly, or simply by chance and gradually, he will not be able to resist and will certainly boast of his sexual victories. After all, this is his main way of self-affirmation.

So, this is a man of attractive appearance, successful in his career, financially independent and with a dubious marital status. Officially, of course, he is always married (so that others do not claim), but often in fact it turns out that his wife ran away from him a long time ago or is currently engaged in the division of property. Or everything is in order - both the wife and the children, but he will tell you that he has nothing in common with his wife for a long time. No need to explain why.

Potential victim of Lovelace
Lovelace, as a rule, prefer not just beautiful, slender and smart women. They prefer women who are admired by others. And if at the same time you have an impeccable reputation and a halo of inaccessibility, wait, it should appear any minute now. After all, it is very important for him to win a victory that no one has won before him. Moreover, take Lovelace's courtship as a compliment, because the fact that he chose you indicates that you are the most remarkable woman in the society in which he noticed you.

It cannot be said about Lovelace that "he has one thing on his mind." Most often, victory over your heart interests him much more than over your body. Therefore, he will not stint on the romantic - platonic phase of your relationship, he will be very patient and be sure - he will wait for you to jump into his bed yourself.

And why does he need it?
Lovelace is also Lovelace because he has his own know-how of self-affirmation. Any of his failures - whether it's a career, family life or a crash on the stock exchange, Lovelace stops the victory over a woman.
It was noticed that Lovelace - a top manager, for example, intensifies his actions during a period of disagreement with his superiors. It is much easier for him to resign with the knowledge that he not only had defeats, but also one (or maybe more than one) major victory. Even more pleasant for him is the realization that in the place where the authorities ruined his career, he leaves a couple of broken hearts.

And everything that is described here is not a discovery. History has known many womanizers. Was it possible to resist him? Almost impossible. Therefore, my reflections are by no means a warning to the female part of humanity. It's useless to warn. Just, if you ever meet him, do not rush to scold him after parting, do not cry into the pillow and do not tear your hair, and even more so, never regret that you met him. Just accept it as it is, enjoy it as much as you are meant to, and let it go with a light heart. Believe me, you will remember these few days, weeks, months all your life ... I will stop the progression at this point, because life did not know longer periods.

And don't think that Lovelace was cheating on you. In no case! Lovelace is a wonderful lover. And why? Because He sincerely believes in every word that whispers in your ear, in every caress, in every confession. He really thinks you are the most gorgeous and irresistible woman. But…only today.

Unfortunately, Lovelace's impulse period is extremely short. Lovelace is not the happiest person in the world. After all, he is doomed to suddenly realize one morning that he no longer needs you. You are the Princess, the most charming and tender, the most charming and sophisticated, ready to follow him to the ends of the world. So let's not strictly judge the one who broke your heart, let's thank him for the unforgettable moments and sympathize with him from the bottom of our hearts - because he lost the happiness of being with you.

Here are a few more tips that may help somehow save your heart from disappointment.(believe me, they are not taken from the ceiling):
1. If you fell for Lovelace's bait, never open your heart to him. He is just waiting for this to break it.
2. Remember that for Lovelace you are just another step towards self-affirmation, nothing more. As soon as he plays enough of you, he will forget about your existence. Therefore, try to play enough of them before.
3. Womanizers are excellent lovers, they can be used as needed. Lovelace can give unforgettable moments. But you must be aware that this is just an illusion and do not expect from him during the day what he is capable of at night.
When Lovelace arranges a romantic evening for you, enjoy every minute of it, it may well turn out that this evening is the last. Once he realizes that he touched your heart, he will forget about romance once and for all.
5. Never expect congratulations on your birthday or March 8 from the womanizer (however, it depends on the individual, it doesn’t always happen) and don’t rush to pamper him with signs of attention. Don't bombard him with texts and emails. He will never understand and appreciate - after all, he lacks spiritual values.
6. If you accepted Lovelace's game, remember that the pleasures will continue as long as you are inaccessible to him. And this applies not so much to sex as to emotions. If you want to keep Lovelace, give out feelings in small portions.
7. Do not be surprised if Lovelace leaves you unexpectedly, without explanation. Be prepared for this and don't torment yourself with questions. Lovelace needs you to think about him for a long time after he leaves. Therefore, do not give him this pleasure, forget about him as soon as you hear that he has a lot of work and is full of other problems.

It is excusable for a woman to suffer in a relationship with a womanizer once in her life. This negative experience will either forever turn away from this type of man, or help you learn the whole truth about them and behave correctly in the future. In any case, this will enrich the knowledge of the psychological subtleties of such relationships. And how to proceed further depends on the nature and plans for the future of each woman.

How to recognize a womanizer: a standard set of signs

Not only actions, but also the demeanor says a lot about a man. By carefully observing a man at the first time of dating, you can understand who is in front of you.

So, you can recognize a womanizer by the following signs:

  1. when meeting a girl, he behaves too confidently, although he has no reason for this;
  2. in conversation he uses prepared phrases that are suitable for any woman and in any situation - clichés and banal compliments;
  3. immediately gives a verbal portrait of himself (a way to save time on acquaintance is to artificially get close to a lady);
  4. dressed too flashy, with the expectation of impressing a successful and popular man;
  5. communicating with a new acquaintance, does not miss the opportunity to get to know each other further - such a man, right during the conversation, can pay attention to other women, letting them know that he is not busy at the moment;
  6. showers the girl with compliments, which can confuse - and therefore disarm the companion;
  7. makes appointments only in the late evening, while being completely unavailable during the day - a sure sign that a man does not want to mix romantic relationships with his daily life.
  8. The womanizer continues his acquaintance not at all in order to get closer to the girl, her interests, worries and personal qualities. On the contrary, all he strives for is to rather attract her to him and into his bed.

    Thus, this type of men does not rise to a relationship, but pulls a woman down to his level - sex. The psychological discomfort that a woman experiences in this case is supplemented by the fact that after intimacy it is not necessary to count on any obligations on his part.

    Often a womanizer loses interest in a partner and disappears from her field of vision, returning to his favorite pastime - the search for a new victim.

    Psychology of a womanizer: promiscuity or emotional trauma?

    Psychology recognizes one important component for male womanizers, the root of all troubles is excessive attachment to relationships with the opposite sex.

    The development of such a complex in the subconscious is expressed in two opposite motives of womanizers:

  9. the desire for endless pleasure with different partners - this type is reputed to be a libertine and leaves a woman for a new hobby;
  10. withdrawal from relationships for fear of becoming emotionally dependent - such men break up as soon as they feel that the relationship is becoming serious.
  11. Why doesn't a man-womanizer stop before he earns a bad reputation as a heartthrob and ladies' man?

    Often the answer lies on the surface: the psychology of a womanizer is built on the charm of the victim, each successive victory on the love front is easy for them, and they really get used to relationships as a kind of battlefield that never ends.

    How to fall in love with a womanizer and what you need to do for this

    Trying to build a relationship on such a fragile foundation as an affair with a womanizing man means not only risking feelings, but also taking on a huge amount of work to overcome all his complexes, fears and habits.

    If, despite the obstacles and difficulties, you still decide to build a family with such a person, and seriously wonders how to make a womanizer fall in love with you, then you need to follow certain rules of behavior with him.

    Slow down the rapid development of the novel

    The first rule is that dates should be only as often as a woman wants, because womanizers, when they are overcome by passion, tend to see each other literally every day, while delaying meetings until late at night.

    The danger of rapid rapprochement is that arousal is growing, while personal attachment has not yet had time to develop.

    The only way to contain the pressure is to firmly refuse today and softly promise a date tomorrow (next weekend).

    Do not rush to start an intimate relationship

    For family-oriented men, sex is the beginning of married life. Womanizers, on the contrary, have a spectacular ending to a romantic adventure.

    The later the bed scene comes, the better, because it is among the womanizers that there is an opinion that winning an accessible woman is a small victory. It's great that there is such an easy way to make a man feel like the ultimate conqueror.

    Do not give in to him either big or small

    This man will not appreciate the complaisant nature. Womanizers themselves often suffer from their fiery nature, so they get real pleasure when they meet a worthy rebuff.

    A woman with character, with her own opinion on many issues, is an interesting rival in the romantic battle of the sexes. In the end, a partner who demonstrates endurance, control and firmly knows what she wants, arouses admiration and lasting interest in a man.

    Demand proper treatment

    The womanizer shows constant attention to the lady not only as courtship.

    He carefully studies the woman's reaction to his words and actions in order to evaluate it for himself as early as possible and not spend more effort than is required.

    Therefore, there is no other way out - you need to demand a lot. Instantly pull back a vulgar joke, stop a familiar attitude, in every possible way defend a respectful attitude for oneself.

    How to teach a womanizer a lesson - simple and complex ways

    They say that it is impossible to teach a womanizer a lesson, especially when it comes to becoming a womanizer in a skirt.

    Still, there are two options to choose from.

  • The first way is to repay him with the same coin. A good revenge can come out if you manage to coldly and prudently use a womanizer for sex and quit abruptly, having received complete moral satisfaction;
  • The second method is very difficult, but it can be successful - a man will really change and a good husband can even come out of him. This will happen if you prove to him the fallacy of his behavior. To prove that love is not an empty phrase, and close relationships can be the greatest treasure in his life.

To do this, a woman will need a lot of wisdom, warmth and understanding, but the result is worth it!

How to recognize a womanizer and fall in love with him

Many women find themselves in a relationship with a womanizer, receiving as a gift a sad experience and fear for the rest of their lives, the fear that they may again fall into the clutches of a deceiver. To avoid re-injury, you need to learn to identify this type of men, i.e. womanizers. These womanizers have common behavioral traits with which they win girls over and then throw them away like trash.

If at least a couple of the signs listed below suit your friend, run away from him as far and as quickly as possible.

How to identify a womanizer

Such men are usually very attractive and beautiful, even irresistible. And every woman wants to think that she is the one to whom he shows sincere sympathy - not like everyone else. The womanizer is full of charm, which can make you feel embarrassed for such unflattering ideas about him. Believe me, such don Juans are not the best choice. Try to avoid this charm, for your own good. A real man does not like much attention, trying to behave more modestly.

The simplest and most common sign of a womanizer is the way he meets women. Such males most often use phrases, such as: our night will be magical, baby. Also, such males love to humiliate everyone around them, and brag about their possessions.

Their clothing style is catchy, often diluted with jewelry.

The man said - the man forgot.

Probably every woman has come across a man whose words and actions diverge. A man who makes impossible promises talks about love and marriage, but in reality, he only dreams of one thing - to drag him into bed. And this is all because he is the most natural womanizer. In addition, if he devotes all his free time not only to you, perhaps he has another “victim”. Choose for yourself a man who can sacrifice his time for you and will not be lost all the time among his constant affairs.

If your admirer wants to see you only at a later time of the day, then he is probably a womanizer. If the rest of the day he does not appear, then he has only one thing in his head. A sincerely in love man will remember you all day, and not just closer to the night.

An overflow of compliments.

These guys have years of training behind them, they know the most sophisticated and beautiful compliments. This is a true womanizer and all his compliments are like words to the wind. There is one reliable statement: if a young man emphasizes your appearance more than 5 times in a conversation, he is most likely filming you.

This is one of the most cruel acts of a womanizer. He is immediately lost, after a night of love. Such males make girls fall in love with them, then they use them and abandon them without leaving a trace. In this situation, you need to move forward. Do not stagnate on disappointment and tears - this will be the best solution.

With the help of new technologies, you can learn a lot about a person by viewing his page on a social network. If the page of your new friend is strewn with photos with different girls at parties, and there are a large number of women among his acquaintances, then it is better to say goodbye to him. A real man will not live his days as if his life is a continuous party with his girlfriends.

Many men who do not want a relationship are simply afraid of commitment and attachment to the one and only. In this case, they use flirting when they meet only to satisfy their lustful desires. If a guy has not had a relationship for a long time and explains this by saying that he does not need a serious relationship, then he is a womanizer. A man must live with a woman for at least six months, and then as fate wills.

Of course, any man will stare at beauties, this is how nature works, but only if it is a fleeting wandering glance and nothing more. If your man, while in the company, pays more attention to other persons, you should be wary. A real man puts his woman first, no matter what beauties surround him.

It is also known that at the mention of intimate relationships with former mistresses, womanizers' eyes light up, while modest men prefer to close this topic.

These were the most common signs of a womanizer. You should not get carried away with such men, because at the end of your romance you will feel severe pain. But, the decision is always yours. And if you still decide to build a relationship with such a person, you should know how to fall in love with a womanizer .

How to fall in love with a womanizer

Don't rush your romance.

The first rule is that dates should only take place when a woman wants. After all, males who are overcome by passion want to see a woman as often as possible and for as long as possible.

Rapid rapprochement is dangerous because arousal develops faster than attachment. A good way to handle pressure is to firmly say no today and move the date as gently as possible to another day.

Do not rush into the transition to intimate relationships.

Family-minded men consider sex to be the beginning of their married life. Womanizers, on the contrary, consider sex to be the end of the novel.

Winning an easily accessible girl is a small victory, so the later it comes to intimacy, the better.

Do not give in to him in anything.

Such Don Juan will not be to the taste of a woman with a complaisant character. Quite often, womanizers get bored because of their hot nature, therefore, having received a good and hard rebuff, they enjoy it.

The most interesting and worthy opponent in a romantic battle is a woman with a strong character, who has her own individual views on the world. And everyone knows that a lady who definitely knows her goals and knows how to control herself arouses great interest and admiration in men.

Don't let yourself be treated badly.

Womanizers show constant attention to a woman not only for the sake of courtship. At this time, he carefully studies the female reaction to his words and actions in order to determine for himself her assessment without spending extra effort.

Therefore, you need to make great demands - there is no other choice. Stop any vulgar jokes and do not allow obscene attitude, uphold respect for yourself to the end.

If your attempts were unsuccessful, and the womanizer broke your heart, you can take revenge on him. Revenge, of course, is not the best option, but if after that it becomes easier for you, then there are 2 ways to take revenge on a womanizer:

  1. Get even with him the same way. Great revenge will come out if you manage to use this libertine for sex just as hard and mercilessly and quit abruptly. Moral satisfaction is guaranteed to you.
  2. This method is much more difficult. But its results can be excellent - a man can really change and become an exemplary family man. This can happen only when a man realizes his mistakes and understands that his behavior is incorrect. To do this, you need to convince him that love is not just words, and that finding a family will become for him the most precious wealth in his life.

Only a wise and understanding woman can do this, so please be patient. And believe me, the result is worth it.

A man is a womanizer, if ...

Every woman dreams of "great but pure love." She is waiting and looking for this love. And when she finally finds it, it turns out that her ideal man, a banal womanizer. She suddenly realizes with horror that she is by no means the only woman in his life, and far from the first and not the last in the track record of his trophies. And then a severe disappointment sets in for a woman, a feeling arises that you have been betrayed, and the desire to believe any of the men absolutely disappears.

In fairness, it must be said that we women often allow ourselves to be deceived. Sometimes, only such a professional seducer is able to somehow reach the image of the ideal man that we have come up with for ourselves. But still, I would like such victims of seduction to become less and less. And if women would fall into the nets set by the womanizer, then only with their voluntary consent.

So how does a womanizer man behave, what techniques does he use and what “pain” points of a woman does he act on, let's look at this in more detail.

To begin with, I will say that womanizers, as a rule, are always popular with women of all ages and types, without exception. Therefore, if all your girlfriends are simply delighted with your new gentleman, it is worth considering whether only his human charm or external beauty evoked such a stormy response in their souls, or whether he has already managed to take some actions that won their favor. Just do not make hasty conclusions, just take a closer look.

A man is a womanizer if:

1. He talks little about himself, trying to turn the conversation to you.

Of course, a man in love often does the same. He tries to learn more about the object of his love, so that his feelings gain additional grounds in the commonality of views and interests. But unlike the lover, who nevertheless gives some information about himself, the womanizer tries to talk less about himself, and extract as much information as possible from the victim of his “deception”. After all, the key to its success is the most complete knowledge of your habits, spontaneous reactions, desires, hopes and aspirations.

Be sure that even before approaching you, a professional womanizer has already classified you and put you in the category of “simple”, “anemones” or “hunters”. He has already developed a certain line of behavior that will interest you, and the matter remains only in the details. And it is you who will provide him with all the information necessary for this.

He himself tries to talk about himself less. And if he does, he tries to give out some general, not specific information. Or, as an option, he comes up with unrealistic, but very impressive stories about himself that put him in the eyes of a woman in the right light. He can tell in great detail how he saved a drowning man, but at the same time, he will try to answer the question as abstractly as possible about what he does and where he lives. His phrases will be built on the principle of as much impression as possible and as little specificity as possible.

2. He agrees with you on everything or almost everything.

Since the womanizer wants you to get the impression that you are "soulmates", don't be surprised if, while talking with him, you suddenly find that you like the same dishes, he simply loves the opera and has long yearned for stable and strong relationships based on mutual trust (or your choice).

In psychology, this technique is called adjustment. Those. we must first give the person the impression that we have much in common, and only then we can do with him, if not all, then a lot, without encountering expressed resistance from him. The secret is to “follow” a person, following the movements of his soul and heart, supporting exactly the direction that is beneficial to us. So, having learned that a girl simply adores Hemingway, he can say that he just has some rare edition at home, which he will gladly give her to read if she wants. If this proposal does not pass, he will come up with another one that would bring him closer to the given goal - to be alone with her.

3. He tries to give you exactly what you lack.

Communicating with you, he tries to understand what exactly you lack at this particular moment and tries to give it to you. Are you in a bad mood because of trouble at work? He will try to entertain you with a good joke. Do you have uncertainty in your eyes? He will do his best to prove to you how wonderful you are. You don't trust men? He will tell you a story about how he was deceived. He may even be a bit aloof until you're a little melted.

In general, his behavior will change depending on the situation and your explicit and hidden desires. He can be quite different, like a good actor, playing one role after another, inventing scenery as the play progresses. Only one thing will remain unchanged - the desire to follow your expectations, not forgetting about your desires ...

Lovelace always controls the development of events. He always has a well-thought-out plan for where to go and how to spend time. He has prepared several alternative options, from which you can choose the one that suits you, but equally well brings him to the desired goal. He is extremely rarely at a loss, having an answer to almost any of your questions or suggestions. He monitors and directs developments. And what women take for confidence is often in fact explained by great experience or deep calculation.

Many men, going on a date with a woman, do not actually know how and when it will end. Yes, they want and hope, but still they don't know for sure... Lovelace, on the contrary, has a very clear goal and a clear intention to go to it by the shortest path. He even has a kind of samples, test questions, by the reaction to which he can judge how far he has progressed towards his goal.

The most banal example of such a question: “Maybe we should go somewhere quieter?” Having received an affirmative answer, he takes the girl away from the noise and din of a large gathering of people to a much quieter and more secluded place ... If the girl says that she likes it here, then it's okay, he can try again later, but in a different version.

5. He tries to get close physically.

Every womanizer and even just a little more experienced man knows that if a woman allowed to approach her, then the job is half done. Therefore, any pretexts are used to reduce the distance separating him from the desired woman. Dance is the most banal and common occasion. But dance dance is different. And here it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of touches. The touch of the seducer is gentle and sensual. He does not try to seize the woman by force, but wants to make her relax in his arms and sail away into the world of her dreams.

The seducer never keeps a woman "just like that." He tells her through his touch how beautiful she is and how much he likes her. To do this, he plays with her hair, easily runs his fingers along her back. His hands are constantly in motion, but, as a rule, do not cross the boundaries of what is permitted. Those. he does everything to ensure that the woman feels pleasant excitement, but has no reason (or desire) to resent his behavior.

In general, if you suddenly notice that you have allowed your new acquaintance much more than you usually tend to allow a man at the first meeting, then it’s time to mentally start up and analyze how this happened, and whether it is worth further allowing events to develop so lightning fast. True, the brain at such moments works with big interruptions ...

When such a man appears in your life, he tries to fill it completely. Everything is used: attention, compliments, stories, unusual actions. Only one thing is excluded - expensive gifts. After all, if he gives every woman with whom he had a relationship a gift, then his wallet may not be able to withstand it. Therefore, the program of the evening can be very enchanting and rich, but if possible, low-budget.

Lovelace will try to strike your imagination with the scale of his personality, at the same time elevating you in his and your eyes to unprecedented heights. According to him, you are the most wonderful woman in the world and he will not get tired of repeating this. He wants you to feel like that next to him. And maybe he even believes it himself. But tomorrow, with the same fervor, he will prove the same to another ...

7. He is swift and persistent in realizing his desires.

As a rule, a man who likes a woman not only physically, but also as a person, is ready to humble his desires and impulses if the woman is not ready to force the relationship. Lovelace, as a rule, is not ready for this at all. He is interested in the fastest possible wins. And if all his efforts to "deceive" were not crowned with quick success, then he loses interest in such a woman, switching to an easier "prey".

His swiftness and categoricalness can manifest itself not only in actions aimed at obtaining the fastest possible access to your body. In the same way, quickly and without much hesitation, he can give you a variety of promises, solve some problems in words, express confidence in the correctness of his actions, etc. In his description of life or alleged relationships, there is no place for doubts and halftones. On the contrary, everything is unambiguous and written in large bright strokes.

All these promises and bold projects, of course, will never be fulfilled. Having served their service, they will be discarded as unnecessary ...

Lovelace is easy to find when he needs something from you. But when you yourself want to find it, you may find that it is not so easy. His phone may be out of range all the time, or simply no one will come to the receiver. He rarely calls back. But it can suddenly appear after some time and carry on a conversation as if you broke up just yesterday.

He can regularly disappear for several days, and then appear in front of you, as if nothing had happened. He will explain his disappearance, as always abstractly, but colorfully: he had important matters that required his indispensable presence, his beloved friend whom you do not know fell ill, his parents suddenly needed urgent help, etc. and so on.

True, as a rule, this situation cannot last long. And when the number of claims from your side becomes more and more, and his desire to communicate with you becomes less and less, he disappears once and for all from your horizon. And then comes the sobering realization of what that relationship was. But it's too late to change...

As I already said, the ladies' man talks little about himself. But a separate topic of his taboo is previous relationships. Of course, many men try not to focus on this, wanting not to bring the old relationship into the new union. But womanizers do it especially carefully and, as always, approach this issue with due ingenuity. They do not just refuse or sullenly remain silent. As a rule, they try to reduce the question to a joke or divert attention to another topic, ask a counter disarming question. In general, they do everything to take you away from a topic that is dangerous for them, switching to something safer and more interesting for them.

In general, the womanizer is surrounded by an aura of mystery and some intrigue. His tendency to leave things out gives free rein to the female fantasy, which readily fills in all the gaps to the level of a finished picture. It's another trick, if you like. When we see in the photo not a man, but only his silhouette, then we can endow him with any features that we personally like. Similarly, the womanizer, drawing his own image in our minds, gives us the opportunity to supplement it with significant details ourselves. And now he is not only handsome, but also kind, not only strong, but also brave, and also noble, generous, unreliable ...

10. He seeks the attention of other women.

Lovelace never fully belongs to any woman. Often, even being next to her, he casts appraising glances at the beauties passing by. The truth is trying to do it in such a way that his today's partner does not notice this. For her, he wants and knows how to create the impression that she is the only one in his life. But as soon as she turns away, he rushes to conquer the other with the same energy ...

Take a closer look at your chosen one. How does he act when he thinks you can't see him? Moving away from the table in the restaurant, take a look at the mirror hanging on the wall: does it follow you with a glance or sits staring at a plate, or maybe looks around the hall in search of something interesting ...

Often the womanizer feels an urgent need to be liked by all women. Therefore, he can show them signs of attention not for any specific purpose, but simply, “in the course of the play,” because he cannot do otherwise. He can be overly gallant and helpful, explaining his behavior with elementary politeness. Such behavior can also be demonstrated by men who were brought up in an atmosphere of a cult of a woman. But the latter are often obsequious in showing signs of attention, while ladies' men, on the contrary, behave slightly dapper, bravura.

Well, that's probably enough. Now you know how to recognize a womanizer. But even if you met one on your way, you should not immediately run away from him without looking back. Staying, you can experience a few bright moments, which will later become pleasant memories. Just treat this as a small episode in your life, and not as a fateful meeting ...

Lovelace man how to behave

Relations between a man and a woman is a complex process in which you need to take into account all the little things and features. If you start only from your principles and views, then it is unlikely that you will achieve success in your personal life, because another person may have a completely different character.

Basically, today classify people by their behavior and outlook on life, therefore, for sure, many women would be interested in knowing the features of a womanizer man who can break his heart and ruin his life, or vice versa - give years of happiness and joy. Yes, such a man may well become yours forever, unless, of course, he sincerely falls in love and exchanges quantity for quality. Contacting such a man or not is your own business, but the information is worth reading. But let's talk about how to calculate it from the total mass and determine it by habits.

1. Lovelace tries not to talk about himself, constantly asking about you. If you notice a man who shows incredible attention to your personality and does not want to talk about himself, then he certainly belongs to this category of the stronger sex. He will answer all your questions briefly, without revealing the essence of the answer. It is quite possible that he will begin his acquaintance with you with questions about how old you are, what your hobbies are, where you like to go and what kind of literature you read. In fact, he is not very interested in detailed information about each of his mistresses, but with the help of such a simple trick, he arouses sympathy from the opposite sex. Women love to talk about themselves, and he knows this very well. Information about you will help him to better establish contact and guess your desires, because it is important for him to receive love and delight in return.

2. Lovelace man tries to adhere to your views, does not argue, agrees with the point of view. It is simply not beneficial for him, because his goal is a specific woman, and not to convince her of any issues. That is why try to listen carefully to what he says. With such a person, after 15 minutes of communication, you will get the impression that you have known him all your life and that it is so easy and simple with him. If he nods and constantly says that he agrees with you, then you have practically become his prey. Psychologists call this ability to achieve the location of the interlocutor - adjustment, so try to analyze at least a little the actions of a particular person and do not rush to melt from his words and compliments. The most important thing in this matter is to realize in time that he is not at all interested in your deep spiritual world, it is important for him to put another tick in the list of conquered hearts.

3. Lovelace will try to please you and be appropriate to the situation. If your day didn’t work out, then he will cheer you up with his sparkling humor, if your beloved friend betrayed you, he will tell a similar situation about himself and his friend. He will try to be interesting and relevant to you. In the end, if you simply lack male attention and compliments, then he will be happy to help you with this. After talking with a womanizer man, you will feel elated and happy, because he is fluent in psychological tricks and communication skills.

4. He always thinks through all his moves. There are men who are constantly worried about how exactly a particular lady will react to his actions and words and does not know what to expect from her. A womanizer man always knows exactly what to do, and if the first option does not work, he will have one more in reserve. If a woman refuses to go to some institution, then he will offer something else. And if she is simply not in the mood, she will use the whole arsenal of her charm and humor. He knows what he wants, so every step is planned in advance.

5. A womanizer man will make physical contact. Such a man knows exactly what women like, so with the help of tenderness and sensuality, get as close to her as possible. He will invite you to dance, gently touch your hands and cheeks. A womanizer man will never start his date with vulgarity and excessive sexual activity, because in this way he can scare away his victim. And absolutely everyone likes tenderness, especially those women who are deprived of male attention. A woman should feel his courage and strength, intertwined with tenderness and sensuality, and he knows how to do this. As soon as a woman melts and succumbs to his caresses, he will be able to do almost anything with her. He will stroke your hair with his hands, touch your back and face, but he will not allow himself something forbidden and vulgar.

6. Lovelace will fill up all your free space. The womanizer man knows perfectly well that one should not lose sight of the one that should become his prey, therefore he carefully monitors the actions of the words and desires of a particular girl. He will give compliments, carry on his arms, compose poetry and show care, but will not spend a lot of money. In fact, it is simply not profitable for him, because you are not the first and not the last with him, and buying expensive gifts and visiting an expensive restaurant is spending time at a loss. That is why he will show himself as courageously and gallantly as possible, will please with pleasant little things, but will fit into the minimum amount of money.

7. Lovelace man keeps his distance and tries to be elusive. Surely, after a few dates, he will begin to quietly disappear from your field of vision, and then completely out of life. As long as you are interesting to him, he will be there, but as soon as you want to complain to him about life in the middle of the night or invite friends to a party, he will magically find a lot of reasons and excuses, or even disappear from sight.

That is why do not place high hopes on him, because all he needs is a woman available at a convenient time for him. Your calls and requests to meet will be ignored, and the desire to spend time together will go unnoticed. It will give you time to cool down, so as not to become boring, and it can disappear at any moment, especially when you do not expect it.

Girls, in pursuit of men, sometimes stumble upon such outcast guys who are called womanizers. Womanizers are such a peculiar type of men who know how to seduce almost any girl very skillfully. It often happens that they can amaze even the most experienced girl and make her behave in a humiliating and inexplicable way. And then the question arises before the girl: how to behave with a womanizer? fall in love with him or leave?

It must be assured that not every girl who already has extensive experience in dealing with a womanizer is able to easily leave him. This happens because not all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity know for sure that it is better to do it right away, until all the same there is a feeling of a broken heart, which is quite difficult, with the support of friends, to heal from spiritual wounds. Womanizers very easily and quickly fall in love with women.

How to behave with a womanizer

If you belong to a number of those girls for whom a serious relationship is not important, but are only looking for a companion for one night, then womanizers are the guys you need. We can say that they are good lovers, whose task is to satisfy a woman, while increasing their rating and reputation. Therefore, if you are not an amorous girl and there is nothing for you to have a serious relationship, then the easiest way is to use the peculiar services of this type of men and say goodbye to him the next morning.

Fall in love with him or leave him - it's up to you. But still, be prepared that both of these things can work out for you with great difficulty. Because these are people who are able, as it were, to bewitch a girl and take advantage of her naivety.

How to fall in love with a womanizer?

1) You can’t say that you will succeed 100%, but you can still try. To begin with, you must understand that he has such a lifestyle, he loves women, so you should be patient and be prepared for constant betrayal on his part. If you still decide fall in love with a womanizer then understand that it will be difficult for him to say goodbye to his past, but if you are sure that you are ready for difficulties, then success.

2) Such men practically do not experience any emotional attachment or this kind of feelings, but love only superficially, so you should become such a girl for him, whom he had not met before. For example, at a meeting, reject him with some witty phrase of a daring bitch and leave slowly, after which he will want to get you even more.

3) Whatever the man is, he definitely turns on and excites female impregnability. But in this regard, you should also not overdo it, because you may simply not be interested in this person and he will switch to a more affordable option. You need to be a kind of coquette-touchy who wants a man to run after her and seek her. Maintain a gentle flirtation with him, glare passionately, but don't let him even touch you. Believe me, it will hurt him, even very much. And you will become for him the first lady on the way to his heart.

4) If you already had an intimate relationship with him, and this is most likely the case, then become for him unpredictable. Constantly intrigue him with unrevealed behavior. Even if he disappears, then send him a message with the following content: “Thank you, dear, it was good with you. That's just ... ”, believe me, this will hurt him very much, since the question will constantly spin in his head: what was wrong? The main thing is to keep a light intrigue, but do not play too much.

If your man is a womanizer

Beautiful words, flowers, gifts, pleasant little things, a fun and interesting pastime - any woman is pleased to receive this from a man, especially if he is not ugly, he has an amazing perfume and enough material resources. “This is my ideal” - women most often think who will meet this type of man on the way, but we hasten to dissuade you of this, most likely such a man is a banal womanizer, whose goal is to drive as many ladies crazy as possible.

Lovelace, Don Juan, Casanova, what only epithets are not called men who have a special relationship with women. Such a man is a pure manifestation of the natural essence - he is a full-fledged male. He is interested in everything, more or less beautiful women of the planet, he strives to please them, and having won the sympathy and disposition of one, he immediately switches to another.

Womanizers are players, they play strategy, they think over various moves, options, situations. Next to such a man there should always be a woman as a source of energy, inspiration and strength. If today you are next to such a man, do not have illusions that maybe it is with you that he will change and become completely different. Even if you manage to keep him near you longer, he is unlikely to go for a serious relationship and marriage, the thirst to take possession of the next victim will dominate his behavior.

What to do? Relax and enjoy

If your man is a womanizer - enjoy, all these breathtaking compliments, nice gifts, romantic meetings are just for you. His goal is your heart, your love, he calls it and drinks it in one gulp, like a glass of mineral water in a strong heat. He gets "thirsty" too often and gets "drunk" too quickly. As soon as he gets what he needs, he will immediately lose interest in you, as in an empty container, there is nothing more you can give him.

Look at things realistically, your wonderful romance will not last long, its “existence” is unchanged, it will definitely go further in search of the next victory. Don't try to hold him back, especially with words of love, it's useless. You can slightly extend the time of pleasure only in the opposite way, demonstrating to him your coldness and inaccessibility. This will cause excitement in him, because he is a player, he is a winner, and a new impregnable peak is even more interesting and exciting, it must be conquered. All forces will be thrown into it.

Lovelace is a tempter, he will constantly say that you are the only, unique, most beautiful and wonderful, of course he does not lie, but you don’t need to believe him either, you are like that, but not next to him.

The womanizer disappears, as a rule, suddenly, firstly, he is quickly carried away by a new object, secondly, he does not tolerate sentimental explanations, and thirdly, he generally cares little about anything other than his own person. Do not look for him, do not call, did not send SMS, you will waste your time. Let him go, let there be pleasant memories of this relationship.

Lovelace is like a heavy downpour in the summer heat, it causes a storm of emotions, excites and delights, it seems that this is forever, that this is happiness. In fact, this is an illusion that he creates for you, and you strengthen it even more. This illusion dissipates very quickly, like coolness after rain.

Neither one nor the other, womanizer is a necessity. We, women, need such men who will conquer, fall asleep with pleasant words, flowers and gifts. An ordinary man rarely scatters in compliments Compliments: the word is not a sparrow, it will fly out and beat it, it understands the intricacies of the female soul, and the womanizers are gentle, caring, they strive to guess all the desires of a woman, although this does not last long. Therefore, if you miss the womanizer, you may never get such vivid impressions again.

A woman is a stepping stone for a womanizer in his ladder of self-affirmation. Treat him the same way, let him be a stepping stone in your ladder of self-respect and self-affirmation. After all, if he chose you, then there really is something in you. Accept the womanizer as he is, you are not the first and you are not the last, but you are one of a kind. Thank him for the wonderful moments and let him go on, let someone else be lucky.

7 signs a guy is a womanizer

We all have our flaws, and wise women understand that the chance of meeting the perfect man is zero. However, there is a category of men whose shortcomings go beyond all reasonable boundaries. We are talking about the so-called womanizers who are very fond of female attention and do not want to burden their lives with serious relationships. In this article, you will learn what signs say that a guy is a womanizer.

A typical womanizer has charisma, attractiveness and good manners, however, behind the external charm lies a "tempter snake" that easily breaks women's hearts. The main disadvantage of a womanizer is that he cannot and does not want to be faithful to the object of his passion. To fall in love and charm women is a kind of fun for him, with which he is unlikely to ever part.

Fortunately, the behavior of a man who is too loving has characteristic features that should alert you. Here are 7 main signs that indicate that your boyfriend is a womanizer.

1. He pays attention to other women.

All men love attractive women, and there is nothing wrong with that. But not a single normal man will spray attention on other representatives of the fair sex with his girlfriend, realizing that this is insulting and unpleasant for her. But since the womanizer does not have any moral principles, he will flirt with you and with a couple of other beauties without any problems.

2. He speaks negatively about his ex

Psychologically mature people try to adhere to one unspoken principle - not to tell a partner about their former relationship. And even if such conversations cannot be avoided, a worthy man will not “spill mud” on his ex-girlfriend, but, most likely, will limit himself to a couple of general phrases. However, the womanizer operates in a completely different way. If you believe his stories, then the ex-girlfriend of this man is the devil in the flesh, who inflicted many emotional wounds on him. By speaking negatively about his ex, the womanizer is only trying to make you feel sorry.

3. He constantly communicates on the phone and social networks

Modern girls have to put up with the fact that a romantic date can be interrupted by a phone call, after which the man will solve important work issues. However, if the phone is the eternal companion of a man, most likely, it is not at all about work. If your boyfriend is always texting you and texting you on social media, dump him immediately. First, it is elementary disrespect and bad manners. And, secondly, it is likely that the guy communicates with his fans in parallel.

4. An abundance of compliments

In every womanizer lives the talent of an orator and a master of the verbal genre. This man will give you the most elegant, funny and sweet compliments, after which you will unwittingly lose your guard. Of course, the ability to speak beautifully does not automatically make a womanizer out of a man. But you should be alerted if compliments pour from the guy's mouth in an endless stream and, moreover, seem too pretentious and exaggerated.

5. Perfect courtship

Men who call themselves professional pick-up artists know a lot about women's weaknesses. If he decides that you should be the next head of his list of achievements, he will do everything possible to impress you. Most often, womanizers act in the style of romantic melodramas, the characters of which present scarlet roses to their girls, write cute SMS, wait from work, make pleasant surprises, etc. Of course, absolutely all men in love want to surround the object of their passion with care and attention, but the womanizer does it too intrusively and swiftly.

6. Unexpected disappearances

If you are unlucky and you fall into the net of a womanizer, get ready for the fact that very soon he will suddenly disappear for several days, and then he will appear and behave as if nothing had happened. The womanizer will explain his mysterious disappearances by very important and urgent matters - feeling unwell, the arrival of distant relatives, problems at work, etc. But do not rush to comfort him. In fact, a womanizer man was absent from your life only because he spent time with other women.

7. He doesn't rush things.

There are two categories of womanizers - those who immediately seek close relationships, and those who do not rush things. In the first case, you will feel something was wrong literally from the first date, because the behavior of a man who seeks only closeness speaks for itself. But the womanizer from the second category is more insidious. This person will first surround you with attention, make you fall in love with him, and then step back a little, tying you to him even more.

One or two signs from this list do not yet indicate that your boyfriend is a womanizer. It is possible that at some points the behavior of a womanizer and the behavior of a serious man may have similar features. But if every item seems to be written off from your new acquaintance, there is no doubt - he is a typical ladies' man, from whom you should stay away.

Most women at least once in their lives asked themselves the following question: why do men choose the lifestyle of "Lovelace" and "Casanova" as the standard of their behavior? What is the reason for the pathological desire to break the hearts of fragile girls, "switching" from one passion to another? Why is a man a womanizer with a psychology and whose features are not ashamed of his treacherous behavior, but, on the contrary, elevate him to the rank of personal achievement? Let's try to figure out who the womanizers are and how to deal with them.

The absolute heartthrob man is the sum of global disappointments in the weak field and the desire to repair the damage to his inner world is quite rare. With a much greater likelihood, ladies who position themselves as deceived and "abandoned" came across pathological liars and bankrupt men who imagine themselves to be Don Juan. So how do you spot a real womanizer?

1. Signs of a man womanizer psychology

Womanizers are infantile, and this is a fact. It is difficult for such men to concentrate their attention on only one girl, they always need more. Like first-graders who cannot sit quietly at a desk for more than twenty minutes, they always crave a change of scenery, environment, a change of life partner. Womanizers do not see the point in their existence if they feel stagnation, life stagnation.

The main criterion for choosing a partner for a womanizer is far from a rich inner world. Womanizers do not build strong and lasting relationships, which means they do not need the emotional and spiritual integrity of the chosen one's personality. Much more important is external data. As a rule, having a high libido, men are womanizers whose psychology seeks to find the most attractive representative of the weaker sex, while not being particularly selective about a person’s character.

The favorite word of a womanizer is "I want." It is heard at all stages of a love story and as it develops, it only strengthens in the lexicon of a man. He is demanding of his partner, but, in turn, shows disregard for the desires of his chosen one, which complicates the relationship at the very beginning. Then the typical behavior of a womanizer is to declare that the other half does not try to satisfy his needs, that she is inattentive to others and, most importantly, to him, and then end the affair with a young lady who will oppose his selfishness and exactingness without dedication.

The psychology of a womanizer man loses control over his personality as soon as he enters into the confidence of a new chosen one. He is a successful seducer, but loses all interest in the second half, as soon as she begins to follow his lead. As soon as the womanizer receives reciprocity, he begins to behave indifferently, narcissistic, overly confident that he will not be abandoned.

It is not at all difficult to identify a womanizer at the beginning of an acquaintance, because such men easily give themselves away. Their manners are distinguished by gallantry, they love to shower the lady with compliments, as they say, they sing like nightingales. Their excessive care and absolute attention to the chosen one can even cause rejection. Especially clearly the behavior of a womanizer is manifested in tactile contacts. A womanizer very unobtrusively can hug a girl she barely knows, give a hand in case when his help was not entirely needed. A womanizer cannot simply communicate with a girl to whom his loving heart “lay down”, he definitely needs to touch a person. A womanizer and persistent in courtship, they rush things, thanks to their overly confident "presentation" of themselves, the womanizer's relationship develops quickly and rapidly.

2. How to fall in love with a womanizer for real?

To make a womanizer man fall in love with her, the psychology of a woman must “play by his rules”, this is guaranteed to shock a man and inspire more interest in him, and, sometimes, even change him. Best defense is attack! Remember that a womanizer seeks to manipulate you, answer him the same. Identify “vulnerabilities” in it and put pressure on them without pity, whether it is narcissism or selfishness.

Slow down the fast pace of your relationship. Play with the womanizer according to his rules: move him away from you as soon as you feel that he is trying to “pull” the initiative onto himself and quickly bring your romance with him to a “logical”, in his opinion, denouement.

Take the womanizer out of his comfort zone, don't let him slack off, and don't in any way fuel his ever-growing sense of self-importance. Arrogance will quickly come down from the heartthrob if you show him that you are in control of the situation. Remember that a womanizer is not capable of falling in love with a woman in love.

Show the womanizer the boundaries of your personal space. You should not allow such a man to break in to violate these boundaries, at first for sure. The feeling of permissiveness feeds the psychology of a womanizer man, points him to his imaginary power in front of the fairer sex. Deprive the womanizer of false confidence in this way.

3. How to teach a womanizer a lesson?

If it so happened that you were deceived and offended by a womanizer, it’s too early to despair, because you have the opportunity to repay him with the same bill. The psychology of relationships recommends teaching a man a womanizer a lesson according to the previously known principle - to play by his rules. Of course, the approach to such an easy "revenge" can be completely different, and it depends on the degree of your disappointment in the heartthrob.

Throw off the shackles of falling in love with a person who is not worthy of your feelings and does not want to repay you in return. Cold calculation and icy indifference will strike the womanizer on the spot. Such a man will wonder why you suddenly lost interest in him, this will hurt the womanizer to the core.

If you are still in a "fading" relationship with a womanizer, start light flirting with men who have been interested in you for a long time, who seem attractive and interesting to you. In this way, you will show the womanizer that there are people in the world who are better than him in many ways. Feeling yourself in your place, "your" ladies' man will feel uneasy. He will understand that he is "losing the crown" and will try by hook or by crook to get your attention.

4. How to fix a womanizer?

If your spiritual kindness and human understanding dictate to you to give the womanizer a second chance, first of all, evaluate your strengths and all the “gravity” of the case. For the most part, womanizers are representatives of the stronger sex, who were once also disappointed in women, were once offended by a real heartbreaker. If you understand that "your" womanizer is from the category of such men, prove to him that not all girls are as mean as his ex. Surround a man with care and warmth, and then he will understand that he is really good with you. Believe , a man womanizer whose psychology of relationships was once wounded by female egoism is operable! He will stop his eternal search if you convince him of a simple thought: "the world is not against you, not all women are so bad."

Penetrate the emotional world of a womanizer, but do not do it obsessively and overly persistently, this can cause irritation and “blocking” of trust on the part of a man. Be unobtrusively and sincerely interested in his problems and experiences, become a good friend for him and a subtle, sensitive psychologist.

Don't get hung up on talking to him. You must show the heartthrob that your interests are not limited to him alone. Be interested in everything around, constantly learn something new. Even if you fail to re-educate a womanizer, you will always remain an interesting person with a rich inner world, and not a person with a soul devastated by love experiences. Experiencing some lack of communication, the womanizer will feel affection for you, he himself will be looking forward to your call.

Help the womanizer say goodbye to the past. Grain by grain, collect information from him about past experiences, do it as carefully as possible so as not to violate his personal space. The psychology of a womanizer man is very vulnerable, and any pressure exerted on them by the female half is perceived by them very painfully. Once you learn more about your love interest's past, develop a "distraction" tactic and follow it. Love and a sincere desire to "save" a womanizer will help you on the way to his re-education!

Summing up, I would like to note that any woman should understand whether the game is worth the candle. Womanizers, as has already been proven, are completely different. Depending on the individuality of the womanizer, he needs a special approach. Adequately evaluate your own strengths and the degree of involvement of a man in this "Don Juan" game, draw the right conclusions and take care of your mental and physical strength!

Many girls at least once in their lives suffered from a meeting with a womanizer. On the one hand, such experience is necessary, but on the other hand, the price may be too high. How to act if such a man appeared in life so as not to become another victim.

As you know, such heroes of our time can be distinguished by their behavior and actions. You need to get to know your chosen one better in order to find out who he really is. Attention should be paid mainly to the little things. if during a quarrel, a person behaves rudely, this does not mean that he is a womanizer. Excessive attention to the opposite sex characterizes such men well. Relationships can be long-term, but not as ideal as we would like. As soon as he begins to notice that they want something more from him than just evening walks, going to the movies and good sex, there are a million reasons to end this novel. The main thing for him is freedom in choice and actions. If a guy, while in a relationship, unceremoniously flirts with other girls, this is one of the first signs of a womanizer.

How to understand that a man is a womanizer 7 sure signs that will betray anyone

These signs will be enough to bring such a person to clean water. Even if he wants to carefully hide his behavior under the guise of romantic deeds or cute compliments, the result will not change.

How to understand that a man is a womanizer 7 sure signs that will betray anyone:

  1. When meeting another girl, a man behaves very relaxed. He is self-confident, relaxed and open to new relationships. At the first meeting, such behavior is not easy to notice, but with constant communication, when he puts himself one step higher, everything becomes clear.
  2. In his conversation, a huge number of compliments sound, often banal and memorized in advance. Everyone wants to hear that she is beautiful, attractive and very smart and this is what makes an unforgettable impression. The lines of Dostoevsky or Pushkin also play into the hands of a womanizer, making him a romantic gentleman.
  3. You don’t need to ask such guys for a long time, he will tell about himself. Such conversations give the feeling that he is a successful and purposeful guy, although there is nothing to brag about.
  4. Stylish clothes and fashion accessories speak of his impeccable style and good taste. It will not be a shame to go out with such a man, because he knows a lot about fashion trends.
  5. At the first meeting, he without remorse pays attention to other ladies.
  6. Praise and admiration for a companion, which makes the girls blush and be embarrassed. Boundless flattery will sound until he sees that you are in a cage.
  7. Evening dates. He is in no hurry to allocate time during the working day. All relationships are only after work and personal matters. Getting to know his circle of friends is also unrealistic to wait.

A man is a womanizer and behavior with him. Proper behavior with a womanizer

How to behave with such a person if you are sure that he is a womanizer. Such information will not stop many girls, but on the contrary, it will give an even greater impetus to winning their hearts and the chosen one.

Before starting such a relationship, you should think carefully about whether you can cope with difficulties and whether you are ready for the daily struggle for your feelings. The first thing to do in such a situation is to take control of the relationship into your own hands. Choose your own time and place of meeting, because when a man is interested in you, he will follow your rules. In this case, it is very important not to go too far, because if he sees your dominance and the desire to subdue him, all ties will break without even starting.

Desire and passion, that's what overcomes him all this time, it is advisable to treat this with caution. As long as possible debug the time of sexual intercourse. As soon as he sees that you agree to have sex after a week of relationship, his attitude towards you will change dramatically. Roughly speaking, sexual intercourse is the final stage in a short-term relationship, after which it is no longer interesting. Let yourself be conquered, because the taste of victory for a man is simply necessary. Prove that you do not agree to a relationship without obligations, but want something more, but in the future, this is very important.

Such males will not appreciate your borscht and daily expectations. He needs a girl with character who can resist a difficult character. Do not be afraid to express your dissatisfaction by showing an unwillingness to put up with his bad habits.

Sooner or later, such a man will want to start a family and live a quiet life, leaving everything in the past. Some realize it earlier, others later, and the rest will be in search of new sensations all their lives. At one point, the most inveterate womanizer will be able to fall in love. In this case, it will not be easy for a girl who will become the object of adoration for a womanizer. On the one hand, all the tenderness and love will go only to her. True, the actions will be very contradictory, because a man simply does not know how to attract and charm the one that is so much loved. It can be anything - ridiculous actions, compliments out of place, stupid smiles, in general, everything that he used to do without thinking, now it is so difficult for him. On the other hand, a girl should be sympathetic to his past and not try to radically change it. For your sake, he will change himself, only with time. At the behavior of a womanizer in love be patient and just wait.

How to distinguish a womanizer from a man in love

To distinguish a womanizer from a sincerely loving man, you need to carefully watch all the actions. In order not to hang a cliché on your partner, check him well. All men are flattered by the attention of girls, but this does not mean that they are womanizers. A person with sincere feelings may have flaws, but they should not be confused with a way of life. The womanizer does not offer to start a family, or at least move to a new stage in the relationship. How to distinguish a womanizer from a man in love, he will not give you flowers and will not call you in the morning. There can be no serious and stable relationship, this is the law for him. If the womanizer fell in love, then get ready for a double blow, very pleasant, but not easy.

Why a man becomes a womanizer psychology

The main question is why a man became a womanizer? What subjected him to such a decision, who is to blame and why should those around him suffer? For each person, this way of life was formed in different conditions. Someone initially does not want a relationship and is constantly forced to change women. Others simply do not know how to love, and be afraid to open their hearts to meet such amazing feelings. Sometimes the woman is to blame for this behavior. Maybe once a man did everything to be loved, but his hopes were not justified.

Simply put, you can say:

  • lie,
  • betrayal
  • unrequited love.

These events in the past have had such a strong impact on the present and the future. Revenge on one girl, in the person of a female, is very often found precisely in the case of womanizers. The fear of opening up and the fear of being abandoned is what lies behind the appearance of a strong, self-confident man. From hopelessness, it remains only to break women's hearts and make the fair sex suffer. Why a man becomes a womanizer psychology such a person is hidden behind a special mask and is not available to everyone.

Each person is individual in his own way, and womanizers are no exception. Men with an exciting past and a fickle future. So that a naive girl does not suffer from the merciless torment of such a guy in the initial stages, one should look closely at the person and not rush to open her heart to him.

What to do if the womanizer became your husband? In fact, it's best not to. He is fickle, windy, his reliability tends to zero, but the desire to conquer and achieve, to be in search - constantly, in such an unusual way he asserts himself. It is very difficult to maintain close relationships with such men for a long time, and you can completely forget about relaxing and just feeling loved. Yes, it is better not to marry such a person.

However, what to do if you fell in love and already married him, or if you considered his character only after the wedding (and it happens), in general - if you can already say about yourself: "yes, my husband is a womanizer"?
In this case, remember that it is difficult to maintain a long-term relationship with such a man, but it is quite possible if you follow certain rules.

You should not show your lovelace husband that he is the only light in the window for you, especially at the beginning of a relationship. Chat with friends, go to work and even let him sometimes be jealous of you, remind you that you are an attractive and interesting person. Just do not overdo it in any case - jealousy is a super-powerful weapon, it is very easy to bend the stick. And after outbreaks of his jealousy, surround your loved one with attention and care, communicate with him gently, show how much you love him.

Also, constantly show your womanizer husband that you are discovering new positive aspects in him as you get to know him. Note his tenderness, his strength and intelligence, how skillfully he manages the household, his business acumen, in general, say as many compliments as possible. Just do not forget that compliments are valuable only when they are justified - no need to lie. Even the most greedy person for praise will not believe if you tell him, who carefully and regularly pays you a salary and has never shown his nose to the store, how much you admire his ability to manage a household. But you should not be afraid to exaggerate the existing positive qualities, praising your womanizer husband - hearing pleasant words every day, he will inevitably try to match them. However, even here there is a danger of overdoing it. Hearing too diligent praises, the womanizer may decide that he deserves a better fate than being your husband - after all, you yourself praise him so much. And to spoil such a person is a direct path to, perhaps, the most unpleasant scenario for your future relationship - for example, he will leave you to look for his ideal that matches him - so beautiful, or he will simply cheat right and left, not putting your feelings in a penny and emotions.

So, praise your lovelace husband, give him compliments, do not skimp on them if they are really on business, but do not overpraise him; remain attractive and desirable for other men, and let him see it (but in no case change it), be gentle, affectionate and attentive with him, but do not forget about your former interests and hobbies - and then what seemed impossible - building a strong and happy family with a womanizer - you will definitely succeed.