What to do with peonies when they bloom. To help the novice grower: when to prune peonies. Watering and loosening the soil

Country cheat sheet No. 6 is dedicated to the topic of caring for peonies after flowering. 😉

July is the time when peonies bloom. It is difficult for novice flower growers to imagine what to do next with them: to feed or not, whether to cut off faded peonies. All these points are extremely important, because mistakes can be fatal.

Should I prune faded peonies?

In faded peonies, only fading flowers can be cut off - this is necessary for plant health! Dry petals will crumble inside the bush, fill with moisture, and become an excellent location for gray rot. Therefore, the dried caps of peonies are cut off.


The bush itself cannot be touched, even in August and September it is not recommended to cut off the aerial part of the peonies, although the stems and leaves are already beginning to turn yellow. Ugly? Yes! But even after flowering, the peony lives and prepares for flowering the next year - it forms renewal buds underground. Their growth is impossible without the plant part - everything is interconnected. It is best to prune a dried peony bush in late autumn, when all processes have been successfully completed.

Experienced gardeners advise to finally trim the aerial part of the peony after the first frost. The bases of the bushes can be covered with a 10-centimeter layer of humus. The shelter will protect the buds and roots from frost, and in the spring it will become a good top dressing.

Peonies have faded: what to do? Feed!

Peonies need top dressing not only BEFORE, but also AFTER flowering. It's all about the kidneys of renewal again. The peony has faded, but lives an active life, and for this he needs good nutrition.

After flowering, peonies need to be fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer or wood ash infusion (1 liter of ash per 10 liters of water). Re-feeding is carried out in a month, and at the end of August - the third, final. Top dressing will allow peonies to accumulate nutrients in the rhizomes.

After pruning dead flowers it is useful to spray peony bushes with a solution of copper sulfate to prevent gray rot.

In July, boric acid (1 pinch per 10 liters of water) can be added to water for watering faded peonies - this is useful for the formation of renewal buds.

In July, when the peonies have already faded, they can also be watered with a solution of micronutrient fertilizers (2 tablets per 10 liters of water).

As the peony fades, it is useful to give it the following dressing:

  1. Half a tablespoon of superphosphate and 1/3 tablespoon of potassium salt - for 1 bush. The granules are simply poured under the bush and lightly embedded in the soil by loosening, or an aqueous solution is prepared and watered. Fertilizes best after rain or watering, on moist soil.

Top dressing options before and after peonies bloom:

Young peonies do not need top dressing in the first 1-2 years after planting (provided that a sufficient amount of fertilizer was applied to the planting pit). Peonies at the age of 3-4 years should ideally be fed 4 times a season, including after the peony has faded:

Strong and healthy peonies will be able to successfully winter and bloom profusely next year.

What's next? Caring care!

You need to care for faded peonies no less than during flowering:


In the heat and heat of peonies, watering is vital, rare, but plentiful. Under an adult bush, it is necessary to pour up to 30 liters of water. It is worth considering that the roots that absorb moisture in peonies are located at a distance of 20-40 cm from the center of the bush, so you need to pour water not directly under the bush, but a little further away.

It is very convenient to pour water into grooves 10 cm deep - then it will not spread past. In dry weather, peony bushes should be watered abundantly once a week.

Watering peonies is best in the evening, so that the moisture evaporates more slowly and is better absorbed.

It is useful to mulch the soil under the peony bushes to cover it from the scorching sun (the weather in July-August after the peonies bloom is extremely hot).

In particular, watering peonies is necessary:

  • in late May - early June, during the period of active growth and budding,
  • in mid-July - August, when renewal buds are actively formed after the peony has faded.


It is useful to regularly loosen the soil after each rain or watering. Loose soil allows peonies to breathe. At the very bush, loosen to a depth of 5-7 cm, and at a distance of 20-40 cm from the stems - to a depth of 10-15 cm.

In August - divide and transplant

Old peony bushes bloom worse and worse over time, so they need to be divided and replanted. There are different opinions about the frequency of transplants: some flower growers advise dividing peonies 1 time in 8-10 years, others - 1 time in 4-5 years. Here it is better to focus on the state of a particular instance:

  • If the bush has grown strongly and has begun to bloom worse, most likely it is time to transplant it. The older the bush, the larger and stronger its roots, the harder it will be to divide it, and this should also be taken into account.

The optimal time for division and transplantation peony is considered August, but you can still do it during September. We devoted one of the articles on the blog to the methods and nuances of transplantation:

In autumn, peonies require special care that will help plants successfully endure the cold season. When to prune peonies for the winter is a topical issue for all flower growers and owners of summer cottages. Proper and timely pruning will save the vital juices of the plant and prepare it for winter.

The features of spring pruning of a tree-like and herbaceous variety will be described in this article, and photos and videos will help novice flower growers carry out the procedure correctly.

Pruning stems after flowering is one of the most important plant care activities. Most often, novice gardeners ask themselves the question: is it possible to prune them immediately after flowering and how exactly to do this? Our article will try to clarify all the incomprehensible points regarding this procedure.

The main thing you need to know is the fact that for some time after flowering is completed, the bush cannot be touched. Thus, we give him the opportunity to accumulate strength and nutrients for the formation of new kidneys.


It is recommended to completely remove all faded buds for the first three years. However, do not rush to cut the buds as they fade. It is worth waiting until the whole bush re-blooms, and only after that remove the bud along with part of the stem to the first leaf. This procedure will ensure more abundant flowering next year (Figure 1).

Note: But, if you want to achieve not an increase in the number of flowers, but an increase in their size, the upper buds should be left.

As for the foliage, it is not recommended to cut it without apparent need, since the green mass plays an important role in the circulation of nutrients throughout the plant. In addition, cutting leaves can only be done in autumn in warm weather.

How and when to prune flowers correctly is shown in the video.


Although it is not recommended to prune each flower immediately after it has blossomed, care should be taken to ensure that faded and fallen petals do not cover the bush. Excessive moisture collects under a layer of fallen petals, which causes the development of mold and rot.

Figure 1. Timing and technology of pruning bushes after flowering

Trimming time

Pruning time after flowering is determined separately for each bush. The main guideline is the complete re-flowering of the whole plant. Only after that it is possible to carry out the removal of buds with small parts of the stems.

When to prune peonies for the winter

Preparing plants for winter is a rather responsible event, because if you cut them prematurely, there is a risk of ruining the entire flower. That is why the question of when to prune bushes for the winter is very important.

Here it is worth focusing on the appearance of the bush. If all its stems fall to the ground, you can proceed to the procedure.


Plants for the winter should be cut at the root. All removed parts of the plant (stems, leaves) should be taken out of the flower garden to prevent the development of pathogenic fungi. Cut bushes must be protected from frost.


There are some rules that will help answer the question of whether it is necessary to prune the bushes after flowering, and how to do it correctly.

For the procedure to be successful, you need to do the following(picture 2):

  • Start pruning for the winter after the first frost, when all the stems of the bush fall to the ground.
  • The stems of the plant should be cut almost to the root, leaving sprouts above the buds no more than 10 cm high.
  • The remaining root system must be carefully covered from the cold with humus or dry peat.

Figure 2. Pruning and sheltering bushes for the winter

Pruning tree peony in spring

Spring pruning of a tree-like crop variety is the best way to care for a plant. The procedure involves removing old and broken branches, shoots with dried foliage, as well as shortening healthy shoots to the first living point in order to rejuvenate the entire bush.


Pruning a tree plant in early spring is rejuvenating. At the same time, last year's shoots are shortened to a growth point, and the weak ones are cut off so that 10-20 cm of the stem remains from the surface of the earth.

No need to be afraid to prune the plant every spring, because it tolerates this procedure well and quickly becomes covered with new shoots. At the same time, specimens older than 10 years are recommended to be cut at the root.


As in the case of herbaceous varieties, tree pruning is carried out according to certain rules.

Main features include(picture 3):

  • Pruning in early spring is aimed at forming a bush and rejuvenating the plant.
  • It is also possible to trim frozen shoots in late spring.
  • In order to obtain larger flowers, it is recommended to remove a third of the formed buds during spring pruning.

Figure 3. Tree pruning technology

It is also necessary to remove the root shoots from the stock if the bush was obtained by grafting.

Pruning a tree peony in spring: video

For those who have never pruned a tree variety of a plant before, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video, which shows in detail all the details of this process.

Pruning tree peony in autumn

It is impossible to cut tree-like varieties in autumn, since next year flowering will occur on last year's shoots, and the bush itself will not look lush and beautiful enough.


Autumn pruning is sanitary in nature, that is, it is aimed at removing diseased or damaged shoots. If the bush looks healthy, there are no damaged parts or signs of disease, it is better not to touch the plant so that it can accumulate enough strength before winter.


If affected shoots are found on the plant, they must be removed immediately, without waiting for spring. The cut branches are burned, and the plant itself is sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate or potassium permanganate.

The peony bloom period gives the world a beautiful picture to enjoy. Gorgeous garden flowers delight the eye. After flowering, the plant looks beautiful, because both the flowers and the leaves have splendor, which is comparable to a bouquet. Faded peonies will require pruning and care. The beauty and fragrance of these flowers are compared to roses. In bouquets, the flower decorates and marks the end of the school year, the last bell and other events and celebrations.

These colorful flowers of the spring period. They delight owners with beauty and brightness. Peonies are bought in flower shops or planted in the garden. Care is simple, but requires attention and compliance with the rules.

Measures for pruning faded peonies

The answer is that you can not cut off the faded peonies completely. This will negatively affect the condition of the plants. After the end of flowering, buds are laid at the flower, which will bloom in the next period.

They should grow and function normally, gain useful substances. The peony will fade, and nutrients begin to be stored for further growth. If the gardener cuts off the flower-bearing parts and leaves at the root, then the faded peony may die. Trimming in a decorative form is required for flowers. The bushes have faded, but next year they will again delight with lush and beautiful flowers. Gardeners need to know the peonies pruning rules.

The bush remains in a viable state at any time of the year. Until the transplant is carried out, the peony remains in the ground.

The aerial part also remains, although the leaves turn yellow. The buds are getting ready for the next bloom. If there are no leaves, then the buds will be harder to open. Only in autumn, before frosts, the bush is cut off by gardeners. The aerial part is cut off before frost. The bases are covered with humus by 10 cm.

The procedure for pruning faded peonies, top dressing:

  • Feeding materials. Means Perfection in the amount of 2 tablespoons is added to a bucket of water. The third time feeding is done in September, a solution is made in a bucket of water with 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Feeding materials are sold in the store, you can choose the ones you need. When gardeners remove wilted flowers, the peony needs to be fed. It is necessary to spray with a solution of copper sulfate. Gray rot will not spread. In July, after the end of flowering, the plants are watered with a solution of 2 microfertilizer tablets per 10 liters of water. Top dressing is needed for the health of the plant and the splendor of flowering. Watering occurs after rain, when the digestibility of the plant will be increased.

Plant transplant

Watering peonies

Poly is carried out under the root so that the peony absorbs as much moisture as possible. Watering needs plentiful, and the frequency is not very frequent. If the soil is dry and the temperature is very hot, additional watering can be carried out. 30 liters of water per bush will be normal. Water flows a little further away from the plant so that the roots receive it directly. The root system is wide, and 20 cm from the bush will create the right distance for watering. Watering occurs in the evening, when the bright sun does not immediately evaporate all the moisture from the ground.

Simple care will give all the conditions for growth, and next year the peony will delight you with the splendor of flowering and beautiful appearance. Watering procedures, replanting are necessary. Pruning after flowering is very important. Protection against gray rot will give confidence in the appearance of new flowers and the development of the plant. Observing all the rules, the gardener will give a new life to the flower. Faded peonies do not need to be removed from the site, they are simply cut off, as mentioned above. You can not overdo it, the flower must be preserved.

Gardeners are trying to improve the growth conditions for plants, so they do not neglect pruning peonies that have faded. They still delight the eye, create the impression of brightness and novelty. The area is being transformed. Under no circumstances should they be removed from the site. A caring summer resident will process peonies in advance and remove dry leaves.

After the luxurious peonies in the garden have faded, their care must be continued. Plants need proper pruning, feeding and watering: all these procedures will help peonies recover and ensure their lush flowering next season. We will learn how to properly care for peonies after flowering, paying special attention to their pruning.

In order for the plant to develop fully even after flowering, it must be continued to be watered. The proper development of the root system, as well as flowering next year, largely depends on competent and sufficient soil moisture.

The frequency of watering depends on the weather. If the summer is normal, watering is done every 10 days. In case of severe drought, the frequency of procedures must be increased. From 10 to 30 liters of water are spent on each bush: depending on the size of the plant and the temperature outside.

It is necessary to achieve wetting of the soil to a depth sufficient for complete moistening of the entire root system of pions. The better the roots are developed, the better the plants develop and endure frosty winters. The entire root system should be moistened, and not just its central part. In autumn, watering is initially reduced to a minimum, then completely stopped.

top dressing

Of course, peonies require the most nutrients before and during their flowering. After the completion of the decorative period, the need for fertilizers becomes lower. But it doesn't disappear at all.

At the end of flowering, top dressing should be applied once or twice, no more. You can use both organic and mineral fertilizers. The composition of the top dressing should be predominantly phosphate-potassium: you can use potassium nitrate, superphosphate, organic mullein.

It is also necessary to produce foliar top dressing using mineral complexes. Such top dressing will increase the decorativeness of the shrub and lay the foundation for the formation of future flower buds.

When summer comes to an end, fertilization is aimed at preparing for winter. Peonies begin to stock up on nutrients at this time in order to survive the upcoming cold. At this time, the future flower buds are actively forming, the root system is intensively developing: all these processes must be provided with energy in the form of nutrients.


A very useful procedure for peonies after flowering. Mulching solves several problems at once:

  • retains moisture in the soil;
  • protects the bed from weeds;
  • provides plants with additional nutrition.

It is recommended to use organic matter as mulch: humus, dry weathered mullein. After wetting the mulch layer, the latter will begin to decompose, gradually supplying the roots of the plant with good nutrition.

It is also necessary to loosen the soil: a procedure is performed after each watering, as well as after rains. The fact is that after drying, water forms a hard, dense crust on the surface of the earth, which greatly impairs the permeability of the soil. The crust needs to be broken.


This procedure after flowering is performed if the peony bush has grown strongly and begins to interfere with nearby growing neighbors. In addition, sometimes a transplant is needed if the place for peonies is chosen incorrectly: it is either too sunny, or too humid, shady.

Transplantation is done in the fall. It is necessary to dig up a bush carefully, having previously thoroughly moistened its roots. A large amount of water will help to more carefully get the bush out of the ground without damaging its roots. The stems are tied together before removing their holes. It is better to pry the plant with a pitchfork, so as not to cut the rhizomes with a shovel.

The plant is then inspected, damaged and rotten roots, if any, are removed. Then they dry a little in the air and land in a new hole.

The bush is located in the center of the hole, its root is watered, and then it is only followed by falling asleep with soil. Please note that the buds of the plant are located at a depth of up to 5 cm. If they are deepened too much, the stem may subsequently rot.

If the bush is already quite mature (4-5 years) and at the same time has grown strongly, it is recommended to divide it when transplanting. This will allow you to get several healthy, full-fledged peonies from one plant at once, which can bloom next year.

Peony is a poorly adapting flower, so the first month or two after transplantation is traditionally “sick”. Then, with proper and careful care, it recovers on its own. Care after transplantation should include mandatory root watering and foliar spraying. In addition, the soil in the garden bed should be loosened regularly so that the soil is well permeable.


Consider all the nuances and points regarding this main procedure for caring for peonies after flowering.

Is pruning necessary and why?

When a peony bush stops blooming, it loses most of its decorative effect. The bush is now a still green plant, but with wilted, dried buds. Inexperienced gardeners often immediately make a radical pruning of the bush. However, quick pruning in this case is highly undesirable.

The fact is that through green leaves, the peony carries out the processes of its photosynthesis, which, as you know, benefit the roots. That is, by cutting a bush early, you will deprive its roots of the opportunity to get stronger, to lay flower buds for the next season. And as a result, next year there will be no lush flowering, and there will be no normal greenery: the bush will weaken. If you cut the peony in this way for several seasons in a row, this can achieve the death of the bush.

In order to avoid such negative consequences, it is necessary to prune - but only after one and a half to two months after the end of flowering.

Important: early pruning will also lead to the fact that seed boxes will not be able to form on the bush: and they can look quite decorative and attractive on the plant.

What does pruning peonies do after flowering? In fact, this procedure is aimed at preparing the plant for wintering. In winter, in the cold, shoots can freeze, so they need pruning. In the spring, the peony will move into active growth and, with proper care, will quickly increase its green mass. In addition, the removal of leaves and shoots helps to protect the plant from the spread of infection and fungus.

Time for the procedure

It has already been said above that peonies should be pruned after flowering no earlier than when one and a half to two months have passed after the last bud has withered. In any case, you must wait until all the flowers on the bush dry up.

The buds are the first to be cut - usually they are simply cut off. Then comes the part of the stem directly adjacent to the buds: it is already cut off with a pruner. The leaves are recommended to be left intact as long as possible: it is through them that the process of photosynthesis is carried out. The best time for the initial peony pruning is in August.

The final pruning is done in early October. The procedure is performed only after the bush "lies" on the garden. Pruning is done at the root, after which, after a while, the stumps are covered for the winter.

Trimming Rules

After flowering, carefully inspect the bush for signs of a fungal infection. If spots on the leaves are found, it is necessary to remove such greenery along with the shoots urgently, without waiting for the due date. And if the fungus was found, after removing the affected parts, treat the plant with preparations containing copper for prevention.

Then cut the buds - by the time of the procedure, absolutely all the buds on the bush should already wither. Shoots adjacent to the buds are also subject to pruning.

What is left of the bud is removed to the first leaf. But if this leaf is weak, then the pruning is extended to the first strong leaf. It is better to remove buds with shoots with secateurs so that the roots of the plant are not injured or stretched.

After removing the buds, at least a couple of leaves should remain on each shoot. An exception is made only if the deciduous part of the peony bush obscures other plants in the flower bed from the sun. To avoid this, it is better to immediately plant a sprawling peony in the background.

Next, you need to leave the bush alone for one and a half to two months, so that the leaves have time to carry out the photosynthesis processes necessary for the plant. In early October, the final pruning follows: only stumps 1-2 cm high are left from the bush.

Pruning tree peony

The main pruning of a tree peony is done in the spring, as this plant needs shaping. At the same time, sanitary pruning is performed.

After flowering, the shrub is also pruned. The procedure is carried out in October-early November: the bush is shortened by two-thirds. The autumn pruning of a tree peony is aimed at improving the frost resistance of the plant.

Some varieties of tree peony are not pruned at all in the fall. This is done with those varieties in which flower buds are formed on last year's shoots. After pruning such a peony, next year you can get a “bare” shrub without flowers.

Peonies younger than three years of age are not subjected to pruning: these plants need only weeding, loosening, watering. You don’t even need to feed them, since the nutrients laid down during planting have not yet been used up.

After pruning, be sure to remove all removed parts of the plants from the site: they must be collected in a heap and burned. The measure will help protect the garden from the spread of fungus, infection, and pests.

Watch a video on how to properly prune a peony after flowering.

Florist mistakes

The main mistakes when caring for peonies after flowering are associated with pruning plants. Consider the most common problems that arise in this case.

Pruning immediately after flowering

The most common and sad mistake - it is usually made by beginners. If you cut off the green mass immediately after flowering, this will not give the peony the opportunity to accumulate enough nutrients for the winter. The next growing season will be sad: the plant is unlikely to please with lush flowers and bright foliage.

Pruning too late

If the bush “overstays”, this fact will not allow the root system to be updated normally, and may lead to the decay of individual rhizomes. This is fraught with disease, and even death of the entire plant.

Removing still blooming buds

Cutting off shoots with blooming buds for a bouquet, you, of course, will please yourself with flowers that have stood for a couple of days in a vase. But the decorativeness of the bush and the number of peony buds will noticeably decrease next year.


The procedure for sheltering peonies for the winter is carried out only after pruning. If the soil in the garden is dry, it is necessary to water it qualitatively and abundantly: this will increase the frost resistance of the roots. Then you need to make the last top dressing in the current season.

The stumps remaining from the peony are mulched with peat, the layer should be quite thick: this will help protect the plant from freezing.

We learned what care a peony needs after flowering. The plant needs fertilizing, watering and, of course, pruning. But not immediately after flowering, but after at least a month and a half. Properly performing all the care procedures, you will annually enjoy a luxuriantly flowering peony bush in the garden.