How to prepare puff marmalade recipe. Making marmalade at home. Universal marmalade recipe

Many people prefer to eat marmalade as a stand-alone snack for tea. The sweet is especially popular among the younger generation, but adults are not averse to enjoying this exquisite culinary creation. Experienced housewives have developed basic cooking technologies that can be implemented on their own.

Homemade marmalade: classic recipe

  • mixture of pectin and sugar - 60 gr./15 gr.
  • vanillin - to taste
  • glucose syrup - 90 ml.
  • berry/fruit puree - 475 gr.
  • sugar - 385 gr.
  • lemon juice - 85 ml
  • lemon zest - 20 gr.
  • flavoring (herbs) - to taste (optional)
  1. Place fruit (berry) puree in a small saucepan, add sugar, stir and place on the burner. Stirring constantly, bring the mixture until bubbles appear. After the mixture has boiled, add the mixed pectin and sugar to it. Simmer the mixture for 5 minutes.
  2. Reduce power and pour glucose syrup into the mixture. Stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a viscous consistency. Then pour in lemon juice and crumble the zest into small pieces (it will add an unusual flavor). Also add vanilla and aromatic herbs (optional).
  3. Remove the mixture from the heat and pour into a prepared container. Place the mixture in a cool place to thicken completely. Next, the marmalade must be removed from the container and wrapped in film.
  4. In this form, leave it in the refrigerator for another 24 hours. After hardening, turn the marmalade over and repeat the procedure. Next, divide the marmalade into small cubes and sprinkle with powdered sugar. In this form, keep the delicacy in the cold for 2 days.

Melon marmalade

  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • gelatin - 20 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 200 gr.
  • filtered water - 120 ml.
  • ripe melon (pulp) - 550 gr.
  • vanilla - 1 pod
  1. Wash the melon, remove the seeds and peel the fruit. Chop the pulp into cubes, add vanilla pod. Sprinkle the mixture with granulated sugar and wait about 2 hours. During this period, the fruits will release juice.
  2. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan and place on low heat. Wait until the first bubbles appear, then cook for 7 minutes, do not forget to stir.
  3. When the pulp has boiled down, place it in a blender and prepare a puree. Place on the stove again and simmer for another 5 minutes. After all manipulations, let the mixture cool in a cool place (about 8 hours).
  4. After the allotted time, pour in the juice of one lemon, bring to a boil again and cook for 7 minutes. At this time, dilute the gelatin and leave until completely swollen.
  5. Mix both compositions together, pack into mold cells. Leave the marmalade in the refrigerator for 3 hours until it hardens completely. After this, sprinkle the product with granulated sugar.

  • granulated sugar - 950 gr.
  • apricots - 1.5-2 kg.
  • powdered sugar - 60 gr.
  1. The delicacy can be prepared from homemade apricots. The initial goal is to cook jam, so absolutely any broken or crumpled fruit is suitable for this purpose.
  2. Before cooking, remove the seeds from the fruit and sprinkle with sugar. Leave the resulting mass overnight, let it brew and soak.
  3. Dry the apricot kernels in the oven; they will come in handy later. After drying, remove the whole kernels. At the end of cooking, you will decorate the dessert and give it a special taste.
  4. Place the apricots and sugar over medium heat and wait until the first bubbles appear. Remove any foam that appears and simmer the mixture in this mode for 30 minutes.
  5. Remove the pan from the burner and leave to cool for 4-5 hours. After this, put the mixture on low heat and cook for a couple of hours. Then let the mixture sit overnight.
  6. Repeat the previous operation, only for 1 hour (over low heat and bringing to a boil). Achieve homogeneity of the mass using a mixer, beating the mixture directly in a hot container.
  7. The mass should boil down almost 2 times. The end result will be a thick jam. Spread the prepared paste onto parchment paper in a thin layer and leave overnight.
  8. Make sure that the mixture is well frozen; for the best effect, dry it in the oven at 90-100 degrees for 50 minutes.
  9. Separate each plate from the paper and sprinkle with sweet powder. Roll the layer into a roll and repeat the process with powder. Cut the roll into pieces and place on a plate.
  10. Treat the marmalade with powder, this way you will avoid sticking. Insert a kernel from a bone into each part of the roll. The marmalade is ready to eat.

Jam-based marmalade

  • gelatin - 120 gr.
  • filtered water - 350 ml.
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • jam - 250 ml.
  1. Pour 150 ml into a small container. warm water and place gelatin in it. Soak the bulk composition in the liquid until it swells. Pour 200 ml into a small saucepan. water, add jam.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high. While stirring, pour in the gelatin and cook for another 3-4 minutes. Remove the mixture from the burner for half an hour to cool.
  3. Take a citrus and squeeze out the juice, then add it to the mixture. Beat the mixture to a puree-like consistency using a mixer or blender.
  4. Strain the prepared mixture through a sieve or cheesecloth to remove any pieces of berries. Pour into molds and place in the refrigerator to cool.
  5. After cooling, the marmalade will easily separate from the container. Cut into pieces and sprinkle with sugar. You can serve immediately or keep the delicacy in the cold for another 5 hours.

  • filtered water - 300 ml.
  • sugar - 500 gr.
  • quince - 1.5 kg.
  1. Pour water into a metal ladle and place on fire. After bubbles appear, place the quince in the liquid for 8-10 minutes; this move will ensure easy peeling of the fruit.
  2. After the “hot bath”, sharply cool the fruit with water. Divide the fruit into equal parts, completely removing seeds and peel.
  3. Chop the quince into cubes and place in a saucepan with water. During the cooking process, keep an eye on the fruit so that it does not burn. Bring the quince to a soft state.
  4. When the fruits are ready, let them cool. Next, puree the fruit pieces using a blender. Add sugar, mix well.
  5. Place the finished mixture in a prepared form covered with cling film. Smooth the surface with a spatula.
  6. Leave the layer for a day at room temperature. To ensure even drying, do not forget to turn it over. After all the procedures, cut the marmalade into pieces and sprinkle with powder.

Nettle marmalade

  • drinking water - 125 ml.
  • powdered sugar - 25-30 gr.
  • instant gelatin - 55 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 120 gr.
  • orange juice (freshly squeezed) - 65 ml.
  • vanillin - to taste
  • lemon juice - 40 ml.
  • young nettle (fresh leaves) - 35 gr.
  1. Mix vanillin with granulated sugar, heat the water and pour it into the bulk mixture. Begin to slowly add the gelatin, after shaking it out of the package. Stir the mixture until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  2. Pour boiling water over the nettle leaves, place them in a blender and puree them. If whole branches are used, first chop them into small pieces.
  3. Mix lemon juice with orange juice and add to nettles. Add the vanilla mixture to this and stir until smooth.
  4. Pack the mixture into mold cells (containers for freezing ice are suitable) and place in the refrigerator. After complete hardening, sprinkle the marmalade with sugar or powder.

  • sugar - 1 kg.
  • filtered water - 300 ml.
  • apples - 3 kg.
  1. Prepare the apples for consumption by cutting out any damaged areas and removing the peel. Divide the fruit into 4 parts and remove the seeds.
  2. Grate the apples on a coarse grater and place in a medium saucepan with a capacity of about 4-5 liters. Fill the container with water and start cooking.
  3. When the apples are ready, you will see a puree-like mass. To achieve complete homogeneity of the mixture, use a blender.
  4. Add sugar to apple porridge. Place on low heat and stir constantly. The end result will be a jelly-like mixture.
  5. Take a baking tray, line it with baking paper, then pour the apple mixture into it. Level the surface so that there are no visible bumps.
  6. Place the pan with the contents in the oven for a couple of hours to dry the mixture. In a preheated oven, the temperature should be about 100 degrees.
  7. During drying, it is recommended to open the oven door to allow steam to escape. After broiling for 2 hours, leave the marmalade to cool. You can repeat the drying process again.
  8. After all the manipulations, cut the dessert into cubes, separate them with powdered sugar or baking paper to avoid sticking.

Pumpkin marmalade

  • gelatin - 30 gr.
  • fresh pumpkin - 1 kg.
  • high-quality liquid honey - 120 gr.
  • vanillin - 15 gr.
  1. Start by carving and peeling the pumpkin by cutting off the skin and removing all the seeds. Chop it into small pieces, then place it on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven for half an hour. The oven temperature should vary between 170-180 degrees.
  2. Using a blender, turn the cooked pumpkin into porridge. Add honey to the puree and mix thoroughly. Soak the gelatin in warm water for a while. When it swells, pour in the pumpkin mixture and stir.
  3. Place the prepared mixture on a flat baking sheet. Smooth it out so that there are no lumps. The layer thickness should be 3-5 cm. Refrigerate the puree for 4 hours.
  4. Cut the frozen marmalade into cubes. Decorate it taking into account the taste preferences of your household. The dish is ready to eat.

  • granulated sugar - 300 gr.
  • oranges - 5 pcs.
  • gelatin - 40 gr.
  1. Soak gelatin according to package instructions. Peel 2 oranges. Squeeze about 200 ml from the citrus fruits. juice; if there is not enough liquid, add water.
  2. Place sugar in a small saucepan and add orange juice. For better flavor, add the peeled skins. Place the mixture on the stove and, after boiling, simmer for another 4 minutes.
  3. Pass the resulting syrup through cheesecloth or a kitchen sieve. Add gelatin to the hot mixture and stir. Pour the composition into pre-prepared molds and leave to harden under natural conditions. After 2 hours, refrigerate the marmalade.

Marmalade based on Coca-Cola

  • sheet gelatin - 7 pcs.
  • drinking water - in fact
  • "Coca-Cola" - 0.5 l.
  • citric acid - 15 gr.
  • sugar - 50 gr.
  1. Following the instructions on the back of the gelatin package, dilute it in 0.5 liters. "Coca-Cola".
  2. For better hardening, use citric acid and sugar; 7-8 sheets of gelatin are enough to make marmalade. The soaked sheet of this substance must be squeezed out and then dissolved in warm water.
  3. Next, start pouring Coca-Cola into the warm, previously dissolved gelatin. send the marmalade to harden in a cold place for 2-3 hours. After all manipulations, chop the product into cubes or slices.

Chewing marmalade

  • filtered water - 150 ml.
  • gelatin - 80 gr.
  • fruit jelly (any) - 100 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 60 gr.
  • citric acid - 12 gr.
  1. Mix all the ingredients in one container and place the pan on the burner. Instead of acid, you can also take a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  2. Bring the water to a boil, begin to slowly pour in the dry ingredients from the container. Stir the composition, do not allow lumps to form.
  3. Cook the marmalade mass for about 5 minutes. Next, pour into a prepared container and leave to cool. Then let the composition harden completely by placing it in the refrigerator.
  4. Cut the marmalade as much as your imagination allows. The best options are strips, cubes, and thin slices. After all the manipulations, roll the chopped mass in powdered sugar or sugar.

Marmalade is rightfully considered a universal dish. It is used to decorate cakes, pancakes, pastries and other desserts. Consider recipes for making treats from melon, apricots, apples, jam or Coca-Cola.

Video: How to make LEGO-shaped gummy candies

Cooking method:

Wash the apples, peel and core them, cut into large slices. Place the peels and cores in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add water, cook for 30 minutes, then rub the mixture through a sieve and add to the apples. Add half the amount of sugar and cook until the apples are soft. Pass the hot mass through a meat grinder or rub through a sieve. Add the remaining sugar, ginger and cinnamon to taste, simmer for 40 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. Cool the mixture and place it in a layer of about 1 cm on a baking sheet covered with oiled parchment or in silicone molds, cover the top with paper.

Leave homemade fruit marmalade to harden at room temperature for 2-3 days.





STEP #10

Apple marmalade with nuts.


  • 1 kg apples
  • 25 g walnut kernels
  • 250 g sugar
  • 25 g orange zest

Cooking method:

To prepare marmalade at home according to this recipe, bake sweet apples in the oven and mash them into puree. Place the puree in a saucepan, add sugar and simmer until thickened. Then add orange zest and chopped nuts, boil for 4-5 minutes. Cool the mixture slightly and place on a baking sheet lined with oiled parchment. When the mass hardens, it can be dried in a slightly heated oven. Sprinkle the finished marmalade with powdered sugar and wrap it in parchment. Store in a cool dry place.


  • 500 g apples
  • 1 kg sugar
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • vanilla sugar

Cooking method:

To prepare fruit marmalade according to this recipe, you need to wash the juicy plums, remove the seeds, put them in a saucepan and boil until soft over low heat. Rub the hot mass through a sieve. Make puree from apples. Mix plum and apple puree, add grated lemon zest, vanilla sugar and simmer over low heat until thickened. Add sugar at the end of cooking and boil until it is completely dissolved. Place the finished marmalade on a baking sheet covered with oiled parchment and smooth it out. When the mass hardens and a crust forms on its surface, cut the marmalade prepared according to this simple recipe into curly pieces and roll in sugar.


  • 1.2 kg quince
  • 2 kg sugar
  • 1 liter of water

Cooking method:

Wash the quince, peel and core it, chop it, add a small amount of water, boil until soft and puree it. Boil syrup from sugar and water, add quince puree and cook over medium heat until bubbles appear on the surface. Remove from heat. Cool the mixture slightly, place in molds and cover with parchment. Place in a cool place until hardened.


  • 1 kg apricots
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 150 ml water
  • citric acid on the tip of a knife

Cooking method:

Before making this homemade marmalade, apricots need to be thoroughly washed, cut into halves and pits removed. Place the apricots in a saucepan and simmer, covered, in a small amount of water until the fruits are completely boiled. Rub the mass through a sieve, add citric acid, sugar, cook in several batches until the volume is reduced by approximately 13. During cooking, constantly stir the mass with a wooden spoon. Pour the hot marmalade into molds, let cool, cover with alcohol-soaked parchment paper and leave in a dry, ventilated place for several weeks.


  • 8 lemons
  • 1 orange
  • 750 ml water
  • 1.5 kg sugar

Cooking method:

For this simple recipe for homemade marmalade, lemons and oranges need to be washed, dried, and cut into slices. Place the fruit in a cooking container, add water and half the amount of sugar. Stirring, bring to a boil over low heat, remove the foam. Then put the mixture in a cool place for 3 days. After the expiration of the time, bring to a boil again over low heat, add the remaining sugar and cook until the consistency of marmalade.


  • 3 kg quince
  • 450 g oranges
  • 500 g sugar

Cooking method:

Peel and chop the quince. Set aside 300 g of quince, put the rest in a saucepan, add a little water, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes. Squeeze the mixture through cheesecloth. Bring the resulting juice to a boil, add finely chopped reserved quince, slices of peeled orange and cook at a low boil for 1 hour. Squeeze the fruit again through cheesecloth. Mix the resulting quince-orange juice with the same volume of sugar and cook until thickened. Transfer the finished mixture into a mold moistened with water and leave to harden. Cut the marmalade into pieces and store in a cool, dry place.


  • 1.5 kg lemons
  • piece of ginger 3-4 cm long
  • 250 g brown sugar
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 1 tsp. agar-agar or pectin
  • 550 ml water

Cooking method:

Soak agar-agar overnight in 200 ml of water at room temperature. Peel and pit lemons, finely chop or grate.

Peel the ginger and grate it. Mix 350 ml of water and sugar in a saucepan. Heat until the sugar dissolves, add lemons and ginger, bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes, stirring so that the mixture does not burn. Rub the marsa through a sieve. Remove the beans from the vanilla pod, add to the resulting syrup, and mix thoroughly. Bring agar-agar along with the water in which it was soaked to a boil and boil for about 2 minutes. Combine ginger-lemon syrup and agar-agar, mix thoroughly, cool slightly and pour into a mold lined with oiled parchment. Leave to harden at room temperature for a couple of days. Cut the finished marmalade into pieces and roll in sugar if desired.

Look how delicious the marmalade looks in these photos, prepared at home according to the recipes presented above:


  • 250 ml freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 tsp. agar-agar

Cooking method:

Add agar-agar to 150 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice and leave for 30 minutes. Combine the remaining freshly squeezed juice with sugar, put on fire and bring to a boil. Pour the mixture with agar-agar into the boiling syrup, stirring continuously, bring to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes. Turn off the heat, leave for 10 minutes. Pour the hot mixture into silicone molds and place in a cool place. Remove the finished marmalade from the molds and roll in sugar.


  • 1 kg plums
  • 400 g sugar
  • 1/2 cup water

Cooking method:

Before making this homemade marmalade, the plums need to be washed, cut into halves and pitted. Mash the plums, add water, put on low heat and boil. Rub the hot mass through a sieve. Add sugar to the puree, stir and cook, stirring, over low heat until tender. Then place on a parchment-lined plate and smooth out. When the mass has cooled and crusted, cut it into shaped pieces and store in a closed container in a dry place.

As shown in the photo, the marmalade prepared according to this recipe must be dried until it can be cut with a knife:

Cherry marmalade.


  • 600 g
  • 200 ml freshly squeezed apple juice
  • 600 g sugar

Cooking method:

To prepare marmalade at home according to this simple recipe, you need to wash the cherries, remove the seeds and prepare cherry puree by steaming the cherries in a small amount of water and rubbing them through a fine sieve. Mix freshly prepared cherry puree with juice from sour apples, add sugar and cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Pack the finished marmalade while hot, let cool and cover the top with alcohol-soaked parchment paper.

Emerald marmalade.


  • 550 g sugar

Cooking method:

Place hard, unripe gooseberries in a saucepan, add a few tablespoons of water, cover with a lid and place on low heat. Cook until the berries are completely softened. Thoroughly rub the berry mass through a sieve. Put it back on the fire and simmer until the volume is reduced by a third. Then add sugar in portions and, stirring, cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Place the resulting mass in an enamel bowl moistened with water. When homemade gooseberry marmalade has hardened, cut it into cubes and sprinkle with sugar.


  • 800 g
  • 200 ml orange juice
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 20 g pectin

Cooking method:

Wash the strawberries, dry them, and mash them with a fork. Add orange juice and sugar, cook at low boil for 25-30 minutes. Add pectin mixture with 1 tbsp. l. sugar, boil for another 2 minutes. Place the hot mass in a mold lined with oiled parchment (the height of the layer should be no more than 3 cm). Homemade berry marmalade should be left until completely hardened.


  • 600 g
  • 350 g sugar

Cooking method:

Before making such marmalade at home, the red currants need to be washed, dried, and squeezed out the juice. Pour the juice into a saucepan, add sugar and simmer over medium heat for 30 minutes. Place the hot mixture into molds and place in the refrigerator until completely set (at least 1-2 hours). Remove the finished marmalade from the molds and roll in sugar.

Here you can see a selection of photos for homemade marmalade recipes:

This article is dedicated to marmalade, beloved by each of us since childhood. This sweetness can be varied in taste. It is very easy to prepare it yourself. We will share secrets with you, how to make homemade marmalade from different fruits, berries, juices and types of jam. You and your family will simply be delighted with this amazing delicacy.

The history of marmalade goes back thousands of years. The ancestor of marmalade is considered to be the eastern Turkish delight, which Asians cooked from honey with starch, as well as rose water and fruit. Europeans did not know about this sweetness until the 16th century.

Marmalade appeared in European cuisine thanks to the great geographical discoveries, when Spanish and Portuguese sailors began to bring various sweets from America. Initially, it was ordinary liquid jam and confiture. And only the French came up with a way to make jam hard so that it looked like candy. This is how the first marmalade appeared.

The secret of the French recipe was that it was necessary to use only certain fruits containing pectin to make marmalade:

  • apples
  • apricots

When boiled, they turn into a mass, which, when solidified, turns into solid marmalade.

It was only in the 19th century, when scientists invented artificial pectin, that cooks began to use other fruits and juices to make marmalade.

There are several interesting legends associated with the origin of marmalade:

  1. The British, who are considered the biggest lovers of marmalade, are sure that this sweet was invented by the confectioner and physician of the Scottish Queen Mary Stuart. When she got sick, the doctor prescribed her to eat orange peels, which had to be sprinkled with the zest of the same fruit and sugar. The queen really liked this medicine. Since then it has always been on her sleeping table.
  2. The Scots believe that the inventor of marmalade is Janet Keiler, an ordinary woman who turned her husband's large haul of oranges into jam, which eventually congealed into marmalade.

The history of this sweet is amazing and, perhaps, not fully understood. We will not dwell on this issue in detail, but will move on to describing the most interesting recipes for making marmalade at home.

How to make marmalade from juice?

Delicious marmalade can be made at home from any freshly squeezed juice. We'll use orange juice as a base.

What you need to do to make this marmalade:

  1. Take 3 oranges, carefully peel the peel (it must be whole). Squeeze the juice by hand or use a juicer. You need to get 100 g of product.
  2. Add 20 g of gelatin to the resulting juice. Set aside the mixture to swell.
  3. At this time, grate the orange zest (you should get 2 tablespoons). The same should be done with the zest of one lemon (it should be the same amount as orange zest).
  4. Add 2 full glasses of sugar, 100 ml of water and all the zest you have to the gelatin mixture. Mix everything well and put the marmalade on the fire. It should just boil within 5 minutes.
  5. Remove the mixture from the heat and strain it. You should only have syrup left. The zest will not be needed.
  6. Take any empty chocolate box. Cover it with cling film and pour the prepared mixture into it.
  7. Place everything in the refrigerator for 8 hours until completely set.
  8. Remove the marmalade from the refrigerator. Using a knife, carefully remove each piece and roll in sugar.

How to make chewing marmalade?

Little children love to eat chewing marmalade, so the following recipe for making chewing marmalade, you will find it useful if you are a young mother:

  1. Mix in one deep bowl:
  • 90 g of any fruit jelly
  • 4 tablespoons gelatin
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • half a teaspoon of citric acid
  1. Place a pan of water (130 ml) on the stove. As soon as it boils, pour all the dry ingredients into it. Be sure to stir everything with a whisk so that they don’t clump into one lump.
  2. 5 minutes after cooking, pour the marmalade mass into any container and send it to harden in the refrigerator for 10 hours.
  3. Remove the marmalade from the container. Cut it into strips or in any other way. Dip each piece of gummies in powdered sugar and serve to your sweet tooth.

How to make marmalade from jam?

If you already have a lot of jam in your basement and no one eats it, then put it to good use - prepare delicious marmalade. By the way, you can involve your child in this process. You can be sure that he will definitely cope with the preparation of this sweetness, because it is easy. What do we have to do:

  1. First, dissolve 2 tablespoons of gelatin in 100 ml of water.
  2. Pour 200 ml of water into a saucepan and then add 1 cup of any jam you have.
  3. Place the jam on the stove to simmer over medium heat for a few minutes.
  4. Add swollen gelatin and freshly squeezed lemon juice from two lemons to the jam.
  5. Grind the marmalade mixture using a blender, and then strain everything so that no pieces of berries or seeds remain.
  6. Pour the strained mixture into a mold where the marmalade will harden and place everything in the refrigerator for 10 hours.
  7. Remove the marmalade and cut it into small pieces. Sprinkle the sweetness with sugar and serve.

How to make marmalade from Coca-Cola?

Marmalade turns out to be very tasty if prepared using Coca-Cola. We will tell you in detail, how to make marmalade with your own hands from this drink:

  1. Dissolve 7 sheets of gelatin in water (see the amount of water on the gelatin package, as manufacturers may indicate different proportions).
  2. Pour 450 ml of Coca-Cola into the prepared gelatin. Add immediately 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar and 1 teaspoon of citric acid.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly and refrigerate until completely frozen.
  4. Remove the marmalade from the mold, shape each piece into the desired shape and roll in powdered sugar.

Prepared according to exactly the same recipe marmalade from Lemonade. It should be used in the same quantity as Coca-Cola.

How to make marmalade from oranges?

Orange marmalade is a great sweet that you can enjoy during the hot summer. To prepare it, you need:

  1. Take 4 medium sized oranges. Squeeze the juice out of them. You should get 200 ml of product.
  2. Soak 35 g of gelatin in the amount of water indicated on the package.
  3. Grate the zest from two oranges.
  4. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan, immediately add 250 g of sugar and zest at this stage. The juice should boil for three minutes.
  5. Strain the juice so that there is no zest in it. Pour gelatin into the resulting syrup. Stir everything well, then pour everything into molds and put it in the refrigerator to harden.
  6. Remove the finished marmalade from the molds and roll in sugar, if desired, although this is not necessary in this recipe.

How to make marmalade without sugar?

Some people mistakenly assume that sugar is the main thickener of the marmalade mass, supposedly You can’t make marmalade without it. Without sugar, you can make an excellent dietary marmalade, which can be eaten by children with diathesis and people with diabetes. How to make this healthy sweet at home:

  1. Squeeze 100 ml of juice from any fruit or berry. Add 20 g of gelatin to it and set aside for it to swell.
  2. Dilute 70 g of fructose in 100 ml of water (it is best to use pectin if you have it) and put everything on fire. The mixture needs to boil for three minutes, then it can be removed from the heat.
  3. Pour the gelatin mass into the hot mixture, and then immediately mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Strain the resulting marmalade mass, then pour into molds and place in the refrigerator to harden.
  5. Take out the marmalade and cut it into pieces so that you can easily eat it.

How to make marmalade bears?

Bears are an excellent version of marmalade for children. You can prepare them for your kids yourself. We'll tell you how to make homemade marmalade with gelatin in the shape of bears:

  1. Pour half a glass of water into the pan. Dilute gelatin in it (2 teaspoons will be enough) and any jelly. Let the marmalade mass boil well, then pour it into bear-shaped molds and put them in the refrigerator until they harden.
  2. Use a knife to remove the finished bears. Do not roll them in sugar so that it is easier for kids to pick up the marmalade with their hands.

How to make marmalade from watermelon rinds?

A very unusual marmalade is made from watermelon rinds. This recipe is suitable for those who are looking for a way how to make marmalade without gelatin:

  1. Take 1 kg of watermelon rinds and cut them into equal pieces. It is best to give them the shape of bars.
  2. Place all the bars in one deep bowl and fill them with a liter of water. Immediately add one teaspoon of baking soda (this is necessary to make marmalade soft).
  3. After 6 hours, rinse the watermelon rinds under regular running water, and then fill them with the same water so that it completely covers the rinds.
  4. Pour 600 g of sugar over the watermelon rinds and put them on the fire. After they have boiled for 20 minutes, remove them from the heat and leave them in the syrup so that the crusts are soaked in it for 6 hours. After this, the procedure must be repeated.
  5. Add the juice of half a lemon to the watermelon rinds, as well as vanilla sugar and cardamom to taste. Put everything on the fire and cook until the crusts become transparent.
  6. Place the crusts in a sieve to drain all the syrup, roll them in sugar and serve.

How to make marmalade from agar?

If you don't like your marmalade to be very hard, use agar instead of gelatin. What you need to make an exquisite sweet:

  1. Dilute one teaspoon of agar in a glass of water.
  2. When the mass thickens, pour it into any fruit juice (you will need 200 ml).
  3. Place the marmalade mixture on the fire until it boils, then pour everything into the molds and put it in the refrigerator to cool.

All marmalade recipes we present have been tested by time and the experience of many chefs. Take the time to prepare healthy sweets for your household that they can eat in unlimited quantities without harm to their health.

Video: “How to make marmalade?”

Homemade marmalade compares favorably with store-bought analogues. It contains no harmful dyes, thickeners or preservatives. Therefore, it turns out not only tasty, but also quite healthy. This sweet delicacy is prepared according to several different recipes. The most interesting of them will be discussed in today's article.

Option with sorbitol

Using this recipe, you can relatively quickly make a natural one at home. With gelatin, it perfectly holds the desired shape, so it can be made in the form of any figures or animals. This sweet treat does not contain any harmful ingredients, which means it is ideal for children's menus. To prepare it you will need:

  • Seventy grams of gelatin.
  • One hundred and forty milliliters of water.
  • Two hundred twenty-five grams of sugar.
  • Two hundred forty-five milliliters of glucose syrup.
  • Twenty-three grams of sorbitol.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Fifteen grams of tartaric acid.

Process description

This homemade marmalade recipe (with gelatin) is quite simple. Therefore, even an inexperienced housewife who has never encountered such tasks before can easily master it. At the initial stage, you should work on gelatin. It is dissolved in water and waited until it swells well.

In a separate saucepan, combine glucose syrup, sorbitol, sugar and tartaric acid. After this, the vessel is placed on the stove and heated, constantly stirring its contents. The swollen gelatin is poured into the resulting homogeneous mass in a thin stream. All this is heated again, without bringing to a boil, and combined with a small amount of lemon juice. Then remove the saucepan from the stove and cool slightly. At the final stage, the mass from which you will get delicious homemade marmalade is carefully poured into molds and sent to the refrigerator. After about four hours it will be ready to be served.

Option with sour cream and fruit

Using the technology described below, a very tasty striped delicacy is obtained. It is liked not only by children, but also by older people. Therefore, it can be safely prepared for friendly gatherings in an informal setting. To make striped gelatin marmalade at home, check ahead of time to make sure you have all the required ingredients in your pantry. This time you will need:

  • Twenty grams of gelatin.
  • A couple of oranges.
  • Two hundred grams of sour cream.
  • Two large ripe apples.
  • Fifty grams of powdered sugar.

Additionally, you should have a pinch of orange food coloring in your kitchen.


To make something truly delicious with gelatin at home, you need to strictly adhere to the recommended algorithm. First you need to start preparing the fruit. Washed apples are cut in half, cored and placed in the microwave for five minutes. After this, the hot fruits are carefully separated from the peel, and the resulting pulp is ground through a sieve.

The resulting applesauce is combined in one bowl with sour cream and beat well with a blender, gradually adding half of the available powdered sugar. The resulting mass is divided into two equal parts. Add a quarter of the swollen gelatin dissolved in water to one half, pour into the mold and put in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour.

Meanwhile, juice is squeezed out of the oranges, food coloring and the remaining powdered sugar are added to it. Mix everything and divide in half. A quarter of the swollen gelatin is poured into one of the parts and sent into a mold with an already frozen sour cream layer. All this is put back into the refrigerator, but for thirty minutes. Then all these manipulations with layers will be repeated again. Before serving, the striped delicacy is cut into small pieces, giving them the desired shape.

Option with honey

Using this technology, you can relatively easily prepare healthy apple marmalade with gelatin at home. It compares favorably with store-bought treats in that it contains no sugar. In this case, this sweet sand is replaced with natural honey. To pamper your loved ones with such a dessert, make sure in advance that you have all the necessary products on hand. You will need:

  • Five large ripe apples.
  • Half a glass of water.
  • Twenty-five grams of gelatin.
  • Natural honey.

The amount of natural sweetener depends entirely on the personal taste preferences of the cook himself and his family members.

Cooking technology

First of all, you need to deal with gelatin. It is soaked in cold water and left to swell. In the meantime, you can pay attention to fruits. Washed apples are peeled and then seeded. The fruits prepared using this method are grated on a coarse grater, placed in a suitable saucepan and placed on the stove. Simmer the fruit mass over low heat for a quarter of an hour, remembering to stir occasionally. When the grated apples acquire a beautiful caramel shade, add honey to them and grind through a sieve.

The resulting homogeneous slurry is combined with swollen gelatin and placed on the stove. It is important to prevent boiling. Then all this is poured into a mold and sent to the refrigerator. Marmalade with gelatin hardens at home within a few hours. After this, it is removed from the mold, cut and served.

Option with berries

This delicious dessert will be a real decoration for any children's party. It is colorful and has a jelly structure. And there is not a single artificial component in its composition. To make bright and aromatic marmalade with gelatin at home, you will need simple and easily accessible products. In this case, your kitchen should have:

  • Five tablespoons of sugar.
  • Half a glass of fresh berries.
  • A couple of tablespoons of gelatin.
  • Three hundred milliliters of water.

Any fresh berries are suitable for creating this dessert. Most often, currants, blueberries, strawberries or raspberries are used for these purposes. Candies made from peaches, apricots or plums have good taste. In winter, when there are no fresh berries on sale, it is quite possible to use mangoes, bananas, tangerines, oranges or kiwis. It is important that the fruits are ripe and have no visible damage.

Making marmalade at home (with gelatin)

Place washed fresh berries in a deep saucepan and fill them with a small amount of filtered water. Place the saucepan on the stove and boil its contents for ten minutes. After this time, sugar is added to the resulting compote and mixed well, trying to achieve complete dissolution of the grains. All this is boiled for a couple more minutes and removed from the heat.

The hot berry mass is placed in a blender bowl and crushed to a puree. Pour gelatin into a separate bowl, pour three tablespoons of boiling water over it and put it aside. When the mass slightly increases in volume, mix it well and combine with berry puree. All this is poured into a saucepan and heated until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Immediately after this, the contents of the vessel are sent to the mold and put in the refrigerator. Berry marmalade with gelatin hardens at home for at least four hours. Only after this is it taken out of the refrigerator and cut into small squares or triangles.

Homemade marmalade is a delicious and popular sweet that came to us from eastern countries. In our country, the most popular marmalade is made from apples, but it is also prepared from other fruits, berries and vegetables. In addition to being delicious, a sweet treat also helps the body remove harmful substances and replenish vitamins. This preparation contains a lot of pectin. And homemade marmalade is all the more healthy because it does not contain preservatives. Besides, you simply won’t add artificial colors to it, as industrial manufacturers do? In this section you will find step-by-step recipes with photos of delicious preparations from berries and seasonal fruits. Homemade marmalade can be stored for quite a long time, so it is easy to prepare for future use.

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

Garden blackberries do not differ from their forest sister in useful qualities. In addition, it is larger and more productive, thanks to selection and care. For an hour, gardeners simply don’t know what to do with such a rich harvest. Children, and even adults, do not really like blackberry jam. It’s delicious, nothing can be said here, but the small and hard seeds spoil the whole mood. Therefore, when preparing blackberry marmalade, you need to take this into account and not be lazy.