Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary with three hands meaning. Why does the Mother of God need a third hand? Icon of the Mother of God “Three Hands”

Since ancient times, the Russian people have found in their souls the only true word in addressing the Mother of God: in everyday life they called Her, and now they call Her the same as their own mother - filled with tenderness and love: “Mother!” People spiritually saw that not in some conventional allegorical sense, but in the highest ontological reality, the Mother of God is the Mother of the Church, the blood - by the Blood of Christ - the Mother of every believer.

Archpriest Lev Lebedev

The events that laid the foundation for the glorification of the “Three-Handed” icon of the Mother of God date back to the 8th century, to the times of iconoclasm. The warriors of the heretic emperor Leo the Isaurian scoured the houses of Orthodox Christians, looking for icons, took them away and burned them, and handed over the icon worshipers to torture and death.

Only outside the Byzantine lands, in Muslim Damascus, the Orthodox were not constrained in the veneration of icons. The reason was that the first minister of the local caliph was a zealous Christian, theologian and hymnographer John of Damascus (his memory is celebrated by the Church on December 4). John forwarded letters to his many acquaintances in Byzantium, in which, on the basis of Holy Scripture and patristic traditions, he proved the correctness of icon veneration. The inspired letters of John of Damascus were secretly copied and passed from hand to hand, greatly contributing to the assurance of the truth of the Orthodox and the denunciation of the iconoclastic heresy.

Damascus. Modern look.
The enraged emperor, in order to deprive the Church of the invincible defender of Orthodoxy, decided to treacherously exterminate John of Damascus. He ordered skilled scribes to carefully study John's handwriting and write, as if by his hand, a forged letter to the emperor proposing treason. The letter reported that the city of Damascus was carelessly guarded by the Saracens and that the Byzantine army could easily capture it, for which all possible assistance from the first minister was promised.

The emperor sent such a fake letter to the caliph, hypocritically explaining that, despite John’s proposals, he wanted peace and friendship with the caliph, and advised the execution of the traitorous minister.

The caliph fell into a rage and, forgetting about the many years of devoted service of his minister, ordered his right hand, with which he allegedly wrote treasonous lines, to be cut off. The severed hand was hung in plain sight in the market square.

John suffered severely from pain, and even more from undeserved insult. By evening, he asked the caliph to allow him to bury the severed hand of his right hand. The Caliph, remembering the previous zeal of his minister, agreed.

Having locked himself in the house, John of Damascus applied the severed hand to the wound and went deep into prayer. The saint asked the Mother of God to heal the right hand, which wrote in defense of Orthodoxy, and vowed to use this hand to create creations for the glory of the Lady.

At that moment he fell asleep. In a dream vision, the Mother of God appeared to him and said: “You are healed, work diligently with this hand.”

Having awakened, John of Damascus poured out his gratitude to the wonderful Healer in the wondrous hymn “Every creature rejoices in you, O joyful one...”. The news of the miracle quickly spread throughout the city. The ashamed caliph asked John of Damascus for forgiveness and called on him to return to government affairs, but from now on John devoted all his strength to serving God alone. He retired to a monastery in the name of Saint Sava the Sanctified, where he took monastic vows. Here the monk brought an icon of the Mother of God, which sent down healing to him. In memory of the miracle, he attached to the lower part of the icon an image of his right hand, cast in silver.

Since then, such a right hand has been depicted on all lists of the miraculous image, called “Three-Handed”.

The image remained in the monastery in the name of Saint Sava until the 13th century, when it was presented to another Saint Sava, the Archbishop of Serbia. During the invasion of Serbia by the Hagarians, the Orthodox, wanting to preserve the icon, placed it on a donkey and let it go without an escort. With the precious luggage, he himself reached the Holy Mount Athos and stopped at the gates of the Hilendar monastery. Local monks accepted the icon as a great gift, and began to hold an annual procession of the cross at the place where the donkey stopped.

Once upon a time, the old abbot died in the Hilendar monastery. The election of a new one caused strife and division among the brethren. And then the Mother of God, appearing to one recluse, announced that from now on She herself would be the abbess of the monastery. As a sign of this, the “Three-Handed Lady,” which had hitherto stood in the altar of the monastery cathedral, was miraculously transported through the air to the middle of the temple, to the abbot’s place. From then to this day, Hilendar is ruled by a priest-vicar who stands during services at the abbot’s place, where the image of the “Three-Handed” - the Abbess of this monastery - is kept. The monks receive a blessing from Her, venerating the icon, as if from an abbot.

During the Greco-Turkish wars, Athos remained outside the power of the Gentiles: the Turks admitted that they often saw the mysterious Woman guarding the walls of the Hilendar monastery and out of reach of human hands.

The “Three-Handed One” has long been revered in Russia, where there are many copies of the first-revealed image, also famous for their miracles. Back in 1661, the Hilendar monks sent one such list as a gift to the New Jerusalem Monastery. Another list was taken from him in 1716, which has since been in the Moscow Church of the Assumption in Gonchary (Bulgarian Compound). The intercession of this shrine is associated with the fact that this temple was never closed, even during times of severe persecution of the faith, and retained all its bells. Nowadays, an akathist is read every Friday in front of this image in the church. In a tiled icon case on the outer western wall of the Church of the Assumption in Gonchary there is another list, and tireless prayers can be heard here before the face of the Mother of God “Three-Handed”.

Miraculous lists from the very first revealed Athos image or from other lists of the “Three-Handed One” were also located in the Moscow Church of the Intercession in Goliki, in the Tula Vladimir Church on Rzhavets, in the Beloberezh Hermitage near Bryansk, in the Voronezh Alekseevsky Akatov Monastery, in the Nile Hermitage on Seliger and in other places.

25 / 07 / 2005

The image of the Mother of God is one of the most powerful and revered among Orthodox Christians. Icon of the Three-Handed One: prayer to the icon, its meaning and how it helps, more about this later.

The image of the Mother of God is one of the most powerful and revered among Orthodox Christians

“Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin Mary! We fall down and worship Thee before Thy holy icon, remembering Thy glorious miracle by healing the truncated right hand of the Venerable John of Damascus, which was revealed from the icon, whose sign is visible to this day on it in the form of a third hand attached to Thy image.

We pray to You and ask You, the All-merciful and All-generous Intercessor of our race: hear us, praying to You, and, like blessed John, who cried out to You in sorrow and illness, You heard us, so do not despise us, who are grieving and suffering from the wounds of many different passions and those who diligently come running to You from a contrite and humble soul.

You see, O All-Merciful Lady, our infirmities, our embitterment, our need, I will demand our help and intercession, as if we are surrounded by enemies from everywhere and there is no one who helps, less than one who intercedes, unless You have mercy on us, the Lady.

To her, we pray to You, listen to our painful voice and help us to preserve the patristic Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to walk unswervingly in all the commandments of the Lord, to always bring true repentance for our sins to God and to be honored with a peaceful Christian death and a good answer on the Last Day The judgment of Thy Son and our God, Who prayed for us with Thy Motherly prayer, may He not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may He have mercy on us according to His great and ineffable mercy.

O All-Good One! Hear us and do not deprive us of Your sovereign help, yes, having received salvation through You, let us sing and glorify You on the land of the living and our Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, who was born of You, to whom befits glory and power, honor and worship, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit always , now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

What does an icon help with?

They ask for help from the Three-Handed Icon:

  • those who have various physical injuries, injuries, illnesses;
  • who suffers from apathy and despondency;
  • people who have suffered life's misfortunes;
  • who wants to successfully develop their own business.

Each believer should have his own prayer corner, where he should hang the Icon of the Three-Handed One, constantly turning to it for help and not forgetting about its meaning and how it helps.

History of the icon

The history of the icon begins in the 8th century AD. and is associated with the name of John of Damascus, who received his name in honor of the city in which he lived and worked - Damascus, the capital of Syria.

At this time, the Orthodox Church was going through hard times, being subjected to oppression. Emperor Leo the Third, who ruled Byzantium at that time, called for the destruction of all Orthodox icons and all attributes that were associated with the Orthodox faith.

The history of the icon begins in the 8th century AD.

John of Damascus was a zealous opponent of the emerging heresy, supported by the emperor. He held a high government position and served as an adviser to the local ruler.

Damascene wrote various works in defense of icons and called the emerging movement in Orthodoxy nothing other than heresy. The Byzantine emperor did not like that Damascus separated and opposed iconoclasm. Then he decided to correct the situation with meanness and cunning.

John of Damascus was a zealous opponent of the emerging heresy, supported by the emperor

The emperor composed a letter to the ruler of Damascus, which was allegedly written by the hand of John of Damascus. In it, the writer offered his assistance in the conquest of Damascus and assured the emperor that he would go over to his side.

The emperor sent this letter to the local ruler as evidence of betrayal on the part of John. The emperor himself explained this by saying that he did not want to spoil relations with the caliph and was trying to resolve everything peacefully.

The emperor composed a letter to the ruler of Damascus, which was allegedly written by the hand of John of Damascus

The Caliph was furious that the one who had served him faithfully for many years decided to do such an act. The punishment followed immediately: the ruler ordered John’s hand to be cut off and hung in the market square so that others would not be bothered.

John asked the caliph only one thing, that he would allow him to retire to his cell and received permission to do so.

He took his severed hand and applied it to the icon of the Mother of God and began to fervently pray for healing.

There he took his severed hand and applied it to the icon of the Mother of God and began to fervently pray for healing. During the prayer he fell asleep. The Mother of God appeared to him and said that he would be healed, and his recovered hand should glorify God until the end of his earthly life.

When John woke up, the hand was still there. The marks of the wound have completely disappeared. Having learned about the miracle that had occurred, the caliph began to ask for forgiveness from John and asked him to return to serve him. But Domaskin refused and chose the path of seclusion.

John of Damascus, amazed by the miracle that happened to him, composed a song of praise to the Mother of God. And so that the memory of this miracle would live for centuries, he attached a hand cast from silver to the image of the Mother of God. This is how the miraculous icon of the Three Hands appeared and acquired its significance for Christians, and it also became clear how it helps believers.

Fate of the icon

The miraculous icon was in Jerusalem until the 13th century. It was there that John went after he refused an offer to work as an adviser to the ruler of Damascus. The icon was kept there until the 15th century. Then the birthplace of the image of the Virgin Mary was attacked by the Ottoman Empire.

The miraculous icon was in Jerusalem until the 13th century

The icon had to be saved and they decided to entrust its fate to chance. The icon was mounted on a donkey, which was released on a free journey. Naturally, none of the people could guess where the animal would go. The donkey came to Mount Athos, then the abode of Christianity, and stopped near the monastery.

The monks accepted this gift as nothing other than a gift from God. The Three-Handed Icon acquired great significance for believers and it was placed on the altar of the local church, where it remains to this day and to which pilgrims from all over the world go to pray, remembering what it helps with.

The Three-Handed Icon is important in the Orthodox faith because it is miraculous. The celebration of this image takes place on July 11 and 25. The icon is classified as the “Hodegetria” type, and it depicts the Virgin Mary with the Infant God, who is located on her right hand. A distinctive detail is that under the right hand of the Mother of God at the bottom there is an image of a human hand. On some lists the Mother of God is credited with a third hand. The main meaning of the icon of the Mother of God “Three-Handed” is based precisely on the severed hand, which testifies that people who serve God can receive salvation.

What does the “Three-Handed” icon help with and its meaning

First, let's talk about the history of this image and it is connected with the Monk John of Damascus. At some point he was accused of treason. The emperor ordered his right hand to be cut off and hanged in the square to frighten other people. John was pardoned, and for a long time he tearfully asked near the icon of the Mother of God for the Higher powers to help restore his hand. One night the Virgin Mary appeared to St. John and said that his prayers had been heard and his hand had been healed. From then on he had to use his hand to glorify God. It was this event that became the prerequisite for the appearance of the “Three-Handed” icon to the world.

One of the most important meanings of the Blessed Virgin Mary “Three-Handed” is associated with her protective abilities. It is placed at home to protect the family from various problems and negativity. This image of the Mother of God helps people receive hope and support in a difficult situation. “Three-Handed” is considered the patron saint of people who engage in crafts. The icon of the Mother of God “Three Hands” is of particular significance for people who are sick with something. The image helps to heal, and prayers in front of it contribute to the recovery of loved ones. There are cases in history when prayers in front of an icon helped save a huge number of people from typhoid and other serious diseases. It is worth noting that the image heals not only from physical ailments, but also from mental ones. Our Lady helps women who pray for a good husband or who want to preserve and strengthen their existing marriage.

It is important to say that only the person who gives his own and believes can count on the help of “Three Hands”. Not only the original of this image is considered miraculous, but also numerous copies located in different temples.

The image of the Mother of God “Three-Handed” is one of the most revered and recognizable in Orthodoxy. But behind his distinctive third hand there is an important backstory, and we can talk for a long time about the many miracles that were and occurred from the miraculous lists. We will focus only on the most important and closest to us in time.

How the third hand appeared on the icon

The history of the “Three-Handed Woman” is closely connected with the name of St. John of Damascus. It owes to him the appearance of the third hand in the image and its name. At the time when the monk lived, at the beginning of the 8th century, a real war broke out against icons; they were found and burned.

One of the ardent iconoclasts was the Byzantine emperor Leo III the Isaurian. He developed a special dislike for Saint John, since in Damascus, in Syria, the veneration of holy images was preserved precisely thanks to the written works of the saint in their defense. At that time, the saint held the position of adviser to the caliph - the ruler of Damascus. Unable to directly harm him, Leo the Isaurian resorted to cunning. What did it consist of?

He found a man who forged the handwriting of John of Damascus and wrote a letter on his behalf to the Emperor of Byzantium himself. In this letter, the caliph's adviser allegedly treacherously called to take advantage of the caliph's absence and attack Damascus. Leo the Isaurian gave this letter to the Damascus Caliph. The goal was achieved. Without unnecessary proceedings, suspecting his adviser of treason, the ruler of Damascus ordered his right hand to be cut off and hanged for edification of others in the central square.

In the evening, when the caliph had calmed down a little, the monk asked to take the hanged hand from the square. He was allowed. Saint John spent the entire night in tearful prayer before the image of the Mother of God, a family heirloom. Putting the severed hand to his hand, he begged the Lady for healing and made a promise that if it happened, he would write all his life in defense of the icons. And the miracle happened!

In the morning, the saint was surprised to discover that his hand had grown together, and only a thin scar remained on his wrist as a reminder. In gratitude, the saint ordered a silver hand to be poured out and placed it on the icon in memory of the miraculous healing that happened to him. A similar tradition still exists, for example, in Greece. This is how the “Three-Handed” icon acquired its name. Also, Saint John, in gratitude to the Most Pure One, wrote a song about You, O Blessed One, I rejoice..., which we always hear at the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great.

Having learned about what had happened, the caliph immediately repented of his action and asked the monk to resume his position. But at that time, Saint John had already decided to choose a different path for himself and leave the world, completely devoting himself to the service of God and the Mother of God.

The miraculous arrival of the image on Athos

Soon Saint John left Syria and went to Palestine forever. Here, in the Lavra of St. Sava the Sanctified, he was tonsured a monk. The icon was with him all this time. In the monastery he learned about the prophetic testament of Saint Sava. Before his death, he ordered the abbot's staff to be strengthened next to his grave and predicted that one day the royal son with the same name as his - Savva - would come here to worship. The abbot's staff was supposed to fall on him.

Savva the Sanctified bequeathed to this namesake royal son to give as a blessing the abbot's staff (pateritsa) and the revered icon of the monastery "Mammal". Having learned about this, the Monk John also left his “Three-Handed” icon as a gift to the unknown Savva.

Five centuries later, the grave of St. Savva was actually visited by an Athonite monk of royal origin with the name Savva (we know him today as the glorified saint of St. Savva of Serbia). During worship, as predicted, the abbot's staff fell on him. However, the fathers of the monastery initially doubted and placed the staff in its place.

The next day the monk came to the grave again, and again the paterikon fell on him. Then the monks asked him his name, learned about his origin - there could be no doubt. They handed over to God's chosen one the bequeathed staff and images. Savva took the “three-handed woman” with him to the Hilandar monastery, where he himself labored. This is how the icon arrived on Athos for the first time.

Centuries later, after the death of Sava, the Serbian king Dusan, as a blessing, took the “Three-Handed” icon from Mount Athos to Serbia. From his courtyard she came to the Studenica monastery. However, in the 15th century there was a great threat of plunder of Serbian monasteries by the Turks. Wanting to save the miraculous image, the monks hoisted it onto a donkey and, surrendering to the will of God, released it, being confident that the Mother of God Herself would lead the animal to where it wanted to be.

Having passed through Serbia and Macedonia, the donkey arrived on Mount Athos and stopped right next to the Hilandar monastery. The elders immediately realized what kind of Guest had arrived to them, and they went out to meet Her. The donkey died immediately on the spot. And to this day, a religious procession with the “Three Hands” is held annually to this place in memory of the wondrous return of the shrine to the Holy Mountain.

Immutable Mother Superior Hilandara

Another unusual event associated with the “Three-Handed” icon occurred some time later. One day the abbot of the monastery died, and it was necessary to choose a new one. Then discord arose between the brethren, since the monastery was multinational - Serbs, Greeks, Bulgarians, Russians labored here - and everyone wanted the new abbot to be of their nationality.

Then, during the evening service, all the brethren heard the voice of the Mother of God coming from the icon, who said that from now on she herself would be the abbess of the monastery. However, this was not given any importance. The next morning, the “Three-Handed One” was not found in the temple in its usual place, but was found on the abbot’s throne. But then they decided that the altar boy had probably mixed something up, and moved the image back. When the same thing happened again the next day, already in an empty and closed church, the monks realized that this was the will of the Most Holy Theotokos.

And to this day, the “Three-Handed” icon invariably remains in the abbot’s place in Hilandar. The abbot is not elected here, but only the pro-abbot is appointed, the governor for solving economic issues, who always takes second place, next to the icon. The monks, approaching the image every day in the morning, are sure that they are taking a blessing for their obedience from the Most Pure Virgin Herself. And the Mother of God, of course, does not leave novices without Her protection.

Other miracles from the icon

In addition to those already mentioned, many more miracles have occurred and continue to occur from the miraculous icon. Of course, nothing can possibly compare with the unusual healing of the hand of St. John of Damascus, but we will also tell you about some of the most significant and large-scale cases of the intercession of the Mother of God through her holy image.

In 1889, typhus broke out in Kyiv, threatening to take the lives of many people. Then the founder of the Holy Trinity Monastery, glorified today as St. Jonah of Kiev, decided to serve a prayer service in front of the image, asking the Mother of God for intercession. The disaster ended that same day. This icon remains in the monastery to this day.

In 1905, during the Russo-Japanese War, the Russian army asked the monks of the Hilandar monastery to bring “Three Hands” to help the Orthodox army. In response to their request, a close copy of it was sent to them. Soon after this, the Russians were able to win a number of victories and a truce was signed.

In 1945, a strong fire engulfed the forest of the monastery and came close to its walls. Then the monks decided to make a religious procession together with the “Three-Handed” icon. However, as soon as they managed to reach the bridge, a strong wind blew and drove away the fire.

There are also cases when attacking foreigners themselves saw an unknown Woman above the monastery, protecting the monastery.

Defender of the Orthodox Faith

The celebration of the icon in our Church takes place twice in July: 11th and 25th . July 11- in memory of how the miraculous list was first brought to Russia by Patriarch Nikon in 1661. 25th- in memory of the Kiev icon, which saved the city from pestilence.

Through this image we honor the Mother of God as our Intercessor and Defender of the Orthodox faith. This is evidenced by both the case of the healing of John of Damascus and other miracles associated with him. Traditionally, however, another, “applied” meaning of the icon arose for our Church.

It is believed, for example, that it is especially good to pray in front of an icon for the healing of hands and, for some reason, legs. Someone else associates assistance in various kinds of crafts and needlework with the third hand depicted on the icon. But it is worth reading the troparion “Three-Handed”, where there are the following words: in the image of the Holy Trinity you show three hands: for two you bear His Son, Christ our God, with the third you deliver those who faithfully resort to You from misfortunes and troubles - in order to understand the true symbolism of the iconography .

And this, you see, is much more important than crocheting or even knitting.

Anyone who wishes to pray in front of the icon can read the corresponding akathist with prayer.

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True Christians during the formation of their faith endured severe torment, persecution, and torture. One of these tests was iconoclasm - a movement that destroyed valuable altars, images, sculptures of saints, frescoes, and mosaics.

It was then that the church suffered not only material, but also spiritual losses. John of Damascus stood up to defend Christian values. It is with this saint that the story of the appearance of the image of the Three-Handed One is connected.

The Icon of the Mother of God of Three Hands became famous during the time of John of Damascus. The seventh century AD was marked by terrible events of persecution of Christians; this was a period of iconoclasm.

Warriors who served the heretic Leo the Isaurian broke into Orthodox believers in order to search for iconographic images, and their owners were put to death and torture.

The situation was different in Damascus; it was a Muslim city, where the theologian and Christian believer John of Damascus ruled. Studying the Holy Scriptures, he proved the correctness of veneration of icons - worship of the image, and not the physical cause.

Being the first minister of the Caliph, he nevertheless did a lot for the Orthodox faith. His works were secretly copied, transmitted, and studied. However, the emperor did not like this, and he decided to kill the glorious defender of the Orthodox faith.

Having ordered his servants to study the handwriting of Damascus, he composed a forged letter, the meaning of which was to offer assistance in capturing the city of Damascus and betraying the local Caliph John. He sent this letter to the Caliph, falsely declaring that he valued peace with him, and advised the execution of the traitor.

Despite his many years of friendship with Damascus, the Caliph became enraged and, considering this forged letter to be real, ordered his minister’s wrist to be cut off.

It was this brush that was hung in the market square for everyone to see, and the Three-Handed icon at the very bottom was also decorated with this cut-off brush. But what happened next, how did the events unfold, what is the history of the emergence of the Three-Handed Icon?

Suffering severely from pain, John asked the Caliph to return his severed hand. Remembering all the merits of his subject, he agreed. Having shut himself up in his home, John began to pray earnestly in front of the image of the Mother of God.

Putting his hand to the wound, he began to pray even more fervently, but fell asleep. In a vision, the Mother of God came to him and declared that he was healthy, and with her healed hand she commanded him to work diligently.

When he woke up, he was convinced that he was healed; after that, he expounded a wondrous chant to his Healer: “Every creature rejoices in You, O Delighted One...”

The news of the miraculous healing spread throughout the area. Soon the Caliph asked John for forgiveness and invited him to continue his ministry. However, from that moment on, he decided to devote his life only to serving God alone.

Having joined the monastery of Saint Sava, he took monastic vows. The miraculous image was with him - in memory of this event, John cast an image of a brush from silver and attached it to it. This is why the icon is called that and what the brush that is located at its base means.

The history of the miraculous image is very interesting. For a long time, until the eighth century, it was located in this place, then it was presented to the Serbian Archbishop Sava. However, during the attack of the Hagarians on Serbia, the believers, trying to preserve the icon, tied it to a donkey, then allowed it to go unaccompanied.

Miraculously, the animal reached Mount Athos. Local monks met the shrine and accepted it as a great gift. Here it is, the significant icon of the Mother of God of the Three Hands, you can see it in the photo.

Interesting! A procession of the cross is organized every year at the donkey's stopping place.

What do they pray to the Three-Handed Lady?

Of course, every Orthodox Christian is interested in the question: what does the Three-Handed Icon help with, and what do they pray to it for?

Of course, to heal diseases, injuries to the hands, feet, and eyes, you must definitely seek help from Three-Handed - in the photo you can see what she looks like.

An akathist to the Three-Handed icon, read during a difficult period in life, will help drive out sorrowful thoughts, melancholy, uncertainty, and apathy.

What women pray to the Mother of God of Three Hands is for help with housework, it gives strength and patience. She is especially revered by people engaged in any craft.

Every family man who faces the adversities and hardships of life can find out what else Three-Handed helps with and what its significance is. She will protect families from people with bad intentions and thoughts. With God's help, inevitable changes will occur that will transform the life of every Orthodox Christian.

If you think about what the Three-Handed icon means, you can understand that the whole meaning of our earthly life is hidden in it. Jesus, who is in the arms of the Mother of God, seems to bless everyone bowing before the icon.

The Lady points out the path to everyone’s salvation. The significance of this icon in Christianity is great. Its purpose is to convey to everyone that we can receive healing only if we truly believe and serve God.

Feast of the Icon of the Mother of God “Three-Handed” in the Vvedensky Church of the city of Bolkhov

In general, they read the akathist to the Three-Handed Icon and ask for help from the face of the Mother of God under the following circumstances:

  • in case of family troubles;
  • for protection from enemies;
  • for illnesses, for healing loved ones;
  • to improve well-being.

The memory of this miraculous image is celebrated twice: July 11 (June 28, old style) and July 25 (July 12). Our holy face has been revered for a long time; on this day it is customary to come to the temple and venerate the shrine. But in which church is the icon of the Mother of God of the Three Hands located, where to go?

Where are the most revered icons?

We figured out what the shrine helps with and why it is called the Three-Handed One, but where is it located with us, where can we worship it? In Russia it has been known since 1661, when Moscow Patriarch Nikon was awarded this great gift. Multiple copies have been preserved throughout the country.

Pilgrims can visit the following monasteries:

  1. Moscow St. Daniel Monastery. This list is one of the most revered; it was written in the seventeenth century. During its restoration, another miracle happened. The master, who suffered from poor eyesight, was cured.
  2. Church on the Blood, Yekaterinburg. The second most important list is located here.
  3. Assumption Church on Taganka, Moscow.

There are other copies of the image of the Mother of God found in other churches: the Church of the Intercession, Goliki, Beloberezhskaya, Nilova Hermitage, as well as the Alekseevsky Monastery, Voronezh, Semenovsky, Trekhsvyatitelsky, Boris and Glebsky churches.

In addition, you can purchase the Three-Handed One at the monastery, having previously found out where to hang it and what it helps with.

Doubts about where to hang an icon usually arise among young Orthodox Christians. As a rule, a home iconostasis is located in the eastern corner of a house or apartment. This is explained by the fact that the eastern side is considered by Christians to be a symbol of insight and faith.

If any other questions arise, the temple servants will definitely answer them.

The list, located in the Goncharovsky Church of the Assumption, was taken from a copy of the New Jerusalem Monastery, donated in 1661 by the Hilendar monks. It should be noted that the presence of this shrine is associated with the fact that the monastery was not closed even during times of severe persecution.

Moreover, it was possible to preserve all the bells and other valuables of the temple. Today, before the miraculous image, an akathist is read every Friday, and prayers are constantly offered before another image, which is present on the western side of the temple. Here it is - sincere, strong faith!

Important! If any difficulties arise, the Three-Handed One will take care of us and ask her son for Divine grace.

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Let's sum it up

The Church knows cases of healing of believers praying to the miraculous icon. The shrine helped save many people during the typhus epidemic; it provides salvation and grace to all those in need.

In front of the image, Christians pray for the speedy recovery of their loved ones, for their own health and well-being. The Holy Face strengthens faith and guides you on the righteous path!