Orthodox prayer after divorce. Prayer for saving the family and admonishing the husband. Prayer that will help people get a divorce.

I am so glad that there are saints in our Church... Such special people who, on the one hand, are the same as us. With their own difficulties and joys, with their own characters and destinies. There are so many of them that you can easily come across the biographies of some saints whose life path is close and understandable to you. Among them there are hermits, and silent people, and monks, and families, theologians and illiterate, rich and poor, there are even drunkards, fornicators and robbers. Some people carried a special divine chosenness throughout their entire lives, while others, on the contrary, came to faith towards the end of their lives and tried to beg forgiveness for themselves. I can’t imagine how one can live without patron saints.

If God is the Father, then the saints are our older brothers and sisters, from whom we can take an example and with whom we can talk about everything in the world. Sometimes in life there are such difficult situations that you no longer believe that they can be solved. And you ask your beloved saint: “Ask God there, please. And let it be according to your faith. Otherwise my strength is gone. My faith is over."

I have more than once encountered such tricky problems that, through the prayers of the saints, were resolved almost by themselves, and in some way that I myself would never have thought of. It often happened that help came from where it didn’t even occur to us to expect it...

It was the same with my marriage. Now I’m going over all the milestones of this wonderful story in my head and I’m surprised at how many coincidences there were in one square centimeter of my life. And is it a coincidence?

Now I am seriously sure that I got married the second time only thanks to the grace of God through the holy prayers of the blessed Matrona of Moscow.

Mother is a true example of humility and meekness, worldly wisdom and such complete trust in God that one can only be amazed. But she is our contemporary. My grandparents were already quite conscious individuals when Matronushka was still carrying out her feat on our long-suffering land. And now, after her physical death, mother does not cease to beg God for consolation to all those who come to her and call on her in their prayers.

This story began several years ago. Then I lived next to the Temple of the Deposition of the Robe, on Donskaya Street. The temple that Blessed Matrona loved so much that she even bequeathed her funeral service there.

I remember this May evening very well, exactly 2 years ago. Over dinner, my husband suddenly said that he had thought for a long time and came to the conclusion that we need to get a divorce. Just like that, just like a bolt from the blue. Get a divorce! It's mind boggling. Just a shock. I refused to trust my ears, my eyes, my common sense. This cannot happen, because it can never happen.

He continued to say something that he had not loved for a long time, that there were only obligations left, that there was no future. I sat in half oblivion, looked around and... It seems that the only thought that flashed through my head was: I need to go to the Intercession Monastery and pray. There were no more thoughts. Just fog and misunderstanding, in which I sat for a day, looking at the wall and blinking very rarely.

I remember I went to work, where I was given as much time off as I needed without question, and went to the Intercession Monastery to see Matronushka. Of course, then I only wanted one thing: for HIM to return. To come home and see that everything is as before. Or wake up and realize it was just a dream. It was with this thought that I went there for the first time.

Yes. I must say that in the 2 years of my life in Moscow I never bothered to get to the Intercession Monastery. I somehow kept getting ready and getting ready, and I would have gotten ready anyway if it weren’t for the collapse of my personal life.

That day Matronushka’s place was very calm and quiet. There’s a very short queue, and also trees, birds, flowers, silence and good weather. I was some kind of alien element with my bleeding soul at this celebration of life. I remember I was reading an akathist, but instead there was a bundle of nerves inside, an open wound, every word got there and burned and gave off pain. “Rejoice, guardianship of an honest marriage!” Perhaps there will still be?

In front of the shrine with my mother’s relics, I finally broke through. For the first time these days I burst into tears. Tears - in three streams, accompanied by a heartbreaking howl and inconsolable sobs. I sobbed and couldn’t stop, and along with the roar all the horror of the last days came out.

The kind girl who gave out flower petals to visitors looked at me and silently took out a full-fledged and real flower from somewhere out of the box. Maybe she wanted to console me. But she had no idea what a miracle this flower became for me.

So fragile, tender and beautiful. This is exactly what the Most Holy Theotokos is depicted with on my favorite icon, “The Unfading Color.” A long time ago, my grandmother gave it to me with the instruction to pray to the Mother of God for the groom. But then this prayer was no longer relevant for me. But now...

When I gained strength and told my dad that his daughter had been abandoned, my dad first ordered me to go to Matronushka and seek consolation there. For me, his words turned out to be something like God's revelation. You need to know my dad to appreciate what is happening. To be honest, I didn’t think at all that he knew about the existence of the blessed old woman. And he not only knew, but was also sure that this was where his child should look for support.

But then I was left completely alone in a strange city. All my relatives were far away. But, thank God, there were always friends around. And many prayers were offered for me. I literally felt them physically then. Imagine that there is complete confusion in your soul, pain, melancholy, unwillingness to live, some bad thoughts that rush through your head at the speed of light. Unreal chaos! And suddenly, as if someone had lifted the clouds above me, and the sun appeared. And it became calm. I was madly looking forward to these moments when I could take a breath, because another oblivion lay ahead.

I came to the Intercession Monastery, sat on a bench, read books, watched people, looked at the mothers hurrying somewhere, admired the children. It seemed to me that I was entering a world of normal people. And outside the monastery, real bedlam was happening. First of all, with my long-suffering head.

Then I still hoped that my husband might return. I was ready to forgive everything, accept it, and move on. But God had completely different plans for me.

Summer has passed, followed by autumn, and winter has come. And with it came the realization that my family life was over. One November day I reached the point of no return. This means that we had to learn to live again. Change your action plan.

That’s when I remembered my grandmother’s instructions and began to pray for a new husband.

During this time of forced solitude, I thought for a long time about my path. And I realized that I am a family man. And without my family, my salvation seemed literally impossible to me. Therefore, first of all, I wanted to meet a person who also looks at the family as a place of salvation. I remember I even described what kind of spouse I wanted to meet. I wrote everything from the bottom of my heart and at the same time lamented that such a thing must not exist in the world. But I understood that there was no more room for error. That you can no longer compromise with yourself. I understood too well what “not my person” meant.

I rode the subway, walked along crowded streets and thought: where are you hiding, my man? What are you doing right now? What issues do you have to solve now? Maybe you are also looking for me somewhere now?

I looked at married couples on the subway and thought that they had already met each other. But I haven’t yet. I understood that meeting in such a huge city was such a miracle! And often it was not believed that such a meeting could happen.

I once complained to a friend that my biggest fear was that I would be alone for the rest of my life. She answered me, laughing cheerfully: “Do you really think that the Lord wishes evil to his children? Everything will be fine!” And I believed it.

Of course, I didn’t sit idly by. I communicated, got to know each other, I learned to love God, my neighbors and myself. I read, I understood, I most of all did not want a repetition of this tragedy. And I understood that I would be alone until I worked on my mistakes.

Of course, I prayed for my husband. More often than not, this prayer was the cry of my sleepless nights: “Lord, do something! I can not take it anymore". And if it weren’t for the faces of the saints looking at me from the icons, if it weren’t for the feeling of their presence, if not for their holy prayers, I definitely wouldn’t have gotten out, I wouldn’t have survived, I would have broken down and given up.

One day, on an ordinary summer day, I received a letter from an unfamiliar young man. He read my essay on the Internet about the difficulties of divorce, and just wrote it. I decided to find out how I was doing. Quite by chance, a conversation began, as a result of which this good man volunteered to help me with renovations in a new apartment.

Just then I rented a new apartment on Taganka, not far from the Intercession Monastery. But the new housing needed cosmetic repairs. And I couldn’t cope alone.

A good man also turned out to be responsible. He helped me go to hardware stores, choose wallpaper, putty, glue, change sockets. That is, in reality, he did all this himself, and I only entertained him with my conversations and cooked food. The renovation was going on barely, the house was old, and new pitfalls were constantly popping up.

If not for this repair, who knows what our future fate would have been like. We didn’t make any plans for each other, we had our own companies, our own established circle of friends... Although, some inner voice constantly told me that this young man couldn’t just be let go. It should still be useful for some reason.

In the summer, I finally filed for a divorce and received an official document that I was now not anyone’s wife at all, but a completely free girl. As a keepsake of my previous marriage, I still have a wedding ring, which I long ago decided to give to Matronushka.

One day, on a warm September day, I decided to go to Pokrovsky, venerate the relics of the blessed old woman, and finally fulfill my promise. My new friend also decided to come with me. It turned out that he also reveres Blessed Matrona and even prays to her about the order of his life.

Already in front of the shrine with the relics of St. Matrona, I took my ring out of my bag, looked at it and remembered how my ex-husband and I bought it, I remembered the wedding and joy of my dear father, and his words: “So that for life!” I remembered how happy I was looking at this ring. My whole married life flashed before my eyes, and it became as sad as at a funeral. I saw off the era. I burst into tears and again could not calm down. Only the tears were completely different. My sadness is light. A good man consoled me as best he could, and then I thought: “What a kind and sympathetic guy. Lord, send him a good wife, he deserves it.”

A month passed, then another. Finally, the renovation was coming to an end... And one day we suddenly realized how attached we were to each other. That what we have been looking for for so long has already been in our lives for a long time, we just have to stretch out our hand.

For me, every day of these two years is filled with miracles: meetings, conversations, prayers, travel. It seems that it was then that I began to recognize this wonderful world. I think it was then that I began to learn to rejoice. And unbeknownst to myself, I turned into “we”.

Now we go to the Intercession Monastery together and thank Mother for helping us meet and find each other.

Holy Blessed Mother Matrono, pray to God for us!

A strong, happy family is what a self-respecting person should strive for. When everything is fine at home, your beloved other half and children are waiting - it’s unlikely that anything can interfere with the mood.

However, when disagreements begin in the family, the situation is very difficult to control; if you let it take its course, the breakdown of the family becomes only a matter of time.

Popular prayers for family

The biggest problem of Orthodox families, especially young ones, is the lack of patience and humility. The family life of any couple should be based on these principles. It is hardly possible to find at least one couple that would initially be ideal for each other.

In family life, you should always expect scandals, quarrels, and friction - this is normal.

In difficult moments, prayer for the preservation of the family will help to avoid the collapse of the family. If Orthodox Christians ask for heavenly powers from a pure heart, they will definitely respond and guide the spouses in the right direction. Moreover, prayers will help in restoring the family when a breakup has already occurred, but the divorce has not yet taken place.

Be sure to follow the rules

Any appeal to heavenly powers, including prayer for the preservation of a disintegrating family, must be carried out in accordance with the rules of the Orthodox Church. One of the fundamental rules is the need for baptism of both spouses. If you belong to a Christian church, be sure to undergo the rite of baptism, this will ensure the greatest effectiveness of your prayers.

Harmony in the family can only come if you take the process seriously. It is recommended to memorize the words of the prayer for reconciliation and read it on the territory of the church, in front of the icon of the saint to whom you decided to turn.

It is advisable that both spouses pray; in this case, a favorable outcome can be expected with one hundred percent probability.

However, even if only one of them prays, there is a great possibility of resolving the situation. While reading the prayer, focus on the idea of ​​a happy family, remember how happy you were before, project this image into the future.

Choose a suitable prayer

When things are not going well between spouses and scandals have become more frequent, it is recommended to choose an appropriate prayer. She is able to smooth out rough edges, cool the heads of brawlers, calm them down, and push them towards a calm dialogue.

An excellent option would be to write the words of the prayer on paper, then put church candles in a secret place where holy water is stored. It is recommended to regularly collect holy water and keep it in a bottle. After cleaning, they sprinkle it on the corners of the apartment.

To restore harmony in the family, you can read a miraculous prayer for the elimination of troubles to the martyrs and confessors Avius, Gurias, Samon.

Prayer to the martyrs Guria, Samon and Aviv

“Oh, glorious martyrs Guria, Samona and Aviva! To you, as quick helpers and warm prayer books, we, weak and unworthy, come running, fervently pleading: do not despise us, who have fallen into many iniquities and are sinning all the days and hours; guide the lost on the right path, heal the afflicted and mourners; keep us in a blameless and chaste life; and as in ancient times, so now remain the patrons of marriages, in love and like-mindedness this affirms and delivers from all evil and calamity. Protect, O mighty confessors, all Orthodox Christians from misfortunes, evil people and the machinations of demons; Protect me from unexpected death, begging the All-Good Lord, that He may add great and rich mercy to us, His humble servant. We are not worthy to call on the magnificent name of our Creator with unclean lips, unless you, holy martyrs, intercede for us; For this reason we resort to you and ask for your intercession before the Lord. Also deliver us from famine, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, internecine warfare, deadly plagues and every soul-destroying situation. To her, passion-bearers of Christ, through your prayers arrange for us all that is good and useful, so that having passed a pious life for a time and having achieved a shameless death, we will be worthy of your warm intercession with all the saints at the right hand of the Just God of the Judge, and may unceasingly glorify Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen".

Thanks to the saints, you will be able to forget about quarrels, conflicts, and swearing for a long time. The more often you think about solving the problem and read the words of prayer, the more noticeable the effect will be. When all the worst has already happened, and the other half has left the walls of the house, it is still possible to solve the problem. If you believe that love still lives in your hearts, praying for the reunification of your family will help. You should contact Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker directly, who is one of the most powerful intercessors of ordinary people.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor and quick helper everywhere in sorrow! Help me, sinful and sad in this life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth throughout my life, in deed, in word, thoughts and all my feelings; and in the exodus of my soul, help me, the accursed one; beg the Lord God, Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment; May I always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

The Most Holy Theotokos can help you restore harmony in your family. Orthodox Christians revere this saint and often seek help in family matters. It is better to read the prayer to it directly opposite the icon.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos “For the Family”

“Most Blessed Lady, take my family under Your protection. Instill in the hearts of my husband and our children peace, love and non-questioning of all that is good; Do not allow anyone from my family to experience separation and difficult parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance. And our house and all of us living in here, save from fiery ignition, thieves' attacks, all evil circumstances, various types of insurance and devilish obsession. Yes, we too, collectively and separately, openly and secretly, will glorify Your Holy Name always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen. Most Holy Theotokos, save us!”

Positive changes in the family are just around the corner

It is important to understand that prayer is only one means of solving a problem. The participation of both spouses is very important in saving the family. The more real efforts you make to untie the tangle of problems that caused the disaster, the sooner you will see the first positive results. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to act together and say prayers together too.

But you should not limit yourself to prayer alone: ​​prayer alone, even if it is the most effective, will not help. Talk to each other, make an effort to solve problems that have arisen, and analyze how to prevent them from happening in the future.

Video: Prayer for the preservation of the family

This article contains: the most powerful prayer for divorce - information taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

Discord occurs in almost every family and it seems that previously good relationships have come to an end.

Young couples are especially at risk of divorce - they have not yet learned to overcome everyday obstacles together. If a feeling of love remains between a husband and wife, but the family is on the verge of divorce, then you can make a request to the saints.

The prayer to Matrona of Moscow for help in the family especially helps to avoid family troubles and restore relationships.

What prayers will help preserve love and prosperity in the family?

The life of the popularly beloved Matronushka is a long and thorny path to God. The basis of her actions was compassion and helping people. She healed the sick, guided them on the right path, supported them in faith, and brought the Word of God to the world.

After her death, the old woman was canonized and to this day does not cease to intercede for those in need to the Lord.

With God, everyone is alive, so every day, lines of people flock to the shrine containing the relics of the blessed Matrona with prayers for help and protection.

Oh, blessed mother Matrona, we resort to your intercession and tearfully pray to you. As you who have great boldness in the Lord, pour out a warm prayer for your servants, who are in deep spiritual sorrow and asking for help from you. Truly is the word of the Lord: ask, and it will be given to you, and again: even if two of you take counsel upon the earth, whatever you ask, it will be given to you from My Father who is in Heaven. Hear our sighs and bring the Lord to the throne, and where you stand before God, the prayer of a righteous man can do much before God. May the Lord not completely forget us, but look down from the heights of heaven on the sorrow of His servants and bestow the fruit of the womb for something useful. Truly, God wants the child, so do the Lord to Abraham and Sarah, Zechariah and Elizabeth, Joachim and Anna, pray with him. May the Lord God do this to us, out of His mercy and ineffable love for mankind. Blessed be the name of the Lord from now on and forever. Amen

Blessed Elder Matrona, our intercessor and petitioner before the Lord! You look with your spiritual gaze both into the past and into the future, everything is open to you. Enlighten the servant of God (name), give advice, show the way to solve the problem (….). Thank you for your holy help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Holy righteous mother Matrona! You are a helper to all people, help me in my troubles (…..). Do not leave me with your help and intercession, pray to the Lord for the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Life of the Blessed Virgin

The baby was born into a poor peasant family. Even before her birth, the pregnant mother decided to give her newborn to a shelter. But at night the woman had a vision: a huge snow-white bird with huge wings sat on her chest, but she was blind - she had no eyes.

Soon a girl was born and, like that bird in the dream, she had no eyes, her eyelids were tightly closed, but there was a bulge on her chest - a miraculous cross. The God-fearing mother left the child in the family.

From an early age, the girl loved being at divine services, at home she played with icons, talked to them, and then put the icon to her ear and it seemed that the Pleasers of God were answering her.

At about 8 years old, Matrona discovered the gift of foresight and healing. She could predict the future of every person and, by prayerfully turning to God, cure any ailment. The Holy Pleasant changed people’s worldviews and instilled in them faith in Christ. Since then, she has become the breadwinner in the family. People flocked to her from all corners and villages for help, thanking the girl not with money, but with food.

At the age of 18, her legs were paralyzed; now the blessed one could only sit or lie. But she accepted this situation with humility and never ceased to thank the Heavenly Father for everything.

Many felt sorry for Matrona and considered her an unfortunate blind man. But she was sincerely surprised by the statements of those around her, because the Lord miraculously showed her the world, forests and fields, animals and birds, seas and rivers, countries and cities. Mother visited holy places, talked with ascetics, and Saint John of Kronstadt called her “the eighth pillar of Russia,” as if predicting a special service to the Almighty.

At a time when her brothers became ardent communists, Matrona did not find a place in her parents' house. She and her friend went to Moscow, where they lived with strangers, but did not stop helping those in need. The blessed one was visited by both ordinary people and prominent politicians of that time. It is known that Stalin turned to Matrona and she predicted a favorable outcome of the Great Patriotic War.

The old woman spent her last days of earthly life in the Moscow region; 3 days before her death, the date of her dormition was revealed to her. Before her death, she told people to come to her grave not as if she were dead, but as if she were alive. The old woman promised to help everyone who asked for help.

Believers talk about many miracles that happened through prayers to the blessed one.

Holy Matrona hears everyone who asks for her intercession before the Heavenly Father.

  • You can contact the old woman both within the walls of a cathedral, a temple, and at home, standing before her face in the Red Corner;
  • if possible, you need to visit the resting place of the old woman on the territory of the Intercession Monastery in Moscow and venerate her relics;
  • According to custom, it is advisable to bring fresh flowers (an odd number) to the grave and ask for help and protection.

The feat of prayer of Matrona of Moscow corresponds to the centuries-old traditions of popular piety. Therefore, the help she sends to pilgrims brings spiritual fruits: churching, initiation into life in constant prayer, confirmation in the Orthodox faith.

Powerful prayer for the preservation of the family

For every conscious person, family is a treasure that is not easy to keep. Everyone in life has troubles, grief, difficulties and deprivations that disrupt the spiritual well-being of the family. We inevitably bring quarrels with friends, troubles at work, extraneous insults and deprivations into the house, although we always vow not to do this again. The family will support, reassure and set you in a good mood. Even in the most difficult situation, loved ones can bring you back to life and restore well-being in your family. Prayers and icons will help with this.

What if there is no peace and silence in the family? A person’s whole life collapses, because his strong rear has cracked or his loved one leaves you. All problems fade into the background; they no longer worry if difficulties arise in the family. Without restoring relationships, nothing good will come into life. But there is one working and proven option - prayer for the preservation of the family.

If your husband respected and loved you for many years, and then simply stopped noticing, there may even be black magic at work. Only the power of Orthodox prayer for the family can fight it. It helps you come to terms with and take a step towards reconciliation, and realize your mistakes if you are to blame for the current situation.

The Lord has the power to put you and your family members on the right path, you just need to turn to him with the right words, with prayer for a prosperous family. Start thanking God for everything he has given you now. Ask him to strengthen the relationship. The icon of the holy martyr Matrona of Moscow, the Mother of God, Christ, and Nicholas the Pleasant will help you convey your request to God.

A good prayer for well-being and prosperity in the family is the plot to the Mother of God. You can start here to feel the power of prayer for your family. You will need an icon, which is probably in the home of every Orthodox person. Read the sacred text every night, and even more if you feel the need. All prayers for a strong family must be written down on paper and stored in the same place as the icons. A letter is always more valuable than a printed text.

Help from Saint Matrona of Moscow

The help of Matrona of Moscow is highly valued in a variety of areas. Belief in her is confirmed by real miracles that happen to people who turn to the saint. A conspiracy against infertility, a prayer for the family, which is read so that the husband loves as before - all this is under her jurisdiction. Prayer for a happy family is a special text for all Orthodox Christians, the most sacred.

If possible, you need to visit the relics of Matrona of Moscow. If this is not possible, try writing a letter to the monastery asking for spiritual help. To protect your family from divorce, you also need an icon of the Matrona of Moscow, to which you will pray daily for family happiness, for well-being and prosperity in the family.

Anything can happen in life, but more than anything else we need to take care of our family. Matrona is the patroness of enduring values, healer and martyr. She will definitely help if you offer her prayers for the family. Pray for admonition and preservation of marriage, for prosperity in a friendly family. The spell for the icon of the Matrona of Moscow works very quickly and powerfully, you will see the result in just a few days.

What prayer will help to reason with your husband?

Prayer for the family is a means that is resorted to in extreme cases, although one should turn to the Lord more often and not for vain trifles. It reads like a conspiracy and each of its implementation returns happiness and love to your heart drop by drop. Family quarrels very often have a simple reason - the husband began to look at other women. It doesn’t matter why this happened: due to the fact that the wife lost her former attractiveness after the birth of children, she was simply tired of the relationship, fatigue had accumulated, or they were “nagging” at home, her faith had weakened... None of these reasons should be the basis of family discord and divorce.

In addition, another may use a black conspiracy, a love spell on your spouse, to help. The loved one will return to the family, even though husbands now like to torment the missus and threaten to leave the family. Understanding of the mistake comes, but not soon, and the belief that you can return is often not justified. At first, the man is glad that he lives with a young woman, but then he realizes how seriously he made a mistake, even to the point of divorce.

Preserving the family often becomes the burden of the wife herself. In a situation where talking and tears no longer help, many begin to look for a conspiracy or prayer so that the husband does not leave for another. In any case, you will need an icon of the Savior to justify yourself in His eyes. Buy it from the church and start reading it that day. Keep the letter, that is, the text rewritten in your own hand, near the icon. Prayer against cheating husband:

After this cleansing prayer, strong faith should return to you. You can proceed to the main text:

“Lord, Heavenly King, Comforter, help me in a good cause, in the salvation of my family. Hear me, sinful and unworthy, praying to You at this hour. With tears in my eyes, I pray to You: bring some understanding to the servant of God (name), my husband. Gather the lost and guide them to the right path. Teach him to be a good and worthy husband to his wife.

Arouse in the heart of God’s servant (name) love for me, his wife, and show all the corruption of his deeds. Melt his coldness, resurrect his love. Don't let the family be destroyed, give us family good.

Lord, protect my husband from the devil’s temptation and sinful life. Especially autumn and protect the servant of God (name) from all misfortunes and crafty demons who want to sacrifice him and bring him to hell alive.

Instruct my husband to live according to Your covenants: to love his wife, take care of her and be responsible for her. Enlighten Your servant (name) to start all over again, to forget and forgive all offenses against me.

Lord, I pray to You with all my heart, do not let our family fall apart. Hold me and my husband together. Grant us love for each other, patience and strength to live together according to Your commandments. I trust in Your help, Lord. Amen."

It is necessary to rely on the will of the Lord and humbly ask for help to save the family. The loved one will return, because the power of the prayer word and the conspiracy makes any person come to his senses. And experienced believers also talk about what happens like this: prayer for one’s family enlightens the wife and she understands that there is really nothing to hold on to, love turned out to be a mistake, and the husband needs to be let go on all fours.

Prayer for a friendly family

Orthodox families should follow the example of the marriage of Peter and Fevronia. The holy princes of Murom are very revered among the people. They carried pure love through the trials and tribulations of life, and at the end of their lives she accepted monasticism. They died on the same day, asked God for help in this, because they could no longer be in different places for a minute, their faith merged together.

People respected them and did not disobey them, because they were honest and righteous rulers. After death, their bodies were taken to different temples, because this was more correct from a religious point of view, but the next morning they found themselves together again, in the same coffin. That same “love to the grave” was embodied in the lives of the saints.

Prayers to Peter and Fevronia for the family should be offered if there are doubts about fidelity and love or if you want to return the old feelings that bloomed even before marriage, there is a need for help. In addition, you can pray to get rid of loneliness, find a soul mate and find long-awaited happiness. The sacred text is also suitable for promoting well-being in the family and children's families.

Read more about the life history of the holy spouses to be inspired by their example. The faith that the icon will reflect will only strengthen from this. A strong prayer for the wife’s admonition, so that the husband respects and the children obey more. You can read it three times every day. You should take care of preserving your family and love and helping your faith every day, not only in word, but also in deed.

Instead of a conclusion

If you have a young family and your loved one is starting to get on your nerves, take a moment to remember that arguments and arguments are normal. Then you will become one, but now you need to endure for the sake of love, but nothing more. Pray earnestly and ask for humility. If you manage to persuade your husband to read the plot, the effect will intensify, and you will feel that same family unity. Love spells, requests for help and prayers for a strong family reach holy icons faster and better.

It doesn’t matter which prayer you choose - the Savior, the Mother of God or the Matrona of Moscow. It is important that you like it, just like the icon, and that you feel the message that is embedded in the sacred text. And remember that a handwritten letter is more valuable than printed text. Be sure that you will gradually enter into a calm dialogue and become a happy husband and wife. Do not be afraid to turn to the saints asking for help. A strong family is able to survive all the hardships of life.

Love will become strong and indestructible, like a powerful river. . Usually a prayer for well-being in the family of Matrona of Moscow helps a lot. . This prayer belongs to the category of general and family prayers.

This is a very strong prayer for love, which can be said at home and in church, the main condition is that you must look at the icon of the Saint. . Powerful prayer for the preservation of the family.

Prayer for the preservation of the family to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Who should you pray to to save your family?

Family is the most valuable thing in the life of any person. It is she who becomes a reliable refuge and a source of peace in times of any troubles: be it problems at work, in her personal life, difficult situations. However, like any relationship dear to the heart, it must be valued and protected, keeping grains of goodness and sweeping away everything bad. Prayer for the preservation of your family can help you with this.

What is prayer?

Before answering a number of questions regarding the preservation of the family hearth, let's clarify the very concept of prayer. It implies a certain mental or voiced appeal of a person to God: it can come from the depths of the soul (when the person praying comes up with the text of the prayer during the appeal) or be composed in poetic form. A prayer for the preservation of the family (like any other) is said in a low voice, in a whisper or in a chant.

An appeal to God can be presented as:

  • requests (“Please solve my situation... Help!”);
  • question and reproach (in biblical texts they speak of “murmuring against God”);;
  • forgiveness and repentance (“Forgive me”...), etc.

When is prayer used?

Any prayer is associated with any problems or difficulties in the life path of the person asking. For example, prayer for the family to the Most Holy Theotokos makes it possible to preserve its integrity. Each request is purely individual and applies to each specific person and case. For example, some women turn to saints with a request to return their husbands to the family, thinking that they have been “bewitched” (forced using magic to love another). Others were worried about the health of their spouse, who had gone to work far from home, etc.

Prayer can be associated with a solemn event (the birth of a child, a wedding, a promotion, etc.) or an alarming or even tragic event (illness or injury of a loved one, bankruptcy and other problems).

How to pray correctly?

Any request to the Almighty, like a prayer for the preservation of the family, involves a certain ritual. For example, it is traditionally believed that in order to pray, a person needs:

  • kneel down;
  • raise your eyes to the sky (ceiling or look at the icon);
  • close your hands (palms together, fingers together).

However, this is not quite true. A prayer for the family to the Blessed Virgin Mary can be voiced in any form (for example, lying on the sofa). It should be said at any time convenient for you. The main thing is that the text of the prayer reflects the purpose of the appeal.

Each prayer for the preservation of a family is associated with a certain hope and faith of a person that everything he asked for will come true.

Who should you pray to to save your family?

As in Greek and Egyptian mythology, biblical stories tell of a variety of saints, to whom experts in the field of religious teachings advise making requests. Moreover, each saint, according to legend, is responsible for a certain “sector”. For example, we can recall the appeal of one of the heroines of the film “D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers” Catherine, who sang the song: “Saint Catherine! Send me a nobleman..." In this case, the saint was the patroness of unmarried ladies and helped them find suitable grooms.

Thus, the Blessed Virgin Mary has been the patroness of the family hearth for many centuries. “Semistrelnitsa” saved families from vain rumors, from evil and betrayal (both from men and women).

This is why the prayer for family to the Most Holy Theotokos is so beloved by married women. This is especially true for houses in which husbands, due to the nature of their work, are often forced to travel to distant lands.

Prayer to the Holy Mother of God to save the family

The prayer to the Mother of God for the preservation of the family has several interpretations, the most popular of which is the following:

Regardless of where the appeal to the Mother of God takes place, it is necessary, after pronouncing the cherished words, to place exactly three candles in front of the image and light them. Next, you need to wait until the candles burn out completely, cross yourself three times and sprinkle yourself with holy water.

Prayer to Saint Matrona of Moscow to save the family

Another petition for wives and mothers includes a prayer to Matrona for the preservation of the family. At the same time, they say the following out loud:

Since Matrona was considered the patroness of the poor and suffering, and was also, in modern language, “responsible for charity,” in addition to asking for help, the person asking for help, according to custom, had to make a certain donation for her. To this end, you need to treat a homeless person to one of this list of products:

In addition, in front of the image of Matrona, you can place a bouquet of living chrysanthemums as a sign of veneration. According to legend, you should ask Matrona for help if frequent quarrels begin to arise in your family due to housing problems. For example, you cannot purchase a separate apartment or house and are forced to live with your parents or other relatives. You can also turn to it when frequent scandals arise in the family over raising children or problems at work.

Prayer to confessors Samon, Aviv and Gury

The preservation of the family was considered the most sacred thing in the life of any person, regardless of his religion and nationality. In addition to female images of saints, for a long time members of one clan could turn for spiritual help to the confessors and great martyrs Samon, Aviv and Gurias.

These saints are considered special patrons of a happy life together for spouses. According to legend, these great martyrs were publicly executed by the pagans because of their rejection of the faith of their fellow tribesmen (they denied polytheism and prayed to only one god).

This prayer for peace in the family looked something like this:

According to legend, it was this appeal to the saints that could protect all household members from possible troubles and misfortunes.

Prayer to the Evangelist John the Theologian

When frequent quarrels arose between husband and wife, and disagreements drove them further and further away from each other, an appeal was made to the Evangelist John the Theologian.

It is this saint who is popularly called the “apostle of love,” since for his love for God he experienced persecution from city authorities and idolaters and was imprisoned. As a result, he lived in torment and exile until he was 105 years old.

It is believed that praying to this saint is necessary for parents of schoolchildren who have any psychological problems due to family troubles, to normalize relations between a man and a woman in marriage, etc.

Prayer to the Mother of God Semistrelnitsa

Another strong prayer for a strong family union is an appeal to the Mother of God Semistrelnitsa. The icon depicts the Mother of God without the Child with seven arrows piercing Her heart. It is believed that this amount is enough to neutralize all the negativity that can fall on a happy family at any time.

Turning to the Seven-Strelnitsa, those who pray usually ask her to protect their family hearth from human envy, from illness, from carnal temptation, from the evil eye, etc. The image of the Virgin Mary must be hung near the front door (or above it). They say that in this way you will not allow into your home those people who wish you and your loved ones harm.

In conclusion, we will say that regardless of whether you direct your appeal regarding family well-being to God, saints, archangels or great martyrs, you must back up your words with faith. Otherwise, you won't succeed! Peace in your home, prosperity, love and great universal happiness!

Salvation and life with God concern the whole person, in his unity. Of course, bodily death will be a serious trauma because it will end all earthly connections, but the Christian experience is precisely that his body will be transformed into a new and glorious body (1 Cor. 15:35; Phil. 3:21).

But communication with God is not achieved through the decline of the body and the death of earthly ties; it continues, just as in some cases the love and desire of the Orthodox continues. prayer to bring your husband back after divorce. The “personal self,” the center of the human personality, the soul—in the biblical sense of the word—retains the original connection with God throughout life; this connection even becomes more complete. But if we believe that the unity of man is of great importance, we must admit that even after death there is a certain connection with the body and with the world, the connection is incomplete, inaccessible to our experience.

How to return your husband after a divorce with a prayer, what prayer should be said to get married after a divorce in order to achieve the desired result?

Our very first prayer is to the Lord, but not only to Him we turn. There are those who are better than us to ask Him for protection and intercession for us.

A strong prayer to the Guardian Angel after a wife’s divorce from her husband

God gives every Christian a Guardian Angel, who invisibly protects a person throughout his earthly life from troubles, warns against sins, protects him at the hour of death, and does not leave him after death.

“Holy Angel, standing before my accursed soul and my passionate life, do not leave me, a sinner, nor depart from me for my intemperance. Do not give room to the evil demon to possess me through the violence of this mortal body; strengthen my poor and thin hand and guide me on the path of salvation. To her, holy Angel of God, guardian and patron of my accursed soul and body, forgive me all that I have offended you so greatly all the days of my life, and if I sinned this past night, cover me on this day, and save me from every opposite temptation, Let me not anger God in any sin, and pray for me to the Lord, that He may strengthen me in His passion, and show me worthy as a servant of His goodness. Amen".

When the relationship between spouses reaches a dead end, when the situation develops in such a way that the only worthy and reasonable way out can only be, the wife can read prayer for my husband to leave. This will help people disperse more or less with dignity and calm, quickly forget each other and not ruin each other’s lives.

Eat 100% white way to attract true love into your life and restore family relationships! Action strong amulet of love Many women and men have already tested it on themselves. With its help, you will not only find your soul mate, but also be able to remove quarrels and negativity in the family, for this you need...

As such, Orthodox Christians do not have a Christian prayer for their husband to leave.

About those who hate and offend us

Troparion, tone 4

“Praying for those who have crucified You, O loving-hearted Lord, and commanding Your servant to pray for everyone, forgive us those who hate and offend us, and instruct us from all evil and wickedness towards brotherly and virtuous living, we humbly offer you a prayer; May we, in unanimity of mind, glorify Thee, the One Lover of Mankind.”

Kontakion, tone 5

“Like Your first martyr Stephen, he prayed to You, O Lord, for those who kill him, and we pray deeply, forgive those who hate everyone and offend us, so that not a single one of us will perish for the sake of them, but we will all be saved by Your grace, O All-Bountiful God.”

Indeed, the Christian faith confesses that the dead who live with God are still one with us in Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit, in the bosom of what Christian theology calls the “communion of saints,” that is, a community of people sanctified by the Spirit and united in Christ.

Discord occurs in almost every family and it seems that previously good relationships have come to an end.

Young couples are especially at risk of divorce - they have not yet learned to overcome everyday obstacles together. If a feeling of love remains between a husband and wife, but the family is on the verge of divorce, then you can make a request to the saints.

The prayer to Matrona of Moscow for help in the family especially helps to avoid family troubles and restore relationships.

What prayers will help preserve love and prosperity in the family?

The life of the popularly beloved Matronushka is a long and thorny path to God. The basis of her actions was compassion and helping people. She healed the sick, guided them on the right path, supported them in faith, and brought the Word of God to the world.

After her death, the old woman was canonized and to this day does not cease to intercede for those in need to the Lord.

With God, everyone is alive, so every day, lines of people flock to the shrine containing the relics of the blessed Matrona with prayers for help and protection.

Prayer to Matrona for family well-being

Oh, blessed mother Matrona, we resort to your intercession and tearfully pray to you. As you who have great boldness in the Lord, pour out a warm prayer for your servants, who are in deep spiritual sorrow and asking for help from you. Truly is the word of the Lord: ask, and it will be given to you, and again: even if two of you take counsel upon the earth, whatever you ask, it will be given to you from My Father who is in Heaven. Hear our sighs and bring the Lord to the throne, and where you stand before God, the prayer of a righteous man can do much before God. May the Lord not completely forget us, but look down from the heights of heaven on the sorrow of His servants and bestow the fruit of the womb for something useful. Truly, God wants the child, so do the Lord to Abraham and Sarah, Zechariah and Elizabeth, Joachim and Anna, pray with him. May the Lord God do this to us, out of His mercy and ineffable love for mankind. Blessed be the name of the Lord from now on and forever. Amen

Prayer for maintaining well-being in the family

Blessed Elder Matrona, our intercessor and petitioner before the Lord! You look with your spiritual gaze both into the past and into the future, everything is open to you. Enlighten the servant of God (name), give advice, show the way to solve the problem (….). Thank you for your holy help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for family

Holy righteous mother Matrona! You are a helper to all people, help me in my troubles (…..). Do not leave me with your help and intercession, pray to the Lord for the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Life of the Blessed Virgin

The baby was born into a poor peasant family. Even before her birth, the pregnant mother decided to give her newborn to a shelter. But at night the woman had a vision: a huge snow-white bird with huge wings sat on her chest, but she was blind - she had no eyes.

Soon a girl was born and, like that bird in the dream, she had no eyes, her eyelids were tightly closed, but there was a bulge on her chest - a miraculous cross. The God-fearing mother left the child in the family.

Miracle of the Birth of Saint Matrona

From an early age, the girl loved being at divine services, at home she played with icons, talked to them, and then put the icon to her ear and it seemed that the Pleasers of God were answering her.

At about 8 years old, Matrona discovered the gift of foresight and healing. She could predict the future of every person and, by prayerfully turning to God, cure any ailment. The Holy Pleasant changed people’s worldviews and instilled in them faith in Christ. Since then, she has become the breadwinner in the family. People flocked to her from all corners and villages for help, thanking the girl not with money, but with food.

At the age of 18, her legs were paralyzed; now the blessed one could only sit or lie. But she accepted this situation with humility and never ceased to thank the Heavenly Father for everything.

Many felt sorry for Matrona and considered her an unfortunate blind man. But she was sincerely surprised by the statements of those around her, because the Lord miraculously showed her the world, forests and fields, animals and birds, seas and rivers, countries and cities. Mother visited holy places, talked with ascetics, and Saint John of Kronstadt called her “the eighth pillar of Russia,” as if predicting a special service to the Almighty.

At a time when her brothers became ardent communists, Matrona did not find a place in her parents' house. She and her friend went to Moscow, where they lived with strangers, but did not stop helping those in need. The blessed one was visited by both ordinary people and prominent politicians of that time. It is known that Stalin turned to Matrona and she predicted a favorable outcome of the Great Patriotic War.

The old woman spent her last days of earthly life in the Moscow region; 3 days before her death, the date of her dormition was revealed to her. Before her death, she told people to come to her grave not as if she were dead, but as if she were alive. The old woman promised to help everyone who asked for help.

Believers talk about many miracles that happened through prayers to the blessed one.

Holy Matrona hears everyone who asks for her intercession before the Heavenly Father.

  • You can contact the old woman both within the walls of a cathedral, a temple, and at home, standing before her face in the Red Corner;
  • if possible, you need to visit the resting place of the old woman on the territory of the Intercession Monastery in Moscow and venerate her relics;
  • According to custom, it is advisable to bring fresh flowers (an odd number) to the grave and ask for help and protection.
The feat of prayer of Matrona of Moscow corresponds to the centuries-old traditions of popular piety. Therefore, the help she sends to pilgrims brings spiritual fruits: churching, initiation into life in constant prayer, confirmation in the Orthodox faith.

Archpriest Andrey Tkachev. About the Orthodox family.