Changes in the body during quantum transition. Symptoms of quantum transition, transmutation and ascension. Transformation of physical bodies. Living in harmony with the Higher Order

Everything has changed - its speed, rotation, direction, diameter. At first glance, you would think that the proton has changed, nonsense! But after him, all organic matter “went”, because it consists of hydrogen. The density of Matter has changed. (Levashov wrote about the properties of Matter that we will move to another Space, where there will be more light).

The rest of the particles followed the proton, and what was considered unshakable by nuclear physics appeared in a completely different form, in someone else's. It's like we're aliens and landed on another planet.

Those laws that were established before 2013 suddenly stopped working, because the density of Matter became different.

This huge work of many laboratories of the scientific world made the scientists of the whole world unite, forgetting all strife.

About 10 leading institutes of atomic physics, reactors, laser technology rechecked each other, but all the time they came to one new size of the hydrogen atom.

Judging by the laws of the three-dimensional world, this is impossible, but, nevertheless, physics began to reveal its measurements. This is confirmed by astrophysicists by calculations of the multidimensionality of our Space.

We live in another dimension!

The Quantum Transition took place, the particle moved from one energy level to another energy level, while behaving like a neutron star - it was big, but became small.

Consider that we live on another planet, so all the laws begin to work differently. Scientists face this at every turn. Our laws are the world of the past!

January-March 2013 was rich in radical scientific discoveries in astronomy and astrophysics, which fell like a cornucopia.

The German Spitzer telescope flies in orbit of the Earth, which is several orders of magnitude more accurate than the famous Hubble, it saw infrared (we know infrared radiation, and here ultra is a new physical term, it means even deeper into Matter) Galaxies, they are brighter than ordinary ones in 60 times.

This discovery was made spontaneously. Judge for yourself, back in December 2012 they were not there, and in January 2013 they appeared, in a day.

It doesn't happen! They either exist or they don’t… so something happened during these days that made the world change?

The ordinary electromagnetic scale, which is presented in physics textbooks, reference books, has increased by three octaves in the infrared range and by three octaves in the ultraviolet.

We have become six octaves higher.

This opened Matter, which was not there before 2013, it was not manifested for various reasons, but now it has manifested itself and physical devices can fix it.

Another discovery - until 2013, scientists knew, and you and I were scared, that our solar system was moving into a black hole.

Scientists from Novosibirsk said that we are moving into the realm of completely unknown energies, which did not exist before, and it is not clear what will happen to this in the future.

And now there is no hole!

And this is an astrophysical object, and it's gone. There is no black hole at the center of our Galaxy now.

Scientists were very scared, this discovery was classified, and it disappeared from the Internet two months after the announcement. There was such a site "Membrane", where scientists published their findings, now this electronic journal is no more. On the Black Hole, he ceased to exist)).

What happened? It turned out that the Black Hole is the door that we passed through, and the door closed.

But instead of the Black Hole, another Object appeared, this is also a scientific discovery, already in 2014 - Magnitar.

Pulsating Star, but not a Pulsar. This Star sprays a liquid magnetic field in all directions. This is a kind of substance that does not yet have a name (it is not plasma). It is intelligent, composed of granules. Its granules are small, at the level of elementary particles, and large, for example, the size of the Earth.

First, this Magnitar was heard in March 2014 in the radio band and began to be observed, and in May it was seen.

By cosmic standards, this is a colossal time. Usually they either hear or see, that is, the brain was ready to perceive this information.

Thus, we ended up on the first floors of the Subtle Plan, in fact, “in the other World”, with which we congratulate you!))

The frequencies are different and the organics are different, this should not frighten you in any way, our bodies open up on their own.

But Magnitar lit up - in blue (until May 2014 it did not glow).

Back in 2005, neurophysiologists discovered an area in the Hippocampus in humans called the Blue or Blue Spot. He has been known for a long time, but they did not pay much attention to him, well, you never know what a person has in his brain ...

The human brain itself is a black box.

In the summer of 2014, this Blue spot in the brain also lit up, for everyone. The hippocampus is projected onto the point of Life and governs the life of a person on the Thin Plan and above. This blue color, if you squint, is sometimes visible as a silver halo above your head. This is a new organic Body, and it pulsates in tune with the Magnetar.

This is a single system, they have one basic rhythm - a waltz.

The basic rhythm of the Universe is also a waltz, in different performances, in different octaves. The octave on which the Blue Spot and Magnitar waltz is performed, in the center of the Galaxy - it works in a new scale, including three new octaves.

It turns out that the energy spectrum of the new hydrogen is completely different from the spectrum of the old hydrogen.

This is the spectrum of infrared color, deeper than infrared color. It was this range that became the leader. We live and do not know that we perceive completely different energy spectra. And it all goes back to human consciousness.

The time has come, about which we were told - now you will live in the Subtle World, and there - everything is controlled by thought, if you wanted - you moved the chair, if you wanted - it took off by itself ... But so far we have not reached such a concentration of thought and self-awareness.

In this regard, various phenomena began ...

First basic phenomenon- glow of a halo - before the Transition it was Golden (halos of the saints on the icons) and only the Masters possessed this, because there was a very hard magnetic field around the Earth, this field was hard, and it held back our genetic structure. And now this field has, in fact, ceased to be rigid, that is, it exists, but it is completely different.

It is very soft and gentle and, nevertheless, very strong, like a cobweb, try to tear it, it is stronger than steel to tear.

This is approximately the structure of a new magnetic field.

You have all heard such a term as Akash - this is the Golden Structure, which is called Proteus, Blavatsky also mentions it.

So this Proteus went into incarnation. This has become our new nervous system, now we have it saturated with Proteus light.

We have a different nervous system, we have stopped seeing in three dimensions, we have different eyes.

During the last thousand years before the Shift, at least 26,000 years, we all had a so-called blind spot in our eye.

This is the optic nerve, which goes deep into the skull, it was shut up by some kind of protein tissue, like a plug. This blind spot covered three quarters of our spherical vision. We do not see the Black Hole, and since the brain levels out various nuances, the illusion is created that we see everything.

Nevertheless, the presence of a blind spot allowed us to live in a 3-dimensional Space, limited, rigid.

This was the condition of the Experiment. We had to study the dense Plan and we completed this task.

Now we have passed to “the other Light”, our Experiment has been successfully completed, and this blind spot has begun to dissolve and disappear in the eye, and now we have access to the vision of multidimensionality.

This is a discovery of a planetary scale, and scientists of all countries have noticed it.

The thymus has changed thymus gland, it is very sacred in itself. Helena Blavatsky mentioned her, and the Roerichs.

Now the same Proteus lives in the thymus. Here it is localized, and then it is sprayed through all our subtle nerve channels. The solar and lunar meridians, everything is involved here, they have also become different.

And the immune surveillance of Proteus has changed, if earlier this immunity system was formal, now it tracks every human thought and now it has become so important - to be able to think!

Think before you think. Everything comes true right there and now, and most importantly, it is clear why ...

The next body change- amygdala. This is also in the Hippocampus region, Mozhevichka.

She switches to conscious awareness. Before the Shift, it was a "house of fear" ruled by the limbic system. And the limbic system is "fight" or "run" like in animals.

Now it is being rewritten at the level of the cellular machinery. Instead of "hit" and "run", a conscious perception of the current moment begins to appear. Ra-z-Smart. Do not sit and be afraid, think: how will it be there?

Now everything is as it comes: I will come and figure it out. Live Here and Now.
We do not need to know how to do it, our new organics do it themselves.

You do not sit in meditation, you do not eat only vegetarian food, you live as you have lived, and the organic matter changes itself. That is, your Higher Self gave permission to change this situation, permission to change your current consciousness. Don't you need to know how it goes?

This is the Divine Freebie. Previously, we were responsible for our actions, but now we will learn to be responsible for our thoughts!

Old packets of neurons will dissolve in the brain. How does this manifest itself in everyday life?

The old packets of neurons are all materialized habits that have entered at the autopilot level into our blood, flesh, everything that we do mechanically (took a match, put on the kettle, lit the gas ...).

Everything that we have been accustomed to since childhood and that we are no longer aware of, but they are materialized, we often do actions and do not notice how.

Now comes the pseudo-loss of memory, it comes when a person is not exposed to any external influence.

For example, you sit on a bench or at home in a calm state and suddenly once - I don’t remember anything ... It lasts for an instant, 3-5 seconds - and you again enter your current life. But at the same time, some old Packages, old knowledge are turned off.

For example: old childhood habits that you no longer need, you are an adult and the situation will not happen again. In terms of energy, they were in the structure of the brain, and so the brain got rid of these old habits (learned to walk, sit, talk).

Now you no longer need it, and this is a large energy reservoir. Pseudo-forgetfulness - this makes room for the new. It fills up with this new and, at the right moment, I just start to know something new. Clarity is coming.

Before the Transition, we did not have this, we had to go through the School, gain experience, gain knowledge, and now the experience appears by itself - like a Gift!

Up to a certain point you don't know yet what you have, but a situation arises and you begin to use the ready-made experience. Save time, save energy, and much more...

And you see the situation not from one side, but from several sides at once, and you see it not with the aim of condemning, but simply as information.

Accept for yourself that when pseudo-forgetfulness or something like sclerosis sets in, you will accept it quite calmly and know that this is not a disease, but a Planetary Transition.

And this is only the first stage.

The striatum in the brain is the conscious coordination of muscular activity. Previously, you could sit and chat with your foot, and not think at all - chat and chat. And after the Transition, you begin to realize: why am I dangling my foot? It's not comfortable for me...)

Other connections in the brain have gone, axons have changed, other nerve impulses have changed. They are not bad - they are different!

Hydrogen and proton are one and the same. Hydrogen is found in all organic matter, there is an expression: oil is a hydrocarbon. If you pour a little oil into a jar and put it on the sunny side of the window, then after a while the oil ceases to be oil, but is transformed into just pure water.

Water on the new Subtle level is a boiling substance, but not boiling water. It's just that the new hydrogen instantly rearranges the structure of the water. Her formula was H2O, and now it fluctuates.

Calm thoughts - water of one formula, active consciousness - water takes on the properties of another formula. This can change within a second and the whole biochemistry changes immediately, a completely different cell metabolism. The Kreps cycle "went" in the other direction; the Kreps cycle is an energy mill, where hydrogen is released where necessary, and absorbed where necessary. And if the hydrogen is different, then there is a different biochemistry.

Doctors, by the way, know this, and pharmacologists sounded the alarm, because pharmacological drugs suddenly became poison. Since the proton is different, the symmetry inside the atom of the nucleus has changed, it has simply become different. Not mirrored, but different. If there is a different symmetry inside the atom of the nucleus, then, accordingly, is it a different molecular substance? And it all started in the spring of 2013.

At first there were timid statements - well, you never know what you imagined? At first it was isolated cases, but now - an avalanche!

"Save yourself, who can!" A colossal wave is rushing.

Many pharmaceutical companies have sounded the alarm because they are forced to stop their lines in the full sense of the word. Do not produce your own products, but this is a business, this is money.

The economy will change. Formally, the hydrogen atom changed, but dragged economic affairs along with it. No one thought about it, the Quantum Transition is to blame for everything.

Accordingly, uranium has also changed, it has other isotopes and is divided differently. There are different nuances about nuclear power plants. No explosions and horror stories, no increase in radiation levels, just uranium began to live less than it used to live.

If earlier the decay period was 235 years, now it can disintegrate in two years. Either it will be loaded more often or the stations will switch to another type of fuel.

If intuition worked before the Transition, and we were advised to develop it, this is the line between the 3rd and 4th dimensional worlds, and now it can give a range of solutions, and try to figure out which one is correct - you can get confused.

Now it is necessary to develop deep feeling.

This is a new relationship with the world. You express your Intention, and the Universe begins to build events for you that lead to the fulfillment of your desires.

The question arises: how to do it? Words, thoughts.

The brain starts to change.

The two halves begin to grow together. The gyrus starts on one half and goes, passes to the other, and as a result, the brain changes, another brain is formed.

It gives a rainbow glow, someone sees it with their eyes, the aurocamera shows it very well.

But the brain does not just change the radiation, it becomes divergent (i.e., I act off the beaten track, I lead out of a dead end). It became the brain of a typical insider (insight - insight). This insight comes in everyday life, right here and now.

This is from the Divine Freebie series, otherwise these things are difficult to explain, because it falls on us just like that, in a bunch. It's not out there, but right here with you.

Overnight, you begin to see the wrong side of the process, not as we are used to - to judge, but to understand the reasons for the participants that led to this situation.

This is a calm state and knowledge - well, okay, it happens ...

Questions about politics and economics become uninteresting, because the brain gives a completely new perspective on relations with oneself and with nature. And this relationship is very exciting!

Sometimes you can get sick - high fever, chills or fever, a thermometer under your arm, and there 36.6 or in extreme cases 35.5. How so? Figuratively speaking, I am covered in snot, I am burning, I have no strength ... A temperature of 36.6 is no longer an indicator that everything is in order with you.

Such short-term increases in energy density in the body, in the cell are needed to move to another level. Such a jump from step to step will be in order not to knock your physics out of its usual state.

This is rewritten organic! It is your body that is moving to another level.

If at some point the heart stops beating, there is no pulse, breathing is shallow - this is a short-term transition of the brain to multidimensional work - what is called Fire Prana in esotericism (Indian yogis: there are many testimonies when they are buried or immersed in a well in water for a few days, and then they are taken out, and they begin to live again).

Our body from a rigid, durable structure, thanks to reduced hydrogen, began to “liquefy”, as it were, to move to the light level. This is called a biocrystalline base.

But the crystal is not hard, but like water - amorphous, which can take on any structure. We were with you water creatures and so far we have remained so.

There are two revolutionary discoveries of the last century - that all Matter is a condensed light, and it, Matter, is controlled by human consciousness, this is a confirmation of all esoteric doctrines. And now we will learn to control Matter through consciousness at the level of everyday life.

And these transitions of organics into a crystalline state or a manifested light state are now mostly painless.

Not counting the stopped heart, not counting the feeling of high temperature… which do not affect the state of health, these are just new gradations of new organics, new hydrogen.

And of course, DNA is revealed in a completely different way; what was considered rubbish suddenly revealed its multidimensional sides again, when a person becomes receptive - he remembers his past incarnations as yesterday.

Not because he is so cool, but in a simple way, well, yes ... well, it was ...

This information does not burden - well, it was and it was ....

March 2013: The results obtained by the Planck telescope (India) were published, it was launched on May 14, 2009, these are the results of the new reality. Scientists decided to measure - is the Universe multidimensional? The experiment was started in 2009 and completed in December 2012, on the eve of the Transition, in the spring of 2013 the telescope was turned off and dropped. But already on the eve of the Transition, he showed that there was less Dark Matter than scientists thought. Already at that moment we began to loosen up.

And Dark Matter is the very Golden Galaxies that the Teachers spoke about: "There will come a time when you will see the Golden Galaxies". These are really the Golden Galaxies that the telescope saw, and if the telescope saw it, then the operator saw it, and we are on the Internet.

The Hubble constant, around which numerous disputes are now going on, was refined, she spoke about the intensive expansion of the Universe. So, the statement about the intensity of the expansion of the Universe is wrong ... It turns out that the Universe has become smaller, the Galaxies do not scatter anywhere, and the big question is - was this big bang by itself?

If we go into the discoveries of neurophysiology and quantum genetics, then a paradoxical situation arises that there was no big bang as such.

There was a three-dimensional illusion, the world developed differently. This was our three-dimensional agreement with you. And since all our divine structures begin to unfold very quickly, we no longer need to play these Games.

Among all the Galaxies there are two Golden Galaxies, the largest are our Milky Way and the Andromeda Nebula.

So, scientists were able to film that these two galaxies, somehow, are connected ... the arm from the Milky Way and the arm from the Adromeda Nebula Galaxy have connected. Moreover, they began to touch after the Transition from the spring of 2013, and in the spring of 2014 they already touched each other. Now think for yourself - how could these two galaxies "shake hands" with each other in one year?

Time has changed, energy has changed, our perception has changed, and we are becoming those multidimensional beings that were originally conceived by all Higher Forces.

There are a lot of discoveries about our thoughts, for example, a connection has been established between depression and osteoporosis - this is the University of Jerusalem, a whole series of discoveries.

The more a person sits in depression, the more his bones begin to soften.

The characteristic of our time is: you can make your own medicines and what you need.

For example: take a bottle, pour tap water into it, or holy, or ionized - any. Take a piece of paper and write: "This is my cure for depression, I recover quickly." They wrote and put it under the jar, and put the jar at the head of their bed.

Remember that all this must be done with humor)), wake up in the morning and drink. At the same time, water changes its structure. Such experiments have already been carried out, a sample of the structure of water was carried out - it turned out to be different, it all depends on the depth of consciousness, on faith. Everything happens at the level of children's perception - the easier you relate to modern reality, the faster and better it will turn out.

Did you know that laughter changes consciousness? Light, like children's, laughter goes to creation, these are the same vibrations that resonate with the blue Magnetar in the center of the Galaxy.

To laugh means to resonate with the Cosmos.

Have you noticed that many painted mimes have appeared on the street? They beat people out of their shells.

  • Smile at yourself in front of the mirror!
  • Make friends with your reflection in the mirror.

This smile produces a special hormone oxytocin. Your brain doesn't care if you do it on purpose or if it's really funny to you.

This smile starts the sacred processes of rejuvenation of your tissues.

There are six scientific discoveries on this subject.

Previously, this oxytocin was an exclusively female hormone, it is the hormone of motherhood, the hormone of addiction to the baby, so that milk is in the breast, so that it does not stagnate ... We went through the Transition - and this hormone began to appear in men.

Don't worry, you don't need to give birth and you don't need to breastfeed either. This is the hormone of joy!

It has already been tested on all sides in all laboratories, and it is now called the hormone of high ethics and high morality. Hormone of morality.

So it turns out - they smiled in front of the mirror and received the highest ethics or living ethics, which the Roerichs spoke about. This made it possible to make the same reduced hydrogen.

One action - and EVERYTHING "went"!

Any other news?

The trend towards Planetary rejuvenation… and with a smile, entire biochemical cascades are involved, even bionuclear cascades, since the hydrogen atom belongs to elementary particles, and when it combines with organic matter, nuclear-organic cascades are born, science calls them quarcomion fields. That same golden halo or silver halo is the light that is born by these fields, from their interaction.

Now you can combine everything - organic and spiritual meaning.

Previously, there was a protein under the nail, which was engaged in the reproduction of only the nail. Like a perpetual motion machine, no one studied why nails grow, and this was done by a squirrel.

From November-December 2013, it suddenly began to activate, and they began to find it everywhere in the body - in the epitherium, in the hair, the neural network was marked by this protein, it suddenly crawled out in the stomach.

Where did he come from, what does he do there? It turned out that he belonged to a completely unique ancient code set - the self-healing of the human genetic structure.

In short, a magic wand)). And this magic wand began to activate in those places that need to be restored.

If this is the intestine, then it began to appear in the right part and restore the intestinal epiteria, if these are some capillaries of brain nuances, then it appears there.

This is a very convenient thing from the series of the same Planetary rejuvenation. Reasonable!!! He knows where to come, but we do not know what nuances we have in the body. You just have to trust this new working structure, and it trusts us.

Nose: It can smell, it can sense the shape of a smell, and it can also sense light. Not to see the light, but to feel. One day you will face it.

The radiation has changed, the light of the Sun has changed, the gamma radiation has changed accordingly.

The news is that the brain can emit strong gamma radiation, but it is no longer destructive, because this reduced hydrogen - for him, gamma radiation is a natural spectrum. And we are made of it, of this hydrogen.

Now think - before gamma radiation was deadly, but now we are made of it and even cured. In fact, each of us has our own small hadron collider.

Cells, atoms produce their own light.

The brain of the heart began to work, do you know that the heart has its own brain? Esotericists talked about him, we treated him like this - it's somewhere out there ... far away ... And it has been recorded since 2012 that the brain of the heart began to work. And he is not alone, there are three of them. Like Roerich's sign - three circles in one circle. Very convenient - you can think with this brain.

And there is also a brain in the stomach, it works on internal processes.

And doctors are already starting to use it when their medical situations do not help. There are advanced doctors, some use these discoveries for recovery.

The Codes of the brain that connects the brain of the heart and the brain of the abdomen are revealed.
The brain itself is on a high vibration of the universe, which we call art.

Art requires an altered state of consciousness, that is, inspiration. It is very important when a woman begins to engage in this art during a quantum transition.

A woman reveals her deep hypostasis, which all the ancients called - the Goddess, or the Female Deity.

For a long time, a woman was dissected into a masculine way in our country, it was an experience of three-dimensional matter, and now we are returning each to ourselves. The synthesis of alignment of all our depths begins, and creativity helps this.

It doesn't matter: you knit, draw, lay bricks, cook, read, fantasize, grow flowers - no matter what, fantastic processes immediately begin in you from basic recovery to insight into very deep plans.

It is no secret that when men made discoveries, there was always a woman next to them, acting as a conductor or antenna.

And now everyone comes to their own cosmic wire for synthesis.

And the cellular mechanism has changed, and the cell has gone to a different form of work, and the cycle of the cell’s work is different, in the cell, water performs the function of a neuron, we are required to have a completely calm perception of what is happening.
It can be non-standard, wild, but tell yourself: it happens!! And your brain will not collapse into a box of fear.

In the photo of the aurocamera, you can see a white spot, at the level of the heart, there is a kind of gap in colors, between yellow and green. That is, the multidimensionality of the brain opens, the multidimensionality of the subtle fields of a person. The picture shows that there is a tendency to decompact matter.

If you take a picture and you have such a spot, and it may appear at the level of the sexual chakra, or at the level of the throat, or the heart - this is completely normal.

It's the way the brain works differently.

If earlier a person saw a multidimensional reality (Thin Plan), he was stuffed into a psychiatric hospital, but now the brain is opening up, and many began to see a multidimensional world, a subtle reality, the world is decompressing. This is becoming the norm.

Now you need to think not before you speak, but think before you think, because materialization is immediately taking place. Someone may say that it is not we who materialize, but some kind of divine energy, and we just happened to be at the moment, in this situation ... BUT !!!

In any case, we are the same divine energy.

We have much more energy chakras than 7, 12 or even 49, they go there - to the center of the Galaxy and beyond. This most instantaneous materialization is precisely what Space, the Universe, the Higher Mind has opened access to ourselves.

It is not someone who does it for us, but we ourselves do it with you. I, you... all who express the Intention. Therefore, you need to think! Think before you think...

And for those who don't know about it...

The world was actually divided during the Quantum Transition into those who need material evolution - to live in matter, live in violence, in negativity (drink, smoke) - they left in another matter. They have gone to their level of consciousness. Now we are standing with you as if in a gateway - there are such and such among us ...

There are those who have chosen a different Path, another level of consciousness, the Path of evolution.

Those who leave, they remain in their thoughts, for them this is all bullshit, they will not think, it is easier for them to throw a grenade than to think ... They have other actions and actions.

And we have other actions, a physical and mental moment occurs - we stop seeing each other.

It has already begun that we can pass through each other without noticing and without any discomfort.

This is the division of Reality - some to the left, others to the right.

Those who have chosen spiritual evolution - they will think before they think.

At first we will step on a rake, gain experience.

How to use Divine Freebie? To get started - just know.

Charge water instead of medicine. For example - from a sore on the heel or from a wart. For cleaning vessels. Write on a piece of paper, put a glass of water at the head of the bed at night, and drink in the morning.

Chumak did this, and now everyone can do it.

There is a magic phrase "INmy reality works out" - (pronounce your desire) easily and gracefully!

This is not an affirmation, you don’t have to repeat it for a long time - everything is done easily and quickly, he said and went to do business ...

The main thing is to feel what you say, to learn to trust the Space.
And start with everyday life ... say to cockroaches: "Hi! There are no cockroaches in my reality."

This can be applied to the relationship with children, to well-being, in relation to a state institution, to transport, to obtaining information, to buying what you need ...


Valentina Mironova

(biophysicist, worked at the Space Center for 20 years,
specialization - closed openings)

Quite a large number of responses and questions came, despite the New Year holidays. As I thought, the topic turned out to be relevant for many! And this information reassured many about the misunderstandings in their own well-being. People have realized that a raw food diet, effective or not, has nothing to do with it, we really just do not have enough knowledge about what is happening now in space and, accordingly, with us.

In fact, the physiological manifestations that I listed in the article concern not only raw foodists, of course, but in general all those living in this interesting and difficult time. And, of course, those who responded were interested in what happened to me from this list at different stages. I won’t write a separate text, but I’ll go straight through the previous one with comments:

Feeling tired or empty with little exertionThis has never happened to me, the energy level is always very high, fatigue is an unprecedented phenomenon for me.
Wanting to sleep longer or more often than usual
Symptoms of a flu-like condition - high fever, sweat, pain in the bones and joints, etc. And all this is not treatable with antibiotics - But this happened several times. Antibiotics, of course, are not about me, like other medicines, I don’t use them. But here are the states of a sharp rise in temperature, cough, runny nose, which suddenly began without any reason whatsoever, and just as abruptly disappeared in the morning - this is a fact;


An important symptom is pain in the heart, cardiac arrhythmia, which occurs due to the adjustment of the heart to receive new energies. Today for a "transitional" person - the time of opening the 4th heart chakra - the chakra of love and compassion. It is often blocked (in 90% of ordinary people!), and its activation can be accompanied by bouts of longing, fear. The 4th chakra is associated with the thymus gland. This organ is located in front of the lungs and in most is in its infancy. She didn't develop at all. As the 4th chakra begins to open, the thymus begins to grow. At a later stage, it may even be visible on a CT scan. The growth of the thymus gland is associated with chest pains, suffocation, again there may be symptoms of bronchitis - pneumonia, in which doctors mistakenly diagnose influenza or pneumonia. — Here I would stop in more detail. In fact, I felt some completely unexpected pain in the middle of my chest back in 2008, long before switching to a raw food diet. The first attack plunged me into shock and then repeated quite often, two or three times a month. I did not go to the doctors and did not take any medication. But purely intuitively, she began to breathe deeply, and the pain subsided. When I started a raw food diet, the attacks stopped for three years. And then suddenly they returned again. At one time they were quite common. Their origin was still unclear to me. And all the same, I was saved by deep breathing, and for some reason I didn’t worry at all and didn’t sound the alarm. Then I came across this information and calmed down completely. By the way, now the attacks have stopped, and for about a year now they have not. Apparently, the process of growth of the thymus is completed. It would be interesting to do an examination, as recommended in this material, but I don’t like doctors and hospitals so much that I can’t force myself to go for it yet))))

Sometimes there may be signs of diseases that you thought healed for a long time. These are the roots of ailments that have been preserved at other information levels of your body. The illness may even be acute, perhaps reversing, but faster than it was when you were sick. This means that the body gets rid of the disease at a deeper level. Your body is very intelligent and often more intelligent than you! I am translating briefly: what is happening today with man, with nature is the activation of the DNA code. If you call it a mutation, then yes, it is a mutation. The cause of the mutation is the increasing activity of the Sun. Symptoms of sun exposure: vertigo, muscle pain and spasms, back and neck pain, biceps pain, tremors, nervousness, agitation, panic attacks. — I went through the situation with the return of long-healed diseases in full. In myself, I described in detail all these moments - when long-forgotten bronchitis and sinusitis returned, pain in the back and hip joint, etc. Pain in the back and neck is generally a very common phenomenon until recently. They also arose suddenly and passed by themselves.

Speech. It's hard to find the words, the difficulty is to put them togetherYes, it happens. You forget the usual words in the process of speech, then they are remembered. And this phenomenon is very, very common now. My close friends are not raw foodists at all, they eat normally, but the factor of a similar problem with speech is exactly the same for us;
Anomalies with foodNo
Constant feeling of hungerNo

Additional psychophysical symptoms:

1. Feeling as if you are in a pressure cooker of intense energy and, as a result, stress.There is such a feeling

2. Feeling disorientated, loss of sense of place.But this has been happening to me from time to time for a very, very long time, like ten years.

3. Unusual pains in different parts of the body. —No

4. Waking up at night between 2 and 4 o'clock.Yes, it happens. I had a period this summer, three weeks, when I couldn't sleep at all at night. Just a complete lack of sleep. I slept in fits and starts for a couple of hours during the day, when I was already completely falling off my feet. And at night, not in one eye. Painful condition……….

5. Forgetfulness. You notice behind you how some details fall out of your memory. And that's putting it mildly! The fact is that from time to time you are in the border zone, in more than one dimension, hanging out back and forth, and physical memory can simply be blocked at these moments. Besides: the past is part of the old, and the old is gone forever. — It does happen, although not as much.

6. Loss of identity. You are trying to access your past, but this is no longer possible. You can sometimes catch yourself feeling like you don't know who it is when looking at yourself in the mirror.- This hasn't happened yet :)

7. Experience "out of the body." You may feel as if someone is speaking for you, but it is not you. It is a natural survival defense mechanism when you are under stress. The body is under great pressure, and you are “in the moment” for a split second, as if leaving the body. So you don't have to experience what your body is going through right now. It lasts no more than a moment and passes.- Yes, I noticed it. In general, there were interesting sensations, as if you were on the border of two dimensions, two worlds, when the air “floats” and you even see the vague outlines of another, unfamiliar world ... But this is infrequent and almost instantaneous.

8. Increased sensitivity to the environment. The crowd, the noise, the food, the cars, the TV, the loud voices - you can hardly stand it anymore. You easily fall into a state of depression and vice versa easily become overwhelmed and hyperexcited. Your psyche is tuned to new, more subtle vibrations! — On the contrary, I am calmer now than at any other time in my life.

9. Don't feel like doing anything? It's not laziness or depression. This is a "reboot" of your biocomputer. —But it was, and for quite a long time, the entire second half of 2013 and part of 2014. When it ended, the fountain beat with new power))

10. Intolerance to lower 3D vibrational phenomena, conversations, relationships, social structures, etc. They literally make you feel sick. You grow up and no longer coincide with many and many of what surrounded you before and did not annoy you at all as it does now. It will fall off on its own, don't worry. — And indeed, much disappears, as it were, by itself. People disappear, the influence of individual structures ceases, often just magical things happen! Sometimes you get the feeling that you live in some kind of parallel universe, and these people and structures simply cannot see you…….

11. The sudden disappearance of some friends from your life, a change in habits, work, place of residence, diet ... You are spiritually rising, and these people no longer correspond to your vibrations. The NEW is coming soon and it will be much better.- Yes, that's a fact.

12. Days or periods of extreme fatigue. Your body loses density, thins out, undergoes intensive restructuring. — Fatigue is rather mental, with physical energy everything is always in order.

13. If you feel attacks of low blood sugar, eat more often. On the contrary, you may not want to eat at all. — No. But the inexplicable zhor still sometimes attacks!

14. Emotional destabilization, tearfulnessIt happens, but for a very short time.

15. Feeling that "the roof is going." It's OK. You open out-of-body experience and experience of other frequencies - that is, realities. Much has become available to you now. You're just not used to it. Your inner knowledge and intuition are strengthened and barriers are removed. — Yes, there were similar feelings.

16. Anxiety and panic. Your EGO loses most of itself and is afraid. Your physiological system is under overload. Something is happening to you that you cannot fully understand, but allow IT! ..- No, there is no anxiety, just like panic.

17. You are also losing the low vibration behaviors you have developed for yourself to survive in 3D. This can make you feel vulnerable and helpless. .- Perhaps you didn't notice

18. Depression. The outside world does not match your needs and emotions.Happened, but not deep and not for long. I paid attention to these states only because I am generally not inclined to fall into depression.
19. Dreams. Many people are aware that they experience unusually intense dreams..-But with dreams is a different story! Dreams are the brightest, interesting, with meaning. In general, I have always seen colorful, vivid, memorable dreams. But now they also carry meaning, and are often prophetic.

20. Unexpected sweating and temperature fluctuations. Your body is changing the “heating” system, cellular slags are burning, the remnants of the past are being burned in your subtle fields.- Yes Yes Yes.

21. Your plans suddenly change in the middle of the road, and you start going in a completely different direction.Over the past two or three years, this has happened many times, it was very sausage!

These are the feelings I have experienced. I am sure that a raw food diet as such has nothing to do with it if such “diseases” and phenomena appear. Most importantly, they are experienced by many ordinary people who eat completely differently. However, raw foodists move along this path much faster due to their high vibrational nutrition, so the sensations can be much more intense and sharp. I wish everyone patience and overcoming. Everything will be fine! Need support - write, I will be glad to answer everyone!

(For understanding - an explanation of the dates: the topic was created in early October, I tweaked the date so that it hangs even higher for now)... Well, now, after I told about my impressions of where I visited, and about that more than strange thing that happened to me there - about CONSEQUENCES ... To be honest, I'm still in the process of realizing and observations, but we need to start at least describing them. And then, as the situation develops, I will add (in the comments) ...

The fact that I felt something NEW as soon as I returned to Moscow, I partly already wrote in the first topic about Rhodes ... I still could not understand what exactly was NEW, why, how? But the feeling was persistent - when I just entered my apartment (having arrived from the airport) I felt that I was looking at everything as if with *new eyes*...

And the very next day strange things began to happen ... About them later, but first about the fact that a couple of days after returning from a person whom I completely trust, an infa came to me - * they looked at me * when I did not write from vacation, and noticed that at some point (by days if, then it was just at the time of the "doomsday") I SIMPLY DID NOT SEE. They say it's as if the body is left, and the old me "gone". And now I feel that my aura is DIFFERENT.

We then suggested that perhaps it was a transition to another (new) life without changing the body (???) Or maybe a quantum transition? Because in the last 2 weeks, really strange things have been happening .... Here are literally point by point, just enumerations, so far without analysis

I smoke, and I always answered that "I'm not going to quit - this is my conscious choice." But suddenly I felt that I began to smoke, as if out of habit, that in fact I didn’t really want it. Now somehow by itself the number of cigarettes is declining and I'm no longer sure that "I'm not going to quit"...
There are some changes directly on the PHYSIOLOGICAL plane. In addition, in the first few days I didn’t want to eat and just forced myself (on working days), and on one day off I didn’t want to and ate almost nothing ...
Food preferences are also changing - I was an absolute "meat-eater", but now I feel that I DO NOT WANT meat. And, I didn’t do anything special for this. At work, for example, I often skewer a salad like Olivier. So now I began to add squid instead of meat, and next week I will try to do it with beans ...
I used to think that boors and others launching negativity into the world should be answered in a mirror way - now I have no such desire. Moreover, I imagined this type of "backpack" next to me, in which any desire to answer someone sharply or any irritation is thrown off as soon as it appears (and there it transforms into a positive one) ...
I have a strong feeling that my aura and energy background in general has changed. It’s strange, but (for now, I hope) I don’t feel my chakras at all - before that, the energy of them “fucked” me so that it could knock people down))) In addition, I tried some successfully practiced techniques - I remember what and how to do, but now I smell them as if they are not mine, but ALIEN, and so far (?) I can’t practice them - it doesn’t work ... Perhaps because a new volume of NEW ENERGY sufficient for this has not yet been accumulated (?)
A week ago, in the morning, everything was fine, and in the afternoon I was literally knocked down by a STRONG cold that had come from nowhere. Moreover, with a special blow to the bronchi. I barely made it home (more on that later). In addition, on the same day, I was visually shown one scene, which was a demonstration-answer to a question about a situation that had occupied me for several months before. I left work that day and felt like I was saying goodbye to something old - as if even *the curtain* had drawn.

I barely made it home and in the following days something quite strange happened. For two days I lay just in bed and could not do ANYTHING at all. Although the cold was not so strong, even the temperature was not particularly there - it just jumped a little (from 36 to 38 and back). But the general state was that I was more dead than alive.

On the third day, I started having strange reactions - tantrums (there really was no reason), unwillingness to live, feeling that there was NO MEANING IN ANYTHING, I yelled at my loved ones, sobbed, and so on.
At the same time, I (my Higher Self?) was watching all this from the outside, and I even tried to analyze my state, although I COULD NOT CHANGE IT.

Therefore, I got the feeling that it was like *death*, and these days I *plunged into hell* ... I really experienced SUCH emotions, as if my soul was simply tormented by HELL torments - in the truest sense of these words! I'm not talking about what *visions* and dreams I had in those days and nights (during the day I often "forgotten" in some kind of haze) ...

On the fourth day, a friend called me, with whom we had not talked for a long time (the same one, which is about). She began to talk about her journey to Central Asia, and I suddenly began to kind of *return to life* - the Soul began, like flower petals, to turn towards the Light again ...

Then I told her about my condition, and she suggested that it could be a *quantum transition* that I was experiencing - that she had similar states in the spring, and then, according to sensation and events, she began to have practically a NEW LIFE and new self-perceptions ...

She also sent me a link (which she also mentions in her article) - about "signs" of a quantum transition. I can agree with some of the information there. True, I feel NOT ALL of them as true - at least for me. And certainly before the transmutation and ascension, I hope, far away)))

In general, YET I don’t really understand what happened to me and is happening: is it a quantum transition or a transition to the next life without changing the body? But it’s absolutely certain that some kind of rebirth is taking place (yeahhh, THE SPEAKING NAME OF THE ISLAND IS RHODES, as Shiveluch noted!)))…

And I also look at myself and the events * of a past life * (within this one) as if through a "smoky veil" - it seems like I would - and no matter how I ...

The only thing that discourages me a little is that now I feel like I'm in "prostration", as if between heaven and earth ...

It seems that I walk, at work everything is also OK, I do something, but I don’t feel the REALITY OF WHAT IS HAPPENING, and it seems to me that EVERYTHING IS EVERYTHING IS EQUAL))) What can I compare with? Well, perhaps with the feeling when you are sitting in the “drive” (in the duty-free zone) at the airport and waiting for your flight, which is delayed ... You can’t even go back (passport control has passed), and they haven’t let you on the plane yet ...

And it was NOT for nothing that I was probably in Rhodes (where we waited for our plane for 6 hours in such a zone - I wrote) I was plunged into such a situation for the FIRST TIME in my life - now I have something to compare this feeling with ...)))

And this morning I was driving from my house near Moscow by train to work and saw from the window a bridge and people walking on it (I traveled a thousand times - I never noticed it))) ... NEW REALITY….

I began to think, WHERE to do it? And I realized that, in fact, I would now get off at the station where there is a bridge. You just need to call it a bridge-transition (which it essentially is), but this time go through it consciously and EXIT, finally, from this state of "sitting in the drive" into the NEW REALITY...

What I did when I crossed this bridge and went out into the city THROUGH THE TURNSTILES))) O kind of bravado.

Well, so far so ... I continue to watch. If anyone has any thoughts on the ESSENCE or who was in such a state, or has information that may be useful to me, I will be GRATEFUL ...

At the moment, information about the quantum transition of the planet or ascension, one way or another, has been brought to almost every person. Whoever wanted to, heard and understood: the time has come for an immediate choice, as the training program is being tightened. Recently, a global and deep transformation of physical bodies has already begun for many, as a result of the unfolding of the matrix of the body of a new person, a person of a new era, and its imposition on the physical body. This process took place before, but under the conditions of softer energies of the earth, from those who consciously improved and cognized themselves, learned to know the laws of the universe more deeply, to live according to them, learned to love, accept the world and people as they are. Now this process of transformation is taking place at a much higher vibration than before. It started on a massive scale.

The impact of new energies on physical bodies will cover ever wider layers of people. And it's not about a narrowly focused restructuring of physical bodies for a longer life, it's about the process of turning each of us into God the Creator of our reality. And only love has the creative power, the ability to accept what is happening without resistance and appreciation with gratitude and attention. Allows you to manage it. The consciousness of the Creators is the consciousness of love, and it is now unfolding in each of us by measures of our choice, revealing our creative power.

Weaving symptoms of body transformation.

If you recently embarked on the path of approaching your soul, then exposure to the sun can cause you severe symptoms: heaviness, drowsiness, headache, and even some intoxication. This happens because the body is not yet ready to assimilate new frequencies. And our sun is already new, with a different quality of photon radiation, already intended for a new life. Just listen to yourself. There is no need to force yourself and proceed from the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bothers that it is good to warm up and sunbathe in the sun. If you don't want to, then you don't have to. The body gradually adapts.

The eyes can react interestingly. Our vision depends not only on the eyes, but also on the brain. It is the brain that transforms the image received through the eyes. And our brain is now in a state of active restructuring. Therefore, reality can either blur, or vice versa, you can very clearly distinguish distant objects. Most often this happens in nature. There may be a feeling of sand in the eyes or excessive tension and fatigue. In any case, there is no need to panic and draw conclusions about vision problems, problems for your transformation. Just do simple relaxing eye exercises, take care of your eyes, the sensations will be relieved.

Many feel the symptoms of a viral disease: runny nose, headache, intoxication, while the temperature is not very high, but the condition is nevertheless serious. Such things are associated with a change in the electromagnetic field of the entire intracellular fluid. There may be regular periods when you want to sleep and not wake up, and periods of wakefulness are accompanied by severe drowsiness. It must be understood that a colossal work takes place in a dream. Sleep is an "outflow" of consciousness for a new life, which we are already building for ourselves. Therefore, you need to take care of your body as much as possible at such moments and go on about this drowsy state. And it happens, on the contrary, night hyperexcitability, when it is simply impossible to sleep. In this case, you can not go against the current and force yourself to sleep. It is better to meditate or read, and in the morning say to yourself: "Now I will fall asleep for an hour and have a great sleep." This will help you not feel overwhelmed during the day.

The feeling of temperature in its absence, the feeling of being exposed in the chakras, all this can happen. These flushes continue at varying intensities until the body is completely rebuilt.

A common symptom is heart pain. They can be both very sharp and more calm. They are associated with the opening of the heart chakra. Herbal sedatives can help relieve symptoms.

Many now have increased dizziness, and everything floats either in a standing position, or at the moments of transition from a vertical state to a horizontal one. If we analyze this sensation more carefully, then it is not the head that is spinning, but the whole body. All layers of our aura spin at different speeds and in different directions. And this is not an indicator of weakness or overwork. This is a very important work on the restructuring of our biological shell. A job that allows us to move on to new lines of life.

Mild nausea may also be present. This is a result of reconfiguration in the head. We have a lot of subtle catching "stations" in our heads, which are all being reconfigured now. At this point, nausea begins, as with a concussion. You can find a position where you feel less sick, you can help yourself with sour fruit. But in general, you need to live it with the feeling of "how cool I am changing radically and irreversibly."

Possible eventful painful emotional states, up to depression. Moreover, even bodily practices in this case almost do not help, only slightly support. They have different reasons:

The first reason is the passage of those very traumatic states that were once buried in the depths of the unconscious. At this time, it is very important not to blame yourself, not to evaluate. Just keep yourself alive with practices known to you. To be more in the air, in nature, to do everything possible to get out of the mental mixer of the mind.

The second reason for such discoloration of reality and physical impotence is work on other planes of being. The fact is that any processes of transformation of our bodies cannot go on without the energy of our soul, our authentic ones. And when the soul needs to work with a new pattern of reality, rebuild new cells, new connections, new frequencies, our soul "flows" into this plane. We are not limited by the boundaries of our forms. We are streams of energy, and like any stream we can stratify, partially staying in different dimensions. Another metaphor is the example of tuning into different broadcasting channels. Just as the electromagnetic waves of our phones transmit sound-visual images, in a global sense, the whole world that we see has a wave nature. It can be said that on one broadcasting channel, at a certain frequency, we now live, and on another frequency, transmissions of a qualitatively new channel are already beginning. And our soul simultaneously maintains the old radio station, our life is here, our body, our roles are here, and at the same time sets up a new radio station, where there is a new body, new frequencies, a new arrangement of the world. And when our soul works at new frequencies, there is an outflow of energy. It can be quite a long period, but usually a week or two of acute adjustment. Now such periods will be shorter, but more intense.

Some children have various severe physical symptoms: high fever, acute cough, allergic rashes against the background of quite good tests. For children, this is not transformation, this is work. Behind the indigo children came the new crystal children. They don't need to rebuild anything. They have new software. Children work for the whole Genus, transforming the negative energy of past generations. And this is a huge gift from the souls of new children to us people, who with difficulty free themselves from mirages and fears of the matrix. To be afraid for children means to load them with even greater flows of negativity. Each such child is precious, so nothing bad will happen to him. It is very important to take care of your resource, then you will have the strength to accept the diseases of your children correctly. And then they pass much easier, and most importantly without consequences. Older children themselves are afraid of these states, because in their minds they still do not have an understanding of what is happening. It is their souls that are happy to help us humanity to have time to cleanse ourselves, and the content of the mind is already filled with us and forms anxiety. Then you can find some innocent means: being around, using a placebo, can explain to the child that this is such an activity of the sun now, and that his body is adjusting to immortal life. Explain that you are near and there is nothing to be afraid of.

But most importantly, try to maintain a harmonious state yourself, since everything is very interconnected. Our tenderness and care for ourselves allows us to connect with our soul. And our soul whispers in our ear that everything is going as it should. And you are not bad parents from the fact that you cannot distinguish a child, but you are good parents when you love and accept him in any way, whatever he may be.

Dear, very soon compatible with love, qualities will cause strong physical and mental discomfort, but we still have the potential of the soul, the energy of the heart to quickly free ourselves from claims to life, to forgive ourselves and others. Thank life for its lessons and re-realize your past with faith in the future. Therefore, all the strange states that we experience are the grace that our souls gladly accept with us. Every moment of sickness that changes and purifies us helps prepare our shell to receive much greater energies. Which will allow our bodies to tune in to the new world. And it does so in the most gentle and gentle way possible. Therefore, the main task now is to learn to accept whatever happens to our body. Survive all these changes with great gratitude and trust, taking care of yourself and giving the body the opportunity to rebuild as comfortably as possible. Rejoice that you can move and act, watch your resource. Watch the distribution of energy until the reorganization work is completed, uncomfortable sensations will be present. And remember: nothing is given beyond one's strength.

A huge number of awakened and enlightened people were given the Sign to openly disseminate this information about the Quantum Transition, as the highest value in the present, through all information channels, in order to maximize the preparation of people's Consciousness for the upcoming global events.
Everyone can ignore this information and live as before ( although everyone sees and feels that it will never be like before), or responsibly prepare as much as possible for this event, and move to a qualitatively new level of life of “complementation and unity”.

Read carefully for yourself and pass on, whoever is warned will avoid a lot of internal and external problems and will make the most of this unique opportunity, which has been trumpeted on Earth from all sides for the second millennium, from the aboriginal tribes to the great scientists of antiquity and modernity. What is this? Whose joke is that? Coincidence or Pattern?

Or maybe this is a Chance that happens once every 26,000 years, and all this time we have accumulated experience and prepared for it consciously or unconsciously in order to get out of the “illusion of separation” into a new dimension, a new reality, a new world, and finally live in harmony and prosperity, with yourself and the world around you.

Synchronizing with the 4th dimension

Based on quantum physics, and various changes taking place on Earth, and recorded by scientists, we are inevitably approaching the point of zeroing the 3rd dimension, and the point of absolute synchronization with the 4th dimension. The collapse of the 3rd dimension creates a plasma state of 4th dimension light from which the 5th dimension unfolds.
During these events, the process of changing space and time is accelerating. The space literally begins to come to life before our eyes and quickly change to suit the state of each person.
Let's remember the Soviet film "Stalker", where an anomalous Zone was shown, which changed before the eyes of a person, based on his thoughts and state, now the whole planet is included in such a Zone.
Be vigilant and attentive, train to manage your condition.

There are many predictions about various cataclysms, some of which have already come true, some of them continue to be implemented in different places on the planet in different ways. We do not know exactly what else will happen from the cataclysms, but we know for sure that in order to move to a new level of life, everyone will live through all their fears, and all the fears of the collective consciousness. And the one who can accept his fears and rise above them will go through the deepest reassessment of values, remember himself as True and Holistic, remember the main Purpose of his life, and realize the Single goal of development, the Single Image of the Future, the Single Plan of its manifestation on Earth, and become a full-fledged representative of a new race on Earth.

What awaits us at the time of transition

We strongly recommend that everyone concentrate as much as possible in the present, on preparing for the Transition to another dimension, of their Consciousness and body, which will free us from the “illusion of separation”, reveal our limitless potential, and huge opportunities for consciousness and body. Concentrate on this Goal, as much as possible all your resources, all your time, as we approach, we will give more detailed valuable information regarding the preparation for the Great Transition.

Believe me, this transition will affect everyone, because we are all inhabitants of the planet Earth, which changes with dreams, and we with it.

So, we are waiting for:

1 - the Precession of the Equinoxes will occur. The Earth has completed a circle of rotation of its axis - a length of 26,000 years, which is usually accompanied by a pole shift.

2 - the Sun completes its next Cycle (4 revolutions of 26,000 years each, total 104,000 years)

3 - all the constellations of the Zodiac, in the circle of which our Solar system is located, have completed their full Cycle of rotations and Transformations and are moving to another location, accepting a new Program for a new Cycle of Evolution.

5 - Wave Module of Cosmic Creation is 13.7 billion years. Now we are living the culmination of this process of Solar Life and will soon enter the next Cycle of 13.7 billion years, which is the Cycle of RETURN to the Primal Source of Life.

Most people can't wrap their minds around the Great Cycles, the planetary impacts, the Great Change of the Ages just because it hasn't been part of the mainstream belief for such a long time - we just haven't been set up to understand it all. But many ancient and aboriginal peoples know what lies ahead for us. They have always assumed that the Universe has a Supreme Intelligence. They know that the Universe obeys the same Laws as its constituents. It also follows rhythmic patterns and predictable, repetitive cycles. For this is the Cosmic Order, which includes all the Orders.

The ancient Mayan civilization understood exactly where they were relative to the center of the Galaxy at any given time. They were well versed in astronomy long before Galileo discovered the rotation of the Earth around the Sun, for they tracked the Cycles of the Sun for 104,000 years, as evidenced by the records on stone stelae found in the jungles of Mexico.

Their astronomical calculations of the motions of the stars and planets exceed the calculations of modern science, and the twenty-decimal counting in many ways surpasses all calculations of modern civilization. In addition, by means of the galactic Symbols and Codes of the Sacred Calendar, they were able to tune their minds to the Program of the galactic Beam, and make their calculations and predictions for thousands of years forward or backward - up to a day!

Living in harmony with the Higher Order

According to Cosmology, or the Law of Time, at the end of the Cycle of Evolution, civilization will certainly enter the Cycle of Awareness. She comes out of the State of Consciousness of the cosmic unconscious and realizes that there is a Higher Order, which she is ready to Accept, Realize and Live in harmony with it, which reveals the possibility of communication with other civilizations, about which in fact much is already known, but officially ignoring the artifacts are called it's fantasy.

We see that the World has become different, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to survive in it. Irreversible climate change has made us forget about "quiet time" and confidence in the future. Cosmic frequencies change, the activity of the Sun changes, the purity of the Earth's vibration rises, irreversible changes occur not only in the body of the Earth, but also in the Solar System itself and in the Galaxy. We are entering a time of Chaos and unpredictable change. We are talking about the breaking of times, the maturation of a new civilization, a new humanity, a new dimension and a new reality. There is no need to be afraid of chaos, you need to understand that this is a natural process during the transition, when the old system of life is destroyed and a new one is being structured.

No one can escape change: neither the poor countries, nor the rich, nor the smart people, nor the stupid ones. We are immersed in a fast-moving stream of changes that will inevitably affect the entire world as a whole.

The Dawn of the New Age is Coming

We have entered the End of Old Times, and we are coming close to meeting the Dawn of the New Time, and before the Dawn, as you know, the darkest time.

There is a culmination of the Transition from the Planetary Mind to the Galactic Mind. Synchronization with the Galactic Consciousness - this is the essence of the Transition.
WE are the next stage of Evolution, the new Space Race!

Who just didn't predict the End of the World, who just didn't predict it! There were so many "prophecies" that people simply stopped believing them.

In order to understand what awaits us, we need to understand the difference between the third and fourth dimensions. The third dimension is the dimension of Space, and the fourth dimension is the dimension of Time. If the Space has its own limits and limitations (extension from point A to point B), then Time is the Space of ETHER, this is frequency and this is NOOOSPHERE ("noos" - thought). We, as a civilization of the three-dimensional world, have come to that line in Time when we hit the wall - there is no further Movement, the experience of the 3rd dimension has been exhausted, and the time allotted for this has come to an end. There is only an exit to the next Level, to a different dimension, from linear thinking to multidimensional.

Transition to the era of the Power of the Spirit

The next Level is the Quantum transition from the biosphere to the noosphere - the era of the Power of the Spirit.
A necessary condition for entering a new era of mankind was the technogenic factor, thanks to which we accelerated in our development, and realized the essence of processes and phenomena, technology, how everything is arranged and interconnected.
The technogenic factor allows the Mind of civilization to rapidly reach the maximum Level of the planetary Mind with the subsequent entry into the Solar Era of the Galactic Consciousness.

The civilization of the Earth is entering the era of Man of the Noosphere, a biosolar telepath, which reveals new abilities and possibilities of our consciousness and organism. For a successful transition to another dimension, we evolutionarily need to master the knowledge of the Structure of our Unified Consciousness.

Any natural or cosmic phenomenon has its own extent, and any phenomenon will certainly move to the next Level of Transformation. Just as Spring comes after Winter, so, at the end of one cosmic Cycle, the next Cycle, of a higher Order, begins. Such is the Law of Cyclicity, the Law of Time. For everything is in the dynamics of development and transitions from one dimension to another, everything changes every moment, in the multidimensionality of the Cosmic Mind.

The period of the Great Transition is always accompanied by chaos, during which the old system of worldview and social life is destroyed, and a New worldview, a New model of society is born, in a more optimal order, synchronized with the Laws of Nature, and the Order of the Cosmos.
Wake up and win the road for us, having met the race of pure dawn.

I wish you a good change

With sincere love,