Got astronomical bills for heating - try to install a heat meter, and we will help! How to put meters for heating in an apartment: installation of individual devices How to choose the best heat meter

It is impossible to live in unheated rooms in winter and no one argues with this. Hot radiators during the cold months are a communal boon of modern life. However, the bills regularly accrued by the heating management specialists are often overstated, aren't they?

Have you decided to figure out how to put meters for heating in an apartment in order to get a real chance not to pay too much, but don't know where to start?

We will help to study this issue in detail - the article describes the procedure for installing a meter and the interaction of the owner with the heat supply organization. The main types of counters and their features are also considered.

The material of the article is supplemented with thematic photos and useful video tips of the owners, who through the court proved their right to pay only for the heat actually consumed.

Heating a house is expensive. But private homeowners at least have a choice in terms of boiler equipment and fuel. Residents of high-rise buildings have no choice - central heating with tariffs set by the management company.

However, there is a tool to reduce the cost of heating an apartment - an individual heat meter.

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In winter, ventilating an overheated room is the only thing that comes to mind to reduce uncomfortable indoor temperatures.

There are also hidden components of heating payments. This is when the coolant from the boiler room enters the main networks with one heating temperature, but at the entrance of the heating pipes to the houses, its temperature is different, lower.

The delivery of coolant through pipes is accompanied by heat losses due to poor insulation, this is understandable. But these heat losses are paid by the end consumer - the owners of apartments in high-rise buildings that are not equipped with heat meters.

Monthly payments for someone else's living space

Each apartment building must be equipped with a heat meter - article 13 paragraph 5 of the Federal Law No. 261-FZ of November 23, 2009.

The management company fulfills this condition and, at the end of each month, removes the heat consumption for the high-rise building under its jurisdiction.

The amount for thermal energy is simply divided between apartments according to their living area. Although such an approach may not be fair.

Good money is spent on heating bills. And half of it is wasted.

The data on living space available in the Criminal Code are based on the technical passport of each apartment. However, such technical data sheets often do not take into account data on apartment redevelopments that increase the heating area.

It does not contain information about the increase in connection points for heating radiators.

Meanwhile, apartments with redevelopment and with an expanded number of heating devices consume more heat than others.

And since the general building consumption of thermal energy is divided according to the passport living space, residents of "ordinary" apartments pay for the heat consumed by residents of "improved" apartments.

Individual heat meter on the contour of the horizontal wiring of the apartment heating

A simple way out of the situation with paying for someone else's heat is individual meters on the heating circuits of apartments.

The cost savings for heat energy, the consumption of which is determined by the heat meter, will be more than 30% of the previous heating payments tied to the size of the living space (normative).

Types of wiring for an apartment heating system

Apartments in high-rise buildings are equipped with either vertical or horizontal wiring of the heating system. In apartment buildings built before the beginning of the 21st century, heating systems were bred vertically.

Option #1 - vertical wiring

The vertical circuit of the thermal system is made of one-pipe, less often two-pipe. But always with a sequential run of coolants along the interfloor levels - from bottom to top, then from top to bottom.

Especially vertical heating distribution is common in Khrushchev.

The contour of a one-pipe heating system covers several floors and apartments. Therefore, you cannot put a mortise heat meter on it

Heating with vertical wiring has serious disadvantages:

  • Uneven heat distribution. The coolant is pumped along a vertically oriented interfloor circuit, which does not provide uniform heating of the premises at different levels. Those. in the apartments of the lower floors it will be noticeably warmer than in the rooms located closer to the roof of the high-rise building;
  • Difficulty adjusting the degree of heating heating batteries. The need to equip each battery with a bypass;
  • Problems with balancing the heating system. The balance of single-circuit heating of vertical wiring is achieved by adjusting the shut-off valves and thermostats. But at the slightest change in pressure or temperature in the system, it is necessary to re-adjust;
  • Difficulties with individual accounting for heat consumption. There are more than one risers in the vertical heating system of the apartment's rooms, so conventional heat meters cannot be used. You will need several of them - for each radiator, which is expensive. Although another tool for accounting for thermal energy is available for heating vertical wiring - a heat distributor.

The construction of a vertically oriented heating pipeline scheme was cheaper than horizontal wiring - fewer pipes were required.

Such savings in the era of mass standard development of Russian urban areas in the 20th century were considered quite justified.

Option # 2 - horizontal wiring in a high-rise building

With horizontal wiring of the heating system, there is also a vertical supply riser that distributes the coolant over the floors.

The pipe of the second riser, which serves as a return line, is located in a vertical technical shaft next to the supply riser.

From both distribution risers, horizontal pipes of two circuits are output to the apartments - supply and return. The return line collects the cooled water, transporting it to a thermal station or heating boiler.

In a horizontal heating circuit, everything is simple - the coolant enters the apartment through one pipe, and exits through the other.

The advantages of horizontal wiring of heating pipes include:

  • the possibility of adjusting the temperature in each apartment, as well as in the entire line (installation of mixing units is required);
  • repair or maintenance on a separate circuit heating without completely shutting down the heating system. Shutoff valves allow you to block the contour of the apartment at any time;
  • quick start of heating on all floors. For comparison, even in a well-balanced one-pipe vertical distribution system, the delivery of coolant to all radiators will take at least 30-50 seconds;
  • installation of one heat meter per apartment circuit. With horizontal heating distribution, equipping it with a heat meter is a simple task.

The disadvantage of a horizontal heating circuit is its increased cost. The need to install a return pipe parallel to the supply pipe increases the price of apartment heating by 15-20%.

Features of the main types of meters

A group of individual heat energy meters is designed to work in heating networks with a pipe channel diameter of 15-20 mm and a coolant volume in the range of 0.6-2.5 cubic meters per hour.

Calculations of consumed thermal energy are performed by heat meters and heat distributors independently, with data output to an electronic display.

Horizontal distribution of heating pipes allows you to install the heat meter discreetly, in a communication niche or shaft

The computing module of the device determines the amount of heat consumption for a given period of time (hour, day or month), storing and accumulating this information in the device's memory for 12-36 months.

The most convenient installation of a non-volatile meter for heating (i.e. with an additional power source - a battery).

Depending on the model of the heat meter, its measurement values ​​are displayed as kilowatts per hour, megawatts per hour, gigajoules or gigacalories. For managers and other utility companies, heat readings in Gcal are required.

To convert to gigacalories, you must apply the appropriate conversion formula. For example, for kilowatts per hour, multiply the value by a factor of 0.0008598.

Each meter is a complex of several devices. Its set may include temperature sensors, calculators for the volume of consumed thermal energy, as well as pressure, flow and resistance transducers of the coolant.

The exact configuration of the heat meter is set by the manufacturer for a specific model.

It is convenient to install a heat meter at the final stage of installing an apartment heating system

Depending on the principle of accounting for consumed thermal energy, heat meters are equipped with an ultrasonic or mechanical (tachometric) flowmeter.

Models of devices with other types of flow meters (for example, vortex or electromagnetic) are also produced, but they are not very common. Heat meters are designed to collect information on heat consumption exclusively on the horizontal wiring of the heating circuit.

A separate group of heat meters - calculators and heat distributors that do not require insertion into the heating circuit. These devices are used to calculate the heat costs of heating radiators for any heating circuit schemes.

Type #1 - mechanical version of the flowmeter

The simplest type of design, therefore the cheapest (about 9,000-10,000 rubles) is a device with two wired temperature sensors, a water meter and an electronic calculator unit.

The main working element of the meter is a part (impeller, turbine or screw) that rotates when the coolant passes through the device. The number of rotations determines the volume of the coolant that has passed through the meter.

The procedure for installing a heat meter is outwardly simple, but the efficiency of the device depends on its quality.

Contact thermometers are built into the supply and return pipes of the heating circuit of the apartment. The first thermometer is placed in the counter, in a special socket.

The second is installed on the return pipeline, in a ball valve of a special design (with a socket) or in a tee equipped with a thermometer sleeve.

Advantages of mechanical heat meters:

  • the cost is about 8000 rubles;
  • the design is simple and reliable;
  • no external power supply required;

Attracts a fairly correct stability of indicators and the admissibility of mounting in a horizontal or vertical position.

Cons of mechanical type heat meters:

  • Guaranteed work period is not more than 4-5 years– verification is required every 4 years;
  • high wear of rotating parts- however, all mechanical meters are repaired for little money;
  • pressure increase– the rotating element increases the pressure in the heating circuit;
  • susceptibility to water hammer;
  • high need to match the actual flow of the coolant in the heating system to the nominal flow rate set by the manufacturer.

It is obligatory to install a coarse magnetic mesh filter in front of the mechanical heat meter in the circuit. The device is extremely sensitive to the content of mechanical suspensions in the coolant volume!

Type #2 - ultrasonic heat meter

These devices determine the flow rate of the coolant using an ultrasonic signal emitted by the emitter and received by the receiver.

Both elements of the thermal ultrasonic meter are mounted on a horizontal heating pipe, a certain distance is set between them.

The signal from the emitter follows the flow of the coolant and reaches the receiver after a period of time depending on the speed of the coolant in the heating circuit. Based on the time data, the heat carrier flow rate is set.

More than 10 versions of ultrasonic flow meters are produced - frequency, Doppler, correlation, etc. In addition to performing the main tasks, an ultrasonic heat meter can have the function of regulating the flow of coolant.

Advantages of ultrasonic heat meters for apartments:

  • low price in the basic configuration - from 8000 rubles. (domestic models);
  • data on heat consumption are called up on the LCD display by pressing one button, which is convenient;
  • the operation of the device does not cause an increase in hydraulic pressure in the heating system;

Significant pluses include a long service life - more than 10 years (verification is required every 4 years) and power from the built-in battery.

The main disadvantage of ultrasonic heat meters is their sensitivity to the composition of the coolant. If it contains air bubbles and dirt particles (scale, scale, etc.), the readings of the device will be incorrect, and in the direction of increasing heat consumption.

For ultrasonic flowmeters, there is one installation rule - the pipeline section in front of the device and after it must be straight (the required total length of the straight section is more than a meter). Then the meter will provide correct data on heat consumption.

Type #3 - calculator and heat distributor

These devices measure the relative costs of thermal energy. Their design includes a thermal adapter and two temperature sensors.

Every three minutes, sensors measure temperatures on the surface of the heating radiator and in the room atmosphere, determining the difference. The collected information on heat consumption is summed up and displayed on the screen of the device.

Such a heat meter does not need to be hidden - it looks perfect in the modern interior of the room

Heat calculators are programmed to work on a certain type of heating radiator at the time of installation on it.

You may also be interested in information about the types of heating radiators and their characteristics, reviewed.

All the necessary coefficients and power indicators of the radiator are entered into the meter's memory, which allows it to display data on the heat consumption in kilowatt-hours.

The figures indicated by the heat distributors are displayed in arbitrary units. To convert them into kilowatt-hours, multiply the value of the readings by the nameplate power of the heating radiator and the coefficient corresponding to the type of heating battery.

The coefficient figures are provided by the meter manufacturer based on the results of laboratory tests.

The heat allocator is similar to the heat calculator. They are distinguished by the inability of the distributor to calculate heat as kilowatts per hour. In general, the heat distributor is simpler than a calculator

Calculators and heat distributors are placed for measuring thermal energy on one heating radiator. Those. in an apartment where heating is accounted for by such devices, there should be as many meters as there are heating radiators.

Both types of meters are effective regardless of the apartment heating scheme and the operating characteristics of the coolant used in the heating circuit.

Advantages of heat distributors and calculators:

  • the cost is about 2000-2500 rubles. – i.e. their installation is beneficial in small apartments equipped with five heating radiators or less (but more than 2);
  • long service life without verification - 10 years;
  • simple and quick installation on the radiator housing or next to it;
  • data transmission from several heat meters via radio channel to a single controller that summarizes them (the presence of a radio module depends on the model of the device);

A convincing argument in favor of installing such devices is the complete independence of the measurement results from the quality of the coolant.

Cons of apartment calculators and heat distributors:

  • the relative measurement error is up to 7-12% (the largest error is characteristic of heat distributors), which is higher than that of "mortise" heat meters;
  • energy consumption data is correct if calculated from the results of measurements of several devices within the boundaries of the apartment. One calculator is not able to correctly determine the heat consumption by the atmosphere from one radiator. Summary data for several instruments is needed;
  • effective work only on factory models of heating radiators. Those. any modifications of the factory configuration of the radiator when measuring heat with such heat meters are unacceptable.

The mounting kit for installing the calculator or heat distributor is selected according to the type of radiator, on the body of which the meter will be installed.

Handicraft methods of installing the counter will degrade the quality of data collection. If there is no specialized mounting kit, it is more rational to fix the device next to the battery it serves.

The procedure for the legal installation of a heat meter

The sequence of actions aimed at installing an individual heat energy metering device in an apartment consists of several stages.

Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. Written appeal to the house management organization for permission to install a heat meter. The letter must be accompanied by copies of documents on the ownership of the living space, the technical passport of the apartment.
  2. Obtaining specifications for the installation of a heat meter at a heat supplier (usually at a management company).
  3. Project preparation individual heat metering and installation technical documentation. Performed by an organization that has the legal right to provide design services.
  4. Coordination of project documentation with a heating company.

It is not necessary to purchase a heat meter before receiving an agreed project for thermal energy, because. may be denied for a variety of reasons.

Having all the documentation for the project, it remains to choose a heat meter - ultrasonic, mechanical or external installation, for example, a heat calculator.

A device that is obliged to save up to 50% of heating costs - it must be installed by professionals. And with a guarantee

For the purchased model, you must obtain checks from the seller (commodity and cash), instructions, a warranty card and a copy of the current quality certificate.

The company installing the heat meter must be licensed for this type of work.

Before choosing a contractor, it is necessary to evaluate the data on the candidates (Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certificates, SRO approvals), the professionalism of the installers (special equipment, a list of installation works, the availability of an installation kit), guarantees of the work performed.

The quality of the thermostat installed on the heating radiator is important. It is he who will allow you to control the heating of the battery, and hence the cost of heat

Please note that in addition to the heat meter, you will need additional devices and fixtures: pipe filters, tees, etc.

Sealing the heat meter or heat distributor after installation work is mandatory.

Seals are put by representatives of the heat supply company.

When installation is impossible or unprofitable?

The installation of an individual heat meter will be refused by the management company if there is no one in a multi-storey building. To calculate the coefficient for ODN, it is necessary to know the heat consumption of the entire house.

Payments for a heat meter in the following situations will be higher than without it:

  • the input of the heat main into a multi-storey building was made according to an outdated scheme - through an elevator;
  • the apartment is located at the end of the house, on the last or first floor;
  • there are gaps in the window frames, in the front door frame;
  • the loggia (balcony) is not glazed - in such a situation it can help;
  • ventilated entrance hall (broken windows, ajar entrance door), etc.

Note that in order to minimize the cost of thermal energy, it is not enough to install a common house and apartment meter. It is necessary to modernize the heating system of the building - the replacement of the elevator unit with AITP or AUU.

The ITP complex allows you to fine-tune the heating of the entire high-rise building. This means that heating bills will decrease.

Only in such an energy system of high-rise buildings can it be possible to achieve comfort in apartments with minimal heating payments.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Installing a heat meter is a requirement of the legislation of the Russian Federation. But this rule does not apply to apartments in high-rise buildings.

The reasons why there may be problems with individual heat meters are discussed in this video:

In 2013, a Petersburger installed heat calculators on the radiators in his apartment and was convinced of a 30% overpayment for heating.

But ZhSK-3 is in no hurry to compensate for his expenses. Watch video:

The legislation requires equipping the heating network in a high-rise building with a house meter, but only a common one (for the whole house).

And the managers of multi-apartment households individual meters are beneficial in the only case - if the house is new or reconstructed (heat-insulated) according to modern standards.

Have you installed a heating meter for yourself or do you have valuable information on this issue that may be useful to our other readers?

Perhaps your experience will help solve a difficult situation or inspire you to actively fight with the heat supply company. Share your story or ask questions on this topic - leave your comments below this article.

Some time ago, utilities were quite affordable, but now they can hit the family budget hard. Well, if there are finances for other necessary needs. In such cases, you have to save money, and in some situations, install heat meters for heating, since most of the money is spent on this type of utility services.

But how much can you save on such heat meters? What are the varieties and is it possible to carry out independent installation or is it better to entrust this work to experienced professionals? Let's try to understand these and some other questions.

Necessary measure

The increased cost of heating is forcing many apartment owners to install heat meters. And if earlier they were put by a few consumers for lack of need, now there are more people who want to save money. In addition, no one can guarantee that after some time the cost of heating will not increase again. Every year it only grows. Thus, it becomes clear that this is a necessary measure.

The installation of such devices as heat meters for heating is also relevant for the simple reason that utilities form tariffs according to approved standards, and not on the fact of use. With the counter, the monthly payment will be calculated according to the current tariffs according to its indications.

Benefits of installing heat meters

In addition to the fact that the heat meter allows you to make payments in accordance with the readings taken, it also has some other advantages. Typical advantages include the following:

  • Individual systems allow you to adjust the supplied coolant. This can be done manually, but if an electronic system is available, it will do this automatically.
  • It is possible to control the heat in a house or apartment. This is especially true in the spring season, when the heating is in full swing, and the weather is already warm outside.
  • Using these devices, you can detect existing problems with the heating main (clogging and other problems). This leads to increased heat consumption, which will immediately be reflected in the meter readings.

It is worth considering that the installed heat meters for heating in an apartment building do not make it possible to save on the coolant. Their main purpose is to save money. That is, to pay exactly for the amount of heat that is consumed. The size of this savings can range from 25 to 50%.

Device types

If there is a desire to install heat meters, it does not hurt to find out what varieties of them exist. But first it is worth clarifying that almost any device consists of several components:

  • sensors;
  • devices for flow, pressure and resistance;
  • devices that calculate the amount of heat received.

The composition for each specific set is determined and approved on an individual basis.

The rest of the counters are divided into the following types:

  • Electromagnetic.
  • Mechanical (tachometric).
  • Ultrasonic.
  • Vortex.

In addition, based on the scope, meters can be house (industrial) and apartment. Let's take a closer look at them to understand how they work.

Electromagnetic heat metering

The principle of operation of a heat meter for heating an apartment building is based on a phenomenon called electromagnetic induction. The design of the device includes several magnets that create a field of the same name, and a liquid coolant enters it. As is known from school, water is a dielectric only in its pure form, which practically does not happen in nature. A liquid flows in the heating pipes, which contains some elements from the periodic system. So, this is already a conductor.

When the coolant passes through the magnetic field, an electric current is formed. Moreover, its value is proportional to the fluid flow rate. The resulting current through the wires enters the computing device. And since the water flow is determined by him by measuring the difference in current values ​​\u200b\u200b(they are usually small), such devices need to be installed correctly.

But in addition to proper installation, it is important for them to have special operating conditions. The readings will turn out to be inaccurate if the heat meters for heating in an apartment building are poorly connected or additional resistance will occur at the junction of the wires. The content of iron inclusions in the coolant also affects the readings.

Despite these disadvantages, there are still advantages. First of all, such devices do not affect the flow pressure in the heating system in any way. And the measurement accuracy is quite high, making the devices very popular.

Mechanical (tachometric) heat metering

The simplest devices are mechanical ones, which outperform their competitors in price. Their principle of operation is easy to understand: a rotating element (an impeller or a small turbine) acts as a meter.

It is set in motion by the flow of the coolant, due to which the water consumption is accounted for. Most mechanical meters are equipped with two flow meters (on the inlet and outlet channels), resistance thermometers and a heat calculator. If necessary, the devices are equipped with pressure sensors.

Unfortunately, these heat meters for heating in an apartment are not without some drawbacks. First, you need to install a filter in front of the device without fail. Secondly, significant hydraulic losses occur in comparison with other analogues. Thirdly, mechanical meters are most sensitive to the quality of the coolant. That is, if the water is hard, then it is not recommended to use these devices. Otherwise, particles of scale, rust or scale will quickly clog the filter or completely disable the device.

Ultrasonic heat metering

Ultrasonic analogues are distinguished by high cost and original principle of operation. It is based on measuring the speed of ultrasonic wave propagation through the water column depending on the coolant flow rate. That is, the flow rate is determined by the time it takes the signal to travel from the transmitter to the receiver. In such devices, it is important that these two devices are located strictly opposite each other.

Despite the high cost, such heat meters for heating in an apartment are in considerable demand. And all due to characteristic advantages - pressure losses in the heating system are practically not observed or they are negligible, since there is no resistance to the movement of water flow. They have high measurement accuracy, which is important.

Some of the downsides include:

  • sensitivity to the quality of the coolant;
  • the need for relatively long pipeline sections.

The presence of dirt and scale can greatly affect the final reading of the meter. As practice shows, such metering devices are relevant at facilities with a large diameter pipeline (boiler rooms, for example).

Vortex heat metering

Vortex heat meters have a special structure. There is a prism across the flowmeter pipe, which is an obstacle in the way of the coolant fluid. In this case, vortices are formed, the number of which directly depends on the speed of the water flow. The number of vortices is recorded by sensors located slightly further than the prism. And the faster the flow, the more vortices are formed. This is the basis of the principle of operation of a heat meter for heating of this type.

The disadvantages of these devices are the presence of a prism and the requirement for water quality. Moreover, due to the triangular obstacle, there is a pressure loss in the heat supply system. Probably for this reason, such counters are less common than others.

Apartment metering devices

Such meters have a small channel diameter, which does not exceed 20 mm. The measurement range is from 0.6 to 2.5 m 3 /h, the accuracy of the readings is very high. They can be installed in apartments or houses with individual heating. The device of any device includes a heat meter and a hot water meter, which complement each other.

The measurement is made based on the flow rate of the coolant, as well as on the temperature difference between the inlet and outlet heating pipes. This is done as follows: a heat meter is installed on the water meter, from which two wires with temperature sensors are removed. One of the sensors is installed on the inlet pipe, and the other - on the outlet. As a result, the device, collecting the necessary information, using special calculations, accurately determines the amount of heat consumed.

Household metering devices

House heat meters for heating are usually installed at industrial facilities or residential buildings with a central heating system. In their structure, they are similar to apartment heat meters. The calculation of the coolant consumption is carried out according to a similar scheme, only not for a separate apartment, but for the whole house or a specific entrance.

Such meters, unlike apartment meters, have a larger channel diameter (about 300 mm), and, accordingly, they are larger in size. But this is where the differences end, in everything else they are similar, including such a parameter as the measurement range.

Installing home appliances has some advantages. Of course, the cost of such a meter is an order of magnitude higher than an individual one, but in this case, the costs are divided between the residents of the whole house or entrance, which implies a benefit for everyone. The readings of the device will also be calculated depending on the number of residents.

The decision to install house heat meters for heating is usually taken at a meeting at which a person is selected responsible for the purchase of the meter and its installation. He is also responsible for collecting the monthly payment and transferring it to the utility service.

Mounting Features

The direct installation process is not so complicated, and you can do it yourself. But first you need to draw up some documents so that everything is legal. First of all, you need to contact the company servicing the house for permission to install a heat meter. In addition to the application itself, a number of papers are needed:

  • housing documents;
  • registration certificate of the apartment;
  • consent of other tenants (sometimes it is not required).

Next, you need to get TU (technical specifications) from the organization that supplies heat to the building. The document reflects the requirements necessary to connect the meter. It should also indicate the parameters of the coolant (temperature, pressure). This will help you decide which device to use.

You should purchase a heat meter for apartment heating from a trusted company, which, upon request, can present a quality certificate. When making a purchase, do not forget about the sales receipt and cash receipt.

In the future, it will be necessary to develop an individual project and prepare technical documentation. To resolve this issue, it is worth attracting a responsible company. For reliability, you should ask its owner if the appropriate license is available. After preparing the project, you need to coordinate the entire package of documents with the company supplying the house with heat. After that, you can install the device by the same organization that compiled the project, or contact another. She must also be licensed for this type of work.

After installation, a new contract with the heat supply service should be drawn up in connection with the new tariff. It is also necessary that an employee of the management company (ZHEK or HOA) seal the heat meter and sign the instrument acceptance certificate.

You can save time and contact one organization for the preparation of the necessary package of documents that is engaged in such activities. However, this will require significant financial costs, and if there is time, it is better to prepare all the documents yourself.

Self installation

Installation of heat meters for heating in an apartment building consists of several sequential operations. First you need to flush the pipeline well to remove all blockages. And only after that you can proceed to the installation of the flow part of the device. The device is mounted on a horizontal or vertical section of the pipe. If the diameter of the pipe does not match the dimensions of the channel of the device, adapters should be used.

The supply device must be positioned so that the direction of the arrow coincides with the direction of fluid flow. Connections must be tight to withstand a pressure of 1.6 MPa to avoid leakage. To do this, use only new gaskets and seals.

When installing the measuring unit, make sure that there is no water and pressure in the heating system, and the shut-off valves must be closed. It is worth taking care of installing ball valves before and after the meter. With this element of the device, which is placed in the flow part, you should be careful.

In conclusion, it remains to install both thermal converters. One of them is mounted in the measuring cartridge, and the other - in the sleeve using heat-conducting paste. The installation of heat meters for heating is completed by sealing the device and issuing an acceptance certificate.

Now you can pay for heat according to the indications of the installed metering device. Finally, it is worth saying that it is more rational to entrust the installation to qualified specialists in order to avoid all sorts of unpleasant nuances.


At one time, utility tariffs were low, and none of the consumers thought about installing meters for water and heat. Now the rates have risen so much that a significant part of the family budget is spent on their payment. A particularly large amount in the receipt is the payment for heating. Therefore, property owners, trying to save money, decide to install heat, gas and water meters. The fact is that payment for the services supplied is charged by public utilities in accordance with the approved standards, and not on the fact of consumption.

Why do you need a heat meter?

Of course, it is beneficial to install a heat consumption meter, since the monthly amount for heating will be calculated according to the current tariffs and based on the readings taken from the individual meter. Thus, a consumer who has installed a heat energy meter pays only for the services received without the additions of utility companies that supply heat (read also: ""). In addition, the owners have the opportunity to regulate the temperature of heating rooms or utility rooms manually or automatically (subject to the installation of an electronic control system).
Consumers should be aware that a heat meter does not save it, it allows you to pay for the actual energy consumed, and not according to approximate calculations obtained as a result of the theoretical development of state standards. Individual heat meters, such as in the photo, allow you to save a significant amount of money on paying for heat supply services, it can be up to 60%.

Types of modern heat meters

Commercially available heat meters for heating in an apartment are not one device, but a set of devices.

The set may include:

  • sensors;
  • calculators for the amount of consumed thermal energy;
  • flow, pressure and resistance transducers.
The components included in a particular kit are determined and approved for the object individually.

By scope, heat meters for heating are:
  • house (industrial);
  • apartment (individual).
According to the principle of operation, heat metering units are divided into devices:

As a heat carrier, water is usually used, heated to the desired temperature.

The apartment heat meter consists of two complementary devices:
  • heat calculator;
  • hot water consumption meter.
The principle of operation of an individual heat meter is as follows: a heat meter is installed on the water meter and 2 wires are removed, which are equipped with temperature sensors. One wire is connected to the supply pipeline, and the other is also connected to the pipeline, but leaving the room. With the help of a hot water meter, the volume of coolant used for heating is recorded. Using a special calculation method, the heat meter calculates the amount of heat consumed.

House (industrial) heat meters

Household or industrial heat meters for heating are used for installation at production facilities and in multi-apartment buildings. To account for heat, one of three methods is used: electromagnetic, turbine or vortex. The main difference between industrial appliances and residential appliances is their size. The diameter of house meters ranges from 25 to 300 millimeters. The measurement range of the amount of heat carrier is about 0.6-2.5 m³/h.

Mechanical heat meters

The mechanical (or tachometric) heat energy meters shown in the photo are simple units. Usually they are equipped with a heat meter and a rotary water meter. The principle of how this type of heating meter works is as follows: for the convenience and accuracy of measurement, the translational movement of the liquid coolant turns into rotational.

A mechanical (tachometric) meter is a very economical purchase, but the cost of filters should be added to its price. As a result, the kit will cost the consumer about 15% cheaper than other types of heat meters, but on condition that the pipeline diameter does not exceed 32 mm.

Mechanical devices have a significant drawback - they cannot be used when the coolant (water) has a high degree of hardness and if it contains particles of rust, scale or scale, because they clog filters and flow meters.

Ultrasonic heat meters

Manufacturers offer consumers a wide range of models of ultrasonic heat meters. True, the principle of operation for all of them is almost the same: two devices are installed on the pipe opposite each other - an emitter and a device that receives ultrasonic signals. The emitter sends a special signal through the coolant flow and after a while it is received by the receiver. The time interval between the emission and reception of a signal depends on the speed of movement of water through the pipeline. When the time is known, the coolant flow rate is calculated.

An ultrasonic heat meter, in addition to its main functions, can adjust the supply of thermal energy. These thermal energy meters are more accurate readings, they are more reliable and durable than tachometric devices.

Installation of heat energy meters

According to experts, the best solution to the question of where it is better to put a meter is to install a common house heat meter. Then all consumers living in the house will not have to pay for heat energy, which in fact was not supplied to the building. But the cost is big. True, if you divide it by the number of apartments, then it will be quite affordable.

To install a common house heat energy meter, you will first need to hold a general meeting of residents, draw up a documented decision (draw up and sign a protocol) and submit an application to the management company with a request to connect the unit. After the heat meter is installed, a person from among the consumers will be required to be responsible for taking readings from the device in a timely manner and issuing receipts for each apartment.

If not all residents of the house or entrance agree to the installation of a heat meter, then the owner of the apartment should think about how to significantly reduce the financial costs of individual heating of their own housing.

Installation of an individual heat meter

Before you install a heating meter in a separate apartment of a multi-storey building, you will need to perform a number of activities and actions, otherwise connecting the device will not be appropriate and legal.

Step one . It is necessary to eliminate the existing sources of heat loss, including cracks in the windows, insufficiently insulated entrance doors, and freezing corners. Only after this, the installation of a heat meter will result in significant savings in money.

step two . The management company (ZHEK, HOA) must provide the owner of the apartment with technical conditions (TU) - they attribute the requirements that must be met in order to connect. Usually the text of the conditions takes up an A4 sheet. It certainly indicates information about the temperature and pressure of the coolant entering the pipeline of a particular house.

Step Three . Knowing these parameters, you can start buying a heat meter without fail in a company that works legally. When purchasing the device, you must require a sales receipt and cash receipt, a certificate confirming the quality, rules and instructions for use.

Step Four . In the design organization, on the basis of the technical specifications provided by the management company, a design solution should be ordered for. The design company must have a license for this type of work.

Step Five . A measuring thermal device is being installed by employees of a licensed organization specializing in this type of service.

When choosing a company, it is advisable to pay attention to a number of nuances:

  • for the availability of information about the organization in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • for the presence of a package of necessary documentation, including certificates, certificates, permits of SROs;
  • availability of qualified specialists;
  • availability of special equipment;
  • to perform a full list of installation works;
  • availability of a free visit of a specialist to the client’s apartment in order to inspect communications;
  • availability of warranties for the work performed.
Step Six . When the installation of the heat meter is completed, a representative of the management company (ZHEK, HOA) must seal it and sign the acceptance certificate for the device.

To make life easier for yourself, the owner of the apartment has the right to order all of the above works in one place - in a company that deals with this type of service at a professional level, however, you will have to pay a considerable amount for this. If you have the desire and free time, you can prepare the installation documents yourself.

Checking heat meters

Usually, new appliances are sold with an initial check, which is carried out at the factory that manufactures them. The proof that the verification of heat meters has been carried out is the presence of a special sticker corresponding to the record, a special stamp, both on the devices and in the documents attached to them.

During operation, verification of heating meters is carried out at the expense of apartment owners once every 4 years, for its implementation it is necessary to contact a number of organizations and institutions:

  • to the branch of Rostest;
  • to a company that has the appropriate authority to carry out the audit;
  • to the service center of the manufacturer.

They independently take readings from the meter for heating in the same way as from the electric meter. In the receipt for payment, the difference in readings is indicated, multiplied by the established tariff and payment is made, for example, in one of the branches of Sberbank. The recipient of the payment is the heat supply organization.

Heat meters - installation advantages, detailed video:

Restrictions on installing a heat meter in an apartment

Many consumers are interested in whether they put meters for heating individually in each apartment? The fact is that in most domestic apartment buildings, when creating a heating system, vertical riser wiring is used, which prevents the installation of one apartment meter.

In such a situation, there is only one solution - to put meters on radiators, but such a solution is difficult to implement for the following reasons:

  • installing several heat appliances in one apartment will cost its owners a tidy sum, since each meter for a heating battery costs a lot of money;
  • taking readings from each device is hampered by the fact that utility workers are not able to make monthly rounds of all the rooms in the apartments of the house in order to record data. When doing this work on your own, you can get confused in the numbers and make mistakes in the calculations;
  • maintenance problems - several devices are much more difficult to control and verify their correct functioning;
  • the meter for the heating radiator has poor accuracy, since the difference at its inlet and outlet is so small that the device is often unable to fix it.
The way out of this situation can be the installation of special distributors that measure the flow rate of the liquid heat carrier, based on the temperature difference between the surface of the radiator and the air in the room. The cost of one such device is quite affordable for the consumer.
In buildings built after 2000, a horizontal distribution of the heating system is used, so in such apartments it is enough to install one heat consumption meter, and distributors are not required.

As a result of the above measures, it is possible to significantly reduce the monthly payments for services provided by utilities through the installation of heat meters.

Why are many now thinking about installing a heat meter in their apartment? For the simple reason that payment for consumed heat has now become almost the most significant part of family expenses. If you do not know yet, we hasten to enlighten you: if the heat meter is installed correctly, the heating bill can be reduced by 25-50 percent!

We would very much like the visitors of our site to also have the opportunity to ease their financial burden, which is why we decided to tell you how to install your own heat meter in an apartment while living in an apartment building. However, any business is made easier if there is an understanding of its essence. Therefore, we want to preface the description of the device installation process with some general information about it.

How does a heat meter work and what can it do

If you install an individual heat meter, you can use it to determine the value of the following parameters:

  • duration of operation of devices;
  • average daily and average hourly temperature of the coolant;
  • the amount of heat energy consumed in the apartment;
  • the volume of the coolant entering the apartment and outgoing from it;
  • the volume of coolant required to feed the system.

The most important thing for users is that, having decided to install a heat meter, they get the opportunity to register really the amount of heat consumed in the apartment. The device is able to provide this, thanks to the temperature sensors included in its composition.

The very same determination of the amount of heat consumed is made by a special calculator that receives information about the flow rate of the coolant, as well as the temperature difference at the inlet and outlet of the apartment heating system. After processing the received information, the heat meter displays the final information on the screen. The error of instrument readings does not exceed 6%.

How to install your own apartment heat meter

If you have already understood that a heat meter can really reduce your heating costs and if you decide to install it, you are not at all obliged to contact any specialized office. You can easily do this with your own hands, having previously received all the permits for the installation and having prepared everything necessary for the work:

  • the heat meter itself;
  • connecting kit, which necessarily includes a check valve;
  • heat-conducting paste;
  • filter and collets;
  • a set of special taps equipped with heat sensors;
  • if your pipes are metal - an adjustable wrench, if they are metal-plastic - a welding device.

When everything is ready, the heat meter is installed in the following order:

  • during installation, it is necessary to act in such a way that there is always water in the cavity of the device and that the direction of the arrow on the body coincides with the direction of movement of the coolant. Modern models can be installed in pipeline branches oriented in any direction;
  • before starting work, make sure that there is no pressure or coolant in the system;
  • install ball valves incorporating heat sensors;
  • when mounting the heat meter meter, be especially careful not to damage it;
  • one of the thermal converters included in the set should be installed in the cavity of the measuring cartridge, the second one - in the sleeve, after coating its surface with heat-conducting paste;
  • Finally, install the heat meter heat exchanger so that it covers two thirds of the pipe.

After performing the work, the elements of the heat meter must be sealed by a representative of the heat supply company. This will allow you to begin the legal operation of this meter.

General characteristics and price of the most popular models of heat meters

Now the choice of a heat meter is quite large. However, the most popular and popular models include:

  • Heat meters brand Elf. The convenience of these devices lies in the possibility of remote reading of information from them. However, their belonging to the mechanical type results in the need to replace them every 5 years. The cost of these devices is about 7 thousand rubles.
  • Heat meters type ST-10. They are able to measure not only thermal, but also electrical energy, as well as keep records of water. Prices for these devices start from 8700 rubles.
  • The Russian ENKONT ultrasonic heat meter is capable of accounting for the heat energy consumed by two independent circuits at once. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the accuracy of its readings is largely due to the purity of the coolant. The prices for these devices exceed 76 thousand rubles.
  • The Russian electromagnetic heat meter MAGIKA has a digital interface and is able to work with several flow meters and thermal converters at once. The device requires special care during installation work. It can cost 36 thousand rubles or more.

According to experts and ordinary users, the ST-10 device is considered optimal, which is distinguished by high-quality stable operation and high affordability.

So, we have put into your hands that golden key that opens up access to significant savings. Use it or not, install a heat meter or continue to pay on invoices - it's up to you!

The design of the heating system in multi-storey, multi-apartment buildings is carried out by special design organizations, which in their design work are guided by such regulatory documents as GOSTs, OSTs, TUs, SNIPs and sanitary standards.

According to the requirements of some of them, the temperature in residential premises must be stable within twenty to twenty-two degrees Celsius. And the relative humidity of the air is 40-30%. Only if such parameters are observed, it is possible to provide comfortable living conditions for people.

The design and adjustment is based on the choice of coolant, which is determined by a number of factors, including accessibility and the ability to connect the heating system of housing construction to it in the area where the object is located.

Types of adjustment of heating systems

Adjustment of the heating system of an apartment building can be carried out by using pipes of various diameters in the system. As is known, the passage velocity and pressure of liquid and vapor in a pipeline depend on the diameter of the pipe opening. This allows you to adjust the pressure in the system by combining pipes with different diameters with each other.

Pipes with a diameter of 100 mm are usually placed at the entrance to the basement of houses.

This is the maximum pipe diameter used in the heating system. In entrance halls, pipes with a diameter of 76-50 mm are used for heat distribution. The choice depends on the size of the building. Installation of risers is made from pipes with a diameter of 20 mm. The trailers of the "beds" are closed with ball valves with a diameter of 32 mm, which are usually installed at a distance of 30 cm from the extreme riser.

However, such a building does not effectively equalize the flexible pressure in the system. Thus, the temperature in the living quarters of the upper floors drops noticeably. Therefore, a hydraulic heating system is used, which includes circulation vacuum pumps and automatic pressure control systems.

Their installation is carried out in the collector of each building. At the same time, the scheme of distributing the heat carrier along the entrances and floors is changing.

When the number of storeys of housing construction is higher than two floors, the use of a pumping system for water circulation is mandatory. Adjustment of the heating system of multi-apartment buildings is most often carried out by vertical water heating systems, which are called single-pipe.

Disadvantages of a single pipe system

The disadvantages include the fact that with such a system it is impossible to account for heat consumption in each apartment. And, therefore, to make an individual calculation of payment for the actual consumption of thermal energy. In addition, with such a system it is difficult to maintain the same air temperature in all residential areas of the building.

That is why other apartment heating systems are used, which are arranged differently and provide for thermal energy in each apartment.

Currently, there are various systems of apartment heating. However, so far they are arranged in multi-storey buildings extremely rarely. This is due to a number of reasons. In particular, with the fact that such systems have low hydraulic and thermal stability.

Most often in multi-storey, residential buildings, the so-called central heating is used.

The heat carrier with such heating comes to housing construction from the city CHP.

In recent years, autonomous heating has been used in the construction of new residential buildings. With this method of individual heating, the boiler room is installed directly in the basement or attic of a high-rise building. In turn, heating systems are divided into open and closed. The first provide for the division of hot water supply for residents for heating and other needs, and in the other - only for heating.

Requirements for adjusting the heating system

Requirements for heating systems are determined by project documentation. The heating system of an apartment building is adjusted in accordance with the parameters defined by this documentation. It does not have any special complexity. Heating systems are equipped with thermostats on radiators, as well as heat meters, balancing valves, both automatic and manual.

Adjustment does not require the use of a special tool.

Produced directly by residents. All other adjustments are made by the personnel operating the system.

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