Home fountains in Feng Shui - how to choose and activate to attract well-being. Feng Shui: natural stones and water Fountain at home where you can put

Water in feng shui and in China in general is considered the primary element, the basis of all life on earth. After all, it is from Water that all other elements originate: Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. The ancient Chinese learned to derive tremendous benefits from the union of water and gems. Marianne Wong, an expert and guru of this oriental science, tells about simple rules and methods of feng shui.

The element of water in feng shui

Observant fans of Chinese painting and drawings in the genre of the ancient teachings of feng shui noticed that all shades of blue, blue, black, as well as wavy and smoothly curving shapes symbolize the element of Water in space. The more such images surround a person, the more opportunities he has to live a long, healthy and happy life. Water is represented by mirrors and mirror surfaces, glass objects, containers filled with water, and images of water. A lot can be said about the benefits of Water as an element of feng shui. When used correctly, Water helps to recuperate, soothes and purifies the energy of the room. However, using too many of this item's items can lead to apathy, self-doubt, and indecision. A sense of proportion is good in everything. That is why it is customary in China to balance energies: the element of Water cannot rule completely. And in the Celestial Empire, it is customary to harmonize a home or office by combining two powerful energy forces - water and natural gems endowed with positive and healing properties. Fountains-slides are especially widespread, consisting of malachite, jade, agate and other stones in combination with ordinary, non-precious gems. These home water units (fountains) with the pleasant and soothing sound of bubbling water are traditionally among the multifunctional means of activating beneficial energy. In addition to the fact that the fountain has a good psychological effect on a person's condition, its correct use in accordance with the rules of feng shui will help attract good luck and positive events in life.

Where is the best place to put a feng shui fountain

The water that is constantly moving in the fountain symbolizes the continuous circulation of auspicious qi energy. It is for this reason that the fountain is advised to be placed in places of a house or apartment, where a lot of stagnant energy is collected. - bubbling water will dissipate negative energy and attract positive energy. In contact with natural gems, the water is saturated with bioflows, which not only improve the human biofield, but also prevent complex diseases. You can easily identify these places - where there is no movement at all: next to the sofa, the TV, where there is a lot of sophisticated technology that takes away clean energy and leaves stagnant. You can put a fountain at the entrance to your home or office. However, remember that the fountain should be located to the left of the front door when viewed from the room.Taking into account the impact of various elements on the areas of the premises, the most unfavorable sector is the south - the sector of glory. The main element of the southern sector is Fire, which is destroyed by Water, therefore, these two elements should not be opposed. There is no place for a fountain and water containers, including an aquarium, in this area.The most favorable directions for placing the fountain are north (career sector), east (family sector) and southeast (wealth sector). The element of the eastern and southeastern zone is the Tree, which feeds on Water, therefore the zones of family and wealth will symbolically be “charged” with positive energy from the fountain. For the northern sector, the main element is Water, therefore the presence of a fountain is considered the traditional way of activating the sector.

It is worth refusing to use a fountain in the bedroom and kitchen. Using any water feature in the bedroom can destabilize your love and marital relationship. It is also better not to put a fountain in the kitchen (or opposite the kitchen), since Fire is considered the main element of the kitchen.

Feng Shui Fountain: Important Additions

  • The water in the fountain must be clean and fresh.
  • The fountain must be turned on as often as possible so that the talisman works and the energy does not stagnate.
  • Natural stones can be changed and new ones can be thrown into the water - for example, if you feel that your relationship has become cooler, dropping a carnelian into the fountain - and your husband will look at you with different eyes.
  • The fountain can be supplemented with other talismans, for example, put a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth on the bottom of the fountain.
  • For the best effect, you can add incense to the water in the fountain. For example, patchouli essential oil stimulates the nervous system and activates mental and emotional processes. Geranium oil invigorates the body. And the aroma of jasmine soothes and helps with insomnia.

Water Image: How to Use Feng Shui Paintings Correctly

The Feng Shui fountain will act as a talisman, depending on where you put it, the meaning will also change. The main meaning of the fountain in the house is the source of inexhaustible wealth, which is symbolized by the pouring water. Also, the fountain is associated with endless life energy. The water is in motion here all the time, due to which the energy in the water is activated and its stagnation is removed. Only moving water can bring good luck and success in business according to the principle of Feng Shui "up and forward".

The meaning of the fountain in the house

Pure flowing water attracts positive Chi energy, creates energy balance and harmonizes the space. The ideal place to live will be exactly where the Chi energy, symbolizing vitality, spreads in abundance.

The element of water in the home brings prosperity and wealth. If you awaken this energy in proportion to the rest of the elements, then harmonious interaction is achieved. Thus, do not overdo it and make the water sector too active.

When the water element becomes uncontrollable due to the large number of water symbols, the opposite effect can occur: financial failure, you become indecisive, insecure, too emotional and touchy. Therefore, paintings with a water landscape are chosen very carefully. A roaring waterfall, a stormy and raging sea can have unwanted effects.

Types of fountains

Fountains in the house can be installed in any shape you like. There are many electric fountains of different designs and sizes in stores today. There are fountains in the form of architectural structures, animals, natural landscapes, abstract compositions. The decorative part of the fountain can depict a group of rocks, grottoes, a lake, thickets, for the manufacture of which they use natural and artificial stone, natural and artificial flowers, palm bushes, bonsai.

Of the architectural structures, you can often find mills on which water falls, jugs, Chinese pagodas, sea shells and copies of ancient statues. Someone will like a large fountain in the form of a column or a bowl, for someone the best option will be a miniature fountain, which should be placed on a table or stand, or a picture fountain. Live plants can be placed around the floor fountains, as the green scale also attracts the energy of money.

Fountains are appropriate in the home, and at school, and in the office, and in kindergarten. Fountains are made from different materials: granite, ceramics, glass, marble, semi-precious stones. Here you are free to choose a fountain depending on the interior of the apartment, material possibilities and your own preferences.

Where to put it?

To attract material prosperity and wealth to the house, the southeastern zone of the apartment should be activated, which is controlled by the energy of Water and is the main area for attracting finance.

A decorative fountain installed in the east has a beneficial effect on the family and the health of the household. If you put a fountain in the north, it will help you climb the corporate ladder.

A decorative fountain in an apartment will in any case become a wonderful decoration of the interior and add sophistication to it, create a pleasant and cozy atmosphere in the room.

The water flowing in the fountain bewitches and attracts. The calm murmur of leisurely running live water will help a person relieve stress and fatigue. You will have a corner for a quiet rest after a working day. In addition, the water in the fountain will humidify the dry air in the room, which will certainly have a positive effect on the condition of flowers and the health of households.

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Indoor fountain

There are 2 natural phenomena that a person can look at endlessly - a burning fire and flowing water. Water is the basis of life, its source and continuation. It is an amazingly dynamic structure that is capable of taking on several completely different states.

In Feng Shui, special attention is paid to water and its influence on human life. This is one of the 5 basic elements of Feng Shui, with which you can harmonize, "tune" your space, both external and internal. The sounds of bubbling water help to collect thoughts and calm down, the sight of flowing water bewitches and immerses you in a special state of consciousness.

It has been proven that water is an excellent conductor of various energies. Water can be worked out, "charged" with the words spoken, by changing its molecular structure, it reacts very sensitively to sounds, their message and character. Due to these miraculous properties, water is widely used in many religions and teachings around the world. The ancient Chinese doctrine of Feng Shui was no exception, in which the fountain, this simple and accessible source of water for humans, occupies a special place.

How to choose a feng shui fountain?

Feng Shui fountains are outdoor and indoor; round, oval or rectangular; with or without backlight; with water gushing with a fountain or falling down like a waterfall. It doesn't matter what shape and configuration your fountain will be - they all perfectly "tune" the element of Water in the house.

If you plan to place it in a house or apartment, make sure that the size of the fountain matches the size of the room in which it will stand. Indeed, in the case of water, more does not mean better.

Fountain in oriental style

The second tip is to match the fountain with the overall style of your home. Agree that an oriental-style fountain will look ridiculous in an absolutely European living room. It can even cause an imbalance and thus upset the harmony of space for which Feng Shui is fighting. But absolutely any fountain with cyclically flowing water will work for your well-being and prosperity.

Choose a fountain that is convenient for you to use. It should be easy to care for. It is better to choose a silent fountain mechanism - loud sounds of the mechanism can wedge into the sounds of flowing water and create bad Feng Shui. The simpler the design, the better.

Feng Shui Fountain is absolutely any fountain you like. The fountain you have chosen should be associated with success, prosperity, cash flow. Such a fountain, especially located in the southeastern sector of Wealth, will definitely become a symbol of good luck for you.

Feng Shui home fountain: where to put it?

Feng Shui masters are very fond of working with fountains, carefully choosing a place for them in the house, depending on the request of its tenants.

With the help of the Bagua grid, calculate the sectors of your apartment, map it into zones. So you will quickly understand where is the best place to put your home feng shui fountain.

If you want to improve your financial situation, place the fountain in the southeast sector. The flowing water will constantly increase your income. Together with the fountain, this sector is often also placed (a living fat woman or a symbolic tree with Chinese coins), red ribbons are tied. The choice of a fountain for the southeastern sector should be determined by the element of this zone - a tree. It is very good to put a wooden fountain here, decorating it with green pebbles.

The fountain located in the east will strengthen and protect your family.

The North Fountain will contribute to your promotion, career development and any achievement in your professional life. But it is better to refuse wood in this sector by placing a metal fountain or even just a container with water.

Crystals and stones placed at the bottom of such a fountain or near it will also help you to activate this or that zone. So feel free to add a few colored stones, quartz or lenses to the fountain - this will not only serve as an elegant decoration, but will also enhance the positive effect of the fountain.

Never place a fountain in the bedroom, even if one of the sectors you need falls in this room. A fountain in the bedroom will bring a feeling of anxiety and inconsistency, and will bring discord between the spouses. The fountain at the head of the bed is even more harmful - such an arrangement can lead to quarrels, strife and even theft. In general, avoid any water features in the bedroom - fountains, aquariums and even paintings with water.

Also, you can not place a fountain or aquarium under the stairs - it will "wash" the foundation of your house, destructively affecting the family.

Location of the fountain outside the house

Fountain or waterfall in the garden

If you have the ability to place a fountain near your home, do it right. The fountain near the building should be located so that it falls into the field of view from the entrance. Also, in a street fountain, unlike a home fountain, it is important where exactly the water flows: it should flow to the house, and not from it. Do not forget about the proportions of the fountain and its ability to harmoniously fit into the surrounding space, not to get out of the general design of the site. Such a fountain in front of the house will bring good luck and prosperity.

Do not forget that the fountain in the apartment, in addition to its beneficial effect in enhancing the energy of Water, also has a good effect on the health of the household. If you have dry air, then the fountain ionizes it perfectly, eliminating dryness. Moreover, some experts advise adding aromatic oils to the water of the fountain - after all, water, like fire, perfectly diffuses odors in the room. Therefore, a fountain can become not only an excellent tool for calming the soul and harmonizing space, but also directly serve for your recovery.

Feng Shui fountain is one of the most famous and widely demanded talismans, which not only brings harmony and order to the house, but also looks incredibly beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. If you are also thinking about buying a similar item for your home, read below and you will learn how to choose the right feng shui fountain and where to put it.

How to choose a feng shui fountain?

From the point of view of Eastern wind and water science, a fountain can have any shape, look and style. There are no strict requirements for the materials from which it must be made. In addition, in order for it to bring prosperity and good luck, it is not at all necessary to buy a fountain that seems to be a truly oriental product. Thus, you have the right to feel free to buy in the store whatever you like best.

As for its location and type, it can stand both inside the house and outside, be built into the wall or be a separate decorative element.

What is it used for?

In fact, the fountain is a pretty powerful feng shui talisman used for many different purposes. However, its main advantage is the fact that it brings the energy of Water into the home, which has long been considered an ancient symbol of wealth and prosperity.

In addition, the continuously flowing water in the fountain fills the environment with negatively charged ions, which have a beneficial effect on the health of all the inhabitants of the house.

Where should it be located?

The most suitable areas for a fountain are:

  • East- is located here Family and Health Zone, and therefore a fountain placed in this direction will strengthen the well-being of its owners, and will also make positive changes in family relations;
  • Southeastwealth zone... Here the fountain plays the role of a money talisman, attracting the energy of wealth and material prosperity;
  • North- in this direction is located Career zone, which can be easily activated using any miniature fountain and immediately observe the improvement of your own career advancement.


Meanwhile, there are 2 places in the house where it is strictly forbidden to put a fountain. It:

  1. South. Its control element is Fire, the energy of which any water objects (including fountains, aquariums, etc.) will actively suppress and destroy. Because of this, a so-called conflict of energies will arise, and therefore bad feng shui and an unfavorable aura will be observed in the house.
  2. Bedroom. Regardless of which part of the house it is located in and which sector it belongs to, there is no place for a fountain. As a water feng shui talisman, it will bring the energy of anxiety and sadness here, so it should be placed anywhere, but not in the bedroom.

From a practical point of view, I would also like to advise you to buy fountains of exceptionally good quality with a silent motor for your home. And in order to enhance their effect on the bottom of the fountain, you can always put several Feng Shui crystals or stones.

It is also worth paying attention to the fountain model equipped with a diffuser for essential oils. Thanks to the presence of the latter, the fountain will not only bring harmony to your home, but will also fill it with pleasant aromas and will have a slight relaxing or tonic effect on others (depending on the characteristics of the oil used).

Read also

According to feng shui, water represents kinship, support, wealth and life flow. It is able to harmonize space and is a powerful means for transporting Qi energy, and with it, beneficial energies and financial well-being. Since ancient times, people preferred to live near water bodies, but now they, especially city dwellers, are deprived of contact with living water, which has a detrimental effect on the human psyche and energy.

Feng Shui recommends placing water sources inside your home or area. The sound of flowing water has a calming effect (bubbling stream), water flowing between stones and rocks (streams and waterfalls), causes the formation of negatively charged ions, which have a beneficial effect on people's health, making breathing easier, and instills confidence in a good future.

Fountains and waterfalls create new energy flows in the environment. You, for sure, experienced feelings of surprise and sympathy if you saw a fountain, entering an unfamiliar house. When placed correctly, it has a beneficial effect on the environment of any home. And it is precisely given the power of this tool, which is a very powerful energizer of energies, that one should carefully and carefully approach its use and placement in the house. There are general guidelines for installing a fountain in a particular part of the house.

At first, this is the relevance of its location in various zones in accordance with the elements ruling in them: you should not place the fountain in the zone of "Glory" of the Feng Shui Octagon (south direction) - this is the zone of the elements of Fire, therefore the presence of a fountain in it will negatively affect the reputation. But in the northern sector, which is responsible for the Career, the element of water reigns, so here the fountain will be able to say “in its element”. It will also be beneficial to be placed in the zones of Family and Wealth, that is, in the east and southeast - the ruling element of these zones is the tree that feeds water, thus the circulating water in the fountain will activate favorable energies and attract positive changes in these areas of life.

Secondly, you should take into account the recommendations for the placement of water bodies in some rooms, so as not to provoke adverse consequences. For example, it is better not to place fountains and other large water bodies in places of rest and sleep, that is, in the bedroom, since the active energies that will create water movements will not allow you to relax and get productive rest, and can also imbalance the intimate and interpersonal relationships of the owners. bedrooms. The same applies to the placement of the fountain under the bedroom, if it is on the second floor of the house.

Some experts advise placing a fountain at the front door on the left, when viewed from inside the house, in order to enhance the incoming flow of Qi, while the location on the right can attract treason into the house. However, if the front door falls into the southern sector, it is better to abandon this idea altogether for the reasons indicated above.

In addition to general recommendations on placing a fountain in a house, one should also not forget about that at different times change the energy potential in the zones of living space, as well as about Water formulas in feng shui, therefore, before installing a fountain at home or in an office, it is better to consult a specialist behind these calculations.

Unfavorable there may be a placement of a fountain in the sector where the Flying Star of the Yellow Five flew in, as well as in the zone affected by the negative. In addition, some sectors for the coming years are considered unsuccessful for the long-term placement of large water bodies (large aquariums and fountains with active bubbling water) - these are the Northeast, Northwest, West and South. However, with short-term or one-time activations, it is possible to place a water body in these zones.

The best are fountains with a stream of water that does some kind of work, for example, turns a water wheel. The flow of water personifies the financial flow, and such fountains symbolize not only the flow of money, but also their successful investment. To enhance the effect, you can place some kind of money talisman at the bottom of the fountain, for example,