The chip is built into the person. The technology of implanting chips in people and the danger of chipization is total control. Chips for animals

Do you know that they plan to issue a single microprocessor card to Russian citizens, which will replace all basic documents, become the only document: a passport, a driver's, a pension, a medical certificate, a payment bank card, etc.? Do you know that soon these cards will be replaced by electronic chips implanted in the human body with digital human identifiers (TIN) entered into them? According to the "Strategy for the development of the electronic industry of Russia for the period up to 2025", it is planned to implant in a person "embedded wireless nanoelectronic devices that ensure constant contact of a person with his surrounding intellectual environment, means of direct human brain wireless contact with the objects around it. In the same strategy, a person is directly named biological object, and in the discussed law "On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens of the Russian Federation" the child is called the "product of conception". It is also planned to "program the abilities and characteristics of children ... a child's abilities can be increased through genetic modification and chipization"(Childhood 2030 project). What was condemned by the Nuremberg Tribunal as a crime against humanity is today presented by our enemies as a great blessing. The fact that this will be done in the very near future was confirmed by one of the most influential leaders of the world elite - Rockefeller He said so that for total control over the whole world of their the ultimate goal is to implant an electronic chip into the body of every person on earth.

This article talks about the general chipization, presented to society as a "new technical breakthrough", about how they are going to use this technology in people's lives. The article will talk about the basic principles of technology and the possible consequences of its use. And the consequences can be not only positive, as the supporters of this technology claim, but also purely negative.
There are periodic discussions on television about chipization of the population, in which there is a lot of controversy and debate about the safety of this procedure. Now the world is already using medical chips, which are a small transmitter sewn under the skin. Such a transmitter has a protective shell, under which the microcircuits of the chip itself are located. This medical the chip is sewn under the skin using a special syringe. The chip can be sewn not only under the skin, options were considered for inserting the chip into the muscle of the forearm of the right hand or under the right hand, between the fingers. The chip has only one function - issue a person's number, which contains a chip embedded in it.
The developers of universal chipization believe that chips will help people move to a new level of technological progress, that such a chip will be very useful for humanity and it will be used for good. Supporters of chipization one of advantages of this technology call the possibility of providing quick assistance to sick people (for example, epileptics or hypertensive patients). Using a special scanner, the doctor can identify the patient in the database, which will indicate chronic diseases, allergic reactions, contraindications and other information that is very important for treatment. As soon as a person becomes ill, such a chip must give a signal to call an ambulance, where doctors will certainly be able to provide assistance.
With a sensor built into the chip, you can be located anywhere in the world, making this invention invaluable for finding missing people. The chip, at its core, is just a carrier of your code in the database and the owner of a location sensor.
In further development, it is planned to significantly expand the device model and add many useful functions to it. In the near future, with the help of an implanted chip, it will be possible to pay for purchases, open the door of your house, go online, the chip will have to replace all existing documents citizen. Among such documents: passport, insurance certificate, driver's license, compulsory health insurance policy and many, many others. Considering that in the future it is planned to transfer all money into electronic form, the idea of ​​paying for purchases using a chip sounds quite realistic.
All this briefly describes the capabilities of embedded chips. It's time to talk about dangers of this technology. Of course, all this sounds very attractive: there will be no paper documents, no cash, doctors will be able to provide assistance more efficiently, a permanent connection of the chip carrier to the Internet and other useful innovations. These chips will be able to show your location on the map at any time of the day or night. You will not be able to hide anywhere from the satellite, and you will be under constant control.
Scientists have long known that each human organ operates at its own frequency, and any organ can be disabled knowing his weak spot. Thus, by sending the necessary vibrations to a weak or diseased organ using a chip that is connected to the brain through neural connections, you can simply disable it. Such an organ can be the liver, heart, and even the brain. Given that the world has been developing psychotropic weapons for a long time, which will be able to inspire people with different emotions and sensations, up to hallucinations; you can easily imagine what kind of weapon your personal chip will turn out to be.
At any time, for the chip carrier, you can create a feeling of intense aggression or complete apathy, deep disappointments or eternal happiness, and the carrier will not be sure of the artificial origin of such strange emotions. The person is likely to think that this happens spontaneously. Someone stepped on your foot and it knocked you off balance, or you drank coffee and suddenly you felt so good at heart, as if you had found the love of your life. Although in fact, you are affected by the installation, a certain generator of emotions.
Such things rather sound from the realm of fantasy, but now there is a lot of unconfirmed information regarding psychotropic weapons, so that such an option can also be assumed. Even if psychotropic weapons are used, we certainly will not be given to know about it. After all, as a rule, such projects are strictly kept secret from the masses. Imagine that you did not pay a fine or you were guilty in some way and your solvency was turned off. Given that there will be no cash, where can you get money even for bread? And if you are a person who does not agree with the government on something and you disable one of the organs, after which you die...
Science and technology are developing very quickly and one can only guess what will be introduced into the development of the radio frequency identification chip (RFID). In good hands, the chip will prove to be an extremely useful acquisition, but what if a tyrant manages this entire system? It's just the perfect tool for establishing total control. Totalitarianism is distinguished by the ability to control society and each person individually. To implement such control, a chip can come in handy. On many websites you can find information about world government, as they are also called the "Bilderberg Group" - the creators of the conspiracy theory that will stand behind the management of the world. The Bilderberg Unofficial Annual Conference has approximately 130 attendees, most of whom are highly influential people in politics, business, and banking, as well as heads of leading Western media. Any meeting of Bilderbergers, the date of which is not advertised, despite complete secrecy, is of great interest to the world community. It is very difficult to hide the arrival of a large number of famous people in one place, including presidents, kings, princes, chancellors, heads of the world's largest corporations, prime ministers, bankers. They already have their own memorial stone with their code of fundamental laws, which says that the population of the earth should not exceed 500 million people. I wonder where they put the rest? Will kill?
According to some information, it is the members of the Bilderberg Group who want to introduce chipization of the population and enslave humanity. The words of one of the participants in the new world government, the heir to the most influential world financial clan, Nick Rockefeller, are known: “Our the ultimate goal is to implant everyone with a microchip and control the entire society. So that the elite (bankers and a few rulers) control the whole world.”
We will have to take these chips for granted, become something like cyborgs. It is planned to introduce chips voluntarily, with the consent of the person, but this does not mean at all that if you refuse the chip, you will not wear it. The fact is that in the modern world without such documents as at least a passport you are nobody, there are no guarantees that the chips will acquire the same capabilities. Today you are still a person who refused the chip, and tomorrow you are nobody until you introduce it. If the money is only in electronic form and the only means of payment is the chip, then you will not be able to shop. Sooner or later you will be forced to implant a chip, not forcibly forced, but forcing you to do so.
Chipization is already gradually being introduced in different countries of the world. For example, Brazil and Mexico have pioneered the implantation of radio frequency microchips, which send radio signals at a frequency of 125 kilohertz, under the skin of children, ostensibly to make them easier to find if stolen or lost. The manufacturer of microchips called "Verichip" is the company "Applied Digital Solutions" (ADS). Thus, the implantation of radio frequency microchips, starting from hospitals and prisons, is becoming more and more widespread. It is not hidden that even now such a microchip can be connected to an existing database and provide complete information about its owner, including financial and medical information (how much money is in the account, what purchases he made in the store, where he went, etc.). As a result, the introduction of a radio frequency chip under the skin will allow, if desired, those who will exercise control to simply delete you from this society with a light press of one button ... One single button will close all doors for you in all modes of transport, all buildings, all shops, access to information and electronic networks. One single button will control your entire life from birth to death....

In the language of Holy Scripture, to bear a seal (or mark) on oneself means belonging to or subordinating to someone. The activity of the false prophet, described in the 13th chapter of the Apocalypse, convinces that the kingdom of the beast will be of a religious and political nature when no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has this mark(Rev. 13, 17). Therefore, to submit to the Antichrist (to accept the “mark of the beast” on one’s forehead or on the right hand for the sake of acquiring temporary advantages) will be tantamount to denial of Christ, which will entail the deprivation of the Kingdom of Heaven.
UEC becomes the only source of existence for a person. The card user does not think about the fact that he voluntarily gives all power over himself to the unknown owner of the control system - power over his mind, over his work, over his hands, over his money, over his property.
Gives for undivided use all his documents, all information about himself and his family (including third parties, including representatives of criminal groups) - his work, social status, real estate, his views, religious affiliation, his health, relatives connections, and so on, and so on, and so on... Moreover, this information will not only be accumulated, but also automatically analyzed by the owner in order to control the cardholder's loyalty.
Gives the “happy owner” of the card to his owner and all his own money, gives him the right to control all his income and expenses, keep savings, receive wages, pay utilities, and so on and so forth, and so on ... In practice, the card holder gives to the owner system their right to freedom of disposal of their own money. Moreover, cash will be issued to a person within the limits set by the owner (and over time, cash will be completely canceled!). At any moment, in any region, on any continent and even on the scale of the entire planet, it is possible to create a situation of controlled chaos through an artificial cataclysm - a power outage, shutting down computers, launching viruses into the system and in other ways. It is possible to nullify bank accounts or block the identification numbers of people objectionable to the owners of the system in any region and in any quantity, completely depriving them of access to material goods and information resources. Figuratively speaking, the UEC is an electronic leash with a strict collar, which not only allows you to keep a person "within the limits of what is permitted", but also strangle him.

What is the danger of implanting microchips? David Icke, author of 16 best-selling conspiracy theories and New Age Conspiracy Theory researcher, writes about this: “A CIA scientist told me that a chip is more than an electronic recognition device. The messages that the chip sends to the computer are one thing, but the messages that go the other way are the most important. A computer can interact with an embedded chip, isolating a person or a group of people, and send out frequencies that can cause severe pain or serious illness, manipulate a person's mind and emotions, and even kill him. The chip can make people obedient and aggressive, influence their thought processes in such a way that they cannot think normally, and their actions will be influenced by the information that the chip receives.

The person who accepted the UEC recognizes himself as a "citizen of the world", but in fact becomes a slave of the world mammon, which, in the person of international financial tycoons - the kings of speculation and moneylenders on a global scale, is the undivided mistress of the IPU. “You cannot serve God and mammon” (Matthew 6:24), the Word of God teaches us.

"Revelations" of St. John the Theologian:
"And it was given to him to put breath into the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast both spoke and acted in such a way that everyone who would not worship the image of the beast was killed. And he would do what everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slaves, a mark will be put on their right hand or on their forehead, and that no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name ". (Rev. 13:15-17)
"And I heard a loud voice from the temple, saying to the seven angels: go and pour out the seven bowls of God's wrath on the earth. The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth: and cruel and disgusting festering wounds were made on people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped his image ...". (Rev. 16:1,2)

The priesthood is silent. Not a single priest from the pulpit warns his flock that the time has come for the fulfillment of the 13th chapter of the Apocalypse.
Our Orthodox saints of the 20th century: St. Seraphim Vyritsky, St. Lawrence of Chernigov, St. Kuksha Odessa, St. Blessed Matrona of Moscow prophesied about the imminent coming of the Antichrist, so soon that we, their contemporary generation, would live to see the Antichrist.
It is impossible to ignore what is happening in the world right now:
On the spiritual danger of taking a biometric electronic document with a microchip
The greatest delusion is to believe that there is nothing terrible in an electronic document with a microchip containing biometric data, and that such electronic documents can be taken, because. it's not a print yet.
Personal and biometric data from the microchip of an electronic document through the built-in GPS global positioning module are immediately sent to the owner of the microchip by reading from satellites or otherwise.
Our Orthodox elders warned about the Antichrist computer “beast”:
Hegumen Guriy: “The “Image of the Beast” from the Apocalypse is a computer that will put the seal of the Antichrist.”
Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin: “They will make a car, it will be called “the beast”, and it will know everything, everything. She will answer any request. And he will know all the secrets. If a person verbally refuses Christ, fearing torment, but not in his soul, then the computer will say that he is praying, that he has not refused in his soul. And they need to refuse in their souls, to tear God out of their hearts.”
Archimandrite Tavrion: “In one small western country, in a five-story building, a large powerful apparatus will be installed - a computer “beast” (Archimandrite Tavrion said so: a computer). At first secretly, but then there will be a Voice of God to this designer to tell about what he has made. Try not to get into this computer, it will operate, but its last power of action will be when the Antichrist reigns. Then the Antichrist will declare war on those who have not accepted the mark. Don't be afraid, there won't be two deaths. The Lord needs courageous people."
“The most terrible and most destructive for the soul is to be enrolled in the global computer - the offspring of the Antichrist. The devil writes such a soul in his Book of Death. The Orthodox, who got into the computer, after death are not allowed even to ordeals, because they are without a name, without that very main thing that makes us a God-like personality. And they will be held in hellish torments until the Last Judgment as those who have renounced Christ and the vows of baptism. And only at the Second Coming of the Savior will the computer and personal numbers be destroyed. And then the souls from hellish captivity will again appear at the Last Judgment under their own names. But what then will be the Judgment for them? Lord have mercy!".
The world's supercomputer "The Beast" is already operating in Brussels.
What is the danger of getting human biometric data into the “beast” computer?
Getting biometric data into the computer "beast" means zombifying a person with the help of psychotronic weapons. It will happen in at least two ways:
1. By influencing the microchip from a satellite or other emitters through modulated sound, ultrasonic, infrasound, electromagnetic signals of various frequencies directly on the human subconscious, bypassing consciousness. The microchip will be used for psychosensing (reading of information) with subsequent psycho-correction, which allows to secretly control the state and behavior of a person.
2. By means of psychotronic influence (electronic magic) directly on the person's ID code, recorded in the EAN-13 standard, and on the digitized photograph in the "beast" computer itself, since the photo and the ID code (digital name to which he agreed), have a live connection with the person. This influence is similar to how a sorcerer influences a photograph of a person, causing him to become clouded in consciousness, cancer, madness, etc. Only the main sorcerer - the Antichrist - will zombify a person by methods of psychotronic influence in the "beast" computer.
Our Orthodox elders warned that with the acceptance of each new electronic document, the grace of the Holy Spirit is taken away from a person and the mind is darkened, the Guardian Angel departs from it - these are steps to hell, and at a certain step it will be impossible to return back to Christ. Father Paisius Svyatogorets (Afonsky) said: “If a glass of water is enough to extinguish the temptation to accept a passport, then to extinguish the temptation to accept a chip, even if you call all the fire brigades, they will not extinguish this temptation, i.e. they will definitely accept the chip.” Athos hieroschemamonk Raphael (Berestov) clarifies: “All people who accept a token with a chip (electronic passport, ESC or other document with a chip) are all caught, and it will be difficult for them to stop.”
Thus, an electronic biometric document with a microchip is not even the penultimate, but the first half of the last step towards the Antichrist - the introduction of a microchip in the form of a laser mark on the right hand or on the forehead, from the acceptance of which, after preliminary processing of biometric data (holograms) in the "beast" computer the person will no longer be able, will not want to refuse. Therefore, taking documents with a foreign microchip containing biometric data (electronic passport, ESC, etc.) is, in fact, surrendering oneself to Antichrist, writing oneself in the Antichrist Book of Death, the moment of renunciation of Christ, followed by spiritual death.
Another danger of secretly getting a microchip under the skin lies in wait for a person when photographing on an electronic document or when scanning a fingerprint or iris, or when paying with a plastic electronic card in a store or subway. The chairman of the Coordinating Committee against the introduction of the Universal Electronic Card (UEC) in Russia, film director Galina Tsareva warns: "There is already information that it is technically possible to apply an inscription on the forehead or hand of a person during the digital photography procedure for the UEC."
Therefore, no electronic biometric documents with a microchip can be taken in any case.
The barcode on products and other goods is the seal of the Antichrist
In the seventies and nineties of the last century, Orthodox elders Archpriest Nikolai (Ragozin), Schema-Archimandrite Christopher, Father Nikolai (Guryanov), Archimandrite Tavrion, Abbot Guriy unanimously warned of the need for a categorical rejection of any electronic documents and that the barcode on goods - This is already the seal of the Antichrist:
Archimandrite Tavrion: “Look, make no mistake, because this seal, apparently in the form of bars, will be placed on all products in order to confuse Orthodox Christians in this way.” “If a person has not taken a passport, but eats coded food, he is already in a cage.” Schema-Archimandrite Christopher: “The barcode is the very seal that will be put on the hand and forehead. The print will be applied by laser and will be invisible.” Hieroschemamonk Raphael (Berestov): “In the digital name of the Antichrist 666 there is demonic power and energy, and it puts strong pressure on the subconscious and on the will of man.”
As you know, a product barcode written in the EAN-13 standard has three oblong double lines: two along the edges and one in the middle of the barcode. “The computer unambiguously reads three pairs of thin oblong lines as three sixes” (from the conclusion of the Vinnitsa National Agrarian University.
Therefore, an Orthodox Christian must daily protect himself from the satanic poison contained in "geared" products (i.e., in products with a bar code), since we consume this poison along with products every day! This also applies to other purchased items with a barcode.
Schema-Archimandrite Christopher recommends to neutralize the barcode: “Do not buy products with barcodes. Pluck them, baptize them with a cross and sprinkle them with holy water, and then eat with prayer.” Some priests recommend sprinkling food with holy water with the prayers "Our Father" and "May God rise again."
Chipping in the brain(the seal of the Antichrist in the plans of the Russian government) is already a reality reflected in the program of the Russian government. There is an order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia No. 311 dated August 7, 2007, according to which by 2025 it is planned to introduce a microchip into the brain of every Russian. It warned: "the ability to produce all the components of networked systems would mean establishing effective control over all their users."
In the EAN system, the identification number, in addition to the stroke, text and electronic recording methods, provides for a radio frequency version, which “favorably” differs in that the number can be applied to a person’s hand or forehead in the form of a label (microchip).
The role of the identifier (INPN) can be performed by the series and number of the passport, which, in principle, does not change anything.
Modern achievements of psychotronics, together with the human identification system, make it possible to control him "from the inside", to scan his mental and moral-spiritual state in real time. There is a real possibility of adjusting the psyche of a biological object or even its physical destruction. Combining the identification system and psychotronics opens up the prospect of turning a person into a biorobot: an object with remote control "... which "will be forced to act exclusively within the framework of the control system."
Since 2004, microchips have been introduced into the hand of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. There is a case when a woman - an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, after the introduction of a chip, wanted to go to an Orthodox church, but her “inner” voice told her three times: “You can’t go there, go work.” When she nevertheless firmly decided to go to the temple, she began to have a severe headache and twisted her arm. The general of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to whom she turned with a demand to disconnect her from the computer, admitted that a controlled microchip had been introduced to her, but it was already impossible to change anything.
Microchips are also experimentally installed under the skin in Ukraine: former miner Oleksandr Bykov, who had a microchip inserted in his left arm in 1997, talks about attempts to use the microchip to force him to commit suicide, abuse women and take drugs.
There is no doubt that the creator of foreign microchips is the Antichrist. The goal of the Antichrist World Government is to implant a chip under the skin of every person. All human social connections will be carried out through this microchip. Nicholas Rockefeller told the famous film director and politician Aaron Russo about these plans. Those who rebel against them will have their microchip disabled. Modern nanotechnologies make it possible to introduce a microchip into the human body through vaccination.
Thus, we live during the execution of the 13th chapter of the Revelation of St. John the Evangelist, where everyone will have a microchip installed under the skin, and some have already installed a microchip (an electronic label with an ID number in the EAN-13 standard, containing the number 666), which (th ) is the seal of Antichrist.
At present, there are many reports indicating the preparations for the Eighth Pan-Orthodox Council, about which our Orthodox elders say: St. Rev. Kuksha Odessky: “The last times are coming. Soon there will be an ecumenical cathedral called "Saint". But this will be the same “eighth council”, which will be a gathering of the godless. On it, all faiths will unite into one. Then all posts will be abolished, monasticism will be completely destroyed, bishops will be married. Newsletter calendar will be introduced in the Universal Church. Be carefull. Try to visit God's temples while they are still ours. Soon it will be impossible to go there, everything will change. Only a select few will see it. People will be forced to go to church, but we will not have to go there under any circumstances. I beg you, stand in the Orthodox faith until the end of your days and be saved!
Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin: “The Eighth Cathedral will be unholy. The Antichrist will not let you sing "I Believe". The bird will fly by, he will order her: “To my feet”, she, without breaking the wall, will fall at his feet. And then many will immediately bow to him, but not all. Many Orthodox priests will bow when they see a miracle. At the eighth council, there will be a rainbow around him. He will also show his strength, and then many will bow to him. And whoever of the priests does not bow will immediately kill him.
Father Anthony warned: “… soon all (religions) will unite… before the end, but not the end. This is more of a start. The beginning of irreversibility, the countdown will begin. And if you call it the end, then the end of the course of the usual world order. “At the Council of Antichrist, not only the unification of the “churches” will take place, but also the worldwide renunciation of mankind from God Almighty.”
Hegumen Guriy: “The Eighth Ecumenical Council will no longer be Orthodox, the Antichrist will be secretly present at it. There will be only three Orthodox (bishops) in the Holy Synod, the rest will meet the Antichrist with outstretched hands.”
At the very least, they want to unite Orthodoxy with Catholicism today, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) does not hide this.
Orthodox elders once warned about the Catholicization of Russia: Schema-Archimandrite Christopher: “Ecumenism will be imposed on the church, there will be a strong Catholicization of Russia. Some trick will be invented, and two or three true priests will remain in Tula; at least one, if they beg.” “The time will come that you will receive communion in the catacombs. It is necessary to prepare Cahors, prosphora, flour for this time. There will be no Russian church. Catholics will be driven into churches by force, and those who do not go will be persecuted. You cannot enter these temples. And if you come in, then you need to shed many tears so that the Lord forgives. Kuksha Odessky: "There will be only Catholic churches."
St. Rev. Anatoly Optinsky: “... with heresy, a demon will enter the monastery, and then it will no longer be a holy monastery, but simple walls, from where grace will depart.”
Father Anthony: “The dominance of the Catholics will very soon be complete, they will lead the Church to the abomination of desolation. Their time has come. They wear Orthodox cassocks only to seduce the herd, and not to save.
Orthodox saints and elders blessed to the last to go to churches, predicted a change in the church calendar, fasts, liturgical rites:
Rev. Lavrentiy Chernigovskiy: “There will be churches, but it will be impossible for an Orthodox Christian to walk in them, since the Bloodless Sacrifice of Jesus Christ will not be offered there, and there will be all the “satanic gathering…”.
Hegumen Guriy: “And when the Antichrist comes and sits on the throne, then they will change the whole service (they will change the “Symbol of Faith”, “Our Father”), then the grace of God will leave the temple, and it will no longer be possible to go there.” “Go to church while they take out the Life-Giving Chalice and sing “I Believe.” Then they will shove them into the church by force, but it will no longer be possible to go when there is no longer grace.”
Schema-Archimandrite Christopher: "There will be no Sacrament of Communion in churches."
Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin blessed to the last to go to churches, until they change the Creed, stop singing "Our Father", change the seal on the prosphora and remove the tabernacle from the throne. “It will be impossible to go to church when there is a star instead of a cross on the prosphora. ... The enemy will make a six-pointed star, this is the star of the Antichrist. “After the arrival of the Antichrist, there will be his icons (portraits) in churches. Then there is nothing to do in the temple.”
“Mother /Alipia/ predicted a lot about the change of the calendar, and about the change of fasts, and that faith would change, and warned: “Then it will not be possible to go to church, but the Lord will take His own sooner, will not allow them to suffer.” Due to the violation of the calendar and fasting, there will first be a severe loss of livestock, and then people will leave. Matushka Alipia ... pointed to the tip of her finger and said: “That's how much is left, and if you do not repent, then the Lord will not give that.”
Wake up from spiritual sleep! Remember why the Lord has called you to the path of worship! Serve Him and His people with your life! Save all who can still be saved! The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep - as true Warriors of Christ, save people from the devil's snares! The earth is rapidly sinking into hells. Throw away cowardice, blow up the ice of indifference with a fervent prayer! You can't be silent now. Silence is not just a crime, it is worse than betrayal. By your silence, you are betraying your eternal flock, your people and our so beautiful Earth, created by God for Love and Joy. Take a look around! Are you not scared? People trust you, entrust their souls to the good shepherds, like little children to their father. You can't get over it. Do not be silent. Save people. Soon, very soon, it will no longer be possible. We beg you, save as soon as you can, without waiting for instructions and instructions! There is no more time. The earth is on fire with sins.

We note right away that we are not considering here implantation technologies, to which everyone is already accustomed and which have long entered our lives - various kinds of pacemakers, artificial joints and prostheses. We will focus only on technologies related to miniature electronics and wireless communications.

1. Implantable smartphones

We have become almost inseparable from our phones and smartphones, but developers are already working to make this connection even closer. And there are already examples of the use of such technology. Last year, artist Anthony Antonellis implanted an RFID chip in his hand that can store and transfer images to a smartphone. A team of researchers is experimenting with built-in sensors that turn human bones into living speakers. Others are working on eye implants that allow a visible image to be photographed and transferred to any local storage, such as the same RFID chip.

But what will replace the screen of a smartphone if it is implanted in the human body? Autodesk is already experimenting with an "implantable user interface" (Autodesk's phrase) that can display images through artificial skin. Another option is that these same images can be directly transmitted to the eye implant.

2. Healing chips

Already today, there are patients who use implanted devices that work in conjunction with a mobile application in order to control the course of the disease or even treat it. For example, the bionic pancreas, which is being tested at Boston University in the United States, has a micro-sensor on a needle implanted in the body, which transmits blood sugar data to a smartphone. And Stimwave Technologies has developed a tiny neurostimulator device to relieve back and leg pain. It is a wireless implant with an embedded chip and electrodes. It is injected into the body with a conventional needle and is used to stimulate the necessary zones. Note that this device has already been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, which means it will be introduced for widespread use in the near future.

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is developing brain implants that can both record signals coming from nerve nodes and stimulate other nerve nodes in real time in order to effectively rewire damaged sections of the brain, which will restore memory.

The system is capable of simultaneously processing 64 channels of data received from a pair of high-density electrode arrays. In this case, an external device is placed near the ear, which can communicate with the implant and control its operation.

Scientists in London are developing electronic capsules that are swallowed by patients that can not only control the amount of fat in an obese patient's body, but also generate substances that will make them feel full. At the same time, a chip implantable in the human body was developed at Stanford University in the United States, which can be programmed to carry out certain medical tasks and wirelessly transmit the results to an external device. Interestingly, the device does not require power, and electricity is obtained due to ultrasound directed at it.

And here is another interesting example. Boston Scientific has developed the Vercise implantable brain neurostimulator, which is designed to treat people with tremor (chronic shaking), including essential tremor (Minor's disease). The implantable device contains a battery that can operate for 25 years without replacement, and the device itself can be very precisely adjusted to the anatomy and needs of the patient, thanks to numerous independent current settings.

3. Robots in blood vessels

Developers at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston have developed a cancer-killing computer chip that can "live" in a patient's blood. This so-called microfluidic chip is coated with long strands of DNA that absorb malignant cancer cells. The action of this chip in the blood resembles the movement and nutrition of a jellyfish in the ocean, only here the food is cancer cells. Moreover, cancer cells can be extracted from the chip later if they need to be studied for diagnosis.

The developers claim that this capture and release mechanism can be used both for diagnostic purposes and for therapeutic treatment in the fight against cancer.

In the near future, it is planned to test this technology on humans.

4. Smart tattoos

Tattoos are all the rage right now, so why not make them smart? Digital "tattoos" not only look cool, but can also perform useful functions, such as unlocking car doors or a smartphone. University of Illinois researchers have developed an implantable mesh of computer fibers that are thinner than a human hair and can monitor the body's internal processes from the surface of the skin. The oddly-named company Dangerous Things has developed an NFC chip that is implanted in a finger using a very simple tattoo-like process and allows you to unlock devices or enter a code simply by pointing at the device with your finger.

Researchers at Northeastern University in the US have developed a "tattoo" system with embedded nanosensors that is designed to monitor blood oxygen levels in anemic patients. The same system can be used, for example, by cyclists to monitor sodium levels to prevent dehydration. The method consists in injecting a solution containing specially selected nanoparticles under the skin. No trace is left on the skin, but these nanoparticles will fluoresce when they interact with target molecules such as sodium or glucose. The modified iPhone controls changes in the level of fluorescence, which reflects the amount of these substances in the human body.

A number of companies are developing sensors in the form of a temporary tattoo, i.e. thin film adhered to human skin. In particular, Electrozyme has developed a sweat metabolic substance sensor that allows athletes to assess their electrolyte balance, hydration levels, muscle tension and physical performance. The peculiarity of the device is that it is made in the form of a temporary tattoo. And scientists from the University of California announced a new technology for non-invasive measurement of sugar levels in diabetics in the form of a temporary tattoo that is placed on the skin and is capable of performing the functions of a glucometer. It has built-in sensors that can be used to determine the level of sugar in the blood. This means that daily tests can be carried out without pricking fingers. The development has already been tested by seven volunteers and has proven its suitability for accurate measurements.

5. Electronic tablets with feedback

Implants can communicate not only with your smartphone, they can even communicate directly with your doctor. Specifically, a British research firm is developing electronic pills with an embedded microprocessor that can send messages to a doctor directly from your body. These miniature devices provide the doctor with "internal information" that allows the doctor to make sure that you are using the medicines prescribed by him correctly and that they are giving the desired effect.

6. Built-in birth control named after Bill Gates

The Gates Foundation is supporting an MIT project to create an implantable female contraceptive that can be controlled from the outside. It's a miniature, body-embedded chip that generates small amounts of the contraceptive hormone inside a woman's body and can work up to 16 years without interruption. Implantation is no more painful than getting a tattoo. In addition, according to the developers, "the ability to turn the device on or off is a very convenient tool for those who plan the composition of their family." The main thing here is not to lose your remote control ...

7. Brain-computer interface

Connecting the human brain directly to a computer is a dream (or nightmare) for fans of science fiction and wonderful inventions. And this dream seems to be close to realization. Researchers at BrainGate at Brown University in the US are doing just that, as they say on their website, "Using an array of electrodes the size of an aspirin tablet implanted in the brain, our scientists were able to show that neuron signals can be decoded in real time by a computer and used to control various devices."

According to Intel forecasts, the practical use of the computer-human brain interface will begin before 2020. Imagine that you have gained the ability to use the Internet using your thinking abilities. This may seem like an amazing opportunity, but it remains only to learn how to get rid of confusion in thoughts and use the brain as a tool. Perhaps this is not such an easy task as it seems.

8. Soluble batteries

One of the problems of implantation technologies is the delivery of power to a device that is in the human body. You can't plug it in and you can't take it out often to change the battery. Researchers at the Draper Laboratory at the University of Cambridge have developed a biodegradable battery. It is capable of generating energy within the body, transmitting it wirelessly if necessary, and then simply dissolving and disappearing. Other researchers are trying to understand how to use the glucose produced by the body to generate energy. Probably many of you know how a simple battery is made from a potato tuber, and so it is very similar - only much smaller and more advanced technology is used.

9. Bionic vision and the eye as a sensor

Australian company Bionic Vision has developed a prototype implantable bionic eye for patients suffering from vision loss due to an incurable disease called retinitis pigmentosa. This small device resembles a video camera, the lens of which is located on special glasses, and the image is transmitted by an implantable device through the optic nerve directly to the brain. For patients with profound vision loss, multichannel electrodes are implanted into the suprachoroidal space of the eye. The operation allows people to significantly improve their ability to navigate among various objects and the ability to determine the type of objects on the table.

Smart Dust or "smart dust" is perhaps the latest innovation in implantology. Imagine a matrix of real computers with antennas, each much smaller than a grain of sand, that can self-organize within the body into any desired network in order to carry out various complex internal processes. Imagine swarms of these micro-devices attacking the early manifestations of cancer, or relieving the pain of a wound, or (if you want to imagine!) used to store important information that would be very difficult to decipher or steal.

Using "smart dust", doctors will be able to perform various actions in your body without the need to cut it - deliver the right medicines to the right places, perform internal operations, examine internal organs and much more.

This implant has already proved its effectiveness in experiments with rats - paralyzed animals gained the ability to walk in a straight line and climb stairs (with the help of support devices to compensate for poorly functioning muscles).

An implantable device has been developed at a state university in Oregon (USA) that allows people with paralysis of the forearm or elbow joint to partially restore the ability to use their hand. This device, which is a system of pulleys implanted in the hand, was tested and the experimental data were compared with the results of traditional reconstructive surgery. The new technology makes it possible to make a fist with 45% less effort, and in order to hold various objects in the hand, it took 52% less force than using the previous method. It looks a little strange, reminiscent of the famous movie about the Terminator, but it is quite possible that such a half-mechanical arm can help many sick people.

Medicine is one of the fastest growing industries today in terms of applied technologies and these technologies are becoming more and more fantastic. We will not guess when we ourselves will be able to use them, perhaps not very soon, given the state of health care in Russia. But changes are happening, and it's encouraging.

The future is already here.

In the near future, all residents of the Russian Federation should be implanted with so-called "multifunctional electronic devices" or microchips.

Meanwhile, the order to implant chips into the brains of Russian citizens has already been signed by the Government of the Russian Federation. We are talking about the Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy No. 311 dated August 7, 2007 "On Approval of the Strategy for the Development of the Electronic Industry of Russia for the period up to 2025" and the "Strategy for the Development of the Electronic Industry of Russia for the Period up to 2025" attached to it.

Volumes and sources of financing of the Chipization Strategy 2007-2025 (in prices of the respective years), including:
Stage 1 49442.22 million rubles, including: (2007 - 2011) 30478.32 million rubles. federal budget;
Stage 2 63250 million rubles, including: (2012 - 2015) 38916 million rubles. federal budget;
Stage 3 115,000.0 - 135,000.0 million rubles, (2016 - 2025) including: 70,000.0 - 80,000.0 million rubles. federal budget.

Which way will chipization go in Russia?
1. The very first stage is the creation of a document with a chip, which will store a number of information about a person, under the auspices of convenience, you do not need to collect certificates, have 10 documents, such a personal key for everything.
2. Gradually, the chip will be able to pay for goods and services. Credit cards are a convenient thing, why not tie it to a chip?
3. The implantation of a chip into the human body may appear simultaneously with the possibility of paying for goods and services. Yes, it's a little debatable, but now the ambulance will immediately have complete information about a person's health, and in the event of a cataclysm, the Ministry of Emergency Situations will find you using Glonass.
4. Total chipization. Receiving a salary, buying groceries in a store, paying for a taxi or subway - all through a chip. Why do you need money if you can buy everything for loans. Everything is fast and convenient.

Electronic implants

Electronic implants (lat. "plantatio" - transplantation) - electronic devices implanted in the body of a biological being (human, animal).


The first implants appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. The two world wars intensified the development of medicine, and the invention of polymers made it possible to manufacture artificial bones and joints, which, in their properties, are not much inferior to real ones.

In 1956, Soviet scientists at the Central Research Institute of Prosthetics and Prosthetics of the Ministry of Social Security of the USSR created a model of a "bioelectric arm" - a prosthesis that was controlled by the biocurrents of the muscles of the stump. This device was demonstrated for the first time in the Soviet pavilion at the World Exhibition in Brussels.

In the sixties, researchers at the General Surgery Hospital at the University of Massachusetts tried to treat epilepsy in the following way: electrodes were implanted into the brain, which, when heated, cauterized brain tissue in those areas that cause epileptic seizures. The results were very encouraging, but not enough to continue the experiments.

In the 1970s, implants ("artificial cochlea") began to be "implanted" into the inner ear of people with severe hearing impairments. In 1964, the US National Institutes of Health, on the initiative of Michael DeBakey, founded a program for the development of artificial hearts. In 1982, at the University of Utah, 61-year-old patient Barney Clark had his bad heart replaced with an artificial one. A man with an artificial heart lived for 112 days.

Until now, people with alcoholism are treated with the so-called "filing": implantation of an ampoule-implant into the body. Silicone implants are in constant demand, especially among women in highly developed countries, to increase the volume of the mammary glands, buttocks, lips ...

Tejal Desai of the University of Chicago, Illinois has developed a capsule containing insulin-producing cells. The pores in the capsule surface are only 7 nanometers in size. Therefore, they allow insulin to pass through, but prevent the penetration of antibodies produced by the immune system to fight transplant cells into the capsule. The capsules also contain a 100 micrometer chip for transporting the drug.

The Roslin Institute has created a 2-millimeter silicone microchip stuffed with drugs. The device, which can be swallowed or sewn under the skin, is programmed to release the right doses of drugs at a certain time. The microchip can have 34 reservoirs containing 25 nanoliters of various substances in a liquid and jelly-like state. In the meantime, this chip is planned to be used to anesthetize cancer patients and control blood glucose levels in diabetics.

James Auger and Jimmy Loizeau have developed a radio receiver chip that is installed under a dental filling. The radio receiver can be connected to a mobile phone using the Bluetooth interface, after which you can listen to messages and even speak yourself.

Cochlear implantation can restore the patient's hearing even in the most advanced cases, and can also help babies with congenital deafness: an electronic device perceives sound, encodes it using a sound processor and transmits electrical impulses to the auditory nerve through flexible multi-channel electrodes implanted in the cochlea of ​​the inner ear. There is also the possibility of direct connection to a TV or audio system to improve the quality of the transmitted sound. Currently, about 219,000 people in the world have cochlear implants.

To date, a large number of artificial vision systems have been developed, and several successful implantation operations of these systems have been carried out (some of them even under local anesthesia).

In December 2002, an operation was performed, as a result of which 39-year-old Mark Merger regained the ability to walk. He was implanted in the nerves and muscles of his legs with 15 electrodes connected to a processor in the abdominal cavity. Now he can control his walk with the buttons on his crutches, which serve as a remote control. Six countries were engaged in the development of electrodes: Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, France.

Electrodes implanted in the brain help patients get rid of very acute pain.

Philip Kennedy and Roy Bakay of Emory University in Atlanta implanted a microchip into the brain of a paralyzed 52-year-old John Ray, who, thanks to this, was able to communicate and control the surrounding devices directly with his brain. Synthesized substances were used that cause fouling of microcircuit contacts with nerve tissues. Implants of this kind are already being used to combat Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, sclerosis, nervous tics and neuroses. Scientists at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, led by Theodore Berger, intend to test a silicone chip that acts as an artificial hippocampus (the part of the brain that processes data obtained from human experience so that they can be stored as memories).

On December 19, 2001, ADS (Applied Digital Solutions) introduced for the first time the 12" Æ2.1 mm VeriChip chip implant, based on RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) technology, which can contain up to six lines of information - medical, or any other. Modified a version of the chip with built-in GPS (Global Positioning System), according to manufacturers, will help in the search for abducted people.The chip can be implanted by any doctor under local anesthesia using a special device, and the implantation site does not need stitches.ADS has also developed a line of devices (some of them - implants) under the name "Digital Angel" (Digital Angel). On July 17, 2003, ADS began "chipping" Mexico: a year later, 10,000 inhabitants of this country began to wear implants in their bodies, and 70% of hospitals received devices that read from chips information.


Application areas of electronic implants:

Medicine, Healthcare
authentication, cash payments
communications, access to information
army, intelligence
self-expression, art.

Problems and restrictions on application

There are a number of problems on the way of development of electronic implants:

Physical and technological

Biological compatibility (in 2-3% of people, a chronic infection occurs at the implantation site, the treatment of which requires the use of powerful antibiotics);
- self-healing of the implant in case of damage (now in such cases surgical intervention is required);
- food sources (prototypes of batteries that use glucose contained in the blood have already been created, but so far they are ineffective);
-implant dimensions;
- exchange of information with the body of the implant carrier (connection to the nervous system has been mastered to some extent, the use of hormones has not yet been studied);
-implementation and standardization of information exchange interfaces with external devices and other implants;

Psychological and social

Legal (some of the technologies under consideration, in particular, the combination of RFID and GPS makes it possible to control people completely, contrary to human rights);
- xeno- and technophobia, non-perception of the new (the "Movement against biotechnologies" is already actively operating in a number of highly developed countries).

The theologian A. I. Osipov is convinced that humanity in the future will inevitably expect universal slavery, “moreover, such as has never happened in history. Previously, it was possible to escape, it was possible to reach an agreement, raise an uprising, but here nothing is possible. Any word will be fixed and it will not be possible to agree with anyone. He is convinced that for Christians it is not so much physical as moral freedom that is important. And he, turning to scientists who, in his words, "will not lie," asks the question whether the technical capabilities of electronic implants, influencing the consciousness and will of a person, voluntarily deprive him of this moral freedom, lead to the loss of the possibility of "free choice between good and evil? At the same time, he believes that people who have lost their freedom through the implantation of implants involuntarily are not responsible before God.


Childhood-2030 is an international socio-political foresight project initiated in Russia.

Project Manager - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the My Generation Foundation, Head of the Office of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Radchenko A.F.


The foresight project "Childhood-2030" was initiated in April 2008.

In May 2010, the foresight project represented Russia in Shanghai at the international exhibition "Expo-2010" as an innovative strategy for the future of Russia.


The stated goal of the project is to identify possible scenarios and priority directions for the development of the institution of childhood in Russia - those areas in which the efforts of society, business, the state and other interested parties are necessary and relevant.


The main tasks in the project are as follows:

A change in ideology and paradigm in society: a change in priorities, attitudes towards the topic and problems of childhood, a change in the public consciousness of outdated positions.
-Monitoring of structural changes in society.

Project strategy

As part of the foresight project, a step-by-step scenario for the development of the foresight project “Childhood” roadmap until 2030 was developed.

The plan will address a number of issues that are ambiguously perceived by the Russian public, including:

In education, the transition to the chipization of the brain of children "for communication with global information and control networks";
- genetic modification of a person in order to increase his abilities;
-Children grow up in educational communities
- abolition of the traditional family with the replacement of a variety of forms of family life


From the declared opportunities for 2020:

- "any profession can be mastered in virtual reality"
- "children can work and earn income on the Internet"

From the declared opportunities for 2025:

- "A child's abilities can be increased through genetic modification and chipization"
- "instead of children, you can start robots or a virtual child"
“Robots can take care of children”
- "you can program the abilities and characteristics of children."

Expert review

An article by the analytical Internet resource Expert Online notes that the foresight project contains many “fashionable” words, and a significant part of it is devoted to their interpretation. The author of the article calls Childhood-2030 "an exemplary helicopter made of branches and leaves." According to the article, the content of the project, which claims to be original, contains some "simple slaps in the face of public morality."

K. p. n. Fomin M. S. believes that from a pedagogical point of view, some provisions of the project are very revolutionary. In particular, he highlights the idea of ​​creating robot children, which, according to the project, can replace real children. He doubts the expediency of their application against the backdrop of an unfavorable demographic situation in Russia. At the same time, M. S. Fomin is not sure that a robot can replace a real, living child, who requires a far from playful approach. At the same time, he asks himself the question of “what value-ideological shift will occur in the minds of the adult part of the Russian population, which will be offered virtual parenthood, which in fact will clothe them in real personal incompetence.”

Do you know that since 2013, Russian citizens are planning to be issued a single microprocessor card, which will replace all basic documents, become the only document: a passport, a driver's, a pension, a medical certificate, a payment bank card, etc.? Do you know that soon these cards will be replaced by electronic chips implanted in the human body with digital human identifiers (TIN) entered into them? According to the "Strategy for the development of the electronic industry of Russia for the period up to 2025", it is planned to implant in a person "embedded wireless nanoelectronic devices that ensure constant contact of a person with his surrounding intellectual environment, means of direct human brain wireless contact with the objects around it.

In the same strategy, a person is directly named biological object, and in the discussed law "On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens of the Russian Federation" the child is called the "product of conception". It is also planned to "program the abilities and characteristics of children ... a child's abilities can be increased through genetic modification and chipization"(Childhood 2030 project). What was condemned by the Nuremberg Tribunal as a crime against humanity is today presented by our enemies as a great blessing. The fact that this will be done in the very near future was confirmed by one of the most influential leaders of the world elite - Rockefeller He said so that for total control over the whole world of their the ultimate goal is to implant an electronic chip into the body of every person on earth.

This article talks about the general chipization, presented to society as a "new technical breakthrough", about how they are going to use this technology in people's lives. The article will talk about the basic principles of technology and the possible consequences of its use. And the consequences can be not only positive, as the supporters of this technology claim, but also purely negative.

There are periodic discussions on television about chipization of the population, in which there is a lot of controversy and debate about the safety of this procedure. Now the world is already using medical chips, which are a small transmitter sewn under the skin. This transmitter has a protective
a shell under which the microcircuits of the chip itself are located. This medical the chip is sewn under the skin using a special syringe. The chip can be sewn not only under the skin, options were considered for inserting the chip into the muscle of the forearm of the right hand or under the right hand, between the fingers. The chip has only one function - issue a person's number, which contains a chip embedded in it.

The developers of universal chipization believe that chips will help people move to a new level of technological progress, that such a chip will be very useful for humanity and it will be used for good. Supporters of chipization one of advantages of this technology call the possibility of providing quick assistance to sick people (for example, epileptics or hypertensive patients). Using a special scanner, the doctor can identify the patient in the database, which will indicate chronic diseases, allergic reactions, contraindications and other information that is very important for treatment. As soon as a person becomes ill, such a chip must give a signal to call an ambulance, where doctors will certainly be able to provide assistance.

With a sensor built into the chip, you can be located anywhere in the world, making this invention invaluable for finding missing people. The chip, at its core, is just a carrier of your code in the database and the owner of a location sensor.

In further development, it is planned to significantly expand the device model and add many useful functions to it. In the near future, with the help of an implanted chip, it will be possible to pay for purchases, open the door of your house, go online, the chip will have to replace all existing documents citizen. Among such documents: passport, insurance certificate, driver's license, compulsory health insurance policy and many, many others. Considering that in the future it is planned to transfer all money into electronic form, the idea of ​​paying for purchases using a chip sounds quite realistic.

All this briefly describes the capabilities of embedded chips. It's time to talk about dangers of this technology. Of course, all this sounds very attractive: there will be no paper documents, no cash, doctors will be able to provide assistance more efficiently, a permanent connection of the chip carrier to the Internet and other useful innovations. These chips will be able to show your location on the map at any time of the day or night. You will not be able to hide anywhere from the satellite, and you will be under constant control.

Scientists have long known that each human organ operates at its own frequency, and any organ can be disabled knowing his weak spot. Thus, by sending the necessary vibrations to a weak or diseased organ using a chip that is connected to the brain through neural connections, you can simply disable it. Such an organ can be the liver, heart, and even the brain. Given that the world has been developing psychotropic weapons for a long time, which will be able to inspire people with different emotions and sensations, up to hallucinations; you can easily imagine what kind of weapon your personal chip will turn out to be.
At any time, for the chip carrier, you can create a feeling of intense aggression or complete apathy, deep disappointments or eternal happiness, and the carrier will not be sure of the artificial origin of such strange emotions. The person is likely to think that this happens spontaneously. Someone stepped on your foot and it knocked you off balance, or you drank coffee and suddenly you felt so good at heart, as if you had found the love of your life. Although in fact, you are affected by the installation, a certain generator of emotions.

Such things rather sound from the realm of fantasy, but now there is a lot of unconfirmed information regarding psychotropic weapons, so that such an option can also be assumed. Even if psychotropic weapons are used, we certainly will not be given to know about it. After all, as a rule, such projects are strictly kept secret from the masses. Imagine that you did not pay a fine or you were guilty in some way and your solvency was turned off. Given that there will be no cash, where can you get money even for bread? And if you are a person who does not agree with the government on something and you disable one of the organs, after which you die...

Science and technology are developing very quickly and one can only guess what will be introduced into the development of the radio frequency identification chip (RFID). In good hands, the chip will prove to be an extremely useful acquisition, but what if a tyrant manages this entire system? It's just the perfect tool for establishing total control. Totalitarianism is distinguished by the ability to control society and each person individually. To implement such control, a chip can come in handy. On many websites you can find information about world government, as they are also called the "Bilderberg Group" - the creators of the conspiracy theory that will stand behind the management of the world. The Bilderberg Unofficial Annual Conference has approximately 130 attendees, most of whom are highly influential people in politics, business, and banking, as well as heads of leading Western media. Any meeting of Bilderbergers, the date of which is not advertised, despite complete secrecy, is of great interest to the world community. It is very difficult to hide the arrival of a large number of famous people in one place, including presidents, kings, princes, chancellors, heads of the world's largest corporations, prime ministers, bankers. They already have their own memorial stone with their code of fundamental laws, which says that the population of the earth should not exceed 500 million people. I wonder where they put the rest? Will kill?

According to some information, it is the members of the Bilderberg Group who want to introduce chipization of the population and enslave humanity. The words of one of the participants in the new world government, the heir to the most influential world financial clan, Nick Rockefeller, are known: “Our the ultimate goal is to implant everyone with a microchip and control the entire society. So that the elite (bankers and a few rulers) control the whole world.”

We will have to take these chips for granted, become something like cyborgs. It is planned to introduce chips voluntarily, with the consent of the person, but this is not at all means that if you refuse the chip, you will not wear it. The fact is that in the modern world without such documents as at least a passport you are nobody, there are no guarantees that the chips will acquire the same capabilities. Today you are still a person who refused the chip, and tomorrow you are nobody until you introduce it. If the money is only in electronic form and the only means of payment is the chip, then you will not be able to shop. Sooner or later you will be forced to implant a chip, not forcibly forced, but forcing you to do so.

Chipization is already gradually being introduced in different countries of the world. For example, Brazil and Mexico have pioneered the implantation of radio frequency microchips, which send radio signals at a frequency of 125 kilohertz, under the skin of children, ostensibly to make them easier to find if stolen or lost. The manufacturer of microchips called "Verichip" is the company "Applied Digital Solutions" (ADS). Thus, the implantation of radio frequency microchips, starting from hospitals and prisons, is becoming more and more widespread. It is not hidden that even now such a microchip can be connected to an existing database and provide complete information about its owner, including financial and medical information (how much money is in the account, what purchases he made in the store, where he went, etc.). As a result, the introduction of a radio frequency chip under the skin will allow, if desired, those who will exercise control to simply delete you from this society with a light press of one button ... One single button will close all doors for you in all modes of transport, all buildings, all shops, access to information and electronic networks. One single button will control your entire life from birth to death....

In the language of Holy Scripture, to bear a seal (or mark) on oneself means belonging to or subordinating to someone. The activity of the false prophet, described in the 13th chapter of the Apocalypse, convinces that the kingdom of the beast will be of a religious and political nature when no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has this mark(Rev. 13, 17). Therefore, to submit to the Antichrist (to accept the “mark of the beast” on one’s forehead or on the right hand for the sake of acquiring temporary advantages) will be tantamount to denial of Christ, which will entail the deprivation of the Kingdom of Heaven.

"Revelations" of St. John the Theologian:
"And it was given to him to put breath into the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast both spoke and acted in such a way that everyone who would not worship the image of the beast was killed. And he would do what everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slaves, a mark will be put on their right hand or on their forehead, and that no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name ". (Rev. 13:15-17)
"And I heard a loud voice from the temple, saying to the seven angels: go and pour out the seven bowls of God's wrath on the earth. The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth: and cruel and disgusting festering wounds were made on people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped his image ...". (Rev. 16:1,2)

The priesthood is silent. Not a single priest from the pulpit warns his flock that the time has come for the fulfillment of the 13th chapter of the Apocalypse.
Our Orthodox saints of the 20th century: St. Seraphim Vyritsky, St. Lawrence of Chernigov, St. Kuksha Odessa, St. Blessed Matrona of Moscow prophesied about the imminent coming of the Antichrist, so soon that we, their contemporary generation, would live to see the Antichrist.
It is impossible to ignore what is happening in the world right now:

On the spiritual danger of taking a biometric electronic document with a microchip

The greatest delusion is to believe that there is nothing terrible in an electronic document with a microchip containing biometric data, and that such electronic documents can be taken, because. it's not a print yet.

Personal and biometric data from the microchip of an electronic document through the built-in GPS global positioning module are immediately sent to the owner of the microchip by reading from satellites or otherwise.
Our Orthodox elders warned about the Antichrist computer “beast”:

Hegumen Guriy: “The “Image of the Beast” from the Apocalypse is a computer that will put the seal of the Antichrist.”
Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin: “They will make a car, it will be called “the beast”, and it will know everything, everything. She will answer any request. And he will know all the secrets. If a person verbally refuses Christ, fearing torment, but not in his soul, then the computer will say that he is praying, that he has not refused in his soul. And they need to refuse in their souls, to tear God out of their hearts.”

Archimandrite Tavrion: “In one small western country, in a five-story building, a large powerful apparatus will be installed - a computer “beast” (Archimandrite Tavrion said so: a computer). At first secretly, but then there will be a Voice of God to this designer to tell about what he has made. Try not to get into this computer, it will operate, but its last power of action will be when the Antichrist reigns. Then the Antichrist will declare war on those who have not accepted the mark. Don't be afraid, there won't be two deaths. The Lord needs courageous people."

“The most terrible and most destructive for the soul is to be enrolled in the world computer - the offspring of the Antichrist. The devil writes such a soul in his Book of Death. The Orthodox, who got into the computer, after death are not allowed even to ordeals, because they are without a name, without that very main thing that makes us a God-like personality. And they will be held in hellish torments until the Last Judgment as those who have renounced Christ and the vows of baptism. And only at the Second Coming of the Savior will the computer and personal numbers be destroyed. And then the souls from hellish captivity will again appear at the Last Judgment under their own names. But what then will be the Judgment for them? Lord have mercy!".

The world's supercomputer "The Beast" is already operating in Brussels.

What is the danger of getting human biometric data into the “beast” computer?
Getting biometric data into the computer "beast" means zombifying a person with the help of psychotronic weapons. It will happen in at least two ways:

1. By influencing the microchip from a satellite or other emitters through modulated sound, ultrasonic, infrasound, electromagnetic signals of various frequencies directly on the human subconscious, bypassing consciousness. The microchip will be used for psychosensing (reading of information) with subsequent psycho-correction, which allows to secretly control the state and behavior of a person.

2. By means of psychotronic influence (electronic magic) directly on the person's ID code, recorded in the EAN-13 standard, and on the digitized photograph in the "beast" computer itself, since the photo and the ID code (digital name to which he agreed), have a live connection with the person. This influence is similar to how a sorcerer influences a photograph of a person, causing him to become clouded in consciousness, cancer, madness, etc. Only the chief sorcerer - the Antichrist - will zombify a person by methods of psychotronic influence in the "beast" computer.

Our Orthodox elders warned that with the acceptance of each new electronic document, the grace of the Holy Spirit is taken away from a person and the mind is darkened, the Guardian Angel departs from him - these are steps to hell, and at a certain step it will be impossible to return back to Christ. Father Paisius Svyatogorets (Afonsky) said: “If a glass of water is enough to extinguish the temptation to accept a passport, then to extinguish the temptation to accept a chip, even if you call all the fire brigades, they will not extinguish this temptation, i.e. they will definitely accept the chip.” Athos Hieroschemamonk Raphael (Berestov) clarifies: “All people who accept a token with a chip (electronic passport, ESC or other document with a chip) are all caught, and it will be difficult for them to stop.”

Thus, an electronic biometric document with a microchip is not even the penultimate, but the first half of the last step towards the Antichrist - the introduction of a microchip in the form of a laser mark on the right hand or on the forehead, from the acceptance of which, after preliminary processing of biometric data (holograms) in the "beast" computer the person will no longer be able, will not want to refuse. Therefore, taking documents with a foreign microchip containing biometric data (electronic passport, ESC, etc.) is, in fact, surrendering oneself to Antichrist, writing oneself in the Antichrist Book of Death, the moment of renunciation of Christ, followed by spiritual death.

Another danger of secretly getting a microchip under the skin lies in wait for a person when photographing on an electronic document or when scanning a fingerprint or iris, or when paying with a plastic electronic card in a store or subway. The chairman of the Coordinating Committee against the introduction of the Universal Electronic Card (UEC) in Russia, film director Galina Tsareva warns: "There is already information that it is technically possible to apply an inscription on the forehead or hand of a person during the digital photography procedure for the UEC."
Therefore, no electronic biometric documents with a microchip can be taken in any case.

The barcode on products and other goods is the seal of the Antichrist

In the seventies and nineties of the last century, Orthodox elders Archpriest Nikolai (Ragozin), Schema-Archimandrite Christopher, Father Nikolai (Guryanov), Archimandrite Tavrion, Abbot Guriy unanimously warned of the need for a categorical rejection of any electronic documents and that the barcode on goods - This is already the seal of the Antichrist:

Archimandrite Tavrion: “Look, make no mistake, because this seal, apparently in the form of bars, will be placed on all products in order to confuse Orthodox Christians in this way.” “If a person has not taken a passport, but eats coded food, he is already in a cage.” Schema-Archimandrite Christopher: “The barcode is the very seal that will be put on the hand and forehead. The print will be applied by laser and will be invisible.” Hieroschemamonk Raphael (Berestov): “In the digital name of the Antichrist 666 there is demonic power and energy, and it puts strong pressure on the subconscious and on the will of man.”

As you know, a product barcode written in the EAN-13 standard has three oblong double lines: two along the edges and one in the middle of the barcode. “The computer unambiguously reads three pairs of thin oblong lines as three sixes” (from the conclusion of the Vinnitsa National Agrarian University.
Therefore, an Orthodox Christian must daily protect himself from the satanic poison contained in "geared" products (i.e., in products with a bar code), since we consume this poison along with products every day! This also applies to other purchased items with a barcode.
Schema-Archimandrite Christopher recommends to neutralize the barcode: “Do not buy products with barcodes. Pluck them, baptize them with a cross and sprinkle them with holy water, and then eat with prayer.” Some priests recommend sprinkling food with holy water with the prayers "Our Father" and "May God rise again."
Chipping in the brain(the seal of the Antichrist in the plans of the Russian government) is already a reality reflected in the program of the Russian government. There is an order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia No. 311 dated August 7, 2007, according to which by 2025 it is planned to introduce a microchip into the brain of every Russian. It warned: "the ability to produce all the components of networked systems would mean establishing effective control over all their users."
In the EAN system, the identification number, in addition to the stroke, text and electronic recording methods, provides for a radio frequency version, which “favorably” differs in that the number can be applied to a person’s hand or forehead in the form of a label (microchip).
The role of the identifier (INPN) can be performed by the series and number of the passport, which, in principle, does not change anything.

Modern achievements of psychotronics, together with the human identification system, make it possible to control him "from the inside", to scan his mental and moral-spiritual state in real time. There is a real possibility of adjusting the psyche of a biological object or even its physical destruction. Combining the identification system and psychotronics opens up the prospect of turning a person into a biorobot: an object with remote control "... which "will be forced to act exclusively within the framework of the control system."

Since 2004, microchips have been introduced into the hand of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. There is a known case when a woman - an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, after the introduction of a chip, wanted to go to an Orthodox church, but her “inner” voice told her three times: “You can’t go there, go work.” When she nevertheless firmly decided to go to the temple, she began to have a severe headache and twisted her arm. The general of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to whom she turned with a demand to disconnect her from the computer, admitted that a controlled microchip had been introduced to her, but it was already impossible to change anything.

Microchips are also experimentally installed under the skin in Ukraine: former miner Oleksandr Bykov, who had a microchip inserted in his left arm in 1997, talks about attempts to use the microchip to force him to commit suicide, abuse women and take drugs.
There is no doubt that the creator of foreign microchips is the Antichrist. The goal of the Antichrist World Government is to implant a chip under the skin of every person. All human social connections will be carried out through this microchip. Nicholas Rockefeller told the famous film director and politician Aaron Russo about these plans. Those who rebel against them will have their microchip disabled. Modern nanotechnologies make it possible to introduce a microchip into the human body through vaccination.

Thus, we live during the execution of the 13th chapter of the Revelation of St. John the Evangelist, where everyone will have a microchip installed under the skin, and some have already installed a microchip (an electronic label with an ID number in the EAN-13 standard, containing the number 666), which (th ) is the seal of Antichrist.

At present, there are many reports indicating the preparations for the Eighth Pan-Orthodox Council, about which our Orthodox elders say: St. Rev. Kuksha Odessky: “The last times are coming. Soon there will be an ecumenical cathedral called "Saint". But this will be the same “eighth council”, which will be a gathering of the godless. On it, all faiths will unite into one. Then all posts will be abolished, monasticism will be completely destroyed, bishops will be married. Newsletter calendar will be introduced in the Universal Church. Be carefull. Try to visit God's temples while they are still ours. Soon it will be impossible to go there, everything will change. Only a select few will see it. People will be forced to go to church, but we will not have to go there under any circumstances. I beg you, stand in the Orthodox faith until the end of your days and be saved!

Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin: “The Eighth Cathedral will be unholy. The Antichrist will not let you sing "I Believe". The bird will fly by, he will order her: “To my feet”, she, without breaking the wall, will fall at his feet. And then many will immediately bow to him, but not all. Many Orthodox priests will bow when they see a miracle. At the eighth council, there will be a rainbow around him. He will also show his strength, and then many will bow to him. And whoever of the priests does not bow will immediately kill him.

Father Anthony warned: “… soon all (religions) will unite… before the end, but not the end. This is more of a start. The beginning of irreversibility, the countdown will begin. And if you call it the end, then the end of the course of the usual world order. “At the Council of Antichrist, not only the unification of the “churches” will take place, but also the worldwide renunciation of mankind from God Almighty.”

Hegumen Guriy: “The Eighth Ecumenical Council will no longer be Orthodox, the Antichrist will be secretly present at it. There will be only three Orthodox (bishops) in the Holy Synod, the rest will meet the Antichrist with outstretched hands.”

At the very least, they want to unite Orthodoxy with Catholicism today, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) does not hide this.

Orthodox elders once warned about the Catholicization of Russia: Schema-Archimandrite Christopher: “Ecumenism will be imposed on the church, there will be a strong Catholicization of Russia. Some trick will be invented, and two or three true priests will remain in Tula; at least one, if they beg.” “The time will come that you will receive communion in the catacombs. It is necessary to prepare Cahors, prosphora, flour for this time. There will be no Russian church. Catholics will be driven into churches by force, and those who do not go will be persecuted. You cannot enter these temples. And if you come in, then you need to shed many tears so that the Lord forgives. Kuksha Odessky: "There will be only Catholic churches."

St. Rev. Anatoly Optinsky: “... with heresy, a demon will enter the monastery, and then it will no longer be a holy monastery, but simple walls, from where grace will depart.”

Father Anthony: “The dominance of the Catholics will very soon be complete, they will lead the Church to the abomination of desolation. Their time has come. They wear Orthodox cassocks only to seduce the herd, and not to save.

Orthodox saints and elders blessed to the last to go to churches, predicted a change in the church calendar, fasts, liturgical rites:
Rev. Lavrentiy Chernigovskiy: “There will be churches, but it will be impossible for an Orthodox Christian to walk in them, since the Bloodless Sacrifice of Jesus Christ will not be offered there, and there will be all the “satanic gathering…”.

Hegumen Guriy: “And when the Antichrist comes and sits on the throne, then they will change the whole service (they will change the “Symbol of Faith”, “Our Father”), then the grace of God will leave the temple, and it will no longer be possible to go there.” “Go to church while they take out the Life-Giving Chalice and sing “I Believe.” Then they will shove them into the church by force, but it will no longer be possible to go when there is no longer grace.”
Schema-Archimandrite Christopher: "There will be no Sacrament of Communion in churches."

Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin blessed to the last to go to churches, until they change the Creed, stop singing "Our Father", change the seal on the prosphora and remove the tabernacle from the throne. “It will be impossible to go to church when there is a star instead of a cross on the prosphora. ... The enemy will make a six-pointed star, this is the star of the Antichrist. “After the arrival of the Antichrist, there will be his icons (portraits) in churches. Then there is nothing to do in the temple.”

“Mother /Alipia/ predicted a lot about the change of the calendar, and about the change of fasts, and that faith would change, and warned: “Then it will not be possible to go to church, but the Lord will take His own sooner, will not allow them to suffer.” Due to the violation of the calendar and fasting, there will first be a severe loss of livestock, and then people will leave. Matushka Alipia ... pointed to the tip of her finger and said: “That's how much is left, and if you do not repent, then the Lord will not give that.”
Wake up from spiritual sleep! Remember why the Lord has called you to the path of worship! Serve Him and His people with your life! Save all who can still be saved! The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep - as true Warriors of Christ, save people from the devil's snares! The earth is rapidly sinking into hells. Throw away cowardice, blow up the ice of indifference with a fervent prayer! You can't be silent now. Silence is not just a crime, it is worse than betrayal. By your silence, you are betraying your eternal flock, your people and our so beautiful Earth, created by God for Love and Joy. Take a look around! Are you not scared? People trust you, entrust their souls to the good shepherds, like little children to their father. You can't get over it. Do not be silent. Save people. Soon, very soon, it will no longer be possible. We beg you, save as soon as you can, without waiting for instructions and instructions! There is no more time. The earth is on fire with sins.

According to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation until 2025, a chip will be implanted in the brain of every Russian

In Runet, disputes about the total chipization of the population have not ceased for a long time. Meanwhile, the order to implant chips into the brains of Russian citizens has already been signed by the Government of the Russian Federation. And, even 3 years ago. We are talking about the Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy No. 311 of August 7, 2007 “On approval of the Strategy for the development of the Russian electronic industry for the period up to 2025” and the Strategy for the development of the Russian electronic industry for the period up to 2025 attached to it.

According to this document, in the near future, all residents of the Russian Federation should be implanted with the so-called “multifunctional electronic devices” (this is what the common people call “chips”).

Note that three years ago this fact went completely unnoticed. All this time, they continued to assure us that such assumptions were nothing more than regular horror stories and the fruit of the sick imagination of conspiracy theorists. There is nothing to be surprised here. Even when the implantation of the chips is in full swing, these people will say the same thing: some - by virtue of their position, others - by virtue of personal dementia. However, against the official document, as they say, you can’t argue.

Here is just one quote from him:

“The introduction of nanotechnology should further expand the depth of its penetration into the daily life of the population. Every individual must be in constant communication with global information and control networks such as the Internet.

Nanoelectronics will be integrated with bio-objects and provide continuous monitoring of maintaining their vital activity, improving the quality of life, and thus reducing the social costs of the state.

Built-in wireless nanoelectronic devices that ensure constant contact of a person with his surrounding intellectual environment will become widespread, and means of direct wireless contact of the human brain with surrounding objects, vehicles and other people will become widespread. The circulation of such products will exceed billions of pieces per year due to its ubiquitous distribution ...

The domestic industry should be ready for this challenge, since the ability to produce all components of network systems will mean the establishment of actual control over all their users, which is unacceptable for many countries in terms of maintaining their sovereignty. A similar point of view is shared by experts from the EU countries in connection with the global expansion of electronics manufacturers from Southeast Asia and the intention of the United States to secure permanent technological leadership in this area. Therefore, in the period 2016-2025. we should expect another strengthening of the role of electronics in the life of society and be economically ready for a new round of global competition of countries based on nanoelectronic technology.”.

As you can see, the fact of establishing full control over users is not even hidden. At the same time, the Russian authorities naively expect to keep this control over their own citizens in their hands.

An expert in the field of biological cybernetics and control systems, academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts Valery Filimonov comments on what is happening:

“Today, many have no idea that a great, global information revolution is underway, which can really lead to the creation of a new formation on planet Earth, where the use of high information technologies will be used for political purposes, and the laws of cybernetic systems control will be transferred to human society. .

What is happening now? In the St. Petersburg metro, pensioners can use their pension cards with identification numbers only through the 2nd and 3rd turnstiles. If a person goes through any other turnstile, then his system does not let him through, a bell rings and the attendant says where he is supposed to go. In addition, within an hour, citizens of privileged categories have the right to pass through an electronic device only twice. If one of them goes for the third time, his number is blocked on the computer, and this cardholder no longer has access to the vehicle. Here is a concrete example of how to manage a person. And therefore, perhaps, we must first say what an identification number is, what automatic identification is, what biometric identification is.

This applies to each of us, because according to the plans of far from good people, all of humanity must be turned into cyborgs or biorobots, and this is not fantasy.

There are irrefutable documents and facts for that. For example, there is the Okinawa Charter of the Global Information Society, signed in 2000 by the presidents of the G8 countries, Russia has an Information Society Development Strategy, and there are other very interesting documents. One of them is the conclusion of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies, approved by the European Commission, that is, the government of the European Union, which states that it will be very useful for every person to implant a microchip in the near future. This microelectronic device is implanted under the skin of the forearm and will simultaneously serve all types of documents. There are a lot of fields of memory - and a medical policy, and a driver's license, and an identity card, and an electronic wallet. The most interesting thing is that the so-called electronic non-cash money is being put into circulation. A person does not see money, does not hold it in his hands and is completely dependent on the owner of this system, and if he shows, for example, some kind of disloyalty to this system, then he can simply be deprived of access to material and information resources.

I’ll tell you more, in the “Strategy for the Development of the Electronic Industry of Russia for the Development Period of 2025”, which was developed and adopted in a secret mode, and now published, it is written: “The introduction of nanotechnology should further expand the depth of penetration of electronics into the daily life of the population. Every individual must be in constant communication with global information and control networks such as the Internet. How to ensure constant communication? Only through an implantable microchip. Nanoelectronics will be integrated with bio-objects (note: people are already called bio-objects) and provide continuous monitoring of maintaining their vital activity, improving their quality of life and thus reducing the social costs of the state.” And further: “Built-in wireless nanoelectronic devices that ensure constant contact of a person with his intellectual environment will become widespread. The means of direct wireless contact of the human brain with the objects surrounding it, vehicles and other people will become widespread. Moreover, through an implantable microchip, it is simply possible to destroy an objectionable biological object. These are the words from the "Strategy for the development of the Russian electronic industry for the period up to 2025", signed by Minister Khristenko and approved by the Russian government.

In 1992, the informationological convention of a unified global information-cellular society was adopted, which became a UN policy document. This means that people will live in combs, like bees. And cells will already communicate with each other through electronic information networks. Gulag can serve as a prototype of these honeycombs. The parallels are very serious, which is why we call such a world order a global electronic concentration camp.

On December 28, 2007, there was a very interesting interview by Sergei Kovalevsky, Doctor of Technical Sciences, a specialist from the Social Insurance Fund, published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta, where he said quite openly that all information resources, all information flows in Russia are controlled by Western information systems and systems database management. That is, there may be some bookmarks unknown to us, which, for example, allow information transmitted to someone to be sent to some other IP address. He cites the example of Operation Desert Storm during the first Iraqi war, when all of Iraq's air defense systems failed overnight and hundreds of thousands of people died in an American air raid. Indeed, everything is under the control of Western systems. After all, the Internet belongs to the Pentagon. (See -

I will add one more important point. These microchips, implanted in the human body, allow you to track all his movements in real time. There is a GPS satellite system, the Russian system GLONAS is being built, which already covers about 80 percent of the territory of Russia, and in a year and a half to two years any ship, car, wagon, including a moving person, can be tracked by the owners of this or that communication system. The GPS system is operating at full capacity, and so far, by the way, the Russian Armed Forces are also using it. The European Galileo system and the Chinese Compass system are under construction. And now there is already an agreement that in time more than a hundred satellites will completely cover the entire surface of the Earth, and it will be possible to observe the movement of any biological object.

Each person has a free will, which the Lord God gave him, and this person himself has the right to determine his life path. It's talking about what we're warning people about, that these new technologies can just turn them into cattle.

Here the conversation is not about watching a person, spending trillions of dollars on spying on someone through a keyhole, but about managing the entire human herd and destroying unwanted people from this herd.

If a single supranational global information society is being built, then, ultimately, someone should lead it. There is a famous article by Alexander Ignatov, director general of the information agency under the management of the affairs of the President of the Russian Federation. The article is called “Global Leadership Strategy for Russia”, and it openly states that there is an occult world government, consisting of representatives of the destructive lodges of the Hasidic-Pharmasonic orientation, and from the environment of this occult world government one day there will be a sole leader who will simultaneously will lead all religions, and become the political leader of the whole world.

We are often accused of rejecting scientific and technological progress. Nothing like this. We welcome new technologies as long as they are used with good intentions. But if they are used for the evil of mankind, for the destruction of human souls, then we protest. After all, all access keys to secret addresses are in the hands of Russia’s enemies.”

Sergey Komkov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, also gave his comment on this topic:

“As for biological objects, here I recall one of Isaac Asimov's fantastic stories about how a unique opportunity arose to graze huge herds without even using shepherds, for which electrodes were implanted under the skin of sheep and radio-controlled impulses were given by radio. It seems to me that someone really wants to turn humanity, and first of all Russian citizens, into those very controlled little sheep who, on the appropriate signal through this implanted microchip, will do what is needed for those who have long dreamed of conquering our territory.

That is, we are talking about the creation of a certain society, in which some will sit at the control panel, while others will be biological objects that carry out the will of the rulers. I think that the developers of this theory are not so far from implementing their invention…”.

The full text of the order itself can be found, for example, here -;base=LAW;n=99457 . All in accordance with the prophecies of the famous speaker of the "Illuminati conspiracy theory" David Icke.

And imagine, that's how it can be. How many took to the streets to protest when the Soviet Union was being destroyed? Ate in silence, agreed resignedly? This is how it will be here. A brain ID chip is a must, otherwise you're a complete outsider in life. And just as silently eat it. Well, maybe some group of defenders of “human rights” will come out there, they will make a little noise, no one will show them on TV - that means they did not exist in nature. The rest of the police will quickly deal with them. And it will figure it out well, because the police and the army will already have chips in the first place, as in the “Universal Soldier”. This means that they will do their job of cleaning up the disobedient very well, without unnecessary remorse and hesitation of the mind (in view of the complete absence thereof).

So let's get ready, brothers rabbits-sheep, for general happiness in the new Orwellian world fascist state or for the world of Tormans according to Efremov. While you were all intimidated and zombified by the "horrors of communism", they prepared good ground for your further democratic unification.

However, it is not the chips that are terrible, but the general indifference and social passivity, which can destroy the entire civilization, as it destroyed the USSR. Because we are what is not done to us, but what we ourselves allow to be done to ourselves. It all depends on the degree of our awareness and awareness. And no external enemy can do anything to you until you yourself allow him to do this to you.

Many people, purely instinctively or out of subconscious fear, hiding their heads in the sand like an ostrich, will repeat: "I don't believe it. I don't want to believe it..." According to the principle "if you don't pay attention to this, then the cold will go away by itself in seven days." ". This is how some communists reacted to this information. Just why?

Why don't I believe? Just because your reaction is the reaction of a normal decent person who is not at the trough of criminal power, i.e. not burdened by the cynicism and inhumanity that are characteristic of its representatives?

Well, you probably believe that the government in Russia is anti-people, don't you? Do you, as a staunch communist, admit that this power is comprador in its essence, that is, it is, although under the false guise of "jingoism" and "Orthodox values", under the control of the Western financial and industrial mafia and the structures of the world imperialist oligarchy? Do you know that back in the 20th century, plans were developed abroad for a significant reduction in the population of Russia and other post-Soviet republics? Don't you understand that the world behind the scenes is striving for complete, total control, and the concept of the New World Order was already officially announced at the UN during the presidency of Ronald Reagan? Do you know that in the West, especially in the USA, for half a century, and in recent years in the post-Soviet space, people have been disappearing en masse without a trace, and then some of them appear with an erased memory? And that in the West for half a century there have been secret experiments on electronic brain control of consciousness over abducted people, and if after these experiments people are returned back to their usual environment, then with the help of psychotropic, narco-hypnotic, hypnotic and psychotronic methods of influence, false memories are instilled, with suggestion that they were abducted by "aliens from UFOs", who, they say, implanted chips in them and did other medical experiments with them?

Such plans for total control of the individual were still hatched in the German Third Reich, and now humanity is experiencing the time of the advent of the Fourth Reich in the person of the American-British world empire and the Ziono-fascist financial plutocratic web that has entangled all countries - isn't this also obvious? Media zombification is very successful, but who said they have to stop there? For what moral reasons? They need complete control of each individual, and the entire mass culture, especially bourgeois science fiction literature and cinema, has long been instilling in the minds of the inhabitants the image of a future person - a biocyborg, controlled by a Central Computer through a system of chips and implants. A film was shown on the Discovery Channel, which talked about the medical implantation of internal organs to replace those affected by an incurable pathology or destroyed as a result of physical trauma, including the implantation of artificial organs, about such a development of this technology in the future that in fact the person of the future will be half a computer system, a car from the blockbuster "Terminator" or from the "Universal Soldier".

In the USA, the implantation of chips in pets and livestock has been carried out since 1987 as an alternative to branding (now about 6 million animals in America have microchips in their bodies) - /77234599/.

People are increasingly faced with the fact that when transporting their pets to other cities and countries, they are required to “chip” their pets, i.e. to implant them with a special implant - a microchip. For many, this is a formality, someone has not heard of such a system at all, and some believe that this is the beginning of total control, and in order to accustom people to such innovations, they start with animals. The problem of animal identification did not arise today: the stigma has been a constant companion of domesticated animals for hundreds of years. However, inexorable technological progress offers us a more advanced electronic identification system - AVID microchips. In Europe and North America, microchips have long been very popular. Today this trend has also entered Ukraine. According to the Law of Ukraine dated November 16, 2006 "On Veterinary Medicine", Article 37 paragraph 6 states: Pet owners are required to comply with the requirements for the identification of animals, including dogs, cats, etc., which are identified using microchips.

People are psychologically accustomed to this technology, starting with their pets. But the chipization of the planet's population is actually already in full swing, the media disinformation simply ignores this fact so as not to draw people's attention to it. Electronic passports, electronic money, etc. - all this is the reality of the very near future. Anyone who does not agree will simply not fit into the system and will be put by the system on the brink of physical survival, because without this you will not even be able to buy food for yourself in the store, receive medical care in case of illness.
Mankind is steadily and gradually moving towards a global fascist technocratic state, towards biocybernetic globalization of the population, with the division of all mankind into two main classes - a small layer of arbiters-managers, free from the system of universal control, controlled by them, and subordinated to them through this system a single electronic, and in a more distant future - through a system of unified energy-information control of biorobots-executors.

Your permission or the permission of parents for implantation of newborns will not be required, everything will be completely legal and mandatory for everyone, just as now it is mandatory for you to use your passport, identification number, or file a tax return. In this regard, it is worth noting that this Order of the Government of the Russian Federation already really exists and has been officially adopted for execution.

On the other hand, it cannot be completely ruled out that the very idea of ​​implanting biochips did not come to mind of the world leaders pursuing the policy of introducing the New World Order after the discovery of alien control over humanity at the genetic level. Sounds fantastic, doesn't it? However, one of the arguments in favor of this hypothesis is, in particular, the discovery made in the Department of Medical Genetics of the Oxford Hospital (England). “Ian Harlow and Georg Clark and colleagues discovered a strange object among the chromosomes, similar to a matrix with regular square cells containing inclusions in the form of a binary code. The object was discovered during routine chromosomal studies of amniotic fluid during gynecological tests in one of the women. The nature of the implant, as well as its functional purpose, is unknown.” This post and photo of the microimplant was published in the October 1986 issue of Nature and can be found online.

The principle of operation of the microchip:

Microchip AD-S

The microchip is implanted using a simple surgical operation: a special capsule made of biocompatible glass with a size of 12-18mm is inserted under the skin of any animal with a hermetically packed electronic microcircuit and a microcrystal antenna. Each such microchip has a unique number entered into the memory of the crystal during its manufacture. To read information from the microchip, special scanners are used. It is enough to pass such a scanner over a chipped animal, and the crystal code will be displayed in the device window, which, if desired, can be sent to a personal computer database for more detailed information. Thus, for our cats and dogs, the microchip itself means nothing if its number is not entered into the appropriate database. The database is located on the Internet ( “Access to it is open to every visitor at any time of the day,” says Tuyakhov M.F., chief physician of the Mariupol city veterinary clinic. The name and address of the owner, the name of the animal itself, dates of vaccination, etc. are entered there.

Convenient, isn't it? With such data, each district veterinary clinic can monitor how preventive measures are being taken in their area, and, if necessary, inform pet owners about the timing of the next vaccination. Using a microchip, you can prove that you are the owner of your pet. “Is it possible to track the location of an animal with an implant chip?” - we asked Mikhail Fedorovich, to which he replied: “No, this is not GPS navigation. This is just an animal identification system - there is no communication with the satellite.”

What is the purpose of implementing such a system? It is clear that each animal must have a veterinary passport, however, will this be limited to animals or will there be a person at the next stage, already using GPS navigation? This question in the veterinary services causes laughter. While doctors seriously do not think about it. We tried to turn to other sources.

ADS company: microchip for humans

The place for implantation of the microchip is the right arm or forehead.

In fact, the use of microchips is not limited to animals. In the US, chip implantation has been carried out in pets and livestock since 1987. as an alternative to branding (about 6 million animals in America now have microchips in their bodies). However, in 1999 Applied Digital Solutions (ADS), acquired the Digital Angel Corporation ("Digital Angel") with its development of VeriChip and extended this technology to humans by implanting microchips in the human body. Thus, microchip implantation technologies have smoothly passed from animals to humans. How serious is this circumstance?

Implant chips have been developed since the end of the 20th century, and one of the initial directions of these technologies was medical care for paralyzed people. The implantation of such a microchip into the body of a sick person made it possible to set in motion previously inactive organs. Therefore, implanting a chip in a person in itself could be justified. However, later the range of application of these devices greatly expanded ...

In 1995, Dr. Caul Sanderson, a leading researcher in biomedical chip research, made a sensational announcement: CIA officers who said that in the government, for example, Henry Kissinger, Lazenberg and others had a discussion about this. The problem was posed directly: we will not be able to control people if we do not mark all of them, i.e. we do not identify. " What did Kol Sanderson see that was dangerous? The experiment in which he participated was conducted in Phoenix, Arizona and set himself the task of developing a miniature implant chip capable of working autonomously in the body. According to the scientist, it was necessary to solve the problem of recharging, which requires a change in body temperature. As a result of research, it turned out that a person has only two suitable places: the forehead and the right hand. This circumstance involuntarily prompted the engineer to a text from the Bible, written about 2000 years ago and talking about the Antichrist (the world ruler - the servant of Satan, who should be born at the end of earth's history): "And he will do what everyone, small and great, rich and for the poor, free and slaves, a mark will be put on their right hand, or on their forehead, and that no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has this mark "(Rev. 13:16). - Microchip implantation in humans.

Given the ambitious plans of senior leaders, Col Sanderson came to the conclusion about the dangerous nature of this development. It would be possible not to attach importance to the doctor's statements if they did not receive practical confirmation. Already in 2002 the first American family (Geoffrey, his wife Leslie and their son Derek Jacobs) were implanted with ADS microchips containing a phone number and information about previous treatment. While our country veterinarians continue to consider implantable human microchips a fantasy, today every American can have a $200 VeriChip implanted in them, paying for the implantation procedure and paying $10 to maintain the record in the database. In 2003 Chipification began in Mexico, where more than 10,000 people wear implant chips in their bodies. In 2004 Identification microchips were implanted in Mexican Attorney General Rafael Macedo de la Concha and 160 prosecutors. In mass order, for security purposes, microchips are also implanted by wealthy Brazilians.

Currently, there are more than 10 types of implantable chips, and, interestingly, modern implantable identity cards are capable of carrying out payment transactions. However, new types of microchips developed in recent years have much greater potential. In addition to medical and identification functions, they can perform other functions - up to changing the behavior of implanted people and controlling their emotions. So, by increasing the production of adrenaline, implant chips will help, for example, soldiers achieve a state of complete fearlessness. Since 2007, VeriChip has been negotiating with the US Department of Defense to replace the metal tag with a microchip (RFID chip), and if these negotiations are successful, the US army will receive cyborg soldiers.

For clarity, let's consider a biometric chip for a person, developed by the well-known company Motorola, which manufactures microchips for the Mondex Smartcard. Its dimensions are 7mm long and 0.75mm wide, in other words, it is the size of one grain of rice. This microchip contains a transponder (a system for storing and reading information on microchips) and a rechargeable battery. The battery is recharged by fluctuating human body temperature. Reading information occurs through radiation, as in a remote control. The Jacobs family was the first to adopt microchips.

The meaning of chipization is clearly revealed in the EU document adopted in March 2005. (Conclusion N20 of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies, Section 5): "Modern society is faced with the changes that need to be subjected to the human essence. Here is the next stage of progress - as a result of surveillance using video surveillance and biometrics, as well as through embedded in the human body of various electronic devices, subcutaneous chips and smart tags, human personalities are changing to such an extent that they become more and more networked personalities.They must constantly be able to receive and transmit signals from time to time, allowing movement, habits and contacts to be monitored and evaluated. This should change the meaning and content of human autonomy. In this case, the very concept of human dignity will change. Some violations of the fundamental, natural rights of the individual, which occur to her as the body transforms, do not detract from her dignity, as well as her constitutional rights and freedoms."

June 2008 a meeting of an elite international organization - the Bilderberg Club. One of the items on the agenda was the issue of large-scale implantation of subcutaneous microchips to Americans under the pretext of combating terrorism and the need to provide doctors with access to information about the condition of patients in emergency situations. It is assumed that the process will be divided into two stages: at the first stage, implantation will be voluntary, at the second, as it is said in one of the messages of the Franklin Center for the Study of Law, "after becoming familiar with the procedure and its benefits, it will be possible to proceed to mandatory implantation ".

Based on the analysis of the presented information, the following conclusions can be drawn. The chip implant is the product of serious, well-funded research. Its real capabilities are much wider than those declared. Animals are not the ultimate goal of this technology. Firstly, it makes it possible to have direct contact with the human nervous system. Thus, it is possible to read signals from the brain with a sufficiently high degree of accuracy and provide feedback by sending response signals. It is on this principle that devices operate that help “turn on” non-working arms or legs, mentally control a computer, or enhance the natural capabilities of the body. Secondly, the microchip is capable of storing information in itself and with the help of a scanner (which, by the way, reads information very quickly and at a distance of several meters), it can be entered into a computer, which will display all the data relating to the owner of this implant. It is enough for a microchip to store only an identification number in itself - all information related to it will be instantly called up from the relevant databases: passport or biometric data, driver's license and insurance, medical card and place of work, etc. (it is enough to recall the existing ones in Ukraine database for animals). Thirdly, although the microchip is autonomous, but equipped with an RFID system, it can be tracked using a global positioning satellite system at any time of the day, and controlled through a computer system. The issue under consideration has many facets, and only a few of them have been considered in this investigation. However, the above facts are enough to draw attention to the scale and seriousness of the problem that will affect everyone in the near future.

Today the USA - tomorrow Russia, Ukraine, Belarus.…

Medvedev and Putin are actively promoting chipping, so think about who they work for?

MOSCOW, August 12 - RIA Novosti, Irina Khaletskaya. Doctor Alexander Volchek from Novosibirsk does not carry a work pass and access cards with him - they are all implanted under the skin. Volchek is not the first who decided to become a bit of a cyborg: the community of so-called biohackers in Russia already has more than fifty people. Its members say they are implanting the chips purely for convenience and laugh at the myths that they are now under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother.

Key to all doors

For the first time, Volchek read about implants in an article by opponents of chipping a few years ago. He found that chips of acceptable sizes for implantation are already being produced in the United States, and cheaper ones in China. He put the first chip on August 8, 2014, and over the next three years he implanted six more into the skin on his hands. Now he opens doors at work and at home with one movement of his hand, stores passwords, a business card.

“The first chip does not allow you to change your code and is the equivalent of an access control card from one of the Siberian ski resorts. A little later, I registered it in the access control system of the organization I work for,” Volchek said.

The standard chip size is two by 12 millimeters, the minimum is 1.5 by 8 millimeters. The design, containing a ferrite core with a winding and a miniature microcircuit, is "packed" in a tube of biologically inert glass. It is injected under the skin with a large syringe with a thick needle (injector). If desired, says Volchek, it can be easily removed.

There are about a hundred more chips in the doctor's apartment, ready to go. Some of them are analogues of intercom keys, the rest operate at a different frequency and are capable of storing from 800 bytes to one kilobyte of information. One of them contains Volchek's business card, others allow you to unlock the computer, store passwords, and so on.

"Lost five cards - implanted a chip"

Volchek is not only a user of chips, but also a developer. Now he and a group of like-minded people are creating an implant that will contain a microprocessor with encryption functions and can be used for electronic signature or payment in contactless terminals. The doctor plans to chip the glucometer and the crypto carrier.

A supporter of Alexander Volchek from Tyumen, Konstantin Polyakov, is the first person in the world to pay for public transport with an implanted chip. His story is surprising in that the transport company itself assisted in the installation of the device.

“The answer to the question why I decided to implant myself with a chip is very banal: I lost about five transport cards, and I got tired of it,” Polyakov laughs.

In total, Konstantin has three chips in both hands: one is for paying for travel, the second is a digital business card, the third is for opening a turnstile at the institute, he has just started working with it. “I don’t often use a digital business card. If the interlocutor has an NFC-enabled phone, I just touch it with my hand, and my contact appears on the screen,” the man clarifies.

Implanting a chip, according to Konstantin, is a little more painful than an injection in a clinic. “But, if you don’t have basic knowledge of anatomy, then it’s better not to try it yourself, because there is a risk of causing unwanted injury. I work as a sanitary instructor, in a way a doctor, so I installed all the chips myself. In general, everything is simple - pull the skin, stick a syringe , insert the chip. This is a normal injection. The chip starts working immediately."

Big Brother Surveillance

© Photo: from the personal archive of Alexander Volchka

© Photo: from the personal archive of Alexander Volchka

Polyakov adds that so far few of his friends dare to follow his example - everyone is afraid of "Big Brother who is watching you."

“There is a system, in fact, like chips in veterinary medicine. A metal detector, X-ray, MRI does not see it, nothing beeps at the airport,” says Konstantin. “There is no health risk either, it does not affect the body. Chips on animals have been used for a very long time and no side effects have been reported."

Tracking a person with a chip is also impossible, Konstantin believes, it is much easier to trace a person using non-cash payments, a mobile phone or social networks.

According to another biohacker, Dmitry Malykhin, it is ridiculous to be afraid of a small chip that transmits a signal several centimeters away. “For some reason, we thought for fun: to detect a chip, you need an antenna the size of a football field. But I don’t think that someone needs to follow me with such a colossus,” the enthusiast jokes.

By law, a chip is like a piercing.

So far, human chips are outside the legal field, and their use is not regulated by law in any way. The implantation of the device is not a medical operation and, in fact, is comparable to a piercing. But at the moment, a person can only do it himself or with the help of friends who do this. There is no commercial chipping industry yet.

“They don’t deliver chips in Russia, they don’t sell or implant chips in the public domain,” explains Dmitry Malykhin. on the territory of Russia, in particular, there are such in China and in European countries. They can also tell you which chip to take. Then you need to look for a person who could implant it in you if you don’t have self-confidence."

Malykhin is sure that soon it will be possible to reach agreements on the regulatory framework: the sphere is new and promising, the technology has been tested on animals, as well as by enthusiasts. Now the dream of activists is to make payment bank chips.

"We are already negotiating, we just need to get some real financial organization interested in this. The fact is that a certificate costs a lot of money, besides, it takes from 3 to 12 years to conduct tests and obtain all official permits. But we We are confident that this issue will be resolved in the future.