Administrative and domestic buildings. Administrative buildings

Building regulations *

"Administrative and household buildings"

Instead of the head of SNiP II-92-76

These standards apply to the design of administrative and domestic buildings1

At enterprises (in workshops and on sites) where it is possible to use the work of people with disabilities, the requirements for sanitary and special premises, the organization of work and rest regimes, and medical care, provided for by the "Unified Sanitary Rules for Enterprises (Production Associations), must be observed," shops and sections intended for the use of labor of persons with disabilities and old-age pensioners "of the USSR Ministry of Health (dated 01.03.83, No. 2672-83), as well as additional requirements specified in the relevant x points of these standards, depending on the type of disability.

1.2. Administrative and domestic premises of construction and installation organizations should, as a rule, be located in mobile buildings. It is allowed to use for these purposes buildings of buildings under construction and subject to demolition.

1.3. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe building should be determined in accordance with SNiP 31-03-01. The area of \u200b\u200bthe attic floor and attic should be determined in accordance with Appendix 3 * *.

1.4. The height of the rooms from floor to ceiling should be at least 2.5 m, in the climatic subareas IA, IB, IG, ID and IVA - at least 2.7 m. The height of the meeting rooms, dining rooms and administrative buildings with a capacity of more than 75 people. must be at least 3 m.


1. The height of the premises in mobile buildings may be 2.4 m.

2. The area of \u200b\u200bthe premises at a height of 2.4; 2.5 and 2.7 m with a permanent stay of workers should be increased by 7%.

1.5. The height from floor to bottom of the protruding structures of floors, equipment and communications, as well as the height from floor to ceiling in the corridors should be taken at least 2.2 m.

The height of the technical floors should be taken taking into account the equipment being placed, engineering networks and their operating conditions; at the same time, in the places where the attendants pass, the cleanliness height should be at least 1.8 m.

1.6. Administrative and domestic premises can be located in the insets and outlets2

industrial buildings of I, II, III degrees of fire resistance of a class of fire hazard WITH, IV degree of fire resistance of all classes of fire hazard of categories B, D and D.

1.7. In the built-in rooms3

industrial buildings are allowed to provide latrines, rooms for rest, heating or cooling, women's personal hygiene, hand baths, drinking water supply devices, washrooms, half showers, rooms for craftsmen and other personnel, which, according to the production conditions, should be placed near workplaces and in categories B, D and D are also smoking rooms.

In buildings of the 4th degree of fire resistance of classes C2 and C3, built-in rooms (with the exception of latrines, personal hygiene of women, hand baths, drinking water supply devices, washing and half showers) are not allowed to be placed on external walls, on mezzanines and platforms.

The height of the built-in rooms (from floor to ceiling) is allowed to take at least 2.4 m.

1.8. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lobby of the buildings should be taken at the rate of 0.2 m2, and at enterprises located in the Northern building and climate zone, 0.25 m2 per worker in the most numerous shift, but not less than 18 m2.

1.9 *. IN high-rise buildings   with a difference of the floor marks of the lobby and the upper floor of 12 m or more, and also if there are rooms on the second floor and higher for disabled people using wheelchairs, lifts should be provided.

The number of elevators should be taken as calculated and should be at least two; however, one of the elevators may be accepted by freight. One of the elevators must have a cabin depth of at least 2.1 m, a width of at least 1.1 m, and a doorway width of at least 0.85 m.

It is allowed not to provide for the installation of elevators during the superstructure of the building with an attic floor with a floor mark of not more than 14 m and the absence of rooms used by disabled people in wheelchairs.

1.10. The width of the elevator hall with a single row arrangement of elevators must be at least 1.3 times the smallest depth of the elevator car, with a two-row arrangement - at least twice the lowest depth of the cabin of one of the elevators of the opposite row. Before elevators with a cabin depth of 2.1 m or more, the width of the hall should be at least 2.5 m.

In the basement and basement, exits from the elevator shafts should be provided through the vestibule locks with air intake in case of fire. In buildings with two elevators, they can be placed in stairwells.

1.11. The buildings should provide facilities for storage, cleaning and drying of cleaning equipment, equipped with a hot and cold water supply system and, as a rule, adjacent to the restrooms. The area of \u200b\u200bthese premises should be taken at the rate of 0.8 m2 for every 100 m2 of floor area, but not less than 4 m2. With a floor area of \u200b\u200bless than 400 m2, it is allowed to provide one room on two adjacent floors.

1.12. In multi-storey administrative buildings of 300 or more employees, as well as in multi-storey residential buildings with a total area of \u200b\u200b3,000 m2 or more, vertical garbage chutes with garbage chambers should be provided. The enclosing structures of the trunk of the garbage chute should have a fire resistance limit of at least ЕJ30.

See SP 31-108-2002 "Garbage chutes of residential and public buildings and structures", approved by the RF Gosstroy on October 29, 2002 No. 148

The garbage collection chamber should be placed under the trunk of the garbage chute and highlighted with type 1 firewalls. It is necessary to install sprinkler sprinklers in the garbage collection chamber on the water supply network. The exit from the camera should be directly out. Above the exit should provide a visor made of non-combustible materials.

When building a superstructure on the attic floor, the existing waste disposal system may not be changed

1.13. Communication between heated industrial buildings and detached household buildings should be provided through heated transitions. It is allowed not to provide for heated transitions from buildings located in the IV climatic region (excluding the IVG subarea), and also, regardless of the climatic region, from heated industrial buildings with no more than 30 people working in each. in shift. At the same time, premises for storing warm outer clothing equipped with hangers should be provided in industrial buildings.

1.14. Evacuation exits from basements should be provided, as a rule, through separate stairwells that have exits directly to the outside. It is allowed to provide an exit from the basement through common stairwells with an exit to the outside, separated from the rest of the staircase by a blank type 1 firewall.

The communication between the basement and the first floor should be arranged by separate stairs leading to the corridor of the first floor.

1.15. Halls of dining rooms, meetings and meetings should be placed on floors in accordance with Table 1.

Table 1

The degree of fire resistance of buildings

Constructive class

fire hazard

Number of seats in the hall

St. 300 to 600

St. 300 to 600

St. 300 to 600

1.16. It is allowed to provide one emergency exit (door):

a) from a room located on any floor with a simultaneous stay of no more than 50 people in it, if the distance from the most remote point of the floor of the room to the specified exit does not exceed 25 m;

b) from a one-story building with a total area of \u200b\u200bnot more than 300 m2 with the number of employees in all rooms of the building not more than 50 people .;

c) from any floor of a multi-storey building, the degree of fire resistance and fire hazard class of which, the number of floors and the number of evacuated from the most populated floor correspond to those indicated in Table 2 when arranging a second exit from this floor to a type 3 staircase, performed in accordance with.

See also SNiP 31-03-2001 "Industrial buildings"

table 2

1.17. The number of evacuated from sanitary and administrative premises should correspond to the number of shift workers, from the halls of canteens, meetings and meetings - to the number of seats in the halls, increased by 25%.

1.18 *. The width of the aisles, corridors and other horizontal sections of the evacuation routes should be taken from the calculation so that the density of the evacuated flows does not exceed 5 people. on 1 m2; the width of the passage in the room should be at least 1 m, the corridor or the transition to another building - at least 1.4 m, and if there are disabled people using wheelchairs at least 1.2 and 1.8 m respectively.

The width of the evacuation exit from the premises and from the corridor to the stairwell must be established depending on the number of evacuated through this exit (but not less than 0.8 m) based on 1 m of the width of the exit (door) in buildings and the class of constructive fire hazard:

I and II degree of fire resistance

class СО no more than 165 people

II degree of fire resistance

class CL;

III and IV degrees of fire resistance 115 "

classes СО, Сl "

III and IV degrees of fire resistance

classes C2, C3

V degree of fire resistance of all classes of fire hazard "80"

The width of the staircases must be not less than the width of the exit to the staircase from the most populated floor, but not less than 1 m.

If there are disabled people with disabilities in the musculoskeletal system, the width of the evacuation exit from the premises and from the corridor to the stairwell should be at least 0.9 m, the width of the flights of stairs should be at least 1.2 m.

1.19. The distance along the corridor from the door of the most remote room located between the stairwells or external exits (except for latrines, washrooms, showers, smoking rooms) to the nearest exit to the stairwell or outside should not exceed the value indicated in Table 3.

Table 3

Fire resistance


fire department

the dangers

Distance, m at human density

When exceeding the permissible distances between staircases, it is necessary to provide staircases of the 2nd or 3rd type in the inserts and inlays, smoke-free during a fire in industrial premises. In this case, it is allowed to provide evacuation exits from these stairwells to buildings (premises) of I - IV degrees of fire resistance of classes CO and Cl of categories G and D.

Note. The distance to the exit to the stairwell from the premises with exits to the dead end corridor should be reduced by half.

1.20. From the built-in rooms located in industrial buildings on mezzanines and platforms, it is allowed to provide exits to the production rooms via open stairs.

The distance from the exits from the built-in rooms to the exits to the outside should be taken in accordance with SNiP 31-03-01, depending on the category of the room for explosion and fire hazard.

1.21. The distance from any point of the room to the nearest evacuation exit from this room should not exceed, m, in buildings of constructive fire hazard classes:

СО - 25, Cl - 15, С2 - 12, С3 - 10.

1.22. The degree of fire resistance, the class of constructive fire hazard, the permissible height (in) and the floor area within the fire compartment of separately standing buildings, extensions5 and inserts should be taken according to Table 4.

"Administrative and domestic buildings"
   (approved by the resolution of the Gosstroy of the USSR of December 30, 1987 N 313)
   (as amended on May 14, 2001)

These standards apply to the design of administrative and domestic buildings * (1) with a height (according to SNiP 21-01-97) up to 50 m, including the attic floor and premises of enterprises.

These standards do not apply to the design of administrative buildings and public premises.

When designing buildings that are being rebuilt in connection with the expansion, reconstruction or technical re-equipment   enterprises, deviations from the requirements of these standards are allowed in terms of geometric parameters.

1. Space-planning and structural solutions

1.1 *. Architectural decisions of buildings should be taken taking into account urban planning, climatic conditions of the construction area and the nature of the surrounding buildings. Color decoration of interiors should be provided in accordance with GOST 14202-69 and GOST 12.4.026-76 *.
   At enterprises (in workshops and on sites) where it is possible to use the work of people with disabilities, the requirements for sanitary and special premises, the organization of work and rest regimes, and medical care, provided for by the "Unified Sanitary Rules for Enterprises (Production Associations), must be observed," shops and sections intended for the use of labor of disabled people and retirees of old age "of the USSR Ministry of Health (from 01.03.83 N 2672-83), as well as additional requirements specified in accordance constituent points of this code, depending on the type of disability.

1.2. Administrative and domestic premises of construction and installation organizations should, as a rule, be located in mobile buildings. It is allowed to use for these purposes buildings of buildings under construction and subject to demolition.

1.3. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe building should be determined in accordance with SNiP 31-03-01. The area of \u200b\u200bthe attic floor and attic rooms should be determined in accordance with Appendix 3 * SNiP 2.08.02-89 *.

1.4. The height of the rooms from floor to ceiling should be at least 2.5 m, in the climatic subareas IA, IB, IG, ID and IVA - at least 2.7 m. The height of the meeting rooms, dining rooms and administrative buildings with a capacity of more than 75 people. must be at least 3 m.

   1. The height of the premises in mobile buildings may be 2.4 m.
   2. The area of \u200b\u200bthe premises at a height of 2.4; 2.5 and 2.7 m with a permanent stay of workers should be increased by 7%.

1.5. The height from floor to bottom of the protruding structures of floors, equipment and communications, as well as the height from floor to ceiling in the corridors should be taken at least 2.2 m.
   The height of the technical floors should be taken taking into account the equipment being placed, engineering networks and their operating conditions; at the same time, in the places where the attendants pass, the cleanliness height should be at least 1.8 m.

1.6. Administrative and domestic premises can be located in the inserts and enclosures * (2) of industrial buildings of I, II, III degrees of fire resistance of the fire hazard class СО, IV degrees of fire resistance of all fire hazard classes of categories B, D and D.

1.7. In the built-in rooms * (3) of industrial buildings it is allowed to provide latrines, rooms for rest, heating or cooling, personal hygiene of women, hand baths, drinking water supply devices, washrooms, half showers, rooms for craftsmen and other personnel, which should be located close to the conditions of production workplaces, and in rooms of categories B, D and D - also smoking rooms.
   In buildings of the 4th degree of fire resistance of classes C2 and C3, built-in rooms (with the exception of latrines, personal hygiene of women, hand baths, drinking water supply devices, washing and half showers) are not allowed to be placed on external walls, on mezzanines and platforms.
   The height of the built-in rooms (from floor to ceiling) is allowed to take at least 2.4 m.

1.8. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lobby of the buildings should be taken at the rate of 0.2 m2, and at enterprises located in the Northern building and climate zone, 0.25 m2 per worker in the most numerous shift, but not less than 18 m2.

1.9 *. In multi-storey buildings, with a difference in the floor level of the lobby and the upper floor of 12 m or more, and also if there are rooms on the second floor and higher for disabled people using wheelchairs, lifts should be provided.
   The number of elevators should be taken as calculated and should be at least two; however, one of the elevators may be accepted by freight. One of the elevators must have a cabin depth of at least 2.1 m, a width of at least 1.1 m, and a doorway width of at least 0.85 m.
   It is allowed not to provide for the installation of elevators during the superstructure of the building with an attic floor with a floor mark of not more than 14 m and the absence of rooms used by disabled people in wheelchairs.

1.10. The width of the elevator hall with a single row arrangement of elevators must be at least 1.3 times the smallest depth of the elevator car, with a two-row arrangement - at least twice the lowest depth of the cabin of one of the elevators of the opposite row. Before elevators with a cabin depth of 2.1 m or more, the width of the hall should be at least 2.5 m.
   In the basement and basement, exits from the elevator shafts should be provided through the vestibule locks with air intake in case of fire. In buildings with two elevators, they can be placed in stairwells ...

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