1st thunderstorm action. A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm": description, characters, analysis of the work. "Thunderstorm" characters

The play "The Thunderstorm" was written in 1859. You can read summary“Thunderstorm” by action to get a better understanding of the conflict and storylines. The plot of the play is an episode from the life of the Kabanov family, namely, the meeting and the subsequent betrayal of his wife with a young man who came to the city.

This event becomes fatal not only for Katerina herself, but also for the whole family. Conflict is the collision of the "dark kingdom" with the need for a new life. This is not a classic but a realistic play.

The main characters of the drama

Main characters:

  • Katerina is a young girl, wife of Tikhon Kabanov. Modest, clean, correct. She acutely feels the injustice of the world around her.
  • Boris - a young man, "decently educated", came to his uncle, Savl Prokofievich Dikiy. In love with Katerina.
  • Kabanikha (Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova) is a wealthy merchant's wife, a widow. Powerful and oppressive woman, subordinates people to her will.
  • Tikhon Kabanov is Kabanikha's son and Katerina's husband. He acts as his mother wants, has no opinion.

Other characters:

  • Varvara is the daughter of Kabanikha. A willful girl who is not afraid of her mother.
  • Kudryash is Barbara's beloved.
  • Dikoy Savel Prokofievich - a merchant, an important person in the city. A rude and ill-mannered person.
  • Kuligin is a philistine obsessed with the ideas of progress.
  • The lady is half-mad.
  • Feklusha is a wanderer.
  • Glasha is the Kabanovs' servant.

"Thunderstorm" very short summary

The play takes place in the middle of the 19th century in the town of Kalinov on the banks of the Volga.

The main character of the play is a young married woman Katerina Kabanova, a kind and sensitive nature. She is married to an unloved man, Tikhon Kabanov. Katerina is deeply unhappy in the Kabanov family.

The head of the family is the wicked and domineering old woman Kabanikha, Tikhon's mother. Silly spineless Tikhon obeys his mother in everything.

Katerina falls in love with Boris, young man, who came from Moscow to his uncle, the merchant Dikiy. Katerina is tormented by the fact that she loves not her husband Tikhon, but Boris. Once Tikhon leaves the city for two weeks.

Varvara Kabanova, Tikhon's sister, sympathizes with the unfortunate Katerina. She helps Katerina meet with Boris. As a result, Katerina and Boris meet for 10 nights. Tikhon returns home ahead of time... Katerina does not see Boris and misses him. She is tormented by remorse. Unable to bear it, she tells her husband and mother-in-law the truth. Tikhon is ready to forgive Katerina for treason, but the evil Kabanikha will not allow this.

Meanwhile, Dikoy sends Boris on business to Siberia for three years. Boris obediently agrees with his uncle, because otherwise he will deprive Boris and his sister of the inheritance. Katerina asks Boris to take her with him to Siberia, but Boris is afraid of his uncle and leaves alone.

Heartbroken Katerina throws herself into the river. Seeing Katerina in the river, Tikhon wants to throw himself into the water to save her. But Kabanikha stops his son, threatening to curse him for saving his unfaithful wife. Katerina is drowning. When her body is carried ashore, Tikhon blames her mother Kabanikha for her death.

End of the play.

Another play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Dowry" was written in 1874-1878. We suggest reading on the phenomena in four acts. The work is a shining example of psychological realism in Russian literature.

Concise retelling of the play "The Thunderstorm"

The events take place in the first half of the 19th century, in the fictional Volga town of Kalinov. The first act is in a public garden on the high bank of the Volga. The local self-taught mechanic Kuligin talks with young people - Kudryash, the clerk of the rich merchant Dikiy, and the tradesman Shapkin - about the rough antics and tyranny of the Dykiy. Then Boris, Diky's nephew, appears, who, in response to Kuligin's questions, says that his parents lived in Moscow, educated him at the Commercial Academy, and both died during the epidemic.

He came to Dikoy, leaving his sister with his mother's relatives in order to receive part of his grandmother's inheritance, which Dikoy must give him according to his will, if Boris is respectful to him. Everyone assures him: on such conditions, Dikoy will never give him money. Boris complains to Kuligin that he can’t get used to life in the house of the Wild, Kuligin talks about Kalinov and ends his speech with the words: “Cruel manners, sir, in our city, cruel!”

Kalinovtsy disperse. Together with another woman, the wanderer Feklusha appears, praising the city for "blah-a-lepie", and the Kabanovs' house for its special generosity to the wanderers. "Kabanovs?" - Boris asks: "Prude, sir, clothe the beggars, and ate the family altogether," explains Kuligin. Kabanova comes out, accompanied by his daughter Varvara and son Tikhon with his wife Katerina. She grumbles at them, but finally leaves, letting the children walk down the boulevard. Varvara lets Tikhon go secretly from his mother to have a drink at a party and, left alone with Katerina, talks to her about domestic relations, about Tikhon. Katerina talks about her happy childhood in her parents' house, about her fervent prayers, about what she is experiencing in the church, imagining angels in a sunbeam falling from the dome, dreams of spreading her arms and flying and, finally, confesses that “something is wrong with her something".

Varvara guesses that Katerina has fallen in love with someone, and promises to arrange a date upon Tikhon's departure. This proposal horrifies Katherine. A crazy lady appears, threatening that "beauty is leading to the very pool", and prophesies hellish torments. Katerina is terribly frightened, and then "the thunderstorm is coming," she urges Varvara to pray home to the icons. The second action, which takes place in the Kabanovs' house, begins with Feklusha's conversation with the maid Glasha. The wanderer asks about the household chores of the Kabanovs and transmits fabulous stories about distant countries, where people with dog-headed heads "for infidelity," etc. Appearing Katerina and Varvara, collecting Tikhon on the road, continue the conversation about Katerina's hobby, Varvara calls the name of Boris, gives him a bow and persuades Katerina to sleep with her in the gazebo in the garden after Tikhon's departure.

Kabanikha and Tikhon come out, the mother tells her son to severely punish his wife how to live without him, Katerina is humiliated by these formal orders. But, left alone with her husband, she begs him to take her on a trip, after his refusal she tries to give him terrible oaths of allegiance, but Tikhon does not want to listen to them: "You never know what comes to mind ..." The returned Kabaniha orders Katerina to bow to her husband in legs. Tikhon leaves.

Varvara, leaving for a walk, informs Katerina that they will spend the night in the garden, and gives her the key to the gate. Katerina does not want to take it, then, after hesitating, hides it in her pocket. The next action takes place on a bench at the gate of the Kabanovsky house. Feklusha and Kabanikha talk about "the last times", Feklusha says that "for our sins" "the time has come to belittle", talks about railroad("They began to harness the fiery serpent"), about the vanity of Moscow life as a devilish obsession. Both are waiting for even worse times. Dikoy appears with complaints about his family, Kabanikha reproaches him for his erratic behavior, he tries to be rude to her, but she quickly stops it and takes him to the house for a drink and a snack. While Dikoy treats himself, Boris, sent by the Diky family, comes to find out where the head of the family is. After completing the assignment, he exclaims with anguish about Katerina: "If only with one eye to look at her!"

Returning Varvara tells him to come at night to the gate in the ravine behind the Kabanovsky garden. The second scene represents the youth’s nighttime stroll, Varvara comes out on a date to Kudryash and tells Boris to wait - “you’ll wait for something”. A meeting between Katerina and Boris takes place. After hesitations, thoughts of sin, Katerina is unable to resist the awakened love. “Why feel sorry for me - no one is to blame,” she went for it herself. Do not regret, ruin me! Let everyone know, let everyone see what I am doing (hugs Boris). If I was not afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of human judgment? " All the fourth action, which takes place on the streets of Kalinov, - on the gallery of a dilapidated building with the remains of a fresco representing fiery hell, and on the boulevard - takes place against the backdrop of a gathering and finally breaking out of a thunderstorm.

It starts to rain, and Dikoy and Kuligin enter the gallery, who begins to persuade Dikiy to give money to install a sundial on the boulevard. In response, Dikoy scolds him in every possible way and even threatens to declare him a robber. Having endured the abuse, Kuligin begins to ask for money for a lightning rod. At this point Dikoy confidently declares that it is a sin to defend against the thunderstorm sent as punishment "with poles and rods of some kind, God forgive me."

The stage is empty, then Varvara and Boris meet in the gallery. She reports on the return of Tikhon, Katerina's tears, Kabanikha's suspicions and expresses fear that Katerina will confess to her husband of treason. Boris begs to dissuade Katerina from confessing and disappears. Enter the rest of the KABANOVS. Katerina awaits with horror that she, who has not repented of her sin, will be killed by lightning, a mad lady appears, threatening with hellish flames, Katerina can no longer hold herself in place and publicly confesses to her husband and mother-in-law that she “walked” with Boris. Kabanikha gloatingly declares: “What, son! Where will the will lead; […] So I waited! " The last action is again on the high bank of the Volga. Tikhon complains to Kuligin about his family grief, about what his mother says about Katerina: “She must be buried alive in the ground so that she could be executed!” "And I love her, I'm sorry to touch her with a finger." Kuligin advises to forgive Katerina, but Tikhon explains that under Kabanikh this is impossible.

He speaks not without pity about Boris, whom his uncle sends to Kyakhta. The maid Glasha enters and reports that Katerina has disappeared from the house. Tikhon is afraid that “out of melancholy she might lay hands on herself!”, And together with Glasha and Kuligin leaves to look for a wife. Katerina appears, she complains about her desperate situation in the house, and most importantly, her terrible longing for Boris. Her monologue ends with a passionate spell: “My joy! My life, my soul, I love you! Respond! " Boris enters. She asks him to take her with him to Siberia, but realizes that Boris's refusal is caused by the complete impossibility of leaving with her. She blesses him on his way, complains about the oppressive life in the house, about her disgust for her husband.

Having said goodbye to Boris forever, Katerina alone begins to dream of death, of a grave with flowers and birds that "will fly to the tree, sing, and take children." "Live again?" she exclaims in horror. Approaching the cliff, she says goodbye to the departed Boris: “My friend! My joy! Goodbye!" and leaves. The stage is filled with alarmed people, in the crowd and Tikhon with his mother.

A shout is heard behind the stage: "The woman threw herself into the water!" Tikhon tries to run to her, but his mother does not let him in with the words: "I will curse if you go!" Tikhon falls to his knees. After a while, Kuligin brings in Katerina's body. “Here's your Katerina. Do what you want with her! Her body is here, take it; and the soul is not yours now; she is now before a judge who is more merciful than you! " Rushing to Katerina, Tikhon accuses his mother: "Mamma, you ruined her!" and, not paying attention to the menacing shouts of Kabanikha, falls on the corpse of his wife.

“Good for you, Katya! And why am I left to live in the world and suffer! " - with these words of Tikhon the play ends.

Read also: Ostrovsky began working on the play in the summer of 1881, on December 7, 1883, the comedy was completed, and is a classic example of melodrama. On our site you can read a summary of "" and get acquainted with the main characters of the comedy. The structure of the play combines features of comedy, realistic everyday and psychological drama.

Step 1

Kudryash and Kuligin talk about the beauty of nature, but their opinions are different. For Kudryash, landscapes are nothing, but they delight Kuligin. From afar, the men see Boris and the Wild, who is actively waving his arms. They start to gossip about Savl Prokofievich. Dikoy approaches them. He is unhappy with the appearance in the city of his nephew, Boris, and does not want to talk to him. From Boris's conversation with Savl Prokofievich, it becomes clear that, apart from Dikiy, Boris and his sister have no one else from their relatives.

To receive an inheritance after the death of his grandmother, Boris is forced to establish good relations with his uncle, but he does not want to give the money that Boris’s grandmother bequeathed to her grandson.

Boris, Kudryash and Kuligin discuss the difficult nature of the Wild. Boris admits that it is difficult for him to be in the city of Kalinovo, because he does not know the local customs. Kuligin believes that it is impossible to earn money here by honest labor. But if Kuligin had money, the man would spend it for the good of mankind, collecting perpeta-mobile. Feklusha appears, praising the merchants and life in general, saying: "We live in the promised land ...".

Boris feels sorry for Kuligin, he understands that the inventor's dreams of creating mechanisms useful for society will forever remain only dreams. Boris himself does not want to ruin his youth in this backwater: “driven out, downtrodden, and even foolishly decided to fall in love ...” with the one with whom he could not talk. This girl turns out to be Katerina Kabanova.

On stage Kabanova, Kabanov, Katerina and Varvara.

Kabanov speaks to his mother. This dialogue is shown as a typical conversation in this family. Tikhon was tired of his mother's lectures, but he still fawns at her. Kabanikha asks his son to acknowledge that his wife has become more important to him than his mother, as if Tikhon will soon cease to respect his mother altogether. Katerina, being present, denies the words of Marfa Ignatievna. Kabanova, with a vengeance, begins to slander herself, so that those around her convince her otherwise. Kabanova calls herself a hindrance to married life, but there is no sincerity in her words. In a moment, she takes control of the situation, accusing her son of being too soft: “Look at you! Will your wife be afraid of you after that? "

In this phrase, one can see not only her imperious character, but also her attitude towards her daughter-in-law and family life generally.

Kabanov admits that he has no will of his own. Marfa Ignatievna leaves. Tikhon complains about life, reproaching the despotic mother for everything. Varvara, his sister, replies that Tikhon himself is responsible for his life. After these words, Kabanov leaves for a drink to the Dikiy.

Katerina and Varvara have a heart-to-heart talk. “Sometimes it seems to me that I am a bird” - this is how Katya describes herself. She completely wilted in this society. This can be traced especially well against the background of her life before marriage. Katerina spent a lot of time with her mother, helped her, walked: “I lived, I didn’t grieve about anything, like a bird in the wild”. Katerina senses the approach of death; confesses that she no longer loves her husband. Varvara is worried about Katya's condition, and in order to improve her mood, Varvara decides to arrange a meeting with another person for Katerina.

The Barynya appears on the stage, she points to the Volga: “This is where beauty leads. Into the whirlpool ". Her words will turn out to be prophetic, although no one in the city believes her predictions. Katerina was frightened by the words spoken by the old woman, but Varvara was skeptical of them, since the Lady sees death in everything.

Kabanov returns. At that time, married women could not walk alone, so Katya had to wait for him to go home.

Step 2

Varvara sees the reason for Katerina's suffering in the fact that Katya's heart “has not left yet”, because the girl was married early. Katerina feels sorry for Tikhon, but she has no other feelings for him. Varvara noticed this long ago, but asks to hide the truth, because lies are the basis of the existence of the Kabanov family. Katerina is not used to living dishonestly, so she says that she will leave Kabanov if she can no longer be with him.

Kabanov urgently needs to leave for two weeks. The carriage is already ready, things are packed, all that remains is to say goodbye to the family. Tikhon orders Katerina to obey his mother, repeating phrases after Kabanikha: "tell her mother-in-law not to be rude ... to honor her mother-in-law like her own mother ... so that she does not sit idly ... so that she does not look at young guys!" This scene was humiliating for both Tikhon and his wife. Katya is confused by the words about other men. She asks her husband to stay or take her with him. Kabanov refuses his wife and is embarrassed for his mother's phrase about other men and Katerina. The girl anticipates impending disaster.

Tikhon, saying goodbye, bows to his mother at the feet, doing her will. Kabanikha does not like that Katerina said goodbye to her husband with hugs, because the man in the family is in charge, and she has become on a par with him. The girl has to bow to Tikhon at the feet.

Marfa Ignatievna says that the current generation does not know the rules at all. Kabanikha is unhappy that Katerina does not cry after her husband's departure. It's good when there are elders in the house: they can teach. She hopes not to live to see the time when all the old people die: "I don't know what the light will stand on ..."

Katya is left alone. She likes the silence, but at the same time she scares her. Silence for Katerina becomes not a rest, but a boredom. Katya regrets that she has no children, because she could be a good mother. Katerina again thinks about flights and freedom. The girl imagines how her life could turn out: “I will start some work on a promise; I’ll go to the seating yard, buy canvas, and I’ll sew linen, and then distribute it to the poor. They will pray to God for me. " Varvara goes for a walk, reporting that she has changed the lock on the gate in the garden. With the help of this little trick, Varvara wants to arrange a meeting with Boris for Katerina. Katerina blames Kabanikha for her misfortunes, but nevertheless does not want to succumb to the "sinful temptation" and secretly meet with Boris. She does not want to be led by her feelings and violate the sacred bonds of marriage.

Boris himself also does not want to go against the rules of morality, he is not sure that Katya has similar feelings for him, but he still wants to see the girl again.

Step 3

Feklusha and Glasha talk about moral principles. They are glad that Kabanikha's house is the last “paradise” on earth, because the rest of the city's residents have a real “sodom”. They also talk about Moscow. From the point of view of provincial women, Moscow is too hectic. Everything and everyone there seems to be in a fog, that's why the tired walk, and there is sadness in their faces.

A drunken Dikoy enters. He asks Marfa Ignatievna to talk to him in order to relieve his soul. He is unhappy that everyone is constantly asking him for money. Wild is especially annoyed by his nephew. At this time, Boris passes by the Kabanovs' house, he is looking for his uncle. Boris regrets that, being so close to Katerina, he cannot see her. Kuligin invites Boris for a walk. Young people talk about rich and poor. From Kuligin's point of view, the rich close their homes so that others do not see their violence against their relatives.

They see Varvara kissing Curly. She also informs Boris about the place and time of the upcoming meeting with Katya.

in a ravine under the garden of the Kabanovs Kudryash sings a song about a Cossack. Boris tells him about his feelings for a married girl, Ekaterina Kabanova. Varvara and Kudryash go to the banks of the Volga, leaving Boris to wait for Katya.

Katerina is frightened by what is happening, the girl chases Boris away, but he calms her down. Katerina is terribly nervous, confesses that she has no will of her own, because "now the will is over her ..." of Boris. In a fit of feelings, she hugs the young man: "if I was not afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of human judgment?" Young people confess their love to each other.

The hour of parting is close, as Kabanikha may wake up soon. The lovers agree to meet the next day. Kabanov unexpectedly returns.

Step 4

(events unfold 10 days after the third act)

Residents of the city walk along the gallery overlooking the Volga. It can be seen that a thunderstorm is approaching. On the walls of the destroyed gallery, one can discern the outlines of a picture of fiery hell, an image of the battle near Lithuania. Kuligin and Dikoy are talking in a raised voice. Kuligin enthusiastically talks about a good deed for everyone, asks Savl Prokofievich to help him. Dikoy refuses quite rudely: “so know that you are a worm. If I want - I will have mercy, if I want - I will crush ”. He does not understand the value of Kuligin's invention, namely a lightning rod with which it will be possible to obtain electricity.

Everyone leaves, the stage is empty. Thunder is heard again.

Katerina more and more premonitions that she will soon die. Kabanov, noticing the strange behavior of his wife, asks her to repent of all sins, but Varvara quickly ends this conversation. Boris comes out of the crowd, greets Tikhon. Katerina turns pale even more. The boar may suspect something, so Varvara gives a signal to Boris to leave.

Kuligin urges not to be afraid of the elements, because it is not she who kills, but grace. Nevertheless, residents continue to discuss the impending storm, which "will not pass in vain." Katya tells her husband that a storm will kill her today. Neither Varvara nor Tikhon understands Katerina's inner torment. Varvara advises to calm down and pray, and Tikhon offers to go home.

The Lady appears, addresses Katya with the words: “Where are you hiding, stupid? You cannot leave God! ... in a whirlpool it is better with beauty! Yes, hurry up! " In a frenzy, Katerina confesses her sin to both her husband and mother-in-law. All those ten days when her husband was not at home, Katya secretly met with Boris.

Step 5

Kabanov and Kuligin are discussing Katerina's confession. Tikhon again shifts part of the blame to Kabanikha, who wants to bury Katya alive. Kabanov could forgive his wife, but he is afraid of his mother's anger. The Kabanov family fell apart completely: even Varvara fled with Kudryash.

Glasha informs about the disappearance of Katerina. Everyone goes in search of the girl.

Katerina is alone on stage. She thinks that she has ruined both herself and Boris. Katya sees no reason to live on, asks for forgiveness and calls her beloved. Boris came to the call of the girl, he is gentle and affectionate with her. But Boris needs to go to Siberia, and he cannot take Katya with him. The girl asks him to give alms to those in need and pray for his soul, convincing that she has not planned anything bad. After saying goodbye to Boris, Katerina rushes into the river.

People shout that some girl threw herself from the shore into the water. Kabanov realizes that it was his wife, so he wants to jump after her. The boar stops her son. Kuligin brings Katerina's body. She is as beautiful as she was in life, only a small drop of blood appeared on her temple. “Here's your Katerina. Do whatever you want with her! Her body is here, take it; but now your soul is not yours: it is now before a judge who is more merciful than you! "

The play ends with Tikhon's words: “Good for you, Katya! And for some reason I remained to live in the world and suffer! ".


The work "The Thunderstorm" by AN Ostrovsky can be called one of the main plays among the entire creative path of the writer. Social and everyday topics, of course, were close to the viewer of that time, as they are today. However, against the background of all these details, a difficult drama unfolds, but a real tragedy that ends with the death of the main character. The plot, at first glance, is uncomplicated, but only Katerina's feelings for Boris, the novel "The Thunderstorm" is not limited. In parallel, you can trace several plot lines, and, accordingly, several conflicts that are implemented at the level of minor characters. This feature of the play is fully consistent with the realistic principles of generalization.

From the retelling of "The Thunderstorms" it is easy to draw a conclusion about the nature of the conflict and the content, but for a more detailed understanding of the text, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the full version of the work.

The plot of Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorms" in 3 minutes

The events of the play take place in the middle of the 19th century in the town of Kalinov on the banks of the Volga.

Step 1

Residents of the city hear how the greedy and evil merchant Dikoy scolds his nephew Boris. When Dikoy leaves, Boris confesses to his friend Kuligin that he endures the Dikoy's abuse for the sake of inheritance. Boris and his sister will receive the inheritance of Uncle Dikiy if they obey him in everything. Left alone, Boris thinks about Katerina Kabanova, a married woman with whom he is in love. At this time, the merchant's wife Kabanikha goes for a walk with her daughter Varvara, son Tikhon and his wife Katerina Kabanova. Kabanikha reproaches her son that, having married, he ceased to love his mother, as before. Tikhon calms his mother, and she leaves. Tikhon himself goes to visit the Wild. Varvara and Katerina are left alone. Katerina confesses to Varvara that she loves another person, not her husband Tikhon. Katerina believes that this is a sin and worries about it. Barbara calms her down.

Step 2

Tikhon is going to go to the city for 2 weeks. Katerina and Tikhon say goodbye in private. Katerina asks her husband not to leave her or to take her with him, but Tikhon refuses. After saying goodbye, he leaves. Varvara wants to help Katerina meet her beloved Boris. To do this, the cunning Varvara steals the key to the gate from Kabanikha's mother and gives it to Katerina. Now Katerina can secretly go on a date with Boris. Katerina is afraid to deceive her husband, but at the same time she really wants to see Boris.

Step 3

Her godfather, the merchant Wild, comes to visit Kabanikha. He asks Kabanikha to talk to him in order to relieve his heart. The greedy Dikoy admits that he always regrets paying money to the workers, even if they have earned it. Meanwhile, Boris approaches Kabanikha's house, hoping to see Katerina living here. Here he sees Varvara, who informs him that someone is waiting for him at the ravine. Arriving at the place, Boris sees his beloved Katerina. They confess their love to each other and leave to be alone. Varvara and Kudryash also retire. After that, all four agree to meet again tomorrow.

Step 4

Ten days pass. Varvara meets Boris and informs him that Tikhon has returned home ahead of schedule, and Katerina is behaving strangely. Meanwhile, Kabanikha with his son Tikhon and Katerina walk around the city and meet Boris. Seeing him, Katerina screams and sobs. Varvara hints to Boris to leave. People on the street say there will be a heavy thunderstorm, which is likely to start a fire or kill someone. Hearing this, Katerina tells her husband Tikhon that the storm will kill her. A "half-crazy lady" passes by Katerina, who suddenly calls Katerina a sinner. Unable to hide the truth, Katerina confesses to her husband Tikhon and mother-in-law Kabanikha that she went on dates with Boris for 10 nights.

Step 5

Tikhon meets Kuligin on the street and tells him the news: Varvara ran away from home with Kudryash, Katerina behaves strangely, Dikoy sends Boris to another city for three years. Kuligin advises Tikhon to forgive Katerina. But Tikhon explains that his mother, Kabanikha, will not allow this, and he obeys his mother in everything. Immediately Tikhon hears from the maid that Katerina has left home. Tikhon goes to look for her. Meanwhile, Katerina walks through the city and sees Boris. He says goodbye to her, since he needs to go to Siberia on business on the orders of Uncle Dikiy. They say goodbye. Heartbroken Katerina tells herself that she wants to die. Kabanikha, Tikhon Kabanov and other heroes are looking for Katerina in the city. Suddenly Katerina is found in the river. Tikhon wants to throw himself into the water to save her. But Kabanikha stops her son. She promises to curse him if he rushes to save his wife. Finally, Katerina's body is carried ashore. Tikhon rushes to his dead wife and blames his mother, Kabanikha, for everything.

This is interesting: Ostrovsky wrote the play "" in 1849. The original titles of the comedy were "The Insolvent Debtor" and "Bankrupt". The play was written within the framework of realism. In the comedy, Ostrovsky ridicules the Moscow merchant society of that time, exposing the lack of spirituality and soullessness of people living by the laws of deception.

Video summary of Ostrovsky's Thunderstorms

The work caused a great resonance not only in the theatrical, but also in the literary environment. The prototype of the main character was the theater actress Lyubov Kositskaya, who later played the role of Katerina.

Events take place in the first half of the 19th century, in the fictional Volga the town of Kalinov... The first act is in a public garden on the high bank of the Volga. Local self-taught mechanic Kuligin talks with young people - Kudryash, the clerk of the rich merchant Dikiy, and the tradesman Shapkin - about the rude antics and tyranny of the Dykiy. Then Boris, Diky's nephew, appears, who, in response to Kuligin's questions, says that his parents lived in Moscow, educated him at the Commercial Academy, and both died during the epidemic. He came to Dikoy, leaving his sister with his mother's relatives in order to receive part of his grandmother's inheritance, which Dikoy must give him according to his will, if Boris is respectful to him. Everyone assures him: on such conditions, Dikoy will never give him money. Boris complains to Kuligin that he can’t get used to life in the house of the Wild, Kuligin talks about Kalinov and ends his speech with the words: "Cruel manners, sir, in our city, cruel!"

Kalinovtsy disperse. Together with another woman, the wanderer Feklusha appears, praising the city for "blah-a-lepie", and the Kabanovs' house for its special generosity to the wanderers. "Kabanovs?" - Boris asks: "Prude, sir, clothe the beggars, and ate the family altogether," explains Kuligin. Kabanova comes out, accompanied by her daughter Varvara and son Tikhon and his wife Katerina. She grumbles at them, but finally leaves, allowing the children to walk along the boulevard. Varvara lets Tikhon go secretly from his mother to have a drink at a party and, left alone with Katerina, talks to her about domestic relations, about Tikhon. Katerina talks about her happy childhood in her parents' house, about her fervent prayers, about what she is experiencing in the temple, imagining angels in a sunbeam falling from the dome, dreams of spreading her arms and flying and, finally, confesses that "something is wrong with her. something". Varvara guesses that Katerina has fallen in love with someone, and promises to arrange a date upon Tikhon's departure. This proposal horrifies Katherine. A crazy lady appears, threatening that "beauty is leading to the very pool", and prophesies hellish torment. thunderstorm comes in ", she urges Varvara home to pray for the images.

The second action taking place in the house Kabanovs, begins with Feklusha's conversation with the maid Glasha. The wanderer asks about the household chores of the Kabanovs and transmits fabulous stories about distant countries, where people with dog-headed heads "for infidelity," etc. Katerina and Varvara who appear, collecting Tikhon on the road, continue the conversation about Katerina's hobby, Varvara calls the name of Boris, reports bow from him and persuades Katerina to sleep with her in the gazebo in the garden after Tikhon's departure. Kabanikha and Tikhon come out, the mother tells her son to severely punish his wife how to live without him, Katerina is humiliated by these formal orders. But, left alone with her husband, she begs him to take her on a trip, after his refusal she tries to give him terrible oaths of allegiance, but Tikhon does not want to listen to them: "You never know what comes to mind ..." The returned Kabanikha orders Katerina to bow her husband's feet. Tikhon leaves. Varvara, leaving for a walk, informs Katerina that they will spend the night in the garden, and gives her the key to the gate. Katerina does not want to take it, then, after hesitating, hides it in her pocket.

The next action takes place on a bench at the gate of the Kabanovsky house. Feklusha and Boar talk about "the last times", Feklusha says that "for our sins" "the time began to be belittled," talks about the railroad ("they began to harness the fiery serpent"), about the bustle of Moscow life as a devilish obsession. Both are waiting for even worse times. Dikoy appears with complaints about his family, Kabanikha reproaches him for his erratic behavior, he tries to be rude to her, but she quickly stops it and takes him to the house for a drink and a snack. While Dikoy treats himself, Boris, sent by the Diky family, comes to find out where the head of the family is. After completing the assignment, he exclaims with anguish about Katerina: “If only with one eye to look at her!” Returning Varvara tells him to come at night to the gate in the ravine behind the Kabanovsky garden.

The second scene represents the youth’s nighttime stroll, Varvara comes out on a date to Kudryash and tells Boris to wait - “you’ll wait for something”. There is a meeting between Katerina and Boris. After hesitations, thoughts of sin, Katerina is unable to resist the awakened love. "Why feel sorry for me - no one is to blame, - she went for that. Do not regret, ruin me! Let everyone know, let everyone see what I am doing (hugs Boris). If I was not afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of human judgment ? ".

All the fourth action, which takes place on the streets of Kalinov, - on the gallery of a dilapidated building with the remains of a fresco representing fiery hell, and on the boulevard - takes place against the backdrop of a gathering and finally breaking out of a thunderstorm. It starts to rain, and Dikoy and Kuligin enter the gallery, who begins to persuade Dikiy to give money to install a sundial on the boulevard. In response, Dikoy scolds him in every possible way and even threatens to declare him a robber. Having endured the abuse, Kuligin begins to ask for money for a lightning rod. Here Dikoy confidently declares that it is a sin to defend against a thunderstorm sent as punishment "with poles and rods, God forgive me. The stage is empty, then Varvara and Boris meet in the gallery. She informs about the return of Tikhon, Katerina's tears, Kabanikha's suspicions and expresses fear that Katerina will confess to her husband of treason. Boris begs to dissuade Katerina from confessing and disappears. Enter the rest of the KABANOVS. Katerina awaits with horror that she, who has not repented of her sin, will be killed by lightning, a mad lady appears, threatening with hellish flames, Katerina cannot strengthen herself any longer and publicly confesses to her husband and mother-in-law that she “walked” with Boris. Kabanikha gloatingly declares: "What, son! Where will the will go; [...] So he waited!"

The last action is again on the high bank of the Volga. Tikhon complains to Kuligin about his family grief, about what his mother says about Katerina: "She must be buried alive in the ground so that she is executed!" "And I love her, I'm sorry to touch her with a finger." Kuligin advises to forgive Katerina, but Tikhon explains that under Kabanikh this is impossible. He speaks not without pity about Boris, whom his uncle sends to Kyakhta. The maid Glasha enters and reports that Katerina has disappeared from the house. Tikhon is afraid that “out of longing, she has laid hands on herself!”, And together with Glasha and Kuligin leaves to look for a wife.

Katerina appears, she complains about her desperate situation in the house, and most importantly, her terrible longing for Boris. Her monologue ends with a passionate spell: "My joy! My life, my soul, I love you! Respond!" Boris enters. She asks him to take her with him to Siberia, but realizes that Boris's refusal is caused by the complete impossibility of leaving with her. She blesses him on his way, complains about the oppressive life in the house, about her disgust for her husband. Having said goodbye to Boris forever, Katerina alone begins to dream of death, of a grave with flowers and birds that "will fly to the tree, sing, and take children." "Live again?" she exclaims in horror. Approaching the cliff, she says goodbye to the departed Boris: "My friend! My joy! Farewell!" and leaves.

The stage is filled with alarmed people, in the crowd and Tikhon with his mother. A shout is heard behind the stage: "The woman threw herself into the water!" Tikhon tries to run to her, but his mother does not let him in with the words: "I will curse if you go!" Tikhon falls to his knees. After a while, Kuligin brings in Katerina's body. "Here's your Katerina. Do with her what you want! Her body is here, take it; and your soul is not yours now; it is now before a judge who is more merciful than you!"

Rushing to Katerina, Tikhon accuses his mother: "Mamma, you ruined her!" and, not paying attention to the menacing shouts of Kabanikha, falls on the corpse of his wife. "It's good for you, Katya! But why did I stay in the world and suffer!" - with these words of Tikhon the play ends.

Step 1

Public garden on the banks of the Volga.

Phenomenon 1

Kuligin is sitting on a bench, Kudryash and Shapkin are walking. Kuligin admires the Volga. They hear Dikoy scolding his nephew in the distance. Discuss it. Kudryash says that Boris Grigorievich is complaining1 about the humility of the inhabitants, that there is no one Dikiy in a dark alley. Shapkin notes that except, which does the same thing, but under the guise of piety. He adds that it was not for nothing that Dikoy wanted Curlyash to be a soldier. Kudryash replies that Dikoy is afraid of him, since he understands that he is his own head. He regrets that the Wild has no adult daughters, otherwise he would have it.

Phenomenon 2

Dikoy and Boris appear. Dikoy scolds Boris, he obediently listens, Dikoy leaves.

Phenomenon 3

Boris tells those present about his family and home circumstances. Boris's grandmother (Dikiy's mother and Boris's father) took a dislike to him because he married. Daughter-in-law and mother-in-law did not get along as well as daughter-in-law. We moved to Moscow, where they raised their children, without denying them anything. Boris studied at the Commercial Academy, and his sister at a boarding school. The parents died of cholera. The grandmother in the city of Kalinovo also died, leaving her grandchildren an inheritance that their uncle must pay them when they come of age, but only on the condition that they will be respectful to him. Kuligin notes that neither Boris nor his sister can see the inheritance, since nothing will prevent the Dikiy from saying that they were disrespectful. Boris does, but does not receive a salary - they will be disappointed at the end of the year, as Dikiy pleases. All households are afraid of the Wild - he scolds everyone, but no one dares to answer him. Kudryash recalls how Dikoy was cursed by the hussar on the ferry, to whom he could not answer in kind, and how then Dikoy took out his anger at home for several days. Boris says that he cannot get used to the local order. Kuligin replies: Kuligin recalls that Dikoy answered the mayor when he came to him on complaints from workers that they were being counted incorrectly:
Feklusha appears with another woman. Feklusha says what is around, what, blesses, and especially. They go.
Kuligin says about Kabanikha that she,. Then he adds that for the general benefit he is looking for a perpetuum mobile (perpetual motion machine), wondering where to get money for a model.

Phenomenon 4

Boris (one) says about Kuligin that he is a good person -. She grieves that she will have to ruin her youth in this wilderness, that.

Phenomenon 5

Katerina, Varvara, Tikhon and Kabanikha appear. The boar nags his son, that his wife is dearer to him than his mother, that try his mother-in-law. Tikhon tries to dissuade her. Katerina enters into the conversation, but Kabanikha interrupts her, complains about Tikhon that he does not keep his wife in fear. Tikhon answers:. Kabanova reproaches her son that he is. He replies: Kabanova notices that if his wife is not kept in fear, she can have a lover.

Phenomenon 6

Tikhon reproaches Katerina that he always gets it from his mother because of her. Left unattended by his mother, Tikhon wants to go to Dikiy for a drink. Leaves.

Phenomenon 7

Katerina and Varvara are left alone.

Katerina! Katerina recalls the time when she lived with her parents - she went to fetch water, watered flowers, then went to church with pilgrims and pilgrims - She had extraordinary dreams in which they sang, smelled of cypress, etc. Katerina tells Varvara that she has the feeling that she is facing an abyss, she senses trouble. She confesses that she has sin on her mind. Varvara says that after Tikhon's departure she will think of something. Katerina shouts:

Phenomenon 8

A half-mad lady appears with two footmen, shouts that beauty leads into the abyss, into the pool, points to the Volga, threatens the fiery hell.

Phenomenon 9

Katerina is scared. Varvara calms her down, says that she is a lady. Thunderstorm, it starts to rain. Katerina is frightened, she and Varvara run away.
Step 2

A room in the Kabanovs' house.

Phenomenon 1

Feklusha and Glasha are talking. Glasha says that he asks what would they not live in the world. Feklusha replies that in the world it is impossible without sin, says that sin is found behind her too - he loves. Says that. Tells that there are countries where. Feklusha leaves, Glasha speaks approvingly of the wanderers who talk about everything.

Phenomenon 2

Katerina tells Varvara how she was offended by something in childhood and she ran out to the Volga, got into a boat, and in the morning she was found ten miles away. Then he confesses to Varvara that he loves Boris. Varvara says that he also likes Katerina, but it's a pity to see him nowhere. Katerina is frightened, shouts that she will not exchange her Tisha "for anyone. Varvara argues with her what can be done. Katerina assures her that if she is disgusted with life here, she will not be held back by anything - she will either throw herself out the window, or in the Volga Varvara says that as Tikhon leaves, she is calling Katerina with her.

Phenomenon 3

Enter Kabanikha and Tikhon, who is getting ready for the journey. Kaba-niha tells him to order his wife how to live without him, then she herself gives instructions, Tikhon repeats after her. He leaves with Varvara.

Phenomenon 4

Katerina asks Tikhon not to leave. He replies: Katerina then asks her to take with him. Tikhon refuses, explaining that he needs to take a break from scandals and all the family. Katerina begs her husband to take a terrible oath from her, falls on his knees in front of him, he lifts her up, does not listen, says that it is a sin.

Phenomenon 5

Kabanikha, Varvara and Glasha arrive. Tikhon leaves, Katerina says goodbye to him, Kabanova makes her bow to her husband at the feet.

Phenomenon 6

The boar is alone. He complains that the old people are deduced, that there is no longer the former respect for the old. Young people, in her opinion, do not know how, and still want to live by their own will.

Phenomenon 7

Kabanikha reproaches Katerina for not saying goodbye to her husband as it should. ... Katerina replies that she doesn't know how and doesn't want to make people laugh.

Phenomenon 8

Katerina alone complains that she has no children. She regrets that she did not die in childhood, then she would fly like a butterfly from Flower to flower, etc. She is going to wait for Tikhon.

Phenomenon 9

Varvara tells Katerina that she took time off to sleep in the garden, where there is a gate, the key to which Kabanikha usually hides, then adds that she took this key away, and put another in its place. Gives this key to Katherine. Katerina shouts: but she takes the key.

Phenomenon 10

Katerina alone argues with herself, holding the key in her hand, wants to throw it, but then hides it in her pocket. Decides to see Boris, while there.
Step 3

Street at the gates of the Kabanovs' house.

Phenomenon 1

Feklusha tells Kabanikha that the last times have come, that in other cities: noise, running around, driving incessantly. He says that in Moscow everyone is in a hurry, and so on. Kabanova agrees with Feklusha, declares that she will never go there for anything.

Phenomenon 2

Dikoy appears. Kabanova asks that he wanders so late. Wild drunk, arguing with Kabanikha, she rebuffs him. Dikoy asks her for forgiveness, explains that he was angry in the morning: the workers began to demand payment of the money owed to them. ... Complains of his irascibility, which brings him to the point that later he has to ask for forgiveness. Dikoy leaves.

Phenomenon 3

Boris tells Glasha that he was sent from home for Dikim. Sighs that he cannot see Katerina in any way. Kuli-gin appears, admires the weather, beautiful places, then adds that, that. The poor have no time to walk, but the rich sit behind closed gates, the dogs guard the house so that no one sees how they rob orphans, relatives, nephews. Curly and Varvara appear and kiss. Kudryash leaves, followed by Kuligin.

Phenomenon 4

Varvara makes an appointment for Boris in the ravine behind the Kabanovs' garden.

Night, the ravine behind the Kabanovs' garden.

Phenomenon 1

Kudryash plays the guitar and sings a song about a free Cossack.

Phenomenon 2

Boris appears. Arguments with Kudryash over a place for a date. Then he tells Kudryasha that he loves a married woman, who, when she prays in church, looks like an angel. Kudryash guesses what it is, says that, notices that.

Phenomenon 3

Varvara comes, she and Kudryash go for a walk. Boris and Katerina are left alone. Katerina: She accuses Boris of ruining her, she is afraid of the future. Boris urges her not to think about the future,. Katerina confesses that she loves Boris.

Phenomenon 4-5

Kudryash and Varvara come and ask if the lovers have managed. Those answer in the affirmative are removed. Kudryash praises the idea of ​​climbing the garden gate. After a while Boris and Katerina return. Having agreed on a new date, everyone disperses.
Step 4

A narrow gallery of a building that began to collapse, along the walls of which scenes of the Last Judgment are depicted.

Phenomenon 1

It is raining, walkers run into the gallery, discuss the images on the walls.

Phenomenon 2

Kuligin and Dikoy appear. Kuligin is trying to persuade Dikiy to donate money for the installation of a sundial on the boulevard. He scolds Kuligin, tries to get rid of him, says:. Kuligin explains to Dikiy that it is necessary to install several lightning rods in the city. Dikoy shouts that a thunderstorm is God's punishment, and not at all, calls Kuligin an atheist and a Tatar. Kuligin leaves with nothing, muttering to himself that he must submit, and promising that they will talk when he has a million. The rain ends.

Phenomenon 3

Boris and Varvara are discussing the latest news - Tikhon has arrived. Varvara informs that Katerina has become not herself,. Varvara is afraid that she is. The thunderstorm starts again.

Phenomenon 4

Kabanikha, Tikhon, Katerina and Kuligin appear.

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky is a great Russian writer and playwright. His work had a huge impact on the development of Russian theater. One of his most important plays, The Thunderstorm, was written in 1859. The characters of the work are divided into two groups: tyrants and those who obey them. The tyrants do not see anything shameful in their rude attitude towards others, but, on the contrary, believe that they are doing everything right. Because of this, many contradictions develop between the heroes, which ultimately lead to a tragic outcome of events. The many-wise Lytrecon compiled a short but detailed retelling of the play by actions, which will help you understand the plot and the main events of the work presented in the abbreviation.

Kalinov town, summer, Volga river bank. Self-taught watchmaker Kuligin, Dikiy Kudryash, the clerk, and Shapkin, a tradesman, are talking about nature. Kuligin is enchanted by the beautiful view, while Kudryash remains indifferent to nature. They are interrupted by the merchant Savel Prokofievich Dikoy, not far from them quarreling with his nephew Boris. The topic of the conversation changed to a discussion of the behavior of the Wild.

Savel Prokofievich enters with his nephew. He also continues to scold Boris, reproach him for parasitism and parasitism, after which he leaves.

Kuligin asks Boris why he tolerates such an attitude towards himself from his uncle. Boris says that he has a younger sister. After they were orphaned, only an uncle remained from the family. Although the late grandmother left them an inheritance, they can only receive it if they respectfully and helpfully treat the Wild. Curly, for a long time Knowing Savel Prokofievich, I am sure that with such "impossible" conditions Boris will not see money in his life. Dikoy will always find something to find fault with.

Kudryash and Shapkin leave. Kuligin and Boris continue to discuss the tyranny of the Wild. Kuligin also mentions the merchant Kabanikha, saying that she is a real tyrant.

The topic of the conversation changes again. Kuligin talks about his dream - a perpetuum mobile. He dreams of finding him, but he has no opportunity.

Boris is left alone. He laments his ruined youth and laments that he has recklessly fell in love with a married lady. After leaving.
The Kabanov family appears. Kabanikha chastises his adult son Tikhon for disobedience, teaches him how to treat his wife Katerina. Having scolded enough, she goes home.

Tikhon attacks his wife with accusations, claiming that it is she who is the cause of his mother's anger. His sister Barbara protects Katerina, and he goes to Dikiy to have another glass.

Left alone with Varya, Katya complains about her life, tells how glorious her life was before. She also confesses that she is in love with another. Varvara consoles her, invites her to wait for the moment when Tikhon leaves the city, then they will come up with something.

A lady comes, who threatens the girls that beauty and youth will destroy them, while pointing at the Volga. Katerina takes this lady's words too literally, and Varvara hastens to reassure her again. Meanwhile, a thunderstorm is approaching, which Katerina is very afraid of.

Tikhon returns from the Wild, and they all go home together.

Action Two: The tie

House of the Kabanovs. The servant Glasha puts Tikhon's things on the road, and the wanderer Feklusha shares with her stories about foreign lands, which she herself never visited, but heard a lot about them, and then leaves.
Varvara and Katerina appear. Varvara instructs Glasha to carry the luggage to the arrived crew.

The girls, left alone, again raise the topic of Katerina's feelings. Varvara suspects whom she is not indifferent to, and Katya confirms her guesses. The subject of her sighs is Boris. Varya warns Katerina not to reveal her secret to anyone. Katya, in turn, claims that she does not know how to lie at all and will continue to endure as long as possible. Varvara, surprised by such a statement, asks what she is going to do if she gets tired of this pretense. Katerina answers without a shadow of a doubt:

“And if I get very sick of it here, they won't hold me back by any force. I'll throw myself out the window, throw myself into the Volga. I don’t want to live here, I don’t want to, even though you cut me! ”.

Varya has a proposal. She wants to sleep in the garden with Katya in the absence of her brother, since her mother will not allow her alone. Kabanikha and her son enter. She forces him to give punishment to his wife, as she is obliged to behave during his departure. Marfa Ignatievna literally dictates lectures to him, and he echoes them to Katerina without reproach. Tikhon punishes his wife to obey and honor his mother, not to mess around and not look at other people's men. The satisfied Kabanikha leaves with Varya, leaving her husband and wife alone to say goodbye.

Kabanov begins to apologize to Katya. She begs not to leave her alone and asks to take her with her. But Tikhon refuses. Katya has a presentiment that her husband's departure will not end well. She begs him to take an oath promise from her that she will remain faithful to him. The husband is surprised at his wife's mood.

Kabanova enters, hurrying her son on the road. Tikhon begins to say goodbye to his family. Kabanikha here shows him what to do, forcing him to bow at her feet. Later, she swears at Katerina for hugging her husband, and not bowing to him. As soon as Tikhon leaves, the merchant's wife begins to scold Katya that she is wrongly escorting her husband on a long journey.

Left alone, Katya is annoyed that she has no children, they would brighten up her loneliness. So that bad thoughts do not clog her head, she decides to sew underwear for the poor.

Varvara arrives with the key to the gate in the backyard. The boar always carefully hides him, but Vary managed to steal him and replace him with another. Leaving for a walk, she says that if she meets Boris, she will ask him to come to this very gate in the evening. Katerina is frightened by this proposal, she wants to throw the key as far as possible. Katya ponders whether to throw out the key or hide it anyway. The temptation to meet with Boris overcomes her, and she dares to leave the key.

Action Three: Development of Action

At her house, Marfa Ignatievna and Feklusha discuss the pace of life in Moscow and Kalinov. Feklusha believes that the capital is too hectic and hurried, and praises the completely opposite Kalinov.

A tipsy Dikoy arrives. At first, he exchanged a couple of "pleasantries" with Kabanikha, but then, having come to his senses, he began to make excuses, claiming that the reason for his crappy mood was the workers, who had come to him early in the morning to ask for their well-deserved salary. After that, they go into the house to continue to feast.

Boris appears, looking for his uncle. Having made sure that he is visiting Kabanikha, Boris is saddened that he very rarely sees Katerina. Kuligin walks past him. He complains that in this city despotism, debauchery and drunkenness are hidden behind the high fences of estates. During the conversation, they see young people kissing. This is Varya and Kudryash. Kuligin hurries to leave, and Varvara, going up to Boris, invites him to come to the gate at night.

Approaching the established meeting place at sunset, Boris meets the singing Kudryash there. A verbal skirmish ensues between them, because Kudryash at first thought that Boris had come to his beloved. But he confesses to Kudryash that he is not going to beat off his lady-in-heart, he loves Katerina. Kudryash tries to convince him that it is better for him to leave the married lady, otherwise he will completely ruin her.

Varvara appears, takes Curly and goes to the river. Katerina silently descends the path, covered with a handkerchief. Boris immediately confesses his love for her. She rushes about, first scolds Boris, tries to drive him away, but then gives up under the onslaught of her feelings. She reports that the spouse will be away for two weeks, and they can see each other every night during this time.

Varya and Kudryash are returning. Varvara is glad that her date plan was a success. Couples in love, having agreed on the next meeting, disperse.

Act Four: Climax

10 days have passed. Not far from the Volga, residents of the city walk, but the rain begins to interfere with them, and they have to hide from it under the arches of an old building. Among them are Dikoy and Kuligin. Kuligin asks the merchant for materials for the clock, which he wants to install on the boulevard, so that everyone can know the time. Dikoy, as usual, is unhappy and swears. Then Kuligin decides to ask for funds for the lightning rods. Savel Prokofievich is even more angry, claiming that thunderstorms were sent to people as punishment from heaven, and no lightning rod is needed. The rain stops, the people disperse.

Varya comes. Boris appears immediately after her. Varvara stuns him with the news: her brother unexpectedly returned home a little earlier than planned. Because of this, Katerina "did not become herself". Kabanova began to guess about something, and Varya is worried that Katya herself would not tell them everything.

The clouds begin to thicken again. More and more people appear under cover, among them the Kabanov family in full force. Katya, seized with fear because of the coming bad weather and the current situation, languishes with torments of conscience. The husband tries to calm her down, but Kabanikha only teases. Noticing Boris, Katerina trembles, she is seized with even greater fear. Kuligin appears and also tries to calm the girl down, after which he leaves with Boris.

People are talking. One of them inadvertently throws a phrase that this thunderstorm will surely destroy someone. Katya is convinced that this person will be her. An elderly lady appears, Katerina is frightened by her and hides. The same one again begins to rave about the fact that it is beauty that will cause the death of a young girl. Katerina loses control over her feelings, she can no longer bear the stress and repent of her family's deed. Tikhon seeks to calm her down, Varya justifies Katya with all her might, and Kabanova only sneers and gloats: now she can grumble enough.

Action Five: Decoupling

Kuligin, resting in a public garden, meets Tikhon. A conversation ensues about a recent incident. From their conversation it turns out that Tikhon is both angry and sorry for his wife. The atmosphere in the house is also darkened thanks to Kabanikha. She is beside herself with what has happened. Kabanov admits that he beat Katya for what he had done, but only at the behest of his mother. He says that she herself would have buried Katherine alive.

Kuligin thinks that Kabanov should start thinking with his own head and not be led by Marfa Ignatievna. But Tikhon himself does not want to take on any responsibility, it is more convenient for him to live:

“No, they say, their own mind. And, therefore, live a century as a stranger. I'll take and drink the last one as it is; then let mama be with me like a fool and babysit ”.

During their conversation, it turns out that Dikoy is sending Boris off as punishment to the north for three years. Kabanov also speaks of his sister's escape from the tyranny of her mother. Apparently, Varya ran away with her beloved Curly, and no one can find him anywhere. Glasha arrives with news of Katerina's disappearance. Men rush to find her.

Katerina appears. She is confused, looking for Boris. The thought of death slips through her again. Boris arrives and informs her of his departure. She wishes to escape from this ill-fated and dark place with him, but Boris insists that this is unacceptable. Katerina cries about the present life in the family, which has become absolutely unbearable and painful. She begs her beloved on the way not to miss a single beggar, to help everyone and ask them to pray for her. It's time to say goodbye. Boris, seeing how his beloved suffers, reflects on her death:

"Only one thing and we must ask God, that she died as soon as possible, so that she does not suffer for a long time!"

The girl is alone again. She is completely at a loss, has no idea how to continue to exist. She has no desire to return:

“Where to now? Go home? No, it's all the same for me to go home or to the grave. Yes, what is home, what is to the grave! .. what is to the grave! It's better in the grave ... "

Katya runs away in tears. Enter Kabanikha, Tikhon and Kuligin looking for Katerina. Someone from the people in the distance shouts that a woman rushed into the Volga. Kuligin quickly rushes to help. Kabanov also tries to run to the river, but, as always, his mother stops him, and he does not strongly resist. Kuligin catches the already dead Katerina out of the water. Tikhon rushes to the lifeless body. The boar, without a shadow of sorrow and regret, stings that "it is a sin to cry about her." Kabanov boldly attacks her with accusations, shouting that it was she who killed Katya. She leaves so as not to hear this, and Tikhon, sitting over Katerina, laments:

“Good for you, Katya! Why was I left to live in the world and suffer! "

We present for you a summary of the play from Ostrovsky's school curriculum "The Thunderstorm" to familiarize yourself with the main storylines.

The play takes place in the fictional district town of Kalinov on the banks of the Volga.

Step 1

The Dikoy merchant - tyrant, spiteful and greedy - chastises his nephew Boris in front of the inhabitants of the city. Dikoy is the only relative of Boris and his sister, and by agreement he will write off his property to them if they are obedient and obedient in everything.

When Dikoy leaves, Boris confesses to his acquaintances Kuligin and Kudryash that it is difficult for him to live in the city of Kalinov, since he does not understand the local traditions at all.

Kuligin is convinced that an honest deed will not bring profit here. He dreams that he will invent something useful for humanity, for example, a lightning rod. The wanderer Feklusha passing by assures everyone that their city is the promised land.

Boris clearly realizes that dreams of inventing mechanisms are unrealizable. He also realizes that he does not want to spend all his youth in this godforsaken place.

Alone with himself, Boris recalls the girl he fell in love with - Ekaterina Kabanova. The trouble is, she's married.

Katerina, her husband Tikhon, his mother the merchant Kabanova and sister Varvara appear. Mother reproaches Tikhon that she is tired of him, that his wife is more important to him, that he will soon forget about reverence for her. Tikhon was tired of these lectures, but he continues to humiliate himself in front of his mother. Katerina also convinces her mother-in-law otherwise. But Kabanikha frankly regrets that her son is a mumble and that his wife will not be afraid of such a husband. These are her views on what a family should be.

Tikhon reluctantly agrees with her. When she leaves, she complains about her life and, in frustration, goes to drink to the Wild.

Varvara and Katerina are frank with each other. Katerina recalls her childhood and adolescence, how happy she was, admits that she no longer loves her husband, that she feels the closeness of the end of her life.

Varvara, wanting to calm Katerina, hints to her about a relationship with Boris.

An insane Lady appears on the square, screaming that beauty is pulling into a whirlpool. The old woman's words alarmed Katerina. Subsequently, they turned out to be prophetic.

Kabanov returns and the family goes home.

Step 2

Tikhon needs to go to another city for two weeks. The family will have a farewell ceremony led by Kabanikha. Kabanov repeats the instructions for his wife after his mother: do not contradict, honor your mother-in-law as your mother, do not sit around, do not look at the guys. These words humiliate both Tikhon and his wife. Katya does not leave a premonition of the approaching tragedy. She begs her husband not to leave or to take her with him. But he firmly decided to take a walk in the wild, breaking free from the oppression of his mother.

Katerina hugs her husband goodbye, but Kabanova makes her bow at his feet. The mother-in-law complains that modern youth have completely forgotten about the rules and traditions of life in their county town. She scolds Katya for not crying about her husband's departure. The merchant's wife is glad that there is an older generation in the house who will teach you how to live.

Lonely Katerina is alarmed by the silence. She is bored. Throws about children, about self-realization in some kind of work.

Varya goes for an evening walk and quietly tells Katya that she did not close the gate, hinting at the possibility of meeting Boris. The girl doubts, she wants to remain a faithful wife.

Boris also understands the immorality of his feelings for a married woman, but wants to see her.

Step 3

For the elderly, Kabanikha's house is a paradise, only here all the old foundations are observed. Moscow for them is a sinful city that makes people unhappy.

Dikoy appears. He is drunk and wants to have a heart-to-heart talk. He complains that everyone needs money from him, that he is very unhappy with his nephew. Boris comes up to the house in search of his uncle. She and Kuligin see Varya and Kudryash kissing. The girl hints to Boris that Katerina is waiting for him at the ravine.

Lovers meet, confess their feelings to each other, make a new meeting.

Step 4

10 days have passed. Tikhon returns.

People are walking in the city square. You can see how a thunderstorm is moving on the city. Dikoy scolds Kuligin for the stupid, in his opinion, desire to invent a lightning rod.

The crowd disperses. The stage is empty. Thunder rumbled.

Katerina is brooding and sad. Tikhon, seeing that something terrible is happening to his wife, asks her to tell about everything. Boris comes up to them, bows. Katya turns pale and almost faints. Varya with a gesture asks Boris to leave, fearing that everything might open up to his mother.

People are vigorously discussing the approaching storm. Katya whispers to Tikhon that this element will destroy her. Nobody understands her condition. Varya offers to pray, and Kabanov calls his wife home.

The Crazy Lady shouts, addressing Katerina, that one cannot leave God, that it is time to go to the pool. The girl, in a fit of madness, confesses everything to her husband and mother-in-law - while her husband was away for a week and a half, she walked with Boris.

Step 5

Tikhon confesses to Kuligin that he could have forgiven Katerina if not for the teachings of his mother. He believes that his mother is partly to blame for Katya's betrayal - she ate her in food. The family finally breaks up. Varvara escapes with Curly.

Katerina disappears, everyone rushes to look for her.

Katya is alone on the river bank. She is sure that she destroyed her lover with her. She calls Boris, he comes to her call. He consoles her, but says that he is forced to go to Siberia and cannot take her with him. Katya asks him to pray for her. When Boris leaves, she throws herself into the river.