Penoplex insulation: outside or inside? Insulation of the facade with foam plastic - the "wet facade" technology or how not to waste money and effort in vain Insulate the house with foam plastic from the outside with your own hands

Such a material for thermal insulation as foam plastic has good characteristics and has a number of advantageous qualities in comparison with other materials for insulation. That is why it is becoming more and more popular in private construction. But the insulation of the facade with foam plastic is associated with a number of problems and has several important features.

This article discusses the detailed technology of external insulation of a building with foam plastic, as well as common mistakes that inexperienced builders can make.

What is penoplex?

Penoplex is a trademark of an insulating material produced by an enterprise specializing in the production of insulators based on expanded polystyrene. Today, this name has become a household name. Penoplex is foamed polystyrene plates, which are produced in a gasless way.

  • To achieve the effect of porosity of the finished material, the original raw materials for its production - polystyrene itself and a solid filler that forms gases - are driven through special filters under significant pressure and high temperature.
  • The resulting foamed substance passes through roller rollers, where it is flattened and divided into strips corresponding to the required thickness.
  • The frozen material is cut into fragments of the desired size.

Why do you need a detailed acquaintance with the structure of the penoplex? The use of this material in facade insulation often causes a flurry of criticism, which is far from always justified. When choosing insulation, it is important to rely on facts related to its real nuances and characteristics.

For reference. Penoplex turns out to be especially durable, and this happens as a result of the use of foaming technology of the source material. As a result, foam boards are not afraid of either pressure or stretching. The gasification method without the use of freon contributes to the formation of pores of a closed structure with specified sizes and shapes.

This type of thermal insulator is universal, not affected by chemicals and has significant strength indicators. Penoplex is successfully used to isolate foundations, plinths, and even to create a paving. Many experts are convinced of the high combustibility of the material, which is why it is not recommended to use it for thermal insulation of facade planes located above the first floor of a building. In fact, such a limitation is relevant for grades of ordinary XPS, which are really mounted only in the ground or under a concrete coating layer.

In order to insulate or finish the facade of the house without risks, the manufacturer recommends using only a special converted type of extruded polystyrene foam, produced under the brand name of the manufacturer "Penoplex Facade". Through improved production technology, including the addition of flame retardants, the output is an insulating material that almost does not burn, but at the same time retains the valuable properties of low heat conductivity, high strength and moisture absorption.

Algorithm for mounting insulation material on the walls of the house

For proper thermal insulation of walls from the outside, a hybrid method of attaching sheets of material to the facade of the building is used:

The alignment of the rows of insulation is carried out without waiting for the complete solidification of the adhesive mass. It is produced using a horizontal level, this helps to minimize gaps at the joints of the plates. The final stage is carried out no earlier than three days after applying the insulator to the adhesive. Sheets of material are additionally fixed using special mushroom-shaped dowels. When the glue is completely dry, all the cracks and inter-plate joints are closed by blowing mounting foam or aerosol material under the Fastfix brand.

The procedure for warming the facade with your own hands

Penoplex plates have special recesses along the edges, which allow to achieve a reliable and strong connection of insulation fragments. In addition, this technique allows you to cut off cold bridges. Insulating walls with extruded polystyrene foam is as easy as insulating with foam. But the required amount of material will noticeably decrease.

For the arrangement of a reliable and high-quality insulating coating of the facade of the building, it is only necessary to strictly follow the facade insulation technology.

Wall surface preparation

In order for the insulation of the facade part of the building to be durable and have a significant service life, it is necessary to ensure maximum adhesion of the insulating material to the wall surface. This effect is achieved through the correct preparation of the insulated plane. First you need to remove all types of existing contaminants, including dirt, dust and old facade coating. As a result of cleaning, only bare brick or concrete remains. Any vegetation is also eliminated - moss, mold, fungus. For this purpose, specialized compounds with bactericidal properties are used.

After the walls have dried, all potholes and sags found on the masonry surface are leveled. Cracks and seams are also treated with a primer solution, followed by sealing with cement.

The geometry of the walls is determined using the building level. If there are deviations greater than 20 millimeters, they are leveled by applying a plaster layer. When it dries completely (the waiting period is up to 4 weeks), a primer layer is applied, which will contribute to better adhesion of the insulation to the wall. If it has metal elements that are planned to be hidden behind a layer of insulator, they are treated with an anti-corrosion agent. Once the primer has dried, you can proceed to the next stage of thermal insulation work.

Setting the start profile

The starting profile is needed, first of all, in order to set the right direction for the first row of insulation boards, and also serve as a support for them. In addition, the starting bar serves as a kind of protection for the ends of the plates, leveling the negative impact of weather and physical factors. Its width should be equal to the thickness of the foam board.

First, a laser level measures a flat line that is in the same plane as the horizon. It is better to place the material slabs 20-30 centimeters below the floor level, this will serve as protection against moisture and frost. The profile itself on the wall is fixed to dowels, the distance between which is from 30 to 50 centimeters. The profile material is attached to the wall closely, without gaps, but you should not be too zealous so as not to wrinkle the metal. Parts of the profile are easy to connect with each other with special fasteners that are mounted in the inter-profile joints.

The corners can be formed both with the help of a direct joining of the profiles, which will need to be cut at an angle of 45o, and with the use of specially designed corner elements. If the thickness of the foam is more than 80 millimeters, it will be necessary to install temporary supports under the first row of the insulator. This will help prevent possible sagging.

Installation of foam boards

When the entire profile is mounted, they begin cutting the heat insulator plates. It is recommended to place solid slabs near the openings of windows and doors. The technology of their laying is carried out by analogy with the laying of bricks, with a shift in the elements of each subsequent row relative to the previous ones. It is important to consider the working temperature of the adhesive solution. If the ambient temperature drops below +5o, its adhesive properties will decrease significantly.

On the starting profile, the first row of plates is laid closely. Then, each fragment of the insulation is pressed against the insulated surface as tightly as possible and aligned horizontally and vertically, with the joints aligned. An adhesive solution will protrude from the gaps, the excess of which must be removed immediately.

Each tile must be perfectly level. When all the insulation is glued, you need to wait for it to dry completely. This will take at least three days. After that, the heat insulator is finally fixed using dowels. Fasteners are installed in the center of each plate and its edges. The gaps between the tiles are filled with waste insulation, then additionally sealed with foam for installation. When the foam is completely dry, it is necessary to remove its excess from the gaps, after which you can proceed to reinforcing the surface.

Creation of a waterproof reinforced layer

A fiberglass reinforced layer is used to form the base of the plaster coating. Before the main layer, which performs the functions of protection and decoration, it is necessary to apply a reinforced layer that will protect the insulation from moisture penetration. It consists of mesh fragments cut into strips with dimensions of 20 * 30 centimeters or 30 * 50 centimeters. They are mounted in the zone of outer corners in a perpendicular plane with respect to the diagonals of window and door openings.

For better adhesion of the mesh to the surface of the insulation, the surface of the insulating plates is rolled with a roller with needles, treated with a metal brush or sandpaper. A primer layer is applied over the treated material. Reinforcement begins with slopes - an adhesive layer of 4 to 5 millimeters is applied and the mesh is immersed in it. Then they begin to reinforce the facades, taking into account the overlap of the edges of the mesh on each other by about 10 centimeters. As the first layer of glue dries, the second is applied. In the places where the fragments of the heat insulator adjoin the openings of doors or windows, it will be necessary to mount a special profile with a sealing tape.

Installation of perforated corners

Reinforcement of various façade protrusions such as corners, openings, etc. carried out by installing corner profiles with perforations. They can be made from aluminum or plastic. In addition, there are models with a fixed grid.

Installation takes place as follows:

  • An adhesive solution is applied to both sides of the corner in such a way as to affect the surface of the mesh.
  • The corner is pressed tightly against the foam with a spatula so that it is completely immersed in the glue layer. Excess solution must be removed.
  • The angle must be set using the building level in the horizontal and vertical plane.
  • Perforated corners are installed butt-to-butt, a fragment of the shelf and part of the grid must be cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

It is possible to use a less expensive method of reinforcing corners - reinforcement is produced by fixing segments of the mesh bent at an angle. But keep in mind that this method cannot be used for thermal insulation of individual residential buildings, as well as the first floors of the house. This is due to the increased risk of mechanical impacts in these areas.

Application of the main reinforcing layer

When the corners are reinforced, proceed to the main stage of reinforcement, extending to the entire surface of the facade. A fiberglass mesh is superimposed on the insulation boards, on which a layer of protection is applied. It is cut into strips of equal length, and then pressed against the surface, where a layer of glue of 2 millimeters has been previously applied. If the length of the strips is significant, you can use the vertical version of pasting. Then nails will be needed for additional fastening. The grid is smoothed in the direction from the center to the edges, excess glue is removed. Then a second layer of adhesive is applied.

The edges of the mesh material are laid with an overlap of 10 centimeters, this is necessary to prevent the formation of cracks at the joints. To make these places less noticeable, you can apply only one layer of glue to them - superficial. When the main layer of reinforcement is applied, it is covered with a finishing layer of glue, the thickness of which is about 3 millimeters. It is convenient to do this with a wide spatula.

Applying plaster mixture

After three days, the reinforcing layer will dry out completely, and it will be possible to start applying a decorative plaster coating. Before this, the facade is treated with a primer solution, it is better to use a composition containing quartz sand. It will create a rough surface that will provide better grip and reduce moisture absorption. In addition, the use of a primer creates additional protection against external influences for the reinforcing mesh. It is more convenient to process large areas with a maklovitsa.

Before application, the plaster mortar must be thoroughly mixed with a construction mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Plastering is carried out using tools such as a trowel and trowel. The layer should not be too thin and not too massive. In the first case, the protective performance of the plaster will decrease, in the second, the decorative texture of the solution will be hidden. When the plaster layer has dried up a little and does not stick to the surface of the tool, you can proceed to the design of the texture for painting.

Remember: the texture of the decorative pattern directly depends on the evenness of the reinforcing layer.


Painting of the facade is carried out only after all the applied layers are completely dry. Consider the compatibility of the materials used. For example, with decorative plaster, a good combination forms a hydrophobic paintwork. Do not use types of paints containing aggressive substances that can adversely affect the insulating material. These include drying oil, benzene, essential resins, kerosene, etc. It is recommended to use paints based on silicates or minerals.

The selected color scheme, which will help achieve the desired shade, must be added to the paint about 1 hour before the start of painting work. Painting is done manually, you can use a soft foam roller, maklovitsa, as well as a spray gun. On sale there is a plaster containing a coloring pigment, but self-application of paint allows you to maintain a better effect.


Thermal insulation using extruded polystyrene foam can last much longer than mineral wool insulation. This is achieved by strict adherence to the technology of mounting the material. The insulator is durable, practically not subject to shrinkage and is not afraid of vibrations of the walls of the house, which causes its high popularity. The thermal insulation characteristics of foam plastic remain unchanged even when it is completely wet. Other types of materials cannot boast of such quality.

Video on foam insulation

Remember that by building your own house, you have done only 30-40% of the work. Because after the construction of the box covered with a roof, it is still necessary to carry out finishing (external and internal), as well as to think over the thermal insulation system. The latter is comfortable living conditions with minimal energy costs that support heating, this is the absence of mold spots on walls and ceilings, this is a real opportunity to save money. Therefore, in this article we will talk about thermal insulation, and specifically about how to properly insulate the facade of a house from the outside with foam plastic. Be sure to consider what this heat-insulating material is, what characteristics it has, and the technology for its installation on building facades.

Expanded polystyrene insulation - "Penoplex"

What is Penoplex

The modern building materials market offers a fairly wide range of insulation, where the so-called polystyrene foam group stands out. Their prominent representatives are standard foam plastic and the equally well-known extruded polystyrene foam, which is produced in plates of different sizes. It was the latter that gained particular popularity among builders for its high thermal properties and other technical characteristics.

Everyone has heard such a term as "Penoplex". Anyone who has already encountered thermal insulation measures knows that this is a type of extruded polystyrene foam. It's not a separate group, it's just a brand name. But it just so happened initially that consumers began to call almost all extruded polystyrene foam boards with this name. That is, it gradually became a household name. Although it should be noted that not all polystyrene panels belong to the Penoplex brand.

Let's start with the fact that the Russian company, under the same name Penoplex, began to produce products under this brand in 1998, taking the experience of foreign partners as a basis, but adding its own ideas and developments. The quality of the insulation was immediately highly appreciated by specialists and consumers, so production eventually ceased to cover the need. Today, the company has eight factories that produce only heat-insulating boards.

The production process itself includes several stages:

    polystyrene melting under the influence of high temperatures;

    addition special reagents, which inside the mass form a gas distributed evenly throughout the volume;

    gassy mixture fed into the extruder, hence the name - extruded, in which a formed mass of solidified material in the form of a tape passes through the nozzles (slits);

    last cut into panels required value.

The width of the slots determines the thickness of the material. Therefore, this parameter is pre-set, adjusted to the standards.

Production of foamed insulation under the brand name "Penoplex"

The most important thing is that the foamed mass is a pore with a diameter of 0.1-0.3 mm, which is completely hermetically sealed from the neighboring ones. It is this state of the material that maintains the high strength of products and high thermal performance.

Today, the manufacturer offers foam boards of various densities and thicknesses, which are used for thermal insulation of various building structures and communication networks. And since the topic of our article concerns the decoration of the house with foam plastic, we will consider in it those positions that are used specifically for insulating the facades of buildings and structures.

Today the company produces two types of insulation, which are used for thermal insulation of walls. These are Penoplex-Comfort and Penoplex-Facade. In appearance, both types are no different. It's just that the facade variety has a higher compressive strength and a higher fire resistance class due to the addition of flame retardant components during the production process. Let's compare: the compressive strength of Penoplex-Comfort is 0.18, that of Penoplex-Facade is 0.2 MPa. Accordingly, the fire resistance class G4 and G3.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of houses and - from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

And other technical characteristics that are the same for the two types:

    density: 25-35 kg/m³;

    limit strength bending: 0.25 MPa;

    water absorption: 0,4-0,5%;

    thermal conductivity: 0.03 W/m K;

    soundproofing: 41 dB;

    temperature operation from -100С to +75С;

    standard sizes: width 60 cm, length 120 cm, thickness varies from 20 to 60 mm in 10 mm increments, then 80, 100, 120 and 150 mm.

It should be noted that foam boards are actually an ideal material, because it has a fairly high compressive and bending strength, it has practically zero ability to absorb moisture, plus excellent thermal conductivity, which can be attributed to the most optimal. At the same time, the material does not react to the main types of solvents that are used in construction. But there are a number of materials in contact with which it decomposes. This:

    diesel fuel, gasoline, kerosene, etc. liquid fuel;

    acetone and others solvents ketone group;

    formaldehyde, formalin;

    complex ethers(Not all);

    paints oil based;


And, of course, a fairly high service life - at least 50 years. But taking into account the fact that the original insulation was purchased. Because many products have appeared on the market today that imitate penoplex, but do not meet its characteristics.

Panels "Penoplex-Comfort"

The principle of foam insulation

Sheathing a house with foam plastic requires a special approach, taking into account the thickness of the plates used. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to deal with the thickness of the heat-insulating layer.

Required thickness of "Penoplex"

So, it has already been indicated above how thick this material is produced. This is a fairly wide size range, which is produced for good reason. In order to determine this parameter specifically for your home, it is necessary to carry out a thermal calculation. It is based on the requirements of SNiPs, which states that all layers separating the interior from the street must create a heat-shielding barrier that would not let the outside temperature into the rooms. And this parameter should not be lower than that specified in the SNiP.

The thickness of the insulation is selected based on the average temperature in winter

That is, each layer, and this is not only a heater, but also the wall itself, decoration, etc., are barriers that have some kind of protective properties. Some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent, but each layer performs such a protective function. True, everything is not so simple here, therefore, such a calculation is carried out by specialists. In this case, doing it yourself is not worth it. The only thing to note is that the thickness of the insulation mainly depends on the region where the house is being built. The colder it is in the construction area, the thicker the thermal insulation layer should be.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Facade insulation technologies

Today, there are two technological schemes for facade insulation: wet and ventilated. Let's consider each separately, but we immediately indicate that the very method of laying foam on the walls is identical. The technological schemes for the installation of other building materials simply differ.

Video description

And in the video we offer to see information about the Penoplex heat-insulating material, about its advantages and disadvantages:

wet technology

In fact, it turns out that the wall of the house is finished from the inside with a plaster or putty mortar. Outside, it is treated with a primer if the wall structure is a reinforced concrete wall. If it is brick, then plaster is applied to it with a certain layer to level the surface to the maximum.

It should be noted that polystyrene boards can only be laid on a flat surface with high strength. This is how you can guarantee their long service life. Therefore, the surface of the facade must be leveled and repaired all defects. And even if it has already been used, for example, it was plastered and painted, then it is better to get rid of the paint, and check the plaster and, if necessary, level it.

After the applied plaster layer dries, it is primed in order to strengthen the outer thin layer. This is done on purpose so that the plaster does not crumble under the action of loads from other applied materials.

The next layer is the adhesive composition on which the Penoplex plates are laid. A very important point. The adhesive composition can only be applied to a dry surface. Therefore, you have to wait until the plaster dries. And this can take more than a dozen days. In this case, there is no need to rush.

While the plaster dries, it is possible to carry out the installation of embedded parts, with which various devices will be attached. For example, a drainage system, antennas, lamps, window bars and other accessories for the appearance of the house. Those parts of the fasteners that will be inside the heat-insulating layer are recommended to be treated with protective compounds, for example, paint (not oil).

So, the wall is ready for insulation. A horizontal line is drawn on it at the very bottom, as a starting point in the installation of foam. The so-called starting profile made of galvanized steel is fastened exactly along the line to the wall with self-tapping screws. Its purpose:

    become basis for insulation boards, that is, the first row of thermal insulation will rest on it;

    He aligns horizontal panels;

    protects thermal insulation material from moisture, insects and rodents from the lower end, which will not be protected by plaster.

Note that the level of the beginning of the installation of the lower row is set 20-30 cm below the level of laying the floor inside the premises of the house. In this way, one hundred percent thermal protection of the rooms is solved. And one moment. The width of the profile shelf should be equal to the thickness of the foam boards used: no more, no less.

Installation of the starting profile for foam

Everything is ready, you can proceed to the installation of "Penoplex". To do this, an adhesive composition is applied to the wall, on which the first row of insulation is laid exactly along the starting profile. Please note that the plates themselves have connecting grooves in their design. That is, a seamless heat-insulating coating is formed on the surface of the wall.

The second row of foam is mounted with an offset of half the panel. This is done so that the seams between the joined elements do not coincide vertically. Thus, maximum strength of the laid material is achieved. The third row is mounted in the same way, only relative to the second. And in this way to the entire height of the walls.

You can start installing panels from the corner of the house. But in areas where door and window openings are located, laying starts from them, filling along the perimeter. To do this, you will have to cut part of the plates to fit the shape and size of the openings. This is easy to do with a regular saw or a hacksaw.

Video description

The video shows how Penoplex panels can be cut:

Scraps can also be used, but it is better if the insulation is carried out with large plates. Trimmings are often laid in the corners of the building, because the length of the building cannot always be covered with solid insulation panels. But there is one caveat - you can’t mount pieces less than 20 cm wide in the corners of the walls.

It is clear that trimming will lead to the removal of the connecting ends on the pieces. That is, the neighboring plates will be joined with a small gap, no matter how the craftsmen try to cut exactly along the drawn line. And gaps and cracks are cold bridges. This problem is being solved today with the help of a special foam type sealant. This material is very similar to polyurethane foam. But it is white and does not expand in air.

I would like to add that the adhesive composition is not the only way to attach foam boards to the wall. Usually craftsmen add another fastener, which ensures maximum strength of the insulation connection with the wall. This is a dowel-nail made of plastic with a wide mushroom cap. It is driven into prepared holes, which are drilled between the stacked slabs of heat-insulating material or directly in the slabs themselves. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the length of the fastener. It should be 45-50 mm more than the thickness of the foam boards used.

Fastening panels of heat-insulating material with dowel-nails

So, the wall is finished with panels, it remains to plaster the facade. The plaster itself will not be fixed on a flat surface of the insulation. Therefore, a plaster synthetic mesh is first laid on it and fixed with screws or staples from a stapler. And already a plaster layer is applied on it.

Video description

The video shows the technology of warming the facade of the house with Penoplex panels:

We add that wet technologies include any finishing operations that use adhesives. For example, facing with bricks or slabs, installation of various types of decorative panels, and so on.

Ventilated technology

This method of facade insulation differs from the previous one in that the so-called ventilated facade is mounted along the wall itself. In fact, this is a frame structure on which a slab or panel finishing material is installed. And between the finish and the wall, foam is laid in the same way as in plastering technology.

Ventilated facade with foam boards

Here is the sequence of ongoing construction operations:

    Preparation walls: repair and primer;

    drawing vertical lines for direct suspensions;

    installation metal profiles made of galvanized steel or wooden bars, with which a frame is assembled on the wall;

    the distance between the frame and the wall should be 5 cm more the thickness of the insulation used, this gap will perform the functions of ventilation of the facade, hence the name of this structure;

    carry out plate installation penoplex, for this they make slots into which the antennae of direct suspensions are inserted, in the future these slots are filled with foamed sealant;

    technology panel installation is exactly the same as in the previous case;

    going frame with mounting on suspensions, profiles or bars are installed vertically in one plane and are interconnected by crossbars, that is, a lattice structure is formed on the wall;

    mounted on the frame facade cladding.

Video description

So that you understand what we are talking about, we suggest watching a video about wall insulation with foam plastic according to the principle of a ventilated facade:

Conclusion on the topic

"Penoplex" is actually a material with high performance, where water absorption plays an important function. It is the low value of this parameter that makes it possible to apply wet plaster on this insulation, and also not to use additional elements in the form of a windproof film in ventilated structures. All this simplifies the process of finishing the facade and reduces the cost of ongoing processes.

Thermal insulation of the house is an important measure that allows you to extend its service life and reduce operating costs. One of the modern types of heat-insulating materials is extruded polystyrene foam. The largest company in Russia that produces such a heat insulator is Penoplex, therefore, among many builders, the words extruded polystyrene foam and penoplex are synonymous. Wall insulation with foam plastic is an effective measure. The technology is quite simple.

The choice of material for insulation

After the owner of the house has already decided that penoplex wall insulation will be used, it is necessary to choose among its types. Manufacturers produce material that can be classified according to the following criteria:

  1. Thickness. It can be in the range of 5-30 mm. Here the choice depends on the material of the outer walls and the climatic features of the area. In order to make a full-fledged heat engineering calculation, it is not at all necessary to contact specialists. You can do it yourself, even without knowing the regulatory framework. To do this, you need to find the Teremok program on the network. It is available in two versions for PC and online. There are no differences between them. Using the program is quite simple. Before starting the calculation, you need to know the thermal conductivity of the wall material and thermal insulation and the thickness of the wall. There are two modes of operation: the thickness of the insulation for the facade is selected or checking the already accepted one.
  2. Density. Another important indicator. Manufacturers produce boards with a density of 31-45 kg / m3. When used in a wall structure, the material will not be heavily loaded, so a minimum value can be taken. It is rational to choose a more durable material if, when the facade is insulated, the foam plastic will not be closed by anything, but will only be covered with plaster on top. In this case, high mechanical strength is needed, and, accordingly, density.

The boards are produced in standard widths of 60 cm and lengths of 120 cm. To choose a quality material, when buying, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • when squeezing with fingers, there should be no dents on the material;
  • packaging must be of high quality and integrity;
    the product must have a barcode and a hologram of the manufacturer;
  • the presence of protective labels;
  • the seller must, upon first request, provide all the necessary documents for the products, which include a passport, a quality certificate, a sanitary and hygienic conclusion.

These are the ways to check the quality of the material that are available in the store. It is possible to verify the compliance of thermal insulation and water-repellent characteristics only in laboratory conditions. But these tests will require additional financial costs.

Warming technology

Thermal insulation of the building facade can be performed in two ways:

  • from within;
  • outside.

It is worth choosing the option of fixing from the inside only if it is not possible to use another method. The disadvantages of this technology include:

  • reduction in floor space;
  • the material protects only the interior, while the load-bearing structures remain without protection from cold and moisture, which leads to their premature destruction.

Insulation of the wall from the inside with foam

It is these two drawbacks that make the choice in favor of insulating the facade from the outside more correct. There are two options for finishing the insulated facade:

  • facing elements (siding, block house, facing panels, etc.);
  • plaster.

If the walls are insulated from the outside, the penoplex needs to be protected from mechanical damage and atmospheric phenomena.

To ensure this function for facade decoration, it is better to choose hinged elements than plaster solutions. In addition, there is no guarantee that the plaster simply will not fall off after some time. It will require cosmetic repairs and investment in this financial resources.

Scheme of facade insulation with polystyrene foam

The technology of facade insulation using penoplex is as follows:

  1. Cleaning the base from dirt and dust. Elimination of uneven walls and small cracks. Removal of fungal infections, as well as moss and mold from the walls. To prevent their appearance again, the surface is treated with antiseptic compounds.
  2. Base profile fixing. This element will provide support for the first row of insulation boards. In addition to supporting the profile, it will ensure the evenness of gluing the elements and protect the lower edge of the heat insulator from damage by moisture, harmful microorganisms and rodents. Dowels for fixing the profile are placed in increments of 30 cm.
  3. Having fixed the basement profile, they begin to cut out the insulation boards. For cutting, you will need a steel ruler, a square, a knife and a saw with fine teeth.
  4. Before adhesive fastening of each element, it is tried on in the design position. This will ensure the geometric correctness of the installation.
  5. Next, you need to prepare the adhesive composition. For gluing, it is strongly recommended to use those compositions that are recommended by the manufacturer of the heat insulator. The fact is that some chemicals can destroy polystyrene foam. Preparation of a solution from a dry mixture is carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  6. Applying glue to foam. Before application, the surface of the insulation is ground with a machine or sandpaper. This is necessary to increase the adhesion strength of the material to the wall. If the plates have factory milling, there is no need to sand them. The thickness of the adhesive layer is selected depending on the roughness of the surface and is 15 - 25 mm.
  7. Carry out gluing of the plate. The first row is mounted on the basement profile. The insulation is glued to the surface by controlling the location in relation to neighboring elements. All of them should be located in the same plane. After gluing, remove excess mortar. The installation of the plates is carried out from top to bottom, while it is important to ensure dressing, that is, there should not be extended vertical joints between the plates. It is not permissible to place vertical and horizontal joints on the same level with the corners of door or window openings.
  8. Last but not least, make connections to door and window openings. Elements for this are cut in place.
  9. After completing all the steps, the plates are attached to the facade with dowels, checking the correctness and strength of the fastening. For work, dish-shaped dowels are used.
  10. The gaps between the elements of thermal insulation are sealed with sealant.

When fixing, it is important to remember a few mandatory requirements:

  • simultaneous fastening with glue and dowels;
  • ensuring ligation of plates;
  • proper ground preparation;
  • sealing gaps between tiles.

If the technology is followed, the insulation will last a long time and provide reliable protection of the facade from low temperatures.

Wall insulation is one of the most important stages in the construction of a building. Thanks to good thermal insulation, the inhabitants of the house will feel comfortable, even in the most severe frosts.

When choosing a material for cladding walls, floors and even foundations, we recommend paying attention to penoplex.

It has a number of advantages that will help save the budget. We offer you to get acquainted with the main advantages of the material and installation methods.

If for some reason it does not suit you, you can choose a heater from these materials:

There are several options for insulating the walls of a private house:

  • insulation;
  • penoplex.

From a practical point of view, external wall insulation is much more convenient and efficient. In addition, it becomes possible to additionally decorate the facade of the house with unusual material, such as mosaics or decorative plaster.

Due to the penoplex, the walls of the house are additionally leveled, saving finishing material. The only obstacle to external wall insulation may be a ban on facade repairs in apartment buildings.

Comparison of insulation methods

But do not despair, because there is always the opportunity to insulate the walls from the inside. Interior wall decoration with foam plastic can be done in any season.

When insulating door or window openings, use only solid pieces of foam plastic, this will provide better thermal insulation.

When using penoplex, installation work is simplified and they can be carried out independently. Whatever method of finishing you choose, it is necessary to carry out cleaning work on the walls where the foam sheets will be located. Then the surface is treated with special means of moisture and antifungal solutions.

Chips, cracks and other damages formed in the walls are repaired. Penoplex is installed only on a well-dried surface using a special adhesive, and then additionally attached to the wall with dowels-fungi.

Sheets must be fastened with a slight offset, and the gaps between them are sealed with mounting foam or construction tape. After installing the penoplex, you can proceed to the design work on the facade.

Penoplex - advantages and disadvantages, technical characteristics

In recent years, construction has become increasingly used penoplex. All thanks to the special properties and unique manufacturing technology.

This is an inexpensive, synthetic thermal insulation material that is much easier to install than, for example, glass wool.

The standard dimensions of a foam sheet are 1.2 m long and 60 cm wide. Only its thickness can be different, from 2-10 cm.

From a technical point of view, penoplex has the following characteristics:

  • Thermal conductivity according to gost. the standard should be 0.03 W / m * C;
  • Vapor permeability should not exceed 0.008 mg / m * h / * Pa;
  • Soundproofing at the level of 41dB;
  • Moisture resistance no more than 0.6%;
  • The density of the material varies between 28-45 kg/m 3 ;
  • The maximum pressure during compression of the sheet between the plates should be no more than 0.18 MPa;
  • Temperature difference range from -100 to +55 С 0 .


When choosing a material for better thermal insulation, be guided by these characteristics. This guarantees you high-quality insulation of the facade of a brick house with a low rate of liquid absorption.

Like any building material, foam plastic has a number of advantages and disadvantages.



  • Although the material does not ignite, but during a fire it melts, releasing toxic and dangerous smoke, even after attenuation it continues to smoke for a long time;
  • The material is afraid of direct sunlight, and loses its properties with prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • Susceptible to the use of solvents, breaks down;
  • The price depends on the properties and qualities of the penoplex;
  • Practical zero vapor permeability, therefore it is not recommended for insulation And .

Comparison of penoplex with other heaters

Which penoplex to choose for wall insulation? Which is better for external insulation?

Penoplex is divided into several main types. They differ from each other in composition and characteristics. The better the properties of the material, the higher its price. The name of each brand speaks for itself, so it is easier for the builder to choose the option that suits him:

  • roofing- it is used for thermal insulation of any types of roofs;
  • wall- used for thermal insulation of walls and the interior of the house;
  • Fundamental- used for insulation of the foundation of a building or basement. The main advantage of this type is its water resistance, specially designed for such work;
  • Penoplex comfort- is more popular when decorating balconies, apartment rooms. It has fairly good characteristics, but a high price for the material;
  • Penoplex 45- the highest sheet density. It is used in the construction of roads, runways at the airport. This type of penoplex is resistant even to the most critical temperatures.


For external installation work on building insulation, it is better to use wall foam. It is economical in terms of price and has excellent features.

The technology of wall insulation with foam plastic from the outside - what elements does the thermal insulation pie consist of?

To insulate external walls, the following order of placement of heat-insulating layers is applied:

  • Glue, it is applied to a wall that is dry and cleaned of various kinds of dirt and irregularities in advance;
  • insulation, which is additionally attached to the wall with special dowels-fungi. This allows the sheet to lie tightly on the wall surface without creating heat bridges;
  • After fixing the penoplex, it must be protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, a layer of reinforced putty is applied using a soft mesh. If it is planned to finish with siding, it is recommended to install a waterproofing membrane;
  • Decorative finishing, creates an additional layer of protection and gives an aesthetic appearance to the building.

wall pie

How to calculate the thickness of foam for high-quality insulation?

Before proceeding with the calculation of the thickness of the foam sheet, you need to know what material the walls of the house are made of. Any material has its own thermal conductivity properties, so each wall needs its own thickness of the insulation material.

What thickness of penoplex to choose for wall insulation? The formula for calculating the thickness of foam :

P (design thickness, m) = R (heat transfer resistance) * k (0.028 W / (m2 * ° C).

Insulation calculation example

Wall surface preparation

Before starting installation work on the placement of thermal insulation on the outer wall, cleaning and surface treatment is required. All irregularities are completely removed, then with the help of putty and other repair materials all defects of the wall surface are corrected, namely:

  • cracks;
  • chips;
  • holes.

After the surface is treated with special solutions that prevent the development of fungi and mold. After the wall has completely dried, an adhesive composition is applied, on which the insulation is fixed.

Wall surface preparation

Preparing the crate - step by step installation

For the manufacture of the crate, it is necessary to determine the material from which it will be made:

  • aluminum;
  • tree.

Wood is more environmentally friendly, but more difficult to install. The aluminum frame is much more convenient and practical. Let's proceed directly to the installation of the crate:

  • The first step is to clean and prepare the surface for future crates.
  • At the second stage, you will need certain tools for attaching the frame to the prepared wall.
  • The third step is to mark the entire surface where the crate frame will be installed.
  • After all the preparatory work, you can begin to install the elements of the crate according to the marked marks.

Crate preparation

Methods for fixing penoplex to the wall, the most optimal method

For the installation of foam sheets as a heater for aerated concrete and other types of walls, Several fastening methods are used:

  • EPPS is attached to a special glue or mastic;
  • The use of special polyurethane mounting foam;
  • Fastening foam with dowels.

Each of the options has its own characteristics. Experienced builders use several methods at the same time to better fix the penoplex. For example, the use of glue, and additional fixation with dowels on top.

Fastening with dowels

Mounting with mounting foam

Wall insulation from the outside with foam cladding with siding

To carry out work on the insulation of external walls, it is necessary to observe certain rules:

  • First. Preliminary preparatory work with the surface is mandatory., the wall must be flawless and treated with antifungal agents;
  • Second step - installation of a basement profile on which foam plastic will be installed. These manipulations are necessary for an even layer of future insulation, this will provide additional protection from harmful factors.
  • The next step is the installation of foam boards so that there is a gap of 2 millimeters between the sheets.
  • After installing the foam boards, they must be fixed, for this, special dowels or adhesive mixture are used, which pre-processes the wall surface and foam sheets.
  • The last step is decorative processing or finishing the facade with siding.

Slab laying

Penoplex for siding

We fill the joints with mounting foam

Insulation of external walls with foam is possible due to the lightness of the material and installation work. After the repair is completed, subject to the technical nuances, you will receive additional insulation and insulation from many unpleasant external factors. Good luck with the repair.

Useful video

Do-it-yourself foam insulation:

In contact with

The procedure for exterior finishing with insulation of the walls of a private house has de facto become a kind of standard in the arrangement of facades. Today, many different mineral and polymeric materials are offered for thermal insulation of walls, but for a private house, insulation of the facade with foam plastic turned out to be more effective, even though the cost of finishing could be higher than using conventional blocks of expanded polystyrene, mineral or basalt wool.

What is penoplex

In fact, this is the name of a trading and manufacturing enterprise that produces heat-insulating materials based on expanded polystyrene. Today, penoplex has become a household name, like aspirin or asphalt. Penoplex is understood as extruded slab polystyrene foam manufactured using gasless technology:

  • Raw materials in the form of a mixture of virgin polystyrene and a gas-forming solid filler are forced through filters under high pressure and temperature to obtain a special porous structure;
  • The extruded mass on roller rolls is crushed into strips of the required design thickness;
  • The frozen foam mass is cut into plates of the required size.

Why is it so important to know and understand the structure of penoplex. Insulation of the facade with foam plastic is often subjected to all kinds of criticism, often simply unfounded and far-fetched. Therefore, when choosing a material, it is necessary to know its features and characteristics.

For your information! Thanks to the use of extrusion technology, foam plastic gets increased strength for contact pressure and stretching of the plate, and the use of freon-free gasification makes it possible to obtain closed pores of the required size and configuration.

The main characteristics of penoplex are given in the table.

Penoplex is a universal, chemically resistant and at the same time high-strength heat insulator. Penoplex insulate foundations, basement floors and even the roadway. Often, many experts consider penoplex too combustible for facing facades above the first floor. But this limitation applies specifically to the usual brands of extruded polystyrene foam, laid in the ground or under a layer of concrete screed.

For cladding and insulation of facade walls, the manufacturer recommends using a specially modified version of EPPS, known under the trade name "Penoplex Facade". The production technology allows, due to special flame retardant fillers, to obtain practically non-combustible expanded polystyrene foam with unchanged parameters of thermal conductivity, strength and water absorption.

The negative aspects of the technology of facade insulation with foam plastic

Like any construction or finishing technology, the method of using sheet foam for insulating the facade of a building has its own hidden drawbacks:

  1. First, like all polymers, extruded polystyrene foam is very sensitive to solar ultraviolet radiation. Penoplex laid on the walls of the facade, without external cladding with siding or cement-sand plaster, can turn into a crumbling mass in just a year;
  2. Secondly, foam plastic, like polystyrene, emits a large amount of toxic gases when heated, therefore, for any form of facade or interior cladding, only special brands of insulation should be used;
  3. Thirdly, the synthesis of polystyrene is carried out using styrene or ethylbenzene. In the production of branded materials, highly purified raw materials from primary polymer are used. Cheap brands of expanded polystyrene made from recycled materials can reach the MPC for ethylbenzene, ten times higher than the safe norm.

Advice! Use penoplex only for exterior cladding of plinths and facades of buildings; in this matter, EPPS has no equal.

To reduce heat loss through brick walls for central Russia, it is enough to use foam boards up to 50 mm thick. For concrete or frame-panel facades, according to the insulation technology, slabs with a thickness of 60-70 mm will be required.

Subject to the insulation technology, the durability of the heat-insulating layer based on foam, according to the manufacturer, reaches 50 years. Such a high service life of the insulation can only be achieved if the heat-insulating coating is closed from external factors in the form of moisture, heat, ultraviolet radiation and air oxygen using a cement-sand screed. In all other cases, the service life of insulation from extruded polystyrene foam is reduced to 30-35 years.

The technology of laying insulation on the walls of the facade

For wall insulation, a combined technology for fixing foam sheets on the facade of the building is used:

Until the glue has hardened, each row of foam is aligned horizontally to reduce gaps at the joints. At the final stage, not earlier than 72 hours after the sticker, the insulation sheets are additionally attached to the walls using mushroom-shaped plugs-dowels. After the adhesive base has set, the gaps and joints between the foam insulation boards are blown out with mounting foam or a special Fastfix aerosol composition.

Features of laying sheet foam on the facade of the building

The practical application of laying technology is not particularly difficult, but in order to obtain maximum strength and durability of the insulation layer, several features will need to be taken into account.

The starting bar is attached to the lower edge of the wall, indented from the ground or blind area by 4-5 cm. The profile is sewn to the facade using dowels, the distance between the attachment points recommended by technology is 500-600 mm, for heavy sheets, 80-100 mm thick, the pitch can be reduced up to 300 mm. The general starting bar is assembled from single segments 2-3 m long. A gap of 2-3 mm is left at the joints of the profiles to compensate for thermal expansion.

For your information! The strength and durability of the installed facade insulation largely depend on the correct assembly of the starting bar.

The second factor affecting the quality of facade insulation is the correct dressing of the rows of foam plastic. According to the technology, the minimum width of the corner sheet of material should be at least 200 mm. For edging windows or entrance doors on the facade of a building, a universal rule is applied - the horizontal and vertical lines of the window-door contour should not coincide with the inter-slab seams.

Each insulation plate is additionally fixed with five "fungi". One element presses the sheet in the center and four along the edges. In places where insulation sheets are joined, one fungus for several plates can be used to fix the foam plastic. The technology of fastening the "fungus" on the facade is extremely simple. Initially, a hole is drilled to the mounting depth plus 20 mm, after which the plastic part of the fastener is installed, and the rod or nail is hammered. Before fixing, it is necessary to drown the fungus into the foam sheet as much as possible, while preventing the surface from breaking.

Finishing stages of insulation technology

The laid foam sheets must be closed from exposure to sunlight, moisture and low temperatures. The most commonly used plastering, clapboard lining or siding.

Plaster can be used if the foam insulation surface has been laid out in a relatively regular plane. The thickness of the plaster layer on the insulated facade, even when using a reinforcing fiberglass mesh, rarely exceeds 8 mm, so the flaws and irregularities of the masonry after plastering will be in full view.

According to the technology, before plastering the facade, corner elements with a mesh are initially installed, then vertical mesh sheets are laid with an overlap on the insulation layer. The installed corners are rubbed with a plaster mass so that the mesh is completely immersed in the plaster. After 3-4 hours, the applied layer can be leveled with a grater.

If it is planned to cover the facade with plastic siding panels, then it is best to purchase a special foam for siding. As a rule, manufacturers of materials for insulation and siding sell curtain wall kits, which include foam sheets, a steel profile for the batten and, in fact, the siding panels themselves. Such penoplex has a special knurled surface that provides normal ventilation of the air gap between the siding and insulation. Thus, the condensate that forms in the autumn-spring period will be removed without the risk of leakage into the seams and joints between the sheets.

Mounting siding on the surface of insulated facade walls is no different from facing brick or concrete walls. The only thing is that instead of standard dowels, standard fasteners are used, elongated by the thickness of the insulation sheet.


Insulation with extruded polystyrene foam, subject to the installation technology, will be much more durable than the use of mineral felts and fibers. The main reason XPS is used for building cladding is its strength and tolerance for shrinkage and movement of building walls. In addition, foam plastic retains thermal insulation qualities even when it is 100% immersed in water, which is unacceptable for most fiber materials.