The herbs for the sachet are the most fragrant. DIY aromatic sachet: master class. What fillers are suitable?

Why lavender is one of the most popular aromatic herbs and how it can be used as such.

Since the most popular handicraft that was brought to the event was the sachet, let’s take a closer look at it :)

In souvenir shops along the “lavender” routes you can now find various aromatic souvenirs: bags, pillows, toys, etc. (for more details, see stories for FM "Lavender", category "Travel"). Usually these souvenirs, or part of them, are simply filled with dried flowers (either lavender is mixed with lavandin flowers, or lavender/lavandin flowers are mixed with artificial filling). When we prepare such souvenirs at home, we can make them more cozy and practical, and we can use other aromatic herbs along with lavender.

I make similar herbal gauze bags for almost all of my sachets: they are easily removed from the main package, they can be replaced with new ones or additionally scented with essential oil. They are also convenient to use, for example, while taking a bath. I sew this liner on all sides so that the herbs don’t spill out. It can be sewn from any thin fabric.

That is, I prepare a decorative top (usually without buttons, beads, rhinestones, sequins, metal fittings, etc.; very rarely I use the smallest round beads), and then put a bag of aromatic herbs into it. This reduces the undesirable effects of using the sachet: you inhale less crushed “herbal dust”, the herbal particles do not prick and do not penetrate the fabric. The aromatherapy effect remains unchanged: the aroma of herbs is still audible. You can even crush the bag with your hands so that the aroma intensifies, and the herbal dust does not spill out.

How I fill inserts and single sachets with herbs: I insert large parts (leaves, flower spikes, buds) with my hands, small parts - through a funnel :)

To prevent the insert with herbs from falling out, the decorative bag is sewn in different ways: some sew it using pillowcase technology, some simply tie it on top with a ribbon, and some also sew it up completely.

In a previous article I mentioned closet scent bags and “warm compresses.” They can also be made double (a decorative top and an insert with herbs), or you can pour the herbs into a single bag made of thick fabric.

To make sachets, I use fabric that holds odors well, but at the same time allows aromas to pass through (usually cotton, linen, felt, fleece). Sometimes I sew a decorative top with an organza window.

Sachet for sleep "Big Dipper" with lavender flowers

Two-color decorative fleece bag with an organza window (blue front, yellow back). The constellation Ursa Major is lined with small beads on the front side. In this case, there is still a liner with lavender: it can be sewn either from organza or from yellow or blue fabric.

In a broad sense, sachet- this is generally a small bag for storing something, not just fragrant. This is the name given to bags of herbs that are dipped into soup during cooking, and bags like the amulet known in Rus', and bags for storing combs. Tea bags are also called that.

You can make sachet cases for storing/transporting bottles of aromatic oils or for jars of creams.

"Lavender honey" Case for storing medicinal propolis oil.

I always prepare this oil myself. The case is so called because the composition of such a preparation can include, for example, lavender essential oil, and propolis oil itself has a honey-waxy aroma - slightly bitter, but pleasant for me :) Materials for the case: fleece, felt, floss, braid with a lavender motif; The letter "L" is embroidered on the top.

I will include both sachets in my consolidated post

Do you want all your clothes to smell nice, but don't like adding a lot of chemicals when washing? There is a way out - these are flavored products. By using sachets in your closet, you can achieve a good aroma from everything that is in the closet. The difference is that these are not chemicals and various additives, but the most natural products, or rather herbs. A small pillow placed in a cabinet will add fragrance to every item. You can make such a pillow yourself. And just about how and what to make pads from in this article. And also a couple of tips regarding the filler.

This product was originally invented by the Indians. But for them it was something like a cheat sheet. If a good event happened at home, then the thing that connected this event was placed in a bag. Then they simply inhaled the aroma of this thing and it helped to remember the happy moments of life. There was a time when the sachet was just a talisman. Now this is not something so mythical and incomprehensible, but an ordinary flavoring. A special device that makes things in the closet scented. Bed linen can be filled with such wonderful aromas that will give you a good and sound sleep. An equally important reason why such a flavor still exists is protection from insects.

What materials are suitable for making sachets?

It is possible to create a beautiful sachet, but you need to know several conditions for a good material - high throughput. The fabric must breathe well, otherwise the aroma will remain in the bag, and all the herbs that are there will simply deteriorate. It is better to choose linen or cotton fabrics.

What fillers are suitable?

The fillings for the pillow will be very diverse: oregano, lavender, currant leaves, mint, orange peels, rose petals, clove stars, and cinnamon sticks. There are very interesting scents that you can buy in the store - this is the smell of the sea.

Worthy aromas are compositions. With them you can choose a filler to increase your own vitality, to lift your spirit and mood.

  • A very common composition is one that contains one or more parts of lavender.
  • The romantic scent consists of a special composition and you can easily create it yourself or purchase a ready-made version.
  • For children's clothes, it is better to use sachets containing the following aromas that have a calming effect, these can be different herbs.
  • Melissa will help you calm down. But the notes of citrus help to cheer up better.

Options for making sachets for the closet

In the closet it is better to use sachets in the form of cushions; they can be hanging or without loops. Sachets in bags work well. Designer and very fun work. There are no restrictions regarding the appearance, but with fragrances you need to be more precise. If the closet is full of bed linen, then you should not use citrus scents, it will take your sleep away.

DIY sachet for your closet

Two models of sachets for the closet that you can make yourself. A very important moment is filling and decorating the part. For each model there is a good step-by-step description. We look and choose the shape and filling to your taste. Now every item in your closet will become even nicer.

Sachets for a closet in the form of pillows step by step

Pads with filling for the closet. This model is the simplest, but the work can be complicated with embroidery or decoration with beads and beads.

To work you will need:

  • cotton fabric with floral print;
  • threads and needles;
  • filler for sachet.

Stage: pattern

For the pillow you need to make 4 pattern squares. An ideally shaped sachet will be no larger than the palm of your hand. Therefore, the dimensions of the pad can be made approximately 10 by 10 cm.

Stage: stitching

Sew two squares on three sides. Fill the inner pad with filling and sew the side of the square with a hidden seam. Place in another pad and sew the same seam.

Stage: decoration

Decorating a sachet is the most important and favorite thing a master does. This pillow is decorated with a thread bow. You can make interesting embroidery.

Heart-shaped pillows decorated with lace, bows and buttons look elegant. You can simply put these in a saucer and make a composition on a cabinet shelf.

How to make sachets in the form of bags with your own hands

These bags used to be a symbol of wealth and should have been in every home. Nowadays, it is rare for anyone to have such a symbol in their home to attract money, but maybe for a pleasant aroma.

To work you will need:

  • cotton fabric with an interesting print;
  • lace;
  • satin ribbon;
  • threads and needles;
  • filler for sachet.

Stage: pattern

For the pattern, you need to cut out a square with sides of 20 cm. Separately, you need to make a pattern of a smaller square with sides of 10 cm. This is necessary for the pad inside the bag, so the filling will not crumble.

Stage: stitching

Stitch three sides of the small pad and fill the contents with sachet filling. Sew the fourth side of this pad using a hidden seam. Next, sew the lace to one side of the large square. Next, fold this square in half and make a seam along the long side.

Stage: assembly

Place a small pillow with filling in the bag and tie it with a knot of satin ribbon. So the lovely and very fragrant bag is ready. Additionally, you can sew on loops and hang it on hangers in the closet.

Each item must have its own fillers. Children should not use citrus fruits; they need soothing aromas. Bed linens will also require their soothing scent or freshness. As for design, the design idea cannot be limited in any way.

Sachet (French sachet) is a small bag containing a mixture of aromatic herbs. For a long time, such bags have been popular in many families. They refreshed the home, attracted luck and love, and even drove away dark forces. Although you can buy ready-made sachets in souvenir shops, if they are made with your own hands, they seem to fill the house with coziness and a pleasant atmosphere.

To make it you will need:

Fabric for the bag;
threads with a needle;
beads and various braids for decoration;
a mixture of dry herbs;
essential oil.

The filling bag is made from any fabric. The main thing is that it is not very dense. It can be organza, cotton, silk or linen. Also, several fabrics are combined, it all depends on the imagination of the craftswoman. The product can be decorated with embroidery that matches the type or purpose of the aromatic filling. A small pillow, a heart, animal figures or a beautifully designed bag - this is what a modern sachet looks like.

First you need to make the desired pattern on paper. Using this template, cut out the sachet parts, not forgetting to make allowances for the seams. Then, folding the right sides inward, the parts are sewn together by hand or stitched on a sewing machine. It is necessary to leave a small piece of the product without sewing it to fill it with herbs. The sachet is turned right side out. If you plan to decorate the bag with embroidery, this is done before sewing down the parts. The finished product can be decorated with beads, glass beads, lace or braid.

To prepare an aromatic mixture of herbs, you can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself in the summer. In order for dry plants to fully release their aroma, they are ground manually in a mortar or coffee grinder. Then sift, add a few drops of essential oil and leave for a couple of days in a closed container so that the herbs are infused and saturated with oil. The finished mixture is poured into a sachet and the bag is tightly sewn up or tied with a decorative ribbon. Change the filler every 3-4 months.

5) Fillers for the aromatic bag can be any. The most common compositions are: mint in combination with cloves, rose in combination with lavender, lemon, cloves and rosemary. To make your bedroom smell like romance, lay out a sachet with the following mixture: mix an equal amount of chamomile, rose petals, rosemary and cloves, sew into bags. Melissa, lavender, chamomile, oregano and thyme promote sound sleep. A bag of lavender placed in a closet with clothes will drive away unwanted moths.

6) It is believed that if you sew a bag of green fabric and put two parts of cloves, three parts of patchouli and one part of cinnamon in it, this will attract money. If you want to sew a sachet for a motorist, then choose red material, put a double portion of rosemary and juniper, and a single portion of comfrey, caraway and wormwood. Such a talisman is hidden from prying eyes. And in order to protect your home, a red product is placed on the highest place, which is filled with the following mixture: three equal parts of basil and rosemary, two parts of dill and fennel seeds, one part of fern, laurel and a pinch of salt.

Aromatic sachets can impregnate bed linen, clothing, and serve as part of the interior. In this case, mixtures of dried petals, herbs and spices can be placed in a decorative basket or vase. A cotton bag with a herbal mixture is lowered into a filled bath. In addition, an exquisitely decorated sachet will serve as an original and pleasant gift.

An aromatic sachet is a small fabric bag with a filling that gives a pleasant aroma. Natural ingredients are most often used as filling: zest, aromatic herbs, flower petals, pine needles, tree bark, sea salt, vanilla sticks or cinnamon - the choice is almost limitless. To give a more lasting and pleasant smell, add a few drops of essential oils to the filler.

Aromatic sachet can be

  1. put in the closet so that the selected aroma permeates the things on the shelves
  2. hang in the car instead of an air freshener
  3. Place it at the head of the bed to breathe in your favorite scent while you rest
  4. Leave on kitchen or bathroom shelves to create a cozy atmosphere and mask unpleasant odors.

Making an aroma sachet, just like making it yourself, is quite simple; you don’t need to have any handicraft skills to do it.

To sew a fragrant pillow with your own hands, you need to prepare:

How to sew an aromatic sachet?

Cut out 2 identical pieces from a piece of fabric: rectangles or squares, not forgetting to add 1 cm to each side (seam allowances). You can also make a sachet in the shape of a heart or any other shape; to do this, it is first better to draw the desired shape of the future product on paper, and then cut it out and use it as a pattern.

If you plan to decorate the cover with embroidery, then it is more convenient to do this before the parts are sewn.

For an aroma sachet made in the shape of a bag, you need to sew 3 sides of the parts folded together with the front side inward. Then the finished product is turned outward, the outer edge is processed, stuffed with any filler and tied with a ribbon.

If the shape of the aroma cover is a pillow, heart or other shape, you need to stitch all sides, leaving a small unstitched area on one of them. Through it, the product is turned inside out and stuffed, and then carefully sewn up from the outside.

What to fill the Aromatic Sachet with?

Possible options:

  1. Dry herbs. You can collect aromatic mixtures yourself in the summer or buy ready-made ones at the pharmacy. First, the plants are crushed to enhance the smell emanating from them. This can be done using a coffee grinder, blender or mortar. The crushed composition is sifted to get rid of very fine powder, the rest is poured into a bowl. Essential oils are added there to give a more intense aroma to the filler. The most common lavender sachet (no additional grinding required)
  2. Sintepon. The pad is stuffed with artificial fibers, stitched up, and then, after drawing oil into a syringe, they pierce the fabric with a needle in several places, injecting liquid.
  3. Sea salt, pine needles. The mixture is poured into a bowl, aromatic oils are dripped in, then the pillow is stuffed with it.
  4. Sawdust – retains the aroma perfectly, can be purchased at any pet supply department (just take unscented sawdust)

Large ingredients - vanilla sticks, tree bark, plant roots - will look impressive in a sachet made of translucent fabric (organza, lace). Oil is also dripped onto them before being placed inside the case.

What oils should I use for aromatherapy?

Essential oils can have a variety of effects: invigorate, calm, improve mood or relax. Therefore, it is important to select scents taking into account where exactly the scented pads will be used.

For the bedroom

To ensure proper sleep and rest, you can create compositions from the essential oils of the following plants:

Melissa fights bad mood, protects against bad dreams, helps with headaches.
Lavender puts you in a positive mood, eliminates depressive thoughts, relaxes, and fights insomnia.
Rose relieves stress.
Oregano helps to forget about problems and difficulties with sleep.
Peppermint fights neuroses, equalizes energy balance.
Chamomile It has a calming effect, helps to improve mental balance, and is used against depression, stress, insomnia and neuroses.
Thyme improves the activity of the central nervous system and tones the nervous system.
Myrrh, sage, frankincense, juniper and cedar eliminate obsessive thoughts, even out mood, relieve fatigue.
Pine and fir protect against respiratory diseases, they are good to use during the ARVI season.
Geranium and valerian– antidepressants.

For cabinet

The most popular sachet scent for the closet is lavender. In addition to the pleasant smell, the fragrant bag will protect things from moths.

Other possible solutions: rose oil, mint oil, lemon oil, rosemary oil, ylang-ylang oil. For a shelf with bed linen, a lemon balm scented aroma is suitable.

For kitchen

Sachets for the kitchen are filled with spices or aromatic herbs.

A good option is coffee essential oil. It promotes awakening, eliminates drowsiness, increases concentration, and improves performance. Coffee oil has a special property - it enhances the pleasure that a person receives during any activity. So, by making a coffee-scented sachet, you can turn routine cooking into an exciting activity.
Carnation helps to recover from mental and physical stress, relieves stress.
Coriander calms, helps fight fears, increases creativity.
Mint restores strength, fights fatigue, nervous excitement, helps eliminate unpleasant thoughts.
Cinnamon relieves stress, awakens cravings for activity, increases sensitivity, improves digestion
Citrus invigorate, set you up for a productive working day, relieve depression and fatigue of the eye muscles.

For bathroom

Since the bathroom has high humidity and the filler gets damp very quickly, they do not use dry herbs, but bags filled with salt. Sea salt can be mixed with beeswax and then add essential oil to this mixture.

To create an invigorating scent in the bathroom, use oils of clove, pine needles, sage, rose, basil and rosemary. To relax, use aromatherapy with essential oils of chamomile, lavender, myrrh and frankincense.

For auto

It is important to concentrate when driving, so substances with invigorating aromas are used to fill sachets.
Tea tree oil relieves fatigue and weakness, increases alertness, helps in stressful situations, repels insects.
Fennel essential oil eliminates the smell of tobacco, has an anti-stress effect, reduces nervousness.
Basil helps concentrate and improves memory.
Laurel and lemongrass reduces fatigue, increases alertness.
Lemon helps cope with nausea.
Verbena invigorates, reduces irritability, improves mood and stimulates mental activity.
Grapefruit helps fight drowsiness while driving, increases activity, improves mood, and relieves aggression.
Patchouli increases vigor and readiness for action, speeds up reaction, and gives a charge of optimism.

Whatever filler is chosen, it needs to be replaced with a new one every 3-4 months - after this period, almost all the aroma is exhaled, and the sachet loses its properties.

The word “sachet” came to us from the French language, and when translated into Russian it means “bag”. Most often, this item is a fabric pocket filled with fragrant herbs or stuffed with fabric soaked in essential oils. The sachet is used to scent rooms, linen, and clothing.

What is a sachet?

Each house has its own specific and special smell and, unfortunately, it is not always fragrant and fresh. The reasons for this may be the age of the home, the end of a protracted renovation, as well as the odors that a person brings from the street. Sachets are used to eliminate these very problems.

Such bags were invented in ancient times. Some of them were made of fabric, leather, grass and could even be worn in furs and medallions. A little later, aromatic substances began to be sewn into clothes to protect themselves from evil spirits, bad people and the evil eye. Moreover, the components were mixtures of herbs and flowers to doom the house, attract love, finances, and improve your health. But often compositions of the most pleasant smells were simply made, and then the bags were hung or laid out throughout the living space.

Sachets were especially popular for adding a unique and pleasant aroma to lace, bed linen, and towels. Housewives made bags from various materials, decorated them with embroidery, patterns, lace, beads and even pearls! A small loop was sewn to such a pillow and then hung in the kitchen, near the front door, or in the bedroom. The finished sachet served as an indicator of the needlewoman’s skill, and also gave an idea of ​​her as a housewife and as a woman in general.

How to sew a sachet bag yourself?

Nowadays, sachets in the form of small bags filled with fragrant herbs are very popular. Thanks to such devices, you can add a pleasant smell not only to clothes, but also to paper, toys, and linen. Sachets are also an excellent remedy for moths.

The herbs for the bag can be purchased ready-made or you can independently collect those whose aroma is most preferable to you. Herbs should be collected early in the morning. They need to be dried in a well-ventilated place, in the shade, without direct sunlight. Drying often takes 5 days, after which you can begin to create a composition for the future sachet.

If you want to make a bag with refreshing properties, then you should fill it with lavender, rose petals, sage, and also add a drop of lavender oil or rose oil. This way the smell will last for a long time.

For a child's room, a mixture of rose petals, sage, chamomile and lavender is suitable. We must remember that the smell should be barely audible, not pronounced. It is not recommended to hang the bag next to the baby's crib. It is better to place it in the closet with clothes.

A combination of herbs, spices and citrus zest is suitable for the kitchen. By the way, in the kitchen, sachets are used not only to add flavor, but also to prepare the food itself. For example, a bag filled with Tuscan herbs can be placed in a saucepan while cooking broths, stewing fish or meat.

For the pillow itself, it is best to take fabric from a natural material; embroidery material is perfect. Unlike synthetic fabric, such fabric will emit aroma in the room longer, which in turn will not be drowned out by notes of synthetics. Because the bag itself should be beautiful and original, it can be decorated with embroidery.

If you don’t have the necessary herbs at home, then don’t despair; you can fill the sachets with regular sawdust, which have been previously soaked in essential oils. Sawdust is inexpensive, and you can buy it at almost any pet supply store. A huge selection of essential oils can be found in pharmacies.

To prepare sawdust, you need to pour some of it into a glass jar with a tightly screwed lid, add a few drops of essential oil, then close the jar and shake everything well. Then repeat the same manipulations: pour sawdust into the jar, drop essential oil, shake. The jars and contents should then be placed in a dark place for at least 7 days.

The bags themselves for the future sachets are also very simple to sew: to do this, you should cut out rectangles or triangles, rhombuses, circles from the fabric - whatever you like, decorate with lace, embroidery, beads, and then sew the edges. Afterwards, the bag should be tightly filled with a mixture of herbs or sawdust with essential oils prepared in advance and simply tied with a ribbon or braid.

So, sewing a bag is not at all difficult, but what to fill it with? There can be a lot of options, here are the most popular ones:

  • Many people know that the smell of coffee improves mood, kills unpleasant odors, and also increases appetite. A sachet filled with coffee beans can be hung in the kitchen, it will bring a lot of benefits there!;
  • The smell of pine needles has an antibacterial and refreshing effect. The natural aroma of pine and spruce needles can be enhanced with essential oil. By the way, cedar, fir and pine oils are not only beneficial for the human body, but also elevate your mood;
  • Spicy herbs such as fennel, basil, mint, thyme, rosemary have unique beneficial properties and aromas, and mint also calms, relieves stress and puts a person’s emotional state in order;
  • To improve sleep, the sachet can be placed inside a pillowcase or the stuffing of your regular pillow. In addition to herbs, you can use berries or rose hips. To create such a sachet you will need 1 part lavender buds and ½ part each of jasmine, chamomile, hop and rose petals. The herbs need to be mixed, poured into a bag, and it, in turn, hidden in a pillowcase or the pillow itself;
  • To strengthen the immune system, mix sage, rosemary, lemon balm, thyme and essential oils of the same plants;
  • In the child's room you can place a sachet filled with sage, rose petals, dill seeds, lavender and chamomile flowers with the addition of essential oils of lemon balm, chamomile and sage.

By the way, it is the lavender scent that leads among others when choosing the components of sachet fillers. It is persistent, prevents the appearance of moths, and brings health benefits - it calms and relieves stress.

DIY sasha: master class

To make your own sachets at home you will need:

  1. A scrap of linen, cotton fabric or cambric;
  2. A small piece of lace;
  3. Braid, ribbons - you need to choose such details based only on your taste preferences;
  4. Napkins for decoupage or transfer paper;
  5. Filling for the bag: dried herbs, pine needles or orange zest, or sawdust pre-soaked in essential oils, as well as a small ball of padding polyester so that the sachet has a beautiful shape;
  6. Needle, thread, scissors.

First of all, a pattern of the desired shape should be made from the material. As an example, 2 blanks are presented - 1 in the form of a heart, and the other in the form of a rectangle.

Using a hot iron, you need to transfer the image from the transfer paper onto the fabric. To do this, the paper should be ironed several times, then peeled off, and the image will be transferred to the fabric!

Then, using pre-selected ribbons of braid and lace, you should decorate the front side of the bag. By the way, it is better to do this manually, without the help of a sewing machine.

Now it's time to sew both halves of the heart and rectangle by hand. This is done from the wrong side of the product using a rough seam. A small ribbon loop should be sewn to the corner of the rectangle and in the middle of the heart, from which the bags will subsequently be hung.

Now the rough seam needs to be sewn on a sewing machine, leaving a small hole through which the sealant will be poured, and turn the product right side out.

All that remains is to fill the pillows with filler. To begin with, they should be filled with crushed and dried orange zest; to ensure accuracy of the procedure, padding polyester should be placed along the corners and edges. Then you should take a couple of cotton pads and drop a few drops of pre-prepared essential oils onto 1 of them, and then cover it with a second cotton pad and place it inside the bag.

After this, the hole must be carefully sewn up and that’s it – the aromatic sachet for the home is ready!

It is best to store such bags in a tightly closed container; it can be a large jar or any other container with a lid.

There is a legend that the wife of the God of Olympus Zeus, Hera, seduced him with the help of a magical fragrant belt. Modern experts in the field of aromas believe that the filling composition of such a belt could well be as follows: nutmeg, jasmine, cloves, pink vanilla. You can take this into account by creating a composition of scents for sachets with your own hands.