How to draw a vase with a pencil step by step. How to draw a vase with flowers: step-by-step master classes. How to draw a vase with willow - instructions

People talk about how to draw a vase with a pencil even in the initial stages of learning academic fine arts. As a basis for learning, students of art educational institutions most often focus on images of marble or plaster vases, less often on drawings of vases with flowers. However, to understand how to draw a vase, you can take any option available in the house as a basis or come up with your own shape.

Preparing the drawing

How to draw a vase? For beginners, creating preparatory markings on a sheet of paper can be a good help. To facilitate future work on the drawing, the image of one long vertical line in the center of the sheet and two short ones perpendicular to it in the upper and lower parts will help.

It is also advisable to outline the contours of the bottom and top of the future vase, which will serve as the basis for drawing the base and neck of the vessel. To complete the preparatory drawing, it is worth adding several vertical lines that will mark the boundaries of the sides of the product. Do not forget about the symmetry of contour lines.

Dividing a vase into its individual component parts

When trying to figure out how to draw a vase with a pencil step by step, you need to think about maintaining the correct ratio of the figure in its different parts. Based on this, it is worth plotting the approximate height of the vase on the central contour line and looking at what component parts it will be divided into in the future.

The design of a vase may consist of a neck, the main convex part, handles, patterns, and other elements. Therefore, you should determine in advance at least the approximate height where the concave and convex parts should be located, through which contour horizontal lines must be drawn. Do you want to know how to draw a beautiful vase? Then take this advice: it is better to draw contour and auxiliary lines using a hard pencil - this will make them not too noticeable, and you can easily remove them with an eraser.

Volume and shape

When it becomes more or less clear how to draw a vase using markings in the form of preliminary contours, you can move on to creating and filling out the main form. You can achieve a sense of volume in a vase with the help of a competent play of light and shadow. In fine art, lighter areas mark convex shapes, and dark areas mark concave shapes.

To add additional volume, you should use shading. It can be used in one or different directions. It should be noted that light and shadow in such a picture should smoothly flow into each other.

Main job

Based on the above recommendations on how to draw a vase, you can proceed directly to creating the image. To begin with, it is worth drawing the approximate outlines of the future vase. Here you can indicate the basis. In this case, it is better to perform light movements, since most of the outlines will subsequently have to be removed from the drawing or simply corrected.

Having marked and outlined the neck of the vase, you can begin to draw the main shape. Alternatively, on the walls of the base of the vase you can depict designs in the form of flowers, patterns, geometric shapes, and other elements.

Finally, all auxiliary contours and lines are removed from the drawing. The boundaries of the shape are drawn with thicker lines. If necessary, color is added to the vase. It is best to paint the vessel in soft, pastel colors, which will make it more realistic.

If you need to draw a vase with flowers, then it is better to depict plants of the simplest form, for example, tulips. Slightly curved legs of future flowers should extend from the neck of the vessel, the buds of which should first be depicted in the form of ovals, reminiscent of chicken eggs. Later, leaves and sharp tips of the buds are added to the contours. All auxiliary lines are removed from the drawing.

You can add richness and variety by painting the vase in subtle tones, while giving the flower buds a variety of rich colors. The main thing is that the flowers are painted in natural, existing shades, which will add overall realism to the picture.


Having figured out how to draw a vase using a regular pencil, and having completed the work, you should carefully examine the finished drawing. One of the sides of the vase, on which the conventional light falls, should be lighter, and the opposite, correspondingly, darker. It is necessary to ensure that the transition between the border of light and shadow is as smooth and gradual as possible. The base of the vase is usually painted over with a dark shade.

If difficulties arise, you can use educational video instructions that can explain in more detail the sequence of stages of drawing a vase with a pencil.

Still life is an image of inanimate objects. It is difficult to imagine a beautiful still life without a vase. They come in a variety of shapes - from rectangular to cone-shaped, with or without handles, transparent or not. The principles of drawing all types of vessels are very similar. Let's look at the main stages of drawing a vase.

Any object has a center, so we draw a center line - the center line. It will help control the symmetry of the object. We denote the boundaries of the object, in our case a vase, with transverse lines. Visually we divide the vase in half with a transverse line.

Where the width of the neck changes, we also draw a line.

A vase is a round object, in order to draw it correctly you need to “build” it: ovals will help convey the volume of a round shape. In order to draw them, we put dots - boundaries. We connect these points into ovals.

When you have outlined the ovals, connect the dots to create the perfect vase shape.

Erase the extra parts of the circles and center lines. The vase is almost ready, to give it volume let’s shade only those areas where the shadow falls. This can be difficult for beginners. After all, the angle of view shifted slightly - the areas of the shadow also changed their position. But there is a simple solution - if the light source (window or lamp) is on the left, then the shadow is on the right. And, conversely, the light pours from the right - we draw the shadow on the right. We remember that the darkest shadow in the figure is outside the object, falling from it.

Finishing touches: they need to be placed on the opposite part of the vase, but they should be lighter, the so-called partial shade. But with the visible neck the situation is the opposite - we darken the left side more (as in the example). This makes the drawing look more believable.

Having considered the simple steps of drawing a vase, you can easily repeat and draw your own little masterpiece. Let us remind you that we have conveyed the steps of drawing vases in a realistic manner, but no one can cancel your imagination and creativity in any chosen style. After all, in addition to still lifes, you can depict a vase of an unusual shape, give it an interesting color or texture. Or maybe you want to collect a whole collection of vases and other items on one sheet of paper?

Hello, dear friends!

Today we have a fairly simple and very practical lesson. This material will be useful to many beginners when painting a still life with objects. We will look at simple rules on how to draw a vase, decanter, jug or similar vessel, avoiding basic mistakes.

  • simple pencils of different hardness
  • eraser
  • Blank sheet.

Drawing a vessel

Often they don’t attach much importance to the image of vessels of a simple shape, one or two and you’re done. What to do if you need to depict a beautiful, slender vessel with an elegant shape, but it still doesn’t stick? Read this article and watch the short video, I think simple tips will help you create a good still life.

For the first sketches, find some suitable nature at home. It could even be a glass, bottle, cup or decanter. The principle of construction of all these items is the same.

If you still find it difficult to work with life, try first creating a few sketches step by step according to the lesson to better understand and remember the basic principles. Here is an example of two vessels:

Centerlines and symmetry

In order to build any vessel on a sheet of paper, you will need at least two center lines: horizontal and vertical. The vertical line should divide the object in half. The horizontal line is best placed at the level of the widest or narrowest point of the vessel.

It is best to mark horizontal lines where all the protrusions and depressions are, so you will get the most accurate result.

If you look at a quick sketch without centerlines, it is difficult to determine whether the shape of the vessel is shown correctly and symmetrically. With these lines, we immediately see where we made a mistake and what needs to be corrected. This is clearly shown in the illustration below.

(In the illustration: 1. A quick sketch by eye. 2. Centerlines were easily drawn on the same sketch to identify inaccuracies and errors. 3. Corrections were made and a symmetrical drawing was obtained.)


Most types of dishes can be fitted into symmetrical geometric shapes. For example: a jug - into an oval with trapezoids, a bottle - into rectangles of different heights and thicknesses, a decanter - into a trapezoid and a rectangle.

The photo above shows shapes into which vessels of different shapes can be placed. Afterwards, we will make the straight lines smoother and the corners rounded.

Clarification of oval opening

We have already built a symmetrical silhouette consisting of simple geometric shapes. Now we need to clarify the shape, smooth and round the corners and protrusions, make its shape more interesting and elegant.

The illustrations below show the step-by-step creation of a pencil drawing. At the last stage, we completely refine the linear drawing and erase the previously outlined auxiliary lines and shapes.

When you draw any vessel or utensils, make sure that the ovals that underlie it are revealed equally. The bottom of the vessel is round; from most angles we will see it as an oval.

You need to clearly imagine or easily outline the ovals that make up the vessel: the oval of the bottom of the vessel, the oval of the widest protrusion, the oval of the neck, etc.

In the illustration, the visible part of the oval is highlighted in red, the hidden part is in green; it is better to easily outline this part with a pencil.

The degree to which the oval opens depends on the angle at which you look at the vessel. Make sure that in your sketch with dishes all the ovals are of the same “roundness”. These ovals help turn a simple linear drawing into a more voluminous one.

Volume light and shadow

To give an image volume, you need to determine where the light comes from, and, accordingly, where the shadow falls. The awning is always located on the opposite side of the light source.

Every art school student takes a lesson on how to how to draw a vase using a pencil. This picture is a good material for giving volume to objects. Let's try to draw a vase by placing a rose flower in it. If you want, you can draw any other flower or bouquet.

The vase in the picture looks quite simple, you just need to know the rules of perspective, symmetry, proportions, as well as techniques for creating volume for objects. Add patterns on its walls to make your design more attractive, for example, in the form of flowers. After this lesson, you can draw or come up with a vase of some other shape.

How to draw a vase step by step with a pencil

1. Basics of initial drawing layout

You need to start with the main marking lines, i.e. those lines along which we can navigate in the future (including the lines of the opening, as well as the lines of the support of the vase). In this case, we will make the opening lines drawn in the neck slightly smaller than the bottom line of the vase support.

2. Height limit line

Let's draw the lowest and highest line of the vase. This will help you draw the base and neck without any distortion. Draw side lines representing the angle of the neck. Draw two side points. Such points are necessary in order to distribute the side walls. Follow the neck lines and side lines, which need to be drawn at the same distance from each other.

3. Preliminary outline

Draw the approximate shape of the vase based on the previous contours. We barely press on the pencil, because... This circuit may need to be corrected. Now you need to draw the neck so that later you can “insert flowers” ​​into it. It is worth noting that later, in the drawing made with flowers, it will be almost completely invisible. At the same time, we will draw the lower base of the vase.

4. Clarifying the contours of the drawing

Having slightly specified the base of the design and the neck of the vase, we will begin to make a pattern for it. My pattern is in the form of roses surrounded by leaves. Choose the pattern you want and draw the basic outlines that will help you complete it more accurately.

5. Draw the pattern of your vase

Having connected the preliminary lines into one whole, we will draw the pattern in detail. It should not be “conspicuous”, because... is not the main element of the picture. Instead of a pattern of flowers, there may be, for example, some geometric shapes.

6. Shadows that give volume to the vase

Having colored your design with a pencil, begin to create volume for your vase. To draw shadows on an object, you need to imagine where the light will come from. The shadows will be “thicker” the further they are from the light source. Shade the neck more, because almost no light gets into it. After that, you can draw a flower in the vase.

Pencil vase with step-by-step tips

A vase is one of the most beautiful and successful elements of interior decoration. Of course, all the beauty and grace of the vase

It is very difficult to convey in a drawing, but we will try to do it as easily as possible with the help of our lesson.

If you need to draw a beautiful still life, then this lesson is just for you, since the drawing of a vase is perfect for this genre of painting. On our website you can also find other lessons on drawing a vase. You can see a vase with a beautiful sakura pattern by clicking on the picture on the right

As in any drawing, and even more so in a three-dimensional one (which is what this vase is), it is considered important to observe all proportions. To do this, you need to draw auxiliary lines.

We will start by drawing vertical auxiliary lines. We draw them as follows:

Now let's draw horizontal auxiliary lines, as shown in the figure below:

Now let's move on to drawing the vase itself. We will start by drawing the neck; its contours approximately coincide with the auxiliary lines drawn earlier. We make them smoother

The next thing we will draw is the vessel itself, namely its upper part. With the help of auxiliary lines, this will be easy to do. We draw our vase strictly from the leftmost auxiliary line to the rightmost one.

The final stage of drawing the vase itself is drawing the lower part of the vessel. The lines of our vase should be rounded. We look at the following picture and draw:

You can remove all the auxiliary lines and move on to drawing a beautiful floral pattern on the vase

Our pattern consists of beautiful roses. For convenience, it is better to draw it in several stages. The first stage is to select the location of the roses, and to draw the middle of the flowers. In the second stage, we draw the first row of petals for some roses

Next stage. Draw the next row of petals as shown in the picture

Now we add petals to our beautiful roses

To decorate a vase so that it does not seem empty, you can add falling petals as follows

That's all, our magnificent vase is ready. At your request, you can decorate our vase with colored pencils, felt-tip pens, or any paints. Please post photos of your completed vases in the comments below. We are very interested to see what you came up with!

A vase filled with fresh and fragrant flowers is a classic subject for a still life. Many painters, who knew perfectly well how to paint a vase of flowers, created magnificent canvases that to this day adorn the halls of museums. Of course, a vase of flowers, the drawing of which is easiest to draw from life, can also be made into a subject for any greeting card.
Before you draw a vase of flowers step by step with a pencil, you need to have the following items on hand:
1). Pencil;
2). Colour pencils;
3). Eraser;
4). A piece of paper;
5). Black gel pen.

If all those things that are listed a little higher are already ready, you can move on to learning how to draw a vase with flowers step by step:
1. Draw a vertical line and mark the vase as a rectangle;
2. Draw a vase;
3. Draw a massive handle to the vase. Outline the table;
4. Using light lines, sketch out the flowers;
5. Draw the centers of the daffodils;
6. Draw the daffodil petals. Of course, it is most convenient to draw flowers from life, having familiarized yourself in detail with their structure. But you can also use a high-quality photograph as a source;
7. Draw the tulip flowers;
8. Draw stems and leaves;
9. Draw circles on the vase;
10. Of course, now you know how to draw a vase of flowers with a pencil. But to make the image look truly beautiful, it is recommended to make it in color. Outline the sketch with a pen;
11. Using the eraser, erase the sketch;
12. Use gray and blue shades of pencils to shade the surface of the table. Paint the vase except for the circles red, and paint the stripe on it yellow;
13. Color the centers of the daffodils with yellow and orange. Shade the flower petals with blue and lilac tones;
14. Use pink, lilac and purple pencils to color three tulips;
15. Paint the fourth tulip with yellow, orange and red shades;
16. Paint the stems and leaves with green and dark green;
17. Use a brown pencil to darken the vase.
The drawing is ready! Now you know how to draw a vase of flowers! Such an image will look no less beautiful if you choose paints, for example, watercolor or gouache, instead of colored pencils to color it. The main thing is to carefully paint the flowers, and then the bouquet will be simply charming!

Watch the video: “How to draw a vase of flowers”

Drawing a vase may seem simple, but it helps you learn to convey shape, volume, perspective, and symmetry. Try drawing a vase with flowers and fruits!

Many beginning artists often practice drawing vases, because such a drawing helps to convey shape, volume, perspective, symmetry, and create chiaroscuro, that is, to practice the most necessary and important skills for further drawing. In addition, vases fit perfectly into still lifes, so the acquired skill will not be wasted.

How to draw a vase with a pencil step by step for beginners?


  1. You need to start by marking the future drawing using vertical and horizontal lines. The vertical line is needed to determine the height and symmetry of the vase. The horizontal lines will define the top and bottom of the vase, as well as the extension on it.
  2. Next, draw the contours of the vase using straight lines.
    When drawing lines, the pencil does not need to be pressed; these are temporary lines that will then be erased.
  3. The contours will serve as limiters, within which the vase is given the desired shape using smooth lines. The convexity of the vase will be given by curved smooth lines extending beyond the contour.
  4. Now you need to pay attention to the bottom and neck of the vase. You need to draw the neck and bottom with smooth lines that also go beyond the contours.

Overlaying shadow

In order for the drawing to have a three-dimensional appearance, you need to apply a shadow, that is, shade with a pencil those places that are far from the light. The more part of the vase is removed from the light, the thicker the shading of the design should be.
For beginners, you can take a vase or other vessel as a model and see how the shadow from a light source falls on it.

VIDEO: How to draw a vase?

How to draw a vase for a child?

A child may not yet have as well developed spatial imagination as an adult, so teaching him to draw a vase is, again, better by making markings and outlining the contours. You need to start drawing step by step:

  • draw a vertical line, the axis from which the sides of the vase will be drawn
  • draw horizontal lines indicating the bottom, neck and widest part of the vase
  • Using light lines, without pressing the pencil, give the outline of the vase, drawing symmetrical lines on both sides of the vertical line - the axis
  • draw ovals for the bottom and neck of the vase
  • adjust the symmetry of the lines on both sides of the vase relative to the axis
  • darken the darkened areas with shading or a thicker layer of paint and leave the areas where the light falls lighter

How to draw a vase with flowers step by step? Drawing - flowers in a vase

To draw a vase of flowers, you need to simultaneously outline the contours of both the vase and the flowers in it.

  1. Draw a vertical line-axis.
  2. Draw horizontal lines in the place where the bottom, top and expanding part of the vase are supposed to be.
  3. Make symmetrical contours of the vase and an oval for the bottom.
  4. You don’t have to draw the neck of the vase, but draw a circle above its intended location, inside which the flowers will be placed.
  5. As you know, flowers and bouquets are different, so you need to decide which flowers will be drawn in the vase. Perhaps they will be the same, perhaps different, and even in a composition with fern and grass. Therefore, you need to determine how many and what kind of flowers will be in the vase, and make appropriate sketches.
  6. The easiest way to learn to draw daisies or similar flowers with petals. Inside the circle outlined for the bouquet, place the daisies at different heights relative to the neck of the vase.
  7. Make chiaroscuro to give the drawing volume.

VIDEO: How to draw a VASE WITH FLOWERS with a simple pencil?

How to draw a bowl of fruit?

First of all, you need to think about what shape the fruit bowl can be. It can be either a simple, semicircular shape, or a vase on a leg.

  1. In any case, first you need to draw a semicircle going down from the straight line of the horizontal axis of the future vase.
  2. Then, below the straight line, draw a concave line to represent the top of the vase.
  3. At the bottom of the vase you need to draw something like a bottom, even if you are supposed to draw it on the leg. The vase should be stable, with the center of gravity in the middle.
Fruit bowl in pencil: step 1. Fruit bowl in pencil: step 2. Fruit bowl in pencil: step 3.

Now you can start sketching the fruit. As a rule, those of them that are placed in a vase have:

  • round shape (apples, oranges, grapes)
  • extended (bananas)
  • or diamond-shaped (plums)

It is advisable to think about the arrangement of fruits in the vase so that they do not hang from its edges, perhaps so that they are located as fruits of the same variety in one place, or all the fruits interspersed.
When drawing fruit in a vase, you should take into account that only part of the fruit should be visible, since the other part may be in a recess in the vase.

VIDEO: Still life with vase and fruit

Vases have been one of the main decorations of almost any home since ancient times. Now in stores you can find vases of any, even the most bizarre shapes, colors and sizes. Therefore, everyone can depict a vase from life, because there is probably at least one of these objects in the house. If you want to know how to draw a vase dating back to some historical era, then you can use an encyclopedia or photo. Explaining to a child how to draw a vase will not be at all difficult, because this vessel has a very simple shape.
Before you draw a vase, you need to prepare step by step:
1). Album sheet;
2). Eraser;
3). Pencils of various shades;
4). Liner;
5). Pencil;
6). Ruler.

To make a pencil vase beautiful, you should divide the process into several stages:
1. Draw two vertical lines;
2. Use a ruler to mark the main parts of the large vase. One of the vertical lines is its middle. The vase narrows at the top and bottom, and its middle is the widest part;
3. Connect the ends of the segments with smooth lines;
4. Soften the shape of the vase. Draw the bottom and neck of the vase;
5. Draw handles on both sides of the vase;
6. Draw a pattern on the vase. He can be anything. And also the vase can be completely monochromatic;
7. Now we need to draw a vase again with a pencil, but this time it’s small. First, mark the size of the main shapes of the vase so that it turns out even. Then draw the shape of the vase;
8. Draw a small vase in more detail, depicting the neck and bottom;
9. Also draw a pattern on a small vase;
10. Outline the sketches with a liner;
11. Use an eraser to erase the pencil sketch of the vases. Now you understand how to draw a vase with a pencil step by step and you can move on to the next stage - coloring;
12. Start coloring with a large vase. Color the patterns with blue and yellow shades of pencils. Make the fish yellow too;
13. Use a dark brown pencil to color the top of the large vase. Color the lower part with a brown pencil, but in a lighter shade;
14. Paint the pattern on the small vase with a blue tone. Lightly shade the small vase with a gray tint. Tint the table a little brown.
The vase drawing is ready! Now you can draw some interesting still life yourself, for example, a bouquet of your favorite flowers in a bright vase.