Kinesio tape color difference. Taping. Types, rules, schemes. Video: Common mistakes in kinesio taping

Some useful tips from kinesio taping practitioners and athletes on how to achieve maximum strength of applications:

  1. Degrease the skin: remove creams and ointments. It is best to wipe the skin with a degreasing lotion immediately before taping;
  2. If the hair is too dense, you should cut it off or shave it where the tape is applied;
  3. Before gluing, use scissors to round off the corners of the tape so that the tape does not cling to clothing;
  4. Try to avoid excessive stretching of the tape during application so that it does not peel off from the skin; stick the ends of the tape without any tension at all (so-called anchors are obtained);
  5. Apply the tape approximately 45 minutes before playing sports or before taking a shower so that the glue has time to properly adhere to the skin;
  6. After application, smooth the tape to activate the glue, which begins to work under the influence of skin temperature.
II. How do tapes from different manufacturers differ?

All tapes presented on our website have a number of common characteristics:

  1. Made from 100% cotton for optimal comfort and ventilation (latex free);
  2. Elasticity 180%, corresponds to the elasticity of skin and muscles;
  3. Hypoallergenic adhesive layer acting at body temperature;
  4. The ability to wear the tape without removing it from 3 to 5 days after application;
  5. Water resistance: with the applied tape you can shower, swim and swim.

The differences between tapes lie mainly in production technology and design, which explains their different costs. We see our main task as selecting high-quality tapes that work 100% and satisfy a wide range of customers: from discerning adherents of expensive brands Kinesio Tex Gold and RockTape to lovers of great deals - Mueller, Intrarich, Kintex.

The tape must be applied to the damaged area. It is important that the muscles are in a stretched state. The tape should be applied from one end of the muscle to the other with little or no tension. It is important to pay attention to the purpose of applying the tape. If muscle support is needed, the tape is applied from the near (to the center of the human body) end of the muscle to the far end. If the goal is rehabilitation and treatment, then it’s the other way around: from the far end to the near. To apply the tape correctly, you need to know not only the anatomy, but also have the skill of kinesio taping, so we recommend that you start using the tape with the assistance of specialists (doctors or experienced kinesio taping practitioners).

IV. Are there differences between kinesiology tapes of different colors?

The experience of athletes and sports doctors suggests that the difference between tapes of different colors is only aesthetic. There are, however, some opinions that in “wet” sports black tapes stay on the body better. Designer tapes psychologically have the effect of “escape from illness” and are actively used in rehabilitation.

But still, the official position of tape manufacturers is that there is no difference between tapes of different colors.

V. What is the difference between sports tapes and kinesio tapes?

– Sports tapes are used for rigid fixation in order to limit the mobility of the damaged area, i.e. These tapes are used to wrap the damaged area like a bandage. They are used to prevent re-injury directly during exercise.

– Kinesio tapes are glued to the skin to relax or tone the muscles; there is no rigid fixation or limitation of mobility. They can be used both during exercise and during the rehabilitation period.

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For injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system tape applied not only to the damaged area, but also to the healthy undamaged areas adjacent to it.

It is very important to properly separate the adhesive strips from the packaging. They are cut with scissors, and in cases where very quick application is required, they are torn off. When performing this procedure, the doctor’s (masseur’s) hands must be clean and dry, otherwise tape will stick to them.

Adhesive plaster bandages, no matter what part of the body they are applied to, can only be applied correctly if certain rules are followed:

  • Tape should only be applied by a qualified specialist (doctor, massage therapist, trainer) with special knowledge and skills taping
  • Before overlay teip the body area should be clean, dry, hair should be shaved
  • The athlete should be laid down or seated in a comfortable position so that there is room for application. teip was motionless and accessible. Give it an average physiological position
  • The segment (body part) on which it will be applied tape, it is necessary to give the position in which it will be after application teip
  • The doctor (or massage therapist) must face the athlete in order to be able to observe him. If symptoms indicating improper application are detected teip(cyanosis, swelling, severe pain or lack of sensitivity and active movements), it must be removed and a new one applied
  • Apply tape start with fixing tours (above and below the site of the disease)
  • Overlay teip done with two hands: with one hand they roll out the head of the adhesive plaster, and with the other they straighten its passages
  • Each subsequent turn of the adhesive plaster should cover the previous turn by half or two-thirds
  • Adhesive plaster strips should be pulled evenly so that the strips do not move, form folds or constrictions, and do not peel off from the surface of the body.
  • At the end of the overlay teip it is reinforced with control rounds
  • Properly applied tape should not cause discomfort, pain, numbness, tingling, poor circulation, etc.
  • Cannot be applied tape during the competition period, without having tested it in training. Apply tape must be the same doctor (massage therapist)
  • Particular attention should be paid to protecting certain areas of the body from strong compression with an adhesive bandage, preventing compression of blood vessels and nerves
  • Cannot be applied tape in case of severe pain, tissue swelling, on areas of the body with hair, contaminated or damp skin. If in the area on which it will be imposed tape, there are abrasions, scars, it is treated with iodine (brilliant) and a piece of bandage, a bactericidal adhesive plaster is placed

1 Size of kinesio tapes

2 Manufacturer (country of production) of kinesio tapes

3 Colors of kinesio tapes

4 Kinesio tape material

5 Crosstapes

Today there is a wide variety on the market, differing in sizes, colors and materials from which they are made. It should be noted that, depending on the characteristics, one or another type of kinesio tape has its own characteristics and scope of application. Therefore, in this article we will talk in detail about each type of tape and the types of injuries for which they are used. However, you will find more materials about kinesio taping for every taste in the section.

The main characteristics that you should pay attention to when choosing tapes include:

Kinesio tape size

Depending on the roll size (roll width/roll length), all kinesio tapes are divided into the following categories:

  • (roll width 5 cm, roll length 5 m) - the most common (standard) size of kinesio tape, used by both athletes and traumatologists in the treatment of patients with musculoskeletal injuries. The main types of pathologies for which such tape is applied include: pain in the neck and shoulder girdle, back and lower back pain, sprain of the lower extremities, “tennis elbow” and many others. By purchasing a standard roll of kinesio tape, you can cut a strip from the roll of the length that you need, depending on the area where the application will be glued. Usually one standard roll 5 m long is enough for many applications;
  • - differ from the standard kinesio tapes described above only by a shorter roll length, which is 3 m, and a lower price for the tape. This series of tapes was developed for beginners who want to try the taping method for the first time. A three-meter roll length is enough to perform several basic applications (knee, ankle, lower back, shoulder, etc.);
  • - these narrowest cotton kinesio tapes in the range will be the best option if it is necessary to tap narrow parts of the body (for example, the phalanges of the fingers), for kinesio taping of children and aesthetic taping of the face and neck;
  • - an ideal choice for taping small parts of the body, as well as for application to the face and neck in cosmetology and during aesthetic taping procedures. Made of eco-cotton with hypoallergenic glue, a roll length of 5 m is enough for a sufficient number of applications;
  • - this width (7.5 cm) of the tape is ideal for application to large (wide) injured areas of the body, as well as for taping for lymphedema and swelling of the knee joint. In addition, a tape of this size is quite widely used in plastic surgery to eliminate swelling after surgery;
  • - like the previous type, tapes of this size are used mainly for application to wide areas of the body or for lymphatic drainage;
  • - such tapes are a variation of standard tapes with the only difference being that they are six times longer. As a rule, such economical rolls (each of which is enough for more than 120 applications) are purchased by professional athletes or doctors who regularly resort to the taping procedure.
  • - the scope of application of such tapes is the same as that of standard kinesio tapes. However, they are more convenient to use, since each roll consists of twenty, pre-cut, strips having a length of 25 centimeters and different widths (5 cm, 7.5 cm or 10 cm). When taping, you do not need scissors, which is the main advantage of this type of tape. The disadvantages of this type of kinesio tape include the fact that, depending on the problem area on which the application is applied, these tapes may not be enough and you will still have to cut out the required application from standard rolls.

In addition to size, kinesio tapes differ in color, which also plays an important role when choosing a tape.

Manufacturer (country of production) kinesio tapes

Currently, the Russian market offers many different brands of kinesio tapes from various manufacturers. However, unfortunately, not all of them are of high quality and meet the necessary requirements for elasticity and stretchability. Most brands of kinesio tapes, including those declared as kinesio tapes from Germany, the Netherlands, and the USA, are produced in China, which is reflected in the quality of the cotton and glue of the products. Due to the insufficiently high quality of the glue of kinesio tapes produced in China, such tapes adhere much worse to the skin, peel off faster and can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, when purchasing kinesio tape, it is very important to check the country of manufacture of the product and carefully read the production address indicated on the tape box, so as not to purchase low-quality products and not be disappointed in the effectiveness of the kinesio taping technique. The highest quality kinesio tapes, according to reviews and clinical studies by specialists, that meet all the necessary requirements, are currently produced in Korea and Japan, due to the fact that in these countries they are very careful in the selection of materials and quality control at all stages of production.

Kinesio tapes BBTape (Bio Balance Tape) are manufactured in South Korea to the highest quality standards and are the only official kinesio tapes developed by the Korea Balance Taping Medical Association. That is why these premium kinesio tapes are today recognized by experts as one of the best tapes on the world market. The effectiveness of using BBTape kinesio tapes has been proven as a result of numerous studies both in Russia (see article ), and all over the world.

Kinesio tape color

The BBTape brand's assortment is currently the widest in the world and includes kinesio tapes in twelve different colors, as well as a collection of eighteen tapes in designer and children's colors. Let's say frankly that the color of the tape in no way affects its medicinal properties, but it does have a certain physiological effect on the patient:

  • brown- refers to neutral colors;
  • blue- has a calming effect on the patient;
  • pink- causes positive emotions;
  • yellow- promotes mental balance and harmony;
  • orangeevy- has a stimulating effect;
  • black- color of individuality;
  • green- neutral, non-irritating look;
  • red- stimulates the patient’s desire for a speedy recovery.

Also, in addition to the usual colors, BBTape produces , which have a modern design, are great for taping children and will undoubtedly attract the attention of others.

During active sports, any athlete is not immune from injury. Damage can be completely different: from minor sprains to injuries that can lead to serious complications, such as bone fractures, soft tissue bruises, dislocations.

Recently, a new method of treating such injuries has been invented, which is called kinesio taping. This method is based on the injured areas.

Kinesio tape patches are relevant for use not only by athletes, but also by people who are unable to give up an active lifestyle even temporarily.

Kinesio tape: what is it?

When using kinesio tape patches, the treatment of damaged muscles and ligaments occurs without restrictions on human mobility. When using them, the athlete’s motor activity does not decrease, and the ability to maintain the existing training schedule remains.

The uniqueness of the drug lies in the fact that kinesio tapes help the athlete’s overly tense muscles relax, which contributes to their faster recovery.

The kinesio tape plaster has an elastic structure and is made of 100% cotton. Its surface is wavy and covered with a layer of acrylic glue that does not cause an allergic reaction when in contact with human skin. Activation of the glue occurs under the influence of body temperature. The soft coating makes the surface of the patch resemble human skin.

The effect of the patch occurs at a level invisible to the eye. The patch seems to imperceptibly pull back the skin, lifting it above the injured muscle, which helps reduce the pressure exerted on the damaged area and reduce the feeling of discomfort.

What are the features of using kinesio tape:

  1. Under the influence of the patch, lymph flow and hemodynamics improve, resulting in faster resorption of subcutaneous hematomas and edema.
  2. Maintaining an active lifestyle thanks to the fact that damaged muscles are supported by the patch.
  3. Reduced pain due to normal functioning of muscle tissue.
  4. Blood circulation and lymph flow improves.
  5. Neuralgic pain at the site of injury is reduced.
  6. Skin and muscle processes are stimulated.
  7. When attending massage procedures while using kinesio tapes, their effect increases noticeably and the effect becomes longer lasting.

When compared with an elastic bandage, a number of advantages of kinesio tapes can be identified:

  • when using them, the skin breathes;
  • under the action of kinesio tape there is no compression of the muscles; due to its elastic structure, the patch provides support to the muscles;
  • blood circulation and lymph flow improve in the subcutaneous area;
  • the patch is resistant to moisture and increased sweating;
  • accelerates the regeneration of injured muscles and ligaments;
  • thorough fixation of the patch allows you to maintain muscle mobility for a long period of time
  • Using kinesio tapes, you can fix hard-to-reach damaged areas.

Tips for use:

  1. The patch is applied to the injured area at least half an hour before the start of training.
  2. For the required clear fixation of the patch, it is recommended to round its edges.
  3. When applying tape to an injured area, the first and last few centimeters of the patch should not be stretched too much.
  4. Due to the moisture resistance of Kinesio Tape, the patch does not peel off during water procedures. But when playing water sports and under heavy training loads, you need to use kinesio tapes with a reinforced adhesive layer. After training in water and taking a shower, the patch should be blotted with a napkin; rubbing the area where the patch is applied is strictly prohibited. When the ends of the kinesio tape come off, it is recommended to carefully cut them off or replace the patch.

Indications for the use of kinesio tapes

Taking into account the size of the patch, kinesio tapes are:

  • packaged patch 20 cm long and 5 cm wide;
  • 5 meter roll plaster, 5 cm wide.

For athletes who may be at risk of frequent injury, it is more convenient to carry a roll of kinesio tape.

The patch is available in a variety of colors. The color and type of packaging has no effect on quality. Although some consumers note that the patch made in China has a weakened adhesive base and is distinguishable due to the presence of a specific smell. The original patches have no odor.

It is important to be able to determine the quality of kinesio tape before purchasing. To do this you need to pay attention:

  • Can the patch be completely unwound without any physical jerking or pulling?
  • Can part of the tape be easily torn off from the roll?

When used, high-quality kinesio tape, which will be a good assistant to the athlete, should not form folds filled with air. If moisture gets in, the patch should not peel off from the damaged area.

Video: Kinesio taping. How to choose a tape?

Anyone can face similar problems in everyday life, some of which can be treated by taking a rest period for a few days.

Sport does not provide a lot of time to restore strength and health; it is important for the athlete to return to the physical activity necessary to achieve the desired result as quickly as possible.

Be sure to read about it

You have all probably seen interesting colored patches more than once, pasted on the body of athletes or ordinary people, wondering - what is it and why were they pasted? In this article we will describe in detail and answer all common questions regarding this effective means of rehabilitation, which is gaining increasing popularity in all corners of the world. Kinesio tape is an innovative patch of various colors that does not contain any medications and is used to relieve pain and support injured muscles and joints. Kinesio taping or kinesio taping is a unique method developed in Japan in the mid-70s to stimulate the body to use the natural healing process of injured areas without the use of pills, ointments or any other pharmaceutical products. Over the past few years, the advantages of using this technique in addition to existing types of therapy have become obvious, thanks to which completely new results are achieved in the fields of rehabilitation and sports medicine.

Kinesio tapes are used to treat and relieve pain from injuries of various origins: bruises, dislocations, swelling, sprains, osteochondrosis, arthritis, cerebral palsy and various disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The kinesiotaping method has received increasing recognition every year in such areas as traumatology, sports medicine, rheumatology, pediatrics, manual therapy, and cosmetology.

Kinesio tape - what is this patch and how does it work?

As mentioned above, kinesio tape is a special tape, similar to a patch, made of 100% cotton, nylon or artificial silk, which does not contain any drugs or medications. Only a special acrylic hypoallergenic adhesive is applied to the entire surface of the tape in a wave-like layer. Unlike bandages and classic sports tape, kinesio tape has elasticity that is as close as possible to the elasticity of human skin (it has the ability to stretch up to 190% of the original value). Thanks to this elasticity and the special structure of the tape, the effects described below from the use of this patch are achieved. The properties of kinesio tape are such that a person almost does not feel it, and freedom of movement is not limited in any way. Moreover, it can be worn around the clock (for 3-5 days) while continuing to engage in sports or any other physical activity. Hence the name of this miracle remedy: “kinesio” is translated as “movement”, and “tape” is “tape”, i.e. a tape that does not restrict your movement and at the same time has a constant healing effect, mobilizing only the body’s own resources for a speedy recovery. It's hard to imagine a more intensive type of therapy!

In the process of using kinesio tape, analgesic and therapeutic effects are achieved as a result of improved blood circulation and lymph movement in the injured area. The patch lifts the skin, reduces pressure and facilitates blood circulation, thereby allowing injured muscles to “relax.” In addition, when combined with natural body movements, it stretches and massages the skin and provides ongoing support to injured joints and muscles. Thanks to this, the outflow of lymph improves and pain is reduced.

Which patch is better?

Today there is a large selection of tapes of various brands, however, not all of them meet the declared characteristics required for kinesio tapes to achieve maximum results. Due to increased demand, many tapes today are produced in China, which negatively affects the quality of these tapes and the materials used in them, and greatly increases the risk of skin irritation or allergies after gluing such tapes. Therefore, experts recommend using only proven brands of tape; kinesio tapes from South Korea and Japan are considered the best, because in these countries, product quality is carefully controlled at all stages of production. Recognized leaders in the kinesio taping market are kinesio tapesB io Balance Tape (BBTape™), developed by the Korean Balance Taping Medical Association and produced in South Korea since 1997. The quality of BBTape™ brand products is known far beyond Korea and is widely recognized in all countries of Europe, America, Canada, Australia and Japan.

Thanks to a high-quality cotton and adhesive base, BBTape™ kinesio tape (some call it pain relief tape, therapeutic tape or sports tape) stays securely on the skin for 5 days, providing a constant therapeutic effect while allowing the skin to breathe! With the help of BBTape™ kinesio tapes, it is possible to treat not only injured muscles and joints, but also internal organs. For example, to date, significant results have been achieved in relieving stomach pain and menstrual pain using the application of BBTape™ therapeutic tape. The Athleticmed online sports medicine store is the exclusive distributor of the BBTape™ brand on the Russian market, so you can always find it in our store at a competitive price.

Benefits of BBTape™ kinesio tapes:

  • The best price/quality ratio among numerous kinesio brands! Prices for these kinesio tapes start at just a 5-meter roll, and the quality is recognized by experts as one of the best on the world market! This brand of kinesio tapes, produced in South Korea since 1997, is far superior in quality to any kinesio tapes produced in China, which are presented today in huge quantities on the Russian market.
  • Kinesio tapes BBTape (Bio Balance Tape) are the only tapes in the world developed by the Korean Balance Taping Medical Association, and are created specifically for medical professionals and ordinary customers according to the highest quality criteria and with careful control of hypoallergenicity, which reduces Minimize the risk of allergies and skin reactions! Thanks to the quality of the materials used and the unique composition of the adhesive, Bio Balance tape (BBTape™) has gained immense popularity all over the world among athletes, sports doctors and ordinary people who use the kinesiotaping method. Over the years of selling these kinesio tapes, we have not received a single negative review from our customers!
  • By choosing BBTape™ kinesio tapes, you pay for excellent and world-recognized quality of materials and do not overpay for a big brand name!
  • Only in the BBalance Tape (BBTape) line of kinesio tapes are the only ones in the world with detailed instructions for use inside each package!
  • , designed specifically for water sports, last up to 7 days even with the most active training! These tapes currently have no analogues on the market.
  • , designed specifically for taping children with particularly delicate skin, as well as for people with a tendency to develop skin allergies after using conventional kinesio tapes.
  • Wide range of brand products BBTape™ includes: including original designs and children's colors; pre-cut kinesio tapes; nylon kinesio tapes; kinesio tapes made of artificial silk; synthetic tapes; crosstapes and kinesio tapes with reinforced glue. At the moment, you will not find such an assortment of colors, sizes and materials of kinesio tapes from any manufacturer in the world that is presented by the BBTape™ brand!

How to apply kinesio tape correctly?

To achieve the effects described above from the use of kinesio tapes, you first need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for applying or gluing this unique drug-free patch. Below is a list of recommendations for preliminary preparation and proper gluing of tapes, without knowledge and adherence to which it is unlikely that you will be able to get maximum results from the use of kinesiological tapes:

  • The area of ​​skin on which the kinesio tape is applied must be clean and dry. For better adhesion of the tape to the skin and for the application to last as long as possible, it is recommended to first degrease the skin in the area of ​​application using an alcohol-containing solution or special wipes, and then allow it to dry.
  • Next, you need to cut a strip of the required length and shape from the roll and remove the protective film.
  • For better fixation of tapes on the skin, it is recommended to round the edges of the application.
  • Important! The first and last 5 cm of kinesio tape (the so-called “anchors”) are always applied to the skin without stretching!
  • It is necessary to bend the joint on which the kinesio tape is applied so that the muscles are taut, and apply the patch along its entire length. The tape is usually fixed on pre-stretched skin (muscles) with a slight stretch of 10-15% or without it. In case of injury, when the affected area cannot be stretched, and to provide support to the ligaments and joints, the tape is fixed with a tension not exceeding 50%!
  • After applying the application, you must thoroughly rub the surface of the patch with your hand to activate the wavy adhesive layer. This way the tape will be more securely fixed on the skin and will last longer.
  • And lastly, kinesio tape can be worn around the clock for 3-5 days. With it you can take any water procedures and do physical exercises in your usual mode. Throughout this time, it provides therapeutic, supportive and analgesic effects.

After you have glued the tape, using the above recommendations and the instructions for kinesio tape, which is always included with each roll of kinesio tape BBTape ™ and in which you will find step-by-step instructions for applying a patch for the main, most common injuries and pain syndromes, you need to know the following rules for using the tape:

  • Kinesio tape is water-resistant, so you can shower and swim without fear of peeling. For those who are actively involved in water sports and during intense training, accompanied by profuse sweating, it is recommended to use this series. This series was specially designed for extreme loads, in which ordinary tapes can come off.
  • After a shower and water training, the surface of the kinesio tape should be lightly blotted with something dry to dry it. Do not rub under any circumstances!
  • If the ends of the patch begin to peel off, they must be carefully cut off or a new application must be applied.
  • If you engage in regular sports training, you should apply Kinesio tape at least 30 minutes before training.
  • Kinesio tape can be applied on top of the hair if the hair is small, so as not to damage the adhesive layer. If there is a risk of damage to the adhesive layer, it is recommended to shave the hair from the area on the body before applying it.
  • If you feel severe itching or severe irritation on your skin after applying the application, you should immediately remove the kinesio tapes. This reaction may be a consequence of increased skin sensitivity or individual intolerance to the acrylic that makes up the adhesive layer of the patch. Slight redness of the skin or itching is normal and is due to the effect of the tape on skin receptors! In case of severe itching and redness, we recommend using instead of standard kinesio tape, designed specifically for children and people with very sensitive skin.

How to remove kinesio tape?

After gluing on theautomated area​Kinesio tapes have the maximum therapeutic and analgesic effect during the first few days of wearing, after which it is recommended to renew the application. To remove the patch from the skin correctly and as painlessly as possible, follow these recommendations:

  • One of the most common myths regarding the use of this product is that it is best to remove the tape in the shower after it has been soaked in water. Taping specialists and professional athletes under no circumstances recommend soaking the tape with water before removing it from the skin, because this can lead to redness of the skin at the site of application and the remains of an adhesive layer on the skin, which will be difficult to get rid of.
  • Instead of soaking the tape with water, it is recommended to soak the entire surface of the application before removing it. These products effectively deactivate the adhesive base while moisturizing the skin and preventing irritation. After you have soaked the kinesio tape with a special agent, you need to wait a few minutes and then carefully remove the patch, in no case tearing it off with sudden movements.
  • If you do not use a special product to remove the tape, you must adhere to the following rules: remove the patch in the direction of hair growth with a careful smooth movement at a slight angle. After removing the kinesio tape, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with cream or other product.

Indications for use of the kinesio tape patch

The main indications for the use of kinesio tapes, which achieve the maximum therapeutic and analgesic effect, include:

Bruises, sprains, dislocations, tears, inflammation of muscles, joints and tendons. Hematomas and edema of various origins. Pain in muscles and joints. Injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system (cerebral palsy, poor posture, initial forms of scoliosis, spinal hernia, infantile torticollis, periarthritis, epicondylitis, arthrosis, spinal osteochondrosis). Cicatricial changes in the skin. Menstrual pain. Tension headache.

The list of indications and diseases for which it is possible to achieve significant improvement with the help of kinesio tapes and taping techniques is constantly growing every year. This is due to the effectiveness of this non-invasive, drug-free treatment method.

Contraindications to the use of kinesio tapes

Contraindications for the use of kinesio tapes are:

Allergic reaction to acrylic, individual intolerance. Skin diseases, including cancer. Xeroderma (parchment skin). Open wounds and trophic ulcers at the site of kinesio tape application. First trimester of pregnancy. Old age with sensitive, weak skin. Patients with systemic skin diseases and injuries. Tendency to form blisters, microtraumas, bruises or bruises. Deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities.

Video on how to apply kinesio tape to the thigh:

Video on how to apply kinesio tape to the lower leg:

Video on how to apply kinesio tape to your foot and ankle:

Video on how to apply kinesio tape to eliminate edema and tumors: