Construction organization project What is POS and PPR in construction

The construction of any industrial and civil facility is carried out on the basis of a pre-developed project, in which its model is graphically displayed and information is provided on its operational characteristics, estimated cost, material and technical resources necessary for its construction, as well as the main provisions for the organization of construction and the production of construction materials. - installation works.

In general, the following order of design is possible:

in one stage - a detailed design with a consolidated cost estimate for objects built according to standard projects, reuse projects and simple objects;

in two stages - a project with a summary cost estimate and working drawings with estimates for large and complex objects.

The general designer or a specialized organization also develops a construction organization project (COS).

The initial data for the preparation of the POS are feasibility studies of construction (feasibility study), materials of geological and topographic surveys, decisions on the use of building materials and structures, construction machines, etc.

The PIC used to allocate capital investments by construction period includes:

– construction schedule;

- building master plan;

- organizational and technological schemes for the construction of the main buildings and structures;

- statement of volumes of construction and installation works;

- a schedule of demand for building materials, structures, products by construction periods, etc.

The construction process of the facility includes three stages:

Stage 1 - organizational preparation - approval of the technical design and cost estimate, provision of construction materials, structures, parts, development and approval of working drawings, identification of contractors, allocation of land for construction, etc .;

Stage 2 - construction and installation work to prepare the site for construction - site clearing and planning, creation of a general site storage facility; installation of temporary buildings and structures, engineering site preparation (arrangement of access roads, laying of underground utilities, etc.);

Stage 3 - the main period of the construction of the facility.

2. Projects for the organization of construction and production of works

Organizational forms of building production. For the smooth and efficient functioning of the construction industry, a clear, scientifically substantiated organization of it at the initial stage and constant maintenance of the coordinated interaction of its participants during the construction of facilities is necessary. The organizational forms of construction production depend on the methods of construction and installation work, which are divided into contract and economic.

contract method provides for the performance of construction and installation works by special permanent contracting construction and installation organizations on the basis of contracts concluded with customers. As customers(developers) are ministries, departments, enterprises, organizations, directorates of enterprises under construction, which are allocated limits on capital investments for construction. The contract agreements define the rights and obligations of the contracting parties to carry out construction and installation works and provide construction with resources.

The customer draws up title lists of construction sites, provides the facilities under construction with design estimates, equipment, special materials, energy resources, personnel for operating personnel, and also resolves issues of land allocation for construction, design and survey work and construction financing.

The customer concludes an agreement, as a rule, with a general construction organization, which acts as a general contractor. The general contractor performs part of the construction and installation work on its own, and to perform special work, it engages specialized organizations as subcontractors on a contractual basis, coordinates and organizes their joint work and is responsible for the quality and timely commissioning of the facilities under construction.

Subcontractors perform certain types of specialized work or carry out the construction of special buildings and structures and are responsible for the timely and high-quality performance of these works.

economic way consists in the fact that customer organizations, along with the main production activities, perform construction and installation work on their own - by construction departments created for these purposes. At the same time, customers also perform all the functions of the developer, as in the contract method. The contracting method has significant advantages over the economic one, since due to specialization, cooperation and industrialization of the construction industry, it allows to reduce the duration, reduce the cost and improve the quality of the construction of facilities.

Specialization- the most progressive form of social organization of production, based on the division of labor. Construction organizations specialize in industry, object (subject) and technological features.

In the first case, construction and installation organizations specialize in the construction of enterprises, buildings, structures for specific industries (metallurgical, chemical, agricultural, etc.). In the second, the specialization of organizations takes place at the level of individual objects (residential buildings, sewage treatment plants, roads, etc.). In the third - organizations specialize in the performance of certain types of work (earth, concrete, finishing, electrical, plumbing, etc.).

Specialized organizations are equipped with high-performance machines and tools, are staffed with qualified personnel and ensure the performance of work with high quality in a timely manner.

Manufacturers and suppliers of building structures, products and materials included in the building complexes, together with transport and construction and installation organizations, form with them, as it were, a single conveyor that produces semi-finished products and finished building products. In practice, most of the enterprises in the construction industry are not part of construction combines and are subordinate to construction and installation trusts or territorial construction departments.

Organization of object design. As noted above, the construction of any building or structure is impossible without a preliminary development of the project, which graphically displays the model of the object and provides information about its operational characteristics, the estimated cost, the material and technical resources necessary for its construction, as well as the basic provisions for the organization of construction and production construction and installation works. The technical and economic level of the created object, its durability, material consumption, labor intensity and duration of construction depend on the quality of design solutions.

When developing projects, they consider and choose the most effective solutions for the use of advanced building materials, structures, technological processes and rational methods of building facilities.

Construction design in our country is carried out according to uniform state norms and standards for all sectors of the national economy. Prior to the start of design, feasibility studies (feasibility studies) are developed - for large and complex facilities or feasibility studies (FEC) - for other enterprises, buildings and structures. The feasibility study and feasibility study determine the procedure for developing design and estimate documentation: in two stages - a project and working documentation, or in one stage - a working draft.

With a two-stage design the project serves as the basis for the development of working documentation. The project contains the initial documents for the design and the main technological and construction design solutions necessary to determine the cost of the entire construction according to aggregated indicators: general construction plan; space-planning, constructive and architectural solutions for buildings and structures, lists of used standard projects, cost estimates; environmental protection measures; an explanatory note with a summary of the content of the project, the capacity and composition of the enterprise's facilities, its technical and economic indicators, data on the provision of production with personnel, raw materials, materials, energy, water and other resources, conditions for providing housing and cultural and community services for employees at the enterprise and at its construction. In addition, the project contains custom specifications for process equipment and application lists for serial general plant equipment, instruments, fittings, cable and other products, as well as technical requirements for the development of non-standardized equipment.

The project must be agreed with the general contractor, reviewed by the expert commission and approved in the prescribed manner.

working documentation consists of general and detailed drawings:

– a detailed master plan with the application of transport networks, underground and surface communications, landscaping;

- buildings and structures, schemes of networks and pipelines, drawings of water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, gas supply, power supply, signaling, communications and automation systems;

– devices related to labor protection, safety and environmental protection measures;

- drawings and lists of used standard projects, tied to the area, standard designs, standards, normals, custom specifications for equipment and special materials;

- statements of the volume of construction and installation works and the required materials, parts, structures, passports, projects for individual objects;

- lists of drawings included in the working documentation.

Projects and working documentation for new construction, expansion and reconstruction of existing enterprises and facilities must be coordinated with state supervision bodies and subjected to expert examination before they are approved.

The approved project and working documentation, including estimates, are the basis for planning and financing the construction of the facility, ordering equipment and materials, as well as for concluding a construction contract.

Conclusion of contracts. After the objects are included in the state construction plan, the customer and the general contractor conclude a contract agreement, which defines the mutual obligations and responsibilities of the parties, financial relationships and sanctions, the timing of completion of construction and putting the objects into operation.

The draft contract is developed by the general contractor.

Independent sections of the organizational preparation of construction - the development of a construction organization project (POS) and a project for the production of works (PPR).

Construction organization project- an independent section and an integral part of the project and working documentation for the construction of industrial and civil buildings, structures and their complexes.

The POS is a documented construction model from the beginning of preparatory construction and installation works to the full completion of construction, which determines the sequence and methods for carrying out all work in stages, launch complexes, nodes, facilities, the time of execution and physical volumes of work for the selected stages in conjunction with the provision these works by all types of resources (material, energy, labor, machine, etc.).

PIC is developed in order to justify and regulate the timing of the commissioning of residential and civil facilities, launch complexes and enterprises in general. The PIC serves as the basis for distributing the volumes of capital investments and construction and installation works by years of construction. The POS also defines activities related to the organization and development of the production base for construction.

Initial documents for the development of the design and construction project: feasibility study and feasibility study for design and construction, design assignments, engineering survey data, approval documents on connecting the facility under construction to existing power sources, networks and communications, the main technical solutions of the project and working documentation. The POS is developed by the General Design Organization and, on its instructions, by sub-designers simultaneously with the development of the construction part of the project in order to link space-planning and design solutions with the requirements of the organization and technology of construction production.

The development of a POS is based on compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents, best practices and the latest achievements of building science and technology, taking into account the need to combine general construction, installation and special works in line with the linking of methods for their implementation. The POS should provide for: ensuring the priority execution of the work of the preparatory period; compliance with plans and tasks to increase labor productivity, the level of mechanization, prefabrication, reduce labor intensity, reduce the cost of construction and installation works; introduction of complex mechanization of work with the maximum use of mechanization in two shifts or more, as well as the use of small-scale mechanization; the use of modern technical means of dispatching communication and the introduction of automated control systems in construction; limiting the construction of temporary buildings and structures due to the priority construction of permanent buildings as part of production facilities that can be used for this purpose; compliance with the rules of industrial sanitation and safety; implementation of measures for nature protection and reclamation of agricultural lands and forest lands disturbed during construction work.

In general, the PIC includes (the content of individual documents is given with some reduction):

1) construction schedule- the general calendar terms and sequence of construction are determined (by stages, launch complexes and main facilities), as well as the amount of work in monetary terms by years of construction. The calendar plan for the preparatory period is drawn up separately (with the distribution of the scope of work by months);

2) building master plans for the preparatory and main periods of construction - the location of the construction industry on the territory of the construction site is graphically determined;

3) organizational and technological schemes- the optimal sequence of erection of buildings and structures is determined, indicating the technological sequence of work;

4) bill of quantities the main construction, installation and special construction works with the allocation of work on the main buildings and structures, start-up or urban complexes and construction periods;

5) requirement sheet in building structures, products, materials and equipment;

6) demand schedule for basic construction machines and vehicles;

7) staffing schedule builders by main categories;

8) explanatory note– characteristics of the construction conditions; substantiation of methods of production of construction and installation works; instructions on methods of instrumental control over the quality of structures; labor protection measures; conditions for the preservation of the natural environment; substantiation of the need for construction machines, mechanisms, vehicles, electric energy, steam, water, oxygen, acetylene, compressed air, as well as temporary buildings and structures; a list of the main construction organizations; justification of the size and equipment of storage areas; substantiation of the need for construction personnel, housing and social services for builders; justification of the duration of the construction of the facility; technical and economic indicators.

Justification of all needs and costs should include the sources of their coverage.

The design organization must coordinate with the general contractor the main decisions of the POS: transport schemes for the delivery of local building materials and structures to the construction site; types of construction machines used and modes of transport; types of local building materials; proposals for the use and development of the production base of construction, etc. The POS is approved as part of the project and working documentation.

On the basis of the PIC, the construction organization implementing the project (general contractor) or, at its request, the design institute, develop project documentation for the direct production of work - a project for the production of works (PPR).

Project of work production is a documented model of construction production processes for the construction of objects from the beginning of preparatory construction and installation works to the commissioning of objects, which determines the types and volumes of construction and installation works for each object, the sequence and timing of their implementation, the need and timing of arrival at the construction site all types of material and technical resources, construction machines, workers, as well as rational technology and safe working conditions.

The approved PPR is the basis for operational planning, control, regulation and accounting of construction production. PPR is developed in order to regulate the performance of construction and installation works by the most effective methods with the study of the optimal composition of teams of workers, sets of construction mechanisms and manual machines, which reduce the duration of construction, reduce labor intensity, cost and improve the quality of construction and installation works.

Initial documents for the development of WEP: assignment for the development of WPP, POS; working documentation for the construction of the facility; estimate for the construction of the facility and a summary estimate of the construction; initial data on the availability and capacities of enterprises of the production base of construction, the capacities and loading of existing construction and installation general contractors and subcontractors and their staffing, the composition of the fleet of construction vehicles, vehicles and other modes of transport; information on the procedure and terms for the delivery of technological, energy, sanitary and other equipment and special materials by the customer; data on the supply of building structures, products, materials; other information necessary for the development of project documentation for the production of construction and installation works.

The development of a WEP is based on compliance with the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents, instructions and guidelines for the production and acceptance of construction and installation works.

The PPR should provide for the introduction of rational methods, best practices and scientific and technological achievements in the field of construction production.

Decisions made in the PPR should provide: reduction of labor intensity of work due to complex mechanization and manual machines; reducing the duration of construction due to the maximum combination of general construction and specialized works in time and reducing the duration of each work; increasing the productivity of workers through the introduction of advanced methods of organizing jobs, the scientific organization of labor, the introduction of team contracts; reduction in the cost of construction and installation works; compliance with the rules of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety.

WEPs are developed for: erection of a building, structure or part (assembly) thereof; difficult to perform certain types of work; preparatory period of construction.

In general, the composition of the WEP for the construction of a building, structure or part (unit) includes (the content of individual documents is given with some reduction):

1) work schedule for an object or a calendar network schedule - the sequence and deadlines for the performance of work are established, the need for labor resources and mechanization is determined;

2) building master plan- graphically determines the location of the construction industry at the construction site of the facility, linked to the location of buildings under construction, structures, networks and communications;

3) receipt schedules on the object of building structures, products, materials and equipment;

4) workforce movement schedules by object and basic construction machines by object;

5) technological maps (schemes) to perform certain types of work;

6) solutions for the production of geodetic works- determines the layout of signs for the implementation of geodetic constructions and measurements, as well as the necessary accuracy and technical means of geodetic control of construction and installation works;

7) safety solutions;

8) activities to implement(if necessary) work on a rotational basis;

10) laying solutionstemporary water networks-, warm- and power supply and lighting of the construction site and workplaces;

11) lists of technological inventory and assembly equipment;

12) explanatory note -substantiation of decisions on the production of works; the need for energy resources and solutions to cover it;

list of mobile(inventory) buildings and structures with the calculation of the need and justification of the conditions for linking them to construction sites sites; measures to ensure the safety of materials, productsAndstructures; measures to protect existing buildings and structures from damage, environmental protection measures, technical- economic indicators.

PPR for the performance of certain types of work should consist of a calendar plan for the production of work, building master plan, technological map and a brief explanatory note with the necessary justifications and technical- economic indicators.

The quality of the developed PPR is checked by comparing them with the reference PPR for similar objects in terms of the level of technology.- economic indicators.

The composition of the construction organization project (POS) regulated by government decree No. 87 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content." The POS is intended for design determination of the volume of construction and installation works, the need for labor and material and technical resources, clarification of the construction time and putting the facility into operation, approval of the procedure for performing construction and installation works. On the basis of the construction organization project developed for the entire range of works at the construction site, work execution projects (PPR) are drawn up for each individual facility with specification of details. PNProject engineers are developing a design plan in a two-stage design at the "Project" stage, and design and construction work - at the "Detailed Documentation" stage. The regulatory framework for the development of the POS is SNiP 12-01 "Organization of construction"

Priority tasks of the construction organization project

Initial data for the development of the PIC

  • Technical assignment for design.
  • Situational plan, geo-subject and master plan of the site.
  • Project documentation (drawings and explanatory notes) on architectural, constructive solutions and engineering networks.
  • Established dates for the start and end of work in accordance with the requirements of the customer.
  • Data on the possibility of using water and electricity for the period of construction work.
  • Information about the territorial location of supplier enterprises.
  • Special conditions of contracts for the supply of materials, equipment, structures.
  • Data on possible methods of disposal of construction waste.
  • Information about the possibility of living of working personnel in existing buildings or temporary change houses.
  • If it is necessary to carry out dismantling works, a project for the organization of dismantling works.

Structure of the construction organization project

  1. Consolidated calendar plan for the execution of work at the construction site. The plan includes the timing, sequence and volume of construction and installation works, broken down by construction periods.
  2. A general site construction master plan drawn up for the main and preparatory periods of construction.
  3. Organizational and technological schemes, which reflect the sequence and specifics of the work.
  4. Bill of scope of work for construction and installation in accordance with the design and estimate documentation.
  5. Sheets reflecting the need for materials, structures, equipment, construction vehicles and mechanisms.
  6. Statement of needs and working personnel of various categories.
  7. An explanatory note that provides the rationale for the decisions made.

Consolidated schedule

The master schedule is a model of the construction process designed in a special way, reflecting the sequence and timing of construction and installation works. The document divides the construction into stages, technological units and start-up complexes. The initial data for the development of the schedule, in addition to the project documentation, is information on the technical capabilities of the contractor, on the availability of workforce and production and technological equipment.

A well-thought-out and reasonable calendar plan is the basis for the normal course of construction. Errors in the preparation of this document lead to non-compliance with construction deadlines, the amount of expenses exceeding the estimated cost, inconsistency in the actions of workers, and sudden interruptions in work. Specialists of the company "PNProject" pay special attention to the preparation of the construction schedule. Based on our own experience and current regulations, we develop the optimal sequence of work to ensure maximum economic efficiency without compromising the quality of operations.

The consolidated calendar plan contains information on the composition of the work teams, on the volume, shifts, labor intensity, machine intensity of work. The calculated values ​​of the indicators are consistent with the normative ones, if necessary, the necessary adjustments are made. Based on the master calendar plan, object calendar plans are compiled that regulate the process of erecting individual objects, and work schedules with a detailed study of the sequence of construction operations.

General site construction plan

The general site construction master plan is designed to optimize the production and living conditions for the performance of work, to ensure the normal operation of machines and mechanisms, the storage and delivery of materials, products and structures, as well as to create safe working conditions for working personnel. The level of total expenses for the organization and planning of the main sections of the construction site depends on how competently the construction plan is drawn up. The building plan indicates the location:

The composition of the general site construction plan includes the layout of the site itself, the explication of objects, fragments of the plan to explain certain important points, symbols, notes and technical and economic indicators.

Explanatory note to the POS

The text part of the construction organization project contains:

  • characteristics of the land allocated for construction;
  • description of the conditions and complexity of construction work;
  • assessment of the existing transport infrastructure;
  • justification of the selected construction technologies;
  • explanations of the construction equipment used;
  • justification of the need for fuel, electricity, water, steam and other energy resources;
  • substantiation of the need for specialists of various qualifications;
  • measures for the protection of labor and the environment;
  • substantiation of the sequence of work and other organizational and technological principles;
  • description of specific working conditions (in cramped urban conditions, in the presence of underwater communications, power lines);
  • justification of the timing of all stages of construction;
  • explanations for construction master plans;
  • description of measures for the protection of labor and the environment;
  • recommendations for improving the quality of construction and installation works;
  • recommendations for the development of working drawings based on project documentation;
  • measures to monitor the condition of buildings located in the immediate vicinity of the construction site.

Specialists of the PNProject company pay close attention to each item of the work organization project, since even the smallest nuances specified in the POS affect the effectiveness of the construction process. We take into account the real situation that is developing at the facility, and find a balance in terms, cost and quality of work, without deviating from the requirements of state standards.

To order a preliminary calculation of the cost of developing a PIC and other sections of the project, please contact our technical specialist by phone or fill out the feedback form. We will make a commercial offer, which will specify the cost and terms of the project development.

Construction organization project (POS) - design documentation for the organization of the construction process, the rational construction of the facility, its timely commissioning. For a better understanding of this concept, consider the composition of the construction organization project in more detail.

Any construction must be completed in a timely manner with documentation on the organization of the construction process and the production of work, which should be developed taking into account the latest scientific and technical achievements, best practices in the joint implementation of construction, installation, as well as special work, and the coordination of methods for their implementation. The development of a construction organization project is carried out by a design firm consisting of technical(working - technical) project.

General requirements

  • Determining the composition of the construction organization project, its content, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the complexity of the construction of the facility, based on its space-planning, design solution, degree of typing and unification.
  • The issues of the necessary use of special auxiliary buildings and structures, additional devices and devices, the expediency of performing special works are considered.
  • The conditions of delivery to the construction site of materials, structures, products, and other cargo transportation are taken into account.
  • The construction organization project is developed to the extent provided for by the working drawings. When erecting an object in several phases, a construction organization project is developed for the full scope of construction, regardless of whether there will be a technological break or not.

Sections of the construction organization project

  • Enlarged network diagram , which determines the time period for the preparation of project documentation and the duration of the construction of the facility, as well as the sequence of construction of the entire list of facilities, the delivery time of equipment.
  • Calendar plan , which sets the construction time for all facilities - main and auxiliary, indicating the cost and scope of work by quarter and year of construction. According to the same principle, a calendar plan for preparatory work is drawn up, but the deadlines and envisaged volumes are distributed monthly.
  • Situational plan is included in the construction organization project when the neighboring territory adjacent to the construction site is involved in the construction. The situational plan determines the location of quarries, access roads, logistics bases, places of residence, railway tracks and stations, power lines, communications. The plan includes the boundaries between the existing buildings and the construction site, temporarily alienated areas for the construction period and the demolition of green spaces, if necessary during the organization of work, and other points. All this is drawn up in the form of a drawing.
  • Building master plan . This is a drawing, which contains all the technical and economic indicators of construction, an explication is given for all buildings and structures located on the construction site, their location - both temporary buildings and structures, residential camps, and permanent ones with a serial number assigned to them. These buildings are drawn on the drawing in the scale of the master plan. Also, the composition of the construction organization project provides for designating all temporary passages, rail tracks of the tower crane, places for storing materials, temporary networks of water supply, electricity, heat and gas supply, other networks for supplying the construction site, indicating points of connection to existing networks after agreement with the relevant services.
  • Organizational and technological schemes of construction and performance of work . This part of the project indicates the sequence of construction of the main and auxiliary facilities, the composition of energy facilities, external networks and sewerage facilities, water supply, heat and gas supply networks (pumping and transformer stations, heating points, etc.), facilities improvement.
  • Geodetic support of the construction site . It includes instructions on the procedure for performing a geodetic breakdown for construction, decisions on the timing and sequence of creating a geodetic foundation for a construction site. Elevation scheme, vertical planning project with a cartogram and a diagram of the movement of earth masses, other geodetic data for construction.
  • List of volumes of basic work . The volumes are determined according to the project documentation with the division of work by objects and calendar stages of construction.
  • List of requirements for materials, products and structures, equipment . The total need and the need for construction periods according to the calendar plan for material resources are indicated, in accordance with the scope of work on project documentation, based on the consumption rates of materials.
  • Graph of the need for construction equipment, vehicles . Establishes the quantity, type and capacity of the main equipment for the stages of construction, based on the physical volumes, the volume of cargo transportation, the norms for the production of construction vehicles, transport.
  • Schedule of the need for personnel of construction specialties. Establishes the need for workers of certain specialties based on construction volumes and planned production rates.
  • Explanatory note. The composition includes calculations, justifications, schedules from all of the above sections of the construction organization project. Measures of environmental protection, labor protection, recommendations on the choice of buildings and structures of a temporary type, special auxiliary structures, various devices, installations are reflected. If the composition of temporary structures and networks is complex, then the design firm should develop working drawings simultaneously with the package of basic working documentation. Justification of the size of storage and installation sites, decisions on transportation during the installation of building structures, equipment, necessary requirements that must be taken into account when drawing up working documentation in accordance with the accepted installation methods provided for by the construction organization project . According to the construction duration standards, the explanatory note of the construction organization project should include calculations of the accepted standard value of the construction duration of the facility. The text part of the explanatory note contains all the required justifications, technical and economic, geodetic, graphic indicators, and other materials.

The construction organization project is coordinated with the general contracting organization that is entrusted with this construction.

POS and PPR in construction - floor O the most basic documents, without which activities at a particular facility cannot be started.

The construction organization project and the project for the production of works are one of the most important documents that are necessary to start construction work at the facility.

What is POS

This document is developed immediately for all construction and provides for all stages in production and their clearly defined deadlines.

This document describes the calendar plan of action, all the automated resources that are necessary for installation work, financial costs, technical support and distribution of labor, depending on the number of specialists, the scope of the project and construction time.

To develop a construction organization project, information about the object will be required, on the basis of which the documentation is compiled. Development of POS in construction engaged in companies that provide construction services, including ours.

As a rule, the construction organization plan includes the following sections:

  • calendar plan of construction and installation works;
  • construction conditions;
  • explanatory note;
  • general plan;
  • communication support documentation.

Depending on the nature of the object, there may be other items in the document that provide for the organization of installation and construction activities on the site.

What is PPR

The project for the production of works is also one of the necessary documents for installation, repair or construction work. The PPR fully prescribes the action plan and all the necessary requirements for the organization of construction. It necessarily prescribes safety rules, labor protection, and other aspects of employee safety.

PPR is developed specifically to optimize the production process. That is, it prescribes the most efficient technology for the construction of an object, thanks to which the work is carried out as soon as possible with maximum efficiency.

The PPR fulfills the following goals:

  • regulates the orderliness of working equipment and the improvement of the working space, taking into account safety rules;
  • dictates the organization of the workflow and the choice of methods and technologies of work, in order to speed up construction without loss of quality;
  • requirement for environmental safety and labor protection;
  • prescribes the possible risks associated with working moments, and provides for the extension of the construction period, in connection with them.

A project for the production of works can be ordered from an organization that specializes in the preparation of such construction documentation. Also, a PPR can be developed by a company that performs repair, construction and installation work. These projects should be prepared by a qualified engineer, since the entire construction, financial costs, efficiency and safety of employees depend on the PPR.

The project for the production of works, before coming into force, is approved by the engineer of the general contractor. If everything is normal in the documentation and the document is approved, then it is transferred to the construction site for review by all managers.

Sometimes additional approvals of the work plan may be required, depending on the type of facility and the location of construction or installation:

  • if installation or construction work takes place outside the construction site, then coordination with the owner of this territory is necessary;
  • if the production touches the roadway, approval from the traffic police is required;
  • in case of touching communications during construction or installation work, prior approval of the relevant authorities is required.

That is, if, in addition to the allocated object, objects of other properties fall under the construction process, the WEP must be agreed with their superiors or owners.

PPR includes the following aspects:

In addition, special items may be included in the PPR, providing for certain factors, depending on the nature of the construction work.

What is the difference

A construction organization project and a work production project are completely different documents. Both must be present at the start of construction.

The project for the production of works is developed on the basis of the construction organization project. That is, first you need to register a POS, and then a PPR. Therefore, first of all, all the factors influencing the organization of construction are developed, and then all the nuances of production work are already prescribed.

In connection with the above, the PPR cannot contradict the rules that are prescribed in the PIC. that is, the PIC documents are primary and more important than the PWP. This is due to the fact that the construction organization project is necessary for the entire construction facility as a whole, and the WEP provides for organizational issues at a particular facility, which are located at the construction site to which the POS is prescribed.

To create a PPR, you need to provide a POS, and in addition to it, additional data. To begin with, you need a clearly formulated technical task, which is based on the wishes of the customer. Then you need to collect all the documents for demolition and dismantling, if this type of work is provided for at the facility.

In conclusion, I would like to note that POS and PPR in construction are an integral part of the necessary documentation, without which it is impossible to start activities at the facility. These two documents carry a completely different load, although they are closely related. The construction organization project is the most important and characterizes all types of activities in general at the facility, and the work execution project describes the requirements for a certain small area that apply to this facility. A developer company or a specialized organization can develop the necessary documentation.