Pin-up wedding - a choice of romantic yokes! Pin-Up bachelorette party with theBalm and Secret Beauty Santa Pin-up bachelorette party examples

P in Up (pin up) is a rather interesting and unusual style. This style appeared in the 30s of the twentieth century. These are cute flirtatious girls, images with which have appeared on magazine covers, labels and just postcards.

These drawings have been collected by millions, pinning them on the roofs of cars, on the walls, and simply using them everywhere. It is from this that these images got their name - pin up from English. pin. The images of the girls had a variety of themes - on board planes, steamers, in cafes, on beaches and in shops. Therefore, in today's time it is very easy to bring this theme to life, especially if it is a bachelorette party.

Pin-up bachelorette parties have been gaining popularity lately, and this is not surprising, because this style is quite bright, and it is quite simple to pick up images and paraphernalia - clothes in this style, or at least its elements, are in everyone's wardrobe.

bachelorette party in pin-up style - we select images

What are the main elements that can accentuate Pin-up's flirty style? The most important thing that should be present in outfits:

High waist;

Bright makeup;

Fancy hairstyles;

And your flirtatiousness :)

You have several options that can support all the girlfriends, and everyone can choose an image to their liking.

The first is a high waist in trousers or shorts. Piece-piece swimsuits or high-waisted panties are ideal. But the last option is suitable only for a beach party or for a thematic photo shoot in the studio. Peas, stripes and bright colors are welcome.

The second is dresses. They can be lush, short or not so. The main thing is flirtatiousness. The print is the brightest - berries and fruits, large peas and a strip. Long beads and jewelry can be added. There is never too much brightness in this subject.

And the most striking detail in your looks can be bandanas, ribbons and scarves coquettishly tied into your hair. Bows or just bandanas - it doesn't matter, the main thing is flirtatiousness! You can also replace bandanas with bows or a large flower in your hair.

And do not forget that makeup also plays a very important role in the image. Red lips, long eyelashes and arrows - what could be more flirtatious ?!

Pin-up bachelorette party - details and decor

The decor, details and all the decoration of a pin-up bachelorette party depends on what format your party will have.

For a party at home or just indoors, it would be ideal to think of a Candy-bar with beautiful toppers, signs and decor that will depict pin-up girls. Any bright accessories will suit this style, but in any case, everything needs to be carefully thought out.

If the party is just on the street or without any special frills, ideally thought-out images and attributes for a photo shoot will be enough for you. Remember everything connected with this period, and it is these things that can become your highlight of shooting: chupa-chups, an old camera are ideal, and you can also make attributes on a stick in the form of glasses, chupa-chups, the cards themselves with images in the Pin-up style etc. Show your imagination, which will help you a lot in this matter.

Pin-up bachelorette party

A pin-up bachelorette party is an excellent solution, and most importantly, bright and unusual. Styles of bachelorette parties can be varied, their choice is now huge and is not limited to a specific list, but it is this style that can ideally be combined with such a holiday as Bachelorette party.

For many, this style is associated with American girls. Pictures in the pin-up style were a real work of art, because they depicted beautiful and bright girls. Therefore, it is believed that only girly parties can be arranged in this style, but this is not entirely true. In this article, we will prove that even a pin-up wedding is possible.


To have the necessary style, you must do the following:

  • hang posters of pin-up girls on the walls. You can even make a photo exhibition of the most famous models;
  • make garlands from pictures of the corresponding theme and place them all over the room;
  • It is better to choose a restaurant for a wedding in pink or red colors. It will be difficult to make the right combination with such bright shades, because everything should be in moderation.
  • paraphernalia from the past is needed. You can look for old tape recorders, film cameras, or a jukebox. Of course, you may not find rarities, so make dummies of cardboard and foam.
  • you can beat the home environment. Indeed, many pictures from that time depicted housewives who were desirable and sexy. Next to the girls were kitchen paraphernalia - rolling pins, pans and ready-made food.
  • Large peas and large cages are considered popular pin-up colors. With the help of these drawings, you can embody many ideas - to lay a checkered tablecloth, hang flags with polka dots, or put napkins in a box for guests.


It is not difficult to make invitations to such a wedding. There are 2 options for solving this problem:

  1. Postcards. Buy pin-up cards from the store, and write an invitation and wishes for guests on the back.
  2. Self-made invitation. Find pictures with pin-up girls on the Internet (you can different ones) and print them in one size. Take thick red cardboard and paste photos of the models on them. On the back, you can write the words of the invitation or print them on your computer.


No wedding can be complete without photographs, because all newlyweds want to capture this solemn day. And if such an original theme is chosen, then the photo session can be made interesting.

A retro bike or car will ideally fit into this atmosphere. If you do not have the opportunity to get these attributes, then make them yourself from cardboard or buy dummies. For a photo session, you can use old suitcases, a gramophone and a TV with a black and white film. Televisions can also be positioned around the wedding venue and include black-and-white films on them without sound. And don't forget the accessories from that era.

The image of the bride

The bride should look very feminine and sexy. The wedding dress should be with an open neckline and a fluffy skirt. But do not exclude long dresses, if you want a maxi dress, then feel free to buy.

One of the main accessories in the image of the bride should be shoes or stiletto sandals. You can complement the image with red beads and earrings of the same color.

You can wear a red headband or headband on your head. You can complement your hairstyle with a red bow or wear a wide-brimmed hat. The most suitable hairstyle is large curls, and you can decorate them with a red flower.

The final element of your look is makeup. Emphasize the eyes with playful arrows, and red lipstick is perfect for the lips.

The image of the groom

Of course, it is much easier for a girl to choose outfits that match the pin-up image. But the groom must also be "in the subject", so you have to try. In those years, military men were considered very handsome.

The groom can try on the image of a military man or supplement any other clothes with such accessories - stripes, a cap, white gloves, etc. And also, a man can dress in a white suit and complement the image with a red tie, watch or trouser belt.


Small gifts can be made for each guest. Take a miniature bottle of Coca-Cola and fill it with colorful candies and nuts. On the neck of the bottle, you can put on small leaves with pin-up girls, on which wishes for guests will be written.

Coca-Cola should definitely be at the wedding, since this company is the founder of this style, they began to use playful feminine images.

At the end of the celebration, you can present a cake that matches the given theme. There are a lot of options for decorating a cake, as well as types of dessert fillings. For example, you can make a white cake and put a red bow on it, or you can place playful girls on different tiers of the cake.

With a deep neckline, open shoulders and a cropped fluffy skirt. In this case, the "entrance is open" to the length of the floor, the main thing is that the fabric is romantically light. Don't forget about the high waist, A-line skirts. The most important pin-up style accessory is high heels. They can be complemented with flirty fishnet socks. A string of scarlet beads and large round earrings will perfectly complement the wedding look.

When decorating your hairstyle, the wedding portal advises, rely on bright headbands and headbands with bows. You can also use wide-brimmed hats. But the most suitable "headdress" is a hairstyle in large curls, decorated with a lush flower.

And, of course, don't forget about bridal makeup. Playful arrows accentuating the eyes, porcelain skin and the most important attribute - juicy red lipstick.

And what about the groom?

Pin-up style is the prerogative of women. Therefore, a logical question arises, how to dress the groom to match the theme? At first glance, this is not an easy task. And on the second, remember that the alpha males of those times were military - beautiful and hefty. The groom can both fully use the military image, and dwell on accessories - stripes on trousers, shoulder straps, white gloves, caps.

By the way, the newlywed can also try on the image of a good boy of those years. Trousers in a small cage, a light shirt, a dark vest, an eight-piece cap. Color the image with juicy details: a tie, stylish cufflinks, or you can put on glasses in a bright frame.

Banquet style

We will also decorate the wedding banquet in the bright style of the 40s. The main symbol of the pin-up era is cards, posters, postcards with sexy and flirty ladies. Decorate invitations with them, complementing the image with fabric checkered bows.

It is advisable to stylize the general decor of the room in pink, red, orange tones. In general, warm, juicy and so beloved by residents of the 40s. By the way, it will be very interesting to stylize the room at home. As you remember, most of the pin-up pictures illustrated beautiful and cutesy housewives, with all the accompanying paraphernalia - kitchen utensils, potholders, delicious and appetizing pastries.

Favorite drawings of a cheerful pin-up - a cage and large peas. Do not forget about this when decorating your wedding banquet. Complete the garlands of triangular checkered flags with matching tablecloths. Although, you can set the table in the traditional white color, but now the details are done in a cage or peas. Checkered cloth napkins, large pea bows on the backs of chairs, ribbons on the cutlery to match. Graceful paper umbrellas, miniature postcards with pin-up heroines - all this will become a stylish and bright decoration of the wedding hall. Cherries, apples, both in prints and on the menu.

Pin-up goodies

By the way, bonbonniere gifts can be arranged in the form of paper bags tied with checkered ribbons. Or you can stick images of sexy ladies of those times on the packaging. Filling - sweets in bright candy wrappers, cherries, small red apples, miniature bottles of Coca-Cola.

Themed retro parties are gaining more and more popularity today, for example, a pin-up bachelorette party. Before the wedding, every girl wants to try something new, spend the last single days unforgettable and tasteful. A great option is to organize a pre-wedding celebration, saturated with the spirit of the 50-60s of the last century.

The main thing that any thematic bachelorette party requires is the unity of images and many thoughtful details. You and your girlfriends will have to transform into a bright and stylish Pin-up girl, which means that you need to take good care of outfits, hairstyles and accessories in advance. What should the bride and her bridesmaids look like at such an event?

Let's start with the dresses. What we need is a mischievous, playful silhouette: an accentuated neckline, a well-defined waist, and a fluffy flared skirt (sun, half-sun, flared with several petticoats).

The second option is a completely tight-fitting silhouette, but in this case there should be drapery in the hips or something that will create additional volume, emphasize the wasp waist.

It is better to choose satin, glossy fabrics. Prints should be large and bright colors, as was the case in the middle of the twentieth century. Peas or a cage must be included in the image, at least on accessories.

A spicy touch will be stockings without a pattern, fixed with holders. But stockings do not need to be displayed, pin-up does not tolerate vulgarity.

We decorate the legs

In order to emphasize the unity and style of the image, you need to choose the right shoes. Unfortunately, the theme of a pin-up bachelorette party requires sacrifice and you will have to sacrifice your own comfort. Your feet should definitely be shod in bright high-heeled shoes.

The color of the shoes may differ from the color of the dress, or it may correspond to it - it all depends on your preferences. I would advise you to choose shoes to match the accessories. With an open or closed toe, with a thin stiletto heel or with a massive heel - it's up to you.

Let's not forget about the hairstyle

For a real pin-up girl, there can be no unimportant details. And the hairstyle is at all the basis of the image, so you have to tinker with it. Curlers and curling irons, foam pads and a variety of hair fixing products - this is a minimal list of what you might need.

A pin-up hairstyle always implies volume either in the front or at the crown. Such styling sometimes takes several hours, so I recommend that you practice in this business in advance or contact a salon / hairdresser.

Pin-up makeup

It's easy to imagine makeup for a pin-up girl look. What is known is the main characteristic feature of such a make-up - arrows. Perfectly straight black arrows, making the look seductive and languid. But there are also a few more obligatory touches:

  • even, porcelain skin tone. A pin-up requires a perfect base and a complete absence of any unevenness of the skin. Therefore, you will have to work well with tonal means;
  • the eyebrow line should be clear but natural. It is not necessary to completely draw the eyebrow, just give it color and slightly set the bend of the corner;
  • carefully emphasize the cheekbones, just do not overdo it with a bronzer - the face should remain light;
  • the last item is bright scarlet lipstick. Matte or glossy - it doesn't matter, but always red, of any shade that suits you.

Where to party

Banal gatherings in a restaurant with a continuation in the club are boring and everyone has become boring for a long time. What bride wants to spend her last unmarried day like this? To make the celebration unforgettable, here are some ideas for a pin-up bachelorette party.

The best option is outdoors in a picnic format. It is not difficult to organize such a holiday. You only need to invite your closest girlfriends and bring a blanket, drinks, snacks and a camera with you. You decide what to drink and what to eat. And your bright outfits will not only add the charm of the last century to the picnic, but will also attract attention and delight those around you.

If possible, then choose a place on the shore of the reservoir or by the pool. Then there is no need to worry about entertainment, all kinds of water games are at your disposal. True, instead of dresses, in this case, you will have to choose a retro swimsuit (one-piece or separate with a high waist).

If you still want to spend time in the club, with music and dancing, then you will have to look for a suitable institution. Today, there are retro themed clubs almost everywhere. Alternatively, negotiate with the administration of the club and take care of the design yourself. And, of course, the music should fit the format of the event - blues, jazz and good old Rock and Roll will be your companions!

Photoshoot is an important part of a bachelorette party

For any bride, a bachelorette party in the style of the 60s of the last century is an opportunity to take gorgeous memorable photos. The images are thought out, the location is chosen, the photographer is hired. But how can you make your pictures even more vivid and unforgettable?

Again, we'll have to tinker and find a retro car. Such a detail will not be left without attention in any photograph and, like nothing else, will convey the spirit of the pin-up era. You can take a picture just next to the car, you can sit inside, but the most chic: open the hood and take a wrench in your hands. Such a photo is a real pin-up postcard from the 60s!

If you have a motorcycle - great! Bring the iron horse to the garage or gas station. In such an environment, you will look like a real pin-up girl.

The photoset can also be carried out in retro swimsuits. In this case, you must remember that this style does not tolerate overly open areas of the body and vulgar poses. Pin-up is like casual sexuality, not flaunted.

In general, in conclusion, I will say - the main thing is the attitude. We draw inspiration from photos of Hollywood stars and drawn postcards of the 50-60s of the twentieth century and forward, have fun!

Pin-up is a bright, unusual and rich style that can be taken as a basis for an unforgettable wedding, so that it will forever remain in the memory of the newlyweds and all guests. Uniqueness, emotions, life - this is what describes the whole style well with the help of three words and becomes the impetus for choosing it for the celebration.


To create the most suitable for the chosen style of invitations, you will need to print on one side of the image with the coquettish ladies popular in the forties in the Pin-up style. And on the back will be all the information about the wedding. Additional accessories can be ribbons or bows.


The room must be done in bright colors, mainly in a combination of white and red. To give a proper atmosphere, you can decorate everything using images with Pin-up girls, as well as using flowers, which should be present in large quantities. Tables can be covered with checkered tablecloths, or traditionally white, but put napkins with a checkered pattern.


The cake should be multi-tiered. It can be decorated with cream roses and red checkered bows or polka dots.


The outfits will require special attention. The bride has a lot of options. She can choose a long dress, with a deep neckline, made of light fabric. The waist must be inflated and you can emphasize this with a satin belt. A short dress with a fluffy skirt, giving the bride the appearance of a charming coquette, is also acceptable. The image is complemented with heels or stiletto heels. And a bright accent can be made with the help of scarlet beads or a bright scarlet rim or bow on the head. A lush hairstyle is suitable, with curls and round bangs. Makeup for the bride should give her a flirtatious touch with elegant arrows and scarlet lipstick, a favorite pin-up style. The groom will also need to choose an interesting image. He can settle for an elegant smart look, which is achieved with trousers, a white or just a light-colored shirt and a vest to match the trousers. This image is complemented with an ardent tie or cufflinks. But there is also a second option, where the man will be dressed in military style. And he will decorate his shoulder straps, snow-white gloves or a cap. The invited girls can dress up in bright dresses with polka dots or a cage, as well as complement their image by tying scarves around their necks. And men can come both in a classic suit and in a shirt and shorts, popular for that time.