Objects are classified as active fixed assets. What belongs to fixed assets. Fixed assets in tax accounting

In the modern world, enterprises of all organizational legal forms use fixed assets in the process of their activities. The number of varieties of these assets is increasing every day. So, there was a differentiation of fixed assets into active and passive forms. In view of this, accounting for fixed assets has acquired its own subtleties and nuances. The following article will reveal the meaning of fixed assets, the rules for their accounting, inclusion in reporting, and, finally, help to understand their active and passive forms.

The meaning of the term "fixed assets"

The term "fixed assets" means one of the types of assets that repeatedly participates in the procedure for the manufacture of products, which has been in operation for more than twelve months.

A special feature is the rule according to which the value of these assets is transferred to finished products not immediately (as current assets), but gradually, monthly, by means of depreciation charges.

Fixed assets in accounting

Fixed assets accounting is full of specifics. The resolution of fixed assets for accounting is carried out at their primary cost. This cost is calculated by the method of summing up all the costs of the purchase or construction of the facility. Deregistration is carried out at residual value. This value is formed using the difference between the primary cost and the accumulated depreciation amount.

To concentrate information and account for fixed assets in the accounting system, the following accounts are usually distinguished:

  • Account 01 "Fixed assets" - for accounting of objects that have entered into operation;
  • Account 08 "Investments in non-current assets" - to reflect the cost of purchasing or creating objects;
  • Account 07 "Equipment for installation" - to account for objects that need installation;
  • Account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets" - for the accounting of depreciation charges.

Depreciation of fixed assets

The term "depreciation" refers to the monthly partial transfer of the value of the object to the finished product. The process of such transfers must necessarily be carried out monthly and can be performed in several ways:

  • Linear method (used to determine the monthly amount of depreciation, with this method, you need to multiply the primary cost of the object by the depreciation rate and divide by twelve);
  • By the method according to the sum of the numbers of years of useful work (the calculation is carried out by dividing the number of years until the end of useful use by the total sum of the numbers of years of useful work; after that, it is necessary to produce the product of the resulting total and the primary cost);
  • By the method of decreasing balance (the amount of monthly depreciation is calculated using the following actions: the product of the residual value, the accelerating indicator and the depreciation rate; as well as dividing the resulting result by twelve hundred and one hundred);
  • The method is directly proportional to the number of products produced (you can determine the amount of the monthly depreciation amount by multiplying the primary cost by the ratio of the number of products manufactured during the period to their planned production quantity on this equipment).

The administration of the company (guided by normative, legal acts and recommendations) independently determines which of the above methods to apply specifically for each object.

Fixed assets in the balance sheet

The cost of fixed assets must be reflected in the reporting. For this purpose, in the balance sheet (in the first section, called "Non-current assets") there is a line encrypted with code 1150 "Fixed assets".

These lines indicate the residual value of fixed assets. The information on the residual value of the annual accounts is provided for the last three years.

Separation of fixed assets: active and passive forms

For convenience, depending on the degree of involvement in the procedure for creating finished products, fixed assets should be divided into forms:

  • Active form. It includes objects, the efficient operation of which directly affects the result of the product manufacturing process;
  • Passive form. This form includes such objects that are operated in order to create favorable working conditions, they are not directly related to the process of manufacturing products (or providing services).

But, depending on the specifics of the activity of a particular company, different objects of fixed assets may be included in each of the forms.

For the sake of understanding, here are two situations:

  1. A company specializing in the provision of services for the transportation of goods will classify a truck as an active form, and an electric stove used to organize food for personnel as a passive form;
  2. The company, the main activity of which is the provision of catering services, will do exactly the opposite: the electric stove will be referred to the active form, and the truck - to the passive form.

Therefore, in order to make the correct division into active or passive forms of fixed assets, it is required to take into account the specialization of the enterprise.

46. ​​To fixed assets as a set of material assets used as means of labor in the production of products, performance of work or provision of services, or for the management of an organization for a period exceeding 12 months, or a normal operating cycle if it exceeds 12 months, include buildings, structures, workers and power machines and equipment, measuring and regulating instruments and devices, computers, vehicles, tools, industrial and household equipment and accessories, working and productive livestock, perennial plantings, on-farm roads and other fixed assets.

Fixed assets also include capital investments in the radical improvement of land (drainage, irrigation and other reclamation work) and in leased fixed assets.

Capital investments in perennial plantings, radical improvement of land are included in fixed assets annually in the amount of costs related to the areas taken into operation in the reporting year, regardless of the date of completion of the entire complex of works.

The structure of fixed assets includes land plots owned by the organization, objects of nature management (water, subsoil and other natural resources).

47. Completed capital investments in leased fixed assets are credited by the lessee to their own fixed assets in the amount of actual costs incurred, unless otherwise provided by the lease agreement.

48. The cost of fixed assets of the organization is repaid by calculating depreciation over their useful life.

Depreciation of fixed assets is calculated regardless of the results of the organization's economic activity in the reporting period in one of the following ways:

linear method;

method of writing off the cost in proportion to the volume of products (works, services);

diminishing balance method;

method of writing off the value by the sum of the number of years of useful life.

Items of fixed assets of non-profit organizations are not subject to depreciation.

The cost of land plots, natural resources is not redeemed.

49. Fixed assets are reflected in the balance sheet at their residual value, ie. at the actual costs of their acquisition, construction and manufacture minus the amount of accrued depreciation.

(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 30.12.1999 N 107n)

(see text in previous edition)

Changes in the initial cost of fixed assets in cases of completion, retrofitting, reconstruction and partial liquidation, revaluation of the relevant objects are disclosed in the appendices to the balance sheet. A commercial organization has the right, no more than once a year (at the end of the reporting year) to revalue fixed assets at replacement cost by indexing or direct recalculation at documented market prices with the attribution of arising differences to the organization's additional capital account, unless otherwise provided by regulatory legal acts accounting.

Active part of fixed assets- fixed assets that are directly involved in production (machinery, equipment, vehicles, devices).


From an economic point of view, fixed assets are subdivided into the active part of fixed assets (or the active part of fixed assets) and (or the passive part of fixed assets).

The active part of fixed assets includes fixed assets that are directly involved in production ( machinery, equipment, vehicles, devices).

The passive part of fixed assets includes fixed assets that provide conditions for production ( buildings and constructions).


In the building of the workshop of the plant there are machines on which the products are manufactured.

Shop building - passive fixed assets;

Machine tools are active fixed assets.

Currently, such a division has legal significance. Normative documents do not use these concepts. But in economic analysis, terms are used.

In legislation, the term can be found in outdated documents. For example, in the Methodological Guidelines for the Accounting of Fixed Assets, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 13.10.2003 N 91n (clause 54) - with the method of decreasing balance - based on the residual value (initial value or current (replacement) value (in case of revaluation) minus the accrued depreciation) of an object of fixed assets at the beginning of the reporting year, the depreciation rate calculated based on the useful life of this object. At the same time, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, small businesses can apply an acceleration factor equal to two; and for movable property that constitutes an object of financial leasing and attributable to the active part of fixed assets, an acceleration factor may be applied in accordance with the terms of the finance lease not higher than 3.


Reporting of an organization that is prepared according to accounting rules.

Durable labor (over 12 months). Fixed assets include buildings, machinery and equipment, structures and transmission devices, vehicles.

Fixed assets that provide conditions for production (buildings and structures).

An economic indicator characterizing the efficiency of the use of fixed assets by an enterprise (in the industry). Characterizes the cost of fixed assets attributable to 1 ruble of sales proceeds.

An economic indicator characterizing the efficiency of the use of fixed assets by an enterprise (in the industry). Shows the extent to which the cost of fixed assets is covered by sales proceeds.

3. The main economic elements and indicators of the functioning of manufacturing enterprises (firms)

3.3. Fixed assets of the enterprise

Composition and structure of fixed assets. The composition of fixed assets is shown in Figure 3.3. It includes:
- basic production assets;
- fixed non-productive assets;
- intangible assets.

Fixed assets are reflected in the 1st section of the asset. The peculiarity of the first section of the asset is that it reflects long-term assets, that is, assets that can bring profit over several years.

Long-term assets are divided into tangible assets, that is, assets that have a physical condition, and intangible assets (idea, patent, know-how). The most important element of long-term assets is the company's fixed assets.

Fixed assets- these are material values ​​(means of labor) that repeatedly participate in the production process, do not change their natural material form and transfer their value to finished products in parts as they wear out. By functional purpose, the fixed assets of the enterprise are divided into production and non-production.

Production assets directly or indirectly related to the production of products. Non-productive assets serve to meet the cultural and everyday needs of workers.

By use, fixed assets are subdivided into those in operation and those in stock, reserve, conservation, etc.

By ownership, fixed assets are subdivided into own and leased assets.

Fixed assets can be divided into active and passive. Active assets include those fixed assets that are directly involved in the production of products and have a direct direct impact on the volume of products. Active, as a rule, include machinery and equipment, vehicles and tools.

The composition and classification of fixed assets are shown in Fig. 3.4.

Basic production assets

1. Affiliation:
- own;
- rented

2. Role in the production process by group

Active part
a) Machinery and equipment:
- power machines and equipment;
- working machines and equipment;
- measuring and regulating instruments and devices;
- laboratory equipment;
- Computer Engineering;
- other machinery and equipment.

b) Vehicles.

c) Tool.

d) Inventory and accessories.

e) Other fixed assets

Passive part
a) Earth.

b) Buildings.

c) Structures (bridges, roads).

d) Transfer devices (water pipes, gas pipelines, etc.)

3. Usage:
- in operation;
- in stock (reserve);
- canned

Rice. 3.4. Composition and classification of fixed assets

They are not accounted for in fixed assets and are not subject to depreciation:
a) means of labor that have served for less than one year;
b) means of labor worth up to 100 minutes. the size of wages.

The ratio of individual groups of fixed assets in terms of value characterize their structure. The structure is determined by calculating the proportion of individual groups of fixed assets in the total population and is expressed as a percentage.

Methods for evaluating fixed assets

Estimation at the initial cost of fixed assets (OF perv) is determined at the time of putting the object into operation:

OF first = C + Z d + Z y + Z prch,

where C is the price of fixed assets, including packaging;
З d - delivery costs;
Zu - installation costs;
Z prch - other costs.

The replacement cost characterizes the cost of reproduction of fixed assets in modern conditions, that is, taking into account the achieved level of production development, the achievements of scientific and technological progress and the growth of labor productivity, as well as price increases.

The book value of fixed assets (OF bal) is the cost at which fixed assets are accounted for at the enterprise. It coincides either with the original (OF first), or with the replacement cost (OF east):

where OF Vost n - the cost of fixed assets purchased before revaluation;
PF perv k - the cost of fixed assets acquired after revaluation.

Residual value appraisal (OF ost) characterizes the value that has not yet been transferred to the finished product:

OF ost = OF ball - I,

where And is the cost of wear.

The market value of an object included in fixed assets is understood as the most probable price, which, in principle, can take place by agreement between buyers and sellers in the event of the sale of this object in a free competitive market. It is assumed that sellers and buyers act reasonably, without violating the law, the objects of the transaction do not need an urgent sale or purchase, and payment for transactions is made in cash and is not accompanied by additional conditions.

Liquidation value (OF liquidation) is the cost of the possible sale of retired fixed assets.

Amortized cost (OF AM) is the cost of fixed assets that must be transferred to finished products:

In economic calculations, the concept of the average annual cost of fixed assets (OF cf. g) is used:

where OF n - the cost of fixed assets at the beginning of the year;
OFK - the cost of fixed assets at the end of the year;
OFi - the cost of fixed assets at the beginning of the i-th month.

Depreciation and amortization of fixed assets

The economic content of depreciation is a loss of value. The following types of wear are distinguished:
- physical(change in physical, mechanical and other properties of fixed assets under the influence of the forces of nature, labor, etc.);
- moral wear 1st kind(loss of value as a result of the appearance of cheaper similar means of labor);
- moral wear 2nd kind(loss of value caused by the emergence of more productive means of labor);
- social depreciation (loss of value as a result of the fact that new fixed assets provide a higher level of satisfaction of social requirements);
- ecological depreciation (loss of value as a result of the fact that fixed assets cease to meet new increased requirements for environmental protection, rational use of natural resources, etc.).

Full depreciation is a complete depreciation of fixed assets, when their further exploitation in any conditions is unprofitable or impossible. Depreciation can occur both in the case of work and in the case of inactivity of fixed assets.

The process of transferring the value of fixed assets to finished goods and reimbursement of this value in the process of selling the product is called depreciation. Depreciation deductions - this is a monetary expression of the amount of depreciation, which must correspond to the degree of depreciation of fixed assets.

The amount of depreciation charges depends on the book value of fixed assets and the rates of depreciation charges. The depreciation rate is the established amount of depreciation deductions for a certain period of time for a specific type of fixed assets, expressed, as a rule, as a percentage of the book value. The depreciation rate shows the percentage of annual reimbursement of the cost of fixed assets:

where H a - depreciation rate;
T e - the number of years of operation.

In some cases, depreciation deductions are made in proportion to the amount of work performed.

Annual depreciation charges in value terms (A d) can be calculated using the following formula:


where (H a) i - differentiated depreciation rates established for each group of fixed assets;
n is the number of groups of fixed assets.

The residual value of fixed assets (OF ost), taking into account depreciation deductions, can be calculated using the following formula:

where T e - the number of years of operation of fixed assets;
- depreciation of fixed assets in value terms.

The actual depreciation of fixed assets is extremely difficult to determine, therefore, in the practice of economic calculations, depreciation is taken equal to the amount of depreciation deductions. To assess the degree of depreciation of fixed assets, the depreciation coefficient is used:

Depreciation charges are charged monthly:

On the fixed assets put into effect, depreciation starts from the first day of the month following the date of entry. Depreciation on the written off fixed assets ceases from the first day following the date of writing off the month. The rates of depreciation deductions can be adjusted depending on the specific operating conditions of fixed assets. Depreciation deductions for the full restoration of the active part of fixed assets are made only during their standard service life or the period for which the book value of these funds is fully transferred to costs. For others - types of fixed assets during the entire actual service life.

Depreciation rates for residential buildings are set only for the calculation of depreciation.

Accelerated depreciation is the target method of transferring their book value to costs faster than the standard service life of fixed assets.

Intangible assets and their amortization

Intangible assets include the costs of enterprises for intangible objects used during long-term periods of economic activity and generating income: the right to use land plots, natural resources, patents, licenses, know-how, software products, monopoly rights and privileges, including licenses for certain types activities, organizational expenses (including fees for state registration, brokerage place, etc.), trademarks and trademarks. The price of a firm arises from the purchase of entire operating enterprises. Typically, such businesses are bought and sold at market prices based on their profitability, goodwill, the prestige of their products or services, and some other factors. The excess of the purchase price over the book value of all assets of the enterprise constitutes the price of the goodwill of the company and is accounted for as an intangible object. Intangible assets transfer their value to production costs evenly (monthly) at the rates determined by the enterprise, based on the established period of their use. The useful life of intangible assets can be determined in the following three ways:

1) the useful life coincides with the period of validity of one or another type of intangible assets, which is provided for by the relevant agreement;

2) enterprises independently establish the useful life of intangible assets. The main factor influencing the justification of the rate of depreciation should be the period during which the company is going to use this type of asset to its advantage. It is practically impossible to establish the exact duration of such a period, therefore, both the value of the initial cost of intangible assets and the value of the cost of production can affect the decision-making on this issue;

3) it is not possible to establish the useful life, then the current legislation provides for the establishment of the useful life equal to the life of the enterprise.

Indicators of movement and efficiency of use of fixed assets

The quantitative characteristics of the reproduction of fixed assets are calculated according to the following principle formula:

OF n + OF in - OF l = OF k,

where OF n, OF k - the cost of fixed assets at the beginning and end of the year;
OF in - the cost of the introduced fixed assets;
OF l - the cost of written off fixed assets.

The movement of fixed assets can be characterized using the following ratios:

- update rate;

- retirement rate.

The renewal ratio shows the proportion of fixed assets introduced in the reporting period. The retirement rate shows the proportion of retired fixed assets. This group of indicators characterizes only the movement of fixed assets and does not say anything about their use. The efficiency of the use of fixed assets is determined using a system of indicators, subdivided into generalizing and private ones. The first characterize the efficiency of using the entire set of fixed assets, the second - of individual elements of fixed assets. The first group includes:

1) capital productivity (F about), which shows how many products (in value terms) are produced per 1 ruble of the cost of fixed assets:

where Q is the volume of products produced;
PF cf. - the average annual cost of fixed assets;

2) capital intensity (Ф e), which shows how much fixed assets were spent for the production of 1 ruble of products:

3) capital-to-labor ratio (Ф в) of labor shows the cost of fixed assets per employee:

where H is the average number of employees.


All assets of an enterprise, regardless of their form, constitute its assets. In the course of the enterprise's activities, its assets participate in the production process for the production of products (works or services) and directly and indirectly, participate in ensuring the internal functions of the enterprise.

By the method of transferring the price of assets to the cost of finished goods, they can be defined as circulating and basic.

The cost of the former, fully used during one production cycle, goes to the product directly, according to their consumption in physical form.

The latter participate in the production activity of the enterprise for a long period of time and form the value of the goods indirectly, with the transition of the notional part of their value to the share of depreciation, which corresponds to the estimated expenditure (depreciation) of assets.

According to the principle of materialization, fixed assets are divided into two types - intangible and tangible assets.
Intangible assets of an enterprise mean intangible objects of an intellectual nature with certain rights to their use.

Material assets, in other words - fixed assets, are objects that have a physical embodiment and are used by an enterprise during several production cycles.

The most important point that should be paid attention to, when defining an object, the main means is its isolation in a constructive and functional plan. Only a certain device or a group of objects and devices, which are a single complex, capable of acting independently in production, can be considered suitable for recognition in accounting as an object of fixed assets.

Determination of fixed assets of the enterprise

When making accounting entries for the inclusion of any objects in the property of the enterprise as an asset, it should be determined whether they meet the following requirements:

  • Each separate unit can be used for production or on-farm needs of the enterprise, or leased to them for a fee;
  • The useful term for the use of such property is more than 12 calendar months, or exceeds the term of the production cycle, if it is deliberately longer than 12 months;
  • The acquisition of the property did not imply its subsequent resale;
  • The operation of the facility is economically profitable, that is, it directly or indirectly increases the income of the enterprise.

Regulatory accounting procedures IFRS 16, Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 186n dated December 24, 2010. oblige to the simultaneous observance of all conditions for the registration of property in accounting as a fixed asset. It is also worth noting that no less "popular" criterion for introducing objects into fixed assets is the cost indicator.

Indeed, already at the time of receipt, focusing on the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 121 on the implementation of the State program for the transition of the Russian Federation to the accounting and statistics system adopted in international practice in accordance with the requirements of the development of a market economy, it is easy to single out those property objects, the cost of which is above the threshold of 40 thousand rubles.

So, fixed assets are tangible assets that have been used by an enterprise for a long time for the purpose of making a profit. However, for accounting and tax accounting, including accounting entries and accounting documentation, one definition of the essence of fixed assets is clearly not enough.

It is important to divide objects into categories of use - groups and types of operating systems.

Production and economic groups of fixed assets

By itself, the OS grouping does not affect the general accounting rules. But, any accounting entries related to the reflection of operations for the accrual of depreciation, write-off of costs for maintenance, repair, and reconstruction of fixed assets, such a division is taken into account without fail. Fixed assets can be allocated into different groups with the following characteristics:

  • Connection to production processes. On the basis of this feature, active and passive fixed assets are distinguished. Active fixed assets are used directly in the production of goods, works and services. Passive ones serve as the basis for ensuring production conditions, but are not used in the production process itself.
  • Industry affiliation. By belonging to the industry, the main assets of construction, industry, trade and other industries are distinguished. This classification of OS is especially important for large companies with a wide range of activities.
  • On-farm appointment. Depending on whether fixed assets are involved in the main activity of the enterprise or not, they are divided into production and non-production. As a rule, fixed assets used in the social sphere of the enterprise are primarily classified as non-productive ones.
  • Organizational and legal registration of ownership of objects. According to this criterion, there are: own OS (owned); OS in business or operational management; leased fixed assets: fixed assets for free use; OS in trust.
  • The nature of use. Provides for the following division of fixed assets: operated; for conservation (reserve); taken out for repair; under reconstruction; decommissioned.

Types of fixed assets - the main form of classification

The implementation of accounting procedures is impossible without a detailed and accurate separation of accounting units by types, characterized by common signs of their use in production and general economic processes. In addition, a number of indicators used in the analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise, when carrying out calculations, requires an accurate functional delineation of the subject of analysis.

In the case of fixed assets, such indicators are, first of all, capital productivity, capital-to-labor ratio and capital intensity, which characterize the efficiency of using fixed assets in the production process of an enterprise.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 121 on the implementation of the State program for the transition of the Russian Federation to the system of accounting and statistics adopted in international practice in accordance with the requirements of the development of a market economy, which approved the OKOF (OK 013-94) - a unified classifier of fixed assets by types and functions performed by them.

When it was created, such basic international and domestic standards were taken into account as the International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC) - the international standard industrial classification of all economic activities (ISIC), Central Product Classification (CPC) - the International Basic Product Classification (CPC) ), Regulations on accounting and reporting in the Russian Federation, All-Russian classifier of types of economic activities, products and services (OKDP).

In accordance with OKOF, fixed assets are divided into the following types:

  • Buildings - production, utility and administrative buildings belonging to the organization;
  • Structures - engineering facilities that ensure the functioning of production (overpasses, tunnels, railway platforms and tracks);
  • On-farm roads - general-purpose motor and pedestrian roads, equipped inland;
  • Transfer devices - power grids, heat, gas and steam pipelines;
  • Machinery and equipment - machinery park used in the main and auxiliary industries;
  • Other machinery and equipment - objects that were not included in the previous item on the basis of non-production purpose;
  • Vehicles - special equipment of independent movement, cars, cars, lifts, stackers, towing devices;
  • Instrument other than special;
  • Production inventory - other devices used in the main and auxiliary industries;
  • Household inventory - general household appliances that are not used in production processes;
  • Working, productive and pedigree livestock;
  • Perennial plantings;
  • Other fixed assets - this category may include those fixed assets that were not reflected in the previous paragraphs.

In addition to fixed assets PBU 6/01 "Accounting for fixed assets" and OKOF allow attributing land plots, natural resources, capital investments in land improvement and leased fixed assets, as well as natural resources used in the main production.

The following categories of property are not taken into account as fixed assets, regardless of their compliance with the classification criteria:

  • with a service life of less than one year or a value lower than that established in the Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 186n of December 24, 2010. limit;
  • fishing gear, chainsaws, floating cables, seasonal roads, temporary road branches, temporary non-capital structures with a service life of less than two years;
  • special devices, replaceable devices for fixed assets, regardless of their cost;
  • special, sanitary, uniforms and footwear, bedding;
  • temporary structures and other objects, the costs of the creation of which are included in the cost of construction and / or installation work as overhead costs;
  • young and fattening cattle, poultry, rabbits, fur stock, bee colonies, guard dogs and experimental animals;
  • perennial plantings grown as planting material.

In addition, machines, fixtures and machines that are in warehouse storage as a commodity group, are in transit or in the process of installation, as well as included in the balance sheet of capital construction, cannot be positioned as fixed assets.

The above principles of classification and groupings are an obligatory basis on which the system of accounting and tax accounting of fixed assets of an enterprise should be built.