Papaver eastern caliph from seed. Annual poppy, perennial, varieties, oriental poppies, peony, cultivation from seeds. Papaver pion-shaped: planting and care

An extremely bright and, surprisingly, extremely unpretentious plant is the oriental poppy. However, we are not so rarely asked questions about the cultivation and care of this plant.

The title photo shows Patty’s Plum.

The oriental poppy is a perennial. The bush is quite large, up to 1 meter tall, but the height depends on the variety. Stems are strong, powerful, bristly, straight. The leaves are well recognizable, with an expressive predatory cut edge (pinnately scattered), of two types, basal - larger, and stem - a little smaller. Flowers are arranged on stems one by one, large, up to 18-20 cm in diameter. The classic color is fiery red with a black spot at the base.

Today, the colors are varied: from classic reds to various shades of pink, peach, and raspberry. Colors atypical for poppies (that is, everything except bright red) are distinguished by their originality due to the papery, fragile structure of the petals. They have a light, dirty brownish-gray undertone, which makes the look of the flowers a little disturbing, dramatic.

Flowering period not long lasting - about 2 weeks. The beginning of the appearance of flowers is the end of May. The short flowering period and fragility of the flowers are compensated by the abundance and brightness. Re-flowering in autumn is possible.

Types and varieties

Plant varieties - weight (see photo below). As for the species, the oriental or small-leaved poppy (Papaver orientale) is one of more than 50 species of the Poppy genus. Another popular garden representative of the genus, the peony poppy, is Papaver paeoniflorum. Oriental poppy is a perennial. Height - 40-90 cm. In nature it is a typical meadow plant, rarely found on stony soils of hills.

The bush of the plant is powerful, also highly decorative, unfortunately, it begins to lose its appearance after the buds have faded.

Miss Piggy variety

Fancy Feathers cultivar

Two varieties: Beauty of Livermore and Raspberry Queen.

Princess victoria louise

Princess victoria louise

Papaver orientale picotee

Little dancing girl

A very rare and incredible Danebrog variety. The variety is not commercial, but rather a sample of what this plant is generally capable of.

Planting and leaving

Like all other poppies, the oriental handsome man prefers a sunny place. Can grow and bloom well in the shade, tolerate periodic droughts (although this is undesirable for varietal plants).

Soil - almost any, the only exception - poppies do not tolerate increased dampness and stagnant water, so you should take care of good drainage. Plants are planted at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other. Although mature bushes are quite voluminous, and the distance for some varieties should be increased to half a meter.

Of the care measures, only watering, moderate fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, and shelter for the winter, despite the cold resistance, the plant does not have immunity to severe frosts, and in a harsh winter it can freeze out, will be required.


The plant reproduces in three ways:

  1. Seeds.
  2. By dividing the bush.
  3. Root processes. They are taken in May, before flowering, or after flowering.

Does not like transplants, it is hard to endure. Although a transplant in the fall with a lump of earth is permissible, especially since the oriental poppy feels good in one place for a maximum of 7 years, then a rejuvenating transplant is necessary.

As a rule, the planting material on sale is packaged rhizome cuttings, they can be of different sizes, so the cost can vary greatly. They are quite fragile, they can be easily damaged during transportation, therefore, the purchased material should be inspected very carefully, all damaged places should be cut out, and the sections processed with crushed activated carbon. Before planting, the purchased rhizome should be wrapped in moss, leaving the growth buds free, slightly moistened and stored in the refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding 4 ° C. They are planted in open ground when sprouts appear, if it is too early to be planted outside, they should be planted in suitable containers, making sure that the roots are located without bends and the temperature near the plant does not exceed +12 ° C. A bright cold balcony will do.

Where could I buy

As for the seeds, they can be purchased at any store, although the selection of varieties is not so large.

Varietal perennial oriental poppies are sold mainly by rhizomes. Most often these are Dutch-made plants. The table below shows where you can buy oriental poppy.

Sowing and growing from seeds

Sowing is possible in spring or before winter. In the second case, flowers will appear the next year, but earlier than the plants planted next spring. Purchased or self-collected seeds (wrap the seed pods with gauze so that the seeds ripen, but do not spill out) are sown in the open ground superficially, almost without deepening. It is enough to lightly crush or press the soil, cover it with a covering material on top. The seeds are small - you can pre-mix them with sand.

Burying the seeds will be a mistake; the seedlings may not have enough strength to get to the surface.

The seedling method is rarely used. If you do decide to grow a plant in seedlings, keep in mind that plants need coolness, abundant light, and extreme care when transplanting. Otherwise, there should be no difficulty.

Sowing seeds into the ground in spring is carried out early, before the onset of stable heat, the plant tolerates cold well and even needs stratification.

Young plants require gentle, moderate watering.

Diseases and problems

Poppies often strike:

  1. Powdery mildew.
  2. Black spot.

They rid the plant of these diseases by spraying with preparations containing copper (copper sulfate, fungicides "Maxim" or "Topaz", copper sulfate). Severely affected plant parts are removed and burned.

To prolong flowering, the seed heads should be cut off, preventing the seeds from ripening.

Why doesn't the poppy bloom?

There are not many reasons, in general, this plant willingly pleases with flowers without much effort. If there are still no flowers, then most likely:

  1. The deadline has not come (plants grown from seeds can only bloom for 2 or 3 years).
  2. Too shaded a place chosen for planting.
  3. The plant has damaged roots (they are fragile, with active loosening they can be easily damaged).

After flowering, the poppy is cut off, the stems and leaves are shortened almost to the ground, by autumn new, albeit smaller, leaves will grow. If there is a desire to collect seeds, then pruning is postponed until the seeds ripen.

Application in landscape design

Light varieties of poppies look peculiar, ghostly and mystical, whites will be appropriate in "lunar gardens".

They go well with flowers of lilac shades, for example, with irises.

The plant is almost universal, its only serious drawback is the short flowering period and the fragility of the flowers. The latter does not prevent the plant from being popular for cutting - the bright appearance of the oriental poppy outweighs this disadvantage. In addition to bouquets, it will be good:

  • cereals,
  • daylilies,
  • geranium,
  • bloodroot.
  • And also the poppy looks great with the summer:

    • cosmeya,
    • decorative tobacco,
    • cochia.

    Poppy can often be seen from the east or west side of houses, that is, in partial shade. It really belongs to those rare plants that are able to give bright colors to a slightly shaded area.

    Pruning Oriental Poppy

    Video from the blog "Garden-vegetable garden in pleasure!". The author not only talks about pruning perennial poppies, but also gives almost professional answers to questions from viewers in the comments.

    Papaver is a new name for many florists. They hadn't heard of him before. What is it? So called thick double poppy... Other name - peony poppy... The packages have lush flower hats that really resemble peonies. Everybody sowed ordinary poppy, but papaver is something special.

    Try to plant!

    Papaver is the Latin name for poppy (Papaver). So they began to call the terry poppy, to distinguish it from others. But now, along with terry poppy seeds, they also sell poppy seeds under this name. Why is it suddenly called “papaver” instead of a simple poppy?

    It turns out that a law was passed banning the cultivation of poppy.

    It is clear what kind of poppy is in question - that has a narcotic effect. But the interpretation of the law is such that it allows any poppy to be considered prohibited.

    Seed producers found a way out - to rename poppy to papaver.

    By the way, oriental poppy, terry poppy and samoseyka poppy continue to be grown in the plots, and there were no cases of punishment under the law. Apparently, common sense still exists! These types of poppy have no narcotic properties, they just bloom beautifully. Beauty is not banned yet.

    How to grow papaver?

    All types of poppy are sown by direct sowing into the ground, since they do not tolerate transplanting well. Their taproot is sick for a long time, and there is no point in growing seedlings.

    Papaver, or pion poppy, has very small seeds. It is better to sow them by mixing with sand so that the seedlings do not turn out to be too thick.

    Before sowing, carefully prepare the soil. It should be loose, homogeneous. Sowing well on sandy soil. A crust may appear on the clayey, and the poppy seeds will not germinate, In this case, they do this: they choose a place and fill in purchased soil, then level the site. The soil is abundantly moistened and the poppy is sown superficially, without sprinkling it with earth. Spray on top with water from a spray bottle. To preserve moisture, the sowing site must be covered with spunbond, you can water directly on it.

    When shoots appear, they need to be thinned out, leaving 7-10 cm between the plants. With dense crops, the poppy grows frail. The peduncle does not hold a double flower, and it looks down. There will be no peony effect!

    Care comes down to weeding and watering. To prolong flowering, wilted flowers are immediately removed, not allowing seed bolls to tie. This simple trick almost doubles the flowering time!

    And then the papaver himself!

    Papaver is an annual plant.

    To collect seeds, leave one box of each color and sow them in spring or before winter. But papaver is able to reproduce itself. Self-seeding occurs on loose soil, in the spring it is enough to thin out the seedlings, and you will again have a terry poppy. As practice shows, it is able to grow “like a weed”.

    Agree, a pleasant property for a plant with beautiful double flowers!

    With self-seeding, the properties of terry are not lost, but you can't guess with shades - flowers of pink light tones grow more often. To grow a poppy of a specific color: pure white, bright red or crimson, you need to buy seeds.

    Flowers of maroon shades are very effective. These are the Black Swan, Purple Velvet, Black Dragon varieties ... The varieties with strongly dissected petals have been created. In shape, these flowers are more like a carnation. Want to see? We must sow!

    In June, quivering poppy flowers with delicate silky petals open. Poppies are dear to the hearts of many gardeners, and the unsurpassed papaver, the oriental poppy, is in the lead in popularity.

    I remember how in 1966, after graduating from university, I went on assignment to the Vologda region. There, in every village there are monuments to fellow villagers who fell in the Great Patriotic War. And near one of these obelisks, I saw a large flowerbed, sown with poppies. White, pink and red flowers made an indelible impression on me, I still remember it.

    Perhaps that is why the packet of seeds that I saw on the counter of a flower shop five years ago did not leave me indifferent. It was papaver - oriental poppy. I bought, planted seeds, following the instructions on the bag, but there were no shoots. I was upset, of course - the poppies in the packaging picture were too good. But I decided not to give up, the next spring I sowed the seeds again, covered them. This time they sprouted, and thickly, because the seeds are small, it is not for nothing that there is an expression "less than a poppy seed." I planted the seedlings in different flower beds, but it turned out that the plant does not tolerate transplanting, it only requires thinning, and otherwise it grows poorly, practically does not bloom and even dies.

    The poppies got a sunny place, our soil is sandy, without stagnant water. My poppies began to grow by leaps and bounds. They were up to a meter high, with beautiful carved leaves of bright green color, formed beautiful buds. One morning I open the window and see - the first flower has bloomed! How good he was! On a high leg, bright scarlet like fire, color, about 15 cm in diameter. It's a miracle! It’s a pity that the life of each flower is short, but now I will never give up poppies.

    For many years

    To create the beauty of poppies, nature has spared no colors, from white to almost black, there are even blue and yellow, simple and terry poppies. Sometime, 20 years ago, a neighbor's grandmother received a parcel from Canada. Among other things, there was a small bag of small seeds. The neighbor just gave those seeds to me. There was no information about them at all, but the seeds looked like poppy seeds. I chose a sunny spot and dug up the ground at the end of May. Before that, I brought in rotted manure (quite a bit). The seeds were spread out on the surface and only slightly pressed them into the ground. The seedlings appeared very quickly and were friendly. Since then, a poppy sent from distant Canada has been growing with me.

    Bushes grow up to 80 cm and more. Their stems are erect, beautiful carved leaves with soft fluff. After two months, the first flowers bloom. The drooping buds straighten as the flowers bloom. They are beautiful and smart, admiring themselves. But a hooligan wind will come and pick off the multi-colored petals-kerchiefs.

    They stand and nod sadly with their kami heads. And just a few hours later, the eye is again pleased with the kaleidoscope of flowering. It lasts about two months. For all these years, I have never seen pests on poppies. The plant is unpretentious and hardy.

    The boxes ripen and change color from green to light coffee: then it's time to collect the seeds. But, like salt from a salt shaker, the seeds spill out on their own. Poppy gives good self-seeding, which does not freeze even in snowless winters. He, like a steadfast tin soldier, will surely rise, germinate and blossom. Self-seeding blooms much earlier than your crops. The plant is undemanding to soils, although it will be grateful for good care and watering. It is also worth considering that poppies do not like transplanting at all.

    They are well suited for borders and work, they love the sun, but they bloom well in light partial shade.

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    Summer months are the time of flowering hydrangeas. This beautiful deciduous shrub is richly scented with flowers from June to September. Florists willingly use large inflorescences for wedding decors and bouquets. To admire the beauty of a flowering hydrangea bush in your garden, you should take care of the proper conditions for it. Unfortunately, some hydrangeas do not bloom from year to year, despite the care and efforts of gardeners. Why this happens, we will tell in the article.

    Every summer resident knows that plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for full development. These are the three main macronutrients, the deficiency of which significantly affects the appearance and yield of plants, and in advanced cases can lead to their death. However, not everyone understands the importance of other macro- and micronutrients for plant health. And they are important not only by themselves, but also for the effective assimilation of the same nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

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    Plum - well, who doesn't know her ?! She is loved by many gardeners. And all because it has an impressive list of varieties, surprises with excellent yields, pleases with its variety in terms of ripening and a huge choice of color, shape and taste of fruits. Yes, somewhere she feels better, somewhere worse, but almost no summer resident refuses the pleasure of growing it on her site. Today it can be found not only in the south, in the middle lane, but also in the Urals, in Siberia.

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    "Each vegetable has its own age", and each plant has its own optimal time for planting. Anyone who has come across planting is well aware that the hot season for planting is spring and autumn. This is due to several factors: in the spring the plants have not yet started to grow rapidly, there is no sweltering heat and precipitation often falls. However, no matter how hard we try, circumstances often develop in such a way that planting has to be carried out in the midst of summer.

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    Now every gardener has the opportunity to grow completely ecologically clean, healthy fruits and vegetables in their own garden. Microbiological fertilizer Atlant will help in this. It contains bacteria-helpers that settle in the zone of the root system and begin to work for the benefit of the plant, allowing it to actively grow, stay healthy and give high yields. Typically, many microorganisms coexist around the root system of plants.

    Summer is associated with beautiful flowers. Both in the garden and in the rooms, you want to admire the luxurious inflorescences and touching flowers. And for this it is not at all necessary to use cut bouquets. In the assortment of the best indoor plants, there are many flowering species. In the summer, when they receive the brightest lighting and optimal daylight hours, they are able to outshine any bouquet. Short-lived or just annual crops look like living bouquets.

    Bright, quivering flowers of poppies with delicate silky petals are dear to the hearts of many gardeners. Among the annual poppies, the most popular is the sleeping pill, or the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). It is a colorful plant with a height of 40 to 120 cm with bluish leaves and large (10-15 cm in diameter) flowers, simple or double, with whole or cut petals. They stand out for their rich colors and can be white, pink, salmon pink, light orange, red, cherry, crimson, lilac, dark purple - monochrome or two-color.

    Especially effective peony poppy sleeping pill, which is represented by large plants with large double flowers of various colors (for example, the White Cloud variety with white double flowers). And the Danish flag variety has unusually bright red-yellow flowers with a spectacular fringe. Sleeping poppy blooms in June-July. Modern decorative varieties of this type do not contain narcotic substances.

    Poppy sleeping pills have a slight "character". He loves well-lit and windproof areas. It is undemanding to soils, but it feels best on sufficiently nutritious, well-drained, moderately moist and non-acidic soils.

    Growing a sleeping poppy from seeds

    1 g contains from 2500 to 5000 hypnotic poppy seeds, which remain viable for 3-4 years. They are sown directly into the ground immediately to a permanent place, since this plant does not tolerate transplantation. They are sown both before winter (in November) and in spring - from late March to May. Seeds are close up shallow. With spring sowing, germination occurs within a week, sometimes a little later. As soon as the seedlings grow up a little, they are thinned out, leaving a distance between the plants of 15-25 cm. It is impossible to be late with thinning, since in the future the plants will form untidy bushes. Flowering occurs in two months and lasts up to three weeks. To be able to admire the blooming poppies throughout the summer, the seeds should be sown at different times.

    Perennial poppy

    Alpine poppy (P. alpinum) is a perennial plant, but does not live long, therefore it is often grown as a biennial. It is unusually graceful: above the rosette of pinnately dissected grayish-green leaves, a thin but strong peduncle about 15 cm high rises, which bears a drooping bud. The bud opens and turns into a charming flower of white, yellow, yellow-orange, less often red color. The diameter of the flower is about 5 cm, the alpine poppy blooms in May-June for at least two months.

    Poppy abnormal, or rejected (Papaver anomalum) Album is a rare perennial about 40 cm high with snow-white flowers adorned with yellow stamens. Carved gray pubescent leaves are collected in a dense basal rosette. When sown early, it blooms in the first year from mid-summer to autumn. On a well-developed bush, several dozen flowers with a diameter of 5-8 cm can bloom at the same time! Absolutely winter-hardy plant.

    Rock poppy (P. rupifragum), also called Spanish Poppy, is a 30-60 cm tall perennial unknown to a wide circle of flower growers. It has a thick rosette of pretty basal leaves with a silvery shade and satin semi-double orange flowers. The Tangerine Parfait variety has semi-double flowers. This is one of the few poppies that blooms continuously from June to the end of summer with the regular removal of faded flowers. Bloom is unusually abundant in June.

    Oriental poppy, or Turkish (P. orientale) is a large perennial poppy 60-120 cm high. It has beautiful pinnate leaves up to 30 cm long and rather tough, hairy stems. Bowls of flowers reach 10-20 cm in diameter - bright, usually with a black base of the petals. Inside the flower, there are many attractive black and blue stamens around the capitate pistil. The color of the petals can be orange, red, dark red, white, pink, lilac-pink. The popular variety Brilliant has fiery red flowers, the Carneum variety has pink-salmon, the Princess Victoria-Louise variety has salmon-red petals, and the Nimble dwarf with scarlet-red flowers does not exceed 30-40 cm.There are garden forms with semi-double and double flowers. Oriental poppy blooms in May-June for 12-15 days.

    Poppy care

    Perennial poppies are not only very decorative, but also quite undemanding. They grow and bloom best in warm, well-lit areas, although they tolerate light partial shade. They prefer loose, fertile, moderately moist and necessarily well-drained soils, neutral or alkaline. They are also characterized by sufficient drought resistance and good frost resistance. Only rock poppy should be covered with spruce branches for the winter.

    Growing perennial poppy seeds

    1 g contains 6500 alpine poppy seeds, 9600 anomalous poppy seeds, 13000 rock-breaking poppy seeds and from 3000 to 5000 oriental poppy seeds. It is best to sow seeds of perennial poppies in a permanent place before winter or in early spring (March-April). Sow randomly, not thickly, lightly embed the rake back into the soil and cover it with a non-woven covering material, fixed on pegs or in some other way. Some gardeners in the spring sow in rows, sow quite rarely, sprinkle on top with a thin layer of sifted peat and water it daily in the morning and evening for about two weeks (until the shoots appear). The grown seedlings are thinned out at a distance of 10-20 cm - alpine poppies, anomalous and rock-breaking poppies and 30 cm oriental poppies. Oriental poppy seeds are also sown in spring or mid-summer in cold greenhouses.

    If there are few seeds, they are sown in November-December in wide pots, which are left in the garden until spring, and then brought into a room at room temperature for germination. You can sow perennial poppies in pots in the spring - in March-April. They rarely sow, while the seeds of poppies, especially rejected and rock-breaking ones, are not sprinkled with soil from above, and Eastern and Alpine poppies, if desired, are sprinkled with a layer of no more than 1-2 mm. Seedlings dive immediately to a permanent place, since adult plants do not tolerate transplanting well.

    The grown seedlings of anomalous, rock-breaking and alpine poppies, which are especially sensitive to transplanting, can be cut out of a bowl with a knife along with a square of earth and carefully, keeping a lump of earth as much as possible, transplanted into a flower garden. To achieve the most decorative effect, plant young plants in large groups - they will give you an unforgettable experience during mass flowering. Alpine and oriental poppies stably form self-seeding.

    Is Papaver a familiar name? Most likely no. More recently, in connection with the publication of the law on the cultivation of narcotic plants, all varieties of poppy that are not related to narcotic substances are called Papaver.

    For me, of the whole variety of the Poppy family, the pion-shaped Papaver (aka poppy) is of particular decorative value. Bright and at the same time delicate flowers personify summer itself. Their densely doubled large inflorescences of various colors make any area or front garden special.

    In addition, from my own experience, I can say that this smartly handsome man is completely unassuming and can grow in the same place for more than a dozen years.

    This flower can be found under the name peony poppy, densely doubled poppy. It is an annual herb that does not exceed a height of 90 centimeters. Bushes are rather compact, erect, with few branches, bluish green color. The foliage is the same color, jagged.

    The root system is powerful and strong. On tall, slightly leafy peduncles, an impressive size double inflorescences similar to peonies are formed. The color of the buds is mainly pink, flowering period is about a month from June to July.

    After the withering of the flowers, a fruit-box is formed with a huge number of round small seeds, which, without control, are able to spread to the entire nearby territory.

    Features of planting papaver care

    The peony poppy will not bring you much trouble, in fact, it can be compared to an ordinary weed growing without human intervention. Therefore, even for the minimum effort made, the grateful plant will thank you with a long and bright flowering.

    Where to plant

    Dense poppy prefers to grow in a bright place. This flower adores the sun, only a slight partial shade is permissible. In the shade, the plant will wither and not bloom. But the mechanical composition of the soil for poppy does not really matter.

    It develops well on loose, light sandstones, and clay and loamy areas will affect the state of the plant negatively.

    The cause of the death of papaver can be waterlogging of the site. He categorically does not tolerate even the slightest stagnation of moisture in the ground, so one cannot ignore this when planting. It is best to place the poppy on an easy hill, and if this is not possible, then think over the drainage of excess fluid and build reliable drainage at the landing site.

    How to drink

    Due to the fact that the plant is drought-resistant, prolonged drought will not affect its well-being in any way, the taproot of the poppy is long enough to penetrate deeply into the soil and get the necessary moisture.

    But to preserve its decorative properties, it is better to water the plant from time to time. Watering should be moderate, mainly the need for it is felt during the flowering period.

    What to feed

    The peony poppy can grow without fertilization. However, if you grow papaver in your garden, do not be lazy and feed it twice during the growing season - its foliage will acquire a rich rich color, and the flowers will be large and bright.

    It is best to use special liquid fertilizers for flowering garden plants; both mineral and organic preparations will give excellent results.

    In the spring, when digging a site for planting poppies, it is recommended to apply fertilizer, add it again and in the fall after removing faded plants, before sowing seeds in winter.

    Is it possible to transplant a peony poppy

    Papaver hates transplants. Its long taproot is almost impossible to dig out without damage, and this is fraught with cessation of development, lack of flowering and even death of the bush. Therefore, it is recommended to disturb the bush only if absolutely necessary.

    In fact, there is no point in transplanting a peony poppy, because this is an annual, which is much easier and more expedient to remove and grow again in a new place.

    Does papaver need pruning

    Terry papaver, as an annual crop, does not need to be formed, the only thing that is needed is the timely removal of wilted flowers. So you stimulate the formation of new buds, increase their number.

    If you want to get your poppy seeds, leave a couple of pods on the plant until fully ripe.

    The peony poppy is excellent in cutting and is often used in floristry. To get a high-quality flower, cut it open a little more.

    How papaver winters

    Like all annual crops, terry papaver loses its decorative appearance after flowering. With the onset of autumn, the bush is removed, and the soil is dug under it. Healthy old plants can be used as a good mulching material.

    Pests and diseases, how to protect the plant

    Papaver pioniform can be subject to diseases such as:

    • Powdery mildew;
    • Root rot;
    • Fungi of black spot.

    Insect pests attack the plant much less often, among them the most common are spider mites and aphids.

    If the degree of damage to the poppy is not very high, then it is enough to treat the plant several times with a strong soapy solution. In more severe cases, only special insecticides designed to destroy garden pests will help.

    When the first symptoms of dangerous diseases are detected, the infected parts of the plant are cut and destroyed. Leaving them on the site is undesirable, because they can infect other crops. As a preventive measure, the bushes are sprayed with fungicides, copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid.

    What problems can arise when growing poppy

    1. Too wet soil due to excessive and frequent watering can lead to wilting and ultimately to the death of papaver;
    2. Depleted soil and nutritional deficiencies cause slow growth, weakness of the bush, crushing of inflorescences and pallor of their color.
    3. The thickening of the planting due to which the bushes becomes closely reflected in the decorative qualities and size;
    4. Lack of plant care or unscrupulous care also negatively affects the well-being of plants;
    5. Untimely removal of wilted inflorescences leads to the fact that the poppy throws all its strength on the formation of seeds. As a result, the plant prepares for the end of the growing season and stops blooming. Conversely, regularly removing dead flowers will significantly increase the flowering period;
    6. The wrong place for planting papaver can provoke a lack of flowering, for example, it can be a too dark corner of the garden.

    Reproduction of papaver: from collecting seeds to sowing them

    The peony poppy is propagated by the seed method. Honestly, if you plant this plant in your garden at least once, then you do not need to worry about the need to re-sow. The culture is extremely easy to spread over the site by self-seeding.

    For the planned collection of planting material, a couple of seed pods are left on the desired bush, promptly removing all the others and preventing them from ripening. If self-seeding poppy cultivation is not part of your plans, you can put small cotton bags on the boxes. Then the seeds will not fall on the ground, even if the boxes open ahead of time.

    Surprisingly, in the case of self-seeding, all specimens of pion-shaped papaver retain the doubleness of the flowers, but their color changes to pink or pale pinkish.

    If you are looking for a poppy of a specific color, it is best to purchase seeds from a flower shop.

    You can collect seeds when the papaver leaves begin to turn yellow. Keep the planting material in a cool dry place in paper bags. The germination and good quality of fresh seeds is much higher; over time, the risk of getting weak plants and low germination increases.

    You can plant papaver both in spring and autumn. True, these methods are slightly different from each other, we will consider each in more detail.

    Sowing in spring

    They begin to prepare the site for sowing as soon as the snow melts and the soil heats up to 3-5 degrees. The soil is loosened well, cleaned of debris and roots, and fertilized. Poppy seeds are small, so it is recommended to pre-mix them with sand, and only then sprinkle them more or less evenly over the soil.

    The plantings are carefully sprayed with water and covered with polyethylene to protect them from a possible cold snap, as well as create a greenhouse effect.

    A week later, friendly shoots will appear, and after a month and a half you can admire the magnificent flowering.

    Planting in autumn

    This is a winter sowing in other words, it is carried out into the already cooled soil, right before the first snow. Seeds are scattered onto a prepared site and covered with dry leaves. Before the arrival of heat, you can forget about crops, natural stratification will do its job.

    You can lose planting material if you sow it in an incompletely cooled soil, the grains will germinate, and the inevitably coming cold will simply destroy them.

    Sowing in winter has a number of advantages. First, the sprouts will appear much faster, which means that you are guaranteed to get an earlier flowering. Secondly, due to stratification, plants will grow stronger and more viable.

    Young shoots, regardless of the method of sowing, are covered with foil to prevent possible return of spring frosts. After the formation of 3-5 true leaves in the sprouts, they are thinned out, 10-20 cm should remain between the plants.