How broccoli is tied. Broccoli is ripe: determine the cutting time. When to plant seedlings

Broccoli cabbage, indeed, is unpretentious in growing, caring for it is not more difficult, maybe even easier than for its other relatives. In terms of the number of useful elements that make up its composition, it surpasses not only white and colored, but most of the cultivated species of this family. But for some reason it is not as widespread in our country as in Canada, America, Japan and Western Europe. It would seem that it is easy to grow, the care is minimal, the composition is useful, it is not even afraid of cold weather, maybe there is simply not enough information?

Broccoli cabbage has been known since ancient Rome. Through Byzantium, it spread throughout the world. Since then, it has been cultivated with constant success in almost all countries. Very similar in appearance to cauliflower, broccoli grows from 60 cm to 1 m tall, usually grown as an annual plant, but in warm climates, if not dug out for the winter, it yields well the next year.

Small dense inflorescences collected in one large head, the stem itself (if it is not hollow and not rigid), young leaves, which are much smaller and more tender than that of cauliflower, are eaten. There is also asparagus broccoli, which has many stalks, and small heads of inflorescences on them. It differs from cauliflower in the color of its heads - the most common are green and purple, and a remarkable ability to form new heads after cutting off one that has grown on the central stem.

Since we ourselves eat the inflorescences, it is very important to cut the head off before they bloom. The process of flowering and fruit formation in broccoli is very fast, if you allow at least one inflorescence to open, a small yellow flower will appear, which will rapidly fade and turn into a fruit pod. If you allow it to bloom, then the crop can be immediately sent to the compost heap - with the blooming of at least one flower, the whole head loses its taste, tenderness and most of the useful components.

Composition and useful properties

They say that if you eat broccoli regularly, then atherosclerosis is not terrible, the heart and blood vessels will work great. And this is very similar to the truth, as it contains a large amount of potassium and antioxidants, in particular selenium. Calcium, sodium, phosphorus and iron, zinc, copper and manganese are a very impressive list of elements that our body needs for normal functioning, they are all contained in this type of cabbage and, most importantly, are easily digested. Broccoli contains very important amino acids, carbohydrates and dietary fiber, but it contains almost no fat, and it contains very few calories. This explains its popularity among those who monitor weight.

An amazing multivitamin complex is included in its composition, only 100 g of cabbage contains the daily requirement of vitamin C, which is twice as much as in citrus fruits. The large amount of pantothenic acid, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folic acid and thiamine (B vitamins) make it indispensable for maintaining the normal nervous system and for treating malfunctions in this area. But it also contains vitamins PP, E, K, which contribute to health and beauty.

The constant use of broccoli is better than any medicine to protect against ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, make the vessels clean and elastic, and the heart and kidneys healthy.

Due to the presence of sulforaphane, its use can be the prevention of cancer. If you reinforce your body with such a powerful vitamin and mineral complex, then it will not be afraid of any viruses and seasonal colds. Young broccoli leaves are similar in taste and composition to kale or even spinach, and the heads of inflorescences surpass cauliflower, its closest relative, in terms of the amount of nutrients.

There are no contraindications for eating broccoli, but still, with an unhealthy pancreas or hyperacid gastritis, you need to limit the use of this type of cabbage so as not to provoke an exacerbation of the disease. But the broth after boiling it is better to pour out - purine bases will pass into it, which will not bring any benefit to the body.

Broccoli Growing Video

This video shows you how to properly harvest broccoli.

Growing features

Broccoli is best grown at temperatures from + 16 to +24 degrees, but it can easily survive short-term frosts up to -7 degrees or heat more than +30, only it will have to be watered more often. The early varieties ripen in 60 days from the moment the first shoots appear, and the later ones grow up to 120 days. Since it does not require burdensome care, it is quite possible to plant varieties of different ripening periods in your garden and feast on healthy cabbage from the end of June to the very fall, and put the latest large heads in a cellar for long-term storage, where they can lie up to 3 months.

Usually it is grown outdoors, but it is possible to grow it in greenhouses until November. Most often, seedlings are planted in open ground, but you can sow seeds directly on the garden bed, and cover them with glass or non-woven material before sprouting, and then open them, further carrying out normal care. The seeds are first calibrated, the smallest ones are discarded, and then they are prepared in this way: they are placed in hot water for 15 minutes, then in cold water for 1 minute, then soaked for 5 hours in a solution of ash, potassium permanganate or boric acid. Some gardeners prefer to soak in a solution of mineral fertilizers or preparations "Agat-25", "Albit", "El-1". The seeds taken out of the solution are slightly dried so that they do not stick to the hands when sowing.

If summer comes late, and spring is cold, then it is better to stop growing by seedlings. The soil is prepared from three equal parts - garden soil, peat and sand. Two seeds are placed in each hole to a depth of 2 cm, and after the appearance of a pair of true leaves, the weaker sprout is removed, the same is done when sowing on the garden bed. At first, crops are kept at a temperature of about +20 degrees, they are even covered from direct sunlight. Caring for them is quite common - watering, picking, feeding, hardening. They dive after 3 weeks, while treating the roots with a solution of potassium permanganate. The first time they are fed a week after germination with a solution of mullein or urea, then after 2 weeks - with a solution of nitroammofoska. The temperature is gradually lowered to +14 degrees in the afternoon, and 2 weeks before planting in open ground, they begin to take seedlings outside.

Seedlings are planted on the garden bed after the appearance of 6 true leaves. Broccoli will grow well in open, sunny places after cucumbers, carrots, potatoes, onions, pumpkins or legumes on non-acidic soil. The soil has been prepared since the fall - compost, humus, lime are added for digging. When planting seedlings, you can add ash, superphosphate, urea directly to the wells. Plants are buried to the middle of the stem. It is better to plant according to the scheme 40 cm - by 60 cm, they do it in cloudy weather, since the garden must be very moist.

Seedling care includes watering, weeding, loosening, feeding. This cabbage loves moisture, usually when growing young plants, they are watered every other day, if it is dry, sunny weather, then you can water it twice a day. After watering, be sure to loosen the ground to allow air to the roots.

Once the seedlings are rooted, they are fed with a slurry or poultry manure solution (highly diluted). After a couple of weeks, the procedure is repeated. And the third feeding is done with proper care, when inflorescences begin to form. This time they use mineral fertilizers: superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfate, dissolved in water. If you cut off the central head in time, then lateral shoots will begin to grow and form new heads of inflorescences. To stimulate their growth, they take the same fertilizers in a lower concentration, only preference is given to potassium sulfate. Nettle tincture or ash solution is usually used in broccoli care as a top dressing, at the same time as disease prevention.

The crop is harvested early in the morning, while the plants are still vigorous and juicy, it is very important to cut the stem with inflorescences before at least one flower blooms. In a month, additional crops can be cut from the same plants - new inflorescences will form on the side shoots. You just need to keep the same care - water, loosen, feed. If you grow late varieties, harvest in the fall, then it will be possible to keep it in the cellar for another 3 months, the crop harvested in the summer must be eaten immediately or frozen.

Diseases and pests

When growing broccoli, it is difficult to do without pests, but proper care, compliance with sanitary standards and preventive methods will help protect plants from diseases and ward off pests. If cruciferous plants aren't growing nearby, the cabbages' common enemies may not get to your broccoli. Slugs, snails, cruciferous fleas, scoops, aphids, whites, cabbage flies - they all like to profit from tender juicy cabbage. Garlic, onions, tomatoes, calendula, dill can repel most pests, so plant them nearby.

There are simple, known to experienced gardeners, infusions and solutions that perfectly help to protect plantings. Ash solution, infusion of tobacco dust with the addition of bitter pepper and liquid soap is used to treat not only plants, but also the ground around them. You can also prepare an infusion of tomato leaves with crushed garlic by adding liquid soap to it. Well, the ubiquitous caterpillars need to be harvested by hand, some gardeners use thin lutrasil to cover plants.

If the agrotechnical rules are not followed, cabbage can be exposed to diseases such as powdery mildew, downy mildew, keela, black leg or Alternaria. It must be remembered that the spores that spread fungal diseases are in the ground, wintering among the roots of perennial grasses. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the condition of the soil, to destroy weeds. Of course, there are special drugs that will kill the fungus, but it is better to use harmless folk remedies if an infection is detected at the very beginning. Sow thistle infusion, horsetail decoction, a mixture of liquid soap and a solution of copper sulfate - these sprays will not harm the cabbage, but will defeat the disease.

Video "Features of growing broccoli"

This video reveals the features of growing a Rumba broccoli hybrid.

The green variety of cauliflower known as broccoli is delicious and healthy. Many want to grow it on their site, but most gardeners quickly abandon this idea: a capricious culture does not want to form a head and goes into color. But this trouble can be avoided by strictly following the growing recommendations.

Reasons why broccoli does not head

Cauliflower is no more whimsical in cultivation and care than the white cabbage we are used to. But it is premature flowering that becomes the main problem. The heads have not yet had time to tie, but the cabbage has already gone into color, and there is no way to fix it. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Proper watering and nutrition are very important for broccoli. Lack of any of these factors leads to a stop in the development of heads of cabbage and flowering of cabbage.

    Correct and timely watering is the key to good growth of broccoli

  2. More fertilization than needed or too frequent feeding also lead to the plant leaving the color.
  3. A sharp warming and a significant increase in ambient temperature causes the end of head formation. To do this, it is enough for the air to warm up by more than 25 ° C.

    Broccoli begins to bloom when the air temperature exceeds 25 ° C

  4. The crop was harvested later than necessary. The head may have been formed in time, but if you miss the harvest time, the flowers will most likely bloom.

    Harvest on time so you don't miss the moment when the heads begin to bloom

Basically, broccoli heads are flower buds. Keeping them from blooming is the task of those who grow cauliflower.

On my own I want to add good news. From my own experience, I was convinced that blooming broccoli only loses its presentation, but retains all the benefits of the vitamins, trace elements and nutrients it contains. Taste also does not suffer at all. You can even cook the stalks that hold the leaves and flowers. They just need to be stewed or boiled longer before frying. Better yet, cut into smaller pieces if you are confused by the unassuming appearance of the product.

How to avoid broccoli blooming: feeding rules

Since already flowering cabbage cannot be "fixed", preventive measures must be taken into account. First of all, correct and timely feeding is important for a capricious culture.

One of the most common feeding schemes is as follows.

Alternating dressings is also useful: once you can apply organic fertilizers, the other - mineral fertilizers. You can easily identify the lack of certain substances by the appearance of the cabbage. For example, if broccoli hardly grows, and its leaves turn yellow and begin to die off, then the reason is a lack of nitrogen in the soil. The leaves take on a bronze color or purple hue, their edges dry out, and the heads of cabbage, not having time to gain weight, disintegrate into separate inflorescences - the plant lacks potassium.

Thoroughly loosen the soil during each dressing

You can also fertilize in two stages instead of four. To do this, add 40 g of potash and 15 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 m² of soil.

Video: why broccoli turns into color and how to avoid it

Growing broccoli will take your attention and patience, but the result will be great! We hope that our recommendations will help you with this. Maybe you have experience with cauliflower farming? Share it in the comments with our readers. Good luck and rich harvest!

Growing different types of cabbage - cauliflower and broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi - is not easy. Even if you have grown or bought cabbage seedlings, have successfully planted them in open ground, the difficulties do not end: cabbage needs watering, it does not tolerate heat well, and broccoli and Brussels sprouts still need to be able to harvest correctly. Here are 15 of the most common cabbage growing questions.

Cauliflower growing

The cauliflower seedling stalk became thin, even dried out a little from the bottom. How to save?

Such seedlings should be thrown away, as this is a sign of an incipient black leg disease (the lower part of the stem is thin and black). Too thickened crops and excess moisture in the soil contribute to black leg disease. Thickened crops are strongly stretched, while the lower part of the stem begins to dry out. To avoid this, it is enough to at least soil such seedlings with earth, if there is no time to plant them.

Why doesn't the cauliflower tie the head?

The reason may be lack of nutrition and moisture during growth, planting overgrown seedlings, dry soil, especially at an early age, too hot weather, or, conversely, prolonged cold snap during growth. Cabbage should not be grown in partial shade or in an area that is only sunlit for half the day.

Why does cauliflower tie a very small head?

This happens in the case of insufficient nutrition and insufficient moisture in the soil and air, on poor soils, on dense, clayey, acidic soils, with a keel disease, with a lack of trace elements, especially boron and molybdenum.

Why does a cauliflower head crumble?

Either the head has grown, or you have introduced an excess of nitrogen into the soil, especially with a lack of potassium, or the seedlings grew with a lack of moisture.

The reasons for the appearance of a fleecy, loose head: strongly elongated, overgrown seedlings, lack of moisture, prolonged cold snap, intense heat (above 25 ° C).

By the end of September our cabbage has not yet tied its head. Can it be left in the growing garden or can it be destroyed by frost?

Generally, in autumn, cauliflower is more resistant to light frosts than at an early age, and is able to tolerate frost damage up to -3 ... -4 ° C, but just in case it is better to cover it with lutrasil. So take your time to tear up plants with large leaves that have not yet set their heads by the end of September.

Or do so. If the cabbage has grown a good leaf apparatus, but has not tied the head by the end of September, it can be grown to the very frost in the greenhouse and even in the basement, in the dark. To do this, they dig it out with a lump of earth, put it in boxes tightly to each other and leave it in a greenhouse or basement. The cabbage will knot or grow the newly set heads to their normal size due to the nutrients it has accumulated in the covering leaves.


The broccoli has huge leaves and no heads. Why?

You have overfed your broccoli with nitrogen. Nitrogen fertilization should be done very limitedly, since an excess of nitrogen in the soil delays the formation of heads and causes rapid growth of leaves to the detriment of the harvest. However, on poor soils, you will have to feed the cabbage weekly with infusion of mullein or weeds if you do not have mullein.

Why do broccoli have very small heads and crumble into individual flowers?

Broccoli is especially demanding for good light, moderately warm temperatures, moderately moist soil and air. In extreme heat, especially with a lack of moisture, the stem becomes tough and fibrous, the heads are small and quickly crumble into individual flowers.

How to cut broccoli properly?

This is probably the hardest part about growing broccoli. Even in the evening the heads were quite dense, and in the morning you see bunches of flowers instead of heads. The finished inflorescence will disintegrate into separate inflorescences within 2-3 days and immediately bloom. From this point on, the cabbage becomes hardly edible. Don't miss the right moment!

Why is it advised not to immediately remove broccoli from the garden?

Having cut off the main head, do not rush to remove the plant from the garden, because from the axils of the upper leaves, more heads are necessarily formed, although small, but in large quantities.

Brussels sprouts, care

The long, straight stem of Brussels sprouts has round, upward-looking leaves. This is normal?

It’s absolutely normal. This is not a sign of phosphorus starvation, as, say, in tomatoes or eggplants, but a feature of the growth of this cabbage.

When and how to harvest Brussels sprouts correctly?

In the axils of the leaves of Brussels sprouts, numerous (about 70 pieces) large buds-heads of cabbage are formed. At the beginning of September, as soon as the first, lowest of them reach the size of a pea, the top of the plant must be cut off to stop the growth of the plant upward. This technique promotes the rapid growth of heads of cabbage.

Sometimes the growth of heads of cabbage is delayed due to unsuitable weather conditions, and they are not yet in September. Take your time to pull the plants out of the garden. They will still have time to form a harvest in October, since Brussels sprouts tolerate frosts quite well even down to -5 ... -10 ° C and continues their development until late autumn.

Heads of cabbage are gradually cut off as soon as they become dense. They are cut off near the stem itself, otherwise the heads of cabbage crumble into separate leaves.

Fresh heads cannot be kept fresh for a long time, but they do not lose their beneficial properties and taste when frozen. For long-term storage of fresh Brussels sprouts, they dug it out with the roots and drop it in the basement, in a box of sand or soil. You can cut the stems along with the heads of cabbage and store in a cool place.

Kohlrabi cabbage

Is it possible to sow kohlrabi in open ground or do you need seedlings?

Kohlrabi is so convenient for growing that it can be sown directly in open ground, without first growing seedlings.

Kohlrabi is a cold-resistant plant, so it can be sown in open ground, without waiting for the spring frost to pass. This can be done at the same time as sowing radishes. When the radish season is over, the kohlrabi season will just begin.

How often should kohlrabi be watered?

Having a highly branched root, this cabbage is much more adapted to drought than other types of cabbage. However, this does not mean that it does not need to be watered at all. Without watering, the stem grows coarse and becomes tasteless.

Where is the best place to land kohlrabi?

Like any cabbage, kohlrabi prefers a sunny place, but a little shading, unlike others, is also on its shoulder. I do not grow it in the garden, but simply plant it around the crown of young apple trees.

Author Galina Kizima enthusiast gardener with 50 years of experience, author of original techniques

Comment on the article "Cauliflower and broccoli: growing and care. No - heat and lack of moisture!"

No - heat and lack of moisture! Cauliflower growing. The cauliflower seedling stalk became thin, even dried out a little from the bottom. By the end of September our cabbage has not yet tied its head.

Cauliflower and broccoli in soup and omelette. They also eat cauliflower in batter well. Common beans come in any form. Minimally fill with water or broth if available. I cook for 15 minutes, remove the bay leaf and pepper, chop it, it should turn out to be quite thick.

No - heat and lack of moisture! Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi: where to plant and how to harvest. Without watering, the stem grows coarse and becomes tasteless. The cabbage is familiar and not very familiar. It is quite possible without sugar, but without salt it is tasteless and not necessary. But you need to take white and juicy cabbage ...

Cauliflower strengthens ... (. Nutrition, introduction of complementary foods. Child from birth to one year. Nutrition, introduction of complementary foods. Cauliflower. Girls and cauliflower in jars with vegetable oil We continue complementary foods: broccoli and cauliflower.

Care and upbringing of a child up to one year old: nutrition, illness, development. My pie does not want vegetables, not homemade zucchini, not purchased canned vegetables, and does not want broccoli ((as complementary foods then Cauliflower and broccoli: growing and care. No - heat and lack of moisture!

I planted different cabbage on seedlings: white cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli. The question is this. The seedlings are all stretched out. It looks so-and-so such a stalk, and at the end there are two leaves. What am I doing wrong? I tried to bury it in this state deeper, until ...

Cauliflower and broccoli: growing and care. No - heat and lack of moisture! Discussion of questions about a woman's life in the family, at work, relationships with Eat cauliflower or broccoli - and tasty, and cabbage, and healthy.

Cauliflower and broccoli: growing and care. No - heat and lack of moisture! Brussels sprouts. Nutrition, introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to one year old: nutrition, illness, development.

Check out other discussions: Cauliflower and Broccoli: Growing and Care. From this point on, the cabbage becomes hardly edible. Don't miss the right moment! Why is it advised not to immediately remove broccoli from the garden?

We started to eat Gerber's cauliflower, everything is fine, only they began to poop thickly Brr ... and I didn’t like it myself in color and taste. we had diarrhea from her, we started with her, removed, started with tsv. cabbage. while her cauliflower and broccoli: growing and grooming.

Section: In the beds. seedlings of cauliflower and ordinary cabbage are needed. Maybe someone would have changed the top of the gray branch for tomatoes. And now it's still kind of early I planted different cabbage on seedlings: white cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli. The question is this.

Broccoli and cauliflower in a shank must be cut crosswise with a sharp knife so that the cuttings are well boiled. Started with cauliflower with potatoes in jars, and then gave frozen cauliflower, since it was early spring.

Cauliflower and broccoli: growing and care. Growing cabbage: cauliflower and broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi. Seedling cabbage and harvesting. From your garden.

Cauliflower and broccoli: growing and care. No - heat and lack of moisture! Cauliflower growing. The stalk of the cauliflower seedlings has become thin, even dried out a little from the bottom.

I cook broccoli + potatoes + milk \u003d mashed potatoes Or cauliflower + plain cabbage. do you combine all the cabbages? What peas with corn do you take? From a can of chtoli? Yes, bulg. I also use pepper.

Growing cabbage: cauliflower and broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi. Cooking the beds: what to plant where next year. ... peas Salad - strawberries, carrots, cucumbers, radishes Beets - kohlrabi, onions, radishes, cabbage, beans Not a single plant tolerates neighborhood ...

Cauliflower and broccoli: growing and care. No - heat and lack of moisture! Brussels sprouts and green beans. What to portray from entogo? Boil frozen broccoli, Brussels sprouts in a little salted water ...

Cauliflower and broccoli: growing and care. No - heat and lack of moisture! No - heat and lack of moisture! Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi: where to plant and how to harvest. Without watering, the stem grows coarse and becomes tasteless.

Cauliflower and broccoli: growing and care. No - heat and lack of moisture! How to cut broccoli properly? This is probably the hardest part about growing broccoli. As is: best raw, as the colors fade during heat treatment.

Sometimes broccoli blooms very quickly in the summer and after that it becomes unusable. How to properly grow broccoli to get a quality product?

The productive organ of broccoli that is eaten is the head, a bunch of flower buds on delicate stems. Broccoli is very similar in shape to cauliflower, only the color of its heads is more varied: green, lilac, white, purple.

Broccoli belongs to. If you planted it late, it will bloom quickly. High and low air temperatures, lack of moisture in the soil and air, lack of nutrients in the soil dramatically reduce the yield and product quality, and lead to the early flowering of broccoli.

Broccoli is an annual crop. It takes only 35-55 days from planting seedlings to harvesting. The optimum temperature for growing broccoli is +16 +25 o C, high humidity of the soil of the air ensures high productivity and quick yield of the crop.

Seedlings of broccoli cabbage

For an early harvest, broccoli seedlings are grown in greenhouses. You can grow cabbage seedlings at home, while maintaining air humidity and the necessary coolness. Seedlings should not be allowed to overgrow, since it is no longer possible to get high-quality heads from it. The best seedlings are 35-45 days old.

Sowing broccoli seeds into soil

Broccoli can be grown by sowing seeds directly into the soil in April or late July. When planting broccoli seeds in summer, the setting of heads of cabbage begins in September, when the heat has already subsided, and the necessary coolness comes for the cabbage. In early October, you can start harvesting broccoli.

When planting broccoli rotted manure is introduced into the hole, as well as mineral fertilizers containing not only nitrogen, but also phosphorus and potassium, which are necessary for tying heads.

Observe the optimal distance: there should be 20 - 30 centimeters between plants in a row, 60 - 70 centimeters between rows. When sowing with seeds, the optimum plant spacing is achieved by thinning. When growing broccoli, the heads are not shaded.

Remember to water the broccoli and also loosen the soil constantly. Sprinkler irrigation can be used in hot weather. If you follow these agrotechnical rules, broccoli will delight you with delicious heads of cabbage.

The broccoli heads are harvested before the buds open (when they are tightly closed). They are cut along with a 10-20 centimeters long part of the stem, which is also used for food.

Harvest broccoli in two steps. The mass of the central head together with the mass of the side heads ranges from one hundred grams to one kilogram.

After harvesting, the heads are quickly sold or put into the refrigerator, protecting them from yellowing. The heads are laid for storage in the phase of incomplete maturity in the presence of cover leaves. Broccoli is very.

Kira Stoletova

Broccoli cabbage grows with many heads. Broccoli blooms after ripening. If the broccoli cabbage has bloomed, the gardener made a mistake in the care or incorrectly carried out the harvesting work in the garden.

When the cabbage blooms

Immediately after planting the seedlings in open ground, they organize the care and feeding of the soil around the head of cabbage. Cabbage is unpretentious and can withstand temperature extremes; the vegetable rarely gets sick. Broccoli turned into bloom in the following cases:

  • when the flowering of the vegetable began in the garden;
  • when the broccoli immediately bloomed in the storage area.

In the first case, the gardener did not have time to harvest, and in the second, the technology of storing vegetables in the house was violated. Once the broccoli has gone into bloom, it should not be eaten or continued to be stored - flowering is a sign of spoiled cabbage.

The importance of agricultural technology

Blooming broccoli cabbage is preceded by long-term care: cabbage is planted with seedlings. Before the first shoots, seedlings are stored in a greenhouse, and then planted in open ground. For the normal ripening of a vegetable that can be eaten, the right conditions are created: watering is carried out 4 times a month after fertilizing the soil. Fertilizing the soil depends on its composition. The soil also affects the ripening period of the vegetable, as well as the cases of flowering.

Wrong harvesting regime

The main rule for harvesting is timely cutting of ripe heads of cabbage. If you miss the moment, broccoli will bloom.

Its color grows rapidly and covers the entire head of the cabbage in a few days. Blooming vegetables lose their tender juicy core, become tough and tasteless. Broccoli is grown for vitamins and micronutrients: if you overexpose a head of cabbage outdoors, it spoils and does not cook well - such a dish will not do any good.

The first signs of flowering

An overexposed vegetable is gradually changing - this is the first sign by which one can judge that cabbage is not suitable for consumption. In the normal state, cabbage is squeezed into dense, dark green buds. The head should be free of stains, signs of rot or dry heads.

Be sure to monitor the state of the head of cabbage: by its appearance, the time of harvest is determined. Immediately before the flowering of the head of cabbage, extending from the main stem, its processes begin to turn yellow. Irregular yellow-brown spots appear first. Within a few days, the head of cabbage becomes covered with a characteristic color, which is difficult to get rid of.

If the cabbage is blooming, it is too late to pick it. The crop is cut and used for household needs (feeding cattle). Prudent housewives lend themselves to heat treatment, but it is no longer possible to get all the useful substances from cabbage. A product that has bloomed rarely causes negative reactions, but it is not recommended to eat it.

Improper storage

A healthy crop for sale or home storage can also bloom. Cabbage is stored in 2 ways:

  • for a short period - within 2-3 days;
  • for a long time - several weeks.

If you manage to grow a healthy vegetable without flowering, it is stored correctly. Even a recently healthy head is capable of becoming covered with yellow flowers in a few days. In this case, the product loses all its useful properties.

Short term storage

To prevent yellow flowers from appearing on a fresh head, the cabbage head is stored as fresh herbs. For this storage method, cabbage is cut without dividing into separate parts: the head of cabbage remains intact and without cuts. To store it, a container with water is prepared, where a cut of the stem is placed.

If you overexpose cabbage in water, it will be covered with yellow flowers. This happens the next day, when the vegetable has gained moisture. If the cabbage is blooming, you cannot cook it. If you freeze normally harvested cabbage, it will not bloom after freezing. This is one of the most reliable ways to prevent cabbage flowering.

Cold storage

Without preparation in the refrigerator, the vegetable will quickly deteriorate under normal conditions. Signs that the cabbage is unsuitable for consumption: Changed color of the head and flowering that covers most of the head. To prevent the appearance of inflorescences, it is necessary to properly prepare the place in the refrigerator.

A damp, squeezed napkin is covered at the bottom of the vegetable storage tray (it should be clean and larger than the cabbage head). The head of cabbage is placed in a bag that cannot be closed, and then left on a napkin. Do not wash or trim the cabbage before refrigerating. If the inflorescences have already appeared, this storage method is not suitable. It is important to observe the neighborhood in the refrigerator: you cannot put apples or bananas nearby. The shelf life of cabbage without inflorescence in this form is no more than 2 weeks.


Broccoli is a food that can be cooked. It retains useful properties and is unpretentious in maintenance. In a normal state, no inflorescences should appear on the head. If the head of cabbage begins to bloom, the crop is completely ruined. High humidity leads to the formation of yellow flowers on the head. You cannot save such a product.