General and love horoscope: Rat-man. Psychological portrait of a rat man What kind of women do rat men love?

Those born in the year of the Rat (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008) often seem like nice and cheerful people to others, but this is actually not entirely true. These individuals have a striking appearance and a free, restless character. They try to suppress their anxiety and hide their problems from other people.

Year of the Rat: man

In their youth, Rat men dream of finding their ideal woman. They want to experience strong feelings for their chosen one, and therefore they usually marry for love. These men know how to manage their feelings and can step on their own throats if emotions interfere with living comfortably. It is difficult to influence them, since they are guided in life only by their own ideas.

Men born in the year of the Rat are very charming, and try to use this quality for their own purposes. They can hardly trust anyone and do not believe in friendship without any self-interest. They believe that they can make profit from everything. The Rat man loves his friends. He has a developed imagination and dreams of a cozy, comfortable home. Luxury, gambling and good food are his constant companions.

Year of the Rat: woman

Women who were born are internally constantly excited, although they seem calm and balanced. They are charming and at the same time aggressive. These women want to succeed by any means possible, while using their innate ability to seduce.

The Rat is the life of the party, it is energetic, friendly and sociable. The Rat woman places her interests above the interests of others. She can benefit from absolutely any situation, even a losing one. The Rat is an excellent analyst and strategist. She is observant and remembers every little thing, so she is known as a gossip.

Women who were born in the year of the Rat may walk on the edge of an abyss, but at such moments they live quite fully. Hating routine, they look for adventures on their own.

Rats are thrifty, but very generous in relationships with loved ones. They are hardworking, active and assertive. They always finish what they start, rely only on themselves, and do not expect help from others. They are ambitious and goal-oriented. They can't take on everything at once. This tactic will not succeed.

Women who were born in the year of the Rat most often choose the path of life in tune with their soul, trying to avoid serious physical and mental stress. They cannot tolerate loneliness, and isolation from society is unbearable for them.

Rat women are caring and treat their family with great tenderness. It is important for them to love themselves and at the same time feel irreplaceable and necessary for someone. They are very devoted to their husband, but want to maintain independence in the marriage. With fans, since she herself is the embodiment of sexuality. Love is her weak point. It is here that she is trapped, over which her strong will has no power. Physical intimacy for the Rat comes in second place, because the spiritual world of the chosen one is much more important. In marriage, she wants to live financially secure and without the absence of any strict control.

Years of birth of a person according to the Rat sign - 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Rat Man - Personality Characteristics

The Rat man is distinguished by ambition and determination, wit and energy, legibility, scrupulousness and patience.

This is not the most complete list of “rat” advantages. Almost every Rat man knows how to survive in any, even the most unfavorable conditions. He knows how to endure both physical and mental pain. The Rat man has amazing intuition, which is aimed at survival. He knows how to anticipate impending problems and avoid them, just as a representative of the animal world, a rat, senses floods or fires and manages to escape.

If a Rat man is put in a hopeless situation, then he becomes dangerous and capable of reckless actions. Rat men are endowed with an amazing talent for hiding their inherent fear, anxiety and uncertainty from others, so they always behave with dignity in society. But they just hate it when people try to humiliate them or tell them what they should do. Enraged, they act decisively. However, if you do not bring out his worst qualities, he will make a wonderful partner, friend and lover.

In general, a man born with a restless nature prefers not to take risks. And he can be conservative and stubborn.

Men born in the year of the Rat most often have an attractive appearance, are very witty and full of original ideas. However, behind this appearance there may be a strong lack of self-confidence, which manifests itself in the form of aggressive or shocking behavior in stressful situations. The character of the Rat man is quite contradictory. It can change dramatically from stormy, ebullient activity to a state of passivity and even melancholy.

The Rat man always has many friends, he is sociable, but he listens little to the opinions of others. He always lives in his own head and knows the answers to almost all questions. Also, a man born in the sign of the Rat is distinguished by decisiveness in his actions. Once he has decided on something, nothing can influence him to change his decision.

The Rat man is ambitious and self-confident, known for his charm and ingenuity, and loves to be the first in everything. And he has a real talent for business, since he has excellent math and a rich imagination. Back at school, compared to his classmates, he was the first to shout out answers to teachers’ questions. He knows how to generate a lot of ideas and enthusiastically begins to implement them. Able to do several things simultaneously and in record time. True, he cools down very quickly and switches to the next idea.

A man born in the year of the Rat is calculating. It is not difficult for him to promise his employees mountains of gold and not keep his word. This is probably why almost every man born under this sign sooner or later faces serious problems due to the fact that ambition and greed have dulled his mind. The Rat man is often obsessed with a passion for hoarding, as if he drags into his hole everything that comes in his way and makes all kinds of supplies. A love of calculations and mathematical abilities make the Rat man a good player. Although he may be called a miser for his thriftiness, he does not spare money in three cases: firstly, when he really likes something; secondly, when choosing gifts for relatives and friends; and thirdly - in the casino. He is overly confident in his mathematical talent and has no doubt that he can win a large sum. Although, this does not always happen, and in order not to run aground, the Rat man should still be kept away from gambling establishments.

Man of the Year Rat - career

As a rule, the Rat man is a good psychologist and writer. This is not surprising, since he knows almost everything about his surroundings, unconsciously following everyone, having his own eye for detail and showing incredible curiosity and insight. Also, the curiosity of the Rat man extends into the sphere of science, history, and culture. He has a great command of words and can express himself through style and plot. The idea of ​​a literary work. Statistics show that most great writers were born in the year of the Rat.

The Rat man can adapt to any situation. Perhaps that is why he is favored by luck in almost any business. He knows how to go through all crises and cataclysms with dignity and without much loss. The Rat man is able to quickly learn almost any business, has rare intuition, the gift of foresight and financial insight. If a Rat man senses danger, he is the first to leave the “sinking ship.” For him, self-preservation comes first and, thanks to his intuition, he chooses the path with the least difficulties and the greatest results.

A man born in the year of the Rat is a good entrepreneur. He often takes on a hopeless business, and in his skillful hands it quickly becomes highly profitable and profitable. He instantly finds loopholes to circumvent the established order. His actions are so subtle and precise and sometimes it seems that he makes no effort at all. The Rat man thinks about his place in the sun at a fairly early age. He consciously and responsibly approaches the choice of profession and his clear, formed plans turn into a fixed idea, mobilizing all his strength and discovering hidden reserves of energy, which he then uses. However, it is important for him to be able to take breaks and relax, otherwise, “addicted to the wheel,” he may drive himself half to death.

Although the Rat man is endowed with a rare ability to sense danger in his career and business, he still has difficulties. This is probably due to the fact that he is simply afraid to rely on his intuition in all cases and will often fall into the same trap of insatiability and craving for novelty. The Rat man will not have serious problems in business if he overcomes his greed and rationality. Otherwise, financial collapse is inevitable. And if a man born in the sign of the Rat can resist temptation, and will not make a career for the sake of a career, earn money for the sake of money itself, give up the things he has started, but bring everything to the end. You will quickly gain wealth and success.

It is worth noting that a Rat man cannot engage in politics. He is too categorical for this type of activity, so in most cases he loses.

The Rat man is a born leader and often prefers to work independently. He easily achieves success in work where he needs to count. Financial situation is very important for him. And in order to achieve a certain material well-being, he is ready to work day and night. Also, the Rat man is good at paperwork because he likes routine and self-discipline. It is not easy for his employees to work with him, since he makes high demands not only on himself, but also on them. He rarely gives compliments, but does not skimp on criticism.

Rat man horoscope – love and family

A typical Rat man is emotionally cool, refined, and pedantic. He cannot be called a romantic and he does not like to flaunt his feelings. However, this is one of the most attractive partners in terms of marriage. The value of family is extremely important to him and all his love affairs are aimed at finding reliable, stable relationships leading to the ultimate goal - creating a strong, friendly family. His family comes first, and he is always ready to rush to the defense of his loved ones. The Rat man does not like to care for a woman in the usual sense of the word. He does not give flowers, as he considers buying them impractical. They will soon wither and are not worth spending money on. When it comes to money, this type of man is quite tight-fisted, but seeing the disapproval of others, he may begin to ostentatiously waste money.

Therefore, as a partner, the Rat man is suitable for those women who do not expect romance, and, moreover, are ready to endure his aggressiveness and sudden changes in character. But this man, like no one else, is able to provide a good material future for his family and is ready to stay up at night caring for children.

If you want to attract the attention of a Rat man, then there is nothing easier. He loves flattery, compliments and admiration for himself. But never force your problems and emotions on him; he is only concerned with his own concerns. Be different from everyone else, and he will definitely pay attention to you. The Rat man is an extraordinary man. He likes bright women, but at the same time he values ​​​​devotion and affection. Also please note. He will prefer a bright and interesting woman, with good manners, to an ordinary simpleton. But this man cannot be won over with his doll-like appearance. It should have a twist, some kind of mystery that he wants to unravel. In general, this type of man is very demanding of his companion. He will highly appreciate the opportunity to discuss art and politics, finance and history and other current topics with his chosen one. The Rat man is attracted to women who know how to use their sexuality, natural beauty and ability to behave in society. A woman next to a Rat man should always look chic. Anna for him is like an expensive car, a subject of status. By the way, if you are used to spending your evenings on the couch, then such a man is not suitable for you. You will have to act spontaneously, abandon your usual way of life, and surprise him with original ideas.

A woman who decides to marry a Rat man will have to rely on intuition and not give up improvisation. You should also prepare for dates in unexpected places. A male experimenter will probably surprise his companion more than once. It is also worth remembering that the Rat man is very domineering and does not tolerate insubordination. This power of the Rat man also manifests itself in sex. Everything will be as he said.

But at the same time, his main desire is not self-satisfaction (although, of course, this is important for him). He always strives to please his partner, he just does it the way he sees fit.

His rich imagination makes him an ideal lover. He experiments and modifies all the time so that he and his partner never get bored with the variety.

Male rats, as a rule, are distinguished by enormous needs in the love sphere - both spiritual and sensual. As a result, most representatives of the sign begin to lead a personal life at a young age, somewhat earlier than their classmates. Most often, their life is stormy, filled with strong experiences and emotions, including in the love sphere.

Very energetic by nature, they selflessly participate in love affairs and are in constant search of potential partners. Male rats are quite often known as ladies' men, authoritative in personal matters. And they themselves are not averse to boasting that they know women inside and out and can always make them the right “offer.” Whether this is really so is a controversial question, however, for the most part, representatives of the sign do not complain about the lack of success. Ladies are captivated by their interest, skill
empathize and care. They don't even realize that they are becoming objects of the game.

These men like the very state of falling in love. They are emotional and tend to follow passion. When starting a love relationship, such people are looking for a “hurricane”, feelings and unforgettable impressions. Their instability leads to the fact that they can fall in love almost every day, however, they cool down as quickly as they light up.

Not alien to selfishness and greed by nature, they are capable of becoming romantic lovers who spare nothing for their beloved. In order to earn her admiration, they can buy expensive rings instead of a bouquet on duty or, without hesitation, take out a loan and take a friend to a foreign resort.

But with all the advantages of men, Rats can hardly be called ideal, with whom it would be easy to live a life together, since they require 100% dedication and devotion from their partner. They are deeply hurt by the lack of reciprocal deep feelings. Disappointed in their object of adoration, they, without hesitation, go to seek consolation. And the chances that they will limit themselves to innocent flirting are not so high.

The power, perseverance and openness of Rats is also manifested in marriage: they play an open game, are quite capable of overcoming temptation, knowing that a caring and loving wife awaits them at home.

It happens that the spouses of such men misunderstand them, and problems arise in family life. Mutual discussion of them can protect against extremes in the form of divorce. Usually, Rats are not happy about finding freedom for long; they do not become happier because of it.

If a girlfriend or wife constantly criticizes or is jealous of a representative of this sign, they will not get along together for a long time.

What kind of women do male rats like?

The potential darling of the Rat must be distinguished by intelligence and intelligence, wit and unpredictability. Men of this sign like the mysterious and unknown, so you shouldn’t “open” yourself to them right away. Let them spend more time trying to solve your riddles.

In most cases, representatives of the rat tribe choose women who are charming and sexy. Being aesthetes, no matter how they deny it, they give preference to tastefully dressed and well-groomed women.

In addition, Rats value commitment in ladies. The inability to keep the promises he makes can play a bad joke on a woman. And the ideal chosen one of such a man should be flexible. By nature, he is not averse to leading - both in everyday life and in bed, and he really does not like to meet any resistance.

Rats are unlikely to allow their spouse (or anyone else) to limit him, because they are very independent. It is useless to try to lock them at home, and persistent requests, and even more so threats, can provoke the opposite effect. Their spouses need to have remarkable patience in order to maintain an independent character and not try to keep abreast of all the affairs of the faithful. This way they can live in peace and will not lead the male Rats to break up.

  • From 02/05/1924 to 01/24/1925 - the year of the Wooden (Blue) Rat;
  • From 01/24/1936 to 02/10/1937 - the year of the Fire (Red) Rat;
  • From 02/10/1948 to 01/28/1949 - the year of the Earth (Yellow) Rat;
  • From 01/28/1960 to 02/14/1961 - the year of the Metal (White) Rat;
  • From 02/15/1972 to 02/02/1973 - the year of the Water (Black) Rat;
  • From 02/02/1984 to 02/19/1985 - the year of the Wooden (Blue) Rat;
  • From 02/19/1996 to 02/06/1997 - the year of the Fire (Red) Rat;
  • From 02/07/2008 to 01/25/2009 - the year of the Earth (Yellow) Rat;
  • From 01/25/2020 to 02/11/2021 - the year of the Metal (White) Rat.

The corresponding zodiac sign is ♈ Aries.

Character Strengths 🐀

A person born in the year of the Rat (Mouse) according to the Chinese calendar finds a way out of any situation. He does not get lost even during public panic, and instead of giving in to emotions, he thinks. A representative of this sign often solves the most difficult problems in unusual ways that other people have not considered at all as a method of action. The result of his resourcefulness is not only pleasing, but also surprising.

The rat is practical. All her actions have a certain meaning that few people see except herself. This person looks forward, and may well give up immediate comfort for the sake of what will bear fruit in a few years.

The Rat, or Mouse, is a good friend. There will always be a certain distance between her and another person, but that is not the main thing. The representative of this sign knows how to keep secrets. He does not tend to laugh at other people's failures or gossip. If someone has opened their soul to him, he can be sure that everything said will remain between him and the interlocutor born in the year of the Rat.

Character Weaknesses 🐀

To achieve comfort or a certain position in society, the Rat tends to take advantage of other people’s favor. At the same time, she does not deceive or abuse the trust of others. Surprisingly, those on whom the Rat’s well-being depends themselves go to meet her halfway, but the fact is that they usually count on something. If for some reason they do not fit into the Rat’s future plans, their expectations will be in vain. The representative of this sign himself, in response to claims, may well say that he did not ask anyone for anything. If at the same time the disappointed have the opportunity to communicate with each other, the Rat’s reputation in certain circles may suffer greatly.

A representative of this sign acts based on his own benefit, often hurting the interests of others. If, as a result, the injured party actively defends its rights, perhaps the Rat will give in to it, but not out of pity. This person just doesn't need the extra noise. The Rat has a lot of ill-wishers, but this does not bother her.

🐀 In love

A person born in the year of the Rat (Mouse) is charming and knows how to find a common language with almost everyone. Representatives of the opposite sex like him, but you should not try to charm him with beauty or brightness. These qualities will certainly be appreciated by the Rat, but only if something else is attached to them. What exactly depends on the lifestyle and interests of the Rat. In any case, her love union is more reminiscent of a mutually beneficial relationship, where each party follows certain rules and fulfills its responsibilities.

The Rat does not like to live alone, she needs a family, or a strong relationship if marriage is impossible for some reason. This person tends to live by habit. Even if the relationship with a partner has long since exhausted itself, the Rat will not deliberately look for a replacement for him. She will decide to break off her previous relationship only for the sake of another option in which she feels there is a future. The representative of this sign keeps emotions under control and does not give in to outbursts of passion.

🐀 In career

It is unlikely that among people born in the year of the Rat there will be a person who dreamed of becoming an astronaut as a child. Most of them are practical from a very early age. The Rat views work only as a source of income, so it deals exclusively with what brings real benefits.

In appearance, the Rat may seem like an ambitious and ambitious person, but in reality this is not the case. She will strive for a promotion only if this is reflected in her salary. A representative of this sign will not work as a boss for free just for the sake of status, and he has no need for extra responsibilities.

The Rat is a responsible worker, but not a workaholic. She really doesn’t like being disturbed about work issues in her personal time, and at such times she doesn’t try to be polite. This person maintains only business relations with his superiors and work colleagues, but does not do it demonstratively.

👨 Man 🐀 Rat

A guy born in the year of the Rat becomes independent early, but is in no hurry to leave his parents' home. He doesn’t like to live alone, and most often moves out when he decides to start his own family with a specific girl. He knows how to make money, and most importantly, he knows how to manage it. At a time when all his peers are still being helped with all their might by their parents, he himself is already fully caring for them.

The Rat man is sociable, but tries to extract some benefit from every acquaintance. The benefit is not necessarily material in nature - it could be an opportunity to learn something, or to acquire the necessary connections through a new friend. At the same time, it can hardly be said that this person takes advantage of people. He also tries to be useful to those in whom he is interested.

In relationships with women, he is also practical, although he tends to pay attention to external shine. If, apart from his bright appearance, his chosen one has nothing else to boast about, he will very quickly disappear from her life. A Rat man can get married very early, but even in this case, his decision is made with his mind, not his heart. He needs his beloved woman nearby, home comfort and children, whom he loves very much. Among all the representatives of the eastern horoscope, Rats have the most stable marriages.

👩 Woman 🐀 Rat

The Rat woman is a loving wife, a caring mother and a wonderful housewife. More than anything else, she loves her family and home, so she provides comfort and maintains an atmosphere of kindness and mutual understanding in the house. She enjoys cooking, doing crafts, and decorating her home to the best of her ability.

The representative of this sign is friendly and kind to people. She has a large circle of friends, but she doesn’t let anyone get too close to her. She treats other women with some distrust, especially after marriage. Like a man born this year, every acquaintance she meets carries some meaning. She is not interested in communication for the sake of communication.

In relationships with the opposite sex, the Rat woman does not seek adventure. She needs a life partner who is willing to become a responsible husband and father to her children. In general, she has a very positive character, and rare conflicts in her family occur only because of her habit of finding fault with her husband over trifles. With age, she will be able to take control of this too.

For the casual observer, the true Rat man is by no means easy to understand; his personality is a bundle of subtle and blatant contradictions. He always attends social events that add variety to his life. Quiet, polite, tactful, he is keenly interested in what people say, but at the same time he never argues. The Rat man is adept at making people feel at ease and inducing them to trust him with their secrets. He has a reputation as an excellent conversationalist and knows how to tell the most unpleasant truths without offending his opponent. Thus, he does not allow anger and resentment in his direction. The relaxed nature of the Rat man helps him get out of all delicate or awkward situations. Sometimes he deliberately wants to catch his interlocutors by surprise, he has enough mental acuity and courage to do so; his hitting ability is unmatched. The Rat man is always able to come up with a smart answer or startling and relevant comments. In addition to being popular and funny, this person can be kind, honest, smart, meticulous, methodical, versatile, adaptable to different people, ideas, situations and work environments. He can be anything, but not stupid, lazy or cunning.

A Rat man may have a large number of acquaintances, but very few real friends. It is always extremely difficult for him to penetrate the soul and enjoy human warmth. His "strictly business" decisions and planning are suspicious instead of inspiring confidence. Even when he tries to be sincere and selfless, which is a rather rare case, he is not sympathetic despite all his natural charm. As a result, the Rat man often suffers from disappointment and loneliness, and due to his highly emotional nature, he desperately needs affection and attention.

It is difficult for the Rat man to be truly unselfish, not to mention generous towards others, so he, as a rule, dooms himself to isolation.

It is hardly possible to find a person more financially concerned than the Rat man. He remembers all his expenses for each item. (For this reason, the Year of the Rat is considered a year of saving.) Some may even mistake him for being stingy, although he makes money quite easily. He never takes part in any charitable activities. Only when it comes to entertainment or gastronomic pleasures can he become a little generous. The Rat man never spares effort to maintain his freedom of choice, jumping from one job to another throughout his active life. He can be sentimental, secretive and reserved, preferring to keep his ideas and problems to himself. He also tends to fuss over small matters and becomes unable to see the big picture. His judgments are usually superficial. And, above all, the Rat man often considers himself a victim of a lack of understanding on the part of others.