What is the housing cooperative obliged to do for free? Everything about payment for housing cooperative services - what it is, how it is formed and how to transfer money using a receipt


Owners of premises in apartment buildings managed by HOAs and housing cooperatives can use one of two methods to form a capital repair fund:

Transfer of contributions for major repairs to a special account. In this case, the owners of the special account, as a rule, become the HOAs and housing cooperatives themselves;

Transfer of contributions for major repairs to the account of the regional operator.

In houses managed by management organizations, only the second method is used.

In table 1 shows accounting transactions that can be performed using a special account.

In table 2 shows accounting transactions when using a regional operator account.

Table 1.

Using a special account

Business transaction



Norm of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation



Art. 169, part 1

2. Interest (penalties) were accrued to the owners in connection with improper fulfillment of the obligation to pay contributions



Art. 170, part 1

Art. 177, part 1, paragraph 5

3. Part of the owners’ debt is covered by retained earnings


Art. 169, part 4

4. Part of the profit is transferred to a special account in accordance with clause 3

Art. 169, part 4

5. Owner contributions were transferred to a special account


6. The special account received the interest (penalties) accrued in clause 2


7. The capital repair fund received bank interest for using funds from a special account


Art. 170, part 1

Art. 177, part 1, paragraph 6

8. Funds were received from the budget as a measure of state support for capital repairs


Art. 191

9. A loan (loan) was received due to a lack of funds in the capital repair fund

66, 67

Art. 174, part 1

Art. 177, part 1, paragraph 2

10. Due to future contributions from the owners, the capital repair fund has been increased to cover the loan (loan)



Art. 177, part 1, paragraph 2

11. A reserve has been created to finance capital repairs in accordance with the repair estimate




12. Accrued to the contractor for the execution of major repairs

Art. 177, part 1, clause 1

13. Transferred to the contractor for the execution of major repairs

Art. 177, part 1, clause 1

14. The special account received contributions from the owners sufficient to cover the debt under clause 9


15. The loan debt has been paid from a special account.

66, 67

Art. 174, part 1

Art. 177, part 1, paragraph 2

16. Funds were transferred to the account of the regional operator when changing the method of forming the capital repair fund


Art. 177, part 1, paragraph 4

17. Funds received from the regional operator are credited to a special account when the method of forming the capital repair fund changes


Art. 177, part 1, paragraph 4

18. Commission remuneration was written off in accordance with the terms of the special account agreement


Art. 177, part 1, paragraph 6

19. Funds were transferred from a special account in the cases provided for in Part 2 of Art. 174 Housing Code of the Russian Federation


Art. 177, part 1, paragraph 7

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, funds received by a homeowners’ association or housing cooperative for the formation of a reserve for major repairs of common property represent targeted revenues. Therefore, in Table. 1, these funds are reflected in the credit of account 86 “Targeted financing” by type of income.

The movement of funds in a special account is reflected using account 55 “Special accounts in banks”.

Account 76-2 (operation 10) is used to increase the capital repair fund, reflected in the credit of account 86-3, at the expense of accounts receivable - future contributions from the owners in the event of receiving a credit (loan) necessary for capital repairs.

The amount of funds intended to finance specific capital repairs according to the estimate under the contract is accumulated under the credit of account 96 “Reserves for future expenses” by debiting each of the subaccounts of account 86 “Targeted financing” in proportion to the balances on these subaccounts.

In accordance with the norm of Part 2 of Art. 177 receipts reflected in paragraphs. Tables 6 and 7 1, do not form an object of taxation.

If the HOA has been created in several apartment buildings, then, according to Part 4 of Art. 175 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, for each house a separate special account must be opened in the bank, and in accounting for account 55 “Special accounts in banks” - a separate sub-account.

Table 2.

Transactions in the accounting of homeowners' associations (housing cooperatives) and management organizations when using a regional operator account

Business transaction



Norm of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation

1. Monthly contributions to the capital repair fund have been accrued to the owners



Art. 169, part 1

2. Part of the owners’ debt is covered by the retained profits of the HOA (housing cooperative)


Art. 169, part 4

3. The transfer of contributions by the owners to the regional operator is reflected



4. Part of the profit for the case of clause 2 is transferred to the regional operator


When using a regional operator's account, monthly contributions for major repairs are received from the owners of premises in an apartment building directly to the regional operator's account (bypassing the accounts of the HOA, housing cooperative, and management organization). For this reason, in Table. 2 there are no operations similar to operation 5 in table. 1. But HOAs, housing cooperatives, and management organizations must control the processes of calculation and payment of contributions by owners of premises in houses under their management. For this purpose, the accounting departments of HOAs, housing cooperatives and management organizations must receive information about the accrual and actual payment of contributions (operations 1 and 3 of Table 2). The credit balance in account 76-2 reflects the debt of the owners to pay contributions. Operations 2 and 4 appear if the HOA, housing cooperative or management organization has the opportunity to cover part of the owners’ debt using existing income from renting out common property in an apartment building or other income.

The subaccount numbers in the tables are conditional. The accountant has the right to set subaccount numbers in accordance with the working chart of accounts adopted in the accounting policy of the organization.


In general, there are no free home maintenance services. We still pay for some work, some of these services are already included in the rent. Therefore, utility companies should not charge extra money for them or avoid fulfilling them.

  • § Para. 2 p. 1 art. 154 Housing Code of the Russian Federation

The list of all the work we have already paid for is detailed in Appendix No. 2 to the Methodological Manual for the maintenance and repair of housing stock MDK 204.2004 (approved by the Gosstroy of Russia) and in Appendix No. 4 to the Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock (approved by the Resolution of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170).

  • Removing the peeling finish of the outer surface of the walls (plaster, facing tiles)
  • Removing decorative elements that pose a danger
  • Removing and strengthening broken or weakly reinforced house license plates, staircase signs and other elements of visual information
  • Strengthening canopies, fences and railings and other works


  • Removing debris and dirt, removing snow and ice from roofs
  • Checking the condition and strengthening the heads of chimneys, ventilation pipes and metal parapet coverings and other work


  • Replacement of broken and strengthening of weakly strengthened glasses
  • Strengthening or adjusting springs and closers on entrance doors
  • Closing basement, attic doors and manholes with locks
  • Insulation of window and door openings and other works


  • Cleaning and cleaning of the local area
  • Green space care


  • Daily wet sweeping of staircases and flights of the lower 2 floors
  • Weekly wet sweeping of staircases and flights above the 2nd floor
  • Daily wet sweeping of areas in front of waste chute loading valves
  • Daily cleaning of elevator car floors
  • Monthly cleaning of staircases and flights
  • Annual (spring) washing of windows, wet wiping of walls, doors, ceiling lamps in staircases, window sills, heating appliances, window grilles, attic stairs, cabinets for electric meters, mailboxes and other work



  • Container site cleaning
  • Cleaning trash cans

Cold period

  • Cleaning the area in front of the entrance from snow and ice
  • Snow removal from sidewalks and driveways
  • Sprinkling the area with de-icing compounds


  • Sweeping the area on days without precipitation and on days with precipitation up to 2 cm
  • Lawn cleaning and watering
  • Seasonal lawn mowing and other work


  • Turning off radiators if they leak
  • Draining and filling the heating system with water
  • Elimination of air pockets in radiators and risers
  • Insulation of pipelines in attics and technical undergrounds and other works


  • Eliminating leaks, changing gaskets and stuffing seals in water supply and valve taps in technical undergrounds
  • Insulation of pipelines in technical undergrounds and others

But there are also works for which you need to pay extra.

  • Maintenance and repair of entrance doors to apartments, doors and windows located inside the apartment
  • Insulation of window and balcony openings in the apartment, replacement of broken glass on apartment balconies
  • Cleaning, clearing and landscaping areas that are not part of the common property of the house. Such plots must be monitored by their owners, even if this land is located close to the house
  • § Clause 15 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491)

With the onset of spring, utility workers are required to conduct a routine general inspection of the house. It is produced from roof to basement, including structures, utility equipment and exterior home improvement elements. And if spring brings natural disasters that could lead to damage to elements of the house (rainstorms, hurricanes, floods, etc.), an extraordinary inspection should also be carried out after them.

  • § Clause 13 of the Rules... (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491)
  • § Clause 2.1.1 of the Rules and Standards... (approved by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170)

After the inspection, all work necessary for the house is formed into 2 lists:

  • those that the management company will spend from funds already transferred by residents on monthly payments (for the maintenance and current repairs of common property);
  • those that involve major repairs of the common property of the house (tenants will have to pay for them separately).

Involves some work in emergency situations and related work during emergency response (trenching, pumping water from the basement, opening floors, punching holes and grooves over hidden pipelines, etc.).

Unfortunately, the specified Appendix No. 2 and Appendix No. 4 are advisory standards. That is, the law recommends (but does not oblige) management companies to stipulate all this work in contracts with residents of apartment buildings.
Often utility companies stipulate all these provisions in contracts so as not to create conflict situations with regulatory authorities. But they are not always followed. In this case, achieving justice will not be difficult. The main thing is to prove that the work is not being performed and attach a copy of the contract where it is indicated. You can also complain to the State Housing Inspectorate.
But even if the management agreement does not contain these provisions, do not despair. It is necessary to hold a general meeting and, on behalf of all owners, make a demand to the utility companies to include this or that clause in the contract. If they demand additional payment for this, you can try to achieve justice in court. Or you can contact the State Housing Inspectorate with a complaint about their refusal; this body very often comes to the defense of residents in such matters.
The main thing to remember is that water does not flow under a lying stone. Take action!

, Housing cooperatives have the right to collect utility bills for services at the legislative level, in the following cases:

  1. When the shareholder signed the deed of acceptance and transfer of real estate. In this case, payment for the provided housing and communal services is made directly to housing cooperatives or organizations hired to maintain the house.
  2. After signing a contract for the maintenance of a new building.

    By signing the act, the tenant undertakes to take readings of the electric meter; readings of gas and water supply for the purpose of calculating the amount of payments due.

Attention! The amount of payment for housing services is determined by the relevant document of the housing cooperative, namely the “Charter of the cooperative”. It records the method and amount of payment for the consumption of utility resources.

So, according to paragraph 2 of Article No. 153 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the housing cooperative is authorized to collect payment from the shareholder for the housing services provided before and at the time of registration of the right to real estate only if the future owner has signed the deed of sale and purchase.

The housing construction cooperative does not have the authority to collect advance payment for utility bills from shareholders of new buildings!

When does a cooperative become a utility provider?

Having purchased an apartment in a new building, the owner automatically becomes a bearer of the status of “co-owner of the common property of an apartment building”; his main responsibility is to manage the house together with other co-owners of apartments in the new building.

To receive the proper level of utility services, housing cooperative owners must enter into contractual relationships with utility providers.

According to the PP of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2012 No. 124, providers of utility services can be:

  • homeowners associations (HOAs);
  • management companies;
  • housing construction cooperatives;
  • resource supply organizations (RSO).

A housing cooperative becomes a full-fledged supplier of utility services only if:

  1. the new building is under the management of a homeowners association or housing cooperatives;
  2. the building is registered by state authorities;
  3. acts were concluded for the provision of housing and communal services by the co-owners of an apartment building.

With other methods of managing a new building, utility providers may be:

  1. management organizations, if there are concluded agreements with each owner of the apartment, in accordance with Article No. 155, part 4 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation;
  2. persons who provide public services to the house under an agreement concluded with each owner of the apartment, exclusively written or filled out on their own behalf ().

Contribution for major repairs

Overhaul of housing cooperatives is the accumulation of material resources by the owners of an apartment building in order to carry out renovations of the building in the future.

These types of contributions are paid monthly for the entire life of the house. The amount of the contribution is established by the legislative or regional authorities.

Homeowners reserve the right to choose the method of creating a fund for major repairs.

Reference! Contributions for major repairs of housing cooperatives are made together with payments for utilities + expenses for maintaining the house. If the homeowner has ignored the monthly contribution, then he will be charged 0.1% of the total amount of the established contribution.

The residential complex offers two ways to create a fund for shared participants in apartment buildings:

  1. to the account of a non-profit legal entity created by the regional administration;
  2. accumulation of contributions in a special account.

According to Article No. 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, adopted in 2013, shared owners pay contributions to the capital repair fund independently.

Also, the shareholders of the cooperative are responsible for making decisions of a similar range indirectly related to the payment of monthly contributions for major repairs:

  • choosing a credit loan where the account will be opened;
  • selection of an applicant for opening a personal account and performing financial transactions;
  • selection of a person whose task is to control the timing and list of completed major repairs.

Rights and responsibilities of the chairman

The chairman of the housing cooperative is a person elected by the members of the council for the purpose of monitoring the work of the housing cooperative. The chairman has the following rights and obligations to the co-owners:

  • Conduct negotiations with management organizations about the transfer of the house under their management.
  • Voice the results of negotiations with the management at a general meeting of residents of the building, with the aim of voting for or against the proposed conditions. Without an agreement from 50% of the residents of the building present at the meeting, the chairman does not have the right to enter into an agreement with the management organization.
  • Develop regulatory documents, for example: charter, internal regulations.
  • Monitor the work of the management company and record violations in the performance of services.
  • Send an appeal to the municipal government about the failure of the management company to fulfill its obligations to residents.
  • Represent the interests of building residents in court related to the management of an apartment building and the provision of utility services by proxy.

Important! The chairman has the right, without a power of attorney from the members of the housing cooperative, to endorse payment documents, manage payment accounts and make transactions that do not require approval from the board or meeting of co-owners of the housing cooperative.

The chairman of the housing cooperative does not personally have the right to receive payment for utility services provided by the housing complex contractor.

How are tariffs determined?

Tariffs for utility services are set by regional government bodies. Housing cooperatives, homeowners' associations, and management companies are not authorized to set tariffs for paying for utility services.

According to Federal Law dated December 29, 2014 N 458, tariffs are formed in stages:

  1. State authorities make a request to resource-saving companies in order to obtain a list of the necessary work and the deadlines for their completion.
  2. Obtaining information about the condition of the housing cooperative's house, namely:
    • technical features of the house;
    • calculation of finances for the purchase of required materials and payment of wages to repair crews.
  3. Coordination and approval of tariffs by regional housing and communal services authorities.

    The tariff establishes payment for housing services per 1 square meter and is calculated according to the formula:

    T, apartment area or presence/absence of communal and individual meters multiplied by consumption: electricity, water, gas, heating and other needs.

    Features of receipts and differences from a similar housing and communal services document

    The receipt for payment of housing and communal services in the cooperative contains several parts:

    1. personal data of the payer;
    2. Full Name;
    3. account number;
    4. address and total area of ​​the apartment;
    5. number of people living;
    6. information about the contractor provided by CU and ZHU:
      • name of housing cooperative;
      • address, number and website of the cooperative;
      • information about the billing period, the amount payable, the debt, the amount taking into account the term of the debt and the payment period are indicated.
    7. making payment.

    The block covers the list of services:

    • current and major repairs;
    • services for the provision of: heating, gas, water, electricity;
    • services for general house needs.

    Attention! In accordance with the new rules of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 for the provision of utility services, payment for the resources used inside the apartment and general house consumption is calculated separately and indicated on the receipt in different columns.

    Differences between a cooperative receipt and a housing and communal services receipt:

    • information about recalculations is indicated;
    • status of personal account for housing and communal services.

    Utilities are paid by citizens who are registered in the residential premises. In accordance with paragraph 12 of Article No. 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, fees for utilities provided to temporary residents are paid by the tenant of the residential premises in accordance with the additional agreement of the tenant.

    How can I make a payment?

    Apartment owners can pay for housing and communal services via the Internet or by receipt at the cash desks of postal and bank branches. For users of Internet resources, we provide a step-by-step algorithm for paying utility bills.

    Sberbank Online

    Sberbank online - pays utility bills without charging additional interest at any time of the day. To make the payment, the apartment owner will need:

    • Having discovered an error in the housing cooperative's receipt after making payment through Sberbank online, the client has the right:
    1. Call the call center at 8 800 555 5550 with a request to cancel the payment.
    2. Come to the branch and write an application for a refund, indicating the reason.

      Attention! This method is relevant if the error was caused by an oversight of the bank operator and the payment transaction was completed.

  4. If the mistake was made through the payer’s fault, then he has the right, with the help of the manager, to write a statement addressed to the head of the financial institution with a request to cancel the payment.
  5. If payment was made by mistake at the post office, the owner has the right to sue to recover funds if there is a receipt for payment.
  6. Is it possible not to make payment and what are the consequences?

    If the owner is a member of the housing cooperative and has signed an agreement, then he is obliged to pay for utility services provided monthly.

    If the owner does not pay for housing services, then the management organization in the form of a housing construction cooperative has the right to take the following actions:

    1. charge penalties for late utility payments;
    2. notify the debtor in writing that if he does not pay for housing cooperative services, they will be suspended;
    3. limit the supply of services if the debtor does not pay the debt within 30 days after written notice;
    4. file a lawsuit to collect debt for housing services provided.

    Attention! When resorting to judicial collection, the housing cooperative acts as a plaintiff, who, when drawing up a claim, is obliged to indicate which obligations were violated by the owner of the apartment. Only by indicating the circumstances leading to the violation of rights can the plaintiff indicate his claims.

    If the housing cooperative has decided to collect the debt from the apartment owner through the court, then the executing organization must attach the following package of documents to the claim:

  • copies of the charter document of the housing cooperative;
  • receipt for payment of state duty;
  • copies of written notices confirming the defendant’s debt;
  • legal power of attorney certifying the authority of the plaintiff;
  • a copy of the statement of claim;
  • management agreement;
  • rental agreement if the person living in the apartment rents the premises.

If the amount of debt for non-payment of housing services by the owner of an apartment in a housing cooperative is below 50,000 rubles, the claim is filed in the magistrate’s court; if the debt exceeds 50,000 rubles, then the claim is sent to the district court.

How are cash receipts recorded?

All payments made by owners and tenants of apartments are recorded in accounting by debit entry numbered 76, credit 86 and are included in the report on financial and economic activities performed.


For late payment of utility services, the housing cooperative charges penalties. They are calculated automatically using the software.

According to Article No. 155, paragraph 14, of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the next day after late payment for housing and communal services, a penalty is charged for late payment.

If the payment has not been repaid within 30 days, then from the second month the following interest will accrue on the debt amount:

  • 31-90 days - 1/300 of refinancing of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation per day;
  • more than 90 days - 1/130 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation per day.

Attention! When paying for housing cooperative services using a receipt through the terminal, no fines are paid, and accordingly the debt will not be considered repaid. You can pay for this and say goodbye to accrued penalties only at a Sberbank branch or at a fulfillment company.

Housing cooperative is a chance to buy real estate at a favorable price. For the purchase to be successful, you must be a conscientious payer and a responsible member of the council of the apartment building. By following these two main rules, a shareholder in an apartment building will never know what penalties and fines are.

I bought an apartment in a housing cooperative and, as a new owner, asked the chairman for what type of work and for how long a major repair is calculated in the amount of 16 rubles per 1 sq.m. from the total area. that in response she heard that I, that is, she was not obliged to present any documents to just anyone. In addition to major repairs, the owners also pay for maintenance and routine maintenance in the amount of 16 rubles per 1 sq.m., which totals 32 rubles per 1 sq.m. of the total area, which is several times higher than the amount even in the Management Company of Shatura. What to do in this situation? Do we have the right not to pay for major repairs if we are not presented with any documents?


According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2010 N 731 “On approval of the standard of information disclosure by organizations operating in the field of management of apartment buildings,” the cooperative is obliged to disclose the following information:

    a) general information about the cooperative;
    b) main indicators of the financial and economic activities of the cooperative;
    c) information about the work performed (services provided) for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building;
    d) the procedure and conditions for the provision of services for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building;
    e) information on the cost of work (services) for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building;
    f) information on prices (tariffs) for utilities.

Refusal to provide information may be appealed in accordance with the judicial procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
This information is provided upon written request.
In accordance with Part 8 of Art. 156 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of obligatory payments and (or) contributions of members of a homeowners’ association or housing cooperative associated with the payment of expenses for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building is determined by the management bodies of the housing cooperative in accordance with its charter.
Article 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation establishes that members of the housing cooperative make mandatory payments and (or) contributions related to the payment of expenses for the maintenance, current and major repairs of common property in an apartment building, as well as payment for utilities, in the manner established by the management bodies of the housing cooperative.
Owners of premises in an apartment building in which the housing cooperative is established who are not members of the housing cooperative pay fees for the maintenance and repair of common property in the apartment building and fees for utilities in accordance with agreements concluded with the housing cooperative.

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Up to 10% of residential buildings in the capital are able to maintain themselves independently. They don't need special accounts. Now, in contrast to the scheme proposed by the authorities, the money collected for repairs is kept in bank deposits by cooperatives - at a good interest rate. The special account does not promise any interest to the owners: in five years the money will depreciate by a quarter at best. At the same time, there are no guarantees of their safety in case the bank’s license is revoked. Housing cooperatives are asking to be given the opportunity to withdraw from the regional program and renovate their homes as they have done for many years. The Moscow City Duma supports them in this.

The problem of cooperatives in the capital's parliament was examined using the example of the housing cooperative "Cinema and Drama Artists" (Chernyakhovskogo St., 5, building 1, Airport district). The house was commissioned in 1958, and since then has been fully self-sufficient. “Elevators, roofing, heating risers - all replacements were carried out as usual, no accidents,” noted Nadir Alimov, chairman of the housing cooperative.

The cooperative independently collected money, looked for contractors, and accepted work. To this day, all the documents about what happened to the house over the last half century are kept in the organization’s safe.

Now the sewer risers are next in line. Several years ago, after conducting a full analysis of the state of engineering systems, residents began saving up to replace them. By the time the regional capital repair program started, the housing cooperative already had about 2.5 million rubles in its bank account. Now residents find themselves at a crossroads. Now they will either have to collect money again - 15 rubles per square - for the same needs, or transfer it from the deposit to a special account, which, having no particular alternative, the cooperative members nevertheless opened. However, it is not clear whether such a transfer is provided for by law and whether it will exempt residents from mandatory fees.

The reason why cooperatives do not want to work with a special account is simple. Unlike deposits, such a form as a special account requires on average only 1-2% per annum.

“Imagine: our building alone - 80 apartments - collects a million rubles a year. According to the schedule of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, in 2018 we must repair the sewerage system. In three years we will accumulate three million rubles. By the time the money is needed, inflation, which, according to the most optimistic forecasts, is now 15%, will eat up about a quarter of the savings. Meanwhile, according to the old scheme, we could collect this money in a year. Why spread fees over years, given that banks do not provide protection against inflation, if you can speed up the process through targeted contributions,” Alimov noted.

The fact that now there are no guarantees of the safety of funds in case the bank’s license is suddenly revoked also worries the owners.

Deputies of the Moscow City Duma also recognized the problem. Participants in the discussion propose insuring savings accounts for major repairs, and allowing the money to be used on the “accumulated-repaired” principle. They intend to address this issue to the federal parliament.

As for the special accounts themselves, according to those present, it is necessary, if not required, then at least recommended to banks to give interest on them, like on deposit accounts. It would be better to completely exclude independent houses from the law on major repairs. “We are not against collecting money for major repairs. But in Moscow there are still many houses - approximately 10% - that do this on their own, without any programs. We need to give them this opportunity. The Housing Inspectorate already has enough powers to monitor the condition of buildings,” says the chairman of the housing cooperative.

Moreover, you can do the repairs yourself cheaper, says Alimov. Find a contractor not in Moscow, but in the nearest Moscow region or Tatarstan, order work during a period when the company is “underutilized.”

The hearing participants also pointed out that the system is not flexible. “Currently, residents of the first floors pay fees for major repairs on the same basis as others. Meanwhile, we remember that they do not use elevators, and replacing them is approximately 10% of the cost of repairs,” noted the chairman of the housing cooperative.

The schedule for the overhaul also caused a lot of controversy. “The dates should be determined only after an examination of the condition of the house and utilities. Meanwhile, when compiling a list of works, the Moscow Housing Inspectorate relies on “visual inspections of residential buildings,” which it conducts once every five years. How can you “visually” assess the condition of the sewer system? - the chairman of the housing cooperative was perplexed.

So, in the house on Chernyakhovsky it is necessary to insulate the wall - a continuation of the house was planned, which did not happen. However, there is no such work in the overhaul schedule, complained Asya Kulikova, a resident of the house.

In turn, a member of the public advisory council of the Moscow City Duma, Kristina Simonyan, proposed not to think 20 years ahead, and to draw up a schedule for major repairs - with a list of houses and the type of work - for a year, with the obligatory coordination of it with municipal deputies.

As for the list, Sergei Cherepanov, head of the housing and communal services department of the prefecture of the Northern Administrative Okrug, who was present at the meeting, said that adding or moving certain works can be done manually, and promised to meet again with representatives of the housing cooperative to work out the issue. Although such responsiveness of local officials is pleasant, it, alas, does not indicate consistency.

The law is logical, fair, but unfinished, the round table participants summarized.

“No one argues with the need for paid overhauls,” noted Moscow City Duma deputy Leonid Zyuganov. “However, many provisions of the overhaul program need clarification and adjustment.”

Anna Semenets