Naryshkin ivan kirillovich. Naryshkin ivan alexandrovich Ivan alexandrovich naryshkin

Boyarin, the elder brother of Tsarina Natalya Kirillovna, was born in 1658; his name in the bit records does not occur until September 1, 1674, when he is already a steward and a "close man". They married him very early: already on October 1, 1674, his wife, Praskovya Alekseevna, nee Princess Lykova, dined with Tsarina Natalya Kirillovna in the Golden Chamber.

After the death of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and the accession to the throne of Theodore Alekseevich, the Naryshkins lost their importance, and the Miloslavskys, relatives of the young tsar by his mother, Queen Marya Ilyinishna, took the leading place. Soon the doctor Davyd Berlov denounced Ivan Kirillovich, as if the latter had persuaded his "lord Ivan Orel" to kill the tsar; as a result of this denunciation, Ivan Kirillovich was exiled to Ryazan, where he was ordered to be in charge of the bailiff. It is not known when exactly Ivan Kirillovich was returned from exile, but on the day of the funeral of Tsar Feodor Alekseevich he was in Moscow.

On May 7, 1682, after the massacre of the streltsy colonels, Tsar Peter Alekseevich solemnly entered the Kremlin Cathedrals, and then various awards were handed out to relatives and supporters of the Naryshkins, Ivan Kirillovich was granted a boyar and armorer, and this aroused envy and discontent among the boyars ... A week later, on May 15, Miloslavsky and Tolstoy rode through the streltsy settlements and called the streltsy to the Kremlin for service, shouting that the Naryshkins strangled Tsarevich Ivan Alekseevich. The archers sounded the alarm, beat the drums and marched towards the palace with banners and cannons. When the queen, together with the patriarch and the boyars, took Peter and John Alekseevich to the Red Porch, the crowd quieted down. The enemies of the Naryshkins realized that if they skip this decisive minute, the archers would see a deception, and then they would be uncomfortable. They began to shout that Ivan Naryshkin was trying on a crown and various royal decorations; that although Tsarevich John is alive, he is in danger. The Sagittarius became furious. They killed Matveyev, book. Dolgoruky and stolnik FP Saltykov, who was mistaken for one of the Naryshkins. The same fate did not escape the brother of the queen, Afanasy Kirillovich, who hid in the hay church of the Resurrection under the throne and was betrayed by a dwarf. The next morning, the archers again appeared with a demand for the extradition of Ivan Kirillovich. On this day, Ivan Kirillovich with his father, with his younger brothers and with Matveyev's son took refuge first in the rooms of the little princess Natalya Alekseevna, and then in the distant chambers of Queen Marfa Matveyevna, the widow of Feodor Alekseevich. On May 17, the archers began to threaten that if Ivan Kirillovich was not extradited to them, they would kill all the boyars. Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna had no support, no adviser. The boyars were confused and looked at the extradition of Ivan Kirillovich to the archers as a ransom for their own life. I had to submit. Ivan Kirillovich was taken to the Church of the Savior behind the Golden Bars; there he confessed, took part in the Holy Mysteries, and received unction. Ivan Kirillovich bravely prepared himself for a martyr's death. "I'm not afraid of death," he said to the princess, "I only wish that the bloodshed would stop with my innocent blood." When he left the church, the archers attacked him with shouts and abuse and led him to torture in the Constantine torture chamber as a treason who had encroached on the life of Ivan Alekseevich. Ivan Kirillovich endured all the torture without saying a word. He was dragged out of the dungeon on Red Square and cut into pieces. After him, they tortured and killed Dr. Gaden, the court doctor of Tsar Theodore Alekseevich. These were the last murders. The archers seemed to have done their duty and went from Red Square to the Kremlin to the palace with expressions of devotion to the royal family.

Naryshkin Ivan Ivanovich

(1552, - 1581) 2C: Iv.Sem.Grig-cha

Naryshkin Ivan Ivanovich

(1579-1605, near Kromy) died in 1605 in a battle with the army of False Dmitry I near Kromy land. 5C: Ivan Ivan Sem-cha

Naryshkin Ivan Ivanovich

(1630?) C: Yves Yves Yves-cha

Naryshkin Ivan Ivanovich

(1668) in 1668 room. C: Yves Yves Yves-cha

Naryshkin Ivan Ivanovich

(1668-1735) okolnichy (1717) room table (1706.1710) votch.-Mozhaisky u., Belskaya vol., Village Meletevo, dv. here. 1 h., 3/14, Moscow district, Bohov st., Posetkino village, dv. here. 2 hours, dv. livestock. 6 hours, 1/2, in the same place Obarnich st., Malakhovo village, dv. here., dv. livestock. 5 hours, courtyards cross. no, Ryazan district, Morzhevsky station, Serkino village, dv. here. 7 hours, 5/32, in the same village Sankovo, dv. here. 3 hours, 11/46 C: Iv. Iv. Iv-cha

Naryshkin Ivan Ivanovich

(1739.06.05-1800.08.05, † s.Lopatino Tarusk.-u.) Colonel With his wife E. N. Naryshkina [Chulkov N. P. Russian provincial necropolis. M., 1996]

Naryshkin Ivan Ivanovich

(1895, Orlovskaya --- 1941.04.05) Russian, resident: Orlovskaya Arrest: 1940 Conviction. 1940.10.08. Obv. 58 Shooting 1941.04.05 Reab. May 1996 [Book of memory of the Magadan region.]

Naryshkin Ivan Kirillovich

(1658 --- 1682.05.15, Moscow) boyar (1682) ~ Praskovia. Als. Prince Lykova

Naryshkin Ivan Kuzmich

(1914 -, 2003) 2003 resident: Kaluga

Naryshkin Ivan Lvovich

(1727) to 1727 captain, owner of an iron factory

Naryshkin Ivan Osipovich

(1610,1628) landlord-Ryazan-u. (Kamensk-st.)

Naryshkin Ivan Osipovich

(1944) Major General (1944.11.02)

Naryshkin Ivan Petrovich

(1904 --- 1941/45) Venevsky district died in the Great Otech. war

Naryshkin Ivan Semyonovich

(1552,1560) in 1552 courtyard son-boyars. room-Tarusa-y. 1C: Family Grig. Isaac-cha

Naryshkin Ivan Fedorovich

(--1652, † s. Trostye, Tarusa-u.) Room.

Naryshkin Ivan Fedorovich

(1552,1560) in 1552 courtyard son-boyars. room-Borovsk-u. 1C ::

Naryshkin Ivan Fomich

(1674, --- 1682.05.15, Moscow) room table (1674) dumn.clerk (1682) 4C: Fom. Iv. Iv-cha

Naryshkin Ilya Andreevich

(1916 --- 1941/45) Tula died in Vel.Otech. war

Naryshkin Joseph Mikhailovich

(1898, Gorky region, Bazovsky district -, 1942) Russian, education: primary, worked as a mechanic., Resident: Pavlodar region, Pavlodar. Arrest: 1942.06.08 Arrest., UMGB in Pavlodar region. Condemnation. 1942.08.05 Supreme Court of the USSR. Obv. 58-10 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR Sentence: 10 years of labor camp Reab. 1992.06.05 General Prosecutor's Office of the Kazakh SSR, reason: in the absence of corpus delicti [Information of the DKNB RK for Pavlodar region.]

Naryshkin Isaak Fedorovich

(1460?) S: Fed.KURBATOV-son ZABELA

Naryshkin K.V.

(1877-1950) Master of ceremonies ()

Naryshkin K. M.

(1855-1921) chamberlain () equestrian ()

Naryshkin K.P.

(1806-1880) chamberlain () chamberlain ()

Naryshkin Kirill

(1848-1849, † Moscow, Donsk.m-ry)

Naryshkin Kirill

(1860-1860, † Moscow, Donsk.m-ry)

Naryshkin Kirill Alexandrovich

(1786--1838, † St. Petersburg, Al.-Nev.Lavra, chief marshal (1829-) chief hofmeister (1838-) chief marshal (1825-) chamberlain (1826-)

Naryshkin Kirill Alexandrovich

(1844-1883, † Moscow, Donsk.m-ry)

Naryshkin Kirill Alekseevich

(1682, - 1723) kravchy (1703) adjutant general (1712-) sleeping bag (1682) participant of the Azov campaigns, general provisions master at the fleet (1695-1696) voivode in Pskov (1697-1699) participant of the Northern War, during which he led the fortification of Noteburg, which had just been taken by the Russian troops (1702), in 1703 he headed the construction of one of the bastions of the Peter and Paul Fortress (named after him) in 1704-1710 the Pskov and Derpt chief commandant, in 1710-1716 the commandant of St. Petersburg, in 1716 -1719 Moscow governor votch.-Arzamassky district, Irzhinsky station, Steksovo village, 1/7, Vladimirsky district, Opolsky station, Andreevskoye village, dv. here. 5 h., 36/283, Vologda st., Vozdvizhenskaya vol., Novlenskoe village, Mikhailovskoe identity, 14/137, in the same place Ukhtyuga vol., Shishkina village, 10/49, Dmitrovsky u., Kamensky st., Zhukova, 5/24, in the same place with-tso Myshenkovo, dv. here. 3 hours, 3/12, in the same place Mushkovsky st., Village Bogoroditskoye, 2 doors. here. 8 hours, 17/48, in the same village Ushakova, 14/59, in the same place Povelsky st., Village Peremilovo, dv. here. 2 hours, 8/46, Moscow district, Goretov st., Bratsevo village, dv. here., dv. end 7 hours, courtyards cross. no, in the same place Kamensky st., village Gridina, 1/8, in the same place Manatin and Bykov st., village Novoye Ozeretskoe, dv. here. 22 hours, 4/19, in the same village Sviblovo, dv. here., courtyards cross. no, in the same place Radonezh and Beli st., Pokrovskoe village, Tishilovo identity, dv. here. 9 h., 82/341, Pereyaslavsky u., Kinelsky st., Timofeevskoe village, 2 doors. here., 2 doors. Volovykh 12 h., 158/595, in the same place Serebozhsky st., village Zhukova, 12/37, in the same place Shuromsky st., v. Mikhailovskoe, 10/39, Ryazansky u., Ponisky st., v. Konstantinovo, dv. ... livestock. 4 h., 28/152, Suzdal district, Zamotrinsky st., Krapivino village, 22 doors, in the same place Sukhoda and Kondyrev st., Rumyantseva village, 6/32, in the same village Troitskoe, 2 doors. here. 6 hours, 149/723, Uglichsky district, Molozhsky station, Kuhatina village, cross courtyards. no ~ Anastasia.Yakov. (1680 -, 1722) Prince Myshetskaya S: Als. FOM. Iv-cha

Naryshkin Kirill Anatolievich

(1868-1920) School of jurisprudence 1889, an officer from 1890. Colonel Life Guards. Preobrazhensky regiment, head of the military-field office at the Imp. The main apartment. Mind. 1920. Son. [Volkov S.V. Officers of the Russian Guard M., 2002]

Naryshkin Kirill Anatolievich

(1868.04.28-1920 or 1924) Major General of the Svita (1916.12.06). Childhood friend of Nicholas II. Educated at the Imperial School of Jurisprudence, passed the officer's exam at the 2nd Constantine School (1890). Released in the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment, in which he spent almost the entire service, com. companies. From 1906.08.24 he was a headquarters officer for assignments at the Imperial Headquarters. 1909.09.18 was appointed assistant chief of the military field office of His Majesty. 25.8. nickname gene. V.N. Orlov was cheskically headed the military, officially appointed to its revolution, the chancellery of N. 1917.03.31 was dismissed in 1915, his immediate superior was transferred to the Caucasus, and N. was actually a marching chancellery. 1916.12.06 as the chief. After February, it ceased to exist from service with a uniform.

Naryshkin Kirill Anatolievich

(1868.04.28--1924) Adjutant Wing (1896-) Major General of the suite E.I.V. (1916-)

Naryshkin Kirill Anatolievich

(1909) in 1909 the fleet adjutant captain assistant to the chief (and. D.) In 1909 of the General Staff (St. Petersburg) [General department of office. for 1909. See section]

Naryshkin Kirill Dmitrievich

(1918, - 1963) officer since 1913. Captain of the Life Guards. Ulan Her Majesty Regiment. In exile in France, the secretary of the association Life-Guards. Her Majesty's Ulan regiment, in 1931 led a group of the regiment in Paris. Mind. after 1963. [Volkov S.V. Officers of the Russian Guard M., 2002]

Naryshkin Kirill Mikhailovich

(--1857, † Moscow, Donsk.m-ry) Major General, member of the OV 1812, brother of the Decembrist M.M. Naryshkina

Naryshkin Kirill Poluektovich

in. Cyprian (1623-1691.04.30, Kirillo-Belozersk m-ry) 1682 / in. (Kirillo-Belozersk m-ry) boyar (1673-1682) okolnichy (1672-) Duma dvn. (1671- ) solicitor in the reitarsk service (1658), a participant in the Russian-Polish war of 1654-1667, in 1663 a captain in a regiment commanded by boyar A.S. Matveev, at the end of the 1660s. granted to the stolniki. The rise of the family took place after the marriage in 1671 of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich to the daughter of Kirill Poluektovich Natalya Kirillovna (1651-1694) and the birth of their son Tsarevich Peter (the future Peter I). In 1673 he received the rank of butler and was appointed chief judge in the Order of the Grand Palace; during the frequent departures of Alexei Mikhailovich, he remained on pilgrimage. During the Strelets Uprising of 1682, Kirill Poluektovich was forcibly tonsured a monk and exiled to the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery. The sons of Kirill Poluektovich Ivan Kirillovich (1658-1682.05.17) and Afanasy Kirillovich (1662-1682.05.15) Naryshkins were killed by the rebellious archers ~ Anna.Leont. Leontyeva 1C: Poluyekt.Iv.Iv-cha

Naryshkin Kirill Fedorovich

(1915 --- 1941/45) died in Vel.Otech. war

Naryshkin Kondraty Fomich

(1682, - 1710) steward (1685-1688) warrior Dvina (1685-1688) 2С: Fom. Iv. Iv-cha

Naryshkin Konstantin Vasilievich

(1926.02.07 -, 1998) resident: Moscow, Volgogradsky Avenue. 69 sq. 16 Volgogradskiy ave. 69 sq. sixteen

Naryshkin Konstantin Nikolaevich

(1907, Yarosl. Region --- 1942.06.) Cr-c. In Great Otech. the war went missing. [NPRC Vol. 5, p. 276.]

Naryshkin Konstantin Pavlovich

(1854) [Commemorative book of Russian history 1854]

Naryshkin L.A.

(1785-1846) chamberlain (1799-) equestrian (1824-)

Naryshkin Lev Alexandrovich

(1733.02.26--1799.11.09, † SPb., Al.-Nev.Lavra, Annunciation) chief-equestrian (1775) Chamber-junker from 1751.09.05, son of Alexander Lvovich Naryshkin, brother of Alexander Alexandrovich Naryshkin ... He began his service in the guard, from 1751 he was at the court of the Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich. From 1762 the chief equestrian, in 1766 accompanied the Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich to Berlin. Since 1767 he was a deputy of the Legislative Commission, in the 1780s. repeatedly accompanied Empress Catherine II on her travels across Russia, in 1799 he was appointed acting chamberlain. He was distinguished by his extraordinary hospitality, a passion for organizing luxurious balls, masquerades and picnics.

Naryshkin Lev Andreevich

(1628) in 1628 landlord-Ryazan-u. (Near-town-st.) [Writing books of Ryazan region, XVI and XVII centuries]

Naryshkin Lev Vasilievich

(1876-1931) ~ 4 / 1908.10.17 ALEXANDRA KONSTANTINOVNA ROMANOVA (28.4 / 1883.05.10-1957.05.28)

Naryshkin Lev Vasilievich

(1918, - 1931 in France) Captain of the Life Guards. Hussar regiment. In emigration. Mind. 1931 in France. [Volkov S.V. Officers of the Russian Guard M., 2002]

; his name in the bit records does not occur until September 1, 1674, when he is already a steward and “ close man". They married him very early: already on October 1, 1674, his wife, Praskovya Alekseevna ( nee Princess Lykova) dined with Tsarina Natalya Kirillovna in the Tsarina's Golden Chamber.

The enemies of the Naryshkins realized that if they skip this decisive minute, the archers would see a deception, and then they would be uncomfortable. They began to shout that Ivan Naryshkin was trying on a crown and various royal decorations; that although Tsarevich John is alive, he is in danger. The Sagittarius became furious. They killed Matveyev, Prince Dolgoruky and the steward FP Saltykov, who was mistaken for one of the Naryshkins. The same fate did not escape the brother of the queen, Afanasy Kirillovich, who hid in the hay church of the Resurrection under the throne and was betrayed by a dwarf.

The next morning, the archers again appeared with a demand for the extradition of Ivan Kirillovich. On this day, Ivan Kirillovich with his father, with his younger brothers and with his son Matveyev took refuge first in the rooms of the little princess Natalya Alekseevna, and then in the distant chambers of Queen Marfa Matveyevna, the widow of Fyodor Alekseevich. On May 17, the archers began to threaten that if Ivan Kirillovich was not extradited to them, they would kill all the boyars. Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna had no support, no adviser. The boyars were at a loss and looked at the extradition of Ivan Kirillovich to the archers as a ransom for their own life. I had to submit. Ivan Kirillovich was taken to the Church of the Savior behind the Golden Bars; there he confessed, took part in the Holy Mysteries, and received unction. Ivan Kirillovich bravely prepared himself for a martyr's death. Ivan Naryshkin said to the princess:

« I'm not afraid of death, I only wish that the bloodshed would stop with my innocent blood».

When he left the church, the archers attacked him with shouts and abuse and took him to torture in dungeons. The queen's fourth cousin was a curious personality - Ivan Ivanovich Naryshkin(1668-1735). Despite the rise of the clan under Peter I and the active participation of his relatives in the transformative activities of the great reformer, Ivan Ivanovich was an ardent adherent of antiquity. After the death of Peter I, he asked permission to be called the old rank of the room steward instead of the actual chamberlain. He also married, contrary to family traditions and preferences - to Anastasia Alexandrovna Miloslavskaya(1700-1754), a representative of the family of the worst enemies of the Naryshkins. Ivan Ivanovich Naryshkin(1731-1758), wife - Maria Alekseevna Tarakanova(Obolenskaya) (1740-1767)

Their eldest son 1.5 Dmitry Ivanovich Naryshkin ( 1751-1790), court councilor, was married to Praskovya Nikolaevna Dolgorukova(1759-1833). Anna Dmitrievna Naryshkina ( 1774-), husband - Pavel Petrovich Naryshkin... (1768-1841), actual chamberlain, son Peter Kirillovich Naryshkin(10 June 1713-1770) and Evdokia Mikhailovna Gotovtseva Pyotr Pavlovich Naryshkin(1797-1823) Alexander Pavlovich Naryshkin(1802-1827) Konstantin Pavlovich Naryshkin(1806-1880)

Franz Xaver Winterhalter. Sofia Petrovna Naryshkina(nee Ushakova) (1823-1877), (1856) wife of Konstantin Pavlovich Naryshkin (1806-1880).
Her mother, Maria Antonovna Ushakova (ur. Tarbeeva (1802-1870)), was one of the first Moscow beauties, according to the memoirs of a contemporary she had regular facial features, dark hair, beautiful blue eyes and a purely Greek profile, but in old age she looked some faded odalisque. In society, she was famous not so much for her mind as for her beauty and a soft, gentle heart, this wonderful quality was used by many dexterous and cunning men. After the death of her husband, she was the mistress of the rich man Naryshkin, who kept her for several years in front of all Moscow, and had a son Paul from him (1841—?). In 1842, one of their contemporaries wrote that in Moscow ... They again talk about Naryshkin's marriage to the widow Ushakova, but I will believe this only when they are married. This has been announced for so long that I can hardly believe it.
At the end of her life, Ushakova almost never went anywhere, but she often visited the house of the governor A. Zakrevsky, with whose wife she was friends. She died in Moscow and was buried in a cemetery of a different faith in the Vedeno mountains. Married to Ushakov, she had five daughters, whose reputation was no better than that of her mother.

With her marriage, Sofya Petrovna surprised the whole society, she married her mother's lover, Konstantin Pavlovich Naryshkin (1806-1880); raised her half-brother Paul, along with her children. Thanks to the patronage of General Zakrevsky and the wealth of her husband, she was the most fashionable Moscow lady. She had an evil disposition and was very cool with her husband. Maria Pavlovna Naryshkina(Bulgari) (1809-1829) Ivan Dmitrievich Naryshkin(April 17, 1776 - April 15, 1848), major, then chamberlain, son of Dmitry Ivanovich Naryshkin (1751-1790) and Praskovya Nikolaevna Dolgorukova

Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun (1755-1842) Varvara Ivanovna Narishkine, née Ladomirsky (1800, Columbus Museum of Art)

A. Benois. Portrait of V.N. Naryshkina.

Varvara Nikolaevna (Ivanovna) Naryshkina, nee. Ladomirskaya, was an illegitimate daughter and Ivan Nikolaevich Rimsky-Korsakov(1754-1831) - favorite of Catherine II. married Ivan Dmitrievich Naryshkin (1776-1848) - chamberlain, landowner of the Smolensk province, in 1829-1831 the leader of the nobility of the Sychevsky district.

From this marriage, two children were born: a daughter and a son: Alexander Ivanovich Naryshkin(1735.- 1782). The youngest son of Ivan Ivanovich Naryshkin and Maria Alekseevna Tarakanova. From 1758, he was a chamberlain and then a chamberlain under Peter III. Was with him during the failed flight from Oranienbaum to Kronstadt during the coup in 1762. Perhaps that is why during the reign of Catherine II, neither he nor his son played any significant role. Only on March 27, 1798, Ivan Alexandrovich received the rank of chamberlain. However, during the reign of Alexander I, Naryshkin quickly reached the highest court ranks as chief chamberlain and chief master of ceremonies (1809).
Married to the princess Anna Nikitichnaya Trubetskoy. (1737-)

Naryshkin, Ivan Kirillovich

Boyarin, the elder brother of Tsarina Natalya Kirillovna, was born in 1658; his name in the bit records does not occur until September 1, 1674, when he is already a steward and a "close man". They married him very early: already on October 1, 1674, his wife, Praskovya Alekseevna, nee Princess Lykova, dined with Tsarina Natalya Kirillovna in the Golden Chamber.

After the death of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and the accession to the throne of Theodore Alekseevich, the Naryshkins lost their importance, and the Miloslavskys, relatives of the young tsar by his mother, Queen Marya Ilyinishna, took the leading place. Soon the doctor Davyd Berlov denounced Ivan Kirillovich, as if the latter had persuaded his "lord Ivan Orel" to kill the tsar; as a result of this denunciation, Ivan Kirillovich was exiled to Ryazan, where he was ordered to be in charge of the bailiff. It is not known when exactly Ivan Kirillovich was returned from exile, but on the day of the funeral of Tsar Feodor Alekseevich he was in Moscow.

On May 7, 1682, after the massacre of the streltsy colonels, Tsar Peter Alekseevich solemnly entered the Kremlin Cathedrals, and then various awards were handed out to relatives and supporters of the Naryshkins, Ivan Kirillovich was granted a boyar and armorer, and this aroused envy and discontent among the boyars ... A week later, on May 15, Miloslavsky and Tolstoy rode through the streltsy settlements and called the streltsy to the Kremlin for service, shouting that the Naryshkins strangled Tsarevich Ivan Alekseevich. The archers sounded the alarm, beat the drums and marched towards the palace with banners and cannons. When the queen, together with the patriarch and the boyars, took Peter and John Alekseevich to the Red Porch, the crowd quieted down. The enemies of the Naryshkins realized that if they skip this decisive minute, the archers would see a deception, and then they would be uncomfortable. They began to shout that Ivan Naryshkin was trying on a crown and various royal decorations; that although Tsarevich John is alive, he is in danger. The Sagittarius became furious. They killed Matveyev, book. Dolgoruky and stolnik FP Saltykov, who was mistaken for one of the Naryshkins. The same fate did not escape the brother of the queen, Afanasy Kirillovich, who hid in the hay church of the Resurrection under the throne and was betrayed by a dwarf. The next morning, the archers again appeared with a demand for the extradition of Ivan Kirillovich. On this day, Ivan Kirillovich with his father, with his younger brothers and with Matveyev's son took refuge first in the rooms of the little princess Natalya Alekseevna, and then in the distant chambers of Queen Marfa Matveyevna, the widow of Feodor Alekseevich. On May 17, the archers began to threaten that if Ivan Kirillovich was not extradited to them, they would kill all the boyars. Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna had no support, no adviser. The boyars were confused and looked at the extradition of Ivan Kirillovich to the archers as a ransom for their own life. I had to submit. Ivan Kirillovich was taken to the Church of the Savior behind the Golden Bars; there he confessed, took part in the Holy Mysteries, and received unction. Ivan Kirillovich bravely prepared himself for a martyr's death. "I'm not afraid of death," he said to the princess, "I only wish that the bloodshed would stop with my innocent blood." When he left the church, the archers attacked him with shouts and abuse and led him to torture in the Constantine torture chamber as a treason who had encroached on the life of Ivan Alekseevich. Ivan Kirillovich endured all the torture without saying a word. He was dragged out of the dungeon on Red Square and cut into pieces. After him, they tortured and killed Dr. Gaden, the court doctor of Tsar Theodore Alekseevich. These were the last murders. The archers seemed to have done their duty and went from Red Square to the Kremlin to the palace with expressions of devotion to the royal family.

Book. A. B. Lobanov-Rostovsky, "Russian Genealogy Book", vol. II; S. M. Soloviev, "History of Russia since ancient times", ed. comrade va "Public Benefit", vol. III; Ivanov, "Index to Boyar Books"; D. Bantysh-Kamensky, "Dictionary of memorable people of the Russian land", part 4.


. 2009 .

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    Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Naryshkin. Lev Kirillovich Naryshkin ... Wikipedia

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