Dairy kitchen for children - how is it different from an adult one? Children's dairy kitchen - "Baby's health, tasty and healthy products" Dairy kitchen year of creation

A dairy kitchen is a food company equipped with all kinds of modern mechanisms, installations and devices for preparing, storing and serving baby food in strictly hygienic conditions. As a rule, for the convenience of the population in the dairy kitchen, several distribution points are created in certain places of the city or district.

Currently, there are more than 1000 dairy kitchens in the Russian Federation, 80% of them have a low capacity (from 500 to 3000 portions per day).

The total volume of products produced by dairy kitchens is about 100,000 tons per year. Basically, the products of these enterprises are represented by whole milk and fermented milk drinks.

Since 1996, a public organization - the Association "Milk Kitchen" has been functioning, the purpose of which is to provide organizational, methodological and technological assistance to the health authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing dairy kitchens, the introduction of modern technologies for the production of baby food, and advanced training of specialists. Recommendations and instructions were prepared for the preparation of children's and medical and preventive products in dairy kitchens and small enterprises.

In the current conditions with the organization of nutrition for young children, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation considers it expedient to maintain the existing network of dairy kitchens. Low-capacity dairy kitchens should be preserved, using them to provide food for children in non-industrialized areas in rural areas, as well as children from low-income families. Development (creation) on the basis of dairy kitchens of the so-called "small enterprises" for the production of special baby and medical food, providing for the equipping of institutions with modern technological equipment.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 1005 of 08.13.97 "On streamlining the free provision of children in the first and second years of life with special dairy products life with these products, taking into account the average per capita income of a family with children, and its compliance with the subsistence minimum established in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation.

According to sanitary regulations the dairy kitchen can be located in separate buildings or in the first floors of residential buildings, as well as in a complex with a children's clinic. The dairy kitchen must have two entrances: one for raw products entering the dairy kitchen, the other for delivering finished products to parents.

The dairy kitchen should have the following premises: for receiving and testing milk; for hot processing of milk and sterilization of mixtures, for the manufacture of lactic acid products, for cooling finished products (with a window through which finished products are issued), a washing room (with hot and cold water supplied, baths and an autoclave for sterilizing dishes), a pantry (for storage products), dressing room, shower room, toilets.

In a dairy kitchen, a donor station is usually equipped. The donor point must have a separate entrance and consist of at least two rooms. One of them is the reception area, where the donor woman undresses, puts on a special robe and washes her hands. In the second room, milk is expressed.

All premises of the dairy kitchen and the donor station must always be in good order and kept clean. The walls and ceilings of all rooms are plastered and whitewashed. In industrial premises, walls and floors are painted with oil paint or laid out with washable tiles. During the working day, every 2-3 hours, the floor should be wiped with a damp cloth soaked in chloramine solution.

The room must be regularly ventilated. In the summertime, windows, vents and doors are closed with fly screens.

Sanitary requirements and working hours dairy cuisine. The dairy kitchen employs medical workers - doctors, medical and junior nurses who, before applying for a job, underwent a special medical examination for the absence of chronic infectious diseases and bacterial carriers. Such studies are regularly conducted throughout the year among those who work in the dairy kitchen.

You can get food in the dairy kitchen only with a doctor's prescription; you also need to order food in advance, i.e. food can be received on the second day after the receipt of the prescription and payment. In the dairy kitchen, food is also dispensed free of charge according to documents that are drawn up by the district doctor and district nurse. Large families, single mothers and a number of other categories receive free, reduced-price meals.

Milk is delivered to the dairy kitchen by special transport in sealed cans or cisterns. When milk is taken, its acidity is determined according to Turner (milk is accepted, whose acidity is not more than 20 ° T). The fat content of milk should be 3-4%. Typically, milk is delivered to dairy kitchens from special dairy farms with enhanced veterinary and sanitary supervision. Thus, milk is complete in its nutritional quality and minimally contaminated with bacterial flora. Such milk is called warranty milk. Typically, milk is delivered early in the morning and processed the same day. Immediately after entering the dairy kitchen, the milk must be filtered.

Preparation of milk mixtures, milk porridges, vegetable and meat dishes is carried out in the brewhouse according to a certain technology. Fermented milk dishes are prepared in a separate room (where the temperature is maintained within 21-22 ° C) - the kefir shop. It is a bright, warm room, tiled and painted with oil paint. In this room, special cleanliness must be observed in order not to accidentally introduce other microorganisms into the milk along with the kefir leaven. Boiled milk is delivered to the kefir shop in large containers and in measuring bottles.

Here, kefir sourdough is added to the milk and left until the next morning. In the morning, kefir in bottles is sent to the room for dispensing and stored in the refrigerator. The rest of the kefir is used to make cottage cheese. Preparation of cottage cheese: a pan with kefir is placed on special ovens, on which it is heated to 70-80 ° C. Kefir is curdled. Then, using a centrifuge, the cottage cheese is separated from the whey and, if necessary, wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve or immediately hang the unused cottage cheese in portions. In the same way as kefir and cottage cheese, acidophilic-yeast milk and acidophilic-yeast paste are prepared from dry sourdough.

All dairy kitchen workers attend courses and pass exams on the sanitary minimum. In order to protect the health of children, each kitchen worker should be conscientious and inform the dairy kitchen administration about all cases of pustular skin diseases, as well as acute infectious diseases, both in themselves and in their family members.

At the same time, it should be noted that since 1993 WHO has not recommended the use of unadapted dairy products for feeding children, which form the basis of production in dairy kitchens.

If it is impossible to preserve natural feeding, as the most physiological and valuable for the child, it is recommended to use modern adapted formulas.

What is dairy cuisine? When did she appear in Russia? Who is it for and how much is this pleasure worth? The quality of dairy products. I'll tell you how it happens in my city. I will show a photo of the products.

DAIRY KITCHEN - a type of social assistance for families with a small child, including the issuance freebaby food for children under 2 years old (milk - up to 3 years old).

Most often, the dairy kitchen is a division of the children's clinic.


The first dairy kitchens appeared at the beginning of the last century in 1901 year... In one of the shelters in St. Petersburg for premature babies, they organized the preparation and distribution of products for baby food - "A drop of milk".

In 1904, a point was opened at this base for the preparation and receipt of milk for children. Parents received milk by reference.

Later, with children's consultations after the revolution, dairy kitchens were organized. The task of such dairy centers was to help pediatricians to feed sick children, later they began to feed healthy babies. During the Second World War, wherever possible, at railway stations, piers, milk mixtures and baby food were prepared for evacuated children. It did not disappear after the Great Patriotic War. There they made baby milk and sour milk mixtures, curds, kefir and other dietary products for children under one year old, as well as made vegetable and fruit purees and juices.

(each constituent entity of the Russian Federation has its own rules for children's dairy cuisine, therefore everything said below applies ONLY for my Ural city)




  • milk - once a week
  • kefir - 5 times a week
  • cottage cheese - 5 times a week
  • mix, here individually:

For bottle-fed babies:

from birth to 5 months - 9 packs per month

from 6 to 7 months - 5 packs per month

For mixed-fed babies:

from birth to 5 months - 5 packs per month

from to 7 months - 3 packs


To sign up for a dairy kitchen you need:


Be attached to the district children's clinic.

Now many are observed in private clinics, so we go to the usual regiment for the cherished piece of paper.


Take the so-called "prescription" from the pediatrician on the 20th-25th day of each month,

this is how it looks

Third :

If you have not received fermented milk products before, then for the first time you need to bring N-th number of empty bottles and jars. Puree jars are fine (but no labels!). Bottles in pharmacies. Our dairy kitchen requires 5 pieces of empty cans and bottles.

Fourth :

We carry the recipe (and the container, if necessary) to the dairy kitchen. There we are assigned a number that needs to be remembered / written down

Fifth :

Starting next month (from the 1st day) we come to receive our products, we call the number. Every time you receive a filled container, you must bring an empty one (1 pc.)

Sixth :

Next month, we do not forget to take a new recipe until the 25th and take it to the "milk". If you forgot to take the recipe by the 25th, on the 26th you can come and tearfully ask to accept it, sometimes it works. They also give one more extra day to accept recipes - we have this on the 10th.

The mixture is dispensed according to the recipe immediately, no need to wait for the 1st, you go and take it. To get a hypoallergenic mixture, you need the conclusions of a dermatologist, maybe an allergist, in general, some kind of conclusion about certain problems of the baby's health.

This is what we get now (we are 1.3g):

milk 1 liter (a local producer, not the most expensive of course, but milk is always the freshest (day in and day out) for morning porridge the very thing. They give out on Mondays.

curd 50gr, we really like it, well, very tasty curd, not sour, delicate taste, pleasant graininess, the child eats it with great pleasure. At first she interfered with fruit, now she eats pure cottage cheese.

Issued from Tue to Sat. Expiration date - 24 hours.

Kefir 200 ml. Pleasant consistency, slightly sour than cottage cheese, not liquid, you can feed from a spoon, but I usually pour it into a sippy cup, drink half, and add the other half with a spoon. Heat in hot water.

Expiration date - 24 hours.

Once a month there is a cleaning day in the dairy kitchen.

After this day, the next day they give out only milk, without sour milk.

We are very pleased with the opportunity to receive these products for your baby.

I was very surprised, that there are no reviews about dairy cuisine here. Therefore, thanks to the one who read it, and I really look forward to your feedback on how it happens with you, are you satisfied with your milk, and what your children are getting.

Thanks for your attention!

The first dairy kitchens.

At the beginning of the last century, or rather in 1901, in the St. Petersburg city orphanage for premature babies, a drop of milk item was created - this is how the history of children's dairy kitchens began. In 1904 in St. Petersburg, the Central Center was opened for the preparation and receipt of milk for children. Mothers received milk on the basis of medical certificates in pharmacies where it was delivered. But, in spite of all this, “Drop of Milk” did not receive wide distribution.

With children's consultations after the revolution, dairy kitchens began to be organized. The main task of the dairy kitchen was to help pediatricians in feeding not only sick, but also healthy young children. Dairy kitchens played an important role in preserving the health and life of children during the Great Patriotic War. Wherever there were dairy kitchens (at railway stations, piers of water transport), milk mixtures and baby food were prepared for the evacuated children.

After the war, in special workshops in children's dairy kitchens, children's milk (and fermented milk) mixtures, cottage cheese, kefir and other dietary products for children under one year old were made, vegetable and fruit purees, juices were packed. Over time, dairy kitchens were given permission to issue factory-made products, which radically changed their function. Most of the dairy kitchens have become de facto distribution points and have ceased to fulfill the functions of producing their products.

But in a number of regions, real dairy kitchens are still operating today. They prepare baby curd, kefir and some other products.

Healthy food made in children's dairy kitchens.

Children's dairy kitchens produce various quality dairy products for the youngest children (up to two years old). All food for children certainly complies with the current sanitary rules and regulations, the shelf life is not long - no more than a day, so even newborn children can use it.

What is the difference between the products of children's dairy kitchens and factory baby food?

  • First, everything is made from natural whole milk, not from reconstituted powdered milk.
  • The next difference is the absence of special processing and preservatives: in order to get baby kefir, a sourdough is simply added to milk. A similar cooking technology and curd. It uses fresh milk (not rejected products), adds a curdling agent, and then separates the whey. Even the shelf life of food speaks for itself: no more than one day. Factory-made dairy products for children, for example, the products of the Agusha company, differ from dairy products in that special heat treatment is used to increase the shelf life, and this all leads to the loss of a number of various useful substances. But the shelf life of such products is longer - about two weeks.

Are there children's dairy kitchens today?

In most regions, they have been gone for a long time, and the children's dairy kitchen has become a warehouse for finished products. There is a lot of work in the warehouse too, as baby products need to be stored properly. Where is the confirmation that all storage rules will be taken into account in stores? The reception and picking of orders for the distribution points organized at the children's kitchen are also carried out here. We conclude that children's dairy kitchens are necessary even after being converted into baby food storage facilities.

In many big cities, the issue of children's dairy kitchens has turned into a problem: the authorities are reducing their number in order to save money, because of this, parents have to go to other areas for meals several times a week and stand in lines there. But I am glad that such an attitude towards dairy kitchens has not developed everywhere. There are cities in which the former dairy kitchen shops continue to operate, children have the opportunity to receive fresh dairy products.

For children, dairy kitchens are one of the guarantees of a healthy diet at an early age.

For a baby under one year old, the best type of food is breast milk. But it happens that already from the first days of life, feeding a child breastfeeding is impossible for various reasons. In this case, special infant formula comes to the rescue, which you can prepare yourself at home, or you can get it in the dairy kitchen. After a while, here you will also receive other products for your baby that are necessary for his proper development.

The history of the creation of children's dairy kitchens

The history of children's dairy kitchens begins at the beginning of the last century, when in 1901, on the initiative of the Russian Society for the Preservation of Public Health, the “Drop of Milk” point was organized in the Petersburg city orphanage for premature babies. In 1904, a Central Station was opened in St. Petersburg for the preparation and receipt of milk for children, from where milk was delivered to pharmacies, where mothers received it on special medical certificates. But "Drops of Milk" did not receive wide distribution.

After the revolution, dairy kitchens began to be organized with children's consultations. The main tasks of the dairy kitchen were to help pediatricians in feeding both healthy and sick young children, to serve young children as a public catering enterprise. Dairy kitchens played an important role in preserving the life and health of children during the Great Patriotic War. Milk mixtures were prepared for evacuated children at railway stations and marinas, where there were dairy kitchens. and other baby food products.

After the war, in children's dairy kitchens in special workshops, children's dairy (including fermented milk) mixtures, cottage cheese and some other dietary products for feeding children under one year old were prepared, juices, fruit and vegetable purees were packaged. But over time, dairy kitchens were allowed to give their parents factory-made products. This radically changed their functions: most dairy kitchens stopped producing their products and actually began to function as distribution points.

But even today in a number of regions there are still real dairy kitchens that prepare children's kefir, cottage cheese and some other products.

Products for children's dairy kitchens

The Children's Dairy Kitchen produces quality dairy products for children under the age of two. All products comply with the current sanitary norms and rules, their shelf life is no more than a day, so that even newborn children can use it.

So how does the products of children's dairy kitchens differ from factory products, including baby food? First of all, the fact that it is made from whole natural milk, not powder. The second difference is the complete absence of preservatives and special processing: for example, to obtain baby kefir the leaven is simply added to the milk. The same thing happens with the preparation of cottage cheese. For its preparation, fresh milk is also used, and not defective fermented milk products, a harmless substance for curdling is added and whey is separated. The shelf life of such products speaks for itself: it is equal to one day.

Factory-made dairy products for children, for example, Agusha products, differ from their own dairy products in that special heat treatment is used to increase their shelf life, and this leads to the loss of a number of useful substances. Therefore, the validity of such products is about two weeks.

So are there any dairy kitchens for kids today?

In most regions, they have been gone for a long time, and the children's dairy kitchen has turned into a warehouse for finished products. But there is a lot of work outside the warehouse, because children's products must be stored correctly, but where is the guarantee that all the rules for their storage will be observed in ordinary stores? Here, work is underway to receive and pick orders for distribution points organized by the dairy kitchen. Therefore, children's dairy kitchens, even after their transformation into baby food points, are necessary.