Who is after the fish according to the sign. Pisces zodiac sign horoscope. Characteristics of the zodiac sign Pisces

Nata Karlin

Pisces are mysterious and mysterious natures with high sensitivity. They have excellent memory and intuition, which allows them to quickly adapt to any order and find ways out of the most difficult situations. The horoscopic description shows that they are the last symbol in the zodiac circle, representing the sign of the element of water.

They love holidays, but cannot be among large crowds of people for long. Therefore, if possible, they will rush to hide at safe depths

Most often, people born under the sign of Pisces escape from reality during periods of life when difficult and impossible tasks. Representatives of this sign would rather go with the flow and wait for problems to be resolved on their own.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Pisces

These are dreamers by nature, who not only rarely worry about tomorrow, but also do not think about current events. The characteristics of Pisces show that they quickly come to terms with life’s limitations and the impossibility of making life better. It is more important for Pisces to maintain peace of mind than to fight for the right to be happy.

In emergency situations, representatives of this water sign do not dare to make a decision right away. And it’s very difficult to simply wait for an affirmative verdict from them. This is due to poor initiative and the fact that you do not want to take responsibility by agreeing or refusing something.

Zodiac sign Pisces

Ideally, there should be a like-minded person next to them who will unobtrusively push them towards the right decisions. But it is worth knowing the boundaries, which means: Pisces cannot be controlled or you may encounter rude and cruel rebuff.

People born under this horoscope sign know their shortcomings very well. They get tired because they are anxious, but they don't show it in public. Instead of hysterical scandals, they would rather plunge into deep thinking.

From the outside, zodiac Pisces look defenseless, but their inner core saves them

The facts say that they will easily leave the fictional world in order to adapt to the current reality, but only if there is a strong desire for this.

The influence of date of birth on the character of Pisces

First ten days (February 21 – March 2)‒ Pisces born during this period belong to the first decade and are under the protection of Mars. It is this character that gives them belligerence, mystery and gloom. These are people with incredibly strong character and willpower. They are able to overcome any difficulties.

The sign Pisces completes the zodiac circle

For Pisces in the first decade, everything that has at least a bit of the paranormal or secret is interesting. They have powerful energy, which makes it possible to predict the future and heal mental anguish.

Second ten days (March 3 – March 13). Pisces people born during this period of the month receive strength from their patron - the Sun. They have willpower and the ability to enjoy any moments in life. Pisces of the second decade never show anger and aggression. They show generosity towards the weaker and will never express themselves at the expense of the shortcomings of others.

Representatives of the Pisces sign of the second decade implement their plans with all perseverance and stubbornness, thereby expressing their individuality. They know how to quickly restore peace of mind even after the strongest experiences.

The ability to intuitively see their essence in people eliminates many careless steps

Third decade (March 14 – March 20). During this period, Venus begins to dominate, which patronizes Pisces born in the third decade. Therefore, they quickly find the object of their adoration and fall in love with him with all their might. These natures are characterized by artistry. Thanks to their talent, Pisces of this decade are bursting with ideas, but rarely follow them through due to their low efficiency.

Impulsive, often selfish representatives of the twelfth horoscopic sign often want to run away without thinking about loved ones. They are often caught up in their own dreams and can be ruthless towards others. Pisces in the third decade often exhibit nervousness, which is influenced by different phases of the Moon.

Compatibility of Pisces in love with other zodiac signs

love compatibility of Pisces sign

Love for Pisces is almost the main event in life. Possessing hypersensitivity and emotionality, they rarely show passion, but at the same time remain devoted. To understand who is suitable for Pisces in love, you should know that representatives of the water sign expect protection and support from their partner. That is why they make serious demands on relationships.

Pisces rarely delve into everyday areas of life, leaving the prerogative to their partner. At the same time, they sincerely and with pleasure admire him and declare their love. The issue of fidelity is considered ambiguous.

Astrologers claim that there will be no betrayal on the part of Pisces, but representatives of the water sign reserve the opportunity to end the relationship

Possessing intuition, they anticipate their partner's wishes and always take his needs into account. These craftsmen know what gift to give on a holiday and will accurately reproduce important moments of the first meeting or other nuances of the biography of the union.

Pisces are easy to deceive, but if the lie is revealed, representatives of this sign will immediately break off the relationship. Capricorns and Cancers are the most dreamy and sensitive, so they have the most suitable relationships for marriage with Pisces. Good compatibility among representatives of the water sign with Taurus. They have the best sexual compatibility, which is based on sobriety and romance.

Liza Minnelli is a Pisces woman.

Astrologers do not advise starting a relationship with Leo, as the union will quickly end. Fiery Sagittarius, with its active activity, will only push Pisces away, and the character of Aries is capable of knocking it out of the rut of life.

Compatibility table Pisces by zodiac sign:

Zodiac signCompatibility
in love
Compatibility in friendship and work
Aries AverageAverageAverage
Taurus AverageLowAverage
Twins AverageLowAverage
Cancer HighHighHigh
a lion HighAverageAverage
Virgo AverageAverageAverage
Scales HighAverageLow
Scorpion HighHighHigh
Sagittarius HighAverageHigh
Capricorn HighAverageHigh
Aquarius HighAverageHigh
Fish HighHighHigh

Element of the Pisces sign is Water

The element of the Pisces sign is Water., which endows its charges with inconstancy, increased expression of emotions and sensitivity. From the outside it seems that people who appear under this constellation are too vulnerable and do not know how to protect themselves.

In fact, they successfully adapt to any situation, because Water will always make its way

Under the influence of their element, Pisces absorb the mood of the crowd, which can greatly affect their state of mind. They are so susceptible to frequent changes of character that many people think that horoscopic Pisces are abnormal. This is partly true, and among the representatives of the sign there are many people with supernatural abilities.

Despite the fact that the dominant element is Water, Pisces, becoming the final symbol of the zodiac circle, combined the influence of all elements. Thanks to this, they read others on an instinctive level.

Element of the zodiac sign Pisces is Water

High sensitivity should not be considered a sign of weakness, since water has great power and penetrates everywhere. Just as natural springs move along their own course, it is important for children of the element of Water to be given the right direction. Pisces feel great with representatives of the Earth signs.

They will become a support and foundation for aquatic representatives to start from. Fire signs are disliked by Pisces because of their loudness and strong personality. They are able to get along with representatives of Air, if thunderclouds and clouds are not scary.

What are Pisces children like in life?

Before choosing a name for a Pisces child, you should understand what kind of character he will have. A boy born under this constellation may have a different fate. If you cultivate determination and fortitude in him, you can raise an excellent leader. Parents should help the child separate fantasies from life and learn to implement ideas.

The Pisces boy gets carried away easily, but just as easily switches to something else if it seems more attractive to him.

He has passion in his blood that does not allow him to give up his desire. The Pisces boy has a large number of friends who trust him with secrets and come to get advice. After all, this is a kind and disposing child. He is able to empathize like no one else, literally delving into the story being told.

Children of the zodiac sign Pisces

In childhood, a girl born under the sign of Pisces most of all needs care and attention. This is a true lady with a vulnerable psyche that needs support in moments of sadness. True, she is not able to ask for this and will cry until everyone around her realizes that the child should be calmed down.

If she fails to realize her plans, the Pisces girl plunges into depression. It is difficult for her to make a decision, but some issues do not require a decision, and in them she firmly takes her position.

The best profession for Pisces

The most suitable area for creating a career for Pisces is art. These are people gifted by nature, who have developed sense of beauty. They make excellent musicians, artists, sculptors, writers, vocalists, and pop performers. climb the career ladder in shipbuilding and archaeology. These are excellent engravers and shoemakers.

Justin Bieber is a Pisces man.

Suitable for design work, where she is able to gush with ideas. True, she does not always have enough tenacity and perseverance to complete the work she has begun. Among Pisces there are many sociologists and philosophers.

These are lovers of everything supernatural, so representatives of this sign can be seen among palmists, astrologers, and yoga specialists

Pisces have excellent memory, therefore, they occupy good positions in social activities and the educational sphere. Among them are many accountants, financiers and stock exchange specialists.

Possessing a fine mental organization, Pisces often find their calling in serving people. Among them are many volunteers, doctors, and other medical workers. Some of them decide to leave this world and go to a monastery to atone for the sins of this world.

The greatest results are achieved by those Pisces who use the talents given by nature to achieve individually assigned tasks. Sometimes they have to make a strong push to achieve a positive result.

Symbols of the zodiac Pisces

The zodiac symbol is two Pisces looking in different directions. This symbolizes variability and high spiritual beauty. Astrologers consider this sign to be a symbol of limitation, duality and eternity. This is probably why people born under this sign have to be under the yoke of contradictions throughout their lives.

Pisces zodiac sign symbol

Symbolic tree and flower for the sign of Pisces

Nature made mascot plants for Pisces similar to algae. The goddess of love Venus endowed them great smell and beauty. Since people of the water sign often become indecisive, like them, flowers and plants grow thanks to the surrounding nature: stones and thick water.

Astrologers claim that the constellation Pisces is responsible for the endo- and lymph system, therefore most plants suitable for this sign have a beneficial effect on the action of the circulatory system and lymph.

Among the living symbols it is worth noting algae, hanging ficus, orchid, bryophyllum

Natural talismans from trees - willow, pine, linden. For indecisive Pisces, amulets from these patrons will give confidence. Willow grows closest to water, so it is most suitable for a water sign. She is the best talisman who gives her charges intuition and self-confidence. Pine gives Pisces the strength they lack for the final push in achieving their goals. From the linden tree they receive sociability and attention from the opposite sex.

Favorite colors of Pisces

Subconsciously or consciously, many representatives of the Pisces sign from the entire palette prefer shades associated with space and the sea. These are blue, purple, pink and light green tones. Being devoted followers of everything supernatural and mystical, they often wear black clothes. White also suits them, as it is the color of sea foam.

Amulet of the zodiac sign Pisces

Metal amulet for Pisces

Zinc is considered a talisman for Pisces. He, like his charges, begins to sound loud when struck and quickly fades away. In the same way, Pisces are hot-tempered people who are able to quickly calm down even after the most difficult quarrel. In human life, zinc is widely used: in construction, restoration of precious metals.

A picture made of Swarovski crystals is a gift for a person with the zodiac sign Pisces

Like their patron, people born under the constellation Pisces protect loved ones from anxiety and emotional breakdowns. They envelop them with love and warmth. Thanks to a large number of positive qualities, Pisces are always surrounded by a large number of friends who never cease to reach out to the broad soul of representatives of the water element.

Fish - mysterious and enigmatic souls who feel those around them not with their minds, but with their hearts. They subtly grasp the truth at the level of intuition, but are easily influenced by others. Sometimes Pisces find it difficult to resist the logic of others. It is easier for them to give in and change their own opinion, although it was the correct one. At the same time, subtle and sensitive natures will always come to the aid of loved ones, helping them to restore their spiritual strength.

22 February 2018, 13:52

Fish are the last sign of the Zodiac and generally symbolize the transition to the next round of evolutionary development.

However, Pisces does not symbolize death, like Scorpio, which represents the element of water in the design zone, but a smooth, plastic, sometimes almost imperceptible transition to the next state.

Astrologers say that the Zodiac dies in Pisces; the lower octave of Pisces is said to be the trash bin of the Zodiac. Both are a consequence of the amazing plasticity, receptivity and responsiveness of Pisces (moving cross), sometimes reaching the complete loss of one’s own personality.

Pisces has elements of all signs of the Zodiac, but a developed Fish is by no means a collection of them. Through it there is a subtle transformation of reality, requiring Fish very deep perception and occurring according to the law of reciprocity: by influencing Pisces, the situation itself changes. However, the degree of influence Fish the reality surrounding it depends on the level of its evolutionary development, and at a low level, the Fish (seems) is completely subordinate to the environment and does not influence it in any way.

This first impression is nevertheless unfair. Low Pisces plays the role of a lubricant in the joints of social and situational mechanisms and is often a black teacher, acting according to the principle of “falling push”, that is, a seducer, with his plasticity and readiness for complete submission, activating the lower “I” of those around him and leading unstable situations to quick and complete collapse and disintegrate, after which the Fish calmly swims further downstream, not in the least embarrassed by what it has done.

Due to its internal plasticity, Pisces is very sensitive to the environment in which it finds itself. Low Pisces loves muddy water, but feels uncomfortable in clear water and always tries to find the most cloudy place; a developed Fish, on the contrary, languishes and suffocates in muddy water, but neither one nor the other will engage in purposeful changes in the properties of the environment: if the Fish becomes ill, it simply swims away.

It is easiest for Pisces to swim away into the world of their dreams and fantasies; no sign of the Zodiac is so closely connected with the subconscious and does not know how to subtly and effectively bring the world around them in accordance with their ideas and desires through the appropriate distortion of perception, when gray appears white, black or blue in accordance with the subconscious attitude of Pisces. On the other hand, a developed Pisces can broadcast their inner world and their emotional states outward and thereby greatly influence the people and situations around them; however, this happens to her as if by itself, unobtrusively, almost imperceptibly for consciousness.

Pisces is very emotional, even too emotional, it reacts to the most insignificant stimuli, which negatively affects its psyche. But she also has a lot of defense mechanisms; Among the main ones are superficial emotionality and emotional escapism. Deep feelings are replaced by shallower ones than the essence is protected; Such a person is difficult to deal with because it is very easy to get an emotional reaction from him, but this does not mean anything at all; it is difficult to penetrate inside it, since the emotion itself is a defense, a turbidity behind which it is difficult to see further depth.

Emotional escapism is a position with the main thesis: “Looking at you is so painful for me that I’d rather leave.” It is really difficult for Pisces to look at other people’s suffering, but if it does this attentively enough, then the person becomes easier, and Pisces feels a strong emotional uplift: firstly, it directly feels a decrease in the weight (pain, suffering, etc.) hanging on person, which greatly elevates her in her own eyes (as well as emotionally), and secondly, she receives immediate energetic support from her egregor, with which Pisces has a more intimate connection than any other sign of the Zodiac.

The main karmic task of Pisces is to bring to any person, in any situation, a feeling of the Divine presence. Each person, regardless of his evolutionary level, at some moments can see out of the corner of his eye, or rather, feel the world as highly developed souls, filled with bliss and harmony see it, and himself as an integral part of it, and not a fragment accidentally blown by the wind of history useless garbage. Such experiences give a person the strength to live and create further, without losing faith in himself and evolution. Pisces is given the ability, having tuned in to any person and any situation, to find and activate the (sometimes extremely subtle) channel of his connection with that high egregor, which is usually called God. Therefore, Pisces is the main deceiver of the Zodiac, because the extraordinary experience that it can evoke does not relate to reality, but to the distant future of the soul, when it will be freed from many of its external shells, and the human personality is freed from imperfections.

The ability to fit into any situation is associated with Pisces’ ability to sincerely ask, which requires a person to be able to put another on his (or higher) level of the evolutionary ladder. At the same time, grace may descend on the person who provided help, because for high Pisces in the past the life of mendicant monks was natural. Low Pisces can also easily ask, but she internally puts herself above the one from whom she asks; this position is called “humiliation rather than pride.” In general, the problem of self-affirmation, pride and arrogance is very difficult for Pisces, in particular because it is difficult to separate itself from the situation in which it finds itself, and it is difficult for it to say what exactly it is to blame for and what is its merit.

In the area of ​​inner life, the specificity of Pisces is that it is very difficult for her to separate her higher and lower selves and differentiate the programs of the subconscious. She is internally so plastic and fluid that for a long time her psyche seems to her to be a single whole that does not require and does not allow any structuring or even the isolation of individual parts. The symbol of the sign of Pisces is two Pisces, swimming in opposite directions and signifying the highest and lowest principles of man, but internally the Pisces is very integral, it goes up the path of evolution and always plunges into the abyss of depravity entirely, without painful internal division. Another thing is that for Pisces, as for any moving sign, the problem of self-determination, the search for the inner core is relevant and is characterized by superficial throwing from the highest to the lowest and back.

The problem of self-actualization and the search for unique traits in oneself in Pisces is complicated by the fact that it easily takes on the color of any person or situation, but is not reduced to them at all; its uniqueness lies in the subtle nature of the transformation to which the situations that include it and the people communicating with it undergo; Of course, it is very difficult to realize this, especially in youth.

From an energetic point of view, the plasticity of Pisces leads to a double effect: it is both omnivorous and a favorite victim of all kinds of vampires, manipulators and black teachers. It can be manipulated in any way (until it floats away, after which it can no longer be caught), and it has, among other things, a great ability to regenerate and access to inexhaustible sources of cosmic energy, thanks to which it can easily become a convenient rug for wiping your feet, soiled by the lower astral; but even here her possibilities are still not limitless: when her master gets tired of her, she tempts him to pour a huge portion of completely unbearable rubbish on her, after which (as if out of an objective necessity of life) she floats away forever or for a while.

The Higher Pisces can be a great spiritual teacher, initiating her students into the deepest secrets of the spirit, but for this she needs to go a long way in forming an inner core that guides the subtle transformation of reality. Pisces is helped to solve these problems by the element of fire hidden in its depths, which gives it enthusiasm, philanthropy and the eternal energy of mercy.

Neptune, as the first ruler of Pisces, gives the highest octave of the sign an introduction to the basic form of cosmic love, which (in fact) drives any Pisces, although it is not immediately realized by it. The rule of Neptune (as well as the influence of the element of fire) is associated with the fact that Pisces is a very warm sign, it is always friendly and responsive. In the lower octave, this symbolic aspect gives rise to all kinds of blessed ones, holy fools, etc., who enjoy popular love and are familiar (at their level) with certain mystical secrets, although they are mentally inferior. Neptune makes Pisces dreamers and mystics, prone to direct communication with the astral planes of the subtle world; this is a sign of spiritualists, fortune tellers, mediums, mystical astrologers, etc.

At the same time, Neptune turns Pisces’ interest inward, to the mysterious processes of mental life and the forces of the subconscious, which makes them natural psychologists, psychotherapists, psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, and priests with a psychological bias. At a higher level, Neptune gives Pisces the impetus for religious and spiritual quests, especially in terms of mystical religions focused on direct contact with higher forces and energies.

In the lower octave of Pisces, the influence of Neptune is reflected in a strong distortion of the perception of the world, numerous phobias, a tendency to self-deception, the ability to live simultaneously in several realities, one of which may coincide with the generally accepted one (then they say: a person with oddities), or none of them may coincide , and then Pisces falls into the power of psychiatrists. However, the main problems of Pisces are internal, she needs to somehow link her external impressions with a rich internal reality and develop a certain attitude towards what is happening outside and inside her, for which she needs high guidelines, more, generally speaking, higher than other zodiac signs and what it seems to her at first. If she does not do this, then she begins to rush about, but no purely external efforts will replace Pisces’ difficult internal work; It is no coincidence that psychotropic drugs often do not work or cause unpredictable reactions for people with a strong Pisces influence.

Jupiter, as the second ruler of Pisces, gives the highest octave of the sign a cosmic sound. Tall Pisces understands its mission not just as a subtle transformation of reality and not only as the spread of cosmic love, but as a comprehensive program that synthesizes all zodiac influences. Jupiter gives Pisces almost unlimited spheres of influence; no one remains indifferent to their spiritual understanding and enveloping attentiveness. The same Jupiter gives undeveloped Pisces a kind of pride: not really understanding or knowing how to do anything, they feel involved in many things and feel their often very modest role in various situations as the main one, because (it seems to them) it is impossible to do without them. Jupiter always gives Pisces the possibility of compensation in the form of a new current or pool and inexhaustible quantities of pity, love and condescension, which Pisces owes subconsciously to a broad view of things, which it is rarely aware of, but often actually demonstrates.

But the same Jupiter can abruptly stop Pisces’ contact with the subtle world and force it to change its habitat if it considers that in this environment it is not able to make the necessary changes. Subjectively, this is experienced by Pisces as the fact that it suddenly finds itself unable to endure its position any longer and begins to suffocate; the objective circumstance is that each Pisces is (karmically) destined to be a fine scavenger in an environment with a certain level of pollution, and it cannot tolerate more for a long time. If Pisces finds itself in a cleaner environment than the one for which it was designed (which is determined by the evolutionary level of Pisces), then it is overcome by a strong desire to muddy the waters, tempt someone, seduce, etc. If she fails to do this, Pisces becomes bored and sick, and she hurries to swim away in search of a more suitable environment.

The imprisonment of Mercury in Pisces shows that what Pisces wants to tell people is inexpressible in words, at least directly. A typical Pisces is in many ways like a dog, which, as you know, understands everything, but cannot express it in words. At the same time, Pisces are very capable of languages, but they learn them not like Gemini, mentally, but by immersing themselves in them as in their habitat; if they can do it. Pisces begin to speak naturally and without an accent. However, the latter does not at all mean that they can express the love and compassion for people that lies in their hearts; For this, high Pisces uses the symbolic language of art (especially if Venus stands in Pisces or aspects them), and average Pisces performs actions that in no case should be taken only in their literal meaning, but always partly symbolically, even if The fish doesn't mean it.

Undeveloped Pisces is often very talkative (especially if there is a square to Gemini), but then her speech does not serve to convey her feelings and true thoughts, but to disguise them. If defeated, there is a likelihood of a tendency to masterfully deceive with the help of a speech stream, which often has magical qualities and literally bewitches the interlocutor. The karmic task of this symbolic aspect is that Pisces must learn to speak clearly and express in precise (as far as possible) words its attitude towards the world and broadcast to people the Divine revelation given to Pisces initially in a wordless form. If Pisces succeeds, with the help of language (which is very plastic by nature and has enormous capacity) it can express what is accessible to the pen of only true poets.

The culmination of Venus in Pisces symbolizes the fact that the developed Pisces overshadows the world with grace through art. Pisces is prone to plastic arts: music, painting, where the main emphasis is not on shapes and lines, but on colors, literature of an emotional-symbolic sense, etc. With the help of art, Pisces shows people the harmony of the world, which they themselves cannot see, but which becomes visible to them with its help. Tall Pisces creates works of art that spiritually uplift a person not only meditatively (at the moment of contemplating the picture), but also existentially, that is, he really changes, feels and understands something, and then can no longer live and see the world in the old way.

Undeveloped Pisces is very prone to the emotional consumption of art: she feels it very well and is inclined to “go crazy” on it, engaging in superficial meditation that does not affect essential aspects, solely for the purpose of obtaining pleasure, so that the energy of the work of art (and egregor) is wasted. The consumer attitude towards works of art is vampirism, no better than usual, and Pisces (karmically) must gradually overcome this temptation; The correct attitude towards art (not only Pisces) is that interaction with it is work, and if a person has not changed as a result of this interaction, then his work has been in vain. Pisces pays dearly for its consumerist attitude towards art: its tastes (and itself) gradually degrade, and it begins to be drawn to pleasures that are coarser and simpler.

Venus also determines the social manifestation of developed Pisces; they are often involved in charitable activities, they see their mission in the struggle for peace, educating the people, etc. Here, cosmic love again manifests itself indirectly and, as it seems at first glance, naively, but these are still only the first steps in the true revelation of this symbolic aspect.

The culmination of Venus also relates to the problem of choosing ethics for Pisces. The plasticity of Pisces naturally leads to the plasticity of its ethics; undeveloped Pisces is too much influenced by the situations around it, and here Venus gives excellent social adaptation at the expense of a certain position: Pisces thinks that socially acceptable behavior (and only this) is ethical. Developed Pisces, with the help of Venus, manages to include an aesthetic criterion in its ethics, so that, without losing flexibility, it will nevertheless behave quite definitely, avoiding ugly (according to its concepts, consistent with the egregor) positions and situations; In general, for Pisces, the path of Tao is more natural than yoga (excluding bhakti.

The culmination of Chiron in Pisces gives the lower octave of the sign extreme chaos of positions and situations in which it finds itself; Any Pisces at the beginning of their journey finds themselves in muddy and muddy water, in which it is quite difficult for them to see the light. At the same time, Chiron gives Pisces an (at first unconscious) non-standard view of what is happening; they feel that the cosmic love passing through them is doing something quite definite, although (for them) still incomprehensible, and they at least have an open mind, that is, they are unprejudiced in relation to the many subtle effects and manifestations of the Cosmos.

Chiron gives tall Pisces the opportunity to deeply understand their subconscious and establish a certain order in its structure, in particular, to separate the higher and lower selves (which is much more difficult for Pisces than for any other zodiac sign), after which to form ethics and understand relationships and structure of egregors that it serves.

Chiron gives the developed Pisces the possibility of behavior intermediate between the Pisces of the lower octave (complete submission to circumstances) and the Pisces of the higher octave (Neptunian Pisces), which evokes sacred love and awe by its very existence, but is also completely passive. Chironic Pisces can perfectly adapt to any person and circumstances, but its behavior is meaningful, and adaptation occurs exactly to the extent that it considers it necessary; further, she can turn on the action of Chiron as a troublemaker and, with his practical help, carry out a precisely calculated maneuver against the tide with the aim of expanding consciousness (individual or collective) or destroying its outdated rigid forms.

Chiron gives Pisces the opportunity to develop intermediate ethics in the process of transition from the lower to the higher octave; in other words, he provides a compass, following which the Fish, wandering in silt and dirty currents, bypassing the clouds, can come to the Fish, found in exceptionally clear water and purifying it with its very presence. This intermediate ethics includes close attention to the surrounding reality and certain practical activities, behind which there is an intuitive understanding of its highest meaning - the spread of cosmic love into the world (at this level, often seemingly ruthless).

The situation of Pisces includes all kinds of trances, exits to other spaces, drug states, group and individual prayers with a humble mood, when a person (and the team) submits to the flow in which he finds himself.

The lower octave of the Pisces situation is represented by begging, humiliating requests “for Christ’s sake,” etc. Pisces turns on every time a person begins to swim according to the will of everyday waves, gives up on everything that happens to him, resigns himself to the inevitable, etc.

Unfortunately, resignation under the pressure of superior external forces belongs to the lower octave of Pisces; the higher octave presupposes the humility of the lower self before the higher, especially at the moment of rebellion of the first. In everyday situations, Pisces of the lower-middle octave are involved in moments of messy reconciliation, going under the slogan “a bad peace is better than a good quarrel,” when the warring parties are tired of fighting and, without coordinating their positions, still want to take a break from the battles and live in peace for a while. Higher Pisces will only join in when the warring parties sincerely repent and reconcile their differences. In general, it should be borne in mind that tall Pisces are very squeamish and will never swim into dirty water, which in no way contradicts their cosmic mercy: they will send to those who need them their relative of a lower evolutionary stature, in exact accordance with the level of man and situations: a prostitute offended by a client will be consoled not by a saint, but by her own pimp.

The situation of Pisces of the higher octave is closely related to the principle “turn your left cheek if you are hit on the right”, in the case when it is applied by a sufficiently evolutionarily developed person who does not suppress resentment or hidden aggression. And retribution (karmic) can be very strong, since it is carried out directly by the egregor: in the best case, the offender is noticed by the conscience, in the worst case, he will face long-term suffering; The effect on humanity of the return blow of the egregor after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ has lasted for two thousand years.

Harmonious Pisces at any evolutionary level demonstrate remarkable capabilities for adapting to the environment; sometimes it even seems that, on the contrary, the environment adapts to them. It is very difficult to pin a harmonious Pisces against the wall in a conversation and in any life situation in general; she will slip away so deftly and gracefully and at the same time soften general or private tension that no one will want to pursue her; however, this is practically impossible and in any case quite hard and, most importantly, thankless work, since the harmonious Pisces, decisively driven into a corner, gives a superficial and charming emotional reaction, and you will simply be some kind of animal if you do not leave it alone after that.

The danger for the harmonious Pisces is that it feels too good in all life situations, so that no force (external or internal) pushes it directly towards evolutionary growth: this is a very prosperous and equally dangerous aspect. For in order to live and breathe, Pisces needs running water of a certain purity, and if a harmonious Pisces is internally passive, after a while it finds itself in a quiet pool without a current and with gradually swampy shores.

Harmonious Pisces has an ability for poetry, music, the art of cinema and television films, download movies for free, any arts with a mystical and emotional accent and is a subtle connoisseur in relevant fields; if there is an aspect of Saturn, an ability for architecture is possible. At the same time, there is a tendency towards gross or subtle energy vampirism, especially in interaction with people who want something from the harmonious Pisces, no matter for themselves or for her. An elegant version of vampirism for a harmonious Pisces with a penchant for spiritual growth is that she slightly falls in love with her teacher, after which she successfully uses his energy for her emotional needs, successfully profaning it and imitating non-existent learning and development.

Affected Pisces at a low level of development are faced with a dilemma: either they become someone’s victim, or (with good energy, as the entire horoscope shows) they themselves become a black teacher. In the first case, Pisces itself seems to go towards its tormentor: if it encounters more harmonious options, it (for reasons inexplicable to those around it and to itself) avoids them or hopelessly spoils them. One of her favorite techniques used to pollute (relatively) pure relationships and situations are dishonest psychological games, when outwardly one thing sounds socially acceptable, but in reality something else is played, with a clear advantage for Pisces. Pisces, experienced in such games, are able to subtly take into account the psychology of their partner and the specifics of situations, instantly change the hypostases of the “I” (Parent, Adult, Child) and even the plots of the games, leaving those around them feeling dirty in the mud, although outwardly it is difficult to find fault with a dishonest Pisces or this causes an even more nauseating game (let’s say “no one understands me, unfortunate one” in the guise of a child). Often one of the main goals of Pisces in such games is to confirm their position in life: “All people (options: men, women, family members...) are bastards!”

When Pisces is severely affected, various mental illnesses, phobias, neuroses, escapism, life in fantasy worlds, etc. are possible. In addition, hypersensitivity brings to life its own forms of defense, ranging from hysterics to complete abstraction and withdrawal from tense situations. As a black teacher, the affected Pisces is capable of a lot, given its ease of contact with the subtle world and students. A variety of meditations, emotional experiences, trances, suggestions and much more are included in her arsenal, with the help of which she, often armed with the simplest concepts and mantras of existential religions (Zen Buddhism, etc.), averts her eyes to consciousness and activates the lower “I” their students. A strong Fish can completely eat a person, so that his soul will fly away during his lifetime, interest in anything will disappear, energy will decrease almost to zero, and what will remain in the world is practically a robot, a body devoid of signs of internal spiritual content, with empty and indifferent to everything eyes.

Working through the affected Pisces is very difficult, because, despite its psychological abilities and intuition, it is often completely unclear to it what it should do, that is, it is necessary to develop a certain internal moral core and ethics, and the prevailing social morality for Pisces is usually , is insufficient, and in some ways too strict. The afflicted Pisces seems to be created for love, and through this love, often quite dirty, it can bring light and purity... if it is not carried away by the current in a completely wrong direction. If we take into account the psychological integrity of (even damaged) Pisces and its inclination to internal torment, then the problem of its spiritual growth seems insoluble; here, however, Chiron always helps, connecting her intuition with practice and thereby providing a means of controlling the truth of Pisces’ guesses, and shaping her ethics in practical matters; and, of course, aspects of Saturn (if they are in the horoscope.

With careful study of the affected Pisces, the result can be a high spiritual teacher, well aware of all the abysses of vice and the fall of the human soul and able to see and support the smallest spark of spirit in the lowest, dirtiest and most degraded person. At the same time, Pisces will not raise him to be a saint or even just an honest person, but will help him turn, for example, into a collected, hardened egoist, predatorily pursuing goals clearly set for himself, which, compared to the state of a relaxed bastard, is a major step in evolutionary development.

Planets in Pisces

Pisces without planets

Tough Pisces.

If a person does not have planets in Pisces and Neptune is not aspected, he will lack plasticity, softness and imagination in life situations, he will adapt poorly, especially in harsh conditions when his everyday and aesthetic needs are not satisfied. It will be difficult for him to enter meditative states and comprehend cosmic love.

On the other hand, he will not be lost in unrealistic dreams and dreams and will not be prone to drug addiction and alcoholism; it will be easier for him to form a solid ethical program and follow it. Sun in Pisces

Steadfast Pisces.

At a high level of development, this aspect gives a soft spiritual teacher with a fairly strict training program. At a high evolutionary level, cosmic love is strict and merciless, and students very well feel the colossal internal pressure behind the softness of manners; the principle “softly lays down, but sleeps hard” prevails here, for it is well known that it is much better for a spiritual teacher to hit than to gently forgive and thereby provide a return blow to his egregor, which is typical for tall Pisces.

At a lower evolutionary level, the Sun poses the following dilemma for Pisces: either follow the karmic program, in this case the principle of pity and forgiveness, or succumb to emotions and grievances, try to protect themselves or establish justice, which, it must be said, is very vague among low Pisces performance. In the first case, solar Pisces will have a hard time, but at critical moments Jupiter will give her a second wind or Neptune will shower her with grace; in the second case, the Sun will double its pressure, both from the outside, that is, in the form of external circumstances, and from the inside, in the form of general disharmony of the subconscious.

In the intermediate version, chironical Pisces, the Sun quite accurately indicates to whom and how much attention she should pay, however, she often gets carried away and places emphasis in the wrong way, for which she pays with long-term, painful and seemingly meaningless karmic connections, which she turns out to be unable to break. The greatest danger for solar Pisces is the temptation to blur their karmic task: to love not deeply enough, protecting themselves a little more than is required by karma, being attentive and perceiving a little less, etc. However, this aspect, in view of the imperativeness of the will of the egregor, transmitted by the Sun, cannot be deceived, and the solar Pisces has to pay severely for any concession to its lower self, not provided for by karma.

Moon in Pisces

Deep Sea Fish.

The Moon makes Pisces extremely sensitive to their environment: it must exactly correspond to their evolutionary level, otherwise they become bored and disorderly or suffocate. An undeveloped aspect results in a capricious and hypersensitive Pisces, who find it difficult to deal with the real world, and when it does not suit her, she floats away into the boundless expanses of her imagination. This is an aspect of subtle natures: poets, artists, musicians, what is called bohemia. They serve the subtle world, and the laws of the gross are not written for them, or rather, they are written, but not the same as for the rest, but which ones they must understand for themselves, so as not to degrade and end up in a madhouse, which is likely with severe defeat. At a high level of elaboration, this aspect produces the most subtle mystics (other aspects should indicate this) who are able to reach the highest astral planes. With defeat and weak energy, there is a great danger of becoming a victim of manipulators, magicians and lower astral entities or programs (so-called mediumship). Very high flexibility and empathy in communication; Lunar Pisces can lift you to the heights of ecstasy and throw you into the abyss of hellish torment - and sometimes she does this in turn, becoming a good black teacher. Here, complete elaboration of the aspect is extremely difficult, since it requires mastery of a very subtle instrument. Complex: I have nothing existentially to rely on in this world.

Mercury in Pisces

Chatty Pisces.

Mercury Pisces try to talk and generally communicate at the level of sign systems, but at first (Mercury is in captivity) they do it poorly, their true feelings and subtle energy are unsuccessfully transmitted in this way.

Mercury Pisces love figurative, plastic speech, poetry; if Mercury is aspected, they can be good translators (oral and written). The developed aspect makes it possible to master such languages ​​and sign systems that make it possible to broadcast the subtle flows of cosmic energy and information characteristic of Pisces; this is the aspect of preachers. In case of defeat, a tendency to deceive with the help of ambiguous speech, equivocations, etc., the inability to clearly express one’s thoughts, talkativeness as a vice, the replacement of true empathic participation in a person with a stream of empty talk and reasoning. With harmonious aspects to Mercury, extreme dexterity of the tongue and the ability to use it to dodge any problem or trouble is an aspect of the courtiers.

In general, Mercury emphasizes the plasticity of Pisces, aggravating (at a low level of elaboration) all their characteristic problems (internal uncertainty, dependence on the environment and circumstances) and expanding their capabilities with methodical elaboration, which includes, as an important part, the rejection of the temptation to senselessly waste cosmic energy, in features through speech, up to the vow of silence.

Venus in Pisces

Beautiful Pisces.

This aspect gives Pisces greater aesthetic subtlety and sensitivity to beauty; These are aesthetes by nature. Developed Venusian Pisces are artists, poets, musicians, but at a higher artistic level than developed lunar Pisces, who are more intuitive. The aesthetic principle largely determines the ethics of Venusian Pisces, for whom the beauty of an action often means its ethicality, which at a low level of self-awareness can become extreme unprincipledness and irresponsibility.

This aspect (if there is no strong defeat) means excellent social adaptation, Venusian Pisces are interested in the life of the society around them and adorn any team, everyone loves them for their elegance, beauty, attentiveness to others, gentleness of treatment. With a strong defeat, capriciousness in behavior, especially in society, high ethical and sharp aesthetic demands on others, which change every minute - the aspect of prima donnas.

When working through the aspect from Venusian Pisces, a feeling of divine beauty and harmony arises, they spread grace wherever they appear, and an ordinary person experiences a feeling around them not even of love, but rather of reverence; I want to put them under a glass cover to protect them from the dirt of the world, which in fact, in a strange way, does not affect them. However, this is not easy to achieve: along the path of developing the aspect, there will be many black teachers armed with blackening, resin and tar, and Venusian Pisces needs a lot of courage, swallowed tears and dedication so that the dirt stops sticking to it.

Mars in Pisces

Emotional Pisces.

Mars increases the activity of Pisces; however, it should be borne in mind that this activity largely takes place in their mental life, which is very difficult for them to express, which Mars necessarily requires. Therefore, at a low level of development, this aspect often gives a disharmoniously increased emotionality: mental affects, hysteria, etc. Mars pushes Pisces to external manifestations - they try to actively help friends and relatives with all sorts of problems, but at first the help is limited to ardent empathy, and not always to the essence of the matter, and Martian Pisces with the best intentions end up in a mess (especially in defeat), which is why it takes a long time They suffer and don’t understand what’s going on. With a strong defeat, a general negative-aggressive attitude towards the world is possible.

However, the elaboration of the aspect does not follow the path of suppressing anger and emotional aggression, which can lead to severe neuroses, hypochondria and mental illness, but along the path of constructive use of the energy of Mars, for which it is necessary to better understand people, their psychology, mental needs and spiritual problems. Martian Pisces should learn that in delicate matters only activity consisting of constant close attention is appropriate, and in everything else, the time and nature of the influence on the person and the situation should be very carefully chosen.

In general, this aspect in its undeveloped form should be perceived as a defeat for Pisces; processing is painful and requires more self-denial from Pisces than they would like. However, the feeling of satisfaction from the truly great things that they accomplish after working as psychologists, psychiatrists, and in general in communicating with people, will be a certain compensation for their emotional experiences.

Jupiter in Pisces

Blooming Pisces.

When Jupiter enters Pisces, they bloom. It gives them a sense of self-confidence, moral support and help in business, as well as great energy resources. The breadth of views of the Jupiterian Pisces is great, sometimes even too much; she can understand and forgive almost anything; with poor development, spinelessness and lack of willpower are possible (although the position and development of Mars and Saturn are also important here).

Jupiterian Pisces (unless there is a strong defeat) are greatly loved by society, and its interests are essential to Pisces; the developed aspect gives them a philosophical understanding of reality - both external and their internal world, and then they begin to realize their karmic destiny, which consists in constant and multifaceted fine tuning of the world to the waves of cosmic love, which can be transmitted through them with such force.

Aspected Jupiter gives Pisces too much of everything that they are so greedy for - sweet cosmic energy, friends of a lower evolutionary level who blindly admire Pisces, a wealth of emotions used for delicacy, etc. If Jupiter stands harmoniously, Pisces tends to passively perceive all these joys, without going into special excesses, but gradually degrading. When defeated, Jupiterian Pisces will rush to extremes of energy gluttony, laziness, emotional feasts, etc., but with consequences in the form of severe turbidity of the water around them; at the same time, they are not inclined to listen to good advice, in particular, because of pride (the position “I am so sensitive, my feelings embrace the whole world, where can you teach me”), and extreme frivolity, one of the reasons for which is confidence in the future day. Only bumps accumulated over the years help one to come to their senses and take, if not the spiritual path, then at least the path of an honest understanding of reality and one’s inner world.

Saturn in Pisces

Depressed Pisces.

Saturn instills in Pisces attention, caution, patience and hard work, and these qualities are difficult for Pisces in general, and for Pisces in particular. Saturn puts obstacles, creates restrictions and exposes the pain points of Pisces, so that it becomes very difficult for them to escape from themselves except into mental illness, which is likely when defeated. Saturnian Pisces are generally prone to gloominess, melancholy, depression and depressed states.

Saturn sharply limits the emotional life of Pisces and their ability to adapt; he always demands the implementation of a very specific program and puts a strict ban on all others, and until Pisces understand the features and scope of this program, they will suffer cruelly, completely not understanding what is the matter and what they are guilty of before fate, for he himself the rigid style of Saturn's restrictions is so alien to the Pisces' worldview that it must take a lot of time and tears until they realize that what causes them so much trouble and suffering is a part of themselves that needs to be dealt with, acknowledged and somehow more or less less harmonious to include.

The developed aspect gives Pisces not only a clear and consistent life program, but also wisdom that allows them to correctly assess reality and implement this program. Still, Pisces always remain Pisces, they are highly dependent on their environment and must maneuver in it, despite the presence of Saturn, and their goal still remains the subtle transformation of reality and the broadcast of cosmic love, and no matter how difficult and incomprehensible for Saturn were these tasks at first, he can still help Pisces in their implementation, but not before they learn to fulfill his strict conditions; which aspects will be shown by aspects to Saturn, the house in which it stands, etc.

A strong defeat comes from irrational phobias that go deep into the subconscious, the meaning of which is that someone huge is freezing me, restricting me, catching me, or wants to strangle me, and there is no way to escape; Claustrophobia and agoraphobia are possible.

Chiron in Pisces

Practical Pisces.

In the lower octave, Chiron raises a lot of turbidity around Pisces; she is thrown from side to side, now into the occult, now into extreme materialism, now into inner experiences, but nowhere can she find a sufficiently reliable beginning, a core that will give her stability. However, the meaning of the stream of events and experiences that Chiron gives to Pisces is that she must reconsider her views on the world and herself, learn to respect both her external and internal realities and see a direct connection between them. External problems are consequences of internal ones, and as the latter are resolved, the former are resolved or disappear on their own - this is the most important lesson Chiron teaches Pisces. But in order to learn this principle, Pisces needs to learn to understand their subconscious and its problems; Chiron provides this opportunity, but in return requires a restructuring of Pisces’ ethics; it turns out that not only some actions are unethical, but also intense thoughts and desires.

Chiron gives Pisces a practical orientation and at the same time an unconventional view of things; she becomes inclined to use her psychological and mystical abilities in practice, in working with people. The developed aspect gives the ability to see one’s own and other people’s subconscious programs as almost material objects, the ability to navigate energy flows and karmic programs of various egregors, clear clairvoyance in many matters, etc., but for this, Pisces should develop for itself a very clear ethics, which alone only can save her from the chaotic tossing and muddy waters of egocentrism. Working through the aspect gives Pisces the opportunity for practical and sometimes quite active actions (in cases where the situation has been well reviewed and requires it), very effective and constructive, which is extremely rare for lower Pisces; however, no Pisces should get carried away with active actions, due to the subtlety of its karmic tasks, which can only be carried out directly by the egregor (then events develop as if on their own). Uranus in Pisces


Friendly Pisces.

Uranus gives Pisces unexpected ideas that are very difficult for them to use constructively. The ideas of friendship (Uranus) and love (Pisces) do not combine well at low and medium levels of evolutionary development: compare school debates on the topic: is friendship possible between boys and girls? Love at a low level means submission or absorption, while friendship always implies equality and independence. Therefore, the lower octave of the aspect manifests itself in the stubbornness, stupid originality and inappropriate collectivism of Pisces, which are served as seasonings for their generally plastic behavior. With severe damage, mental illness with sudden and strange attacks (exits into remote spaces and inaccessible plans), sexual perversions with strong mental background, mediumship, desire for group sex or extravagant religions with strange rituals and cults are possible.

A well-developed aspect gives Pisces a channel to the highest revelations of the Cosmos; this is already the level of saints, prophets, spiritual teachers sent from the distant future (in the sense of the evolutionary development of humanity). The ways to work through the aspect lie through understanding the ideas of Uranus in relation to the general karmic program of this Pisces and correlating the ideas of brotherhood and cosmic love of the highest plane with real people and situations encountered along its path. Initially, these ideas are quite abstract and can serve only as distant ideals; the ways of their practical implementation and inclusion of the energy of Uranus will be shown by its aspects. This generation is capricious in terms of mysticism, has occult abilities, although not always conscious, and loves to worship idols collectively; it is able to make a breakthrough into the secrets of the subconscious and comprehend the processes occurring there at a new level. His works on occultism, psychoanalysis and psychology should be studied, as they contain more than might seem to contemporaries.

Neptune in Pisces


Refined Pisces.

This is a very favorable position for the development of the subtle abilities and capabilities of Pisces, but it is very difficult to realize. In an individual chart, this aspect will manifest itself as extraordinary sensitivity to the external and subtle worlds, a vision of things inaccessible to anyone and most often incomprehensible to the person himself, but clearly very significant. Therefore, escapism, life in dreams, daydreams or constant prayers are possible. With at least partial elaboration, this aspect can produce great mystics, poets, musicians who hear the subtlest music and harmony of the spheres and can symbolically convey it to others. A more developed aspect gives ascetics, saints, ascetics, bringing into the world the light of Divine love by their very existence; just one glance from such a Neptunian Pisces can lead to a person’s spiritual rebirth.

If affected, extreme mental instability, susceptibility to lower astral influences is possible, or, with strong energy, the person himself broadcasts the lower astral; in general it is an aspect of spiritual students and teachers, white and black alike.

Pluto in Pisces

Reforming Pisces.

Completing its circle around the Zodiac, Pluto enters Pisces and, with their help, performs the final cleansing of all zodiac signs, since all of them are reflected in Pisces in one way or another. This generation from the inside revises all the mystical and religious values ​​that were accumulated and mastered before them and leaves only what is suitable for further development - everything else is safely forgotten or less happily destroyed by fire and sword, although, perhaps, under the guise of phrases containing keywords like "mercy". The entire 19th century passed under the banner of the triumph of materialism, since the spiritual values ​​of the previous two centuries diverged from the line of development of humanity, which had to go through the temptation of unprepared democracy and material security for society as a whole.

The developed aspect promises a lot, and, in particular, not a revolutionary, but an evolutionary entry into a new 250-year cycle of human development, when accumulated spiritual achievements are not rejected, but are used further, but at a new level of understanding. It is hoped that the generation of plutonic Pisces of the 21st century will comprehend the tragic history of the Age of Pisces (from approximately 1 AD to 2000 AD) and make it a source of spiritual development for the Age of Aquarius, effectively realizing the connection of times and breaking eternal curse, symbolized by the fall of Adam.

Compatibility horoscope: which zodiac sign follows Pisces - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Zodiac sign Pisces 12th sign, last in the zodiac, mutable, element water. The sun enters zodiac sign Pisces 18th of Febuary. Date (dates) of the beginning and end of the sign of Pisces: 18.02 – 21.03. A distinctive characteristic of typical representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign is kindness and a calm disposition. People born under this sign are usually peaceful towards others, they are quiet and compliant.

Typical Fish considered in astrology to be the most compassionate sign of the zodiac. They are always ready to help and sometimes their help even turns into sacrifice. Pisces are unpretentious and they are practically unable to defend their rights. People around them can take advantage of this quality, overloading Pisces with various assignments and requests. And Pisces cannot say “no”; they consider themselves obligated, especially in relation to close people.

There are, of course, Pisces who begin to deceive even in the most insignificant details, telling others real fables about themselves, their lives and their exploits, like the famous fairy-tale deceiver Baron Munchausen. But sooner or later their intricacies are revealed. This behavior of a person of the zodiac sign Pisces does not particularly harm others, but spoils his own reputation. Although with low spiritual development, Pisces can become the most skillful swindlers and intriguers, the rich imagination of such Pisces turns into dishonesty.

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Also, with negative development, people of the Pisces zodiac sign are very susceptible to alcohol and drug addiction. This tendency is also noticeable in other signs of the zodiac element of the water element, but Pisces, being the last sign of the zodiac, can “sink to the very bottom.”

With high spiritual development, Pisces are creative individuals, they realize their talents in art, and use their imagination in the profession.

Fish, probably the most romantic and spiritual sign of the zodiac. They are very sensitive to everything beautiful, tender and touching. Typical Pisces adore poetry, and consider music to be medicine for the soul. Often Pisces themselves are endowed with many talents, and if they manage to make their way in life, then their creative works become generally known.

People born under the sign of Pisces often cannot decide for a long time in life; it is difficult for them to find their place. The symbol of this sign is two Pisces, swimming in different directions, and this suggests that Pisces can interfere with themselves. Pisces do not always have the strength to bring their ideas to life. Their imagination is surprisingly rich. Pisces are very dreamy, but completely cut off from material earthly life. A person of the Pisces zodiac sign always has a great many ideas and plans, but Pisces lacks practicality and a realistic view of things. And Fish, as mutable, i.e. changeable sign, they can take on several tasks at the same time, without completing any of them. Pisces needs a stronger and more punchy person next to them, who would guide and help them advance.

People zodiac sign Pisces have one characteristic that manifests itself in their lives in two ways. We are talking about the suggestibility of Pisces. They are ready to believe even the most fantastic things and, as a result, are subject to bad influence from outside. Pisces can be persuaded or forced to do something against their will, because... they are too soft and pliable. Although, on the other hand, the faith of Pisces helps them feel the fine line of existence. Pisces are closer to the Divine Mind than other zodiac signs. They draw their inspiration from this Supreme source. Pisces often find it difficult to explain in ordinary human language to others what they feel. Their sensations are so subtle and elusive that Pisces can convey the entire gamut of their impressions only through creativity.

Although the great sensitivity of Pisces and their indifference to material life allow Pisces to develop excellent intuition. More often than not, people of the Pisces zodiac sign do not use logical conclusions in their lives at all. Pisces are more inclined to live under the rule of emotions, inspirations, and feelings. And this characteristic of Pisces makes them difficult to understand for others. From the outside it may seem that a person with the zodiac sign Pisces lives in some kind of imaginary world, “has his head in the clouds.”

For people of the zodiac sign Fish their environment is very important. If Pisces develop in a favorable environment full of mutual understanding, then their talents will flourish, and Pisces themselves will be in a calm mood. If the environment in which Pisces live constantly suppresses them, condemns them, or inclines them to do something bad, then sooner or later Pisces will absorb this negativity into themselves. With this development, Pisces will become nervous, fearful, or “swim away into dark waters.”

If the environment is too negative, Pisces will be constantly in a state of stress and this threatens them with mental disorders.

If Fish their special energy is used incorrectly, i.e. do not direct it into creativity, into serving others, into spiritual quests, then they can become completely helpless in the material world. Such Pisces often evoke feelings of pity among others. And their relatives have no choice but to take care of their Fishes. The soul of Pisces is indeed very vulnerable and vulnerable, but you cannot indulge Pisces’ weaknesses too much, otherwise you will have to wipe away their tears all your life and protect them from harsh reality in all possible ways.

People zodiac sign Pisces who are at a high level of spiritual development do not need sympathy; they themselves are compassionate and merciful to others. Such Pisces have felt the connection between man and God, and now they are conductors of this knowledge. Highly spiritual Pisces bring a sense of peace and faith to the world.

The planet that rules the zodiac sign Pisces is Neptune

Neptune rules the zodiac sign Pisces. Neptune is the planet of secrets, riddles, chaos and uncertainty. In a good sense, under the influence of Neptune, a person of the Pisces zodiac sign trusts what happens to him in life, i.e. he lives by intuition, in a state of uncertainty. And this uncertainty does not cause a feeling of fear in him, this uncertainty is akin to trust. Such Pisces always know that they will swim to where they need to go.

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Also, Neptune in astrology symbolizes compassion, service, kindness, faith and the desire to get in touch with the Higher Mind, i.e. all the qualities that are inherent in highly spiritual Pisces.

Neptune is a planet that blurs boundaries, dissolves, and does not provide clarity. Everything associated with Neptune has no form. The planet Neptune teaches us to live by feelings, impulse, teaches that nothing is durable, that everything in our Universe has neither beginning nor end. And all these characteristics apply to people of the Pisces zodiac sign - their soul is immense, their inner world is bottomless, and Pisces live without focusing on material things, as if they know that eternity lies ahead.

Characteristics of the career of the zodiac sign Pisces. Professions most suitable for Pisces.

Zodiac sign people Fish must choose a profession in which they can realize their imagination, where their imagination is not limited by anything.

Creative professions are most suitable for Pisces. Among Pisces you can meet photographers, designers, musicians, poets, singers, artists, theater and film workers. Among writers, Pisces are mainly found in the genres of fantasy, mysticism and fairy tales.

Neptune God of the sea and all professions related to water may be suitable for people of the zodiac sign Pisces - sailors, submariners, ecologists, chemists, etc.

Pisces' desire to experience unearthly sensations may push them to choose unusual professions related to aviation or space.

Also, Pisces' work may be related in some way to service, in areas where compassion and care need to be shown. These are hospitals, psychological care centers, churches, hospices and various charities.

Pisces' love for everything mysterious and secret, hidden and unknown makes them excellent occultists, astrologers and Gurus. Pisces also show interest in the mantle, i.e. to various methods of fortune telling (such as, for example, Tarot and runes).

Pisces can safely be entrusted with the creative part of the project, but Pisces will not be able or will not be responsible for anything. The quality of leadership is completely absent in Pisces. An exception may be if a person with the zodiac sign Pisces leads a creative group. But even in this case, the economic and financial part of the work should be entrusted to a more practical person than Pisces.

Characteristics of the financial sphere of the zodiac sign Pisces. Pisces attitude towards money.

Pisces are more likely to earn their main income through creativity and art. In general, in the financial sphere, a person with the zodiac sign Pisces can either have complete chaos, or, on the contrary, money appears to Pisces as if out of nowhere, like “manna from heaven.” But the impracticality of typical Pisces does not allow them to save and save.

Typical representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign would rather become ascetics than choose a profession just for the sake of financial well-being.

Although with negative development, these are inveterate swindlers who are able to earn their living by deception. Moreover, often their deception remains unsolved; apparently, the planet Neptune patronizes them in secret affairs. Also, with low spiritual development, people of the Pisces zodiac sign may refuse to work altogether, justifying this with their “high” ideals in life. Such Pisces will “sit on the neck” of their relatives and will not experience any remorse.

What the Pisces zodiac sign needs to learn.

To people zodiac sign Pisces Under no circumstances should you feel sorry for yourself. This position will lead a person of the zodiac sign Pisces to a dead end, and all his energy will be spent on nurturing his grievances, on imaginary fears, and not on creating his life.

Pisces should also learn to say “no” so that they have time for self-realization. Compassion and kindness are, of course, the main virtues of people of the zodiac sign Pisces, but you still need to help within reasonable limits, without completely depleting your strength.

Authors Kokorina Olga, Kokorina Natalya. Copying the article is prohibited! When citing an article, be sure to indicate a working link to Taro-MyMagic.ru

Article publication date “ Characteristics of the Zodiac Sign Pisces ” 20.02.2013

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Solutions: Onegin or Bazarov.

Question: Which of these heroes of Scandinavian mythology fought with a spear?

Solutions: Thor or Odin.

Question: Who played the main role in the movie "Black Swan"?

Solutions: Natalie Portman or Keira Knightley.

Answer: Natalie Portman.

Question: Which zodiac sign follows Aries, Taurus or Pisces?

Question: Who became the new director of Monsters Inc. in the cartoon of the same name?

Solutions: Mike or Sally.

Question: Which ocean is bigger?

Solutions: Arctic or Indian.

Question: Where is the Algerian flag shown?

Question: Who is faster, a hare or a giraffe?

Question: What color is produced by mixing blue and red?

Solutions: Purple or Brown.

Question: Where is the French flag shown?

Question: Which of these characters wrote the words “What a disgusting thing this jellied fish of yours is”?

Solutions: Zhenya Lukashin or Ippolit.

Question: What's blooming in the garden that's "Fresh and green"?

Solutions: Lilac or Rose.

Answer: How fresh and green my garden is! / The lilac blossomed in it;

From the fragrant bird cherry / And from the curly linden trees the shadow.

Question: What threatened the princess in the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty"?

Solutions: Spindle or Wolf.

Question: Which zodiac sign follows Aquarius, Pisces or Libra?

Question: Where is the Griffin depicted?

Answer: griffin is a mythical winged creature with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle or lion.

Question: Who did Ivan the Fool meet from the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” on his way to get a ring for the princess?

Solutions: Whale or Bear.

Question: Whose plans were frustrated over and over again by d'Artagnan and his loyal friends?

Solutions: Cardinal Richelieu or Captain de Treville.

Answer: Cardinal Richelieu.

Question: What's inside the package labeled "Yadritsa"?

Solutions: Millet or Buckwheat.

Question: What's heavier?

Solutions: Blue whale or Tank T-34.

Question: Which planet in the solar system has the most satellites?

Solutions: Jupiter or Saturn.

Question: Who was Zeus' least favorite son, Ares or Apollo?

Question: Who did Thumb deceive?

Solutions: Ogre or Wolf.

Question: Where is Zeus depicted?

Question: What do fans shout at a hockey match?

Solutions:"Puck!" or “Putter!”

Question: Where did the girl Zhenya fly from the story “The Flower of Seven Flowers”?

Solutions: North Pole or Africa.

Answer: North Pole.

Question: How many syllables are in the word “fir”, one or two?

Question: Which of the characters from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” did you happen to act as the Snow Maiden?

Solutions: Wolf or Hare.

Question: What does Capybara look like?

Question: Which zodiac sign follows Pisces, Cancer or Aries?

Which zodiac sign follows Pisces?

Which zodiac sign follows Pisces: Cancer or Aries?

Which zodiac sign follows Pisces?

Following Pisces is the zodiac sign Aries.

Aries in my drawing has 2 horns that are directed in different directions.

And in front of Pisces is the zodiac sign Aquarius.

You can answer the question “Which zodiac sign follows Pisces?” in the following way. Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, the period of this sign begins on February 18 and ends on March 19. Immediately behind it is the sign Aries, the period of which begins from March 20 to April 19. And the sign is Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac, it is located between Gemini Leo.

Pisces belongs to the 12th sign of the zodiac. It is on this sign that the zodiac circle ends, therefore “Pisces” belongs to the sign of eternity. Aries is a symbol of beginning and development; it begins the astrological circle. Therefore, after “Pisces” comes “Aries”.

The zodiac sign of Pisces begins from the nineteenth of February to the twentieth of March, and from the twenty-first of March the sign of Aries begins. Aries immediately follows Pisces. And the sign of cancer begins on the twenty-first of June and lasts until the twenty-second of July.

Cancer sign from the twenty-first of June to the twenty-second of July.

The sign of Aries is from the twenty-first of March to the nineteenth of April.

The sign of Pisces is from the nineteenth of February to the twentieth of March.

Zodiac sign Cancer comes in 4th. And it cannot be immediately before or after the zodiac sign Pisces.

The Zodiac sign Pisces is the 12th, that is, the last. After Pisces comes the zodiac sign Aries, although it is the first in the zodiac circle.

After the zodiac sign Pisces comes the eleventh sign - Aquarius:

The zodiac element of Aquarius is Air.

People born under Aquarius are progressive and purposeful individuals.

Immediately after the zodiac sign "Pisces" comes the zodiac sign "Aries". So after “Pisces” “Aries” is born. This transition period begins on March 21, and the Aries period lasts until April 19. And then "Taurus."

The zodiac sign Pisces “ends” winter and “begins” the first month of spring; this zodiac sign includes people born between February 19 (in some sources - from February 18) to March 20.

Which Zodiac Sign Should You Avoid?

What elements is your sign incompatible with?

According to astrologers, it is extremely simple to explain why you cannot find a common language with some people: their zodiac sign categorically does not suit yours. In order not to waste precious time on unnecessary conflicts with people, remember the zodiac signs whose representatives you should definitely avoid.

Aries is incompatible with Pisces

Pisces is rightfully considered one of the most sensitive signs of the Zodiac, so it is not surprising that the pragmatic Aries, who rarely shows his emotions and certainly does not like to show them in public, will not be able to find mutual understanding with vulnerable Pisces who need empathy.

Taurus is incompatible with Gemini

By nature, Taurus are extremely calculating and rarely allow themselves to deviate from the planned plan, while Gemini, on the contrary, are extremely spontaneous and can change their decision to the opposite at the last moment. Therefore, it is not surprising that conflicts arise so often between these zodiac signs.

Geminis are incompatible with Virgos

Virgos do not like it when someone disrupts their usual way of life, much less interferes with their plans, and since this is also one of the most demanding signs of the Zodiac, it will be very difficult for “spontaneous” Geminis to get along with such pragmatic natures.

Cancers are incompatible with Capricorns

Since Cancers are very emotional, first of all they look for sympathy and empathy in their partners. But you are unlikely to expect this from Capricorns. They do not like to show their emotions and try to hide their affection for their partner, which hurts the hypersensitive Cancers even more.

Leos are incompatible with Libra

Unlike Libra, Leos love attention and try to attract it in every possible way. It is the struggle for a “place in the sun” that can become the main cause of conflicts between these zodiac signs. Especially when you consider that what Libra values ​​most in their partners is modesty.

Virgos are incompatible with Sagittarius

Calm Virgos are unlikely to be able to understand, much less share, Sagittarius’ constant craving for adventure. In addition, the dream of every Sagittarius is to travel around the world. In turn, Virgos do not like to move from place to place, preferring the comfort of home.

Libra is incompatible with Cancer

Libras strive for balance and tranquility all their lives, while Cancers with enviable regularity love to create “emotional storms” in order to feel “the full thrill of life.” Therefore, harmony is hardly possible in these relationships.

Scorpios are incompatible with Leos

These zodiac signs have too much in common, so you can't avoid competition in relationships. In addition, during conflicts, neither of you will want to compromise, so even the most minor quarrel can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Sagittarius is incompatible with Taurus

The active life position of Sagittarius contradicts the calm and pragmatic Taurus. At the same time, you are unlikely to be able to conduct a constructive dialogue on the topic of the family budget, all because Taurus are extremely tight-fisted and never make spontaneous purchases, while Sagittarius like to pamper themselves with “cute trinkets” that are only needed to raise their budget. mood.

Capricorns are incompatible with Aries

Both of these signs do not know how to compromise, and, as a result, they will not be able to create a harmonious couple. In addition, Capricorns will never be able to fully open their feelings to Aries, and they, in turn, will perceive this as a sign of weakness and demonstratively emphasize their condescending attitude towards their partner. This fact will irritate Capricorns even more.

Aquarians are incompatible with Scorpios

Despite the apparent calm, Aquarians sometimes tend to show too strong emotions. And as a result, in a fit of feelings, they can say too much to their partner, and then quickly apologize for their outburst of anger. And the conflict could really be considered settled, if not for one “but” - Scorpios do not know how to forgive.

Pisces are incompatible with Aquarius

Both Pisces and Aquarius are hypersensitive signs, therefore, in order to build harmonious relationships, they need partners who will be pragmatic and unemotional, otherwise they are likely to get bogged down in each other’s experiences.

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February 19 - March 20. 12th sign of the Zodiac. 3rd water sign. 4th mutable sign. Ruling planet: Neptune. Lucky number: 7 and all numbers...

  • February 19 - March 20.
  • 12th sign of the Zodiac.
  • 3rd water sign.
  • 4th mutable sign.
  • Ruling planet: Neptune.
  • Lucky number: 7 and all numbers divisible by 7.
  • Astrological symbol: Pisces swimming in opposite directions.
  • Astrological colors: sea green, blue, steel and red-violet.
  • Astrological stones: sapphire, emerald and amethyst.
  • Pisces rules the 12th house of the horoscope.


The great astrologer E. Adams told people of the Pisces sign: “The fact that you, Pisces, is one thing, the fact that you are two fish is another, but the fact that one of you swims with the flow, and the other against, is completely different.” This is the type of complexity of the personality of the Pisces sign.

Many astrologers will agree that Pisces are the most eccentric personalities of the entire Zodiac. Their ruler is Neptune - a revolutionary, mystical sign, romantic, sometimes deranged, but always distant. He causes his subordinates nervousness and anxiety.

Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac and usually these people put themselves in last place. They selflessly cater to the desires of others. Pisces is the 3rd water sign and people of this sign are extremely emotional and passionate in their own way. Their strong emotions and passions, when positively directed, are powerful elements for creation, but if they are relaxed, then these qualities can lead Pisces to self-destruction.

Pisces must fight and protect themselves from harsh criticism from those who do not understand their mystical world. The mental wounds of Pisces do not heal for a long time.

Pisces enjoy playing the role of martyr and must guard against the tendency to feel sorry for themselves, as well as low self-esteem. Pisces are modest and shy, but they are also nervous and full of energy, all together giving them the appearance of always being indecisive and perplexed. They tend to rage too much and worry too much about all sorts of trifles.

Pisces are very dependent on the people with whom they are in close relationships, they have very trusting natures and for this reason they can be easily deceived. However, if they realize that they have been deceived, they can become unusually suspicious and secretive. Their intellect sways like a flame: sometimes it is restrained, sometimes joyful and witty, sometimes, on the contrary, sluggish, sleepy, melancholic.

But Pisces should not be upset about the shortcomings that I described, because... there were many people of this sign who escaped or defeated them, and they became famous people: George Washington, Michelangelo, Victor Hugo, Albert Einstein, Enrique Caruso, Chopin.


Of all the 12 signs of the Zodiac, Pisces is the most difficult to describe. If there are any clues to their sex. life in general, it can be found in the influence of Neptune in the field of sex, as well as in the highest octave - Venus, which makes Pisces over-idealistic and spiritual. Pisces will readily agree that finding a person with all the virtues they are looking for is almost impossible. That's why they don't even try.

Another way to describe their sex. life is to study the various traditional characteristics attributed by astrologers to the 12th house of the horoscope, which is ruled by Pisces (it is called the house of secret enemies and doom). He deals with mental illness, sexual deviations. It also controls unforeseen tragedies in a person’s life, damage to the senses, and solitude. Therefore, they are often compatible with people of knowledge. Virgo and Libra, especially in the spiritual emotional area, because... these signs also have their difficulties regarding the physical side of love.

Pisces are prone to relationships between a man and a woman of the “slave-master” type; they themselves often act as a slave. Their desire to be under someone's power makes them look for strong-willed people who rule over them with almost military severity in all areas of life.


Pisces, of course, with some exceptions, are among the most cunning and unfortunate people in non-sexual maneuvers. Neptune makes them masters of deceiving other people. They use all unworthy means to achieve well-being and emotional release. But in defense of Pisces, I can say that in most cases they themselves do not suspect that their behavior is dishonest.

Most Pisces achieve their goals by trying to manipulate the emotions and sexual desires of others.


Most Pisces live in a world of illusions. No matter how liberal they are in sex. relationships, you need to play pretend with them. They often behave as if sexual intercourse is not really happening or as if their participation, even the most insatiable, is only a gesture to satisfy the partner. For the sake of consent, it is better to allow them to be indifferent to sex.

Many Pisces women are sexually frigid and behave cunningly, domineeringly, rudely with any man, insulting him in order to compensate for their unhealthy attitude towards sexual passion. Such people most often put on a mask of virtue and self-sacrifice.

This behavior is not typical for Pisces men. They are usually romantic, attentive and devoted lovers, husbands who want to please their partner. If incompatibility is revealed in their marriage, they rarely get divorced. Instead, they enhance the positive aspects of their relationship.

Since Pisces is a water sign, they are extremely emotional. Pisces are completely dependent on their loved ones. They constantly test their partners so that they prove their love and prove that the fears and suspicions of Pisces are just a fantasy. Pisces must guard against paranoia and feelings of being betrayed. They must develop their positive qualities: empathy, hospitality, generosity. They should also beware of hypersensitivity and incessant chatter.


Pisces have many positive traits, but due to their tendency towards self-permissiveness and negativity, they have to struggle more than others to bring out their good qualities.

Their intentions are usually honest, and they do not expect them to be found in other people. They are forgiving of mistakes. They love the beauty of nature. They seem to acquire knowledge subconsciously and often state facts and truths that they have not fully comprehended, but which will still turn out to be true. They have a highly developed sense of humor. They are often too conscientious in their work, but they must learn to be more methodical and organized. They also need to have more faith in themselves and their abilities, and trust their intuition. They are sympathetic to shortcomings; they cannot see or even hear about the suffering of others.


Perhaps their biggest flaw will not be called a flaw by other people, but for Pisces it is a negative quality: they would rather withdraw into their fantasy world than face real life. They would be calmer if they learned to live for today.

Pisces must try to stabilize their personality and resist the winds that blow them in all directions. They should also try to be less distracted in their thoughts and take a stand. Sometimes they may feel that their mood has suddenly changed dramatically and that they will later regret the wrong choice. But this is even better than their constant indecisiveness.

If everything I have already said about Pisces in this regard makes you think that they are weak and helpless, then I have misled you. They are among the most skilled players in the economy of love.

Due to feelings of insecurity and fluctuating moods, they learn in early childhood about the power of money. If they don't always know how to do a lot of it themselves, they skillfully manipulate those who can make money. If there is such a person who has an excess of money and he does not know how to spend it, he should come in contact with a fish who has a luxurious art and will help him get rid of the excess money quickly and in a good style.


Until the age of 29.5, you should look for the most suitable partners among the signs of Cancer and Scorpio. All three are water signs and until the age of 29.5 their relationships are very close, emotional, passionate and often stormy. In their youth, Pisces are attracted to the domineering personalities of Scorpio and the childish, impractical personality of Cancer.

After 29.5 years they can be compatible with the sign of Libra. Libra attracts Pisces with its calm grace and sense of balance. Mature Pisces are attracted to Aquarians, who expand their world of communication and help suppress their over-emotionality.

After 41.5 years, Pisces have already acquired greater stability and have come close to their best partner and friend - Virgo, the opposite sign of Pisces. Both signs are birds of a feather, under the harsh astrological skin, together they stabilize each other. Both signs are indifferent to sex.

In conclusion, I encourage Pisces to try each of the 12 signs, since Pisces are the most difficult to find a partner.


Pisces are usually very loyal people, especially in their youth, when they have deep and lasting connections with strong personalities who will guide and dominate their relationships. But the latter must endure the modest and shy nature of Pisces.


Compatibility horoscope: after Pisces, which zodiac sign is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The zodiac sign Pisces is an exceptional figure in the horoscope. It completes the entire stellar cycle, and therefore individuals born between the end of February and March 21st have specific features and characteristics that other astrological constellations do not have. Pisces is ruled by the leisurely and thoughtful planet Neptune, which endows its charges with languor and mystery. The fact that this astrological sign is the last in the horoscope makes it possible for those born during this period to combine in their nature the characteristic features of all other figures in the horoscope. However, not a single such trait in the character of Pisces itself manifests itself too clearly. Persons ruled by the planet Neptune are characterized by moderation, balance, and sometimes even shyness. The zodiac sign Pisces makes its representatives very soft and sentimental, which often interferes with their work or personal life. They are very sensitive, overly vulnerable and superstitious. Excessive demands on one's own appearance are characteristic of the vast majority of individuals ruled by the zodiac sign Pisces.

Pisces are people with developed intuition. They live by emotions. Very often they tend to make the right decisions in their destiny. Many believe that this is luck or a big and bright star of good luck that shines for life for people ruled by this planet. Discernment enables them to make wise choices. Therefore, among people who were born when the horoscope is ruled by the zodiac sign Pisces, you can find the largest percentage of those who successfully passed all exams, won the lottery or a game show.

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Representatives of this zodiac constellation know how to communicate with other people and create a favorable impression of themselves in their eyes. This can explain the fact that Pisces very often choose professions that are related to psychology and sociology. And this is not all about the zodiac sign Pisces. It should be said that people of this astrological sign are prone to isolation and solitude, despite all their sociability. Sometimes they go to extremes: after a very noisy and active period of life, they suddenly begin to preach hermitage, many even go to a monastery in order to find peace of mind there. In general, religion plays a big role in their lives. They are very pious, although sometimes they try to hide this under feigned indifference to spiritual paraphernalia.

For many representatives of this water element, their excessive sensitivity and superstitiousness leads to mental disorders. Among them you can find a lot of mentally ill people and people with suicidal tendencies. However, it's not all bad. These are only extreme options. In most cases, Pisces are calm, kind and sympathetic people. There are also many talented people among the representatives of this water sign. It is the subtle perception of the surrounding reality and developed imagination that help Pisces to express themselves in creativity. Many representatives of this astrological sign are good artists, musicians, poets, filmmakers, writers and actors.

The zodiac sign Pisces endows its wards with emotionality in everything. They are very amorous, every time they are overcome by this feeling, it seems to them that it will last forever. However, constancy is not the main feature of Pisces people. Having met another object of admiration, they sharply cool down and are burdened by their previous relationships.

Fighting for Pisces is not the main task in life. They do not like and do not at all strive for open displays of hostility, although their success in politics or sports, where it is very difficult to exist without intrigue and confrontation, can mislead anyone. But, as mentioned above, this is just the result of a developed instinct, and not a sign of struggle. When serious danger approaches, these people try to leave the distance and start doing something else, in a different area, where it is calm and safe.

Zodiac sign Pisces

FISH (20.02-20.03) - ZODIAC SIGN


It is unlikely that you will meet this person at the president's table. But among them there are many creative and artistic people. They have little ambition, they practically do not strive for power and leadership of other people, even wealth does not attract their attention. Some of them do have money, but most often when they marry "money" or inherit it. Please note that they are not at all against money as such, they will gladly accept it, it’s just that Pisces understands the temporary nature of money better than others. They don't want to be millionaires, they want to live like millionaires - that's their philosophy.

The heart of a typical Pisces does not contain, but there is a lack of strength or almost carelessness about tomorrow. They cannot fight and swim against the current they are in. It is much more typical for them, because it requires less effort, going with the flow wherever it takes them. But in such swimming with the flow there is a hidden trap - a dangerous hook awaits them: a lost life. You will be greatly charmed by his manner and lazy good nature. He is indifferent to any restrictions in life if they do not prevent him from going with his own flow. He is even more indifferent to other people's opinions. This is generally an indifferent sign to many important things. Very little can make them act.

Of course, it cannot be said that Pisces is completely blind; it has character. If she's completely pissed off, she can be bitingly sarcastic. They may flap their tails in irritation and circle in the water. The typical Pisces usually takes the path of least resistance, and the cold waters of Neptune constantly cool its anger. She loves water and other drinks. Many of them also drink stronger drinks more than normal. Like Scorpio and Cancer, Pisces love alcohol. Very few Pisces can come to a cocktail party and leave it at that. Most Pisces find relief in alcohol. It lulls them into a pleasant sense of security, but it is a dangerous lullaby. All this does not mean that every Pisces becomes an alcoholic, but the percentage is too high among them.

Pisces are born with the desire to see the world in a rosy light. She knows well that humanity has unpleasant sides and she prefers to live in her watery, gentle world. And indeed, it is terrible to watch them plunge into their rosy dreams, which do not have the slightest hint of fulfillment. When life hits them and they experience setbacks, instead of jumping out of this danger, they begin to hide behind pale green illusions that prevent them from making practical decisions. The rejected Pisces, instead of looking at the situation realistically, begins to create false hopes for itself, this is the time when it would be necessary to make some kind of decision and follow a new and definite path. This could lead Pisces to real success, not imaginary. They have a choice: to swim in different currents - up and down. This choice is always before them, because... Pisces has no shortage of talents. But the difficulty for many of them is that they cannot look forward. Their eyes are located on the sides), and most of them therefore prefer to swim down and often retreat.

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Pisces cannot tolerate any criticism. They have an excellent memory. For every Pisces, life is a huge stage, among them there are many truly gifted people. They have the ability to sense things. It would be good to listen to their advice. Pisces is the sign of death and eternity in the Zodiac, because it is the last sign. This is the 12th sign and therefore the nature carries a mixture of all other signs.

The typical Pisces never takes care of itself. She spends most of her energy helping relatives and friends, shouldering their burdens.

Pisces should try to abstain from various tonics and sedatives, troubles and overwork. Poor nutrition affects the health of their liver and digestive organs. There are cases of diseases of the hands and feet, frequent colds, flu, and pneumonia. But Pisces have an internal resistance to diseases.

Humor is one of the secret weapons. They grin to hide their tears. These are the masters of satire. They can express their subtle observations. Their humor can be warm and harmless or cold and harsh. They have a highly developed sense of pity and a desire to help the sick and weak. Helping is the very first instinct of Pisces.

They hate answering questions directly with “yes” and “no,” preferring to say “maybe.” In general, they very often speak evasively for no particular reason. In Pisces everything is illusory. Their character cannot be clearly described. Those who want to love her must use all their imagination to understand her strange plans and emotions. They are stronger and wiser than they themselves realize, but Neptune keeps this secret until Pisces herself reveals it.



You need to make sure that your Pisces man knows his tide, if he rushes into this tide, then you will be happy like no one else and fame and fortune awaits you. But if your Pisces did not notice the beginning of the tide and was looking at the stars and missed it, then I warn you that being stranded can lead to big troubles in your life. Fish can be, on the one hand, everything you would like, and on the other hand, everything you would not want. The tide in his affairs is synonymous with chance. He needs to be able to make a firm decision, act purposefully and be able to drown all his dreams that interfere with success. But the trouble is that many Pisces men never see that the tide is starting, that the water is already splashing at their feet. This man is not weak, he just lingers too long on the fading silver star and misses the bright sunrise and success.

Not all Pisces are dreamers, but most of them are. However, there is hope, because in life there is always hope. Although the world greatly needs his vivid imagination, there may come times when he will have to get busy in order to earn a living. When he sets out to do this, his intuition, combined with his intelligence, can guide him towards reasonable goals that will bring him fame and recognition, and perhaps even wealth. Let's hope that this is the kind of man you met. However, if, say, at the age of 25, he still hasn’t found his flow, then, frankly speaking, his future is not very promising. You can extend the term to 35 years, but you are already taking a risk. I mean all this in connection with your life together, and he may consider his own future more or less satisfactory.

Most of these men live what they consider to be quite tolerable lives. This is because all they need is their dreams, a carafe of wine and a loaf of bread. And he is happy, like most of us, who have and enjoy great opportunities. This dreamer subsists only on bread and wine, but such a diet will not feed his wife. You need, of course, a lot more. There is only one way out with such a husband - you need to be a very rich heiress. Or work for two: for yourself and for him.

All Pisces men are great romantics, they literally breathe it. Of course, you can't buy shoes with this. With such a husband you need to have a protégé. If Pisces finds a patron, then he can turn into a good writer or artist. But how will he find such a person if all his joys are connected with you? Therefore, you cannot count on such luck. Better say goodbye to your Pisces now. You'll cry a little and it might hurt, but not so much that you'll be married to a Pisces, that good walking dream, and not have the money to pay the rent. This is really a shame.

Let's talk about those who swam with the flow in time. I must say that this is a real find for any woman. He may be a great man. It has many possibilities. He has no prejudices, he rarely criticizes or accuses of anything, because he has great patience. He also has great empathy, his friends can trust him with everything without fear of shocking him. Fish are curious. He himself simply needs sympathy and a lawyer to defend him. It is sometimes difficult for him to understand that people can misinterpret his words. You can rely on Pisces; he will never reveal other people's secrets. Rare Pisces speak quickly and often, typical Pisces speak slowly, do not interfere in other people's affairs, although he himself is full of the problems of his friends, relatives and neighbors. They come running to him because he listens to them so well. You will feel like you want to lay out all your failures on him.

If Pisces needs anything, it's just to have his troubles eased. He should relax with you. His nature is so susceptible to other people's troubles that he is saturated with all their problems. The life of such a spiritual sponge can be very difficult for his psyche. He experiences very vividly everything that happens to those who have opened their hearts to him.

Fish need long periods of rest. His soul must be alone at times so that the fresh wind will free him from all troubles and bring peace. Therefore, never scold your Pisces when he is silent. He really needs moments like this. If he wants to take a walk, let him go. Always be together - this way you can ruin all the beauty of love. Remember that he is very sensitive and can be easily offended. His timidity comes from a painful understanding of his limited capabilities. He needs to know that his virtues are highly valued by those he loves. Encourage him constantly. This person may become interested in yoga, believe in current miracles, and in astrology. This usually benefits him. Stabilize his emotions. Calm his vivid imagination.

Pisces often loses their temper, but his anger is rarely bright and long-lasting. When it passes, life becomes peaceful again. Some Pisces express their demands regarding housekeeping, but these are usually harmless. And it is almost impossible to imagine a Pisces deeply offended, like, for example, a Taurus. Imagine how lucky you are. Although it is very difficult for him to understand himself, he understands other people very easily, it is difficult to fool him: he sees right through you. However, he can fool you if he needs to as he has the quality of hiding his feelings and thoughts. Your Pisces may sometimes say that he went out to buy cigarettes, but at that time he was actually in the laundry. Why? Nobody knows this. This way of hiding himself gives him pleasure.

He may have worse habits just to give work to his rich imagination. He will not have outbursts of jealousy. Even if he is jealous, he can pretend not to notice anything. But this is a man, despite all his poetic nature, so he needs your jealousy. And you will have to control your jealousy, because... he has many close friends of both sexes. And they will seek his sympathy sometimes and at inopportune times. He admires beauty, he may look at beautiful legs from time to time, but make an effort not to pay attention to it. And your reward will be a faithful husband, who is both a romantic lover and an interlocutor with whom you can talk about everything. When depression and a gloomy mood come over him, throw your apron into the corner and buy tickets to a fun show. Pisces easily succumbs to various offers.

You will have to teach him to be frugal and careful with money. You can teach him, but at the same time be economical yourself, set an example for him. One spender in the family is enough. It is easy to lead a Pisces if the leader is dear to him and respected by him. Children will have a lot of fun with it. For them it will be a book of fairy tales coming to life. They might even adore him. You will punish them, and he will listen to their problems, develop their minds. And this is good.

Don't stop him from dreaming, but you must help him find a dream that can be realized and should not overwhelm him with your complaints. His hopes and dreams must be met with understanding. He needs to be supported by a happy family life. Don't criticize him or whine too much. And someday his crazy dreams may turn from useless into real ones and coincide with your dreams.

Pisces is a sign of relaxation. This may make you nervous and scared, but it's true. You can help him get ready. Serve him a dream for breakfast, a clever joke for lunch, Chopin for dinner. And then, in the end, you yourself are free to choose your husband. But there is no need to be afraid to jump into the water; water is always pleasant.



Even without astrology, opinions and enough rumors have spread about the charm of this woman. She has, of course, negative traits, but at first glance, she is a woman that every man can dream of. It must be said that modern emancipated women, giving the impression of a strong nature, have further increased the value of the Pisces woman. She rarely tries to outshine a man, whether married or not, she does not have the slightest secret desire to dominate him. He can calmly hand her a chair, light a cigarette, but talk about how wonderful he is. All she needs is for him to protect her, take care of her, she will gladly lean on his broad shoulder and let him know how strong he is and how much she needs him in this world. She will listen to all his troubles. She believes that any man can change the world. And this confidence of hers is transferred to men, and they feel the way they would like. And you still wonder why it is so popular?

Pisces is a cozy, calm woman for a proud man. It seems that she has nothing to do with the noise of traffic, neon lamps, her own light is soft and smoky. She is amazingly feminine. Men are drawn to her like bees to nectar. A short conversation with her is enough and the man instantly relaxes. She will never blame a man for anything, it will always be the fault of someone else, but not the man. She will force him to move forward, but only at his own speed, which suits her perfectly. Do I need to explain to you that this woman is the most dangerous to her rivals?

After marriage, she may begin to make her demands. To be frank, she will demand a lot. In the end, it serves you right for letting her charm get the better of you. She will often be caustic and sarcastic, but every woman has such a mood. As for Pisces, she will more often be gentle than scandalous. She will be annoyed by her husband’s rigidity and laziness, and who says that such men do not deserve such treatment? Additionally, her femininity covers up her flaws and is most often soft, dreamy and feminine. Since Pisces swims in different directions, there are situations that can irritate any other woman, but of course, from time to time, a harsh word and an irritable nature can irritate her. It's hard to know which direction it's going.

They say that Pisces loves depth, so you need to know some of its secret motives. What makes her float? First of all, she is secretive and even sometimes deceptive when she practices the power of her charm on you. This woman can be quite strong inside and at the same time maintain an appearance of vulnerability and tenderness. She always looks somewhat thoughtful and detached. She has absolutely no understanding of economics, but she manages the house very well, manages to dress well, cook a 7-course meal, pay her rent on time, buy expensive gifts, and all this for the same salary as you and I. She always openly expresses her love and affection to everyone: the butcher, the salesman, the barn cats. She can only have one enemy - the man she abandoned when she met her future husband. It is possible that he will do something stupid out of grief, and she probably doesn’t even remember his name.

These Pisces women are heartless, secretive and deceptive. But don't try to impress this on her neighbors. Like the March winds, she will have many moods. She's terribly sentimental. When her feelings are touched, she can shed crocodile tears. She will look at you with secret reproach, as if you had killed a small crocodile. Sometimes the thought occurs to her that she is absolutely not created to withstand the cruel world around her and she is overcome by depression. At such moments, you should tell her that you admire her deep wisdom, her understanding of everyone who meets her. This is usually true.

The most difficult thing for her is to overcome her timidity and doubt. If her fears go too far, she withdraws from everyone and then wonders why she is alone. She is often afraid to impose herself, to put too much pressure on someone, although such thoughts never occur to anyone except herself. From time to time, Pisces covers up its timidity and vulnerability with witticisms and philosophies. But this is just a veil to hide her insecurities from the eyes of rude people who might hurt her heart if she bares it. But for all her artificial independence, she allows the man to light her cigarette.

She can fool men by saying: "Who needs husbands? They only ruin life!" And imagine, this is said by Pisces, who needs to lean on you more than anyone else. She gives her heart to children without encroaching on the place you occupy, she understands their fears and insecurities better than others, she can allow them too much, practically cannot establish discipline, her disadvantage is a lack of firmness and a lack of understanding that she spoils children , raising them under constant care. She will gladly allow you to support herself and the whole family, she may be a spender, but if necessary she will refuse champagne. Don't forget about her birthday, wedding anniversary, because... she doesn't forget about it. Whether she is a nun in a monastery or a singer in a cabaret, she will always remain 100 percent a woman.

Which zodiac sign follows Pisces?

Which zodiac sign follows Pisces: Cancer or Aries?

Which zodiac sign follows Pisces?

Following Pisces is the zodiac sign Aries.

Aries in my drawing has 2 horns that are directed in different directions.

And in front of Pisces is the zodiac sign Aquarius.

You can answer the question “Which zodiac sign follows Pisces?” in the following way. Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, the period of this sign begins on February 18 and ends on March 19. Immediately behind it is the sign Aries, the period of which begins from March 20 to April 19. And the sign is Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac, it is located between Gemini Leo.