How to cook pizza with water. Fast and tasty pizza Cooking at home

Svetlana Maydanyuk

Hello! From birth there were no problems with stool, we pooped 2 times a day, at 2 months we were taken to the hospital, we were given a course of antibiotics, after that we stopped pooping on our own, I stimulate it with a cut pear, the stool is liquid or mushy, sometimes with mucus, but always yellow (we completely on guard), once a day, I waited longer, in the hope that I could do it myself, in the end the child suffered, cried, his legs buckled, I had to help. Now we are 4.5 months old, we took tests, found Klebsiella and lactase deficiency, prescribed Lactozar, the situation has not changed, I want to cancel Lactazar, I gave it a teaspoon of plum juice today, so far I have not seen any effect. When I insert the bulb, my butt is squeezed tightly, I think it’s a sphincter spasm... Please tell me who has encountered this and what they did?


Madame N.D.

Concluding the story about the palaces of Moscow and the Moscow region, today I want to talk about the history of the construction of the Kremlin. We are used to seeing it as a place visited by numerous tourists, but once upon a time it was a fortification that served as the defense of the city, on the territory of which there were many palace buildings.



Hello! Maybe someone can tell me what? ((
My daughter has been sick for almost the entire month of April. There was no temperature, first snot, then cough. The doctor's diagnosis is tracheitis, bronchitis. He doesn’t consider prescribing antibiotics because we recently had tests, ESR is 4.
Yesterday we finished going to warm up (UHF).
And today the child wakes up with a temperature of 37..
And the cough is as it was (((
Does this sound like an allergy?



I do not know what to do. Actually, the subject is in the title. At our kindergarten, the playgrounds for each group are not fenced, just a large yard where all the children walk. Although each group has its own “own” place. The child is 3.5. At the end of the walk, my daughter went to pick up her scooter from the path (for some reason they are allowed to ride on the walk, I did not express my doubts, apparently in vain). When I got there on the scooter (it rides very slowly), it turned out that everyone had already left. The door to the garden is closed. Well, she wasn’t scared, she returned to the playground and began playing with the boy in the sandbox. About 10 minutes later the teacher returned and took her away. The teacher herself told the story when her husband was picking up the child. He didn't realize it right away, he said Ok and left. At home, I asked the child for details. The garden is now closed until Monday. And now I’m tormented with what words to go into the garden with. Nothing terrible happened (thank God), but it could have. I don’t really want to create any scandals. But pretend that nothing happened, too. I want to go to the manager with a request to transfer to another group, because sitting at work and thinking if something has happened to my child and hoping for the best doesn’t suit me either. The husband says that the same thing is possible in another group, and there is no point in translation. Has no constructive proposals. What would you do?


I cook pizza differently. Sometimes I buy a ready-made base when a large company gathers. But mostly, of course, I prepare the dough myself. I've been using this recipe since school, 10 years)
The quantity of ingredients is indicated for 2 pizzas. Everything is very simple.

Take 300 grams of milk. We cast 50 -70 grams and heat it well. Then pour it into a container in which we will knead the dough. And pour a packet of yeast into it. Mix well and leave for 5 minutes.

Then we also heat the remaining milk and pour it there.

Add 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, if they are very large, then 3 can be used.

Pour in 600 grams of flour. You can add more if it seems a bit runny, but this is how this dough should be.

Add salt to taste. Mix the dough well. Leave it for 20 minutes.

This is what the finished dough looks like.

Now let's start cutting the ingredients. It all depends on the contents of the refrigerator and imagination.

Mayonnaise is just extra, I got it on hand))
We cut and three all this.

At the same time, the soup was cooking and I left a drop of onion for pizza.
I always take sliced ​​champignons for pizza; although they are not beautiful, I don’t like cutting them.
Divide the dough into two equal parts. And carefully distribute it into a form greased with vegetable oil. I always make pizza in skillets.

I lubricate it with ketchup, not sparing it.

I lay out the sausages, the more, the tastier) I sprinkled one with a little onion.

Now add the mushrooms and pickled cucumber. I also like a lot of mushrooms, almost the whole jar is gone.

Place the olives and sprinkle with cheese.

Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 20-25 minutes. It all depends on the oven.
Here is the finished pizza!

Simply delicious! You can eat a huge amount))

Bon Appetit everyone!

Cooking time: PT00H40M 40 min.

Pizza is considered one of the most popular dishes in the world, as it is prepared in more than 150 countries around the world. This fact is not surprising since it can be prepared with almost any filling, and it will always be indescribably tasty.

But there is also a downside to the coin - this is its excessive calorie content per 100 grams, which will be especially critical for those who watch their diet in order not to gain extra pounds.

Today's article will examine in detail the calorie content of pizza with various toppings, and will also give advice on how you can pamper yourself without fearing for your waistline.

Why is pizza so popular?

Pizza was originally invented in Italy at a time when the lower working class of the population had nothing to eat. The dish was an open pie made of thick dough with various fillings (as a rule, all more or less related products were added to it).

For a long time, pizza was considered a poor man's dish. But everything changed when Napoleon’s wife accidentally tried a slice of such a pie and simply fell in love with its indescribable taste. It is from this moment that the story of the creation of the familiar pizza with thin dough and an abundance of various fillings begins.

Today, pizza is prepared in more than 150 countries around the world and you can find many variations (depending on the country where it is prepared). Thus, sweet, fruity and even seafood pizza appeared. Now the dish can be found in any European cafe and restaurant, and the price and availability of such a pie will please many.

For gourmets, it will be a real shock that just 100 grams of the dish contains more than 250 kilocalories, that is, an average piece of pizza (250-300 grams) contains 500 kilocalories. But if you change the filling, then everything can change in a different direction.

Thus, if you prepare a dish from natural and dietary products, then such a pie can be equated to a healthy diet (baked meat, vegetables, as well as yeast-free dough).

It is important to know! Well, if we talk about calorie content, then we should start directly with the dough and how it is prepared.

For the classic Italian recipe, yeast dough is used, and it is not prepared in a frying pan, but baked in special ovens. American variations of the dish are more fluffy, so the calorie content of the pizza in this case will be higher. The base alone will give us 250 kcal per 100 grams of this dish, not counting the filling. Homemade pizza can be prepared by some housewives using kefir dough.

Calorie content of various types of fillings

After the dough is ready, a wide variety of fillings are used. As a rule, this is an abundance of tomato sauce, cheese, vegetables and meat. Separately, these products can be consumed, but together and in large quantities they are very high in calories, which is why you gain excess weight because of pizza. In order to see the picture in more detail, it is worth considering each filling separately.


This is the main product used in this dish. 10-20 grams of cheese per day is recommended even during a diet. But, a large amount of it and in molten form greatly harms the waist. Cheese pizzas (for example, Margherita) are considered the most high-calorie.


If the dish uses pieces of boiled chicken breast, then it will not put a large burden on the digestive system. But as a rule, in order to make an open pie tastier and more satisfying, smoked sausage, bacon, etc. are added to it.


It would seem that nothing could be more harmless than baked vegetables. In the trailer, fiber can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities, but there is one ingredient that requires special attention - mushrooms, as they are able to absorb moisture and retain water in the body.

Calorie content of the most popular types of pizza

So, the calorie content of the dish depends on the filling and therefore each type should be considered separately:

As you can see, as expected, the most high-calorie pizza turned out to be sweet pizza due to the large amount of melted chocolate, and not far behind it comes a dish of 4 cheeses, which has such a high-calorie content due to the fact that when heated, the cheese increases its saturation with carbohydrates by 2 times (by depending on the melting point).

It is noteworthy that even a hot cheese sandwich made in the microwave becomes very high in calories.

How to eat pizza correctly so as not to gain weight?

For those who constantly monitor their diet and figure, there are several rules for eating pizza that should be followed:

Ordering pizza at a restaurant

If we are talking about restaurant food, then you should choose a dish with minimal calorie filling and, accordingly, eat fewer pieces than usual (1-2 slices will be enough to saturate the body).

It is also worth noting that pizza is often served with a little olive oil and spices to improve the taste, but it is not recommended to use them, since they increase the calorie content several times and without this not the most healthy dish.

Cooking at home

Of course, if you want to pamper yourself with such an open pie, then it is recommended to prepare it yourself, since it is possible to completely control the entire cooking process.

Yeast-free dough, chicken breast and a lot of fresh vegetables will greatly lighten such a high-calorie dish, and this will not have any fatal consequences for the figure.

It is important to know! Well, the most important rule for eating pizza is to eat it as little as possible, since it is quite difficult for the body to digest due to the abundance of various toppings.

Recipes for light diet pizza with minimal calories

We will bring to your attention several interesting, and most importantly, delicious recipes for low-calorie pizza, which you can treat yourself to several times a month.

5 minutes

Perhaps this is the simplest and fastest recipe for making an open pie, which is made without dough!

Required ingredients:

  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • Chicken breast – 150 grams;
  • Bell pepper – 1 piece;
  • Cherry tomatoes – 2 pieces;
  • Mushrooms – 100 grams;
  • Sour cream – 1 teaspoon.


  1. First of all, you need to boil the chicken breast for 20 minutes and simmer the mushrooms (5 minutes will be enough).
  2. Next, you need to cook scrambled eggs, adding sour cream to it. Pour the eggs beaten with sour cream into a preheated frying pan at a temperature of 180 degrees and cover with a lid for 2 minutes.
  3. After the set time has passed, add mushrooms, meat and chopped vegetables and cover the pan with a lid for another 3 minutes. After which, you can enjoy healthy pizza without dough or yeast!

It is important to know! This dish should not be enjoyed every day, as it is rich in proteins. Several times a month you can cook yourself similar scrambled eggs for lunch.

Diet pizza

The dish is also prepared without dough, since it is the main supplier of calories and that is why it is dietary.

Required ingredients:

  • Lavash – 2 pieces;
  • Hard cheese – 100 grams;
  • Garlic – 1 clove;
  • Chicken breast – 100 grams;
  • Tomato – 1 piece.


  1. First you need to cook the chicken breast by boiling it for 25 minutes,
  2. While the meat is cooking, you need to chop the tomatoes very finely or grind them in a meat grinder.
  3. Next, pita bread is laid out on pre-prepared dishes and greased with chopped or twisted tomatoes.
  4. Then, chicken, grated cheese and a crushed head of garlic are added to the pita bread.
  5. The dish can be eaten immediately or heated for 20 seconds in the microwave to melt the cheese.
  6. But you should remember the main rule - heated cheese or a cheese product increases its calorie content by almost 2 times.

You can find out the Lenten recipe for vegetable low-calorie pizza in the following video:

As you can see, pizza is not only tasty, but also a high-calorie dish that you can treat yourself to occasionally, but within reasonable limits. Well, for those who actively monitor their figure and are supporters of proper nutrition, there are delicious recipes for a low-calorie open pie without dough.

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