Like a threshold under my feet. Elena loma love magic rituals, love spells and conspiracies. What will help in practice

The right person disappeared, forgot about you, or simply does not know about your existence? There are powerful working magical ways to influence him and arouse his interest. The object, under their influence, will remember about you, burn with desire or gladly fulfill your request.

Mirror water challenge

On any Thursday, take a mirror, immerse it in a container of water, look through the water in the mirror and read the plot seven times:

“Two secret surfaces, one water, the second mirror
Yes, across the surface of the water I send a cry
Yes, through the smooth surface of the mirror messenger I call out
The dark spirit, hellish rati of the servant
Go him dusty
Through rivers, where there is not water, but tears.
Through the mountains those brawlers,
Through the forests, those marine
Through those graveyard meadows,
Yes, all cursed is shrouded in fog.
The wolf howl is all entangled,
Warlock rumor, witch blood
Yes, that distant land thrice damned.
Yes, in the edge of that souls that are rejected.
Bodies that do not know the spirit, they are thrown with a movie,
Yes, wanderers are gathered there.
Who disappeared in a crowded world,
During the day with fire, at night you can't find a cry,
Tears do not shed, do not scold with prayer.
Lost darling in that land,
In that land, a stray darling, a sick woman.
Yes, look for you with a roar, spin, spin,
Yes, a crow's eye, find (name) there,
Yes, with a firm grip of his speck,
On this path, crowded with his little wear.
Lead him incorruptible, dear blasphemy,
Yes, through the stones that were created by bones,
Lakes and rivers filled with tears
Yes, the perishing edges, funeral prayers,
Yes, the path is straight, drag him (name) with an arrow.
Indulged, hellish rati servant,
Lead him, stranger, lead him with a chain,
A rainbow, and forty days a restroom,
Yes, thirteen devils are your pointer,
The seventh psalm is a wondrous power.
With such a move, black departure,
Lead him (name), yes straight to (name).
Take me away, but through the surface we first cry, let the rumor go,
As it goes, so (name) will reach the edge,
As it reaches the edge, so (name) will come to (name)
With the second stitch that is mirrored, that is conjured,
Path, soul, spirit like body (name) to (name) fit
Together they are henceforth one fate,
Do not disperse, do not leave, do not move.
This is a black deed, a spell of two smooth surfaces.
I send a messenger, what is said to do, I fulfill. "

Remove the mirror from the water, pour the water into the dishes and put it to boil, as the water boils, throw in there either part of some thing, or part of the clothes of the person being called, you can take a photo. If there is no such item, then throw a note with its name. When it all boils, look at the steam and say nine times:

“I create a black call, a messenger for the soul,
I send in spirit and body (name).
You were seething, boil, and so, through this call, the blood in (name )'s veins seethed, and the heart boil with longing.
It will be the course he will go, but to (name) run to run.
Then the call is black, the messenger is sent by the move,
(name) and (name) bring him together. "

Boil the water a little more so that the steam goes, then cool and pour it at the intersection or into any body of water.

Call for a glass of salt

At midnight, place a crystal glass on the table and fill it halfway with salt. Turn the church candle over and stick it in the salt. Sit in front of a candle, light it, and, looking at the fire, read:

“Angel Satan, the Lord has given you power, that power is to do evil, punish and subdue.
Leaning my powers towards you, I ask you for help.
Let go of your devils, my 12 brothers.
Fly, my brothers, to the slave (name), take sadness with you, longing for me in his heart, put him with heavy anguish. Push in the back, turn his legs towards me.
Devils brothers, help, conquer the slave (name) to my will. Until (name) rises in front of me, longing will get him.
My words are the order, the devil's order. No sooner said than done. And it will be so! "

The candle should burn out. Then throw the salt out of the window along with the ransom - any coins, and say: "Brothers to work."
Go to bed.

Call to the wind

Wait for the windy night, and out the window, into the wind, say the spell nine times:

“The wind howl, weeping, but the deeds of the demons are bound in one and in whom they are braided. Howl howling, but grinning like a wolf, fly a terrible lump to the slave's house (name), crush him, torment, shake so that he suffers, but he came running to me, he fell on his knees, he kissed my feet, he did not leave me, but he loved me alone , had mercy and honored, but without me he would howl and whine. It is sworn! It is sworn! It is sworn! "

Payoff: small coins in the window.

Call for two candles

Do it any environment. The phase of the moon does not matter. Twist two wax candles together and say:

“As we used to walk in two ways, now we walk in one, (name) to (name) lead through a candle. Amen".

Place the twisted candle in the middle of the plate. Draw a cross on each side of the plate in advance - a total of 4 crosses. To the left of the plate, put a slice of black bread and say:

"On the way-road (name) to walk,
Yes, not with one flame, but with two,
It burns, (name) to (name) drives. Amen".

Place a slice of white bread to the right of the plate and say:

“That to the black messenger that brings prodigal souls,
So let him drive (name) to (name).
My words are strong, that messenger is on the tooth. Amen".

Put a nickle in front of and behind the plate and say:

“I pay off with a penny, but darling (name) take the road to (name). To fly to me like a whirlwind. Amen".

Light the twisted candles and say:

“As one flame has gone out of two, so there will be one body, which is given to two. As this flame blazes like a blaze, so (name) hurries to (name), to follow the black path, but not to go astray.
Now it is conjured, then it is charged, everything has been paid to everyone. Amen".

The candle should burn out completely. The bread must then be given to stray dogs or taken to where the dogs will eat it. Give the pyataks as alms.

Smoke call for smokers

To smoke a cigarette, not to blow out the smoke, but so that it comes out on its own, with the words of the conspiracy. Hold the cigarette so that the ash does not fall. Dragged on, we pronounce a line from the conspiracy, blowing out smoke, and so each line:

"King of Smoke-Smokes,
Bring (name), to me (your name),
By all the yards, by all the houses,
Straight road to my doorstep!
Said! Done! "

Read 3 times without being distracted by anything. Then silently wait for the cigarette to burn out by itself, shake off all the ashes on your hand, and blow off into the wind. Wrap the butt in a piece of paper with the name of the one you are calling. Once the meeting happens, you can throw everything away.

Call for laurel leaves

Do it in the dark. Throw three laurel leaves into a fire or a pot of fire. When they flash, say:

"Laurel leaves,
That burn in flames
Let (name)
Will come to me! "

Leaves need to be taken with your left hand, thrown into the fire, read the plot. Do this three times.

Button call

Sit facing east, and sew 12 buttons on each one read the plot. You can sew on any fabric - not necessarily the thing of the callee. Cut the thread only with a knife.

“Lord, have mercy on me.
O Theophan the recluse, come to the inner man
And draw the attention of the slave (name) to me, slave (name).
Open the way to meet and do not delay the meeting.
Do not detain, and do not let detain
Neither old nor young
Neither believers nor sinners
Neither wives nor husbands,
Neither the higher ranks, nor the lower ranks,
Neither the first nor the last.
Twelve disciples of Christ
May they help my meeting. Amen".

Calling on the photo

Read 9 times in the photo:

“Day and night, the blood pounds on the whiskey.
Let your heart ache with longing
I will become your constant vision
In a dream you will see me as an obsession
I take all your thoughts for myself
I conjure you to dream of me.
As soon as longing creeps into you,
Your path will turn to me.
Amen, amen, amen. "

Call for three messengers

Close all the curtains, lay an unused handkerchief on the table, light a candle, let your hair down, if long, sit at the table and read:

“I wait for you like a hungry dinner, a beggar - alms, a sick - recovery. I am sending three messenger angels for you: Gabriel, Zazel and Firiel. And may they not return without you. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Calling the missing person to the nodes

At sunset, knots are tied on a rope with the words:

"The disappearance of (name) tie up, me, (name) answer me!"

The rope is placed in the western corner.
At dawn the next day, the knots are untied with the words:

"Disappearance (name), untie me, (name) answer."
The rope is placed in the east corner.
If there is a missing person's clothes, then it is possible for a man to tie a knot on his shirt sleeves, for a woman - a dress with a knot at the waist.

Call on burnt paper

Take a strip of paper, from top to bottom write the name of the call object three times, with a space of 2-3 cm.
Take a piece of paper in your hand and set it on fire with a match from above (holding the bottom edge). While the top name is on, you must have time to say:

“As this name burns, let the heart of the slave (name) burn to the heart of the slave (name). So that he could neither drink, nor eat, nor sleep, but he would still think about the slave (name), but run in her direction. Amen".

So three times, during the burning of each name. Rinse the ashes into water.

Three-day challenge

The moon and day are irrelevant. If a person is missing, then this invocation prayer is read for three days.
Put a black tablecloth on the table, light 9 wax candles and say to each one when you light it:

"Know the way."

Put a photo or thing of the callee on the fabric, a small mirror on top. Cut the finger on the right hand, and draw a circle on the mirror with blood, and a cross in the circle.
Read 9 times:

“By the power given from the beginning,
I conjure, I create this call.
Yes, a black crow fly my words,
Circling over the world.
Yes, the church that stands in the accursed city, look,
Yes, that prayer church is not prayed for.
There heresy is a swift river,
A nameless prayer book
Like a lamp that bursts - crackles,
Yes, the priest - an anathemist invites to the service.
Yes, that priest who was excommunicated, give him a censer,
Black words, not prayers, to pronounce with dialect.
A greasy candle in front of an image, not an icon,
Yes, that image is black, like the face of a mother, but not of God.
Yes, on the image of volume 13 saints, but not church ones,
Those lived their lives by sin.
Yes, that satanic brat, admitted by torment,
Yes, the priest, the anathemist, will praise the Sim's image.
Yes, praise that blasphemy against the mother of God,
Yes, that blasphemy by the power of hell will pour into his veins,
Yes, he is endowed with power.
If someone calls out with a click,
He will either stick to himself or to the other.
His loud cry, but over the black arches,
May he fly like a raven, an arrow of destruction.
May he collect 13 eaten with anguish,
A terrible torment tormented.
May they all fly to the human side,
May they find there (name),
His heart will be pierced, his blood will seethe with boiling water.
From now on he will not find a place, forget the peace of the night.
Those 13 eat him with food, whip, drive him with a whip.
Yes, hurry (name) to (name), do not know another road, do not find.
No one will knock him out of this path, will not reject him, will not dissuade him.
Fly him with an arrow, with quick words,
Search for (name), only for (name),
To the threshold hurry with haste. Amen".

Then take out a photo or a thing, put your face on a bloody cross, in a circle of a mirror and say:

“Cross that is around, so you (name) to (name) haste. Amen".

Do this for 3 days in a row.

The call is fast

Place a photo of a person in front of you, look at him without blinking, and say to yourself:

“The day has passed, the night has passed. I waited for the day, waited for the night, now I am waiting for you (name). Let it be so".

Do this at sunrise and before bed for two days. The ritual is simple but very powerful. After him, the person is usually announced.

Calling Thousand Eight Ravens

Open the window at night. Put a black blanket on the floor. On the bedspread - 5 white coins (not yellow ones). Get up on the bedspread and say:

“Mother Night, there is an oak in your worlds, there are 1008 ravens sitting on the oak. Let them find and bring the missing servant of God (name of the lost). "

Let everything lie until morning. In the morning, collect and hide the black coverlet, and give 5 coins to the beggars. After a while, the missing person will appear.

Calling back from the road

You need three church candles and a photo of the caller.
We put and light candles with a triangle around the photo.
1 (top) we say: "Stop."
2 (on the right) we say: "Hold on."
3 (left) we say: "Come back to me."
Then we read 9 times:

“I send you (name) anxiety, I block your roads everywhere. Stop and return to me. "

When the candles burn out, turn the photo over and drop a drop of wax from each candle with the words: “Sealed. Amen".
After the ceremony, we put the photo under our pillow for 3 days.

Anti-call - prevent to come to you

Read on the doorstep:

“Lord, help, Lord, bless!
Like a stone on the ground does not hesitate,
Will not get up, will not go, will not turn over,
So you (name), until I call, do not go,
Do not approach my threshold.
I close my word, close my case.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

There are many ways to remind yourself of yourself, but sometimes the usual methods don't work. Calling a loved one will make him immediately think about his real or potential soul mate. It is not always appropriate to call by phone or just drop in to visit the right person. In such a situation, you can use a magical challenge. It works especially well if people are spiritually close and there is a relationship between them. For such a reminder, various interesting and effective ceremonies and rituals are used.

You can remind your loved one of yourself using magic

Briefly about the main

Magical actions aimed at a specific person with the goal of making him have an intolerable desire to see or call, this is a powerful challenge. It can be compared to a directed program guide, where a picture is broadcast for only one person.

Such magic can be coordinated not only to summon the desired person. With its help, they remind the debtor of his obligations, contact missing friends or relatives, call her husband home. This scheme has only one drawback: it works if people are familiar with each other. Without this condition, it is impossible to establish a full-fledged energy channel. It is better for beginners to start with the simplest conspiracies, gradually moving on to more complex ones.

A strong challenge to a loved one works most quickly if the feelings are mutual. A special emotional connection helps to easily establish a magical channel and convey the necessary thoughts, which will be perceived by the subscriber as their own.

It is much more difficult to send a quick call to a friend, friend or distant relative, where the emotional background is somewhat lower. In this case, it is better to arrange a personal meeting to clarify the misunderstanding. A conspiracy to challenge an unfamiliar person works even worse, since there are no emotions at all.

To perform rituals and conspiracies, a novice magician who wants to meet the right person must have certain character traits: perseverance, patience, willpower, the ability to concentrate at the right moment and a powerful emotional charge.

There are no trifles in magic, so all recommendations must be followed exactly. A beginner must be aware of his moral responsibility for certain actions and not violate magical laws.

Love conspiracies must be carried out, observing all the rules

Calling a loved one, even strong and proven, may not work in the following cases:

  • a person has magical protection;
  • his willpower is stronger than yours;
  • the wrong ritual is chosen;
  • there is not enough energy to send a full-fledged message;
  • extraneous thoughts interfere;
  • if he is sick, unconscious, or drunk;
  • the rules of the ceremony are violated.

You need to correct all the mistakes and repeat the steps later, or better, on another day.

Stages of rituals for a meeting with a loved one

Energy gain

There are a lot of working conspiracies and rituals. Each of them requires sufficient power charge to send a message. You can gain energy through certain exercises. One of them is suitable for both men and women. It acts like an accumulator and gives you an instant boost.

For this you need:

  1. Go outside or go to an open window, regardless of weather conditions.
  2. Bend your arms at the elbows so that the open palms are shoulder-width apart and turned upward in a comfortable and relaxed position.
  3. Close your eyes and mentally imagine how two light beams come out of the center of your open palms and cross somewhere high in the sky
  4. "See" how the energy of the sun flows along the rays back to the center of the palms, then down the arms and spreads throughout the body.
  5. Stand for 5-10 minutes until slight fatigue sets in.

If the exercise is done correctly, then when you gain energy, you feel a strong warmth, and people with a good imagination are thrown into a fever. After 5-10 minutes of rest, you can proceed to the second phase of preparation for the ritual.

Building an energy channel

Channeling for a call is not black or even white magic. This is work with your own energy - the most powerful force for any rituals. Such a channel instantly acts between loving people. Through it, you can make an urgent call at any distance.

Before the ritual, you need to fill yourself with energy

The energy connection allows you to make the husband return home, the loved one comes, the child, if he does not answer the phone, answers or calls himself. This is the most reliable option for emergencies, in which loved ones respond almost instantly.

When building an energy channel, you can use the natural elements: fire, water and air. For beginners, fire is more suitable when he must think about the object of passion during the ritual with a candle. More experienced magicians need to whisper water and address air masses directly.

Effective rituals to challenge a person

Photo manipulation

To call a loved one by photo, you need his picture and a candle. Stages of the ceremony:

  1. Having retired in a room at any time of the day, you need to put a photo in front of you and light a candle.
  2. Then you should mentally recall the image of a beloved man or woman and imagine that he or she is nearby. It will not hurt to remember the habits, gestures and smile of the object desired by the heart.
  3. When the mental image becomes stable, looking at the candle flame, you need to convey your thoughts and emotions. A powerful message can make the fire quake.

Immediately or after some time, the called person will make themselves felt. A correctly sent urge has an immediate effect. If the call failed the first time, you need to repeat the message later by performing the exercise to gain energy. You shouldn't try more than 3 times in one day.

Calling on the doorstep

The powerful call of a beloved man from Natalia Stepanova acts like black magic (suppression of willpower).

The ritual is performed on the doorstep

In order for a son, husband or beloved man to come, you need to stand on the threshold, turning your face into the room, rest your hands on the door frames and say the words:

“I call the servant of God (name) to my doorstep. As this threshold is under my feet, jambs under my hands, so you, the servant of God (name), walk under my will. Servant of God (name), come to me! Amen".

After that, you should light a wax candle and, "cutting" the flame with scissors, say other words:

“As this wax melts from a burning fire, so you, servant of God (name), from my mighty slander will come and appear before my clear eyes. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

On salt

To return home the prodigal son or husband, you can use ordinary salt. To make a call, you need to heat the pan and add a handful of salt. When the salt heats up and begins to crack, the plot should be read 12 times:

“Come to me, do not resist me, slave (name). Let your heart cry, and let your soul ache for me, as this salt burns. "

After that, you need to open the windows so that the wind can blow in the house. You can repeat a proven conspiracy no more than 3 times a day.

On a scarf and a candle

This is a magical ceremony, so you need to loose your hair, put on the shirt backwards inside out and close the curtains on the windows.

Before the ritual, you need to light a candle

A new headscarf should be laid on the table and a white candle should be lit. Sitting at the table, you must read the words of the conspiracy:

“I am waiting for you like a hungry one - lunch, a Beggar - alms, a sick one - recovery. I am sending for you three messenger angels: Gabriel, Zazel and Firiel. And may they not return without you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This is white magic, and after it, an instant call to a loved one will work.

Into the wind

“I lie down - I pray, I get up - I am baptized. There is a worm under the ground, a beast above the ground. The sun and the moon are higher and I am alone. As I think, as I think, so may the Lord God bless, the Mother of God helps. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading the conspiracy, you need to formulate your desire and mentally send it to your loved one. The call is repeated 3 days in a row.

This conspiracy is good because the one who pronounces it becomes the leader in the relationship and everything happens the way he wants.

There are a lot of working conspiracies and rituals. Everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves. Those who are fond of runes can create a runic challenge that works no less effectively. To make the challenge work, you must at least try to make it.

Fate constantly interferes with our lives. And a chance meeting can cause dramatic changes. But sometimes these same changes can be caused on your own by using meeting conspiracies. Using light magic texts, it is quite possible to bring a meeting with a loved one closer. And from this article you can find out what are the options for energy impact that contribute to a quick meeting with the object of desire.

Meeting plots are considered harmless magic spells that summon the person you are interested in. This easy method of influence clearly reveals the meaning of the statement that our thoughts are material.

Often, a conspiracy to meet with a loved one is carried out against the background of a special ritual. It happens that a call from a specific person is needed in order to attract attention to oneself. Sometimes magic texts are read to improve relationships after an argument. In any case, people who sincerely want to see a dear person resort to such methods.

This conspiracy will help a separated couple in love to be together again. To attract a quick meeting with a sweetheart and cause reconciliation, the following magical ritual should be performed.

For a conspiracy rite you will need:

  • a glass of water;
  • a photo of a loved one;
  • church candle.

It is advisable to perform the ceremony in the evening. You should sit down at the table, put a photograph and a glass in front of you. A candle is placed nearby and lit. Then the following words are read:

“Heavenly Forces! Endow the water with this miraculous power. I ask you to help melt the heart of God's servant (name of the beloved), so that he will find joy only with me! I conjure the Forces of Heaven, for sincere Love leads me, and not self-interest. I beg the Lord to help, so that the water, when it comes into contact with the body (name of the spouse), causes a return fire in his soul. We will find joy and pure love. My word is firm. Amen".

This miraculous water should be given to a sweetheart to drink.

We are talking a candle to help

This method "works" to call the constricted person to bring closer a quick date with him.

The conspiracy rite must be performed with the arrival of darkness. For the ritual, only the room in which the icon of the Mother of God is located is suitable. To summon a lover and perform a ceremony, you will need:

  • water;
  • salt;
  • glass;
  • middle church candle.

Entering in the evening into the room with the icon of the Virgin, do not turn on the light. Go to the holy type and place a glass filled with salt water in front of him. Having lit a candle, read the conspiracy:

“Holy Martyr, Mother Theotokos! I run to you, I trust in you! Tell my betrothed how I miss and wait for him, show him where I live. Conspiracy and good water, pave the way for the sweetheart, spill over the earth, merge with the sweetheart. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After you read the magic text of the conspiracy, take a glass and pour water from it into the corner where you stood. Leaving the room, say the prayer "Our Father".

How to summon a lover on a date?

Reading this conspiracy, you can also summon a lover on a date. For him to come to you, you should perform a ritual with bread. To perform such a ceremony, you will need a small loaf of bread and a little salt.

If you want the guy to pay attention to you and respond to the conspiracy, you should spend him in a room with a window. Initially, take a piece of bread and salt it. Then go into the room with the window and place the chunk in the far corner. Opening the window, read the words on it three times:

“My dear, come to my house. As people are attached to bread and salt, so you, the servant of God (pronounce the name of your beloved), to become attached to the servant of God (state your name). Don't give up on me, don't give up on my threshold. My word is firm, so be it! Amen".

Close the window and leave the room without touching the loaf of bread. He must stay in the room until the beloved comes. When the conspiracy to meet with a loved one begins to work, and the person approaches the threshold, you can remove the bread.

So that the effect of the magical effects of the conspiracy does not disappear, you will need to crumble a chunk and give it to the birds.

How to quickly summon a person?

There are also methods that have previously been used to call an ambulance with a specific person. Among others, one conspiracy can be distinguished, which is read with the growing moon. Its convenience lies in the fact that the beloved can be presented with the necessary thing, which begins to "act" when the person accepts it.

For the ritual, you should purchase:

  • a gift for a loved one;
  • red woolen thread;
  • red candle.

You need to buy a thing intended for your beloved when the moon is in the growing phase. Holding this object in your hands and crossing the threshold of your house, say the prayer "Our Father" three times. After that, sit down at the table, place the present in front of you and light a candle. Looking at the flame, pronounce the conspiracy:

“As the flame of this candle drowns wax, so you, the servant of God (the name of the dear one), do not resist my will. I will tie seven knots on a red thread so that you, the servant of God (again his name), will find me beautiful. Amen".

While reading this magical text, tie the item you bought with a red thread. Tie 7 knots on it. Then present the guy with the item intended for him and wait for the challenge to take effect.

And another conspiracy is also on salt and too from the homeless woman.

“I will get up, chain-link (name), bless me, I will go, crossing myself, not from door to door, not from gate to gate, but under the red sun, under the light of the month, under the clear stars, under the matins dawn, under the whole moon, I will go to to the east side, in a clear field, in a wide expanse. In an open field, a wide expanse of two high mountains. Two dead men stand between these mountains. They stand - they do not see each other and hate each other. They seem to each other worse than a lion-animal, worse than a polar bear, worse than a marsh frog, worse than a sub-snake. Likewise, the servant of God (name) with the chain-link (name) would hate each other and would not see each other. The age of the veneration, henceforth, the age! Amen. Amen. Amen. Be my words faster than a damask sword, stronger way of life, stronger than a stone, hotter than a scorching fire! Age of veneration and veneration! Amen. Amen. Amen".

With salt, do the same as in the first conspiracy.

If your husband has revealed to you that he is going to leave for another, or you yourself feel that the final separation is already close, every time you prepare breakfast, lunch or dinner, read this conspiracy on salt:

“For bread, for salt, for water, neither on a clear day, nor in bad weather. So that the servant of God (name) does not find a place for himself on the road, on the way. So that his legs trembled, his tears do not dry out, dreams called him back home. The word is firm, it will be forever. Amen".

Use this salt in food prepared for your husband - most likely, the trouble will pass your home.

If the husband has already left for another, and you still want him to return home, to his family, pour some salt near your doorstep, from the inside. Stand on the threshold with your face in the room, put your hands on the door frames and read three times:

“I call the servant of God (name) to my doorstep. As this threshold is under my feet, doorposts under my hands, so you, the servant of God (name), walk under my will. Servant of God (name), come to me! Amen".

While reading, imagine how your husband walks to your house, climbs the stairs, enters the house ... Imagine as brightly as possible - after all, when reading conspiracies, not only words work, but also mental images that you create. Collect half of the spilled salt and pour it under the threshold of your rival, and let the other half remain under your doorstep.

“A gray she-wolf would walk in a black forest, an old swamp with damp grass, with a thorny ant, and an angry dog \u200b\u200bbehind her, an old cat behind a dog. All would have stopped and curled up in a ball, the wool would fly from them, I would look at them. So that the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) fight, swear, curl up in a ball. We would love each other just as a she-wolf loved a dog and a dog loved a cat. Amen".

The charmed salt must be thrown out the window.

The loyalty of her husband. Sprinkle the salt spoken by this slander into your husband's food:

“The salt of the earth was given by God, I have spoken from the betrayal of the servant of God (say the name), so that my husband would love me more than life and would not leave me anywhere. Key, lock, salt on the threshold. Amen".

If in your family they often speak "in a raised voice", if quarrels have become almost a rule in your family life, take a glass of clean water, throw a pinch of salt into the water and read:

“Mother Most Holy Theotokos, Nikola the Wonderworker and Jesus Christ himself, I do not take water, but return life. So that such a pure life is like water for the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Pour the saline solution into the soup you will be preparing for your family meal. Speak with saline, if necessary, until the family quarrels are over.

Candle plots

Probably the most powerful and effective love conspiracies are conspiracies that are read into a candle flame.

Unlike charmed eggs and salt, the candles on which the plot is read are most often not taken out of the house after the ritual and are not subject to any ritual actions at all. It is enough just to regularly read the desired conspiracy on the candle light. After speaking, the candles are extinguished until the next ritual. It is important to remember only one thing: the candles that you use in your magical practice should not be used for any other purpose! Well, unless you light them on the table at dinner tête-à-tête: this will only intensify the effect of the charmed candles. But God forbid you to light them just like that, unnecessarily or for domestic purposes! Just as a deck of fortune-telling cards is never used for the game, so as not to lose the cards of their magical power, so ritual candles must serve strictly their purpose, that is, magic or witchcraft.

So, candle fire conspiracies are read at midnight or shortly after its onset. The room should be dark, and, of course, nothing should distract you from pronouncing the conspiracy.

The required number of candles is three, it is better to place them on a vertical line going from you to the center of the table.

While reading the conspiracy, the gaze is concentrated on the flame of the candle closest to you.

If you want to enhance the effect of the conspiracy, light seven candles, placing them in an angle, the acute angle of which is directed towards the center of the table.

The gaze is concentrated on the candle farthest from you, the one located in the center.

To have love in the family.

“I, the servant of God (name), go from door to door, from gate to gate, under the eastern side, under the okyan-sea. There is a stone on the okiyane-sea. There is a table on the stone. At the table sits mother - the Most Holy Theotokos. I ask you, I pray you, help me, help me! So that the servant of God (name) does not forget the servant of God (name): he doesn’t eat up in food, doesn’t binge in gulba, doesn’t fall asleep in a dream, doesn’t walk in steps! To think and guess, to understand and decide about the servant of God (name). As the smoke winds, so the servant of God (name) beats against the servant of God (name). Which words she herself did not finish, which the teacher did not finish teaching, be my words strong and sculpting! Stronger than stone and wood. Amen".

Take two wax candles, twist them with a screw together, while saying:

"As these candles are entwined together, so we will be retinues with you."

Then they light it up in front of the icon and say:

"I don't light a candle, but I light the soul and heart of a slave (his name), for me, a slave (his name), forever."

Burn nine times.

Other love conspiracies

“Just as a dove cannot be without its dove, a nestling without a starling, and a mother without her child, so the servant of God (name) could not be without me, the servant of God (name). In the morning I would rush about, in the evening I would suffer, and at night I would not sleep. He would have kept everything on his mind, he would have washed his face with a tear, he would have thrown himself at me. I would have been dearer to him than friends, dear to my dear mother, closer to my sister and brother. Amen".

“Little devil brothers, stand behind the back of the servant of God (name), follow him, wander after him, whisper in his back, put my name in his heart, the name of God's servant (name). Track to track, step to step, do not lag behind and do not leave, remind me of me. So that you know my name, remember, never forget. Amen"

“As I, God's servant (name), given by God, born by a mother, baptized with godfathers, cannot live without breath, without water, food, so the servant of God (name) could not have been without me anywhere and never. His heart would all boil, prick and ache, suffer, dry for me, the servant of God (name), a mother born, baptized with godfathers. Go, servant of God, where you went, but no matter where you walk, you sew your body, no matter who you talk to, you would always come back to me and come! Amen".

Love Calls are magic that works wonders. They are very popular, with their help you can make another person come to you, remind you of yourself. Conspiracies to challenge a loved one are simple and relatively safe, they help to achieve the desired goal, call a person, make him think about you, yearn.

Calls can help you get a loved one to call you or come.

Conspiracies to cause a person work, and their strength and speed of implementation depends on the practitioner, on his magical abilities. It is important to be able to concentrate, turn off VD, and have high energy. Some spells work quickly, others take longer. It also depends on how strong your contact is with the person you are calling.

Calls are not love spells. These are two different magical actions. And they should not be confused. The difference is that love spell magic is used to arouse attachment, it is compulsion. The consequences of love spells are strong, and the challenges are only for the person to remember you and show up. and they are almost safe if done correctly and not overdone.

What is a challenge in magic

Calls are a type of magical action that is directed at a person with the aim of reminding him of himself, in order to make him think about you or a desire to talk to you, to see you.

In addition, some people use this magic method not only in love magic, but also to find a certain person, for example, a missing friend or a debtor.

Love Calls can be made through their own energy, or with the help of entities.

Conspiracies-Challenges can be aimed at:

  • so that they remember you, so that they yearn and think about you.
  • so that the person shows up
  • calling to a specific place where you are. Impact on space and the person being called.
  • intoxicating calls, when entities lead him to you, and a person does not realize how he even appeared here.

Sometimes, if the caller cannot come to you for certain reasons, then this type of magic can lead you to him, give a message about where to find him.

Calls for a loved one to remember can be in the form of a conspiracy or ritual, as a rule, magic attributes are used, such as candles, photography, mirrors, etc.

For the challenge to work, it is important that the person on whom you are doing the magical action knows you. The call does not work on unfamiliar persons, since in this case there is no necessary energy connection.

Often this type of magic is used in conjunction with a love spell to enhance it.

Errors and consequences

When plotting, it is important to remove extraneous thoughts from your head, it is important for you to keep your concentration solely on your intention to call on your partner. there should be no negative emotions. resentment, anger is not acceptable, otherwise you will attract what is in your thoughts and head.

If you do a ritual with the use of essences, then as a rule they do it.

before the call of love, tune in to the right wave. Remember the person, his image, scroll through the moments of joint positive nature, when you tune in, only then proceed to the ritual.

What are the consequences?

If a person has protection or is energetically stronger, then you will not be able to break through his field and the challenge will not work. It will return to you as a rollback. And you yourself will feel a strong desire to see this person. will have to endure.

If you could not turn off the word mixer and negative emotions, they will also return to you. Therefore, be careful and take your time. Do everything according to the rules.


To call a person you need to know the following:

1.Call time: 1-7 days

  1. Any moon
  2. Pay off 13 coins (leave at the crossroads). The color of the coins is white.
  3. It is important to let go of desire after the conspiracy.
  4. Don't do it on Sunday.
  5. Throw away the remains after the ritual at the intersection or pour out.
  6. Men's days: Mon, Tue, Thu, Sat. Women's: Wed, Fri, Sat.
  1. Follow the rules of the rituals, as they are described, and do it. Don't be creative. All recommendations and items must be as specified.
  2. If it doesn't work, release it. Please try again later. Maybe this ritual is not right for you. Or you don't really need this person. And you are wrong about something.
  3. To start the magic of love only in a good mood and with good health.
  4. It is advisable to be filled with energy before the ritual. For example, do energetic meditations, go to nature, do not quarrel with anyone. etc.
  5. Before calling, be sure to calm down your emotional background, relax and block your mind from unnecessary thoughts.
  6. If it's difficult to tune in to a person's call, meditate on it. Sit and look at his photo, remember the good emotions associated with him, bright events.

Calling a loved one with your strength and energy

1.You will need his photo and a candle. Start your practice by contemplating his image. Look at the face. Tune in to contact. Raise the necessary emotions and the desire to remind about yourself. Then move your gaze to the candle. And create an image of the personality that you evoke. Send him your intention, put all your feelings into it. Then let the candle burn out.

If this call is carried out once, it will work as a reminder of you, if repeatedly, then the person will appear.

2. Before going to bed, light a candle and begin to visualize the object in detail and clearly, communicate with him in your imagination, ask him what you want from him (so that he could call, for example). Send the request mentally to your beloved and that's it, now go to bed. The practice is simple, but they say it works for those who have developed mental strength.

Simple rituals and conspiracies to summon a person

1. Take a piece of paper and write his name in a closed circle on it. During this action, imagine your partner's head in the center of the circle. Made? Good. After that, with a new needle, pierce the sheet in the middle and put it next to your mobile or regular phone. He'll call soon.

2.Put the phone on the photo of the object and whisper 3-5-7 times:

"I put the phone on top, it crushes with a heavy load, in order to get freedom, I urgently need to call."

If there is no picture with a person, draw it on paper, write down the date of birth and his name.

3. Write the name of the desired person on the candle with a needle. Then stick the needle up to the ear into the candle and say 7 times:

"I didn't pierce a candle with a needle today, I pierced (Name )'s heart with a needle! Now I won't have to be bored alone, - he will come to me and stay with me!"

Let the candle burn out.

Mirror call

The magic of love is varied. Here's another magical call:

Before this conspiracy, turn off the appliances, close the door, make sure that you are not disturbed. Turn off the light in the room.

This practice has a love spell effect. For its execution you need: 3 candles from the church and 2 small mirrors. The practice should be performed 3 times, a break between the action is 3 days, call after 00.00 hours. The window must be open.

Place 2 mirrors (there should be a distance of about 30 cm between them). It is important to place them opposite each other. Now put a candle between two mirrors, always light it with matches and pronounce the spell:

(His / her name) Cher Cher Mogori Procher

It is important to sit between the mirrors. When you light a candle, contemplate it and think about the desired effect. The candle should burn out.

After the ritual, put the mirrors face down, repeat after 3 days. Then repeat again after 3 days.
In this conspiracy-challenge, the candle personifies the obstacle between you, and the mirrors are you and your loved one. As the candle burns out, so you find each other.