How to get money from aliexpress paypal. What is PayPal account for payment on Aliexpress. Should I agree that the seller with Aliexpress asks for a PayPal account to get the money back

The Aliexpress website is a world-respected seller of various products. It is convenient to use it, since the resource cooperates with many payment services. If you have already registered with PayPal, you will be interested to know what a PayPal account on Aliexpress is. Until recently, this option was actively used by users. It has now been discontinued for reasons related to the security of payments made by the clients of the marketplace. The cooperation ended due to the PS policy, which did not allow Aliexpress to control the transactions.

PayPal does not appear in the list of payment services on Aliexpress. The account will only be eligible for refunds for defective or undeliverable goods. However, these types of transactions need to be treated with caution.

Is it possible to pay for purchases from Ali with PayPal?

Those who have a PayPal account, until recently, easily found the answer to the question of how to pay for purchases made from a Chinese seller. Alas, now it is impossible to register on Ali with an American wallet link. And this is more a plus than a minus, since some of the funds circulating between the systems were at one time seized by fraudsters. If you like to shop on Ali, choose other payment methods. You will not find PayPal service on Aliexpress when making transactions. It can only be useful for a refund.

So, we received a negative answer to the question posed: it is not possible to pay for purchases made on Aliexpress through PayPal. Let's figure out how you can return money using a virtual wallet.

Who can refund money to PayPal

Fraudsters often abuse the trust of inexperienced users. The scheme is as follows: the goods did not arrive or did not come in the quality that was expected. It is logical that the buyer in this case will demand a refund from the seller and write a negative review. The latter will apologize, ask not to spoil his reputation, and promise to return the disputed amount. How do you know if he's bluffing? If you are registered in the Russian Federation, such a deal is possible. However, the function of refunding money from Aliexpress to PayPal is not relevant for all countries. It is not a problem for Russia. The payment service officially operates on the territory of the state. If you are not a Russian, check if the registration function in an American payment service is available for you.

Sellers often see that the buyer will not be able to use the PS, but this does not stop them. If some people offer you the above scheme, do not believe them and immediately refuse to cooperate. You will be deceived, the funds will not be returned.

How to collect money from Aliexpress sellers

Aliexpress is an honest and reliable seller who protects the rights of its customers. He has worked out a scheme with which you, in the event of unfair actions by the store owners, can return the funds paid to your account. To do this, follow the movement of goods and study the portal tools. If the package hasn’t arrived, open a dispute. This is the only way to solve the problem honestly.

Each purchase on the portal is an open deal. It closes only after the buyer confirms that the goods have arrived or if the deadline has expired. Are you dissatisfied? You should open a dispute, present claims and evidence. This has nothing to do with personal correspondence. The seller can agree with you or not. In the first case, the dispute will be closed, the money will be returned, in the second, the mediators of the selling service will join the case and will act as judges. You have to trust them.

How to get a refund to PayPal for a non-received item

If you only have a PayPal wallet, there is no reliable way to get your funds back. However, the seller can send you money. To do this, he just needs to know your email address, which serves as a login for PayPal.

The question is whether it is worth going this way. The seller will only ship after you close the account. But there is no guarantee that he will do it. You can agree to this if there is no way to open a dispute, that is, the time limit has expired. In this case, it makes no sense for the seller to offer anything, since the transaction is completed and he will receive his money.

Another argument not in favor of the deal

PayPal accounts are well protected. There are 2 types of payments:

  1. To relatives and friends.
  2. Payment for services and goods.

In the case of Aliexpress, the 2nd option comes into force. This type of monetary relationship is fraught with unpleasant surprises for you. PS protects the interests of the buyer more. Since the funds from the seller will go to your account in the form of payment for the goods, you will be in the role of the selling party. Buyer protection is valid for 180 days. During this period, your opponent can open a dispute with you, but this time on PayPal. If it is stated that the money was returned to you, but you did not send the goods, it is highly likely that the PS will take the side of the seller, and the funds, as they came to the balance, will also easily leave it.

If you look at the reviews on the Internet, you can conclude that many are faced with the described problem. As a rule, the seller does not pay for the goods in a roundabout way.

Can you protect yourself? Yes. Ask your opponent to frame the transaction as a transfer.

How to pay for purchases on Aliexpress

If you are a regular customer of Aliexpress, it is worth getting an account on the site of one of the alternative payment services. All possible verified options will be visible in the personal account on the platform when making a payment. The online store offers:

  1. Qiwi Wallet.
  2. WebMoney.
  3. Yandex money.
  4. Bank cards.

The most promising is the use of plastic media and poison. Services that are not on the list cannot participate in direct payment. You will have to involve intermediaries and decide whether to trust them. This is extra time and additional commissions.

How PayPal will be useful

The inability to purchase goods on Aliexpress does not make the service useless. With the help of this system, you can successfully shop on eBey, another trading platform where no less goods are presented.

A card tied to a wallet will become a full-fledged means of payment. The wallet itself is considered the number one in the world. Its owners can go to most shopping sites, make purchases, receive cashbacks, take part in promotions and collect bonuses.

If you are a dedicated fan of PayPal and do not recognize any other PSs, this does not mean that Aliexpress is closed to you. You can find many convenient and reliable ways to transfer funds using other financial services.

many people do today. At the same time, unfortunately, the number of disputes is becoming more and more, since defective goods are sent to customers or they do not reach at all.

The reason for this may not necessarily be a low-quality product, but also fraud on the part of sellers. How it all happens, let's talk further.


How do I find my Pay Pal account?

In Russia, this payment system is not yet so popular, but many Internet users have already connected to it. The advantage of the system is that it is distributed all over the world. It is more convenient for Russian companies cooperating with partners from abroad to carry out settlements through this system. There will be no commission for the sender and a percentage will be charged to the recipient.

Pay Pal accounts

Those who have just registered in the system immediately ask themselves the question - how to find out your account? As unusual as it may sound, there are no accounts here. The principle of operation here is slightly different.

Identification in the system

To understand what Pay Pal is, one must take into account that money circulates here at two levels:

  • Account. By virtue of the legislation in Russia it is not used
  • Bank card assigned to the account

So, if you are wondering about viewing the account number, then you should not be surprised that there will be zero on the account, since the main transactions are carried out through the card.

All payments in the system are made using an email address. It is indicated during registration and transferred to the counterparty. This is all the information you need to complete the transaction.

Since the user binds the card during registration, the account number must be found out directly at the bank. But, as a rule, such data is not required for operations.

How many accounts can I have with Pay Pal?

System users are also interested in whether it is possible to open multiple accounts? In principle, this is possible. The person is identified by several indicators, including the data provided by the bank.

The latter check their clients with passports and other documents. Therefore, if you have an account in the Pay Pal system, it is possible to link several cards.

Moreover, the user can create a personal and business account for himself.

How to pay for purchases on Aliexpress via Pay Pal?

Today, many active Internet users have such a question. And here difficulties immediately begin, since it is rather difficult to make such a payment. What's the problem?

Today Aliexpress is the largest store on the Russian Internet. Users are attracted by the low cost of goods and the high quality of work. More and more people come here to shop, but what about Pay Pal?

Today, the relationship between Aliexpress and Pay Pal is quite complicated. The thing is that they stopped cooperating because other systems offered more favorable working conditions.

Previously, payments through this system were somewhat dubious and at the same time did not have protection. Therefore, because of this, users suffered, which led to a loss of trust in both Aliexpress and Pay Pal. If for the latter, cooperation with Aliexpress was profitable, then for the Internet site itself it came out "sideways", since it was losing credibility, and, accordingly, buyers.

How did the scammers work? They offered to make an advance payment and promised to deliver it at a specific time. This naturally did not happen. At the same time, none of the systems could help in any way, because the payment was made bypassing Aliexpress. Of course, there was no way to get through to the scammers. It turns out that Aliexpress was not aware of the transaction at all, but for Pay Pal it was a normal operation, like many others. Of course, many honest sellers worked this way, but there were more scammers. Therefore, Aliexpress stopped working with Pay Pal.

But still, you can pay through this system. Its meaning is to first make a transfer to another payment system and from there make a payment. As a rule, there will be no problems with the transfer, but additional commission will be charged.

Disputes and refunds from Aliexpress to Pay Pal

Let's say that you didn't receive the package within the agreed time frame and the seller offered you to transfer money to Pay Pal and close the dispute. You register, send data and you really receive money. You close the dispute and, it would seem, everything was resolved amicably. Sometimes, of course, this happens, but more often what happens next is this.

A few days later, on the Pay Pal website, the seller starts a dispute and returns the funds back. How can this happen? When making such a transaction, you need to pay attention to one point. The system has two types of calculations:

  • Payment for the goods, that is, the transfer of funds from the buyer to the seller
  • Exchange of funds between users

Fraudsters use the first scheme, and it turns out that you are a seller, and they are deceived buyers.

In other words, he can easily refer that funds have been deposited, but the goods have not been received. In this case, the administration always resolves issues in favor of the "buyers" and returns the funds.

Therefore, when you receive money, carefully study the payment.

First, you should receive the entire amount without commission. If you receive money for paying for an order, then you must immediately abandon it, having previously made screenshots. Further aggravate the dispute on Aliexpress and attach the resulting images.

So the funds will be returned to you, and the site administration will punish the offender.

It is worth agreeing to a deal only when you see an exchange between users in the purpose of the payment.

Before using Pay Pal on Aliexpress, you should carefully consider whether it is worth doing. Never rush to close the dispute and confirm receipt of the package.

Video: PayPal Detailed instructions! Protect your payments!

When shopping in online stores, you may be dissatisfied with the quality of the product, the state of its appearance. To resolve the situation, you open a dispute, according to which the money is transferred back to you, and if the dispute is closed, the seller with Aliexpress asks for a PayPal account to return the money, or the funds are returned automatically. The exchange protects the rights of buyers and sellers alike, but for arbitration to resolve the situation, a dispute must be opened.

Should I agree that the seller with Aliexpress asks for a PayPal account to get the money back

It is desirable to have an account with the specified box, but if the funds were received in advance, the system will send a notification by mail with information on the current balance and clear instructions for registration.

When setting up a personal account on PayPal, the system confirms the bank card. You will be asked to confirm the link, for this you need to have a few dollars in the account, which will be debited upon registration. After receiving a notification about opening an account, the funds are returned back.

When working with PayPal, you must follow a number of rules:

  • you cannot disclose your account data, except for your account;
  • use the system only on trusted sites with a secure protocol (HTTPS: //);
  • so that you are not blocked or the security service of the system does not require personal identification, enter the site from only one computer;
  • instant cards are a tasty morsel for scammers. To avoid becoming their target, it is best not to use them in your account.

What PayPal data needs to be sent to the seller for a refund

If the merchant offers to return the funds to your PayPal account, all you have to do is send an e-mail. Requirements for additional account data are a trick of scammers or a loophole to stall the time until the dispute is closed. Neither Aliexpress nor PayPal are responsible for any information you disclose beyond what is required.

Before sending data, you should find out if a transfer with PayPal is possible. The site does not work in all countries. You can check it on the official website. It is known that residents of some CIS countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan) cannot perform transactions through this payment system. You can register an account without any problems, but, despite all the assurances of the sellers, you won't be able to get money.

Refunds via PayPal on Aliexpress

At the moment, the site does not work with this payment system. You can verify this on the official page of the site by scrolling to the very bottom. The block "They trust us" shows all the systems through which you can make a payment.

Important! Aliexpress carries out refunds to the account from which the purchase was made.

PayPal is a standalone payment system with rules, arbitration, accounts and a secure area for transactions. The dispute opened on Aliexpress does not come into contact with another platform in any way.

Having opened a dispute, most sellers ask either to close it, citing a lot of reasons (a downgrade, a long wait for a decision, interruptions in the work of mailings that are not dependent on him), or offer to immediately transfer money to PayPal. The scheme is a priori muddy, since it bypasses the established rules of Aliexpress. If the other party wants to bypass the regulations, the goal is clear - no one is going to pay the money, but only to close the dispute.

How to protect yourself from fraudulent activities

If regular Aliexpress users know all the intricacies of making purchases, then beginners who are faced with a return problem can easily fall into the trap of scammers. The scheme is simple:

  • the supplier himself makes contact, sends regular letters with regret that the goods never arrived or turned out to be of poor quality. Lulling the vigilance of the naive buyer, convinces him that the refund will be made, and ask for a PayPal account;
  • if the dispute is already open, it is asked to close it with a zero return, guaranteeing it directly. Inexperienced buyers catch the bait, close the dispute and happily send an E-mail where the funds need to be transferred.
  1. The seller is playing for time, waiting for all the terms of order protection to pass. Having achieved that the dispute was never opened, bypassing all possible deadlines, he does not transfer the money.
  2. Having agreed on a refund, he transfers the amount of money to the PayPal account, but then withdraws the payment. The fact is that transfer and payment in this system are two different things. If the seller sends you a "Transfer", then you don't have to worry, the funds will fall on your balance, and you will be able to dispose of them after some time. If the "Payment" is carried out, then the following scheme applies:
  • buyer and seller on Aliexpress in Paypal switch places. By processing the return as “payment,” the former seller is eligible for PayPal Buyer Protection for 40 days;
  • after 40 days, the seller applies to PayPal arbitration with a complaint about non-receipt of the goods on payment. Fraudsters, when making such a return, indicate the numbers of an imaginary order in order to certify the system support service in the execution of a real purchase. The arbitration will ask the buyer for the track number on which the paid "purchase" was sent. Unable to provide anything and prove otherwise, the funds are returned to the seller's account.

You can only avoid fraud on the part of the seller with your vigilance:

  • extend the order protection period for Aliexpress in time;
  • in case of disputable situations, open a dispute, return funds according to the established rules.

You don't have to rely on the honesty of sellers, so it's better to follow the rules and not negotiate a return bypassing Aliexpress.

The technologies of our time are actively developing and add new opportunities to all our citizens. Nowadays, hardly anyone has yet come across online stores and made purchases through them. In the online environment, their own mega-trading giants have already emerged, for example, such a world-famous platform as Aliexpress. A huge assortment of goods for all occasions, various promotions, attractive low prices - all this makes this site one of the leaders in terms of attendance and the number of orders.

Of course, the regulars of Aliexpress are well aware of all the nuances of working with the trading platform. But the overwhelming majority of clients periodically have questions and incomprehensible moments. Most often, buyers are interested in what a Paypal account on Aliexpress is. This issue should be thoroughly dealt with, because such a service can be quite useful.

The Aliexpress and Paypol trading platform operate independently of each other.

Paypal account: what is it

Active visitors to online stores are well aware of the ways in which payment is made for the selected product. For example, most of our compatriots use WebMoney, considering such a payment system to be the most reliable. But on the world stage, among PSs, Paypal is most clearly manifested..

Paypal is a payment system with which you can conduct various transactions, including sending or receiving money.

Paypol becomes indispensable when difficulties arise in some online stores when trying to pay for goods with bank plastic. It is worth considering the simplicity and efficiency of this system. And of course, providing the payer with complete security when making transfers becomes the main trump card.

The ease of use of this system includes the fact that Paypal does not use local currency. That is, the client sees his funds in their original form. The registration procedure in the system is simple. The only thing that is necessary is to have a minimum of funds on the card, which is planned to be linked to the account, otherwise the program will not accept it.

Paypal-Account: what is it on Aliexpress

Finding out what a Paypal account on Aliexpress is, you need to take into account that Paypal is an independent PS with its own rules, requirements and nuances. These include:

  1. Personal arbitration.
  2. Protected area for transactions.
  3. Uniqueized accounts.

The policy adopted by this PS did not allow Aliexpress to fully fulfill all obligations to customers and slowed down the work of the site. Therefore, some time ago, Aliexpress was forced to refuse Paypol services. At the moment, these two sites operate in an individual and independent mode.... The only exception is the procedure for returning funds from the online trading platform.

Paypol can also handle disputes and refunds

Payments and transfers

It is worth knowing that Paypol payments are two completely different financial transactions. In particular, the concept of payment means the process of paying money for a specific product / service. To control and regulate these transactions, the PS has its own protection of customers-customers. By the way, this nuance is actively used by unscrupulous sellers from Aliexpress. For example, when returning money in an open dispute when transferring funds as payment, the money will subsequently be returned back, because Aliexpress in this case acts as a buyer, not a seller.

Experts strongly advise to track the status of the transfer when receiving a return. If the Paypal payment on Aliexpress is framed as a "payment" and not a "transfer", you should refuse the procedure and continue the dispute further.

Refunds before the expiration of the protection period

If the protection terms for the paid purchase have not yet lost their relevance, the Aliexpress customer can reopen the dispute (if the funds did not arrive at Paypol or were incorrectly processed). Everyone who has used this trading platform at least once knows about such a service as opening a dispute. For example, a client placed an order for a certain product and paid for it. From this moment, the buyer's protection period opens, during which the latter can open a dispute. This can happen in several situations:

  • non-compliance of the purchase with the promised;
  • product defect, breakdown, malfunction;
  • the item was never received (lost on the way).

In all these cases, the seller undertakes to fully or partially reimburse the buyer for the purchase price. If he does not do this, the management of Aliexpress has the right to refuse him further cooperation. But some cunning sellers have devised a fraudulent way. For example, they promise the buyer to reimburse the cost of the goods by transfer and arrange it as a "payment" with the aim of subsequently returning the money back.

With the help of the Paypol account, the client can open a dispute and demand a refund

Knowing what Paypal is and how to use it on Aliexpress, the client can sometimes also act as a deceiver. Let's say, by opening a dispute and receiving money on the PayPol account, he closes the dispute. But only to reopen it a few days later. And get a refund a second time, because Aliexpress and Paypal work in automated and independent systems.

Dispute opening

Many sellers from Aliexpress, seeing an open dispute, ask to close it, guided by the loss of reputation. And in return they promise to make the transfer on their own to the Paypol account. Experts advise clients not to give in to persuasion and not give up the dispute. There are other reasons for this (besides the one already described):

  • direct transfers of funds to Paypol can only be received by residents of the Russian Federation (this service is not possible for other CIS countries);
  • the seller's attempt to simply delay time in order to expire the protection period (after its expiration, the return becomes impossible).

Of course, not all Aliexpress merchants are crooks and scammers. Many honestly return money with the status of "transfer" to Paypal. But still, it is worth considering whether it is worth closing the dispute prematurely, because Aliexpress operates according to its own laws, which, first of all, support the client in order to prevent a drop in his ratings.

When is it better to use a Paypal account on Aliexpress

The question of how to pay for a purchase on Aliexpress through Paypal is not a complex one, because this wallet can be safely used for such purposes. But there are a number of nuances regarding the interaction of this PS and the largest online trading platform, and they have already been announced above. Of course, most of Aliexpress sellers are decent and honest people. Many of them may even agree and return the money to the Paypol account even after the protection time has expired.

The representatives of the trading platform also value their reputation and strive not to spoil it. And it is in this case that it is worth connecting your Paypol account to work, because sometimes this becomes the only way to get your funds back if the goods are not received, damaged or does not correspond to what was declared.

When refunding funds, you need to monitor the status of the payment

How to distinguish the process of paying for an item from a refund to a Paypal account

The interface of this popular payment system changes and improves from time to time. But, unfortunately, there is still no clear distinction between enumeration statuses. Therefore, inexperienced users find it difficult to determine when they can accept a payment, and when they should refuse it, so as not to be left without money. You can distinguish the status of a payment by a transaction by the following main features:

  1. Note signatures such as shipping address and order numbers.
  2. Available additional commission for the ongoing monetary transaction.
  3. Availability of text (prior to acceptance of the enumeration) on the left side: “See on a site with a classic interface. " The text changes if the client has accepted the transfer to others. By the way, if you click on the text “See on the site ... ", the system will automatically transfer the user to another page, where the client will clearly understand that the transfer was made according to the" Payment "status.

In this situation, you cannot agree and accept such a transaction. It is worth declining the payment and contacting the seller to clarify the details. By the way, if the payment was accepted and the client immediately withdrew the money, then the seller from Aliexpress has the right to deploy arbitration, and the client's money will be debited from his card, which is linked to the PayPol account.


Working with a Paypal account and at the same time being a regular visitor and an active buyer on Aliexpress, you should know all the nuances of interaction between this PS and the trading platform. And in case of a return, not agree to close the dispute and wait for the transfer to Paypol. In any situation, especially when it comes to your own finances, you should be careful not to fall for the tricks of unscrupulous sellers.

Before you can return money from Aliexpress through PayP al, you need to clarify the return procedure. The problem is that this payment system is practically not used on Aliexpress. And if a fraudster is caught instead of the seller, then refunds in this way is a very risky business.

In order to figure out how to find out your P ayP al account, you need to find out what it is, specifically, and how to use it. P ayP al is a payment system used in more than 160 countries around the world. Most often, such an account is started by those who prefer to shop on the Internet, including on Aliexpress.

To register in the system, the user only needs a bank card with a certain amount on the account and an e-mail. Before registering here, you need to top up your account, at least for a few dollars. For e-mail, the address must end with ".com". Gmail is also fine.

Important! It is email that is used as PayPel account for transferring funds.

The system imposes certain requirements on bank cards used by account holders:

    Card type must be Visa, Mastercard or higher.

    Bank - Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

    Currency - dollars or rubles. Conversion in the system is very simple, so there will be no problems.

With regard to personal data, it is imperative to fill out the form provided. This is the full name, passport data, SNILS, residential address (including postal code), etc. This rule also applies to information about a bank card. To confirm the card, a minimum amount is required on the account.

The user needs to go to the appropriate section and find the "Bank card confirmation" tab. After clicking on "Continue", the specified amount will be debited from the account. A receipt with the appropriate code will also be provided. It should be entered into a special window to confirm the card. After the account is created, the user will be able to shop online and conduct other financial transactions.

How to get paid to PayPal account

The user's PayPel account is email. And if you want the seller to return the money using this particular payment system, then he needs to provide his email. When the money is returned, a letter will be sent to the recipient's mail with the appropriate instructions. And to return them, you need to use this instruction.

At the moment, the Aliexpress website does not cooperate with the Paypal payment system. Therefore, it is no longer possible to open an account and buy the necessary goods using it directly. Despite this, many users still have PayPal accounts on Aliexpress, so refunds are more relevant for them than ever.

The parties to the transaction often agree to pay for the goods or return the money using PayPel. But in this case, it is impossible to verify the actions of the sender of funds. The Aliexpress website does not act as a guarantor of the transaction and does not bear any responsibility.

Whether to agree with the return of money from Aliexpress to the account in PayPal

Before you agree to a final refund, you need to know the terms of order protection. If this period has not yet expired, you can open a so-called dispute and demand proceedings. Most likely, the seller will start asking not to resort to such measures, promising to make a return as soon as possible.

The injured party has no choice only if the protection period has expired and a dispute cannot be opened.

And then the seller has no reason to return the money. That is, the user risks quite seriously, since he does not have any other methods of influencing the seller. As for the protection period, it is 180 days. During this period, the affected customer may request a refund through the system.

Despite the fact that it is no longer possible to use PayPal on the site, certain financial disputes still arise. Most often, conflicts arise due to the goods not received by the buyer or marriage. In this case, the seller tries to avoid litigation, so he assures that he will return the money.

Refunds are made through Paypal, that is, there are no guarantees to get your money back. However, many buyers agree to provide payment details and close the dispute on the site. This is what sellers use. After transferring funds, they reopen the dispute and demand a refund from the buyer.

The fact is that the system allows for several types of calculations:

    Payment for the goods.

    Exchange of funds between individuals. by persons.

And the fraudster opens a dispute on the basis that he is the buyer and the recipient is the seller. It is almost impossible to prove the opposite, since the site administration will not understand the nuances of the transaction. And yesterday's seller, suddenly becoming a buyer, will fall under the appropriate protection program.

Then he will have 180 days to officially contact the administration for a refund. What should a deceived user do? The easiest way is to get your money back by taking screenshots of all transactions. And then you need to contact the site administration again and open a dispute.

Therefore, take a very close look at the status of the money transfer. If this is a payment for the goods, then after 40 days you will have to return the money. Some scammers often indicate a non-existent order number and other data. Such payment must be refused. If fraud has already occurred, then the site administration in 99% of cases deducts money from the offender's account (in this case, the victim).

To get your money back to Aliexpress in case of fraud, you will have to try hard. It is desirable that the administration be involved in the dispute. And since the PayPel site does not conduct any business, you need to use other payment systems. If the seller insists on a refund using PayPal, then you can write that the buyer does not have such an account.

When there is an opportunity to open a dispute, this must be done without fail. Then the seller will have to return the entire amount forcibly. But again, you need to monitor the implementation of the transfer so as not to end up in the role of a fraudulent seller. You can take a risk only when the deadline for opening a dispute is out, and there is no other way out.

Of course, not all sellers on Aliexpress are scams. Often there are those who really take a responsible approach to their work and value their reputation. And, of course, he does not use such schemes for illicit enrichment at the expense of other users.

It is very easy to become a PayPal account owner as it only takes a few minutes to register. But the use of this payment system implies compliance with certain rules:

    You cannot transfer any data from your account in the system to unauthorized persons.

    When using Paypal, you need to visit only verified official sites. You also need to pay attention to the presence of a secure protocol (HTTPS: //).

    It is better if the user visits the site from only one computer, laptop, etc. Then the IP address will remain unchanged, and the account holder will not have problems with the security service. If it constantly changes, then the person's personal account may be blocked, and the owner may be required to confirm his identity.

    You do not need to use instant credit cards, as fraudsters can use account data. Such cards are often offered to users on the Internet.

    E-mail is enough to transfer and receive funds.

    When making purchases on Aliexpress, you need to use only those payment systems that this site works with. These are WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex.Money, etc. If PayPal is used, then only by agreement of the parties. In this case, the site does not bear any responsibility.

In order not to become a victim of scammers, you need to choose only trusted sellers. But if the second party has not fulfilled its terms of the transaction, then you will have to contact the site administration. Better to return the funds after a dispute than not received at all.