Bioenergy - what is it? Human bioenergy - secrets Bioenergetics of health

Bioenergy– this is a group of energy transformation processes that occur in the body of living subjects and are responsible for their vital processes. For modern medicine, the study of bioenergetic processes is of great importance, since most human ailments are, to some extent, closely related to an imbalance in energy metabolism. The study of bioenergy metabolism, in particular oxidative phosphorylation in the structural and functional elementary units of the subject’s body, plays an important role for competent diagnosis, making an appropriate prognosis for the course of diseases and further treatment of such ailments.

Solar energy in the body is a kind of energy generator, which is converted by some microorganisms and plants into the energy of organic compounds due to the process of photosynthesis. The generated energy in the body of individuals is modified into thermal energy and its other forms due to cellular oxidation. Energy conversion occurs at the molecular level through the use of many enzymes concentrated in specialized structures, such as biological membranes.

Human bioenergy

The concept of bioenergy comes from two Greek words - life and activity. This concept means energy processes occurring in the body and creating the necessary conditions for various biochemical processes that ensure the activity of the structural elements of a living organism. Lack of energy is considered the main cause of many diseases and premature aging. To ensure that energy does not stagnate in the body and cause disease, you should strengthen your own energy field. Well-known techniques that make it possible to strengthen the subject’s energy field are bioenergetics, manual treatment and certain psychotherapy techniques. For example, during active physical work, it is recommended to slowly relax tense muscles that create an obstacle to free breathing and impede movement. With the help of techniques aimed at normalizing energy metabolism, one understands and becomes aware of one’s own internal state and improves control of the body, which generally contributes to improved health, both physical and mental.

The theoretical foundations of bioenergy were substantiated by Freud's follower, the Austrian doctor W. Reich. A. Lowen was the first to use it for therapeutic purposes. He created an entire methodology consisting of a set of exercises and instructions, which are still successfully used in bioenergy today.

Bioenergetics experts believe that an individual has a very close relationship between body and soul. Therefore, his emotional and psychological state is reflected against the background of his physical well-being and vice versa. There are also certain channels through which information is exchanged between the soul and body. By performing bioenergetic exercises, the subject can learn to understand and recognize these previously untapped and almost unknown communication channels, which will lead to harmonization of body and soul.

Bioenergetics has brought enormous practical significance to medicine. It can be used to cure various diseases and for early diagnosis. The main goal of bioenergy therapy is to restore mental harmony and physical health to the individual. The main pose used in Lowen's bioenergetics is called an arch, which is a backbend. The correct execution of the arch will be as follows: you need to draw an imaginary perpendicular line that will connect the point located between the shoulder blades in the middle with the point located between the legs in the middle. In the process of performing this exercise, proper breathing plays a significant role. Deep breathing allows you to feel the circulation of energy flows. In order to stimulate breathing, the patient is recommended to be in a tense position, for example, leaning over a chair or stool. Non-contact massage is also included in the complex of bioenergetic exercises. The goal of all exercises is to relax tense muscles.

Initially, bioenergy therapy was used to help individuals with neurotic disorders. Today, bioenergy is also used to treat personality disorders and psychosomatic diseases. Healthy individuals can also use bioenergetics techniques, for example, when trying to find a way out of current crisis life situations, striving for self-improvement and self-knowledge.

Bioenergy and Sergei Ratner suggested controlling your subconscious by controlling your own imagination through meditation. It was based on the fact that all human life occurs on two levels: physical and metaphysical. The physical level contains everything that sees, understands, hears, feels, and the metaphysical level includes the subconscious, in which all the main processes that transfer to the physical level are developed. Meditation turns off the physical level and takes the individual directly to the metaphysical level, in which he can reshape his reality towards the positive.

The advantage of bioenergy techniques is that they can be performed at home. The only requirement for using the techniques at home is to perform them correctly and enjoy the exercises. Only if these conditions are met will there be benefit from bioenergetic exercises.

A person can borrow energy from sources of different origins. The first energy source is given to a person as an inheritance. It creates potential energy. The next source produces energy due to the combustion of oxygen. Thanks to the combustion of food, a person receives a third source of energy. The last two sources produce functional energy. The energy source that a person inherits is considered the foundation on which the individual’s life experience is developed with the help of external stimuli. External stimuli include: upbringing and nutrition, environment, emotions and lifestyle. Potential energy in the process of organism formation is closely related to external energy generators or to energy that determines the standard of living and psychological development of the individual, i.e. with functional energy. In the body, energy is produced through eight systems: immune, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, excretory and reproductive systems. It is distributed through a specific transport system called “energy meridians.”

Bioenergy treatment

Since ancient times, bioenergetic treatment of various “illnesses” has been known. To this day, many tribes at the lowest stage of their development use only this method for treatment. Each individual has the ability to self-heal using bioenergy. Along with this, bioenergetic methods were identified as a separate general teaching in ancient India by yogis. Today, the method of bioenergy therapy is an inseparable part of yoga.

A healthy individual has three different types of biofield. Each type is transformed depending on the damage to the organ in a certain way, reflecting a violation of energy. It is as a result of energy transformations that it becomes possible to determine what happened to an organ or system in the individual’s body. Restoring energy balance always means a cure for the disease.

Practitioners of bioenergetics are highly sensitive to human biofields, therefore they can feel its biofield with their hands at some distance from the human body. They feel it in the form of various weak manifestations, for example, in the form of heat or cold, tingling, etc. And highly sensitive bioenergetics can see the biofield or aura surrounding the individual.

To identify a bioenergy disease, upon contact with an individual’s biofield, their own sensations are differentiated. In order to heal a diseased organ, a targeted energy effect is applied to it. During such treatment, the patient’s energy level sharply increases, and the healer’s energy level temporarily decreases in accordance with the energy expended.

In principle, each individual is capable of healing himself, but for this he must perform certain exercises. A specially developed set of exercises allows you to increase the body’s energy so much that a person will be able to heal not only himself, but also others.

Bioenergy and self-study are possible today with the help of various literature and regular practice. After all, absolutely every subject emits energy, which, unfortunately, is wasted. Meanwhile, as numerous studies have shown, wasted energy can heal the body of its carrier and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and emotional background.

So, the essence of bioenergetic treatment lies in the individual’s ability to accumulate and transmit energy to the diseased organ. This method has a wide range of possibilities and high efficiency. With the help of bioenergy, you can permanently cure radiculitis, debilitating migraines, endocrine diseases, various inflammatory processes, paralysis and strokes, asthma and many other diseases.

The bioenergetic treatment method is based on the close relationship between the energetic and physical structure of the human body. Any pathological transformations occurring in the internal organs, cells and systems of the body will certainly lead to modifications in the human bioenergetic picture. Practitioners of bioenergetics feel such changes in the energetic state of subjects as uneven density of the aura, transformations of its color palette, and disorders of the chakras. Therapeutic energy effects on areas of the body with low energy density lead to an increase in the protective forces of the organ to which the effect is directed, and energy dispersion in the excess area helps to suppress the hyperfunction of organs and cleanse the chakras, thereby normalizing the regulatory functions of the body. Bioenergy - manual treatment can have an amazing healing effect.

Bioenergy training

Today, unfortunately, a huge number of people are in rather poor health and suffer from a large number of severe symptoms. Even children are born sick. A serious symptom in the realities of the high-speed modern and progressive rhythm of life is extreme fatigue from the effects of stress factors, loss of strength, the cause of which may lie in an unfavorable environmental situation or in an internal stress factor that comes more and more with each passing year. Bioenergy therapy is designed to assess the threat and eliminate its consequences.

Previously, the secrets of bioenergetic treatment were passed on by word of mouth, from generation to generation. Today, many teaching aids have been developed in the public domain, and there are even bioenergy institutes aimed at teaching the possibilities of bioenergy.

The education system in schools and institutes of bioenergy is mainly based on the principles of working through the awareness of previously incomprehensible processes, such as the conscious choice of one’s thoughts leading to the realization of intentions and goals, working with internal feelings, thoughts and sensations. It is also possible to study bioenergy independently by studying specialized literature or web portals.

Bioenergetics training promotes the achievement of one's own goals and teaches self-healing.

The concept of bioenergy training covers the study of human bioenergy and the management of its energy flows, cosmoenergetics, cleaning of energy channels, energy protection, nourishment and complete healing of the body, reiki, treatment, etc.

A person with clean and unclogged energy channels, who can easily gain and accumulate energy, control energy flows, heal himself and others, has the foundation for further development of his own abilities in the field of clairvoyance and control over his own destiny.

Secrets of bioenergy

Bioenergy for individuals is protection from many troubles and diseases. Each human personality has an energy “shield” that prevents diseases from entering the body. The strength of such a “shield” is different for each individual and depends on the general energy level of a particular individual. Bioenergy is a kind of protection against adverse external influences. It forms an energy biofield around the subject; the denser it is, the more difficult it will be to exert an external influence on the individual.

Bioenergy and Sergey Ratner in his works revealed the secrets of bioenergy and developed a kind of guide leading to wealth and success. He argued that energy itself has neither color nor shape, nor does it have other parameters with the help of which it is possible to differentiate objects of the material world. It is absolutely colorless and can appear either dynamically or statically. S. Ratner in his teaching was based on the principle of combining the spiritual and physical with the goal of further more effective building of life. He developed a technique in which a person, through meditation, achieves balance and gets rid of illusions. All his meditations are very short in time and effective. That is, an individual must perform only certain actions that ultimately lead to the life change he needs. Meditation, according to Ratner, is an individual personal space within each subject, which he can either use for his own life or avoid it all his life. Meditation is available to everyone. To implement it, you don’t need anything particularly complicated, you need to gather your thoughts and at a certain moment sit down, close your eyes and sit in silence for literally a few minutes, to begin with. At the same time, it is necessary not to give the thoughts that fill the consciousness the opportunity to take over the internal space of the individual (meditative space). In his practice, Ratner used not so much meditation, in the general sense of the word, as controlled imagination. He argued that to learn meditation, all you need is a simple desire for internal communication with yourself. This journey to the inner self, or meditation, can occur in several periods of consciousness. The individual is fully conscious throughout the entire process of meditation in the first period. During this period, consciousness will not allow the subject to go deep, it will only allow him to float on the surface. The next period is like a lucid dream, during which the individual knows for sure that he is producing something. Practically it will not be a dream, rather it will be an action. Since a person’s consciousness has simply disconnected from his body, the individual is freed from control of the mind, and one hundred percent work occurs. When the control of the mind is weakened and the control of one’s inner essence ceases, the subconscious begins to act independently, and everything happens more efficiently and faster. In just 5 minutes of such sleep, an individual is able to get enough sleep.

Meditation, according to Ratner, should be carried out in a state of extreme fatigue, when the individual really wants to sleep. The main thing, before falling asleep, during the transition to a state of meditation, will be to give a task to the subconscious. And only after that you can fall asleep. This variation of meditation is considered more effective than the usual meditation. However, it is necessary to enter such a state with the thought that this is necessary to perform a certain type of work, and not just for the purpose of sleeping.

The entire meditative process contains three mandatory components: entering the meditative space, working in it and leaving it. In the process of working in a meditative space, the individual enters a certain state that gives him the opportunity to disconnect from the body and stop feeling it.

Ratner worked with energy using his own imagination. Therefore, no matter what a person does in the meditative space, any manipulations performed by him will be presented in the form of beautiful pictures that rearrange reality into a new plane. The clearer and brighter the subject imagines the images, the faster he will receive the life he strives for and desires for himself. The main thing that a person must understand is that while in a meditative space, any of his actions, no matter how funny it may look, will have certain consequences. Therefore, you should always move only in the direction of the positive so that the consequences are positive.

The secret of bioenergy, according to Ratner, lies in developing the ability to control one’s own imagination through meditation. Managing your own imagination provides the opportunity to see your own life in a positive aspect, as a result of which life will change in a favorable and happier direction.

All living beings in the world - stones, trees, people, animals, plants - have their own bioenergy or, as it is also called, energy field (the substance of electromagnetic fields). Therefore, the relationship between man and nature and the world around him occurs as a result of the exchange of energy and information that passes from one object to another. A person who knows how to exchange energy better than others and lives more concentrated, harmonious and fulfilling. Here are some tips to help you determine your own or another person's bioenergy.

How to determine human bioenergy

  • There are many factors that influence human bioenergy. Everything turns out to be important – the day a person was conceived, the year of conception and the place. If a child was conceived during an eclipse, then its energy field has some disturbances, since during the eclipse the Earth’s biofield changes.
  • Solar activity also plays an important role in human destiny. People who were born during solar activity are distinguished by powerful energy and are resistant to environmental influences. Those born from March 10 to 21 have an energy that attracts adventure. Therefore, cleaning their biofield is a necessary activity for them. They need to go barefoot and engage in physical activity. Those born in August have good health and powerful bioenergy, unlike people born in a different period.
  • The exemplary biofield has an egg-shaped, symmetrical shape, elongated above the head and extends beyond the physical body by 40 cm - 1.5 meters. The loss of this form occurs due to disturbances in the psychological portrait of a person. You yourself have repeatedly observed changes in a person’s energy - a guest entered the room, and the impression was that he took up almost the entire place and displaced everyone else present. And a person who spent the whole time sitting unnoticed by anyone has weak energy. The normal color of the biofield is white and all light colors.
  • Every person has developed intuition, some have it stronger, some have it weaker, but still you can feel very well how to determine a person’s energy and understand whether he is suitable for you or not. Therefore, you need to listen to your feelings: do you feel weak after talking with this or that person, is there an exacerbation of any illness, are you calm, are you nervous over trifles? If you get positive answers to all these questions, then this means that the biofield of this person suits you.

Restoring bioenergy at home

Life will become much more comfortable if you prepare protection in advance in case of any energy invasion. Damaged bioenergy of a person, of at least one family member, adult or child, also deforms the general biofield of the entire family. Therefore, it is wise to engage in prevention.

General protection from energy intrusions involves the creation of special energy fields (screens, shields) that will allow positive energy to pass through and retain negative energy that can be brought by neighbors, acquaintances, or friends of a son or daughter. Various geopathogenic zones can also be a source of negative energy.

To create a protective screen for human bioenergy, the efforts of the whole family will be required. You have to close a protective capsule around your home, and your family biofield will give you the strength to create it. The technique that is offered to you is taken from Eastern spiritual practices.

Protecting the bioenergy of your home

Have the family gather in the central part of the house. When everyone sits down, relaxes, feels comfortable and calm, ask them to imagine that the house is surrounded by waves of golden light - it has become bright, clean and kind. Now stand in the center of the room, with your back to the front door. Concentrate and imagine that with one effort of will you are covering the wall opposite you with a flow of positive energy. Raise your right hand and trace the outline of this wall. Imagine that a bright stream of green light is rushing towards her from your fingers. Run your hand along the perimeter of the wall, closing the energy circuit in the direction of the sun's movement (from right to left). Imagine that the entire wall becomes transparent green, alive, pulsating.

In the same way, work with the other walls of the room, you can use both hands at the same time. Next, close the energy circuit of the ceiling and floor. The last one to close is the contour of the wall behind your back. Now turn to face her. And finally, close all the screens into a single capsule. To unify the energy fields you have created, move your hand as if making a circle.

At first, you can create color screens so that you can see whether the energy dome is collapsed or expanded.

Think of doors and windows not as openings in the wall, but as patterns on wallpaper. The walls will seem solid, which means there will be no places that could allow negative energy to pass through.

If necessary, the screens can be collapsed and expanded. Clap your hands and imagine that the screen rolls up from the walls to the center of the room, turning into a tiny roll, and the roll itself disappears between your palms. If you need to expand the screen, just one clap is enough. Spread your arms to the sides and the screen will “unfold”.

How to cleanse your home of bad energy

What to do if negative energy has already accumulated in the house? The screen will not let it through, but it is necessary to free the house from negativity. It is recommended to periodically remove the screens and cleanse the living space of energetic dirt. Cleanliness is the key to health, we know this from childhood.

If family members are too emotional, their mood or interests change sharply, then shielding will not help you. In order to align the family biofield, you need to constantly work with it, destroy the vortex flows that punch holes in the protective capsule you created.

Bioenergy purification

The following method must be used if relationships in the family begin to deteriorate. He will clearly demonstrate to you how bioenergy affects a person. To restore mutual understanding, sometimes it is enough to say that you still love each other. However, the simpler the solution, the more difficult it is to implement. We are not used to looking for easy ways, so we will take a detour.

Women are most often the initiators in any endeavor in the family. You will have to warn your spouse so that he is prepared and not surprised by anything.

So, early morning. Stand opposite your husband, extend your hands towards his hands, but do not join them. Let there be a distance of about 20 cm between your hands. Fingers apart. Now look at your husband and imagine that inside you, in the navel area (here is the energy center responsible for sexuality), a burning stream of energy is uncontrollably rushing out. It splashes out into your outstretched hands, taking the shape of a ball. Send this ball towards your husband’s navel chakra, feel how the same ball breaks out of his hands and both fireballs merge, swirl, turning into a common stream of energy that spreads, absorbs both of you, reliably protecting you and isolating you from the world. Hug your husband: now a protective energy dome is closing over your heads, your biofields are being adjusted and synchronized.

Check your feelings: you feel a surge of strength and confidence in the future. Your spouse feels the same way.

Restoration of bioenergy and biofield

The best way to normalize the family biofield is to work on each chakra for each family member. This kind of work takes little time, and no specific knowledge or skills are required.

Prepare a copper bell; its sound should be pleasant to you: not too high, not too low. Stand behind one of the family members (husband, child, grandfather, grandmother, etc.), raise the bell above his head at a distance of about 10-20 cm. If the child is still very small, he can lie down.

Slowly walk around the person clockwise, gradually lowering the ringing bell until it reaches the level of the lower chakra. Then, continuing to walk around, gradually raise the bell until it is above the crown of the head.

If you want to cleanse your own biofield, it is better to do it while lying down. The actions are performed in the following sequence: first you ring the parietal chakra, then the frontal chakra, go down to the throat, heart, work with the solar plexus area, navel and lower chakra, and then repeat the movement in the opposite direction. Sometimes the result appears immediately: it becomes easier to breathe, an extraordinary lightness appears in the body, and a slight tingling sensation appears in the arms and legs. All this is a consequence of the fact that blood flows through the vessels faster, and the cells receive more nutrition.

It's good if you ring the chakras at least from time to time. This will help you withstand any energy attack.

If you need to protect another person, for example, a weaker spouse or your child, then just imagine how your protective dome expands and absorbs the biofield of this person. The light floats in and gently draws his biofield inward, as if taking it under your protection. Now human bioenergy will be protected.

Exercises for bioenergy

For people with imaginative thinking, this exercise will help. Roll up all your troubles into one big ball. On the way to the house, mentally unwind it, leaving threads on tree branches and wires. Near the door, turn around and be sure to say from the bottom of your heart: “Let all bad things become good!”

After this, look at the sky, and even if heavy clouds are crawling across it, you will feel how high and pure it is, how beautiful the pristine world is, not ennobled by the achievements of civilization. That's all.

Restoring human energy

How to cleanse energy with fire

It is best to do the exercise before bed. Draw the curtains and turn off the lights. Place a lit wax candle in the center of the table (at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the edge) and sit in a soft chair. Take a comfortable position. Relax completely. Without looking away, look at the candle flame for 10 minutes. After some time, you will feel a pleasant numbness and a feeling of lightness in your head and throughout your body.

Repeat this exercise every day for a week. The lesson should begin on the night from Sunday to Monday and end, accordingly, on the following Sunday.

The benefits of silicon energy for bioenergy

Stones serve as an excellent absorber of negative human bioenergy. To protect the room and stabilize the positive aura in it, use silicon. Silicon can be bought at a pharmacy. Or collect a whole collection on a pebble beach.

So, you have just found a place where negative energy is being injected into the room. Place a piece of silicon nearby. You can simply place silicon in the corners of the room to form a square or rectangle. The protective capabilities of these items are such that they can protect the entire room.

Silicon must be cleaned of accumulated dirt once a month. This is very simple to do: place it under running cold water for two to three hours, then leave it outside for a day so that it is saturated with the energy of the stars and the Sun.

Coil springs

Working with human bioenergy requires the use of certain items. For example, cylindrical springs. Springs can absorb negative energy for one and a half to two years without any cleaning if they are large enough, at least 5-6 cm in diameter.

Music to restore bioenergy

Music has a wonderful cleansing effect. It's good if you know the mantras. At least one. Mantras not only cleanse the house, not only fill it with warmth, goodness and light - they also charge the one who pronounces them, bringing harmony and well-being.

But other melodies that are pleasant to your ear will also be great, but, of course, not hard rock or other similar “musical” compositions that destroy a person. Destructive both physically, mentally and energetically.

"Shield of Shambhala" for bioenergy

If you are not protected from the negative effects of other people's energy by your spirituality, the consequences can be very severe and serious, both for you personally and for your home. Human bioenergy should always be protected. The proverbial words: “I carry everything I own with me” fit perfectly in this case.

In the East there was a coherent system of defenses against energy capture. One of them is the “Shield of Shambhala”. The legendary Shambhala, which Elena Ivanovna Roerich wrote about, is a country of high spirituality, prosperity, virtue and well-being. Shambhala personifies longevity, kindness, eternity and the achievement of high spirituality.

The technique of execution is as follows: Straighten your left hand, press your thumb to the hand. Clench the fingers of your right hand into a fist. Place your fist on the back of your left hand.

The Shambhala Shield is the protection of life, health, prosperity, prosperity.

If trouble happens in your home, face it head on. You can survive anything, you can cope with any adversity.

Every situation teaches something, and there is always a reason for gratitude if desired. Moreover, obstacles are necessary because by overcoming them, a person grows spiritually.

Protection from bad energy

If you direct negative thoughts and negative energy at a person, you can destroy his defense, that is, his biofield, which is a protection against the influence of black magic on a person. His human bioenergy is disrupted, he becomes weak and an easy victim for otherworldly forces that are constantly looking for a person with a weak biofield. A person begins to get sick, he gets tired quickly, and his strength constantly goes away. The task of the biofield and human energy is to constantly protect it from evil creatures and various negative people who are trying to break through and crack this wall. To prevent this from happening, you need to protect your energy.

Ways to protect against negative bioenergy

  • One of the easiest and at the same time reliable ways. If you feel somehow uncomfortable with a person, then cross your legs and arms while talking and continue the conversation. Now this person will not be able to pour out his negativity on himself. Your biofield is closed, and no one will be able to squeeze into it. There will be no energy leakage.
  • The second method is called a “protective ring”. Connect your thumbs and index fingers. You will form a ring, now it will be a protection ring. Just fold the rest of your fingers.
  • A similar method is called “ring nesting”. Make two rings from your fingers, connecting them at the same time. Repeat three times, this method will close your biofield from the penetration of negativity into it.
  • There is another way to protect yourself. This is using "egg". Feel that there are golden peas around your solar plexus. They move about you in 4 directions. They should come from the solar plexus. They should lie in a horizontal plane, the approximate distance is an outstretched arm. They seem to form a cross. Now imagine and feel that the cross begins to rotate around you. When it begins to rotate quickly, a hoop begins to form, which will protect you. During its rotation, it resembles an egg. The color should be golden, blue or orange.
  • Restoring human bioenergy will be effective if you use the “mirror wall” method. Imagine that there is a brick wall around you. It should have several rows. The outer part of the brick wall is mirrored. As soon as negative energy is directed towards you, the mirror image returns it to the person who sent all this negativity towards you.

Bioenergy determines the relationship between man and the Universe; it is a general energy system, which is based on the principle of sevenfoldness - seven colors of the rainbow, seven musical notes, seven chakras, seven constitutional types. Human bioenergy is vibration of various frequencies in the range from the highest to the lowest.

With a harmonious combination of vibrations, the body functions correctly, and disharmony, on the contrary, has a detrimental effect on it.

Human energy centers are made up of seven bodies, which are channels for receiving energy of varying degrees of density. Each of them corresponds to its own plane of existence - from the physical to the spiritual.

Seven chakras

Human bioenergy depends on all seven bodies (chakras), while the functions of the astral are to ensure the energetic functioning of the physical body, and the remaining subtle bodies are to maintain the spiritual sphere

A person can be considered as a complex receiver that perceives vibrations of the environment through the organs of vision, hearing, smell and touch. These signals are analyzed by the nervous system and brain, and then stored in the mind in the form of visual images, smells, sounds and sensations.

Human bioenergy is in constant interaction with the Universe with the help of subtle bodies.

For example, a person communicates with the subtle world during sleep, when he leaves the physical shell and, together with his consciousness, rushes to the aura of the Earth in order to be energetically nourished.

However, it is not only in dreams that this kind of communication with nature occurs.

Unlike the thin layer, the low ones are endowed with rough vibrations and heavy energy, because they are inhabited by embodied entities that remain after physical death.

They can also influence dreams in the form of random nightmares and change our behavior. Often people who grew up in prosperous families have low inclinations and are unable to control their behavior and condition.

Our world was created by Higher powers, which are a positive principle, which are omnipotent and always support people, endowing them with power that embodies their positive will.

Those entities that live in dark and low vibrations are weak and harmless for people who support the Higher powers. If a person lets them into his personal energy, then they become deadly.

The bioenergy of a person with sublime, bright thoughts of love and goodness usually has a powerful energy supply with higher vibrations, giving strong physical and spiritual health.

However, there are two commandments that are very important in matters of healing. Firstly, the bioenergy of the person conducting the treatment must be absolutely healthy, and secondly, his protective shell must be large and powerful.

Bioenergy is a previously unusual and unfamiliar word to many that has become very firmly entrenched in our lives for many years now. Currently, bioenergy therapy is well understood by many people along with such words as aura, esotericism, etc.

So, what is bioenergy? Some people mistakenly believe that bioenergy is something like extrasensory abilities, and it is inherent only in selected people. Let's try to give the correct answer to the question of what bioenergy is.

Basis of the concept

Bioenergy. This word comes from the Greek language and literally means “life, activity.” Briefly, bioenergy can be described as follows: in the human body throughout its life, energy processes constantly occur that affect life.

Bioenergy is very important because its insufficient level leads to various diseases in people. Therefore, in order to live fully and be a healthy person, you need to monitor your bioenergy and strengthen your own energy field. For example, many manuals on bioenergy advise to slowly relax your muscles during heavy physical activity, in this way you can normalize bioenergy metabolism and improve your health.

Bioenergy therapy was introduced by the Australian doctor W. Reich, who was a follower of the famous psychologist. A. Lowen began to use bioenergetic theory for treatment purposes. He came up with a technique that consisted of several exercises. By the way, many of them are still successfully used by modern bioenergy therapy.

Bioenergy books say that every person has a very close connection between body and soul. It turns out that psychology has a great influence on how people feel, and also vice versa - if a person manages to feel good physically, his psychological state is also good.

It turns out that there are certain channels through which bioenergy is connected to the body. If a person learns to perform bioenergetic exercises correctly, he will be able to harmonize the state of his soul and body.

Bioenergy therapy is currently used by many specialists to treat a variety of diseases. Moreover, the principles of bioenergy are also used in order to be able to find the right way out of the most difficult life situations.

By and large, bioenergy therapy is based on the fact that human life occurs on two levels - physiological and metaphysical. If with the first everything is clear - this is what people hear, see, touch, etc., then metaphysics is the subconscious, in which psychological processes take place, which then turn into the physical level.


It is noteworthy that people can perform healing using bioenergy at home on their own if they learn at least the simplest techniques. It is very important that they do not cause any side effects. Practical exercises boil down to the fact that people can receive energy from several sources:

  • The first is what we inherit from our parents.
  • The second is the energy produced by the combustion of oxygen.
  • The third is the food we eat every day.

All people throughout their lives can receive energy through 8 systems present in the body: respiratory, immune, reproductive, digestive, nervous, cardiovascular, excretory and endocrine.

It has been known since time immemorial that bioenergy exercises are very beneficial for the body. Currently, there are still tribes in the world that use only bioenergy to treat a variety of diseases and are confident that only this method works well. By the way, it is used in many practices - tantra or, for example, yoga.

Human bioenergy is divided into three levels, each of which can change at one time or another. Depending on which field you can feel the change in, you can determine which organ needs treatment, or find out what exactly the person is sick with. People who practice bioenergy healing can sense the biofields of others very well, and at a great distance.

They can also use energy healing with their hands, and they manage to feel the biofield through tactile sensations - some kind of tingling, warmth or cold. The most powerful bioenergetics can even see the biofield. To feel what a person is sick with, they direct their own energy to him, and then again use their own energy resources to treat one or another organ. It turns out that the patient’s energy level increases for a while, while the therapist’s energy level decreases.

It is not necessary to use healing through the hands of another person. You can learn bioenergy therapy on your own. To do this, you need to perform simple exercises with which you can understand how to increase your energy level. Special literature widely describes how to recognize your energy and how to become a bioenergy therapist. As a result, you can learn to treat not only yourself, but also other people.

The essence of bioenergy therapy can be defined as a person’s ability to accumulate energy in the body, and then use it to cure a particular diseased organ. It is believed that various ailments can be healed: diseases of the endocrine system, strokes, tumors and other diseases.

Surely many of you have heard wonderful stories about how the effect of energy on the human body is confirmed - people with the power of thought sometimes cure cancer even in the most advanced, inoperable stages. And this is nothing more than the positive influence of a person’s energy on himself.

How to increase your energy level? First, you need to learn not to waste energy on all sorts of trifles and unnecessary things, then energy will accumulate in the body and it can be used for treatment.

Some secrets

Since the foundations of bioenergetics were laid a long time ago, in ancient times, this knowledge was previously passed on by word of mouth. This method is still used by many to treat various ailments. By the way, Christianity and bioenergy therapy are closely related.

Despite the fact that Orthodoxy does not always welcome the use of some supernatural abilities for healing and other purposes, it can still be associated in some sense with bioenergy. There are even special prayers in which people ask for health for themselves or their loved ones. This is precisely what can be perceived as a kind of bioenergetic effect.

Each person has his own protective energy layer. It is different for each of us. If you are thinking about how to increase its effectiveness, then you should use special exercises with which you can strengthen it.

The denser your biofield becomes, the more difficult it will be for other people and even the environment to influence you. By the way, you can calculate your energy level by your date of birth. Methods by which you can check your energy level are widely described both in manuals on bioenergy and on websites dedicated to this topic.

It is noteworthy that a person’s energy level can be influenced by different life circumstances. They can either increase it or make it significantly lower. Resentment, guilt, psychological discomfort, envy, jealousy, greed, irritability, etc. can lead to energy deficiency.

If you have a lot of unfinished tasks, you may also feel that you are low on energy. Constant anxiety and worry have an equally negative effect on the body. Conversely, when a person is calm, does not get angry, plays sports, walks in the fresh air and performs a number of special exercises, he becomes stronger both physically and spiritually. Author: Elena Ragozina

Awareness of one’s bioenergetic mechanism is a topic, without exaggeration, that is worth a lot, especially these days, when people begin to actively “transition” from mind to intuition, becoming a person with a + sign. Feeling yourself, your etheric body and your bioenergy saves a person many years of life and adds a whole range of new sensations and possibilities to his mind. All miracles of healing, magic and human extrasensory abilities are embedded in the energy laws of our universe, where mastery of bioenergy is the beginning of a global path. Want a trick? Then let's do a little experiment right now.

You will do a little exercise with your etheric body and if you manage to take it seriously, you will discover something new for yourself. There will be something unusual in the sensations and thoughts: “either I made it up myself, or it’s true.” This is exactly what is required to get started.

Experiment "Now"

  1. Remember how many unnecessary thoughts come into your head every minute. They have a certain energy mass that accumulates throughout the whole day (thoughts about this and that).
  2. Try to at least somehow feel this energy weight - how much has accumulated today?
  3. The final step. Imagine yourself for at least 15 seconds, free from useless thoughts, a person with a clear mind, shaping your future with interest and confidence.

The weight that you were able to feel is the response of your etheric body. The state that you managed to imagine is your potential, and the difference that prevents you from being such a person is a lack of understanding of your true goals. As they say, no goal - no energy, because only goal and true interest give you the strength to move in life.

Therefore, every person who has begun to ask questions of self-knowledge and questions about what he really wants from his life, the first thing he needs to do is learn to work with his bioenergy and etheric body. So to speak, learn to feel and understand yourself. To do this, you need to slow down and not burden yourself with unnecessary information, which is full of information on the Internet, but learn to feel those subtle inexplicable sensations that you simply ignore. You don't have to pay for expensive courses and wait for an audience with a pseudo-guru. You just need to tune in to your unique frequency of consciousness, and then the necessary information and sensations will bloom within you.

Bioenergy education

It would be worth mentioning that if for at least one year in general educational institutions children were taught the basics of bioenergy, then by now we would be seeing success and harmony in the life of every such child. Let's imagine that this child is you, and remember that every adult is an improved child. Their only difference is that an adult has a lot of information about the world around him, but the deep emotional patterns of his behavior and thinking remain the same, don’t you agree?

Then say “yes”, is there something in you, for example some stable character trait or behavior that you would like to change? If this is present, then this is the place for you, but first read the article to the end and you will understand the basics of bioenergy.

If you want to feel more confident and clearer in this world, to understand who you are and where you should go, then you must know the following: our reality is a multi-level energy system, it can be divided into physical and metaphysical. Everything that torments and inconveniences us in life happens at the metaphysical level, and when the tension there grows to a certain level, then something begins to manifest itself at the physical level in the form of some illnesses, situations or repeating cycles in life.

The first physical level is accessible to every person - this is the familiar physical world, which is shown on TV and the knowledge about which is taught in school. But the metaphysical level is hidden behind human ignorance (misunderstanding). A person begins to feel for it with a passion for psychology and self-knowledge. Further, these hobbies smoothly flow into esoteric knowledge. This, by the way, is the natural path of the evolution of human consciousness.

But there is another interesting fact here: people, not knowing where to start, “jump into all the cracks.” Some go straight into magic, some into extrasensory perception, etc. They waste a lot of time on this and get disappointed - life does not change and happiness does not increase. The maximum that such people will succeed is to remember clever words, feed their ego and catch some glitches. As a result, there will be disappointment and the conviction that magic does not work. Of course, it doesn’t work when you don’t feel yourself, but at the same time you try to tune in to something external. This is, to put it mildly, stupid, and the result is obvious.

Imagine that you create the whole world, but you don’t yet understand how this happens. So, in order to understand the outside world and its structure, as well as learn to somehow influence it, you first need to understand yourself, and even better, learn to feel. Believe me, there is a difference. The beginning of your development is your etheric body.

Fundamentals of Bioenergy and General Development

A person has 7 main chakras - these are 7 energy centers, each of which is responsible for its own frequency of reality and fills its energy body. The term “chakras” is considered one of the main ones in the Hindu spiritual tradition. “Chakra” means “wheel”, “rotation” (Sanskrit) and is a plexus of energy channels of the subtle body. An ordinary person does not feel them, since his “wooden” perception is very limited, and he is simply a consequence of his subtle bodies. Without practice and training, a person does not have the opportunity to feel his subtle bodies and, accordingly, adjust them.

  • 1 muladhara chakra- responsible for the physical body, for healthy cells in the body, for the survival instinct, the fight instinct, etc. When working incorrectly, a person thinks a lot, but does little. His emotional and mental state day after day does not correspond to the real state of affairs. A person lives in illusions that most often dissatisfy him.
  • 2nd chakra Swadhisthana- responsible for the etheric body, the lymphatic system, creativity, sexuality and the manifestation of one’s individuality. When working incorrectly, a person loses clarity and taste for life, he loses interest in anything and develops prolonged depression.
  • 3rd chakra Manipura - is responsible for the astral body, for emotions, for concentration, for integrity. If the chakra works intermittently, and the astral body is filled with negative programs, then such a person will grab on to several things at the same time and not complete any of them to the end, or will want to “carry away more than he can lift.”
  • 4th chakra Anahata - mental body, deep feelings (for example, to all living things around and to oneself) and total acceptance. Any grievances and unjustified expectations, especially in childhood, disrupt the functioning of this energy center and block healthy feelings, making a person distrustful and very lonely inside.
  • 5th chakra Vishuddha - this center fills the casual body. A well-developed Vishuddha chakra is the key to mental and energetic strength. Allows a person to be “here and now”, control the space around him, build reality according to his own rules. These are good speakers, artists, managers, etc. A poorly functioning chakra, on the contrary, creates a lot of mental discomfort, as if a person does not have his own place, and everything around him is pressing on him. A person escapes reality by thinking about the past and worrying about the future.
  • 6th chakra Ajna - buddhic body. Third Eye. Unites the mind, will and thought forms about the world. This is the joy of the very process of thinking. The center is responsible for volitional influence on reality, for an expanded perception of the world, hypersensitivity and reading information from space, as well as programming people and situations for the future. Accordingly, the opposite symptoms will be slowness of thinking, irrational fears, headaches, etc., which prevents you from creating your life.
  • 7th chakra Sahasrara. The ultimate dream is the atmic body. God level. That's basically where we all came from. And our rebirths develop us and return us back to our place of the highest principle. This center is responsible for purpose and higher goals. The energy of this center permeates all other centers, however, the more severe a person’s susceptibility to such things, the more lost he will feel in this world and, conversely, when the chakra is pumped up even a little, a person has a feeling of total calm and clarity of his path.

Human mistakes

The main mistake people make is that their restless mind tries, out of habit, to grab as much information, techniques, and the like as possible. But such an algorithm does not work in energy-informational development. There are other rules and you need to know them!

  • If you are tired of the endless search for the “right”
  • If you want to understand the basis of energy information development and move confidently and systematically
  • If you need a strong psychophysical frame and a sense of truth inside
  • If you are ready to stop and adjust your sensitivity to the world, 90% of which you do not notice

We offer three possibilities:

A). Visit "Webinar No. 2". It is conducted by a specialist from our center, Magician-healer Irina Ramitsina. At this webinar you will learn how to truly feel yourself and the people around you, as well as a lot of practical information from the world of healing.

b). Individual work with your energy (training + practice). Conducted by the head of our center, Oleg Makeev. In this basic lesson, you will get acquainted with the basic techniques for working with bioenergy, receive certain settings and learn how to pump it in your body.

V). Take a recorded course. This is a full-fledged course on healing, which includes not only the basics of bioenergy, but also a lot of additional information. See course description below.

It is not so important what level of development you are at now; what is more important is that you want to be a more collected person, have better self-regulation skills and, in general, more consciously create your reality.

Well. Healing (3.3.4)

4th semester 3rd year of the main program

Course on the basics of bioenergetic and healing techniques. The semester provides basic knowledge of human anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, as well as internal diseases.

I. Ancient knowledge about the subtle part of man

  • Magical healing. Basic principles of healing.
  • The structure of human subtle bodies. Basic concepts.
  • Etheric, astral and mental bodies, structure and components. Concepts about meridians and tan-tiens.
  • The structure of the human energy system, its functioning and features.
  • Energy of the human reproductive system, structure, work, features.

II. Fundamentals of anatomy, histology and physiology. Human organ systems

  • Categories for studying the structure of the human body accepted in modern medicine.
  • Basics of human anatomy. Body tissues, their classification, structures, formation, features.
  • Fundamentals of human physiology. Functional systems of the body and their interaction.
  • Musculoskeletal system. System of ligaments and joints.
  • Digestive system. Design, features, functioning, regulation.
  • Genitourinary system. Design, features, functioning, regulation.
  • Circulatory system, structure, functioning, regulation.
  • Cardiac tissue, cardiac conduction system. Coronary circulation.
  • Design, operation, regulation.
  • Respiratory system, structure, functioning, regulation.
  • Nervous system, structure and functioning. Nervous tissue.
  • Central nervous system. The brain and its activities.
  • Brain zones.
  • Peripheral nervous system.
  • Sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.
  • Endocrine system, structure, functioning, regulation.
  • Sex hormone system, functioning, management.
  • The body's immune system, structure, functioning, regulation.
  • Skin and hair, structure, functioning, management.
  • Correspondence between human body organs and fine-grained structures.
  • Relationships between the chakra system and organ systems.
  • Energy relationships between the subtle bodies of man and the physical body.
  • Regulation of functional systems as an area of ​​application of magical influences.

III. Basics of biochemistry

  • Basic biochemical processes of the human body.
  • The structure of a human cell. Cell components.
  • DNA and RNA, tasks, structure, functions. The concept of genes.
  • System of protein synthesis in cells, structure and functions.
  • Generation of biological energy. Basic energy and metabolism.
  • Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The process of cellular respiration.
  • Carbohydrate metabolism. Managing blood glucose levels.
  • Metabolism of cholesterol and its derivatives. Cholesterol transport.
  • Amino acid metabolism. Biogenic amines.
  • Blood coagulation system. The process of formation and dissolution of a blood clot.
  • The influence of hormones and the nervous system on biochemical processes.
  • Biochemical processes as points of application of magical effects.

IV. Basics of medical diagnostics

  • Basic methods of medical examination.
  • Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation. Methods of implementation, evaluation of results.
  • Possible pathologies detected using basic examination methods.
  • Interpretation of data from analyzes of body substances, possible pathologies.
  • Interpretation of data from instrumental studies of the body, possible pathologies.

V. Basics of pathology

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system as a group of pathologies.
  • Myocardial infarction and angina pectoris, diagnosis, medical treatment, magical help.
  • Arterial hypertension. Diagnostics, treatment, magical help.
  • Heart rhythm disturbances. Causes, general diagnosis, emergency care.
  • Heart failure. Diagnostics, medical and magical treatment.
  • Subtle influences and spells for the treatment of heart diseases.
  • Preventing heart disease. Lifestyle.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system. Pneumonia, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, fibrosis.
  • Diseases of the urinary system.
  • Nephritis, kidney failure, urolithiasis.
  • General diagnostics, treatment, magical assistance.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Gastritis, peptic ulcers, colitis. Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis.
  • Biliary tract pathologies, cholelithiasis.
  • General diagnostics, medical and magical treatment.
  • Diseases of the nervous system. Vegetative-vascular dystonia. Epilepsy.
  • Cerebral circulation disorders.
  • Mental illnesses. Diagnosis, main signs.
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction:
  • diagnostics, medical and magical treatment.
  • Endocrine system disorders. Diabetes, thyroid diseases, hormonally active tumors.
  • Basics of diagnosis, medical treatment, magical help.
  • Immune system disorders. Immunodeficiencies, autoimmune diseases, allergies.
  • Basics of diagnosis, medical and magical treatment.
  • Diseases of the ENT and sensory organs.
  • Basics of diagnosis, medical and magical treatment.
  • Gynecological diseases. Diagnostics, medical and magical treatment.
  • Systemic diseases. Rheumatic diseases. Metabolic disorders. Vasculitis.
  • Osteoarthrosis.
  • Basics of diagnosis, medical and magical treatment.
  • Oncological diseases. Basics of diagnosis, general methods of influence.
  • Blood diseases. Anemia, hemoblastosis.
  • Basics of diagnosis, medical and magical treatment.
  • Infectious diseases. Pathogens, main signs, consequences.
  • Basics of diagnosis, medical and magical treatment.
  • Intoxication and poisoning. Diagnosis, main signs.
  • Conditions requiring emergency intervention. Coma.
  • Diagnostics, pre-medical and first medical aid.
  • Possible magical effects.
  • Surgical diseases. General diagnostics, possible magical effects.

V. Magical healing

  • Technologies of magical healing. Three levels of doing a healer.
  • Technologies of “higher” healing. The use of biocenoses in healing.
  • Technologies of “average” healing.
  • Technology of complete healing of the body, requirements, conditions, capabilities, features.
  • The concept of Adam Kadmon. Working with Adam Kadmon.
  • Technology of healing organs and tissues. Conditions, opportunities, features.
  • Application of medical knowledge in magical healing.
  • Management of functional systems and individual bodies.
  • Healing spells 14, 15, 16, 17, 13, 12, 11, 10 channels, application and features.
  • Technologies of “lower” healing. Working with the cocoon, working with chakras in healing.
  • Principles for determining optimal healing tactics.
  • Integrated application of measures of ancient technologies and modern medicine.

VI. Subtle healing

Duration of the course - 12 lessons of 2 hours. Total 24 hours of targeted information. 4 GB of audio/video materials. The cost of the full course is 5800 rubles. That is, every hour of professional information on healing will cost you only 241 rubles. This knowledge will work for you and your loved ones throughout your life. Start practicing right now!