The meaning of a dream about study. Why dream about college Why dream about not going to college

Dream interpretation study

It is simply necessary to determine what the dream of studying is for in modern life realities. The lesson seen presupposes not only advanced training or new developments, but also the deepening of the accumulated knowledge.

Unusual dream

According to a popular dream book, study is an extraordinary symbol, and therefore the number of questions sometimes exceeds the number of answers. If you often have dreams about studying, then it's time to turn to specialists for help. The plot of the dream will have to be decomposed into several components and only then put together the interpretations obtained from various sources.

Which lesson?

Not every person loves to study, and therefore school or student bench is remembered with disgust. This can be blamed on both the student himself and the teacher, who could not interest his ward.

However, everyone probably had a favorite subject that they always wanted to visit.

Exact sciences

Study exact sciences in a dream

No matter how strange it may sound, it is precisely the exact sciences that make it possible to determine life priorities. Most likely, the dreamer has long been trying to develop, learning new information and using it to achieve his goal. This approach is correct because information is useless without use.

Foreign languages

If at school you were not able to instill a love for a foreign language, then in a technical school you will have to fall in love with it against your will, because the degree you received will depend on the degree of your knowledge. I dreamed of a foreign speech - you must periodically enter someone else's position and analyze various points of view. Your task is to find the truth, not defend your own interests.

How did it go?

As practice shows, C grade students achieve success in life much more often than excellent students. This rule has a large number of explanations, and the skill of resourcefulness sometimes plays a decisive role.


Seeing a friendly teacher in a dream

If you dreamed of a discipline that you do not understand, and therefore are trying to avoid eye contact with a teacher, then you are really trying to avoid responsibility. We'll have to understand one thing: adult life is impossible without solving adult problems. Also, you should remember what the teacher looked like:

  • friendly - to the quick achievement of the set goals;
  • demanding - constantly demands more from you than from other people.

Have taken the initiative

If you stretch your hand and try to answer the teacher's question without hesitation, then the plot you see symbolizes a great desire to draw attention to your own person. However, in an attempt to assert oneself, one must not resort to prohibited methods.

According to another interpretation, such a dream is trying to induce you to remember what knowledge the college or university gave.

Possible excesses

What is the dream of an open lesson led by a close relative or friend? This will mean the need to learn new skills. There are several applicants for your workplace, and therefore you will have to show your importance to the organization.

To receive punishment from a teacher is a symbol of masochistic sexual inclinations, but you should not believe only this decoding. Most likely, your dream reflects a feeling of guilt associated with not fulfilling your own promises. If you do not want such dreams to recur, you will have to do everything that was mentioned earlier.

Why is college dreaming

Miller's dream book

College - you will soon be able to take the position that you have long sought. If you dream that you are studying in college again, you will receive recognition for your work.

Why is college dreaming

English dream book

College, University - Higher education can be seen as learning for the sake of learning, or as a stepping stone to greater opportunity. Why College Dreams: Maybe your subconscious mind suggests that you need to continue your education in order to make the best use of the opportunities that arise, both at work and in social life? What did you study? How does this relate to what you do in real life? Or is it something completely different? Dream Interpretation College - Maybe you are thinking about changing the field of activity? Or do you need some serious mental stimulation to make the most of your abilities? Consider all the possibilities before embarking on major changes!

The feasibility and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

The dream is associated with the dreamer's state of mind, his fears and apprehensions. A pleasant dream promises a solution to problems, a frightening one - the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people who were born on Monday, they are prophetic.

27 lunar day

The dream is intended to rid the dreamer of misconceptions about his life. It demonstrates the depth of the difference between illusion and the real state of affairs. The benefits of such dreams can only be if they are correctly interpreted.

Waning moon

The waning moon dream belongs to the category of purifiers: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content are embodied: they have a good meaning.

Why is College dreaming in a dream - to surprise. Try to remember the dream completely, maybe at the same time as college you could see some other things or animals, as well as the actions that were in the dream, since they can also embody something.

Interpretation according to the Russian folk dream book

College in a dream you are in a non-emotional state, probably moving in a dangerous direction.

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

College means that your hidden problems will make themselves felt and require a solution. You will also surpass your friends on the path to prosperity and a solid position in society. And wonderful, difficult to explain success in some business, the fulfillment of desires, success in professions related to art. Indicates that you will be forced to look for work, but your hard work will bring you joy.

According to the modern dream book

College in a dream - what does it mean? new wife, beautiful and lovely.

Small Velesov dream book

College means you are wasting your ability and time. Also, various little things distract you from important business and interfere with your success, to which you attach more importance than it should be. You will also try to surprise a loved one. College means wasting effort, getting work done without tangible results.

Jung's dream book

Why are you dreaming about College in your dream? - if you get rid of distrust, but at the same time do not become too trusting, learn to be selective with people, you will be able to make significant progress.

Modern dream book

Why is College dreaming? - good events.

Interpretation according to Schiller's dream book

Dream interpretation College in a dream drunk person in your house.

Also read the interpretation of sleep. Better yet, remember all the details of your dream, maybe in a dream you saw some other objects or actions, and they, together with college, can mean something else.

Eastern dream book

Why is College dreaming ?! - to a conversation with an ill-wisher.

Why dream of College in a dream, meaning according to all kinds of all dream books: Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananit, Dream Interpretation of Romel, Dream Interpretation Hasse, Ukrainian Dream Interpretation, Dream Interpretation of Loff, Dream Interpretation of Freud, Dream Interpretation of Schiller, Dream Interpretation of Aesop, Dream Interpretation of Longo, Dream Interpretation of Pythagoras, etc. Why is College dreaming in a dream - you have enough endurance and tact not to make a scandal, but to figure it out. She was pale as death, her lips pulled together in a thin, unkind thread, but her eyes sparkled like diamonds. Doesn't download kill originals. The second looked around, they looked at me as sharp as knives. She turned to him, smiling.

Predictions from Vanga's dream book

Decryption you will commit a bad deed, from which they will suffer undeservedly.

Interpretations by the sign of the zodiac

  • Aries (March 21 to April 20)- you have to work too hard and hard to ensure yourself a decent existence.
  • Taurus (April 21 to May 21)- help in difficult times will come from where you did not expect it.
  • Gemini (May 22 to June 21)- beware of rash actions that can lead to major troubles.
  • Cancer (June 22 to July 23)- in the near future, you have to make an important choice related to your personal life. It is possible that you will have to choose between a well-fed, secure life and sincere feelings.
  • Leo (July 24 to August 23)- a person revolves around some common problems.
  • Virgo (August 24 to September 23)- you should be prepared for the burden of responsibility on your shoulders.
  • Libra (september 24 to october 23)- diligence at work.
  • Scorpio (October 24 to November 22)- a pleasant meeting with a loved one awaits you.
  • Sagittarius (November 23rd to December 21st)- do not keep emotions in yourself, give vent to tears.
  • Capricorn (December 22 to January 20)- despondency and confusion await you.
  • Aquarius (january 21 to february 19) favoring a person, showing sympathy or falling in love.
  • Pisces (February 20 to March 20)- hard times.

I can assume that your relationship with him has safely entered a period of "stagnation", where you have settled deeply. You no longer understand each other, as before, therefore, you can no longer find each other. Wake up and everything will be fine.

Here with this dreams and withdrawn. It has nothing to do with real studies. The dream is not literal. Such dreams come off when some kind of disorder exists (in your case, without work) in life. If you entered the institute, then the likelihood that you will get a job is great in this organization. But it won't be very easy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream interpretation - I did not enter the university

And the dream played a warning role - if the Daughter really does not go to the university, then what other suitable Options are there? (The university is probably not the only one in the city, and therefore it is necessary to consider and use all the options, and not to scandal and cry, which is the easiest thing). What is the dream, good luck!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream interpretation - Disappointment and helplessness

Based on the dream, you can write that it is time for the Dreamer to realize her growing up (childhood will be left behind), it is time to learn how to actively position herself in Society (namely, in a social society - Laptop in a dream), knowing and respecting Her human qualities, abilities and capabilities (call stranger, neighbor children in a dream, inability to leave a neighbor's house). And no offense, dull-witted offenders bypass (Andrei, Polina in a dream), respect your interests and remain positive and purposeful, because everyone has their own path and their own tasks. If the Dreamer listens to the conclusion arising from this dream, the dreams traumatizing the psyche will stop. Good luck to the Dreamer!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

To enter a medical school while pregnant - you have entered a new period in your life, in which you have little or no experience, and you expect to receive it in the process of life (during your studies at MedUniversity). You hope for due indulgence during admission and study - you do not judge yourself strictly, because not everyone can shoulder the burden that you have now. If you are thinking of enrolling in an Aviation University, if you do not enter a MedUniversity, internally you are ready for an unjustified risk in your life, since you do not have the necessary experience yet. Best regards LIBYA.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

In this dream, the dreamer measures the quality of her knowledge and skills with the proper and generally accepted level, and at the same time ponders how her additional academic degree will be useful in the future. "Weak" graduates, who also came in a dream to act on a par with the dreamer, say that the dreamer needs to pull herself together and how to prepare for the upcoming admission to the university, so that, in fact, not to be among the weakest applicants there are practically no chances to enter the university. And it is precisely this that is unpleasant for the dreamer (the dreamer is unpleasantly surprised at the sight of "weaklings"). This is what this dream warns about. Best regards LIBYA.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Try to remember the dream, perhaps you still saw other things, as well as the actions that you saw in the dream, they can also mean something.

According to Hasse's dream book

College in a dream - meaning- suggests the precarious position of the dreamer.

Interpretation from the lunar dream book

Dream interpretation: College in a dream- expect guests soon.

Interpretations based on Miller's dream book

The meaning of sleep College in a dream- dreaming about the appearance of a new pleasant company.

According to Freud's dream book

What does College mean in a dream from a dream book?- feel annoyed, offended.

Interpretation according to the latest dream book

What does college mean in a dream- usually dreams of family strife, love suffering piercing the heart.

Interpretation according to the modern dream book

What does college mean in a dream- The feeling of guilt for your spacesuits will make you angry for a long time ..

According to Loff's dream book

What is the dream of college in a dream?- Think often, think carefully about your actions.

At night you had a dream "College in a dream" and you want to know what it is for ?! The interpretation of this dream will be given by our online dream book and will give the meanings of sleep according to the dream books of Tsvetkov, Freud, Pythagoras, Nostradamus, modern, Romel, etc.

Dream interpretation: College in a dream

Interpretation of the signs of the zodiac

Pay attention to the interpretation of the zodiac sign.

  • Aries - The arrival of unexpected guests bodes well for you.
  • Taurus - for financial well-being.
  • Gemini - we can say that in real life, thanks to your resourcefulness and ability to find a way out of absolutely all the most difficult situations, you can actually avoid the unfair anger of your superiors in life.
  • Cancer - A lover of companionship needs to become less superficial.
  • Leo is special luck, as the predictor of the dream book says.
  • Virgo, be careful with your money.
  • Libra - The time you spend with your family should not be considered wasted.
  • Scorpio - soon find a way out of a difficult situation.
  • Sagittarius - sadness will overtake you.
  • Capricorn - often just such a dream promises you unambiguously sincere friendship and mutual understanding with the people around you at the moment.
  • Aquarius - such a dream says that in real life a joyful meeting with friends awaits you at the moment.
  • Pisces - Trust yourself and your chosen one.

Daily predictions

An important factor is the day when this dream was dreamed.

Interpretation of men and women

For woman- free self-expression of thoughts, feelings, abilities.

For a man- It is good to warm up by the fire or light candles on this day.


I have to take care of the horses. Did he make it himself?

If, suddenly, you have not found out the interpretation of the dream, write a comment and we will send you a detailed interpretation as soon as possible.

And if a hero did appear, no one would recognize him as a hero. And the heroine is simply adorable. It seems that she pulled it off herself.

He approached the entrance and, quietly opening the door, looked inside. What are the means to still make him relatively strong, so that at least he can break through and not die fruitlessly. And with you, with you, everything is good.