Numerology in a dream: what do the numbers mean in dreams. Why are numbers dreaming and what they can portend - let's figure it out with the help of a dream book What does 6 mean in a dream

Dream interpretation number 6

What the number 6 is dreaming of is not always easy to find out. The fact is that the dreamer is faced with an interesting and contradictory symbol, and he will have to work a little with it. In the foreseeable future, a sleeping person will face difficulties in relationships with other people.

What to think about?

According to the dream book, the number 6 hides a lot of information. Dream interpreters advise you to exercise caution, beware of the unpredictable behavior of your loved ones.

I dreamed of six

Who should you listen to?

In everyone's life there are events that divide life into "before" and "after". According to another point of view, the sight seen guarantees calmness and the acquisition of inner balance.

But who can you trust if everything is so complicated? Dream interpreters will help to answer a difficult question.

Together with Miller

If a person dreamed of a certain number, then in reality he suffers from serious physical and emotional overwork. Burning out the accumulated resources, the dreamer will sooner or later make an irreparable mistake.

When it comes to the number 6, Miller writes about emotional incontinence. In simple terms, the dreamer makes a large number of mistakes without restraining his emotional impulses. This problem will have to work hard as it repels other people.

Seeing several sixes in a dream

Together with Dillon

The number six reflects the developed intuition of the sleeper, which allows you to see the invisible. If the dreamer trusts her, then the solution to a difficult issue will not take long. Making the right decision is not so easy, and therefore one must appreciate such a feature. A dreaming dream should prompt the idea that you need to listen to your own voice more often.

How many were there?

If the numbers of the six are often dreamed of, then try to remember their number in a night dream.


I managed to see only one figure - to possible problems during the implementation of my plan. The interpreter thinks that the lack of information will negatively affect the success of the planned task.

According to another interpretation, the six seen reflects the struggle between spiritual and material values. The dreamer will have to defend his own beliefs, no matter how difficult it may seem.

I dream of a paired number of sixes

If you dreamed of paired sixes - to a possible deception and two-faced attitude of new acquaintances. For this reason, one must learn to maintain a certain distance not only with friends, but also with colleagues.

Unpaired quantity

The dreamer has taken a precarious position, his fragile judgments can easily be destroyed, and therefore he will have to build another line of defense.


A lot of sixes appeared - to an unpleasant lie. She will look believable, and therefore it is so difficult to bring the ill-wisher to clean water.

Frequent visions with numbers indicate misconceptions about moral values. The dream book advises to be more interested in the problems of others, helping them as much as possible.

Unpredictable events

Dream Interpretations give another interpretation, telling about peace of mind. Your inner world and outer appearance form a single whole. What emotions did you feel after waking up:

  • positive - prosperity and tranquility are ahead;
  • negative - to possible disappointment.

What is the dream of the six on the eve of the wedding? Such a vision predicts small but pleasant chores. A dream sign indicates that opposite natures are combined, and therefore stages of happiness and jealousy will begin to alternate in a relationship.

It's not a secret for anyone that in a dream we can see anything - both positive and negative images. Also, often in our dreams there are signs, the meaning of which is almost impossible to interpret. But what if you dreamed about numbers in one form or another? How to interpret such night vision? Does it promise the need to be more careful about money, to make constant counting? Or are there other meanings? So, we propose today to find out together what the numbers promise us in a dream. The most famous and trustworthy dream books available today will help us to interpret the meaning of visions with such images.

Dream interpretation of Gustav Miller

First, let's find out the opinion of the famous American esotericist about the meaning of numbers in dreams. So, according to Miller, such a dream promises health problems and mental fatigue. In addition, this vision encourages the sleeper to be more careful in actions and words, since there is a great risk of failure of a big business.

Dream interpretation of Miss Hasse

According to information from this source, seeing or writing numbers is a good luck in business. If you managed to remember a series of numbers from your dream, then write them down. In real life, perhaps they will bring victory in the lottery or roulette. But the number 9 in a dream is considered a good sign. Such an image bodes well for winning the lottery or some other kind of luck.

Intimate dream book

Let's find out more options for interpreting what a person sees numbers in a dream. The compilers of this collection associate the significance of such a vision with gender relations. So, such a dream can serve as a reflection of your personal life and internal needs. The numbers repeating in dreams are a kind of code for the subconscious of the sleeping person. They are able to point you to your immediate goals and suggest how to achieve them. Let's consider the meaning of each digit:

  • 1 - you are not confident in your partner, and this greatly ruins your life, preventing you from being happy;
  • 2 - you suspect a loved one of lying or even cheating;
  • 3 - in your dreams, you have long seen yourself as the legal spouse of your current partner;
  • 4 - your personal life weighs on you, try to diversify it;
  • 5 - subconsciously, you would like to achieve new sexual victories;
  • the number 6 in a dream indicates that in real life your relationship with your loved one is calm and prosperous;
  • 7 - your attention has already been attracted or will soon be attracted by an unfamiliar person;
  • 8 - your sexual dissatisfaction can result in aggression towards others, and also lead to a serious quarrel with your loved one;
  • 9 - your main goal is to achieve harmony in a relationship with a partner.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Let us find out why the numbers are dreaming, according to the authors of this collection. So, they believe that numbers do not carry any specific information, but act as a mechanical repetition of some calculations, as well as a reflection of worries and confusion in the sleeping head. Most often, such a vision speaks of overwork. Sometimes numbers in a dream can be considered a quantitative measure of something, and also correlate them with certain dates. Consider several meanings of the numbers given in this dream book:

  • 0 - a vain undertaking, failure, in a word, nothing will come of your plans;
  • 1 - loneliness;
  • 2 - the dual meaning of something, students can get a "two" on the exam, and this number also symbolizes the need for choice.
  • 3 - love triangle, mediocrity;
  • 5 - mark "excellent", recognition of your merits;
  • 6 - endure humiliation;
  • 7 - gain a sense of integrity;
  • 8 - invulnerability, infinity;
  • 9 - the cyclical nature of any events, pregnancy for women;
  • 10 - success;
  • 13 - fail, perhaps some events in your life will be the result of someone's magical manipulations;
  • 666 is, as you know, the number of the devil, which does not bode well;
  • large, ambiguous numbers promise the dreamer the acquisition of wealth, various large purchases, as well as an unforgettable experience.

Modern dream book

According to the interpretation from this source, to see numbers in a dream is to possible mental fatigue, as a result of which the likelihood of making mistakes will increase. There is also a risk of incurring losses if you do not carefully consider your every word and action.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why do numbers dream in a dream? This source answers this question as follows:

  • 0 is a sign of frustration and failure. Also, such a figure can be a harbinger of a constant feeling of irritability in the dreamer.
  • 1 - a symbol of recognition of the sleeping person by society. On the way to this, some minor difficulties await, but you will be able to overcome them without any problems.
  • 2 - a harbinger of gossip and slander in your address.
  • 3 - a sign promising a speedy resolution of a difficult issue or confusing situation.
  • 4 - a harbinger of engaging in some kind of hopeless and meaningless deeds.
  • 5 - you will be able to defend the truth and your innocence in a difficult dispute.
  • 6 is a sign of deception, duplicity, cunning. Having seen such a figure in a dream, in real life one should show maximum vigilance and caution.
  • 7 is a happy sign of well-being, success and stability.
  • 8 - a symbol of uncertainty, some situation or problem will be, as they say, in limbo for a long time.
  • 9 is a sign that promises the possibility of a big win in a very risky game. You may have to go all-in to be successful.

Russian dream book

This source advises, if possible, to memorize the numbers, especially if its meaning is quite easy to determine. So, numbers usually show the number of days before an event. If, in general, the vision in the dream was pleasant, then the event will also be positive. If you didn't like something in your dreams, then something not very good will happen in real life.

Dream interpretation of the White magician

Why are numbers dreaming? If at night you dreamed that you were writing numbers, then in real life you are a person accustomed to systematizing everything. You might even be called a pedant. A dream in which you do some calculations portends an imminent need for difficult choices that will radically change your life. Therefore, one should not rush. Think it over carefully. If you are not sure, then do not hesitate to ask someone you trust for help. A dream in which you erase numbers written in chalk on a blackboard suggests that you will soon have to make every effort to get rid of the consequences of recently committed rash acts. This can be done. However, learn from this and try not to make similar mistakes in the future, as luck will not always be so favorable.

Why do you dream of the numbers that you find in the text while reading the book? Such a vision promises a surprise, for which you need to prove yourself. Perhaps you will be offered a job that you have long dreamed of. However, to get a vacancy, you will need to show all your talents and abilities.

What do the numbers seen in a dream mean, made of some durable material? Such a vision warns that soon yours will be subjected to a test that they will be able to withstand. But if the dreamed numbers are made of some fragile materials (cotton wool, fabric, etc.), then you will have to give up your principles. And this will happen not because the circumstances will be stronger than you, but because of your own cowardice and spinelessness.

Hearing numbers in a dream or seeing someone write them - to the admiration of one of your friends. However, be careful. After all, admiration can quickly develop into a feeling of envy, which can destroy friendship.

Esoteric dream book

The compilers of this collection argue that if you see even numbers, then good luck awaits you. Odd ones indicate that what was conceived was not destined to come true, so it makes sense to abandon the venture so as not to waste precious time on it.

Collection of tips received in a dream

Why do numbers dream in a dream, according to information from this source? So, the compilers of the collection argue that such dreams make sense in two cases: if during an interesting dream some numbers are engraved in your memory, or if you paid attention to the number of people or objects in your vision. Consider how this dream book interprets individual numbers and numbers:

  • 1 is a symbol of self-sufficiency. So, if you see an object in a dream in the singular, then its meaning will be much stronger than if there are several objects.
  • 2 - a sign of the completion of the action. It is also a symbol of immobility and balance. For example, two identical flowers promise the fading of feelings, a pair of identical coins indicates that your well-being will not change in the near future, etc.
  • 3 - a symbol of friendship, cooperation, interaction.
  • 4 - a sign of freedom of action. What does this mean? The meaning of this vision boils down to the fact that you get complete freedom of action. However, you may not be ready for it, so you will not be abandoned by a feeling of uncertainty.
  • 5 - a sign symbolizing the apogee. For example, five beautiful red apples promise maximum success.
  • 6 - a symbol of incontinence in feelings and emotions.
  • 7 - a sign indicating the completion of a stage in life. Now you can relax a little before new achievements.
  • 8 - a symbol of maturity and fullness of strength. This is a good dream promising more and more success.
  • 9 - sign of the last dash. Such a vision suggests that in real life you will have to exert all your strength in order to overcome some serious obstacle on the way to your goal. But when you do this, nothing will be unattainable, and you will be able to achieve everything that you desire. But if you do not make this last leap, then you will regret the missed opportunity for a very long time.

Self-worth and self-sufficiency. If you see an object in the singular, then the meaning of this dream may be stronger than if there are several such objects.

Deuce- means the completeness of some action. This is a sign of balance and immobility. For example, two identical flowers in a dream symbolize the extinction of a feeling, two identical coins mean that your well-being will not increase in the near future, and so on.

Troika- a symbol of interaction, friendship and close cooperation.

Four- a sign of freedom of action with a touch of light uncertainty. Such dreams suggest that everything depends on you, and you are free to make any choice.

Five- this is the climax. For example, five ripe apples on a tree portend maximum success for you.

Six- This is a symbol of incontinence in feelings.

Seven- means the completion of the next stage and the opportunity to relax.

Eight- a sign of maturity and fullness of strength. The dream suggests that events promise to advance.

Nine- sign of "last spurt". The dream suggests that you will have to make every effort to overcome some obstacle.

Ten- a sign of completeness and a temporary limit to growth.

Eleven- a symbol of the second wind. This number in a dream suggests that after a break, events will begin to develop with a vengeance.

Twelve- the sign of maximum completeness. This number stands for confidence, energy and efficiency.

Thirteen- brute force sign. The dream calls to observe the measure, otherwise your strength threatens to develop into aggression, and a healthy desire into a destructive passion. In this case, it will be difficult to avoid a catastrophe.

If in a dream you see a lot of disordered numbers- such dreams usually speak of your intellectual fatigue and have no other meaning. It's just time for you to rest.

New family dream book

A dream in which some numbers appear- portends extreme mental fatigue. In addition, this dream warns that you should be more careful in your actions and speech. Otherwise, you will fail a big deal.

Modern combined dream book

See numbers in a dream- a sign of possible mental fatigue and errors. In real life, you can suffer big losses if you are not careful enough in your actions and conversations.

Eastern female dream book

It is important to remember the numbers that will be seen in a dream.- it can be an important date or number.

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

Numbers- to a change in fate. If you write numbers- the presence of parapsychological abilities; if you just see, but do not remember their numerical values- financial disaster awaits you soon.

Complete dream book of the New Era

16 - the need to get rid of something (someone) through the power of intention (also the need to find the gift of power in what at first glance seems like a catastrophe).

17 - reflection of difference in general (also the need to distinguish, to distinguish).

18 - a reflection of courage (also the need for it).

19 - reflection of vitality (also the need to preserve personal strength).

20 - reflection of honor and dignity (also the need for them).

21 - reflection of peace and / or success (also reflections of a new beginning, beginning)

22 - reflection of selfish behavior.

23 - reflection of destructive behavior.

24 - a reflection of fear.

25 - a reflection of temptation.

26 - a reflection of an illusion.

27 - resistance reflection.

28 - reflection of abuse of power.

29 - reflection of abuse in general.

30 - reflection of manipulation.

31 - reflection of danger from the mind (logic).

32 - a reflection of disharmony.

33 - a reflection of Freedom.

Other numbers- it is necessary to reduce to one digit using addition (for example, 121 = 1 + 2 + 1 = 4; 3009 = 3 + 0 + 0 + 9 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3)

If you are not satisfied with the above interpretation, you can refer to the interpretation of numbers and numbers given in other sources. But do not trust negative interpretations, they are an echo of old energies and do not prophesy, but program for the bad.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in may, june, july, august

Numbers- dream of concern through work.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Numbers- to stomach disease.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Number- there will be a difficulty in the service, a showdown.

Dream interpretation Hasse

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be discouraged - this is just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Wherever it is night, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things leave ”.

Open the tap and tell the dream to pouring running water.

Wash your face three times with the words "Where the water flows, there the dream goes."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn the linens inside out.

Don't tell anyone your bad dream before lunchtime.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

The number "6" gives a person a chance to open the veil of secrecy and find out what is hidden from his eyes, it carries the magical power of fantasy and metaphorical thought. This number reveals the secret capabilities of a person, teaches him to be himself and not be afraid to go beyond the generally accepted rules and attitudes. A person receives a powerful charge of optimism from this number, his mind becomes more flexible and impetuous, his eyes become more vigilant and his gaze becomes attentive and thoughtful. A person develops intuition, and everything that his mind cannot understand is comprehended by his subconscious. The sixth sense, allowing you to avoid danger and choose the right path - this is what gives a person the number "6".

ADDRESS - if in a dream you hear what they call you an address in which there are many sixes, then this means that soon you will become the center of events and will observe how, regardless of your desire, the dark sides of your life are illuminated and become public. For politicians, this dream promises a failure in the elections. If the voice telling you the address is rude and harsh, then the trouble will begin in 6 days and last for 6 weeks. If the voice is gentle and pleasant to the ear, then you have a chance to prevent some events - for this you just need to listen to your own intuition and not go where you will be invited on the next Saturday at 6 pm.

If in a dream you hear that the voice emphasizes the number 6, 15, 51 or any other, the numbers of which, when added, give six, then wait for a change in your affairs. Perhaps you are not hardworking enough, so several important and interesting things will simply float out of your hands to your rivals within 15 days. This dream is unpleasant for businessmen and brokers, but for women it promises the bottom, filled with love experiences and worries.

If you hear that your voice is interrupted at the number "6" or another from this row, unable to utter the address to the end, then this suggests that your frivolity will lead to sad consequences: your words are not just stupid, but even dangerous, and you will understand this only after you have been subjected to biased interrogation by respectable people or representatives of all kinds of organizations. You will have to answer for everything that you managed to say in six months. Be prepared for the fact that you will no longer be trusted and will not listen to your excuses. Dedicate this troubled period of your life to your family and try not to stick out anywhere for 24 days.

If in a dream you yourself pronounce aloud some address and clearly and clearly name numbers, such as 6, 24, 42 and others, the numbers of which, when added, give a four, then in life you need to open your ears and eyes towards a new one for you information, if you take note of everything that you see and hear in the next 6 weeks, then you can be sure that all your worries after this period will be left behind and will no longer bother you. If at this time they come to you with a request or proposal, then postpone the adoption of the final decision as much as you can, since you will need to carefully weigh and analyze everything.

If in a dream you look at the text of the address, written in small handwriting on thin paper and notice that all the numbers (6, 24, 15, 51 and others) are drawn carelessly and stand unevenly, jumping on adjacent letters, then in life you must give up habits that prevent you from going forward. Perhaps, if you quit drinking or smoking, you will significantly improve your health and show everyone around your willpower. This dream warns women that they spend too much money and time on cosmetics.

If you see in a dream that the handwriting is large and even, and all the above numbers are spelled out neatly and stand firmly and evenly on the line, then in 51 days you will gain authority in the business community and you will be entrusted with an important operation, the execution of which on time and with due effect will freely fit you into the upper class of society. If you show all your talents and abilities, and also do not become lazy, then during this period you will achieve everything that you have been striving for for 6 years.

To dream of an address written on the wall and dazzling with sixes and other numbers from this series is a sign of deception and betrayal. Soon you will be bitterly disappointed in the person whom you yourself taught and introduced to your company. Perhaps this will serve you as a wonderful lesson - friendship is friendship, but the work requires a cold mind and clarity of judgment. If in a dream the address is written on the wall clearly and brightly, and all the numbers are highlighted, then the betrayal will be painful, but will not affect your affairs. If the numbers are written in blood, then you will not be able to recover from this blow soon, perhaps in 6 months, and you will remember this for the rest of your life.

If, in addition to all this, you see in a dream other numbers, in addition to those that, when adding up the numbers that make them, give a six, then do not ignore this - this is a significant number, it certainly refers to a traitor in one way or another. Perhaps it is included in his phone number, or it is the number of his house or apartment.

If in a dream you write your or someone else's address to someone and place special emphasis on the six and other numbers from this series, then after 6 days you will be drawn into an exciting journey that will end well for you - you will have fun and make a glorious acquaintance. For young people, this dream promises a short love incident, but if the dream is vague or disturbing, then after 15 days you will have to consult a venereologist to eliminate the consequences of your affair.

Seeing text typed on a typewriter or computer in a dream means that you think too much, so you become cold and inattentive in bed. Most likely, after 6 days, you will either have to heed your partner's reproaches and requests, or come to terms with the fact that he or she will have lovers. If in your dream all the numbers are in bold, then your loved one is already flirting with someone, but has not yet crossed the line of what is permissible. Poorly printed numbers - to your complete fiasco on the love front: even if you take your mind and show the wonders of acrobatics on your love bed, you will still be deceived.

If in a dream you long and persistently look for a house with the number 6, 15, 24, 42 or any other, the numbers of which add up to six, then in life after 24 days you will be denied. If in the end you manage to find the right house, then you just need to wait out this time and not take anything serious, and after 42 days, try again - this time you will not be denied either love or in the business field. But if you still do not find the house you need, then your fate is regrettable - you will not only lose in one particular case, but also fall out of the game for a long time.

If you see in a dream that you are surrounded by houses with the same numbers (6, 15, etc.), then this is advice to you - stop complaining about your fate, the more you whine, the further your luck runs away from you. Next Saturday you can grab the bird of happiness by the tail, but for this you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and get down to business.

If you walk down the street in a dream and add the numbers of all houses, resulting in the number "6", then you don't have to worry about your business or your loved one, circumstances will soon turn out so that you will rejoice and enjoy life for a long time.

TIME - if in a dream you see that the clock (see also 6, CLOCK) is already six in the morning, then this is a danger signal - you are about to miss the opportunity to start a business that is profitable for you, and all because of your laziness. Take action immediately, don't wait when they tell you to do it! After 6 days, you should already go headlong into work, so that in 6 months you will enjoy the fruits of your painstaking and hard work, and not regret your inaction.

If it is 6 pm, then you can sympathize - most likely, you were so afraid of being the talk of the town that you completely stopped living a full-blooded life, and your existence became boring and insipid. Six days ago, you gave up on your dream, which you would never have done before. Come out of your cocoon, otherwise life will pass you by.

If in a dream they ask you what time it is, and you answer that it is already 6 o'clock in the morning or in the evening, then this dream is a sign of imminent changes in your state of health. If you were sick, then 6 days after you see this dream, your complete recovery will come, but if you were healthy, then after this time you will go to bed. If you liked the voice of those asking you about the time, then all of the above applies to you in full, if you did not like the voice in a dream, then it is likely that someone close to you will recover or get sick. But in any case, the brunt of the worries will fall on your shoulders.

If in a dream you ask a question about the time and get the answer: "6 o'clock in the morning (evening)", then you can pack your things, the next day you will be strongly advised to go on a trip. If the voice answering your question is male, then the trip will be business or related to your business endeavors. If the voice is female, then it will be a pleasant recreational trip that you can take with the whole family and which will last from 6 days to 6 weeks, judging by the circumstances. A child's voice says that you just go to the country house or out of town for the weekend, and the weekend will bring you a lot of joy and unexpected pleasure.

If you dream that you spent 6, 15, 42, 51 and so on minutes or hours on something, then in real life you have taken on the wrong business that will bring you success. Most likely, you allowed yourself to be deceived and dragged into an unprofitable enterprise. If you decide to withdraw from the business, then break off relations with your partners in the next 6 days, as in this case, luck will be on your side.

If in a dream you make an appointment with someone at 6 o'clock in the morning, then after 6 weeks you will be provoked to actions that will make you look in a bad light and will not allow you to take a leadership position. Be careful and do not fall for the tricks of enemies, your vigilance is especially important on the 6th and 15th of the next month. If you make an appointment at 6 pm, then a joyful change in family life awaits you, maybe you will become a happy parent or grandmother, or it is possible that you yourself or one of your children will get married.

Pay special attention to whether those whom you invite come to your meeting in a dream or not. If the meeting proceeds according to plan, then nothing unusual or unexpected in your life will happen in the next six months, all events are easy to predict. But if the meeting for some reason does not take place, then expect changes in literally everything, you are unlikely to be bored for 6 months.

If in a dream they invite you on a date and precisely stipulate the time - exactly at 6 o'clock in the morning or evening, then a declaration of love awaits you, which will delight you and flatter your pride, but you will not reciprocate. If you are afraid to be late for the appointed date and are terribly nervous in a dream about this, then in reality you will feel guilty in front of the person who will confess to you, and you will not be able to maintain friendly relations with him, since you will be uncomfortable and awkward in front of him. This dream warns girls against erroneous tactics of behavior: for fear of offending a good person, they can accept his love and agree to marry him, but this decision will lead them to trouble - after 6 months they will understand that they were wrong, but it will be too late.

GUESSING - if in a dream you are reading fortune-telling on six objects and fortune-telling proceeds successfully, then in six weeks you will find yourself in front of a difficult choice: you will probably need to choose only one thing out of two possible ones, and you will have a hard time. Both will be equally tempting and interesting. However, only one of them can bring you confidence in the future and provide you with a stable profit, and the second will give you only one-time profit. Do not consult with anyone, act intuitively - your sixth sense will tell you how to act in this situation.

If fortune-telling proceeds unsuccessfully, and you cannot correctly decompose all 6 objects that you use in a magical ritual, then this is a clear sign that in reality you too often trust people and therefore fall into traps. After 15 days, you risk again being in an unpleasant situation, but if you pay attention to a person who is 6 years older than you, you can benefit from a seemingly hopeless situation. Do not lose your head, everything will be fine, unless, of course, you lose fortune-telling objects in a dream and break them. If this happens, then you can prepare for the worst.

If in a dream you arranged 6 objects in three rows of three things, then in reality you will be invited to a banquet, the result of which will be a profitable deal or a new love. But if this event is scheduled for the 6th, then you should refuse the invitation, no matter how much you would like to go to this holiday - if you appear on this day at the banquet, then something very, very unpleasant for you will happen and your reputation will be tarnished ... This dream warns women about the danger of rape.

If you are reading fortune-telling with 6 pencils and the brownie agrees to answer all your questions in a dream, then in 42 days you will have a new company in which it will be easy and good for you. If the brownie refuses to answer your questions, then the company will compromise you in the eyes of people whose opinion is extremely important to you.

Guessing in a dream on 6 coins or shells - to a change in your family, and you will observe what is happening from the outside, since you will not be able to influence what is happening. If fortune-telling brings tangible results, then the change will bring you benefits, but if not, you will be depressed and depressed for at least 6 weeks.

SIX-STRING GUITAR - if in a dream you play a six-string guitar, although in life you do not know how to play it, it means that a person will soon appear in your life for whom you will quarrel with all your environment and give up good work. If in a dream you are good at playing the guitar, and you enjoy the music that you skillfully reproduce, then this person will really deserve to make all these sacrifices for the opportunity to be with him. But if you somehow cope with the guitar and you get only a miserable rattling, then you will do a stupid thing, your new friend is clearly not worth it for you to quarrel for his sake with the whole world and yourself.

If in a dream you are enjoying the play of another person and you see how quickly and skillfully he plays six guitar strings with his fingers, then wait 33 days for an official notification that will mix up all your plans and make you worried. If the person in your dream plays for a long time, then the period of uncertainty will last 6 weeks for you, if the player has played quite a bit, then after 15 days everything will end and you will return to your previous state of rest.

If in a dream you see how children or adults who do not know how to play the guitar are trying to play, then soon you will be required to report, oral or written, and you will find yourself in a difficult situation: 24 days ago you promised to provide this information, but you just forgot to do this, but you will not be able to write the required report in one sitting, since this is a long and painstaking business.

If in a dream you see how all its 6 strings are torn on the guitar, then in reality you have to make an offer if you are a man, or accept it if you are a lady.

Advice to women: do not rush to agree on Saturday, made on this day, the proposal does not carry a sincere feeling, but a selfish calculation. However, if you are asked to marry 6, 15 or 24, then you can safely say "yes", and your marriage will be happy and long.

Advice for men: if you want to check what your marriage will be like, then invite your chosen one to set an hour for the conversation herself, and then look at what number she called: if it is divisible by 6, then you will be happy with this woman, she is that. who you have been looking for all your life. If she chose a different time, then this only means that you still know each other very badly.

If in a dream you yourself broke all 6 strings on the guitar, then in life you cannot get rid of your complexes. Purge yourself and free yourself from suffering, at least 6 of your many inferiority complexes are false.

YEAR - if in a dream you add up the numbers that make up any year and get the number "6", then this means that in reality, in 6 weeks the trial will begin, and if you easily make mathematical calculations, then you will be the plaintiff if But it is hard for you to count and you are constantly confused - then you will be the respondent. Pay attention to the year you are adding up the numbers - perhaps a person born in this year (for example, 1949 or 1967) will act against you in court, or there was some event this year that will help you win the trial ( say, 1994).

If in a dream you add up the numbers of a certain year together with another person, then in reality you need to reveal your plans to your associates, otherwise they, not knowing your ideas, can inadvertently damage your common cause. Your secrecy should give way to reasonable frankness for a while. However, do not have a conversation at 6 pm - let it take place in the morning, so that you can show all your eloquence and not confuse words from fatigue, which is inevitable at the end of the working day.

If in a dream you hear how someone else's voice loudly adds up the numbers of a certain year and gets the number "6" as a result of counting, then be vigilant - a person will come to you next Saturday, whose goal is to bring you as much trouble as possible or even ruin you, and while the meeting will look random, it really isn't. Trust no one for 6 days.

MONEY - if in a dream you have a lot of money, for example, 6 million rubles or 240 thousand (all the numbers add up to six), then in real life you will be attacked by petty critics. Do not be discouraged, only a small fraction of what is said in your address will be true, everything else will be aimed at humiliating you and making you make excuses. If this happens in June, then do not pay attention to those who undertake to annoy you, but if this happens in other months, especially on the 24th, then order your opponents to present evidence of your wrongness, not limited to unfounded accusations. You will win if you remain calm to the end.

If in a dream you throw away or lose money, the amount of which is indicated by the number "6", then in life expect an outbreak of an infectious disease in your home. Maybe one of the children or relatives who have come to visit you will get sick, in any case, you will have a 6-week quarantine. If in a dream you are sorry to part with money or, having lost it, you are terribly upset, then in the end, you will also become infected and go to bed for a long time. If in a dream you do not care and you are not at all upset, then you will be able to stand on your feet and will not surrender to the power of an unpleasant disease.

Owning foreign money in a dream, for example, 6 francs, 60 dollars, 24 pence, 42 thousand crowns, and so on (do not forget that adding the numbers makes the invariable six!) - to chill in love. If you are proud of your wealth, then in reality you will worry about this state of affairs for a very long time, but you cannot really change anything. If in a dream you are perplexed about what to do with foreign money, then in 6 months you will meet a person who will make you forget all your suffering and surrender with all your soul and body to a new feeling. However, if you get rid of foreign capital in a dream, then in life your new love will be carefully hidden by you, since making it public for you will be tantamount to public exposure. Perhaps you will fall in love with a person of your gender or an outsider.

If in a dream you are given 6 kopecks, rubles or thousands, then in six months peace will come to your soul, since during this time you will complete all your affairs and draw a line under everything that prevented you from starting a new life with a pure heart.

DOMINO - in a dream, playing dominoes with nice people and constantly getting knuckles in your hands 0: 6, 6: 0, 2: 4, 4: 2, 1: 5, 5: 1 and 3: 3 means that you are ready for change in all areas of your life, however, they depend not only on your desire, but also to a greater extent on others. If you win the game, then look at which dice brought you victory - it will also indicate exactly what date you should expect the desired change in life. Let's say this is 3: 3 - it means that on March 3 you will achieve what you have been striving for for a long time. But if 6: 0 falls out, then a change in your life will happen in 6 days. However, if you lose, then for another six months you need to come to terms with the current state of affairs and not force events.

If in a dream you simply pull one of the above knuckles out of a bag or box, then this is a signal from above, you need to heed the advice that higher powers give you. The 0: 6 knuckle is an insistent recommendation to you to give back what 6 days ago you took from someone from your environment. Thus, you will avoid a lot of unnecessary and unwanted problems and hassle.

A 6-0 knuckle means that you have placed too much hope in a person you hardly know. Within 6 days, try to analyze everything in detail again so as not to end up with nothing.

If you have a 1: 5 knuckle in your hands, then this is a good sign. Soon you will be able to confess your feelings and relieve your soul. If you feel ashamed for some of your unseemly deeds, then after 6 days you will be able to repent of it and receive forgiveness.

A 5: 1 knuckle is a sign of danger approaching you. She will overtake you in 24 days in the form of a beautiful and intelligent representative of the opposite sex, and you, forgetting about everything, including work and family, rush straight into the netted space.

Knuckle 2: 4 advises you to pay attention to the state of your stomach - you too often forget about proper nutrition and eat on the run and somehow, so take care of yourself for 15 days to avoid serious diseases of the digestive system, such as gastritis or ulcers ...

If you pull out a 4: 2 knuckle, then this is fortunately - you can do whatever you want, but on the 15th and 24th you must devote to your documentation.

A 3: 3 knuckle is dishonorable. Most likely, six weeks ago, you agreed to a business without understanding it properly or by giving in to an impulse, and now you will reap the benefits of your own short-sightedness.

PLAYING CUBE - if in a dream you roll a dice because your turn in the game came up, and you see that a six falls out, it means that in reality you are in a difficult situation and in order to get out of it, you need to make an important decision. If you win in the game or the people with whom you play make you sympathetic in a dream, then you just need to remember an incident that happened to you personally or to someone from your loved ones six years ago - the situation repeated itself, you need to act as the experience of the past tells you. But if people in a dream are unpleasant to you or you lose, then you need to do exactly the opposite - remember what decision you or your loved ones made six years ago and act taking into account the mistakes that were made that time.

If you dream that you have a cube in your palm with the number "6" on the upper side, then 6 hours after you wake up, everything in your life will start to change.

If you see someone else throwing a dice and getting a six as a result, then this means that you are in a temporary time trouble - whatever you undertake, everything will fall out of your hands, money within 6 days will be rare guests in your home, and your health may be slightly shaken. However, do not rush to get upset, after this short period everything will work out and you will forget about your minor troubles. The only advice is to try not to quarrel with anyone at this time, since a conflict that began in the next 6 days threatens to become protracted and badly affect you in the future.

JUNE is the sixth month of the year. If you dream that you are looking at a wall calendar and see a June page, then this means that you are too deluded by the words of someone from your environment. After 24 days, it turns out that everything said by this person is an outright lie and flattery, but in reality everything is not as rosy as you already imagined. If in a dream you like the picture on the calendar dedicated to June, then stop believing everyone and everyone, check everything that is said to you. This advice is especially important for businessmen, since even business partners can let them down in the above-mentioned period, there is no need to talk about subordinates.

If in a dream you tear off a piece of paper on which it stands on June 6, then in 6 days you will appear in front of your superiors and will talk about everything that you managed to do. If in a dream a leaf comes off easily, then the conversation will bring you good luck, but if the leaf does not want to come off or looks wrinkled and yellow, then shame awaits you. Perhaps you have hoped too much in others, and now you have to blush for these people. For women, this dream promises an unpleasant visit to the doctor.

If you see yourself in a dream on a hot June afternoon, you have nowhere to hide from the sun and therefore you are languishing in the heat, then in reality you will suffer from an unquenchable desire for power. However, do not even think about promotion or domination over your loved ones - your behavior over the past six weeks has been defiant and unfair, so others are against you at this point in your life. If a politician dreamed of this dream, then this is a clear sign that the advertising campaign and the election campaign were extremely unsuccessful for him and brought only losses and disappointment.

If in a dream you are enjoying the gentle June sun, walking in the park or sunbathing on the beach, then you can accept the invitation of an old friend, which he will make to you 24 hours after you wake up. At first, his proposal will seem strange or unreasonable, but in fact it will turn out to be very beneficial and pleasant for you.

If you dream that you are looking at a June evening from the window and are sad, then in life you will need all your courage to give up temptation in the name of a cause. If the temptation lies in wait for you 6, 15 or 24, then it entails especially dire consequences, so hold on and do not give yourself indulgences!

CUBE - a cube has six faces, this is symbolic. If in a dream you see a huge cube that stands alone in the middle of the desert, then you need to think: did you go against your own beliefs, would you feel ashamed in 6 years that you showed weakness and allowed yourself to be convinced that what do you think is wrong internally? If you have such an opportunity, then ask those with whom you are doing a common business for a break of 24 hours and during this time think over again. Give yourself the right to change your mind, don't drive yourself into a corner.

If in a dream you play with a small cube and stroke its edges, then a pleasant event awaits you in life that will take you by surprise and become a pleasant shake-up. Perhaps at first you will react coolly to everything that happens, since your plans will be somewhat violated, but then you will realize that you have missed this in life for a long time. If this joy falls on you on the 6th of the next month, then this will be the beginning of a streak of luck, you can relax and enjoy.

To see how other people are holding the cube in their hands is to vain anxiety and the danger of being in the center of the annoying and malevolent attention of others. Try to understand why you did not please the person with whom you spoke the day before, perhaps in his phone number there is the number "24" or "60". It is this person who gossips about you and makes you look unsightly.

LOTO - if in a dream you play loto in a pleasant and cheerful company and you constantly get barrels with numbers 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 69, 78 or 86, then this means that in your life you have violated some This is an important principle or rule, as a result of which a vacuum has formed around you. If you win by closing your card the fastest, then after 24 days your position will become clear and you will understand where you made a mistake, which means you can correct it. But if you lose, or if you don't like the people sitting next to you, then things can get even worse. In this case, remember what you did and with whom you talked for six months, it is difficult, but it is necessary to breathe freely again.

If in a dream you hear a voice pronouncing one or another number of the barrel from the above, then in six days an important meeting will take place for you. Pay attention to the speech of the sixth person, it is of paramount importance to you.

If in a dream you pull out a barrel with a number from a bag or package, then this is an appeal to you from higher powers, strictly follow it if you do not want to be trapped. Let's say keg number “6” recommends that you visit a sick friend and consult with him about the person you are thinking about all the time. What your friend or friend tells you, you can safely put it into practice, without fear of doing something wrong.

Keg number "15" is your chance to become a leader, but for this you need to show what you are capable of. In 15 days, you will have such an opportunity, try to act unexpectedly and in an original way, abandoning the traditional and standard ways.

If you have a barrel with the number "24" in your hands, then higher powers advise you to stay away from the owner of the cherry six, this person wishes you harm.

A barrel with the number "33" - joy is on your doorstep, after 33 days it will appear before you in the form of a new summer cottage or a beautiful stranger or stranger with the keys to your new car.

If you are pulling a keg numbered “42” out of the bag, then do not forget that it is customary to respond to hospitality in the same way - invite the person with whom you visited 6 months ago.

If you have a barrel with the number "51" in your hands, then beware of the enemy, whom you yourself have given all the trump cards to. Perhaps this person was your friend before, he knew all your secrets, but you seriously offended him with something 6 months or years ago, and he planned to take revenge on you. In the coming days, he will not show himself in anything, however, you will not be in the way of being vigilant and careful.

A barrel with the number "69" means that you have no need to hide your feelings from other people, on the contrary, it is much more profitable for you to openly show your emotions and desires, after 69 days you will win the sympathy of those you like, and you will have many good friends ... This means that the next six months will be fun and hassle-free for you.

If you get a barrel with the number "78", then in reality you will face serious troubles with taxes, perhaps you are confused in the documentation and will not undertake to sort out all your papers in any way. If you don't do this soon, then 6 months later it will come back to haunt you.

Keg number "87" - for a love affair in which you will be drawn against your will. For 87 days, you will have to play an unusual role and conduct secret correspondence, but beware - if you get too carried away with this adventure, you risk becoming a general laughing stock.

NUMBER - if in a dream you see a bus, tram or trolleybus with the number 6,! 5, 87 and any other, the numbers of which, when added to give six, pass by you quickly, this means that luck may bypass you, since you are under the influence of a person who does not understand anything about your business, but strives to guide all your actions and even thoughts. If even after 6 days at an important meeting for you you will speak as if you are under hypnosis, or even come along with this person dominating you, then say goodbye to your success in life - it will leave you for a long time.

Seeing in a dream how you run after the vehicle with the aforementioned number and hardly catch up with it means that your love will make you commit an insane act. If your chosen one or darling lives on the sixth floor, then do not lose hope - in two or three weeks the situation will change, and maybe even earlier. Your extraordinary act will make the object of your passion look at you in a new way. But if you do not catch up with the transport in a dream, then you risk becoming a laughing stock or causing general pity.

If in a dream you pass an exam and you get a ticket with a number, the numbers of which, when added, form a six, then this means that you have worked gloriously for six months, and an excellent reward for your efforts awaits you. This promises young people a pleasant pastime in a relaxed friendly company, but if you do not pass the exam in a dream, then the entertainment will have very serious consequences, for example, an untimely pregnancy or a forced wedding. For old people, this dream promises an increase in pension.

If in a dream you go to a hotel or hotel and go to the sixth room, then in the next six weeks you will be promiscuous in your connections. Your life will seem boring and insipid to you and you will want to diversify it. If in a dream a pretty maid (for men) or a waiter (for women) enters your room, then representatives of the opposite sex during this period will themselves look for meetings with you, and you will not refuse them. Perhaps you need such a relaxation, but if you get too tasteful, then after this period you will have many problems in your family and at work.

VOLUME - if in a dream you diligently measure your volumes and get results equal to 6, 15, 24, 42 (and others from the same row) centimeters or even meters - this is quite possible in a dream! - means that in reality you are too busy with yourself and do not pay attention to your loved ones, but you should. If you are satisfied with what you received in a dream, then in real life they shamelessly lead you around your finger, deceiving like an unintelligent child, and if after 15 days you still do not see your sight, then you will have large and branched horns on your head. But if you do not like your volumes in a dream, then the deception concerns first of all money, most likely, your children are pulling it out of you. It will not be superfluous to have a strict talk with them, but the conversation must certainly take place on Saturday.

If in a dream you see someone else measuring out their volumes and getting the same numbers, it means that your problems in the next 24 days will get out of your control and you will have to have an unpleasant conversation, explaining to your boss or legitimate half that going on.

SIZE - if in a dream you determine the size of some objects and get 6, 15, 24 and other numbers as a result, the numbers of which add up to six, no matter centimeters, meters or kilometers, then this means that you are going to spend your money. If you do not trust anyone and do not know where to invest them or what to buy in order to enjoy and not regret it, then contact a travel agency and the sixth route proposed to you will be the happy option that will completely suit you. If in your dream other people help you determine these dimensions, then it would be better for you to go on a trip with friends or family.

If in a dream you calculate the sizes of many objects, and then add them up and as a result of the calculations you get a six, then in reality you need to learn to say “no”. You are too pliant, many people take advantage of this, forcing you to do what is beneficial to them. After 15 days, you will have the opportunity to openly express your disagreement on an important issue for you, in no case give in! If you do this, you will berate yourself for the rest of your life!

DISTANCE - if in a dream you are sailing on a ship or flying an airplane or helicopter and cover a distance equal to 6, 15, 24, 42 (as well as other numbers from this series) meters or kilometers, then you will have great news. If you enjoy the flight and look around with admiration, then you will be delighted and amazed to learn something out of the ordinary, and this event is already happening, and after 6 hours you will know about it. But if in a dream you feel nauseous and nauseous, or you are trying to disembark from a ship or jump out of an airplane on the fly, then the news will be a shock for you, try to bravely face the grief. If there is someone next to you in a dream, then this sad news will not affect you personally, but someone from your inner circle.

If in a dream you walk and walk a distance equal to one of the above numbers, then you can count on the fact that your worst suspicions and predictions will not come true, but not because you were mistaken, but because of the timely intervention of a superior person. For economists and bankers, this dream promises financial stability in business for 87 days.

To be tired at the end of the path is to joy with or without reason, to well-being and mood, but if you are full of energy in a dream, then in reality you will experience their decline. Do not be sad, this state of affairs will last only 6 days.

ROULETTE - if in a dream you come to the casino and enjoy watching everyone around you bet on the number "6", it means that you are afraid of offending others with the truth, so you lie all the time and compliment everyone. Keep in mind that many people consider you a flatterer and a sycophant, so you will not achieve anything good with such tactics. If in a dream this number also wins, then you will face troubles and showdowns with your superiors or loved ones, most likely, the conversation will concern the problem that you were dealing with 24 days ago. If that time you insisted on your own, then no one would scold you. But if in a dream the number "6" loses, then you still have a chance to do everything the way you wanted. Don't be afraid to defend your point of view!

If in a dream you are ready to put all your money on the number 6, 15, 24 or 33, then this is a sign from above, which you definitely need to pay attention to. For example, in a dream you look at the roulette wheel and see that the number "6" turns out to be lucky, exactly the one on which you planned to place your bet or even made it, then this is an advice to you to give up what you want to make yours. If you are offered to make a large purchase in the next 6 days, then you better refuse this offer, no matter how tempting it may seem to you. If you buy a thing, then later you will regret that you were in a hurry to part with your money.

The number "15" indicates that you can count on success in love, especially for young girls - they should take a closer look at all the acquaintances who will let them know about themselves within 15 days, as their future spouse may be among them ...

If the number "24" wins, you can be sure that you will soon be noticed and invited to the place where you tried to get 6 months ago. For the moment, however, this invitation will be pleasant, but not essential. Whether you accept it or reject it, there is not much difference.

The number "33" you saw in a dream means that you need to leave the city for 6 days at all costs, change the environment, dispel bad thoughts and calm down. You have been too nervous lately, which cannot but negatively affect your relationship with your loved one and with work colleagues. You need to be a little alone with yourself in order to understand, in the end, what is tormenting you.

PHONE - if in a dream you add up the digits of a phone number and as a result you get the number "6", it means that you have said a lot of unnecessary things to someone in your life, and now you need to be on your guard, as your opponents can easily turn your talkativeness against you. If in a dream they help you to count, then in reality you will have a good ally who will help you correct the mistakes you have made and neutralize the bad action of your inappropriate frankness. Perhaps in a dream you added the digits of just the phone number owned by the person you need.

If you dream that you cannot add up all the numbers in any way, you get confused, you start all over again, but as a result you still get the number "6", then this is not a good sign: you are trying to oust from the game a person who helped you a lot and has the right count on your honesty. If in a dream it is easy for you to count, then in reality you will be ashamed of your unworthy behavior and change your tactics.

CLOCK - if in a dream you look at the clock and see only a six on the dial, then you can stop doubting: you did the right thing, and if you accepted the offer that was made to you 6 days ago, then in six months you will reap the benefits and praise yourself for prudence and wisdom. But if the number "6" is all twisted or covered with dirt, then your actions and decisions will benefit only you, and everyone else will suffer by your grace and because of your egoism.

If in a dream you see that all the numbers on the dial are sixes, then this is a sign from above: you take your duties too lightly, so you may not notice that an error has crept into the documents. If you miss it and don't fix it, then you will not see bonuses, promotions, or out-of-line leave. So be vigilant and try to focus your attention on the 15th and 14th of this month. In addition, the whole June will be stressful and troublesome for you, do not relax if you do not want problems at work. For schoolchildren, this dream promises the fulfillment of their wishes, if they complete the work that they took up 14 days ago.

If in a dream you look at your wrist watch and see that both hands point to the number "6", then in 6 days you will become the owner of knowledge that will help you achieve what you secretly dream of. For women, this dream promises complete victory in love due to the fact that they learn the secrets of their rivals and can use them to their advantage. But if at the same time the glass on the wristwatch is cracked, then the rivals will not doze either and will strike a strong blow.

Seeing an electronic clock display in a dream is a warning to you. Pay attention to the time that is displayed on it, it is symbolic. Let's say 00:06 is a sign that you made a mistake in your love affair, but oddly enough, your mistake will serve you well and will bond you and your loved one even more tightly.

If you see that 06:00 is displayed on the board, then be prepared for the fact that in 51 days you will unexpectedly accomplish a real feat and find yourself in the spotlight. Perhaps articles about you will appear in all central newspapers, and your face will flicker on all local television channels for several days. Try to withstand the test of fame with honor and not be arrogant.

Seeing on the scoreboard 17:34 - to hard physical labor. For girls, this dream promises the danger of overwork and protracted illness.

If the display shows any other time, which as a result of the addition of all the numbers gives a six, for example, 24:00 or 18:33, means that you are working too much, your body will soon fail if you do not spare yourself and give your good rest for the mind and body. Go to nature, take the stress out of yourself.

SIX (MAP) - if you dream that you are playing cards with those you like, and you have all four sixes in your hands, then this means that you will have to quit the business you just started halfway through, as you will get new information and your goals will change. If you win in the meantime, then after 6 weeks you will return to the interrupted business and continue it, but if you lose, you can forever say goodbye to what you were doing. This dream is bad for creative people - it is always very difficult for them to part with their ideas and ideas, but nothing can be done about it, they will have to.

If in a dream you have on your hands much more sixes than there are in the deck, that is, not four. but let's say eight or ten, then all your accusations against a certain person will turn out to be groundless and you will have to make sure of this in practice. Perhaps in 15 days you will find out from the original source, and the only thing left for you is to apologize to the person whom you offended with your unfair suspicion.

If you see only one card in a dream, and it falls out to you not during a card game, but by itself, then be sure - this is a warning to you from above. Take everything seriously and don't dismiss the advice. If you get all four cards at the same time, and you will clearly distinguish from it, then the one that will be the second from the left will become your advisor card.

The six of hearts is a warning that you should keep an eye on your wallet on the road, which is scheduled for the 6th, 15th or 24th, as there is a real danger that you will be left without a penny of money.

Six of the baptism is your longing for the unrealizable, most likely you are languishing with unsatisfied passion and are tormented in anticipation of love. In 6 weeks you will forget about your sufferings, since during this period all your hopes and aspirations will come true and you will be able to conquer a person whom you currently consider inaccessible and as far from you as a star.

A six of spades means that after 78 hours you will begin to feel a surge of strength and want to move mountains, but do not start acting under the influence of an impulse, think carefully, otherwise you will do so many things that you will have to disentangle the consequences of your hectic activity for a long time.

Six of Diamonds is a real opportunity to make a lot of money. Most likely, in a few days a certain person whom you have known for 6 years, albeit superficially, will turn to you and ask you to provide him with one service, for which he will generously pay. Maybe what he asks you will go against your beliefs, but the pay is really big, as you will have something to think about.

SIXTH CLASS - if in a dream you are in the sixth grade and are sitting at a desk with real schoolchildren, then this is an alarm signal, pay attention to your health! You overdid it when lifting weights and now you need to rest your body. Try not to do anything tedious for at least 6 days.

If in a dream you watch the sixth graders move away from you, then in 15 days the person with whom you broke up not so long ago will return to you. This dream is good for quarreling lovers, as it promises an early reconciliation.

If in a dream you are trying to go to study in the sixth grade, and you are not allowed, then this is a clear sign that you are too sexually concerned in reality. After 6 weeks, if you do not solve your intimate problems during this period, you will have a strong disorder on this basis and you will have to use medical help. Don't take the situation to an extreme.

FLOOR - if in a dream you look down from the window of the sixth floor, then in reality you will do something in 24 days for which you will later be reproached and blamed. If in a dream you like the view that opens up to your eyes, then you will do the right thing if you do not listen to what others are saying about it. But if you are scared or disgusted to look down, then you should listen to the opinions of loved ones.

If you just go and know for sure that you are on the sixth floor, then in life you want the impossible. Admit to yourself that you are striving for a crane in the distant heavens and in the meantime you are missing the tit from your hands, try to measure your desires against the possibilities. Take a sober look at life.

Jumping from the 6th floor in a dream and smoothly landing on your feet - your faithful friend, whom you terribly want to see, is hurrying to you, and in 6 hours he will be with you. But if you are hurt or hurt as a result of falling from such a height, then your old friend has some problems, the more serious your injury, the worse things are for him. He probably urgently needs your help.

If you dream that you are thrown out of the 6th floor window and you slowly fall, then after 24 hours you will agree with what you consider absurd at the moment.