Why dream of quenching your thirst. Thirst for interpretation of the dream book. Why does Thirst dream - the dream book interprets as follows

  • The primary elements are metal, water.
  • Organs - lungs, colon, kidneys, bladder.
  • Elements - dryness, cold.
  • Emotions - sadness, fear.
  • Planets - Venus, Mercury.
  • The feeling of thirst in sleep and in reality is a symptom of an internal lack of fluid in the body, which leads to local edema and impaired skin sensitivity. Thirst is an internal heat from a disturbance in the digestive system, which is closely related to the respiratory system. Thus, the disease began in the fall, when the lungs and colon were affected. The disease is ready to manifest itself (it has already manifested itself in a dream) in winter and then it will move to the kidneys, which do not receive enough water in the external winter cold. Drink water in a dream (without emphasis on temperature) / thirst to drink water - just like yin fills the inner yin of the thirsty. Drinking water and quenching thirst in a dream - to gain access to blocks of fluid in the body: both to its insufficiency, and to local accumulations without an exit. Sleep indicates the presence in the body of the forces for self-healing, which does not relieve the dreamer of the need to engage in the improvement of the digestive, respiratory and excretory systems. Feeling thirsty, drinking and not being satisfied, or looking for and not finding water - a dream speaks of a serious violation of the body's homeostasis, especially a violation in the intestines, lungs and kidneys. Such an unfavorable outcome of the year requires treatment and especially reasonable life plans sparing the body for the coming spring. The emotional attitude towards people and the world should be changed so that the situation does not run in circles towards the worsening. Drinking clean water - for health, self-healing and getting help. Drinking dirty bad water means a critical condition when the body does not have the strength to recover due to the loss of the ability to distinguish between necessary and unnecessary, useful and dangerous information, which indicates disorders in the intestines, kidneys and liver. Sleep is especially unfavorable for the future spring season, when a disease (liver) may appear. Drinking hot water / feeling the need for it in a dream or in reality means cold illness. In the winter season, the increased need for hot water indicates the lack of energy of both kidneys and defenselessness against the elements of cold: the element destroys the weak outside, and you want to warm up from the inside with hot water, which temporarily softens blocks and stagnation of energy. Thus, the organism has not yet lost the ability to distinguish useful information, it still has reserves. But sleep dictates a sparing mode of life, peace and warmth around.

Why does a woman dream of a thirst:

To be thirsty is to wait for mercy.

1 thirst for Dream interpretation of Cleopatra

Seeing thirst in a dream means:

To feel thirst in a dream - to dissatisfaction, suppressed sensuality. For a while, you will not have the opportunity to satisfy the desires that torment you. It is possible that such dissatisfaction will be caused not so much by your personal problems as by the difficulties associated with your partner.

If in a dream you managed to quench your thirst from a stream, fountain or glass filled with clean, transparent water, such a dream symbolizes imminent satisfaction.

Your desires, your cherished erotic dreams can come true, and they will exceed all your expectations. Quenching your thirst with dirty, muddy water - to disappointment in a partner and a break in relations.

1 thirst for Dream interpretation of lovers

A dream in which you are thirsty means that you are striving to achieve the love of a married man.

If you quench your thirst in a dream, it means that your attempts will be crowned with success.

If you dream that other people are thirsty and drink water, it means that your chosen one will be a rich and noble person.

The more strange a dream seems to us, the deeper meaning it has.

Sigmund Freud

1 thirst for Modern dream book for 365 days by E. Goltsman

Thirsty sleep means:

To feel thirsty and quench it with water A dream that you had on Monday night means that you will successfully complete a difficult task; a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that your wish will come true; a dream on the night of Saturday or Sunday means that someone will stare at you, but you will get off with a slight fright. To experience a thirst that cannot be quenched with water - serious troubles associated with damage await.

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The meaning of sleep thirst:

The thirst you experienced in dreams promises in reality the appearance in you of some dissatisfaction in the sphere of religion.

1 thirst for Creative dream book

You dreamed of Thirst for what it is. 1. A thirsty dream suggests that we have an unmet inner need; or we are emotionally tired and whatever is satisfying will benefit. 2. Satisfy your thirst is to satisfy your own desires. Another interpretation: being prepared to take what we need, we are able to live life in the best possible way. If in a dream we want to sleep, we need to pay attention to what we previously denied or denied in real life. 3. Thirst means a thirst for spiritual knowledge and enlightenment. It can also be an unquenchable real thirst.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, an uncontrollable wild beast slumbers, which wakes up when we sleep ...


1 thirst for Dream Interpretation of Krydy Veles

Success in business, chores; unsatisfied - grief; quench with fresh water - profit, joy, health, success; dirty - bad, illness, failure.

1 thirst for To the old Russian dream book

Thirst, in a dream means:

Thirst - To have and not be able to quench it portends great sorrow, to feel thirst and quench it with clean fresh water signifies wealth and pleasure; but to quench your thirst with muddy and spoiled water portends grief, and sometimes a slight illness.

1 thirst for Eastern dream book

Being thirsty is evidence that you are striving for an unattainable goal. However, if you managed to quench your thirst, you will get what you so longed for.

1 thirst for Gypsy dream book

Why does a woman dream of thirst:

If you dream that you are thirsty, you are in search of new knowledge, you are looking for a solution to a long-standing problem.

If, upon awakening, the feeling of thirst remains, sleep does not need to be taken into account; it is just a signal from your body.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - it is one of the deceased relatives who calls you to him.

1 thirst for Tsvetkov's dream book

Why does a woman dream of a thirst:

Ambition; satisfied - success; from a source or well - success is beyond all expectations; the same from the fountain.

Dreams that you are thirsty - you are in search of new knowledge, you are looking for a solution to a long-standing problem.

1 thirst for Dream interpretation of Catherine the Great

Seeing thirst in a dream means:

In a dream, you feel thirsty - you must measure your desires against your strengths and capabilities; what you are striving for now is unattainable; if you persist, waste your time. It is a dream that you are quenching your thirst - what you so passionately desired will soon come true. You see in a dream that some people are tormented by thirst - you may soon fall under the influence of self-serving people; you will do what they need and your needs will not be met. You dream that other people quench their thirst - very influential people will pay attention to you; they will help you and see your gratitude; the measure of your gratitude will be the measure of your conscience.

1 thirst for Intimate dream book

A dream with thirst in the dream book is interpreted as:

If you dreamed of how you felt thirst, it means that in real life you are oppressed by unsatisfied sexual desires. It is possible that for some reason you abstain from a relationship with a permanent partner (partner) for a long time, whom you do not want to cheat. One way or another, the dreamed thirst personifies your longing for sex. And it is possible that you have a situation where you want to but cannot.

1 thirst for Dream interpretation of the seeker

Thirsty sleep means:

Unfulfilled, need for achievement, deep dissatisfaction; passion; a sign of a cold, fever.

Drinking and not getting drunk is a disease, possibly drug addiction, or some kind of spiritual addiction in general.

Quenching thirst - satisfying a need, a strong desire.

Satisfying completely - accomplishment, achievement in the most important thing (the longer you drank, the later success will come, or the longer it will be expected subjectively).

1 thirst for Russian dream book

The meaning of sleep thirst:

1 thirst for Freud's dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of thirst:

If you dream that you are very thirsty, and when you woke up, you really want to drink, then there is no need to interpret this dream: you were simply tormented by thirst. Get drunk and sleep on! If a man quenches his thirst in a dream, then he wants to have sexual intercourse as soon as possible, to experience an orgasm (impatience of an orgasm).

If he drinks from any vessel, then he means his constant partner.

If he drinks from a source or stream (river, lake), then the partner's personality is not important to him; only his own desires are important to him.

If a man drinks with his hands (from his palms), then he is ready to indulge in self-satisfaction, but if he drinks from a woman's hands, then this speaks of his passionate affection. Perhaps he was bewitched.

If the water escapes from a man, and he cannot get drunk, then he should pay attention to his health, since such a dream can serve as a harbinger of upcoming disorders.

If a woman quenches her thirst in a dream, then this indicates her desire to become a mother.

If a woman drinks from any vessel, then she wants to have a child from a loved one.

If she drinks from a source or stream (river, lake), then she wants to deal with a more experienced and sophisticated partner.

If a woman drinks water from her palms, then she does not get pleasure from sex; the desire to have a child conflicts with the unwillingness to tolerate a male around him.

If a woman drinks from the palms of a man, then she wants to have sexual intercourse with him, but she is tormented and restrained by some fears.

If a woman cannot get drunk or water escapes from her, then she may become (or has already become) sterile.

If in a dream someone shudders, then this person is growing.

1 thirst for the Small Dream Book

What may thirst dream about:

If in a dream you feel thirsty, then in reality you are striving for an unattainable goal. However, if you managed to quench your thirst, then in reality you will receive what you so passionately desired. If you dreamed that you see people greedily drinking water, then in reality the support of influential people will help you out.

1 thirst for Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Thirst, in a dream means:

Feeling thirst in a dream and quenching it means that all your dreams will come true.

1 thirst for Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If a girl dreams of thirst, then this means:

Symbolizes the desire for something inaccessible to you at the moment.

Quenching your thirst with a pleasant, tasty drink - to the fulfillment of desires.

Drinking cold spring water is a sign of spiritual cleansing and forgiveness.

If the water you drink is cloudy and dirty, it means that in real life you tend to have fun at any cost. Beware: such a dream may portend a danger or a tendency to addiction.

If you see others thirsty and quenching their thirst in a dream, you will find the disposition of wealthy and influential people.

1 thirst for Dream interpretation of Nina Grishina

Why does a woman dream of thirst:

Thirst to experience - success, satisfaction of desires / someone has great hope for you.

If you get drunk at the same time - success.

Do not drink - completion of work, enterprise.

If you get drunk, and she does not subside - a long illness.

The one who wants to give to drink is a benefit.

1 thirst for Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Seeing thirst in a dream means:

The desire to live or continue the process that precedes or follows her in a dream.

1 thirst for Imperial dream book

Interpretation of a dream about thirst:

The feeling of thirst in sleep and in reality is a symptom of an internal lack of fluid in the body, which leads to local edema and impaired skin sensitivity. Thirst is an internal heat from a disturbance in the digestive system, which is closely related to the respiratory system. Thus, the disease began in the fall, when the lungs and colon were affected.

Drinking water and quenching thirst in a dream - to gain access to blocks of fluid in the body: both to its insufficiency, and to local accumulations without an exit. Sleep indicates the presence in the body of the forces for self-healing, which does not relieve the dreamer of the need to engage in the improvement of the digestive, respiratory and excretory systems.

Feeling thirsty, drinking and not being satisfied, or looking for and not finding water - a dream speaks of a serious violation of the body's homeostasis, especially a violation in the intestines, lungs and kidneys. Such an unfavorable outcome of the year requires treatment and especially reasonable life plans sparing the body for the coming spring.

1 thirst for Dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Interpretation of a dream about thirst:

Thirst to quench with clean water - health and success; cloudy - illness and failure.

1 thirst for Dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Thirst in a dream predicts:

Such a dream speaks of unsatisfied erotic desires. In other words, you feel like having sex, but for some reason you can't. Either you have been separated from a partner for a long time, whom you do not want to cheat, or the pleasures of the flesh are not available to you for some other reason.

1 thirst for Vanga's dream book

Why is Thirst dreaming:

A dream in which you wander under the scorching rays of the sun in search of water means that all your thoughts and feelings are directed exclusively to the material side of life. Therefore, in reality, you lack spiritual communication and support.

In a dream, you quench your thirst with cold spring water - this is a sign of spiritual cleansing and forgiveness.

You are thirsty, but the water you drink is muddy and dirty. This dream is a warning, as in real life you tend to get pleasure at any cost. In this dream, muddy and dirty water symbolizes such a terrible vice as drug addiction. You should be careful as you tend to suffer from this terrible ailment.

You dreamed of a terrible drought, people are dying of thirst, since all the reservoirs are dry and you cannot find a drop of water. You are ready to give anything for a drop of water. The thirst becomes unbearable, the mouth seems to be full of heavy and hot sand. You only think about where to find at least a drop of life-giving moisture.

This dream foreshadows an ecological disaster. Every year, military technology is becoming more sophisticated, and sooner or later it may end in disaster not only for humanity, but for the entire planet.

1 thirst for Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are thirsty, it means that you are striving for something inaccessible to you now, but if you quench your thirst in a dream by drinking a pleasant and tasty drink, your desires will be achieved.

If you see others thirsty and quenching their thirst, then you will enjoy the disposition and affection of rich and influential people.

1 thirst for Culinary dream book

Quenching your thirst from a well - living beyond your means.

1 thirst for The newest dream book

Feeling thirsty - in this case, you need to suspect diseases of the pancreas (endocrine system), it makes sense to take a medical test of blood and urine for sugar content in them. Sleep warning: You may have a pancreatic disorder, and the severity of sleep increases if you quench your thirst with a soda pop.

1 thirst for Family dream book

If in a dream you felt thirsty, in reality you are striving for something inaccessible.

If you quenched your thirst, your wishes will come true.

Saw someone else quenching your thirst - enjoy the favor of the rich and powerful.

1 thirst for Modern dream book

Why is Thirst dreaming:

Feeling thirsty in a dream - indicates that you are striving to acquire things that are currently unavailable to you; but if you dreamed that you quenched your thirst with a pleasant drink, then you will fulfill your desires.

Seeing how others suffer from thirst and quench it predicts the favor of wealthy people.

1 thirst for Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

To dream that you are very thirsty, but there is not a sip of water in the house - to fulfill your secret desires.

1 thirst for Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

To feel thirst in a dream - for blood loss, for a cut, etc.

1 thirst for the Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

To experience a strong thirst in a dream means that you have to meet a two-faced person, whom you will consider as your friend for a long time.

Being thirsty, drinking and not being able to get drunk is a harbinger of difficulties or difficulties in business, if you managed to get drunk - this is a sign of the upcoming great success, satisfaction from the work done, both moral and material.

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Thirsty - Difficulty making an important decision.

Quenching your thirst with cold, clean water - good health and success in business.

Seeing people who are thirsty in a dream and giving them the opportunity to quench it - you will forge a long and lasting friendship with influential and wealthy people and you will achieve a lot in life with their help and support.

1 thirst for the Lunar Dream Book

Why is Thirst dreaming:

The thirst to have and not to drink is a bad ending; drink - success in business.

1 thirst for Dream interpretation alphabetically

To experience a strong thirst in a dream is a harbinger of severe fatigue and illness. Quenching your thirst in a dream with clean water from a well or a spring means that in reality you will find success and glory. If you drink swamp water on a sultry afternoon, unable to overcome your thirst, then in reality you are threatened with illness and failures will pursue.

Quenching your thirst in a dream indicates that you will be able to achieve your intended goal. Suffering in a dream from thirst and not being able to quench it - in reality everything will go down the drain, success will leave you.

To dream of people greedily quenching their thirst - in reality you will find the support of influential sponsors or wealthy patrons of the arts.

1 thirst for Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Your wish is impossible. Quench your thirst from the well - your desires do not coincide with the size of your earnings. Unquenchable - you won't get the support you need to achieve your goal. Quench your thirst with dirty water - your base desires will be rejected. To look for water and not find - the desire cannot come true due to a serious illness.

So that the desire still has a chance to come true, imagine that you are quenching your thirst with pure spring water. No thirst - concentrate as long as possible on this pleasant feeling of freshly quenched thirst. It is actually advisable to drink water while doing this.

1 thirst for Dream interpretation of the 20th century

It is a sign of your strong passions and desires.

Not finding water to satisfy your thirst: a sign that your passions can completely drain and weaken you.

Seeing people dying of thirst: It is also a warning that excessive emotions can drain you. Try to conduct your business more calmly and do not give in to strong desires.

Fully satisfy your thirst with clean, cool water: it means that in reality you are close to fulfilling some cherished desire.

1 thirst for Dream interpretation for girls

Feeling thirst in a dream is an obstacle.

Getting drunk is a success.

Well done! Always get what you want.

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Unfortunately; satisfied - to wealth.

1 thirst for the Dream Interpretation 2012

Your own thirst is a reflection of thoughts about the inaccessibility of a cherished desire.

Quenching (emphasis on quenching, and not the drinking process itself) is a reflection of hope for the fulfillment of a cherished desire (also a reflection of spiritual cleansing and / or forgiveness).

The search for a drink is a reflection of the orientation of thoughts and desires only to material things (also the need for spiritual communication and / or spiritual support).

Alien, if many people suffer - a reflection of possible natural disasters.

Thirst - can be dreamed of as a reminder of real thirst, then you need to get up and get drunk.

1 thirst for Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

  • Thirst to have and not to drink - Thirsty ending of the case; drink - success in business.
  • Thirst to quench - Health, success - muddy water - disease, failure. Quenching thirst, irrigation - if quenching occurs in a dream after a strong thirst, then this is a sign of relief after difficulty, fulfillment of needs, enrichment after poverty and replenishment of what is missing from knowledge or deeds.
  • Irrigation is about improving and strengthening faith, as well as straightforwardness and honesty in life.
  • To be thirsty is to wait for mercy.
  • Dreamed of Thirst - your desire is unrealizable. To make the desire still have a chance to come true, imagine that you are quenching your thirst.
  • No thirst - concentrate as long as possible on this pleasant feeling of freshly quenched thirst.

1 thirst for Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Why is Thirst dreaming:

  • Thirst - Unfulfilled need for achievement, deep dissatisfaction; passion; a sign of a cold, fever.
  • Drinking and not getting drunk - illness, drug addiction, or some kind of spiritual addiction in general (eg. From lucid dreaming according to Castaneda).
  • Thirst - Quenching thirst - satisfying a need, a strong desire. Satisfying completely - accomplishment, achievement in the most important thing (the longer you drank, the later success will come, or the longer it will be expected subjectively).
  • Thirst to see in a dream - Thirst for material losses, bankruptcy. If, upon awakening, the feeling of thirst remains, then the dream does not need to be taken into account, it is just a signal from your body, this is how your dream is interpreted by the dream book.
  • Thirst - Thirst, experienced by you in dreams, foretells the appearance in you of some dissatisfaction in the sphere of religion.
  • Thirst - quench with clean water - get your way.
  • If the water is cloudy, then to the disease. To feel thirsty in a dream - you really need something or you want to achieve something passionately.

1 thirst for Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Your wish is impossible. To make the desire still have a chance to come true, imagine that you are quenching your thirst. No thirst - concentrate as long as possible on this pleasant feeling of freshly quenched thirst.

The dreamed 😴 dream was

Normal 0 Nightmare 0

1. Thirst- (Modern dream book)
Feeling thirsty in a dream - indicates that you are striving to acquire things that are currently unavailable to you; but if you dreamed that you quenched your thirst with a pleasant drink, then you will fulfill your desires. Seeing others suffer from thirst and quench it predicts the favor of wealthy people.
2. Thirst- (Miller's dream book)
If you dream that you are thirsty, it means that you are striving for something inaccessible to you now, but if you quench your thirst in a dream by drinking a pleasant and tasty drink. Your desires will be achieved. If you see others thirsty and quenching their thirst - then. You will enjoy the disposition and affection of the rich and powerful.
3. Thirst- (Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud)
If you dream that you are very thirsty, and when you woke up, you really want to drink, then there is no need to interpret this dream: you were simply tormented by thirst. Get drunk and sleep on! If a man quenches his thirst in a dream, then he wants to have sexual intercourse as soon as possible, to experience an orgasm (impatience of an orgasm). If he drinks from any vessel, then he means his constant partner. If he drinks from a source or stream (river, lake), then the partner's personality is not important to him; only his own desires are important to him. If a man drinks with his hands (from his palms), then he is ready to indulge in self-satisfaction, but if he drinks from a woman's hands, then this speaks of his passionate affection. Perhaps he was bewitched. If the water escapes from a man, and he cannot get drunk, then he should pay attention to his health, since such a dream can serve as a harbinger of upcoming disorders. If a woman quenches her thirst in a dream, then this indicates her desire to become a mother. If a woman drinks from any vessel, then she wants to have a child from a loved one. If she drinks from a source or stream (river, lake), then she wants to deal with a more experienced and sophisticated partner. If a woman drinks water from her palms, then she does not get pleasure from sex; the desire to have a child conflicts with the unwillingness to tolerate a male around him. If a woman drinks from the palms of a man, then she wants to have sexual intercourse with him, but she is tormented and restrained by some fears. If a woman cannot get drunk or water escapes from her, then she may become (or has already become) sterile.
4. Thirst- (Esoteric dream book)
Feeling thirsty - for material losses, possibly bankruptcy. If, upon awakening, the feeling of thirst remains, then sleep should not be taken into account - it is just a signal from your body.
5. Thirst- (Culinary dream book)
Quenching your thirst from a well - living beyond your means.
6. Thirst- (Intimate dream book)
If you dreamed of how you felt thirst, it means that in real life you are oppressed by unsatisfied sexual desires. It is possible that for some reason you abstain from a relationship with a permanent partner (partner) for a long time, whom you do not want to cheat. One way or another, the dreamed thirst personifies your longing for sex. And it is possible that you have a situation where you want to but cannot.
7. Thirst- (Dream interpretation of the fortuneteller Vanga)
A dream in which you wander under the scorching rays of the sun in search of water means that all your thoughts and feelings are directed exclusively to the material side of life. Therefore, in reality, you lack spiritual communication and support. In a dream, you quench your thirst with cold spring water - this is a sign of spiritual cleansing and forgiveness. You are thirsty, but the water you drink is muddy and dirty. This dream is a warning, as in real life you tend to get pleasure at any cost. In this dream, muddy and dirty water symbolizes such a terrible vice as drug addiction. You should be careful as you tend to suffer from this terrible ailment. You dreamed of a terrible drought, people are dying of thirst, since all the reservoirs are dry and you cannot find a drop of water. You are ready to give anything for a drop of water. The thirst becomes unbearable, the mouth seems to be full of heavy and hot sand. You only think about where to find at least a drop of life-giving moisture. This dream foreshadows an ecological disaster. Every year, military technology is becoming more sophisticated, and sooner or later it may end in disaster not only for humanity, but for the entire planet.

Why do you dream of thirst

Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are thirsty, it means that you are striving for something inaccessible to you now, but if in a dream you quench your thirst by drinking a pleasant and tasty drink. Your desires will be achieved.

If you see others thirsty and quenching their thirst, then you will enjoy the disposition and affection of rich and influential people.

Why do you dream of thirst

Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of how you felt thirst, it means that in real life you are oppressed by unsatisfied sexual desires. It is possible that for some reason you abstain from a relationship with a permanent partner (partner) for a long time, whom you do not want to cheat. One way or another, the dreamed thirst personifies your longing for sex. And it is possible that you have a situation where you want to but cannot.

Why do you dream of thirst

Dream interpretation of Wangi

A dream in which you wander under the scorching rays of the sun in search of water means that all your thoughts and feelings are directed exclusively to the material side of life. Therefore, in reality, you lack spiritual communication and support.

In a dream, you quench your thirst with cold spring water - this is a sign of spiritual cleansing and forgiveness.

You are thirsty, but the water you drink is cloudy and dirty - this dream is a warning, since in real life you tend to get pleasure at any cost. In this dream, muddy and dirty water symbolizes such a terrible vice as drug addiction. You should be careful as you tend to suffer from this terrible ailment.

You dreamed of a terrible drought, people are dying of thirst, since all the reservoirs are dry and you cannot find a drop of water. You are ready to give anything for a drop of water. The thirst becomes unbearable, the mouth seems to be full of heavy and hot sand. You only think about where to find at least a drop of life-giving moisture - this dream portends an ecological catastrophe. Every year, military technology is becoming more sophisticated, and sooner or later it may end in disaster not only for humanity, but for the entire planet.

Why do you dream of thirst

Family dream book

If in a dream you felt thirsty, in reality you are striving for something inaccessible.

If you quenched your thirst, your wishes will come true.

Saw someone else quenching your thirst - enjoy the favor of the rich and powerful.

Why do you dream of thirst

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter

Thirst in a dream (unless it is connected with a real thirst that torments you at night) is a sign of your strong passions and desires.

Not finding water in a dream to satisfy your thirst is a sign that your passions can completely drain and weaken you.

Seeing dying of thirst in a dream is also a warning that excessive emotions can drain you of strength. Try to conduct your business more calmly and do not give in to strong desires.

To completely satisfy your thirst in a dream with clean, cool water means that in reality you are close to fulfilling some cherished desire.

Why do you dream of thirst

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

Feeling thirsty - in this case, you need to suspect diseases of the pancreas (endocrine system), it makes sense to take a medical test of blood and urine for sugar content in them. Sleep warning: You may have a pancreatic disorder, and the severity of sleep increases if you quench your thirst with a soda pop.

Why do you dream of thirst

Spring dream book

To feel thirst in a dream - for blood loss, for a cut, etc.

Why do you dream of thirst

Summer dream book

Feeling thirst in a dream and quenching it means that all your dreams will come true.

Why do you dream of thirst

Autumn dream book

To dream that you are very thirsty, but there is not a sip of water in the house - to fulfill your secret desires.

Why do you dream of thirst

Dream interpretation from A to Z

To experience a strong thirst in a dream is a harbinger of severe fatigue and illness. Quenching your thirst in a dream with clean water from a well or spring means that in reality you will be successful and glorious.

If you drink swamp water on a sultry afternoon, unable to overcome your thirst, then in reality you are threatened with illness and failures will pursue.

Satisfy your thirst in a dream - says that you will be able to achieve your intended goal. Suffering in a dream from thirst and not being able to quench it - in reality everything will go down the drain, success will leave you.

To dream of people greedily quenching their thirst - in reality you will find the support of influential sponsors or wealthy patrons of the arts.

Why do you dream of thirst

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Thirst to quench - health, success; muddy water - illness, failure.

Why do you dream of thirst

Esoteric dream book

Feeling thirsty - for material losses, possibly bankruptcy. If, upon awakening, the feeling of thirst remains, then sleep should not be taken into account - it is just a signal from your body.

Why do you dream of thirst

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Thirst in a dream - symbolizes the desire for something inaccessible to you at the moment.

Quenching your thirst with a pleasant, tasty drink - to the fulfillment of desires.

Drinking cold spring water is a sign of spiritual cleansing and forgiveness.

If the water you drink is cloudy and dirty, it means that in real life you tend to have fun at any cost. Beware: such a dream may portend a danger or a tendency to addiction.

If you see others thirsty and quenching their thirst in a dream, you will find the disposition of wealthy and influential people.

Why do you dream of thirst

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Thirst is ambition; satisfied - success; from a source or well - success is beyond all expectations; the same from the fountain.

Dreams that you are thirsty - you are in search of new knowledge, you are looking for a solution to a long-standing problem.

Why do you dream of thirst

Modern dream book

Feeling thirsty in a dream - indicates that you are striving to acquire things that are currently unavailable to you; but if you dreamed that you quenched your thirst with a pleasant drink, then you will fulfill your desires.

Seeing how others suffer from thirst and quench it predicts the favor of wealthy people.

Why do you dream of thirst

Eastern dream book

Being thirsty is evidence that you are striving for an unattainable goal. However, if you managed to quench your thirst, you will get what you so longed for.

Why do you dream of thirst

Dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Thirst to quench with clean water - health and success; cloudy - illness and failure.

Why do you dream of thirst

Dream interpretation of Catherine the Great

Thirst - in a dream you feel thirsty - you must measure your desires against the strengths and capabilities; what you are striving for now is unattainable; if you persist, waste your time. It is a dream that you are quenching your thirst - what you so passionately desired will soon come true. You see in a dream that some people are tormented by thirst - you may soon fall under the influence of self-serving people; you will do what they need and your needs will not be met. You dream that other people quench their thirst - very influential people will pay attention to you; they will help you and see your gratitude; the measure of your gratitude will be the measure of your conscience.

Why do you dream of thirst

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Thirst to experience - success, satisfaction of desires / someone has great hope for you.

If you get drunk at the same time - success.

Do not drink - completion of work, enterprise.

If you get drunk, and she does not subside - a long illness.

The one who wants to give to drink is a benefit.

Why do you dream of thirst

Dream interpretation of the healer Akulina

You dreamed of Thirst - your desire is unrealizable. To make the desire still have a chance to come true, imagine that you are quenching your thirst. No thirst - concentrate as long as possible on this pleasant feeling of freshly quenched thirst.

Why do you dream of thirst

Dream interpretation of Rick Dillon

To be thirsty is to wait for mercy.

Why do you dream of thirst

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Thirst - Thirst, experienced by you in dreams, promises in reality the appearance in you of some dissatisfaction in the sphere of religion.

Why do you dream of thirst

Islamic dream book

Quenching thirst, irrigation - if quenching occurs in a dream after a strong thirst, then this is a sign of relief after difficulties, fulfillment of needs, enrichment after poverty and replenishment of what is missing from knowledge or deeds. Irrigation is about improving and strengthening faith, as well as straightforwardness and honesty in life.

Why do you dream of thirst

Creative dream book

You dreamed of Thirst for what it is. 1. A thirsty dream suggests that we have an unmet inner need; or we are emotionally tired and whatever is satisfying will benefit. 2. Satisfy your thirst is to satisfy your own desires. Another interpretation: being prepared to take what we need, we are able to live life in the best possible way. If in a dream we want to sleep, we need to pay attention to what we previously denied or denied in real life. 3. Thirst means a thirst for spiritual knowledge and enlightenment. It can also be an unquenchable real thirst.

Why do you dream of thirst

Old Russian dream book

Thirst - To have and not be able to quench it portends great sorrow, to feel thirst and quench it with clean fresh water signifies wealth and pleasure; but to quench your thirst with muddy and spoiled water portends grief, and sometimes a slight illness.

Why do you dream of thirst

Russian dream book

What does Thirst mean in a dream - if you feel thirst, it means that you are striving for something inaccessible to you now; if you quench your thirst with a delicious transparent drink, your desires will come true, health and success await you; if you drink muddy, tasteless water - to illness and failure; if others quench their thirst, rich and influential people will be attracted to you.

Why do you dream of thirst

Jewish dream book

What does Thirst mean in a dream - To feel thirsty and quench it with water A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you will successfully complete a difficult task; a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that your wish will come true; a dream on the night of Saturday or Sunday means that someone will stare at you, but you will get off with a slight fright. To experience a thirst that cannot be quenched with water - serious troubles associated with damage await.

Why do you dream of thirst

Female dream book

Thirst - Thirst in a dream symbolizes the pursuit of something inaccessible to you at the moment. Quenching your thirst with a pleasant, tasty drink - to the fulfillment of desires. Drinking cold spring water is a sign of spiritual cleansing and forgiveness. If the water you drink is cloudy and dirty, it means that in real life you tend to enjoy yourself at any cost. Beware: such a dream may portend a danger or a tendency to addiction.

Why is thirst in a dream - If you see in a dream other thirsty and quenching their thirst, you will find the disposition of wealthy and influential people, this is how the Thirst dream book interprets.

Why do you dream of thirst

Dream interpretation of Cleopatra

To feel thirst in a dream - to dissatisfaction, suppressed sensuality. For a while, you will not have the opportunity to satisfy the desires that torment you. It is possible that such dissatisfaction will be caused not so much by your personal problems as by the difficulties associated with your partner.

If in a dream you managed to quench your thirst from a stream, fountain or glass filled with clean, transparent water, such a dream symbolizes imminent satisfaction.

Your desires, your cherished erotic dreams can come true, and they will exceed all your expectations. Quenching your thirst with dirty, muddy water - to disappointment in a partner and a break in relations.

Why do you dream of thirst

Dream interpretation of the past

If in a dream you feel thirst, this means that you are striving for something inaccessible to you now, but if you quench your thirst in a dream with a delicious transparent drink, your desires will be achieved, health and success await you; if you drink muddy, tasteless water, it portends illness and failure; if you see how others quench their thirst, you will enjoy the location of rich and powerful people.

Why do you dream of thirst

Dream interpretation of relationships

Thirst - such a dream speaks of unsatisfied erotic desires. In other words, you feel like having sex, but for some reason you can't. Either you have been separated from a partner for a long time, whom you do not want to cheat, or the pleasures of the flesh are not available to you for some other reason.

Why do you dream of thirst

Dream interpretation of lovers

A dream in which you are thirsty means that you are striving to achieve the love of a married man.

If you quench your thirst in a dream, it means that your attempts will be crowned with success.

If you dream that other people are thirsty and drink water, it means that your chosen one will be a rich and noble person.

Why do you dream of thirst

Lunar dream book

The thirst to have and not to drink is a bad ending; drink - success in business.

Why do you dream of thirst

Dream interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

The thirst to have is not overcoming the enemy; drink - success, profit.

Why do you dream of thirst

Russian dream book

Thirst is a loss.

Why do you dream of thirst

Dream interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

The feeling of thirst in sleep and in reality is a symptom of an internal lack of fluid in the body, which leads to local edema and impaired skin sensitivity. Thirst is an internal heat from a disturbance in the digestive system, which is closely related to the respiratory system. Thus, the disease began in the fall, when the lungs and colon were affected.

Drinking water and quenching thirst in a dream - to gain access to blocks of fluid in the body: both to its insufficiency, and to local accumulations without an exit. Sleep indicates the presence in the body of the forces for self-healing, which does not relieve the dreamer of the need to engage in the improvement of the digestive, respiratory and excretory systems.

Feeling thirsty, drinking and not being satisfied, or looking for and not finding water - a dream speaks of a serious violation of the body's homeostasis, especially a violation in the intestines, lungs and kidneys. Such an unfavorable outcome of the year requires treatment and especially reasonable life plans sparing the body for the coming spring.

Why do you dream of thirst

The interpreter of 1829

The thirst to have and not be able to quench it - foreshadows great sorrow, to feel thirst and quench it with clean fresh water signifies wealth and pleasure; but to quench your thirst with muddy and spoiled water portends grief, and sometimes a slight illness.

If you had a good time the day before and drank a couple of extra glasses of alcohol, then it makes no sense to interpret a dream in which you are madly thirsty. This is just a signal that the body is dehydrated. It's another matter if you dreamed of thirst for no real reason. In this case, the dream is of serious importance.

Thirst for Miller's dream book

If you happen to feel thirst in a dream, then in reality you are striving for something that you cannot get right now. But if you dreamed that you satisfied your need with pure water or a drink that tastes good, then what you want will certainly come true, and in the very near future. Seeing other characters thirsty means you will have an influential and generous patron.

Dr. Freud's interpretation

Thirst in a dream symbolizes sexual dissatisfaction, which arose from prolonged abstinence. It is also possible that the existing partner is simply not able to deliver the desired pleasure. If the thirst remains after waking up, then this is a signal from the body that he simply wants to drink.

If a man dreamed that he was drunk, he will soon be able to satisfy all his intimate needs. Perhaps a whirlwind romance will happen. If it was not possible to get drunk, then you should pay attention to the state of health and, in particular, the genital area.

For a woman, a vision of thirst is a sign that she dreams of becoming a mother and is quite ready for this. If she cannot find water and quench her thirst, then there is a possibility that the lady is sterile or will become so in the future.

Dreamed of thirst - according to Vanga's dream book

In a dream, did you have a chance to wander in a desert area and look for water? All your thoughts and desires are focused exclusively on material goods. If you have drunk pure spring water, then in real life you can clear the negativity and be forgiven.

Had a dream that you were trying to quench your thirst with a muddy, dirty and tasteless liquid? In real life, you strive to get pleasure in any way, regardless of the morality and opinions of others. In addition, dirty water acts as a symbol of some kind of addiction, for example, drug addiction or alcoholism. Even if you are not addicted to alcohol and drugs, you have a latent tendency to vicious habits.

To see a terrible drought, as a result of which rivers and reservoirs have dried up, and people are literally dying of thirst, is bad. This is a sign of a real ecological catastrophe, an impending natural cataclysm and another universal disaster.

Interpretation of the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If nocturnal thirst is not associated with natural causes, then it reflects intimate, but very ardent desires. Couldn't get drunk in your sleep? Passion can literally drain you from the inside out and take away all your strength.

The dream in which it happened to see other people suffering from thirst has the same meaning. Try to moderate your needs and balance what you want with reality. Had a dream that you drank pure water from your soul? The cherished dream will soon come true.

Complete dream book of the New Era - thirst in a dream

Thirst - literally symbolizes thoughts of the inaccessible. Satisfy it completely - to the fulfillment of a dream, purification, forgiveness. The search for water or another drink in a dream - symbolically reflect the direction of material desires and thoughts, as well as the need for spiritual communication. Had a dream that other people are suffering from thirst? There is a chance that a natural disaster will happen.

What does thirst for a dream book mean from A to Z

Did you feel thirst in a dream? In real life, you can get sick from overwork. Drinking well or spring water - to success and glory. Drinking swamp water - to total bad luck and poor health.

Have you completely quenched your thirst? Achieve the target, although it will be difficult. If you still fail to find water, then all the efforts made will go to waste. Seeing people who drink greedily means gaining an influential sponsor.

Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor's dream book

This dream book connects dreamy thirst with health. If in a dream it dries out a lot in the mouth and is thirsty, then there is not enough water in the body, which can lead to disruption of the stable work of various organs. Thirst in particular indicates problems with the digestive system and respiratory tract.

Drinking water or drinks in a dream means that the body has the strength to heal itself. But in order to prevent deterioration, you need to take care of your own health now.

If you could not find a drink in a dream or did not fully quench your thirst, then get ready for a long struggle with an ailment associated with the digestive, excretory and respiratory systems.

Why dream of being thirsty

Happened in dreams to feel thirst? In reality, you are busy looking for new knowledge or trying to find a solution to an old problem. If you are terribly thirsty, then in real life, strive for something that is not yet available.

At its core, dreamy craving symbolizes personal ambition, dissatisfaction, the need for something. It is also a sign of an onset cold or other illness.

Sometimes thirst indicates that you have to communicate with a hypocritical two-faced person. You will consider him your reliable friend, but in the end you will only get a lot of problems.

Which means others are thirsty

Have you ever seen people suffering from thirst? If there were many of them, then this is a sign of a large-scale natural disaster. Had a dream that people literally die without drinking? Try to cope with your raging emotions and desires, otherwise they will drain you of strength.

If the thirsty were able to get drunk, then you will receive a kind and influential patron. Watering those who are thirsty in a dream is also good. This is a sign that you will achieve a lot by going through obstacles and trials. An unmarried lady to see how other characters greedily drink water - to acquaintance and possibly marriage with a worthy rich man.

Why dream of looking for water

If you have been looking for water all night in vain, wandering around your own apartment, then your secret desire will come true, but not soon. The same dream indicates a situation, the solution of which is postponed for an indefinite period.

In general, the search for a drink symbolizes the orientation of thoughts and actions to obtain material benefits, and also reflects spiritual searches and the need for moral support. The outcome of real events depends entirely on whether you managed to achieve your goal in a dream.

So finding water and finally getting drunk means that the result will be successful. If the search is unsuccessful, then the matter will either stall in place, or it will end very badly.

Why dream of thirst and its quenching

Had a dream that you managed to quench your thirst with clean water or a delicious drink? In time, all dreams will come true. Quenching thirst is a symbol of satisfying current needs. The same vision predicts great success in the future, symbolizes a job well done and making a profit.

It is very important to remember whether you were able to quench your thirst completely or only partially? At the same time, the vision can be interpreted literally. If you are drunk from the heart, then you will bring a certain accomplishment to its logical conclusion. If you are still thirsty, you still have to fight. The duration of drinking is also important. That is, the longer they drank, the later success will come.

Why dream of drinking water and not getting drunk

Worst of all, if you dream that you are drinking and cannot drink enough. This is a sign of great dependence, and not necessarily physical (drug or alcoholic). It may well be a spiritual addiction. Perhaps in reality you feel the lack of freedom from relationships, someone else's power, your own emotions.

In addition, a strong thirst and the impossibility of quenching it hints at a certain painful process that develops in the body. After such a dream, all dream books are advised to immediately seek help from a medical institution, relax, undergo a course of general strengthening procedures, etc.

Dreamed of a lust for blood

Perhaps the most unusual situation in a dream is considered to be bloodlust. If in dreams it happened to become a vampire, then you risk getting into trouble due to excessive self-confidence or carelessness.

If you are thirsty for blood, then in order to solve a certain problem, you will have to deliberately hurt another person. The same vision hints at a decline in strength and vitality, dissatisfaction with ambitions and other negative feelings.

Did you drink human blood? Try not to be seduced by a light romance, it can bring an unpleasant illness.

Thirst in a dream - specific transcripts

To interpret the image, you need to remember as many details as possible. In particular, how did you manage to quench your thirst, how long did you look for a drink, etc.

  • dry mouth - someone hopes for you
  • drinking from a well - living beyond your means
  • from a stream, a spring - to health
  • from a bucket - to an accident, accident, injury
  • from a glass - to a cold, a viral disease
  • from a jug - to well-being
  • from a mug, glass - to money, respect
  • from a glass - to a domestic quarrel
  • from a large bowl - to joy
  • from the bottle - to secret love
  • from the horn - to the realization of dreams
  • get drunk completely - to success, complete satisfaction
  • drinking spring water - to spiritual cleansing, forgiveness
  • well - to glory, success
  • swamp - bad luck
  • muddy, dirty - to achieve goals in any way
  • warm, unpleasant - diseases
  • salted - for enrichment
  • milk - you need help, new knowledge
  • kefir - to temporary inconvenience, minor losses
  • koumiss - cheer up
  • kvass - to unpleasant experiences
  • tea - to indulge the whims
  • coffee - for a meeting with friends, partners
  • lemonade - acquaintance will grow into love
  • Coca-Cola - to loss of health
  • fruit drink - to insult
  • cocktail - to an extravagant act
  • wine - to creativity
  • vodka - to deception
  • beer - to disappointment
  • oil - to disease
  • to see water and not drink - to the end of the business, enterprise
  • drinking and not getting drunk - to a long illness
  • to give drink to the thirsty - to the benefit
  • a woman to quench her thirst - to the desire to become a mother
  • from a vessel - to the desire to have a child from a certain person
  • from a stream, a source - to finding an experienced sexual partner
  • from your own palms - to contradictions
  • from the palms of a man - to fears, a new romance

In fact, it is not so difficult to interpret the dream of thirst. The main thing is to consider the quality of the drink used for drinking, your own feelings and the final result. A more complete interpretation will be given by the narrative plot and the events that are taking place in real life at the moment.