High resolution satellite map of Sakhalin. Map of the Sakhalin region. Satellite map of the Sakhalin region

The Sakhalin Region is a region located in the Far Eastern Federal District. The region is unique in its location. This is clearly seen on the map of the Sakhalin Region: the region has an island position. The region includes: Sakhalin Island, the Kuril Islands, Tyuleniy and Moneron Islands.

Today, the Sakhalin Region borders on Japan, the Khabarovsk Territory and the Kamchatka Sea. The region is washed by 2 seas: the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, as well as the Pacific Ocean. The area of ​​the region is 87,101 km2. The region includes 17 districts, 15 cities and 5 urban-type settlements. Largest cities- Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Korsakov, Okha, Kholmsk and Poronaysk.

The Sakhalin Region is characterized by difficult climatic conditions. In many ways, this is reflected in the economic condition of the region. Oil, gas and coal production is carried out in the region. The main sectors of the economy are the timber and fishing industries.

The region is characterized by high seismic activity. There are 160 volcanoes on the territory of the region, many of which are active.

The Sakhalin Oblast includes the Kuril Islands, which are a stumbling block between Japan and Russia.

History reference

Sakhalin Oblast was created in 1932. During World War II, the region was occupied by Japanese troops. In 1945, there were battles for the liberation of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. In 1952, a tsunami hit the Kuril Islands. In 1995, an earthquake occurred in Neftegorsk, during which 2,000 people died.

must visit

On the detailed map In the Sakhalin region, you can see various sights: bays, volcanoes and natural monuments. It is recommended to visit local history museums, the museum of railway equipment in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries, a fur seal rookery on Tyuleniy Island, the Kuril Islands, thermal springs, a waterfall of the Nitui River, Capes Velikan and Stukabis.

Note to the tourist

Gulrypsh - holiday destination for celebrities

There is an urban-type settlement Gulrypsh on the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia, the appearance of which is closely connected with the name of the Russian philanthropist Nikolai Nikolaevich Smetsky. In 1989, due to the illness of his wife, they needed to change the climate. Case decided the case.

Satellite map of the Sakhalin region. Explore the satellite map of the Sakhalin region online in real time. A detailed map of the Sakhalin Region was created based on high-resolution satellite imagery. As close as possible, the satellite map of the Sakhalin Region allows you to explore in detail the streets, individual houses and sights of the Sakhalin Region. A satellite map of the Sakhalin Region easily switches to a regular map mode (scheme).

Sakhalin region- the only region of Russia, which is located on the islands. The Sakhalin Oblast includes Sakhalin Island with small adjacent islands and the Kuril Islands.

The climate in the Sakhalin region is quite diverse. On Sakhalin it is monsoonal, and on the Kuril Islands it is oceanic. Winter in the Sakhalin region is long, on average - up to 7 months. Summer is short, but warm - 2-3 months long. For the area also the characters of typhoons of destructive force.

Nature generously rewarded Sakhalin region natural attractions, many of which have no analogues in the world. The main attraction is the Ilya Muromets waterfall, the highest waterfall in Russia. Its height is 141 meters.

The Sakhalin region is often called the region of volcanoes, since there are a huge number of them here. There are 160 of them on the Kuril Islands alone, of which 39 are active. The South Sakhainsky mud volcano is another natural monument that is carefully protected by the state.

There is also a large marine natural park in the Sakhalin Region - Moneron Island. It combines various forms of underwater relief, which is strongly influenced by the Tsushima warm current. Under his influence of animals, the underwater world of the island is very unusual. There are shellfish sea ​​urchins and stars.

Another protected area of ​​the region is Mount Vaida, which is considered a pearl of nature. This mountain is unique, because inside it there are more than 30 castra caves. The most beautiful of them is Vaidinskaya, and the deepest is Cascade (depth - 127 meters). About tourism in Sakhalin region much can be said. This is an active, and calm, and extreme rest. Skiing and mountain climbing are especially popular among tourists.

Satellite map of the Sakhalin region

Switching between a satellite map of the Sakhalin Region and a schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.

Sakhalin Region - Wikipedia:

Date of formation of the Sakhalin region: October 20, 1932
Population of the Sakhalin region: 487 419 people
Telephone code of the Sakhalin region: 424
Area of ​​the Sakhalin Region: 87,100 km²
Car code of the Sakhalin region: 65

Cities of the Sakhalin Oblast - list of cities in alphabetical order:

City of Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky founded in 1869. The population of the city is 9586 people.
Aniva city founded in 1886. The population of the city is 9430 people.
City of Dolinsk founded in 1884. The population of the city is 11708 people.
City of Korsakov founded in 1853. The population of the city is 33213 people.
City of Kurilsk founded in the 18th century. The population of the city is 1547 people.
City of Makarov founded in 1892. The population of the city is 6717 people.
City of Nevelsk founded in 1789. The population of the city is 10681 people.
City of Okha founded in 1908. The population of the city is 20916 people.
Poronaysk city founded in 1869. The population of the city is 15311 people.
City of Severo-Kurilsk founded in 1898. The population of the city is 2587 people.
City of Tomari founded in 1870. The population of the city is 3774 people.
City of Uglegorsk founded in the 20th century. The population of the city is 9070 people.
City of Kholmsk founded in 1870. The population of the city is 28217 people.
City of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk founded in 1882. The population of the city is 194882 people.

Sakhalin region- a Russian region, which is located on the islands of the Far East. The region includes Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. Administrative center - city Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

Main wealth Sakhalin region- natural monuments and complexes under state protection. They occupy 10% of the entire territory. These are numerous volcanoes, mountains, waterfalls and gorges. Ilya Muromets is the largest waterfall in all of Russia, the height of which is 141 meters. But the true gem of the region's nature is Mount Vaida, in the depths of which there are more than 30 castra caves. The deepest of them is the Cascade Cave (127 meters).

It is worth noting the first Russian marine park - Moneron Island. Due to the warm current, the underwater world of this island is diverse and more reminiscent of the underwater world of tropical countries.

Sights of the Sakhalin region: Resurrection Cathedral in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Small Kurils Reserve, Poronaisky Reserve, Museum of Local Lore of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Museum of the History of the Sakhalin Railway, Gagarin Park in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
Nature Reserve "Kurilsky", "Mountain Air" - ski resort Sakhalin Island, Sakhalin zoobotanical park, Literary and Art Museum of A.P. Moneron Island, Bear Museum in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Memorial to Soviet soldiers in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

Map Sakhalin region detailed with roads and cities:

The Sakhalin Region is the only Russian region that is completely located on the islands. The region includes the island of Sakhalin with the adjacent islands of Tyuleniy and Moneron, as well as the islands of the Kuril archipelago. The region is washed by the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan and the waters of the Pacific Ocean. By sea, its neighbors are the Kamchatka and Khabarovsk Territories and Japan. The climate is monsoon. Winters are wet and cold. Summers are rainy and cool. The major rivers of the region are Tym, Poronai (Sakhalin Island), Lutoga, Naiba.
The area is mostly occupied by spruce-fir forests. There are rare plants - the remains of ancient flora: eleutherococcus, magnolia, yew, etc. The main feature of the region's natural conditions is high seismic and volcanic activity. For the most part, this characterizes the Kuril Islands. There are 9 active volcanoes. There are often earthquakes. In late summer and autumn, typhoons hit the area - destructive winds with a lot of precipitation, which cause great damage.

Thanks to hot springs and lakes, sandy beaches of the Aniva seaside, mineral waters, rivers and lakes of Sakhalin and the Kuriles can be called natural "health resorts". More than 50 mineral springs have been found in the region, which are suitable for bathing and drinking, and they are of very different composition. The most valuable of them are the muds of Lake Changeable, which are characterized by high medicinal properties. They are used in the complex of spa therapy. This lake is one of the largest deposits in the country.
There are many waterfalls in the region, of which Ilya Muromets is the highest waterfall in the country (141 m).
Seal Island is located to the east of Sakhalin - the most unique reserve of fur seals. Large ships are prohibited from approaching the island closer than 30 miles, and aircraft are prohibited from flying over it. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to give horns in this zone. In addition to Russia, these fur seals live only in the United States. The region is also inhabited by sea lions, the largest of the pinnipeds: their mass reaches 1 ton.

To date, the region has:
— 1 wildlife sanctuary of federal significance;
— 1 natural park;
— 2 reserves;
— 12 hunting reserves;
— 51 natural monuments.

Satellite maps of cities in the Sakhalin region: