Download trainer for GTA 5 license. Trainers and cheats for Grand Theft Auto V. Error associated with the Script Hook utility

Mods for GTA 5 Native Trainer.

NativeTrainer - trainer for GTA 5, giving the player more than 30 additional features. Note that some of these features (but not all) can be obtained using cheat codes. The trainer is installed along with Script Hook and ASI Loader.

Native Trainer mod

The following patches are supported: from 1.0.335.2 to 1.0.1103.2/1.0.1180.2.

Trainer functions can be divided into the following categories:

1) Player

  • Appearance / character selection (including animals)
  • Teleportation (by marker or to one of the locations from the list)
  • "Restore" character
  • Reset Appearance
  • Maximum performance
  • Extra money
  • Raise/Lower wanted level
  • Disable Wanted
  • First person mode
  • Invulnerability
  • The police will ignore you
  • Infinite Special Ability
  • Silent movement
  • fast swimming
  • Fast run
  • Super jump

2) Weapon

  • Give all weapons
  • Disable Reload
  • incendiary bullets
  • exploding bullets
  • explosive fists
  • Rockets in transport

3) Transport

  • Give a car (optional)
  • Paint the current vehicle a random color
  • mend
  • Make invulnerable
  • speed up

4) World

  • lunar gravity
  • Random cops / trains / boats / garbage trucks

5) Time

  • Hour forward / backward (switching is accompanied by the display of the set time)
  • stop the clock
  • Synchronize game time with real (system)

6) Weather

  • Enable / disable wind
  • Numerous weather options (from very sunny to, for example, thunderstorms or snowstorms)

7) Miscellaneous

  • Selecting the next track on the radio
  • Remove interface (map)

Attention! Since Rockstar actively bans users for using modifications and related programs (both in single player and multiplayer), we strongly recommend that owners of a licensed copy of the game disconnect from the Internet before using them, and also delete modified files from the game before going online - or refuse to use modifications at all in order to avoid blocking your account!

How to install native trainer:

  1. Copy ScriptHookV.dll to the root folder of the game (where GTA5.exe is)
  2. Copy to the same place (dinput8.dll).
  3. Copy NativeTrainer.asi to the root folder of the game.


F4– activation
NUM2/8/4/6 navigating menus and lists
NUM5 choice
NUM9/3 use vehicle acceleration

Insert- activation
Number 1- infinite health
Number 2- endless armor
Number 3- infinite oxygen
Number 4- infinite stamina
Number 5- endless ammo
Number 6- no recharge
Number 7- 99 999 money
Number 8- super speed
Number 9 franklins
Num 0
F11- teleport to another location
ctrl+h- mega jump
Ctrl+K- endless flight / skydiving mode possibility
Ctrl+O- super power
ctrl+b- increase the time between day and night
Ctrl + N- change weather conditions
Delete- no search
End- super fast cars
Page Up- speed up
Page Down- Bullet Time / slow motion
Insert- teleport to the selected point
8 - store location
9 - teleport
0 - cancel teleportation


  1. Run the trainer.

Insert- activate the trainer
Num 0- endless lives
Number 1- infinite stamina
Number 2- infinite armor
Number 3- infinite air
Number 4- endless abilities
Number 5
Number 6- infinite ammo with reload
Number 7- endless shocker
Number 8- remove all wanted stars
Number 9- set 5 wanted stars
Num /- infinite machine durability
Num *- replenish health, fix the car
Num-- cars are instantly destroyed by impact or shooting
Num +- get weapons
Num.- fire bullets
Ctrl+Num 0- endless money
Ctrl+Num 1- get 1 parachute
Ctrl+Num 2- change the weather
Ctrl+Num 3- fast run
Ctrl+Num 4- player's high jump
Ctrl+Num 5- fast swimming
Ctrl+Num 6- set 7 am
Ctrl+Num 7- set 12 o'clock in the morning
Ctrl+Num 8- set 9 o'clock in the afternoon
Ctrl+Num 9- set 12 o'clock at night


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Alt+Num 1- immortality
Alt+Num 2- indestructible technique
Alt+Num 3- besk. money
Alt+Num 4- besk. ammo / grenades
Alt+Num 5- no recharge
Alt+Num 6- besk. endurance
Alt+Num 7- besk. armor
Alt+Num 8
Alt+Num 9- besk. oxygen
Alt+Num 0
Alt+Num +/-- +1 hour / -1 hour
Alt+Num .
Page Up- super speed
Page Down- time dilation
Ctrl+Num 1- add money
Ctrl+Num 2- change the weather
Ctrl+Num 3
Num. -
save position
Num- - teleport
Num + - cancel teleportation
WayPoint Teleporter
Insert - teleport to user label
Home - cancel


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Insert- activate the trainer
Num 0- endless lives
Number 1- infinite stamina
Number 2- infinite armor
Number 3- infinite air
Number 4- endless abilities
Number 5- infinite ammo without reloading
Number 6- infinite ammo with reload
Number 7- endless shocker
Number 8- remove all wanted stars
Number 9- set 5 wanted stars
Num /- infinite machine durability
Num *- replenish health, fix the car
Num-- cars are instantly destroyed by impact or shooting
Num +- get weapons
Num.- fire bullets
Ctrl+Num 0- endless money
Ctrl+Num 1- get 1 parachute
Ctrl+Num 2- change the weather
Ctrl+Num 3- fast run
Ctrl+Num 4- player's high jump
Ctrl+Num 5- fast swimming
Ctrl+Num 6- set 7 am
Ctrl+Num 7- set 12 o'clock in the morning
Ctrl+Num 8- set 9 o'clock in the afternoon
Ctrl+Num 9- set 12 o'clock at night


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Number 1- full health
Number 2- full armor
Number 3- bullets destroy cars
Number 4- bullets do no damage
Number 5- bullets knock back what they hit
Number 6- the maximum number of ammo for each weapon, except for machine guns and RPGs
Number 7- 99999 health, falling does not kill
Number 9- suicide
F8- teleport to a location
F10- Helicopter/airplane flight mode
Num-- rise higher
Num +- go down

Alt+Num 1- immortality
Alt+Num 2- indestructible technique
Alt+Num 3- besk. money
Alt+Num 4- besk. ammo / grenades
Alt+Num 5- no recharge
Alt+Num 6- besk. endurance
Alt+Num 7- besk. armor
Alt+Num 8- besk. special abilities
Alt+Num 9- besk. oxygen
Alt+Num 0- minimum wanted level
Alt+Num +/-- +1 hour / -1 hour
Alt+Num .- rewind time by 10 sec. back
Page Up- super speed
Page Down- time dilation
Ctrl+Num 1- add money
Ctrl+Num 2- change the weather
Ctrl+Num 3- stun gun without recharging
Num.- save position
Num-- teleport
Num +- cancel teleportation
WayPoint Teleporter
Home- cancel


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

F1- endless lives
F2- infinite protection
F3- infinite oxygen
F4- infinite stamina
F5- endless ammo
F6- no recharge
F7- indicate the amount of money you need
F8- super speed
F9- infinite abilities of Franklin
F10- endless car lives
F11- teleport to a standard location
ctrl+h- mega jump
Ctrl+K- infinite ability to fly / skydive
Ctrl+O- super powers
ctrl+b- change time of day (day/night)
Ctrl + N- change weather conditions
Del- no search
End- super fast cars
pg up- speed up
PgDn- slow time
Insert- teleport to the selected marker
Number 8- remember location
Number 9- teleport
Num 0- cancel teleportation

Insert- activation
Number 1- infinite health
Number 2- endless armor
Number 3- infinite oxygen
Number 4- infinite stamina
Number 5- endless ammo
Number 6- no recharge
Number 7- 99 999 money
Number 8- super speed
Number 9- infinite special abilities of Franklins
Num 0- infinite car health
F11- teleport to another location
ctrl+h- mega jump
Ctrl+K- endless flight / skydiving mode possibility
Ctrl+O- super power
ctrl+b- increase the time between day and night
Ctrl + N- change weather conditions
Delete- no search
End- super fast cars
Page Up- speed up
Page Down- Bullet Time / slow motion
Insert- teleport to the selected point
8 - store location
9 - teleport
0 - cancel teleportation


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Alt+Num 1- immortality
Alt+Num 2- indestructible technique
Alt+Num 3- besk. money
Alt+Num 4- besk. ammo / grenades
Alt+Num 5- shooting without reloading
Alt+Num 6- besk. endurance
Alt+Num 7- besk. armor
Alt+Num 8- besk. special abilities
Alt+Num 9- besk. oxygen
Alt+Num 0- minimum wanted level
Alt+Num +/-- + one hour / - one hour
Alt+Num .- rewind time by 10 sec. back
Page Up- super speed
Page Down- time dilation
Ctrl+Num 1- add money
Ctrl+Num 2- change the weather
Ctrl+Num 3- stun gun without recharging
Num.- save position
Numpad- - teleport
Num +- cancel teleportation
Insert- teleport to user label
Home- undo everything


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

F1- activation
F2- infinite life
F3- infinite stamina
F4- endless breath
F5- shooting without reloading
F6- endless ammo
F7- endless money
F8- infinite special ability
F9- no search
F10- 6 wanted level
F11- infinite car health
F12- max. statistics
Number 1- teleportation


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Home- activate the trainer
K+Num 0- God 'mode
K+Num 1- infinite ammo/grenades
K+Num 2- endless body armor
K+Num 3- shooting without reloading
K+Num 4- shooting without reloading shocker
K+Num 5- infinite stamina
K+Num 6- endless special abilities
K+Num 7- infinite air
K+Num 8- add 99 999 999 money
K+Num 9- infinite car armor
K+Num /- no police
K+Num *- 5 star police
K+Num- ~ on/off super speed auto
K+Num +- clean/dirty car
B+Num 0- on/off armageddon machines
B+Num 1- on / off maximum ammo (turn off K + Num 1, otherwise you will not carry more than 999 rounds)
B+Num 2- on/off super gravity ver.1
B+Num 3- on/off super gravity ver.2
B+Num 4- set morning
B+Num 5- set day
B+Num 6- set evening
B+Num 7- set night
N+Num 0- god mode for 5 min.
N+Num 1- replenish health and armor
N+Num 2- on/off fast run
N+Num 3- on/off high jump
N+Num 4- on / off explosive melee
N+Num 5- on / off incendiary cartridges
N+Num 6- on / off explosive cartridges
N+Num 7- give all weapons
N+Num 8- slow down aim
N+Num 9- deceleration
N+Num /- give a parachute
N+Num *- intoxication
N+Num +- change the weather
N+Num- ~ on / off lunar gravity
V+Num 1- on/off sliding machines
V+Num 2- raise wanted level
V+Num 3- lower wanted level
V+Num 4- on / off fast swimming by the player
V+Num 5- fall from heaven
F12- teleport to the mark


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

F1- activate the trainer
F2- immortality
F3- infinite stamina
F4- infinite oxygen
F5- shooting without reloading
F6- endless ammo
F7- endless money
F8- endless special skills
F9- undetectable to the police
F10- maximum wanted by the police
F11- indestructible technique
F12- maximum performance
Number 1


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Alt+Num 1- immortality
Alt+Num 2- indestructible technique
Alt+Num 3- endless money
Alt+Num 4
Alt+Num 5- shooting without reloading
Alt+Num 6- infinite stamina
Alt+Num 7- infinite armor
Alt+Num 8- endless special abilities
Alt+Num 9- infinite oxygen
Alt+Num 0- minimum wanted level
Alt+Num +/-- + one hour / - one hour
Alt+Num .
Page Up- super speed
Page Down- time dilation
Ctrl+Num 1- add money
Ctrl+Num 2- change the weather
Ctrl+Num 3- stun gun without recharging
Num.- save position
Num-- teleport
Num +- cancel teleportation
Insert- teleport to user label
Home- undo everything


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Insert- activate the trainer
F1- immortality
F2- besk. armor
F3- besk. oxygen
F4- besk. endurance
F5- besk. cartridges
F6- shooting without reloading
F7- add money
F8- super speed
F10- indestructible technique
ctrl+h- mega jumps
Ctrl+K- besk. flight
Ctrl+O- super powers
Ctrl+N- change the weather
ctrl+b- increase time
Delete- no search
End- super fast cars
Page Up- accelerate time turns
Page Down- time dilation
8 - save position
9 - teleport
0 - cancel teleportation


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Insert- activate the trainer
Number 1- immortality
Number 2- infinite stamina
Number 3- no search
Number 4- infinite ammo
Number 5- shooting without reloading
Number 6- indestructible technique
Number 7- add money


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Alt+Num 0- endless lives
Alt+Num 1- infinite stamina
Alt+Num 2- infinite oxygen
Alt+Num 3
Alt+Num 4
Alt+Num 5
Alt+Num 6- endless body armor
Alt+Num 7- endless money
Alt+Num 8
Alt+Num 9
Alt+Num /
Alt+Num *
Alt+Num -
Alt+Num +- set 5 stars wanted
Alt+Num .- remove all wanted stars
Ctrl+Num 0
Ctrl+Num 1- easy kills
Ctrl+Num 2- cars break on impact
Ctrl+Num 3- all cars explode
Ctrl+Num 4- set 7 am
Ctrl+Num 5- set 11 o'clock in the afternoon
Ctrl+Num 6- set 9 pm
Ctrl+Num 7- set 12 o'clock at night
Ctrl+Num 8
Ctrl+Num 9
Ctrl+Num /
Ctrl+Num *


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Alt+Num 1- immortality
Alt+Num 2- indestructible technique
Alt+Num 3- endless money
Alt+Num 4- infinite ammo / grenades
Alt+Num 5- shooting without reloading
Alt+Num 6- infinite stamina
Alt+Num 7- infinite armor
Alt+Num 8- endless special abilities
Alt+Num 9- infinite oxygen
Alt+Num 0- minimum wanted level
Alt+Num +/-- plus hour / minus hour
Alt+Num .- rewind time 10 seconds back
Page Up- super speed
Page Down- time dilation
Ctrl+Num 1- add money
Ctrl+Num 2- change the weather
Ctrl+Num 3- stun gun without recharging
Num.- save position
Num-- teleport
Num +- cancel teleportation
Insert- teleport to user label
Home- undo everything


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Insert- activate the trainer
Number 1- immortality
Number 2- infinite stamina
Number 3- no search
Number 4- endless ammo
Number 5- shooting without reloading
Number 6- indestructible technique
Number 7- add money


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Alt+Num 0- endless lives
Alt+Num 1- infinite stamina
Alt+Num 2- infinite oxygen
Alt+Num 3- endless superpowers
Alt+Num 4- infinite ammo (no reload)
Alt+Num 5- infinite ammo (with reload)
Alt+Num 6- endless body armor
Alt+Num 7- endless money
Alt+Num 8- reset all money and stats to 0
Alt+Num 9- set 1 wanted star
Alt+Num /- set 2 wanted stars
Alt+Num *- set wanted 3 stars
Alt+Num -- set 4 stars wanted
Alt+Num +- set 5 stars wanted
Alt+Num .- remove all wanted stars
Ctrl+Num 0- infinite player car lives
Ctrl+Num 1- easy kills
Ctrl+Num 2- cars break on impact
Ctrl+Num 3- all cars explode
Ctrl+Num 4- set 7 am
Ctrl+Num 5- set 11 o'clock in the afternoon
Ctrl+Num 6- set 9 pm
Ctrl+Num 7- set 12 o'clock at night
Ctrl+Num 8- rewind time 20 seconds back
Ctrl+Num 9- add time 20 seconds ahead
Ctrl+Num /- rewind time one hour ago
Ctrl+Num *- add time one hour ahead


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Number 1- immortality
Number 2- shooting without reloading
Number 3
Number 4- indestructible technique
Number 5- endless money
Number 6- $50,000
Number 7- endless abilities
Number 8- super speed
Number 9- super jump
Num 0- infinite armor
Num /- super fast swim
Num *- infinite oxygen
Num-- no search
Num +- maximum wanted
U + Num 1- explosive bullets
U + Num 2- incendiary cartridges
U + Num 3- explosive melee
U+Num 4- infinite stamina
U + Num 5- stun gun without recharging
U + Num 6- super car speed
U+Num 7- lunar gravity
U+Num 8- super high gravity
Page Up- speed up time
Page Down- slow down time
End- teleport to custom mark
x- change the weather
x- change time
run the trainer first, then the game (or vice versa).
during the game, press the keys indicated in the trainer.


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Inf.Health- God 'mode
Inf.Ammo- endless ammo
No Reload- shooting without reloading weapons
Inf.Franklins Special- infinite specialty
Inf.Money- endless money (don't even try online)
Never Detected by Police- the police don't see you
Police 6 Stars- adds 6 wanted stars
Inf. Stamina- infinite stamina
Inf.Breath- infinite breath underwater
Inf.Vehicles Health- indestructible cars
Max Stats- sets all stats to 100
Way Point Teleport- teleport to custom label


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Insert- activate the trainer
F1- immortality
F2- infinite armor
F3- infinite oxygen
F4- infinite stamina
F5- endless ammo
F6- shooting without reloading
F7- add money
F8- super speed
F9- infinite ability of Franklin
F10- indestructible technique
Ctrl+K- endless flight
Ctrl+O- super powers
Ctrl+N- change the weather
ctrl+b- increase time
Delete- no search
End- super fast cars
Page Up- accelerate time turns
Page Down- time dilation
8 - save position
9 - teleport
0 - cancel teleportation


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Insert- activate the trainer
Number 1- immortality
Number 2- infinite stamina
Number 3- no search
Number 4- endless ammo
Number 5- shooting without reloading
Number 6- indestructible technique
Number 7- add money


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Insert- activate the trainer
F1- immortality
F2- besk. armor
F3- besk. oxygen
F4- besk. endurance
F5- besk. cartridges
F6- shooting without reloading
F7- add money
F8- super speed
F9- besk. franklin ability
F10- indestructible technique
Ctrl+O- super powers
Ctrl+N- change the weather
ctrl+b- increase time
Delete- no search
End- super fast cars
Page Up- accelerate time turns
Page Down- time dilation
Insert- teleport to user marker
8 - save position
9 - teleport
0 - cancel teleportation


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Alt+Num 1- immortality
Alt+Num 2- indestructible technique
Alt+Num 3- besk. money
Alt+Num 4- besk. ammo / grenades
Alt+Num 5- shooting without reloading
Alt+Num 6- besk. endurance
Alt+Num 7- besk. armor
Alt+Num 8- besk. special abilities
Alt+Num 9- besk. oxygen
Alt+Num 0- minimum wanted level
Alt+Num +/-
Alt+Num .- rewind time by 10 sec. back
Page Up- super speed
Page Down- time dilation
Ctrl+Num 1- add money
Ctrl+Num 2- change the weather
Ctrl+Num 3- stun gun without recharging
Num.- save position
Num-- teleport
Num +- cancel teleportation
Insert- teleport to user label
Home- undo everything - infinite lives
Number 1- infinite stamina
Number 2- infinite oxygen
Number 3- endless body armor
Number 4
Number 5
Number 6- unlimited grenades ammo C reload
Number 7- endless money
Number 8- reset all money and get to 0
Number 9- set (+1) wanted star
Num /- set (+2) wanted stars
Num *- set (+3) wanted stars
Num-- set (+4) wanted stars
Num +- set (+5) wanted stars
Ctrl+Num 5- remove all wanted stars
Ctrl+Num 6- endless machine lives
Ctrl+Num 7- set 7 am
Ctrl+Num 8- set 11 o'clock in the afternoon
Ctrl+Num 9- set 9 pm
Ctrl+Num /- set 12 o'clock at night


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Num 0- endless lives
Number 1- infinite stamina
Number 2- infinite oxygen
Number 3- endless body armor
Number 4- endless superpowers
Number 5- infinite ammo without reloading
Number 6- infinite ammo grenades with reload
Number 7- endless money
Number 8- reset all money and stats to 0
Number 9- add 1 wanted star
Num /- add 2 wanted stars
Num *- add 3 wanted stars
Num-- add 4 wanted stars
Num +- add 5 wanted stars
Ctrl+Num 5- remove all wanted stars
Ctrl+Num 6- endless machine lives
Ctrl+Num 7- set 7 am
Ctrl+Num 8- set 11 o'clock in the afternoon
Ctrl+Num 9- set 9 pm
Ctrl+Num /- set 12 o'clock at night


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Alt+Num 1- immortality
Alt+Num 2- indestructible technique
Alt+Num 3- endless money
Alt+Num 4- endless ammo and grenades
Alt+Num 5- shooting without reloading
Alt+Num 6- infinite stamina
Alt+Num 7- infinite armor
Alt+Num 8- endless special abilities
Alt+Num 9- infinite oxygen
Alt+Num 0- minimum wanted level
Alt+Num +/-- add one hour/reset one hour
Alt+Num .- rewind time 10 seconds back
Page Up- super speed
Page Down- time dilation
Ctrl+Num 1- add money
Ctrl+Num 2- change the weather
Ctrl+Num 3- stun gun without recharging
Num.- save position
Num-- - teleport
Num +- cancel teleportation
Insert- teleport to user label
Home- undo everything


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Num 0- endless lives
Number 1- endless body armor
Number 2- endless superpowers
Number 3- unlimited ammo without reloading
Number 4- infinite ammo with reloading
Number 5- endless grenades
Number 6- adds 1,000 money
Number 7- adds 10,000 money
Number 8- adds 100,000 money
Number 9- endless money
Ctrl+Num 1- set 1 wanted star
Ctrl+Num 2- set 2 wanted stars
Ctrl+Num 3- set wanted 3 stars
Ctrl+Num 4- set 4 stars wanted
Ctrl+Num 5- set 5 stars wanted
Ctrl+Num 6- remove all wanted stars


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Insert- immortality
F1- immortality
F2- besk. cartridges
F4- shooting without reloading
F4- add money
F5- super speed
F6- reset search
F7- no search
F8- besk. Franklin's ability
Page Down- time dilation
7 - teleport to custom marker
8 - save position
9 - teleport
0 - cancel teleportation


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Number 1- immortality
Number 2- indestructible technique
Number 3- besk. money
Number 4- besk. ammo / grenades
Number 5- shooting without reloading
Number 6- besk. endurance
Number 7- besk. armor
Number 8- besk. special abilities
Number 9- besk. oxygen
Num 0- minimum wanted level
Home- undo everything


  1. Extract all files from the archive into the directory with the game.
  2. Run the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

1 - maximum money
2 - 5 stars
3 - 0 stars
4 - endless ammo, grenades, shooting without reloading
5 - infinite health
6 - one shot kills
7 - endless dash points
8 - endless special abilities
555 - enable all
999 - turn everything off

How to start:

  • Download.
  • Unzip.
  • Upload Trainer.xex and Trainer_Loader.xex to an Xbox360 hard drive (will not run from a flash drive).
  • Run Trainer_Loader.xex (through the file browser, entering freestyle and pressing the center button on the joystick).
  • Launch the game and press Start + Back.

In this news, we will tell you how easy it is, without using any codes and cheats, you can get almost any game resources: weapons, money, cars, or even become immortal. All this is done with the help of a trainer. About him and will be discussed further.

GTA 5 is a rather difficult game, and sometimes when going through some difficult mission, there is a temptation to use those that give additional weapons or invulnerability. Also, in the course of the passage, very often there is not enough money, especially when buying. The problem is that developers do not approve of the use of codes at all. Once you enter the cheat once, and passing 100% will no longer be available. In addition, codes can have a destructive effect on your game, causing crashes and bugs. Therefore, it is advisable to use the codes only outside the story mode, without saving the game.

Luckily, there is a way to get everything you need without hurting the game in any way. And these are trainers!

Trainer for GTA 5- this is a script mod (addition), which is placed in the root directory of the game and does not affect its internal files in any way. At any time, you can remove the trainer, or replace it with another one, and the game itself will not suffer from this. All plot progress that you achieve using the trainer can also be safely saved. Another important advantage of trainers over codes is the ability to add money to yourself. After all, as you know, there are no codes for cash in the game, and a trainer for GTA 5 for money is a common thing.

The only drawback of trainers in GTA 5 is the impossibility of using them in . This is because the developers are trying to keep the competition between live players fair, and therefore they ban anyone who tries to use cheating methods in a multiplayer game. Most trainers will automatically turn off when you go online, so fair play will be saved and you won't get banned.

But still, we advise you not to use trainers unless absolutely necessary. With them, you will get tired of the game in a few hours, and there will be a desire to quickly uninstall Grand Theft Auto V.

Download trainer for GTA 5

We invite you to download and try the two most popular trainers that have been released since the release of the game. This nativetrainer and Simpletrainer. Download them directly from these links. They have the same installation method. Since trainers are scripted mods in .asi format, they need to be installed like any other add-on. You can read more about this in ours. In a nutshell, first you need to install the Script Hook V library, and then copy the trainer to the root folder of the game. Be careful: the script hook v library already contains the Native trainer, which is placed there just as an example! Therefore, you will no longer need to put the trainer into the game for the second time. It is possible that the trainer will not work on your version of the game. The error will pop up when starting GTA 5. In this case, check the compatibility of the game version and the trainer. Their numbers must match.

Native trainer for GTA 5

Now let's talk about the trainers themselves and their capabilities. Native trainer is the most popular and downloaded mod of all time. It provides almost unlimited possibilities. His only weak point is the machines that he can create next to the player. Of course, there is such an opportunity, but the models are limited to just a couple of pieces.

To start the Native trainer, you need to press the F4 key in the game. The mod menu will open in the upper left corner. You can navigate through it using the numeric keypad. It is activated, as you know, using the Num Lock key. Further navigation through the menu is quite intuitive. It is carried out using the Num4/8/6/5 buttons. The Num5 key allows you to activate the selected item. You can go back one level with Backspace, F4 or Num0.

The Native trainer menu itself is presented in English. If you are not familiar with it, you will need to experiment a bit with different tabs to understand what's what.

The menu has 7 main items:

  • Player (player). The most important menu tab. Here you can turn on and off immortality (invincible), the police wanted level (or even turn on ignore cops), add a million dollars with one click (add cash), develop the character’s abilities to the maximum (unlimited ability), teleport the hero to any point on the map and more.
  • Vehicle (transport). Here you can add a wheelbarrow next to the character, fix it, paint it, or even make the car invulnerable. It is also possible to include super speed and instant braking.
  • Weapon (weapon). Here you can add all possible weapons to your character, as well as turn on the endless ammo mode and exploding or fiery bullets.
  • World (world). Switching various elements of the game world.
  • Time (time). Using this tab, you can “rewind” time forward and backward, completely stop the passage of time, or synchronize with the system time.
  • Weather (weather). Here you can change the weather and wind strength.
  • Misc (miscellaneous). Here you can switch the song on the radio station.

Simple trainer for GTA 5

Simple trainer gives the player even more options, although it is somewhat more difficult to master. This trainer was once very popular among gamers who played GTA 4, and not so long ago its version was released for the fifth part of the game.

It gives all the possibilities that ordinary trainers open up. Plus, there is a whole bunch of innovations and features: from a simple and stylish speedometer, which is so lacking in the game, to the ability to teleport to any point on the map. The big advantage of this trainer for GTA 5 is the ability to create absolutely any cars and vehicles. Of course, there is also the ability to control time and weather.

A unique feature of the mod is the creation of bodyguards with absolutely any set of weapons. You can also generate enemies for yourself who will try to kill you.

You can also create a radio for yourself that will work outside the car.

Another feature is the ability to instantly get to the first point in the mission, eliminating the need to go there for a long time. Lazy people will be happy.

A very nice feature of the trainer is the ability to assign commands to hotkeys without having to constantly go to the menu.

You can see the list of all possibilities and their corresponding keys in the text file attached to the archive.

As you can see, Simple trainer is a real magic that will make your possibilities in the game truly unlimited.

If you have any questions regarding the use of trainers in GTA 5, write them in the comments.

ScriptHookV is a library that will allow you to use .asi plugins and scripts in Grand Theft Auto V. custom scripts to maintain equality among players and avoid a ban.

The advantage of script mods over regular mods is that they do not make changes to the files of the game itself, so they will not create such problems for you as: compatibility problems and some fatal errors.

Error related to Script Hook utility

You are familiar with this error: “script hook v critical error. FATAL: unknown game version” ? You can see this error in most cases after the release of a new patch for GTA V.

Solve the problem of You can do this as follows: you need to delete all files of the previous ScriptHook (asiloader.log, ScriptHookV.dll, ScriptHookV.log dinput8.dll, NativeTrainer.asi) from the game and install the updated version of the utility. Everything is very simple 🙂

This version of the plugin has more . Native Trainer for GTA 5 will open up new opportunities for you in the game: get a lot of money, change the character's appearance, teleports, call different cars and more.

How to use the trainer?

  • F4 - activation
  • Num2 / 4 / 6 / 8 - Navigation
  • Num 5 - choose
  • Num0 / Backspace / F4 - back
  • Num9 / 3 - Acceleration
  • Num + - launch missiles

On this page you can download the best cheats for GTA 5 v1.43 (Online - Multiplayer) for free. We present you some of the latest cheats at the moment, which have many useful features, such as endless money, immortality, teleport and others.

Updated free cheat called Terteus for game version 1.43. This cheat mod has a Russian language and includes a lot of different functions, including vehicle spawn, God mode, invisibility, teleportation and many other functions. You can see the full list in the screenshots below (click to enlarge):

How to use:

1) Download the archive from our site site and unzip to any place.
2) Enter the game, minimize it and run the Injector cheat.
3) Wait a little while for the hack to activate, return to the game and press the Num * key to open the trainer menu.
4) Management of the arrows. Activate the options you want and play!

The following hack is an adapted version of a private cheat, so it also works online. However, use any online hacks at your own risk. Because even if today he does not burn, in the next update of the game you can get a ban.

DopeSkid Anime Edition for GTA 5 v1.42 (+ Online):

Feature List:

[x] - Stealth Money
[x] - Money Transfer
[x] - Shoot Secure Money
[x] - Secure LP Loop
[x] - Unlock Everything
[x] - Online Options
[x] - Vehicle Options
[x] - Vehicle Spawner
[x] - Teleport
[x] - Give DLC vehicle skid
[x] - Misc Options
[x] - RGB Menu

In fact, this is only a small part of all the functions that are available in this cheat. In fact, there are many more.

Usage note:

1) To enable this hack, you need to inject the DLL file that is in the archive using a special injector (you can use XenosX64 or Extreme injector).
2) To activate the menu, press the Numpad * key in the game.

Another fairly versatile trainer for Grand Theft Auto 5 v1.42, with which you can do almost anything you want in the game.

P.S. This cheat is for SINGLE PLAYER!

Simple Trainer v6.6:


F3 - Enable menu
✔ F4 - Disable menu

[x] - Enable god mode
[x] - Turn on/off gravity
[x] - Add 100.000 Money
[x] - Max Health
[x] - Max Armor
[x] - Reset wanted level
[x] - Increase wanted level
[x] - Ability to pass through doors
[x] - Police ignore player
[x] - Enable/Disable cheats
[x] - Show coordinates
[x] - Infinite special. ability
[x] - Fast swimming
[x] - Fast Run
[x] - Super jump
[x] - Hide UI and radar
[x] - and other functions.

Installation instructions: