Cat's claw in gynecology. Cat's claw: application, reviews, useful properties. Cream-balm "Cat's Claw"

Registration certificate: P N011 622 / 02-010312

Trade name of the drug: preparation "KK" CAT CLAW ®

International non-proprietary name:


Dosage form:


Each capsule contains: Active substance: Uncaria tomentosa bark dry lyophilized extract (Uncaria Tomentosa (Willd) D.C., 0.8% of the total alkaloids in terms of mitraphiline) 20 mg.
Excipients: galactopyranosyl dextrose monohydrate 191.4 mg, magnesium silicate 15.0 mg, magnesium stearate 1.5 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide 2.1 mg.
Capsule shell (body) gelatin, titanium dioxide. Capsule shell (body): gelatin 98.5%, titanium dioxide 1.5%. Capsule shell (cap): gelatin 98.0%, dye blue shiny FCF (E133) 0.25%, dye iron oxide yellow (E172) 0.25%, titanium dioxide 1.5%.

Cylindrical hard gelatin capsules with hemispherical ends; the capsule body is white, the lid is green.
The contents of the capsules are pinkish-gray to light brown powder with a weak specific odor.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

herbal remedy.

pharmachologic effect

A herbal preparation that has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antioxidant effects.

Pharmacokinetic studies have not been conducted.

Indications for use
As part of complex therapy: inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis), inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (including gastritis, colitis), inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis).

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnancy, period breastfeeding, age up to 18 years.

Method of administration and dosage
Inside, 1 capsule 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The duration of use is 3 months. An increase in the duration and repeated courses of treatment is possible in agreement with the doctor.

Precautions for use
Not described.

To date, overdose phenomena have not been observed.

special instructions

Features of the action of the drug at the first admission or when it is canceled.
No peculiarities of action at the first reception or withdrawal of the drug "KK" CAT CLAW ® are not registered.

The actions of a doctor (paramedic), a patient when one or more doses are missed preparation "KK" CAT CLAW ®.
No special actions by a doctor (paramedic) or patient are required when one or more doses of the drug are missed.

Side effect
Allergic reactions are possible.

Interaction with other medicinal products
No interactions have been identified.

Features of the medical use of the drug by pregnant women, women during breastfeeding, children, adults with chronic diseases.

The drug "KK" CAT CLAW ® should not be used during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
Under 18 years of age, the use of the drug is contraindicated.
Adults with chronic diseases.

There is no reason to assume that dosage adjustments are required for adults with chronic illness.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles, mechanisms.
There are no data on the effect of the drug "KK" CAT CLAW ® on the ability to drive vehicles and engage in other potentially hazardous activities requiring increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Release form
Capsules 20 mg.
45 capsules in a high density polyethylene plastic bottle. The instructions for use are placed under the cover. 10 capsules in a blister of PVC / A1 foil. 10 blisters are placed in a cardboard box with instructions for use.

Storage conditions
At a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C in a dry, dark place.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life
3 years. Do not use after the expiration date printed on the package.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
Over the counter

When destroying unused packages of the drug no special precautions are required.

Marketing Authorization Holder / Manufacturer
AO Indukimica Laboratories, Lima, Peru. St. Site Lucila 152-154, urb. Villa Marina Chorillos.

Organization accepting claims
LLC "Center for Traditional Medicine" Yunona ".

Friends, I greet you!

Let's continue today to get acquainted with those plants that exist on our planet and which have the most unique, sometimes even incredible properties in their strength, okay? ☺

In this article I am proud to present to you another creation of Nature - a plant called "cat's claw".

An amazingly powerful plant with an original name and amazing medicinal and healing properties, which certainly deserves to be learned about it and to use it!

In this article, you will learn:

Cat's claw - benefits and indications for use

What is a cat's claw?

« Cat claw"Is a plant that grows exclusively in one and only place on our planet - in South America, and resembles appearance liana.

This plant got such an original name because interesting "claws" are located on it, resembling those of a cat, with the help of which this vine clings to neighboring plants.

Such vines live on average thirty years, and can reach a length of forty meters.

Residents of South America have long used this vine in their folk medicine, using the bark, leaves and roots of the "cat's claw" for this purpose in order to strengthen their immunity, to fight poisoning in order to detoxify (remove poisons from the body) and for various diseases inflammatory nature, the list of which is quite impressive.

Scientists-researchers became interested in this plant during one of the regular studies of the life of the Indians of South America. Namely, they were interested in the fact that the Indians practically did not suffer from cancer at all!

Their "investigations" brought them to this particular plant.

And very soon all the leading European laboratories in Germany, England, Italy, Austria and other countries began to intensively study the properties of this mysterious vine.

As a result - amazing discoveries, and the whole world has spread the fact that the "cat's claw" has the most powerful oncoprotective properties!

The study of the properties of this plant did not end there, and scientists discovered one after another of its amazing properties.

How is a cat's claw useful?

What else did they find out?

What is the main power of the "cat's claw"?

Scientists have found that this plant is many times stronger in its properties than the well-known ones, ginseng, shiitake mushrooms, maitake and reishi mushroom, as well as astragalus and ant tree!

These discoveries really shook the world!

Therefore, drugs from this South American vine are able to treat diseases such as neurodermatitis, duodenal ulcer, stomach ulcer, any allergies, severe inflammation in the joints, as well as genital herpes, shingles and many, many others.

And in 1988, at one of the world-class congresses, a report was read out in which those present were officially announced the results of one successful experiment of using the "cat's claw", namely: seven hundred cancer patients were systematically used for three years in complex treatment the preparation of "cat's claw", and the treatment showed a 100% result - a complete recovery!

Another report added "fire": it was officially announced that the use of a drug from this tropical vine, due to its strong antioxidant properties, can effectively act on the immunodeficiency virus, which subsequently causes AIDS in a person, especially if you start using it on time , that is, as early as possible, in the early stages.

If you manage to do this, then you can restore your health, while simultaneously healing other pathologies in the body that can accumulate over the years!

Preparations of "cat's claw" are capable of high quality and in a short time:

  • purify blood
  • strengthen the body's immune defenses,
  • heal and prevent thrombosis,
  • completely block the reproduction of any viruses in the cells of the body, interrupt in the bud the chain reaction in which free radicals are formed in the cells, while NOT causing absolutely any addiction and side effects !!!

Cat's claw - indications for use

All the healing and healing properties of this wonderful plant can be divided into groups for a more complete understanding, depending on their effect on our body:

How to choose a really high-quality cat's claw preparation and avoid fakes: important recommendations!

You need to understand that the higher the quality of the drug, the more expensive, of course.

This is because, in addition to the so-called basic raw materials (bark and leaves of the plant), there are also technological waste, which are also sold. Much cheaper, of course.

Whether it is worth saving on this - everyone decides for himself.

How will such "savings" affect the effectiveness of treatment and recovery from diseases? And if it is a serious matter and requires immediate treatment?

Therefore, of course, it is better to trust trusted manufacturers who have a good world-class reputation, and also have quality certificates that meet international standards.

  • It is important BEFORE making a purchase to analyze all certificates for this drug. And not only sanitary and hygienic certificates, but also quality certificates for the production of the drug. Ask what is the reputation of this manufacturer. Find out what kind of raw materials they use, what requirements they have for them for their purchases. Do they have their own laboratories in which they conduct their clinical research? Do they publish these results?

Do they have their own proprietary manufacturing technology? What criteria for the safety and safety of the benefits in the raw materials do they use when processing and manufacturing their drugs?

And also take an interest in real reviews of real people who have used this drug (look for such, it is possible!). What results did they get and for how long?

All this will give you a more complete guarantee that you will purchase a really high-quality product.

  • Be sure to pay attention to how much "cat's claw" plant itself is contained in one capsule (or tablet). Are there other components in the composition? How many are there? Estimate the number as a percentage or in their absolute number.
  • Calculate for what period (period) of use this drug is designed, in other words, how long will it last for you? Then calculate the cost of your full course.

Do this with each drug that you "noticed" for yourself from the manufacturers that you choose. Compare the duration and price of each drug, and then you can draw conclusions.

  • If you have problems with the stomach or with the digestive system in general, then choosing this drug in capsules, give preference to those that are made not from animal gelatin, but from vegetable gelatin, they are absorbed much easier than capsules from animal gelatin, and do not cause allergies at all ...
  • I do not advise you to choose liquid "cat's claw" preparations. Why? Because if it is an alcoholic solution, then it is NOT definitely beneficial for the body, even if you do not have problems with the liver and other internal organs. Ethyl alcohol is harmful to EVERYONE! IN ANY quantity. Even in a scanty way, this is NOT good. And does it make sense if you can choose a drug in tablets or capsules, right?

And in the production of aqueous preparations, preservatives are ALWAYS added, otherwise, after all, you cannot save! Again, there is no point in such a drug.

Why do we need extra "chemistry" in the body? Why do we need “one thing is to heal and the other is to cripple”, right?

  • Preparations "cat's claw" are very, very popular and are incredibly popular, despite the fact that they cost a lot. This “plays into the hands” of dishonest people who produce not just quality products, but frankly harmful ones. Simply put, they produce impudent fakes that have nothing to do with the “cat's claw” even once ”, setting a significant price and thereby confusing the buyer, who believes that“ time is expensive means real ”. Do not fall for it, friends, be careful and check everything carefully before buying!

And yes, a pharmacy in our time is NOT a quality guarantee for a long time, unfortunately ... Consider all this!

A large selection of quality organic preparations based on cat's claw, see here

Summing up this article, friends: preparations from the "cat's claw" plant perfectly help our body to cope with many problems, powerfully reflect external aggression on our body in several directions at once (see above the groups for the purpose of all "cat's claw" actions).

Therefore, we can safely say that this drug is able to actively heal both already formed diseases of the body and still latent diseases (but ALREADY existing!).

And also actively contribute to the most powerful and - important! - LITERAL prevention of the emergence of absolutely any disease, including very complex and severe, up to oncology.

For myself personally, I concluded that such a drug is simply NECESSARY in a complex health improvement system for any person!

And here's what I have read, friends. I remember very much the phrase about what famous immunologists say, how to competently approach the issue of healing and preserving your immunity.

“Before you start using any medications, especially stimulants, first of all,“ feed ”your immunity, give your own immune system support in the form of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Give your immune cells the OPPORTUNITY to cope with viruses and bacteria on their own, and then it becomes quite possible that you will not need synthetic drugs at all! "

Strongly said, right? ☺

Do you personally have experience with the use of "cat's claw" preparations?

Maybe your family or loved ones were healed with his help?

Cat's claw is a perennial herb that belongs to the Madder family. The plant is presented in the form of a woody vine, which can grow in tropical forests in South and Central America, and it is also found near the Amazon coast, on the mountain slopes, and also near Peru. The grass is about fifty meters long and up to twenty centimeters thick.

For medicinal purposes, the inner bark of the liana is actively used, it is there that the amount of useful components reaches the highest level. One liana ripens for about twenty years!

Useful qualities of the plant

In the structure of liana there are alkaloids, pteropodins, acid glycosides, isomitraphyllins, isorhynchophyllins, phenols, steroids, bioflavonoids and many other useful microcomponents. The product demonstrates unique healing qualities, and all because of its excellent composition. Many components in the structure of vines destroy any neoplasms and do not allow the development of oncological ailments. The herb normalizes the number of immunoglobulins in the bloodstream, improves various rheological qualities of blood flow and reduces the likelihood of thrombosis in the vessels. Demonstrates a product of cytostatic and anti-inflammatory quality. Liana destroys viruses in the human body, completely disrupts the replication mechanism of their DNA. Since ancient times, the Indians who lived on the Amazon knew about the healing qualities of vines and constantly consumed powder, which was dried from vines and pounded. The powder was used to heal many ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, to relieve all symptoms of colds, viruses and infections, and the product also stimulated the activity of the reproductive system in the male audience. Liana remedy cures impotence and erectile ailments. The plant helps in the treatment of arthritis, cancer, although the scientific community has only recently become interested in the cat's claw. Studies have been conducted that have shown that the plant demonstrates its effects at the cellular level, has a powerful effect on immunity and reactivates the functional characteristics of the body. The product is very valuable and is actively used in pharmacology in the production of medicines.

The usefulness of the plant rhizome

The root demonstrates a powerful effect on immunity, starts working immediately after ingestion at the cellular level. The product is famous for its unsurpassed qualities and healing properties. It has a beneficial effect on the dermis, strengthens it and blood vessels, stimulates, gives firmness and elasticity. This part of the plant is responsible for killing the emerging tumor cells. In addition, the product normalizes the parameters of immunoglobulins in the bloodstream. The rhizome improves blood flow, prevents platelets from forming and reduces the likelihood of platelets occurring in the bloodstream.

The product also demonstrates anti-inflammatory and cytostatic properties. The rhizome helps the body to quickly and more effectively overcome inflammatory ailments in the gastrointestinal tract, ulcerative and erosive ailments in the intestines. This part of the plant also has a beneficial effect on the healing process from ailments such as colitis, hemorrhoids, ulcers, dysbiosis, gastritis.

The products provide the body with an additional charge of energy to fight arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, bursitis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. Rhizome lowers blood pressure as well as blood cholesterol levels. The product demonstrates anti-estrogenic effects.

Indications and contraindications

The plant is actively used to cure allergic reactions, viral infections, inflammatory mechanisms of varying severity and localization. Liana demonstrates a powerful immunostimulating effect, it is used to treat oncological ailments, while stimulating the body's protective qualities.

The plant is used to normalize the hormonal background in the human body, to heal ulcerative ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, viral and bacterial ailments. Cat's claw can heal diabetes, arthritis, prostatitis, ailments in the reproductive system, premenstrual syndrome, various gynecological ailments, skin rashes, disturbances in blood circulation, thrombosis, myalgia, mental disorders, depression. Liana is an excellent product that allows you to eliminate all the consequences of poisoning the body with various drugs, chemotherapy and radiation.

There are also contraindications for taking the plant. It:

  • Young age;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;

Another plant is not recommended to be consumed by patients who have donor organs in order to avoid even the slightest chance of rejection. Always consult a doctor before consuming a product. Do not self-medicate if your doctor is against it.

Medicinal recipes

  • Do you want to boost your immunity? Then make a delicious and extremely healthy tea from the plant. For this, take two grams of liana bark, pour the raw materials into a heat-resistant container and pour a liter of water, bring the drink to a boil and cook over low heat for ten minutes. Then filter the drink and wait for it to cool slightly. The tea is ready, you can already drink it. It is allowed to add honey for taste.
  • For the treatment of gastrointestinal ailments, you can make an infusion of the plant. To do this, prepare vine tea according to the recipe given above and place the finished drink in a dark place for a day. After this time, your medicine will be ready. Drink the infusion thirty minutes before eating.
  • To cure arthritis, you can make an alcoholic vinegar tincture. Take half a liter of vodka and insist twenty grams of raw materials in the liquid for ten days.
  • The presented plant has long been known to the Indians living in the Amazon. The local population considers liana a sacred plant and revere it.
  • Liana was first described only in the eighteenth century under the name of Uncaria Tomentosa, but her research was only begun in 1952! French scientists became interested in the plant, but they could not open anything interesting and abandoned the case. In 1974, a scientist from Austria revealed the cat's claw to the world. His name was Klaus Kleppinger and the researcher studied the life and life of the Peruvian Indians. The scientist was struck by the qualities of the plant, its medicinal features, and he learned that the vine demonstrates an oncoprotective effect, because the Indians did not have cancer.
  • After the stunning discovery of the Austrian scientist, various laboratories from Great Britain, Italy, Germany, Austria became interested in the plant. Research work continued and scientists made a lot of other discoveries. They learned that cat's claw is a natural cure for malaria and yellow fever!
  • In 1988, a brilliant report was made at an international congress, where it was said that the plants showed themselves excellently in the fight against cancer. More than seven hundred patients took part in the treatment, and they were treated for four years.
  • The cost of raw materials ranges from twenty five to one hundred dollars. The cost, first of all, depends on the quality of the raw materials. The higher the quality, the more expensive the product is.
  • Teas and coffee are made from a cat's claw.
  • Today in Germany, Austria, the extract from the plant is considered potent, therefore it is sold to customers only with prescriptions from doctors.
  • In terms of its medicinal qualities, the plant surpassed even the most famous herbs that have been used in medicine since ancient times: ginseng, astragalus, echinacea, ant tree and so on.
  • The plant is actively used to cure colds, flu, allergic reactions, genital herpes, neurodermatitis, arthritis and so on.

Not so long ago, the drug "cat's claw" appeared on the market, the indications for which include diseases. Including very serious ones. However, before deciding on such treatment, it is necessary to understand in more detail what kind of remedy it is, and what is the instruction for its use.

Tropical vines belonging to the Madder family ( Rubiaceae). Usually this name is applied to three species of the same genus Uncaria ( Uncaria):

  • Uncaria guianensis, whose homeland is Guiana;
  • Uncariarhynchophylla, common in Southeast Asia, and therefore more often used in Chinese traditional medicine;
  • Uncariatomentosagrowing in many countries of Central and South America.

Most supplements are made from .

Uncaria received the name "cat's claw" because of the antennae with which it clings to the tree trunk.

The liana contains more than 30 different biologically active compounds. These are no less than 17 alkaloids, as well as glycosides, tannins, flavonoids, sterols, etc.

Usually dietary supplements are made from the bark of a plant.

Beneficial features

  • Joint treatment... Supplements help relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The extract obtained from a special strain of cat's claw containing pentacyclic oxindole alkaloids, which are modulators of the immune system, is especially effective against rheumatic joint damage.
  • Help in cancer therapy... It has been found that plant extracts are capable of killing cancer cells in an in vitro system. Despite the fact that the experiments were carried out "in test tubes", at the moment these drugs are beginning to be considered as additional drugs in the treatment of cancer.

In addition to killing degenerated cells, cat's claw supplements reduce side effects from chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy drugs often damage the DNA of healthy cells. And this leads to the development of a huge number of complications. Cat's claw extracts enhance the repair (repair) of DNA molecules after such damage.

In addition, they enhance the proliferation (formation) of leukocytes. It is also important to minimize the negative effects of chemotherapy, as this type of treatment often leads to a sharp decrease in immunity.

  • UV protection of the skin... Uncaria supplements enhance DNA repair not only after chemotherapy, but also after prolonged exposure of skin cells to ultraviolet radiation. The effectiveness of dietary supplements in this respect is so high that they are even called "natural sunscreen".
  • Hypertension treatment... The alkaloid hirsutin is present in the cat's claw, which is a blocker of calcium channels of the heart and blood vessels. Blockade of calcium channels leads to the expansion and relaxation of blood vessels and, as a result, to a decrease in blood pressure.
  • Strengthening immunity... Improving the processes of DNA repair and proliferation of leukocytes is important not only to eliminate the side effects of chemotherapy, but also to strengthen the immune system. It has been shown that healthy volunteers taking dietary supplements demonstrate a "statistically significant" increase in immunity compared to the placebo group.
  • Herpes treatment... Uncaria extracts contain special polyphenolic compounds, which together with oxindole alkaloids and quinovic acid glycosides have significant antiherpetic activity.
  • Improving the functioning of the digestive system... Cat's claw extracts primarily have proven themselves as a natural remedy for the treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: colitis, gastritis, diverticulum, hemorrhoids, gastric and duodenal ulcers. The activity of dietary supplements is so great that they are recommended to be taken even by those who suffer from such a serious disease as Crohn's disease.

Who should take?

Indications for the use of a cat's claw are:

  • the need to strengthen the immune system, for example, frequent colds or relapses of herpes;
  • undergoing a course of chemotherapy (only with the permission of a doctor);
  • degenerative joint damage (osteoarthritis);
  • rheumatoid arthritis (only with the permission of the attending physician);
  • hypertension (do not take simultaneously with other calcium channel inhibitors);
  • prolonged exposure to the sun and a high risk of exposure to other adverse factors, such as radiation;
  • ulcerative and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (preferably after consultation with a doctor).

How to use?

The exact instructions for the use of preparations with a cat's claw depends on the type of dietary supplement and your indications for its use.

The following supplements are available today: tea, liquid extract, capsules and tablets.

The mildest form of supplement is tea. It is less likely to cause side effects than other options. But its efficiency is also lower. It is usually drunk like regular tea, 1 cup a day.

The proper dose of other types of dietary supplements can be found in the instructions for the cat's claw preparation. It can be quite different for different manufacturers. However, it is best to see a doctor. Since the treatment regimen often depends not only on the type of dietary supplement, but also on the disease.

In most cases, Cat's Claw extract is taken at 100 mg per day. The maximum dose is 300 mg.


Since cat's claw extract is a rather potent agent, there are many contraindications for its intake. Here are some of them.

  1. Allergies and individual intolerance.
  2. Hypotension.
  3. Pregnancy or preparation for it, as well as breastfeeding.
  4. Taking anticoagulants or the presence of diseases that reduce blood clotting, for example, hemophilia, as well as preparation for surgery.
  5. Taking immunosuppressants.
  6. Childhood.

The listed contraindications for taking Uncaria extract are not complete. If you suffer from any serious illnesses, and also take any potent medications, you should definitely consult a doctor before starting taking dietary supplements.

Side effects

While taking the drug, dizziness and weakness may occur. Up to fainting. Weakness is often combined with nausea and diarrhea.

Therefore, all instructions for taking cat's claw say that the supplement should not be taken along with alcohol, as well as medications that can cause similar side effects. Also, special care must be taken in hot weather and during intense physical activity.

If, after taking the dietary supplement, you begin to feel dizzy and weak, accustom yourself to the fact that you need to slowly move from a horizontal position to a vertical one. Getting out of bed, first sit down, wait a little, and only then get to your feet.


For many centuries, Uncaria extract has been used in traditional medicine by many peoples of the world.

Today, indications for the use of a cat's claw are joint diseases, decreased immunity, oncological diseases, and many pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

The instructions for using the drug may differ depending on the manufacturer of the dietary supplement and the specific disease for the treatment of which it is prescribed. Therefore, before you start taking, you must carefully study the instructions. Better yet, consult a specialist. Moreover, along with the indications, the cat's claw has many contraindications.


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This article is based on scientific evidence written by experts and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed dietitians and beauticians strives to be objective, impartial, honest and present both sides of an argument.

For those who cannot cope with constant colds and flu in any way, the cat's claw dietary supplement is what you need. I faced such a problem a couple of years ago. It was unbearable! From one disease, I smoothly passed into another. Either a cold, or an acute respiratory viral infection, or a flu ... Immunity is not to hell at all! The doctor advised me to drink some immunostimulants. Since at that time I often drank antibiotics and other chemistry, I wanted to find a drug that would be completely natural, but at the same time effective and efficient. This is how I learned about the unique plant, the cat's claw.

My top preparations are cat claw

For the first time I ordered. As for me, this is the perfect combination of price and quality. In addition, this product has a GMP quality assurance. Despite the large capsules, they are easy to swallow. I took this cat's claw according to the instructions: 2 capsules, 2 times a day. The effect was felt after three weeks of admission. The first signs of efficacy for me were a surge of energy. I used to have chronic fatigue, especially in winter periods... I woke up already tired. I didn't have enough strength for anything. Now I wake up vigorous and full of energy, which is enough for my head until the evening. Also, immunity has improved. I was very afraid of catching an infection from an employee when she came to work with a fever and snot. But to my surprise, I did not get sick. After that, I successfully survived another seasonal flu wave. At the same time, almost the entire office was ill. Only I was not sick. As a bonus, I got rid of the occasional crunching and squeaking in my joints.

I saw the cat's claw according to the following scheme:

  • 1 course - 1 month;
  • break - 1 month.

I took the bad cat's claw throughout the fall, winter and spring. During this time, not a single sore has stuck to me! This drug works.

By the way, the cat's claw is presented in two forms: in the form of capsules / tablets and in liquid form. In my opinion, capsules are the most convenient form. But for those who have discomfort or trouble swallowing large tablets, the liquid form is suitable. In addition, this form makes it possible to independently determine the dosage for yourself. An excellent option for a cat's claw in drops is.

The next drug I recommend is. This product is thoroughly tested and undergoes strict control at all stages of production. This product contains 4% more alkaloids, which enhance the effect of active substances on the body. I took this cat's claw for the prevention and support of immunity, 1 capsule twice a day between meals. The result was 100% satisfied. No disease in a year!

I also wanted to pay attention to. This cat's claw is powerful. Its main difference is that it is made not from the bark of a plant, but from the shoots, thanks to which it got its name. It is necessary to take this drug in the first 10 days, 3 capsules, and then reduce the dose to 1 capsule per day. The effect is noticeable after a week of admission.

Cat claw action

Cat's claw is a versatile remedy that has a wide range of effects. This supplement helps:

You can buy a quality dietary supplement cat's claw on the iHerb website.

  • Firstly, it is 100% guaranteed quality.
  • Secondly, original products from well-known and reliable manufacturers that have proven themselves all over the world.
  • Thirdly, an affordable and favorable price, even taking into account delivery.

I would like to speak about efficiency separately. I have had the experience of buying a cat claw from my local drugstore. Compared to the cat's claw preparation, which I purchased later on iHerb, it is heaven and earth. The domestic version as such did not give a result, I felt the effect after three weeks of admission! In addition, finding the original cat's claw in pharmacies is extremely difficult.

How to take cat claw correctly

First of all, before taking, you should seek the advice of your doctor. The daily dose of cat's claw is up to 2000 mg per day. Be sure to read the instructions before taking a supplement.

Contraindications to this drug are:

  • pregnancy (the drug can cause the uterus to contract, which can cause a miscarriage);
  • lactation period;
  • individual intolerance.

You should also be careful with combining cat's claw with other medications.

To improve the protective effect, nutritionists recommend taking the following supplements with the cat's claw:

Cat's claw is ideal for boosting immunity, restoring and maintaining health. Personally, I was convinced from my own experience of the effectiveness of this supplement and I recommend it to everyone to try!