How changes are made to the project. Making changes to the project documentation that has passed the examination. D.4.2 Logging

Russian Federation Information material

PKO-2010.3 Guidelines for the implementation of GOST R 21.1101-2009 in terms of the rules for making changes to the working and design documentation handed over to the customer

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set a bookmark




on the implementation of GOST R 21.1101-2009 in terms of the rules for making changes to the working and design documentation transferred to the customer


Chief Engineer of the Institute V.D. Astrakhan

Head of PKO A.A. Komissarov

This manual has been issued to replace PKO-2008.3

PKO-2010.3-3. General Provisions. Permission to make changes

1. General Provisions

1.1. The manual defines the order of application GOST R 21.1101-2009 regarding the rules for making changes for the electrical part of the working and design documentation.

1.2. A change in a working document previously provided to the customer is any correction, deletion or addition to it of any data without changing the designation of this document.

The designation of a document may only be changed if the same designation has been erroneously assigned to different documents or an error has been made in the designation of the document.

Changes to calculations are not allowed.

If the change to the document is unacceptable, then a new document must be issued with a new designation.

Any change in a document that causes any changes in other documents must be simultaneously accompanied by the introduction of appropriate changes in all related documents.

Changes are made to the original document.

Simultaneously with the introduction of changes in the original document, it is necessary to make exactly the same changes in the electronic version of the modified document stored in the archive.

2. Permission to make changes

2.1. Amendment of the document is carried out on the basis of a permission to make changes (hereinafter - permission), drawn up in accordance with Form 9 (see sheet 4) and 9a (see sheet 5).

The permission is approved by the head of the department.

2.2. Permission is the basis for obtaining original documents for making changes to them.

2.3. Changes for each document (for example, the main set of working drawings, specification of equipment, products and materials) are issued with a separate permit.

It is allowed to draw up one general permission for changes made simultaneously to several documents, if the changes are interrelated or the same for all the changed documents.

2.4. In the columns of permission indicate (for an example of design, see sheet 6):

a) in column 1 - the designation of the permit, consisting of the serial number of the permit according to the permit registration book (see sheet 7) and the last two digits of the year of registration of the permit, separated by a hyphen.

Example - 15-10

b) in column 2 - designation of the document to which the change is made;

c) in column 3 - the name of the enterprise under construction, building (structure);

d) in column 4 - the next serial number assigned to the changes that are made to the document with one permit. It is indicated for the entire document, regardless of how many sheets it is made on. The serial numbers of the changes are indicated in Arabic numerals;

e) in column 5 - the numbers of the sheets of the document, which are amended;

f) in column 6 - the content of the change in the form of a text description and / or graphic image, indicating the reason for the change;

g) in column 7 - the code of the reason for the change in accordance with the table;

i) in column 8 - additional information;

j) in columns 9 ... 11 - the names of the persons signing the permit, their signatures and the date of signing;

k) in column 12 - the logo of the institute and the name of the department that issued the permit;

l) in columns 13 ... 16 - the name of the relevant divisions or organizations, the positions and names of the persons with whom the permission is coordinated in the prescribed manner, their signatures and dates of signing, as well as the signature of the controller;

m) in column 17 - the serial number of the permit sheet. If the permit consists of one sheet, the column is not filled out;

o) in column 18 - the total number of permission sheets.

Form 9 - Permission to amend
(first sheet)

Form 9a - Authorization to amend
(subsequent sheets)

An example of a permission to make changes

Change permission log sheet
(GOST R 21.1003-2009, Appendix B, Form 3)

Example of filling

The registration journal is performed on A4 sheets.

PKO-2010.3-4. Changes to working documentation

1. Changes to the originals of documents are made by strikethrough or erasure (washing off). In this case, the physical condition of the original is taken into account.

2. A change in a document executed in an automated way is carried out by replacing the entire document as a whole or its individual sheets, as well as adding or excluding individual sheets.

Handwritten changes are allowed.

Changes to the estimate documentation are carried out by replacing the entire document.

3. When making changes in an automated way, as well as in cases where when making changes by handwriting, there is not enough space for making changes or a violation of the clarity of the image during correction is possible, a new original is made taking into account the changes made and its previous designation is retained.

If one or more sheets of the original are replaced or added, then the inventory number assigned to the original is retained on them.

4. After making changes, images, letters, numbers, signs must be clear, line thickness, size of gaps, etc. must be performed in accordance with the rules stipulated by the relevant ESKD standards.

5. Resizable, words, signs, labels, etc. cross out with solid thin lines and add new data next to it.

6. When changing the image (part of the image), it is encircled with a solid thin line, forming a closed contour, and crossed out in a cruciform manner with solid thin lines in accordance with Figure 3.

A new image of the changed area is performed on a free margin of the sheet or on another sheet without rotations.

7. Variable, canceled and additional areas of the image are assigned a designation consisting of the serial number of the next change in the document and through the dot of the serial number of the changed (canceled, additional) image area within the given sheet. In this case, the designation of the change of the replaced image is assigned to the new image of the changed area.

If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then the change designation assigned to it is saved and is not taken into account in the change table of this sheet.

8. About each change, including about a change corrected by erasure (washout), outside the image, a change designation is applied in the parallelogram in accordance with Figure 1. A solid thin line is drawn from the parallelogram to the changed area.

9. Adjusted dimensions, words, signs, inscriptions, etc. closely spaced from each other. outlined with a solid thin line forming a closed contour, without striking out in accordance with Figure 2.

10. If the new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then the number of the sheet on which the new image is located in accordance with Figure 3 is also indicated for the changed image.

11. Above the new image of the changed area, the designation of the change of the replaced image is placed in the parallelogram, and in the case of the parallelogram, indicate: "Instead of the crossed out".

If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then with a parallelogram indicate: "Instead of the one crossed out on the sheet (number of the sheet on which the replaced image is located)" in accordance with Figure 4.

12. If a new image of the changed area is placed near the replaced one, then they are connected by leader lines with the designation of the change in accordance with Figure 5.

Above the additional image, the designation of the change is placed in the parallelogram, and with the parallelogram, indicate: "Addition" in accordance with Figure 6.

13. When the image (part of the image) is canceled, when the change is indicated, indicate: "Canceled".

14. When making changes to the sheets of the main set of working drawings in the list of working drawings of this set on the general data sheets in the "Note" column indicate (for an example of design, see sheet 11):

a) when making the first change - "Amendment 1", subsequent changes - additionally the successive numbers of changes, separating them from the previous ones with a semicolon.

Example - Amendment 1; 2; 3

b) on the replaced sheets with the change number - "(Zam.)".

Example - Amendment 1 (Replacement)

c) on canceled sheets with the change number - "Canceled".

Example - Amendment 1 (Canceled)

d) on additional sheets with the change number - "(New)".

Example - Rev.1 (New)

15. If additional sheets are included in the main set of working drawings, then they are assigned successive serial numbers and recorded in the continuation of the list of working drawings of the corresponding main set.

If there is not enough space in the list of working drawings for recording additional sheets, the continuation of the list is transferred to the first of the additional sheets. At the same time, at the end of the list of working drawings, placed in the "General data", they make an entry: "For the continuation of the list, see sheet (sheet number)", and above the list on an additional sheet, place the title: "List of working drawings of the main set (Continued)" ...

The numbers and names of the canceled sheets in the list of working drawings are crossed out.

When changing the names of sheets, make the appropriate corrections in the column "Name".

16. When changing the total number of sheets of the document on its first sheet in the title block, make the appropriate corrections in the "Sheets" column.

17. When making changes to the attached documents, including when completing additional and cancellation of previously executed attached documents, make corrections to the "Attached documents" section of the list of reference and attached documents of the corresponding main set of working drawings.

When replacing reference documents in working drawings, corrections are made to the corresponding section of the list of reference and attached documents.

18. When completing additional and cancellation of previously completed basic sets of working drawings, corrections are made to the list of basic sets of working drawings.

19. Changes made to the original are indicated in the table of changes (see sheet 10), placed in the title block.

If there is not enough space, it is allowed to continue the revision table up or place it to the left of the title block. When located on the left, the names of columns 14 ... 19 are repeated.

20. The table of changes indicates:

a) in the column "Change." - serial number of the document change;

b) in the column "Number of accounts." - the number of changing areas of the image on a given sheet within the next change;

c) in the column "Sheet" - on the sheets issued instead of the replaced ones - "Deputy", on the sheets added again - "New".

When replacing all sheets of the original (with the next serial number of the document change), on the first sheet in the "Sheet" column indicate "All". In this case, the table of changes on other sheets of this original is not filled out.

In other cases, a dash shall be placed in the "Sheet" column;

d) in the column "N doc." - designation of permission;

e) in the "Signature" column - the signature of the person responsible for the correctness of the amendment (the signature of the person responsible for norm control is affixed to the field for filing the sheet);

f) in the "Date" column - the date of the amendment.

For examples of filling out the table of changes, see sheet 10.

21. The tables of changes on the general data sheets do not take into account the corrections made in the general data sheet in connection with the introduction of changes to the sheets of the main set and the attached documents.

22. When changes are made to text documents(cable logs, specifications, specifications, explanatory notes) it is allowed to execute the table of registration of changes in form 11 (see PKO-2010.3-6, sheet 2).

The change registration table is placed on the first sheet of the text document to the left of the title block.

An example of filling out the change registration table for text documents

23. Significant changes in text documents are made in one of the following ways:

a) replacement of all or individual sheets of the document;

b) the release of new additional sheets.

When changing the originals of text documents, it is allowed:

  • when adding a new sheet, assign it the number of the previous sheet with the addition of the next Arabic numeral, separating it from the previous point;

Example - 3.1

  • upon cancellation of a sheet, the numbers of subsequent sheets are saved.

In these cases, the total number of sheets is changed on the first sheet.

In text documents containing mostly solid text, it is allowed, when adding a new paragraph, to assign it the number of the previous paragraph with the addition of the next lowercase letter of the Russian alphabet, and when canceling the paragraph, keep the numbers of subsequent paragraphs.

24. If changes in the original text document under one serial number are made in several sections of the text located on several sheets, then the sections are assigned sequential serial numbers for all changed sheets. In this case, the table of changes is filled out only on the first sheet.

25. When canceling or replacing sheets of a document, all canceled and replaced original sheets are stamped "Canceled (replaced)" in the form given in PKO-2010.3-6 on sheet 3.

26. When amendments are made to documents assembled into volumes, a table for registering changes in form 10 is placed on the title page (see PKO-2010.3-6, sheet 1).

If there is a cover in the volume (document), the table of changes in form 10 is also placed on the cover.

An example of filling out the change registration table placed on the title page

27. Copies of sheets (modified, additional and issued instead of replaced sheets) of working documentation are sent to organizations to which copies of documents were previously sent, simultaneously with copies of general data of the corresponding main set of working drawings, updated in accordance with paragraphs 14 ... 18.

Change table

Examples of filling:

Change 2.

Changes have been made in one section according to permission N 17-10 of 03/22/2010

Change 1st.

Changes have been made in 2 sections in accordance with permission N 15-10 of 03/11/2010

for sheet 5

Change 2.

The drawing was issued instead of the canceled one with the same number in accordance with permission N 17-10 of 03/22/2010

for sheet 7

Change 2.

A new (additional) drawing has been released in accordance with permission N 17-10 of 03.22.10

for sheet 9

An example of registration of changes in the list of working drawings of the main set

An example of registration of changes in the list of reference and attached documents

1. Changes to the design documentation previously issued to the customer, as a rule *, are made in an automated way and are carried out:

  • replacement, addition or exclusion of individual sheets of the volume;
  • replacement (re-release) of a volume (book) - in case of its complete processing;
  • the release of additional books (stamps).


* The words “generally” mean that the requirement is prevailing and that derogation from it must be justified.

PKO-2010.3-5. Changes to design documentation

2. Changes to the design documentation are made, as a rule, on the basis of permission to make changes.

The grounds for making changes may be the comments of the customer and the coordinating bodies of executive power, comments of the bodies of non-state and state expertise.

3. If one or more sheets of the original are replaced or added, then the inventory number assigned to the original is retained on them.

When replacing all sheets of the original, a new inventory number is assigned to it.

4. In case of a complete revision of the entire volume, at the beginning of the text part included in the changed volume, it is recommended to provide information about the changes made:

  • basis for making changes;
  • a short description of the changes made.

5. If changes are made to the project documentation on the basis of a negative conclusion of the state expertise, then the section "Explanatory Note" as an attachment includes a certificate in the form established by the state expertise body, with a description of the changes made to the project documentation. The certificate must be signed by the chief engineer of the project.

6. The registration of changes to the volume as a whole is carried out in the table of registration of changes in form 10 (see PKO-2010.3-6,

GOST R 21.1101-2013 Basic requirements for design and working documentation

The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On technical regulation", and the rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation - GOST R 1.0-2004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions "

Information about the standard GOST R 21.1101-2013

  • DEVELOPED by the Open Joint Stock Company Center for Methodology of Rationing and Standardization in Construction (OJSC TsNS)
  • SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee TC 465 "Construction"
  • APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of June 11, 2013 No. 156-ST from 01.01.2014
  • This standard implements the norms of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004, No. 190-FZ
  • REPLACE GOST R 21 .1101-2009

3.2 Abbreviations

In GOST R 21.1101-2013 "Basic requirements for design and working documentation" the following abbreviations are used:

DE- electronic document;
ESKD- Unified system for design documentation; CAD - computer-aided design system (s);
SPDS- System of design documents for construction;
SED- system (systems) of electronic document management.

When making changes to the design documentation, in almost all cases, a re-examination is required, which is carried out in the same way as the first check. However, if these changes do not relate to the essential characteristics of the building that affect the safety of the facility, a new examination is not needed. A description of the options for making changes, as well as the procedure for approving them, can be found in the article.

It is permissible to amend the documents for the project, and in some cases it is inevitable, since a number of documents undergo a secondary examination, as a result of which certain improvements are made. Changes to the design documentation can be made in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 21.1101-2013.

Changes to design documents can be made in accordance with the rules of this standard or in accordance with their own standards developed within the organization.

Adjustments are also allowed by the Urban Planning Code - for example, in connection with the deviation of the parameters of objects from the specified indicators in the project.

After all the amendments are made, the developer must conduct an examination, on the basis of a positive decision of which the specified changes will come into force.

However, in a number of cases, the examination is not carried out:

  1. If the revised documents have already passed the examination, according to the results of which they received approval.
  2. If the changes do not concern characteristics that ensure the integrity and safety of the structure.
  3. If, as a result of amendments, the estimate for construction work has not increased (a decrease is allowed).

Based on this the main question is whether the new additions relate to the essential parameters of the building ensuring its safety. Find such a list of characteristics, i.e. specific types of work, the performance of which affects the reliability of the structure, is possible in the corresponding Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

The order describes 34 types of such work, which are grouped into 3 sections:

  1. Engineering surveys (geodetic, geological, environmental, etc.).
  2. Preparation of design documents (architectural, technological, design solutions, etc.).
  3. Works related to construction, reconstruction and overhaul at facilities (installation of structures, earthworks, assembly and many other works).

Based on this list, one can say for sure whether a re-examination is required to approve the changes or not.

2 options for making changes to the project

There are 2 options for entering new data - this is a complete replacement of the sheet (s) or entering without replacement. The choice of a specific method remains at the discretion of the customer.

Complete sheet replacement

This method is used in cases where experts have found quite a few flaws, so it is advisable not to edit each of them separately, but simply to remove the sheet and completely redo it. The advantage of this method is that it is often faster to compose a new page than to edit the old one. However, in this case, it is necessary to reconcile all new data with adjacent departments, which delays the process.

The application algorithm is as follows:

Making changes to the sheet

If the number of changes is small or insignificant, you can use the original sheet. They act in this way:

  1. Part of the text is erased, an amendment is made.
  2. The amendment is circled and assigned numbers 1.1, 1.2, etc.
  3. Next, the change number and the total number of changes are again prescribed.
  4. Indicate Rev .: the sheet is changed.
  5. They register the number of the document, put the date and signature.

Also, amendments must be made to the general data sheet. The entry is recorded in the notes (prescribe the number of the amendment, the abbreviation Zam. Or Amendment). Changes to the general data sheet are not reflected in the registration sheet.

When a re-examination of the project is necessary

The initial purpose of the project appraisal is to obtain a building permit. However, in a number of cases, one examination is not enough, therefore, it is necessary to re-check:

  1. In case of receiving a negative opinion based on the results of the first examination.
  2. In case of changes to the design documents.

These amendments may be related to:

  • entering new data;
  • a significant change in the previously entered data.

Thus, the amendments themselves can be made both involuntarily (when defects are discovered and a negative expert opinion is received), and voluntarily (correcting the project). However, re-examination will be required in both cases.

How is the re-examination carried out?

You can apply for an examination an unlimited number of times. The order of their implementation is the same - experts check those parts of the documents where amendments were made, as well as the compatibility of this documentation with the rest of the project, which has already been checked earlier.

To submit an application, the customer provides the following package of documents:

  • statement;
  • project documents that have previously received a positive expert opinion;
  • the very positive decision (copy);
  • terms of reference for changes;
  • help on the changes made.

The project is considered in a timely manner (up to 60 calendar days), and a positive or negative opinion is issued on the result. At the same time, experts can request a re-examination of the entire project, and not only those documents in which the edits were made. This is possible if, since the previous check, certain changes have been made in the legislation, which concern, among other things, the requirements for project documentation.

If a negative decision is received

In this case, the customer has 3 options for action:

  1. Challenge the result by contacting the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.
  2. Challenge the result in court.
  3. Take note of the comments and eliminate them, and then send the project for the next examination.

Obviously, it is the last option that is the most desirable from the point of view of spending money and time for a new consideration. The probability of a mistake by experts is small, therefore, it is quite difficult to appeal the result in court or in the ministry. Usually, the resolution prescribes not only revisions, but also the deadline for their elimination. At the same time, paper documents are not provided in cases where amendments can be made without them.

Good day. This article will focus on permission to make changes(hereinafter - permission) in the project documentation. Any changes to the design documentation should be made only on the basis of permission. The permit describes any changes that will be made to the documentation.

After you have filled out the permit, it must be signed by the chief engineer of the project and the technical director, and only after that you can take the documentation from the archive for making changes.

A copy of this authorization is basically sent to the customer with revised documentation. I will not describe in detail how changes are made to the design documentation and how the permit is filled out. This information can be found in GOST R 21.1101-2013.

The permit must be executed in the form 9 and 9a in accordance with GOST R 21.1101-2013. The procedure for filling in the fields in the permission to make changes is shown in Figures 1 and 2.

Rice. 1

Rice. 2

In order not to create a permission form from scratch, you can download templates for permission to make changes made in Microsoft Word in doc format and in AutoCad in dwg format.

I draw your attention to the fact that the design organization can change the location and size of the columns in forms 9 and 9a in accordance with the adopted internal regulatory documents.

Examples of completed permits are shown in Figures 3 and 4.

Rice. 3

Rice. 4

This GOST and templates of permissions for making changes, as well as examples of filling out permits, you can find in the archive. To download, click on the "DOWNLOAD" button.

If you have any suggestions or comments on improving the templates, leave them in the comments.