Personnel reserve: correct formation and development. Why is it necessary to form a personnel reserve of the company Creation of a personnel reserve

The problem of qualified personnel is solved in several ways. The most correct and profitable way for the company is the formation of a personnel reserve from its employees, through a test selection. How to choose the right applicants who meet the requirements with their personal qualities and competence, how to set the selection parameters is determined by the strategic goals of the company.

The labor market is saturated with specialists of various profiles. But really skilled workers are hard enough to find. The question of personnel arises before the management and owners of the company, when the expansion of production and services provided is coming, in the long term it is necessary to replace one of the ranks of the management team or there is a need for personnel.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 03/01/2017 No. 96 "On Approval of the Regulations on the Personnel Reserve of the Federal State Body" regulates the procedure for the formation and existence of a reserve in state institutions. Commercial structures can leave this question to their own discretion.

The formation of the personnel reserve takes place on a competitive basis. The talent pool is a group of employees with pronounced competencies necessary for a company to increase its competitiveness, and with a high potential for managerial skills required for a particular position.

The advertisements for the selection of senior executives, which the Internet is replete with, raises doubts precisely because the senior executive of a serious company is formed from personnel trained over the years.

Employees of the organization who have gone through a career path and reached the top in one company and meet the necessary requirements make up the bulk of the contestants.

How the personnel reserve is formed at the enterprise and candidates are selected - see here:

How the talent pool is formed

The personnel reserve is formed for replacement or a new position, which will be formed in connection with the expansion of the company. The decision to form a talent pool in an organization is made based on the need for highly qualified personnel. The fact of the need to prepare an additionally trained professional reserve is established on the basis of the conclusions after analyzing the development strategy of the enterprise.

The leading link determines the volume of expansion of production, a new line, services, necessary funds to achieve goals, including labor.

The company develops its own list of competencies required for an employee to successfully work in an opening or replacement position.

There are two types of reserves:

  • replacement - training of personnel to replace the head of a higher management level;
  • development - training of personnel for new positions, the creation of which is planned according to the development strategy of the organization.

Ways to select candidates

The selection of candidates for the reserve takes place in several ways:

  • the candidate is proposed by a higher level;
  • the candidate is promoted by the head to two or more ranks higher;
  • presented by peers of the same level;
  • self-promotion method.

All candidates pass the competition. The main selection parameters are relevance, compliance with the type of position, loyalty and prospects of candidates.

The sources of the formation of the reserve are the main leading specialists with higher education, successful graduates of universities, promising employees. Applicants for senior management positions are required to have one or two higher educations (in addition to the main one, there is also an economic one).

In the absence of the necessary education, reservists with high indicators in basic parameters are sent for additional training and seminars.

What is the personnel reserve of an enterprise?

Basic selection parameters

It is important for the company to spend time and money on candidates who best meet the requirements of the future position with their competence. Each employee, due to his personal and professional qualities, has his own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the weaknesses can be developed by instilling new skills. Other qualities remain unchanged and can never develop.

To make the formation of the reserve fruitful, each applicant undergoes testing and competitive selection at each stage.

The company often turns to firms that specialize in personnel testing for help. But, based on basic knowledge of the basics of management, you can formulate the main required tests yourself.

  1. Contractor (specialist) - knows how, knows and follows the instructions. Performs the assigned tasks.
  2. Line manager (leading specialist, foreman) - clarifies the circumstances of obtaining the result. Provides favorable conditions for achieving the set goal. What is the job description of the head of the personnel department and what powers this person has - read.
  3. Middle manager (head of department, group).
  4. Executive Director. How it is compiled - find out in the article at the link.
  5. CEO, owner. you can read the basic rules and procedure for the formation of the job description of the general director of LLC.

Algorithm of the goals of the formation of the personnel reserve:

  1. The need for staff.
  2. Assessment of human resources.
  3. Competitive selection.
  4. Competency assessment - test.
  5. Training, development, career growth of reservists.
  6. Selection of the most suitable candidate. You can find out how it is filled in and drawn up in the article by the link.

The best employees who have reached 25 - 30 years old are selected to the reserve. This age is considered the most favorable for career growth - basic skills have already been formed, energy and desire to develop and benefit the company at a high level, life potential has reached its maximum.

2-4 applicants are trained for each position. For a large company (for example, a holding) - 3-5 applicants. For a smaller company - 2-3. This allows you to create an atmosphere of competition, to protect the company from unforeseen situations (unexpected dismissal of an applicant, low learning ability, etc.).

The main stages of the formation and use of the reserve.

Talent pool assessment, selection and development analysis

The list of competencies is determined by the organization itself. Based on the selected abilities and skills, a matrix is ​​drawn up for each applicant and each competence. Assessment of qualifications and competence is determined on a 5-point scale.

Next, a new matrix, table or schedule of competencies is created for each item. For example, test results can be presented in tables. Test questions are prepared by a psychologist of the company or a specially invited profile company that develops professional test surveys.

Such companies compose a testing system individually for each enterprise according to the data provided.

The management, based on the results obtained, selects the reservists. The table shows an analysis of one competence on a five-point scale for three applicants. The table shows that the leadership of the group is the strong point of only one applicant - K.N. Saburova.

No. / full name. reservistCompetenciesPoints
A.A. VasechkinI.V. ShestakK. N. Saburov
1 Planning and control3 2 4
2 Influence2 4 5
3 Creativity1 2 1
4 Social orientation2 2 3
5 Management flexibility2 3 4
6 Stress tolerance3 3 3
7 Strategic thinking3 4 4
8 Decision making speed4 2 5
9 Group leadership3 1 4
10 Leadership3 2 4
11 Result orientation5 5 3
12 Subsequence4 4 4
13 Obligation4 4 4

In the given example, based on the data of the pivot table, it can be seen that Saburov and Shestak will go to the reserve. Since the traits necessary for a leader are, in general, Saburov has, but Shestak can show high results with appropriate training.

Based on the testing results, the selection of applicants is carried out, the main strengths of which are suitable for the intended position and are loyal (correspond to adherence to the norms of the organization). There are 4 types of loyalty, which is adherence to the rules and regulations of the organization:

  • clan;
  • innovative;
  • administrative;
  • market.

The task of the company is to see in the reservists exactly those qualities that fit the norms and requirements of the company. Some personality traits may not matter. But business qualities, knowledge and inclinations of development must be identified.

The development of the reserve is the process of comparing the available talent with the needs of the organization. The choice of methods of influence to bring reservists to compliance with the requirements.

Data analysis will allow you to draw up a training plan aimed directly at the development of the necessary knowledge. A year later, retesting and screening of applicants is carried out.

The main mistake of company management is the wrong vision of the concept of "personnel reserve". Many people underestimate the importance of such a training system.

In fact, all big thriving companies that are interested in expansion, competitiveness, innovation, and the extension of the rising star and cash cow phase of their niche pay particular attention to their long-term development strategy.


The training of personnel who can immediately take the necessary positions at the appointed time is an important point in strategic management. It is the employees of their own company who are able (most often) to promote the company to a new, higher level.

Despite the fact that the process of training reservists can take years, when the company uses modern methods of market analysis and long-term planning, such training of its own personnel will pay off in the future.

However, there are situations when you need a "fresh stream" of creativity, a new vision of the problem, extraordinary thinking, innovation. In such cases, the company announces a competition for the vacant position and appoints an “outsider”.

In Russia, the creation of personnel reserves is little practice in commercial structures. In budgetary organizations, traditional conservatism provides for reservists by default. In large foreign companies, this method of providing themselves with personnel is in the nature of a tough competition between employees.

The main tasks of the talent pool are discussed in this video:

Reading time: 8 minutes

Currently, managers, experiencing a shortage of qualified personnel, are beginning to form a personnel reserve at their enterprises.

Financial motivation of distinguished employees in relation to managers is insufficient; in this case, the best incentive is the possibility of further promotion up the career ladder.

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The role of the talent pool in the organization

Every leader needs good people, and preferably the best.

Such an employee is almost impossible, but it is quite possible to choose from among your employees the most suitable for a new vacancy. This is precisely the essence of creating a personnel reserve at the enterprise.

Few are ready to argue with the opinion that it is necessary to know especially valuable employees by sight and periodically reward them for success in work. Some employees are key "links" in the production chain, others - only accompany them, and their replacement by other people will not affect the activities of the organization in any way.

So, the creation of a personnel reserve pursues the following goals:

  • Providing the enterprise with the necessary highly qualified specialists;
  • Minimizing staff turnover among the most valuable workers;
  • employees for more efficient production activities;
  • Creation of career opportunities for particularly successful workers.

Thus, the personnel reserve of the enterprise is those of its employees, whose professional activity is the most successful.

It is these workers who are the main contenders for horizontal and vertical personnel reshuffles.

In total, the talent pool workers can be divided into 3 categories:

  1. Employees with a high level of performance, whose labor potential is significantly higher than the requirements for their positions. This group also includes workers who are candidates for promotion (subject to the availability of the necessary vacancies for them).
  2. Valuable employees who faithfully and efficiently perform their duties, but who are not candidates for a career "take off" due to the lack of suitable positions in the staffing table. In this case, incentive measures in the form of other incentives should be applied to employees.
  3. If there is continuity at the enterprise, then the successors of managers and senior managers should also be attributed to the employees of the personnel reserve.

Principles of working with the talent pool

The formation of the personnel reserve is carried out in compliance with certain principles:

  • To increase the information on open vacancies, they should be open in nature both for the reservists themselves and for applicants for this role. Only in this case will the personnel system be the most effective, stimulating employees to increase productivity.
  • Having several candidates for one leadership role.
  • The activity and initiative of employees, whose immediate responsibilities include the search and selection of candidates for inclusion in the personnel reserve.
  • Constant selection of candidates to improve the professional qualities of the management team;
  • Age registration of applicants for promotion to reservists: as you know, for effective work in a managerial position, an employee needs to work in this area for about 5 years. In addition, a person reaches the highest professional activity at the age of 35-40, therefore, the optimal age for adding an employee to the list of reservists is from 25 to 35 years;
  • The final decision on the appointment of an employee to a managerial position should be based on many factors: the results of professional activity, impressions of personal communication with the employee, the results of his last certification, the opinion of his superiors and colleagues about the employee, etc.

In addition, employees who form the personnel reserve of the enterprise must perform the following tasks:

  1. Supporting employees who are suitable for an open vacancy, aimed at developing their necessary qualities;
  2. Providing employees with everything necessary to obtain sufficient information for the purpose of high-quality performance of their official duties;
  3. Improvement of practical skills on the basis of substitution (, etc.);
  4. Creation of a positive image and a special professional status for reservists.

Reservist selection criteria

The optimal age for appointing an employee to a managerial position is 25-40 years.

It is then that the optimal combination of professional skills, life experience and higher education received. The age of an employee over 60 years old is a significant drawback for introducing him to the staff of managers; personnel specialists advise refraining from such an appointment.

Also an important criterion is the level and profile of the candidate's education. Of course, a higher professional education in the direction of the enterprise is desirable for a manager. For middle managers, for example, managers, a higher education (economic, financial, management) is sufficient.

The necessary work experience is determined by each manager independently: some prefer the professional experience gained in a given organization, for others there is enough work experience in their specialty, no matter where.

Efficiency of labor activity implies high-quality performance of official duties, consistently high results of labor activity, etc.

If, when appointing to a new position, these indicators are not taken into account, then the enrollment in the personnel reserve will be considered as luck and will lose any motivational meaning for employees.

However, despite the importance of the listed criteria, the most important is aspiration of the applicant for career advancement, his self-motivation... If the employee does not have them, then even with full compliance with his existing vacancy, such an appointment is unlikely to be successful.

Stages of formation of the personnel reserve at the enterprise

  1. Identifying multiple candidates for open positions, new projects, etc.
  2. This responsibility rests with the direct supervisors of the candidates and employees of the personnel department. The most effective appointments occur when line managers are recruiting candidates, since they are the ones who can most accurately assess the degree of compliance of their subordinates with certain vacancies.
  3. Based on the data received from line managers, general lists of applicants for admission to the personnel reserve are formed. This is usually done by employees of the personnel department of the enterprise.
  4. Measures to assess the personal and professional qualities of applicants for promotion. We are also talking about their leadership qualities, motivation, personal attitude towards the proposed positions, etc. Assessment methods can be very different: interviews, various assessment games, etc. Based on the results obtained, characteristics and recommendations are drawn up for each employee.
  5. Based on the results of the research carried out, the final lists of reservists are drawn up, indicating the positions for which employees are nominated.
  6. The final lists are approved by the order of the head of the enterprise on the appointment of employees to the relevant positions.

What challenges can an employer face?

The creation of a personnel reserve can significantly increase the efficiency of the enterprise through the most effective personnel changes.

However, this is only possible if the basic principles of working with the personnel reserve are observed. As you know, enrollment in the personnel reserve is a way of additional motivation of employees. An employee, after such a high assessment of his professional qualities, expects further events in the form of his appointment to a new, higher position or other incentive measures, and if these expectations are not met, he is dissatisfied.

According to statistics, most of the disgruntled reservists end up leaving for another company, where their merits are appreciated more highly.

Thus, if the manager has decided to form a personnel reserve, he needs to take care of the employees responsible for this task, as well as the financial costs associated with the need to stimulate reservists.

Who will take key positions in your company tomorrow: a loyal employee from the “bottom” or from the “street” candidate? It's better to think about it today.

In this article, we will briefly talk about:

  • in order to form a personnel reserve;
  • features;
  • the algorithm for interacting with the provider in a similar project;
  • examples from our practice.

The formation of a talent pool is an urgent problem for medium and large companies, since many areas of business are experiencing personnel shortages. Or at least they are interested in having a loyal staff that has been adapted to the corporate culture.

Personnel reserve- this is the direction of work in the organization, which allows to ensure the continuity of personnel, to close new opening positions due to the development of employees within the company.

The goals of the formation of the personnel reserve

  1. Be able to quickly fill vacancies and ensure the continuity of the organization's work, its effectiveness.
  2. Maintain continuity in the culture of management (and corporate culture in general), as well as in special knowledge.
  3. Increase employee engagement by showing that the company has a stake in the development and retention of its employees.

Formation of a talent pool: a short project algorithm

  1. Determine which positions the reserve will be formed for.
  2. Make sure that top management is interested: discuss what is important to them, as well as what kind of support they are ready to provide. If necessary, “sell” the idea of ​​a personnel reserve.
  3. Create regulations or description of the Program (project).
  4. To popularize the direction of work as much as possible: on the Intranet, through short information meetings, etc.
  5. Select and evaluate employees (potential reservists).
  6. Create and implement a training and development program.
  7. Debug the process of filling new vacancies by reservists.
  8. Track the effectiveness of the talent pool.

Talent pool for managers

As a rule, companies create personnel reserves for managerial positions, that is, the so-called managerial personnel reserve. There are often constructions when there are two or three levels.

For example, the first level is “Linear managerial positions”, the second level is “Middle management”, the third level is a reserve for the positions of top managers.

Some companies have standard items. For example, the Director of a store or the Head of a bank department for servicing individuals. And then it is advisable to create a separate Personnel Reserve Program for each such typical position.

Corporate environment

We will not describe for a long time why the support of top management is important, because the significance of this stage is obvious. The practical aspect is as follows. The choice for certain vacancies is made by top managers, and if for some reason they give preference to external candidates, then the employees will have doubts. They will quickly understand the existence of double standards in the company and the virtuality of the HR programs being implemented.

For a unified understanding of the Program and the rules for inclusion in the personnel reserve, companies usually create internal regulatory documents. Information is provided via the Intranet or other communication channels.

Reservist selection process and criteria

The selection usually looks like a "funnel", schematically presented below.

In this case, this is an example. Depending on the specifics of the company, something else can be chosen as the criteria and stages of selection.

What is important when building a system for evaluating candidates for the personnel reserve?

  1. Remember that it is not the assessment of competencies that comes to the fore, but the assessment of the potential for the development of certain competencies.

Here are some examples from our practice:

1. For example, if one of the competencies of a manager is communication skills, then in the personnel reserve, first of all, the presence of communicative potential is assessed. An employee may not be able to make presentations, speak in front of an audience. Moreover, if he has social courage and seeks to communicate with people, then the development of any communication skills for him will be many times faster and easier than for a person with limited communication potential.

2. If we consider the basic skill of setting goals for SMART, those employees who have the ability to structure any information well will be able to master it without difficulty.

3. Those managers who are able to operate with abstract concepts begin to think strategically faster. Here we note the paradox that we observed that “bad” operational managers who hardly apply the skill of setting smart goals can become excellent top managers with a strategic vision of the business.

4. Determine what is the motivation of a particular employee - this is one of the important selection parameters.

5. When formulating all the criteria, it is desirable to clearly understand which manager's profile is successful and effective in your organization. Based on this, it is worth deciding on the selection parameters.

Our research showed that the level of intellectual ability ultimately had nothing to do with the appointment of a reservist to the position. At the same time, it is important to understand that analytical skills certainly help to quickly master managerial skills.

6. For different levels of the personnel reserve, their own evaluation criteria. If we are evaluating line managers who are applying for middle managers, then the managerial skills that the future reservist already possesses become key in the assessment. And if there is an assessment of applicants for top positions, then an assessment of strategic thinking or the presence of the potential for the development of strategic thinking becomes a mandatory element.

When is the talent pool program considered effective?

A few words about efficiency. I must say that there are no relevant comparative data in this area yet. Below are some observable indicators that will indicate that the process is actually working:

  1. The leaders in the organization are aware of the existence of a talent pool and the development program that is being implemented.
  2. When vacancies are opened, reservists are considered priority candidates.
  3. At least 30% of relevant positions are closed by reservists.
  4. There are no people in the personnel reserve who got there solely because they need to be kept in the company or somehow additionally motivated.
  5. After 1-2 years, it is necessary to conduct a new recruitment of program participants, since 80% have moved to a different status: either the reservists received promotion for new positions, or they were excluded from the reserve for some reason.

Building a talent pool: the role of external providers

Typically, talent pool projects are implemented jointly by a team of internal HR specialists and external consultants. What will be the ratio, each organization determines for itself. Most often we, as external consultants, are involved precisely in in-depth assessment and assessments.

Note that there are projects when the participation of consultants is almost 100%: from creating a PR campaign within the organization, writing a regulatory document and ending with the implementation of specific trainings or coach sessions for reservists.

We carry out almost a full cycle of work, implementing projects for the personnel reserve. Examples of our work can be:

  • Development of "Regulations on the personnel reserve" for companies in the manufacturing and banking sector.
  • Assessment of centers in the selection of the personnel reserve of the company "Ingosstrakh", ONPP "Tekhnologiya" them. A.G. Romashina.
  • Conducting a 360-degree assessment for Alfa-Bank reservists.
  • Training of reservists at PJSC Sberbank, FC Uralsib, JSC Russian Railways, Avtoframos, etc.

Algorithm of the project for assessing the personnel reserve

Our assessment projects usually have the following sequence of steps.

  1. We are discussing what evaluation criteria will be at the final stage. If this is a managerial reserve, then in 100% of cases we are exactly asked to assess the leadership potential, the rest of the set varies, depending on the specifics of the Customer.
  2. We select and, if necessary, develop assessment tools. It can be just testing or a full-fledged assessment center. If we recall the examples above, then testing is enough to assess the communicative potential. Business games and cases are suitable for assessing the skill of setting goals, and tests and cases are needed to assess the potential for strategic thinking.
  3. We carry out.
  4. We make a rating of candidates. In rare cases, the Customer asks to generate individual reports on candidates, which requires additional financial costs for the company.
  5. We are discussing the results of the assessment and the further action program for the development of reservists.

Are you planning a talent pool project?

Contact us! We will help with regulation, initial selection and assessment of the potential of employees.

What does the personnel reserve mean?

The personnel reserve (KR) is divided into two types - external and internal. This is usually a group of people who have been pre-selected for any position in the organization, more often in middle or senior management positions. Specialists are evaluated especially carefully, identifying personal, professional and business qualities necessary for the performance of official duties.

External personnel reserve consists of a resume of candidates who meet the requirements, so they can be invited at any time to the vacant position. The main disadvantage of the database is that it becomes outdated, because people grow, develop, find work and no longer need your suggestions.

Reference: sometimes the external talent pool consists of specialists who from time to time participate in projects and perform certain tasks.

Internal personnel reserve- already employed employees who have high potential for career growth, have managerial skills. As a rule, these are specialists who have been working for a long time, who have managed to prove themselves, to show their reliability.

Table. Comparative characteristics of internal and external recruiting sources

Internal reserve includes:

  • highly professional employees with unique knowledge, capable of leadership, as well as professional growth in the horizontal direction (stock of key specialists);
  • subordinates capable of demonstrating vertical growth (administrative staff);
  • trained managers who can immediately take up their duties (operational staff);
  • potential managers (strategic pool of personnel).

The process of forming an internal talent pool takes at least 2 years, so it should be started from the day the organization was founded. Keep a close watch on all employees, make notes for yourself so that you can move a specialist if necessary.

In small companies, a talent pool is rarely created. Usually, employees are moved from position to position, or they are accepted into the company of relatives, friends or acquaintances, while avoiding formalities - assessment, testing, etc. It should be noted that sometimes this threatens with serious problems, up to the closure of the company.


Since the founding of the company« Omega» its owner Stanislav also acted as HR director. First of all, he accepted all his relatives into the staff, they invited friends and acquaintances. So it happened that people from the outside were not accepted, but they were looking for candidates for a position among« their» ... As a result, leading positions were occupied by those who did not quite understand the intricacies of work and responsibilities. This negatively affected profitability, competitiveness and many business processes. When the company approached collapse, Stanislav analyzed the situation and assessed the employees. He made a decision to dismiss some of the workers and hire professionals in their place. A scandal broke out. Most of the subordinates left, but other applicants quickly came to replace them. Gradually the situation returned to normal, and the company moved from the category of unprofitable to profitable ones.

Goals and objectives of the formation of the reserve

The main task of the CD is to improve and stabilize the financial position of the organization. In the presence of "spare" employees, the company is protected from unforeseen situations due to the absence of key specialists. Business processes go on as usual, customers are happy with cooperation, and business profitability does not fall.

The formation of a pool of personnel in the organization is also required to achieve other goals that face the management. Usually with the help of the "spare" database they try to:

  • to reduce the number of errors in the selection and placement of personnel;
  • assess staff adequately and slowly;
  • predict the need for employees;
  • provide the company with a reserve of effective specialists who know how to develop a business in accordance with the approved strategy;
  • retain and motivate talented leaders;
  • to reduce the cost of recruiting, adaptation of personnel;
  • maintain a positive reputation.

Goals, objectives, desired result, mechanisms for the development of reservists, etc. write in the Regulation on the creation of a personnel reserve. Record the sequence of each step to shorten and facilitate the work of the managers who will build the talent pool.

Example Position

The formation of the personnel reserve (FKR) of the organization takes place with the participation of higher authorities. We recommend adhering to the principle of openness and transparency. That is, do not hide from other employees that the selection of specialists in the Kyrgyz Republic has begun. It is possible that some will prove themselves in order to get a promotion.

If there are not enough resources for the formation of a KR, involve third-party specialists from recruiting agencies who will take on some of the tasks or perform the work on a turnkey basis. Stick to the given algorithm, make sure that no promising employee is overlooked.

Stage 1. Determine your reserve needs

The first stage is the most important, so you need to approach it as responsibly as possible. If you do not pay attention to the nuances, the PCR process will be longer and more costly.

Before starting work on the formation of the reserve, identify:

  • strategic and tactical staffing requests;
  • the actual state of the Kyrgyz Republic, the degree of preparedness of employees;
  • the percentage of reduction in the number of "spare" employees over the past few years;
  • the number of released administrative units that can realize themselves in other divisions;
  • positions from which you can move specialists;
  • persons responsible for work with the CD, the placement of personnel.

Determine how much you can spend on the formation of a pool of personnel, coordinate it with the CFO. If the budget is limited, it is rational to engage in the development of already employed employees, and not to select external specialists in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Stage 2. Conduct the selection of employees for the reserve

The selection of employees takes a lot of time, since at this stage a complex work is carried out, consisting of complementary procedures. If several managers are working on CD, demarcate responsibilities, define selection criteria.

In general, when selecting a pool of "spare" you need:

  • to get acquainted with information from the personal files of employees, resumes, autobiographies;
  • conduct a conversation with reservists;
  • simulate situations close to real working conditions, observe a person;
  • evaluate the results of work for a certain period of time;
  • analyze whether the qualities of the employee correspond to the requirements for the position.

The main goal to be achieved is to collect as much information as possible about each employee, his personal, professional and business qualities and skills. Make a card with requirements and criteria so you don't miss important details when working with RC candidates.

Requirements for candidates for inclusion in the RC:

Download sample

When selecting a pool of personnel, determine the motives of potential employees, their goals and values. Do not dive into the study of unnecessary facts, personal life, because this information does not carry a special semantic load, but it takes your time to analyze it.

Stage 3. Create a talent pool list

After evaluating the candidates, comparing them with each other, make a preliminary list of "spare". Divide it into 2 parts. The first category includes workers who are assigned to the operational part, i.e. to replace key positions right now or soon. To the second group include those who will make up the strategic reserve. Typically, these are young employees with leadership inclinations who will gradually gain experience.

When compiling a list of reservists, adhere to the following rules:

  • determine the replaced positions according to the nomenclature of positions and staffing table, taking into account the hierarchy;
  • include personal information about each staffing unit;
  • record the time of enrollment in the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • mark the results of the quality assessment, write down suggestions and recommendations for self-improvement and development of the employee.

Create a talent pool for several years ahead. Submit the list to a higher-level manager for review - he has the right to delete some persons if, in his opinion, they do not meet the necessary criteria. As the list becomes outdated, it needs to be updated. Remove departures and add new arrivals.

Important! When enrolling selected reservists, prepare a nomination application if vacated. Submit the document to the director for approval.

Candidate questionnaire for the personnel reserve

Download the form

Preparation and retraining of applicants

After weeding out clearly unsuitable employees and enrolling in the talent pool of promising specialists, start working with those who are generally suitable for the position, but need additional training. Choose the best program for them, taking into account the budget.

The following techniques are commonly used:

The training program depends on the current experience, knowledge of the reservist. When choosing it, think about what needs to be developed for the employee, whether the program will help to achieve the desired result. If you are creating a personnel reserve for filling managerial positions, while there is no opportunity to provide educational leave, pay attention to distance programs. You can view the approximate content of some courses, find out the features of this form of training.

Answers to frequently asked questions

1. Who should be responsible for work with the talent pool?

Usually, the management of the organization's talent pool is the responsibility of the head or an ordinary specialist of the service. In large organizations, a special department is created. To achieve results in working with the CD, involve your immediate supervisors and reservists in this issue.

There should be about 2-3 people for each position. Make a list, count the number of potential jobs.

3. How to inform the staff about the development and implementation of the program?

Tell employees about your plans for a CR in writing or in person. Explain the goals and objectives of the program, communicate its importance to employees and the organization as a whole. Please note that insufficient information to staff about an innovation can lead to negative rumors and concerns.

4. What are the different ways of nominating candidates for the personnel reserve?

There are three main ways of promotion: a direct supervisor, a superior leader, self-promotion of an employee.

5. What are the possible problems when working with the personnel reserve?

The following errors are distinguished when working with CD:

  • work is proceeding without proper support from the management under pressure from the personnel service and the training department;
  • financial constraints do not allow the use of a number of areas for training reservists;
  • the reserve for filling managerial positions is formally made;
  • blurred selection criteria;
  • there are no clear criteria for evaluating reservists.

6. Is it possible to prepare a reserve for the tops?

Yes, many companies train reservists precisely for closing top positions in the organization. The procedure for working with them differs in that higher requirements are imposed on specialists.

7. How to plan further work with the personnel reserve?

After a positive assessment of the readiness of the reservists, decide what to do next, for example:

  • if there are open target vacancies, consider candidates for replacement from among successful reservists;
  • plan and organize adaptation measures ;
  • If there are no open vacancies at the end of the reservist training program, plan activities to retain promising employees.

As a result of the previous work on creating and developing the reserve, realize the goals for which the RC was created, develop additional measures to retain valuable employees. Do not forget that talent pool management is not just a formal procedure, but real work that needs to be systematically devoted to.

The personnel reserve of the enterprise is:

The reserve of potential managers (employees for promotion) is a certain number of employees who, due to their professional and personal qualities, can at any time be transferred to the planned managerial position

The formation of a talent pool for the management team is one of the most important strategic activities of the company, which is a set of measures for the selection and training of potential managers

Who can become part of the organization's talent pool?

Employees of the company who have successfully passed certification and are recommended by their immediate superiors for promotion

The personnel reserve of the enterprise can include young specialists who have managed to show themselves well in business.

Employees working at the enterprise who receive education remotely in higher or specialized secondary specialized educational institutions

Deputy current leaders

The organization's talent pool can be formed in two ways: traditionally or in a modern way.

The traditional vision of the formation of the personnel reserve of the enterprise involves the preparation of a specific replacement for a specific position. For example, the shareholders of a large regional manufacturing company decide to change the “newcomer” top managers for local workers. For this, the latter are properly trained and trained.

The modern system of formation of the personnel reserve of the organization is a painstaking "work with talents". The most promising and talented employees are identified among the employees of the enterprise, and their development is carried out at the current workplace. At the same time, their greatest strengths are identified, after which it is decided in which particular leadership position they will bring the greatest benefit.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, companies use the traditional method of creating a managerial talent pool, since it is less laborious and costly.

However, whichever method you decide to use, the following set of principles must be followed:

The principle of planning - it is necessary to take into account the company's objective need for new leaders in the face of constant changes in the economic conditions of activity

The principle of unity - the preparation of leaders for all positions should be of the same quality

The principle of continuity - the development of a specialist who will become a worthy leader, should be long-term and continuous. In some cases, this lasts several years. It is assumed constant self-education, honing skills on the spot, as well as attending useful events (courses, trainings, etc.) with a break from production

The principle of "the more the better" - do not be afraid to include "unnecessary" workers in the talent pool of the organization, beware of missing a truly talented subordinate. However, there is also a certain quantitative framework: no more than three people should be enrolled in one "middle management" position.

The principle of transparency and an open list - provide an opportunity for any employee who wants to become part of the managerial personnel reserve of the enterprise, if he really meets the formal criteria. It should also be possible to "return" to the list of candidates for those who dropped out of it.

The principle of "not creating an untouchable caste" - entering the leading personnel reserve of an organization should not be a reason for special preferences. These people should not arrange a preferential or privileged mode of work. We are talking about exclusively favorable conditions for professional growth.

The principle of participation of top management - current bosses must necessarily work with the "younger" generation

The principle of confidentiality and ethics - be careful with the appointment of a manager from the personnel reserve of the enterprise. The remaining members should not feel out of work.

The principle of general publicity - assumes that the public of the company can at any time check how the qualities of those in the talent pool of the organization meet the selection criteria

In the process of forming the talent pool of future leaders, the following important tasks are being solved:

Recruiting replacement managers and creating a plan for these procedures

Identification of the necessary requirements for future bosses

Identification of potentially suitable employees for the personnel reserve of the enterprise

Creation of an individual plan for professional growth and development for each employee in the organization's talent pool

Direct training and upgrading of the selected specialists

Analysis of the progress of each employee in the personnel reserve of the enterprise

Transfer of an employee to a new position and assistance during the adaptation period

Determination of the actual cost of all of the above activities

At the beginning, objectively the most important positions are identified, which seriously affect the company's activities and its results. As a rule, they include the chief manager, his deputies, heads of departments and other divisions. Also, we can talk about narrow specialists of a lower rank, but no less important for the enterprise.

The number of important positions for which a talent pool is required differs depending on the size and characteristics of the enterprise. For example, in large multinational companies, the number of reservists ranges from 30 to 200 people

Taking into account what should be the management of the personnel reserve of the organization?

The number of specialists you need that you may need in the next 2-5 years

Actual number of reservists currently available

The approximate percentage of possible retirement of participants in the personnel reserve of the enterprise due to inconsistencies identified in the course of work

The number of current managers who, after leaving their position, will be able to be useful in another area

If you correctly calculate the required and sufficient number of reservists, you will be able to avoid unnecessary costs.

Remember, during his stay in the personnel reserve of managers, an employee undergoes colossal professional and psychological training. Ideally, he should be appointed to the intended position and be of great benefit to the company. Some remain in the organization's talent pool for a period longer than the standard 2-5 years. Considering that there is no age data among the formal requirements for reservists, a situation may arise when a potential candidate "outgrows" his goal

If a person who is in the personnel reserve of an enterprise does not see real prospects for many years of being in it, he may lose interest in work and reduce dedication

When forming the personnel reserve of the organization, it is necessary to avoid a rigid division of future positions: it is better if it is as mobile as possible. In this case, you will be able to choose the most worthy candidate of all when vacating a leadership position. It will also be possible to find an application for a good specialist even if the vacancy planned for him does not open. There are certain difficulties in creating the correct personnel reserve of the enterprise: it is necessary not only to determine the key positions, but also to predict which of them will be objectively needed in 2-5 years. Use industry-specific predictive metrics and monitoring data from older competitors

There are the necessary criteria for the selection of a candidate for the personnel reserve of the enterprise

Employee mobility (his willingness to change his place of work and place of residence at any time)

Ability to withstand severe psychological and physical stress

Willingness to get rid of previously performed functions

If one of the conditions is not met, the candidate cannot be accepted into the organization's personnel reserve

Then comes the second stage - creating a plan for releasing executive vacancies. For this, a set of indicators such as the age of current leaders, health status, personal interests, and professional prospects are analyzed. The resulting plan will become the basis for training the personnel reserve of the enterprise

At the third stage, the necessary requirements for potential leaders are identified. A list of personal and professional qualities that a future reservist must necessarily possess is determined. An example of a current leader can be used in this work.

When starting the direct selection, remember that the process must be carried out in a confidential atmosphere. When analyzing each specific position, apply the following selection criteria to candidates:

Selection criteria for the organization's personnel reserve

Correspondence of the totality of individual characteristics of each applicant to the image of the ideal leader of this site. It is better to use in this case such tools as deep versatile individual testing, since the method of subjective assessment is not always effective, and the method of expert assessment will violate the principle of confidentiality.

Present results of current activities. To do this, use information from the employee's personal file, as well as data from the assessment of his work.

The degree of readiness of the candidate to take up a managerial position. This process should take place using the intuition and experience of personnel service workers, other methods are ineffective

All potential reservists go through a two-stage tough selection. At each stage, applicants are assessed from different points of view

At first, obviously inappropriate candidates are screened out. To identify them, complex tests are carried out that can determine how much a person is ready for further development and personal growth.

At the second stage, the best candidates are selected from the candidates who remain after the first. They analyze even deeper his abilities, skills, talents, as well as development potential

All selected reservists are conditionally divided according to the following principle:

Those who can objectively become leaders due to the existing qualities and professional qualities

Those with colossal development potential

If a person falls into both categories, then he is enrolled in the so-called "close personnel reserve of the enterprise." Those who have only one of these characteristics - into the "distant personnel reserve of the organization", which is more expensive for the company due to the need to conduct various training programs and events

In the process of forming a personnel reserve, the following mistakes can be made:

Insufficient balance of the structure of the personnel reserve (there are no levels of management among those enrolled in the reserve)

Lack of worthy projects that will enable reservists to demonstrate their qualities

Inappropriate motivation of candidates for the personnel reserve of the organization

In the process of working with the selected best reservists, they develop in three directions: they increase professional and industry skills, acquire managerial knowledge, and acquire the necessary situational experience.

A person who is honored to be in the leadership reserve must constantly feel the attention of the leadership to the process of his growth. The development of all reservists should be comprehensive and comprehensive

Companies that have mastered all the requirements for creating a personnel management personnel reserve of an enterprise have no problems with changing managers at any level. Their development is characterized by the continuity of successful strategies along with the introduction of fresh innovative ideas.

The formation of the personnel reserve of the organization is an important component of the effective work of the unit. The management of the personnel reserve of the enterprise should be provided only to qualified specialists in the personnel issue