The hedgehog is sick. Diseases of ornamental hedgehogs. The hedgehog got sick The hedgehog got sick how and how to treat it The hedgehog got sick

Nothing is more important than the health of a pet. If you follow the precautions, feed and maintain the animal correctly, then the risk of serious diseases is minimized.

The most basic worrying factor is the refusal to eat. However, this does not apply to a hedgehog that has just moved in with you or is transitioning to a new, unfamiliar food. In this case, you should not worry, because the refusal to eat is most likely caused by stress, and not by any illness.

Unusual activity at unusual times is also a worrying factor. If the hedgehog, suddenly, is awake at the wrong time for him, that is, during the day, then he must be pulled out of the dwelling and carefully examined, and also carefully observed for several days.

Any growths on the body and in the mouth are a serious reason to visit a veterinarian.

Changes in the color or size of the eyes are indicative of eye infections that are treated quickly if caught early.

A change in gait, falling on one side, stretching the paws, evidence of an injury or the “staggering hedgehog” syndrome, which is described below.

Changes in stool consistency or odor, such as diarrhea or a putrid odor, are indicative of a health problem.

Blood spots and any spots of unknown origin are one of the reasons why you should immediately consult a doctor.

Snot and frequent sneezing indicate a cold that must be treated.

Of course, hedgehogs are tenacious creatures, and even if they feel unwell, they can rush about as if nothing had happened. Even if the animal gets sick, you don’t need to be very upset, you need to get together and urgently look for a good doctor in your city.

Musculoskeletal system.

In this paragraph, we will talk about the “staggering hedgehog syndrome”, as well as what precautions should be taken.

Degenerative myelopathy, or Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome.

This disease is a degenerative, progressive neurological disease, the cause of which has not yet been determined.

At the moment, there are no medical preparations with which it would be possible to defeat this disease, but there are methods of therapy that will help make your hedgehog's life easier, as well as prolong it as much as possible.

This disease has the same effect on hedgehogs as multiple sclerosis (paralysis) on humans. It may appear suddenly and immediately with a sharp deterioration, but usually it just develops gradually. In most cases, the hind limbs of the body are affected first, and then the paralysis passes to other parts of the body. Sometimes the paralysis can only be on one side of the body, in which case the animal will tip over to one side and be unable to stay in the normal position.

According to many studies on the onset of these symptoms, as a rule, the disease begins at the age of about one and a half to two years, although there are other cases.

Quite often, hedgehogs that are stricken with this disease cannot quickly reach bowls of water and food, and because of this they lose weight. That is why you need to study this disease and try to help your pet. In cases where the disease progresses, the hedgehog will most likely be immobilized soon. As a rule, death occurs on average six months after the onset of the first symptoms.

One of the keys to keeping a hedgehog with this disease is a high quality and proper diet.

There are opinions that this disease is associated with an improper diet of the animal, but most researchers still tend to think that the disease is hereditary.

The main components of the diet of a sick hedgehog should be insects, lean meat, as well as some vegetables and fruits. In general, the diet of a sick animal should be no different from the diet of a healthy hedgehog. In addition, it is necessary to give the hedgehog vitamins that contain Omega acids, as well as vitamins that contain phosphorus and calcium, and preparations with probiotics. If necessary, you can give digestive enzymes, thanks to which the hedgehog will be able to get the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals from food, as well as absorb them. In principle, any vitamins can be given to hedgehogs, but you should not exceed the norm, since an overabundance of vitamins is also bad. You can give the hedgehog selenium and zinc, they will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the animal's nervous system, however, all supplements should be used only after consulting a veterinarian, and in accordance with the dose that he prescribed.

By the way, one of the signs of an overabundance of vitamins in the body is the hedgehog's trembling ears and his general nervous state.

It is important that the dry food you feed a sick hedgehog is of high quality. To do this, you must first consult with the breeder and clarify what kind of food he fed.

Since the hedgehog cannot crawl to the bowl of food on its own, it needs help to do so. While he can feed on his usual food, you can roll two towels around his sides so that he does not circle around himself in trying to crawl to the bowl.

It is also very important to observe the weight and general condition of the animal, as this will help to plot the deterioration and improvement of the condition of your hedgehog. If your pet is no longer able to maintain balance while walking, then you can easily make a maze in order to make it easier for him to move. For example, you can take a piece of plywood, cover it with a rubber mat, and make walls from any cardboard and cover them with soft and warm material. The distance between the walls should be narrow so that the hedgehog can pass without falling over. It is also necessary to exercise with the hedgehog, using, for example, a treat so that it moves more.

It is also necessary to massage the hedgehog every day, because this is a very important component of therapy, because, just like in humans, parts of the body of hedgehogs lose their tone, but at the same time remain important for the normal functioning of the body. If you do not pay due attention to them, you can get additional health problems.

Massage can be done by placing the hedgehog in the palm of your hand with your back, and gently massaging his stomach in a clockwise direction. It is fundamentally important to massage the stomach in a clockwise direction, as otherwise it can cause digestive problems. Proper massage, on the contrary, will help maintain the digestive tract in order. Be sure to massage the entire body of the hedgehog, except for the muzzle. All your movements should be soft and give your pet pleasure.

If your animal has developed paralysis, and he can no longer move normally. It is very important to properly equip his home. In these cases, the use of sawdust or other hard fillers is not recommended, as this can injure the hedgehog quite easily.

In this situation, it is best to use some soft, highly absorbent fabric as a bedding.

In addition, it is very important to constantly maintain the required temperature in the cage, since the hedgehog will not be able to warm itself if it freezes. The optimum temperature is around 25'C.

But finally, the moment comes when your pet can no longer take his usual food on his own, and then the only option is feeding through a syringe or pipette. All you need to do for this is to mash his usual food into a puree. Insects can be finely chopped or ground, while worms can be squeezed out altogether, and their skins can be ground. You can also feed your hedgehog high quality baby food that you would give to your child. You need to introduce food carefully, using a pipette or syringe into the corner of the hedgehog's mouth. Most hedgehogs get used to this feeding fairly quickly, but some can be stubborn, but you need to be confident and feed the hedgehog in this way.

If your hedgehog is rapidly losing weight, then you can try to feed him more fatty, but familiar foods.

In addition, it is very important to choose the right and convenient syringe, and it is best to have several pipette options in general, as this will help you choose the one you need and the most convenient at the moment. Soft pipettes or syringes work best.

Also very important is the amount of water that the hedgehog consumes, as it is important to exclude the possibility of dehydration. It is important to give water to your pet very often, as he will not be able to get to the drinker on his own. In this case, you can also use a pipette, but if he refuses to drink, it is best to consult a doctor who will inject saline and thereby restore the body's water balance and prevent dehydration. You may need to learn the procedure yourself.

It is important to remember that love and attention are also important for your pet, and thanks to your care, he will be able to live longer.

In addition, it is important to inform the breeder from whom you bought the hedgehog about the diagnosis. In this case, it will allow other people to avoid such a problem, because an adequate breeder will withdraw your pet's parents from the breeding program, as well as warn the owners of the rest of the litter.

Sometimes breeders even return the money for the animal in full if there is a veterinary opinion about this kind of disease. This compensation does not include the payment of a veterinarian, only the price of the animal itself.

Sometimes they can also let the owner of the sick hedgehog choose another hedgehog and even ask him to bring the sick hedgehog to watch him for the rest of the time.

The saddest, of course, is the moment when euthanasia (killing the animal) remains the best help for a sick hedgehog.

Speaking of precautions, including taking care of the animal's musculoskeletal system, you need to remember that proper nutrition, with all vitamins and minerals, safe filler, a wheel and watching the animal while walking will allow you to avoid problems with your pet's limbs.

Digestive system.

Stool disorders are a serious cause for concern. It can be associated with both malnutrition and poisoning.

It is very important to maintain the correct balance of all vitamins and minerals in the body, feed quality food, do not give anything from the table, dose food correctly and monitor the weight of your pet.

If it so happens that the hedgehog's feces are not normal, that is, liquid, green, has an unpleasant odor, then he should be given cockroaches or insects with a lot of chitin (they dry well) based on his weight, drugs such as "Smecta" strictly for children and "Enterosgel" (both of them can, in the correct dosage, be injected into insects).

But it’s better not to self-medicate, give insects, observe the animal for a maximum of two days, and if the problem persists, contact a veterinarian who can determine the diagnosis and prescribe the necessary drugs in the right dosage.

Sometimes hedgehogs feel sick, but if the case is isolated, then you should not worry. Perhaps some parts of the food could stick to the palate, or the animal immediately after feeding began to rush or simply overate. But, if this process is regular and the expulsion of undigested food is added to it (not to be confused with insect chitin), then this is a problem. In this case, you must consult a doctor.

Recall which stool is normal for a hedgehog and which is not:

Normal stools are elongated, medium to dark brown in color, firm but not hard, not excessively wet, easily lifted in one piece.

Abnormal stool:

  • Green - a large amount of bile in the digestive tract or food is not digested properly.
  • Green and slimy - can be caused by stress, changes in diet or water, infection, or pancreatitis.

Carefully monitor the condition of the animal, keep on a soft diet. If the problem persists, take the animal to the vet with a fresh stool sample.

Closely monitor the condition of the animal, make sure that the animal drinks enough water, follow a soft diet. If diarrhea lasts more than 2 days, take the animal to the veterinarian with analysis of its fresh stool.

Remember that you can not take tests if you gave the animal antibiotics, they can change the results of the studies and you will have the next opportunity to take clean tests only after two weeks, when the drug is completely out of the body.

Respiratory system.

Hedgehogs catch cold very easily and quickly. A small draft, being outside in cool weather is enough, and now he already has a runny nose.

Usually, a disease such as a cold is quite easy to recognize. The animal sneezes and even coughs, the nose is clogged or whistles strongly, snot flows.

If your hedgehog still catches a cold, it must be taken to a veterinarian for examination, ideally, call a doctor at home to make a final diagnosis and prescribe the necessary drugs.

His home should be in a warm, cozy place. For additional warming, you can put a heating pad with warm water in the house.

During sleep, pieces of dried snot can stick to the hedgehog's nose. They can and should be removed if the animal is unable to do it on its own. Blot the nose of the hedgehog with a wet ear stick so that the dried particles get wet, you can also use petroleum jelly (so that the water does not absorb). Do not clean the nozzles yourself, this can scare the animal, they will fall off on their own.

Mice, rats, hamsters, naked rabbits (newborns) raise immunity well.

Most often, in case of problems with immunity and the fight against colds, the animals are prescribed the following drugs: Gamavit, Immunofan, Anandin, Fosprenil, Baytril.

Never give the aforementioned drugs on your own without contacting your doctor.


It is very important to take care of your pet's teeth, as plaque can contribute to the formation of tartar, and this, in turn, is the main source of oral diseases in hedgehogs.

It is necessary to regularly examine the teeth and gums of the animal, and apply preventive measures, which include, for example, feeding solid food. Solid foods help to clean the teeth from plaque, but they should not be abused in order to avoid premature strong grinding of the teeth.

You can also add a special veterinary drug - liquid from tartar to the water that the hedgehog drinks, and also brush his teeth with a silicone brush.

There are several signs you can tell if your pet has dental problems, such as refusal to eat or avoiding solid foods, bad breath, swollen gums or jaws. Black teeth are also a sign of dental problems, as well as loosening and loosening of teeth. Sometimes it's best to go to the veterinarian in order to have your teeth cleaned. The procedure for removing tartar in animals is identical to that in dogs or cats.

Everything in the body is interconnected, so bad teeth can lead to liver infections as well as heart disease. That is why it is important to monitor the condition of the hedgehog's teeth, and its general condition and properly care for it.


Keeping your pet's ears healthy is very important.

Hedgehogs, like any other animal, are prone to ear mites, fungal infections, ear infections, and other diseases that must be dealt with.

If you've started noticing blood sores in your ears or witnessing a hedgehog actively scratching your ears, this can be cause for serious concern. The animal must be examined and taken to an appointment with a veterinarian.

Any discharge from the ears is also a symptom of serious problems.

If the edges of your pet's ears start to look a little torn at the ends or have jagged, crusted, and any fungal infections and mites have already been ruled out by the veterinarian, then this is the main sign of dry skin. In this case, the hedgehog's diet should be reviewed, perhaps this is a lack of vitamins of group "A" and group "E"

To relieve dryness, a non-odorous, greasy (emollient), neutral agent is usually used. You can use almond / peach / apricot / olive oil, grape seed oil, which are sold in pharmacies.

The oil should, in a small amount, be applied to the fingers and lubricate the ears of the hedgehog with massaging movements.

The ears are restored - they become smooth, and the edge is even.

Sometimes dry ears can be associated with xerosis of the skin.

In any case, any changes in ear health should be treated by a veterinarian. Only he can diagnose the animal and prescribe the necessary drugs.

Remember! Without special need, the ears of hedgehogs do not need to be cleaned. The maximum that you can do is to wipe the outer part of the ear, but you don’t need to climb there with foreign objects, for example, sticks, as the animal’s ear can be damaged and deaf. Ears are cleaned only under the condition of diseases and strictly by a veterinarian.


The eyes of a healthy hedgehog should be clean, clear, without any discharge, let alone suppuration.

Problems with the eyes are most often caused by mechanical influences, that is, the animal could get into its eye, for example, with a filler, or touch this area with its paw, but other reasons are possible that are already directly related to the digestive or other system, as well as infections.

The eyes, as well as any other parts of the body and viscera, must be carefully monitored and contact a veterinarian for any problems.

Initially swollen, reddened eyes can be washed with tea leaves (pure leaf black tea, without any additives and flavorings), chamomile decoction (4 times a day).

If this is not an infection, then usually eye inflammation (redness) when treated with tea or chamomile disappears in 1-2 days, but if nothing happens and deterioration is observed, then the animal must be urgently taken to the veterinarian.

Eye infections in hedgehogs are usually similar to those of dogs and they are prescribed the same drugs, but in different dosages.

With all this, self-medication is not worth it, not all drugs for dogs or people are suitable for hedgehogs. Only a specialist can diagnose the disease and prescribe the necessary medicines for the animal.

Speaking of hedgehogs, their eyes should open almost simultaneously, with a maximum difference of 1-3 days. If one of the hedgehogs has eyes or one eye does not open, this indicates problems and the baby should be carefully examined, observed, and if necessary, call a doctor at home.

The organs of vision in hedgehogs are the least developed. During the day, they practically do not see anything at all, so you should not disturb them during the daytime, and even more so feed them, the risk of injury increases several times.


Animal skin is a mirror of health, a unique multifunctional organ.

The most understandable and noticeable function of the skin is to protect and isolate the internal structures of the body from the external environment, from its physical and chemical agents, from the penetration of bacteria and pathogenic organisms into the body. The skin is involved in metabolism, absorbing and removing various substances through its pores and glands. The skin is in the closest genetic and functional connection with the nervous system.

The skin and coat of the animal must be carefully monitored and cared for.

Like any other animal, hedgehogs are prone to fungal diseases, scabies, dryness (xerosis) and peeling of the skin.

One of the most common problems in hedgehogs is dryness (xerosis) and flaking of the skin.

Dry skin (xerosis) can be congenital. Most often, it is observed in hedgehogs of light breeds or albinos, in which the skin is thinner, delicate, easily inflamed from exposure to temperature stimuli.

There are two main types of dry skin:

acquired dry skin- is formed under the influence of various exogenous (external) factors on it. These factors include acute and chronic UVR, various weather factors (wind, high temperature, low air humidity), drying cleansers. Thus, increased dryness of the skin is observed in animals constantly staying in air-conditioned rooms, characterized by a certain unfavorable microclimate for the skin. Dry skin can also be the result of therapeutic measures.

constitutionally dry skin- may be associated with some genetic and physiological characteristics. In particular, it happens when there is a physiological decrease in the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. Dryness of the skin can increase and dominate with aging (senile xerosis) or with various dermatoses: atopic dermatitis, ichthyosis, etc.

Gentle cleansing and adequate hydration are the main aspects in caring for dry skin of an animal.

It is necessary to select modern cleansers that can provide optimal cleaning of the skin on the one hand and do not damage the lipids of the stratum corneum on the other.

For hedgehogs, film forming agents are suitable, in which skin hydration is achieved by reducing transepidermal water loss. This is possible when a film consisting of lipids is applied to the surface of the stratum corneum.

Film-forming substances include substances that make up the oil phase of any emulsion (cream).

Currently used as the oil phase:

  • Petrolatum
  • Paraffin
  • Perhydrosqualene
  • Various silicones
  • Natural oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids - fish oil, evening primrose, grape seeds, etc.
  • Lanolin
  • Some fatty alcohols.

The most proven ways to care for hedgehogs are natural oils.

The use of film-forming agents is the oldest method of wetting.

Treatment for dry skin:

  • Careful hygienic skin care, timely moisturizing and softening, that is, treatment with oils suitable for hedgehogs (apricot, peach, almond olive oil, grape seed oil). As a preventive measure - once a week, in case of problems - once every three days, no more than 1-3 drops. If the hedgehog is oiled, it will look untidy and particles of dust and dirt will stick to it. It should be dripped on the parting on the head and on the back. In no case do not oil the hedgehog belly.
  • Inclusion in the diet of vitamins of groups "A" and "E".
  • Temperature regime.
  • Bathing according to the norm.
  • Switching on the humidifier in the room with the animal.

Each African hedgehog has a small wart on its chin, which is located under the lower jaw, in the center of which a hair classically sticks out. Don't be afraid, it's just a whisker.

Here is the presence of extraneous pimples and bumps on the body of a hedgehog, this is not normal. It is not necessary to pick, and even more so to crush them. The animal just needs to be taken to the veterinarian.

Wool and needles.

On the body of a hedgehog there are from 5 to 7 thousand needles. They cover its entire upper part, starting from the head area and ending with the tail area. The rest of the body is covered with dense fur.

Like any other living creature, the hedgehog is subject to molting, or rather, to the change of needles.

Hedgehogs lose needles and acquire new ones throughout their lives, but there are several mandatory stages, when there is a complete change in the needle cover of an animal, this process should take place in the first six months of its life.

By 4 weeks of life, the hedgehog should grow fully colored, but not yet permanent needles.

By 9 weeks, the basic color of the needles begins to be established.

The last molt of the hedgehog occurs by 12 weeks, when the main color of the needles is established and they can already be considered permanent.

If your hedgehog begins to shed quickly and new needles do not grow in place of old needles, this indicates that he lacks vitamins (a consequence of malnutrition), and the skin is overdried.

If these measures do not help, it means that the animal is not healthy and should be taken to the veterinarian.

An alarming symptom is also hair loss, mostly in tufts.

In any case, you need to contact your veterinarian for diagnosis and proper treatment.

The bald parting on the hedgehog's head is a feature of the physiology of this species. There are back muscles and this place in the hedgehog is considered the most convenient for examining the skin for dryness.


Allergies are rare, but you should not forget about it, in any case.

Most often, allergies occur to dust, certain chemicals or food and can be hereditary.

The most common symptoms of an allergy are redness of the skin, swelling of the eyes and nose, and sneezing.

If an allergy is detected and it is fully certified that it is she, the allergen should be excluded.

If this is an allergy to food, then you should choose a new one or completely abandon it in favor of natural nutrition.

If it is an allergy to the filler, then it should also be replaced with the most suitable and safe one.

If all possible allergens are excluded by you, and the problem does not go away, then the animal should be shown to the veterinarian.

Do not give any allergy medications on your own, they can only do harm.

Any anthelmintic, like an antibiotic, hits the animal's liver very hard.

The following preparations are suitable for the treatment of worms:

  • "Pyrantel pamoat" suspension for children - 0.3 ml 1 time per day (with an animal weighing 400 grams). Course 3 days. It is administered orally, using a syringe without a needle, into the corner of the mouth. Shake well before use.
  • "Albendazole" is a strong remedy, but has a wide spectrum.

All anthelmintic drugs should be used with a liver support drug - Fosprenil (homeopathic antiviral immunostimulant) - 0.5 ml, 2 times a day, orally.

Anthelmintics should not be given to weakened, sick, pregnant animals and hedgehogs up to 2 months.

Preparations "Stromectol", "Ivermectin", "Ivomec", "Mectizan" are contraindicated for hedgehogs, they die from them. Make sure that the veterinarian does not prescribe them, much less give them.

It is necessary to drip this or that drug on the withers of the animal.

Preparations that can be used to treat hedgehogs:

  • "Frontline"
  • Rolf Club
  • Sprays suitable for rodents

Open wounds, cuts, inflammation of the genital organs.

Sometimes it happens that an animal can cut itself or cut itself, this is of course unpleasant, but if you notice it in time and take proper measures, it is not fatal.

Hedgehogs have very high blood clotting and tissue regeneration.

For the primary treatment of wounds and cuts, alcohol-containing preparations for disinfection should not be used. In this case, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexedine are most suitable.

If it so happened that the wound festered, then the hedgehog should be immediately shown to the veterinarian for the appointment of funds that contribute to the release of pus.

In any case, you don’t need to self-medicate, hedgehogs have very delicate skin and some creams and ointments can simply harm them.

Males most often suffer from inflammation of the genital organs, but females are also no exception.

Problems with the genitals are most often caused by incorrect fillers, namely, sawdust, which are contraindicated for males.

If you notice a slight inflammation in the area of ​​​​the penis or vagina, it must be rinsed.

Pour a little water into a hedgehog basin at the required temperature and let the hedgehog walk there for a few minutes. Then dry the animal thoroughly and send it to a clean house to rest.
If the inflammation does not go anywhere, then you need to contact a specialist for diagnosis.

It happens that blood may appear in the filler of the animal. Most often this is due to the urinary system of the animal, if the animal, of course, has no external damage. In this case, the animal is taken to the doctor and treated, but most often, unfortunately, such diseases are not treated.

Any pimples, foreign bodies on the animal should also be diagnosed by a doctor. Do not touch or pick them, it can only hurt.

Fractures and sprains.
A symptom of a fracture or sprain in a hedgehog is usually the inability to step on a limb, limping, and sometimes even a piercing cry.

If it happens that your hedgehog has seriously injured one of the limbs, it must be immediately shown to a veterinarian so that he can diagnose the damage and carry out the necessary procedures to anesthetize and fix the damaged area.

In no case do not self-medicate and do not let everything take its course. Incorrectly fused bones or unhealed bruises can adversely affect the subsequent life of your pet.


The reason for hedgehog hibernation is hypothermia, that is, unsuitable temperature conditions in a room with a hedgehog.

Neither eared nor African hedgehogs, unlike the usual European forest hedgehog, hibernate, moreover, it is detrimental to them.

Having fallen asleep once, the animal runs the risk of not waking up again, and waking up after a long sleep causes irreparable harm to its health.

In order for the hedgehog not to hibernate, the temperature in the room must be at least 23 degrees.

The hedgehog is usually brought out of hibernation by transferring to a warm room, hidden from drafts.

On the pages of the Arkaim cattery forum below, you can learn more about the preparations indicated for hedgehogs, as well as learn about the most common symptoms of malaise:

  • Preparations -
  • Malaise symptoms -

One day, the Hedgehog fell ill. It was early spring; the bright and warm spring sun warmed the earth, the snow quickly melted, cold streams ran all around, which, murmuring and wriggling, poured into small forest rivers. Birds chirped joyfully, feeling the approach of warm days. Buds on the trees swelled, and in some places early spring flowers appeared from under the snow.

The hedgehog walked along the usual path, along which he walked in winter, towards the Hare's house. In the mornings he and the Hare cleared the snow; first near the Hare's house, then near the Hedgehog's house. Now there is less snow, but the Hedgehog, nevertheless, decided to visit his friend. He walked as usual, but suddenly it seemed to him that something was rustling under his paws. The Hedgehog did not have time to figure out what was the matter, as the snow fell under his paws, and the Hedgehog ended up in cold water up to his neck. It was a small stream that carved a path under the snow. The hedgehog got wet all at once. Getting out of the stream and shaking off the water, the Hedgehog began to think where he should go. He would need to immediately run home and warm up, but the Hedgehog decided to go to the Hare anyway.
Having reached the Hare's hole, the Hedgehog saw that his friend was not at home. He waited for him a little, and then went home. On the way, he froze even more, and by the time the Hedgehog reached his house, located under a tall spruce, he was completely sick. The hedgehog sneezed and coughed, his nose was stuffed up, tears flowed from his eyes.
"It's okay, I'll lie down, rest and recover," thought the Hedgehog, lying down in his bed. By lunchtime, the Hedgehog had a fever and a headache. He wanted to get up to light the stove, but he didn't have the strength.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
-Who's there? - quietly and hoarsely asked the Hedgehog.
- It's me, Hare, - a muffled answer was heard from behind the thick door.
- Come in, - hedgehog coughed.
The hare, carefully opening the door, peered inside.
- Are you, Hedgehog, sick or what?
- Yes, - the Hedgehog answered quietly, - And how did you guess about it?
- It's very simple, - the Hare closed the door and went to the stove, - usually, in the mornings you and I clear the snow around my house and yours, but today you didn't come. I thought you were sick. Otherwise you would have come to me. Look, it's cold out here.
- This is because the stove has not been heated since yesterday, - said the Hedgehog.
- Why don't you drown her? - asked the surprisingly slow-witted Hare.
- I don’t have the strength to get up, - answered the Hedgehog, - I was completely sick.
“So let me flood,” the Hare hurried.
He put wood in the stove and lit the fire. Soon, the room became warmer.
“You helped me out a lot, Hare,” the Hedgehog rejoiced at his guest, “I myself would have been lying in the cold.
- Don't worry like that. You could help me in this situation too. We are friends!
- Friends, - confirmed the Hedgehog.
When the firewood flared up and it became quite warm in the room, the Hare closed the door in the stove.
- I'll run, - he said, - and you, come on, get better!
- Thanks, - answered the Hedgehog.
The Hare ran about his business, and the Hedgehog was still lying and thinking about what a good friend he had, the Hare. He came to visit him, did not leave him alone in a difficult situation, although no one asked him about it. While he was still thinking, there was another knock on the door.
- Who's there? - asked the Hedgehog.
- It's me - Squirrel, - a thin voice was heard from behind the door.
- Come in, - the Hedgehog was delighted with the new visitor.
The door opened and a large basket covered with a handkerchief crawled into the room. Squirrel appeared behind the basket.
- Phew, - said Squirrel, - barely dragged it. And how hard it was to lower the branches, horror!
- What is it? - asked the Hedgehog.
- These are different medicines for you, are you sick?
Yes, but how did you know? - The hedgehog was surprised.
- How from where? Every day at this time we are collecting brushwood and firewood for the stove, but today you did not come. I thought something happened to you.
The squirrel began to take out all sorts of medicines from the basket: dried strawberries, cranberries, dried raspberry and currant leaves.
- Here, - Squirrel, finally, laid out everything from the basket, - brew grass with berries, drink tea. Do you have a samovar?
- Yes, it's behind the stove. - answered the hedgehog
- Fine! - Squirrel quickly took out the samovar, poured water into it and put coals from the stove into the furnace of the samovar.
Soon the samovar puffed, rustled, the water boiled. The squirrel brewed healing tea and gave it to the Hedgehog. He tried the tea and liked it very much. The tea smelled of summer: fragrant herbs and berries. Squirrel also sat for a while and drank tea. Leaving, she put more firewood in the stove and in the samovar, so that the hedgehog's house would stay warm longer. The hedgehog was very pleased and glad that he had such good friends who did not leave him alone at home.
In the evening, when the Hedgehog was about to sleep, there was another knock on the door. It was the old Badger, who brought a large cask of linden honey.
- Hello, Hedgehog, - said the Badger. - I heard you were sick. And in the evening you did not come, as usual, to visit me. Here, I brought you a present, - and Badger put honey on the table.
- Come in, come in, sit down - the Hedgehog invited the guest.
- I see, - Badger continued, - you have a samovar on the table. Let's have some tea, shall we?
- Come on, - agreed the Hedgehog. - True, I drink tea all day long.
- So what? - Badger objected, it’s good for you to drink a lot of tea now in order to get better as soon as possible. In addition, you probably haven’t drunk tea with such good honey yet, I picked it myself in the summer.
Badger poured water into the samovar, threw firewood into the stove, and poured linden honey into wooden bowls. Soon the whole house was filled with the pleasant smell of linden honey. It smelled of flowers, lindens and forests. The hedgehog drank tea and ate honey without getting off the bed, and the Badger sat at the table and poured himself cup after cup. He told Hedgehog interesting stories from his life. Badger liked to chat, and he loved even more when people listened to him. The hedgehog soon fell asleep, and the Badger kept telling and telling. Finally, he noticed that the Hedgehog was sleeping, and he also slowly went home to sleep.
The hedgehog had good dreams about summer, and the next day he completely recovered.

Hedgehogs are amazing and interesting animals. But before you get this animal at home, you should familiarize yourself with the diseases that the animal is susceptible to.

Non-communicable diseases

The first thing you may encounter when taking a hedgehog from the street is the depletion of the animal's body. In this case, the body becomes narrow, with sunken sides, the bottom of the cover of the needles sags. Hedgehog diseases are also harmless to others.

  • Diseases of the respiratory tract. The main symptoms are cough and runny nose. At the same time, the hedgehog becomes inactive, sad with cloudy eyes. The main causes of the disease: improper conditions of detention, when the animal was caught, it was stressed, as well as damage to the lungs by worms. Treatment is carried out only as prescribed by the veterinarian after passing the main tests. Antibiotics are harmful to hedgehogs because they have a weak liver.
  • Conjunctivitis. An animal living in dusty rooms is prone to inflammation of the eyes. The disease manifests itself in the discharge from the eyes of a transparent color. Treatment consists in replacing the bedding of the hedgehog and instillation of chloramphenicol drops into the eyes.
  • Stomatitis. A common disease of hedgehogs that are in captivity. It is characterized by inflammation of the oral cavity and reddening of the gums up to the loss of teeth. Stomatitis can develop due to a lack of vitamin C or if the animal's food has been contaminated with bacteria. To prevent this disease, raw minced meat should be removed from the animal's diet and replaced with boiled chicken. Stomatitis is treated with disinfectants and wound healing agents for the oral cavity.
  • Lack of vitamins and microelements. Hedgehogs of different species suffer from beriberi. Due to improper and insufficient nutrition, the animal's metabolism may be disturbed, as a result of which there will be a lack of vitamins A and C - which in turn threatens to fall out of needles, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and eyes, as well as the appearance of cracks in the paws. Due to the lack of vitamins in animals, the protective function of the body decreases, which can lead to infectious and colds.

Viral diseases

  • Herpes virus infection. The course of the disease without clinical signs: the animal becomes lethargic, refuses food, vomiting is possible. It is possible to establish the cause only at autopsy - this is an increase in the liver and a violation of its structure.
  • Rabies - a hedgehog can become infected from the bite of another animal. Symptoms of the disease: aggression or lethargy, fear of water, within 10 days after infection, the animal dies. Rabies is not treatable.

Bacterial diseases

  • Pseudotuberculosis or yersiniosis - hedgehogs become infected from rodents, infected raw minced meat, unboiled milk or water. The disease proceeds without symptoms, in rare cases, diarrhea or loss of appetite is possible. It is necessary to periodically take the feces of the animal for analysis. If a disease is detected, hedgehogs are treated with antibiotics and probiotics.
  • Salmonellosis - the animal begins to upset the gastrointestinal tract. You should take tests. Treatment is to prevent dehydration and prescribe antibiotics.

If symptoms of a hedgehog disease occur, it should be taken to a veterinary clinic immediately. Self-treatment can lead to sad consequences.

Diseases of hedgehogs are divided into non-infectious and contagious.

Non-communicable diseases

The most common non-communicable diseases are:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • injury.


The eyes become inflamed as a result of the action of dust, which is located in secluded corners - behind cabinets, under chairs, where the hedgehog (ericius) rushes to settle in a new room. The owner will have to equip a dust-free place for the pet. Conjunctivitis will be cured by any antiseptic drops, for example, chloramphenicol. How to drip them without pricking? An experienced hedgehog will find a way out of this situation.


The apartment is not a forest. There is more dirt, and less vitamin C. The greatest danger is the minced meat contaminated with microbes. The result is inflammation of the mouth. The disease is manifested by reddening of the oral chamber, while the gums bleed, the teeth fall out. Treatment - treatment of the mouth with cotton swabs soaked in an antiseptic with iodine glycerin for 3-5 days. At the same time, ascorbic acid is injected intramuscularly. Instead of raw minced meat, boiled chicken is included in the diet.


Hedgehogs are sensitive to deficiency of retinol, niacin, pyridoxine, ascorbic acid, which may be lacking in the diet offered by humans. Painful symptoms - loss of needles, dry eyes, cracks in the legs, problems with mucous membranes. Treatment - the use of a premix or ready-made food for hedgehogs, lubrication of cracks with epithelial oils.


Hedgehogs are injured mainly by dogs. Ericius get burns when they are near a burning stove. In such cases, the help of a veterinarian is necessary.

contagious diseases

The following infectious diseases are dangerous for hedgehogs:

Symptoms of the disease in adults are nonspecific. Ezhata, becoming infected in utero, die. There is no cure.


For a hedgehog to get sick, it must be bitten by a rabid dog. The disease is accompanied by aggressiveness and paralysis of the pharynx. The diseased animal dies on the tenth day. A human hedgehog bite is unlikely, but not excluded.


An alternative name is yersineosis. Infection occurs through rodents, infected minced meat, milk, water. A typical symptom is diarrhea. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor.


Signs - severe indigestion. Infection occurs mainly through raw meat. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor. The meat is boiled, milk is given in a fermented form.

Treatment - treatment with insecticides. If the mites are single, tar or ammonia is applied to them, then they are removed with tweezers.


The main symptom is exhaustion with preserved appetite. The reason is helminths, with which the animal becomes infected by eating earthworms. The diagnosis is made by analysis of feces. The doctor prescribes an anthelmintic.




Hedgehogs are specific animals. Before getting a pet, you should consult with a veterinarian who will tell you in which case the owner can help the pet on his own, and when the intervention of a specialist is necessary.

If you feed and maintain the animal correctly, then the risk of disease is reduced to zero. It's safe to say that the domestic hedgehog is in good health.

Of course, he can get sick, like any pet, but with proper maintenance and feeding, the hedgehog lives an active and long life.

Common diseases of domestic and pygmy hedgehogs are:

Living at home, the hedgehog eats everything that a person offers and by the excreted feces, you can determine how the pet is feeling. In a healthy hedgehog, the feces are elongated, dark brown in color and resemble plasticine in consistency. If the discharge of a pet has acquired a green tint, then this indicates a violation of digestion. The reasons are:

  • Change or abrupt change in diet. For the treatment of a pet, the previous diet is restored.
  • Stress. The pet is provided with peace.
  • Allergy. After installing the allergen, it is necessary to exclude it from everyday life.
  • Pancreatitis. It comes from malnutrition. The pet is put on a soft diet and heavily watered with boiled water.

If the measures taken did not help, then the animal should be taken to the veterinarian for testing and diagnosis. Loose green stools with mucus are a sign of the development of infectious diseases:

In addition to refusing food and rapid weight loss, the hedgehog has a fever. With the development of the disease, the functions of the kidneys, liver and respiratory organs are disturbed. If help is not provided to the pet, the nervous system and joints are affected. The animal dies in agony.

For treatment appoint:

  • Baytril injections of 10 mg per kilogram of body weight twice a day.
  • Synulox subcutaneously or intramuscularly, 30-50 mg.
  • Septrin in tablets or suspension, 1 per day.

The main thing is to prevent dehydration. Additionally give Nifuroxazide. The animal is given a drink, preventing dehydration.

During treatment, personal hygiene and increased conditions for keeping the animal should be observed.

In the spring time the pet may develop beriberi, leading to dysbiosis.

In addition to the correct diet and the introduction of vitamin feeds, the hedgehog is supported with drugs:

  • Espumizan emulsion is infused at 1 ml orally twice a day for a week.
  • Bifidumbacterin. A fifth of the serving is diluted with water. Enter orally 2 times a day.
  • Suspension Enterofuril. 0.1 ml orally 3 times a day.

If your pet develops diarrhea, a mandatory visit to the veterinarian is required.

Constipation: why?

Eating dry food and lack of water causes constipation in the hedgehog. Symptoms are:

  • Hard, painfully swollen abdomen.
  • Rare fecal discharge or their complete absence.

For treatment, 3-5 castor oil is poured into the pet or a baby laxative for newborns is orally administered. The anus is lubricated with Vaseline. Soft vegetables are introduced into the diet. Let's say a gentle massage of the abdomen.

Urine with blood

Blood in the urine of a hedgehog means the occurrence of diseases:

  • Cystitis as a result of non-compliance with the temperature regime. Assign medication Travmatin and Gamavit 3-5 drops 1 time per day for 10 days. Nettle decoction is added to the drink. With frequent attacks, Phytomenadione is used.
  • Infection of the genitourinary system. Baytril 2.5% 1 ml per kilogram of animal weight is administered subcutaneously, Cotrim 1 ml orally, for 7 days.
  • The formation of kidney stones. Requires surgical intervention.
  • Old age.

Treatment is prescribed after x-ray and urinalysis results.

Sore eyes

Eye diseases are quickly treated in the early stages. Conjunctivitis is a common eye disease in pets. Pygmy hedgehogs are no exception.

Curious animals during a walk climb into unimaginable places, collecting dust and fluff on their faces. The disease is accompanied by lacrimal discharge, sometimes with pus, irritation and redness of the cornea.

In advanced form, the disease flows into serous rhinitis. For treatment, the application of Levomycetin ointment is used. Tautonus drops and Actovegin gel help relieve inflammation. For prevention, the eyes are washed with Optrex drops. The disease is not contagious cage cleanliness is required.

The pet itches and loses needles

In place of old needles, new ones do not grow - this indicates a lack of vitamins. On the body of an adult hedgehog there are 5-7 thousand needles. Born naked and defenseless by two weeks after birth, the hedgehog is covered with thorns.

Soft and transparent needles acquire color and hardness by the ninth week, and by the age of three months the main protective cover is established in the pet.

An animal loses and acquires new needles during its life, this is a natural process. If the pet began to rapidly shed needles and bald spots began to form on the skin, this indicates a lack of vitamins in the diet or a skin disease.

Hedgehogs under the prickly cover have very delicate skin. and, despite the protective barrier, needs careful care. Pets are susceptible to:

  • fungal infections.
  • Dry skin.
  • Scabies.
  • peeling.

The reasons are:

Moisturizing and emollient oils are used to treat the skin, the addition of vitamins A and E to the diet, compliance with the temperature regime. If there are no signs of improvement, you should consult a doctor and take a skin scraping for analysis.

The loss of hair and needles around the muzzle, the formation of peeling, crusts and scabs, shows ringworm disease. The reason is contact with a sick animal, disgusting conditions of detention or malnutrition. The disease is contagious to humans. Treatment is long, you will need:

  • Skin treatment with almond oil. A drop of oil is applied to the scabs and rubbed into the skin with a toothbrush in the direction of growth of the needles.
  • Bathing with the addition of Imaverol, every 3-4 days.
  • Application of Kanesten 2% cream or Tinaderm once a day on lichen plaques. Avoid getting the ointment in the eyes and ears.

In parallel, the hygiene and diet of the animal are observed. Requires supplementation with vitamin B12 injections.


Allergies in hedgehogs are rare and if they happen, the reasons are:

Symptoms include nasal irritation, sneezing, discharge from the eyes, scratching of the animal. For treatment, it is recommended to determine the irritating factor and remove it. If the measures taken do not bring relief, then a specialist consultation is necessary.


Infection with rabies is possible from contact with a carrier of the disease. The incubation period is ten days. The pet becomes lethargic, loses appetite, and rabies appears. After a period of aggression and convulsions, the animal dies. There is no cure. It is a contagious disease for humans. Prevention is vaccination.

Most diseases can be avoided by observing the elementary rules of keeping, a balanced diet and a caring attitude towards the pet.

In contact with

Hedgehogs can get rabies when they are bitten by rabid animals: a fox, a wolf, etc. When infected, hedgehogs experience lethargy or aggression, rabies (pharyngeal paralysis occurs). Within 10 days after infection, the hedgehog inevitably dies. Treatment of viral diseases has not been developed. However, a serological blood test will identify sick individuals.

Bacterial diseases of hedgehogs

Yersiniosis (pseudotuberculosis). Hedgehogs are quite often infected with them from infected rodents. Infection is also possible by eating contaminated raw minced meat, raw milk, infected water. The disease is asymptomatic or with signs of enterocolitis (diarrhea, refusal to feed). For diagnosis, bacteriological examination of animal droppings is necessary. How to treat? Patients are given intravenous electrolytes, broad-spectrum antibiotics, probiotics.

Hedgehogs get injured for a variety of reasons. This can be both when dogs, foxes, crows attack them, or when their paws are damaged in an unsuitable cage, etc. Fresh deep wounds are sutured with catgut or polyglycolide absorbable sutures on the muscles, silk sutures are applied to the skin. By the way, the owners of hedgehogs should not forget about their personal hygiene. After contact with hedgehogs, wash your hands thoroughly. Hedgehogs should also not be in food preparation areas.

If your prickly pet will be insanely happy with his life in the country, you should not succumb to sentimental feelings and decide to let him go free. You should be aware that almost all domesticated hedgehogs that are released into the forest usually die. And the last. In order for your communication with the hedgehog to be constructive, you need to know its “language”:

  1. if a hedgehog curls up into a ball - he is scared,
  2. if the needles bristle vertically - the hedgehog is afraid of something or is dissatisfied with something,
  3. if the needles bristle only on the forehead, the hedgehog is cautious and unsure,
  4. if the needles lie - the hedgehog is comfortable, he feels safe,
  5. panting, snorting or "sneezing" indicates that the hedgehog is insecure or dissatisfied with something,
  6. hiss and clicks tell you "leave me alone"
  7. a soft purr or whistle means that the hedgehog is happy with everything,
  8. sniffing also means good mood,
  9. chirping is issued by a male who met with a female,
  10. the cry of a hedgehog means that he is in great pain or outraged by something.

A healthy hedgehog, in principle, like all animals, is active, the eyes are without any discharge, the gums do not bleed. Hedgehogs, like all animals, can get sick with non-contagious diseases and viral ones. Now we will look at some of them.

The body of a hedgehog becomes laterally flattened and narrow when exhausted. It seems to be hanging from the bottom of the needle cover. Diseases such as a runny nose and cough in an animal are the first sign that the animal has a lung disease. Symptoms - inactivity, lethargy, cloudy eyes and a sad look. The reasons for the appearance of these diseases are stress during capture, improper maintenance and administration of immunostimulants and antibiotics.

Very often, as a result of releasing the animal into a room where bacteria have accumulated under and behind furniture, inflammation of the eyes occurs. If you notice a transparent color discharge from the animal’s eyes in an animal, then this means that it has contracted conjunctivitis. Also, the inflammatory process can go to the upper respiratory tract, which as a result leads to serious rhinitis.

A common disease in hedgehogs kept in captivity is stomatitis. Animals after two months of captivity develop inflammation of the oral cavity, accompanied by reddening of the gums, loss of teeth and bleeding gums. The main causes of this disease are bacterial contamination of feed and lack of vitamin C.

Burns. There are several types of burns in hedgehogs. A first-degree burn is accompanied by acute inflammatory processes on the affected area of ​​the skin, namely, its uniform swelling, pain, redness. A second degree burn can be caused by prolonged exposure to temperature. Symptoms: redness, swelling and the formation of transparent blisters on the skin. The third degree burn is dry tissue necrosis. Ulcers form when dead tissue is shed. A fourth-degree burn is the necrosis of not only superficial tissues, but also deep ones.

If you see that your animal is not eating well and something is bothering him, then we recommend that you immediately contact your veterinarian. If you have several animals in the house, then the animal must be quarantined. For this, a regular cage or aviary is suitable.

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The owner of a hedgehog should carefully monitor the health of his pet. Before acquiring an animal, it is very important to make sure that there is a doctor nearby who understands the problems of hedgehogs. After the purchase, you must definitely visit a specialist to make sure that the hedgehog does not have any diseases, as well as pass all the tests and undergo a general examination. As a rule, at the first appointment, the maintenance, nutrition and hygienic care of the animal are considered.

During the medical examination, the doctor must perform the following operations:

  • Visual inspection of the animal.
  • Animal weighing.
  • auscultation.
  • Temperature measurement.
  • Oral survey of the owner.
  • Palpation.
  • Taking a direct smear.
  • Analysis of urine and feces.
  • Inspection of teeth.

Not all of these procedures are required if the hedgehog is healthy. For example, a direct smear is taken if the hedgehog has any illnesses.

Most often, hedgehogs suffer from diseases such as salmonellosis and lung worms. Hedgehogs have a very weak liver, so they need to be prescribed reduced dosages of all drugs, and in parallel - means to support the liver, and also try to avoid any antibiotics. For the same reasons, hedgehogs tolerate anesthesia very poorly, including gas anesthesia, which is used for rodents. Hedgehogs have very sensitive skin, so all external products must be chosen very carefully. Also, the blood of these animals coagulates very quickly.

The first thing to look out for is your hedgehog's teeth, as plaque can contribute to the formation of tartar, which in turn is a major source of oral disease in hedgehogs.

Therefore, it is necessary to regularly examine the teeth and gums of the animal, and apply preventive measures, which include, mainly, feeding solid food. Solid foods help to clean the teeth from plaque, but they should not be abused in order to avoid premature strong grinding of the teeth.

You can also add a special veterinary drug - liquid from tartar to the water that the hedgehog drinks, and also brush his teeth with a silicone brush.

There are several signs that you can tell if your pet is having dental problems, such as refusing to eat or avoiding solid foods, bad breath, or swollen gums or jaws. Also, black teeth are a sign of dental problems, as well as loss and loosening of teeth. Sometimes it's best to go to the veterinarian in order to have your teeth cleaned. The procedure for removing tartar in animals is identical to that in dogs or cats.

Everything in the body is interconnected, so bad teeth can lead to liver infections as well as heart disease. That is why it is important to monitor the condition of the hedgehog's teeth, and its general condition, as well as carefully monitor and properly care for it.

Hedgehog stool can also be used as an indicator of health. A normal stool in a healthy hedgehog is elongated and about half a centimeter in diameter. The color should be brown, medium to dark. The stool should be firm, but not hard. It should be easy to lift in one piece.

Abnormal stool has a different color, such as green. In this case, this means that there is a lot of bile in the digestive tract, and this is a sign that the hedgehog cannot digest food. In addition, it can be caused by stress, as well as changes in the hedgehog's diet or various diseases, such as infection or pancreatitis. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the behavior of the hedgehog, as well as his feces. No new foods should be given to him, and only a soft diet should be followed, but if the problem persists for several days, then the animal should be sent to a veterinarian.

If your hedgehog has diarrhea, then it is probably due to the animal's improper diet. This problem may be temporary, but if it lasts for a long time, it can lead to dehydration and pose a danger to the life of the animal. If the hedgehog has diarrhea, be sure to make sure that he drinks enough. If the diarrhea lasts more than two days, you should see a doctor and bring a fresh sample of the "problem" with you. The causes of diarrhea can be different, most often it is associated with stress or illness.

If the hedgehog just has an intestinal disorder, then live food in the form of cockroaches will help in this situation, as they have a beneficial effect on the intestines, dry the stool well, and chitin from the insect shell cleans the intestinal walls of the animal. You can also try to brew a pre-selected medicinal herb for a hedgehog. It will need to be poured into a drinking bowl or given from a syringe. The method depends on how the hedgehog feels.

In any case, if the hedgehog's behavior makes you doubt its health, contact your veterinarian.

To meet a hedgehog outside the city is as easy as shelling pears. These forest animals often come to visit summer cottages and, with their appearance, cause constant delight, as well as a desire to pet and feed them in children and adults. Are hedgehogs so harmless, can they be picked up and fed, a Sputnik correspondent was told in the Minsk Zoo.

Danger to people and pets

In hedgehogs, like in people, everything is individual: there are friendly individuals, and there are aggressive ones. Of course, you can always expect anything from a wild animal, and you need to be on the lookout.

“If the hedgehog thinks that you want to harm him or kill him, he will defend himself. The hedgehogs themselves rarely attack, for example, when the female protects her hedgehogs from a threat. Therefore, if the animal itself attacks, then this may be a sign of rabies,” said the specialist Minsk Zoo, livestock specialist Evgenia Reznichenko.

Most often, these animals come at night, and in the daytime they are found in secluded places in a sleepy state or early in the morning, when hedgehogs return to their shelters after hunting. Despite their cute appearance, hedgehogs are a threat to humans.

“Firstly, they can bite: hedgehog teeth are bent, so the wounds they inflict have jagged edges and heal very poorly. Secondly, they carry various diseases, including ringworm, salmonellosis, leptospirosis, and rabies. Thirdly, fleas and ticks live on them, which are also carriers of diseases, ”the biologist listed.

If a person takes pets with him to the dacha, then acquaintance with a hedgehog is also unsafe for them.

Therefore, if a hedgehog came to the site, then it is better to carefully, with the help of improvised means, without touching the needles, take it out of the territory. Don't bring it into the house.

“You need to remember that the hedgehog will not do harm if you do not contact him,” she stressed.

What to feed and how not to harm

The fact that hedgehogs eat vegetables and fruits is a stereotype from children's books. In fact, these animals are insectivorous, but also eat small reptiles - lizards and snakes, as well as small rodents.

“Therefore, it is easier for them to find food in gardens and summer cottages: small rodents settle in basements, insect pests live on cultivated plants, earthworms become more accessible after digging up the earth. for this, the natural habitat of hedgehogs is reduced and their natural hunting grounds are reduced. It must be understood at the same time that the hedgehog does not come hungry, he comes to hunt, and also hides from natural enemies - foxes, badgers, owls, etc., "explained Evgenia.

If, despite the danger, you still really want to feed the hedgehog, you need to understand that it will not harm him.

"It is best to treat them with clean water and meat. You can give them lean ground beef, chicken necks, hearts, liver. Hedgehogs and cereals can be eaten if they are made with minced meat, but it is better not to get carried away with such treats, but offer seasonal fruits or berries with garden. Cat food can be given, but it should be of good quality and not cheap - not some kind of "Whiskas" or "Kitikat". Sweet hedgehogs do not eat. We must remember that hedgehogs are primarily insectivorous, so a jar of earthworms it will be the best treat for them," the specialist of the Minsk Zoo is convinced.

“You can’t give milk, because all mammals, except humans, should not drink it in adulthood, because they don’t have enzymes that break it down. Sausages and sausages, which many people consider meat, are also not an option,” the biologist emphasized.

At the same time, you can feed the hedgehog and make it your household helper: “He will come to the site to feast on treats and, moreover, exterminate harmful insects and rodents,” Yevgenia Reznichenko concluded.