Fat burning soups: recipes, results and reviews. Mayo Diet - Weight Loss Fat Burning Soup Day: Add Bananas with Milk

This diets a was developed by the specialists of the American Mayo Clinic, located in Rochester, Minnesota. The clinic is one of the best in the United States and positions its diet as an unusual approach to the problem of losing weight. The Mayo Clinic diet is, according to its creators, a lifestyle that allows you to safely lose weight and maintain your health in good condition, with the motto: "Eat well, enjoy life and lose weight!"... The diet is based on scientific research and many years of clinical practice. In 2010, the diet was published as a bestselling book called The Mayo Clinic Diet.

Various variations of this diet are now in use. Clinic representatives in 2005 officially announced that various "Mayo diets" spread for decades, such as "Mayo soup", egg and grapefruit and others that promise stunning results in a short time, have nothing to do with the Clinic, or would be approved by her. Such "diets" often lack a scientific basis, supported by clinical trials, and can be harmful to health. This article presents the official, real mayo diet.

Weight loss program builds on the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Food Pyramid, in accordance with which a nutrition and physical activity plan is drawn up. The pyramid shows the importance of balancing exercise and nutrition.

Eat healthy foods and don't overeat

At the base of the pyramid is a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. These wholesome foods are low in calories, but full of volume, fill your stomach and make you feel full. They should be eaten more (but not excessively!). Above is healthy food, the amount of which is required for proper nutrition decreases towards the top. These are "good" carbohydrates - whole grains and durum flour products; sources of essential protein - fish, lean meat, low-fat dairy products, legumes; and, non-cardiovascular, unsaturated fats (found primarily in nuts and olive oil). The diet does not require calorie counting and, in principle, does not limit the range of products. There is no scrupulously observed menu either. Losing weight independently makes up a tasty diet suitable for him. Remember the motto of the diet.

Oatmeal, brown rice, wholemeal bread, eggs, fish, lean meat, nuts, legumes, low-fat cottage cheese, homemade cheese, kefir / yogurt, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, avocados, greens, fruits, olive and first vegetable oils spin.

Increase your level of physical activity

In the Mayo diet, physical activity is just as important as a healthy diet. An active lifestyle helps burn calories and strikes the right balance between incoming and outgoing energy. If you have been inactive for a long time, or have health limitations, you need to consult a specialist to determine the degree of stress and draw up a training plan. For most, a 5-10 minute warm-up or walk will be sufficient initially, with a gradual increase in the duration of the session.

It is recommended to do daily, at least 30-minute, moderate-intensity physical exercises (they can be divided into 2-3 series during the day if there is a lack of time). If you can do more it will only be beneficial. Brisk walking is a classic example of moderate exercise..

The essence of the Mayo diet

According to the diet, achieving normal weight and maintaining stable results over a long period of time is possible if you focus not only on nutrition, but also on maintaining normal overall health. It is argued that the best way to control your weight is to be aware of the need to change your lifestyle and develop healthy habits. At the same time, the diet is not a dogma and can be adapted to the individual needs of the person losing weight, depending on the situation. The Mayo System will help you lose weight and find your comfortable and healthy eating plan that will stay with you throughout your life. The diet is especially suitable for those who want to lose 5-20 kg.

There is a diabetes diet option to help you lose weight safely while keeping your blood sugar in check. This program is designed for type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent) and prediabetes, and allows you to reduce the dose of medications, as well as the risk of complications caused by diabetes.

The Mayo Clinic Diet Has Two Phases

Lose weight! This phase lasts two weeks and starts the process of losing weight. Weight reduction in the first stage from 3 to 4.5 kg. You analyze your lifestyle, get rid of five bad habits and develop five good ones. An obligatory part of the system is daily 30-minute physical exercises.

Live in a new way! This phase lasts a long period of time, possibly the whole life and is based on a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. At this stage, you will learn how to correctly define your goal - the weight you should strive to achieve, and correctly draw up a long-term healthy eating plan. You will learn how to select foods, formulate a diet, and determine portion sizes. New healthy habits will become an integral part of your lifestyle. Weight will continue to drop gently by 0.5-1 kg per week until you achieve your intended result. Then, following the principles of a healthy lifestyle, you will be able to successfully maintain the achieved weight within the desired range.

Get rid of five bad habits:

  • do not watch TV while eating, spend no more time in front of it than you spend on physical exercise;
  • do not eat sugar, except as found naturally in fruits;
  • snack between meals only vegetables or fruits and nothing more;
  • limit the consumption of meat and dairy products;
  • do not eat food in cafes and restaurants that does not fit your meal plan.

Get five good habits:

  • eat healthy food for breakfast and do not overeat;
  • eat vegetables and fruits at least 3-4 times a day;
  • eat whole grains and wholemeal products, especially bread;
  • Eat foods that contain essential polyunsaturated fats, such as olive oil and nuts
  • walk or exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.

Stick to five rules:

  • keep a food diary;
  • keep an exercise diary;
  • walk or exercise for at least 60 minutes daily;
  • there is mainly fresh food;
  • write down your daily goals.

Mayo Clinic Diet Menu Examples

The diet has several dietary regimes with different energy values. In this example menu, the daily calorie content is 1200 kilocalories..

American menu is not entirely familiar to us... Pizza and pasta are recommended as diet food. I must say that in America, pizza is mainly made from bakery flour. This flour is not premium and contains the addition of durum wheat flour. Pasta is made mainly from durum flour. Quite a few diets allow the use of durum wheat flour as "good", long-digesting carbohydrates, along with wholemeal bread and brown rice. Ready-made salad dressings for different tastes and calories are presented in stores in a large assortment. The main one is the cup, which is equal to 240 ml. In particular, the calorie content of foods and the nutrient content in American manuals and reference books are given per 1 serving, and not per 100 grams, as is customary in our country.


1 cup low fat yogurt with 1 piece any fruit.

The yogurt is mixed with the diced fruit.


1 serving salad and from canned tuna with pasta without oil added: for 1 can of tuna (average American can 142 g, or 5 ounces), take 4 cups of cooked small pasta (shells, horns), 2 cups of chopped (grated) carrots and zucchini (young squash ) and 4 tablespoons of light mayonnaise.

One small orange.


1/3 slice of 12-inch (30 cm in diameter) cheese pizza.

Green salad (2 cups lettuce, ½ cup chopped tomatoes, red onions and mushrooms, season with low-fat salad dressing).


One apple.

Calorie-free drinks can be included with each meal.

Another example of a three-day menu

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3


1 cup low-fat milk

1.25 cups chopped fresh strawberries

Pancakes, 2 pcs. from 1.5 tbsp. l. maple syrup

Butter, 1 tsp.

1 cup low-fat milk

3/4 cup fresh blueberries

1 cup chopped melon

Poached egg on toast

2 slices of whole grain bread

1 tsp butter

Orange juice


Southwest Salad *

1/2 wholemeal pita bread (or slice of bread)

1 cup low-fat milk

Small pasta salad with vegetables and herbs

1 small apple

1 cup low-fat milk

Canned tuna salad in pita **

1 bell pepper

1 small apple


Spaghetti with sauce

1 slice of whole grain bread

Raw carrots

1 cup low-fat milk

1 cup cantaloupe (cantaloupe)

Chicken (usually breast) with lemon and rosemary, grilled or fried with green beans and brown rice

A cup of low-fat milk

Fresh tomato

Cantaloupe cup

Pizza with tomatoes and basil

Vegetable salad

Cantaloupe cup

A cup of milk


7 almonds

1 cup of any grape

3/4 cup fresh blueberries

6 whole grain crisps

1/2 cup vegetable juice

* Southwest Salad - A salad made from popular North American black beans with corn, avocado, tomatoes, lettuce, and cheese.

** salad with canned tuna in pita - canned tuna with mustard, lemon juice and mayonnaise, sliced ​​tomato slices and lettuce leaves, put in a pita cut in half; can be wrapped in pita bread, or made as a sandwich.

Diet benefits:

  • Instead of a hungry diet - tasty and varied food in sufficient quantities
  • You will learn to choose healthy foods and eat a balanced diet.
  • You will leave the bad and develop good eating and lifestyle habits in general.
  • You will improve your health and reduce the risk of diseases associated with being overweight
  • You will finally find the right power system for a long time

If you already have diseases associated with excess weight, you can achieve a significant improvement in the condition.


The Mayo Clinic diet promises to reduce weight after the first two-week phase by 3-4.5 kg. During the second phase, weight loss should go by 0.5-1 kg per week until the planned result is achieved. Most people can lose weight on just about any calorie- and food-restricted diet. But, more often than not, the achieved effect will be temporary. The Mayo Diet, according to its creators, will help you lose weight forever by teaching you to choose the right foods, determine the size of portions and the amount of required physical activity, and follow a healthy lifestyle.

The diet is safe for most people who practice it. However, check with your doctor before starting the Mayo Diet, especially if you have any medical conditions.

Other diets:

It is an anti-obesity nutritional system developed by the American Mayo Clinic. The clinic's specialists have come to the conclusion that the correct combination of certain products is the main key to optimal weight.

The Mayo Clinic diet: the essence and rules of nutrition

Diet developers promise patients a loss of 4.5 to 8 extra pounds per week. The Mayo nutritional system is based on the so-called "food pyramid".

The pyramid consists of five steps

1. Fruits and vegetables that can and should be eaten every day are the basis of the diet.

2. Carbohydrates that you can eat often, but not overeat.

3. Protein - you can eat them every day.

4. Fats - in limited quantities. After normalizing the weight, fats can be consumed 2-3 times a week.

5. And finally, sweets - the top of the pyramid and its smallest step.

"As you can see, the Mayo Clinic diet is a healthy diet that should become a habit and a way of life for you."

Clinic experts advise starting a healthy diet with seven day diet based on vegetable soup with celery. You can eat this soup in unlimited quantities and be sure to every day. The secret of fat burning is in the specific properties of celery. For soup, you can use the stems and the green part of the plant.

We cook soup according to this recipe

1. A medium head of cabbage, 6 onions, 4 fresh or soaked tomatoes, 2 sweet peppers and a good bunch of celery, cut into small pieces.

2. Season vegetables with bouillon cube, spices and a minimum amount of salt.

3. Put everything in boiling water for 10 minutes.

4. Cook the soup over low heat until vegetables are cooked.

Seven Day Mayo Diet: Detailed Menu

Day 1: fruit + soup

On the first day, you can eat all kinds of fruits, except bananas. Soup remains the main and mandatory part of the diet. The more you eat, the stronger the effect of burning and removing excess fat. You can drink tea and coffee, berry juice without sugar.

Day 2: vegetables + soup

Today you can eat mayo soup and any vegetables until you feel full. You can steam vegetables, stew and bake them in the oven with herbs and spices. Legumes, corn and fruits are prohibited. For lunch, you are allowed to eat 1-2 baked potatoes with vegetable oil.

Day 3: soup + fruits + vegetables

Day 4: add bananas with milk

Don't forget to eat a lot of soup! Today you can vegetables, fruits, as in the third day of the Mayo diet. Expanding the diet: add 3 bananas and milk. Water, tea, coffee and herbal teas without sugar can be drunk indefinitely.

Day 5: soup + beef + tomatoes

On the fifth day, you can pamper yourself with low-fat beef in an amount of up to 800 g. Steam the meat or bake it in foil with spices. For vegetables, give preference to fresh or pickled tomatoes (unlimited). We eat the soup as usual.

Day 6: soup + beef + green vegetables

Again today you can eat up to 800 grams of Diet-cooked lean beef. It is advisable to use green vegetables in any quantity. You can also eat other vegetables in smaller portions, but besides potatoes.

Day 7: soup + juices + vegetables + rice

On the seventh day of the diet, you can add brown rice and freshly squeezed unsweetened fruit juices to the menu. Rice can be stewed with vegetables and seasonings. Soup remains the main course.

The main rules of the Mayo diet

1. No alcohol! Alcoholic drinks trap fat, nullifying all weight loss effects.

2. Drink plenty of pure water.

3. Bread and soda should be removed from the diet.

4. Do not eat fat, do not add it to food during the weekly Mayo diet.

5. Avoid fried foods.

6. Strictly observe the menu, do not break the sequence of the diet and do not replace the indicated products with other dishes.

7. Lead an active lifestyle, play sports whenever possible.

After a week of Mayo diet, you can repeat the menu with a break of 2-3 days.

Monitor your well-being, consult a doctor so that there are no health problems. If you have chronic diseases, inflammation and other problems with the body, you need to inform your therapist about this and together decide whether to continue the Mayo Clinic diet.

When your weight is normal, start eating according to the rules of the "food pyramid". Be healthy!

Not only simple products - kefir, buckwheat, apples, but also full-fledged hot dishes, for example, fat-burning soup - are capable of benefiting from weight loss. The most striking example is the onion, but in reality the number of its varieties is close to ten. In the American Mayo Clinic, this soup is used in the diet of obese people. How does it prepare and how effective is it?

How to make slimming soup

A product or dish becomes fat burning in two cases: either the blood circulation is accelerating and the temperature of the cells rises, or the body must spend more energy for processing than it received. A slimming soup recipe can be based on any of these factors. For this reason, among the ingredients of dishes with a fat-burning effect can be:

  • any vegetables, but not potatoes;
  • greens;
  • garlic, onions;
  • spices and herbs (hot peppers, ginger, turmeric will give your dish a special fat-burning effect).

Soups of this type are low-calorie, so an important rule applies to them: they cannot be cooked in meat broth, in poultry, even fish is not used. A fat-burning dish can only be obtained from vegetables. This is especially important in the fight against excess weight and, if necessary, reduce the load on the pancreas, which helps to achieve a diet on fat-burning soup. Regarding the use of salt for such a dish, the doctors disagreed: it does not benefit the figure, but also the harm is relative.

Fat Burning Slimming Soup Recipe

Any vegetable soup will be useful for the figure, in which no meat / fish broth was added, no potatoes, cereals or pasta were added. However, nutritionists advise to remember that it is undesirable to add carrots with beets to the soup if you want to get a fat burning effect, because after boiling, they increase the glycemic index.


A delicious green soup with fat-burning properties can be made using spinach, celery and a large bouquet of greens. If such a dish is too "empty" for you, add green beans: they will act as a source of low-calorie protein and make it more satisfying. From the listed number of products, you will get 3 classic servings at the exit.


  • water - 1.5 l;
  • spinach - 250 g;
  • celery stalks - 300 g;
  • green beans - 200 g;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • cilantro - 50 g;
  • cloves of garlic - 3 pcs.;
  • parsley - 30 g;
  • green onions - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. When the water begins to boil in a small saucepan, add the beans. If you need to cut them, do so in advance.
  2. After 10 minutes, add the chopped celery and spinach to the pot.
  3. After another 10 minutes of the last, add all the chopped herbs and grated garlic. Turn off the stove immediately, but leave the food to pass under the lid on a warm hotplate.


A healthy dinner can be delicious if it is a delicate soup made from fresh tomatoes with basil and garlic, which has a fat-burning effect. Light Italian notes, not a drop of salt and fat, and so few calories that soup can be included in the menu at least hourly. If you want to achieve a more nutritious meal, you can add cauliflower and celery to the food list.


  • water - 1.2 l;
  • purple onion;
  • tomatoes - 600 g;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • basil sprigs - 3 pcs.;
  • parsley sprigs - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the onion in half, add water.
  2. After boiling, boil for 4 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon and discard the onion.
  3. Make a cruciform incision on each tomato, put them in the broth.
  4. Take out in a minute, remove the skin, send the pulp back.
  5. After 10 minutes add the grated garlic, chopped herbs.
  6. Turn off the stove, purée the finished dish with an immersion blender and serve.


The only medium-nutritious fat-burning soup that's cooked on chicken breast. This refers to a small piece of meat, devoid of skin. Salt is not poured into such a soup, any vegetables can be used, but mainly cabbage, onions, a couple of tomatoes and greens are laid here - the most fat-burning components.


  • water - 1.5 l;
  • chicken fillet - 100 g;
  • broccoli - 300 g;
  • tomatoes - 200 g;
  • white onion;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • dill sprigs - 5 pcs.;
  • ground pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil finely chopped fillets for half an hour with onion rings.
  2. Introduce broccoli inflorescences, chopped tomatoes.
  3. Cook the dish for another 15 minutes. Add greens, pepper, turn off the stove.


French fat-burning soup is one of the first courses of this type, which has gained popularity among girls looking to lose weight as soon as possible. This soup is attractive because of its simplicity. in addition to white onions and a drop of olive oil for frying, there is nothing in the composition. You can add salt to the dish, but not worth it. It is consumed only once a day, preferably at lunchtime.


  • water - 1.5 l;
  • white onion - 4 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • ground pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the onions finely, lightly fry.
  2. Cover with water, cook for 5 minutes after boiling.
  3. Add chopped herbs, cook onion soup for another 1-2 minutes.


According to nutritionists, the most obvious fat-burning effect is the soup made from cabbage. You can use only white or colored cabbage, or combine all available varieties - they affect the body in about the same way, in terms of calorie content, they also differ slightly. Dill must be added to the cabbage (you can put dried seeds in the finished soup) to prevent bloating. In case of intestinal diseases, it is undesirable to eat such a dish.


  • cabbage - 500 g;
  • water - 1.4 l;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • celery stalks - 120 g;
  • ground black pepper;
  • bulb.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the cabbage, if it is leaves, and chop finely - if the inflorescences. To fill with water.
  2. Boil for 20 minutes, add chopped celery and onions.
  3. After 10 minutes, pepper, add herbs, turn off the stove.

Mayo Clinic Fat Burning Soup Diet

The belonging of this weight loss scheme to an American hospital is disputed, but a diet with fat-burning soup really helps to effectively fight overweight for women and men. Its benefits, in addition to reducing the number of kilograms, also lie in the beneficial effect on the stomach, which receives liquid hot food every day. However, due to its imbalance, such a diet cannot be practiced for more than 14 days. There are 2 points about the main dish:

  • Mayo soup for weight loss is prepared from a head of cabbage, 4 onions, the same number of celery stalks and a couple of bell peppers. Cooking - until soft.
  • Mayo soup can be consumed at any frequency and in any volume.

During the week, the menu can be supplemented with foods safe for weight loss, alternating them every day:

  1. fruits;
  2. vegetables;
  3. baked potato;
  4. fruits + vegetables;
  5. bananas;
  6. dietary meat;
  7. brown rice

Video: slimming soup

The Mayo Clinic diet is based on a special recipe for vegetable soup. According to forecasts, in a week of such a regimen, you can lose up to 6-7 kg (depending on the initial weight).

Also, success depends on how strictly you adhere to the recommendations. Many people lose about 4 kg on such a diet. Only people with a very high initial weight can lose more.

Researchers believe the diet was developed in the United States for rapid weight loss in obese patients in preparation for surgery. It is good because the soup is allowed to be eaten in large quantities, and this excludes a strong feeling of hunger.

The good news: Mayo Diet Soup can be consumed in any amount!

Basic principles of the diet

  • When following the diet, it is forbidden to eat or drink any food that is not provided for in the diet plan;
  • Alcohol is strictly prohibited;
  • You cannot swap the diet menu by day or add new ingredients;
  • Spend half an hour daily to active training: walking, running, cycling, swimming, etc.;
  • If you have a breakdown, then the diet will have to start from the first day;
  • It is allowed to observe such a diet until the weight is completely normalized, but you need to do one or two loading days in between seven-day periods;
  • You need to eat soup at least 3 times a day;
  • The amount of water consumed must be increased to 1.5-2 liters daily;
  • Salting the soup is allowed only before use, trying not to oversalt;
  • You can only consume oil once a week - on a day when baked potatoes are allowed.

Mayo soup recipe

To make the famous Mayo Clinic Fat Burning Soup, you will need:

  • 1 small head of cabbage;
  • 6 medium onions;
  • several tomatoes (canned);
  • 2 green peppers;
  • 1 bunch of celery (or celery root)
  • 2 cubes of vegetable (or onion) broth;

Spices and seasonings are also useful:

  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • Spicy sauce;
  • Curry.

Rinse and peel vegetables. Blanch the tomatoes or peel them off in another way. Chop all vegetables and put in water. Adjust the amount of water according to your own preference, but the soup should not be too thick. Cook until softened over medium heat, but not less than 10 minutes after boiling water. Season before serving.

Description of the diet by day

You won't be eating soup alone! There are additional foods for each day that you can eat to your fill. In addition, all foods should be prepared without added fat and with moderate amounts of salt. Food can be boiled, stewed, baked in the oven or microwave, or steamed. Frying is strictly prohibited.

  • 1st day. You can add any fruit to the menu, except for bananas. In addition to water, you can drink tea and coffee without sugar and milk, as well as cranberry juice;
  • 2nd day. All vegetables and leafy greens are allowed. It is strictly forbidden to consume legumes, green peas and corn, as their combination with soup can lead to an upset stomach. On this day, for lunch, you can eat a portion of baked potatoes with butter;
  • 3rd day. Fruits and vegetables (except potatoes);
  • 4th day. Fruits and vegetables, including bananas (but not more than 3). You can drink boiled milk;
  • 5th day. 300-800 grams of beef and raw or canned tomatoes. Canned tomatoes can be eaten no more than a can, fresh - as much as you want;
  • 6th day. Beef and vegetables. Especially it is worth giving preference to leafy vegetables and herbs, but no potatoes;
  • 7th day. Brown rice, vegetables and fruit juice. The juice should not be store-bought or sweetened.

The second stage of the diet

The "soup period" is just the first of two stages. The second involves restructuring your eating habits for a healthier regimen. Preference should be given to cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits. Eat meat occasionally and, preferably, cooked in a dietary way. The least common thing to include in your diet is sweets and other foods with a high glycemic index.

Do you like experiments? Try making cream soup or adding carrots!

They can only be eaten "on holidays" and in very limited quantities. In addition, you should also leave the diet gradually over several days. First, you should include in the diet porridge, bran and whole grain bread (1 time per day), then milk and vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons per day) and gradually bring the food to a healthy norm.

Diet options

Over time, dieters got bored with the original recipe and added other ingredients such as carrots, zucchini, spinach, herbs, etc. However, one can come across the opinion that even such innocent changes in the composition negatively affect the effectiveness of the soup.

Contraindications and disadvantages of the diet

The main disadvantage is that the diet still lacks important vitamins and minerals for humans, so get a multivitamin complex. In addition, people with diseases of the digestive system should consult a doctor before starting this diet. Constant eating mayo soup can lead to exacerbation of stomach ulcers or pancreatic diseases.

Plus, the soup can cause common heartburn. And remember: don't feast immediately after stopping your diet. Since it is associated with rapid weight loss, resuming an unhealthy diet can lead to a return of those lost pounds with a vengeance. In any case, it is worth consulting a gastroenterologist or nutritionist prior to starting this diet.

Mayo diet results

Most people who have experienced the Mayo diet for themselves speak of it as pleasant and quite satisfactory. With the concomitant intake of a multivitamin complex, it is well tolerated and does not lead to a deterioration in health - even with prolonged adherence to such a diet.

In addition, fans of this diet do not feel a lack of food, because soup and other foods prescribed by the diet can be consumed in sufficient quantity to satisfy. Mayo soup itself is low in calories, which makes it problematic to significantly exceed the healthy calorie intake. High-calorie foods are limited or excluded from the menu.

I decided to take advantage of the fact that my beloved is temporarily absent, and I am left on my own for a whole month!

First of all, I want to try to get rid of at least a small amount of extra pounds that have grown at a cosmic speed in two years of my forced "immobility". I decided to start with the Mayo diet, that is, with fat-burning soup. This diet seemed to me quite gentle. And since I have never in my life resorted to the help of diets, I am not at all sure whether I will stand such "tests"!

But, dashing trouble - the beginning ... I cook

This program is used by cardiac surgeons in American hospitals to rapidly reduce the weight of obese patients in preparation for surgery. Before starting the course, it is advisable to check with your therapist for the presence of diseases such as diabetes, bulimia or anemia.

This diet burns fat quickly and its secret is that you burn more calories than you ingest. It also cleanses the body and gives a feeling of comfort.

You can not consume any alcoholic beverages, as this disrupts the process of eliminating fat from the body. You need to get off the diet at least 24 hours before consuming any alcoholic beverage. You can take the prescribed medications.

The diet is based on "fat-burning soup". You need to eat this soup every day - as often and as much as you want. The more you eat it, the more kilograms you will lose.

With strict adherence to the diet in a week, you should lose 4.5 to 8 kg. It is very important that you eat the foods recommended by the diet on the days you need to eat them. If during the week you have lost 7 kg or more, you need to take a break from dieting for 2 days. You can continue it at any time. Don't eat soup outside of your diet!

You can try the seven-day diet as often as you like. If you interrupt it, start over from the first day.

Found several recipes for fat burning soup. In general, they differ little from each other (I will indicate the distinctive features in parentheses). Here are two main recipes.

Classic or basic fat burning soup recipe(most often published on the Internet):

The recipe for fat burning vegetable soup is pretty simple. Wash vegetables, peel. It is advisable to remove the skin from the tomatoes. Cut vegetables into small or medium pieces and cover with water. Season with salt, pepper and optionally curry or hot sauce. Simmer over high heat for 10 minutes, then turn on low heat and continue simmering until vegetables are tender.

This soup can be eaten anytime you are hungry. Eat as much of it as you like. The soup does not add calories. Fill a thermos with it in the morning to take with you if you are out of the house during the day.

However, you should not exclusively eat this soup. The diet must be replenished with other components.

The first day ... Soup and fruits.

You can eat any fruit other than bananas. Melons and watermelons are lower in calories than most other fruits. Eat only soup and fruit. You can drink unsweetened tea or coffee (no milk), cranberry juice, or water (as much water as possible).

Second day. Soup and vegetables.

You can eat all the vegetables you want (raw, fresh, or canned). Leafy greens are also acceptable. Eat it all with soup until you are full. Stay away from dried legumes, green peas, and corn.

During lunch on this day, you can eat baked potatoes with butter. Don't eat any fruit. Drink water.

Day three. Soup, fruits and vegetables.

Eat soup and all the vegetables and fruits you want, excluding only baked potatoes. Drink water. If you really adhered to the diet completely for 3 days, then you could well have lost 2.5-3 kg by this time.

Day four. Soup, fruits and vegetables, including bananas and skim milk.

You can eat 3 bananas and drink as much water as you can, along with the soup. Eat as much soup, fresh vegetables and fruits as you like, but only 3 bananas.

Day five. Beef and tomatoes with soup.

You can eat 300-800 g of beef or a can of canned tomatoes (or just fresh ones - as much as you want). Eat soup at least once a day.

Sixth day. Beef and vegetables (especially leafy ones) plus soup.

Eat your fill of beef and vegetables. If you feel like it, you can eat 2 or 3 steaks and whatever green leafy vegetables you want, but no baked potatoes. Drink water.

Seventh day. Brown rice, fruit juice, vegetables and soup.

Today, you can eat brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice, and vegetables. Rice can be added to soup, or vegetables can be added to rice - chopped onions and tomatoes, cauliflower. It is not forbidden to cook vegetables with curry. Drink water.

By the end of the seventh day, if you are on a strict diet, you will lose 4.5 to 8 kg.

This soup is a vegetarian dish. The calorie content of the whole dish from basic products is approximately 310 kcal.

As I mentioned above, this composition is basic. Other vegetables can be added to it to promote weight loss:

  • carrot
  • zucchini
  • spinach
  • Dill
  • parsley

General rules

It is strictly prohibited:
- alcoholic beverages because they interfere with the direct removal of the resulting fat in the system.
- drinks with carbohydrates, including dietary ones. Drink only unsweetened black coffee or tea, water, and preferably unsweetened fruit juices and skim milk.
- sweets, natural sugar and honey
- fried food, bread and any flour products

When the diet permits meat, beef is recommended, but chicken and fish can be substituted.
Vegetarians can replace meat days with soy products.
When dieting vegetables, try to avoid root vegetables with the exception of carrots and beets.

  • Strictly adhere to the recommendations for each day. Do not allow any retreats or fantasies. Eat soup at least 3 times a day.
  • Weigh yourself in the morning.
  • Eat soup every time you feel hungry.
  • Be careful with butter - you can only eat it once a week with baked potatoes.
  • Remove all fat from meat thoroughly. Skin the bird.

Prescribed medications are legal and will not harm the diet. This diet can be applied periodically at any time. In addition, the diet will change your attitude towards the issue of proper nutrition and your lifestyle. Remember that fast weight loss replenishes even faster if you do not change your soy eating habits.

50% of the weight loss is the result of a decrease in calorie and fat intake, and the remaining 50% is the result of exercise, at least 3 times a week.

Frequently Asked Questions about Mayo Clinic Soup Making:

  • What kind of cabbage can you use for your soup? Any variety: broccoli, white, colored, Brussels, red. You can even use sauerkraut, but first you need to rinse it in cold water and it is advisable not to salt the soup.
  • Can pickled tomatoes be used instead of fresh ones? You can pickled and canned, but in the original, fresh ones are recommended. Salted tomato soup does not need additional salt.
  • I don't have celery, how can I replace it? You can do without celery at all or replace it with other healthy herbs (dill, parsley, spinach).

Well, just in case, another recipe for fat burning soup - 2. The difference is that this recipe uses carrots, green beans, and tomato juice is added to the broth.


Finely chop all vegetables, cover with broth liquid and juice. It is very important to completely cover the vegetables, so add water. Bring the soup to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes over high heat, then simmer over low heat until vegetables are tender. Since there is acid in the liquid, the cooking process is quite long, everything together takes 30-40 minutes. Then add greens to taste. You can add salt and pepper to taste, but the soup is already spicy enough.

Since the diet is strict, experts recommend taking a multivitamin complex while following this diet.

The fat-burning soup diet has contraindications.

  • stomach ulcer
  • diseases of the pancreas
  • diseases of the liver and gallbladder (including those with kinks of the gallbladder)
  • bowel diseases (colitis, ulcerative intestinal lesions).

While I was writing, the soup was cooked - I went to try it !!!

PS. Here is a fly in the ointment of praise for losing weight with the help of fat burning soup: About fat burning soup.

Not the Mayo Clinic Diet? Lose weight together .