Ambroxol. Instructions for use for children. Ambroxol for cough for children - available about the medicine Ambroxol instructions for use syrup for children

A mucolytic drug with a pronounced expectorant effect is Ambroxol. Instructions for use recommend taking 15 mg and 30 mg tablets, syrup for acute and chronic respiratory diseases, accompanied by the release of viscous sputum. Feedback from patients and doctors confirms that this drug helps with a productive cough.

Release form and composition

Ambroxol is available in the following dosage forms.

Syrup is a colorless or yellowish liquid with a specific odor. Packaged in plastic bottles complete with a dosage cup of 100 and 150 ml.

Solution for oral administration and inhalation is a clear, colorless or brownish liquid with a weak characteristic odor. It is sold in dark glass bottles, complete with a 40 or 100 ml measuring cup or 40 or 100 ml polyethylene terephthalate.

Tablets - white or white with a yellowish tinge, round in shape with a flat surface, with a bevel. Packed in blisters of 10 pieces.

The active ingredient is ambroxol hydrochloride. In tablets or syrup for children, its content reaches 30 mg, in solution - 7.5 mg.

pharmachologic effect

Ambroxol instructions for use refer to mucolytic agents that dilute phlegm and facilitate the process of removing it from the lungs. The active substance of this drug is ambroxol hydrochloride.

The main action of the drug is aimed at increasing the secretion of the glands of the respiratory tract, stimulating the activity of the villi of the respiratory tract, enhancing the process of excretion of surfactant (surfactants) by the lungs. All these processes lead to the fact that it is easier for the passage of mucus and the process of its excretion, which, in turn, helps to reduce the cough.

The use of Ambroxol helps to reduce bronchial hyperreactivity and does not cause excessive secretion. The active substance of the drug is a metabolite of bromhexine, differing from it in its non-toxicity and greater efficiency.


After application, the medication begins to act in 30 minutes, maintaining its therapeutic effect for 9-10 hours. Absorption (absorption) of the drug occurs quickly and almost completely. Achievement of maximum plasma levels can be observed as early as 0.5-3 hours after ingestion.

The binding of Ambroxol to plasma proteins is within 80-90%. The drug is rapidly distributed from the blood to the tissues, especially the lungs. Ambroxol is metabolized in the liver and excreted by the kidneys (90% - water-soluble metabolites, 5% - unchanged).

What does Ambroxol help with?

Indications for use of the medication include:

  • bronchial asthma with difficulty in sputum discharge;
  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • respiratory distress syndrome in newborns and premature babies;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD);
  • pneumonia.

Instructions for use

Ambroxol tablets

Designed for oral administration. They should be washed down with a small amount of liquid.

In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, the dose of Ambroxol in tablets is doubled (up to 60 mg). Frequency rate of receptions - 2 times a day.

Cough tablets are used to treat children over the age of six. The therapeutic dose for children from six to twelve years old is from 1.2 to 1.6 mg / kg / day. in 3 steps.

The duration of treatment is determined individually, depending on the severity of the disease and the patient's response to therapy. Typically, it is 10 to 14 days.

How to drink syrup?

For all categories of patients over twelve years of age, during the first 2-3 days of illness, the recommended dose is 10 ml (which is equivalent to the volume of two teaspoons). Further, the treatment is continued, taking the syrup 3 times / day. 5 ml each (equivalent to the volume of one teaspoon).

Ambroxol syrup for children is dosed depending on the age of the child. So, for children aged five to twelve, it is recommended to take 5 ml of syrup 2 times a day (30 mg of active ingredient per day). If necessary, the frequency of receptions is increased to 3 (the daily dose of Ambroxol in this case is 45 mg).

Children aged two to six years are prescribed to take 2.5 ml of syrup 3 times / day; children under two years old - 2.5 ml of syrup 2 times / day. This is equivalent to, respectively, 22.5 and 15 mg of active ingredient per day.

If the patient is shown prolonged treatment, the dose is allowed to be halved.

Application of solution for inhalation, injection and infusion

Adult patients are prescribed one or two inhalations per day using 3 ml of solution for inhalation; children over 5 years old are recommended to do one inhalation per day using 2 ml of solution (equivalent to 15 mg of active substance).

If the drug is prescribed as a solution for injection, the optimal dose for an adult patient is 30 to 60 mg / day. Divide it into three introductions. The maximum single dose is 30 mg.

Typically, the solution is injected into a vein or muscle, although subcutaneous administration is also acceptable. In shock lung syndrome, the dose of ambroxol is 10 mg / kg / day. The drug should be administered 3 or 4 times a day. In cases where it is appropriate, the daily dose is increased to 30 mg / kg. It is administered in 3-4 doses.

Important! Self-administration of the medication, especially for injections and infusions, is not permissible.


  • hypersensitivity to ambroxol, from which the drug can cause side effects;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • children under 6 years of age (for tablets and solution);
  • I trimester of pregnancy;
  • convulsive syndrome of various etiologies.

Side effects

  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • weakness;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • dysuria;
  • skin rash;
  • rhinorrhea;
  • headache;
  • dry mouth and respiratory tract;
  • angioedema;
  • hives;
  • allergic contact dermatitis.

Children, during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Ambroxol is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy. If it is necessary to use it in the II and III trimesters, the potential benefit of therapy for the mother and the possible risk to the fetus should be assessed.

If it is necessary to use the drug during lactation, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be resolved. The use of the drug in children is possible in accordance with the recommended dosage.

Contraindication: children under 6 years of age (for tablets and solution).

special instructions

Ambroxol should not be taken simultaneously with antitussives that inhibit the cough reflex, such as codeine. This can interfere with the removal of liquefied phlegm from the bronchi.

The drug should be used with caution in patients with a weakened cough reflex or impaired mucociliary transport due to the possibility of sputum accumulation.

Drug interactions

Increases penetration into the bronchial secretions of amoxicillin, cefuroxime, erythromycin and doxycycline.

Combined use with antitussive drugs leads to difficulty in sputum discharge against the background of a decrease in cough.

Analogues of the drug Ambroxol

Structural analogs include drugs:

Vacation conditions and price

The average price of Ambroxol (30 mg tablets No. 20) in Moscow is 35 rubles. In Kiev, you can buy a medicine for 8 hryvnia, in Kazakhstan - for 240 tenge. In Minsk, pharmacies offer the drug for 1 bel. ruble. You will not need a prescription in Latin to receive the medication.

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V Ambroxol tablets contains 30 mg ambroxol hydrochloride (Ambroxol hydrochloride) as active ingredient and excipients: lactose monohydrate (Lactose monohydrate), corn starch (Amylum maidis), microcrystalline cellulose (Cellulose microcristallic), magnesium stearate (Magnesium stearate), silica (Silicii dioxydum).

The composition of 5 ml syrup Ambroxol includes 15 mg ambroxol hydrochloride (Ambroxol hydrochloride) and a number of other ingredients: (E211, Sodium benzoate), propylene glycol (Propylene glycol), (Glycerinum), sodium saccharin (Saccharin sodium), sorbitol (E420; Sorbitol), hydroxyethyl cellulose (Hydroxyethylcellulose), citric acid monohydrate acid monohydrate), flavors (apricot, raspberry, orange), menthol (Mentholum), purified water (Aquae purificati).

Release form

Ambroxol comes in the form of:

  • tablets (effervescent and for resorption), lozenges, syrup, inhalation solution;
  • solutions for injection, infusion and oral administration;
  • hard capsules, retard capsules, concentrate for preparation of solution for infusion.

pharmachologic effect

The drug belongs to the group mucolytic drugs and used like expectorant for diseases affecting respiratory tract .

It stimulates motor function of the respiratory tract and has a pronounced secretolytic and expectorant action .

Stimulates education phlegm (secretion of the tracheobronchial tree ) reduced viscosity due to changes in the structure mucopolysaccharides sputum and increases production glycoproteins (thereby providing mucokinetic action ).

Against the background of taking Ambroxol, motor activity increases ciliated epithelial tissue and transport is improving pathogenic agents of the mucociliary system .

An important property of the drug is its ability to increase the amount pulmonary surfactant (antiatelectic factor ), due to which the surface tension, uniformity of configuration, volume and indicators of lung compliance are maintained.

In addition, thanks to Ambroxol, the decay is blocked surfactant and its synthesis and secretion in large alveolar cells (alveolar pneumocytes type II ), which are involved in the transport of fluids through alveolar-capillary system .

A feature of the remedy is that, by reducing the viscosity of sputum, it practically does not provoke an increase in its volume, and thus does not cause those negative effects that develop while taking expectorant drugs.
Dissolving action on phlegm renders due to violation of the integrity of disulfide bonds of acidic mucopolysaccharides and sputum gel.

In accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Products (OKPD), the Ambroxol code is

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Ambroxol helps to normalize the function located in mucous membrane of the bronchi of the serous and mucous glands , helps to reduce the amount cystic cavities in the mucous membrane and stimulates the production serous component without provoking at the same time bronchial obstruction .

Research results indicate that after treatment with the drug in patients with obstruction of the bronchi the ventilation function of the lungs significantly improves, and the severity of the symptoms of hypoxemia also decreases.

There are also data that allow us to conclude about the ability of the drug to provide immunomodulatory action : it strengthens local by activating tissue mononuclear phagocytes and product enhancement secretory immunoglobulin IgA class .

Ambroxol inhibits production mononuclear phagocytes TNF and interleukin 1 , which are mediators of inflammation, and also helps to enhance the natural defenses of the lungs by increasing activity macrophages .

It has also been proven that Ambroxol is able to provide decongestant and anti-inflammatory action , effectively relieves the symptoms of exacerbated and prevents the development idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis .

Ambroxol is quickly and completely absorbed by any route of administration, penetrating well into the lung tissue. The indicator of the plasma concentration of the substance reaches its maximum within two hours after taking the drug per os.

The biotransformation process takes place in liver ... The products are glucuronides and dibromantranilic acid .

About 90% is excreted in the urine as water soluble ; about 5% is excreted unchanged.

T1 / 2 - from 10 to 12 hours. It increases in patients with severe forms, but remains unchanged in patients with impaired liver function .

Indications for use: from what Ambroxol tablets and from what Ambroxol in the form of a syrup


It is known that the viscosity, elasticity and adhesiveness of sputum determine how easily it is separated and coughing up.

That's why mucolytic drugs especially useful for diseases respiratory system , states that are accompanied by the formation and accumulation in bronchi and lungs viscous, poorly separable mucous or purulent mucous sputum .

Indications for the use of Ambroxol are:

  • (in acute and chronic forms);
  • cystic fibrosis ;
  • atelectasis developed as a result of mucoid bronchial obstruction , in patients with established tracheostomy tube and etc.;
  • respiratory distress syndrome (shock lung) in adults;
  • respiratory distress syndrome (SDR) in newborn infants (including children born prematurely) and other diseases associated with violation of bronchial secretion and accompanied by increased production of viscous mucus.


The drug is not used to treat patients with increased sensitivity to one or more of its components, as well as women in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy.

Ambroxol tablets are contraindicated in patients diagnosed with stomach ulcer and 12-duodenum (the drug can affect the clinical picture in these diseases), as well as in the case of the development epileptic syndrome of different nature.

An additional contraindication for syrup is hereditary fructose intolerance.

Ambroxol is contraindicated in dry cough usually accompanied by other .

Side effects

Adverse reactions associated with taking Ambroxol are rare. The drug is non-toxic and well tolerated by patients.

In some cases, the body may respond to treatment dyspeptic symptoms , skin rash , angioedema , general weakness,.

There were also isolated cases of the development of serious skin lesions ( Lyell's disease or Stevens Johnson disease ). Most likely, they are explained by the severe course of the disease or the reaction of a particular organism to the simultaneous administration of several drugs.

Instructions for the use of Ambroxol

Ambroxol tablets: instructions for use

Ambroxol hydrochloride tablets are intended for oral administration. They should be washed down with a small amount of liquid.

In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, the dose of Ambroxol in tablets is doubled (up to 60 mg). Frequency rate of receptions - 2 times a day.

Cough tablets are used to treat children over the age of six. The therapeutic dose for children from six to twelve years old is from 1.2 to 1.6 mg / kg / day in 3 divided doses.

The duration of treatment is determined individually, depending on the severity of the disease and the patient's response to therapy. Typically, it is 10 to 14 days.

Ambroxol syrup: instructions for use

For all categories of patients over twelve years of age, during the first 2-3 days of illness, the recommended dose is 10 ml (which is equivalent to the volume of two teaspoons). Further, the treatment is continued, taking the syrup 3 times / day. 5 ml each (equivalent to the volume of one teaspoon).

Syrup for children is dosed depending on the age of the child. So, for children aged five to twelve, it is recommended to take 5 ml of syrup 2 times a day (30 mg of active ingredient per day). If necessary, the frequency of receptions is increased to 3 (the daily dose of Ambroxol in this case is 45 mg).

Children aged two to six years are prescribed to take 2.5 ml of syrup 3 times / day; children under two years old - 2.5 ml of syrup 2 times / day. This is equivalent to, respectively, 22.5 and 15 mg of active ingredient per day.

If the patient is shown prolonged treatment, the dose is allowed to be halved.

Instructions for Ambroxol: dosing regimen of Abroxol for inhalation, as well as solution for injections and infusions

Adult patients are prescribed one or two inhalations per day using 3 ml of solution for inhalation; children over 5 years old are recommended to do one inhalation per day using 2 ml of solution (equivalent to 15 mg of active substance).

If the drug is prescribed in the form of a solution for injection, the optimal dose for an adult patient is from 30 to 60 mg / day. Divide it into three injections. The maximum single dose is 30 mg.

Typically, the solution is injected into a vein or muscle, although subcutaneous administration is also acceptable. At shock lung syndrome the dose of ambroxol is 10 mg / kg / day. The drug should be administered 3 or 4 times a day. In cases where it is appropriate, the daily dose is increased to 30 mg / kg. It is administered in 3-4 doses.


Symptoms of an Ambroxol overdose, as a rule, appear in the form of seizures nausea , vomiting , upset stomach , dyspepsia .

To eliminate them in the first hour or two after taking the drug, it is necessary to artificially induce the patient vomiting and make him gastric lavage ... In the future, it is recommended to introduce meals containing fats into the diet.


The use of Ambroxol in combination with increases the concentration of the active substance of the latter in the mucous membrane of the bronchi and pulmonary alveoli , which in turn improves the clinical situation with bacterial lung infections .

The combination of the drug with antibiotics takes precedence over using only antibiotic , even when proven to be effective antibacterial drug .

Ambroxol enhances the action of (Ampicillinum), (Amoxicillin) and (Theophyllinum) and promotes their better penetration into bronchial secretion .

No antagonistic interactions of the drug with directed by means and cardiac glycosides .

The use of Ambroxol with drugs that suppress cough reflex , significantly complicates the passage phlegm against the background of a decrease in intensity cough .

The drug is compatible with drugs that are used to slow down labor.

Terms of sale

A prescription in Latin is not required to purchase the drug.

Storage conditions

The optimal temperature regime for storing the drug is not higher than + 25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life

36 months.

special instructions

When receiving mucolytics preferably more often than usual, and use a large amount of warm liquid: weak tea, fruit drink or compote.

Patients diagnosed with, in order to avoid nonspecific irritation respiratory tract and his spasm before the inhalation procedure using Ambroxol, it is recommended to take bronchodilator .


Matching ATX level 4 code:

Ambroxol analogs are drugs Ambroxol-Vial , Ambroxol-Health , Ambroxol-Wishfa , Ambroxol-Darnitsa , Bronchoxol , Neo-Bronchol , Medox and etc..

Which is better: Ambroxol or? What are these pills from?

The active ingredient of Ambroxol is active bromhexine hydrochloride (a substance that is a synthetic analogue alkaloid vazicine ). At the same time, the therapeutic efficacy of Ambroxol is an order of magnitude higher than that of its predecessor.

In addition, Ambroxol is better tolerated by patients, has practically no contraindications (it can even be taken by infants and pregnant women), and side effects develop extremely rarely against the background of its use.

Ambroxol for children

The most common childhood illnesses are diseases of the bronchi and lungs which are usually accompanied by stagnation of phlegm in the bronchi ... Timely sputum excretion is a prerequisite for normal operation respiratory system , as well as the guarantee of their cure from diseases.

Ambroxol syrup for children is one of the latest developments in the field of pharmacy. Like other dosage forms of Ambroxol, the drug has established itself as an effective remedy for discharge phlegm , therefore, pediatricians recommend it for the treatment of even very young patients.

The dose and dosage form of the drug for children is selected depending on age (the dose varies from 15 mg to 45 mg per day).

Ambroxol during pregnancy

At pregnancy the drug is contraindicated only in the first trimester. In the second and third trimesters, it is allowed to prescribe it, taking into account the benefits for the expectant mother and the potential risks for the developing fetus.

On the forums, many are interested in why doctors recommend this particular drug during pregnancy. There is evidence that in cases where a woman takes pills or syrup during the period pregnancy , the fetus is stimulated pulmonary surfactant synthesis .

Interesting results have been observed when using the drug in the treatment of disorders respiratory system in unborn children. The ability of the drug to pass well through the placental barrier allows it to be used in cases when the child, for one reason or another, begins to accumulate mucus in the bronchi or lungs .

If necessary, drug treatment during the period it is necessary to decide on the termination of the latter, since the active substance Ambroxol is excreted in milk.

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the medicinal product. Ambroxol... The reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Ambroxol in their practice are presented. A big request is to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, which may not have been declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogs of Ambroxol in the presence of available structural analogs. Use to treat cough and get rid of phlegm in various respiratory diseases in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Ambroxol- mucolytic agent with expectorant action. Stimulates serous cells of the glands of the bronchial mucosa, increasing the content of mucous secretions and, thus, changes the disturbed ratio of serous and mucous components of sputum. At the same time, hydrolyzing enzymes are activated, and the release of lysosomes from Clara cells is enhanced, which leads to a decrease in the viscosity of sputum. Ambroxol increases the content of surfactant in the lungs, which is associated with an increase in its synthesis and secretion in alveolar pneumocytes, as well as with a violation of its decay. Increases mucociliary sputum transport. Slightly suppresses cough.


Absorption is high. Penetrates the blood-brain barrier, placental barrier, excreted in breast milk. Excreted by the kidneys: 90% in the form of water-soluble metabolites, unchanged - 5%.


Respiratory tract diseases with the formation of viscous sputum:

  • acute and chronic bronchitis
  • pneumonia
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • bronchial asthma with difficulty in sputum discharge
  • bronchiectasis
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • respiratory distress syndrome in newborns and premature babies.

Forms of issue

Tablets 15 mg and 30 mg.

Syrup (ideal for children).

Instructions for use and dosage regimen


Inside, during meals, with a small amount of liquid.

Adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 30 mg 3 times a day for the first 2-3 days, then 30 mg 2 times a day or 15 mg (half a tablet) 3 times a day.

Children 6-12 years old - 15 mg (half a tablet) 2-3 times a day.


Inside for adults and children over 12 years old - 30 mg 2-3 times a day.

Dosing regimen for children under 12 years of age:

5-12 years old - 15 mg - 2-3 times a day;

2-5 years old - 7.5 mg - 3 times a day;

up to 2 years - 7.5 mg - 2 times a day.

In the form of inhalation for adults and children over 5 years old - 15-22.5 mg 1-2 times a day.

Parenteral (intramuscular, intravenous) adults - 15 mg, in severe cases - 30 mg 2-3 times a day; children - 1.2-1.6 mg / kg 3 times a day.

For the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome in premature and newborn babies, ambroxol is administered intravenously or intramuscularly at a dose of 10 mg / kg per day, the frequency of administration is 3-4 times a day, if necessary, the dose can be gradually increased to 30 mg / kg per day.

Side effect

  • skin rash;
  • hives;
  • angioedema;
  • allergic contact dermatitis;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • diarrhea;
  • dry mouth and respiratory tract;
  • rhinorrhea;
  • constipation;
  • dysuria;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea, vomiting.


  • hypersensitivity;
  • children under 6 years of age;
  • pregnancy (1 trimester).

Application during pregnancy and lactation

The drug is not recommended for use during the 1st trimester of pregnancy. If it is necessary to use Ambroxol in 2-3 trimesters of pregnancy and during breastfeeding, the potential benefit to the mother with a possible risk to the fetus / child should be assessed.

special instructions

Should not be combined with antitussive drugs that impede the excretion of sputum.

Drug interactions

Combined use with antitussive drugs leads to difficulty in sputum discharge against the background of a decrease in cough.

Increases penetration into the bronchial secretions of amoxicillin, cefuroxime, erythromycin and doxycycline.

Analogs of the drug Ambroxol

Structural analogues for the active substance:

  • Ambrobene;
  • AmbroGEXAL;
  • Ambroxol Vramed;
  • Ambroxol retard;
  • Ambroxol-Werte;
  • Ambroxol-Vial;
  • Ambroxol-Richter;
  • Ambroxol-Teva;
  • Ambroxol-Hemofarm;
  • Ambrolan;
  • Ambrosan;
  • Ambrosol;
  • Bronchoxol;
  • Bronchorus;
  • Dephlegmin;
  • Bronhovern drops;
  • Lazolangin;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Medox;
  • Mucobron;
  • Neo-Bronchol;
  • Remebrox;
  • Suprima-kof;
  • Fervex for cough;
  • Flavamed;
  • Haliksol.

In the absence of analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and see the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Ambroxol syrup is mucolytic agent, which is produced by EKOlab in Russia. The medicine is available in vials for internal administration, has a pleasant aroma and taste, and is indicated for the treatment of cough in children and adults.

The price of the drug in Russia is from 40 rubles and more, depending on the amount of the active ingredient.

In contact with

Let us consider in more detail the indications for the use of the drug for various diseases of the ENT organs and the respiratory system, the instructions and prices for the drug in Russia.

Action and composition

The main anti-cough component in Ambroxol syrup is ambroxol hydrochloride. It also contains additional components such as sorbitol, propyl parahydroxybenzoate and methyl parahydroxybenzoate.

The action of Ambroxol syrup is as follows:

  • stimulation of the removal of mucus from the lungs;
  • increasing the release of surfactant and preventing its breakdown;
  • secretolytic and expectorant action;
  • activation of enzymes responsible for hydrolysis, dissolution of phlegm, decrease in its viscosity;
  • improving the activity of the ciliated epithelium.

Ambroxol syrup, as indicated in the instructions for use, begins to act within half an hour after ingestion, and continues to work for 12 hours... It should be taken in a certain dosage, depending on age and indications.

Basically, this syrup is prescribed for children and adults for coughing in the case of acute respiratory viral infections and other pathologies of the respiratory system and ENT organs.

For inflammatory or infectious pathologies, the syrup should not be combined with other cough medicines, as this can interfere with the normal release of sputum. Ambroxol syrup for cough and related symptoms promotes early elimination a secret that makes breathing easier.


Antitussives for children and adults can be taken for the following diseases and conditions:

This medicine can be taken by children and adults, medicines can be purchased at the pharmacy, read its description and use in the dosage indicated in the instructions.


The use of medicine for children and adults is not allowed under such conditions:

  • hypersensitivity to the active substance and additional components;
  • pregnancy, especially the first trimester and breastfeeding period;
  • with caution, the drug is prescribed in the case of liver and kidney pathology, as well as in case of ulcerative disease;
  • not approved for the treatment of children under the age of three;
  • the presence of a convulsive syndrome.

Side effects

The use of syrup for certain conditions can provoke unwanted reactions from some systems and individual organs. In a child and adults, in the presence of contraindications or in the case of an allergic reaction, side reactions from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system may appear.

Most often, improper use of a medicine leads to the following consequences:

  • dyspeptic symptoms, including upset stools, nausea and frequent vomiting;
  • dryness of the mucous membrane in the mouth, inhibition of salivation;
  • hives or localized rashes in various areas of the skin;
  • in severe cases, angioedema may develop.

In case of an overdose, an increase in sputum secretion and secretion of the nasal mucosa can be noted, less often dysuria, hyperthermia, heartburn develop.

Such undesirable reactions from various organs are more often provoked by incorrect adherence to instructions for use and ignoring of contraindications.

Instructions and dosage

The medicine Ambroxol is prescribed to children from 3 to 7 years old ¼ spoon 3 times a day, children from 7 to 13 years old ½ spoon 3 times a day, children over 13 years old and adults two spoons 3 times a day.

The syrup must be taken during or after a meal; if consumed on an empty stomach, it may develop unwanted side reactions in the form of nausea, heartburn. It is forbidden to drink antitussive medicine after taking other medications.

Ambroxol tablets

An increase in dosage can lead to an allergic reaction and indigestion; the medicine should not be diluted with water, tea, juices and dairy products.


The cost of the drug in pharmacies in Moscow, depending on the content of ambroxol hydrochloride:

  • 0.015 ml from 45 rubles;
  • 0.0075 ml from 95 rubles;
  • 0.03 / 5 ml from 65 rubles.

Additional information about the drug

The simultaneous use of the drug Ambroxol with drugs, and Cefuroxime increases their therapeutic efficacy. The syrup is secretomotor and secretolytic agent from the drug group of benzylamines. The main active ingredient stimulates the serous glands of the mucous membrane, which leads to the active excretion and dilution of sputum. In addition, the component acts on the ciliated epithelium, which also contributes to the secretion of the bronchial mucosa, and then its excretion.

This action leads to the normalization of the rheological parameters of the secretion, its adhesive properties are reduced. Cough syrup for the treatment of children and adults has a direct effect on the muscles of the bronchi, reducing their hyperactivity, which is necessary for people with bronchial asthma.

The medicine has a pronounced antitussive effect, but this is not its only property. Ambroxol also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, helps to strengthen the immune system... The medicine, when taken internally, penetrates into the tissues of the lungs, is rapidly absorbed. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is reached after 3 hours, its half-life is from 9 to 11 hours. Immediately after application, it penetrates well into the tissues, but its greatest content will be in the lungs. The metabolism of the drug occurs in the liver, excreted in the urine.

Overdose and precautions

In case of an overdose, the following symptoms may occur:

  • dysfunction of the digestive system;
  • soreness in the abdomen;
  • feeling of a full stomach;
  • vomiting and nausea.

If unpleasant symptoms of an overdose appear, you should completely cancel the drug and undergo symptomatic treatment. Medicine allowed for treatment in the presence of diabetes mellitus... Although the substance is secreted in breast milk, it does not have a negative effect on infants.

When treating with Ambroxol, it should be used with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is contraindicated in the first trimester, in the second and third trimester, it is prescribed after assessing the potential benefits and risks. In case of impaired motility of the bronchi with increased secretion, the drug is also prescribed after examination of the body.

Only after consulting a doctor can the medicine be used in case of impaired liver and kidney function. It is not recommended to undergo treatment with this drug for congenital lactose deficiency.

There are several clinical cases when the use of an antitussive drug led to dermatological manifestations, including toxic necrolysis of the skin, while the patient has symptoms typical of influenza, including damage to the ENT organs, fever, and cough.

Simultaneous use of Ambroxol with other antitussive agents leads to suppression of cough, but at the same time there is an accumulation of sputum and its difficult excretion.

  • Fluditek
  • Bronchicum
  • Flavamed
  • When a child is tormented by a cough, doctors recommend effective expectorants, including Ambroxol. Is it possible to give this medicine at an early age, how can it harm the child's body and how to take it correctly?

    Release form

    Ambroxol is produced in the following forms:

    1. Syrup. It is represented by a slightly viscous transparent liquid with a yellowish tint or no color. The taste and smell of syrup is banana, apricot, raspberry or fruity. The content of the active substance in 5 ml of such a sweet suspension can be either 15 mg or 30 mg. One package of medicine contains 50, 100, 125 or 150 ml of syrup, as well as a measuring spoon or measuring cup.
    2. A solution that is used for inhalation or ingested. One milliliter of such a clear, colorless or brown drug contains 7.5 mg of the active ingredient. The package contains 40 or 100 ml of liquid, as well as a measuring cup.
    3. Injection. This is a sterile liquid packaged in 2 ml ampoules that can be injected both intramuscularly and into a vein. One ampoule contains 15 mg of active substance (7.5 mg of ambroxol per 1 ml of solution).
    4. Pills. Each of these white round or cylindrical tablets contains 30 mg of the active ingredient. One pack can contain from 10 to 100 tablets, packaged in blisters of 10 or 20 pieces.


    The active substance in any form of Ambroxol is represented by the compound "Ambroxol hydrochloride". The syrup contains additional substances such as water, flavorings, benzoic acid, glycerol, citric acid, sodium saccharinate and other ingredients.

    In addition to ambroxol, tablets contain lactose, potato starch, talc, silicon dioxide, and calcium or magnesium stearate. The solution for oral administration contains not only ambroxol and water, but also citric acid, benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride, and sodium hydrogen phosphate.

    Operating principle

    Since Ambroxol affects the production of mucus in the bronchial tree, this drug is classified as a secretolytic (mucolytic). After entering the patient's body, the drug is almost completely absorbed and transferred to the lung tissue. There, its active substance activates the production of sputum glycoproteins and changes the structure of polysaccharides. As a result, the secret becomes more fluid, which makes it easier to cough up.

    In addition, Ambroxol has the property of stimulating the motor activity of the respiratory tract. The drug acts on the ciliated epithelium, resulting in a more active movement of the cilia of these cells. This effect helps the expectorant action of the medicine. In addition, in the alveoli, Ambroxol prevents the breakdown of the surfactant, and also improves its production.

    From what age is it allowed to take?

    The use of Ambroxol in pediatrics is permissible from birth. When indicated, such a drug is prescribed even to newborns, including infants, whose birth occurred earlier than the required date. In this case, treatment with Ambroxol under the age of one year must certainly be under the supervision of a specialist. The tablet form begins to be given from the age of 6, when the child can swallow the tablet without much difficulty.


    The appointment of Ambroxol to a child is justified with a wet cough, if the sputum formed in the respiratory tract has a high viscosity, which prevents the child from coughing it up.

    This situation occurs:

    • With acute bronchitis.
    • With pneumonia.
    • For chronic pulmonary pathologies occurring with obstruction.
    • With asthma.
    • If bronchiectasis is detected in the respiratory tract.

    In newborns, Ambroxol is indicated for respiratory distress, which is called distress. Also, such a medicine is often prescribed for cystic fibrosis.


    Reception of Ambroxol is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to its active substance or to other components, for example, lactose in tablets.

    • With convulsive syndrome.
    • With a high risk of stagnation of mucus in the respiratory tract (if bronchial motility is impaired or the secret is formed in too much).
    • With ulcerative pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • With liver failure.
    • For serious kidney disease.

    Instructions for the use of syrup for children warns of the caution of treatment with such Ambroxol in case of problems with carbohydrate metabolism.

    Side effects

    • The child's digestive system may react to Ambroxol's reception by thinning the stool or, conversely, with constipation. If the drug is used for a very long time, it provokes nausea, abdominal pain, heartburn and even vomiting.
    • Another common side effect of Ambroxol is allergies, which can be provoked by the fragrances and other chemicals included in the composition. While taking the medication, the child may complain of an itchy rash or swelling of the skin. Occasionally, the drug causes dermatitis, and in some children, the very first dose of Ambroxol leads to anaphylactic shock.
    • Rarely, the child's body responds to treatment with Ambroxol with headaches, drying out of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx, weakness, dysuric symptoms, nasal discharge.
    • In some children, taking Ambroxol leads to an increase in nervous excitability.
    • If the drug is injected into a vein too quickly, it will cause severe headache, shortness of breath, fever, chills, numbness, and low blood pressure.

    Instructions for use and dosage

    A single dose of Ambroxol, as well as the frequency of taking the medication, is determined taking into account the age of the child:

    • For babies under 5 years old, for example, at 4 years old, the drug is given 7.5 mg of the active substance. This corresponds to 1 ml of oral solution, half a scoop of syrup containing 15 mg / 5 ml of ambroxol, or 1/4 scoop of syrup with a higher concentration (30 mg / 5 ml).
    • For children aged 6-12 years, the dosage of Ambroxol per dose is 15 mg. If you need to give a solution inside, then measure 2 ml of liquid. A syrup with an active ingredient concentration of 15 mg / 5 ml is given in 1 scoop (5 ml), and a more concentrated syrup (30 mg / 5 ml) - in half a spoon (2.5 ml).
    • For children over 12 years old, a single dose of the drug is represented by 30 mg of the active ingredient. This is a whole tablet, 4 ml of solution, 10 ml of syrup with a concentration of 15 mg / 5 ml (two full measuring spoons) or 5 ml of syrup with an ambroxol content of 30 mg / 5 ml (one spoon).

    The medicine is given after meals to keep the digestive tract from irritating. For children of the first two years of life, Ambroxol should be prescribed by a doctor, and the frequency of taking a syrup or solution is 2 times a day. At the age of two to 5 years, the medication is given in the same dose, but already three times a day.

    Children 6 years and older are offered the medicine either twice or three times a day. Very often, in the first few days, the frequency of taking Ambroxol will be greater (3 times a day), and then decreases to 2 times. The duration of the drug use in each case is set individually.

    Inhalation with Ambroxol is done 1-2 times a day through a nebulizer, mixing liquid medicine with saline in equal proportions. They are recommended from 5 years of age at a dosage of 15 to 22.5 mg of ambroxol per procedure (2-3 ml of solution for inhalation). For children under 5 years of age, as directed by a doctor, for inhalation, you can use 1-2 ml of Ambroxol in solution (7.5-15 mg).

    Injection use of Ambroxol in newborns provides for a daily dosage of 10-30 mg of the active substance for each kilogram of crumbs weight. The introduction of the drug is performed 3-4 times a day. The drug can be administered by drip, diluted with saline or dextrose.

    The daily dose of the drug for intravenous administration at the age of 1 month to 2 years is 15 mg (1 ampoule), at the age of 2-5 years - 22.5 mg (1.5 ampoules), and for children over 5 years old - from 30 to 45 mg (2-3 ampoules). For babies up to two years of age, this dose is divided into two injections, and for children over 2 years old, it is permissible to divide the daily dosage into three injections.


    An excessively high dose of Ambroxol increases salivation, provokes severe nausea, lowers blood pressure, or causes vomiting. To treat an overdose of an ingested medication, you should rinse the stomach as quickly as possible, and then give the child foods rich in fats. Further, it is important to carefully monitor the patient's condition and, if necessary, immediately seek medical help.

    Interaction with other drugs

    • If Ambroxol is prescribed along with antitussive drugs that affect the cough reflex, it can provoke stagnation of mucus in the airways.
    • Prescribing some antibiotics together with Ambroxol (Erythromycin, Amoxicillin, Doxycycline, Cefuroxime) will promote greater penetration of antibacterial agents into the bronchial secretions.
    • The injection solution cannot be added to the same syringe with medications with a pH higher than 6.3.

    Terms of sale

    You can buy any form of Ambroxol in a pharmacy without a prescription, but a doctor's consultation, if the drug is intended for a child, is desirable. The price of twenty Ambroxol tablets ranges from 30 to 50 rubles, you need to pay 40-60 rubles for a bottle of syrup, and 40 ml of Ambroxol solution costs an average of 80 rubles.

    Storage conditions and shelf life

    The medicine should not be freely available to a small child. Ambroxol storage temperature should not exceed +25 degrees Celsius. The place for tablets, syrup or solution should be selected dry and away from direct sunlight. Do not store Ambroxol for longer than indicated in the expiration dates of the drug on the package. For tablets, this period is 3 years, for syrup - 2 years.