Arranging family photos on the wall. How to hang photos evenly and beautifully. Finding the best place to stay

A modern person accumulates a lot of photos - in his memory, phone, computer or other gadgets. Pictures, even if associated with pleasant memories, are viewed extremely rarely. But why miss the opportunity to cheer yourself up by looking at memorable photos? It is enough to hang the pictures on the wall, and they will not only charge you with positivity, but will also decorate the interior.

1. Vinyl stickers - instead of frames

If artistic skills are completely absent and it is not possible to depict frames on the wall, then use vinyl stickers. They can be purchased in online stores. Such stickers do not damage the wall finish.

2. Drawing lessons

In order to depict frames on the wall, it is not at all necessary to have an art education. Even a child can repeat drawings in the style of primitivism. In order for the drawn frames to look harmonious, the wall must be monochromatic.

3. Graceful cords

Thin decorative laces act as a photo holder. Tie the cord into a knot and glue the free edge to the back of the photo. All that remains is to hang the photo on the wall, after hammering a nail into it.

4. Decoration in eco-style

A non-standard shaped branch replaces the frame, turning photos placed on it into original decor. The branch can be painted or varnished - then the homemade “frame” will last a long time.

5. From the closet to the wall

Hangers with hangers, which hang dozens in every closet, become unusual photo mounts. The main thing is to print the photo in a suitable size that matches the length of the hanger.

6. Flirty ribbons

A lady's boudoir will be transformed if you decorate it with photos on ribbons. Wide tapes are glued to the back of the frame using construction adhesive, such as silicone or acrylic.

7. Free style collage

Many photos, differing in style and size, look harmonious inside a large frame. The center of the decorative composition becomes a large photograph located in its central part.

8. Useful and beautiful angle

A brilliantly simple way to display photos is to hang them in a corner so that they form a single colored surface. Choose any geometric shape, and you can fix the photo on the wall using double-sided tape.

9. Unifying drawing

You can make a single decorative composition from several photos hanging on the wall using a laconic drawing on the wall. Any single-color pattern drawn over a group of photographs will do. Instead of a picture, you can use a vinyl sticker.

10. Nothing worse than a painting

If the paintings do not fit into the interior design, but you want to decorate your home with paintings, then replace it with a photo in a large frame. Glue several decorative cords to the back of the frame and secure the pictures to them with clothespins.

11. You can stand on the wall

Narrow shelves are great for displaying photos and paintings. They will also allow you to avoid making unnecessary holes in the wall. If there is no narrow shelf, then it can be replaced with wide moldings.

12. Optical illusions

As a rule, each frame comes with glass and thick cardboard, which serves as a holder for the photo. Use a second piece of glass instead of cardboard. Place the photo, with a drop of glue on the back side, between the two glasses. All that remains is to hang the picture on the wall.

13. Clear geometry

Once you have selected a few of your favorite photos, print them out as a collage. To do this, you just need to contact any photo or copy center. Depending on your preferences and interior design, you can choose any color for the background and type of photo placement.

14. Both photo and inscription

Think about an inscription that you would like to see on the wall every day. Then draw the outlines of the desired letters on the cardboard and carefully cut them out with a stationery knife. All that remains is to place the photo behind the cardboard and insert the entire composition into a frame of a suitable size.

15. Personal photo wallpaper

If family archives are impressive in size, then you can use them to make photo wallpaper. To keep the pictures securely on the wall, it is recommended to first cover it with paper wallpaper. Then the photo is glued to the wallpaper so that there is equal free space between adjacent photographs.

16. Democratic and stylish

The most accessible fixative for photos is ordinary clothespins. If this solution seems too radical, then buy decorative hats. They are sold in stores specializing in the sale of handicraft supplies.

A home photo gallery is an original idea that you can implement with your own hands. You just need to have the right idea about how best to arrange photo frames in your interior. In general, people prefer to create something similar to a family tree from photographs. Photos are a part of our lives, reminding us of the moments spent with our loved ones.
Each of us takes pictures, but only a few print them out to keep them as souvenirs.

Take your precious photos and memories out of your albums and hang them on your walls so you can enjoy them every day. Your collection of photographs will remind you of past events, will become an important element of decor, and even your favorite place in the house.

Place three large photo frames of the same size in the center to create a focal point. And around the central photo frames, hang smaller frames to create a gallery effect. Make sure all elements are aligned and form a geometric shape.

Above the stairs
It is best to place photo frames above the stairs in “steps”. First hang large photo frames - the main elements, and then arrange smaller frames.

On shelves
Arrange photo frames of several sizes on hanging shelves so that some of them slightly overlap each other

— Photo galleries above the stairs are the best idea, because... going up or down, you can admire the pictures every time

— A photo gallery can be placed above the sofa in the living room. But only the photo composition should hang on the wall and nothing else.

— The combination of photo frames of large and small sizes looks especially advantageous. When we look at photographs, we enjoy and cherish the memories captured in the photograph.

Another great idea for your own photo gallery is to place photo frames on a colored wall, so your composition will look even more original and beautiful. You can also create collages and place them in one large frame. There are many home photo gallery design ideas, take a look at these examples.

Photos. Moments of life captured by a camera lens. Vintage and modern photos stored in albums and interactive cloud of computer systems. For some, there is no greater pleasure than rearranging yellowed photographs on the pages of photo albums, carefully storing old photographs and Polaroid tapes. And some enjoy scrolling through the pages of social networks, looking at digital photographs.

Photographs, regardless of the date of shooting, have an amazing property, acting as a unique composite material. Photographs from the beginning of the last century enjoy a special status. They, like museum exhibits, should appear before the eyes of others. Family history should be passed on as a precious heritage.

Decorating a wall with photographs is considered the most emotional form of design art. Hiding emotions in albums, flash drives and disks, and not sharing them with loved ones, relatives, friends, is equivalent to a crime,

says designer of the Moscow studio A-Design, decorative artist Elena Vorobyova.

According to the artist, picture frames play a big role in interior decoration with photographs. Photo frames are not only a beautiful photo design, but also a protective packaging of the photo from the influence of the external environment. Direct sunlight leads to fading, humidity - to cracking, dry air - to the fragility of not only ancient photographs, but also modern photographs.

Photo frames are selected for each photo individually, depending on the style of the interior being created. When placing photo frames on the wall, keep the shapes and sizes consistent.

Frames are available in various colors. Depending on the style orientation, a palette of frames is selected.

Event photo notes

A simple but popular interior design solution is to place several photographs in frames on a table or on specially equipped wall shelves. The rigor of the classical framework is acceptable in the office. Solid voluminous photo frames decorate the interior of the living room. Delicate and romantic frames are appropriate in the bedroom or boudoir. Passe-partouts are created for small but very important event photographs.

The basis for choosing a place on the wall for a photo is the principle of direct visual perception of the original composition. In the bedroom, photographs are placed at the head of the bed. In the living room or hall, the most visible and easily visible place on the wall should be chosen for photos.

The most fertile room for placing pictures is the children's room. Photos of the baby from birth, coupled with photographs showing the child's growth and development, will create a magnificent collage.

Photos, dressed in classic frames of strict forms, can be arranged randomly or in a certain sequence. Photos for a nursery can be decorated, for example, in a nautical style for a boy, or a fruity style for a girl. It is advisable that all frames for the target design be created from the same material. Regular double-sided tape will help secure frames with pictures on the wall.

Design of wall photos

Photo frames play a primary role in interior design. The richness and variety of the assortment allows you to vary and combine all kinds of frames, creating charming compositions, regardless of the style orientation of any room.

Color selection

The range of shades of the frames and mats for photos is colossal. Designers advise using two directions when decorating rooms. Either select the color scheme of the photo frames to match the color of the interior, or frame the pictures with frames that contrast with the wall covering.

Do not allow glass frames to be adjacent to wooden frames in the exhibition - this is vulgar. Different sizes and shapes are acceptable, but made in the same style.

Photos enclosed in a passe-partout and inserted into a frame look harmonious on the wall. The color scheme of the design can be done in one of three options:

  • color mats for color photographs, dressed in colored frames;
  • classic black and white design of a series of “antique” or vintage photographs;
  • color frames or color mats for simple frames in the design of black and white photographs.

Frame sizes

wall decoration with photographs - photo

Large baguette frames are good to use for a collage of all kinds of pictures. On the wall, such a handmade work of art looks both stylish and like an artistic painting.

Photo frame shape

Any frames for one exposure can be selected. They can be oval, rectangular, square or round in various sizes. The main thing is that the shapes of the frames are combined with each other, and harmony reigns in the exhibition.

A fashionable trend in modern interiors has become the design of photographs with puzzle-style frames.

Fastening system

In addition to double-sided tape - the most primitive method of attaching photo frames to the wall, you can use a little imagination. Share your experience on about how to beautifully hang a photo on the wall.

The most creative option is to place photos pinned with original holders or ordinary clothespins on a rope or wire stretched along the wall. This option is inherent in the design of a room in the avant-garde style.

Style direction

For a classic interior and a room decorated in Provence or country style, wooden frames made of light or dark wood are appropriate.

Art Nouveau, high-tech or eclectic styles prefer metal or plastic to frame photographs.

The handmade style dictates the creation of photo frames that are unique in their originality. For example, hand-knitted.

Accommodation options

The symmetrical arrangement of the frames requires great care and depends entirely on the interior. This option is inappropriate for a child's room. For a teenager’s room, the reception is quite possible if the photos in the exhibition are arranged in ascending order of size using additional decor.

The popular solution of building a family tree from a photo with a drawn tree can be implemented in a child’s room or family room. Hand-drawn designs work well with simple oval frames.

There are a huge number of room decorating ideas for children's rooms. In the boy’s bedroom, decorated in a nautical style, photographs on the wall in round frames are shaped like portholes of a painted liner.

For little princesses, picture frames adorn wall shelves or serve as the windows of painted carriages. Any fantasy can come true in children's or playrooms.

You can decorate the space along the spiral staircase with randomly placed and different-sized photo frames.

The classic design option for staircases is to place photos in identical frames above each step at the same distance from the floor.

The compositional collage “Clocks” will add originality to the room. Where frames with pictures are placed around the dial in any order, or in accordance with the age category of family members.

For a richly decorated living room in a classic or modern style, baguette photo frames that imitate artistic canvases are appropriate.

Frames in the interior of rooms

Diptychs and triptychs should be united by photo frames of the same style. Such works look great in the interior of living rooms or kitchens.

In the bedroom, framed photographs are placed on bedside tables or placed above the head of the bed.

In the corridor, as the most boring room of a house or apartment, you can arrange an art gallery that keeps family secrets and legends.

photo frames in the interior - photo

Girls' apartments are decorated with openwork lace photo frames.

Strictly designed pictures on the wall decorate halls, living rooms or offices.

For original placement of photo frames with pictures, a straight wall is not always required. From two frames, after removing one of the sides, you can build a corner frame.

Photo ideas for interior design using photographs in original frames:

A properly decorated room creates a cozy atmosphere in the apartment. Often, an unfinished image of a room can undermine the reputation of the entire apartment. Photos can be a successful completion of the image. Although photographs are now mostly stored electronically, designers believe that photo frames dramatically change the feel of a room as a whole.

First, you need to choose an accent wall on which the pictures will be placed. If you are at the stage of planning the design of the room, then choose the general color of the photographs and their number. Photos in photo frames must be of high quality.

Ways to arrange photos:

  • So that they are level with the eyes.
  • If you have chosen photographs, but they are of different sizes, then hang small photos so that they are at eye level, and large ones a little higher.
  • Photographs placed in one line or in the shape of a pyramid do not look good.

The next stage is choosing photos. It is best to choose those pictures that evoke a surge of positive emotions.

How to decorate a photo frame in the interior?

If you are not familiar with the basics of interior design and you are afraid of experiments, then choose one-color photo frames. To add variety, thickness and shape may vary.

If the room is decorated in bright colors, then it is advisable to use frames in light colors, for example, silver. Such a frame will only highlight the photograph and will not overload the interior.

Black frames look great in a room with a neutral color scheme. It will focus the attention of the entire room.

Filling photo frames

Vintage black and white photos look interesting. This photo fits perfectly with elongated frames.

  • Now the fashion has gone to grass and flowers. Flora can be drawn with a pencil. To give the picture some zest, you just need to write the name of the flower in Latin.
  • A photograph that shows the same person, only from different angles, looks original. For example, you can take 4 pictures of winter, spring, summer and autumn. Or collect all your vacation pictures in one picture.
  • Mosaic photo. Beautiful and tasteful. To make such a picture, you need to take one photo, cut it and place it in different frames.
  • If you don't have any suitable photos, but you like the idea of ​​using frames on the wall. Then take the wallpaper and put it in frames!
  • Frames without photos look just as good as with them.
  • Painted frames look great on the wall.
  • Placing modern photo frames in the interior

So, you have already chosen the frames and pictures for them, now it’s time to think about their placement.

If you have many different size frames, then arrange them randomly. Then a certain dynamism will appear in the interior.

One-dimensional frames are best placed in geometric patterns, such as triangles, squares, and so on. But this method is only suitable if the pictures are also the same size.

Use masking tape to hang frames correctly. Draw a straight line for it at eye level. And then navigate it.

To build an arrangement of photographs on the wall, use a central object. This could be: a mirror, paintings, photos or posters. Place the remaining frames around this item, in a chaotic style or vice versa, symmetrically.

Little design tricks

1. Black and white photographs, designed in a simple style, look great and intriguing due to their asymmetrical placement.

2. Do you only have small pictures? No problem! Just attach them with string and clothespins and they will fit in the frame.

3. Do you want to increase the effectiveness of the composition? Light it up!

4. To add some fun to black and white photos, simply use colorful frames to frame them.

5. Small pictures placed in large photo frames look great.

6. If you don’t need photos, don’t write them off. Make a wall slogan out of them!

7. White frames on a white background will attract close attention.

8. Photos at the head of the bed are a win-win design option!

9. Do you have a lot of small frames? Make a big heart out of them!

And finally, if you have a great desire to create your own gallery, then don’t be intimidated by this, just combine frames of different sizes and colors. Just don’t overdo it so that the composition doesn’t depress you.

Photo of beautifully designed photo frames in the interior

A beautiful, well-chosen and correctly placed photo (or a composition of several photographs) can become a highlight in the interior of a room. We have long been accustomed to looking at photographs by clicking a computer mouse or viewing them directly on the camera, but true connoisseurs know how much a photo can change in a room and its style. It’s not for nothing that many designers use such an original solution as photo frames in the interior.

What makes a style, of course, is not the photo itself, but its packaging - the photo frame. It also carries the function of preserving the photograph, protecting it from direct sunlight, which ages it by leaps and bounds.

Thanks to the variety of modern photo frames, their shapes, colors and sizes, they can fit into virtually any interior. Let's try to think about different design solutions.

Photo frames in the interior - important notes

The simplest option, acceptable in any room, is photograph in a frame on the table. The style of the photo frame in this case will depend on where the table is located. A strict classic frame will look impressive on a table in your office, or something delicate, romantic, and cozy on a table in a boudoir or bedroom. You can also put a voluminous photo frame on the table, which will look very impressive.

One of the most favorable places to place a photo frame is children's room An exhibition of photographs of a child would be appropriate here, showing how he grows and changes from year to year. You can place such an exhibition in the same strict (classical) frames, randomly in relation to each other. If you want to place different frames, then you should still keep them in the same style - children's, “fruit”, “sea”, so that they seem to be from the same series and made of the same material.

Wooden and glass frames next to each other will look quite vulgar within the same exhibition. But combining photographs of different sizes side by side is quite acceptable. Thus, f frames in the interior require harmony.

If you want to arrange the frames symmetrically, then be careful, because they will then demand symmetry from everything in the interior of the room. For example, such a reception in a nursery would be at least inappropriate. You can arrange the exhibition approximately “in order of growth”, from smallest to largest, but then it’s worth adding some additional decor to the wall that will support this “thought” and echo it.

You can create a family tree consisting of a hand-drawn part in the form of a tree on the wall and correspondingly arranged photographs in oval frames. In principle, the idea of ​​combining a drawing and a photo frame is quite successfully implemented in a children's room. In a boys' "sea" room, it could be a photograph in the porthole of a drawn ship; in a princess-style girls' room, it could be a drawing of a carriage and a photo frame instead of a window. And so on, taking into account style and design. The photo frame itself also plays a lot; now there are a lot of stylized models that successfully decorate shelves in children's rooms.

You can perfectly use photographs to decorate the space around the spiral staircases in the house. There is an option for a chaotic arrangement of photographs of different sizes, or you can make an exposure of photographs of the same style at approximately the same distance from the floor.

The “clock” composition will look great in the living room. Photos are placed around the clock mechanism (you can arrange family photos by age, starting with wedding ones). It looks rich and quite original. Also interesting is the option for the living room of photographic portraits, arranged like paintings and designed in the same style. Designed in this way there will be frames in the interior look unusual.

Photo diptychs and photo triptychs, photo frames that combine two or more photographs, look elegant and tasteful.

In the bedroom, photographs fit perfectly into the bedside area: above the bed or on the bedside table.

And the corridor, the most boring room in the house, thanks to framed photographs, can become not only an art gallery, but also a keeper of family secrets and legends.

I would like to mention a few more original ideas. If there is a knitter in the house, and she decided to equip the living room in a handmade style, then hand-knitted photo frames for this room will look great.

In an avant-garde interior, it will be interesting to look at photographs “drying”, attached with clothespins to a rope stretched along the wall, as they were attached in Soviet times by people who developed photographs themselves.

Recently, photo frames in the form of puzzles have become very popular.

True specialists and connoisseurs of luxury design are unlikely to ignore such a detail as photo frames in the interior.