It all started with satiety with propaganda: Russian, Ukrainian, - V. Litovchenko. How humanitarian aid is stolen from Ukrainian churches

American missionary Viktor Litovchenko won a trial against Ukrainian swindlers, or How humanitarian aid is stolen from Protestant churches in Ukraine.

Church corruption is widespread in Ukraine, says Seattle philanthropist Viktor Litovchenko.

Having lived in the United States for about a quarter of a century and sent home hundreds of containers with humanitarian aid, Ukrainian expat and head of the Light of Hope charity foundation Viktor Litovchenko returned to Ukraine and, at the request of local Protestant clergy - Bishop Mikhail Bliznyuk and evangelist Vasily Panasyuk - stopped near Lutsk , in the village of Krupa, where he intended to establish a base for charitable service to his fellow citizens.

While in the United States, Litovchenko organized the delivery of hundreds of containers of humanitarian aid and transferred hundreds of thousands of dollars for the construction of a rehabilitation center and an orphanage.

But upon arriving in Lutsk, the American discovered that the funds he had transferred (about 300 thousand dollars) did not reach their recipients - homeless children, orphans, the disabled and the poor. A philanthropist from Seattle, with a long history of working in social structures in the United States and an impeccable reputation, discovered that most of the funds donated to the local church were simply shamelessly stolen.

Instead of building an orphanage and rehabilitation center for alcohol and drug addicts in the Volyn village of Krupa, Lutsk region, the money donated by American believers went towards luxurious mansions, cars for fraudulent pastors, and even bribes to local officials.

You can learn more about this from the detailed report of the Ukrainian TV channel “Avers”, “Slavic Sacramento” last year.

Having in hand all the relevant documents, receipts and confirmations of money transfers from American and Ukrainian banks, the emigrant filed a lawsuit against the local “shahrais”. For 5 years, Viktor Litovchenko fought in Ukrainian court against scammers with a Bible in his hands, and in the end the local judiciary found two citizens - Vasily Panasyuk and his son Leonid - guilty before the law, sentencing them to 5 years in prison.

However, the criminals continued to hide from the arrest of the authorities, and so that the bailiffs would not deprive them of their ill-gotten property, they transferred the real estate and luxury foreign cars to their relatives.

Before this, the thieving priests had been flying to the United States since 2004, mainly to the western states (Oregon, Washington), where, using the name of the Volyn charitable foundation “Bethany,” they collected money allegedly for the construction of the orphanage “The Cry of a Child’s Heart” (“The Cry of a Child’s Soul”) ”) in the village of Pidgaytsy, Lutsk region.

The general director of this institution was Mikhail Ivanovich Bliznyuk, and the executive director was Vasily Ksenofontovich Panasyuk.
During the trial, employees of this organization stated that during the entire period of activity of these individuals, the orphanage did not receive a single cent from America. American money was stolen.

In 2016, on behalf of the Light of Hope Foundation, Litovchenko appealed to the heads of Slavic churches in Washington state with a request to investigate the activities of Ukrainian “charities,” but the defendants tried in every possible way to confuse both the Americans and Ukrainian justice. And threats and curses were directed at Victor; Even the bishop of the Christian Union, Mikhail Panochko, got involved in the matter and reluctantly began to analyze the situation in his diocese.

Such “hucksters” who profit from gullible believers only compromise Protestant Christians in Ukraine, says Litovchenko.

According to Litovchenko, since pastors Bliznyuk and Panasyuk work in the association of Bishop Panochko, the latter had no choice but to cover up his mediocrely stealing clergy. However, neither the episcopal authority from Kyiv, nor the money of American believers, with the help of which, according to the testimony of the victims, the thieves wanted to bribe the judiciary, had any particular power. Pastor Vasily Panasyuk and his son Leonid were found guilty, the authorities decided to confiscate their property, and since they were hiding from justice, they were put on the wanted list.

As Viktor Litovchenko told Slavic Sacramento, the next court hearing is scheduled for May 25, where the issue of toughening the punishment of the defendants will be considered, since they did not fulfill their promise and did not compensate for the damage caused. Due to the failure to comply with the court decision, the prosecutor's office demands that both be sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Having heard about the scandalous actions of this unscrupulous couple, American churches one after another stopped cooperating with the pastors, supporting Litovchenko in his legal battle against the scammers. However, the Ukrainian Union of Churches ignores the court decision and allows priests to engage in religious activities.

Instead of repenting and returning the funds intended for the mission, the accomplices burned all the financial statements, but Litovchenko kept copies of them.

In his address to the Protestant churches of Ukraine and the United States, Litovchenko also sharply condemns the desire of the leader of the Churches of Christians of the Evangelical Faith of Ukraine, Mikhail Panochko, to sow enmity between the Ukrainian-speaking and Russian-speaking churches of the country. According to Viktor Litovchenko, the bishop of a large religious association, which includes over one and a half thousand communities and more than 374 thousand believers, called for “beating with Grads” the residents of the East of the country, since they did not want to participate in the Ukrainization of the nation.

The winner of the weekly survey that we conducted last week, asking users and site guests to answer the question: “ Which humorous show do you enjoy the most?” turned out to be (somewhat unexpectedly for me!) Victor Litovchenko. Who, with his YouTube blog “Vata-TV”, managed to bypass such TV bisons as the 95th quarter studio.

Of course, the results of the survey, in which only 15 respondents participated, cannot in any way be considered a reflection of the opinion of the people “as a whole.” However, we do not pretend to such a scale. Moreover, our priority is to study “not the general temperature in the hospital,” but specifically the opinions of our users.

Well, now, in fact, let’s move on to the information at our disposal about the “Personality of the Week”...

Destroyer “Composer Yuri Shostakovich”

It’s worth starting with an apology about my own “jamb”: when entering the text into the survey, I called the author of the “VataTV” show not Victor, but Valery. Moreover, I discovered this typo only at the end of the week. But I admit my mistake and repent!

Victor Litovchenko about himself

In the casting questionnaire for actors, Victor provides the following information about himself:

Body type: muscular, height: 170 cm, weight 77 kg, shoe size: 43, clothes: 48. Hair color: dark brown, eyes green. There are no bad habits, as well as tattoos and piercings.

Professional actor and TV presenter, with almost 20 years of experience in filming series, films, television, music videos and commercials. The main specialization is “people in uniform”: military, border guards, firefighters, flight instructors, etc. Easy-going, I love working on camera, I like to master new images.

Education: graduated from the Institute of Journalism of Kyiv University (1993). In 2012, he completed a speaker course.

He starred in the television series “Sashka” (2013), Vitalka (2014), “Forget and Remember” and “Nikonov and Co” (2015), documentaries “World War I” (2014) and “ Kill Hitler” (2015)

Lukomorye about Viktor Litovchenko - a clone of Lurkomorye, positioning itself as an alternative wikiproject to Lurkomorye and “an absolutely free and truthful Internet encyclopedia” writes the following about the presenter of Vata-TV:

Warning! Below we use obscene words, which we, however, cannot “throw out of the song”!

Quote from Lukomore:

The presenter (Viktor Litovchenko) is a distinguished guy with a mustache, an actor, a former player of “What? Where? When”, which most of the fans of this game do not remember, the CCM for the fight against all sorts of Crimean-Nashis at the entrance and is simply a good person.

He loves to throw shit at the Russian Federation, going from the image of a Russian cocksucker to the image of a complete quilted jacket and telling how he likes it when Putler and the security officers fuck Russia doggy style (IRL 95% of quilted jackets are exactly like that, which is why they are lulz).

Kolyan helps to undermine the farts of Vatnikov-katsap-cocksuckers, by receiving pussy from the presenter. Serves as a visual voodoo doll of the damned cocksucking katsapo-Muscovites.

Why are you interested?

With comments from bots/vatniks/Svidomo, lately the presenter has been shamelessly rubbing most of the vatniks, so it’s not so epic anymore

Sarcasm pumped up to 100lv, which is why the lulz are actually caught.

Daily and relevant, a new issue is published every day at 6:00, and there is always the latest news. Thus, an excellent replacement for the zombie box with his “News” because there is more jokes, less propaganda, and the presenter is more colorful.

Unlike most similar political films, it is filmed in a professional studio, with changing angles and other goodies.

The Russian quilted jackets consider this channel, to put it mildly, not good - because it makes them sick.

According to some liberal-Russophobic assessments, this is a very good and positive channel, where you learn a lot of interesting and truthful things about the Katsapo-fascist nation.”

"Pidrakhui-echannel effectICTV

In the context of Putler’s Russia’s hybrid aggression against Ukraine, the idea of ​​holding an open vote turned out to be not the best idea. Because thanks to the efforts of the “Kremlinbots” and our local “cotton public”, Anatoly Shariy, whom most patriots (including your humble servant) consider an openly anti-Ukrainian blogger.

In order not to run into the righteous anger of radical patriots, the editors ICTV I had to get out of this, to put it mildly, “slippery” situation for the TV channel itself. As a result, the voting button for Shariy was removed from the channel’s page, but this did not help either, because the gap in votes was too large.

The final result of the vote was “drawn by hand,” that is, stupidly sfal-si-fi-tsi-ro-van (!!!). And this is not just shameful for a self-respecting TV channel. This is a direct violation of a) ethical standards and rules of journalism; b) articles of laws relating to the work of the media.

This is no longer just an unintentional mistake, such as my mistake in the presenter’s name. This is a conscious and deliberate falsification. This is so disgusting that it certainly had to be condemned by civil society. And civil society ate this “g” and didn’t even wince...

And such crap happens regularly in almost all areas. That's what's scary!

If someone asks, what would be the right thing for the channel to do? ICTV in the above situation? - then, firstly, you should start with a question as simple as the corner of a house: - How did Tolik Shariy even get into the rating of Ukrainian bloggers?

For a nominally domestic TV channel to call Shariy a “Ukrainian blogger” is like spitting in the face of all patriots. This, by the way, is a direct consequence of the cunning power of the hucksters, who have not called a spade a spade for four years now. As a result, any enemy with a Ukrainian passport is nominally considered a law-abiding citizen.

Secondly, the channel ICTV I should have honestly admitted my initial “flaw” and openly reformatted the principle of determining the best bloggers. Having recognized that the idea of ​​open voting failed due to the dominance of “cotton wool” and “Kremlin bots” on the Internet, entrust the compilation of the rating to, say, an independent jury.

Nevertheless, I consider Viktor Litovchenko’s victory deserved, because his “Vata-TV”, in my opinion, continues the glorious traditions Dmitry Chekalkin with his “Funny Eggs”...

Oleg Fedorenko, July 2017

P.S.“For dessert” I will offer to the attention of readers a copy-paste of the conversation Valeria Malitskaya with the presenter of “Vata-TV”, published on February 24, 2017

Litovchenko: “Vatnik” should live in his historical homeland

Facts ICTV talked to the people's blogger of Ukraine and the host of the YouTube channel VATA TV Viktor Litovchenko.

– You won in the most scandalous category of the People’s Choice rating, where more than 260 Ukrainian bloggers were represented. Why did people vote for you?

– The title of People's Blogger is fair not to me, but to the team of the VATA TV project. There is no more popular candidate for this award than us.

There are a lot of people working on the program who select information and help with financial contributions.

By the way, our project is not exclusively Ukrainian - a very large number of people from different parts of the world are working on it.

For example, contributions in Russian rubles sometimes exceed contributions in hryvnia.

– VATA TV is propaganda.

– I do not engage in direct propaganda or anti-propaganda. No one can accurately define the line between propaganda and information. Any information, under certain conditions, is propaganda.

I just do what I like. We make fun of the “Russian world”, Sovkism and idiocy.

And Ukrainian politicians also often receive a dose of sarcasm from us.

Our creative team struggles with things that we find funny, that we really want to joke about.

– Have you been approached with offers to post material for money?

- No! I don't even know how much these posts cost.

– Does the state help you in any way?

“I asked for help more than once.

- Who?

– When we felt that people needed the project, I turned to the Ministry of Stewardship and called on a whole bunch of people to get information support. No one refused me, but no one did anything.

– That is, VATA TV is a business for you...

– VATA TV is my job. On YouTube, a project earns an average of $600-700 per month. Of course, this is not enough to cover all expenses.

Therefore, the studio in which we film the program is forced to make money on other projects. It's OK.

– For me he is an antipathetic person, I don’t like his presentation.

Anatoly objects when he is called an anti-Ukrainian blogger, but for me that’s what he is. Everything is Ukrainian: starting from the language, flag, symbols, heroes of Ukraine - everything was, excuse me, common...

- But he’s successful.

– Because it is watched by “vatniks”, and on our Internet they are the majority.

Shariy is definitely the most successful blogger in the political and information context. For building a successful project - honor and praise to him.

But for me he is antipathetic.

– Why can’t anyone surpass Shariy?

– In order to surpass Shariy, you need to “sink” towards the “vatniks”, because there are more of them. We need to spit on Ukraine.

He has a targeted position against Ukraine. Whatever happens to us, and any patriotically minded person considers it positive, he will definitely come and, again, excuse me, he will crap all of this.

I agree, often well-reasoned. I sometimes agree with him, but his style of presenting information is boorish.

Be that as it may, I would rate Shariy’s influence on the information and political space of Ukraine as zero.

– Do you think that if bloggers like Shariy and Montyan change their rhetoric, then the perception of what they say will change?

- Exactly! We were friends with Montyan for a long time, until, frankly speaking, she lost her mind. At one time, I supported her in the 2012 Verkhovna Rada elections. I even wrote her a press release.

We got along great - and then she lost her mind: “Maidanut, pans.” Nobody listens to people who communicate in such a tone. Even if they say smart things. They become unheard.

If she changed the rhetoric, we could talk and debate.

– You often talk in your videos about the so-called “vatniks”. Who is a “vatnik” and why is there so much attention to them today?

“Vatniks” are people who think that they rule the world with their bare asses. “Vatnik” is a symbol of Soviet-Russian world expansion.

The problem is that on our Internet “vatniks” significantly predominate.

– And in Ukraine?

– There are already fewer of them in Ukraine. After the war with Russia, many of them changed their minds.

For example, I follow everything “cotton”: the personal life of Putin, Medvedev, I know who Milonov is. The job of a video blogger is to monitor what is happening. But I don’t enter into direct disputes with them, because I don’t think it’s necessary.

– You insult people by calling them “vatniks”. This hardly contributes to the thesis “Ukraine is united.”

- Yes, I insult you. But calling a spade a spade is normal. “Vatnik” must live in his historical homeland.

Or he can be a “vatnik”, not show it violently, and move on with his life calmly. He won't touch anyone. Let him live, pay taxes, hold different views, the main thing is not to be aggressive.

– But before there were people who supported Russia, but there was not so much attention to them...

– We have been cooperating with Russia for 25 years. We discussed. And what they got, in fact, was a postponed war. This war should have happened 20 years ago.

The war simply had to take place. But if it had started, say, in the 1990s, we would not have held onto some regions. For example, Odessa, Kharkov. Therefore, everything happened not so bad, compared to what could have been.

The war is going on in a small part of Donbass, on its appendix. Geographically, by the way, this is what it looks like. (0 ratings, average: 0,00 out of 5) In order to rate a post, you must be a registered user of the site.

The staff of the South Ural State Agrarian University elected Viktor Grigorievich Litovchenko as rector for a second term.

The elections became an indicator of the trust of the oldest university in the Chelyabinsk region in V.G. Litovchenko: 89% of the votes were given to him. In 2011, Viktor Grigorievich headed the Ural State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. Under his leadership, the academy successfully passed accreditation and performance monitoring, changed its status to a university, after which the Chelyabinsk State Agricultural Engineering Academy became part of the new university. The creation of a new agricultural university is one of the main directions of the rector’s work. In his work, he focuses on the needs of the region, which is confirmed by the creation of a Board of Trustees headed by Governor Boris Aleksandrovich Dubrovsky. During the leadership of V.G. Litovchenko has built a relationship with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Chelyabinsk Region. The university is playing an increasingly important role as an educational, scientific and cultural center. This year, 43 million rubles have been allocated to strengthen its material and technical base. The university has set a course for staffing the agricultural sector of the economy on the basis of integration with enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, the development of applied innovative developments that are in demand by practitioners, the creation of a unified information and educational environment, and the implementation of adapted educational programs for inclusive education. Having started his career as an agronomist, in 1983 V.G. Litovchenko was elected head of the collective farm. Shevchenko, in 1986 - director of the Berezinsky state farm. Since 1996 - head of the Chesme municipal district.

The election of the new rector of SUSU took place at a conference in which representatives of the teaching staff, staff and students of the university took part. In addition to the current rector V.G. Litovchenko, the dean of the Faculty of Biotechnology, Associate Professor Dmitry Sergeevich Vilver was nominated as a candidate. The conference was also attended by the Minister of Agriculture of the Chelyabinsk Region Sergei Yurievich Sushkov and the Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region Andrei Aleksandrovich Samsonov. Following the conference, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation signed an order appointing Viktor Grigorievich Litovchenko as rector of the South Ural State Agrarian University for a period of 5 years.

Information sheet:

V.G. Litovchenko was born on April 2, 1956 in the village of Novotroitsk, Komsomolsky district, Kustanai region. Graduated from the Kustanai Agricultural Institute, Sverdlovsk Socio-Economic Institute. He has a doctorate in agricultural sciences. Awarded the Order of Honor, medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree; has the titles “Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation”, “Honored Worker of the Agro-Industrial Complex”, “Honored Worker of General Education”. Awarded the memorial badge “For services to the Chelyabinsk region”

Litovchenko Viktor Grigorievich(b. 04/2/1956, Novotroitsk village, Komsomolsk district, Kustanai region, Kazakh SSR), agricultural specialist. pr-va, household and municipal leader, candidate of agricultural Sciences (2001), honorable mention. agricultural worker of the Russian Federation (1997). Son of G. S. Litovchenko, brother of A. G. Litovchenko. Graduated from Tselinograd agricultural sector. Institute (1978) and Ural. socio-political Institute (1991). Work. Began his career as an agronomist at the Boskolsky state farm (Kustanai region); in 1981-83 and 1992-96 ch. agronomist and chairman collective farm "Kalinovsky", in 1983-86 chairman. collective farm named after Shevchenko, in 1986-89 dir. the largest state farm "Berezinsky" Chesm. district. Under the leadership of L., the farmers achieved high grain yields - 16.5 c/ha, milk yield per 1 forage cow was 3500-3800 kg, and the weight gain of young animals reached 750-800 g per day. Every year, the Berezinsky state farm handed over 25 thousand tons of bread to the state. Being the chairman collective farm "Kalinovsky", L. ch. paid attention to expanding agricultural capabilities, creating new jobs, and increasing the competitiveness of agriculture. products: workshops for the production of sunflower oil and a smokehouse, a bakery, and a technical station were built. car service, hotel. On Sept. 1996 L. appointed, and in December. elected head of Chesm. district, in 2000 and 2005 he was re-elected to the next position. deadlines. As a result of successful managers. Based on the decisions of L. and his team, district budget revenues increased from 18.8 (1996) to 53.5 (2001) million rubles. In 1998–2001, 80 km of roads, 185 km of gas networks, a hospital, an orphanage, and 1,200 apartments were built in the region. Based on the results of 2003 Chesm. district as the best agricultural Chel district region awarded the rolling Kr. banner L. secret. Political Council of the Chesma branch of the United Russia party. Order awarded Honor (2008), med. hord. "For services to the Fatherland" 2nd degree. (2002), Honor. badge “For Services to the Chelyabinsk Region” (2004); All-Russian laureate competition “Best Municipal Employee” (2006).

Elena Lysenko: How did the idea to create such a project come about? Where did it all start?

Victor Litovchenko: It all started with boredom and satiety with propaganda from all sides: Russian, Ukrainian, American, etc. We sat in the studio and were bored. There is a camera, there is all the equipment, but there is nothing to do. And we decided, since we are such funny guys, we can afford to joke on any topic, let's direct our humor in the right direction. The first episode was filmed. We realized that this was nonsense. Such horror cannot be released into the world. We created several more issues and decided to post them on the Internet.

The main goal is to hear people's opinions. We were sure that they would tell us: “We don’t need to do such nonsense anymore.” But it turned out completely differently. We were supported and then responsibility for this project appeared. We already understood that we were not doing nonsense, but people really needed us.

Elena Tereshchenko: You have huge views not only in Ukraine, but also in other countries...

Victor Litovchenko: The reaction of Ukrainian viewers was predictable. But our surzhik gave such an effect that we did not even hope for. Some people don’t even understand what exactly I’m saying and what language I’m speaking. Russians react normally. For them, surzhik is just a funny word.

But the Israelis, of whom we have a lot among the audience, and as I understand it, they come from Russian territory, they listen to our surzhik and write: “So Ukrainian is an easy language. I generally understand everything. Why didn’t I speak it before?”

Elena Tereshchenko: Some people watch your project as an alternative to news. You give the same news, just with a different approach.

Victor Litovchenko: We select the hottest news. If propaganda distorts the news in a way that suits their interests. Then we say everything that propaganda is afraid to say. Let's admit everything that happened. Moreover, we don’t just come up with something, we base it on headlines, on statements and speeches of people. That is, if we refer to Putin, then we give him the floor.

Elena Lysenko: Do ​​you receive negative reviews for your program? People are now asking us on social networks, can you speak not Surzhik, but Ukrainian?

Victor Litovchenko: I definitely can. Frankly, for the sake of these negative effects, it’s worth fighting for. If you want to understand what is happening under the skin, you need to calm your nerves. If people are bought into any kind of propaganda, they are even more inclined to react to criticism. Nachebto tse viklik sae nim.

It’s not just vikling, it’s trolling. Trolling the situation that is happening here in Ukraine, Russia and internationally. We don’t mince words. We also react normally to different thoughts in connection with our program. We don't ban anyone. We are ready to listen to any thought.

Elena Tereshchenko: I often read reviews from your viewers and see a lot of comments from Russians.

Victor Litovchenko: We started collecting donations for our programs. We didn’t start out of greed, but the project was not self-sustaining. We were referred to by known people. Take a donation - it will provide financial assistance and you will be able to understand the needs of everyone. Over the course of several periods, there was more money in rubles, and less in hryvnias. People write volubly that for them there is truly light in the tunnel of depression.

You really freak out and understand that the edge is about to fly into a concrete wall, and on TV it seems that everything is fine. And it’s good to bring in the pulp. And if you look at our program, where the presentation of information has been brought to the point of complete absurdity, then people will immediately understand that everything is wrong. So these people understand that our program is not counter-propaganda.

Elena Tereshchenko: You have an interesting image on Vata-TV. The presenter sits at a rickety table on which there is a samovar, drinking tea from cup holders. Dressed in a smart padded jacket and an “alcoholic” T-shirt. In the background is a mended sheet on which the Kremlin is drawn, slightly tilted. Is this an attempt to ridicule the stereotype of how we see Russians?

Victor Litovchenko: This is the most likely way to move forward. We are very much like this, and we hate this stereotype. Why did we get surzhik? So, according to their thoughts, we are united here in Ukraine. And indeed our heroes are similar to the Ukrainians, but not in surzhik, but in strength.

We all understand that we are living in the state; The skin has its own types of nutrition. Whether it’s patriotism or regret, we’re filtering it out.

Elena Lysenko: Do ​​you think your program helps people understand that when watching the news they need to treat it with a grain of salt, and not believe every word?

Victor Litovchenko: Whose main point is. If you marvel at the same news on two channels - Russian and Ukrainian - then there are almost parallel worlds. In addition, we supply new skin in many forms. Then we take one heading, then another, then a third. If they are independent, then they appear normal. All at once - this is the lighthouse.

Elena Tereshchenko: You don’t laugh at the fights in the Verkhovna Rada, you don’t discuss unnecessary skirmishes there. Why?

Victor Litovchenko: I still respect that we are able to demonstrate some kind of culture. We do not support such humor. We spend the entire hour trying to lighten the mood in an original way. There are already a lot of journalists who have started to complain about various topics. If you want to fry it, you need to sweep it up.

Those who fly wildly are not funny. There is even more confusion in the life of our state. So, we are trying to make fun of something that is actually funny. Troll those who need to troll in order to understand people's thoughts, and not just get promoted for the sake of some kind of thing.