Machines for grinding meat and fish mincers. Meat and fish processing machines and mechanisms Electric meat grinder in the catering kitchen

Meat grinders. At public catering establishments, meat grinders are used for finely chopping meat, fish and meat products; frozen products, for fine grinding of meat - cutters. When grinding in a meat grinder, the following requirements are imposed on the final product: it must be crushed without residue and without squeezing the juice. When loosening portioned pieces, the notches should be applied evenly over the entire surface and there should be no loss of juice. When cutting meat into beef stroganoff, the final pieces of the product should have approximately the same shape and size.

According to their productivity, meat grinders are divided into: purpose household productivity up to 30 kg / h for enterprises OP 30 - 1000 kg / h industrial (grinders) more than 1000 kg / h

The principal device of the meat grinder: 1 - working chamber; 2 - auger; 3 - ribs; 4 - scoring grate; 5, 6 - knife grids; 7 - thrust ring; 8 - pressure nut; 9 - knives

Cutting tools of meat grinders: a - fixed scoring grate; b - a rotating double-sided knife; in - knife lattice; d - main set

Meat grinders MIM-300, MIM-300 M, MIM-350 and MIM-600 are designed for chopping meat and fish into minced meat, re-grinding cutlet mass and stuffing sausages at catering establishments Meat grinders MIM-300, MIM-300 M, MIM-350 and MIM-600 are produced in UZ version according to GOST 15150-69 TU 5. 899-111901-88 for operation at temperatures from plus 1 to plus 40 °C. Meat grinders for public catering establishments are produced in accordance with the requirements of the STB ISO 9001: 2001 standard, they have Belarusian and Russian certificates of conformity and a certificate of state hygienic registration.

Meat grinder MIM - 300 1 - Pusher; 2 - Actually a meat grinder. Drive: 3 - drive shaft; 4 - Hole for oil level control; 5 - Facing front; 6 - Drain plug; 7 - Grounding clamp; 8 - Facing back; 9 - Electric motor; 10 - "Start" button; 11 Stop button; 12 - Cork; 13 - Bowl with fuse; 14 - Clamp; 15 - Support; 16 Terminal block; 17 -Indicator.

Design and operation of meat grinders The meat grinder MIM-300 and MIM-600 consists of the meat grinder itself and the drive. The actual meat grinder assembly consists of an aluminum body in which the auger rotates, a clamping nut, double-sided knives, a set of knife grids, a thrust ring and a scoring knife. On the front part of the body of the meat grinder itself there is an external thread onto which a clamping nut is screwed, and on the back part there is a flange with which the body is attached to the drive. The body is fastened with threaded clamps. A non-removable fuse is located above the loading opening, which excludes the possibility of the operator's hand getting into the auger of a working meat grinder. The processed product from the bowl is manually fed to the neck of the meat grinder body, and then by the pusher to the rotating auger. The product entrained by the auger passes sequentially through a set of cutting tools.

Main technical characteristics of meat grinders Parameter name MIM-300 M MIM-600 MIM-350 Productivity, kg/h, not less than 300 600 350 Productivity during repeated grinding of cutlet mass, kg/h, not less than 100 200 100 Rated power consumption, kW 1, 90 1, 44 2, 71 1, 91 Power supply: - type of current - rated voltage, V - speed, rpm three-phase, variable 380 1410 Overall dimensions, mm, not more than: - length - width - height 680 400 441 Weight, kg, max 47 560 520 420 42 765 450 576 560 520 420 56 42

To obtain minced meat of varying degrees of grinding, the meat grinder is equipped with a set of knife grates with holes of various sizes. 1 - Key; 2 - Auger; 3 - scoring knife; 4 - Double-sided knife; 5 Grid with 9 mm holes; 6 - Grid with 5 mm holes; 7 Thrust ring; 8 - Clamping nut.

Grid parameters Grid number MIM-300 and MIM-350 MIM-600 1 2 3 outer diameter, mm 82 82 82 105 105 hole diameter, mm 3 5 9 number of holes 217 90 30 276 132 54

Spare parts for meat grinders MIM-300 and MIM-600

Clamping nut Grid with a hole diameter of 3 mm Thrust ring Grid with a hole diameter of 3 mm with collar

Meat grinders of foreign production Meat grinders of foreign production are widely used in the domestic market. Their basic structure is the same. Consider meat grinders with a capacity of up to 1000 kg / h.

Meat grinder Fimar 12/S The meat grinder is intended for use in everyday life and in small catering establishments. The frame of the meat grinder is made of polished aluminium. Self-sharpening knife, grid, hopper are made of stainless steel. Removable parts are easy to clean in a dishwasher Meat grinder Feuma TW-R 70 Meat grinder Fama TS 12 Desktop, meat grinder with Professional kitchen grate 4, 5 mm. minced meat grinders are designed for minced meat preparation mincemeat grinder produces 2300 pieces/h. of varying degrees Included is a grinding drive, as well as for preparing semi-finished products for minced meat and a pusher. and minced meat dishes. Meat grinder not only These meat grinders are used in restaurants, cafes, pizzerias, pawn foods, catering establishments, but are also capable of catering. The working parts for cutting meat pieces (body, neck, auger, fixing ring, knives, goulash, making pate, grills) are made of stainless steel to separate the rough connective tissue. The knives included in the meat grinder kit are self-sharpening. low-grade cutlet

Main technical characteristics of meat grinders of foreign production Firm manufacturer Brand of meat grinder Productivity kg/h Diameter of gratings, mm Diameter of holes in the grate, mm Nominal power of the electric motor, k. W Voltage, V Overall dimensions length*width* height, mm Weight, kg Equipment Fama (Italy) Series TI 12 FTI 126 150/2 00 - 3 0.75 380 490*310*460 - ½ Unger Sirman (Italy) Vehicle 8 30 60 - 0.9 230 200*350*380 16 - Fimar(Italy) 8 T 30 - - 0.37 220 280*340*270 8.5 - Feuma(Germany) TWR 70 150 - - 0.83 - 415*253*520 - - - Mew 510 -2 150 - 3 1, 1 220 416*300*370 25 ½ Unger Oberwerk (Germany) EVE/200012 200 - - 1 220 280*270*395 21 - Spain B 9843 800 100 - 2, 2 380 720*420*610 80 Whole Unger Japan MS 42 -1 300 - - 2, 2 380 710*385*950 130 -

Meat looseners At public catering establishments, portioned pieces of meat are subjected to loosening on meat looseners before frying. Loosening consists in applying cuts to the surface of portioned pieces that destroy the connective tissue of the product. This leads to softening of the meat, and also contributes to its better frying and reducing the deformation of the pieces during cooking. In addition, small pieces of meat can be combined on meat looseners. To do this, they are placed one on top of the other with some overlap and twice passed through a meat loosener, turning 90 ° during the second pass.

Meat loosener MRPII-1: 1 - spike; 2 - shaft; 3 - reducer; 4 - gear; 5 - wheel; 6 - bushing; 7 - cover; 8 - constipation; 9 - finger; 10 - lock washer; 11 - nut; 12 - handle; 13 - cutter knife; 14 - spacer washer; 15 - knife shaft; 16 - comb; 17 - shaft; 18, 19 - carriages

Main technical characteristics of meat looseners Form manufacturer Mark of meat looseners Productivity, pcs. /h (kg/h) Working shaft rotation frequency, Min-1 Rated power, k. W Voltage, V Overall dimensions: length*width*height, mm Weight, kg Version Permtorgmash( Russia) MRM-15 1800 90 0.27 - 560*260*390 25 Desktop Russia, Ukraine MRPII-1 1500 80 0.6/0.85 - 370*140*200 7.4 Germany) TW 70/TFS 2300(1 50) 100 0.83 - 672*253*520 - Table top with Hobart meat grinder (Italy) 403 ST 400 - 0.37 - 450*410 36 To drive Boston (Italy ) Tenderizer 1806 - 32… 44 - - 440*218*463 17 Tabletop

Mechanisms for cutting meat into beef stroganoff. At catering establishments, for cutting meat for beef stroganoff, the MBPII-1 mechanism, which is included in the P-II universal kitchen machine kit, and the MB mechanism to the PM drive mechanism (drive) are used. MBPII-1 mechanism for cutting meat into beef stroganoff: 1 - knife shaft; 2 - handle; 3 - screw; 4, 8 - disks; 5 - spacers; 6 - disk cutter; 7 - comb; 9 - body; 10 - damper; 11 - sharpening

Technical characteristics of machines and mechanisms for cutting meat into small pieces of domestic and foreign production Manufacturer Brand Manufacturer of machine Mechanism power or mechanism Speed ​​of rotation of the working shaft, min -1 Rated power, k. W Voltage, V Overall dimensions : length * width * height, mm "Perm torgmash" (Russia) MBPII Russia Slicer F-S 19 Boston (Italy) Matic 350 Weight, kg Version 100 170 0. 285 220(380) 285 х165 х400 6. 5 To drive ПII -I 500… 15 00 - 1.5 380 720 х500 х785 85 Floor standing - 32… 44 0. 385 220 790 х650 х620 66 Desktop, individual drive

Cutters Designed for fine grinding of meat products. They are mainly used in the production of sausages, frankfurters, sausages and other meat products. For fine grinding of vegetables, fruits, herbs, boiled cereals and fish products, blenders and blixers are used. Blixers are a combination of a blender (grinding) and a mixer (mixing). a - a diagram with a horizontal arrangement of knives; b - a scheme with a vertical arrangement of knives; c - curvilinear shape of knives; d - curvilinear shape with straight sections; e – curvilinear toothed shape

Chapter 4



The following equipment is used at catering establishments for processing meat and fish: meat grinders, meat mixers, meat looseners, fish cleaners, cutlet molding machines and universal drives for meat shops with a set of interchangeable actuators for them.

Currently, meat grinders are widely used: with a manual drive - MIM-60, with an individual electric motor - MIM-82 and MIM-105; replaceable meat grinders for universal drives PU-0.6 and PG-0.6 - MSG-150 and MSG-70 (150 and 70 - meat grinder productivity, kg / h).

All meat grinders are marked with the letters MIM, which means "meat grinder machine", and numbers corresponding to the diameter of the knife grid (mm).

Meat mixers are designed for mixing minced meat and its components into a homogeneous mass and enriching it with atmospheric oxygen, which ensures the production of minced meat and cutlet mass of high quality. Catering establishments use meat mixers with an individual drive, as well as the MC8-150 meat mixer as a replacement mechanism for a universal drive.

Meat loosening machines are used to cut the surface of portioned pieces of meat in order to destroy connective tissue fibers in them. Such pieces of meat during heat treatment are less deformed, fried faster and turn out to be more juicy and soft. Catering establishments use MRM-15 meat rippers with an individual drive, as well as MS-19 as a replacement mechanism for the PU-0.6 universal drive.

Currently, for molding cutlets, an MFC-2240 brand machine is used, which not only forms cutlets, but also produces breading on one side.

To remove scales from fish at catering establishments, the RO-1 fish cleaner with an individual drive IMS-17-40 is used as a replacement mechanism for the universal drive PM-1.1.

For the preparation of meat and fish cutlets in meat shops, universal special-purpose drives with a set of interchangeable mechanisms of the first and second versions are used.


Meat grinders are designed for grinding meat and fish. Meat grinders MIM-82 and MIM-105 are widely used at catering establishments.

Meat grinder MIM-82(Fig. 4.1) is a desktop machine with individual mounting. It consists of a body, a processing chamber, a loading device, auger 9, working bodies, as well as a drive mechanism and a push-button control of the machine.

The cast-iron body of the meat grinder is lined with stainless steel sheets, in which there are holes for cooling the electric motor.

The working chamber of the machine has screw cuts on the inner surface, which improve the supply of meat and exclude its rotation together with the auger. On the upper part of the body there is a loading device, above which a safety ring 10 is installed, which excludes the possibility of hands getting into the working bodies of the machine during operation. The meat grinder is equipped with three grids with holes with a diameter of 3, 5 and 9 mm, a scoring grid 8 (25) and two double-sided knives 22 and 24.

Knives and grids are put on the auger in the sequence shown in fig. 4.1, b, and in the assembled form are tightly pressed against each other with the help of a clamping nut 6.

Inside the working chamber there is an auger 9, which is a single-thread worm with a variable pitch of turns and serves to capture the meat and feed it to the knives and grates. On the one hand, the auger has a shank with a spike, through which it receives rotation from the drive, on the other hand, it has a finger with two chamfers, on which knives and gratings are mounted. Lattices in a working chamber are motionless, and knives rotate together with the screw.

Rice. 4.1. Meat grinder MIM-82:

a - scheme; b - working tools: 1 - base; 2 - electric motor; 3, 7, 21, 23 - knife grids; 4, 20 - thrust ring; 5, 22, 24 - double-sided knives; 6 - clamping nut; 8, 25 - scoring grate; 9, 26 - auger; 70 - safety ring; 11- pusher; 12 - loading bowl; 13, 18 - gears; 14 - shaft; 15 - ball bearing; 16 - cuff; 7 7, 7 9 - gears

First, a scoring grill is installed, which has three knives with cutting edges outward, then a double-sided knife with counterclockwise cutting edges and a large grill on either side. Next, install the second double-sided knife, fine grate, thrust ring and clamping nut. The meat grinder drive consists of an electric motor 2 and a two-stage helical helical gearbox. On the side facing of the meat grinder there is a push-button panel with two control buttons: “Start” and “Stop”.

Rules for the operation of the meat grinder MIM-82. Before turning on the machine, make sure that the meat grinder body is securely fastened and that the clamping nut is not tightened. After checking the grounding (grounding) and turning on the electric motor, tighten the nut until a slight increase in noise appears. Meat or fish, previously cut into pieces weighing 50 ... 200 g and freed from bones, tendons and films, is pushed into the loading neck with a wooden pusher. In this case, it is forbidden to strongly press the product against the auger, as this can cause overload and damage to the electric motor. The feeding of meat should be uniform, without much effort. When working for a long time, the meat grinder must be stopped periodically, and the knives and grates should be cleaned of tendons.

It is forbidden to use the meat grinder without loading, as this accelerates the wear of both knives and grates. It is not recommended to grind crackers, sugar or salt in a meat grinder, because these products lead to rapid wear and blunting of the working bodies.

Do not work with a meat grinder without a safety ring and leave it unattended during operation.

After the end of the work, the machine is turned off and disassembled. A special hook is used to remove the auger, knives and grates from the working chamber of the meat grinder. All parts are cleaned of minced meat residues, washed with hot water and dried.

After drying, the screw, knives, grids and the working chamber are lubricated with unsalted edible fat.

When assembling, special attention is paid to the correct installation of working bodies, knives and grids, since in case of incorrect assembly, the machine may fail.

It must be remembered that if the clamping nut is tightened, then the knives are pressed too hard against the grate and during operation, as a result of metal friction, they heat up and fail.

Rice. 4.2. Meat grinder MIM-105:

1 - electric motor; 2 - working chamber; 3 - fixed nut; 4 - thrust ring; 5 - clamping nut; B - auger; 7 - boot device; 8 - thrust ball bearing; 9 - shaft sleeve, 10 - shaft; 11 - ball bearing; 12 ~ body; 13 - V-belt transmission

It is also undesirable to loosely tighten the clamping nut, since in this case a gap is formed between the knife and the grate and the meat is chopped poorly; the quality and productivity of the meat grinder are sharply reduced. One of the main conditions for the good operation of the meat grinder is correctly sharpened and installed knives and grates in the working chamber of the machine. Therefore, knives and grids should be tightened or replaced with new ones as necessary.

The MIM-82M meat grinder is similar in design and operation to the MIM-82 meat grinder, but has a removable loading bowl and sleeve, which is convenient for quick disassembly and sanitization of the machine. Fixation of knives and gratings is carried out by a lever device.

The MIM-105 meat grinder (Fig. 4.2) is similar in design to the MIM-82 meat grinder, but has some differences. It is installed on the floor and has a significantly higher performance. The gearbox is connected to the electric motor by a V-belt drive. The working bodies (knives and grates) of the MIM-105 meat grinder are similar to the working bodies of the MIM-82 meat grinder, only the diameter of its working chamber is 23 mm larger, and the auger, knives and grates are pushed out of the body by a fork driven by a handle.

The operating rules for meat grinders MIM, MIM-82M and MIM-105 are identical.

Meat grinder MS2-70 is put into operation by universal drives PG-0.6 and PU-0.6, and meat grinder MS2-150 - by universal drive PM-1.1. By design, device and their operation, these meat grinders are similar to the MIM-82 meat grinder.

Possible malfunctions of meat grinders and ways to eliminate them are given in Table. 4.1.

At catering establishments for processing meat and fish, meat grinders, meat looseners, meat mixers, fish peelers, grinding mechanisms, bone cutters, cutters, mechanisms for cutting beef stroganoff, cutlet molding machines, as well as universal drives for meat shops with a set of actuators are used.

Meat grinders

Meat grinder MIM-82(meat grinder) is designed for grinding the pulp of fish and meat (Fig. 7.1). The machine is desktop, fastened to the table with four screws. Inside the case there is an engine room, a processing chamber is located on the side, and a loading bowl is located on top. The drive mechanism consists of an electric motor and a two-stage gear reducer 14, the output shaft of which has a rectangular groove for attaching the screw.

The processing chamber has a cylindrical shape, inside which are the working bodies: auger, scoring and knife grids, double-sided knives and clamping rings. Screw 8, located inside the body 12, is in the form of a single screw. A shank is located at one end of the screw 11 for attaching to the gearbox shaft, and at the other end - a pin 1, on which working tools are put on - knives and gratings that form cutting pairs. The gratings are freely put on the finger and are held by a key that is in a stationary state inside the housing.

The meat grinder set includes two knife grates 2, 6 with holes with a diameter of 3.5 and 9 mm. The scoring grid 7 is fixedly put on the finger with the help of the same key. Two double-sided knives 5 are tightly put on the auger pin according to the profile connection principle and rotate with it. The tightness of the cutting pairs is ensured by the thrust ring 3 and push nut 4. On top of the neck of the body is installed

Rice. 7.1. Meat grinder MIM-82: A- general form; b, c- in the context

loading bowl 13 with safety ring 9. Pushing of products is carried out by a pusher 10.

To prevent winding of meat on the auger, screw grooves are located inside the body 15.

The meat grinder can be equipped with two sets of grates and knives: for fine cutting - when preparing cutlet mass (Fig. 7.2, A) and for coarse cutting - when preparing natural chopped semi-finished products (b). The set also includes a grill with holes with a diameter of 3 mm for the preparation of pate mass.

Operating principle. When the meat grinder is turned on, the screw and double-sided knives receive rotational movement. The product through the feed mouth enters the rotating auger, which captures the product and directs it to the grinding zone. In this case, the pressure on the product increases due to the decreasing pitch of the screw helix. The product is pressed through the scoring grate and is cut off by the first blade of the first knife as it exits. The cut product is pressed against the holes of the grid with large holes and cut off again with the second blade of the first knife. Then the product is forced through the grate and when leaving it is cut by the first blade of the second double-sided knife, and when the product is pressed into the holes of the grate

Rice. 7.2.A- for small felling; b- for large felling

with small holes, trimmed with the second blade of the second knife. After passing through the holes of the second grate, the product falls into the substituted container. For coarse felling, the product passes through only one cutting pair.

Meat grinders MIM-300, MIM-600 have similar devices of working bodies and the principle of operation. They differ from the MIM-82 meat grinder in drive mechanisms and performance.

Mechanisms for grinding meat MS 2-70 and MM(meat grinders) are interchangeable mechanisms of universal drives, respectively, of the PU-0.6 and U KM types, they have sets of working bodies similar to the above meat grinders.

Of the foreign mechanisms of this type, meat grinders of the KONETEOLLISUUS JSC (Finland) deserve attention in that they include a large number of replaceable knives and knife grids, as well as a scoring knife (grid) with a double-sided blade.

Have a great day everyone!

The husband once again came from fishing with a large catch of various large river fish.

We decided to make fish cakes. We watched videos and read recipes. We concluded for ourselves - we need a good electric meat grinder to grind small fish bones. After all, everyone knows how many bones are in fish and how difficult it is to remove them all!

We arrived at the store. There were about 12 meat grinders provided. The price range was different. We walked around, looked at the design, shapes, prices ... We asked the consultant, weighed all the pros and cons!

They stopped their choice on this model: Electric meat grinder KAMBROOK AMG-402.

Such a meat grinder cost 7990 rubles. The average price of all presented.

The houses were unpacked and washed.

  • Appearance - compact, beautiful gray - white color. Organically fit into the interior of the kitchen, as we do not clean it anywhere, it just stands on the table.
  • Dimensions are not large: height 23 cm, length 21 cm, width 14 cm.
  • Relatively not heavy.
  • There are only two grills, a large one and a small one. We use large for meat, small for fish.
  • Very easy to take apart and wash. Parts do not rust.
  • There is a nozzle for making sausages.
  • All nozzles are stored in a convenient cup, which pushes the meat. It is very convenient, no need to look in the box.
  • When plugged in, the light on the panel lights up (a pleasant blue color).
  • There are two on/off and reverse buttons on the meat grinder (reverse is scrolling in the opposite direction. A very necessary function if the meat does not scroll well, there are veins).
  • Long cord.
  • There are suction cups at the bottom of the meat grinder. Stands straight and does not jump.
  • When scrolling the meat, you can hear a little how it works. I love tech! Quite calmly, you can talk without raising your tone, and watch TV.
  • Meat is skipped very quickly.

How do we make minced fish.

We do not clean fish from scales. What for? If we take only fillets for minced meat! With a special knife, we separate the fillet from the ridge, and then from the skin with scales. We remove large bones, as well as small ones, if possible. We wash the fillet and scroll through a fine grate into a meat grinder.

The process takes a couple of minutes. Small bones are perfectly milled. Nothing is felt in minced meat!


  1. minced fish 1.5 kg
  2. 2 onions, scroll through a meat grinder.
  3. Soak some white bread in milk.
  4. 2 eggs.
  5. half a pack of butter, freeze and grate.
  6. salt, spices

We mix everything, fry in a hot frying pan. Cutlets are tender and juicy.

PS: From personal experience, it was noticed that fish cutlets should be made from only one type of fish! That is, only from pike, only from pike perch, only from catfish, and so on. I explain - all fish are different in taste and stiffness. If you want tasty and tender cutlets, take one type of fish.

Minced pork and beef.

Prepared pork and beef. Scrolled through a large grate. Everything scrolled very quickly, even the veins! Minced meat is not crushed, as through a manual meat grinder, but chopped. Small pieces of meat are visible. In ready-made cutlets, this is especially felt, the taste of meat.

We stuck khinkali, manti. It tasted great!

The rest of the functions, how to make sausages, we have not tried yet. But we will definitely try.

For me, scrolling meat is now a pleasure, literally in a matter of minutes and you're done.

PS: We have never bought minced meat in the store before! But it took much more time to get it with a manual meat grinder. Now cooking is fun!

I hope you liked my review. Be sure to try the fish cakes! You will not regret.

Subscribe, read, write comments.

A funny incident came to mind recently. It all happened in a neighboring village, and my father-in-law's bosom friend told him, so this is a truly true story. And not a button accordion - guaranteed!

Quarrel with the inspector

The majority of anglers today fish exclusively for their own pleasure, releasing most of the catch back into the pond. A small part of anglers fish for food (the bulk). But occasionally you come across such ghouls - poachers who, for the sake of a catch of 10 kilos, are ready to destroy a ton of fish that they do not need (does not have much value) and they throw it away in a nearby forest. Where the fish rot.

Naturally, fish inspectors, as far as possible, try to fight such poachers and often, innocent people - simple fishermen - get under the batch.

So, in the village there lived one fisherman who fished mainly for himself, but sometimes he also traded in his catch - the pension is not so hot, what a big one. I salted caviar, also for myself and for a little for sale. Somehow you have to survive. Absolutely no fanaticism. The peasant did not cause any damage to the water resources of Russia, moreover, alone - this is simply unrealistic.

But one day, the devil beguiled the little man: he had a snack with one fish inspector for some reason and told him that he (the inspector) was a goof and he would never be able to catch him “hot”.

And this law comes into force only when a fisherman with fishing gear is caught on the river bank. Well, the inspectors, in support of their colleagues, also went to the principle - and at any opportunity they check the little man for a catch.

Smart angler!

And then, once, they stop him on the way from the reservoir, and behind the peasant's back is a box, 35-40 liters. They were delighted - they say, this time they definitely got caught!

Come on, open up! And they themselves are happy! Well, the little man opens it, and inside is MINING! The most common minced fish. A box full of minced fish! The inspectors' eyes widened in surprise. The legislation does not say a word about minced meat, because. the penalty should be calculated according to the number of tails. In addition, there is one fine amount for a female, and a completely different amount for a croaker. There is nothing to present to the fishery. I had to let the resourceful fisherman go.

The inspectors can't show anything for minced fish!

A peasant, when he realized that he got excited with his statement and realized that the fishery control would not let him pass, but he had to feed his family. Well, I came up with the idea of ​​​​taking a meat grinder with me to fish. At the place of fishing, he built a table and twisted the caught fish right here into minced meat. The pot is cooking! A story worthy of a monologue - Mikhal Mikhalycha Zadornova.