What dreamed a man who was silent. How to understand what a beloved man is dreaming of. Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of the Egg

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Dreamed Keep silentbut necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why. dreaming Keep silent in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream saw this symbol. Try it! I stood in the room, walked around peoplecommunicating with each other. I tried to say something, but I couldn’t say a word. The mouth opened, but nothing was heard.

  • Dream interpretation "magiachisel"

    Dream Interpretation "woman"

    Therefore your beloved person is silent in dream. And he obviously is unfortunately not up to you. It happens, it’s necessary people letting go even your loved ones ... If dreaming You beloved and is silent in dream (birth!), So, from his beloved He really, really wants in his mouth. Wake up with the roosters, Taking the magic powder. And then your favorite pet will come in Panama. in dream he perked up, so that as a shouted scream, when you dream, Offer him a scream. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "imya-sonnik"

    Dreamed Silence - dream book Miller's interpretation dreams. Silence in dream - assumes a waste of time. For what dreaming Silence - silence interlocutor if in dream the interlocutor spoke and was silent, that means they are plotting something against you. Dream Interpretation Silence beloved - when beloved person is silentnot responding in dream, sleep portends a change in personal life. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dead person in dream. To me had a dream sleep dreamed had a dream is silentRead completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dead in dream. To me had a dream my young personwho died 3 years ago. Dreamingthat we hug and kiss him tightly. It’s like we’re at some kind of event where there are a lot of people, and we don’t move away from each other for a minute. The husband’s deceased brother. Lies in my bed is silent does not say anything. Then we drive in a beautiful expensive car (the brand is not clear) in our city, but I don’t recognize the city. He shows the house and says that this house is for his 2 daughters. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    in dream Dreamed deceased long ago grandfather reading below for free interpretation dreams of the best online dream books Houses of the Sun! Who will see in dream in dream deceased of man silent to manwho saw this sleep.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dead person in dream. To me had a dream sleepas if in childhood I was walking with my grandfather (Grandfather died 7 years ago and dreamed very rarely, unfortunately), but my internal state is adult, i.e. I am aware of everything. Dad and mom are walking behind. And at night he had a dreamso unhappy. I was so glad to him, but he does not say a word, turns away. I began to ask him if he was offended by me or something, and he is silent. For some reason she began to stroke his cheeks. It hurt so much. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "starfate"

    For what dream People by dream book: People - If you had a dream a large number of people - then fear and grief await you. If you saw in dream naked people - Someone is spreading rumors about you. Lot people - If you saw in a dream happy people - then you will be rich. If sick person had seen in dream fun people - then he will soon get rid of his illness. See also: why dreaming person, for what dreaming people why dreaming crowd. Dream Interpretation A. Vasilieva. Read the full story.

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Favorite person is silent and had a dream, for what dreaming in dream Favorite person is silent and? To select an interpretation sleep sleep dreams Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Now you can find out what it means to see in dream Deceased beloved man had a dream alive after reading the below free interpretations dreams of the best online dream books Houses of the Sun! Who will see in dreamthat the deceased woman came to life and entered into sexual intercourse with him will be successful in all her endeavors. See in dream deceased of man silent, then he from the other world favors to manwho saw this sleep.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation You speak keep quiet had a dream, for what dreaming in dream You speak keep quiet? Talking with the dead - danger lies in wait for you, and your loved ones - a disease. To speak with a fool is to become a victim of mystification. Speak in dream with God - you can receive the patronage of influential peopleif the conversation is friendly; if God is angry, they may condemn you in reality. Read the full story

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Sleep with the deceased 4 had a dream, for what dreaming in dream Sleep with dead 4? See in dream deceased of man silent, then he from the other world favors to manwho saw this sleepRead completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Walks and is silent had a dream, for what dreaming in dream Walks and is silent? To select an interpretation sleep enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing sleep image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams in dreamas present people move around silently sleep Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation To help to people caught in had a dream, for what dreaming in dream To help to people trapped in? To select an interpretation sleep enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing sleep image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams letter by letter alphabetically). Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dreams and dreams beloved person Cheating Girl Sleep In which beloved person. had a dream that darling died person in dream.to visit deceased grandmother in dream. My grandmother died, soon she will be 2 years old. Dreamed that she suddenly decided to visit her grandmother in her house in the village, but she went out into the yard is silent and doesn’t let it in. I say I ask why, but she is silent. And I’m kind of offended and start to leave, she also spends me and is silent.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Deceased of man alive and had a dream, for what dreaming in dream Deceased of man alive and? To select an interpretation sleep enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing sleep image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams alphabetically for free). in dream deceased of man silent, then he from the other world favors to manwho saw this sleep.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Mother displeased is silent had a dream, for what dreaming in dream Mother displeased is silent? To select an interpretation sleep enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing sleep image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams letter by letter alphabetically). Do not miss the moment - now you can still maintain a warm and trusting relationship with family people.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation 2 sleep about a dead loved one man had a dream, for what dreaming in dream 2 sleep about the dead in dream deceased of man silent, then he is from the next world, if someone sees in dreamas in some place some previously deceased righteous people...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation See in dream people had a dream, for what dreaming in dream See in dream people?See in dream naked people means that you will become the object of ridicule and slander. Bearded people - In reality, show unbridled and unrighteous anger. People in black robes - get the bad news. Kind to generosity people - Get timely help and support from friends. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Sleep with deceased 1 had a dream, for what dreaming in dream Sleep with deceased 1? See in dream deceased of man silent, then he from the other world favors to manwho saw this sleep. Anyone who sees that the deceased gives him some good and clean thing, will receive in life something so good and pleasing from the other side, from which he does not expect.

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Sleep with deceased 3 had a dream, for what dreaming in dream Sleep with dead 3? See in dream deceased of man silent, then he from the other world favors to manwho saw this sleep. Anyone who sees that the deceased gives him some good and clean thing, will receive in life something that is good and pleasing from the side that he doesn’t expect from. Read the whole image dream (if you want to get an online interpretation dreams alphabetically for free). in dreamas present people move around silentlywithout saying a word means that you will reflect on death, you will be afraid of it, but this sleep not to death, but only to thoughts about it. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "snitsya"

    SILENCE, silence, many no, cf. Verb action keep silent; state silent of man. Silence the interlocutor began to disturb me. IN silence, resting his hand on the saddle, he gets off the horse sullen. Pushkin. He circumvented this issue. in silence.If a in dreamwhere dreaming Silence are present people, then perhaps soon you will participate in a wedding or a lavish birthday party.

If you dreamed about your beloved man in an unusual setting or something in such a dream surprised or amazed you, feel free to embark on a symbolic interpretation.

Usually the dream interpretation of such dreams in two ways: direct and symbolic. To distinguish the first dream, if you had a dream, from the second will help the probability of coincidence with reality. If what happened in him can really happen in reality, then this is most likely a prophetic dream.

Such paintings come true within a few days, often the very next day. And, if the plot of the night picture cannot happen in reality, the central symbol and the dramatic art of the dream can show you what will happen in your life very soon. Or how relationships with a loved one in general will change.

This is what my beloved man dreams of most often.

One who has not yet become yours

The dream book writes that such a dream shows the prospects of a relationship and how real it is that you can be together. Usually revealing is the attitude of a man who likes you.

And, as soon as the girl realized that she was in love, she might well have a prophetic dream, if, of course, the relationship with him is real. At the same time, it can be fulfilled within a few days or even weeks. In rare cases, such a dream is fulfilled literally for a year or longer.

Dream Interpretation writes that only if the prospects are predetermined by the lines of fate, it is possible to see what will come true literally. Even a wedding waltz to the music of Mendelssohn.

If you dreamed about your beloved man in an environment or circumstances that cannot really happen, what does that mean? The dream book writes that such a dream means joys, pleasant emotions, as well as bright moments of happiness.

Pay attention to the form in which you had to see your beloved in a dream, and what drew your attention in a dream. Here are a few dreams in which a dream book interprets a beloved man.

If he smiles at you, avoiding caresses, then you will maintain relations at the level of just good friends. It is possible that you simply do not like him and he simply does not perceive you as a woman of his dreams.

Moreover, if he treats you with milk, ice cream, a milkshake, children's sweets, and does not at all give beautiful expensive sweets, or gives clothes, like an almost teenager.

However, the dream book writes that to receive as a gift from a loved one animals (kittens, puppies, fish), baby things for newborns, or as the probability of pregnancy outside of marriage.

If the visible beloved person goes towards you, hugs, you ride with him on a swing, glide on ice and even kiss, what’s the dream?

Between you there will be a novel that will last a long time. However, it is unlikely that such a relationship will lead you to a wedding.

It is possible that disappointment in closer communication will lead to the fact that you simply remain friends.

However, a dream in which a beloved man treats you to champagne, fizzy drinks, expensive sweets predicts you a pleasant continuation of the novel.

This means that you will meet or just talk, but the relationship will be fleeting and falling in love will pass quickly.

If you drink strong drinks with him, kiss passionately or spend time in bed, the dream book writes that passion is possible between you.

However, such relationships will also not lead to marriage, since happiness will be stolen or life realities will not allow lovers to connect.

Red roses in such a dream, presented to you, dark chocolate, nights, evening lighting, walks under the moonlight, tango and erotic dances indicate that, despite passion, relationships will not last long.

If a loved one with whom you had nothing so far suddenly died, you see his funeral, or he just froze like a hanging picture on a monitor, then such a dream means emptiness and that nothing good will happen to him.

Sometimes such a dream predicts to you the news that he already has a girlfriend, and the funeral does predict either a very strong disappointment in him, or that he will get married soon.

Therefore, there will be no prospects in your relationship.

Remember that a dream, if the one you like is your fate, most likely, will dream of a prophetic. And its realization in life will be literal, the same as in a dream.

The person you are dating or living with

Any changes, signs and even the time of year and day indicate the prospects for your relationship with this person, changes and changes. You should not interpret only the pictures from real life that you again experience in your dream, as this simply means playing back old experiences.

If in a dream a beloved man becomes indifferent to you, does not answer questions, behaves seriously and is silent, then in reality he is hiding something.

It is possible that he does not plan to connect his life with you, but he cannot admit it and find the right words. Try to push him to this or show that you are not claiming anything and can stay with him just friends.

Quite often, such a dream means that he has some problems or debts in which he does not want to devote his beloved woman. Therefore, it is worth showing calm and understanding of the situation.

What is the dream in which you dance with your loved one? Pay attention to where and under what circumstances this happens.

An intimate dance in private means looseness and frankness, that you can find a common language with a loved one and open up.

Sometimes such a dream shows the transience of your relationship and the fact that they will not last long.

However, dancing in public - to a change in the external side of the relationship. Solo dancing means that you quarrel and everyone will know about it, this means scandals and quarrels. Or the fact that everyone will know about your breakup and “demonstrative performance in front of each other”.

Tango and erotic dancing dream of scandal. If you do not want to advertise your intimate relationships, this will become known. A waltz predicts a new stage in a relationship, as does a slow dance. It is possible that very soon the beloved will offer cohabitation, as well as a wedding.

If a loved one treats you with something ridiculous, then soon you will be disappointed in him or quarrel.

For example, if on the table he has only onions and garlic, or he gives you a completely strange dish that is unpleasant.

A dream in which you hug and kiss with your beloved, and he reciprocates your dreams for separation. Perhaps you will lose him forever. If you dreamed that he hugs you and dies in your arms - the relationship will never be the same again.

This dream predicts a strong and dangerous disappointment, as well as the fact that he will leave you without even explaining the reasons for his separation. And this should only be rejoiced, because in reality such a person will not bring you anything good and can fail at any time.

But to try cake, champagne and a nice meal with him is a good sign. He promises you happiness and a pleasant pastime. Often a dream predicts your wedding.

What is the dream of traveling by car with your loved one? It means prospects in your life. Dream Interpretation writes that you may actually take a trip soon. Or he will fall in love with you and will plan joint activities and activities.

Sometimes such a dream predicts a joint road. If he carries things to you, wait for a new stage in the relationship with him. If you carry your things to his apartment, this is to trouble or to the fact that you will live together. To remove the contents of your closet from your shared apartment - to separation.

In an article on the topic: "a dream book I can’t speak in a dream" - relevant information on this issue for 2018 is presented.

From this article you can find out why you dream of Being without a voice from dream books of different authors. What means what he saw will tell you the analysis of the dream on Lenormand maps. And even more accurately understand the dream will help the lunar calendar.

Why dream Being without a voice: interpretation of sleep

To be without a voice - If you dream that, for example, you need to give a lecture, and you are standing in front of the audience and cannot say a word, because your voice has disappeared, you will defend your dissertation or speak well at a meeting.

Sleep value by day of the week:

The fact that night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day a dream was made.

  • If you dream of Being without a voice in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why dream of Being without a voice in a dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream of Being without a voice from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream of Being without a voice in a dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why dream of being without a voice from Thursday to Friday
  • If you dream of Being without a voice in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why dream of Being without a voice in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Thu September 22, 2016, 23:46:29

Tue January 05, 2016, 20:16:39

Sat June 06, 2015, 12:13:01

To be without a voice in the dream book. Tell your dream:

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Why dream Silence, dream book Silence to see in a dream what does it mean?

If you dream of Silence, why is it:

Silence - If you dream that, for example, you need to give a lecture, and you are standing in front of an audience, keep quiet, you can’t say a word, because your voice has disappeared, you will defend your dissertation or speak well at a meeting.

Summer dream interpreter

Why dream of Silence?

Silence - This dream is actually silent - this is how your body signals the exhaustion of all forces.

Dream Interpreter

Why dream of Silence?

Silence - you can neither say nor shout - you will be shocked by the bad news.

Seeing yourself silent in a dream, you can’t say anything - you will have a situation in your life that you cannot influence, they won’t hear you. To be silent, to see yourself dumb - you will be helpless, you will not be able to protect yourself.

According to the dream book Silent:

I dreamed that in a dream you are silent, because your voice has disappeared, the dream to see yourself dumb, to lose your voice is such a dream

If in your life at the moment there is an unpleasant ambiguous situation, and you had a dream that you lost your voice, such a dream says that it will be difficult for you to make the right decision, and for people around you you will not be able to adequately explain the reason for your problems, you will not be able to ask about help.

According to the dream book Silent:

Silence, numbness in a dream symbolizes that in real life it is difficult for you to decide on some kind of open, serious conversation. You are dissatisfied, you want to change the situation, ask for something, say something, but circumstances interfere with you, or your uncertainty, uncertainty.

To remain silent in a dream and at the same time to see yourself with a sticky or gagged mouth, with a gag in your mouth - a dream can be interpreted as obstacles that someone poses intentionally for you, forcibly bothering you. Because of someone’s fault, you cannot influence the situation; someone will deprive you of the right to vote.

Interpretation of sleep based on time, day, month

Do you dream to be silent? Share your sleep!

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Why does the dream disappear - interpretation of sleep in dream books

Dream Interpretation Longo

If you have a public appearance, then expect success.

Chinese dream book

You are waiting for unexpected news, most likely bearing negative.

Love dream book

It is worth thinking about health, perhaps your body is exhausted.

You will encounter unforeseen circumstances that will take you by surprise. You will not be able to protect yourself from their negative influence. In addition, a dream where you scream, but the sound does not leave you, may mean that you have any plan that you are afraid to implement. If at the moment in your life there is a situation in which you need to make a difficult decision, then such a dream may mean the inability to independently solve the problem. If in a dream you saw yourself with a sealed mouth (gag), then, most likely, in your close circle there is an ill-wisher, an envious person. Be careful. Also, the lack of voice in a dream can mean physical or mental fatigue. Perhaps your body’s reserve of strength has been depleted.

With a dream the voice disappeared to people also dreamed

Sleep from Sunday to Monday means updating and the beginning of a new stage in life.

Dream Interpretation

I can not speak in a dream

Dream Interpretation I can not speak in a dream dreamed about what dreams in a dream Can't talk in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the dream image (if you want to receive an online interpretation of dreams in a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream. I can’t speak in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

I dreamed that I lost my voice in a dream

SonMe.ru will tell you why this is a dream. See below the meaning of sleep:

See yourself in dream without vote, sleep vote not in dream - means that in your life there may be a situation that you cannot influence. Some circumstances, affairs will be beyond your control. Dreamed, what in dream gone vote, sleep see yourself dumb to lose vote -such sleep you can interpret how your helplessness will not be possible to defend yourself, you can not say anything in your defense or defend your opinion.

To lose vote in dream - a rather ambiguous symbol, which is mainly characterized as a harbinger of danger or bad news. dreaming a loss vote ahead of the show? In fact, you will perform well, excitement will not hurt you a bit. The dream interpretation gives physiological explanations if you in dream disappears vote.

Vote hear in dream pleasant - to the good news, a joyful event. Vote alarmed or unpleasant - bad news, the news will not please you. To lose anything in dream means unforeseen events. There are several options, depending on the context. sleep. For example, if you are anything have lost and then find it in dream, then your plans will come true no matter what.

To be without vote - This one sleep dreaming Often. You want to shout something and ask for help when you are scared, but vote disappears - so your body signals the exhaustion of all forces. For what dreaming To be without vote by dream book: See in dream to be without vote - you will have a situation in your life that you cannot influence. See yourself without vote- You will not have the opportunity to protect yourself in reality.

To be without vote - This one sleep dreaming Often. You want to shout something and ask for help when you are scared, but vote disappears - so your body signals the exhaustion of all forces. Dreamed, what in dream gone vote, sleep see yourself dumb to lose vote -such sleep you can interpret how your helplessness will not be possible to defend yourself, you can not say anything in your defense or defend your opinion.

Dreamed To lose votebut necessary interpretation sleep dreaming To lose vote in dream in dream saw this symbol. Give it a try!

If a had a dream sleep, to lose vision - you lose understanding of what is happening in reality. Popular dream book, dreamed to lose vote in dream - unfortunately, you will not be able to influence the situation, your opinion will not be taken into account. Interpretation sleep, in dream have lost memory - that means you forgot something that is very important. Remember! For what had a dream to lose some blood - you are tired, you are going on a loss energy, strength and your health.

Interpretations of dream books are sadder the more serious dreamed violations. For what dreaming a loss teeth depends on the scale of the disaster. If he has in dream sat down vote because it was impossible to reach anyone, such a dream was for guests. Farsightedness in dream warns that in reality, by thoughtlessness, you can lose your property. Myopia is about the readiness to do anything to start life from scratch.

Dreamed vote - what does that mean? I hear a stranger vote.Vote animals portend unpleasant conversations, a bird's hubbub - to gossip, especially unpleasant conversations are predicted by a cock in dream, vote which you heard. Sleep about voicemaking you think. Try to remember in reality what you were told vote and apply it in real life, especially if vote was of divine or angelic origin.

Dreamed Votebut necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why. dreaming Vote in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream they saw this symbol. that on this plane was my mother she sits in this water and cries, but the water was not clear and not muddy, I was so scared she picked it up and she cries and holds large bills in her hands and says what lost half. At first glance, a set of nonsense, but similar dreams to me dream very often and.

Magikum\u003e had a dream what lost telephone. Archives. Dream Interpretation a loss. To lose anything in dream means unforeseen events. A loss vote in dream

Hear in dream pleasant and calm vote - a good sign, such sleep promises you reconciliation with enemies and harmony in the family, rude vote in dream may promise trouble, angry vote or vote with a very high bromine can portend a failure in business or disappointment in friends. Very upset by this. And suddenly vote from the side says: "Look in the bag." In the bag I find the key and then the ring. Vote continues to say: “You don’t lost».

If a in dream you called your dog, but she didn’t respond to the call - lose your friends after a certain conflict. Dreamed, what have lost a cat? To lose vote, means to suffer from misunderstanding in their own family. Missing a finger is a hassle. Shereminskaya believes that the loss in dream one or both eyes at once, means to endure mortal danger. Feel that you are losing in dream consciousness - to mental throwing and feelings.

Hello, had a dream what in a crowd of children, (children went downhill) and parents lost daughter. Then I searched and could not find (woke up) but in dream I understood that she was not there, where she was looking, she seemed to have disappeared. Sister, son, daughter and I walked down the street through the crowd, when she passed I realized that we had no son. I ran back with tears and screams of his name, running not so far I heard him crying vote and that he covenanted me. When I found him, I sat on the asphalt and we cried tightly hugging.

Hear vote in dream - listen to what has been said. This sleep is very significant. Usually, Vote in dream transmit some important information. You need to recall her and use the information received from Vote in dream.My mother recently had a dream sleep: She comes into her sister’s house and notices tombstones, on one she is depicted, on the other her sister.

To lose my house in dream A loss in dream losses A loss vote in dream means that you can’t influence the situation and they don’t listen to your opinion. A loss

Value sleep Vote: What does it mean in dream Vote.1. Vote - a tool with which we express ourselves. We all have an internal awareness of our condition, which at times is outwardly difficult to detect. Healer of Akulina's dream book. What means Vote in dream: To you had a dream Vote why is it - Pleasant and affectionate - for luck, rude - for trouble.

For what dreaming To lose by dream book: To loseTo lose something in dream - to financial collapse. Lost - Search in dream whatsomething lost - to bewilderment. Old Russian dream book. What does it mean when dreaming To lose: To lose - Something portends sick to death, and by the way some unpleasant adventure. A loss - If a dream: whatsomething lost Separation, losses.

Hear in dream vote dead, means that it is worth listening to what has been said, since the information that was told votemaybe things. To lose vote in dream - means that in reality you will be upset by bad news. And not so long ago I had a dream one sleep, the contents of which I do not remember, but I clearly remembered that before my awakening, a man’s stranger to me vote asked for something, you can even say that he begged.

to lose vote.Dreamed To lose child, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why. dreaming To lose child in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream saw this symbol.

If a woman in dream lost her beloved cat, so she soon learns that a black streak has come in the life of her rival. If such sleep a man sees, a dream informs that in his relationship with his beloved woman a turning point will come, as the sleeping person learns about the meanness and treachery of his other half. When you had a dream(xia) to lose someone? Today.

Dream Interpretation Male vote by phone had a dream, for what dreaming in dream Male vote by phone? if you dreaming phone - you will meet people trying to confuse you. If you speak on the phone, you have envious people. If you are in dream you can’t hear the replicas on the phone - you can to lose true friends. Not will lose you are nobody!

To loseto lose something in dream - to the gift. Search for lost - search in dream lost thing - to separation from a person whom you really value. Disappear - see how you suddenly disappeared in dream, - to loss authority. The dream book of the healer Evdokia. If in dream you have lost a person close to you, then in reality you will find quarrels and scandals in your family, the fault of which will again be you. if you had a dream, what you in dream whatyou lose something like that sleep can be interpreted as sleep-warning.

To lose my house in dream - a sign of joyless existence, aimlessness and loss in life. A loss in dream any thing means consciousness or premonition losses personal, personal purpose. If this is a certain thing that you already had, it means the lost position, relationship. A loss vote in dream means that you can’t influence the situation and they don’t listen to your opinion. A loss memory indicates that you have forgotten something very important.

To lose child in dream a waking pregnant woman is not a rare occurrence. It just so happens that pregnant women are too dubious and insecure. Strongly impressed by a pregnant woman may to dream, what in dream the child disappeared, this is a reflection of the fact that the expectant mother is obsessed with fear, she is not sure that she will cope with the future role and become a good parent. dreamed, what lost child in the house. I hear vote, but I can’t find it.

See yourself in dream without vote, sleep can't speak, gagged vote not in dream - means that in your life there may be a situation that you cannot influence. Dreamed, what in dream gone vote, sleep see yourself dumb to lose vote -such sleep you can interpret how your helplessness will not be possible to protect yourself, you can not say anything in your defense or.

Dreamed To be without vote in dream? See in dream To be without vote - doesn’t necessarily mean something bad, sometimes dreams to star about what you were thinking before sleep dream can not speak in a dream

Dreams about people can predict a lot to a dreamer. They serve as a warning of danger, or portend future happiness. If a person dreams, it is necessary to determine who he is communicating with, and whether you know him. This will help build the interpretation of sleep.

Dreams about people are considered relevant for the sleeper, because in life he encounters a society where enemies are located.

Based on this, quite well-known esotericists proposed their own interpretations of such visions:

  1. Wang in her dream book paid great attention to the plot of the dream. She believed that if the same person is constantly seen, this signals the need to change the situation in life. Also, the sleeper should act quickly, otherwise there will be stagnation in business. When you see an individual in a dream, which you often think about lately, it means that the dream is based on obsessive thoughts. In this case, a dream does not bode well. She also wrote about what she dreams of a loved one who is dressed in black clothes. This vision warns of the need to be alert because of impending danger.
  2. Nostradamus believed that the vision of man is a good omen. He believed that the dream of a man who was sitting on a rock portends a terrific event. At the same time, it will be able to completely reverse the idea of \u200b\u200blife. If in a dream he turned out to be a stranger with an animal look, then the sleeper will have to meet the Antichrist in the future. When a person in a dream was evil and aggressive, this means that the tyrannical tyrant will soon become the ruler of the state. If you dreamed of a wounded person, then in the future you will find enormous trials. Also in a dream, material wealth plays an important role. If a beggar dreamed, expect minor troubles that could lead to loss of property. When he was rich, it is considered a good sign. In this case, a dream promises a comfortable life and prosperity in the family.
  3. The family dream book states that if there is a dream in which the dreamer cannot understand the gender of the person, this means the need to change the position or place of work. In addition, if he was on a raised platform, a dream foreshadows drastic changes in the dreamer's life. Dreams with evil people prophesy the chagrin of events.

Dreamed a familiar person

For the interpretation of sleep, it is very important to know who dreamed. If the dreamer was familiar with the person, then this is considered a sign that serious events can occur.

In this case, the interpretation is of particular importance if the dream is repeated daily.

When a familiar person comes to night dreams for a long time and often, this indicates the presence of an internal astral connection with him. In addition, a dream indicates that she is strong enough, her relationship with a dreaming person is strong and reliable.


When a stranger dreams of someone who does not bring any emotions, this may mean that he is the personification of a missed chance to change life.

According to Miller’s theory, a stranger is considered a good harbinger of financial success. In addition, if he was handsome and rich, then expect great changes in life. Dreams in which there was an untidy and ugly person had opposite meaning.

For unmarried girls, this vision is considered a warning about an unwanted pregnancy, which will be a consequence of a dissolute life.

What is the dream of a person who likes

Another meaning is the dream of objects of sympathy. When a person who likes it is dreamed, a dream often does not have a sacred meaning. Most likely, the dreamer in real life thinks a lot about his object of desire, because of which thoughts about his beloved do not leave even during sleep. On the other hand, a dream in which the dreamer saw a darling face portends him a romantic date. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the night when the lover dreamed, since the day of the week is of great importance for the interpretation of dreams.

A lot of people crowd

When many people dream at the same time, then it is worth thinking about the internal state. Often, a crowd in a dream signals a manifestation of conflict situations that make the sleeping person nervous.

It is necessary to consider the behavior of the crowd. When the crowd is noisy, then sleep has no value for interpretation. If people are silent in a dream, this means that it will soon be difficult for a dreamer in real life to endure trials. In order not to explode from an overabundance of emotions, you should take a vacation for a short time. In addition, when the society consisted of strangers, this is considered an omen that huge conflicts and quarrels await the sleeper.

In some cases, vision testifies to the loneliness of the dreamer in reality. In this case, it is advisable to visit a psychologist, as well as make friends.

A huge influence on the interpretation has the sex of a society in a dream:

  1. If it was not possible to find out the gender, it is interpreted that the dreamer has a great chance to get into the elite.
  2. When women dreamed that they were aggressively opposed to sleeping, this is a warning that the fair sex in the future could deceive and change the dreamer. Young and unmarried girls dream on the eve of a collision with failures.
  3. In the event that there were only men in the crowd, the dream recommends being alert, because it portends both troubles and self-interest. Therefore, in the days following the seen dreams, every step should be considered.

Why does the same person dream

To find out why one and the same person dreams, it is necessary to approach the interpretation of a dream from a psychological point of view. Perhaps the dreamer is fixated on the same routine. This usually indicates that the sleeper is constantly walking in a circle. On this basis, you need to change something in life so that everyday worries do not lead to mental disorder.

Reasons why you dream about a person you don’t think about

The most common reason for these dreams is considered to be that the dreaming person currently misses the dreamer. It also means that he is constantly thinking about him.

On the other hand, a dream signals a need for help. Usually, some time after the seen visions, a meeting with the dream object will occur. Based on this, it is recommended that the sleeper get in touch with the person to make sure that everything is normal with him.

When interpreting a dream, it is necessary to recall the sensations from sleep. In the event that the vision was disturbing, then expect trouble in work, which old friends will help solve. If, during a dream, the sleeping person felt happy, then the dream suggests that it is difficult for the sleeping person to get happiness, which is why vision is a signal of the subconscious mind about its necessity.

Interpretation of dreams according to the day of the week

Depending on the particular day of the week when the dream was seen, the interpretation of sleep will have different meanings:

  1. A man dreamed on Monday, the reason for the dreams he saw is the emotional experience of the dreamer, since the moon is considered the patroness of dreams on this day.
  2. Since Tuesday is considered the day of Mars, dreams on this day portend great results in the work. Visions on Tuesday symbolize the dreamer's aspirations to advance towards the intended goal.
  3. On Wednesday, dreams of people often mean little in the role of foreshadowing. Usually a vision is associated with thoughts of a dreamed person.
  4. On Thursday, the dream is the most significant for interpretation. On this day, almost all dreams come true. Such dreams promise activity in the professional sphere, as well as excellent results of the work done.
  5. Prophetic dreams come on the night of Thursday to Friday. If a person has dreamed on this day, the dream should be interpreted in the love sphere. Usually the vision reflects the dreams of the dreamer, and it is also able to anticipate future relationships.
  6. On Saturday, such visions warn the sleeper of a mistake.
  7. On Sunday, dreams have a positive interpretation. In any case, sleep is considered an omen of success and well-being.

Many psychologists explain why people dream of those who often think about them. On the esoteric side, such visions signal both troubles and well-being. In any case, the interpretation of dreams must be approached consciously, given the plot of visions.

If you dream the same person every night, then he has something important for you, you need to see him. In any case, if a person is dreaming of you, then he wants to see you.

If you often dream of the same person, but in reality he is not familiar to you, then you should pay attention to the type of this person, some of his characteristic features, omens. A dream probably warns you that the appearance of such a person (for example, with such a noticeable mole or haircut) on your life path can bring great misfortunes, so you better avoid any relationship with him.

If you had a dream about a person you like, there is nothing surprising in this. If nothing remarkable happened in this story, the dream is not interpreted.

The person you want to see is dreaming - the same meaning.

If you dream of a person whom you have not seen for a long time, have not met for a long time, news will come about him.

A very tall man dreams of exorbitant ambitions.

I dreamed that a familiar person was on fire - he would have some kind of misfortune connected with debts. Also, a burning man dreams of his illness.

I dreamed that a man who had already died in real life burned out - you will learn about the true causes of his death.

I dreamed that a loved one had died - he would live a long time.

We saw in a dream how a person who is not alive is sleeping - you need to look at some supposedly obvious thing or situation with different eyes. Perhaps the evidence is only imaginary.

A familiar man dreamed in the mud - you yourself will say negative things about him, and then you will be surprised where the gossip came from.

Iron Man dreams of a sign that someone is tolerating your behavior, and maybe presence, with all his strength.

If a man dreamed of Tsvetkov’s dream book

If you are dreaming of a person, it means that he is thinking about you or you will hear something important and interesting about him.

But, if one and the same person is constantly dreaming, then this is an urge to analyze everything that is connected with him in your life or to draw an analogy of his fate with his own. Perhaps this dream contains an important clue.

If you dream that a living person has long died of a disease, then he really can get sick, or this disease threatens you.

Stroking a person on the head in a dream - indulge his weaknesses in reality.

If you hit a person in a dream, then in reality you will have to give him some help.

A headless man dreamed - do something stupid.

If you dream of a person with whom you have not been communicating for a long time because of the conflict, then you are to blame for the quarrel.

To run away from the person who is chasing you is to refuse someone help.

You yourself run in a dream for a person - to the fact that you have to ask someone for help.

A very dirty person dreams like a reproach that you inflicted an undeserved offense on someone.

Looking for a man in a dream - you will be hiding from him in reality.

What is a man dreaming about - Hasse's dream book

If you dream of a faceless person, strange and at the same time evoking the feeling that you know him very well, then you yourself, your conscience and your essence. Pay attention to what he does or says and what feelings this communication causes you. This dream can help you become aware of your own being and how other people perceive you.

If you dream of a person whom you have not seen for a long time, it means that he often remembers you.

But, if a person dreams often, every day, try to find out about his fate. Perhaps this warning is for you, for your life. For example, if you find out that in reality this person crashed, became ill or widowed, then something like this could happen to you.

I dreamed that a loved one was silent, no matter what you told him, this means that in reality he is either angry with something for you, but hides it, or he hides something stubbornly from you.

What a man dreams of - an esoteric dream book

Seeing in a dream how a familiar person laughs - he will soon cry bitterly.

I dreamed of an unfamiliar bad person, you were afraid of him - in reality, change your mind about someone to the opposite.

An unfamiliar elderly man in bed is dreaming of an illness.

I dreamed that the person you need in a dream escapes from you - in reality you will go to instances, upholster the thresholds of bureaucratic offices.

What people dream about - a modern dream book

To the question why a person is dreaming about whom you do not think, there is no definite answer. But surely some event will happen that will be associated with his name. Perhaps information about what is happening to this person at the moment of his life or about what has connected you in the past will help to understand this dream.

If you dream of a stranger in the house - you can quarrel with your household.

Seeing a person through a dream is an indication of your indifferent and callous attitude towards him in your real life. If this was an unfamiliar person, it means that you behave arrogantly and derogatoryly with all the people around you.