Horoscope for July the twins from the Martha. Horoscope for July for a woman the sign of the twins. Love Horoscope for Twin Women

Throughout July 2017, the twins will only dream that such a gracious stage will never end. Alas, you are not able to stop the time, and therefore catch these unique days, trying to capture them both in your memory and in numerous photos. It is a pity that the mechanism with which we would have helped to recreate the feelings, smell and moods inherent in a given period to the smallest detail has not yet been invented! Anyway. You will probably find it enough that this July will give you a chance to have a good rest both in body and spirit, and also it will save you from all current problems and from what is commonly called a daily routine.

Only the bills for housing and communal services and the Internet, as well as conversations of colleagues at work, will remind you of the routine in July 2017. These people, as before, will sadly in their eyes complain about fate, the low salary, the disloyal leadership, and the fact that living every day is becoming more and more difficult. You will be above these petty bourgeois worries, since you will have things much more interesting. But this is a bit late, but for now it’s about your “relationship” with your career. So here. In the middle of summer, of course, you will not allow yourself to be unprofessional, but the workaholic of you, in truth, will turn out to be useless. And you, without a twinge of conscience, will begin to use your friends from among colleagues. You will need this in order to get less tired of the tasks that the management will entrust you. Working in collaboration with other people, you will get a lot (in particular, free time, which you always lacked).

In July 2017, twins engaged in the field of individual entrepreneurship will also transfer part of their direct affairs to one of their deputies. No, you will not behave as a person who is negligent in his personal business. It will just become clear to you that in the middle of this summer, a business can do without you, since nothing grand is expected on the horizon. Your business segment, of course, if it is not connected with the summer vacation industry, will seem to freeze altogether, which means you can have fun with a quiet soul, only occasionally interested in your reliable “deputy”, is everything all right.

I must say, while you work through your sleeves, turning over part of your personal files to someone else, your wallet will not lose weight! All July money will be poured on you by the river (moreover, this forecast is equally relevant for businessmen and employees). It is impossible to predict who or what will provide you with this continuous monetary “lava”. The main thing is another important point - these funds will come in handy at the moment when you are absorbed in some kind of high idea. If you are a family person, all of your July ideas will focus exactly on the family and on that extraordinary leisure that you want to provide her. It is unlikely that the funds that will pour on you, like a stormy river, you will at least partially set aside for future savings. You will need money here and now, on romantic evenings with your marriage partner, on gifts for your beloved children and on all kinds of entertainments.

The twins, who have not yet managed to get married, will manage their financial abundance more selfishly. You will spend all your money only on updating your wardrobe, putting your appearance in order and, of course, so that, sitting proudly in your favorite cafe, you will not deny yourself the most exquisite delicacies. Important tip - be careful throughout July! Your financial self-sufficiency, like a magnet, will attract to you people who are used to living at the expense of others. No matter what the muscular Alphonse sings to you, no matter what the seductive woman kept whispering in your ear, in no case give in to these spells!

Attention, the Gemini horoscope for the month of July 2017 is published in abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the upcoming 2017 red Rooster, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart unique to each person.

July 2017 will be a favorable and successful period in the life of Gemini. Finally, they will be able to radically change their life, their inner world. And all because the Gemini this month will gain courage and at one point will sort out their fear, their insecurity and indecision. This month, in the life of the representatives of your zodiac sign, one important and pleasant event will happen that will push you to decisive actions and make you rethink your whole previous life. What used to seem unattainable and unrealistic now will be so close that only a hand should reach out and get what you want. But luck, and so all his life accompanies Gemini, only many do not believe in it, and do not want to use it, referring to the fact that free cheese is only in a mousetrap. And no! Nobody offers you anything for free and disinterestedly, you just have to look at the world around us with different eyes, to understand that you have exactly the right to be happy and successful, like the rest of the inhabitants of our planet. Then, when you open your eyes wider, you will see how wonderful life is, how many interesting and exciting things are around, and you can’t count opportunities and prospects at all. You simply did not notice this before, blindly believing what others have inspired you.

In the first decade of July 2017, twins will be overwhelmed by feelings of adventurism, a thirst for freedom and extreme sports. Having tasted adrenaline, they will no longer want to let it go and return to their previous lifestyle. Life is so short that it is simply a sin to deprive yourself of the pleasure of enjoying every moment of it. Those who are satisfied with their predictable, quiet and calm, but without any emotions life will be pleasantly surprised by the cardinal changes and new sensations that the Twins will want to experience again and again. Surprisingly easy, the Twins will begin to rapidly expand their social circle, make new acquaintances and contacts, so that confidence in their abilities will increase, and self-esteem will increase significantly.

In the third decade of July 2017, the stars promise that during this period you will be strongly supported and will take your side in any dispute and conflict. But at the end of the month, under the influence of aspects of Pluto, many Gemini will celebrate a victory over themselves. After all, they were able to show their professionalism, competence and interest in the development of their company. If in a few words, then the business side of Gemini life at the end of this month will be quite successful, successful, despite the fact that they will not make any special efforts to this. All you need to do for this is to transfer your vacation to the next month or generally to the velvet season. Everything else will happen by itself. You have only to wait, and, not idly by, but living a full and vibrant life, taking pleasure in every moment lived through. Gemini, under the influence of aspects of Venus, in this final period of July will begin to build a serious relationship with a loved one and, perhaps, even decide to take a serious step, legitimize their relationship. But for those Gemini who have long tied their lives in marriage, the stars promise a calm and even relationship, filled with love and harmony. During this period, try to spend more time with your loved one, make him little romantic surprises, or go out with him out of town for the weekend. The life of Gemini will radically change for the better, filled with bright colors and events. And any changes are better to start with yourself. So why not get a couple of good habits and get rid of old bad ones?


The tarot horoscope for Gemini will give a forecast for health, love and finances. He will give excellent advice to the representatives of this sign. Specifies the path to follow in July 2017.


Love - Wheel of Fortune

Gemini is waiting for a very interesting month in a romantic sense. The Love Tarot horoscope for July 2017 for Gemini is marked by the Wheel of Fortune card. Here we see a direct indication of active events, this month can be called a period of change. First of all, this is good for those who currently have problems in their relationships or do not have them at all. In this case, we can talk about new romantic acquaintances and the opportunity to try again. For those who already have a relationship, you need to be careful, because this month there can be a variety of events, both positive and not very. Therefore, you should keep your eyes open and catch all the positive opportunities and try to avoid or not respond to something unpleasant.


The Ace of Cups card is entering the material sphere. It is generally accepted that cups do not talk about money, they describe the emotional state, well, so be it, but the Ace of Cups indicates vivid emotions and impressions. We get such impressions when we get a long-awaited and interesting job or get a promotion. Comparable feelings can visit us even if we were paid a large bonus. And although it’s not easy to talk about specific events in the career field, we can still say that Gemini is waiting for some success in this direction.


Health - Eight Wands

In the field of health and well-being for Gemini, according to the Tarot horoscope for July 2017, a card of 8 Wands is issued. This card speaks of the activation of vitality. Gemini is expected to boost energy, increase mobility and activity. You are advised to play sports, or at least walk, since such an amount of energy must be realized. In this case, you can get in shape, improve your physical performance and your appearance. If all this energy stagnates in your body, then it will not work for you for the future, and in the worst case, it can lead to inflammatory processes.

As we can see, July is very, very active for Gemini. You must be mobile, be dynamic in all areas, so as not to miss every opportunity that comes to you during this period. This also applies to love and work. In the field of health, you also can’t sit back. If you start playing sports, then you will have very good results.

This was the Tarot forecast for Gemini for July 2017, and now watch the video on the subject of the History of Astrology in Tarot.

The constructive nature of the middle of this summer will be for Gemini a direct consequence of the location of the leading celestial bodies (in particular, Mercury, Venus and Uranus). Please note that at once three powerful celestials in July 2017 will be called to control your fate, which gives you the right to assume that you are unlikely to have problems at this stage (of course, if you yourself do not involve them in all possible ways).

In general, the “guardianship” of the planet will be enough for you to be able to call your life measured and harmonious. First of all, the “priestess of love”, Venus, will take care of this. She will teach you to objectively look at the world around you and notice the very factors with which you can achieve great success. Venus is responsible for the sensual-emotional aspect, and therefore, look for the prompts sent by her precisely in the sphere of interpersonal communication.

Uranus, the second most important July patron for you, will breathe creativity into your life, with the help of which you can be very unconventional, while surprisingly productively rid yourself of all the old "imperfections".

As soon as all the "deficiencies" are left behind, the "lord of finance" Mercury himself will intervene. He will tell you the way how to build capital. Moreover, the search for these paths will take place under the influence of Uranus, which means that you will seek (and, most importantly - find) a new source of income in some unexpected place.

Changing your life qualitatively, do not forget that Mars and Jupiter will be closely watching you all July. Both planets are capable of introducing excessive impulsiveness into your character (what’s there - aggression, unjustified, all-consuming aggression!). This trait can instantly nullify your success, and therefore all July keep your feelings in your hands and avoid negative emotions.

Twins may encounter problems that already occur in their life. There will be a feeling that you did not take something into account, and fate suggests finding alternative methods to solve problems that have not been restless for a long period of time.

Try to fully reveal your abilities and do the work that works best. Stars recommend paying attention to the signs of fate, indicating changes in life. But they should not be too cardinal either at work or in a personal aspect.

Take a closer look at what's happening around; but this does not mean that you need to chop off the shoulder.

In July, all wisdom and ability to solve problems peacefully should be applied. It is composure that will help the Gemini find ways to control surrounding people.

Do not be afraid of new things, this month everything will be up to you.

Gemini is full of strength and unrealized potential. Now is the time to activate your hidden opportunities.

Do not look at others, always remain in your best interests and remember that this month the stars are on your side.

Twins are mobile, active and try to be in time everywhere. They do it well - no need to fear that their strength will soon run out. Everything that has been planned for a long time can be done precisely this month.

Gemini family life and personal relationships in July 2017

In personal relationships, everything will fall on the shoulders of the Twins, but they can easily cope with this responsibility. If you previously tried to protect yourself from making important decisions, then in July, on the contrary, you will become the undisputed leader. But this does not mean that the partner will feel pressure, on the contrary, he will be able to fully rely on such a twin.

If you are planning a vacation for this period, spend it with your other half. A joint trip to another city or country will only benefit your relationship.

Lonely Twins in July have every chance to start a new relationship. But they will be extremely pragmatic in choosing a partner.

Many representatives of this zodiac sign should think about their priorities. Perhaps now external attributes are not as important as you think. Try to pay attention to the nature of your second half, rather than its financial situation.

Practicality is one of the positive aspects of your personality, but in some matters you should listen to your feelings and make a choice in favor of mutual understanding and trust.

Delight your loved ones with gifts and signs of attention. This will only benefit relations with a partner and relatives. Remember that Venus is in your sign this month. So, there is a chance to resolve long-standing conflicts and fill personal life with positive.

July will be very eventful for Gemini in the professional field.

A relaxing atmosphere will let you know your partners and colleagues from a new perspective. Many employees will spend the middle of summer on vacation, for you this will open up additional opportunities for self-realization. There will be a very favorable period in relations with superiors, and the Twins will be able to take full advantage of this.

The following favorable changes in professional activity await you:

  • new connections and acquaintances;
  • the possibility of promotion;
  • stable, stable positions among colleagues;
  • additional opportunities for earning.

If you decide to take a vacation, you should not spend too much time on it. The stars open up new facets and opportunities for you in July that should not be neglected. The second such chance will have to wait a long time. This period can be the basis for major achievements.

The financial situation will be stable, followed by a tendency to improve. But this is not luck or spontaneous income, but the results of your labors and efforts. You know how to handle money, so in a stable position there is nothing surprising.

Gemini Health July 2017

Your activity and determination are the result of a good internal and physical condition. The forces will not leave the Gemini for a long time, because they can safely direct their energy in the right direction.

This applies not only to professional activities. Try to spend more time outdoors, engage in active sports: jogging, swimming. Moreover, summer is the optimal period for this.

Now the Gemini’s health is quite good, because they can not limit themselves to some pleasures. However, the state of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, nevertheless, should not be forgotten.

Take more vitamins, if you like to eat, give preference to healthy foods.