Making cookies at home as a business. Biscuit production: a tasty business. Room requirement

Sweet tooth has always been and always will be. Therefore, the production of cookies as a business will fully justify itself. The variety of types of this delicacy opens up a wide field for the development of activities, but you will have to start small. And if the future entrepreneur has not done anything like this before, then he needs to understand the nuances of production.

Confectionery educational program

Depending on the type of specific cookie and recipe, the list of ingredients can be quite impressive, although the base is always the same:

  • flour;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • sugar;
  • various types of fats.

The addition of baking powder and various flavors is considered mandatory.

For each type of sweet product, a certain type of dough is used:

  • An elastic, viscous and plastic mass will become the basis for a lingering cookie.
  • A plastic, easily moldable mixture will go to the sugar variety of sweets.
  • The yeast used in the preparation of viscous dough will allow you to bake biscuits and crackers.
  • The addition of oatmeal and some other ingredients will make it possible to produce delicious and nutritious oatmeal cookies.

Learning the basics of manufacturing

Shortbread biscuits can be prepared in a removable or jigging way. The first option involves the use of sugar and fat in large quantities. This makes such a dough plastic to a greater extent than sand-jigging.

Cookie production technology includes several stages.

  1. Preparatory. Here you will need to measure and properly prepare all the products that will be used in the preparation of cookies.
  2. 3 months According to the recipe, the ingredients are loaded into the dough mixer in a strict sequence. The first kneading lasts 10 to 15 minutes. Next, egg powder, melange, condensed milk and other products provided for in the recipe, including liquid, are loaded. The dough is kneaded again for 8-10 minutes, and after the sifted flour, starch and sugar syrup are added to it, the dough mixer works for another 5 minutes.
  3. Formation of products. Most enterprises at this stage prefer manual labor. Employees take the dough out of the machine, divide it into parts of about 8 kg, from which they take small portions. Next, the layer is rolled out manually, and with the help of figured recesses, a blank of the future cookie is cut out of it. It is faster and more technologically advanced to use an automated line, if possible.
  4. Baking. At the right temperature, the dough figures are baked.
  5. Finished product packaging. After cooling the finished cookies, they are packaged and packaged for further storage and shipment to retail outlets.

Oatmeal Cookie Secrets

The technological instruction for the production of oatmeal cookies, although it has some similarities between different manufacturers, still differs due to the ingredients and the method of kneading. That is why sweets that are identical in appearance have different taste and consumer properties.

The listed equipment for the production of biscuits is supplied by both Russian and foreign companies. At the same time, the main thing that makes up the cost is the capabilities and functions of the device. The range directly depends on the capabilities of the forming machine. Therefore, there is no guarantee that equipment originally designed for shortbread cookies will be suitable as equipment for the production of gingerbread and oatmeal cookies.

As a rule, Russian counterparts do not have the ability to quickly reconfigure to a different product format. Therefore, "our" equipment for the production of biscuits is distinguished by a lower price, while the "Italian" will be in the range from 15 to 35,000 in dollar terms.

Based on the foregoing, it is better to immediately buy equipment for the production of biscuits and gingerbread, in order to thus create a reserve for further development, when it is necessary to significantly expand the range.

How to open a cookie production: Video

In this material:

Making cookies is a good idea to start your own business. Biscuits are traditionally one of the most popular products on the Russian confectionery market. In terms of volume of consumption, it is significantly ahead of such commodity groups as gingerbread, cakes, pastries. This fact allows us to guarantee such a business a stable demand and profit.

Before deciding to invest in a particular business, it is necessary to conduct a marketing analysis of the market and draw up a business plan.

Russian biscuit market

On average, each Russian consumes about 4.5 kg of cookies. This means that every year the inhabitants of our country eat 645-750 tons of cookies. Moreover, most of the demand falls on residents of large cities. According to the results of the research, it was possible to identify a pattern: the smaller the city, the less they consume cookies.

The annual growth of the market is quite restrained and is about 5-7%, but there are opportunities for new manufacturers to enter.

The competition in the market is average. Local producers play a decisive role in the market. This is due to the fact that cookies have a limited shelf life, which makes it impractical to transport them over long distances. Plus, due to logistics costs, the cost of cookies in other regions may become uncompetitive with local producers.

The industry's problem is the use of obsolete Soviet-era equipment. The organization of production on modern equipment will save on costs and take a significant share in the market.

There are many varieties of cookies. Market research will help determine the optimal assortment. After all, the characteristics of demand may differ depending on the region. A balanced assortment that meets the requirements of customers is one of the components of success.

According to a study by the Workline Group, sugar and oatmeal cookies account for the largest volume of demand. They account for about 18.3 and 18.6% in the sales structure. The leaders in terms of consumption include crackers, dry biscuits (such as "Maria"), kurabye (with jam). According to studies, Russian consumers are very conservative, and the structure of demand has remained virtually unchanged since Soviet times.

But this does not mean that it is worth just starting to produce the most sought-after type of cookie and this automatically guarantees success. This statement is erroneous, since you will have to compete with recognized industry leaders (a novice entrepreneur may simply not have enough funds for this). Even the Russian giants of the confectionery business recognize that innovations in this area are indispensable and regularly update their assortment.

A start-up manufacturer needs to find his unique unfilled niche in the market, which would allow him to compare favorably with competitors. For example, you can focus your business on healthy cookies (for example, fortified with vitamins), fitness cookies (with a reduced calorie content), or organic cookies (without dyes with natural ingredients).

Organization of biscuit production

Equipment for the production of biscuits requires special attention. In this business plan, the production line from Cityline is taken as the basis for calculations. It allows in fully automatic mode (from dough kneading to baking and cooling) to produce up to 450 kg of products.

The cost of this line, which provides the production of biscuits, will be 13.5 million rubles. About 10% more (1.35 million rubles) will need to be spent on its delivery to the place. The installation of the line will cost 1 million rubles. We must not forget about the need to replenish working capital (for the purchase of raw materials, etc.) in the amount of 3.5 million rubles. The amount of capital expenditures will amount to 19.5 million rubles. .

The production of biscuits will require a space of 200 m². When choosing it, you should pay attention to the presence of a sewerage and water supply system, electricity 380 V, ceilings from 3.5 m, as well as a convenient entrance for vehicles. The average cost of renting 1 m² of industrial use with similar characteristics will be 200 thousand rubles. per month.

For the operation of the production workshop, a total of 14 people will be required. Among them are the director, technologist, head of the sales department, head of production, storekeeper, 5 workers, 4 loaders. At the same time, accounting and logistics departments should be outsourced. The monthly salary fund will amount to 263 thousand rubles.

The production of biscuits on this line for the month will be 79.2 tons (3.6 tons per day). This is the minimum value quoted assuming 22 shifts with legal breaks for lunch and maintenance. If the work is organized in several shifts, the volume of production can be increased.

With a wholesale price of a ton of cookies of 42 thousand rubles. the monthly revenue of the enterprise will be 3.326 million rubles. (42000*79.2)

Now we need to estimate the cost of production. The main components of the cost of cookies will be flour, sugar, milk, margarine, as well as electricity. 72.83 thousand rubles will be spent on replacement raw materials, another 9.5 thousand rubles will be spent on electricity. For the production of 79.2 tons of cookies, 1953 thousand rubles will be required.

In addition to rent (200 thousand rubles) and salary (263 thousand rubles), the following monthly expenses will arise:

  • advertising expenses (50 thousand rubles);
  • transport (100 thousand rubles);
  • accounting services (25 thousand rubles);
  • utility bills (10 thousand rubles);
  • other expenses (50 thousand rubles).

The amount of monthly expenses will be 698 thousand rubles.

Biscuit production plan indicators

Based on the foregoing, here are the basic indicators of the business plan for the biscuit production workshop:

  • initial costs - 19,500 thousand rubles;
  • revenue - 3 326.4 thousand rubles;
  • prime cost - 1,952.9 thousand rubles;
  • gross profit - 1373.5 thousand rubles;
  • monthly total expenses - 698 thousand rubles;
  • profit before tax - 675.45 thousand rubles;
  • tax (USN-15%) - 101.38 thousand rubles;

Net profit will amount to 574.13 thousand rubles, and the return on sales will be 17.26%.

Taking into account capital investments of 19.5 million rubles. the production of cookies will pay off in 34 months, which is a fairly good result.

This calculation is based on the assumption that investments in production will be made with own funds. When using bank loans, the payback period will increase due to the need to ensure payments on bank interest.

Setting up a biscuit business

Production is best done in the form of an LLC. This will facilitate the attraction of borrowed funds and will allow in the future to count on help from investors. Banks and investors treat individual entrepreneurs with distrust.

The choice of the form of taxation depends on the organization of marketing policy. The given amount of proceeds will allow the company to apply the simplified tax system (according to the current tax legislation, the limit for its application is 79.74 million rubles).

But if an enterprise plans to supply products to large wholesalers, who then distribute them to stores in the region, then it often works on a general basis and requires VAT invoices from its suppliers. Therefore, the use of simplification in this case will be unjustified and will lead to the loss of business partners.

If the company has its own logistics system and it delivers directly to retail outlets, bypassing intermediaries, then it will be possible to apply simplification. As a rule, small shops work on the simplified tax system or UTII, they do not need invoices and VAT. The use of the simplified tax system will reduce the tax burden, since companies are exempt from VAT and transfer a single tax at a rate of 6 or 15%, which is lower than the 20% income tax on the OSNO. In relation to simplified workers, there are preferential rates in the field of payroll taxes (monthly contributions to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund).

Since the expense part is quite high in the production of cookies, it is better to choose the mode with the “income minus expenses” object. The rate on it is 15%, but in many regions there are benefits for manufacturing companies. Paying 6% of revenue in the production of goods is usually unprofitable.

The presence of an automated line and the transfer of non-core services (accounting and logistics) to outsourcing will make the enterprise more cost-effective.

Order a business plan

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Many businessmen organize the production of cookies only when they have a very large start-up capital. This happens only when the money has been accumulated from any other small business. After all, if you open such a business, you need very powerful and heavy equipment that you cannot buy for several thousand rubles. Such a technique will cost a lot, and production cannot be organized with the help of a single worker in the person of a cookie manufacturer. But it should be noted that such a business is considered quite profitable and will bring very high profits. When you use the dough, if you go strictly with sugar cookies, it will contain high percentages of fat and high percentages of sugar. When it comes to finished products, all of them will be distinguished by low moisture levels and high caloric values. The taste will always be excellent, and such cookies will never go out of fashion.

We develop workshops

Therefore, to begin with, you need to pay attention not so much to the cost of equipment as to finding a room for placing equipment, a warehouse for finished products and convenience for your employees. Next, you'll need your own office, from where you can see the work of any shop, as well as a garage and a truck stop that will deliver your cookies to various stores and other places. You need to understand that in any case you will not be enough of a small room, but you will need at least 30 square meters. meters. Also, in addition to the main workshops, you may need other rooms so that the staff can change clothes, wash themselves, a bathroom and an office for accountants and managers are mandatory.

What buildings can be used for business

If you create the minimum value of such products, you will be able to rent space for catering enterprises. There are many such organizations, they have a fairly high percentage of space. A business plan for such a design of a room can be completely different, but it is important to follow the entire production technology, and not just a separate part of it. Also, the manufacturer should understand that there will be practically no time for rest and sleep - this applies to the time until the structure and system are still fully established. You will need one assistant who will control all the workshops. Further, in each workshop, you need to select the main manager - the head of the workshop, who will bring reports to your assistant and production with specific indicators and the work of people.

Who will join the staff

In order to relieve the manager a little, you will need to use your department heads to hire and monitor the work of those people who work in this shop. You can blame the boss for the work of the workshop, referring to the minuses to the salary, or vice versa - for rewards to the salary (bonuses). Thus, you will be able to correct all the shortcomings in the operation of the system, because if the production is very large, then you simply cannot follow each employee. It will be necessary to hire such a person who will be responsible for the export of products. Loaders, truck drivers and sectors for receiving empty containers and sending filled containers will be subordinate to such a person. All drivers will report to this head of freight transportation, and will provide completed forms with signatures from each location of the store where the goods were brought. Money for deliveries should not be given to drivers or loaders - use other systems when the money will be received and recalculated by the accountant. It is important to understand that your employees should only see the money that will come to them as a salary, employees should not see the amounts that will be given to you, they should not know how much income you have and how much money you have.

How to introduce new technologies into production?

The technology in manufacturing can be completely different, but in any case, you must understand that in order to establish a system, you should first deal with one technology, and then apply and practice any others. Do not use a lot of baking at once when the technology is still untested and new. To get started, make a few batches and try to sell to the stores you would normally ship to. Further, if the product goes well, it will be possible to introduce new technology. And it will be possible to do the same with all other new products or technologies in production.

Where to find out the special requirements for your business

Do not forget that before you start making repairs in your building, you need to find out exactly what requirements must be met. After all, if you already start production, and one item is not completed by sanitary or fire safety points, you will not be able to work for a long time - special departments that come to check will simply close your production. Rospotrebnadzor or sanitary and epidemiological supervision will deal with these requirements and set their own conditions, therefore, in order to prevent unforeseen situations, you will first need to contact these services.

In order to create the production of delicious cookies, some device is required, that is, you will need to install:
1. Plumbing,
2. Types of power supply,
3. Sewerage.
In order to purchase equipment, you need to understand what kind of cookies you will use. If you will be producing sugar cookies, then you will need:
1. Devices for kneading hard dough,
2. Jigging machines for making biscuits,
3. Ovens for baking these cookies.

How cookies are baked

If you use modern process technology, it will be carried out with a biscuit production line, no matter what confectionery ingredients are used. Such processes will include some stages, namely:
1. It will be necessary to knead and prepare the dough,
2. Bake the product,
3. Refrigerate the product,
4. Finish it - spread the filling, sprinkle, glaze.
Also, you will need to pay special attention to the container for how the cookies will be packed, because you can make packages of 10 kg, 1 kg, etc. You will definitely use a special cardboard container - boxes, a bag for food types of polyethylene.
Who and how many people will take up duties
Further, you need to fully understand who exactly you may need for production - loaders, storekeepers, managers, workers, technologists, accountants. You should not hire a director for the first time, because you yourself can start this position and not overpay for this position. If you have some knowledge and experience in accounting, you yourself can work as an accountant. This option is the best in your situation, because in this way, only you will have information about the waste and profits of your company. But if you do not have such knowledge, you need to invite a specially trained person who knows how to work on 1C to this position.

Training people for work

When you invite staff to this work, you will need to train them everything that they will need to know during work. Be sure to conclude contracts with each of them, on the basis of which there will be no problems and confusion. This contract will need to include even the most unpredictable situations that may be associated with production and payments. Do not offend your subordinates, because if you treat people well and sometimes spoil them with bonuses, they will work better, and the production output will be higher and better. Everyone who will work with the products should have a card confirming that the person is not sick with anything serious, because if there is a fatal outcome in your production, it will be you who will need to pay all losses and material payments.

Mandatory items - medical examination

That is why, every six months, all workers must undergo a medical examination and only after that start working again. The cookie business plan is actually very complicated, because you will need to organize not only staff, but also run full work in the shops, control equipment, people, ingredients. Also, you will need to constantly keep in touch with various stores and resellers.

The demand for cookies is growing every day

All the same, in any case, the demand for cookies will grow. Also, prices for biscuits are growing very fast. That is why if you buy all the equipment you need now, if you do not want to continue your business later, you can resell the equipment for almost the same price. The competition will not be too high for such cookies, because this is a very heavy and voluminous business, therefore in our time there are no more than 10 factories that make cookies.
You should pay attention to the sale of cookies and their transportation, because if you use stores to sell in another region, in another city, then you will spend too much money on cars and gasoline.
This situation is completely unprofitable, because if you spend a lot of time on the road, then the cookies will not be fresh enough, cars will spend a lot of time on the road and you will need to buy as many more trucks.

Decide on an assortment

From the very beginning, if you surprise stores with a large assortment, they may even refuse some suppliers so that only you carry your goods. And in this case, it will be more profitable, more convenient and much cheaper for you and the shops. Nowadays, a lot of people buy diabetic cookies, and those that have biologically active additives. That is why, a business plan should be created after you have fully familiarized yourself with the range of other manufacturers, in some cases, pay attention to expanded franchises that can give you tips on your business. If you use good technology, good equipment, and your business is considered neither small nor big, then the payback will be visible in 33 months. You can order services from specialists, consultants, because this business is not cheap, so there simply should not be any miscalculations. When it comes to big money, it is better to spend much more time preparing such a business than to lose a large amount of money.

Payback, profitability of production

You should count not only payback, but also profitability, because if you give all the money earned in production to the staff as a salary, then you will not be able to rise and make money in this business. It is best not to spend those sums on your own needs in the first years, but rather to spend them on increasing production, on improving it. If you spend this money wisely, then your production will soon work for you. Also count on your own strength, because the first years you will have to work very hard and in some cases you will not have time to rest. If you feel that you are not coping with the task, then you will need to hire an assistant - a deputy who will have all the information about expenses and income. This must be a very smart and proven person who has accounting skills and work with people, computers, etc. It is best to hire a person with extensive experience in this field.

Biscuit production: LLC registration procedure + recipe for preparation + purchase of equipment for the workshop + ingredients for making biscuits + where to rent premises + who needs to be hired + product sales + when the investment in the business pays off.

We all love sweets, and almost no one can do without such a treat as cookies. Someone buys it for themselves, someone for the kids. For a year, any sweet tooth, on average, eats 5-6 kilograms of flour confectionery. Also cookies in beautiful packaging are a popular gift.

From this, the conclusion suggests itself that the production of cookies is a good undertaking for an entrepreneur, especially if he knows a lot about baking.

How to set up a business for the production of cookies and sale?

There are two ways to organize your enterprise in the legal field.

A simpler form that is suitable for small businessmen is the registration of the status of an individual entrepreneur. Registration will require a minimum of money and documents, but an individual entrepreneur is more suitable for those who make cookies at home and plan to sell in small batches.

Even a small workshop should already be registered as an LLC (limited liability company). The fact is that investors and other business partners trust legal entities more. Even banks in this case are ready to make concessions and issue loans at a favorable interest rate.

  1. Fill out a standard application - form No. Р11001.
  2. Provide 2 copies of the protocol on the establishment of the LLC.
  3. Draw up the articles of association of the company.
  4. Pay 4 thousand rubles (state duty) at the bank, and bring the check to the tax inspector.
  5. Prepare documents that prove the legality of registration of a legal address.
  6. You will also need a passport and TIN of the applicant, i.е. LLC founder.

Even before submitting documents to the tax service, you need to register a legal address. You can use your home for this purpose if you are the owner of an apartment or house, and the co-owners have nothing against this decision.

Consider a name for your biscuit factory, such as Vkusnyashka LLC or Pechenyushka.

In the application, you must indicate the code of the activity of your enterprise according to OKVED. 10.72.31 - "Production of cookies" is best suited.

A very important point when submitting documents to the inspection is the choice of taxation. A lot here depends on how you are going to sell products on the Russian market, as well as how much income the company has.

The simplified taxation system is acceptable only for those who earn up to 150 million rubles a year. This is stated in Art. 346.13, paragraph 4. Tax Code of the Russian Federation (

Under this system, your factory will pay 15% of the difference between income and expenses for the production of biscuits. There is also an option to pay only 6% of net profit, but the first one is much more profitable for beginner businessmen.

It is necessary to independently take care of the supply of products to stores or large resellers, i.e. to establish their own logistics in order not to resort to the services of carriers - these are extra costs.

note: in the event that the biscuit production plant plans to work with wholesale dealers, then the simplification will have to be abandoned. The fact is that wholesale customers require factories to provide an invoice, as well as allocate VAT.

After completing the registration procedure, order a seal with the name of the company and open a bank account.

Stages of production: how are cookies prepared in large batches?

Even before preparing cookies, you need to decide what assortment you want to offer your consumers. Do some research or look for data on what kind of cookies people in your city prefer.

If we talk in general about the taste needs of the inhabitants of Russia, then people most often buy oatmeal, dry or sugar cookies. The best sellers are crackers, biscuits with marmalade or butter cream, dry biscuits according to the Maria recipe.

You can use standard recipes or come up with your own new options, but it's better to choose both directions. So you can please those who love the classics, and provide the consumer with a new product that will be different from the product of competitors.

By and large, the technology for making cookies is standard for any type, except that it has some differences depending on the type:

Mixing dry ingredients All the necessary ingredients (dry) are weighed, and then combined in proportions that correspond to the recipe.
Dough kneading The finished mixture must be sent to special equipment (dough mixer) and all liquid ingredients (milk, water, condensed milk, cream, etc.) must be added. Only after that sugar and flour are added.
It takes a certain amount of time to mix the dough (according to the recipe).
FormationThe dough is formed by workers manually or with the help of a special machine.
Sintering stepAt this stage, the formed cookies are sent to the oven.
CoolingChilled biscuits can be glazed using an automatic machine or manually.
PackageAt the last stage, the cookies are packed in boxes, which should not let water and moisture through.

Cookies have a short shelf life - about 1-3 months. This one is delicious only when fresh. Therefore, at the first stages of the formation of a business, it is not necessary to produce large batches of cookies in order to be able to sell everything and not have to throw out a return.

Equipment for the production of biscuits - purchase of the main ...

For the production of cookies at home, you do not need to purchase equipment. Every baking lover has an oven, containers for mixing ingredients, whisks, etc.

But for those who want to cook cookies for sale in large quantities, you will need to purchase special equipment. It will not work to produce a product by hand, prepare money for a complete line.

Equipment for the production of biscuits - what should be in the factory?

  • mixer;
  • forming automatic machine;
  • bake;
  • equipment that will apply the glaze;
  • packing machine;
  • refrigeration equipment that will speed up the cooling process of the finished cookies.
  • machine for sifting flour before making cookies.

We suggest you purchase a fully equipped biscuit production line, which will consist of all the above automatic machines - this is the most profitable option for beginners.

The pricing policy of equipment is different, depending on the country of manufacture, year of manufacture, quality, list of functions, power, etc. The average cost of such a line is approximately 4,000,000 rubles.

As a rule, packaging machines are not included in the biscuit production line, this equipment will have to be purchased separately. The average cost is 600,000 rubles.

You will also need to purchase a uniform for the workers of the production workshop and office furniture:

№. EquipmentQuantityTotal cost (rub.)
Total: 103 000 rubles
1. Table4 12 000
2. Chairs6 8 000
3. Notebook3 60 000
4. a printer1 2 000
5. Form for bakers10 5 000
6. locker room1 14 000
7. Stationery set1 2 000

The minimum set of raw materials for making cookies

The purchase of the necessary raw materials plays an important role in the preparation of a quality product.

You must find a good supplier who will always bring only fresh ingredients for your cookies, never be late with deliveries, and have documents on the quality of the product.

Allocate a lot of time for the search and selection of partners, leave only the best. After all, the final result depends on the quality of the raw materials, how your cookies will taste, how long they will be stored in the warehouse.

Raw materials for biscuitsWeightTotal amount (rub.)
Total: 929 500 rubles
1. Flour5 t50 000
2. Sugar3 t240 000
3. Melange1 t230 000
4. Egg powder100 kg9 500
5. Fats2 t220 000
6. Flavors50 kg30 000
7. Baking powder100 kg150 000

Additionally, you can buy peanuts, condensed milk, milk, chocolate, raisins, and other dried fruits to diversify the range of biscuit production.

Rental of premises for a workshop for the production of biscuits

If you are going to buy a whole production line that will bake cookies in large batches, then you will need a fairly large room - at least 150-200 m2. The height of the ceilings should be up to 4 meters so that it is not hot and all equipment is freely placed.

In the rented premises, you will have not only equipment for the production of cookies, but also locker rooms, change houses for workers, offices of administrative staff, a warehouse for finished products.

It is best to organize the work of the plant outside the city, this will help save on rent.

Don't forget that you are preparing food. In connection with this circumstance, an inspection from the SES, Rospotrebnadzor and the Fire Inspectorate will surely come to you.

Each department has its own task:

  • SES will check the premises for cleanliness and absence of rodents, cockroaches and other insects. Also, this inspection body needs to present documents from suppliers of raw materials, on the quality of the supplied products, as well as a certificate of serviceability of all equipment.
  • Rospotrebnadzor will control the production technology and the final result. If the production of cookies does not have any deviations, then you will be issued a quality certificate.
  • The fire inspectorate will check the ventilation, the presence of a fire-fighting system in the room.

Choose a place where water, gas and electricity will already be carried out, it is also desirable to have a telephone line and the Internet. It is important that a car can freely drive up to the workshop in order to load a large consignment of goods.

Renting a room will cost about 150 thousand rubles for 1 month.

Whom to hire for the production of cookies?

To organize the work of the production of cookies, you will need to hire several employees. At the initial stage, the workshop will work 5 days with 8-hour shifts. In the future, you can switch to 2 shifts and increase the number of full-time employees.

Be sure to ask all employees, even administrative staff, for medical books with fresh seals from the medical commission. An inspection is required every six months. Do not allow sick workers to have access to raw or cooked biscuits!

№. PositionAmount of workersTotal salary RUB/month
Total: 285 000 rubles
1. manager or accountant1 40 000
2. Production technologist1 30 000
3. workers5 100 000
4. Marketer1 30 000
5. Loader3 45 000
6. Cleaning woman1 10 000
7. Security guard2 30 000

How to sell cookies in the market?

One of the most important points that closes the idea of ​​​​opening a biscuit production workshop is the sale of biscuits. After all, if your product does not reach the consumer, and no one wants to buy it, then there will be no profit, and all your investments will simply be lost.

What needs to be done to establish the sale of cookies in the Russian market:

  1. Study what kind of cookies are loved in your city, what is missing, the pricing policy of competitors. Based on these data, you can find a middle ground for yourself. For example, to produce the favorite cookies of the townspeople, but at a reduced price. Another option is to produce something new, because people like to buy something tasty and unusual for tea.
  2. Do not stop at the production of only one type of cookie, experiment more often.
  3. New species are best produced and sold in small batches.

  4. Biscuits must be sold in bulk. Draw up contracts with pastry shops, supermarkets, shops, etc. Opening your own store at the first stage is not worth it, this will entail additional costs, which in the end may not pay off.

As for advertising, order posters with a vivid image of your products, indicate that you have quality certificates. Place such advertising in retail outlets where cookies will be sold. It will cost you about 3000 rubles, depending on the size and material of the poster.

Business plan for the production of cookies.

How to open your business? Technology
biscuit production.

Income and expenses - when will the production of biscuits pay off?

When will the production of biscuits in Russia pay off? To begin with, it is worth calculating how much we will spend when opening the workshop, as well as for the first month of work.
№. Item of expensesAmount (rub.)
Total: 6 127 500 rubles
1. Procurement of equipment4 703 000
2. Opening an LLC + printing order + opening a bank account7 000
3. Purchase of raw materials929 500
4. Advertising3 000
5. Employee salary285 000
6. Rent150 000
7. Communal payments50 000

In addition to the costs of purchasing equipment and opening an LLC, other items of expenditure are regular. If we sum them up, we have monthly fixed expenses in the amount of 1,417,500 rubles.

  1. For 1 hour of operation, the equipment will be able to produce up to 300 kg of cookies.
  2. In 22 working days, provided that the shop works for 7 hours, we will be able to produce 46.2 tons of cookies.
  3. 1 ton of cookies in the wholesale market costs 40 thousand rubles. In a month we will be able to earn 1,848,000 rubles.
  4. As a result, our profit will be 430,500 rubles.
  5. Tentatively, the biscuit business will be able to fully pay for itself and bring only profit after a year of operation.

The production of biscuits in any locality will be in demand. The main thing is to please your customers, surprise them with a recipe and always a fresh product.

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Cookies are a constant product on the menu of almost every family. The sale of sweet pastries, even in the most critical times, was either stable or increased. The reasons for such popularity lie in the culinary traditions of the Slavic peoples: almost every meal ends with tea drinking with sweets.

Also, a certain role is played by the affordable price of cookies, which are several times cheaper than sweets and cakes. Therefore, if you are looking for a way to make money, and you don’t know, then you can safely look at equipment for the production of cookies and look for a good cook, and there is already a sales market, and he constantly needs a new product.

How to organize a business

Cookie making is one of the few businesses that can be started almost from scratch. All you need to get started is a good recipe, quality ingredients, an eye-catching personal style, and promotion through regional social media groups. You can implement such an idea initially as.

Delicious, fresh and beautifully decorated pastries will be in demand, and within six months the entrepreneur will be able to save seed money to purchase and launch capacities for larger-scale production.

Businessmen who have already achieved success in this commercial endeavor recommend using the start-up capital formation period to create a business plan for the future confectionery shop and develop a marketing component for products (useful idea, brand, assortment, appearance, promotion features, etc.) .

Even on small batches of products that will be sold via the Internet, an attentive entrepreneur will be able to catch profitable trends and adjust his plans to please the client.

In the event that a businessman does not have the opportunity to maintain a small production, then professional marketers can be hired to analyze demand, or he can study consumer preferences using the capabilities of the worldwide network.

There are examples when, at the stage of developing an idea for a business, its founder opened his blog and invited visitors to take part in the creation of those products that they would like to purchase.

There are many ways to pre-work on a project. Which of them is the most effective is up to the entrepreneur to decide, but in any case, you need to understand that creating a unique product that the buyer will like is not very easy, and therefore you will have to use your imagination and entrepreneurial flair to find the right solution.

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Technical equipment of production

Any launch of facilities where it is planned to produce food products is controlled by authorized supervisory authorities. First of all, you will need to register your entrepreneurial activity with the tax service, choosing one of the organizational and legal forms - individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Calculation of the yield to self-sufficiency

Investment in the production of biscuits as a business pays off in about three years.

If we take the initial capital of 30 thousand US dollars, then in the first year the company will be able to earn a net profit of about 5 thousand dollars, the second - 10 thousand dollars and the third - 15 thousand dollars.

This trend is due to the fact that in the first few years it is necessary to invest in the development of the product and its promotion on the market.

The general economic indicators are as follows: the workshop produces about 30 thousand tons of cookies per month, the cost of one ton in bulk purchase is 150 thousand rubles, and the monthly income is 4.5 million rubles. Raw material costs - 2 million rubles, labor costs - 1 million rubles, taxes and other obligatory payments - about 250 thousand rubles. The rent is about 150 thousand rubles. Monthly profit - 1.1 million rubles.