What to do to stand like a stone. What to do to keep the penis up: effective generics for restoring erection. What to drink to keep your penis standing: instructions for raising your sexual temperature

Tablets for a powerful riser are divided into several types:

  • Means of "ambulance", providing a long and powerful erection in half an hour or an hour after taking;
  • Preparations for a course admission, promoting improve erectile function by influencing the causes of weakening.

With severe erectile dysfunction, it is better to buy riser pills at the pharmacy. Basically, these are artificially synthesized drugs or homeopathic remedies that provide a stone erection as soon as possible.

Do not forget that drugs of this type have an impressive list of contraindications and side effects, so their intake is possible only after agreement with the attending urologist and andrologist.


The well-known Viagra pills for impotence are considered one of the best due to the effectiveness confirmed by specialists and patients. The active ingredient of the drug is sildenafil, a PDE-5 inhibitor.

It acts on the body as follows:

  • The active substance enters the bloodstream;
  • Under its influence, the arterial lumens expand and the venous ones narrow;
  • Blood circulation is activated, it fills the corpora cavernosa;
  • After sexual stimulation, an iron boner comes.

This drug is intended only to activate an erection, it does not affect the root cause of dysfunction. The effect occurs within an hour after ingestion and will last up to 4 hours. The dosage is agreed with a medical specialist based on the current condition of the patient.

The guaranteed efficacy of Viagra is combined with a number of limitations. The pills are not compatible with alcohol, in addition, they cannot be taken in some cases:

  • The patient is simultaneously taking drugs that activate the synthesis of nitric oxide, nitrates, HIV inhibitors;
  • Blood clotting disorder;
  • Retinal pathologies;
  • Severe heart and vascular diseases;
  • Ulcer;
  • Age under 18;
  • Intolerance to the main or additional components.

It is recommended to resort to such a potent remedy for men with severe impotence of organic genesis. Younger people with disabilities should start treatment with milder medicines or supplements. The cost of Viagra varies from 500 to 5000 rubles (the exact price tag depends on the number of tablets in the pack, the concentration of the active substance, the pharmacy margin).


The drug Cialis also belongs to selective inhibitors. These are tablets for a long riser, their action lasts up to 12 hours, and the first signs of the effect come in half an hour after taking.

The main active ingredient is tadalafil, which acts on the same principle as other substances from this group.

Tadalafil-based tablets can be combined with alcohol, however, they also have a list of restrictions for taking, most of which are identical to Viagra. In addition, Cialis is contraindicated in severe renal pathologies. The tablets belong to the expensive price segment, the radius price tag is 1000-7000 rubles.


According to doctors, Levitra is a rather mild drug among all type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitors. The active ingredient is vardenafil.

The main advantage of the tablets is the quick onset of action, 5-15 minutes after use. The effect on the body lasts about 8 hours.

Levitra should not be drunk under the same conditions as Viagra from Cialis. Special limitations are penis deformity and amino acid metabolism disorders. The price range is 800-3400 rubles.

Cheap tablets produced by domestic manufacturers. The name of the drug contains information about the active ingredient. A complete analogue of Viagra is also designed to achieve an erection. In order to have a riser for a long time, you need to take a pill in a dosage recommended by a doctor, 1-2 hours before sexual intercourse.

The mechanism of action of the drug:

  • Active ingredients relax the muscles of the penis;
  • An intense blood flow begins to the cavernous bodies;
  • A stable erection occurs.

Like other selective inhibitors, Sildenafil "North Star" is indicated for the treatment of significant organic disorders of sexual function.

It is forbidden to take pills when:

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Recently suffered a heart attack or stroke;
  • Curvature of the penis;
  • Low blood clotting;
  • Renal and hepatic dysfunction;
  • Individual intolerance to active ingredients.

The drug is freely sold at the pharmacy, at a cost of 350-600 rubles (depending on the dosage and the number of tablets).


An inexpensive homeopathic preparation based on diluted antibodies to endothelial NO synthase. The effectiveness of the tablets is ensured by an increase in the production of nitric oxide after the drug enters the bloodstream.

Thanks to active synthesis, the smooth muscles of the penis relax, the blood flow increases and a long-lasting riser arises. With the help of Impaza, you can achieve a situational erection, as well as undergo a course of treatment to restore reduced potency. The daily dose is prescribed by the doctor based on the patient's health status and the severity of the problem.

The homeopathic remedy is safe for the body, but exceeding the dosage leads to disruption of the digestive system, allergic reactions, pain in the pelvic region and epigastrium. You can buy Impaza for about 500 rubles.

The latest developments for men

The rapid achievement of an erection largely depends on the environment, the attractiveness of the partner, the dishes that were served for dinner or lunch. Age and amount of alcohol play an important role - it is much more difficult for a drunk man to get aroused.

If everything disposes to intimacy, and the penis does not rise, you can resort to emergency remedies, including innovative dietary supplements, drugs that stimulate blood flow, and even the old remedies of healers.

Modern dietary supplements

Food additives are developed on the basis of organic substances and are in demand due to the minimum of contraindications and side effects. The proportions of the components are selected by experienced pharmacists in such a way as to affect the reproductive system of the body without affecting other departments.

Often, such drugs have a complex effect on sexual function, allowing you to quickly raise the penis before sex, while being distinguished by a prolonged action and a healing effect. Due to the large number of counterfeits, dietary supplements are recommended to be purchased on the websites of manufacturers.

The standard restrictions on the intake of most funds are hypersensitivity to components and minor age.

Innovative dietary supplements combat impotence without negatively impacting your health. The tablets have no side effects and are distinguished by a short list of contraindications - minor age and hypersensitivity to active ingredients.

It is recommended to purchase natural pills for a strong penis on the official websites of the manufacturer. The presence of such herbal remedies in a pharmacy clearly indicates their counterfeit nature. Online dealers also sin by selling counterfeit products at a lower cost. REMEMBER !!! The standard price of all original dietary supplements for 1 package is 990 rubles. There may be errors, but obviously not in the smaller direction.

Libido Drive

Supplement in tablets Libido Drive provides elimination of various problems of a sexual nature and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. Effectively copes with incomplete erection, insufficient hardness for insertion, loss of arousal at the moment of intimacy.

Effectiveness is ensured by a special composition:

  • Maral antlers - activate the brain centers responsible for physiological and emotional arousal;
  • Zimolyubka - promotes a powerful erection, enhances libido;
  • Rhodiola pink - enhances neutron conductivity, stabilizes the psychological state and suppresses fears;
  • Field yar - stimulates the production of testosterone and participates in cleansing the body of harmful substances;
  • Safflower leuzea - \u200b\u200bnecessary to improve spermogram indicators;
  • Swamp dryweed - a natural tonic, important for increasing energy and strength, additionally relieves spasms.

Men with sleep disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pathologies of the cardiovascular system should be treated with pills with caution and after the approval of a medical specialist.


A natural remedy that solves 2 tasks: restoration of impaired sexual function and situationally providing a good riser half an hour after drinking one capsule.

The formula of the phytopreparation Biomanix contains:

  • L-arginine is an amino acid that expands the vascular lumen and provides a powerful blood flow to the genital organ;
  • Peruvian poppy - the root of the plant is considered the strongest natural aphrodisiac, provides a long erection, helps prolong intercourse;
  • Creeping Tribulus - an organic component that significantly increases testosterone levels in the blood;
  • Okra extract is a substance that promotes strong excitement due to the blood filling of the corpora cavernosa;
  • Tongkat Ali - increases emotional attraction while suppressing premature ejaculation;
  • Shellfish shell extract - contains a significant amount of zinc, which increases the production of male sex hormones;
  • Wild yam - promotes fertility;
  • Muira puama is a plant that strengthens the body and improves the general well-being of a man.


Natural pills for a riser in men allow you to normalize sexual function, cope with disturbed sleep, improve the functioning of the kidneys, immune and digestive systems, and increase the protective properties of the body.

Supplement Pantosagan includes:

  • Lovage is a plant that stimulates the flow to the genital organ, due to which the corpora cavernosa are filled;
  • Ginseng - a root that increases blood circulation in the pelvis and gives extra stamina for a long act of intimacy;
  • The antlers of the Altai maral are a substance that activates the centers of excitation in the brain;
  • Cordyceps - a mushroom that stimulates attraction to the opposite sex, belongs to organic tonics;
  • Serenoia - prevents erectile dysfunction, is included in the systemic treatment of prostate diseases;
  • Esparcet - necessary to normalize sperm quality and stimulate libido;
  • Fireweed - a medicinal herb that prevents infectious inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Lecithin is needed for the prevention of oncopathologies.

It is important to know that with chronically low blood pressure, dietary supplements therapy is possible only under the supervision of a physician, and in case of renal pathologies, it is better to refuse it.


A supplement that solves a complex of male problems. Eroxin tablets are recommended to be taken for a prolonged riser, especially for men at an age when sexual function is reduced due to age-related changes.

Composition of Eroxin tablets:

  • Yohimbe - the extract promotes blood flow to the genitals, due to which the cavernous bodies expand and an erection occurs;
  • Ginseng - the root tones up, activates physiological and emotional arousal, prolongs the act of intimacy;
  • Eurycoma - the root is considered the strongest natural stimulant of arousal and tonic;
  • Zinc lactate - the compound provides active production of testosterone.


The multicomponent composition of natural tablets consists of:

  • Cedar resin - the substance improves the work of the heart muscle and blood vessels, thereby ensuring normal blood circulation and full filling of the cavernous bodies;
  • Biogenic propolis - the component improves the functioning of the gonads, increases testosterone production, has a positive effect on the body as a whole;
  • Tribulus creeping - a plant that ensures the normal production of male sex hormones;
  • Lovage is a medicinal herb that stimulates blood flow to the genitals, prevents diseases of the genitourinary system, eliminates pain;
  • Maral antlers - a component that promotes the activation of neural centers, which is responsible for excitation;
  • Nettle is a root with an antiseptic and tonic effect. Has a positive effect on blood vessels;
  • Orchis - normalizes hormones, cleanses the body of harmful substances;
  • Zhgun-root of Monnier - increases the sensitivity of erogenous zones, enhances attraction at the emotional level;
  • Tea penny - has a beneficial effect on the tissues and cells of the body.

How to repair sexual dysfunction

  1. The benefits of folk recipes for men's health
  2. Effective recipes to help restore male strength
  3. What to include in your daily diet
  4. Physical activity as a way to restore potency
  5. Effective traditional medicine recipes

Increasingly, statistics show that older men are not the only ones to experience failure in bed. The lifestyle of modern people, low physical activity, improper diet, psychological blockages have their consequences. Because of these problems, men under the age of 30 cannot satisfy their partners and, because of this, create even more problems for themselves.

You can try to eliminate the problem with the help of medication, but not everyone has a desire to experience their side effects, but it is quite comfortable to be treated with folk remedies, and most importantly, effectively. That is why it is worth taking a closer look at the question of how to restore male strength with folk remedies.

If a man is faced with the question of how to restore masculine strength, he does not have to immediately run to the pharmacy. Certain folk recipes, the correct selection of diet, physical activity will help restore sexual desire.

The benefits that folk remedies will bring to a man are as follows:

  • Improving overall health.
  • Increase in the male hormone - testosterone in the blood.
  • Restoration of sexual desire.
  • The ability to make intercourse longer.

In order for the penis to stand, and sexual contact to be longer, a man must make a little physical effort, and folk medicine will do the rest for him.

For 2 years in the European market there has been a miracle drug to restore potency Predstanol. In terms of effectiveness, it is several times superior to Viagra - it not only gives an instant erection immediately after taking it, but also restores natural potency. At the same time, it has no side effects (at all) and costs several times cheaper.

ATTENTION! Our website visitors have a unique opportunity to try Predstanol for free.

The downside of the drug is that due to the high excitement in Russia, it cannot be bought in pharmacies, only ordered via the Internet. It is worth making an order on the official website, since lately fakes are more and more common

In order to quickly raise male dignity, it is important to know why the penis fell.

A comprehensive natural approach to increasing erection.

  • Lead an active, correct lifestyle;
  • Eat healthy, natural foods;
  • Tune yourself positively for the upcoming intimacy (not to be afraid of your partner and her reactions);
  • Do not panic and do not get upset if you cannot raise a member quickly;
  • Take drugs that increase potency (only as directed by a urologist);
  • Give up bad habits (alcohol, drugs, smoking).
  • do yoga, other healing procedures.

Research shows beer has a negative effect on male erection. A liter of intoxicating drink, drunk daily, can lead a representative of the strong half to problems with potency in a few months.

Mechanical approach to the elimination of erectile dysfunction.

If natural methods of restoring erection (potency) do not give the desired result and the penis does not get up during sex, it's time to resort to mechanical means.

Mechanical means implies the implantation of a special prosthesis into the genital organ, as well as some other surgical interventions (prescribed individually). For example, circumcision (suitable and prescribed for specific cases).

  • The correct choice of diet and the inclusion in the daily diet of foods that increase libido.
  • Practice an active lifestyle, supplementing it with a set of physical exercises.
  • Take tinctures, decoctions or herbal infusions daily.

In this way, it will be possible to restore male strength and potency completely in a few weeks, and some remedies work even a little faster.

Our grandfathers knew how to quickly restore masculine strength with folk remedies and actively used them. In order for a member to stand, a man needs to regularly eat the following foods:

  • Walnuts.
  • Fig.
  • Ginseng (added to tea).
  • Lean meat.

You should not add too many products from the specified list to the diet, because the principle, the more, the better will not work here.

there is healthy foods, to increase sex drive and restore potency is not enough. A man needs to restore lost strength with the help of physical exertion. They should not be too large, but this method is indispensable if you need to achieve a visible result. How to make your lifestyle more active is easy to guess, because you can just get up in the morning, go jogging, do a few squats, do push-ups a couple of times.

You can make your penis stand with the help of special relaxing baths. To prepare them, you need to brew bay leaves and pharmacy chamomile flowers with boiling water. The broth must be strong for the effect to be complete. When he cools down to a comfortable temperature, a man needs to spend 30 minutes in such a bath. It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime.

How can a man quickly raise his penis before intercourse?

Modern dietary supplements

For a repetition of intimacy, men take a different amount of time to recover. For some, 30 minutes is enough, others rest for a few hours. PDE5 inhibitors can be used to lift the penis after intercourse to prolong the night of love. The action of the tablets lasts at least 4 hours, which makes it possible for several intimate contacts.

Regular physical activity, a properly formulated diet and adequate rest ensure the normal level of erection when needed. A healthy lifestyle helps to maintain sexual strength even for old men, respectively, if you follow the simplest recommendations, you can avoid looking for ways to increase potency.

Agree, the situation is not pleasant, when, in the midst of intimacy, the male reproductive system fails and his dignity simply weakens and falls. How to quickly restore potency in this case and what to do?

If the male organ fell once during sex, this is not a pathology and you should not worry too much about the incident. By being upset and taking the problem to heart, you run the risk of earning a psychological disorder, fear of failure in sex.

Psychological disorder, fear of sex, can lead to serious deviations in men's health.

In order not to get into a difficult situation and to raise manhood at the right time yourself, you should, first of all, not panic. Try for a while to move to caresses in the partner's intimate areas, distract yourself from the problem and, perhaps, everything will be resolved by itself, the organ will again come to a "combat" position.

If it was not possible to raise the potency, relax, rest, perhaps the reason for such dysfunction lies in elementary fatigue, explain this to the woman, try not to get upset yourself and the male function will definitely recover after you gain strength and rest a little.

Remember, the best defense against unexpected situations in bed is self-confidence. If there is no such confidence, there will be no result!

Do not panic even if the incident during sex is repeated a second or third time. Two or three cases are not yet a diagnosis of impotence. If you constantly think about the problem, this can turn out to be serious for you.

If the potency during sex decreases constantly, consult a urologist. Perhaps the cause of your illness lies in the appearance of some serious illness. In this case, only a physician is able to correctly diagnose and assess the situation.

To restore erectile function, doctors usually prescribe a comprehensive method of treatment, which includes, along with proper nutrition and exercise, also taking special stimulating medications, for example, Viagra.

Folk remedies to keep your dick well all night long

Folk healers, healers who lived many centuries ago and who passed on their recipes to our generation, knew how and what drugs (herbs, tinctures, ointments) to use to increase erection in men.

We will consider some of the popular recipes right now.

  1. Make a 3 to 1 mixture of walnut kernels and milk. Take this mixture daily on an empty stomach for a month. The tool perfectly affects both the genitourinary system of a man and the immunity of a representative of the strong half.
  2. Carrot juice will also help to overcome the ailment, which traditional medicine experts recommend mixing in equal portions with honey. It is recommended to take the product in 20-30 ml, three times a day. Already after a week of taking, men can feel an increase in potency (erection).
  3. Take dry parsnip root, chop it and mix in equal proportions with vegetable oil. The tool significantly enhances sexual attraction in men. The mixture can be used in combination with meat and fish dishes.
  4. Red wine will also help against erectile dysfunction (only dry red wine is taken), which folk healers recommend to mix with honey and aloe juice in equal parts. After that, the mixture should be infused for 7 days. Take a traditional medicine from potency should be a teaspoon once a day. This treatment should be continued for several weeks. It is able to cleanse and blood vessels, and release blood, which will begin to flow to the genitals. As a result, potency will improve.
  5. Strange as it may seem, but ordinary apple juice (natural juice without sugar) also helps to improve erection. It is recommended by traditional healers to mix in equal proportions with carrot juice (fresh juice, juice without sugar is taken) and add a few tablespoons of honey to the juice mixture. The product should be taken по of a glass three times a day before or after meals. The course of such treatment can take up to several months. The product is safe for the health and body of men.

Doctors do not trust folk healers and folk recipes. The doctors believe that the correct treatment can only be prescribed by a specialist, after conducting a series of studies, analyzing the causes of the onset of the disease and evaluating the patient's analyzes.

Only a properly selected course of treatment can permanently relieve the patient of the disease.

And, remember, problems with potency are the result of improper nutrition, leading the wrong lifestyle. You should not treat an erection without a doctor's recommendation, stuffing yourself with various medicines for potency, in order to gain real, natural male strength, it is important to apply a comprehensive method of treatment and follow strictly the recommendations of your attending urologist.

What is an effective folk remedy to drink to make the member stand longer, and preferably all night? This question is asked by men who once blundered in front of their partner and loving wives who are trying to help in this difficult situation imperceptibly.

You don't have to run to the doctor right away. At times, homemade herbs and decoctions work much better than pharmaceutical pills and medical surgeries. Why? Because:

  1. Usually herbs have a complex effect;
  2. There is no rollback after them;
  3. They cleanse the body;
  4. Lack of side effects;
  5. General improvement in well-being;

Also, don't forget about the placebo effect. In this case, herbs will definitely help, because the very fact of taking a magic potion removes the psychological barrier. And as a result, the man will again delight his spouse with a confidently screwed in bolt. What herbs and decoctions can you drink to improve potency and "long standing" of the penis?

Ginseng root

Ginseng root is the most effective direct potency improvement agent available, it has:

  1. The effect that stimulates the nervous system;
  2. Good pressure rise in the right places;
  3. Anti-inflammatory effect;
  4. General tonic;

In addition, ginseng is a good energy drink and is able to stimulate testosterone production. Usually a course of several bottles of tinctures or decoctions helps restore male strength. This is enough for several months, after which it is necessary to repeat the course of treatment with ginseng root.

Fillet of sea urchin

If we consider the folk remedies of the world, and not only the Slavic ones, then fillet is an excellent source of a good male mood. sea \u200b\u200burchin... It works very simply - it sponsors the body with creatine, nitrogen and ready-made testosterone.

100 grams of fillet is equivalent to one injection of testosterone propionate. And in terms of nitrogen content, sea urchin fillets are second only to sildenafil.

The result is an instant and one hundred percent penis lift. The only drawback of this tool can be considered that it does not regulate the problem for a long time, but only helps to have a pleasant evening.


Today, tribulus can be purchased inexpensively at every pharmacy. And if you try, then grow it in your own garden. The plant is so popular that it is used in classical medicine as a medicine, making tribestan. But nevertheless, the tribulus itself will be more effective. What is he doing?

Tribulus makes the body produce new testosterone. As a result, the male genitals are fully involved in the work. And the rush of blood and improved circulation in the groin helps to get a good boner.

In addition, an excess of testosterone improves libido - this means that not only will it stand, but it will also be able not to finish the process for a very long time. And then return to the second, third, fourth and fifth laps almost immediately. Even adolescents will be able to envy such penis efficiency, which is achieved thanks to the tribulus.

Few people think that most often the potency is lost due to inflammation of the prostate gland. And if a man continues to be stubborn, refuses to go to the doctor, and other means that directly affect the quality of potency no longer help, it is worth trying to relieve inflammation.

Decoctions of St. John's wort and sage are perfect. They can be combined with absolutely any means, since they do not carry any harm. They help to temporarily relieve inflammation of the prostate gland and remove infections, which are often the real causes of male confusion.

If you shouldn't - don't despair. Most remedies can not only help to restore an erection, but also solve the problem once and for all. Sometimes complex treatment together with cleansing the body will return mobility to sperm, and your spouse will return to its former passion.

Increasingly, statistics show that older men are not the only ones to experience failure in bed.

The lifestyle of modern people, low physical activity, improper diet, psychological blockages have their consequences.

Because of these problems, men under the age of 30 cannot satisfy their partners and, because of this, create even more problems for themselves.

Have you tried a lot of tools and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and don't use drastic methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how the experts recommend treating ...

Drawing conclusions

A strong erection is the key to vivid sexual intimacy. If manhood is flabby, it is problematic to enjoy yourself and give pleasure to your partner.

Of course, it's not about size, but a well-erect penis leaves much more room for maneuver than a sluggish rag with which some men try to conquer the fair half of humanity. Being diplomatic by nature, they tend to be tactfully silent, even if they do not reach orgasm.

However, a dissatisfied woman becomes irritable, scandals arise in a relationship, a man loses self-confidence. It is understandable why almost every person at least once in his life asked the question: what is needed for a member to stand?

Poor ecology, unhealthy diet with a large amount of fat and lack of vitamins, regular stress, workload are the main reasons for not fully erect manhood.

Today the problem can be called a scourge of modern society: half a century ago this issue was not relevant for the inhabitants of our planet. Doctors draw a clear parallel: the higher the workload of a person, the less success in bed he can boast.

Of course, this does not mean that you need to lie on the stove doing nothing. On the contrary: it is a sedentary lifestyle that is the most important factor that lowers an erection. There are other reasons:

  • lack of physical activity;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse:
  • family scandals, nervous experiences;
  • lack of sleep, lack of a regimen;
  • infectious diseases, injuries;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • prolonged sexual abstinence;
  • obesity, diabetes mellitus;
  • improper or irregular nutrition.

NOTE: If you do not eat for 2-3 hours before sex, the duration of the act may increase by 10 minutes. Excitability will also be higher.

Every man knows several ways to ensure that the penis is strong and long. This is especially true for those who are over 40 years old. But, according to doctors, the problem is typical for young people: even in adolescence, failures in bed are not uncommon.

For harmonious intimate relationships, do not rush to the pharmacy - you need to start with simple tips that seem banal, but following simple secrets will help you feel confident in bed.

  • Be in the fresh air more often, arrange for adequate ventilation of the work area and bedroom.
  • Exercise, you can start with morning runs. Even small loads have a beneficial effect on blood flow, increasing erection.
  • Go to bed early and be sure to get enough sleep: the duration of the night's rest should be at least 8 hours.
  • Give up bad habits - the absence of tobacco and alcohol will have a beneficial effect on the state of all vital systems.
  • Eat a balanced diet with natural foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

Proper nutrition is important for all organs. A competent diet, composed mainly of natural products, strengthens the immune system, improves heart function, and normalizes the functions of the respiratory system. A correct, tailored diet is the most important condition for a member to stand confidently and for a long time.

There is no need to go to extremes and completely abandon your favorite delicacies, all the more to do it abruptly - such changes lead to nervous stress, as a result of which hormonal imbalance occurs. But the basis of the daily menu should be natural food.

What Products Are Helpful For Achieving A Reliable Riser?

  • Seafood, especially oysters, shrimps, mussels. The contained Omega-3 fatty acids normalize cholesterol levels, remove toxins, and stabilize the cardiovascular system. It is better to use boiled form.
  • Vegetables: tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions, turnips. They improve the permeability of blood vessels, so that the penis is actively filled with blood and does not fall off at the most inopportune moment. They temper the body, serving as a powerful prophylactic agent against diseases.
  • Fruits, in particular plums, figs, peaches, apricots, pears, melons. They accelerate metabolism, increase testosterone production, as a result of which an erection can be kept in the desired state for a long time.
  • Pumpkin and watermelon seeds are the most important urinary tract cleanser of harmful toxins. The increased zinc content has a beneficial effect on the strength of the phallus over the long term.
  • Nuts, especially walnuts, almonds, cashews, as well as chocolate, honey, contain a large amount of essential oils. They not only help to improve the functioning of the penis, but also increase libido, lift the mood.
  • Greens: parsley, dill, cilantro. An indispensable element for maintaining a good erection, which is achieved through a wide range of amino acids, minerals, vitamins that support erectile function.

Did you misfire? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory is not on your side.

And of course you know not by hearsay that a violation of potency is:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Women remember your every failure, tell their girlfriends and your friends
  • Prostate disease
  • Development of depression that negatively affects your health

Now answer the question: DOES IT SUIT YOU? How can this be tolerated? Do you remember that feeling when you look at a naked woman and cannot do anything? Enough - it's time to get rid of problems with potency, once and for all! Do you agree?

We have studied a huge amount of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the potency remedies in practice. So, it turned out that a 100% working drug without any side effects is Predstanol. This drug consists of natural ingredients that completely exclude chemistry.

What is considered a true indicator of male wealth? Many talk about moral qualities, others about loyalty to their words and ideals. But in the vast majority of cases, everyone believes that male consistency lies in success in bed.

Indeed, an important component of a full-fledged intimate life is not only the size of the penis, but also the quality of erection. If a man has a good boner, then he will definitely be on top.

Soft penis problems can affect men at any age. A sluggish penis in young people becomes the result of an improper lifestyle, bad habits (alcohol, smoking and even drugs).

After 40 years of age, every second representative of the stronger sex is faced with the softness of the penis. The penis is not as firm as it was in younger years, and a high-quality erection is much more difficult to achieve.

How to make a member hard? What exercises will help restore the former elasticity of the penis, and what should be done to make the penis stand as it should? With the proper approach, the problem can be solved, and a healthy lifestyle, special exercises, and therapy with folk remedies will help.

To return the old stone riser, you need to radically change your life. Changing one item will be ineffective and will not give the desired result. First you need to find out why the riser disappears, and only then find out what to do with it.

In fact, medical practice identifies many reasons that lead to a weakening of erection in men. On the one hand, the matter lies in the age of the stronger sex, but on the other, for completely different reasons.

Practice shows that men after 40 years of age suffer from erectile dysfunction. The fact is that by this time, age-related changes are taking place in the body, which have a direct impact on sexual forces.

Allocate organic causes that worsen erection:

  • Hormonal disruption in the body, endocrine disorders.
  • Chronic prostatitis, acute pathology.
  • Infectious diseases, venereal ailments.
  • Diabetes mellitus, pathology of the cardiovascular system.

In medical practice, there are a huge number of chronic diseases that can indirectly affect male sexual performance in bed. To return the old stone riser, you need to throw all your strength into treating the underlying disease.

As for young people, in the overwhelming majority of cases, a flaccid member becomes a consequence of the following aspects:

  1. Bad habits, inactive lifestyle.
  2. Sedentary work, unhealthy diet.
  3. Lack of sleep and rest.
  4. Stress, nervous tension.

Sedentary work or a sedentary lifestyle are factors that negatively affect blood circulation in the pelvic area. In turn, with impaired blood circulation in the penis, there can be no question of a stone erection.

To return a strong erection, you need to correct the situation in all directions. First you need to engage in active physical activity. Young people are encouraged to swim, run, play football.

Secondly, reconsider your lifestyle, in particular, food. Fatty, fried, salty and spicy foods are a direct path to weakening male capabilities. You need to eat healthy food, giving preference to vegetables and fruits, exclude fatty foods, add as little salt and spices as possible to food.

The return of a strong erection is a whole list of changes in your life, only then success and the former boner are guaranteed.

Penis exercises

So, what needs to be done to make the penis strong and elastic? At home, you can pay attention to exercises that help accelerate blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which in turn will have a positive effect on erection.

At the moment we are talking about the well-known Kegel workout. The advantage of such an exercise is its accessibility, and also, you can practice at any convenient time and anywhere: at work, in the car, in the store, and so on.

So what should you do? First you need to find that "mysterious muscle" that brings undoubted benefits for the stronger sex. To feel it, you need to interrupt the stream several times during urination.

As a rule, if this is done, the man instantly understands which muscle is in question. So she will need to be trained.

Exercise number one:

  • The duration of the lesson is 5 minutes.
  • The man takes any comfortable position.
  • You need to strain the muscle for 5 seconds.
  • Then relax for 5 seconds.
  • It is recommended to do it several times.

Such training allows you to increase erections, has a beneficial effect on potency. Definitely, the changes will not be noticeable the first time. But if you practice for several months in a row, then a stone and elastic penis is noted during an erection.

Exercise number two:

  1. The duration of the workout is 5 minutes.
  2. Take any starting position.
  3. You need to strain the muscle for as long as possible.
  4. After that comes relaxation.
  5. Thus, you need to train for 5 minutes.

The third exercise is to tense / relax the muscle as much as possible for as long as possible. In turn, the exercises are also effective.

Exercise improves circulation and enhances erectile function.

Folk remedies to help men

Before talking about unconventional help, I would like to mention modern means that return a stone riser. provides a strong penis after one workout.

It is quite simple to use it, it is of no small importance that it is used before sex, which will increase the duration of sexual intercourse, guarantee an elastic penis.

The second option is this. Reviews note that the device allows not only to increase the length of the penis, but also has a positive effect on the sexual capabilities of the stronger sex.

In alternative medicine, there are many recipes that will restore the former elasticity of the penis, and again enjoy a regular and active intimate life. On the basis of honey and walnuts, you can make a nutritional mixture:

  • Grind the kernels of 20 walnuts.
  • Add a few spoons of natural honey.
  • Mix everything, eat two tablespoons every day.

Ginger Root for Men is a natural remedy to help restore sexual vitality. With it, you can prepare various tinctures and decoctions, and you can also simply add fresh root to tea daily.

Ginger Tincture:

  1. Grate 200 grams of root, add to 200 ml of alcohol.
  2. Insist two weeks, periodic shaking is recommended.

Filter to remove root residues. Take 20 drops every day, morning and evening. The duration of therapy is 1 month.

A win-win remedy that will return male strength in the shortest possible time is. Thanks to him, a man receives not only high potency, high-quality erection, but also the main thing happens - an increase in the penis, which no man in the world will refuse.

Let's analyze 26 inexpensive and effective pills for male potency and the prices for these products in pharmacies and on the modern market.

What categories of medicines are distinguished

In the topic of sexual impotence, the following groups of medicines are distinguished:

  • PDE inhibitors type 5. Increase the flow of blood into the intimate organ. They begin to act only when there is a sexual partner nearby. Not suitable for people with poor health due to side effects from taking. Examples: Levitra, Viagra, Zidena and the like.
  • Synthesis activating nitric oxide. Thanks to the products of this group, nitric oxide is produced more strongly in the body, which is necessary for general muscle relaxation and the expansion of arteries. After all, it is known that tension and constrictions in the body prevent full intercourse and blood circulation in the organ. For example, the group includes L-arginine, Impaza and the like.
  • Testosterone producing... They are prescribed only for testosterone deficiency after appropriate tests. This male hormone is responsible for many processes in the body, including reproductive capacity. Examples: Methyltestosetron, Andriol, and others.
  • Dietary supplements... Active dietary supplements are made on the basis of natural plant extracts or elements of animal origin. Hence, most of them are safe for health. Reception of products of this group is also positively perceived during meals. Examples: Eroforce, Speman and the like.
  • Adrenergic blockers alpha class. They work with sexual impotence of a psychological plan, that is, if the problem is in the head. Also applicable in cases of circulatory disorders. They calm the psyche before intercourse, suppress adrenaline that interferes with relaxation. Examples: Yohimbine, Phentolamine, and others.

Prices in pharmacies for pills for male potency may differ. Indicating the cost of a medicine, the average value of the medicine was set. To understand the picture, let us first clarify one question.

How the organ for pleasure becomes tougher before intimacy

How does the intimate organ take on the appropriate forms for a full-fledged love act:

  1. The sexual organ of the stronger sex is similar to sponge... This sponge represents the so-called cavernous bodies that fill blood with sexual attraction to a woman and desire.
  2. Your friend grows in size under the action nitric oxide in body. For the blood to penetrate unhindered, the muscles need to root the intimate organs were completely relaxed. This is how it all works. We also talked about techniques for enhancing blood flow to dignity.

How nitric oxide in the body leads to an erection

Nitric oxide (NO) mixes with another substance in the body, and together they form a new component cGMP → cGMP helps to relax the muscles at the base of the dignity → Thanks to this, the blood fills the intimate organ, it becomes stiffer → And so that the erection is maintained, the vessels for outflow are narrowed.

26 medicines for men

1. Eroforce Forte

  • Dietary supplement. A natural preparation that has a complex effect on the body. From the reception is added secretion testosterone, normalizes circulation blood in the genitals. Promotes the appearance persistent desires, relieves inflammation in the prostate gland. Affects the nervous system as an anti-stress product. Effective from the first capsule.
  • Contains such plant and mineral components as extract palm trees dwarf, root ginseng, rhodiola rosea, zinc.
  • Drink for 42 minutes to intimacy. For a stable result, it is advisable to drink a course in 2 weeks... There were no special side effects and contraindications.
  • The approximate cost is about 1000 rubles.

2. Speman

  • Dietary supplement. Has a positive effect on production seed in the body, increasing also their mobility. Reduces risk fibrosis prostate gland. Acts as an anti-inflammatory, decongestant and diuretic. Dulls the oversensitivity of a fighting cowboy, due to which lovemaking lasts longer.
  • Produced by the Indian company Himalaya. AT composition there is a male orchis, wild lettuce, hot dolichos.
  • Take every 8 hours throughout the day. The course of treatment can last up to 6 months.
  • It costs about 350 rubles.

In our list of the best pills for potency without side effects and quick action, in addition to prices in pharmacies, we pay great attention to the rules of taking from the instructions and various contraindications.

3. Cialis Tadalafil

  • The action of "Cialis" is due to the production of nitric oxide, due to which the relaxing mechanism begins to function correctly veins... Thanks to this, the intimate organ is filled more abundantly blood and this leads to its resilience. It works only with natural sexual irritation. Active for a long time after use.
  • Each 20 mg Cialis pill contains " tadalafil". Take for 34 minutes to intimacy.
  • Contraindicated in diseases hearts, prohibited when taken together with other medications that correct sexual impotence, for example, with nitrates... After admission, headaches are possible pain.
  • The approximate cost starts from 2,400 rubles.

4. Sildenafil

  • Helps restore the functioning of the genital organ by releasing an oxygenated nitrogen compound into its tissues... This leads to an increase in the level of guanosine monophosphate ( cGMP), relieve groin tension and increase circulation blood in it. The normalization of these physiological processes induces resistance in the instrument of pleasure.
  • It contains a corresponding element called "Sildenafil". Take for 50 minutes to the alleged intimacy.
  • Contraindicated with constant use nitrates any forms, cirrhosis of the liver, Peyronie's disease, arrhythmias... Calls out side effects from the circulatory, digestive and nervous systems.
  • The approximate cost of the product is about 500 rubles.

5. Impaza

  • Homeopathic medicinal product. Under the influence of Impaza, the endothelium produces the required amount of nitric oxide, increases the content of guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) and relaxes smooth muscle fighting buddy. Increases sexual attraction, regular intake increases blood levels of testosterone.
  • "Impaza" contains components such as a water-alcohol mixture antibodies to endothelial NO synthase. Take for 2 hours to intimacy. Long course admission lasts until 8 months.
  • Contraindicated in people with congenital lactose deficiency. May cause diarrhea nausea.
  • The approximate cost is 500 rubles.

6. Laveron

  • Dietary supplement. Active only if present desires intercourse in relation to a woman nearby. Blocks sympathetic vasoconstrictor aspects in the genital area. Restores working state organ and physiological reactions to be attracted by a gentleman. Improves the contrast of the sensation of intercourse.
  • AT composition includes Chinese dodder and zamaniha, plantain. Take for 45 minutes to possible intimacy. The course of taking this supplement is 1 month.
  • Undesirable reception for people with problems sleep, in the presence of atherosclerosis or hypertension, as well as deviations in nervous system.
  • "Laveron" will cost a man 680 rubles.

In this list of pills for male potency with the names of the best, both natural herbal medicines and medicines with chemical composition... Let us examine further the Vuka-Vuk bioadditive.

7. Wuka-Wuka

  • Dietary supplement... Not a bad stimulant for the stronger sex. Increases inflow blood to the instrument for receiving pleasure, helping to restore the resistance of the intimate organ during intercourse. Makes love act longer and more vivid impressions. Awakens libido and attraction to the female sex (we also talked about the awakening of libido in another). Gives energy.
  • "Vuka-Vuka" includes natural ingredients such as edible carissa, mesh geeria, velvich triumfetta. Accepted by 2 pills per day, the required course is thirty days.
  • You should not resort to medication for food poisoning in the last days, as well as after going through sessions chemotherapy... Side effects can appear only if the dosage limit from the instructions is not observed.
  • The approximate cost is 1200 rubles.

8. Yohimbe forte

  • Dietary supplement. Normalizes circulation blood in the groin area due to the excitation of specific neurons of the central nervous system... Stimulates libido, promotes the release of natural testosterone, increases the work of the nerve nodes of the spinal cord. It has an immunostimulating effect, increases efficiency and endurance.
  • Contains plant and mineral components: extract bark yohimbe, zinc, selenium, extract from ginseng root. The data in the list of pills to improve potency in men are taken in a course up to 1 month.
  • Contraindicated in hypertension, sleep disorders, nervous disorders, serious diseases of the liver and kidneys. Can cause both a decrease and leap blood pressure disorder sleep, tachycardia.
  • It costs about 300 rubles.

9. Tentex forte

  • Dietary supplement... Affects the areas of the central nervous system responsible for sexual attraction... Increases desire in relation to a partner. Leads the hypothalamus to the necessary work, fights intimate disorders spheres.
  • Natural ingredients "Tentex Forte": sowing saffron, seeds of nutmeg, crushed into powder, roots of hypnotic hovering and velvet itchy beans... Take for sexual problems during the day every 12 hours for up to 50 days.
  • Contraindicated in high blood pressure, kidney disease. From side effects possible leap blood pressure.
  • The approximate cost is 650 rubles.

10. Lovelace

  • Dietary supplement. Ignites attraction to women, helps to achieve the combat state of your cowboy. Strengthens blood circulation in the reproductive organs, increases the duration of the intercourse process itself. Normalizes hormone background cavalier. Acts as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial dietary supplement. Increases the chances conception... We also talked about similar medicines in another.
  • Lovelace's herbal ingredients are the root eurycomas, Chinese cordyceps, sassaparilla... Use a course in the morning and in the evening for 4 weeks.
  • Contraindicated in violation of activity hearts, excessive nervous excitability, disorders sleep.

If you intend to buy pills for male potency in an online store or pharmacy network, you should carefully read the instructions for use. That is why such close attention is paid to details when describing a medication.

11. Gokshura

  • Dietary supplement... Increases the production of physiological testosterone, enhances sexual a wish, restores the ability to perform a full-fledged act of love. Has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, helps dissolve stones in the bladder. Prevents the development of prostate adenoma and prostatitis... It has a positive effect on spermatogenesis. Able to relieve neurogenic pain.
  • The bioadditive is named after the plant of the same name in its composition - gokshura ( anchorites creeping). Accept month twice a day.
  • Among the undesirable manifestations, there is a moment associated with the fact that "Gokshura" can cause dehydration.
  • The approximate cost is 400 rubles.

12. Avanafil

  • Selective PDE-5 inhibitor. Destroys cGMP and accelerates circulation blood in the area of \u200b\u200bthe reproductive organ, relaxes its tissue fiber and fills them with arterial blood. As a result, by increasing these fibers, an elevated state body for pleasure.
  • 1 pill of the product in 50 mg contains "avanafil". Take for 35 minutes before possible sexual intercourse.
  • It is forbidden to take in case of illness kidney and liver, heart and vascular diseases, high blood pressure. Adverse reactions include headaches pain, dizziness, arrhythmia, fluctuations in blood pressure, congestion nose, blurred vision.
  • The approximate cost of 1000 rubles

Many men are looking for the safest pills for potency and harmless to health, wishing to also get a very quick result. But one is not compatible with the other.

As a rule, drugs that have a quick effect have a lot of contraindications and after taking them, various side reactions may appear.

13. Dynamically

  • Increases the amount of blood supplied to manhood, stimulates relaxation in pelvis and relieving constrictions by releasing nitric oxide in the intimate organ and activating the enzyme guanylate cyclase. All this makes it possible for a healthy sexual intercourse. Pharmacologically active only when intimate stimulation.
  • The product's pills contain the element " Sildenafil". Take for 55-60 minutes to horizontal dancing with your beloved.
  • Contraindicated when taken nitrates any form. Causes side effects in the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  • The approximate cost is from 600 rubles.

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14. Zidena Udenafil

  • It is a selective, reversible inhibitor of guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). Compatible with alcoholic beverages and high-calorie foods. Normalizes chain physiological processes, relaxing smooth veins in the tissues of the instrument for enjoyment. This leads to normal circulation blood and provokes his natural rigidity before intercourse.
  • Each pill contains udenafil. Take for half an hour before the horizontal dancing begins.
  • Cannot be taken in conjunction with nitrates in any form. Side effects from Zidena: facial flushing, dizziness, redness eye.
  • The approximate cost is from 550 rubles.

There have already been listed many dietary supplements and over-the-counter male potency pills that are compatible with alcohol or food. But we'll look at a few more pills that also stand out.

15. Levitra Vardenafil

  • Activates the release of nitric oxide, which is able to induce relaxation of smooth muscles in tissues an intimate organ due to the appearance of a sufficient concentration of guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). These processes increase the volume of blood supplied to the area of \u200b\u200bsmall pelvis and cause normal sexual intercourse hardness at the instrument for enjoyment.
  • Available in different dosages containing vardenafil. Take for 35-60 minutes prior to the alleged intimate contact.
  • Contraindicated with parallel intake of products nitrates... Side effects from Levitra are facial flushing, nausea, dizziness.
  • The approximate cost is from 1000 rubles.

16. Art Life "Formula of a Man"

  • Dietary supplementthat has a positive effect on sexual health. Prevents prostate diseases, restores sexual function. Normalizes the synthesis of male hormones... Increases the amount of urination, withdrawal salt chlorine. Gives a positive effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system. In the course of a course admission, the overall performance of a person increases.
  • The composition includes parsley, saw palmetto, pumpkin and other elements.
  • Take this during the day and every 12 hours. The course of admission lasts 1 month.
  • The approximate price is 900 rubles.

Someone wants to buy effective and inexpensive pills for the potency of men of domestic production, and someone is closer to the most popular from abroad.

17. Power of the Emperor

  • Dietary supplement, which is not inferior in characteristics to chemical medicines aimed at correcting erectile dysfunction. It stimulates relaxation of smooth muscles and increases the volume of blood flowing to the reproductive organs. Normalizes hormones, relieves inflammation and cramping... Reduces blood glucose levels, improves performance vessels and heart, heals the liver and kidneys.
  • Components of the supplement: extract from antlers deer, ginseng, extract withers Chinese. Take for 60 minutes before expected sexual intercourse.
  • Contraindicated in disorder sleep, hypertension, heart failure. Side actions: neck redness, short-term disturbance vision, nausea.
  • The approximate cost is from 1300 rubles.

18. Mai Dalivan

  • Dietary supplement... Allows for a love act by increasing circulation blood in the organs of the groin and relaxation of the muscles of the intimate organ. The dietary supplement is able to regulate the amount of produced testosterone, relieves inflammation, makes love act long lasting.
  • Ingredients "Mai Dalivan": Desert Cistanche, Tibetan saffron, wild black ants, common Dereza ( goji). Take for 22 minutes before making love.
  • Forbidden combine with other medications aimed at treating sexual impotence.
  • The approximate cost is 2500 rubles.

19. Chuncao

  • It is a dietary supplement (we also wrote about dietary supplements in another). Chuncao restores the lost rigidity intimate organ, reduces inflammation, helps to make lovemaking longer. Stimulates a wish to intercourse, has a positive effect on secretion seed. Long-term use according to the instructions causes changes in the size of the causative organ.
  • The composition includes a root extract ginseng, extracts from organs of various types deer and also Tibetan saffron.
  • Take for half an hour before the start of the act of love. It is not recommended to take it simultaneously with other similar products, in particular, with dietary supplements.
  • The approximate cost is 1650 rubles.

20. Gift of the Himalayas

  • Dietary supplement, restores blood circulation in the genitals by stimulating small blood vessels. Restores efficiency to dignity, controls production serotonin, testosterone and dopamine, thereby prolonging love act... It has a positive effect on semen production. Reduces inflammation. Normalizes liver function and hearts, removes toxins from the body.
  • "Gift of the Himalayas" contains large-flowered mountain woman, mulberry berries, leeks, asparagus... Take 4 tablets in a course of 1 month.
  • Contraindicated in insomnia, heart disease and vessels.
  • The approximate cost is 1800 rubles.

21. Verona

  • Vegetable a product that normalizes the erectile function of gentlemen. Thanks to Verona, the volume of seed getting bigger. Awakens a faded attraction to the opposite sex... Reduces severe astheno-neurotic reactions.
  • "Verona" contains the following herbal ingredients: winter cherry, mucuna itchy, anchorites creeping. It is taken twice a day. The course of admission lasts 2 months.
  • Product acceptance costs limit people taking antidepressants or sleeping pills, as well as those who have cardiac arrhythmias. It is impossible drink along with diuretic medicines.
  • The approximate cost is 600 rubles.

22. Fulibao

  • Dietary supplement, the natural components of which lead to abundant blood circulation fabrics genital organ. "Fulibao" can increase the amount of synthesized testosterone and reduce the possibility of premature finish line (we also talked about methods for postponing the finish in a different way). Relieves inflammation and cramping genitourinary system. Increases sexual activity, restores the lost ability to perform love act.
  • Natural ingredients of the dietary supplement: root ginseng, Horny Goat Weed herb, leaves sage... It is necessary to drink for 1-2 months once every three days.
  • Contraindicated in arterial hypertension, serious diseases hearts.
  • The approximate cost is 1,500 rubles.

Our list of the most powerful pills for potency and powerful stimulants of the reproductive system is slowly ending. Next is Stimarekt.

23. Stimarekt

  • Dietary supplement... Corrects erectile dysfunction. In combination with other medicinal drugs, it makes the flow stronger blood to the organs of the groin area. With prolonged use, the amount of synthesized testosterone increases. Raises attraction, makes the sensation of intercourse more vivid.
  • Contains in the composition zinc and concentrate from northern antlers deer, as well as a lyophilic extract-hydrolyzate from the organs of this animal (from the heart, kidneys, lungs). Take once every day with a course of 21 day.
  • Contraindicated in unstable blood pressure.
  • The approximate cost is 2000 rubles.

24. Yarsagumba

  • Dietary supplement. Promotes aggravation attraction, restores the sexual capabilities of the gentleman for intercourse. Has a positive effect on functioning kidney, lungs, circulatory system, normalizes blood pressure. Increases blood concentration of free testosterone... Has anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Has only herbal ingredients such as extracts cordyceps chinese, ginseng, olives European. They drink 1 time in 3 days with a course of 1 month.
  • Contraindicated in diseases hearts and the nervous system, epilepsy. May cause facial flushing, dizziness, a spike in blood pressure and nausea.
  • The approximate cost is 680 rubles.

25. Likoprofit

  • Dietary supplement, referring to the Russian pills for potency. Interferes with inflammation of the prostate ironprotecting its cells from free radical damage. Delays the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, which causes these diseases prostate like adenoma and cancer. Increases the amount of healthy semen produced.
  • Lycoprofit contains lycopene, zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins. Consume the product once a day in a course of 1 month.
  • Do not take with arterial hypertension, nervous disorders, insomnia. May cause heartburn and vomiting.
  • The approximate price is about 600 rubles.

26. Tribestan

  • Dietary supplement... Increases sexual activity, prolongs intercourse in bed. Perceptibly lowers cholesterol levels and reduces the onset of poor performance disorders hearts.
  • The active ingredient in Tribestan is dry herb extract anchorites creeping. It is taken three times a day. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor.
  • May appear after consumption nausea... Contraindicated in severe heart disease and vessels, kidney disease, prostate adenoma.
  • The approximate cost starts from 2000 rubles.

Cavaliers, who often ask about that, should also not forget about the strict admission rules.

What medications should not be mixed with

  • Forbidden take simultaneously with medicines from the group nitrates (e.g. nitroglycerin) together with a group of inhibitors PDE type 5, that is, with Viagra, Zydena and the like.
  • Otherwise, due to low blood pressure and poor blood flow to the brain or heart, such a combination may lead to lethal the outcome.
  • It is also known that dietary supplements are well absorbed when taken with food. But here's another group of medicines like inhibitors PDE-5 poorly absorbed by the body if taken together with greasy food.

What are the criteria for choosing a medicine

Pay attention for the following points when choosing pills to restore potency:

  1. No contraindications and collateral effects.
  2. Consider your age... Fast-acting medications are not always suitable for older people.
  3. Is it normally absorbed when taken simultaneously with alcohol or bad.
  4. Safe and natural compositionfrom plants, for example, or a suspicious chemical composition.
  5. Lack of dependencies after frequent use of the product.
  6. See by time on how soon the desired the effect... A quick result does not always mean that it is safe. Someone is more suitable for a long coursework treatment.
  7. Consider what what is it tied to your sexual disorder. Is it psychological or physiological? Medicines with a chemical composition may not be suitable in cases of psychological impotence.

Foods and vitamins for sexual health

Certain foods are also beneficial for men's health and a great sex life.

Which ones:

  1. Fermented milk: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, koumiss, yoghurts, cheese.
  2. Meat: beef, chicken, venison, rabbit, turkey.
  3. Porridge: all types of cereals except semolina.
  4. Seafood: lobsters, crayfish, mussels, mackerel, shrimp, oysters, flounder.
  5. Eggs quail, chicken or ostrich.
  6. Decoctions, tinctures and teas: from ginger, ginseng, nettle, thyme, St. John's wort.
  7. Dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, dates, persimmon.
  8. Nuts: almonds, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, hazelnuts.
  9. Greens: basil, parsley, dill or celery.
  10. Fruit and vegetables of all varieties are useful, as well as fruits of red and yellow flowers, citrus fruits.

All these ingredients can be combined, used simultaneously in the first or second courses, used as snacks or spices.

What helps prevent techniques and exercises

In addition to medications, you should not ignore proven techniques and exercises that help keep intimate health in good shape.

  1. About exercises... That kind of sport and those exercises are useful that accelerate the blood in the pelvis and also develop endurance. These include running, squatting, pelvic rotation, groin stretching, cross-fit exercise, swimming, yoga. This applies to everyone: both the younger generation and older men 60 years old.
  2. Morning technique... The essence of the technique is to do tension and relaxation of the PC muscle in the morning. The same muscle, straining which our genitals will bounce and pendulumly move in isolation from other parts of the body. Such contractions are done only in the morning and only when your organ is in an erect state.
  3. Massage... The massage is done at special points: at the base of the intimate organ and in the area of \u200b\u200bbells. You don't need to excite yourself! The points at the base help to relax the arteries, due to which there will be an abundant flow of blood and there will be no backflow. The dots in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bells help to remove the accumulated energy there and direct it to other parts of the body.
  4. With a lack of testosterone any kind of martial arts are suitable: sparring, wrestling, MMA, grappling or jiu-jitsu. These types of activities are useful for those who suffer from psychological impotence and other psychological barriers that interfere with intimate life. Often, martial arts even remove psychological tremors.
  5. Steam bath and a contrast shower are helpful. Alternating between a steam room and an ice bath is a great workout for the circulatory system. After the session, endorphins are produced in the body that fight depression. After the session, blood flows to the pelvic organs and not only much better.

Men of all ages often have to deal with a problem that can be temporary in nature and be the result of stress, or be observed regularly, significantly worsening the emotional state and the quality of sexual life. Whatever the reason for sexual impotence, they always try to fight it. In addition to medications and physiotherapy treatments that address the immediate cause of the deviation, erection pills are used, which help maintain the firmness of the penis for several hours at a time.

The deterioration of potency and the inability to maintain an erection for full sexual intercourse is observed not only in old, but also at a young age. The reasons for this phenomenon are varied - from overwork to chronic illness. Men who experience sexual impotence are recommended to use fast-acting erection stimulants, provided there are no contraindications to their use.

Such funds operate as follows:

  1. They stimulate the vascular system, which ensures the necessary blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the penis. Thus, a full erection is achieved in men of all ages;
  2. They prevent, thanks to which a man is able not only to achieve orgasm, but also to satisfy his partner;
  3. Increase testosterone levels by stimulating the endocrine glands (does not apply to all erection aids);

The urologist Iskander Abdullin will tell you about the peculiarities of taking pills for the treatment of impotence:

  1. Increase sex drive
  2. Increase the sensitivity of the penis;
  3. Normalize muscle tone.

The drugs are taken for about half an hour or an hour before the start of intercourse. During the specified time, the active components of the tablets begin to act, filling the penis with blood. Depending on the name of the drug and the substances it contains, it can act from 5 to 36 hours.

It should be noted that the described agents have contraindications. These include the following conditions and pathologies:

  • The tendency to allergic reactions in the form of shortness of breath, rash, edema;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • High blood pressure;

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Taking medications used to treat heart disease.

While taking erection stimulants, you should not drink alcoholic beverages at the same time: firstly, they reduce the effectiveness of the drug, and secondly, such a combination contributes to the manifestation of such side effects as dizziness, heart palpitations, a sharp decrease in pressure levels.

It is forbidden to combine means to enhance potency with nitrate preparations (nitroglycerin, nitrosorbitol). This combination is very dangerous, as it leads to sudden surges in pressure, which can be fatal.

List of names of erection stimulants

There are many different drugs that are used for long lasting erections. Each of them contains chemicals in the composition, so before making a choice, you should consult with a specialist.

Table 1. List of the best remedies for improving sexual function

Drug namePrinciple of operation and method of administration
"Viagra" (or a new analogue)The most well-known and advertised tool. A natural erection when taking a pill occurs as a result of a rush of blood in the vessels of the penis. The effect is observed after 30-40 minutes and lasts for 3-5 hours. The duration of the effect depends on the characteristics of the male body. It is recommended to take one hour before sexual intercourse.
"Impaza"This drug, in addition to increasing arousal, is used as a drug in order to increase erectile function against the background of various diseases of the genitourinary sphere. "Impaza" helps to increase the level of testosterone in the blood. If the product is used once, to prolong an erection, you must take 2 tablets: one 1.5-2 hours before intercourse, the second one hour after taking the first. For medicinal purposes, the drug is taken regularly, the dosage is determined by the doctor.
CialisTablets belong to the group of fast-acting with a pronounced long-term effect: they begin to act after 15 minutes and maintain an erection throughout the day. The average recommended dose of the drug is 20 mg.
"Dragon Tornado"The advantage of these capsules from a Chinese manufacturer is the natural composition. The drug is effective for psychogenic erectile dysfunction. In addition, it restores male strength after illnesses, as well as after prolonged use of medicines that negatively affect potency. Among the components of the "Dragon Tornado" - ginseng, Tibetan saffron, extracts from black ants. It is recommended to take one capsule of this erection remedy 15-20 minutes before sex. The drug increases the duration of intercourse up to 2 hours, and also allows you to increase the volume of seminal fluid and the size of the penis in an erect state.
"Australian kangaroo"A drug for increasing the duration of sexual intercourse with such an exotic name is a food supplement in the form of tablets. The drug not only increases the physical endurance of a man with intimacy, but also normalizes reproductive function, and also strengthens the immune system. The main active ingredient of the supplement is an extract from the testicles of a young kangaroo, a powerful hormonal agent. It is recommended to take no more than 1 tablet a day, half an hour to an hour before sexual intercourse. The action of the tablets, according to the manufacturer's instructions, lasts up to 36 hours.
"Verona"These are effective pills that stimulate potency and prolong erection. They consist of natural ingredients: Tribulus extract, itchy mucuna seeds, withering root. It is recommended to take 2 tablets of the drug a day - before breakfast and before bed.
"Dynamo"The tool is suitable for restoring potency and achieving long-lasting erection. It is recommended to take a pill before meals, one hour before intercourse. The action occurs in 30-40 minutes.
Gerimax EnergyThis drug is a complex of vitamins for an erection, increasing potency and general strengthening of the body. It is necessary to take the tablets continuously for 2 months. You should not do this before bedtime due to the increased activity of the body.

Possible side effects

If you follow the instructions for the drug and take erection stimulants infrequently, problems should not arise. Otherwise, side reactions such as:

  1. Redness of the face caused by a powerful rush of blood to the vessels of the brain;
  2. Headache;
  3. Nausea and diarrhea (especially if drugs are taken on an empty stomach);

To a greater or lesser extent, all drugs to regulate potency have side effects. They can appear immediately after taking the medication, during or after intercourse.

  1. Nasal congestion;
  2. Back pain;
  3. Feeling of chest discomfort;
  4. Visual impairment and color perception.

Preparations for improving erection, according to experts, with prolonged use can cause dependence of a psychological nature.

Is it possible to strengthen an erection with folk remedies?

For health reasons or other reasons, some men are unable to use erection preparations containing chemicals. In such cases, they can try to treat impotence based on folk remedies. For this, various medicinal herbs, bee products, vegetables and other natural remedies are used.

The following recipes help to achieve a good effect:

  • Nettle-based infusion. A tablespoon of dry leaves of the plant is poured with a glass of boiling water and left until the liquid cools down. You do not need to filter the tincture. The drug should be taken 2 times a day before meals, half a glass. Duration of use is 2-3 weeks. Nettle is useful for men's health in that it stimulates sexual desire, normalizes the production of hormones, and has a positive effect on potency;

Dear readers, we have prepared a video for you with recipes for increasing potency:

  • Cornflower infusion. Such a remedy is suitable for delaying ejaculation without losing erection. To prepare it, you need to take a teaspoon of dried flower stamens, pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it cool. Drink the entire volume of the finished product 20 minutes before intercourse. You cannot use this infusion for men who suffer from low blood pressure;
  • Red wine syrup. This recipe is suitable if you need to urgently achieve an erection and arousal. You need to take a handful of raisins, dried apricots, prunes, sprinkle with a tablespoon of granulated sugar, mix. Pour dried fruits with a glass of red wine. Put the resulting mixture on low heat, simmer for an hour. Add a little clove, cardamom, cinnamon 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Drink 1 glass of liquid half an hour before intimacy.

Erectile dysfunction is a problem that can occur for a variety of reasons. If sexual impotence occurs due to serious pathologies, occasional intake of erection pills, although it will allow for a full sexual intercourse, still will not prevent the development of such serious conditions as. Before using pills for potency, you must consult your doctor.

As you know, an erection is a rather capricious thing, even in healthy men. What to say about those for whom sexual dysfunction has become almost a "norm of life", making it almost impossible to have sexual relations with a loved one. When a man is not young and he is far "over 18", then one desire and an attractive partner is not enough to stand all night - you cannot "order" a member!

But, if you still want a long and high-quality sex, that is, pills - they will be discussed in this article; you will also find a link at the bottom of the page if you want to purchase these tools.

How does an erection work?

What is the mechanism of arousal of the male member? An erection occurs when the penis fills with blood. Particles of blood accumulate in the blood vessels of the penis, causing it to become hard, and this state of arousal-riser is called an erection.

Scientifically, during sexual arousal, nitric oxide is released in the penis. It activates the production of the enzyme guanylate cyclase, which stimulates the production of cyclic guanosine monophosphate. It regulates the volume of blood flow both into and out of the penis by controlling the process of arousal and "lifting". As blood accumulates in the genital organ and does not drain, it increases in volume or erects.

What does it take for a member to stand for a long time

Sooner or later, most of the representatives of the strong half of humanity, suffering from one form or another of erectile dysfunction, turn to means to improve erection. What to take so that the penis is standing ... so that masculine strength returns? After all, women want to see us really strong!

Only relatively recently, with the discovery of Viagra and similar drugs, scientists managed to solve the age-old problem of impotence in men.

Viagra, Cialis, Levitra: to stand!

Consider the most popular tools created by modern science to ensure that the male reproductive organ works with maximum efficiency.

On March 27, 1998, an epoch-making event took place: Viagra was officially recognized as the first oral pharmacological agent for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Men finally got rid of the nightmare of impotence.

If Viagra was the first, then Cialis became the fresh "fuel" for the relatively young but thriving market for erection drugs. Now in more detail about this trinity.


Sildenafil, which this drug is composed of, is a PDE5 inhibitor. Thanks to this, it is able to maintain an erection of the penis. Sexual stimulation is necessary, only then will the drug be beneficial.

How to use

For most patients, the recommended dose is 50 mg. It is taken orally one hour before intercourse, no more than once a day. Taking into account the effectiveness and tolerability, the dose can be reduced to 25 mg or, conversely, increased to the maximum recommended - 100 mg.

Sildenafil is rapidly absorbed from the intestines. It is allowed, but not desirable, to take the drug with food. The maximum effect is achieved 60 minutes after ingestion. The duration of action of Viagra is about 4 hours.

Side effects

2. flushing of the face;
3. change in color perception - the agent affects the vessels of the retina of the eye, and therefore the patient may feel an increased brightness of light or temporary blurred vision;
4. passing changes in color perception;
5. muscle pain.


1. low blood pressure;
2. cardiovascular diseases;
3. it is unacceptable to take Viagra in combination with medications - nitrates;
4. Driving after taking the drug is not recommended.

The decision to take Viagra is made by the doctor, taking into account the degree of possible risk to the patient.

Dosage and prices

Viagra is sold in three different dosages: 25, 50 and 100 mg, at an average price of 670 rubles per 1 tablet with a standard dosage of 100 mg.


The active substance of Cialis, tadalafil, like sildenafil, is a PDE5 inhibitor. Initial stimulation is also required to maintain penile erection.

How to use

The recommended dose of Cialis is 10 mg. Swallow 30 minutes before anticipated sexual activity. For patients in whom the dosage of 10 mg does not produce the desired effect, it can be increased to 20 mg. The permissible frequency of taking these doses of the drug is once a day. The tablet can be taken with or without food.

The maximum effect begins to appear after two hours. The duration of action of Cialis reaches 36 hours. This does not mean that the penis is in constant tension all this time, because the drug only works when there is sexual arousal.

Side effects

2. upset gastrointestinal tract;
3. dizziness;
4. redness of the face;
5. muscle pain.


1.cardiovascular disease;
2. low blood pressure;
3. The use of Cialis with drugs - nitrates is absolutely contraindicated.

Before taking Cialis, you must first consult your doctor.

Dosage and prices

Cialis is offered in the following dosages: 5 (daily), 10, 20 and 40 mg (generic), at a price of 990 rubles for one 20-milligram tablet.


The molecule of vardenafil, the active ingredient in Levitra, is very similar to that of sildenafil, and its mechanism of action is completely similar.

How to use

The drug should be taken orally at least 25 minutes before intercourse. Depending on the achieved effect, the dosage can be either increased to 20 mg (maximum) or decreased to 5 mg.

The drug should not be used more than once a day. Levitra can be taken with or without food. If the pill is taken with fatty foods, then the onset of the effect may come a little later.

The maximum effect appears 1 hour after administration. The main condition for a stable erection is, as in previous cases, the presence of sexual stimulation. Levitra lasts up to 5 hours.

Side effects

1. headaches;
2. vision problems, like Viagra: lacrimation, photophobia, impaired color perception.


1. Absolutely contraindicated in combination with nitrate medications;
2. should refrain from driving after taking this drug;
3. it is not recommended to take it to persons for whom sexual activity is inappropriate (their list is posted below).

Dosage and prices

Dose types: 5, 10 and 20 mg. Estimated price - from 950 rubles for 1 tablet of 20 mg.

Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are contraindicated in patients with the following diseases

1.severe hepatic impairment;
2. end-stage renal disease requiring dialysis;
3.hypotension (blood pressure<90/50 мм рт.ст.);
4. suffered a stroke or myocardial infarction within the last 6 months;
5. unstable angina pectoris;
6. hereditary degenerative diseases of the retina such as retinitis pigmentosa;
7. Lost vision in one eye due to anterior ischemic optic neuropathy.

What is common and what is the difference between Viagra, Cialis and Levitra

In terms of the degree of effectiveness, there are no significant differences between the three drugs belonging to the same group, because their mechanism of action is the same. In order for the expected effect to appear and the penis to stand up, sexual arousal is required. Neither Viagra, nor Cialis, nor Levitra directly cause an erection, but they powerfully promote it, improving blood flow to the genitals, thereby increasing it in volume.

Also with regard to contraindications and side effects - they are comparable for Viagra, Cialis and Levitra.

The main difference between Cialis and Viagra and Levitra is associated with the long duration of the drug. Cialis delays the process of blood outflow from the penis as much as possible, not only for the whole night, but for a much longer period - up to 36 hours.

To learn about the benefits of the listed drugs for potency will best help